htmlover · 4 months
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call me htmlover or just h.t. i use it/its or no pronouns. 26.
this is a new, personal objectum blog; i didn't feel comfortable posting extensively on my main, so i wanted a separate place to enthuse. there's a short blog rundown on this page, but i'll mostly be posting:
electronics (computers, appliances, gaming consoles, and similar)
vehicles (primarily airliners and trains, occasionally others)
plushies and inflatable pool toys
sculptures and statues
typewriters and keyboards
suits of armor and bladed weapons
this blog is NS4T; it can feature suggestive posts/comments/media. if there isn't an age visible somewhere on your blog, i'll soft-block. i try to check who i reblog from; if i interact with a minor or sfw-only blog, it's entirely on accident! please ask me to remove my reblog, or feel free to block me.
i don't currently have a dedicated dni page, but essentially: don’t be a terf, don’t be a zoo, don’t be racist, don’t be a zionist, and don’t be a proshipper/incest lover/minor-adult shipper/whatever.
other info below the cut
any important tags?
i plan to tag everything as simply and concisely as i can. most photo posts will be tagged with their exact contents.
beyond this, the following tags will also be used:
#hypertexting - any original (non-art) posts
#hyperimagery - any original art posts (if i make any)
#beloved - any posts featuring, or extensively mentioning, a beloved object
#nsft - any suggestive posts, whether original or not
#fave - posts that i like a lot :3
#queue've got mail - queue tag
my beloved objects?
they're also listed on the page i linked earlier! but for quick ref:
beau. one of my plushies, a very large brown bear. he/him.
doctor. one of my plushies, a very small black cat. he/it/cat.
the whoosh. a high-speed rail in indonesia. i refer to her with she/it.
cloud gate / the bean. an art piece in chicago. i refer to it with it/its.
the david. a marble statue in florence. i refer to him with he/him.
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cityrun · 1 year
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this felt very on brand, made me laugh a little @neurotypical-sonic
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pinealis · 10 months
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I've adopted adding <Lie> to the end of messages I send that aren't fully genuine or that I don't really believe for fun after seeing it used to tag dialogue in the Fallout games, but since I've picked up this series it's starting to feel like I'm getting called a liar in thought-speak
Hahahahhaah I feel this!
I've always assumed that the hypertext symbols around <thought speak> are a reference to the way that comics use <pointy brackets> to indicate speech that has been translated. Which is itself a reference to the use of «guillemets» to indicate dialogue in French or Greek text.
That said, if anyone knows if there's another origin for the convention, I'd love to hear it!
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hypertextdog · 1 year
hi @hypertextdog followers and friends. it's that time again
the process of elimination (tpoe) <- play here
this is my interactive ergodic web fiction project, the process of elimination !!! ↴↴↴
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it features six endings, a robust original soundtrack (by myself), and a number of visual artworks, including the banners visible above and the tpoe ost's album cover, by @notwerewolf. other information (including many content warnings) can be found on my homepage.
if that piques your interest at all, feel free 2 join the discord here!!
more info on it below ↴↴↴
tpoe is an exploration of isolation, control, surveillance, and early 2020's-era internet culture. you play as harry arsigne, a 14-year-old cat artist living ~alone with his overbearing father, scott, in a decommissioned lighthouse in the shoreline town of conder, connecticut.
making choices through personality test responses, you'll balance your two hobbies: exchanging personal histories with and seeking questionable guidance from the set of five eccentric criminals scott keeps in his d.i.y. prison cell in the lighthouse basement, and using his surveillance software to monitor the online activity of one wren wayer*, a rather pretentious local high school sophomore and twice attempted gamedev with whom you have an at times overwhelming obsession.
* that says "wren wayer" sorry dark mode users
it is a whole queer ordeal with honest deconstructions of modern online teenager-hood, including fandom and forum drama, gay parasocial love, e-childlabor, and destructive codependent ldr's. it's also a crime drama about a father whose overprotective affection manifests itself as a sort of religious zeal pertaining to disease, water purity, and fucked up architecture.
it is really good and i worked hard on it dudeee. play ittt join the serverrr thanks for reading👍👍
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frenzyarts · 2 years
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I'm excited to announce A Slowly Beating Heart, my first ever webcomic! If action, romance, *spicy* moments, magic, angels, and of course demons interest you, this is the comic for you!
Click here to start reading!
(Though there's nothing NSFW on the site right now, this comic will eventually have adult content and thusly I'm rating it 18+)
Also: with the launch of my comic I am also launching my Patreon! If you'd like to support me while getting behind-the-scenes content (and exclusive nsfw art), please consider joining!
Click here to join my Patreon!
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montanamp3 · 8 months
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where have you gone? the tide is over you / the turn of midnight water’s over you / as time is over you, and mystery / and memory, the flood that does not flow... kenneth slessor (1901-1971)
the angles cut me when i try to think. the magnus archives, episode 65
hi ive been talking about this wip without any context for a while so here's some stuff about it :3 flood is a hypertext twine game about loneliness, distance, and redemption. set largely on an abandoned, ad-infested wiki for an obscure web novel, you play as a college student who tries to solve the disappearance of the only other member of her fandom and unravels a terrifying conspiracy in the process. it's inspired by makoto shinkai, chinese & korean folklore, and homestuck :)
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💫 multiple endings
💫 asian m/f lead couple (play them as romantic or platonic!) + a whole bunch of fun npcs
💫 so much drama for a fandom that doesn't exist
💫 the horrors of post-elon musk twitter
💫 really terrible css
💫 a love letter to the tiny fandoms that raised you; to long-distance friendships; to the messy, lonely, lovely experience of neurodivergent teenagehood
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✨ daphne / alice haeun nam / astarrygirl: biracial (white & korean). nyc. 2003. ex-deviantart girl turned pretentious conceptual art girl. doesn't play about her favourite ship
✨ jordan / chang yichen / v621: chinese. australia (ish?). 2003. evil woman enjoyer. they hated him for his autistic swag (and the killing)
✨ wren / chang yijia / lovelace: chinese. sg. 2006. mildly internet famous video essayist. really into world war 2 planes
[probable tws btw: depictions of suicide & suicidal ideation; depictions of harassment and stalking]
anyway this is a call for people who might be interested in being tagged ^_^ no pressure lol
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sweatygrease · 1 year
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macleod · 10 months
A problem that the hypertext world has neglected is more italic. Sometimes I want to italicize something, and sometimes I want to italicize something even more and bolding doesn't quite cut it.
This is part of the reason why I can't use social media that doesn't allow rich text formatting. Even the current limitations are too limited.
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caspercryptid · 7 months
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Working on something :- )
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faiza-the-hypertext · 2 years
Do you enjoy the format of 17776 or Homestuck?
Then maybe check out my hypertext fiction: FAIZA! https://www.faiza.rowanhahn.com/ FAIZA is a website that tells the sci-fi story of a journalist figuring out a case, and running into space gangs, intergalactic corporations, and pirates as she does. It's multimedia: including pictures, emails, articles, audio files (with transcripts), documents, a video, and more. FAIZA is based on older web aesthetics and has a lot of website to wander through, with several styles being explored throughout. (It's also a bit comedic so please enjoy that as well.) It works well on both desktop and mobile!
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This project took so much time and I really love it! And I would be very happy if someone out there liked it too. Even if it's not for you I would appreciate a reblog just so I can find someone who might enjoy it. Ok, thanks for reading!
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htmlover · 3 months
i was moving some files from one laptop to another, using an external hard drive, just the other day. the entire time i had it plugged in, i couldn't help but take my time looking through my folders because its gentle whirring was so cute...
all of this is to say that external hard drives are cat-things.
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cityrun · 1 year
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while playing sa2 i kept saying they need to chill out and go to the arcade or something its 2001 and theyre like 15
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te-pu-si-ti · 11 months
Punchdrunk as hypertext
I am in the greenhouse room, and I clutch at my heart. What I see before me is a person in black latex receiving a drug on their tongue like holy communion. There are only two characters in the room: Kampe, and their dealer. But what I experience is much greater, because I can hear the music echoing: the music signalling that on the other side of the city, a city has fallen and a princess is dead, hanging up above, bare-chested and bloodied for all to see.
I remember her. It was her birthday, we danced with her, she stumbled into the arms of her lover.
I know this from an hour ago, before time reset.
I am in the flower shop, and I gasp. A tango is playing through the tinny speaker of the radio. The shopkeeper picks up a bouquet - her bouquet - and he twirls around, holding it in his arms, dancing a tango with a prop that is the start of Persephone's story, to the music that is the near-climax of her story.
I know this from months before, because I have been here before but it was different. It's different every time. There's so much to take in, and I have to choose who I see and what I focus on, and the context I bring with me is constantly developing.
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That's a familiar criticism. Too many choices, no coherent story.
But Pope (2009) isn't a criticism of a Punchdrunk masked show - it's a criticism of a HTML novella, These Waves of Girls, hypertext, a story that you wade into by clicking through links. A story that leads you down many different paths, depending on how you choose to follow them.
Don't worry if you get lost - you're already lost. Embrace your curiosity. Turn your fear into desire. Fortune favours the bold.
The link is the most important new form of punctuation since the comma... Links make manifest the way texts relate to other texts, the way they structure themselves, and the way they restructure our thinking.
A reference to another scene, a repeated movement hearkens back to something you witnessed minutes ago, hours ago, weeks ago. A prop moves across buildings, touched by many hands along the way. Characters intersect, and you take a different path, thrown into another story before you reunite for a finale.
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You ever gone down a Wikipedia rabbit hole? Clicking link after link, opening up a dozen new tabs, somehow finding your way from Scooby-Doo to Leukemia to learning the Yupik word for bread?
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Her Story is an FMV video game where you uncover the story by searching a database of video clips for keywords. As you search for clues, things that don't make sense stick in your mind, because they might be important later. A new piece of information can cast something you've already seen in a completely new light.
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You can stay with one thread, or you can let your curiosity guide you, bouncing around from one storyline to the next. It might not make sense at first, seeing everything out of order - but then as you make sense of it, you will form those connections, perhaps even more strongly than you would have done if you had watched a linear story that you didn't have to work for.
...the spaces of reading and writing shift in a hypertextual environment and the reader is required to adopt a mode of engagement in terms of an unstable textual terrain, which involves them in productive and creative processes as well as receptive ones...
"Because everything is constructed, everything becomes significant, in the artistic context everything ordinary becomes extraordinary." - Sam Booth
Uncle Buddy's Phantom Funhouse is a collection of digital and physical ephemera - notes, photos, lyrics, scribbles, all telling the story of this man you knew as Uncle Buddy, who has now died. You leaf through them, choosing what to pay attention to, taking away what you deem significant, building an image based on what he left behind.
 It does have an option to spell out the answer to the riddle if you want to skip that, but the significance might be lost in the process. ...
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Description of Tamara, an example of theatre dubbed 'hyperdrama', theatrical hypertext.
"Punchdrunk's Sleep No More is an astonishing production that does nearly everything I had imagined hyperdrama could achieve, and much that I had assumed it could not." ... "The experience works here, but it is going to be different for everyone. How many people get to see Mrs. DeWinter’s scene? Of those, how many are in the bar when the band strikes up Paper Moon ? How many get the Woyzeck allusion the next day, or ever? This is the nature of the medium."
Seriously, read this article by Mark Bernstein.
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 It’s not a game. Nothing you (or they) can do can prevent the fall of Troy or its terrible aftermath. Yet your choices (and chance) matter, and your reading of Those Trojan Girls is likely to differ from any other reading.
(hypertext is also, sadly, ephemeral, linked to its time and place. The above linked work is less than a decade old but I doubt I'd find what I need to read it, the right software and the right hardware of the right version with all the right features. Digital rot everywhere. Who has a floppy drive anymore? Who has Flash anymore? Just like nobody will experience The Burnt City anymore. Just like, soon, nobody will experience the McKittrick Hotel anymore.)
My first show: I see a man swinging upside down, hanging from the ceiling. The image haunts me. I do not know him, nor do I know the two onlookers. But it stays with me.
Many months later, I see him again, and he is an old friend - his name is Laocoön, a seer, and he is burdened with a prophecy from Apollo. Cassandra looks on, distraught, while the vengeful god puppets him. He is showing her the fate of her sister.
I remember her. It was her birthday. We danced with her. I watched her die, over and over and over. I remember every moment, every branching path, every intersection, and she isn't here, but she's all around us.
"There is no longer one author but two, as reader joins the author in the making of the text" - Jay David Bolter, "Literature in the Electronic Writing Space" "Go back into the light. Remember what you've seen... We love you so deeply. It's nothing without you." - Lily Jo Ockwell as Persephone, September 24, 2023
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Lily photo by @rhianbwatts
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stargir1z · 1 year
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dances with spectres: theorizing the cybergothic by isabella van elferen
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hypertextdog · 1 year
the process of elimination (tpoe)
hi! this is my interactive web fiction project, tpoe ↴
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it features six endings, a robust original soundtrack (by myself), and a number of artworks, including the banners visible above and the tpoe ost's album cover, by @notwerewolf. other information (including many content warnings) can be found on my homepage. if interested in checking tpoe out, join the elimi nation discord!
it's an exploration of isolation, control, surveillance, and early 2020's-era internet culture. you play as harry arsigne, a 14-year-old cat artist living ~alone with his overbearing father, scott, in a decommissioned lighthouse in the shoreline town of conder, connecticut. making choices through personality test responses, you'll balance your two hobbies: exchanging personal histories with and seeking questionable guidance from the set of five eccentric criminals scott keeps in his d.i.y. prison cell in the lighthouse basement, and using his surveillance software to monitor the online activity of one wren wayer*, a rather pretentious local high school sophomore and twice attempted gamedev with whom you have an at times overwhelming obsession.
* that says "wren wayer" sorry dark mode users
put short, it's a lot of fun and the product of a lot of work. it's my story-that-you-think-about-all-the-time of six or seven years as a finished product. tpoe is my first ever project of this scale, and if you think you'd be interested in playing (link in header of this post) and maybe spreading the word, i would appreciate it greatly Σ:)!!
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