#person: reggie
rrawrrxd · 7 months
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the hex guys line-up
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elilelibeli · 3 months
Nobody would say that Regulus is a touchy person. He looks awkward when people hug him, if you accidentally touch him he will be taken a back like he seems surprised someone is even physically able to touch him, it’s not that he refuses touch from closest people but everyone can tell it just not natural to him to accept touch.
Until James that is. It’s not that James touches Regulus often, it’s as if James touched him once and stayed like that forever, stuck to him somehow.
In the library for example when they are studying in one hand James has a book and in other he has Regulus’s hand, or an arm, or a thigh. On a party, by the drinks table? Behind Regulus, wrapped around him like a blanket. On a couch? Fully wrapped around Regulus like a koala on a tree.
And it’s funny to their friends, not how James is, because everyone always knew James was like that but it’s so funny to them that Regulus, a guy who was stuck in place the first time Barty hugged him, or stiffens every time Panda links her arm with him, is just so natural at being wrapped around by James.
James will be twisted around Regulus like a garland on a Christmas tree and Regulus will just be resuming his everyday activities. Debating a book with Remus? And James is just stuck to his side. On a party talking with his friends and James just fully hugging and sleeping on his shoulders.
For a guy who thinks people should act like he is a hot pan burning when they touch him and has never once looked not taken a back by a hug, he looks so natural being embraced by James, one would think divine destiny had whispered that being between his boyfriend’s arms is the only place he belongs.
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frnkmush · 5 months
barty, who gets high to help calm his adhd.
barty, who offers some to james, to help his friend's adhd.
james, who has a meltdown while high and has to be rushed to hospital.
james, who refuses to take anything herbal out of fear for the rest of his life.
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lilyofthevalleyys · 4 months
James: Have you been gaining weight recently?
Regulus: Are you implying that I’m fat?
James: No I-
Regulus: *immediately changing into his biggest shirt and already planning to skip lunch and dinner*
James: …Because you’ve been taking up more space in my heart
Regulus: Why would you use that pick up line??
James: You’re so pretty I forgot
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inv1s1bleghost1345 · 7 days
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feathered-serpents · 10 months
I’ve been awake since 6 and I really need to fix my sleep schedule but every time I try to go back to sleep I remember we’re bringing Reggie home in (as of now) 3 hours and 41 minutes and start vibrating with excitement
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He doesn’t know I exist yet. He doesn’t know how much I’m gonna love him 🥺
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kacievvbbbb · 24 days
Can't believe this show just said that yeah these broken children that have finally managed to claw some semblance of family out of the train wreck their psychotic father made of them, these children now adults, don't get peace, they don't deserve it. actually the world is so much better without them in it. They are the direct reason why so many people they have met are not living happier lives and the universe would be a much happier safer place with them gone. They were pawns in their father's game and now they are victims of their "mother's" scheme. And this is all they get, there was never any happy ending for them in the cards the universe rebukes their very existence and it is constantly trying to write them out of it.
They doomed the world from the start, the blame is all at their feet and they must pay for the crime of being born "special".
The fucking implications of that my god!
That's the message you ended your show on. That is what you are leaving us with. Why?
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chichariann · 3 months
After a few days brainrotting over Luke Patterson and ESPECIALLY THE LUKE X REGGIE EDITS, I just had to draw a couple panels of Percy x Jason
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PS I dont really subscribe to many Jercy headcanons (not all) cuz theyre weirdly sexualized (idk just me being ace) so here is Person!
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i think it's criminal how we didn't got the chance of more Reggie Peters. He's one of the most interesting characters for me, the little of information i get abt him everytime makes me want him back even more. It goes for his flirting attempts, his sudden bi panic, his inner cowboy, the way he justs likes being around Ray and Carlos just as he likes Julie, he's a family boy, a lover boy. he makes out w meatball subs bc he loves it. but other canon info about him (mostly from the books and jatp content om yt) is that he likes Dungeon and Dragons, plays the keyboard along w bass and he's a canonical thrift guy.
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thedarklinkfell · 1 month
Do you think they felt the need to lock Five in the subway because they knew that if he had been present with the other siblings he'd have just gone and shot Jennifer to protect his siblings (and stop the world ending)
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femaleboysblog · 6 months
why is it almost always "I joined the dedsec cause anarchy = chaos and I love smashing random shit ┐(´∀`)┌ " for wrench (non ironically) even though he's literally an anarchist hacktivist like. that man has the anarchy symbol tattooed on his neck, always wearing that battle jacket with the antifa flag on the back. yall think he's not about that life?
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jaketoria4ever · 3 months
The Black Brothers at Hogwarts
Random Person: BLACK, YOU MOTHERFUCKER! Sirius: Ew, no! My mother is so ugly, Reggie's a son of a bitch! OR Sirius: <:-^-:> Regulus, from outta nowhere: Our family doesn't need anymore, thank you very much.
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mouse-fantoms · 11 months
Absolutely one asked for this but I wanna say what all my favorite outfits are per character is bc I can!
First up, Miss Julie herself, the other day I said I can’t get over how pretty she is in this look so this isn’t that much of a surprise but I mean,
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The shade of blue is so pretty on her and the illustration on her shirt is so cute. What also makes this look get double points too from me is bc of the whole how at the start Julie is in baggy clothes bc it’s a reflection of like her grief and where she is with it but then as the episodes continue her clothes get more personalized and like less baggy idk it’s just such a nice little detail and this is such a cute outfit to have be in the last episode for Julie that reflects where she is now with her grief since the boys are in her life now.
My absolute favorite Luke outfit is his llama jacket look,
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You’re just used to seeing him in the black background color graphic tees with him and so to see him in this like lighter version of his wardrobe is nice. This one is also my favorite of his lil llama jacket 🥺 observe,
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He’s got a llama on his pocket therefore it’s his llama jacket. Also too the jacket just looks so cozy, I mean all his jackets look incredibly comfortable (LOOKIN AT YOU SAD FLANNEL) but it’s easier to see the like individual like threads of it bc it’s white it just looks extra cozy.
My favorite Reggie outfit has to be this variation of his wardrobe,
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Don’t get me started on the little detail that it’s implied through his outfits that he’s only got a couple things he can wear bc he always like reusing different things from his other outfits like he only has a rotation of a few things (that is a detail that implies so much about his character and like background of him and ugh I just love it but again don’t get me started). The white t-shirt with his red flannel just is like yes a basic look but idk he just suits it really well. (I love too how his belt matches his bass strap we love the coordination)
Call me basic but I love Alex’s debut outfit that we see,
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Again he also just looks cozy with the hoodie and then also the denim material like jacket over it, I like the layering of it and like the distressed part of the jacket adds to it like it’s a good look, it makes it interesting to look at bc of the distress-ness in it. I like that he wears his Fanny pack across his body it’s a good look for him.
Naturally after Alex we have to discuss Willie, I love his lil sweater paws outfit,
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This look of his is the closest to my personal choice of wardrobe so that’s probably why I like it as much as I do 😂 that hoodie just looks so comfy and oversized on him. To me too, him having this hoodie just implies that like Alex and him can share their hoodies WHICH IS JUST ADORABLE
My favorite Carrie fit is her like lounging at home look,
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The colors of this one just compliment really well together and I like her shirt, it’s very Carrie of her. This also does indeed give the feeling of an outfit you’d wear to just like relax in.
Lastly, hear me out on this one for Nick,
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I like the coordination of hat that matches his hoodie. Like he put thought into at least what hat he’d wear with this which I respect. And like again the hoodie with his jean jacket he just looks warm and comfy in it (Also he doesn’t have that many outfit options compared to how many the others had but this is my top out of them all for his)
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florsial · 3 months
rabastan and regulus???? im sat please tell me more
i fear i might disappoint since they really are just a pair of silly death eaters. To me they are like a domestic married couple with this subtle hint of "there is something but I can't put my finger on it."
Rabastan hates Bellatrix, in fact, he kind of hates all of the Blacks, that's one portion, another is the weird god/dog complex thing he has going with Rodolphus. So he sees the youngest Black (Regulus) and thinks he can kinda "save" Reg from his family's weird shit (blind leading the blind moment). Regulus, on the other hand, is living a very dull and mundane life, there isn't anything interesting happening, so when Rabastan starts cornering him, pulling him away from family dinners and functions to the protest of Walburga and Narcissa, and eyeing him up and down with weird suspicion. Regulus is like, "Let me see how this goes." They watch each other in meetings. Regulus plays the violin and Rabastan watches him when he should probably be listening to whatever Voldy is saying. Regulus didn't really go out during the War so he would just sit for hours on end watching a clock "soldier's wife" style and write unsent letters until Rabastan came back. The Soldier/Soldier's Wife dynamic is something I like between them.
They never would've said anything about actually loving each other, they just kinda fall into the domestic married dynamic over time, they sleep together, share the same bedroom, eat together, and walk together. Rabastan sits as close as he can to Regulus during meetings and they test the patience of everyone around them together. Both grow to know life with each other in it, and their presence becomes a constant with each other. Rabastan isn't all the big of a fan of change, so he's used to the scorns and glares that his family gives him, but Regulus never gave him such, so in canon, there is a feeling of bitterness and betrayal for the "one who got away" (Regulus when he dies) in canon HP books.
They are more fun in an AU though, Bad Influence/Golden Child who meet each other again after a couple years and become this quiet married couple who ignores all family dinner invites (except Sirius because Regulus is still very much the possessive younger brother) and creeps their neighbors out. They are almost too fancy for Sirius' dinners but a mess with the main family branch dinners. They send Christmas cards in July and odd presents just to see the reaction. Their anniversaries are spent exploring abandoned buildings and nearly getting lost in the woods or flying to Dubai or something.
I'm hiding this for reasons. But I love them most when it's with pre-transition Regulus. For Regulus, there is a struggle with internalized transphobia and sexism. Having a relationship with Rabastan kinda makes Regulus think "I can be normal". It allows him to live the life of a woman Regulus thinks he can be. Obviously, it's a temporary thing for him. But there is an aspect of horror in forced feminization that I kind of indulge in with characters as a trans man with no control over my looks, and it's especially prevalent in Pre T Regulus/Rabastan due to their status as wealthy purebloods and the fandom's portrayal of pureblood society as old and Victorian. It adds a sense of unease in what seems to be a perfectly normal couple.
Pre T Regulus/Rabastan in the middle of war is my favorite little thing. There is misery and there is uneasiness. They are pale, with heavy eyebags, and are like a pair of Victorian ghosts drifting about and ballroom dancing. Their relationship is the only thing keeping them sane from their families.
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flufallo · 4 months
These two should have a competition for who can get the most bitches because they both seem to be pretty good at it lmao
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bambistan · 1 year
Date: Aug 29th
Prompt: Walk
Words: 397
Jegulus raising Harry, who is about to take his first steps. (sfw, obviously) @jegulus-microfic
This is it. Today's the day. Regulus tried to be nonchalant about it; so what? A baby took his first steps. But this was his baby. His and James. And Regulus will be damned if he misses it.
He was sitting at his desk, signing a few documents while Harry played with his toys on the mat in front of him. Harry was on all fours crawling around the mat when he just stopped all of a sudden.
The lack of movement scared Regulus, and so he looked up to find Harry balancing on his feet and his hands.
"James!" Regulus called out, eyes fixed on Harry.
"Yes, love?" James called back, just as Harry stood on his feet. Arms out and balancing precariously.
"James, get in here!" Regulus shouted, almost out of breath from excitement.
Just as James stood in the doorway, Harry fell back down, seated and looking around curiously.
"He stood," Regulus stated in disbelief.
James glanced at Harry and then back to Reg,
"He doesn't look very 'stood' to me," James teases, resting his hands on the doorway.
Regulus shook his head, "No, I'm serious. He can stand."
"Damn it, I missed it," James says to himself, disappointed.
As if Harry heard him, he got back up onto his knees and then, to his feet.
"Look!" Regulus said frantically, pointing at him. James looked too, and sure enough, his son was standing.
"Oh my god," he says, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," He repeats, smiling and shaking his hands excitedly.
"Do you think he'll walk," Regulus whispers so as not to disturb Harry's concentration.
"You can't seriously expect him to walk after he just stood," James asks incredulously, as most kids don't do that on the same day. But Harry isn't most kids. He's a Potter.
Regulus brushes off James' statement and walks around to the front of his desk, crouches, and holds his arms out.
"Here, Harry, come to Papa," He says softly.
Harry looks at his own feet, then leans forward, and just as he looks like his about to fall, he catches himself.
"YES!" James shouts, now in the room instead of the doorway.
The next steps come quickly, and on the last one, Harry falls right into Regulus' arms.
"Good job, Harry," Regulus coos, hugging him tightly and showering him with kisses as he stands up with him. James walks over and quickly joins the hug. They stay like that for a while before Regulus puts Harry back down so he can try again.
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