#person: grant gustin
mayasdeluca · 1 month
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Saw Water for Elephants last night to see Grant in it and it was such a great show. The whole cast was incredible and being able to see Grant on Broadway was so exciting because it suits him so well. I got to meet him afterwards and he was so sweet and such a personable guy trying to get to everyone even with his limited time. He’s been one of my favorite actors since Glee and I’ve followed his career since so getting to meet him and see him in person like this was such a special moment and I’m so glad I have it ❤️
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daisyishedwig · 10 months
The very intense desire to hear Grant talk about Sebastian at length for the first time in many years vs the desire to absolutely not hear what Jenna and Kevin have to say about Sebastian.
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crystal-lillies · 6 months
I love how Tumblr is only now showing me one million ads for the Water for Elephants Broadway Musical Starring Grant Gustin, like over a month following the passing of my intense CW Flash brainrot fixation
I'm still interested in seeing it, don't get me wrong, but I find it hilarious that it took so long in internet time(tm) for me to get the targeted ads.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 8 months
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Was one musical epiosde enough for you or would you have liked to seen more?
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romeowho · 1 year
listen, manifestation is real because one day in 2016, I listened to the dear evan hansen soundtrack and said to e: god, blaine is evan and sebastian is connor, and I would kill for darren criss and grant gustin to do sincerely me. and wouldn't you know it, four years ago, they did do it together and it was as fantastic as I thought it would be
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channelrat · 2 years
Oh no the cds on the site are sold out itd be a shame I'd bo had to release deluxe editions now
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pepperonidk · 4 months
vii. where else can i go || all i could do
"Don't we get to be happy?" "Then he smiles and where else can I go?"
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Pairing: Lee Jihoon x f!Reader Summary: Don't you get to be happy at some point down the line? Warnings: angst, reader wears heels, jihyo mention bc that's my wife fr Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: oh boy. this was a doozy. there are like 3 versions of this song i listened to on repeat. Jonathan Bailey from Bridgerton, Jeremy Jordan, and Grant Gustin from Glee and the Flash. I cry every single time. the gaslight toxic boyfriend anthem. sorry jihoon.
join the taglist! previous chapter || back to library || next chapter
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The party was in full swing with people dancing to the jazz band that was playing on stage and the who’s whos of the music industry all mingling in small groups. And you were at the bar, nursing your second glass of expensive champagne, people watching.
“So what’s it like?” a voice coming up beside you drew your attention away from where you were watching Jihoon entertaining a group of whoevers across the room. He glanced and caught your eye with a smile before you turned away.
That was really the most you’d seen of him all day. Jihoon had just come home from his tour a few weeks ago and was already hitting the ground running. Phone calls were few and far in between during the last leg of the tour. And when he was finally home... Well, you’d wake up and softly slip away from a sleeping Jihoon as you got ready for your day at the lab, and by the time Jihoon was home from countless hours at the studio, you were well into a deep slumber. Sometimes you’d wake up in the middle of the night to an empty bed to see a text saying Jihoon was still at his studio.
This was the most you’d seen him in a while, actually.
“Sorry, what’s what like?” you questioned. The person beside you was Jihyo, another artist signed to Jihoon’s agency. You had spoken a handful of times but mostly in passing “hello”s and “nice to see you again”s. She was one of the names you had heard more frequently in Jihoon’s tour stories since Jihoon helped her produce her debut album even while he was overseas. In fact, you were 60% sure this party was for her.
She called her hand for the bartender to top up her glass of champagne before answering your question. “What’s it like to be the wife of this generation’s Beethoven,” she smiled kindly. You chuckled at her question before tilting your half empty champagne flute to hers in a toast.
“It’s great,” you returned her smile before turning and catching Jihoon’s eye once more. He was speaking to a few big shots of the agency, board members and whatnot. He winked at you slyly and you felt yourself blush.
“Oh come on,” another voice chimed. Seungkwan, another singer you’d become somewhat familiar with from Jihoon’s stories. “Give us something juicy,” he pleaded. He had helped Jihoon with some backing vocals on some of his songs and was an insanely talented singer. He was one of Jihoon’s reasons for signing on to this particular agency.
You let out a sigh as you turned back to them. “There’s not really anything juicy about it,” you answered. “He’s just... Jihoon.”
“And what’s Jihoon like?” Seungkwan asked.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You see him almost more than I do with the time he spends at the studio,” you began. “I’m sure you know what he’s like.”
“Yeah, well,” Jihyo replied. “We know the workaholic superstar side of him, so we really don’t know him that well.”
You hummed thoughtfully. At work, at these extravagant parties, on stage, he was charming in a way only a picture perfect idol could be. He laughed at all the right times, shook hands with all the important people, but it was all still a performance. It was nice to relish in the idea that you were by his side before all of this, when he was still a senior in college whose veins were pumping nothing but Coke Zero and instant noodles.
“Well at home, it’s just normal,” you finally answered, smiling to yourself. “We could be watching a movie and eating pizza and then suddenly he’ll think of something and it’s like he zones out for a bit until he jumps up to grab his journal.”
It was easy to visualize the scene as it happened frequently. He’d grab his journal and his lucky pen that he’s chewed on way too much and scribble furiously the same way you’ve always known. And then suddenly, he’d stop and look up and hum to himself until a small smile forms and his eyes light up and you know he’s found what he was looking for.
“It’s like music coming to life,” you mused. “And I’m a part of that.”
Jihyo chuckled politely, taking a sip of her champagne. “Doesn’t that get annoying?” she asked. “Jihoon constantly getting up in the middle of stuff to write? I’d be so annoyed if I had to pause my movie so he could write a song about Coke Zero.”
You rolled your eyes at her joke. “Yeah, yeah,” you answered. “He’ll scribble in his terrible handwriting, and log miles walking around the apartment while humming mumbled words, and he’s an insane genius... but then he smiles and how can I complain? I’m a part of that.”
“Well what about you then?” Seungkwan asked. “Maybe you’re not writing the next hit of the century, but knowing Jihoon... well you must be pretty amazing if he married you.”
He must have meant it as a compliment, but his words still found a way to bite at your heart. You looked over to Jihoon once again, but a couple of well dressed ladies stood in front of him and blocked your line of sight. However you didn’t miss the way one of them laid a hand on his arm.
“I’m uh,” you began. “I’m a lab assistant,” you confessed, unsure of why you hesitated in your reply.
“Oh so you’re like one of those scientists who are curing cancer or whatever?” Jihyo questioned with a smile.
“I remember having to take a biology class when I was in college for a bit,” Seungkwan added on. “Have you published anything?”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Uh, not really,” you answered. “I mostly just file reports and do calculations... it’s usually the head researchers who do the publishing. And we’re not studying cancer, we’re looking at how various binaural beats and their beta and gamma arms affect damaged language serving areas of the brain.”
You wanted to shy away, noting the way Jihyo and Seungkwan’s smiles faltered just for a bit to reveal their boredom before their celebrity training kicked in and they continued to smile through the now awkward tone of the conversation.
“But it’s fine, really,” you stammered out. Why you felt the need to defend yourself to people you didn’t know so badly, you had no clue. “I’ve also been applying to grad schools and studying for entrance exams so...” you nodded before turning to take a sip of your drink.
“Well that’s pretty cool,” Seungkwan said a little bit too quickly.
“Yeah,” Jihyo nodded her head in agreement. “I hope it works out for you.”
“Me too,” you raised your glass slightly in a salute as you turned away, giving them the opportunity to walk away from the conversation. You let out a sigh and swirled the remaining bit of your drink around the bottom of the glass.
Although they didn’t mean to, they did raise some valid points. For most of your relationship with Jihoon, he’s been on a rocket headed for the top while you followed in his stride. Were you ever by his side? Or have you always just been riding his coattails? You had told him when he proposed that you were on your way, assured him that you’d be beside him one day. But what if your dreams were changing? Would Jihoon still be waiting for you when you decide you’re fine with a smaller life without all of the glitz and glamor? Would he let his dreams change with yours and settle for that life with you?
Would he stop running his race to sit with you and watch the clouds go by? Would it be enough?
As if sensing your distress, you felt Jihoon’s gentle touch on your shoulder and you turned to see him smiling gently at you. Against your judgment, your heart did a small flip. That damn smile, you thought to yourself. He smiles and where else can you go?
“Hey,” he called out to you before pressing a kiss to your temple. “Are you ready to go home?”
“Yeah,” you replied, hoping Jihoon didn’t notice the nervous lilt in your voice. You’d honestly been ready to go home hours ago, when you felt blisters forming where your shoes chafed against the skin. But Jihoon was still busy making conversation with all the right people, making small talk with other artists, and of course having his ass kissed by the many clout chasing nobodies in the room. It was pretty standard for every party Jihoon brought you to. Sure, it was part of his job, but it’s not like you were dragging him into a lab to calculate titrations with you.
The car ride home was mostly silent. Jihoon hummed along to whatever songs came on the radio while you turned your attention outside to the city lights that blurred by as he sped through the empty roads of 4 am.
Too fast, you had thought to yourself. It’s all too fast.
It wasn’t until you were home and sat on your bed that you finally spoke, relieved to be able to
drop the mask and just talk about what was on your mind.
“Jihoon,” you called. He popped his head out of the bathroom door in the middle of brushing his teeth to show he heard you. You looked down into your lap before continuing. “I don’t want to go to these parties anymore.” You heard him finish up in the bathroom before he came back into the room with you.
“Angel...” he called out. “What are you talking about?” He sat beside you on the bed and reached for one of your hands to hold in his.
“I just,” you began, stuttering. “I just don’t want to anymore.” The sentence came out much more biting than you intended but you tried to not look surprised at the defensiveness of your words.
“And I’m asking why not,” Jihoon snapped back. Your eyes shot up to him in surprise at his tone and he let out a sigh. “Why don’t you want to go to these parties anymore?” He asked again with more restraint.
Ever since Jihoon started working at the agency, he had been wound up more than you had seen him. You’d heard stories of him snapping at interns, feeling impatient with everyone else who was struggling to catch up with the genius’s mind. When did you become one of those people?
You chewed your lip, unsure of what to say. “I hate these parties,” you began, much firmer now. “Nobody ever talks to me and when they do, it’s because they think I’m someone important whose ass needs to be kissed, and when they realize I’m not, they walk away. I always have to wear uncomfortable outfits, the food sucks, and for a record label, they hire some really shitty DJ’s too.”
You stood from the bed and walked around to the other side of the room and began pacing back and forth, the nervous energy taking over your body as your hands fidgeted by your sides. You kept your eyes on the carpet, afraid that looking at Jihoon would ruin the momentum you’d generated. “I hate wearing heels,” you continued. “And all anyone ever wants to talk about is who the most famous person in the room is, and we could just be using that time to watch a movie or finally just spend time together after months of missed facetime calls, and I really just hate your parties.”
The room was silent for a beat before Jihoon spoke with a quiet and cold tone. “Are you done?” was all he asked.
“Yeah,” you answered firmly. Jihoon stood up to face you and you couldn’t read the expression on his face.
“Good,” Jihoon replied. He was quiet, but his words were calculated. “These parties are important to me and you know that–”
“Please,” You scoffed. You were angry now, mostly at the fact that it had taken you this long to speak your mind. “Important for what, Jihoon? For you to butter yourself up with the same people over and over again? For adoring women to fawn over you? I haven’t seen you in months, but they see you every day, so how is that even fair?”
“Stop,” he interrupted you, loudly and sternly. “Just stop, for a goddamn second and just listen.”
In the last few years, you and Jihoon had had your fair share of fights. They were usually resolved pretty quickly and usually ended with a sleepless night in bed together, but lately, things have felt different. This was different. Jihoon had never raised his voice at you, not like this.
You stopped and listened.
“Yes,” he sighed, running his hands through his hair. “It is important for me to kiss their asses and to play along with the adoring crowd, and you know exactly why I need to do it. So fine, if you hate seeing people cheer me on then you don’t have to come. But be fucking serious with yourself first.”
“Excuse me?” you asked, taken aback by the way he cursed. Although he was more than an arm’s length away from you, you took a step back defensively. “This isn’t the life we promised each other, Jihoon.”
“What? A life where I’m living my dreams? Where I have you?” Jihoon scoffed and ran a hand through his hair. “Tell me then what life I’m supposed to have.”
“A life where we have each other,” you exclaim, frustrated. “A life where we have each other and it’s enough for you, Jihoon. Is that too much to ask for?”
He buried his face in his hands before standing to cautiously take a step towards you. “Please,” he sighed. “I’m sorry, I just...” he took a few more steps before reaching out for your hand. “What’s this really about, angel?”
Tears were now brimming your eyes as he continued to speak. “Is it really about the party, about me? Is it that you’re disappointed that another school rejected you? That you’re stuck in another dead end? Did you think this would all be easier than it turned out to be?”
You shook your head at him and pulled your hand out of his, walking back to the bed. You hated that you were fighting like this, and you hated that somewhere inside of you, you felt the self-doubt that you had pushed so far down coming back up.
It was hard not to be frustrated and disappointed with yourself when you were surrounded by everyone else’s success. You had worked as hard as he did and yet, life did not hand you the same rewards. And although lately you were beginning to finally feel like you were happy where you were, Jihoon was quick to remind you that you were far more than a few steps behind him. If your life now was enough for you, why wasn’t it for him? Was it enough for you or had you really given up?
The tears were spilling now, and you lay down, turning to the other side so Jihoon couldn’t see them.
“If I didn’t believe in you,” Jihoon began. You could hear that he had knelt down on the floor beside your side of the bed. “We wouldn’t have gotten this far. If I didn’t believe in you, if I didn’t think you could do anything you wanted, if I was certain that you’d come through... well the fact of the matter is that I wouldn’t be standing here now.”
You choked back a sob, aware that Jihoon definitely knew you were crying.
Jihoon’s hands found their way onto your side as he moved to sit beside you on the bed. You weren’t fully sure how you were feeling any more, but you shifted to move away from Jihoon ever so slightly and you heard him take a deep sigh as he retracted his hand from your side.
“Don’t we get to be happy?” he questioned, his voice beginning to raise again in frustration. Usually Jihoon’s sweet words would easily coax you back to his side. But tonight, they felt more like daggers than honey. “Like at any point down the line, don’t I get to be happy without you pushing me away? Why can’t you just be happy for me? Why do I have to feel like I’m committing a crime for doing something I’ve always dreamed of?”
He let out a sigh before continuing. “I will not fail so you can be comfortable,” he said with that calculated tone once again, an attempt to hide his frustration. His words betrayed his attempt. “I will not lose because you can’t win.”
He was quiet for a second and you wondered if he was finally finished. You were tired.
“If you just hold on, you’ll be fine,” he said, returning to a softer tone that didn’t match the heaviness of his words. “But don’t make me wait till you are to be happy with you.”
His words cut into you, but you couldn’t find it in you to look him in the eyes as he twisted the knife. He may have missed the point, but his pointed words found their way into your heart anyway.
He stood up and grabbed a pillow from beside you. The next time he spoke, he was further away. “If I didn’t believe in you,” he said quietly but loud enough for you to hear. “I wouldn’t have loved you at all.”
The door clicked shut behind him.
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Taglist:@yksthings @alonelystarfish @coveyland @xuimhao @sana-is-ms-rmty @gummymintae @maverey @jespescially
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 year
Stare into the endless sky
Olivia Rodrigo x Male Reader.
Request - R is a famous singer and he has been dating Olivia for 9 months but they haven't made it known to the public, there are many rumors that Olivia and R are dating but they don't talk about it. R is giving a concert, Olivia is in a corner of the stage hidden from the fans, and is watching everything, after 30 minutes of the concert R tells the audience that he is going to sing a new song that he just wrote a few weeks ago and that it is dedicated to a very special person for him, (Runnin' Home To You - Grant Gustin)
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It's the middle of the night and Olivia can't sleep. She looks at you and you are still sleeping and she lets you sleep. She slowly gets out of bed and heads to the living with her guitar and sat on the couch. She is working on a song but she didn't finish it a while back, tonight she will try to finish it. You woke up because you hear Olivia singing, you get up and look around. Then you get out of bed and head to the living room and she stopped.
“I didn't mean to wake you up, Y/n. I didn't think I was loud” Olivia said.
“You weren't too loud. What are you doing?” You said.
You sit next to her and you grab her hand.
“I couldn't sleep. Remember that song I was working on a few days ago but I didn't finish it?” Olivia said.
“Yeah, what about it?” You said.
“I thought I could try and finish it since I couldn't sleep,” Olivia said.
“I could help you if you want,” You said.
“Aren't you tired?” Olivia asked.
“We can finish the song together then we would go to bed. You need to rest too, babe” You said.
You and Olivia start to smile at each other. You went to grab your guitar then came back. You and Olivia start to work together on the song.
You and Olivia have been dating for nine months, but the relationship is a secret. But everyone knows that you are a famous singer and Olivia has appeared in two different songs that you wrote. There are rumors about you and Olivia, but you two don't talk about it during interviews. But you will go on tour soon, but you want to spend your free time with your girlfriend.
You have a house in California and you have a pool. Olivia has been staying at your house for days, she kept some of your shirts. You took a selfie with Olivia by the pool, in the picture you are smiling and she kissed your cheek.
You are standing by the pool because you are putting pool inflatables in the pool. Olivia puts down her phone, then smiled and pushed you into the pool. But before you fell into the pool, you grabbed her hand and pulled her with you.
“Why did you push me?” You laughed.
“Why did you grab my hand?” Olivia laughed.
She splashed water at you. You swim next to her and you put your arms around her and she starts to kiss you. Then you helped Olivia get on the pool inflatable. You swim around for a little while and she stays on the inflatable.
Much later, you and Olivia ordered take-out food. Then you and Olivia start to write new music together, she starts to sing the chorus then you joined in. She starts to smile at you. You start to write the new lyrics and she likes it. You and Olivia continue to sing and then came up with a new song to write.
Later, you and Olivia were supposed to watch the movie but ended up making out.
✫ ✬ ✯ ✫
You and Olivia noticed new the rumors online. Fans are asking you and Olivia questions about dating rumors. But she is watching your new music video.
“Do you like the video?” You asked.
“I love it, babe. The music is really good. It's different but in a good way,” Olivia said.
You lie next to her on the bed. She kissed your forehead and you just smile at her.
“Next time, we should do a music video together,” You said.
“Oh, that would be fun. Maybe you can be in my video“ Olivia said.
She gives you a peck on the lips.
“Maybe I will” You smiled
Your live concert was a sold-out show, you are happy about that. Olivia came to see you play live and you are happy that she came. Right now, you are on stage singing and she is on the side of the stage.
“Okay, everyone I wrote this new song a few weeks ago. And is my first time singing the song live. So, I hope everyone will like it” You said.
You start to play the guitar and the musicians go with your lead. Now, you start to sing, and Olivia is loving the song. You look toward her way and you start to smile at her. You look back at the crowd and Olivia is feeling emotional and she loves the song...
But, it's clear now,
When you're standing here now
I am meant to be wherever you are next to me.
All I want to do
Is come running home to you
Come running home to you
You finished singing the song and everyone starts to cheer. Olivia runs towards you and hugged you. You and Olivia are smiling at each other then she kissed you on the lips, in front of everyone.
“The rumors are true, Y/n is my boyfriend and I only want him” Olivia smiled.
“The song was meant for my girlfriend Olivia” You smiled.
The next day, everyone online and talk shows started to talk about you and Olivia. Some magazine companies want to interview you and Olivia. You are still on tour and you face time your girlfriend.
“Vogue wants to interview us, babe,” Olivia said.
“If you want to do it then I'm fine with it,” You said.
“I don't mind us talking about our relationship but I don't want to overshare,” Olivia said.
“I get what you are saying, and I agree with you,” You said.
You and Olivia start to talk about doing the interview.
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Can I request a romance fluff? 🎶
Gn! reader and their Cod partner got invited to Karaoke. The reader was the first one up there to sing. When the reader sang, their partner was like "wow".
The song is : Running home to you. - Grant Gustin
Ghost, Konig, and Valikan.
a/n: sure! I totally forgot about this request, sorry!
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-he isn’t usually one for karaoke, and hates doing it. But when you and him got invited he begrudgingly went with you just to hear you sing
-it hits him HARD. Mouth ever so slightly open and totally zoned out on your voice and you on the karaoke stage, the rest of the world like a blurred background compared to you
-will probably take you out to karaoke just as an excuse to hear you sing without asking
-personally chose not to sing because of his dislike for social things like that but he wouldn’t stop you from doing it
-blown away and utterly flabbergasted. He ended up looking at you for the rest of the night kind of hoping you would go up again
-loves your voice already so it was even better to hear you sing
-if he could have, he would have recorded it for when he was on missions. Adores your singing
-didn’t expect you to go up let alone sing that well; especially on a song from a movie
-probably asked you to sing back at home after <3
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amomentoftimeandword · 3 months
Finally gave this one a chance...🫣
For my DC fans.. I'm *very* aware Ezra Miller was/is currently? controversial. BEFORE you come at me, I am a huge Batman nerd and that's really the only reason I watched this movie! 🫣
1. Michael Keaton reprising his role as Batman 🦇🙌🏼 . 2. Batman being Batman. 3. George Clooney showing up at the end as Bruce Wayne (solid ending). 4. Gal Gadot 🤩👏🏼 That's it 🤷🏼‍♀️
** I hate saying this as a DC fan, but DC just CANNOT do live action movies well at ALL (The Dark Knight trilogy aside)!! I feel like they've never learned from their mistakes?? Have they never analyzed what is wrong and why their movies tank more often than not?? Sorry not sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'll stick to the animated movies/shows which they excel at!! **
1. Ezra Miller's Flash. Can you say cringy?? (Not the whole time honestly, but majority, yes) 😬 seriously my least favorite version. Might be biased because I don't particularly care for Miller as a person... (Grant Gustin will always be my Flash) 2. The cameos of both George and Christopher Reeves and Adam West's Batman, felt weird. They don't appeal to a younger generation. The only reason I know about them is because my owner parents were around during that time and educated me on them. I think this film had plenty of missed opportunities to have current cameos of the same heroes. Especially since the CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths pulled in Miller's Flash. Could have returned the favor?? 3. Nicholas Cage Superman?? Hated that. No no no. Honestly not a huge Superman to begin with, but I respect a good portrayal of him when it happenes. But that was just bad. 4. Supergirl/Kara.. eh. 5. The Jason Momoa cameo in the post credits... Come on 🤦🏼‍♀️ Aquaman could have been so much better. 6. I love The Flash, as much as the next person, but there seems to always be a recurring theme with this character and it lacks uniqueness. Which theme? The one where Barry tries to go back in time to save his mom and inevitably f*cks up the timeline, creating a paradox. It is an overused plot to say the least. There's GOT to be more out there on him besides that?? I wanna see more of him taking on his enemies, his known ones from the Rogues gallery!!
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daisyishedwig · 5 months
Not the underworld saga and the first couple of songs from water for elephants dropping on the same day. They set out to kill me.
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lusthurts · 10 months
*spoilers for the "and that's what you really missed" episode with grant lol*
I have so many thoughts lmao
grant gustin describing sebastian as "wounded" and not a villain in his head is why grant is my favorite person ever
ALSO it is so validating to hear how upset he was about "I Want You Back" because that is my Roman Empire, I genuinely watch that performance once a week
them casually talking about Taylor being at a party at Dianna's house is CRAZY
they are so real for "why did Sebastian have sexual tension with every character on the show"
asserting that Sebastian is bi is WILD and goes against all of my Sebastian head canons but i will live (especially bc bi rep in this show is almost non-existent)
im crying because why did grant give crumbs to kurtbastian fans lmao (im not actually mad about this I just don't personally vibe with it lol)
grant describing the phone call with blaine before the lima bean in Michael as "steamy" actually made my life - this confirms so many head canons I have about that too lol
why were there almost no seblaine questions don't they know we are still here in 2023
I really like listening to grant talk so im 100% okay with this and I am not complaining but why did they barely talk about glee lol
I am so excited for water for elephants im about to dump so much money on these tickets to try to see him on my birthday
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 6 months
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The second crossover and set up for Legends. Which of the two episodes do you like most?
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joanofexys · 5 months
Can you talk more about Florian and Mara airing out the Ravens dirty laundry? You mentioned it on my RIP Riko meme post and I’ve been curious about it. (Also just talk more about those OCs too if you wanted. Who are they n what’s their deal?)
with TSC now out I've been able to refine them and some of their facts and also more of what they'd spill about the Ravens and their experiences
putting this under the cut for TSC spoilers and also cause it'll probably be a long post
quick rundown of Mara and Florian's characters ig
Florian Laska (he/they):
19 years old
extremely bisexual
an early recruit to the Ravens who graduated high school early with the intent of running away from his mother as soon as possible
started playing for the Ravens at age 16
started as dealer but now plays as a striker
got a severe injury "in a scrimmage" with the Ravens that resulted in the loss of his leg, he continues playing with a prosthetic
fingers are heavily mishapen from being broken so many times and never set
dropped out Edgar Allan University for reasons still unknown (refusal to explain to the press)
wanted to be a nursing student
at the time of TSC is the youngest recruit for the olympic court and plays with fellow former raven Mara Fasil
commitment issues
covered in scars the most noticable being around his wrists, self harm scars, and a bite mark on his neck
learned french from Jean and Mara and bits and pieces of arabic and berber from Mara
told Kevin if his hand didn't get better they could just chop it off and give him a new one like they did with Florian's leg
Mara Fasil (she/her):
23 years old
if I did my math right she would've been a junior at the time Florian started with the Ravens
i don't actually remember if the Ravens have rules against partners being different genders but um if they do then fuck that because Mara was Florian's partner and they're still unhealthily codependent
wanted to major in architecture
she's lost track of how many times her nose has been broken but she's pretty sure it's in the double digits. has been pressured to get surgery to straighten it and refuses to
a raging lesbian who's also a raging asexual
personally i think she should date thea but idk ig i can't have everything
a dealer
still has not adjusted to 24 hour days
graduated in 4 years instead of the expected 5 which was partially motivated by Florian dropping out
ANYWAY these two are major troublemakers especially for their Olympic teammates. Florian is typically much more subdued and grounded than Mara who is more hot tempered and has trouble watching her mouth except for that time that Florian yelled at Tetsuji in front of a bunch of players from a variety of teams (and immediately threw up) (this was post leaving the Ravens)
Mara has a bad habit of just not shutting her mouth around the press now that she's allowed to be in front of them. she will not so subtly imply that most of her injuries are not from innocent practices and games. Has engaged in twitter discourse by dropping memes (specifically dropped one of that grant gustin peace sign meme with riko's name on the grave and "me" written over grant gustin shortly after riko's death)
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Florian's exposure of the Ravens is largely from slip ups in front of the press. Pulled a Kevin Day "did you never know I've never been skiing" implying him losing his leg wasn't caused by a really bad scrimmage injury and was a lot more purposeful than that. Refused to meet with the press for 3 months following the incident.
it's almost impossible to catch the two separately. and if they aren't seen together they're always with someone else (usually Emiko or another member of the Olympic team, who did not sign up for this shit rip). Florian specifically has a godawful time not being with someone 24/7 (if he's at an Exy event and can't find any of his team he will purposefully seek out other Ravens, usually Kevin or Jean if he can find them, or Thea if she's there)
It's by the time TSC rolls around/the end of TKM that Florian starts getting pissed off enough to start purposefully dropping hints to the press about the Ravens. When the investigation starts and Tetsuji resigns a lot of his comments become a lot more targeted and it eventually results in Jeremy seeing enough that he contacts Kevin to get Florian's contact info so he can hopefully get some answers (he is only somewhat successful and Florian tells him it's only cause he has such a pretty face)
I don't know how yet but one of them, Florian I think, has some ties to the Moriyama's albeit distant that manage to snag them some level of protection from Ichirou so they don't yk get killed
Florian has visible scarring he does often hint at coming from other Ravens and it being purposeful. Mara has outright stated she was a target of many of her teammates. Mara has also called the Ravens a shit team which Florian then tried to smooth over and failed to do so (couldn't call them a good team without implying they're only that successful cause they play dirty)
Florian's a lot more snarky (and really just an outright cunt) in private and without cameras in his face but if he's being hounded enough it'll come out and he has flipped off more reporters than he'd like to admit
basically they're stupid and stumbling their way through dealing with the press for the first time in their lives and it just happens to coincide with the Ravens having the WORST time
that's where i'm leaving it cause this shit has gotten too long omg though i'd love to talk about Em and Ilya at some point I cannot keep writing an essay on these guys lmao
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odinsblog · 8 months
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Believe it or not, I have only seen the pilot episode of The Flash, but somehow I think this website may have gotten some facts wrong? Or maybe not, Idk. All I know for sure is, 1) that Grant Gustin person looks hot af, and 2) I always thought that Candice Patton was Black, but I’ve gotten these things wrong before. I have no comment on Kayla Compton
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i’m not sure if have answered this before but when do expect the principal actors to leave the show? i lve noticed with water for elephants that grant gustin has announced is departure for september 1st and he’s replacement has been announced today. do you think any of the cast will leave before their contracts end?
they might but only if a new opportunity or something personal comes up! i’d expect them to stay for the entire length of their contracts!
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