#persian rap
willknightauthor · 2 years
Going with something completely different, here's some Persian rap, from the grand master Hichkas.
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aring-king-king · 7 months
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nonenglishsongs · 4 months
Top 40 Tuesday - recently released in Iran | Putak, Sepehr Khalse - Habibi Azizam (Persian)
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rhythmman1991 · 6 months
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mardmeehanabadi · 1 year
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aaknopf · 3 months
Martyr!, the poet Kaveh Akbar’s propulsive debut novel, tells the tale of Cyrus Shams, the son of a lost mother (victim of a 1988 U. S. Naval snafu in the Persian Gulf that killed 290 people on a commercial airliner) and the long-suffering father who emigrated to Fort Wayne, IN with his baby boy. We meet Cyrus as a student of poetry at Keady University and a reformed addict. In this excerpt, he’s at the local open mic with his friends; we also share one of the poems from Cyrus’s bookofmartyrs.docx, helpfully supplied by Akbar, the poet behind the fictional poet.
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The Naples Tuesday night open mic had become a mainstay of Cyrus and Zee’s friendship. It was a small affair, not much to distinguish it from the myriad other open mics happening elsewhere in the country—except this was their open mic, their organic community of beautiful weirdos—old hippies singing Pete Seeger, trans kids rapping about liberation, passionate spoken-word performances by nurses and teenagers and teachers and cooks. As with any campus open mic, there was the occasional frat dude coming to play sets of smirky acoustic rap covers and overearnest breakup narratives. But even they were welcome, and mostly it felt like a safe little oasis of amongness in the relative desert of their Indiana college town, a healthy way to spend the time they were no longer using to get drunk or high.   Naturally, Naples didn’t have its own sound equipment, so Zee would usually show up fifteen minutes early with his beat-up Yamaha PA to set up for Sad James, who hosted every week. Sad James was called this to distinguish him from DJ James, a guy who cycled nightly through the campus bars. DJ James was not a particularly interesting artist, but he was well-known enough in the campus community to warrant Sad James’s nominative prefix, which began as a joke but somehow stuck, and to which Sad James had grown accustomed with good humor, even occasionally doing small shows under the name. Sad James was a quiet white guy, long blond hair framing his lightly stubbled face, who played intensely solemn electronic songs, punctuated by sparse circuit-bent blips and bloops, and over time at Keady, he had become one of Zee and Cyrus’s most resilient and trusted friends.   On this night, Cyrus had read a poem early, an older experimental piece from a series where he’d been assigning words to each digit 0–9, then using an Excel document to generate a lyric out of those words as the digits appeared in the Fibonacci sequence: “lips sweat teeth lips spread teeth lips drip deep deep sweat skin,” etc. It was bad, but he loved reading them out loud, the rhythms and repeti­tions and weird little riffs that emerged. Sad James did an older piece where the lyrics “burning with the human stain / she dries up, dust in the rain” were repeated and modulated over molten beeps from an old circuit-bent Game Boy. Zee—a drummer in his free time who idolized J Dilla and John Bonham and Max Roach and Zach Hill in equal measure—hadn’t brought anything of his own to perform that evening, but did have a little bongo to help accompany any acoustic acts who wanted it.   On the patio listening to Cyrus talk about his new project, Zee said, “I could see it being a bunch of different poems in the voices of all your different historical martyr obsessions?” Then to Sad James, Zee added, “Cyrus has been plastering our apartment with these big black-and-white printouts of all their terrifying faces. Bobby Sands in our kitchen, Joan of Arc in our hallway.”   Sad James made his eyes get big.   “I just like having them present,” Cyrus said, slumping into his chair. He didn’t add that he’d been reading about them in the library, his mystic martyrs, that he’d taped a great grid of their grayscale printed faces above his bed, half believing it would work like those tapes that promised to teach you Spanish while you slept, that some­how their lived wisdoms would pass into him as he dreamt. Among the Tank Man, Bobby Sands, Falconetti as Joan of Arc, Cyrus had a picture of his parents’ wedding day. His mother, seated in a sleeved white dress, smiling tightly at the camera while his father, in a tacky gray tux, sat grinning next to her holding her hand. Above their heads, a group of attendees held an ornate white sheet. It was the only picture of his mother he had. Next to his mother, his father beamed, bright in a way that made it seem he was radiating the light himself.   Zee went on: “So you could write a poem where Joan of Arc is like, ‘Wow, this fire is so hot’ or whatever. And then a poem where Hussain is like, ‘Wow, sucks that I wouldn’t kneel.’ You know what I mean?”   Cyrus laughed.   “I tried some of that! But see, that’s where it gets corny. What could I possibly say about the martyrdom of Hussain or Joan of Arc or whoever that hasn’t already been said? Or that’s worth saying?”   Sad James asked who Hussain was and Zee quickly explained the trial in the desert, Hussain’s refusing to kneel and being killed for it.   “You know, Hussain’s head is supposedly still buried in Cairo?” Zee said, smiling. “Cairo, which is in which country again?”   Cyrus rolled his eyes at his friend, who was, as Cyrus liked to remind him when he got too greatest-ancient-civilization-on-earth about things, only half Egyptian.   “Damn,” Sad James said. “I would’ve just kneeled and crossed my fingers behind my back. Who am I trying to impress? Later I could call take-backsies. I’d just say I tripped and landed on my knees or something.”   The three friends laughed. Justine, an open mic regular whose Blonde on Blonde–era pea-coat-and-harmonica-rack Bob Dylan act was a mainstay of the open mic, came outside to ask Zee for a cigarette. He obliged her with an American Spirit Yellow, which she lit around the corner as she began speaking into her cell phone.   In moments like these Cyrus still sometimes felt like asking to bum one too—he’d been a pack-and-a-half-a-day smoker before he got sober, and continued his habit even after he’d kicked everything else. “Quit things in the order they’re killing you,” his sponsor, Gabe, told him once. After a year clean he turned his attention to cigarettes, which he finally managed to kick completely by tapering: from one and a half packs a day to a pack to half a pack to five cigarettes and so on until he was just smoking a single cigarette every few days and then, none at all. He could probably get away with bumming the occasional cigarette now and again, but in his mind he was saving that for something momentous: his final moments lying in the grass dying from a gunshot wound, or walking in slow motion away from a burning building.   “So what are you thinking then? A novel? Or like . . . a poetic mar­tyr field guide?” asked Zee.   “I’m really not sure yet. But my whole life I’ve thought about my mom on that flight, how meaningless her death was. Truly literally like, meaningless. Without meaning. The difference between 290 dead and 289. It’s actuarial. Not even tragic, you know? So was she a martyr? There has to be a definition of the word that can accom­modate her. That’s what I’m after.”
More on this book and author:
Learn more about Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar.
Browse Kaveh Akbar's poetry collections and follow Kaveh on Instagram @kavehakbar.kavehakbar.
Visit our Tumblr to peruse poems, audio recordings, and broadsides in the Knopf poem-a-day series.
To share the poem-a-day experience with friends, pass along this link.
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nando161mando · 3 months
"Scream To Let Your Voice Be Heard", by Salome MC.
The music video is unavailable at YouTube now, but this was the description:
June 07, 2009 — This is a Persian Rap song made by Salome, Iranian rapper. The song is written after Gaza Attack.
CW for video: Gaza invasion 2009 depicted
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pishifuzul · 12 days
sometimes i try translating persian rap but i've never been able to make it come out not-dorky on the other side < entirely my fault i know it can be done
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willknightauthor · 1 year
Continuing with the Persian rock, Shahin Najafi is a radical Iranian-German rap-rocker who makes political commentary and satire. So here's an entire song telling the BBC to fuck off! (The video is made of videos of his fans. Many of them have to cover their faces because they live in Iran.)
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pokecare · 6 months
do you have any recommendations for a first time trainers pokemon? specifically dark types
alolan meowth and persian are just as easy to care for as kantonian meowth and persian (though they can be a little more fickle and naughty, they're not actually malicious pokemon.) the breed is more prone to nose and mouth problems than kantonian persian due to their flatter faces, but they're not an inherently unhealthy breed and pokecenter trips should be all that's required.
maschiff and mabostiff are of course popular paldean dark types, very loyal, very gentle with families! (houndour/houndoom and poochyena/mightyena are more popular canine dark types but a lot of people get them and then don't properly train them which lets the aggression issues they're prone to get really out of hand, i do not recommend either for starters, so many people think "oh they're just puppies" and then don't train them and then they evolve into large, dangerous pokemon that need to be surrendered because they bite people.) maschiff and mabostiff are much less prone to aggression and don't have these issues, and are easier to train. there are also lots of stray maschiff and mabostiff and you can find lots in paldean shelters and rescues which i always support.
stunky and skuntank get a bad rap for stinking up areas, but there are domestic stunky that are bred to have less awful-smelling poison and they don't actually spray unless threatened (which you can also train them not to do usually) and there are specific shampoos and washes for getting stunky scent out of things that you can also use on a stunky to get it to smell nice. and once you get over the stank hurdle they're very peaceful and lazy pokemon! they're nocturnal so they sleep a lot (in the wild they sleep in dens/burrows so they like little covered beds), they're omnivorous and can eat just about anything, and they're some of the most relaxed, unbothered, in their lane, non-aggressive dark types you'll meet. i've had the displeasure of cleaning stunky-sprayed pokemon before but i've also met stunky and skuntanks in person and they're just so chill, they really have no anxiety or aggression at all they're just sort of fat and lazy
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memecucker · 2 years
When i had my “epic rap battles of history” phase the ‘dream matchup’ i wanted to see was Qin Shi Huang vs Cyrus the Great bc they’re both seen as the primogenitures of millennia old empires but also had polarizing reputations with Qin Shi Huang being seen as a cruel tyrant even when Chinese texts view the institution of an empire run by the Son of Heaven to be a good thing while Cyrus was seen as a freedom fighter and enemy of tyrants including in non-Persian sources most notably how Jewish sources describe his defeat of Babylon and liberation of Jews as Cyrus acting as an agent of God despite being a gentile
I think they could like, have a good back and forth with each other
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badmusejail · 1 year
😡 anger (Jesse and Giovanni? Or Gaster, whichever you're feeling more)
Send a symbol for our muses to discuss:
"I've wasted too much of my life being angry."
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Mouth quirked into a small frown; memories of the past still striking sour notes in his mind. Lounging lazily across his lap, Persian's eyes watched the movement of his fingers as they rapped on the table; one-two-three-four; pause, in rapid succession.
"Getting angry...it gives the person a sort of power over you. The ability to creep into your feelings, to puppet your actions. I decided long ago that I wouldn't give that power to anyone. Not anymore."
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Driving back to sac and dad busted out the persian rap. Why
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Pray for me to one day marry;
that Feminist Pack Lead overused. In the name of POC take a knee relentless shouting, #StopAsianHate, & Brown Boys discourse either you Indian or Spanish saying it everytime;
Emma Watson and make her Selanik-esque Muslimah. That will be done the puzzle🧩🥲. Before I die. Get it done 📝.
Isolated Sanskrit Muslim izland-stuff, Don't like brown say-it-everytime & black shouting; movement. I'm what I'm ✴️(✳️). महाकाली's 🌕.
Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl神. Indian but at the same time not Indian. More Kuna Sanskrit. Javanese Dragon with Garuda body. 🦅🔂🐊🦈:🐉🔵, mutated going Turk🇹🇷[I'm one of Çanakkale youth] & Persian🇮🇷[Unconscious, just like tis 🇮🇳] & German Ghetto Gunnersaurus🦖🥙🥗🌾🍛 whilst not as an Abi per-se but bak to that again Kuna Sanskrit, or to put it blatantly 卐神 but 🛕🌕☭🛕-self. I really really really like White Girls. I love now it's align to the West. Also, if it's Asian, I like just like Emma beforehand, in pack, one K-Pop girl band for example. But now the winds rise to the west.
I'm entering half-end of my time spent. Being शिव is hard...
"I reveal to you a secret. The time has come when the Groom shall crown the Bride. But where is the crown? In the North... And whence comes the Groom? In the Center✴️(✳️), where the heat generates the Light and turns towards the North." -Julius Evola
*School Muslim Chaplain w/ 90s G-Funk Synth flows mixed Deutsch Rap Beats tatted with Arabesk & AM's AM, with Wehrmacht patterns (have so little genes of Dutch inside). Madjapahit-Srividjaja-Shamail w/ add-on little Inlander.
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BTS if they had a Pokemon Team
Before I start I just wanna point out the obvious : This is very unserious content, and of course it is only my opinion, so if this is offending to you, please do not take it seriously. You are of course free to disagree and I would be happy to hear your ideas about this ! It's just something I made for fun, and since I love Pokemon and adore BTS to death, this idea just popped up in my brain and I couldn't get rid of it.
Also I am so sorry but the picture quality might drop.
(I know they have more than 6 Pokémon but hey, 6 is too restricting XD)
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Let's start with our favourite Leader, Namjoon ! In order, there are Mega Alakazam, Mega Venusaur, Mega Ampharos, Komala, Espeon, Reuniclus, Metagross, Braviary and Crawdaunt.
He posesses mostly Psychic Types for obvious reasons (my guy rocks his 148 IQ). Alakazam, Metagross and Reuniclus are said to be three of the most intelligent Pokémon out there, which sounded fitting. Venusaur represents Namjoons love for plants, and Komala his assigned emoji amongst the fandom. Then there is Crawdaunt, who stands for his interest in crabs (the amount of crabs this man has lifted up from the sand is unreal). Ampharos is said to emit light to guide other Pokémon to safety, like a lighthouse, which I thought sounded fitting to represent his leadership, guiding the other members and working with them through hardships to get into the "light". Metagross is also meant to represent his strength, both physically and mentally.
Also, I gave each member an Eeveelution, so for Namjoon I chose Espeon.
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Next up is Jin ! For him, we have Milotic, Lovedisc, Vaporeon, Minior, Dedene, Empoleon, Nidoqueen, Chansey and Nidoking.
For Jin, I chose mostly Water types because I feel like this fits him well, most Water Pokemon are beautiful, almost ethereal, but also powerful and strong, so I think it suits Jin. Plus, it reminds me of his Photofolio, where his main theme was the Sea. Milotic and Empoleon are famously beautiful and elegant Pokemon, which, yes, I mean he IS World Wide Handsome. Lovedisc and Chansey stand for his iconic pink microphone while also expressing his loving, caring side for both his members and fans, Dedene stands for the mouse emoji mostly associated with him and Nidoqueen is also supposed to emphasize the nurturing "oldest" side of Jin. Minior represents his Solo Single "Astronaut" and Nidoking is supposed to irradiate the "Big Brother of the group" vibes.
And of course I chose Vaporeon as his Eeveelution.
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Next is Yoongi ! In order we habe Obstagoon, Greninja, Umbreon, Litten, shiny Haxorus, Lillipup, Alolan Persian, Spheal and Hydreigon.
So for Yoongi, I primarely chose Dark type Pokémon, because I thought they would reflect his amazing hardcore rap skills the best. Obstagoon is a music related Pokémon, which felt fitting. Greninja is supposed to mirror the traditional aspect displayed in "Daechwita" (I knoow, Shinobis are Japanese, but Pokémon are a Japanese franchise, so finding traditional Korean Pokemon is practically hopeless XD). Hydreigon refers to Yoongis three personas (SUGA, Agust D and Yoongi himself) and then we have Litten and Alolan Persian, two cats that refer to the cat emoji we associate with him. Lillipup is a reference to his dog Holly, and together with Spheal is supposed to balance out the whole dark edgy vibe of teh other Pokémon with cuteness and softness that Yoongi also displays. Spheal is also supposed to evoque his beautiful, round shaped face. Finally Haxorus reflects both again traditional vibes (Samurai) that loosely link to "Daechwita", as well as Yoongis kind and protective nature, tough but loving on the inside (since Haxorus is described as being kind but very protective).
His Eeveelution is of course Umbreon !
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Here we have Hobis Team ! So for Hobi, we have Volcarona, Meganium, Solgaleo, Pachirisu, Oricorio, Jolteon, Alolan Raichu and Vigoroth.
I chose mostly electric type Pokémon, which are meant to stand for his energetic, upbeat and bright nature. Oricorio represents of course Hoseoks Love for dancing, and Vigoroth (a Pokémon that can never stay in one place) his energy. Meganium stands for one of his favourite colours, green, as well as the healing power this man holds (depressions greatest fear is Hoseok !), since Meganium posesses healing powers. Volcarona stands for his burning passion, and Solgaleo illustrates his sunshine nature (i didn't want to give any of teh members a legendary because then everybody would have just legendaries XD, but I mean Castform is ugly and Hobi deserves better !). Pachirisu stands for his squirrel emoji. I wanted to include the more seriosu side he shows in 'Jhope in the Box" but couldn't really find a Pokémon that would fit in this team.
And his Eeveelution is Jolteon.
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Here is Jimins team ! In order, Shiny Swanna, Togekiss, Hatterene, Primarina, Sylveon, Altaria, Alcremie, Shiny Ninetales and Gothitelle.
So I gave Jimin mostly Fairy types, because just like him, they are ethereal, pretty, elegant, graceful and charming. I've also given him flying types since his emoji is a little chick and his voice is so birdlike and enchanting ! Primarina and Altaria, two famous singing Pokemon, represent his amazing vocals, Swanna stands for his iconic "Black Swan" performance and Alcremie references his lost jams (lol) since it's also sweet food. Gothitelle stands a bit out of the team but it reminded me of these gorgeous pictures of Jimins Photofolio (god this black leather outfit was the death of me). Hatterene represents his very sensible side, as well as his beauty but also very mesmerizing, almost dangerous (at least to us Armies) side of him when he performs on stage !
His Eeveelution is Sylveon.
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Ok, so this is Taehyungs team ! In order, there are Ursaluna, Mudsdale, Glaceon, Swampert, Flygon, Lycanroc and Aurorus.
It was kind of hard to choose for Taehyung because he is such an interesting person ! I went with motly rock/ground types, since they remind me of the beautiful earthy and vintage aesthetic he often displays. I wanted to give him a Tiger Pokémon, but ultimately decided to go with the Bear emoji and chose Ursaluna. Mudsdale references his Photofolio in which he rode a horse. Lycanroc represents his love for Yeontan, and Aurorius mirrors his ethereal beauty (as does Glaceon). Swampert stands for his strenght and Flygon for his duality : beauty on one side and dangerous while performing on stage !
His eeveelution is Galceon (which reminds me a bit of the pictures with jewels on his cheeks).
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Last but not least, Jungkook is up next ! In order we have Machoke, Cinderace, Bunnelby, Flareon, Houndoom, Dragonite, Lucario and Bewear.
For Jungkook, I thought Fighting and Firetypes where the most fitting for him. Fighting because he is known to practice boxing and martial arts and because he has gotten quite buff over the years, and fire for his warmth and kind nature. Bewear and Dragonite are supposed to represent this duality, the "tough but sweet and loving" side of Kookie, and Bunnelby and Cinderace stand for his bunny emoji. Houndoom represents his dog Bam and Flareon for his warmth and passion (throwback to the "play with puppies" video).
His eeveelution is Flareon.
Also I know the Pokémon sizes are not accurate but I mean... it is pretty difficult to size them according to their official height.
That was it, I hope you enjoyed reading this. Again, this comes from a place of pure love and admiration for the boys, and I know these teams don't encapsulate them as a whole, but this was just something I made for fun.
Feel free to add your ideas ! :D
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askthejourneysgang · 2 years
OK, guys, we gotta rap some Pokémon.
You just do the singing. I'll take care of the hard part.
Let's get it on!
I want to be the best
there ever was.
To beat all the rest, yeah,
that's my cause.
Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey
Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey
Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly
Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all,
I'll search across the land,
look far and wide.
Release from my hand
the power that's inside.
Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck
Ivysaur, Grimer, Victreebel, Moltres
Nidoking, Farfetch'd, Abra, Jigglypuff
Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all,
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon!
Zubat, Primeape, Meowth, Onix
Geodude, Rapidash, Magneton, Snorlax
Gengar, Tangela, Goldeen, Spearow
Weezing, Seel, Gyarados, Slowbro
Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah!
Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah!
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! Ow!
Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea
Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell
Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, Pikachu
At least 150 or more to see.
To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny.
Alakazam, Doduo, Venonat, Machoke
Kangaskhan, Hypno, Electabuzz, Flareon
Blastoise, Poliwhirl, Oddish, Drowzee
Raichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, Starmie
Woo! We're at the halfway point, doing great so far.
We? What's all this "we" stuff? I'm doing all the hard work!
Breaktime's over, here we go!
Metapod, Marowak, Kakuna, Clefairy
Dodrio, Seadra, Vileplume, Krabby
Lickitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran
Machop, Shellder, Porygon, Hitmonchan
Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah!
Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah!
Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedrill
Haunter, Squirtle, Chansey (Pokémon!)
Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong
Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon
At least 150 or more to see.
To be a Pokémon Master is my destiny.
Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing
Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp
Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar
Scyther, Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar
Whoa, catch your breath man. Shake out those lips.
It's downhill from here, just 24 more to go.
Now it gets tricky, so listen real good!
Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine
Eevee, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Zapdos
Dratini, Growlithe, Mr. Mime, Cubone
Graveler, Voltorb, Gloom - We're almost home!
Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeow!
Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, huhh!
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon! (yeeaahh!!)
Charmeleon, Wartortle
Mewtwo, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl
Omanyte, Slowpoke
Pidgeot, Arbok - That's all, folks!
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all (oowww)
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all (oowww)
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all... Pokémon!
Ash: (rapping) Gotta catch them all! Pokémon!
Chloe & Goh: (sweatdrop)
Chloe: Ash, sometimes I feel like you were born in a completely different era...
Goh: Also, why does this say 150 or more? Everyone knows there are nearly a thousand pokémon!
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Ash: Hey, this song's a classic! So what if it needs a little updating? :)
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