uncooperative muses
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GET SENT TO THE BAD MUSE JAIL.  (indie multimuse ft. Gaster [Undertale] and muses from Bleach, Pokemon, and ATLA)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
badmusejail · 6 months ago
i've still been spending most of my time on Discord, tbh. and i do rp there, if we can find a plot!
feel free to poke me there. we can make a server if you're interested.
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
kidnapping positions
send one for a starter featuring my muse, your muse or both of our muses (feel free to specify)...
duct taped to a chair
drenched with water & regularly half-drowned to keep them semi-conscious at most
tied somewhere with rising water levels
in the trunk of a car
in the back of a truck
in the back of a police vehicle
in the backseat of a car, trying to draw other drivers' attention
buried alive in a car/other vehicle
buried alive in a coffin (or casket, or burial shroud, etc)
strapped to a table & chemically restrained
strapped to a table & being operated on
strapped to a table & being tortured/injured for information
chained to a wall in a cold room
chained to the ceiling so they have to stand on tip-toes to reach the ground
locked in a small container (fridge, freezer, storage chest)
duct taped & gagged in a cupboard
duct taped & gagged in a bathroom
duct taped & gagged in another part of a house, basement or mansion
dumped in a river (possibly drugged, duct taped, etc)
left in a dumpster (possibly drugged, duct taped, etc)
left for dead in this creative way: (fill in the blank)
having just escaped from their kidnapper and badly needing food/water/medical attention/etc
having just escaped from their kidnapper and making that first phonecall home to say hello, I'm alive
having just escaped from their kidnapper and making the decision to turn back around to help (another muse) escape, as well
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
Worried Sentence Starters
“[Name] - [Name]. Hi. It’s okay. Don’t try to sit up, do you know where you are?”
“It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay, I’m right here, it’s okay.”
“I thought I was going to lose you.”
“You weren’t answering, and I thought -”
“I tried to… our first aid kit was tiny, but I tried.”
“I couldn’t get to you.”
“When I found you, you weren’t breathing.”
“You were dead. They/I had to bring you back.”
“It’s… It’s just really good to see you awake.”
“Call me back when you get this, okay? I’m worried.”
“You asked me to help but I - I couldn’t. I tried. I’m sorry.”
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, did you see the news about that building collapsing? Weren’t you on that side of town?”
“I missed three calls from you and couldn’t get a hold of you, so I came in person. What’s up?”
“Was it me? Was it because of me?”
“That cough sounds pretty bad.”
“Are you sure you should be doing that so soon? You were hurt.”
“Your body needs time to recover.”
“Should I stay with you?”
“Nobody can get to us out here. We’re on our own.”
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
ways to ask about it.
"You don't talk about it."
"Will you tell me?"
"Some people never want to share. That could just be what it's like for you."
"It's not, like, toxic sludge. It's not 'share what happened or die'. But it might help."
"There's something you're carrying, and I think it hurts you."
"I'd believe you, you know. If you told me."
"When you are ready to tell me, I will be ready to listen."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Was it bad?"
"What's rattling around up there?"
"You obviously don't trust me enough."
"You want me to ask? Fine. What happened to you? What made you walk away back there? What did you never bother to tell me?"
"What did they/he/she do to you?"
"What did they take?"
"You know I'm on your side."
"Did he/she/they hurt you?"
"Did he/she/they attack you?"
"Do you feel safe when they're here?"
"You look uncomfortable."
"Tell me."
"I care."
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
Dissociation Starters
“No… I’m not hurt.”
“I don’t…”
“… Sorry. Say that again?”
“Sometimes I just … do this. It’s fine.” 
“No, it’s bad, but I’m. Like. I’m fine. Just give me like, ten minutes.”
“I don’t - I don’t remember.”
“You waited how long?”
“… I don’t like [trigger].”
“Will you walk me home?”
“I love you, I just… I can’t… I’m dissociating.”
“I.. don’t know how I got here.”
“I didn’t feel that. At all.”
“Did I zone out?”
“Don’t touch me.”
“My name is [name]. I’m [age]. I live in [place]. My name is [name] -”
“I can’t think of anything to do that isn’t stupid, canyouhelpme?” 
“How did you find me?”
“I think I’m in [different State]. Will you come?”
“Hey. [Name]? Look at me.” 
“I’m right here.” 
“How long have you been sitting here?”
“What happened?”
“Your shirt is on backwards.” 
“Is it okay if I touch you?”
“It’s windy today. This bench has a nice texture, don’t you think?”
“Do you mind if I sit with you?” 
“Okay, I’ll be here.”
“Hey - come in. Don’t worry about it. I’m glad you came.”
“Drink some water. It has ice.”
“I’ll run a shower.”
“Let me wash it for you.” 
“I can’t clean you up if I can’t touch you. Will you give me your hand?”
“We’ll ride it out. You’re safe here.”
“I’ll put on a movie.”
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
* phone call prompts
[ 📞 ] ‘ say something.’
[ 📞 ] ‘ it’s good to hear your voice. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you still there? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you’re lying. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ wait, don’t hang up. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i need your help. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you crying? ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i love you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m scared. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i worry about you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ where are you? are you okay? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ don’t beat yourself up about it. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ hang on, i’m coming to get you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ are you in trouble? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ something happened. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ it’s me. can we talk? ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’ll stay on the phone until you fall asleep. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m glad you called. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m sorry about earlier. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ tell me you’re not planning on doing anything stupid. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you have to promise. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ i have to go now. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ stop disappearing. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i’m always here for you. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ you’re important. don’t forget that. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i had a nightmare. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ leave me alone. ’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i trust you.’
[ 📞 ] ‘ i hate you. ’ 
[ 📞 ] ‘ it wasn’t your fault. ’
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
Nightmares & Sleeping Meme
“Don’t worry about it. I was already awake.”
“I broke the lock. You were screaming.”
“Hey, last night… Are you okay?”
“How long have you been having nightmares like this?”
“Talk to me.”
“Let me stay. I can make you breakfast in the morning.” 
“How long have I been out?”
“What happened?”
“Hey - hey! Hey! It’s me! [Name], it’s me, hey.”
“Was it the same as last time?”
“Strange place to fall asleep.”
“Do you …  live here?”
“Would it help if I stayed?”
“You were already asleep, I didn’t want to wake you.”
“It calmed you down, I think.” 
“You’re safe. It’s okay, I promise you, you’re safe. You need to stop fighting them.”
“I’m sorry, I know, I’m trying to help you. I want to help you, you’re hurt, I’m - god, I’m sorry, please go back to sleep.”
(Feel free to change which muse does what by adding names, etc!)
[TALK] - for receiver’s muse to be talking in their sleep.
[AWAKE] - for our muses to be lying awake together, neither one of them able to get (back?) to sleep.
[JOLT] -  for receiver’s muse to jolt awake after a nightmare, possibly being held/talked to by sender’s muse.
[HURT] -  for receiver’s muse to be half-conscious after an injury, and not able to keep their nightmares separate from reality.
[SOOTHE] - for sender to comfort receiver’s muse while they’re having a nightmare, trying to keep receiver asleep.
[TUCK] - for sender to find receiver’s muse asleep somewhere and tuck them in with a blanket (or jacket, etc)
[QUESTION] -  for sender’s muse to check whether receiver’s muse is Okay, in the morning after a nightmare, in a wordless way (touching their arm, etc)
[PLEASE] for receiver’s muse to ask sender’s muse for comfort after a nightmare, or for company staying up so they don’t have a nightmare.
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
nice things to say to people
“You make me feel safe.”
“You make my life better, you know.”
“You’re very funny.”
“I want you to be there.”
“I want to spend it with you.”
“Of course I want you here.”
“You do a lot.”
“You matter a lot.”
“You’re a good person.”
“I see you.”
“You do it on purpose. I’ve noticed.”
“I’m not afraid of you.”
“You’re one of the funniest people I know.”
“No, I don’t think you’re ‘secretly bad’. I’ve met you.”
“I know you didn’t do it on purpose. You wouldn’t.”
“I know it wasn’t a choice. You don’t make choices like that.”
“I trust you.”
“If you say it’s like that, I’ll believe you.”
“I trust you. If that’s what you say happened, that’s what happened.”
“You’re a warm person, you know.”
“You’re very level. It’s… steady.”
“You care a lot. I see it.”
“Are you safe? Because it matters to me that you’re safe.”
“Will you come back?”
“You’re fun to spend time with.”
“I like you.”
“You’re my friend.”
“Spending time with you isn’t a burden. I like it.”
“You’re a pain in the ass.” (affectionate)
“Will you stay?”
“It’s easier to breathe with you around.”
“You make me happy.”
“I want you. I don’t tolerate you, I want you.”
“It’s nicer when you’re here. It’s better.”
“You know I’m in love with you. It’s not just convenient. I love you.”
“There are a lot of things to like about you.”
“You know you’re a huge part of a lot of people’s lives.”
“A lot of people’s lives are better because you’re in them.”
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
“I know you from the news” starters
“Hey, you’re that - guy/woman/person, right?”
“Can I ask you a question? About what happened.”
“Were you scared?”
“I looked you up.”
“I didn’t know what to think about you. I thought I’d better meet you in person.”
“You’re good at what you do. I’ve seen it.”
“You’re a [job position], right?”
“I looked you up. I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t realize you were, like … a real person.”
“An ‘invasion of privacy’? How?”
“Wow, you were different on TV.”
“Well, you did it in public, though. It’s legal to film people in public.”
“Is the media still following you?”
“What did you do after they stopped reporting about it?”
“Someone said you were on the news?”
“Did you do it on purpose?”
“So your life story’s just… published everywhere.”
“That must be lonely.”
“I didn’t watch it.”
“You were/weren’t overreacting.”
“Would you like my opinion?”
“Your life story isn’t news.”
“I don’t want to pretend I didn’t see it, because I did.”
“How do you like to deal with it? Should I pretend I don’t know?”
“So I found this footage…”
“It just popped up in my feed. I didn’t realise what it was until it was too late.”
“It looked like you really hated the attention.”
“I needed to know what happened so I could feel safe.”
“Did you realize it would be that big when you did it?”
“Don’t you miss it/him/her/them?”
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
various medical starters
“Hold onto my hand, okay?”
“Don’t look at it. Keep your eyes on me.” 
“You were sick. I didn’t want to leave you.” 
“Can you hear me?”
“I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’m going to change out your IV now. It will be quick.”
“I can’t breathe.”
“It’s probably just swelling, but we could check for a break if it would give you peace of mind.”
“What did you take?”
“Where are you, will someone find you if you pass out before I get there?” 
“Having nightmares that get that bad… that’s not normal.”
“You should be at home.”
“Keep talking to me, alright?”
“How did you get [injury]?”
“– Was that a gunshot? [Name]?”
“You might have to stay in bed a couple more days.”
“I made you soup. I wasn’t sure if you’d want it.”
“Your fever is very high. I’m [name]. We’re friends, you called me and asked me to come over.”
“Maybe we should head to the ER.”
“Have you been drinking?”
“Take it in sips, to start with. Go slow.”
“I think you’re concussed.”
“It’s too bright.”
“I’m really cold.”
“I’ll come and pick you up, just stay there.”
“So, what are you in for?” (said inside a hospital, probably)
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
send me ‘👀’ for something my muse has said about yours to someone else / when they’re not around.
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
Consider this permission to come into my Inbox and ramble about your OCs!
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
Send a ✨ if your Muse thinks my Muse is pretty!
This is purely based on aesthetics, unless you specify otherwise in the ask.
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
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Flirting Sentences, Vol. 3
(Sentences for flirting muses, with varying levels of brashness. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Can I walk you home?"
"Brooding. Good look. Do you practice in the mirror?"
"I think we're supposed to kiss now..."
"If you're trying to impress me, it's working!"
"Why don't you ask me on a proper date?"
"I used to try to get you to look at my legs."
"You know, if you ask a girl out for coffee, you should have something to say."
"You know, I used to have a huge crush on you."
"Have dinner with me? Just the two of us?"
"You're in over your head. You're not fully committed to this task, and because of that, you will fail."
"You have beautiful eyes."
"I'm into you because you're hot. And smart. In that order, but both are needed."
"There's this Italian restaurant I managed to book a table at, if you're still keen on going on a proper date."
"Do you have any idea how much I missed watching you get dressed in the morning?"
"This is the wrong time to be strong and silent and so... Attractive."
"You want to kiss me, don't you?"
"Do you know what I'd like? Really like?"
"Kiss me like you hate me."
"I knew you didn't stay in town for the lovely weather."
"You are the most perfect and beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"You just can't stay away, can you?"
"I love your lipstick."
"Suits you, flustered. It's a good look."
"You look very beautiful tonight. Has anyone ever told you that?"
"Say, why don't we carry on this delightful conversation over a cocktail?"
"Well, I must say, you are anything but dull!"
"I was just wondering if, um- If you might like to come out for a drink with me sometime?"
"I must say, you're much prettier than your predecessor."
"May I have this dance?"
"Well, that is an interesting way to say hello!"
"I've seen your picture in the newspaper. You're way hotter in person."
"Oh, and here I thought you were getting all kinky with me!"
"Are you like this with all your women?"
"Are you saying you want to date me?"
"Has anyone ever told you that you have lovely hands?"
"What are you going to do? Spank me?"
"So, have you got a boyfriend, or...?"
"Are you growing a beard? I've always had rather a soft spot for bearded men."
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
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Supernatural & Paranormal Sentences, Vol. 8
(Sentences from various sources for muses exploring the unexplained. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"You're asking for an explanation for something that can't be explained rationally."
"Have you never wondered? Have you never tried to find out?"
"I want to capture the apparition that's been haunting us on film!"
"Ignoring the truth doesn't make it a lie."
"That was weird, right?"
"They can't kill what's already dead."
"I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before; forgive me if I don't know the rules!"
"Just because her wings were fake doesn't mean she can't be a real angel."
"How scared do you have to be to run out on the ice without any shoes?"
"There really aren't any normal days in this job, are there?"
"The symbol - could it have another meaning?"
"Alright, let's go kill us a vampire!"
"You don't really believe that it's possible to bring a dead person back to life, do you?"
"When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth."
"Even the dead get bored."
"I know this sounds insane, but I don't think our suspect can die!"
"I don't think this is a good idea. There may be werewolves in these hills."
"Working with you, it's amazing the things you get used to."
"All of this was a fake?"
"Whatever you saw, you probably just took it out of context."
"You removed a document from the Vatican archives?"
"It looked like a cousin of Bigfoot!"
"Do you think they may have replaced her with a robot?"
"Whatever got to him had some pretty nasty claws!"
"You're telling me that his last act on earth was to draw a goddess symbol on his chest? Why?"
"Can you really trust these visions?"
"I'm not paid to be open-minded."
"Yes, I am aware that television isn't real."
"If he has no pulse, then why is he still breathing?"
"Monsters aren't real, right?"
"I often wake up at night, frightened with the understanding that there are things man shouldn't know."
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
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badmusejail · 6 months ago
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Protective Sentences, Vol. 3
(Sentences for muses that are protective of another. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Can you promise me you're not going to let anyone hurt me?"
"You're not getting rid of me, so get used to it."
"Do you think I'd let them harm you?"
"I will protect you, as long as I need you."
"I promise you, I will never let you get kidnapped again."
"No, you're not doing this! You're going to kill yourself!"
"I'm not letting anyone else get hurt on my behalf, okay?"
"Whoever did this, I'll get them. I promise you."
"I will always be there for you when you need me."
"I can't protect you. That's why I need you to leave."
"This has always been about protecting you."
"You see, I've been protecting you for longer than you knew."
"The things I'm willing to do for you never cease to amaze me."
"Okay, listen, I'll make you a deal: you trust me to get you out of trouble, and I'll trust you to get me out of trouble."
"After everything we've been through, I would lay down my life for you in a heartbeat."
"I can handle my own problems! I've done it for a long time before you came along!"
"Don't tell me anything. The less I know, the safer I'll be."
"Don't you dare follow me!"
"I did this to help you!"
"Do exactly as I say, and maybe you'll survive this."
"Did you even consider me when you thought of sacrificing yourself?"
"Don't be frightened. I mean you no harm."
"I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe!"
"If you are in trouble, I can help you!"
"You can't protect me from everything."
"It's not time to die! Keep going!"
"You saved me!"
"If I wasn't doing this, you'd be dead. We both know that."
"If things go wrong, I can't guarantee I can get you out."
"The world might not be safe but listen to me, and listen carefully, I won't let anything happen to you."
"You're not my mom! You don't have to keep checking up on me!"
"For a moment there, I thought you were an angel."
"I am scared, but I know that you'll protect me."
"You followed me here, didn't you?"
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