#perseus x medusa
i-cant-sing · 2 years
YOOOO! What would the Greek heroes reaction be to the toddler like persus and his wife Medusa. Would some of them be babysitters-🐼
Medusa being pregnant and her yandere lover boy- Perseus is lying besides her, his hands resting on her baby bump. And then Medusa, who's become yandere for you before you're even born, brings up the elephant in the room.
What if you turn into stone when you see Medusa?
Perseus may have turned immune to the snakes because of his demi god powers or because he'd been granted the immunity by Poseidon because of his service, but that doesn't mean that you'll be safe from your mother. Maybe you will, maybe you won't, but Medusa is not willing to take the chance and she's definitely not trusting you with Poseidon to give you immunity either. She doesn't rely on gods and goddesses anymore, not since they'd abandoned her. Perseus is an exception, and exceptions like him come once in a life time. He was far too in love with you, perhaps something even deeper than love and he charmed you wore you down with time as well until feelings were mutual.
Perseus suggestions to the problem are:
Ask Poseidon for help- Medusa slapped him and didn't talk to him for two days since he brought him up.
Have Hades and Persephone raise you- Medusa choked him (it felt like she was tickling to Perseus) for even thinking that you'd give your baby away, especially to gods, no matter if Hades and Persephone have been the only ones kind to her.
Perseus eventually got tired of Medusa getting mad at him, so he smooched her and asks if she has any ideas in mind.
Medusa's suggestions:
She'll cut off her snakes- Perseus rejected the idea because he'd never let her hurt herself, and he doesn't know for sure if Medusa will survive after she cuts off the snakes.
Perseus takes you and lives in the town away from her, and raise you for alone for a few years until you're able to close your eyes- Perseus shut that down by pushing Medusa back on the bed and getting on top of her and kissing her possessively, telling her that there is no way that he is ever leaving her.
Both of them avoid the topic after that, even though they'd both realised what needed to be done. But it was far too heinous to even bring up.
As Medusa's pregnancy came nearer to an end, she brought up the topic again.
She had tears in her eyes as she pecked Perseus. "Please, Perseus- you must- you must do it. Please, I don't wanna lose our baby." She broke into tears, and Perseus sighed, collecting her in his arms and shushing her, rubbing her belly soothingly.
"Alright, now. Alright, I'll do it." He'd do anything for her.

Medusa finally gave birth to you, a healthy baby girl. Perseus was quick to pull you out from her and shield you away from her, finding it surprising how you didn't come out crying. No, instead you were giggling and cooing adorably at him.
Perseus took you out of the cave, his eyes fixated on you. You were the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen, a perfect combination of Medusa and him. But your eyes- your eyes were out of this world. They held galaxies in them, he could actually see stars and milky ways in your eyes.
Which is why it made what he did next all the more painful.
Perseus sat on the boulder over the edge and settled you in his arms. He tickled your chin, earning a coo from you and Perseus had tears in his eyes as he kissed your forehead.
"I'm so sorry for this, little one." And with that, Perseus plucked your eyes out of their sockets and you screamed so loudly, it rattled Medusa, who was recovering inside the cave. She began sobbing as well, knowing what Perseus did to you but also knew that it was necessary.
Perseus gathered you in his arms and did everything he could to calm you down, bringing you back inside the cave where Medusa was already crying. She reached out for you and Perseus settled you against her chest, cleaning the blood of your face with her clothes. He walked away to put your eyes in a jar, while Medusa forced you to drink her milk, but you couldn't. You kept on wailing, screaming and crying, to the point you began turning blue. Finally, Medusa allowed him to ask Hypnos to put you to sleep, and in the process, Perseus also got some medicine for you from Apollo secretly.
After a week of sleep deprivation, you'd finally began healing. In 2 months, you were back to being a healthy happy baby- a blind one, but still.
Your parents became platonic yanderes for you as you grew up. There were some specific rules for you- no leaving the cave without them and no talking to strangers either. If you're ever in trouble, you call them for help.
Now you were blind, but you didn't adapt to life like blind people usually do. Perhaps your eyes had more function than just being pretty or sight. In reality, they had all your godly powers in them- super fast reflexes, water manipulation, the controlled ability to turn people on stone with just a look. Now? You didn't have either of them, and your balance was very off so you were always bumping into walls and things. You couldn't hear well either, so you didn't know if there are people around you or not, or what direction a particular sound was coming off.
You do know your parents love you. Your father is the more laidback and chill parent, while your mother is the more strict one. But thats not to say they love you any less. No, they're practically the only people you talk to, the only people you really know. Sure, your father lets you accompany him to the town every now and then, but you rarely ever get to talk to other people. Its not like you haven't tried to, you're an extrovert like your dad through and through. But Perseus just drags you away when someone talks to you for longer than a minute, saying he's getting late and he has lot of errands to run.
Your mother enjoys listening to you talk about your day, even if its just the meaningless routine you do every day. You're her bestfriend, she tells you. And for some reason, your mother never leaves the cave, so you and your father are the only she's in contact with. Of course, Perseus and Medusa dont tell you about your mother's ability to turn people into stone or that your father is a demigod. No, they want you far from those things.
You definitely do feel guilty for being blind. You're not able to help around with many tasks, nor can you get by without their help, so you feel useless and like a burden on your parents. Sometime's they'd find you crying in your room, and Perseus and Medusa's heart ache at your pitiful sobs, begging for a miracle to be blessed with sight.
Perhaps someone was listening that night, or perhaps you prayed a little to hard. Because you woke up feeling different the next day. When you opened your eyes, you could see. When your parents came to wake you up, they were shocked to see you had eyes again.
"I- I can see." You claimed, looking around your room before looking at Medusa and Perseus. "Mom? Dad?" They nodded and you ran to them, hugging them. "I can see! I can see! I can see!" You squealed as Perseus spinned you around in his arms and Medusa laughed with tears of joy in her eyes.
And with sight, came your powers you'd inherited from your parents. Not only that, but you'd discovered that you could use your eyes to contact the gods as well. Now, your parents forbade you from doing that- they didn't need the Olympians destroying the life they'd worked so hard for.
Your time out with your dad was now much more colourful, and you had way more stuff to talk to your mother about, not to mention the snakes on her head that absolutely adored you. However, they couldn't but feel jealous now that you talked a lot more to other people, or how many times Perseus caught you trying to sneak out of the cave to meet a "friend". The friend in question being a boy you'd developed a crush on and now your parents feel threatened that you'd try to leave them.
So after months of you trying to sneak out of the house fighting with them about meeting other people, they'd decided enough was enough. Perseus tied a heavy cloth around your eyes with a knot that only he could open and then locked you in your room. Now your only company would be them, and soon things would return back to the way they were. Or so they thought.
After months of you giving them the silent treatment, Medusa decided to open the knot and let you see again, just so that she could hear you talk. She and Perseus had missed your voice, missed their jolly baby. But that night, when she came to your room, she felt horrified.
Because there you were, your eyes heavily bandaged, talking happily to no one in the room.
And then she heard it. His name.
"Okay, Poseidon. I'll call you grandpa-"
"Y/N!" You shut up at your mother's shrill voice, which had Perseus rushing into the room as well.
Medusa grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you violently. "Who were you talking to? WHO WERE YOU TALKING TO?!"
"P-Poseidon-" You gasped as your mother slapped you across the face.
"Don't you ever fucking say his name!" Medusa began crying, and Perseus flicked your forehead, effectively knocking you out before grabbing Medusa.
"Shhh, its okay. Its okay-"
"Its not okay, Perseus! You heard her! You heard her say his name!" She began sobbing into his shoulder, which pained him greatly.
"Okay, okay, calm down. Calm down. I'll go talk to him. I'll tell him to never talk to you again." Medusa nodded, seemingly better now that Perseus had decided to take control.
He left to meet his father, while Medusa decided to lay on your bed next to you, her hand now gently caressing her handprint on your cheek. She felt guilty, her anger had gotten the better of her. With a sigh, she pecked the red mark before falling asleep, hoping Perseus would return soon with good news.

Medusa woke up some time later when she reached for you and didn't feel you in bed. Her eyes opened to see you quietly packing your things. And you hadn't realise your mother had woke up.
"Y/n? What are you doing?" You stiffened at her voice, which hurt Medusa. "I'm leaving the house for a bit. I need some space from you."
Medusa got off the bed and shook her head, grabbing your arms. "No, please- no! I- look I'm sorry! I shouldn't have slapped you, but you- you said his name! You cant- you cant leave!" She cried hysterically. You shoved her hands off you. "I don't know what's going on with you, but I cannot be around you right now. You're- you're being weird and I cant- I'm leaving okay? I'll be fine, I'll be staying with him."
Medusa paused her crying. "With who?"
"I- no one."
"With who, Y/n? I deserve to know, please."
You contemplated telling her. "With... grandpa. He said he'll allow me to stay in his home-" But Medusa zoned out after that. Poseidon- Poseidon- he was going to take you to his home- his palace- his place where he did unspeakable-
You yelped in shock as Medusa ripped the bandage of your eyes, allowing you to see again. As light filled your eyes again, you didn't have time to react as you were suddenly thrown on the bed, your mother climbing on top of you. She trapped your limbs under her and pushed her weight on you to stop your wriggling.
"Mom! Stop- what are you doing?!" You couldnt push her off you.
"This is for your own good." Medusa said, brushing the hair out of your head. "Stay still. It'll hurt less."
She plunged her fingers into the sockets and pulled your eyes out. You screamed and screamed in pain until you passed out under her.
Perseus returned 30 minutes later with good news, only to see Medusa holding your limp body in her arms, blood flowing out of your eyes, ears, nose and mouth.
"What did you do?" Perseus asked, pulling your body into his arms, trying to shake you awake, his heart sinking as he noticed how shallow your breathing was. "Medusa, what did you do?!" Medusa only teared up as she opened her palm that held your eyes.
"Perseus... save her." She begged him.
Perseus teleported to Apollo with you in his arms. The sun god took you from him, taking you to his infirmary to heal you.
Finally, Apollo saw the little demigod that had been talking to the gods and causing fights over jealousy in Olympus. And now that he looked at you, he could see why they were going crazy over you.
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I was supposed to be working on part 5 of royal gay au, but I couldn't resist
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trappezoider · 9 months
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KINKTOBER DAY 4 - MONSTER F*CKING Medusa Ominis seducing Perseus Sebastian😳😳😳
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sarafangirlart · 3 months
So I just found out about this book
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I love the use of colors and I really like the designs
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This Medusa design eats
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Guy!Hera slaying
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kekwcomics · 2 years
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McCLURE'S MAGAZINE (S S McClure Co., 1909 - 1910)
Art: F X Leyendecker
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ekezable · 2 years
I’ve just finished reading Circe by M.Miller.
So (maybe) now I’m a bit too much into the greek mythology’s atmosphere…
And that’s the reason why I started thinking about which greek myth would be the best crossover with our flag means death’s main characters.
In the end I would go with Medusa:
Blackbeard/Ed/The kraken as Medusa, Stede as Perseus and Izzy as snakes(?!)
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sharararararara · 6 months
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Paring: Percy Jackson x Child of Demeter reader
Summary: You were Percy's first friend, you were the only one who did not think he was weird. It was like you understood him, it was like you were like him. That was when you disappeared, leaving Percy alone with people bullying him. Percy promised that day that he would find you, no matter what.
Warnings: The reader is female(sorry) and angst.
Author's note: So I just realised that I was not writing for Percy so here it is!
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Luke was showing Percy around Camp Half-Blood. Introducing his friends to him, and showing what they do.
"I wonder what your friends back in your school would think when they found out that your missing," Said Luke to Percy, making Percy frown.
"I don't have any friends, I only have Grover," replied Percy, making Luke frown. "You don't have other friends?" Asked Luke.
"Well, I did have one but...she went missing," Said Percy as he looked down at the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..." Said Luke, as he did not say anything after that, realizing his mistake for asking him that question.
"She was my first friend, the only one who understood me for who I was. But one day she just magically disappeared, leaving me alone with the bullies," Said Percy, walking side-by-side with Luke.
"She sounds like a good friend," Said Luke, trying to lighten the mood. "She was, and I hope she's ok," Replied Percy.
"Oh! it's time for Lunch come on! You don't wanna miss it," Said Luke dragging Percy to one of the tables.
Luke made Percy sit down on the seats, "I'm gonna get food, I'll be right back," Said Luke as he walked away.
Percy gave Luke a simple thumbs up, before sighing to himself. He does not want to be here.
He felt like he did not belong in camp-half blood, he felt like an outcast.
If you were here, he would not feel so nervous, not so alone. He missed you, and he did not know what happened to you.
Did you get kidnapped? Did you move to another country or state? Did you run away?
He never really knew your parents, every time he wanted to meet them you always denied him saying that they were "busy" or "at work."
He never saw your parents since you always walked home. Once he asked to walk you home and you denied saying "Oh it's not that far" or "I can do it by myself."
He did not know why you were acting suspicious, but after a few years, he got used to not seeing your parents, acting like their just a ghost.
"You must be the new kid!" Percy snapped his head to the side, getting startled by the sudden voice.
A girl sat beside him, placing her food on the table. "What's your name?" She asked before taking a spoonful of her food.
staring"Percy," He replied as he looked at the rather cheerful girl. The girl froze. "Percy? Your name is Percy?" She asked before staring at him seriously, making him want to run away.
"Is there a problem with the name Percy?" He asked, awkwardly chuckling.
"N-no it's just..." The girl became quiet, before turning back to her food. "It's nothing, sorry I just uh...Your name just reminded me of Perseus, the one who killed Medusa," She replied, before taking a bite of her food again.
"Well that was where my Mom got my name, so I guess that makes sense," Percy replied, before looking down at his hands.
"Oh, yeah I remember...," said the girl. "What do you mean by "you remembered?" Percy asked as he turned to the girl.
"Oh uh- Nothing sorry- uh I need to go," said the girl before taking her half-eaten food and running away.
"Well that was weird"
Percy whipped his head to the right only to see Luke holding two plates of Mac-n-cheese.
"To be honest she reminded me of someone," he replied as Luke placed the plate in front of him and sat down.
"You know Y/N never really acts like that, I don't know why she was acting weirdly today," Said Luke as he took a full spoon of his food.
Percy froze, it's all making sense now. "Her name is Y/N?" Asked Percy, as he waited for Luke to answer his question.
"Yeah? Do you know her?" Asked Luke, making Percy widen his eyes.
"How long has Y/N been here for?" Asked Percy, "What-"
"Answer the question Luke," Said Percy, tightening his grip on his spoon.
"Oh uh- I think for 4 years?" Said Luke, getting a little nervous by the sudden change in Percy's behavior.
Percy was silent, too silent.
That was the same amount of years that you went missing for, you were here the whole time.
"She got claimed 2 years ago by Demeter," Said Luke, trying to break the suffocating silence.
"Sorry I need to go-" Said Percy before standing up, leaving his food behind.
"Well that was weird'," Said Chris before sitting beside Luke. "Yeah," replied Luke.
"I think he knows her," said Chris, stuffing his mouth with his food. "But Percy said that he did not have any other friends except Grove-"
Luke became silent, thinking about what Percy had said about his missing friend.
"Oh," Said Luke, realizing the situation. "I think I know what happened," said Luke, making Chris look up at him.
"What?" Asked Chris, obviously confused.
Luke explained everything to Chris, making Chris widen his eyes.
"Damn," said Chris, covering his mouth in shock.
"Yeah," Agreed Luke, "I hope he finds her."
"Yeah same," Replied Chris.
Shouted Percy as he entered Cabin 4, making your half-siblings look at him like he was crazy.
"Hello to you too," Said one of the boys awkwardly as he walked towards Percy.
"Have you seen Y/N?" Asked Percy, looking around the Cabin. "Hey- Slow down-" Shouted one of your half-siblings.
"Where is she?!" Shouted Percy.
Percy turned around only to face you, "What are you doing here?" You asked, obviously concerned.
"I need to speak with you," Said Percy, taking your hands into his. "I- uh ok?" You replied leading him outside.
You lead him somewhere private, somewhere far away from the rest of the kids.
You stopped walking as you turned to him, "What do you want to tell me so badly?" You asked, making him inhale deeply.
He exhaled, preparing himself. "I think you were my friend back in school," said Percy.
"So you found out?" You asked sadness in your eyes. "Why you didn't tell me?" Asked Percy grabbing your shoulders.
"I've been looking for you for years! And all this time you were here?" Said Percy.
"I did not know how to tell you, I'm sorry for hiding this from you," You admitted, looking down at the ground ashamed.
Percy widens his eyes, "No, no- It's fine, it's ok..." Said Percy. "Really?" You asked, hope in your eyes.
"Yeah, it's fine, as long as your safe then it's fine," Said Percy as he smiled, making you giggle.
"I missed you so much Y/N," Said Percy and pulled you in a tight hug. "I missed you too," You replied before hugging him back.
The hug lasted for 20 seconds. It felt good to be finally in each other's arms again.
You pulled away from the hug, "It's been a long time since we hugged," You said, giggling.
Percy chuckled, "Yeah, it has been a very long time," Said Percy as he smiled admirably at you.
"But do you know what else we've never done in a long time?" Asked Percy, slowly walking closer to you.
"What?" You asked, your eyes focusing on his. "Kiss," Whispered Percy, making you giggle.
"Percy we were 6 years old the last time we kissed! And the only reason we kissed is because we both thought that we were gonna be alone forever so that's why you bought 2 candy rings so that we can be "married" You replied, making him laugh.
"Ok, ok, How about a real kiss?" Asked Percy, moving closer. You giggled, "In your dreams Percy," You pushed his head away and walked away, giggling at his reaction.
"Okay fine, maybe we might not kiss now but we will kiss in the future," said Percy, making you laugh.
"Yah, yah, whatever," You said smiling as you took his hand into yours.
"I missed you Y/N"
"I missed you too Percy"
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Private Dances [1]
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Club!Blue Jones X F!Reader • Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? • ko-fi • request info • series masterlist •
A/N: A MASSIVE HUGE THANK YOU TO THE WONDERFUL, AMAZING, STUNNING @lonelyisamyw-0love for not just being one of the kindest and best people ever, but also for tipping me on ko-fi! Here is a little gift for you 💚
(Also, I'm so sorry this became more than one part.)
Warnings: overuse of italics, sub!Blue, choking, biting, a little blood, hand job, there's some power dynamics in here because reader is a dancer (but like Blue is getting his ass handed to him), swearing, badly proofread, please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 2680
The Best Room in the House
The best course of action was to stay out of his way, really. That had been your plan so far at least. 
Avoid his attention like Perseus circumvented Medusa’s glare. Keep your head down. Don’t make a fuss. Stay relatively quiet and blend into the background as much as possible. 
Being a back up dancer helped. All you had to do was make sure you kept in time with the other girls, make sure the spotlight was firmly pointed on the star. And far, far away from you. 
It had all been working out quite well. That was, of course, until tonight. 
Someone always brought Blue a nightcap (well, morningcap) in the early hours of Sunday. When the club had just closed for business. 
And that someone was always one of the dancers. Crystal did it most often, or Peach. Sometimes Trixie, or Songbird, or Sweetie Pie. They were the stars. They were the ones Blue wanted to… provide him with a service. 
So how it somehow fell upon you was madness. 
Peach and Trixie were otherwise engaged. Songbird was ill. Madam Gorski couldn’t find where the hell Sweetie Pie had disappeared off to after close (something you now wished you had thought of). And Crystal… well, she wasn’t in Blue’s good books at the moment. 
You were pretty sure that you had just had the unfortunate luck of being the first person Gorski had set eyes on.
You knocked on Blue’s office door, resisting the urge to use your shoe and actually going to the effort of balancing the tray in one hand. On the tray was a bottle of expensive whiskey and a glass with those fancy chilled stones in it instead of ice cubes. Though, why go to all this effort escaped you. You were almost certain that it was just for show, and besides Blue had a drinks cabinet in his office. 
You crept in slowly when he called out for you to enter. Half-heartedly hoping that maybe you could sneak in, leave the tray and get the hell out of there before he’d even realised you’d stepped inside. 
Blue sat at his desk, a small frown on his face as he scribbled in a ledger. Presumably checking the day's takings. 
That little spark of hope grew a fraction as he continued to ignore you as you walked quietly to the side table by the sofa and set the tray down, just as you’d been instructed to. Maybe sometimes he just wanted a drink. Maybe because you weren’t one of the stars you’d get out of here scot-free. 
You pause for half a second, nervously watching Blue as he keeps writing before you turn and take a step towards the door. 
You turn, swallowing down the anxiousness that threatens to close your throat. 
He’s still writing, staring intently at his papers. But he gestures when you don’t move straight away, pointing to the sofa but not looking up. “There.” 
You sit down quickly, perching on the edge as if the soft blue velvet would transform into teeth at any moment. 
He keeps working, the clock in the corner ticking away the seconds. You try to breathe steadily, to match your racing heartbeat to the gentle tick, tick, tick. It doesn’t work. 
Blue sighs, an unimpressed look on his face before he glances up, his dark eyes boring into you. 
The expression disappears instantly. Replaced with a subtle bemusement. A small smile pulls at the corners of his plush lips and he tilts his head to the side ever so slightly. 
You look away quickly. Choosing to stare ahead and focus on the ornate clock. 
Blue carefully puts his pen down and closes the ledger, you can see his movements out of the corner of your eye. The precision he purposefully injects into his actions as he savours the tension. 
“You’re new.” He says offhandedly, but it’s clear he expects a response. 
You shake your head, “No, erm, a few months.” Closer to six than two, but who was counting. 
“Really?” He raises an eyebrow at you as he leans his elbows on the desk. 
You nod.
“Huh,” he pauses for an unnecessary long time. “Strange, I would have thought I would have recognised you.” 
“I’m, I’m just a back up dancer.” You shake your head, shrugging a little as you tuck your hands under your legs to hide their shaking. 
“Now, now,” he tuts playfully, “back up dancers are important. It takes a lot of skill to work in a team like that.” He smiles, the expression viper like and poised to strike. 
You nod and stay quiet. 
Blue gets up slowly, just walking around to lean on his desk and crossing his arms. “Still… odd that Gorski didn’t recommend a pretty thing like you to me.” 
You swallow. The back ups were solely handed by Madam Gorski, while she jointly oversaw the main dancers with Blue. 
“I, erm, I don’t have the coordination.” You mutter. It’s a lie. And a bad one at that. 
“Hmm.” Blue nods, seeming to consider your words for a moment. “You do any private dances?” 
Private dances. What a fucking joke. 
“Not… currently.” You say carefully. You try your best not to look directly at him, keep your gaze on the clock or the floor.
He lets your answer hang in the air for a moment. “Why?” 
Fuck. “Madam Gorski said I’m not ready yet.” Not a complete lie. Not the whole truth either. 
Your line of sight snaps up to him in surprise and you shake your head. 
He smiles again at you. “You sure?” 
You frown at the tease, despite how hard you’re trying to not provoke him. “Yeah.” 
His expression widens into a grin. “Could’ve fooled me with how skittish you’re being.” He moves slowly, coming to sit down next to you. He leans against the sofa, placing his arm over the back. You can feel his body heat radiating off him, even though there is a sliver of space between you. 
You swallow and say nothing, staring at the floor. Perhaps this would be so much easier if he wasn’t so upsettingly beautiful. 
He tuts again playfully and lightly touches your jaw, sitting up as he turns you to face him. “There, that’s better, isn’t it?” He looks you over with a quiet examination, like he was evaluating a painting.
“I think I’ll call you Bunny,” he tests the nickname on his tongue and nods. “Yeah, that suits you, my little skittish Bunny.” 
You frown, not liking the gleam in his eyes at all. But resist the urge to pull your face away from his hold.
He strokes your cheek absentmindedly, apparently not noticing your glare. “You know what you’re here for right?” He says softly, “what’s expected of you when you’re in my office?” 
You nod. And he smiles. 
“Sometimes it’s just a quick use of your mouth,” he runs his thumb over your bottom lip. “If I’m feeling tired or… satisfied with how the day’s gone.” 
He pauses, waiting to gauge your reaction. But you school your face into neutrality. Part of you expect his annoyance at this, but instead, that glow in his eyes brightens. 
“Sometimes I bend them over my desk until they’re a screaming, crying mess.” He runs the tip of his tongue over his lip. “Crystal likes that best, you should hear the sounds she makes, how she begs.” Despite the teasing nature of his tone, the word ‘Crystal’ still comes out harshly, barely veiled anger simmering just below the surface. 
You keep your face calm, force yourself to breathe slowly and steadily.
“What’s this?” Blue chuckles, “either my little Bunny is scared stiff, or she’s trying to be defiant?” 
Nothing, you give him nothing. 
He grins wickedly, almost giggling with glee. He shifts closer, his thigh brushing against yours. “Oh, defiance now is it? My little Bunny thinks she can be brave?” He teases, leaning closer still and lightly pinching at your jaw. “Silly thing,” he whispers, pressing his lips against your throat and you shiver. 
“I’ll make you beg.” He bites your neck, not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to pull a yelp from your tongue. 
He chuckles and something in your soul just snaps. 
You move instinctively, not even thinking your actions through as you turn. The movement looks like you are going for a kiss, but instead, you sink your teeth into his bottom lip. 
He yelps in surprise, his eyes going wide for a second. He flinches back, but is cut short by your hand around his throat. 
There’s a bead of red on his lip when you pull back, bubbling up from the very centre until his tongue darts out and Blue groans, savering the iron spreading along his tastebuds. 
You squeeze his neck ever so slightly, just boarding on the side of discomfort and Blue moans again. His eyes roll back for just a second before he quickly closes them. His breathing stutters and he gasps, mouth agape as he presses closer to you. 
You swallow, your self-preservation seemingly coming back to you in an instant. 
That move had been stupid, so, so stupid. But here Blue was… seemingly enjoying it? Submitting to you? 
All the stories and warnings you’d heard, none of them ever mentioned Blue being anything but a sadist, a control freak who needed to have power over others. 
He whines again when you squeeze a little tighter. His hand has dropped from your face to your forearm, stroking your skin softly with his thumb. 
His eyes flutter open, hazy and desperate as he looks at you from under his lashes. 
You can’t help but think he looks better like this. Sweeter. 
Perhaps it’s panic, or just the need to not give up that fragment of power you have found, but you lean forward again, keeping your grip on his neck tight and kiss him. 
His whimper is musical as your lips touch his, as your tongue pilages his mouth and forces his surrender. He starts to kiss back a little forcefully, pushing his chest into yours and you squeeze his neck hard as you bite down on his lip once more. 
He yelps, eyes flying open as you pull back, his blood on your mouth. 
You keep your hold on him tight, nearly suffocating and he doesn’t fight back, doesn’t resist just gasps and mutters a hushed, “sorry.” 
The sincerity of it is puzzling. But it still sends a flush of heat to your stomach. 
He’s breathing hard, looking at you with large doe eyes. A dusting of pink to his cheeks. He tries to keep still, practically shaking as you look him over, appraising him like cattle bound for the slaughter. 
His cock presses painfully hard against his trousers. Your eyes linger on it for a moment, how it twitches under your gaze, how Blue’s breathing increases and his heartbeat flutters under your fingers. 
Oh, this is such a bad idea. But you can’t stop yourself. 
With your free left hand, you undo the first three buttons of his shirt and pull his tie just enough that it’s hanging loose and out of your way. Then you push him back by his neck, forcing his shoulder blades against the sofa. 
He moves easily, following your command and letting out a little grunt of air as you squeeze a fraction tighter. He closes his eyes again as you kiss the nape of his neck and shoulder, just below where your fingers press. Moans loudly when your kisses turn into bites. 
“I, ah, please!” His throat bobbs under you, his hips buck upwards uncontrollably, trying to chase a friction that isn’t there.  
You growl, moving your mouth close to his ear, “shut the fuck up,” you bite a little harshly on his earlobe and can’t help the satisfaction that rages in you when he whines so prettily. 
“S-sorry,” he breathes, eyes closed tightly, tears starting to build in the corners as the sensations start to bubble over and overwhelm his every thought. 
He squirms under you as you continue to bite and suck at his neck, breaking and bruising the skin. You squeeze his neck tighter in warning every time he moves just a little too much. 
Slowly, you inch your left hand down, the angle is a little awkward, but you manage it, and pop open his trouser button before unzipping his fly. 
He whimpers again as the pressure on his cock eases, the sound turning into a high-pitched sigh as you take him in hand and pull him free of his underwear. 
“Please, fuck, please, please,” he rocks his hips up, needing the warmth of your hand, needing you to touch him so, so badly. 
But you let go the second he bucks and Blue sobs. 
You squeeze his neck hard again and he shudders. “You’re such a little bitch, you know that? Can’t even fucking control yourself and I’ve barely done anything.” You hiss into his ear. 
He moans. He knows he shouldn’t be enjoying this. Shouldn’t be rock hard and leaking and needing anything you’d give him. He should be taking. He should be in control. He should-
You squeeze the base of his cock and neck at the same time and all thoughts fly out of his head. 
You let go of his dick and hold your hand up to his face. You slap him lightly when he keeps his eyes shut. 
He whimpers in surprise. 
“Spit.” You order.
For a second he stares at you in confusion, but panics the moment you frown and quickly spits into your palm.
He follows your command. 
He swirls his tongue around his mouth, summoning as much salvia as he can in hopes of pleasing you. 
You don’t praise him, but you don’t ask for more. 
He whines as you take him roughly in your hand, pumping him hard and fast and not giving him a second to adjust to the sudden onslaught. His back arches, eyes fluttering closed for a second as he moans loudly, whimpering and biting at his bloody bottom lip. 
Little breathless sighs of ‘please’, echo from his chest with every thrust. 
You keep a firm hand on his neck as you work him over, hampering his movements and keeping him in place. 
To your surprise, he doesn’t even try to fight your hold at all. Let’s you press him further into the back of the sofa as your hand glides over his velvet soft skin. 
Heat starts to tighten in his stomach, twist in the base of his cock and he sobs out in pleasure. “Please, I, please kiss me,” he whines so desperately, so needily as if he would fall apart if you refused him. 
You move forward, keeping up your pace and squeezing his neck tightly as you press your lips to his. 
He whimpers into your mouth, tears leaking down his cheeks and smudging his makeup. He grabs hold of your cheek hastily, but softly, stroking your skin as if you were made of fragile china. 
His hips buck as he chases his high, licking into your mouth and kissing you for all he’s worth. 
He comes with a sharp cry, spilling himself over his shirt and your hand. 
You pump him slowly, enjoying his little after shocks and spaced out expression before you stop and pull your lips away from his, move your hand from his neck. 
Blue breaths deeply, his head foggy and mind swimming. His thoughts don’t quite make sense, don’t fall into order the way he’s used to. He can’t remember when he’s come so hard. 
Nerves sneak back into your stomach, twisting your intestines. You swallow and wipe his cum from your fingers and hand onto his thigh before you stand quickly, breathing hard. 
You leave the room quickly before he can string a coherent thought together and head back to your room. 
You ignore the roaring heat in your stomach and the ache between your legs.
Thank you for reading!
@pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @whatthefishh @mbakubabe @romanarose @saturn-rings-writes @boredzillenial @lonelyisamyw-0love @queerponcho @pimosworld @melodygatesauthor @steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87 @queerponcho @lunar-ghoulie @dumdaradumdaradum @plastichearts @silver-night-m @autismsupermusicalassassin @apesarecuul @reallyrallyauthor @basicalyrandom
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castiwls · 5 months
back again!! would you do something with sam winchester perhaps where sam does something that makes reader realize that she’s in love with him and then skips to confessing and such?? love ur work SMMM
you are in love - s.w
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Pairings; Sam x fem!reader
Synopsis; One coffee changes (almost) everything
Warnings; fluff (lots)
Notes;Tysmm!! I love this idea so much i really need to write for sam more <3 Also I highly suggested listening to 'you are in love' (by taylor swift) while reading this as I kinda based it on that song:)
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'Small talk, he drives Coffee at midnight The light reflects The chain on your neck He says, "Look up" And your shoulders brush No proof, one touch But you felt enough'
The night breeze was cool against your skin as you settled into the grass beside Sam. “Here.” He passed you a takeaway cup which had been sitting beside him. You thanked him before taking a sip of the warm drink. “Is coffee at midnight a good idea?” you asked tilting your head slightly. Sam shrugged looking over to you. “Not like we were gonna sleep anyways.”  
The two of you sat in relative silence, making small talk as you slowly finished your drinks. You felt a small buzz from the caffeine slowly start to warm your body. “Y/n. Look.” Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Sam put down his drink before he pointed up to the sky. As he moved his shoulder brushed yours. You followed his finger and squinted slightly. “What am I meant to be looking at?” 
Sam let out a small laugh before leaning slightly closer and moving his finger in a pattern. His finger traced lines in the sky as he spoke. “Perseus was a Greek hero who killed Medusa. After He killed Medusa he found Andromeda who was chained to a rock, her parents wanted to sacrifice her to a sea monster. He saved her and later they got married.” You listened as Sam continued to explain how the two had become constellations and what they meant.
As he spoke you found yourself more and more captivated by his story. His smile seemed to grow as he spoke listing more and more information on the myth. As you watched him speak you felt yourself slowly become more and more captivated by him. The stars reflected off his eyes making them glisten slightly. 
 A small shiver ran through you as a particularly cold breeze ran through the area. 
“Are you cold?” The question brought you out of the almost trance-like state you had been in. You quickly looked away and cleared your throat. ‘No. No im fine.” Sam frowned before moving to take off his jacket. “Oh. Sam you don’t have to im-” He shook his head before cutting you off. “No. no, it's fine seriously.” He smiled as he wrapped the jacket around your shoulders.
His smile sent a slight flush to your cheeks. The jacket smelt like him, something which sent butterflies wild in your stomach. “That's a beautiful story.” You quietly spoke turning fully to face him. Sam smiled and you could have sworn a small blush dusted his cheeks. 
After a moment he stood before offering you a hand. “It’s late, we should probably head back.” You nodded allowing him to pull you up. 
You stood for a moment mulling over your thoughts. Were you in love with Sam?
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It had been a few weeks since the night in the field and your feelings had only grown more.  You knew you had to say something soon or you were gonna go mad. The last few weeks had been with seemingly case after case but you finally had time to yourselves. 
Dean had wandered off to a bar a few hours ago leaving just you and Sam in the bunker. It was now or never. “Sam.” You called as you walked into the map room. Sam looked up from his laptop with a small smile. “Hey, what's up?” He shuts his laptop and turns his attention to you. 
“I uh..I need to talk to you about something.” He nodded before gesturing to the seat beside him. Your hand shook slightly as you sat down and placed your hands on your lap. Taking a breath you tried to push your nerves down before looking up to him.
“I don’t really know how to say this” You laughed nervously, beginning to play with your hands in your lap. You knew you had to say something now or you might not get the chance for god knows how long. 
Sam watched you for a moment equally confused and concerned by your behaviour. Leaning forward he took your hands into his drawing your attention back to him. He gently squeezed your hand. 
Taking a deep breath you opened your mouth. “I think im in love with you, but I don't wanna make it weird if you don't feel the same way an-” Your rambling was cut off by someone pressing their lips against yours.
It took a moment for your mind to catch up and register that the person kissing you was Sam. After a moment he pulled away moving to brush a strand of hair away from your face. 
“Took you long enough.” Both you and Sam flew away from each other at the sound of another person’s voice. Dean leaned against the wall with a smirk he waved a hand in your direction before pushing off the wall. As he walked past he clapped his brother on the back before sending you a wink and wandering down the hallway. “Remember to use protection lovebirds.” He yelled before disappearing around the corner.
Sam shook his head as you let out a quiet laugh. “Truthfully,” He started leaning in again. His hand moved to cup your check. “I think I’ve been in love with you since we met.” He gently ran his thumb across your cheek and you felt a slight flush on your cheeks.
His words left you feeling slightly giddy as he connected your lips again. 
You’d never been more grateful for coffee in your life.
'You are in love True love You are in love'
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fandomfucker · 5 months
Bookstore-Rhea Ripley X Gn!Reader
Request: could i possibly get a really cute fluff of rhea. (possibly a non-binary (afab) reader if possible? [i'm non-binary]). they're in Judgement Day (maybe poly too? i'll let u decide) and it's just fluffy and adorable and sweet. i just love soft Rhea so much
Word count- 804
3rd Person POV
Rhea watched Y/n from afar as they scanned the titles of passing books. Occasionally, they stopped to pull one out and read the synopsis. Rhea could tell when they found one interesting when they pulled their phone out, presumably looking to see if it was on Kindle Unlimited first.
If it was, a picture was taken of the book before it was put back and Y/n continued on. If it wasn't, Y/n began scanning the surrounding area for their girlfriend. Once she was spotted, Y/n would beam before running over and excitedly showing their girlfriend the book before adding it to the stack she carried for them. It was times like these that her big strong muscles were extremely appreciated.
The books Y/n picked were usually sapphic, which just made Rhea all the more smitten, if that were possible.
This day, however, it was cold and rainy so Rhea had planned to set up shop in the little cafe inside their local bookstore.
Nevertheless, at the pleading of her partner, she just couldn't say no to browsing the titles with them.
So, upon arriving Rhea squeezed Y/n's elbow, getting their attention.
"I'm gonna go get some coffee first, do you want your usual?"
"Yes please!" Y/n exclaimed, beaming up at Rhea before hopping up to give her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be in the fantasy section!" They exclaimed again before bounding away into the stacks of books.
Rhea chuckled to herself in amusement, watching Y/n until they were out of view before striding over to the cafe counter.
Once she had both coffees in hand, she made her way over to the fantasy section, and sure enough, there Y/n was, squatting on the floor. They had two books perched on their lap as the read the back of another.
They were so focused on what they were doing that they never even heard Rhea come up behind them until she maneuvered both cups into one hand and reached down with an empty hand to scratch at the top of their head.
Startled, their head shot up to look at who was touching them. Rhea raised her eyebrows at them in amusement and grinned as their face broke out into a smile upon seeing her.
"Hi, baby." She greeted them happily.
"Hi!" Y/n grinned back, like an excited puppy. "I'm trying to decide between these three cause I know I'll never read all of them if I buy them all right now."
Standing up, Y/n held two books in one hand and the third book in the other, showing Rhea each of the covers as they gave a short description with each.
"This one's a sapphic retelling of Medusa and Perseus. This one's a sapphic academic rivals to lovers but mystery, and this one's also gay rivals but one's a ghost."* Y/n explained each one shortly before looking up at Rhea with their wide, doe-like eyes blinking in expectation.
Rhea chewed the inside of her cheek in thought, humming to herself as she did so. "I don't know babe. Maybe you should just get all three."
Y/n just frowned at her in response, looking between the covers in indecision.
"Tell you what," Rhea broke the silence. "You pick which one you want to read first and get that one, and then I will buy you every other book you want and only give them to you one at a time after you finish the one before."
Y/n's face lit up with a gigantic smile. "Really?"
Rhea let out a small laugh, totally in love with her partner. "Of course, darling. I will always buy you anything and everything you want." She leaned in and gave them a small kiss, smiling at them.
Y/n set the small stack on the edge of a bookshelf, reaching up and wrapping their hands around Rhea's neck, giving her a longer, passionate kiss.
Pulling away, they rested their forehead against Rhea's smiling in earnest. "I really love you, ya' know."
Rhea pecked their lips, responding with a small "I know." Before gently guiding them apart by their hips, handing them their coffee as she took the small stack of books. "Go ahead and keep shopping, sweetheart. These muscles can hold a lot."
With a small excited squeal and a kiss placed upon Rhea's cheek, Y/n bounded off through the store, finding a multitude of other books they wanted.
In the end, it was about fifteen in total which Rhea was more than happy to pay for since this was something her partner loved and she loved her partner.
The rest of the day and long into the night was spent with Y/n laying on the couch, their head resting on Rhea's thighs in front of the fireplace. Y/n read one of their new sapphic books while Rhea read one of Y/n's past favorites, wanting to know her partner better.
It was one of the best days either of them could have ever asked for.
*All three of the books described are real books that I very much recommend, in order, Queens and Monsters by Clio Evans, I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston, and Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas. All of these are available on Kindle Unlimited🫡
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fr-ogii · 2 months
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annabeth chase & percy jackson
x gn!reader; poc friendly
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-> visiting the museum with percy and annabeth would be an adventure arguably equally as difficult as the typical quest. percy tries to be as interested as annabeth is, but it usually ends with him making jokes about the statues or paintings.
sometimes he doesn't even have to say anything. he just looks at the butt of a naked statue, looks back at you, wiggles his eyebrows, and you both are rolling on the ground laughing. there's something about being with the two of them that makes everything so much funnier. annabeth rolls her eyes at the two of you and continues her walk through the gallery, avoiding the judgmental gazes of the visitors truly interested in art.
-> ending up at the gift shop at the end of the trip. annabeth picks out a few books that showcase the art, muttering a few passive aggressive remarks to you and percy, "if only certain someones weren't goofing off the entire time, maybe i could have actually seen it all in person instead of settling for a copy."
-> you debate over getting a tee-shirt, but rule against it. the shirt wouldn't get much use -- everyone had to wear the orange CHB shirt on camp grounds anyways. you opt for a sticker pack with different art works, already pondering where you would stick them.
-> percy gravitates towards the postcard rack. most demigods struggle to read books, but percy was at the point in his life where he didn't even bother. he wouldn't read unless it was absolutely required, even a short bit of text explaining a painting.
after a few minutes of struggling to make a decision, he calls annabeth over and makes her choose one for him. "you know more about the art than me anyways. what would my mom like?" "sally?" she hums and scans her eyes over the options. "maybe... this one?" she selects one from the rack and presents it to the boy. you meander your way across the shop to join them. you look over percy's shoulder. a statue of a man holding the head of a gorgon--medusa-- above himself. "a statue of perseus? a bit on the nose, don't you think?" annabeth shoots you a look. "i'm kidding." you look at percy, "she named you that for a reason. i think sally'd appreciate it."
-> on the train ride that would get you part of the way to camp, you discuss with percy what he'd write on the postcard. annabeth is flipping through one of her new "picture books" (as percy called them), occasionally contributing to the dialogue.
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colormepurplex2 · 2 years
ColorMePurplex2 Master List
Important notes
Genre Key: s (smut), a (angst), f (fluff), dd (dead dove), mm (contains some form of mxm content)
Rating: (regardless, this space is not for minors) G - general audience | PG - strong, suggestive language | PG-13 - frequent use of strong language, grittier subject matter | R - large amounts of vulgar language and adult references | MA - strictly for adults 18+
Relationships: my stories may feature sexual relationship variations between all genders. This is a LGTBQIA2S+ friendly space
DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to own any part of BTS. All members of BTS are faces and name claims for these stories. Every post is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgement, or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in my works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
For a full, comprehensive list of each pairing/scenario please check the masterlists under each section.
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OT7 Masterlist
▻ Souls of Seoul: Blood Bond (Ao3) (127k) - x f.Reader - Modern Fantasy/Thriller AU | RATED: MA | s, a, f, mm
▻ Souls of Seoul: The Rise And Fall (Ao3) (~93k, ongoing) - x f.Reader -  Modern Fantasy/Thriller AU | RATED: MA |  s, a, f, mm
▻ Fickle Flame (~66k, ongoing) - x OFC - A/B/O, Vampire/Hybrid, Dystopian AU | RATED: MA |  s, a, f, dd, mm
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Kim Namjoon Masterlist
▻ Kaleidoscope (6k) - x f.Reader - Art/Music AU | RATED: MA |  s, f
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Kim Seokjin Masterlist
▻ Your Guardian Angel (14k) - x f.Reader - Non-Idol, Roommates AU | RATED: MA | s, a, mild f
▻ Masks & Merlot (13k) - x f.Reader - Long-time pining, Non-Idol AU | RATED: MA | s, a
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Min Yoongi Masterlist
▻ Work Hard, Play Harder (9k) - x f.Reader - College AU | RATED: MA | s, a
▻ Till Death Do Us Part (41k) - x f.Reader - Mafia AU | RATED: MA |  s, a, f
▻  Blood Bride (9k) - x f.Reader - Vampire AU | RATED: MA |  s
▻ Bump In The Night (12k) - x f.Reader - Monster Under The Bed AU | RATED: MA |  s, a
▻ Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop (8k) - x f.Reader - Coffee Shop/Art AU | RATED: MA |  s, f
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Jung Hoseok Masterlist
▻ Box Of Chocolates (15k) - x f.Reader - Non-Idol, Exes to Lovers AU | RATED: MA | s, a, f
▻ Play With Fire (8k) - x f.Reader - Crime/Arsonist AU | RATED: MA | s, a
▻ The Stars In His Eyes...The Hate In Your Heart (18k) - x f.Reader - Non-Idol, Brother’s Best Friend AU | RATED: MA | a, s, mild f
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Park Jimin Masterlist
▻  Pixie Dust - x f.Reader (8k) - Fantasy/Fairy AU | RATED: MA | s
▻  The Demon Is In The Details - x f.Reader (TBD) - Crossroads Demon AU | RATED: MA | s, a
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Kim Taehyung Masterlist
▻ Did It Hurt? (28k) - x f.Reader - Angels & Demons AU | RATED: MA | s, a
▻ In Memory of Him (~13k, ongoing) - x f.Reader - Non-Idol, Late Husband's Best Friend | RATED: MA | s, a, f
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Jeon Jungkook Masterlist
▻ Make You Mine - x f.Reader (11k) - A/B/O AU | RATED: MA | a, s
▻  Chasing Shadows - x f.Reader (21k) - Sherlock Holmes Crime AU | RATED: MA | a, s
▻ On Wings of Mist & Memories (39k) - x f.Reader - High Fantasy/Dragons AU | RATED: MA | a, s, f
▻ Now I’m Yours (14k) (follow-up to Make You Mine) - x f.Reader - A/B/O AU | RATED: MA | a, s, mild f
▻ Shatter With Me (~46k, ongoing) - x f.Reader - Best Friend's Husband, Surrogacy AU | RATED: MA | a, s, mild f
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Multi-Member x Reader/OC Masterlist
▻  Lights, Camera, Action - NAMJOON/JUNGKOOK (22k) - x f.Reader - Non-Idol/Art AU | RATED: MA | s, f, mm
▻  I Put A Spell On You - JIMIN & JUNGKOOK (9k) - x f.Reader - Witches/Demons/Vampires AU | RATED: MA | a, s, mild mm
▻  Dream For Us - HYUNG LINE (15k) - x f.Reader - Demi-Gods AU | RATED: MA | a, s
▻  Flowers Of Fate - YOONGI/JIMIN/NAMJOON/JUNGKOOK (56k) - x f.Reader - High Fantasy/Beltane/Fae AU | RATED: MA | a, s, f, mm
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Member x Member Masterlist
▻  By The Fire With Care - SEOKJIN/TAEHYUNG (2.9k) - Non-Idol, PWP | RATED: MA | s, f
▻ Curse Of The Serpent - NAMJOON/JIMIN (12k) - Greek Mythology/Perseus x Medusa Retelling | RATED: MA | a, s
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My writing may not be copied and posted or translated without my expressed permission. All of my work is cross-posted to Ao3 , Wattpad , and shared via Twitter. I do not post to any other site All rights reserved. 2020-24 ©ColorMePurplex2
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trappezoider · 9 months
LOOK AT THIS!!!!! Brightened wrote an amazing fanfiction inspired by Medusa Ominis and Perseus Sebastian, and I am in friggin love!!!! GO READ IT QUICK AND GIVE IT INFINITE KUDOS!!!!
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sarafangirlart · 1 month
The contrast between Perseus and Dionysus is interesting because while they’re both sons of Zeus from mortal mothers, Perseus is still firmly a mortal and has a mortal mindset, while Dionysus fully acts like a god. It makes Perseus being the victor in their confrontation, or at least driving him to a standstill, all the more impressive.
Yet ppl call him a coward for killing Medusa while she’s sleeping lol when he’s literally just working smarter not harder.
I imagine when Perseus “killed” Dionysus it was like this:
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And the only reason Dionysus didn’t kill Perseus is bc Hermes stepped in and told them to come to an agreement (also Ariadne is resurrected).
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megatraven · 8 months
My friend just told me about a lesbian medusa x Perseus book she read I fucking need it so bad I need to read it SO FUCKIG BADLY
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siennafrxst · 11 months
↳ cassiopeia 𖤐𓈒࣪₊˚
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pairing: loki laufeyson x female reader
universe: mcu
cw: anticlimactic angst, eventual fluff
word count: 1.5k words
“Okay, let’s get out of here.”
Loki and Y/N swiftly exit the gathering, leaving behind no evidence of the havoc they had just wreaked.
Even though everyone (especially Thor, Odin, and Frigga) knew the particular duo that would be insane enough to execute an equally insane plan, that never stopped them from continuing to do so. Even after the multiple times they’ve been thrown and locked away into cages like wild animals, it was worth it. Wrecking formal gatherings were practically Loki and Y/N’s most beloved tradition. And whenever they did, the mess they’d cause would always work to give them enough time to get away from the boring event. Besides, you can’t deny that it never fails to spice things up.
Chuckling to themselves, the two Asgardians continue to disappear from the crime scene and eventually head out into the quiet night.
“That never gets old,” Y/N confesses with a grin plastered on her face.
Loki returns a similar smile, nodding in agreement. “I don’t quite think I’ll ever get tired of doing that.”
“Of course you won’t, you’re the God of Mischief. It’s what makes you—well, you.”
He chuckles softly once more at her statement, staring into her eyes for a brief moment before examining the bewitching, starry night.
“The sky has quite a lot of stars to offer us tonight.”
Y/N follows his gaze and looks up, the many balls of light shining luminously unto them.
“What constellations can you spot?”
“I see… Cassiopeia, right over there.”
He points a finger towards the formation of stars as she nods, discerning the said constellation.
“Do you know the myth behind it?” she questions in curiosity.
Loki gives her a knowing look, raising his eyebrows. “Of course I do — what do you think of me?”
She rolls her eyes at his arrogance. “Enough with the cocky act and just answer the question. I know you want to.”
He lets out a scoff, momentarily gazing back into the mesmerizing constellation before telling the story. “Cassiopeia was a stunning yet boastful queen who claimed that she and her daughter, Andromeda, were the most beautiful creatures to exist, which includes the Nereids. They were insulted by her assertion, and so they made Poseidon punish her for it. But, the only way to prevent him from doing so was if she gave up her own daughter to a sea monster. Cassiopeia selfishly agreed, however, she would later on make a deal with a man named Perseus, promising to rescue Andromeda in return for her hand in marriage. Unfortunately, when he managed to rescue her, Cassiopeia attempted to break her promise with him. But, Andromeda and Perseus fought for their love, so on the day of their wedding, Cassiopeia ordered Agneron and his army to stop them. In the end, Perseus managed to use Medusa’s beheaded skull and turn everyone to stone. And so, the happy couple got their happy ending. The end.”
A soft smile forms on Y/N’s face, noticing the glimmer of excitement hiding behind his emerald green eyes. Loki was never one to show much interest in — well — anything, so seeing him enthusiastic in a certain topic (other than pulling pranks on Thor) was a nice change. It was a side of him that she rarely got to see, but when she did, she loved every second of it.
“You know, if all else fails, you would be an excellent astrology professor.”
Loki rolls his eyes at her sarcastic remark. “Hilarious,” he replies in a deadpan tone.
Y/N chuckles softly, her face perking up promptly as she recalls something. “Hey, isn’t there a nebula within Cassiopeia?”
Loki nods. “Right, the Heart Nebula. Which, you can tell by its name, represents…”
Loki held back, reluctant to say the word he never believed could be real. A feeling that he was sure he would never experience again.
Until he met her.
“Love,” she finishes in a soft tone, her eyes immediately finding his.
They both may have been almost a thousand years old, but they were still completely oblivious when it came to that one, cliche emotion. That one emotion that was arguably the most powerful one, though neither of them knew it at that time. That one emotion that drew the two Asgardians closer, clueless to the reason behind it. Despite almost being complete opposites, like fire and ice, something made them fight for what they had. Something bigger than they realized.
They were just too naive to know what it was. Until one of them would eventually crack the code.
“Loki… there’s something I need to confess.”
He sharply inhales, already having an inane idea on where this may lead. But for some reason… he didn’t want to stop her.
“Go on.”
She sighs. “Well, I’m grateful for our unlikely friendship. Despite our years of constant fighting and petty rivalry, we managed to get over that and become… whatever it is we are, exactly.”
He hums softly, signaling for her to continue.
“But… I can’t ignore this feeling that I’ve been feeling for the past few years. This feeling that I’ve never felt in my entire existence, but… I think I have a solid idea on what it might be — as cliche as that may sound. I don’t know how to put it in words, I just — it’s just this feeling I get whenever I’m with you, and I like it.” She sighs once more, seemingly expaserated. “Look, I’ve never done this before, but, what I’m trying to say is…”
Her mouth was left agape, but no words fell out of it. She could only stare desperately into his eyes, begging for him to interupt her at any moment. But to no avail. Loki simply stood before her, completely dumbfounded with what she was telling him. And yet she couldn’t read his face. She couldn’t tell if he felt the same way, or if he was utterly disgusted, or if he had even understood the words coming out of her mouth. Truth be told, she didn’t quite understand the nonsense she was spewing out either. But it was better than having to keep her mouth shut about what she was feeling. Because she knew that one way or another, she had to let him know. Let him know his effect on her. Let him know the way he was making her feel. Let him know how much he means to her.
But in this very moment — his silence, the void state on his face — it made her want to take all her words back. She’s never been more vulnerable to anyone else before. Maybe she was just making a fool out of herself, opening herself up to the literal God of Mischief. Maybe that was a mistake on her part. But this feeling she’s been feeling for the past few years… it was no mistake. She knew that it meant something. It had to.
Muttering up the strength again, she finally broke the silence.
“Are you really just going to stand there and make me have to finish my sentence?” she questions, almost scoffing.
And to her surprise, he nodded.
“Yes. Yes, I will. Because I want to hear the exact words come out of your mouth. And I want to hear you mean it.”
Loki stepped closer towards her as she was left astonished, not expecting that kind of response from him. But, even if he hadn’t, she knew that she needed to say it.
“Fine. Then…”
She momentarily closes her eyes — having him watch her like this was driving her insane. But when she opened her eyes once more, she was met with the same, desperate eyes she was wearing just a few seconds ago. As though he was longing for her to say it. As though he had been waiting for as long as she did to act upon their feelings. And that was all the courage she needed to keep going.
“…I think I’m in love with you.”
In an instant, Loki brought their faces together and kissed her lips, not wasting another second with her.
And for a moment there, time seemed to have stopped. All sense of meaning and logic just disappeared when their lips touched. The two grasped and held onto each other, scared to let go of one another only to realize that it was all just a dream.
When the two finally pulled apart breathlessly, they stay in that singular moment of silence — the rustling of the wind, the muffled chatter from a far distance, the soft yet comforting breathing coming from them both. Their foreheads still connected, they stay in each other’s presence, processing what had just happened. Processing their emotions, the decisions they made tonight. Everything that led to right now.
Until they finally opened their eyes, gazing into one another for one more second before Loki broke the silence.
“I think I’m in love with you, too.”
And just like that, the stars in the night sky weren’t the brightest thing in the universe anymore. It was the smiles that formed on their faces in this very moment.
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after more than 3 months, I finally got the motivation to write something for loki. very timely as well since the loki series 2 trailer just came out. I miss him so much why’d they have to kill him off.
likes and reblogs are vv appreciated.
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Percy Jackson character playlists:
Percy Jackson:
Annabeth Chase:
Grover Underwood:
Sally Jackson:
Luke Castellan:
Percy x Annabeth:
Demigod playlist:
Sally Jackson x Poseidon:
Percy Jackson and The Olympians (general character playlist):
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