#performance t shirt
todayisyourturntolose · 9 months
idk what possessed jim to be extra chaotic and odd as pat during this season, but i'm all here for it.
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sciderman · 2 months
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devdas5z · 6 months
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crownedhopelesss · 6 months
so who’s going to give me a plot set post season 2 where joyce doesn’t find out buffy is a slayer and she has to go through with the “we’re in a band” with spike cover story to keep up appearances for her mother and spike takes it seriously and buffy is just like “spike, it was just a cover, we’re not actually in band” and spike is all “bugger that, im singer and you’re on drums, slayer” and all of the scoobies take it seriously besides buffy. like, who’s going to give me this? i cannot be expected to be normal about this
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asurrogateblog · 8 days
the agreement with my best friend was that I could drag her to nick mason’s saucerful of secrets if she could drag me to taylor swift and last night while 90,000 were losing their shit over this tall attractive blonde pop star and her sportsball boyfriend I couldn’t stop laughing thinking about how in a few days I myself will also be going absolutely out of my fucking mind over a pudgy old man who looks like a koala and who I’m not confident half the fans of the original band even know the name of
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susartwork · 1 month
Sono andata ad una piccola fiera nerd oggi e SHOUTOUT AL* COSPLAYER DI LUST!SANS CHE HA BALLATO SUL PALCO
Sei statǝ fantasticǝ!!!
Non mi aspettavo di vedere fan di Undertale salire sul palco. E soprattutto non fan degli AU.
Translation: I went to a small nerd fair today and SHOUTOUT TO THAT LUST!SANS COSPLAYER THAT DANCED ON THE STAGE
You were fantastic!!!
I didn't expect to see any Undertale fans come on stage. And especially not AU fans.
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Poor Quality Gifs. High Quality Bassist.
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year
My gender identity and sense of style are in a fucking fistfight
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benicebefunny · 1 year
In your bid to provide "evidence" supporting your pre-determination that a certain white male character is "fruity," I do fear that you've reinforced homophobic stereotypes and heteropatriarchal gender norms.
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colorisbyshe · 10 months
a drag queen everyone ended up hating (for reasons MOSTLY unrelated from the drag but PARTIALLY related to the drag because there was a massive wig involved... which was rude cause we were at barricade) turned to me, UNPROMPTED, and said 'us queers need to stick together' like... not even getting into calling me a queer... what vibes was i giving off where he knew
like i couldn't even hve the euphoria of Being Seen Like That because I generally don't give off those vibes (because I don't try to, I abstain from gender performance as much as I feasibly can) because i was just like... how? but also calling me a queer two minutes into meeting is fucking craaazy
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sapphicschedule · 1 year
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I’m sorry, but the fact that this is canonically god is just way too funny to me.
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hyvee · 11 months
My job is fine as long as i dont thibk about how i’m spending 8 hours a day 5 days a week not making art not doing anything fulfilling just staring at a screen sending emails and it could be that way for decades if I dont quit at some point
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devdas5z · 1 year
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mal-likes-biscuits · 2 years
Being the mom of a kid who likes “traditionally girly things” (in addition to also wanting to wrestle dinosaurs and go to the Moon) is such a weird ride, not because of my kid, but because of the unsolicited opinions I continually get from strangers. It’s this constant unavoidable reminder that society judges girls no matter what they do.
We were at a sports game earlier this week and kiddo got to hang out with the cheer squad, which she adores. They’re absolutely phenomenal athletes in their own field. So of course, I’m talking to other parents or grandparents, and fielding comments like, “Oh I tell my daughters they should be the ones leading on the field, not cheering from the sides.”
And I don’t know how to explain to these people that it’s okay to want to do things for fun? Or to want to dance and dress up pretty? Or that nearly every single member of the cheer team also has a full time job in areas such as nursing, doctoral education, special needs teaching, dentistry, etc., and that maybe you shouldn’t judge someone’s worth based on their looks or if they even want to dance for a living?
We’re a society that demands absolute perfection from girls. Be pretty, but not too pretty. Be smart, but not too smart. Be fun, but not too fun. And I am prepared to spend the rest of my life telling my daughter she can damn well do whatever she wants in life, dress however she wants, and to also smack down every single well-intentioned person who tries to add a “but, not--” caveat to it.
Let her shake pompoms while wearing a labcoat and red lipstick like she wants.
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mila-carat · 4 days
Even INI noticed that Takumi and Yudai's hug scene was a little bit "🤨🏳️‍🌈?" and to be honest i'm glad I'm not the only one...
#👁️👄👁️#Yes two men can hug without it being romantic! It can be platonic! Don't get me wrong!#But the scene itself had romantic connotation because of their facial expressions. They seemed like lovers desperate to love but can't#Also the first time I saw it I thought they were trying to reach for the key#But they got rid of the chains when they touched hands (kind of “love saves the day” type of thing)#Their love (romantic or platonic) saved them from the chains that imprisoned them - not the key! :3#I'm not saying Yudai and Takumi have a thing - just that they seemed like they wanted to portray a same-sex couple#Both of them can act remember? Takumi is literally in a drama and Yudai was great playing that sassy princess!#Also... I have to say it 👀#Some small details in the MV seem to talk about LGBTQ+ rights and Pride Parade...#Again!!! I'm not saying it IS about queerness!!!#But the whole story of the MV being about riots... Hiromu's line “fighting against prejudice”#Rihito (a guy who openly supports LGBTQ+ rights) holding a big flag like it is a pride flag...#Their performance at Studio Choom literally making up the asexual flag at the screen and Takumi showing off a black ring in the middle#Finger of his right hand... (a.k.a asexual ring)#The line “PRIDE” itself... (Pride of what I wonder? Hmmm...) Their hair colors making up a rainbow... (ok this is just a joke) (but they do#The song being named “LOUD” (“Be Loud Be Proud” a.k.a phrase often used by queer people? Anyone??)#And last but not least it was released in JUNE (a.k.a Pride Month)!#Listen. I DO think the MV is connected to INI's MVs' storyline. Specially with SPECTRA and We Are and Password.#But... BUT. Hear me out. Please. Open your mind a little bit.#The boys (specially Hiroto who wrote the song) also want to express themselves their opinions and their feelings.#My boy Nishi LOVES doing that in the songs he writes. And maybe (just maybe) he and maybe other members wanted to#Help these queer people (specially queer MINIs) feel seem. Maybe some are queer themselves. We don't know and that is not our business.#But - whatever the reason is - they wanted to help these people feel seem and cared for. They wanted to tell them to continue fighting.#To fight against prejudice. To be LOUD and PROUD.#We MINIs know INI is not really afraid to think outside of the box... “Breaking the frame breaking the frame 🎵” :3#I mean Rihito literally stan an openly bisexual black man and he said “LGBTQ” in an interview even if he's an IDOL!!#He wore a t-shirt that says “Why being racist sexist HOMOPHOBIC and TRANSPHOBIC when you could just be quiet?”#(OMG he's so my ichiban for that 😭)#If Rihito can do that I wouldn't be surprised if other members also did something like what I said above! 😌
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anewbrainjughead · 10 days
in some places they'd shoot a man for saying this, but how many edgy cabaret revivals are we going to get through before they make one that's anywhere near as good as Cabaret (1972)?
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