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anewbrainjughead · 11 months ago
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Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus (2024)//Picture to Burn (2006)
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lezarus · 7 months ago
i don't even watch 911 and even i want tommy dead in a ditch somewhere. he calls his boyfriend by his government name instead of the endearing little nickname everyone else does, full romcom evil fiancée a la that one natalie walker video. if he’s not dealt with soon that cute little glasses kid is going to end up in a military boarding school
OK THIS IS ACTUALLY REAL we need to kill tommy for christophers sake before he transforms into full on wicked stepmother and starts forcing him to clean his stupid helicopter with a toothbrush
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fifi-apa · 9 months ago
Franklin Shepard, Inc. - Merrily We Roll Along OBC
(Requested by @anewbrainjughead)
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akajustmerry · 1 year ago
i think steven moffats comes at writing women from the same angle that Joss whedon does in the sense that he starts off horny and then passes the end result off as feminism, bc obviously getting your rocks off to the idea of a woman beating you up makes you incapable of misogyny. Of course Joss whedon sucks for reasons other than the bigotry in his writing, but he's the first thing I think of when people argue moffat writes women through a feminist lense or whatever. I get that people instinctually want to defend the TV shows they love but as a dr who and a Buffy fan i think sometimes you have to come to terms with loving things in spite of their many, many flaws.
omg i've thought about this as well! because i think a lot of fans also think when you point out a piece of work is misogynistic, they experience it as a moral judgement on people who like it. people have different opinions on that. personally, i don't judge people for enjoying problematic media (to a degree, there are things where i draw the line). but i do automatically judge anyone who refuses to acknowledge issues in a piece of work because it shows an unwillingness to critically think. the fact that men like joss whedon and steven moffat wrote things you really enjoy and pass off as feminist through a narrow lens doesn't make them less misogynistic or vice versa. both whedon and moffat are singlehandedly responsible for creating characters that helped me affirm my bisexuality, but that doesn't mean i wouldn't hit them both with my dad's car for being homophobic weirdos. that's what being a critically thinking fan is all about, baby!
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thejugheadparadox · 2 years ago
oh now I would kill to see Charles Melton as Hamlet. I've been percolating on lili reinhart as lady Macbeth, which seems like an obvious choice but i can't fully settle on it. She might actually be a better choice for the titular Macbeth, but i just think she'd be so good at telling her husband that he's a fucking loser for not loving murder
Yeahhhhh like as I j said I believe she would want to do lady macbeth and therefore be very good at it and would give a really interesting version of the role. BUT god she would be such an incredible macbeth that picturing her is this a dagger is making me insane in the workplace. Its crazy how much I have to see this happen she has the perfect intensity for it but always remains human and endearing NEED her to be a tragic hero immediately. sarah desjardins as her lady m no I'm kidding or am i
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mag200 · 2 years ago
my expectations of taylor when it comes to saying shit abt politics have always been incredibly low, but i really did half believe that she might say/do something during her nashville gigs to voice her opposition to the drag ban/anti trans legislation stuff there.
Lizzo & hayley kiyoko both brought drag queens out to perform with them on stage during shows right before taylor's tour dates, like hayley kiyoko literally had the cops showing up to her rehearsals telling her to stop & she still stood her ground, yet taylor can't even say a few words or something. She was literally in the perfect position to say a little statement on the matter. She started out in nashville so her opinion as a semi-local girl with country music roots would hold more weight than like... ariana grande or something, but she also isn't in that scene anymore and she's one of the biggest celebrities on the planet so its unlikely she would face any real repercussions for speaking out.
I genuinely don't mind if celebrities don't really talk about their politics bc like, what do the opinions of billionaires have to do with normal people. However if you're going to pay a documentary crew to film you saying you're ready to take A Stand and then do nothing apart from sing your gay rights song and post a solitary black square, while associating yourself with shitty people of every flavour, then actually put your money where your mouth is and do it.
yeah when hayley was posting about that and she was crying and i was crying it was so so brutal but i was so proud of her for standing up for her drag performers even when they told her she couldnt. i didnt know lizzo did this too but holy shit.
all of this with taylor is hugely disappointing. i saw people saying “she cant say anything against the drag bill its unsafe for her!!!” and its like. its unsafe for all of us lol but she has so much more protection. and i dont think she HAS to do it is the thing, but man it does make it feel like her trying to rebrand as an activist back in 2019 was just to sell more copies of lover. you’re so right its like why make a whole big deal about how you’re going to Take A Stand and then just….. not. i also have always had low expectations from her in this regard bc she really did lean so hard into the good girl quiet girl narrative but when she made a point of lashing out against that i was like oh wait maybe she’s actually gonna do better… boo boo the fool is me i guess.
like i do not understand what happened. but since summer 2020 i have not been able to engage w her in the same way as before. and now with everything coming out about matty healy it is another huge fucking blow. i never blamed anyone who was done before this and i dont blame anyone who’s distancing themself from her now. i dont normally give a shit about her relationships but like how can you associate with someone so openly fucking racist? and think it wont hurt people??
all my love is going out rn to bipoc swifties. this sucks so fucking much im so sorry.
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leotanaka · 5 months ago
that jughead i saw the TV glow post is one of the most fucked up things I've ever seen in my entire life, really good work 😬👍
haha thank you so much :) the moment i saw that scene in "i saw the tv glow" i literally went: "omg, it's like riverdale!" and knew i had to gif it immediately. x
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blairwaldcrf · 4 months ago
stealing this game from @tuseranita 🙏❤️
rules: go here and make a poll with your top 10 most listened-to artists (long term!) and let your followers choose:
tagging: @terrainofheartfelt @insistonyourcupofstars @strideofpride (@rachelblairy was already tagged?) @laufire @habibialkaysani @welldressedllama @anewbrainjughead @doyelikehaggis @splatooshy @takaraphoenix @legendsofentity @lexkent @ssmtskw @ak-rye-47 @bisexualdinahlance @nikkiruncks @crossedsabers10s but of course no pressure!
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milfjagger · 8 months ago
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tagged by @phaggotetta … my fav first watches of june ‘24!! it would appear that i only watched 4 movies this month and one of them i didn’t particularly like so i’m including a few from may as well sorry 💔 tagging @majortomwaits @cigaretteaunt @westerberg @thesireofsorrow @modifiedyincision and @anewbrainjughead
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ultimategalindaswardrobe · 1 year ago
Galinda's Bubble Dress - US Production
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Christine DiCicco (First US Tour)
Kendra Kassebaum (First US Tour)
Annaleigh Ashford (Broadway)
Kendra Kassebaum (First US Tour)
Alli Mauzey (Broadway)
Megan Hilty (Broadway)
Erin Mackey (First National Tour)
Heléne Yorke & Marcie Dodd (Munchkinland (US) Tour)
Kendra Kassebaum and Kerry Ellis (First US Tour) (I think?)
(If anyone knows the name of the two Elphabas featured in this set, please, share that with me so I can update the tags and the description)
(Edit: Elphabas have been added, thank you anewbrainjughead for the info!)
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when we got march of the penguins in our local blockbuster me and my siblings were so excited bc we'd heard all about it for the past year or whatever & we were david attenborough/animal encyclopedia kids. Anyway we got 20 mins through that film max before we turned it off bc we were all so bored & I still remember it as one of the first films i ever hated as a lil 6 year old. Happy feet came out around then & that film was also dogshit and I do think those films made me think less of penguins for the rest of my life
anewbrainjughead said “fuck penguins!”
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anewbrainjughead · 1 year ago
no tumblr post that waxes poetic about humanity will ever resonate with me the way this video of limmy reacting to carpool karaoke does
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lezarus · 4 months ago
no bc ive been laughing and giggling at the bucktommys antics but when i saw that castiel post my smile fell off my face so hard it cracked the ground beneath me. keep my wifes name out your mouth.
it's not cas's fault you got grifted so badly by a guy who plays a plot device in an abc crime procedural that started paying him indulgences like he's the pope. you chose to do that tony.
him being on twitter like ‘keep the hope alive guys’ most unemployed anyone has ever been
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blairwaldcrf · 1 year ago
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@anewbrainjughead giving the realest, most hilarious tags
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“You’re still gay and that’s FINAL.” is such a batshit sentence guys im literally losing my mind over here
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akajustmerry · 1 year ago
That dw showrunner poll is kinda baffling to me, like even as someone who had A Lot of shit to say about moffat during his run, i can't fathom how it's even a little close between him and chibnall. Like, at the very least, I think most doctor who fans can agree that moffat can write a really good one off episode, that he was genuinely interested in the show he was writing, and that he was sometimes capable of writing three dimensional characters. I simply don't think you can say any of that about chibnall, and he wrote just as much bigoted shit as any other showrunner, except nobody else had the doctor collaborate with Nazis, so actually he's worse.
Idk I guess it's fine chibnall was mind numbingly boring and bigoted bc thirteen wore a "notorious RBG" t shirt in season 2 or something
i am the same! i don't think moffat's failings as a showrunner are as close to chibnall's as the poll results show. moffat was and still is a writer who's contempt for women and lgbt people is pathological, drops the ball most of the time when it comes to writing characters consistently or meaningfully. He remains a man with his head so far up his own ass he'll never be rid of the shit breath. but as you said, and i agree, moffat genuinely had a vision for the show because he cared about it. he could write good episodes (blink, the library, heaven sent, the pilot, the are you my mummy 2 parter, etc) because he cared about the series even if he didn't care about *checks notes* minorities and marginalised people? but he cared Enough to not literally make the Doctor a nazi or complicit in segregation or any of the shit Chibnall did. i think its weird, really weird, that people hold moffat and chibs on more or less the same level. its like. both these men are piles of shit, but moffat is like compost that reeks but you can at least grow stuff in while chibs just stinks up the place with no utility. somehow we've ended up in a timeline where steven moffat wrote the only well-written Black lesbian companion in almost 20 years of new doctor who....fucking grim.
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mag200 · 2 years ago
I like yoyok but I for sure agree that the end gets very Disney very fast in a jarring kind of way. I'm also gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say that the lyrics "sit quiet by my side in the shade and not the kind that's thrown, I mean the kind under which a tree has grown" are at least part of the reason Paris is in your skip list
yeah sometimes her bad lyrics are actually good if they’re funny but that ones a miss for me. paris also just didn’t grab me in general and the paris / somewhere else rhyme is just personally jarring.
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