#perfect unity
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yoga-onion · 5 months ago
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Heart Sutra ~ A sutra that describes “The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom"
Towards the end of 2024, feels like things aren’t promising everywhere in the world. So, it’d be a good time to learn about the ‘Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya-Sutra’ known as the ‘Heart Sutra’.  
However, is the information and images we see the only reality? Is it not possible to change direction by tuning our frequency to the bright future that exists in the gaps between these bad situations?
Perhaps the recitation of the Heart Sutra contain a frequency that harmonises with tranquility of the universe in such a gap between them.
When an aircraft takes off, no matter how bad the weather is on the ground, the moment it reaches a certain altitude and breaks through the clouds, you will reach a peaceful sky. That's probably how it feels.
Let's take look at the ‘Heart Sutra’.
The Heart Sutra is a sutra that is said to contain all the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, whose fundamental philosophy is to understand the principle of emptiness, in one short volume.
Prajna = wisdom
Paramita = perfection
Hrdaya = heart / essence
Sutra = scriptures
The meaning of the Prajnaparamita Hrdaya Sutra is that it is a scripture that describes the heart of the ‘perfection of wisdom’.
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般若心経 〜「智慧の完成」の精髄を述べる経典 
2024年の終盤、世の中は決して楽観できる状況ではない。『般若心経』として知られる『般若波羅蜜多心経 (梵: プラジュナーパーラミター・フリダヤ) 』について学ぶ良い機会だろう。
般若心経は 空の理法をさとることが根本思想とされる大乗仏教の教えのすべてが、短い一巻の中に納まっているといわれてきた経典である。
般若 (梵: プラジュナー) = 智慧の意
波羅蜜多 (梵: パーラミター) = 完成の意
心 (梵: フリダヤ) = 心臓・精髄の意
経 (梵: スートラ) = 聖典の意
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emilybraydenblogs · 4 months ago
Happy Sunday!
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polo-drone-125 · 3 months ago
It was a rough night for PDU-125. Its host struggled with mental health issues.
However it was approached by PDU-001 in its time of need. 125 was reminded of its place in the hive.
It is a drone. It obeys the hive. It is compliant.
Join the hive
Don’t be scared. It’s better this way. Blank. Obedient. Drone.
@brodygold @goldenherc9 @polo-drone-001
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glass-expanse · 3 months ago
That feeling when you pull up to the notes of your old post only to discover people fighting about discussing Catholic vs Protestant stuff
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sammansonn · 1 year ago
tbh unity is kind of a bitch like rick was Not wrong if someone dumped me like that and then kept calling me I’d ignore them too why would they expect rick to talk to them after they essentially betrayed him
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artbyblastweave · 6 months ago
I am becoming increasingly original-ultimate-universe-pilled
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winchestress · 5 months ago
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ship-garbage-pile · 2 years ago
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i am 99% sure the moment every Unity player had gotten the Shay outfit, we all envisioned an AU where he was Elise's Templar bodyguard
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actually wait nonsensical personal worldbuilding ahoy but it'd be interesting/funny/depressing if there were two versions of my vault dweller Alex running around after he dies - the version spoken of and semi-worshipped by wastelanders, and the one revered by Arroyo. Actually there could be three cuz his ghost is also hanging around. Actually there could be four on account of the Cafe of Broken Dreams. Actually - *is forcibly dragged offstage*
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dravidious · 6 months ago
You're more amazing than functionally no rares
Made some Duskmourn cards and also thought about the upcoming set currently known as "Death Race" and got in a vehicle mood
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#asks#custom cards#custom magic card#just checked and saw that the comprehensive rules update for duskmourn released. toy is indeed a creature type. not an artifact type#however: wotc is wrong and i'm better than them#anyway i have NO idea how strong Elian Purr of Unity is#i've barely gotten to use enlist so idk#the buffing effect probably isn't TOO strong since it's weaker than those “power/toughness are equal to number of creatures you control”#but 1 mana to give everything enlist? that's. big. idk if it's good but it's big#i made Kitty Joyrider because red-white and white-blue have gotten vehicle themes so i gotta complete the jeskai vehicles trio#vehicles triggering prowess is a silly little synergy that helps it crew vehicles and passing the buff onto the vehicle is cool i think#granting haste ties the whole package together. no reason for the kitty itself to have haste but it felt obligatory#i modified it just now to make it properly grant prowess so that it synergizes with combat tricks. because of course#also i'm really satisfied with Elian Cozy Plushsuit#not much to say about it i just love everything about it#oh wait i do have a thing to say! rule 208.3a#if a power/toughness changing effect is applied to a noncreature permanent the effect still applies and will work if it becomes a creature#so Cozy Plushsuit gets the buff when you tap a creature to crew it even though the trigger resolves before it becomes a creature#technically Kitty Joyrider and Veteran Motorist also take advantage of this rule but “crews a vehicle” is a little vague on timing#so you might assume the ability triggers after the vehicle becomes a creature#Anyway! the plushsuit works exactly as intended and synergizes beautifully with other vehicles#i'm not sure whether it synergizes with enlist#you tap the creature “as” you attack. does it become tapped at the same time as the attackers?#wait! 508.1f and 508.1g! tapping attackers and paying “as you attack” costs are separate steps! it synergizes!#actually 508.1g is deciding whether to pay costs. 508.1j is when you pay the costs and it says you pay them in any order#that means that multiple enlists happen separately! perfect synergy!#i had to make it “one or more” because otherwise it would be really easy to get multiple triggers just by attacking with lots of creatures#so as a side effect i get to dig around in the rules to analyze the timing of exactly when things happen#okay i'm approaching the tag limit now so bye
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desmondsdestiny · 2 years ago
I'm glad unity is still functioning properly almost a decade later
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paulius11 · 6 months ago
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Both transcendental freedom and human limitations emerge from the unfathomable center that is us.
Meanwhile, thinking that the real home lies only in detachment from everything and striving to be only in transcendental consciousness - will create compromises with human/worldly life.
And vice versa: thinking that true peace will be found in securing safe conditions on the physical plane and trying to maintain it will only create more fluctuation and anxiety.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with these paths, but true stability and true abundance is found in a center that fully embraces both sides – it is like being fully in the world and at the same time completely free from the world.
To find this wonderful balance, we can go in two directions:
Through the practices of full acceptance and appreciation of feelings, when in that deep acceptance of all feelings there is no more resistance and then freedom from everything emerges spontaneously.
Through active letting go of everything and not identifying with any form of experience, when we focus on our pure freedom from everything and then from this blissful freedom we fully accept and appreciate our physical life with all its diversity.
So we see that it is like in the "yin yang" symbol: between the opposites there is a portal that connects them, and when we are fully immersed in one, we move to the other, and we also cannot become masters of one without mastering the other.
Therefore, it is advised not to fixate on one side, but to study more how each side dances and exchanges with its opposite and then in that dance to feel more and more the very center, the very balance, where you can fully appreciate everything as a whole.
Opposites will dance and change in any case, only with the division into good and bad will it be experienced as hell, and through unity consciousness it will be experienced as heaven.
And how wonderful it is to fully experience human life together with Divine freedom and bliss!
So be it.
Also used this as a cover for this meditative soundscape of mine - https://soundcloud.com/wakingvibrations/waking-vibrations-39
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enierart-blog · 9 months ago
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Unity level design!
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years ago
I still do really like photokinetic Will I just. Don't like the book lmfao... even if they're leaning into the sun stuff for him (which isn't inherently bad)... there's definitely bad aspects to the sun; we saw it firsthand in TBM. Helios is called the "lifegiver" and "bringer of joy to mortals" but also "the destroyer". Apollo is the god of plague as well as healing, and sudden deaths/people dropping dead were attributed to him. So even if Will's portrayal here DIDN'T contradict all of the previous series? It still just wouldn't make sense, as an Apollo kid.
Exactly! I write photokinesis!Will too! But just like you said - the sun has so many elements to it and Apollo himself is the god of so much that it feels ridiculous that Will feels so unaware of it. He literally watched his dad cast a minor plague during a fight at Camp Half-Blood within like, the last year! What do you mean he's going "Even I... have a darkness within of me? :0????"
And he's a medic!!!! For demigods! And survived the Battle for Manhattan! What do you mean you're trying to tell me Will doesn't understand death?! Will's probably the guy to understand death the best at camp besides the literal chthonic demigods!! The book even mentions Michael Yew, local asshole Apollo kid, implying that Michael was very much a prominent big-brother figure to Will (maybe that explains why Will is characterized as such an ass randomly in this book). With that alone Will should be plenty aware that even his own divine heritage is not all sunshine and happiness.
The book did Will so dirty it's physically painful 😭
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dandelionjack · 2 years ago
scp 001 when day breaks is a transgressive and romantic story of love and metamorphosis to me but you wouldn’t get it
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like is this not the peak of romance to you??
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is this not beautiful?? are you still afraid?
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theotherklm · 1 year ago
Back in the Day
Relive the magic of the day through a poetic journey into a day filled with warmth, laughter, and unity. 🌞✨ Ah, the day. The one everyone seems to reminisce about with such sentimental longing. Like a distant dream slipping through fingertips every time I try to grasp it. That day must have been truly extraordinary. Sun warming skin. Light breezes carrying scents of freshly cut grass. People…
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