#perfect time ot read it
ygodmyy20 · 5 months
Guess who is hella late to the party and just read Reigen Manga?!!! and SOMEHOW wasn't spoiled for the whole thing??
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skips-is-asleep · 2 years
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meme/aesthetic board for eridan except the twist is that eridan made it\
i finally figured out an orientation that makes all the posts readable without having to click them! joyous occasion!
explanation under the cut:
 it contains pretty patterned images multiple colors, and then some like poetry sad little meow meow images. I think Eridan takes himself much more seriously than most other characters, i feel like HE thinks hes misunderstood and has a soft little sweet center that nobody knows about and whether or not that’s true is dependent on who’s talking about him. i think Eridan also knows that he makes bad decision Pretty Often and doesn’t really have a good explanation for most of it but he still believes he had good intentions nonetheless ya know
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prettyboypistol · 10 months
What if... stuff that m!reader does/can do that makes the mercs flustered? even if its just making them a little embarrassed i need to know!!!
What You Do That Flusters the Mercs! || TF2 x M!Reader
He likes watching you socialize with people, you naturally lean on walls and tilt your neck up when you laugh- god damn, you look so hot when you laugh!
For some reason, when you throw things and catch them. He has no idea why it just makes his heart skips a beat.
When you focus and your eyebrows knit together and it deadass just stares at you.
DISPLAYS. OF. POWER. Deadlift something. Throw an enemy off a cliff. Threaten a Spy and scare him. Solly will never fucking recover.
Independence and general "coolness" makes Jane stumble over his words! You don't need a man, yet you still ask him to assist you? He feels so honored!
Asking for help casually, like said above. When you extend your hand out to grab something from him it makes Soldier scream internally.
The fact that you're kind to people makes them like you. You're sweet and polite and cordial when you want to be. You're not annoying or hard ot read or obnoxious- you're just kind.
When you take your time with things to understand them. They daydream about spilling all their secrets to you.
Protectiveness really flusters Pyro. One time in battle, Pyro was cornered. You slammed the Scouts with a metal pole and growled that "nobody touches our Pyro!". They haven't stopped thinking about that. Nor will they ever.
Tavish is enamoured with your sense of humor. He loves how you're quick to make a joke and open to laughing at anything.
Can't help but blush when you stare at him. Yeah, half of the times you stare, you're spacing out, but Tavish still looks away and is flushed a pretty deep red.
Hard work and general work ethic.
Dell is super insecure about the fact the finds you super hot when you're sweaty. After a battle or working out is when Dell seems to linger around, stealing glances at you.
WHEN. YOU. PRAISE. HIS. INVENTIONS. That replays in his head all week long.
He likes to watch you spar with people with stuff like wrestling/boxing, especially when you swing Scout around like a baseball bat.
There was one time where you and Heavy were in a tough spot against the enemy team, down by 4 kills. There was just something in your eye that had a light of fire and determination. Seeing that is how he fell for you.
Cook for this man please he will love you and blush forever.
Cooing with his birds??? He wants to pick you up and spin you around and kiss you and-
He really likes when you challenge him. You give this confident smirk and your tone shifts that make Medic want to just scream about how handsome you are.
Spy's a man with refined taste. He likes his men like he likes his wine: aged finely and polished to perfection. He likes when you're classy and get onto the others about acting crass and classless.
If you can dance, Spy absolutely pulls some strings to have you two on a mission where you two are in matching suits and dancing together.
Spy once was muttering to himself in french and you catch him and you just lean over the back of the couch, look down at him with a knowing smile and just respond in french as well "now now, a lady shouldn't scowl like that." He knew you meant it as a playful insult, but he blushed wildly under his mask.
Mick's downright horrendously flustered when you make eye contact with him. You're a tad shorter than he is, so you looking up from behind to him makes Mick shake in his boots.
Bro please don't grunt/groan in effort at anything. He will NOT stop thinking about that.
When you accidentally look at him during missions. He's always keeping an eye on you, so when you stare back at him it makes his heart flutter.
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z3rinn · 11 months
in which link has secretly been pining for the new librarian, and when he finds out you like someone he goes a bit batshit. warning : theres some blood and yandere content ahead !!
this took so long omg T_T testing and everything was hectic, but i hope you guys like it! this was written with botw or totk link in mind !! is it weird that I love Zelda so much but I haven't written much for it?? yes. but uh. LINK !!!
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Link had been blessed. That's what everyone told him. He was a hero. Someone who saved this land for more than a millenia. He weilded the legendary sword, the one said to seal the darkness. He was blessed by the Triforce of Courage, given to him by the gods themselves.
Link had many titles in life, many burdens he had to carry. It was his job, his duty as a citizen of Hyrule. His duty as the hero.
He had almost everything in life. An outstanding reputation, a good job that kept him steady and afloat. A big house, secluded from others but close enough to not be considered an outcast. Good cooking skills that could impress anyone. Girls flocking and cooing over him. Link was the perfect man for anyone. He had it all.
Except for you of course.
The cute castle librarian.
He first noticed you in the old, rundown, library. A place that definitely needed to be renovated. The hylian glanced around as he stepped into the room. Cracks and shatters littered the room, bookshelves were close to falling, and the roof just seemed to barely be holding up. Books were piled everywhere and anywhere the eye could see.
It was an impressive library, he had to admit. Just a bit outdated. Perhaps that's what gave the building its beauty though.
Link glanced over to the small door near the end of the library, noticing a person coming out of it. You must’ve been the librarian, he quickly realized. He sized you up and down, you looked… done, oddly enough.
Zelda was the one to first talk to you of course. You were the head of the library, so kind and soft-spoken. Links eyes stayed fixated on your form as you greeted him and Zelda, showing them around. It was obvious you were trying to impress the princess while still being as kind as you could.
However, Link watched closely, scrutinizing your form with his piercing gaze. He noticed the way you talked about the different books and architecture of the building in great detail. Usually people spoke about the details with great pride, flaunting how they were so well versed in the subject.
Yet Link could tell you were tired. Tired of your duties and being stuck in this library. The way you spoke sounded energetic, and the smile on your face could fool anyone.
Yet he noticed the way you deflated after speaking with the princess. As if you had said these words a hundred times over. It was all calculated. A prepared speech. You were tired. That much he could tell.
He was tired too.
Link found himself gravitating to the library after his first visit. There was something about it that called to him. Perhaps the want to know of his ancestors and their accomplishments. Thats what he kept telling himself.
He wouldn't do much while there however, other than picking up a book ot two before taking a seat at the table closest to your desk.
He tried reading the books of course, and at first succeeded without much distraction. However from the corner of his eyes he watched as you worked. Placing books onto their shelves, helping out customers, and tidying up as best you could.
Link’s eyes followed your form wholly. Although he could still notice ths small details, like your walking being sluggish, the knight couldn’t help but gawk. You were just so captivating. So fluid with your movements.
The way you moved around so swiftly yet carefully, aware of what you were doing while still being carefree. You could balance various books in your hands, all in different sizes. You maneuvered across the children running around, being steady to not harm them.
A light laugh escaped your lips as you told them to be careful, this was a library after all.
Link could tell that laugh was genuine at the least.
The heroes gaze fell to his hands. He wondered how you could act so engaged while still hating your job. The book he held felt as if it weighed just as much as his sword now.
"Oh, if it isn't the princesses guard! Uhm, Link... right?"
Link’s head snapped up, his gaze meeting your own. He was quick to note that the library had become silent. He hadn't realized it, but it seemed as if it was only you two left in the library now.
"What brings you here?" You spoke with a soft smile on your face. A costumer service smile it seemed. You were probably just waiting for him to get up and leave so you could close shop.
You shimmied over next to him, eyes focussing on the book in his hands. "Ah, a book on the master sword. You must be reading about your ancestors, correct?"
Link nodded, as you came to sit besides him. "I can help if you'd like? I’ve been researching the master sword ever since I was young. I’ve always been fascinated by the legends and heroes that fought with it.”
You turned to him, “It’d be nice to learn from someone who actually wields it as well.”
You spoke with a smile on your face, it was bright and real. He noticed the way you glanced at the sword on the table. Awe and admiration in your shimmering eyes. It looked as if you wanted to learn about it for a while now.
Hm. A small smile grazed his face. Blue eyes shining down at you.
Perhaps this could blossom into a nice friendship.
It seemed as if Sir Link was visiting your library more and more often as of late.
You couldn’t help but smile as you noticed him outside office window, seeing the familiar blonde hylian sitting at the desk closest to you. He always sat there, eyes glancing around for you before just sitting and silently waiting. You giggled, placing the book back on your desk before walking out of the small room.
Walking towards him, you reminisced, recallinghow much time had passed. It had been around a month since you first met the hero, asking him to collaborate with you.
It started off simple, researching the master sword while talking about the heroes of past. There wasn’t much meaning to it, in fact it was just pointless chatter.
I mean the both of you knew the same exact things anyways.
However, you couldn’t help but think of Link as some sort of idol. It was a practically a dream come true, being the wielder of the legendary sword. Almost every kid that had heard of it wanted to become the great hero.
It was an honor and a sign of courage.
But also a sign of power.
You sighed, well if you couldn’t keep the sword, you could at least be friends with the person that did.
So it was only obvious to propose your grand idea.
And ever since then, Link would visit whenever he was off.
Sure, you didn’t expect him to show up every other day, but Its not like you were complaining. Link was basically unreal. He had a pretty face, and great hair. He was quiet and mysterious, yet soft and kindhearted. Plus he could cook. Practically everything you could want in a man.
You tapped your fingers against the table, another sigh escaping your lips.
Hm. Too bad you were already engaged.
Sure it was a forced marriage, but you wouldn’t cheat. You couldn’t deal with that guilt on your conciseness. You had to do it for your parents.
Your soon to be partner wasn't a bad person. He just wasn't the right one for you.
You didn't like him.
If only you could make someone get rid of him.
Your eyes shifted to Link’s form, staring at him intently. A smile was on his face as he rambled on about his first time seeing the sword. There was a childlike joy on his face as he spoke.
He was experiencing an old memory. A vivid scene from his past.
You noticed Link seemed to be opening up to you more, speaking incessantly and happily. You couldn't help but smile too. He was just perfect.
Someone that was already wrapped around your fingers.
Link was opening up more and more to you throughout your time together. At first he was silent, just watching you speak. You were the one to hold most of the conversations, with him just humming or intensly nodding along. He was so serious it was kind of funny.
You knew he had gone through a lot, so you'd let him take his time. He could become closer to you as time passed.
It didnt take as long as you assumed however, as the shell he hid behind had begun to crack. He started to smile and laugh when you told him a dumb joke. He was relaxed around you, his stiff posture loosening with a soft look on his face.
He started speaking on his own as well. That was probably the biggest improvement. The first time you heard his voice you practically swooned.
Link opened up conversations now, speaking about his experiences and abilities.
Someone that was already yours.
“So Link,” you suddenly started, staring at the wooden table before you while placing your head on your palm. Might as well as do it. “Have you ever had a lover?”
You were nervous to look at him. It was an odd question for sure, and you weren’t certian if you were close enough to ask him. A moment passed. And then another. Sweat ran down your back. Perhaps you were right for being concerned, as Link was silent.
You couldn’t help but glance up at him, gazing into his eyes fearfully. However, instead of the disgusted and judging look you expected, you were met by red.
Links face was flushed scarlet, hot and warm. His eyes were wide and darting to every corner of the room, so obviously avoiding you. Their pretty blue color was accentuated by his reddened face. Magically, his pretty hair became disheveled, adding to the almost comical scene before you.
A small smile played on your face, mischievous and sly. You couldn’t help but giggle, "Have I struck a nerve?"
He looked away from you, albeit, while shaking his head. It surprised you honestly. He was oddly embarrassed for such a simple question...
A laugh escaped your lips, a joking tone laying on your tounge. "Really? I would've assumed the hero of hyrule would have a partner..."
You paused, watching his expression closely. He was just sitting there, listening to you intently. The blush on his face had slightly subsided, yet was still present on his pale face.
Was it right to say this now?
A smile grew on your face, elegant and sweet. Hiding your intent. "Especially since even I have one."
You looked closer.
It was subtle, but you could tell Link’s expression changed. His face fell, even if it was just slight. You could see his eyes grew wide, mouth slightly falling agape.
But as quickly as the shock arrived, it left.
A soft smile grew on Link's face, gentle and calm. It would've captured your heart if you didnt know him that well. It was so obviously sad it kind of hurt.
Eh. No. No it didnt.
"I'm surprised, you don't seem all that shocked...," you leaned forward against the table, placing your head in your chin.
The hylian simply shrugged, lip twitching as if he wanted to say something.
Suddenly Link stood up, stammering something about Zelda needing his help. It almost gave you whiplash with how quickly he tried to leave. What an obvious lie. You tried to hide the smirk peeking up on your face.
You didn't expect him to loose his cool that fast.
Instead, you mirrored Link's sad expression, standing up to place a hand on his shoulder.
"Ah, I'm sorry to have taken your time away from the princess..." You flashed him a smile, patting his shoulder while trying to convey a solemn expression. "I guess I'll see you later?"
He nodded, taking your hand off his shoulder and keeping it in his. You noticed that he hesitated for a moment, eyes fixated on your softer hand.
He brought your hand to his face, gently kissing your finger tips and knuckles before turning away. You gaped, holding your hand close to your chest. Subconsciously, it seemed, that Link did the motion.
And he left you in the dust, just like that. With your heart beating and your mind racing. A smirk grew on your face, shining brightly as you giggled.
Link was the right choice.
Link was sure he knew everything about you. From your favorite book to how many fruits grew in your backyard; despite never being formally invited.
It wasn't unwarranted for him to... conduct experiments per say.
You always told him to research if he was ever curious about something. And doing it hands on was one of the best ways to get good information.
So he researched, learning practically everything there was to learn about you.
Including your lover.
He just hoped you'd forget about them. Hoping you realized you didn’t need them. Link was so much better, he could love and care for you more than they ever would. He could protect you better then they ever could.
Your lover wasnt even there half the time. They didn't care for you. They didn't love you. They weren't right for you—
Link stepped back, startled. He reached for his sword, before a light sigh escaped his lips, relaxing. A pretty vase sat in front of him. Now broken and shattered. He was getting carried away it seemed.
But Link cared for you. He was capable of everything. He could protect you. He would always be there for you.
He would love you.
Link would always love you.
Although. Sometimes he couldn't figure out why.
Perhaps it was because you spoke to him as if he was normal. Being the head librarian led you to learning heavily about Link's ancestors, and of course, their legacies.
They were all courageous hylians, heroes that were blessed by the gods themselves. Heroes that held the triforce.
Heroes he had to live up to.
But you didn't treat him like that.
While yes, you commented on him being a hero, and how he was lucky enough to have everything, you still treated him like a regular hylian.
You didn't judge him for his mistakes. Nor his skills. You laughed with him as you would a friend, jabbing and joking with him. No matter what he did, you accepted with a smile. Speaking to him as a friend would.
With you, he was like he was any other person.
He was so glad to have you.
It could've also been your mannerisms. You were gentle and soft-spoken, helping others with no compensation needed.
You were a model to many. The embodiment of a worthy citizen.
Yet there was also an air of mystery surrounding you. As if you knew more than you let on. It made you oddly compelling.
He noticed how you payed close attention to things. Just by the way he would speak, you could tell how he was feeling. Just by glancing over at someone's expression, you could tell what they wanted.
Link especially noticed how you looked at him. How you paid so much attention to him.
And only him.
Or maybe it was the way you slept with all the light's off. In pitch dark, no light whatsoever. It made it absolutely perfect for him to just stand over you in the night, breathing heavily over your gorgeous face. His hot breath mixing with yours—
Link blinked, glancing down at the broken shard from the vase in his hand. He had clutched it too hard it semed, as blood coated his hand.
It steadily dripped to the floor. A small pool of blood seeping into your wooden floors. It was red. Deep and scarlet like.
So different from the blood of monsters he'd slain countless times before.
He wondered how scarlet red blood would look pooling out of your lover.
While looking up at the clock on your bedroom wall he smiled.
You should've been home soon.
And he was right here waiting for you. :)
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communistkenobi · 2 years
Star Wars is explicitly in the process of becoming a new MCU, but because this process encourages the audience to treat all SW properties as incomplete components of an entire fabric of canon, where each show or movie must be read in relation to all others and cannot fully stand on its own, I feel like the weird colonial frontier vibes of Chapter 17 of The Mandalorian become that much worse because of the existence of Andor. Like Andor is not perfect by any means, especially its depiction of colonial extraction and indigenous dispossession, but it invokes those historical forces MULTIPLE TIMES (first with Cassian, then with the people on Aldhani) in order to build the case that the Empire is a fascist and imperial (duh) power, and this is what that kind of power does to people and the places they inhabit - destruction of life, destruction of culture, destruction of history. Andor is drawing an extremely basic and obvious parallel between colonialism and fascism, making the argument that these processes are one and the same.
And now in The Mandalorian, you have Greef Karga, High Magistrate of Nevarro, the Gem of the Outer Rim. Nevarro has been rid of all its “scum and villainy” (a phrase directly lifted from the OT), and since that purge of undesirables it’s become a verdant and economically vibrant place. Now of course, part of the class of undesirables was the Imperial remnant, so part of Nevarro’s problem was the fact that it was being ruled by an Imperial officer. However, Chapter 17 goes to great lengths to stress that the ruler of Nevarro also hates pirates and other “low” forms of wealth accumulation, opting instead to be an independent trading planet that is explicitly against New Republic rule (i.e., the government that overthrew the Empire). It has become respectable now, and that respectability is presented to the audience in the form of an organised private economy that has begun to engage in mining. Greef Karga offers Din a parcel of land on Nevarro, literally calling him “landed gentry” on the planet were Din to take up his offer. And this is framed as an improvement - a place devoid of crime, devoid of government rule, now flowering with vegetation that is almost certainly not part of Nevarro’s natural biosphere. The Mandalorian is now adopting, almost certainly unintentionally, the same aesthetic and processes of colonial rule that Andor has labelled as unambiguously fascist. Which is hilarious lol
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a-spes · 6 months
I litteraly can't stop thinking about this post from @whumped-by-glitter ~ Like, can we (please) take a minute to think about how perfect it's for Wandanat or BlackHill x young!R where they take her out of the Red Room?? | Warnings & Tags : messy blurb? (imagine? idk, just wanting to share my thoughts, and couldn't stop writing), mainly BlackHill, mentions of the Red Room/past abuses, no idea if that makes sense. Imagine, teen or young adult R that fails a mission, and is captured by SHIELD/The Avengers. R isn't really cooperative, even if she is not under mind control anymore, she firmly believes that. However, Nat just can't accept the idea of leaving her rotting in a cell for the rest of her life for something that isn't really her fault. Despite what R can say, Natasha wants to believe that it's not true, and that she will be able to show her that life is way more than the Red Room.
But it's not that easy. Nat more than anyone else knows that you don't come back from the Red Room that easily, and she can only assumes that it would be worst for someone that went under mind control. And she was right. At first, she tried to introduce you to how life outside is, how sweet it could be, but she quickly noticed that it didn't work. Whenever she asks you a question about what you would like, she gets no answer. If she doesn't tell you to eat or to go somewhere, you don't do it. The amount of time you didn't followed her or talked because she didn't especially told you to do so is insane, especially in the beginning. So she decides to do what she thinks it's best, even if she hates it: giving you order, being stern with you, offering you a place you know, where you feel safe (no matter how sick it's) because you can predict it, a space where you'll be fine as long as you do as your ask. The world is a big and scary place in which to evolve in, especially when you don't have the keys to understand it - what you do something you're not supposed to, and you're punished for that? R will eventually come here, but it'll definitely takes a lot of time.
But obvsiouly Nat' is hating herself for that. She knows she has to do it, for you, but it doesn't make it easier. She does it because she believes it will help you to feel better, and because if you're under her orders, they have less reasons to be worried that you would attend something under Dreykov's name (or try to go back to him). She feels guilty, and old thoughts about her not being better than the man that made them are coming back. But Maria/Wands are here to help their wife <3
AND SO, here is how I see things if it's WandaNat we're talking about - I picture Wands as the soft mom she is shown as in Wandavision, and she would definitely not appreciate Nat's methods. She trusts her wife, she knows that she has her reasons, and it must be the best way to help you, but she still doesn't like it. She hates the way you always look down, the way you would do everything her wife is asking without thinking twice about it, and most of it, she hates when you're calling Nat' "ma'am" or something else of that kind. She hates even more than her wife isn't saying anything. She didn't know you for long, but she already loves you as her own, and it pains her when you reject her. Sometimes, she and Nat would argue about the whole situation (and those arguments would definitely go too far).
BUT imagine if it's BlackHill?? Even better in my opinion, and definitely can't stop thinking about it ~ Because, unlike Wanda, Maria is directly concerned. She read your file, she saw footages of you killing dozens of people, she tracked you, lost men in the process, and she saw how you didn't seem to regret anything when she questioned you. So Maria has every reasons to be worried, especially for her wife's security (physically and mentally). What if it's just a part of a biggest plan to attempt to kill the redhead? Or worst, to take her back there? I can easily Maria being upset, and taking it out on the other recruit she is training (poor them), not daring to do much more than glaring at you, knowing her wife wouldn't appreciate. And even if she doesn't appreciate R, she trusts and love her wife, so she lets her do her thing. But she is always somewhere looking at you with a stern face, waiting for the moment you would make a mistake to step-in. But you never really make a mistake, always following Nat's orders at the perfection, which is kinda frustrating because then she has no reason to get rid of you. Except if one day R's misunderstood one of Nat's orders, which lead to a heavy situation <3 It's honestly the only situation I imagine leading to an argument between Maria & Nat. Like, maybe you hurt someone or stole something or idk, thinking you did good, and they would be proud, but when you come in the room they're just looking at you with that shocked face. But you did what you had to, no? That's exactly what you were asked to do, so why are they angry? AND IMAGINE THE ANGST FROM NOW. R's confusion, Nat' desesperatly trying to find a solution, trying to convince Maria that it was just a mistake (that was her fault because she is the one that wasn't careful with her words) but she doesn't change her mind. Pulling the "what if it happens again?" and "I am your superior, you don't get to discuss my order" cards, knowing that it would pain Nat', but she has to do it in order to keep her safe. Bonus point if Nat turns to Fury, trying to convince him as she knows her wife won't change her mind, but he doesn't say much, just agreeing with her agent, mumbling a simple "sorry" Nat doesn't want to hear. Obviously, it would eventually
AND (because there is more), I also can't stop thinking about that comment from @light-me-on-pyre ;
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Like, I can easily imagine R hating Nat'. It would make so much sense because she grew up in a place where Nat' was pictured as the enemy, the one that betrayed "the ones that gave everything to her". But it wouldn't be the exact reason why R is hating Nat'. I mean, right, she hates her because she left, but mainly because of the consequences it had for the ones that came after - the worsened conditions, the mind control, etc - and how she succeed what's supposed to be impossible: leaving the Red Room. Not only physically, but mentally. Imagine R seeing Nat' on the news when she is on a mission or seeing her interacting with Maria/the Avengers, witnessing Nat' being happy. It's something she was told she doesn't deserve/will never have from a young age, so why would Nat' have the right to be happy when so many didn't? It was so much easier to hate on Nat' than on Dreykov all these years because she wasn't here, and no one would blame her to do so. But now? It's easier to continue hating Nat', for R to convince herself that the redhead is bad despite the appearances because it's easier than admitting that her whole life is a lie (kinda). And the fact that Nat' has to take the "bad guy" role in order to help R only makes things easier because, in the end, she is not different from the others, right? And so, as Nat' can't provide R the comfort she needs, it's all on Maria (at least for the beginning) who doesn't have a choice. But we all know that despite her cold demeanour, she is all soft, she is just scared for the ones she loves <3 Which includes Nat', because she saw how her wife is affected by your arrival. First, she has nightmares again because, with you, inevitably came back old memories and traumas. Then, Maria can see how her wife is so invested in your case that she barely sleep/eat/ (which is one of the reasons why she doesn't really appreciate R ...). But also, what would happen if they can't save you?
Bonus point if things get better but something happen, and everything get worse again, throwing away all these months of progress. But what if they don't have the patience to start all over again?
It's definitely (one of) my favorite trope because the amount of angst/comfort it holds is insane, and I am going crazy about it (you can tell by the lenght of that post that was supposed to be a few lines ...). Do I want to write something like that when I already have too many WIPs? Yes. Will I do it? I don't know, but I'll definitely be thinking about it 24/24 & 7/7.
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stuffforme2 · 6 months
Okay listen I lvoe the pjo books and series with all ym heart but.. everyone talks about them like they're perfect WHICH THEYRE NOT any problems are kinda brushed under the rug and I find thst kinda werid? Like you'll see other books and TV shows get dragged and canceled for the stuff in Riordan books and yet pjo doesn't?? So.. uhhHHHH yeah that's jsut something I noticed.
The weird relationshipd ynamics. Rick is like allergic to someone bring okay with being single or jsut aromantic like you can say Reyna but her having a crush kn Jason?? Yes she rejected Apollo but her relationship with Jason deterioted brcuz she had a 'crush' on the guy and that doesn't really amke sense to me (I can go into so much detail kn this)
AND LEO AND CALYPSO OMFG that is a toxic relationship. The age gap. The way calypso treats Leo. The fact Leo SHOULD NOT be with someone like this man hasn't dealt with his attachment and Abandonment issues like st all?!
The literal only black character in the pjo books being beckendorf.. then he dies. Then the Korean/Asian (I'm not sure sorry) character dies, Ethan. And like I understand Percy is hinted st being Hispanic (have seen many ppl talk about this dont mnow if it's common knowldhe) but it's never confirmed or added??? I know Rick fixes it later but it's still weird to me lmaoo
Rick unable to keep consistent personality. Woobigying Nico OH MY GOD NICO HE BECOMES GAY AND THSTS WHDT EVERYONE FUCKING FOCUSES ON AND HE SHOULD'VE NEVER GOTTEN WITH WILL ATLWAST NOT THAT QUICK it's not healthy. Their relationship was rushed and didn't make sense I felt like people only like ot becuz it's a gay relationship??
And oh mygods— Samirah. I am not Muslim and I am not an expert on the Nuslim religion but there is so much shitbthatbeas wrong in thst book that I even knew was incorrect and jsut weird to happen?! The AMOUNT OF TIMES HER HIJAB CAME OFF and I'm also like "yaayyyy representation" but it could've been as easy as one Google search. one.
Jason. Jason as a whole. He had the most potential out of ANYONE and personally I think he had more potential then Percy like his story is so INTERESTING and then.. Rick knocked him iut with a brick multiple times, didn't work kn his sotry or trauma at all, then KILLED HIM. Same with Ethan. I am so Vitter about these two.. HELL EVEN LEO AND FRANK.
Also the way he made Annabeth first quest (first quest SHE IS LEADING AND IS HER PROHECY) all about Percy. I was reading it and I was like "bitxh— this is Annabeth Quest?!" LIKE he it pissed me off that Annabeth was swept to rhe side as Percy's lvoe interest giving her knly enough personality and stary to make her jnteredting enough to eb loved but never delving jntk it into Mark kf Athena and even at Mark of Athena it all rounded back tk her and Percy's relationship LIKE JESUS CHRIST DO THESE MFERS PASS THE BELLDAN TEST?!
The low key incest at the beginning ricj writing that all the demigods had the same impish features at rhe start and then.. jsut.. CHSNGING IT?!
Not letting a virgin goddess who has no history of having children have.. children.. NOW you may be wondering 'but then how would we get Annabeth?'— JUST GiVE ATHENA HER FAVOURITE CHOSEN PPL LIKE SHE DID WITH ODYSSEUS let her stay childless. Jsut let her choose some children she'd like as hers wonce they're Bron and she then blesses them as her heroes, that's how she treats them any way and it also gets rid of the incest?!
Also the fact it's implied that Annabeth is only smart becuz she's a child of Athena.. Rick made a virgin goddess technically have children so he can have a smart women character and that's just.. EuGGHHhHHh JUST LET HER BE SMART IT NOT THAT HARD "Oh, no, I'm not smart because Athena chose me.. Athena chose me because I was already smart" Smacks you with common fucking sense.
The whole apheodite cabin. The whole aphrodite cabin. The whole aphrodite cabin.
The fact it's clear Rick doesn't think girly girls cant be strong or into fighting or able to wield a fuckign weapon. The way he makes nearly every girly girl into a total mean bitch or ruins their characters.
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 7 months
A Ranpoe Thought
It just occured to me to wonder what language Poe writes his manuscripts in.
If in Japanese, then they're just for Ranpo. He puts all that time and effort in just for Ranpo, even learning the language just for him which is very sweet.
But, he also has to work with a publisher (I think he mentions deadlines in one of the voulmes) so I'd assume they wouldn't want Poe to write novles that could only be read people who speak Japanese or have to take the time to translate them.
Which means Ranpo must be capable of reading complex stories in English. And he learnt English just for Poe. This is something that says a lot to me because of how lazy Ranpo likes to be (not even knowing how to use trains). Even if Ranpo is smart and comes ot things naturally, English is still a really hard to learn lanaguage so if he learnt it just for Poe that means a lot.
Also it's funny to think that he speaks perfectly but likes to let people think he doesn't and the ADA is scrambling because they don’t speak English that well and they need a translator and Ranpo’s just sitting there snacking and then in perfect English he says “Uh oh, too bad no one here speaks English. What are we gonna do!”
The ADA is shook.
Ranpo takes payment for his translations in candy. Everyone is at his mercy if he doecides to play around with the wording for entertainment.
All in all, just Ranpoe learning each of their native languages for each other.
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gffa · 8 months
hot take, but bitches on my feed are saying that disney killed SW, but i will gladly accept all the trainwrecks past and future in exchange for the two masterpieces we got, those being the OWK show and Andor. disney SW is rarely good, but when it is, it knocks it out of the park, and for me, thats worth all the shit a million times over
Hi! I'll always say this--people have to be allowed their space for stuff like this, just like we have to be allowed our space to like or not like things as we please, too. It gets frustrating to hear about this kind of thing, maybe mute/blacklist their usernames for awhile to get them off your dash and take a break for a bit, be easy on yourself! But I will also say this, to anyone who feels that way: Honestly, aside from the handful of shows we generally like, once they stop airing, how much do you really even hear about them? The vast majority of the time I want to have discussion about the Disney era books, I'm the one bringing it up. Outside of the OWK and Andor shows and some cute moments from The Mandalorian, I pretty much only have OT/PT/TCW/Rebels/very occasional Ahsoka content on my dash. It's so easy to ignore the Disney stuff that we don't like, let it go, we don't have to carry that shit around with us, if we don't want! And I will finally say this: I love the Obi-Wan Kenobi show so much and it slapped so hard that I'm in agreement, any other stuff I don't care for is worth it over and over because that show was SO GODDAMNED PERFECT FOR WHAT I WANTED FROM IT. If I never get anything else from Star Wars, I have my movies, I have my TCW, I have my OWK, and I have my Lucas interviews. All I need now is people to talk with them and fic to read, both of which I have, check and check. It's okay for people to think Disney ruined Star Wars, I can see where they're coming from. As long as they're fine with me enjoying the stuff I legitimately enjoyed (whether coming over to talk to me about it or giving me a wide berth if they can't be around it, both are fine), then we're all good.
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the-phantom-author · 1 year
Wilbur Soot| Pregnancy headcanons
I have these set to be posted at a certain time, I hope it works, I would like for these to be while I sleep. Enjoy.
@starsyoubreaklikesugardust thank you for being willing to yell at me if these aren't up, also some real real dadbur coming up soon, I got these and thought I'll do the rest later. So look forward to that.
I’m not going to say that Wilbur is afraid of commitment, but I will say he doesn’t like stagnation. This is why he moves a lot or is always traveling, so having a child was never something on his bingo card.
You know this, this is why when you miss a period and start throwing up in the morning, and can’t stomach some of your favorite food, it raises suspicion for both of you. This being said, being pregnant is not even a serious thought that comes to mind.
Being the hypochondriac that he is, Wilbur wants you to get a professional to check you out. The both of you are in for a surprise. It is a stage of shock for a while, it just doesn’t sink in for a week or two. Then comes the one night, after a really tough day of hormones being absolutely everywhere the two of you are in bed, getting ready for bed, right as you’re on the edge of sleep he just softly lets you know that “we got this”
This man? Never misses a single one of your appointments, he wants to be there, both to support you and so he knows that you and the baby are safe and healthy. He’s just going to be sitting there, in the chair next to you, and taking notes. When leaving he always makes sure to put up the little flyers on the reception desk.
Anytime that he is not home with you, whether it’s because he is filming with Tommy, in the Studio, or whatever, if he’s not doing anything he is reading a parenting book or some mommy blogger’s page.
When he is home, or really just around you, he’s doing everything for the both of you. Constantly making sure you have water, rubbing your ankles, getting you snacks, extra blankets, honestly whatever.
He loves shopping for the baby, everytime he leaves the house he’ll come home with something for the kid. Be it a toy, some clothes, a little blanket. He will spend hours in different stores just looking at the different nursery set ups, everytime he sees something that he thinks looks nice and you’re not with him, he always takes a picture of it and sends it to you.
He is laughably bad at putting furniture together, you can not trust him to put things together by himself. You have to supervise him while he putting things together. Like when he puts the dresser together you have to tell him multiple times that he has the wrong piece, is is grabbing the wrong screwdriver.
He gets in his head about his kid not liking him, that he’s going to be so busy and not see the important moments or that he won’t know how to connect with them. He’s just an anxious baby, who needs your reassurance. Hold him, point out the parts of his personality that you know would make him a fun dad. He returns this in kind when you have you’re moments, honestly he does it even when you are not have a moment. You could just be lying in bed and he’d be “You’re so kind, and patient and pretty. That last has nothing to do with you being a mom, but it’s still true. ”
Cries upon finding out the baby is a girl. Big fat tears and is not ashamed of it. This is the point where he starts to talk to anyone and everyone about it. He would not be one to share it online or on stream, but does absolutely tells anyone who he comes across in real life. He could be in a line in a grocery store and he’s just chatting to anyone about it. In the middle of a lovejoy practice? “Mark did you know at 26 weeks-”
He cannot hack being in the delivery room, he can’t. He’d be sitting outside of the room, a full ball of stress and anxiety, just hoping that everything ends alright. The moment he comes back into the room and sees her he is in tears again. Like his perfect daughter, right there, in person sitting there with his other perfect girl. He’s just so in love with the both of you.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
authors who won't tag their fics properly PISS ME OFF!!! one time i read a buddie fic where buck had sex "onscreen" multiple times with an OC, and even developed feelings for the OC to the point where he was like, "if eddie didn't exist, I could really fall in love with OC" - and there was no Buck/OMC tag?!?!?! like. wtf?? i don't click on a buddie fic to read about buck screwing some OC the author is in love with?!? i muted that author. also, sorry this seems to be an increasingly controversial take in buddie fandom, but i also get pissed off when people refuse to tag for sexual stuff including Top/Bottom, and even act judge-y in their author's note/comments about people who DO want stuff like that tagged. all like, "It shouldn't matter" "it's not important" - ok if it's not important, then just please take one second to tag it so people can read what they want to read, and avoid what they want to avoid?? now i just mute authors who won't tag sufficiently.
i don’t understand people’s apprehension to tagging what is included in their fics… like i’m not claiming ot be perfect at it myself like im sure ive made mistakes but like i try my best to be as clear about everything as i can be. and i have read similar buddie fics where it feels like eddie/omc are the main ones and they’re played as this sort if “right person wrong time” think but eddie/omc aren’t tagged and im like ?????
if im reading a buddie fic unless i explicitly search for sad/unhappy or hopeful ending that fic better end with them being madly in love with each other as if there is no one else in the world but so many fics have these elements of them almost “settling” for each other snd im like a) how ooc is that, and b) do you even ship them atp???
and i definitely understand your frustration over the position tags for smut fics— personally i don’t care either way when it comes to buddie but there are other ships where i am picky about the kind of smut i read (i can think specifically of an old sterek fic i read that was a slow burn and it ended with one smut scene and it was top!stiles which… yeah that might be some people’s preference but it wasn’t mine and so i had to skip the whole chapter of that fic)
unfortunately i think people just like to bait their tags so that they get more views and it’s like…. there’s nothing wrong with wanting your fic to reach a wide audience, but if you’re writing purely for hits/clout then your already writing for the wrong reasons imo 🤷
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sincerelyyadere · 4 months
Beta testing review (no spoilers)
Toxic, love triangle, nsfw, yandere but in a bad way, omegaverse, alpha x beta x omega, top x switch x top, secrets
TW: nsfw, rape, drugging, abuse
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This is the worst shit ive read in a long time, mostly because for 40 fucking episodes nothing was happening. Boring as hell, and you see this black haired guy? Fuck him, hes trash.
And after those 40 episodes of mindless scrolling, couse i was like “well, they said there will be a yandere here…” author thought it was boring too, apparently, and out of nowhere we got rape, drugging, emotional and physical abuse and… yandere? But in the worst way possible. So, in the first half i was hating just the black haired guy, now i hate the violet too. What the actual fuck, how can you manage to make all of your ML undesirable?
Main character on the other hand is perfect. I loved him so much, and i liked his trauma history, how it was unrevealing and how we got to understand his choices better.
Nonetheless, i feel bad saying this, but with all this raping and drugging and god knows what else, at least this shit got sort of interesting, and it was not so boring anymore (i was literally scrolling through sex scenes, how boring can a manhwa be that you skip sex scenes???)
Of course, no trigger warnings in the manhwa itself, but thats a given at this point. At least characters point out that the rape did happen, and dont just act like ot was nothing and just a “rough sex”.
I think i will be reading new episodes as they come out, since i struggled through 70 chapters of this shit, but if any of you want to read this, just skip to chapter 37, i will tell you what was happening before that so you dont waste time:
Jihyuk is the main character who works in a bar for exclusive members, his boss is going out w/ his brother who is an omega.
Jihyuk fucks around a lot and then he meets yoo-jun who is of course wealthy as fuck (the black haired guy). He is an alpha in heat so jihyuk helps him and fucks with him. Yoo jin doesnt remember that but he helped jihyuk’s brother years ago, so jihyuk wants to pay him back. Yoojun convinces jihyuk to keep fucking with him, since he needs someone to reguraly fuck. It turns out he imprinted on some omega ages ago and when this omega dumped him, he was left alone with his horniness all over the walls.
Jihyuk agrees to be his fuck buddy, but reluctantly - he is scared of falling in love and he can feel himself falling in love with yoojin, who is still in love with his “hyung” - the omega he was dating.
COINCIDENTALLY JIHYUK HAS A FRIEND WHO IS AN OMEGA. His name is eunsong, but jihyuk calls him hyung of course. Jihyuk doesnt know that this hyung is the same hyung yoojun is in love with. Eunsong however is in love with jihyuk (here we have this shitty triangle).
So jihyuk is in love with yoojin, yoojin is in love with hyung and hyung is in love with jihyuk
So now:
Important facts:
Yoojin will drop everything if he hears that he can see his hyung somewhere which breaks jihyuk’s heart.
Jihyuk took hyjngs virginiy but he doesng remember that
Right befor the action of 37chapter starts, hyung found out that jihyuk is fucking with yoojung. Sp he invites yoojung to some bullshit party and the only condition is that he has to brong a date (to check if what jihyuk and yoojung have is serious - of course they come to the party together)
I think thats all, i really dont reccomend reading it from the begining, but, i guess you can try???
Hope my colourcoding helped😭😭😭
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tranakin-skywalker · 9 months
Fuck it, fic rec list time!
I'm bored and can't sleep so here's a non-exhaustive list of some of my favorite Star Wars fics. I'm leaving the really well known ones off, wanna share some of the more obscure gems.
Not Placid Stars But Singularities by iceplanet
He stands before Sidious, head bowed, helmet pinching at the back of his neck where he hasn’t yet gotten the med droid to file down the sharp edges. Sharpness is another fact of life, now: the feel of metal digging into flesh defines his every motion. Given the time and the opportunity, he himself could probably have built prosthetics better than the ones he currently wears. “Your task, Lord Vader,” Sidious is saying, “is to transform this heap of antiquated softness into a palace worthy of our new Empire.” In the weeks after Mustafar, Vader must come to terms with his new body and the remnants of his past. In the process, he has a few conversations that he does not expect.
This one has everything I love: ghosts, mutilation, Vader being the saddest wettest murder meow meow, Sith Lord batshittery. What fun.
Skin Graft by HENST33TH
“ I hurt you.” killed her, Vader's stomach roiled. Bile clawed at his throat as he looked at her. He wasn't making any sense. Her face softened some. “ Dreams…?” she said. Padme thought she understood. It was sick, it was corrosive. He was unfaithful. For twenty years he was unfaithful. He hurt her children. He needed to spit it out. Explain. She deserves it. She needs to know. Vader needed to crack himself open. Padme needed to tear him apart. For her safety. He got out of bed. Twitching with the need. Shaking with the pressure inside of him. Taught like a noose. He stood before her. She placed her hands on his arms. “Then what, Anakin.” Anakin, Anakin, Anakin. Vader sank to his knees. Resting his head against her middle, he breathed. The shame clung to him and coated his throat till he was choking on it. “It’s so much worse than that.” all at once the future loomed over him. Daunting, a beast of its own. How can he explain it? *** Or, Anakin Skywalker gets thrown back in time. He has to learn: 1 how to have a body again 2. To curb his Raging insecure attachment style. 3. That his wife should be the one making the important galactic decisions.
A newer fic that I am quickly becoming obsessed with. The way it's written is perfect. The characterization is perfect. Everything about it is perfect imo. And the ending of this latest chapter. Masterpiece. I want 10 more.
Nameless, On the Edge of Nowhere by Taxonamie
Following the presumed death of the evil Emperor and his hulking henchman Darth Vader, the fledging Alliance stands on the verge of victory! But as they press their advantage against a destabilized Empire and manifest from the seeds of Rebel resistance, can this new government survive their own instability? Among the scattered Imperial forces of the second Death Star, Darth Vader's disapparence is not so final as they would hope. Worse yet, the Rebel Hero Luke Skywalker has gone missing! Alone and disadvantaged, what will Anakin Skywalker do to find his son? Will he walk the razor's edge of tentative alliance with the Rebel Forces, or succumb to the draw of Imperial power? Free from all Masters, can Anakin Skywalker learn who he wants to be, at last? Princess Leia Organa must navigate this minefield of clashing obligations and dripping grudges, all the while attempting to understand a heritage she hates, a brother she loves, and a mysterious mother she cannot understand.
I think this fic is the most successful at bridging the gap between Prequel Anakin and OT Vader that I have ever read. They genuinely feel like a continuation of the same character here rather than a disjointed Before and After.
trust displays by AshToSilver
Rex meets Luke and Leia for the very first time the night they are born.
I love how sweet but also horrifically fucked up this one is. Cannot express how much this fic has influences the way I write the clones.
in morsum ardeo by astarsdarkheart
A fallen Jedi and Lord of the Sith burns in a pyre on the banks of a river of fire. Something else rises from the ashes.
This series rewired my brain. Like, holy shit. Holy shit. I don't think I could ever actually choose a top favorite fic of all time, but honestly? This one makes a strong case for itself. It has haunted me every day since I first read it over a year ago.
Forever War by yujacheong
Vader has trouble distinguishing between the past and the present. Fortunately, it rarely matters in the context of the Empire's forever war.
Love me a good Vader character study.
this place loves what it eats by roadtripexpert
What could be called but isn’t death, or Leia Organa doesn't kill the man formerly known as Anakin Skywalker
I know I've already recommended this one but it is just. So fucking good. The note from my bookmark: Father-daughter roadtrip results in about as much murder and bitching as you would expect.
relieved to live in the wreckage by niniblack
When Obi-wan doesn’t follow Padmé to Mustafar, she’s able to convince Anakin to run away from everything with her. But this doesn't prevent his nightmares from coming true, and he's left alone in a hostile galaxy with the infants she begged him to protect. “Master Anakin,” Threepio says, still hovering in the doorway. “Might I suggest bouncing the children?” Anakin stops pacing around with the twins, head swiveling to look at Threepio. He doesn’t have to ask what the fuck Threepio is talking about; Artoo does it for him. Threepio seems to draw himself up as straight as he can. “I have conducted extensive research on the subject of human childrearing in anticipation of Mistress Padmé giving birth. Holding an infant and gently bouncing them in the parent’s arms is thought to be an excellent calming method.” “Oh,” Anakin says. “I thought you meant… bouncing them on the floor or something.”
The note from my bookmark: Single dad Anakin. Congratulations buddy, no one's ever done it worse.
Send the Whole Damned Thing Down the Drain by handstitchedanarchist
“Are you a conscripted soldier or a battle slave?” General Skywalker asks him one day. Rex thinks about it. And then thinks about it a little longer. And then he has to admit, “I’m not sure what the difference is.” The general looks distant and… sad? “Yeah, me neither,” he says.
This is another one that has greatly influenced the way I write the clones.
Gonna end the list here cuz my meds are starting to kick in and I feel like I'm going to fall over
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layla4567 · 10 months
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TVA!Loki x Fem!reader
Summary: ⚠️Takes place in the events of ep 5 of Loki⚠️ (with a twist). After the loom explodes and the TVA workers return to their original timelines, Loki must reunite the band back. Warnings: No proofread, fluffy Loki x reader interaction
Word count: 5k A/N: Despite being a Loki x reader, I was tempted to make Loki and Mobius flirt in the scene where they are chatting in Don/Mobius' house xd
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New Jersey 2002
You stopped in the middle of the city near a square to photograph the buildings. The golden light of the sun reflected on the glass windows and acted as a mirror where the blue sky and some passing clouds were reflected. The golden hour, always the perfect and ideal time for photographers like you. You crouched down to get a wider shot of the tall building, you shot your camera a few times from different positions until you were satisfied with your work, you stood up and admired the photos with a smile. The square was full of people walking their dogs or children playing with balls or hide and seek, smiling you decided to go closer to see if you could photograph some people in motion.
When the blinding white light began to dissipate, Loki slowly opened his eyes, fearing that he would hurt his eyesight. With his body tense and breathing somewhat nervously, the Asgardian god remained frozen in place trying to process what had happened. With his eyes he looked around the place without moving his head, and he realized that something was missing, too much silence. Slowly his body started moving again and he scanned the entire place, he was alone. His friends had disappeared, including Sylvie, except for him for some strange reason. Scared and confused, he began to walk through the facilities and corridors of the TVA, nothing and no one. Loki went to the pie's room, the war room, even O.B's office but he found nothing, it seemed that the place had been abandoned decades ago. Now more desperate to be alone, he ran through the corridors again until a strong pain followed by a familiar jolt made him stop abruptly, his body was mercilessly torn from space-time to be returned a second later to the interrogation room.
"THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING AGAIN!!"-he growled like a beast
Loki continued timeslipping relentlessly and faster than before to places he didn't know and to others that were familiar or had been before. An eighties McDonalds, outside the window of a jetski shop, etc. Until I return to the TVA again. With a strong and violent shake followed by a hairflip Loki groaned in pain.
"I need to find the others, right now.."-he gasped tired
California 1994
A man with glasses and a small build dressed in a mustard-colored jacket walked through the aisles of the bookstore carrying a heavy hardcover book in his hands. When he arrived with the receptionist, he gave her the book to pay for it.
"The Zartan contingent.. I don't think I've ever seen this one before"
"It's really good! he's one of the greats. I read everything he does!"
"Hmm, I'll have to check it out"-said the woman not very convinced
"I'd hurry. There's only a few left on the shelf"
The woman ran the barcode reader through the book but it didn't seem to work, the receptionist frowned while the little man looked around nervously.
"How weird, It's not reading the barcode"
"I can give you cash, I don't need a receipt ot anything"-he hastened to say, taking his wallet out of his pocket.
"Yeah but I have to ring it up or..."
She interrupted him by opening the book to see the flap where the author's photo was visible, then frowning, she looked at the man again.
"Are you buying your own book?"
A plump woman with short hair approached with a tired expression towards where the two of them were.
Then he grabbed five more books with the same name and handed them to Doug.
"I told you to stop putting your sci-fi books on our shelves"-she sighed
"Sciene fiction is a well-respected and thought-provoking genre.."
"Nobody buys it here"
The amateur writer regretfully grabbed his books and walked slowly to the exit of the bookstore, and when some books slipped from his hands, no one had the decency to help him. Doug headed to his "super secret lair" as he liked to call it, it consisted of an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city, it had been empty for years and no one had ever come to try to clean it or give it a new use. Still feeling discouraged, the man with glasses closed the iron door with bolts and went to the center of the large room to type something into his computer. When he turned around to leave his books piled on the floor, he could barely walk a few steps when a tall figure dressed in a brown jacket and pants appeared out of nowhere in front of him, making him scream and fall backwards as he dropped the books from his hands. It was Loki
Loki searched the place and then looked at it confused but there was no time to waste, he wasn't sure when he would start timesplipping again.
"What I'm about to tell you is going to be hard to believe"
Loki tried to speak calmly and with slow movements so as not to scare the person he knew as O.B, but the man lying on the ground seemed more surprised, fascinated than scared. Doug stood up slowly and cautiously, blinking and swallowing nervously but still looking at Loki.
"So it's true…"
"Of course I believe you, It's a dream come true..!"-he started to smile
"I think I wouldn't be understanding you"
Doug (or O.B) grabbed a Rubik's cube and sat on a table surrounded by his books stacked like towers of Babel.
"One of my character has come to life and needs my help!"
Loki approached a whiteboard full of notes, they looked like ideas for books. There were names and possible endings and plot twists. Suddenly he grabbed a book and read the title.
"The sons of Yoren? are you a writer?"
"Yes! of science fiction!"
"I'm doomed..."
Loki grabbed his head walking around the factory trying to come up with a plan B since apparently that man couldn't help him.
"Well actually it's just a hobby, my job is to teach theoretical physics at Caltech"
"Wait, so you're a scientist as well?"
"Yes, at least until I can be a full-time writer."
"Yeah yeah, of course. Could you help me now?"
"Yeah, What exactly do you have to do?"
Loki explained to him without giving many details that he had to return to the moment before the explosion, where everything had gone to hell. I clearly spoke to him about the loom but without revealing its use.
"Ok so you time-traveled in a place that has no time right?"
"But that's impossible"
"I know but.."
"You're travelling to a place that doesn't exist anymore, It's equally impossible and therefore It's something you might be able to do"
"That's not sound like science"
"But it's sound like fiction"
Loki looked at him as if he had been told a bad joke, to which Doug sighed and told him to sit on a bench next to him.
"You neeed to control your timeslipping"
"But I can't just decide where I'm going to appear, it's random"
"Even so, you ending up exactly in the places where the people you are looking for are, you are evolving, now you are not only moving through time but also through space. You are like an improved version of those tempads"
"You say it like it's a good thing.."
The man with glasses thought for a moment, pursing his lips.
"Listen, for science there is always a what and a how, but in fiction it's about a why, now, why do you want to go back?"
"Why do I want to go back? I'll tell you, if I don't go back to before everything collapsed, there will be nothing left. I need to save the TVA."
"Good, focus on that why and try to control your timeslipping"
"You mean, right now?"
"Yeah, why not?"
Loki, a little hesitantly, stood up in front of Doug and took a deep breath, opening his arms and looking at the horizon, trying to concentrate.
"Remember, you want to save the TVA."
Loki closed his eyes and exhaled through his mouth, then pushed his chest forward slightly but nothing happened. He tried several times, raised his arms, jumped in place, spun as if he were dancing and moved his arms in circles as if it were a windmill but nothing worked. He stopped breathing hard and combing his hair back.
"This is not working.."
"But it has to"
Doug or O.B got up from the seat and went to get a cup and several pens, he handed the cup to Loki and held all the pens in his hand.
"We get the band back together"-then he placed all the pens inside the cup
"This doesn't look very scientific"
"You said every one of your friends has a temporal aura, right?"
"Well, that's means a group of people would have a collective aura unique to that moment in time. If we can get everyone together in one place, you can read that aura and it will be like coordinates"
"So if I collect all the temporal auras, can I return to that moment?"-Loki said hopefully.
"No!"-He responded smiling.
"W-why not??"
"Because we don't have one of those tempads you told me about"
"But you can build one right?"
"How? It would take me decades to learn all that knowledge."
Suddenly Loki remembered something and took out of his jacket the TVA manual that he had saved before timeslipping, he handed it to O.B.
"What's this?"
"It is a guidebook with everything you need to know, you wrote it"
"So I finally wrote a bestseller!"
"Well, yeah sort of. How about we get to work and-"
At that moment Loki started timeslipping again and disappeared from O.B's sight, throwing the cup with the pens on the floor.
Oklahoma 1982
Sylvie left the McDonalds with a paper bag in one hand and the keys to her truck in the other, it was a beautiful starry night. She left the bag of food to the side near the back of the vehicle. Suddenly a sound made her turn around and when she did she saw Loki standing in front of her.
"This is gonna sound strange, I know you don't know who I am"
“Loki, what are you talking about?”-she said confused
"Wait, do you still remember me?”
"Yes, why wouldn't I?"-She said as if it were something obvious and looking at Loki as if he were a poor stupid guy who doesn't understand anything.
"Well because no one else remembers me, their lives were reset."
"I know, I was there."
Loki was even more confused and slowly approached her trying to check if he had heard correctly.
"I'm sorry but this was not how I imagined it would happen"
"What did you expect then?"
She couldn't say anything else because Loki returned to timeslipping in front of her, she saw how his body stretched and deformed for a few seconds until it returned to normal.
"Ok why don't we sit down and chat for a while, it seems like you need it"
Sylvie grabbed her bag of food and sat in the back of the truck and then pointed to her side for Loki to do the same. He sighed and sat next to her, clasping his hands in an attitude of defeat.
"I need you to help me bring them back..."-he started slowly
"There's no chance I'm doing that"-She laughed nasally
"And why not?"
"Because they are where they belong, living their lives. It's what they should have done from the beginning"
"But that wasn't what they wanted, Mobius liked being in the TVA, he said he didn't want to live any other life other than that."
"Oh yeah? And guess who put them in the TVA in the first place, that's right, He who remains. Mobius said that because he didn't know anything else other than the TVA."-She said grabbing a mcnugget and putting it in her mouth.
"I think you are not understanding the seriousness of the matter, if they do not return to the TVA everything will collapse"
She rolled her eyes irritably, looking away indifferently, Loki frowned.
"Don't you care?"-Sylvie shrugged her shoulders- "Of course not, you're so selfish"
"And? If I want something it's being selfish, so yes I am, what's wrong with wanting to live, huh?"
Loki was reaching the limit of his patience and turned his body a little to face her more.
"What life are you talking about? I'm telling you that even if they don't want to, they have to come back if not everything would disappear, I saw it Sylvie! I saw how the TVA began to fall apart, don't you understand? The TVA is a necessary evil"
She huffed boredly as if someone was giving her a spiel about good manners. Loki poked his cheek with his tongue, shaking his head and looking at the McDonald's, annoyed by her defeatist attitude. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw how the large yellow "M" of the building's logo began to transform into thin spaghetti that disappeared into the air. Alarmed, Loki hit Sylvie's shoulder and pointed towards the sign. She turned her head and dropped the bag of food, the "M" had completely disappeared and now the roof of the building was beginning to disappear as well.
"We have to get out of here"-She said worriedly and jumped out of the truck.
"Oh now you believe me?"-Loki said ironically.
Sylvie ignored his comment and took out her tempad, with a quick touch she opened a time door.
"Come on"
She was about to go through the door when Loki quickly grabbed her arm, causing her to walk away angrily.
"We must find the others first"
"Fine, but quickly. This place disappears very fast"
The McDonald's had almost completely disappeared while the trees and bushes were dissolving into threads that rose towards the sky. They both crossed the door without thinking twice, leaving behind the empty and black place.
Ohio 2022
"Ok guys we have a new rule and that is any toy found outside your room is gonna clasified as garbage!"
The gray-haired man dressed in a white shirt and a blue vest began to gather toys that were lying in the yard of his house. Suddenly he stepped on a toy soldier that seemed to have melted in part of his body.
"Is he burnt?"-He grabbed it and sighed- "Yup he's burnt, how did he get burnt?"
Then he saw his son sitting on his back holding something in his hands, he seemed to hide it so that his father wouldn't see it.
"Kevin who gave you the matches?"
"I stole' em"-He simply said with a mischievous smile.
"You have to return them right now"
Kevin smiled even more and ran away ready to do more mischief while his father called him uselessly, his other son, Sean, approached from behind curious to know where the voices were coming from.
"Ugh Sean please, go get him, hurry! If you do I will give you a puppy"
"And a snake?"
"That's negotiable, come on, go"
Meanwhile near Mobius/Don's house a time door opened and Sylvie and Loki passed through it. Only they know the several attempts it took them to find Mobius. Loki saw him from afar and for a moment hesitated whether to go talk to him or not, she looked at him out of the corner of her eye.
"You better hurry before it's too late"
Loki looked at her with a worried expression.
"But you have to come with me"
"What? Why me?"
"Because I need your help to enchant him, he needs to see his memories"
"If you say so.."
Loki and Sylvie headed determinedly towards where his friend's variant was.
Loki looked at Sylvie to introduce herself as well, nudging her.
"Hi"-she sighed
"Hello, do I know you?"
"No, well yes but not yet… but you will! I mean.."
Sylvie rolled her eyes irritated by Loki's attitude, he looked like a teenager.
"You have to go back to the TVA, I can't believe I said that."-She said that last thing quietly.
"Don't you mean ATV's? Because we have plenty and I could sell you one."
"No actually the TVA is an important thing because, well uhm.."
Loki gave Sylvie a quick glance with his eyebrows slightly raised giving her the green light for her to use her magic on him. She wasted no time and approaching Mobius placed her hand on his arm. Sylvie's hand flashed with an emerald glow while Mobius's temples glowed the same color. He closed his eyes in a grimace of pain. When she moved her hand away Don's look was different, he opened his eyes in surprise and looked around lost.
"Mobius..?"-Loki said cautiously as he slowly approached
"Loki, where am I?"
Loki sighed in relief, holding back tears of happiness while Sylvie smiled with her hands on her hips, proud of her work.
"Mobius listen to me, what is the last thing you remember?"
"I remember we were all together at the TVA and then the loom exploded and…and…I don't know, I don't remember anymore."-He blinked in confusion.
"Perfect, I promise I'll explain everything to you later, but first we have to find the others."
Loki was about to take his friend by the arm when a time door opened and O.B came out with a large, more rustic and rudimentary tempad. Loki looked at Sylvie asking with his eyes if she had opened the time door but she shook her head.
"How did you build the tempad so quickly?"-Loki asked
"Well I don't know if 19 months is fast, I had to move when I lost my job and my wife left me"
"Do you want me to enchant him too?"-she said, completely ignoring what O.B. just said.
"We don't have time, Mobius, why don't you go change first? I'm sure you'll find clothes just like mine at your house."
Mobius, who now remembered everything, went into action and a few minutes later he returned with a uniform almost exactly like Loki's. Without wasting time everyone including O.B programmed the new coordinates to visit the other person, and Loki knew it would be hard. In a flash everyone passed through the time door
New Jersey 2002
The four of them arrived at a street with little traffic, there were no people or cars watching which was a good thing because anyone who had seen them leaving through an orange holographic door would have fainted. Loki looked everywhere trying to find you.
"Are you sure these are the correct coordinates?"-He asked O.B
"That's what the tempad says, and I'm sure I configured it correctly"
"Let's go then"-Loki clapped his hands and sighed.
With the god of mischief at the head leading the group, they all walked through streets. People looked at them confused, thinking they were actors in costumes, or crazy. Soon they arrived at a square with people
"Ok, what do you think if we split up? Loki and I will go one way and Sylvie and O.B will go the other."
They all agreed and each one went one way. Mobius and Loki walked through a large part of the park with their hands in their pockets. Mobius seemed calmer but Loki was restless, what would he say to you when he saw you? Could he resist the pain of knowing that you don't remember him?. Suddenly Mobius pulled him out of his thoughts by pointing to a woman sitting on a bench with a camera, it was you. Loki felt his breathing increase and they both headed towards where you were.
You sat on a bench in the square with your camera ready to shoot once again, cautiously you photographed some children running around with fun or loving couples hugging and rubbing their noses like Eskimos. You sighed excitedly, you always wanted to find your better half and live happily ever after like in fairy tales, but that wouldn't happen, in this bustling city no one would want a serious relationship and you were also always busy with your photography work, which It wasn't a bad thing but sometimes it took you away from other things. You brought your camera back to your face to continue photographing your surroundings when with the lens you saw a tall, handsome man walking towards where you were, he was accompanied by a man shorter than him with gray hair. They were both dressed in brown jackets and pants which made you think that perhaps they worked in the same company, or were they lawyers perhaps?
The two men approached you and you slowly lowered the camera. Loki studied you up and down when he was close to you, but the gray-haired man looked into your eyes, smiling. Loki noticed that you looked very different from your TVA uniform, you were now wearing flared jeans with a pink three-quarter sleeve blouse and your hair was styled in two sewn braids. Loki's gaze pierced yours and made you feel uncomfortable, slowly you got up from the seat and clearing your throat you asked
"Hi, can I help you with something?"
You only looked at the mustachioed man because you couldn't stand the penetrating but beautiful gaze of the black-haired man, his ocean-colored eyes had a look between sad and anxious and seemed shiny. Even so, you looked at him quickly out of the corner of your eye from time to time.
"Yes, we need to talk to you, can we walk for a while?"-Mobius said since Loki did not decide to speak.
You said yes with a shrug and stood in the middle while the two men followed behind you. You noticed that the tall man continued to look at you with pity and continued to make you uncomfortable, but damn, his face was so beautiful that he looked like a scared and lost puppy, to hide it you hung the camera around your neck.
"Well? What do you want to talk about?"
This time Mobius gently nudged Loki to make him say something.
"Well I know what I'm about to say will sound strange but you don't belong here."
Mobius looked at him angrily, that was definitely not the way to start a conversation.
"Really? Because I'm pretty sure I was born here in New Jersey."-You laughed sarcastically.
"No, I don't mean that, what I mean is… I…-"
Loki wanted to continue talking but the moment you looked at him with your beautiful eyes he felt lost and fell silent. Mobius rolled his eyes and helped him.
"What my silly friend means is that you were actually somewhere else but you don't remember it. A place called the TVA."
Loki frowned, grimacing, and turned to look at him, opening his arms.
"Ok maybe that sounded better in my head"
Far from getting angry, you looked at them both for a few seconds and then burst out laughing.
"Alright that's the craziest thing I've ever heard in my life, you two look like the men in black."
"What? men in black?"-Loki asked confused
"Oh I love that movie!"-Mobius smiled
You were about to add something else when a short man with glasses accompanied by a blonde woman appeared behind the men you were talking to. The little man seemed nice and was holding a strange thing in his hands while the woman looked like she hadn't smiled in decades. She had a certain charm although that horrible old-fashioned hairstyle did not flatter her at all.
"I finally find you!"-Sylvie said, approaching with long steps.
"Will you excuse us for a second?"-Mobius said to you
The two men approached the woman although she only spoke to the tall guy in whispers, they seemed to have known each other for a long time and you didn't know why that bothered you, as if a thorn had stuck in your heart.
"So? Do you want me to check her memories or not?"-she whispered
"I don't think she'll let you get close, let me try to convince her without having to use your powers."
"I hope you know what you're doing."
Loki and Mobius returned to where you were waiting, sighing boredly.
"Ok where were we?"
"You were telling me that I belong to something called the TVA and blah blah blah" - you said making a circular motion with your hand and before one of them could speak you interrupted them - "Are you sure you don't want my services?"
"Services?"-Loki asked
In response you pointed to the camera hanging around your neck.
"No, we-"
"Actually, yeah! We were looking for a professional photographer."
Loki looked confused at his friend and he winked at him knowingly.
"Well you would have started there, follow me, my house is near"
Before following you, Loki grumbled to Mobius.
"What are you doing? We have to take her to the TVA."
"I know, I know but this way we have an alibi otherwise it will be impossible to convince her, remember how distrustful and stubborn she was, in this timeline it must be the same. In fact, it reminds me of someone."
"Hey!"-Loki said offended, because it was clear that Mobius was talking about him
"You go with her, I'll wait with Sylvie and O.B."
Loki nodded and ran nervously to your side, adjusting his hair and the lapels of his jacket.
"Your friend isn't coming with you?"
"No, in fact he has other things to do first."-he said downplaying
After a long time of walking in silence with Loki giving you quick glances, the two of you arrived at a nice house with a wooden fence painted white, at the entrance there were rose bushes that Loki stopped to see, you turned to look at him and you smiled. When you opened the door you invited him in. Inside was the kitchen, your house seemed small but everything felt so warm, and not only because of the brownish color of the walls or the soft yellowish light of the sun that wafted through the curtains of the windows but everything felt comfortable. and familiar, perhaps it was because everything had your presence intact in it.
"Sorry for not offering you anything to drink, my refrigerator is a little empty."
"Don't worry, I'm fine"-Loki said, looking around the place.
"Follow me, my portfolio is in my bedroom"
Loki followed you slowly, feeling a little uncomfortable knowing your bedroom since he considered it an intimate place. And as soon as he entered your bedroom again he felt that warm feeling like a mother's hug. In front of him there was a window with a balcony and long translucent curtains that reached the floor, your double bed was practically in the middle of the room and a desk with a lamp was in front of the bed. Loki approached the walls, they were full of photographs and paintings, most of them were polaroid photos, some of you but almost all of them were about nature or animals. You walked over to the desk to grab the portfolio and handed it to him.
"Here, this is my job."-you smiled
Loki grabbed the portfolio with smooth, elegant movements as if he were afraid of breaking it. You sat at your desk and took your camera to discreetly take a photo of him. Loki ran his fingers through the pages admiring the photos, you knew how to use lights and shadows to your advantage as well as angles. Your wide repertoire denoted your great talent. Suddenly Loki felt a noise and looked at you, you slowly lowered the camera, biting your lips in embarrassment, he had heard the sound of your camera going off.
"Sorry, you just have a pretty side profile."
Loki smiled sideways and you approached him to show him the photo, the light from the window was shining in front of him and making him look like an angel fallen from heaven. You smiled proud of your work and then looked at him. They both stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds that seemed like hours. After a while, Loki wet his lips and swallowing, he asked you.
"You really don't remember me?"
"Should I?"
You stayed silent, looking at him with a frown, trying to remember his face. His soft features, his gentle blue eyes piercing your soul, the wrinkle on his forehead when he raised his eyebrows in a worried gesture. Something about him told you that you had seen him before, a face like his was not common and would be difficult to forget, even so, you weren't sure if you had seen him in a dream or in reality. Everything was a confusing haze right now in your mind
"I'm not sure but… I feel like I've seen you before…"
Loki raised his eyebrows a little hopefully, he looked down and saw your hands, he slowly brushed your fingers and took your hand gently, intertwining his fingers with yours, you gasped softly.
"How does this feel? Do you remember this?"
The warmth of his hand felt good, the soft caress of his fingers felt good, and familiar.
Loki continued slowly raising his hand from your elbow to your shoulder, he placed it delicately on your cheek and caressed your face with his thumb.
"And this? What can you tell me about this?"
You sighed, closing your eyes and took his wrist to deepen the caresses, within your being something told you that this was not the first time someone touched you like that, with divine elegance and grace. No, it wasn't the first time HE caressed you.
"I think so…"
Loki placed his other hand on your other cheek and brought his face closer, carefully observing your reaction, ready to move away at the slightest sign of discomfort, but that signal never came, your eyes looked at him with calm tenderness, inviting him to make the next move. Finally Loki connected his lips with yours in a sweet kiss. Unconsciously you raised your arms and with your fingers you intertwined and combed Loki's curls like you used to do, like you used to do? since when did you know that? You didn't care because now you felt complete. Loki put his hands on your back, bringing you closer to his body and deepening the kiss. You were both exploring each other's mouths, and God knew you didn't want to break away from the kiss but a word crossed your mind and took up the whole place.
Loki raised his eyebrows, furrowing them in the center, and a wide smile crossed his lips as his eyes watered.
"Now you remember me"
"I still have gaps in my head, but I remember few things, they are more sensations than anything else. I remember feeling your warm touch, I remember moments like this"
Loki laughed shyly, feeling relieved, maybe you didn't remember him completely but you saying his name was better than nothing. Loki bumped his forehead against yours, he was fully aware that he needed to hurry back to the TVA but he wanted so badly to stay here like this with you.
"But, you know, maybe I need another kiss to remember better."
Loki laughed at your mischievous attitude and granted your wish, kissing you passionately. There would be time to tell Sylvie that enchant you and save the loom.
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burninface · 1 month
☕Weekly Tag Wednesday🥥
thank you @gallapiech @lingy910y @energievie @sgtmickeyslaughter @spookygingerr @mmmichyyy @deedala for tagging me💝
Name: onthefrontofmyhead
Location: sensory integration training room
Age: 10111
You have an unexpected extra day off work or school! What are you going to do? go see my therapist…
What is your favorite way to spend a summer day? doing indoor activities with AC or going swimming at indoor pool
What is your favorite way to spend a winter day? doing exactly the same thing as in summer but switch AC to heat mode, including the going swimming at indoor pool part
What do you do to unwind at the end of the day? playing video games/draw/reading fics till my name smashs on the screen, or daydreaming
Do you play any sports? volleyball (recently getting more and more difficult to find ppl to play with) and swimming. and… I kinda participated in high jump in middle, high school and college, but had never won a medal (not that I trained for it a lot)
Other than fanfic, what is your favorite genre to read? … maybe encyclopedia? I just love tons of pictures and terms being all together, they are perfect daydreaming and dreaming materials
What is your comfort movie/tv show? shameless, dollars trilogy and an old chinese tv show called 武林外传(my own swordsman). also every time I'm too depressed I watch haikyuu (or read its manga
Do you write or draw? had written for 15 years then decided it's time to try out art
What other arts or crafts do you do? as an ot I've done a lot kinds of crafts with my patients cause they're perfect for hand function training, cognitive function training and self expression. I also make orthosis and braces for hand, I guess they count crafts too. other than work, maybe baking haha
Describe your perfect breakfast:
before 10:00 : coffee and gum/hard candy
after 10:00 : coffe with a big char siu bao or a bowl of glutinous rice (with minced meat, broth and chopped youtiao)
and I'm tagging:
@vintagelacerosette @atthedugouts @samantitheos @transsexual-dandelions @creepkinginc @michellemisfit @pookiebearmick @gallavichthings @jrooc @mickeym4ndy @doshiart @jademickian @kiennilove @callivich and anyone who wants to do it<3
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prettygirl-gabi · 5 months
What could go good?
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Rating: Mature
Warning: oral (f reseving & giving), fingerings, unprotected sex, creampies, smutty- fluff (at the end), breeding, hair pulling, 4 some, slight name calling, i think there's more but i haveth no clue what im missing, MDNI!!!
Fandom: Obx (outer banks netflix)
Relationships: Rafe x reader x jj x pope
Not proof read... ...
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It had been a long day on the island, from work 2 double shifts on the cut and figure 8 but needless to say I was tired. 
Pulling up at the Chateau and ready to fight anyone who dared to ruined my plans to sleep. "Hi boys, where's kie?" The first to stop his tomfoolery was JJ, "Oh she'd handling shit at home, I think it's her mom's birthday or some shit like that." I nod as I head to John B's room to shower, only for him to run in front of me. "No entrada sweetheart. I need the hot water so I can get ready for my date with Sarah." 
"No, JB please oh pretty please I've worked for like 48 hours straight; please just let me take a shower please I need this." He sighed "I know, but if we're gonna get the gold you gotta let me be my best looking for dinner with her family tonight." I punched his arm "You asshole, J can we go to your place or is your pops home?" JJ gave me that sad smile before shaking his head telling me everything I needed to know. 
"Ohhhh sweet loving Beautiful, handsome-" I was cut off by Pope. "C'mon plus my mom hasn't seen you, and as she stated if she doesn't lay eyes on you soon she's sending out a man hunt." I squeal in happiness, "Yesss we'll be back you asshats." I quickly snatch my keys and give them to Pope.
After a well needed shower some of Momma Havyward's cooking and Pope's clean clothes we headed back to the Chateau for my well deserved sleep. "Oh pops asked me to drop some stuff off at the Cameron's." Laying in the passenger seat I just nodded my head and close my eyes. 
I had woke up to the sound ot tapping on my window. With annoyance on my face I rolled it down. "What can I do for you in this fine day Rafe?" He smirks at me "Well well well few of my friends besides Topper are throwing a party, and we'll here's a special invite for you to come." I look for a sign that he is telling a lie. "Oh Rafey you know the only way I'd come is if yhe crew can too, but that's not all you are here for is it."
 "No, no it's not Y/n, I wanna take you out a day before the party on Friday night, just one date." Smirking at him I rolled my window up, but only for him to keep tapping. "Please I'll promise to act like a good boy the whole time." He begged at me with hopefull eyes. "Fine one date Rafe, anything goes wrong I'm leaving." He rubbed my cheek "Don't worry I'll treat you like the most perfect princess ever."
Before he could try anything else, Pope came back and was ready to go. "Yo everything good here?" He asked as he got back in the car. "Yeah everything goods here we can go home." I say as I roll my window up. "Are you gonna tell me what that was because it looked like some weird shit was going down." I shook my head nothing, its fine lets go home cause I'm tired."
As the week progressed I got more and more worried about this date, but it was to late to back out. The girls were helping me get ready for this date. "I swear Y/n if he tries any thing I will kill him with my bare hands." Sarah said with a serious look on her face. "Oki I believe you." We, mainly the boys thought I should get ready at the Chateau so they can help me with my outfits. Hell JJ was on his knees begging fore me to cancel my date with Rafe, so was Pope; however tonight they are more quite then two common house rats. 
Every single dress, shirt, skirt, hell even shoes were not up to their standards. It was now an hour before and I have not one decent outfit, cause of those two. "Fuck it JJ, Pope outside now!" I stormed out with them both hot on my tail. "Y/n slow, fuck slow down." "How does she have the shortest legs out of all of us and walk so fuckin fast." Pope says as they are trying to keep up with me. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO, YOU BOTH KEEP FUCKING UP ME GETTING READY!" I yelled as I stopped and turn to them. "Its just that we don't think you should go out with him Y/n, like seriously, he's a kook and a Cameron not to mention!" JJ exclaimed while Pope was trying to catch his breath. "Oh really, so Rafe is bad news but Sarah whos also a kook and a Cameron isn't bad news for the crew. Fuck this I'm going home and getting ready there you hypocrites!" I say as I stormed off to my house and finish getting ready by myself.
Rafe came and got me at 8 sharp and treated me like the most perfect princess ever. "So, do you want dessert or do you wanna go to part two of your date?" He asked as I finished my second glass of Stella wine. "Is it possible to get dessert to go?" I ask with a soft smile on my face. "Sure thing pretty girl. Get whatever your little heart wants.
Once we got to the open field with a cute almost drive in movie set up. "I, how did you know." He got out and opened the door for me. "I may or may not have asked Sarah for help." I reached on my tippie toes and kissed his cheek thanks for this really.
Rafe pulled my body close to his and kissed me deeply before making his way to my lower neck. I moan lightly and manage to get out "Rafe I." He rubs his thumbs over my hip bones. "Is that...this something that you want, we don't have to do anything but watch the movie I promised to be a good boy and treat you like the most perfect princess." I rest my head on his chest pondering in thought. "Rafe I've never had sex before." I say shyly
I feel his hands slide up and down my arms "I can change that if you let me." I look at him with gentle eyes and nod my head. "To be fair I didn't plan for us to have any sexual activities so I'm just gonna treat you and worry about me another time." He says as he leads me to the cute tent he had setup for us to watch the movie in. He begins to leave love bites on my neck "your mine for tonight" I whimper,as he lays me bll down and unzips my skirt. "I've been wanting a taste of you ever since you walked out your front door" Rafe slides the skirt down along with my underwear. I jumped slightly at the cold air hitting my freshly shaved, now wet and needy pussy. He pushes a finger inside and I moan "Can I add another one?" He asked with pleading eyes I nod my head "Y-y-yes give me more." Rafe hoverd over me but looks down as he pushes another one inside. Once he had set a good steady pace I moan out and squealed as the pleasure was buliding up "fuck don't stop, harder please Rafey" he removes his fingers, licking them clean and I whimper at the loss of contact.
I was about to protest but he connects his mouth with my pussy "fuck" he giggles and it sends vibrations through my entire body."You like that baby?" I nod my head and push his head down further "uhhhh I'm almost there, oh Rafey." My legs begin to shake and I cry out but he continues, letting me ride out my orgasm. 
Once I come down from my high he starts the princess and the frog while tending to my needs. "I hope that was everything you wanted." He says before laying next to me til we both fell asleep. The next morning he took to my house to get ready for work and waited on me as well.
"So how was your date?" Kie asked as we bussted tables til the boys came in. "It was like so perfect, Kie." JJ grabbed a fry from my plate and aimed for it to go in my shirt "So future kook princess are you going to the party?" "Yes, JJ I am and so is everyone else." I say as squirt ketchup om his nose. "And never call me that again." He wiped his nose on my cheek. "Sure thing lil lady." 
We burst out laughing before I gave him the rest of my food. "Soooo Y/n looks like we'll be in-laws." John B steals a fry off the plate I once had. "We've not discussed if we were officially official yet." "Yeah, probably in a new girl already." Pope says out of poket "Whoah bro what the actual fuck" Jj and Kie smack him at the same time. "I'm sorry but he's a kook and I stand on and behind not liking him."
Over the next few months Rafe would come hang out with the pouges and I at the beach and even a few parties at the Chateau. Just like tonight there was a party at the Chateau it had been like maybe 2 hours into the party when some grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into a deep kiss. I turn around to see who it is but they kiss me before I can say anything else. I moan into the kiss only to be yanked into the familiar arms of my boyfriend Rafe. "Bro what the hell, dude shes with me!" Rafe yelled at the person who kissed me. "Well obviously she liked it." I gasp once I heard those words come out of Pope's mouth. Pulling myself from Rafe's arm leaving to gind JJ and everyone else just incase a fight broke out between Rafe and Pope. 
I found JJ first "J, we hey J I need to to help-" before I could say me we could hear people yelling about a fight. JJ and I took off to see Kie, Topper and a random trying to break them apart. "She's mine you pouge get that through your head!" Rafe yelled throwing a punch to Pope's nose. I pushed my way through the crowd with JJ's tight in mine. "Guys plese stop this" I begged and pleaded as i went to break them up only to get hit on the cheek by Rafes elbows. 
"Alright party's over everyone out right now!" JJ yelled coice laced with venom. Within 10 mins everyone was cleared out. Kie went to find JB and Sarah, leaving me with JJ, powp and Rafe. "Alright wanna tell me what the fuck was that Pope." Jj asked getting me some fozen peas fir ny face. "You idiots could have seriously gitten hurt and if im the one tmdoing the parenti g we've hut rock bottom. "Look j, pope kiss Y/n, my girl I felt that evey lick he got from me was well deserved." Rafe sighed before holding his head down. "Look I'm- I'm so sorry, I couldn't help it. I'm sorry." Pope said before storming out.
Well that was weeks ago I've done my best to avoid everyone including Rafe. "Aye, Y/n we gotta talk." Kie says as she pulls me in The Wreck right before my shift stared. "What Kie, I just wanna do my shift and go home." Ju
"Just, just listen to me. We miss you jj and JB have been giving Pope hell, please just comeback." She begged. "Kie things are weird its nit like how when jb kissed you." I say as I start start working my shift.  
"Table for 3 please." I hear out of Pope's mouth to see JJ and Rafe right behind him. "Get Kie to set you 3." "Yo Kie Y/n is ending her shift lil early and I'll you 500 on the spot." Rafe stated handing her 500 dollars on table and lead me his range rover with the other 2 following close behind. "What, whats happening?" I stop and turn to the three boys staring me down. "We are gonna talk and discuss some things sweetheart, that's all." JJ says in a soft tone, "Now get in princess, please." I get in the car first with the 3 boys right behind me. Rafe put his hand on my thigh. "Everything's good I promise." Rafe state as he pull into his drive way. 
"We just, God fuck ok so... all 3 of us like you in a romantic way." JJ says grabbing at his har as we sit of the front porch. "Yea and we couldn't have a conversation without you, that is until Pope here suggested we share you romantically that is." "Wait please explain." I say look between all 3 boys. "Pope sits up ready to explain. "We fuck, we love you and we put up with each other and we all love you like the beautiful queen you are." I stil there in shock. "So what, what do you think?" Rafe asked with an eager look on his face. "No, no fighting over me, we communicate and I say when things get to much for me, yea." I say nodding my head.
After our I long talk we ended up in One of the guest rooms. The one thing we cabt decided on is who gets to taste this sweet pussy of yours first." Rafe said with an evil smirk on his face. I roll my eyes "bullshit and you kno who's first." Rafe stops smirking and turns to me with his hand around my neck pullingbmy close to his face. "Eatch your mouth princess" I glare at him "I can say whatever I fucking want to say because you're not my dad soooo."
He turns to JJ "You wanna handle this?" JJ walks and stands in from onto me "That's no problem." He stalks up to me even more "Watch your mouth, lil lady. " I roll my eyes "make me!" he chuckles "I have many ways to make you but I'll say it for the last time watch your fucking mouth." I cross my arms with a smirk on my face. "And I said make me." he smirks "Oh I will don't worry." He grips my waist "I'll fuck those manners out of you if I have to" I laugh "yeah rig-" he cuts me off by kissing me intensely. 
I moan "mmm" he pushes my skirt up and connects his mouth with my thighs before he uses two of his fingers amd slowly slide them in my pussy "Oh my goddd." He chuckles and it sends vibrations to my pussy "Yesss" I push his head down and I squeal "fuck J" he smacks my thigh "Watch your mouth." He pushes his two fingers inside of me fast and I cry out "I'm gonna cum" he immediately backs away and before I can protest Pope walks up with a weird looking vibrator."This is a magic wand and it's works wonders but for you it's gonna make you cum over and over again until you can't take it anymore, until you learn your manners."
 I begin to back in to the top of the bed but I feel arms wrap around me and I see strands of blonde hair "I thought we went over the rules already, hmm?" I roll my eyes and I feel a stinging sensation on my ass "Don’t try me babygirl, I'll do way worse then that vibrator." I get lifted to end up skin tio skim with Rafe as he holds me in his lap with my legs spread wide. "Go ahead Pope, she's not going anywhere" Pope chuckles "Should I turn it all the way" JJ looks down at me "Should he put it on it's highest setting, lil lady?" I open my mouth to answer but it's replaced with a moan "holy shit" Rafe yanks on my hair "Watch that mouth of yours princess." The vibrations become more intense within every minute or so, I squeeze my eyes shut and orgasm. "You can cut it off I'll take it from here" JJ and pope leave the bed room and Rafe smiles at me "You look really beautiful princess, by the time we're done with you your gonna be a fucking mess...a moaning non speaking mess." He climbs on top of me "Are you ready for me to do this?" I nod my head "Yes Rafey" he chuckles "Okay." 
He thrusts into me leaving me no time to adjust to his size "Yess babe right there" he wraps his hand around my throat and squeezes lightly. I wrap my legs around him "Please go harder" he slows down "Bad girls don't get rewarded" I pout and he leans down to kiss me then he bites my bottom lip. pHe begins to rub my clit and the pleasure becomes intense "you gonna follow your rules princess" I nod my head "yes" he smacks my inner thigh "Yes what, princess? " I moan "yes daddy." He begins to thrust into me at speeds unknown "you gonna be my good little girl hmm?" I nod my head "Yesss yesss I promise." He moans "Fuck your so tight." I run my nails down his back leaving marks "I'm gonna" I make noises that I didn't know I could even make then I blank out.
I thought we were done until JJ and Pope came back fully naked and noticeable hard."Look at her," Pope laughed mockingly from where he was standing. "Pope I got her pussy, you take her mouth." Pope walked closer to me with my mouth wide open, thrusting his dick in and out of my mouth, both of his hands in my hair. "She loves taking our dicks so much, J. Insatiable little thing."
 I heard Rafe give a small chuckle of his own from behind me, still holding me like a rag doll. JJ thrusts his hips faster while Rafe took the vibrator and put it on my clit with the highest setting. At some point Rafe ended up being in me as well with his own cock thrust in and out of my pussy at a faster speed. Causing me to jerk forwards and gag a little on Pope's dick, making all 3 men laugh. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment, but, ultimately, I'm enjoying myself. "She's so fucking wet, boys" Rafe cooed, smoothing his fingers across my nipples, causing JJ grasping her hips to slam her harder back into him. "She's making a mess. Drenching me and the bed."
 "Stupid slut," Pope spat, taking his cock out of my mouth and running it across my swollen lips. He smacked it lightly across my faces, smearing my own spit around my delicate skin. "Gets wet over being used by her three boyfriends." "Mhm, please," I manage to mutter. 
 "What do you want, our sweet girl ?" Pope hissed as jerked himself to the way JJ and Rafe were fucking into me "Want your cock, Pope." I whimper out andfeel their non stop thrust speed up more. "Good girl, baby" Rafe murmured and squeezed your cheeks with his strong fingers so you pouted, then he dug a little deeper and caused a pain that made your mouth fall open, your tongue sticking out for him. "Take it like a good slut, Y/n."
 I accepted Pope's cock back into my mouth, loving the heavy weight of it on my tongue whilst Rafe kept rammed into me from behind. I felt JJ cave a little over me to press kisses at my neck, causing me to shiver from the chain dangling from his neck.
 Rafe took the chain in his hand lightly and pulled JJ into a kiss over my head. Some how JJ managed to slam into me harder now, the wet sounds filling the house and making me blush. Their large cocks were hitting spaces that I didn't even realise existed and I whined around Pope's dick who laughed as he had the look of amusement across his face as if he weren't being sucked off. "Pretty little slut," Rafe growled and then his fingers drifted to my clit. "You wanna cum? Gotta make us cum first, bunny." 
JJ stopped being over you, proceeding to slam mercilessly inside of me. "Look at her tits bounce," Pope mentioned, "So fucking hot." "Mm," Rafe murmured, "I have a good view of them from back here. So nice and round." "Could use her all day," JJ agreed, "These pretty little lips are amazing." 
"Once we've came, you should try her back here, she so fucking thick and so good." Rafe said, and I whimpered at the degrading comments they were sharing, as if I weren't even here. "She's practically clenching around my cock with every thrust. Greedy little cock slut, in't right baby." He slapped your thigh. 
 "Hmm, maybe I should." Pope hummed and brushed some of your hair out of your face to look down at you, your eyes meeting. "Our greedy little cock slut, Y/n." I whimper as the three of them came in my used holes. I was woren out but some how still wanted and craved for more. "Oh, baby all I have to do is just slide in, fuck so wet and tight for us." Pope say as he slowly slides his dick into my used cunt with me now on all fours.
"Mmm s'big can't take more." I whine out. "Aww c'mon baby take Pope's dick like you took mine, and Rafe's." JJ says as he gently shoves his cock in your mouth. He hears my whimper. smiles and licks his lips. “Pretty, so fucking pretty."
“So good,” Pope groaned as he continue to move in and out of my still full cunt, rolling his hips against mines and working his cock in me. “Fuck yes,” I breathed, and Pope somehow gathered my wrists in one hand, pinning them behind my back. Pope's fingers with his other tightened on my hips, and I watched J's face, contorted in pleasure, mouth open as I sucked his dick like it was my last.
“You look so good making her come,” Rafe managed to murmured, “so fucking hot,” I started feeling that familiar tightness in my cunt as I clench around Popes's dick. “I’m not going to last,” Pope choked out, Wooyoung gripping your head and taking his dick out of your mouth only to thrust it back in faster while, Rafe spoke up. “Let me help,” he reached under me to rub firm and frantic circles against my clit, causing me too arch suddenly in response, with my body trembling.
Pope clung to you, biting out a curse as he started to come, the combination of his frantic thrusts and Rafe's fingers pushing you over the edge again. With your wrists pinned and your hips held in place, I struggled against the three of them as they held me down to ride out my orgasm. Only for JJ to come all over your tits. "Are you okay baby?" I nod my head "Yes I feel fine, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." As soon as my feet touch the ground I fall but I catch myself on the bed. I look at the three of them "your a fucking incubus or something, I can't even walk" Pope chuckles "I'll carry you." 
They all made their way into the bathroom to help me get cleaned up and taking care of my needs before theirs. "I... I really had fun boys. Thanks." I relax in the bath more, "You did wonderful lil lady, plus you're our girl we gotta make sure you're taken care of." JJ says causing Pope and Rafe to nod I'm agreement.
From that point on the 4 of us we inseparable and the whole island knew it too. No matter where I went one or all of the boys were with me when JB, Sahara or Kie couldn't be.
Thank you for reading! 🩵🩶
@ihe4rttwd @princessbun-ee @rubiehart ....... and many moree....
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