#percy weasley deserves better
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bonniesfamiliar · 1 year ago
Why do people hate Percy Weasley??? Like can someone give me a genuine reason He didn't do anything wrong, unlike a lot of characters in the HP Universe.
*cough* Umbitch* cough*
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aelincreativ · 17 days ago
Percy Weasley AU - Hostile Government Takeover
I love me a Percy was secretly a spy or double agent whatever against the Ministry AU so have this!
So! You all know the song currently trending on Tiktok because of the rotting orange in the USA, "Hostile Government Takeover" by AGiftFromTodd and Vinny Marchi? Also inspired by whoever called the orange some form of cheese voldemort.
Percy blasting that every morning while getting ready for work in his tiny flat (that he secretly shares with Oliver cuz Perciver yes, but Penelope or someone else also works) every single morning. The tiny flat that he has to have because he turned down a higher paid position as like an assistant department head to be Fudge's assistant. (There's a couple fics that have this, Lily's Boy and Survival is a Talent are the ones I can think of off the top of my head)
"We're in the middle of a hostile government takeover" - very obvious with the death eater controlled ministry
"I wanna talk about it but I'll be late for work" - having to be as perfect as possible or he'll be punished and only surviving because everyone thinks he betrayed his family and hates them
"and if you say hey wait a minute do we have to stop this?" - the fact that he is directly opposing the hostile government takeover from the inside by smuggling out muggleborns and faking paperwork and protecting his co-workers. doing his best to make sure that the world is still running and that there is something left after the world to rebuild from and be worth saving.
"we had one but you didn't want a lady in office" - Amelia Bones for minister always! Can't remember which fic it is exactly but there's one where Percy basically runs the ministry and if he wanted could be minister but doesn't want to be and could pick who he wanted for minister and no one would be able to stop him. I'm all for Percy wanting to have Amelia elected instead of Scrimager. And him directly blaming her not getting Minister for how things unfolded since Rufus took either too drastic or not drastic enough measures to fight back.
Every morning as part of his way to keep his sanity and will to live he screams this and very dramatically ends the song with the pop of apparation. Leaving Oliver, Penelope, or your Weasley partner of choice just fondly smiling after him until their smile drops and they offer a wish of safety and hope that Percy is able to survive another day and make it home to do his silly little ritual again.
Just some light funny Percy Weasley angst :D
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percydarling · 2 years ago
Something that will never fail to piss me off is the fact that ppl can find it in themselves to forgive the most horrible, awful , cruel characters from HP
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aceofsages · 2 years ago
in my percy weasley era
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neowriterperciver · 2 years ago
Alive (Perciver fanfic)
Percy Weasley had never been one for frivolous pursuits. As a prefect and later a Ministry employee, he had always been focused on his duties and responsibilities. But when Oliver Wood came into his life, everything changed.
Oliver was unlike anyone Percy had ever met before. He was boisterous and passionate, with a fierce love for Quidditch that matched Percy's own love for order and structure. And as they spent more time together, Percy found himself drawn to Oliver's infectious energy.
It started with a shared interest in Quidditch strategy. They would spend hours poring over game tapes, analyzing each play and discussing how they could improve. But soon their conversations turned to other topics - their families, their hopes and dreams, and even their favorite foods.
One night, as they were walking back to the Gryffindor common room after a long day of studying, Oliver turned to Percy and said, "You know, I've been thinking about something."
"What's that?" Percy asked, his heart racing with anticipation.
"I think we should go on a date," Oliver said, grinning.
Percy was taken aback at first - he had never considered a romantic relationship with Oliver before. But then he realized that he had been feeling something for Oliver for a long time - a warmth and affection that he couldn't ignore.
So they went on their first date, walking through the streets of Hogsmeade, holding hands and laughing. It was like a weight had been lifted off Percy's shoulders - for the first time in his life, he didn't feel like he had to be the responsible one all the time.
As their relationship blossomed, Percy and Oliver faced their share of challenges. There were disapproving glances from their colleagues and awkward conversations with their families. But they didn't let those obstacles get in the way of their love.
And when the war came, Percy and Oliver fought side by side, their love for each other giving them strength in the face of darkness. They emerged from the battle battered and bruised, but still together, holding each other close.
In the end, Percy realized that Oliver had taught him something important - that life was about more than just duty and responsibility. It was about love and connection, about finding someone who made you feel alive. And he knew that he had found that with Oliver.
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bisexual-biohazard5 · 5 months ago
Rip Percy Weasley (Not dead just misunderstood), you would've loved therapy and an autism diagnosis.
Wdym Percy Weasley isn't autistic
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fanfic-lover-girl · 3 months ago
Canon shipper salt
Canon shipper: You may not like the ship but the characters are in love and happy together and that's all that matters. Go eff yourself.
Me: I don't care how happy the character supposedly is. My poor baby is clearly delusional and/or trapped in toxicity. He/she deserves better.
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winn-wynn · 3 months ago
I have to come out and say I might be a Ron Weasley stan
Of course I like the Weasleys the fandom tends to hate
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postsbycass · 2 months ago
some of yall will AVIDLY hate on Percy Weasley but have no such hatred towards Cormac McLaggen. now thats CRAZYYYY.
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bisexual-biohazard5 · 2 months ago
The ministry was struggling without Percy
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This is kingsley when percy comes bsck to work after taking a break
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year ago
Just read in your bio that you're a Percy Weasley fan. I like him too. I'm just not super familiar with him as a character. I'd love to hear what you have to say about him though if you'd be willing to share :)
woo finally someone who reads bios, I feel like people should do that more 😭
and yes I am!! He and Ronniekins are my fave Weasleys and I think they’re just so fricking hated on for no reason. They really deserve more love.
Anyway, I’m too lazy to explain in detail, so just look through posts where I had enough energy to rant about Perce. I think this ask (broo I can’t believe I answered that ask 3 years ago, it feels like just yesterday 😭) I answered is a sufficient enough answer for why I like him.
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percydarling · 2 years ago
do you ever think about how percy and scabbers were in a room together for 9 years? How Percy might have bathed with Scabbers nearby? How Percy might have slept next to Scabber? Do you ever think..
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echostalker · 3 days ago
Goblet of Musical 2
Hermione Granger felt disoriented at everything that happened. Her lungs burn from the twin’s horrible produce as she cough harshly. She couldn’t understand why those two would make such an object. Racking her mind, she felt that these two were wasting their potential chasing after childish games instead of doing what their mother wanted. Them having good grade and getting jobs in the Ministry of Magic. Fred and George could do so much more then…party trick that should be grown out of.
“Mundum Aerem!” The voice of the Headmaster rang out as a sky blue spell hit the supernova color cloud above them. The brown hair bookworm let herself relax. Of course, the Headmaster had a spell to fix this rubbish and she couldn’t help wonder what book that spell was in. “Attention students! Due to events of what happened, classes are postponed until tomorrow.”
Hermione couldn’t help a groan of disappointment escape her mouth to join the cheers of her fellow Gryffindors. Really! They should be grateful to have such amazing classes.
“Please continue your lunch.” Professor Dumbledore continued over the loud hurrah. The old wizard chuckled at brighten faces. “Ah yes, yes. No classes. Ha ha! Also, many thanks to those who quickly stood up to with our dear Weasley’s confrontation.”
The smartest witch of her generation frown at the direction of the red hair girl from Beauxbatons. She could understand why that girl interfered with the Twins trying to straighten Ron out. Sure they were going to far like always with their useless jokes but how else was Ron going to snap out of his stupid jealous stupor.
“Harry. Harry!”
The said teen and her turn quickly to sound of Harry’s name. Hermione felt her frown turn into a scowl. Lavender Brown. The most annoying girl she has ever met, looking at the untidy black hair teen with urgency. ‘He should really brush his hair more. He’ll looks so unprofessional once he’s trys to get a job,’ She thought mindlessly. Once they met eyes, the look of urgency turned into a fierce determination.
”Lavender?” Harry asked nervously.
As he shifted foot to foot, she felt the urge to fix his posture.
“Well?” Lavender demanded. The green eyed boy let out a sound of confusion. “Aren’t you going after our Ronnie?”
“Our Ronnie?” The two out three of the Golden Trio interrupted in annoyance.
The blue eyed pure-blood Gryffindor continued as if they didn’t say anything. “He must be overwhelmed after something like this! How could those horrible boys do that to him? Aren’t they his brothers? If my sisters did that…oh Harry! Why haven’t you not gone after him? As his best friend, you should be there to help him with something so traumatic! You are his best friend right?”
“Of course I am!” The boy who live snarl, puffing up like an enraged cat.
“Then go!”
Both girls watch as the male pivoted and rushed out the of dinning hall. Lavender let out a sigh at the comforting thought that her favorite boy was getting the support he deserves. Specially with all those dumb, unfounded accusations of him being jealous of his Harry being rumored across the castle. Then her turquoise blue eyes met unamused brown eyes.
“What was that?” Hermione growled crossing her arms.
Lavender sneered at her and hiss; “Well, we all know you weren’t going to help out. This is far above your emotional level.”
A shrill; “What is that?!”
Lavender stood up to her full height and look down at her rival. Once again Hermione felt something she hasn’t felt since the first year. Something that she work hard not to fell again. The real reason she stay late in the library, other then the hungry for knowledge.
(It was the first her night at Hogwarts and Hermione couldn’t wait to interact with her roommates. Finally people just like her in this world that she would have never even dream of! Patting her hair down, brushing her robes for imagery dust and grabbing her book, Hogwarts: A History, waiting gleefully to meet the girls she was now living with. Imagine her greatest disappointment and shock when four girls came in talking about beauty and love magic!
How shallow! How can they think of something like that when they should be thinking about using magic to better the state of muggle and wizard interaction. Specifically, that curly blonde girl who was taking pride in such arts. Does she not remember women fighting to be more than makeup wear stay at home mothers? The protest against the sexism of Miss America pageant in 1968? The women rights to vote in 1920?
The room became quiet.
“Excuse me?” A cold tone of voice asked.
Oh…did she say that out loud?
“Please do repeat yourself.” The tone became a snarl. Hermione felt a shiver go down her spine as her eyes met sharp turquoise blue eyes that bore down on her. The brown hair girl unconsciously took a step back. “What was this bout us being shallow? Go on. Tell us.”
For once Hermione Granger, kid prodigy, felt as if she was the smallest and dumbest person in the room. She loath the feeling. *I-I called you shallow because you’re chasing after s-such useless things. What’s the use of love and beauty when y-you can do something far more useful?”
Everyone in the room stared at her in wide eye dumbfounded annoyance. She couldn’t help but feel like she was gaining ground for herself. The brown eyed bookworm took their silence as a surrender to her words. It felt like it always did when she won an argument with her brain. Well…at least until Lavender Brown stalked up towards her like a predator. A lioness on a hunt if you will. The curly, blonde haired girl reached out with a delicate hand and gripped her chin. A viper snatching its prey, a twisted sneer on her pale perfect face. Even in this awful situation, Hermione couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy over the other’s skin.
“You don’t know anything about the wizarding word, do you?” Came the sound of a mocking question. Anger blaze, hotter within her. “Not even two hours and you act like you know everything.”
“I-I read Hogwarts: A His-”
The hand tighten its grip.
“A useless book that has nothing on actually living your whole life in the magical world. Word of advice, don’t be disrespecting another’s culture.” Lavender scorned, pushing the other away before walking to her chosen bed. The now most disliked girl let out a gasp as she stumbled back. “Less you end up at the end of someone else’s wand. Also, don’t be going around breaking bones or losing ‘em. Skele-Go is a potion created by a lame Beauty Witch after all.”
“Aren’t there a handful of Beauty Witches working in St Mungo’s Hospital?” A black girl, Kellen Rosier, with twin brown ponytails asked nervously, looking between the two.
”Y-yeah.” The girl, Fay Dunbar, with an auburn pixie cut and slanted eyes, piped up. She waved her arm loosely, almost hitting the last girl, Parvati Patil, with a braid. “They work with those who don’t have arms and stuff!”
With that, everyone went back to talking. Hermione felt as if something became close to her. I don’t need them. She thought in anger, wiping tears away. I’ll prove I’m better than them all.
She spent the months after unable to see her reflection in the mirror in the girl’s dorm room. At least until she befriend the two boys who obviously need her. Should have known a talking mirror was a creation of a Beauty Witches.)
“Whoa there, Lav.” Parvati reached out to pull her best friend back.
“Ugh…not again.” Kellen mumbled sharing a look with Fay. She rolled her dark brown eyes as she gestured tiredly around the table causing Fay to giggle. “Dick measuring contest much.”
“Be nice.” Fay whisper with a loud snort. Neville Longbottom look at her with a crooked smile. Blushing in embarrassment she let out a cough to get their attention. “Ladies! Ladies! Leave that shit in the common rooms.”
“Shouldn’t we be joining Harry in running after. Ron?” Dean Thomas asked anxiously.
Lavender shook her head. Confronting Ron was Harry’s job and they couldn’t interfere. Jealousy scratch at her ears for her small blossoming crush but knew that Ron would not look her way. Not with Harry standing in front of him. So she opened her mouth to rebuff Dean before the all great knowing-it all jumped it.
“Of course not.” Hermione lofty declined, her nose slightly in the air. Hands tightened on her arms. “In fact, we shouldn’t have Harry indulge Ronald’s tantrum.”
Her dark brown eyes blacken with despisement.
Lavender bared her teeth as string instruments sung in her ears. “Tantrum?”
“Ronald is just being stupid for being jealous of Harry’s name being called. Which is rubbish! I get that he feels overshadowed by his brothers but honestly-”
“Jealous?!” A snarl of a lioness rage filled the air. Everyone still in the room jumped in fright. Parvati jumped to her feet and seized her taller friend with Fay. Both girls struggled to hold the enraged Beauty Witch-in-training back. Seamus, who was slowly agreeing with the brunette, fell off the bench with a shout. “How fucking dare you?!”
“How dare I?!” Came the hissing reply. The room became dark, cold and quiet except for the rubato tempo that was rising. For a petrifying moment, Hermione felt as if she was in the Forbidden Forest back in first year. “How dare you! I know my boys. I know Ron. He is being a sodding jealous twat that needs to get over himself for Harry!”
She knows them?
Lavender scoffs.
“Oh? Hmm…I see how it is. Hermione knows best. Hermione’s the adult.” The middle child of the Brown clan sang with a mocking facsimile smile. Neville gently pulled Kellen closer to his side at the sight of her shiver. He could understand, Lavender has never sound like this before. “Such a clever, grown-up miss. Hermione knows best.”
The voice of the child prodigy echoed in the air.
They’re acting like children.
“Fine, if you’re so sure now! Go ahead and prove me wrong.”
Either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed-or worst, expelled!
“This is what we want. This is what we need to see. Prove us the jealousy. We’ll see! Trust me, my dear. This is how a friendship ends.”
“I won’t say I told you so.”
Hermione felt her eyes burn as everything became blurry. She desperately racked her brain to stop this. She knew her boys. She knew them. Lavender knew nothing. That girl was just a bubble, blonde bimbo. The smart girl was always right. She was always right. Brown was just a middle school equivalent of a cheerleader. She couldn’t compare to her at all. AT ALL!
“No, Hermione knows best. So if you’re such a genius,” The pure-blood spat angrily, getting into the muggle-born’s space. “Go and put it to the test. If you fail…”
Tears dripped onto the floor.
”Don’t come crying…”
Hermione pivot on the heels of her feet and ran out.
“I saw it all.”
She was the smartest witch of her generation.
Percy looked at what looked like a broadway musical scene his great aunt Muriel and her younger son John took him to as a child. He couldn’t help but be impress. He didn’t know his fellow pure-blood had such a pair of lungs. Well maybe he shouldn’t be that shock. The brown family were known not only for birthing witches with strong skills in beauty and love spells but entertainer of theater.
He watched and felt the dinning hall filled with warmth and light once again. The third child of the Weasley family let out a sigh as he sunk into his chair. Why did his brothers have to do something like this?
The mocking.
The disrespect.
The dangerous pranks they play.
Percy was tired.
He was use to having all this actions being used on him. He was use to this.
But going after Ron, who was practically begging them to let him go? Percival Septimus Weasley was not going to let that slide. (Like when he made sure that they didn’t get away with almost killing Ron with a sodding acid lollipop. Did they even think what would happen if Ron had swallowed it? There’s a reason why those things were not snacks for children but for adults.) Just because his mother is too soft in disciplining the twins that apparently remind her of her brothers, doesn’t mean he is. He was going to make sure those two idiots understood what they did was wrong.
Now where are those tweebs?
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Oh 100%!
As someone whose the kid of the least liked sibling who did something bad but was misunderstood and treated poorly. It’s not to obvious to us as kids but it definitely is unsettling when we grow up and realize. It’s heartbreaking knowing what our parents go through
And also seeing how differently we are treated. Knowing that our cousins will always get more then us. I bet Molly and Lucy realize it when they are in hogwarts and sees the care packages Grandma Molly send.
Grandma Molly had 100% used these in CANNON to punish people before. I’m referencing the Easter eggs in book 4
It probably confuses them for years why their uncles and Aunty are snippy with them. Their actions judged harsher despite them being kinder then everyone.
Which I fully Headcannon that Lucy and Molly are the kinder ones but their lack of wanting to prank others or make fun of them like everyone else does is a mark in their relatives eyes.
I can see Ron and Ginny maybe Bill telling their kids not to fully trust them. That they could turn on them. And sure it’s worry for their children but also shows they still don’t understand the nuances of why Percy left.
I can also see them not being invited over as much. And when they eventually realize not wanting to go over when they are and because they aren’t over often the uncles and aunts get into their kids heads that it’s probably because “Molly and Lucy think they are to good to come visit” that they are to snobby and just. Digs that crevice between them and the others wider. It hurts worse cause I can see them being somewhat close to Rose and Hugo.
Percy eventually having to explain why they don’t like him as much. And at first he’s expecting his girls to be mad at him but
Instead they hug him and ask if the real reason he left was because he was sad with how they treated him. He didn’t answer but hugged them while trying not to cry.
They are a lot closer to their other parents family. I can see Oliver and Audrey not having big family’s. Either no siblings or one. But in the world of Married Audrey divorced then Oliver it’s like boom. Two extra sets of Grandparents who adore them.
I picture Oliver’s parents like a Magical Mum who passed when he was little and a Muggle Professor of something like physics. I have a huge backstory for him.
For Audrey her family are the picture perfect. Of two parents. She has a sister in America working to be a artist. She’s Bansky 😉
Her Parents and Oliver’s dad all love the girls. I picture the divorce being when they were 5-6 and Percy coming out as gay after and Audrey and him being good co parents and she helped him realize that while he loves her it isn’t like that and he’s unknowingly forcing himself to marry a girl who he thought his parents would approve of.
A year later someone invites Oliver to a Weasley dinner and they are pissed Oliver would rather hang with Percy. Except Charlie he’s like “why are you shocked? They were joined at the hip in school”
They go to catch up. One leads to many more till eventually Oliver confesses he’s always liked him. Percy confesses back that he does to. They get together and they hide it for a long time. Which also means the girls don’t visit as much to their Grandparents.
Eventually they do tell them and someone jokes that Percy must have slipped him something. Oliver’s not welcome back for awhile after punching Ron. He’s okay with that. Molly keeps going on of how the girls need a mom as Percy is their primary care giver. Audrey is still around but she’s busy with a new job. And the rest are slightly prejudiced. Not in a obviously homophobic way. But if you are gay you do notice some people treating you differently
They get married in 2014. The soonest they could have. It’s a elopement with the girls and Oliver’s Dad and Audrey as witnesses. Molly said it wasn’t a good idea then got pissed that she wasn’t allowed to throw a hug wedding despite her saying they didn’t need to get wedding (Picture Jay Pritchett from Modern family but not as kind of a ending)
They do concede to her throwing a reception. She forces everyone to show up and it’s a slightly awkward affair but Percy appreciates the effort
As adults they visit occasionally but have accepted their position in the family. They love their Grandpa from Oliver and Grandparents from Audrey. Especially since they are the only grandkids. I can see a party being thrown for the girls either for Mollys 18 or something of Lucy’s and the Wesley’s being shocked at how loved these two are.
I can also imagine Lucy and Molly talking and deciding they are okay with not being loved as much as their cousins by people who hurt their dad.
So sorry for rambling on your post, I awoke 45 minutes ago and this was the first thing I saw and it spoke to me
i don't think the hp next gen fandom talks enough about how percy's kids would be treated differently just because they're his.
like, the kids don't know why. neither do their cousins. they're just used to weird looks from their aunt and uncles and grandparents. they're used to fewer photos of their father and more jokes thrown in his direction. they're used to traits they share with percy being seen as a negative.
and maybe it's subtle. maybe their presents at christmas and birthdays aren't as personalized as the presents their cousins get, and maybe they don't notice at first because their parents always try to give them presents they'll definitely love. maybe at family get-togethers, every cousin has one of their favorite sweets made but percy's kids were never asked. but they don't notice this, either, because percy makes a big deal of them baking their favorites together when they get home.
no matter the way you look at it, with percy and audrey or percy and oliver, with percy in gryffindor or slytherin, his kids would've been treated differently by their family.
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neowriterperciver · 2 years ago
Summerlove (Perciver MiniVideo)
Song: Summertime by Bridgit Mendler
I listen to this song and reminds me of them.
Percy: Thanks for being my summerlove
Oliver: I wanna be your forever love
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shivstar · 10 months ago
Who will you pair Sirius with:-
TW - People who are grossed out by age gap can kindly scroll down.
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