#percy priest lake
blowjobsandcardigans · 8 months
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steddie percy jackson au part 2 (part 1) (part 3)
The party is still full on and as close to Dionysonian opulence and indulgence as a bunch of underage demi gods can get when Steve returns to the bonfire. Despite the crowd, Eddie's eyes find him instantly. They always do. Steve hasn't bathed in the Styx yet, still, he can always feel that pull at the small of his back towards Eddie, always his anchor in an ocean of people.
"Where did you disappear to," Eddie grins when he reaches Steve, dimples sitting on rosy cheeks, colored from dancing and the heat of the fire.
One bitter part of Steve wants to be surprised that Eddie noticed that he was gone. After all, he had seemed mighty chummy with that Ares kid. But it's hard to be bitter when the blessing of the goddess of love is cursing through your body. "
The lake," Steve says before he takes a deep breath. "I ran into Aphrodite. She uh...kinda claimed me? Not like she is my mom, but...more like I devoted myself to her?"
"Holy shit, that's amazing," Eddie clasps him by the shoulders, shakes him a little, excitedly. It's stupidly adorable, the way Eddie shows his joy. "So what, you're a priest now or something?"
"More like a knight," Steve explains. "She said you would call it a paladin?"
"You talked about me?" Eddie smirks and despite it being a joke, Steve can't help but blush. Of course, he wants to say. You're my Eddie. Before he can confirm or deny anything though, Eddie's face falls.
"Wait, does that mean you'll have to change cabins?" Steve laughs, loves that Eddie is just as concerned about it as Steve was. Every time Steve loves it feels like a little sacrifice to his new goddess. No, not sacrifice, gift.
"Don't worry, you're not getting rid of me that easily, Munson."
It's a good thing that Steve can stay in the Hermes cabin, small little room just across from Eddie's. He wakes that night, covered in sweat, shaking in the aftermath of gruesome nightmares. It's a common occurrence, you don't win a war at 19 without physical and mental scars. He pads across the hall, doesn't knock just slips into Eddie's room, his bed, his open arms, because Eddie always knows, always wakes when Steve can't sleep and vice versa. They hold each other in the quiet of the night for a while.
It's comfort, it's home, it's safety that Steve finds in Eddie's arms. Enough of it all to sheepishly, almost inaudibly, confess, "Do you think she regrets it? Picking me?"
"What? Why would she?"
"I don't know," Steve shrugs, reveling in the way Eddie wraps his arms around Steve tighter. "I guess I just don't get why she would want me. Why anyone would want me."
"Stevie," Eddie's voice is tinged with sadness and Steve hates the sound. Wants to hear laughter and levity vibrating in the tenor of Eddie's voice. "Who wouldn't want you? I've never seen anyone love the way you love."
Steve doesn't point out that neither his father nor his divine mother wanted him. That maybe it was pity that made Aphrodite ask for his devotion and not love.
"Have you considered that being devoted to Aphrodite means not just to love others. But also learning how to love yourself?"
"Ufft, that's a pretty hard task," Steve tries to joke, but it doesn't land. Gingerly, Eddie cups his face and turns his head until they are face to face, jasper eyes staring into amber.
"Steve, loving you is as easy as breathing," Eddie says and maybe he is right.
Only that in that moment Steve is unable to get any air into his lungs. It's not a confession, at least not one for them to finally pull their heads out of their asses. That one happens at the end of summer, of weeks filled with unbearable heat and torturous yearning.
They'll get send on a mission, something small. Just go find a wild minotaur and kill him. Basic, routine, no danger. Despite the simplicity of it, Eddie still gets called up to the attic, a prophecy waiting for him. He is pale when he returns.
"And?" Steve asks. "What does it say."
Eddie recites it perfectly:
Two destinies connected by a thread/ shall retrieve the minotaur’s head/ one shall become lost to forever roam/ unless the call of true love guides them home/
Steve tries not to read into it. No one is going to get lost. It's a quick job, into the labyrinth, kill the minotaur, out again. They have a foolproof plan. Dustin and the other Hephaistos kids have engineered a rope that cannot be cut, cannot tear, is indestructible. They'll both tie it around their waists, Steve will wait outside, Eddie will go in, kill the minotaur and then follow the rope back outside. Easy as pie.
"See you on the other side, Harrington" Eddie says even though it makes very little sense.
"Not if I see you first, Munson" Steve says in turn and then Eddie disappears into the labyrinth, rope pulled taught between them.
It's fine. All Steve has to do is wait. He is good at that. And so he waits. Tries not to worry, why should he? Easy job, right? Only that about an hour later the rope around his waist suddenly goes slack.
Which it shouldn't it absolutely shouldn't. It's impossible to cut. But when Steve pulls on it, panic tightening like his very own rope around his throat, choking him, it comes back, end torn, no Eddie to be seen.
"Eddie?" Steve calls into the labyrinth. "Eddie??"
There is no reply, no sign of life, no nothing. Steve feels like he is about to throw up. He can't go into the labyrinth, even if he found Eddie in it, there is no way they would make it out again. So Steve does the only thing he can think of: he sinks to his knees and prays to the goddess he is devoted to, the goddess that has become so dear he has started to think of her as not just a patron but a mother instead.
He prays and brings her sacrifice in the only way he knows. He tells her about his love, tells her about all the ways he loves Eddie. How he is smart, so smart. And funny and a goddamn nerd but he pulls it off. How he is dramatic, loves to put on the show. But if it's just the two of them, secluded, clandestine, he never puts on a mask. Always shows Steve his true self, let's Steve see and sees Steve in return. How he is protective of their kids, will give his life or them, puts on a brave face even though in the quiet of the night he has confided into Steve how scared he is most of the time.
Steve is scared too. Scared for Eddie, scared that Eddie might not return, scared of how allowing himself to love Eddie, openly, fully, loudly might destory him. But he promises that if Aphrodite guides Eddie out of the labyrinth that Steve will do it. Love Eddie unapologetically. She just needs to bring Eddie home.
Steve can feel a surge of love vibrating through his body. A sign that his goddess has listened, has given her blessing. And when Steve looks up, tears running over his face, hope pulsing in his chest alongside all the love he has all the love he will give, he sees that his goddess has kept her promise.
Eddie stumbles out of the labyrinth, blood on his sword, his shirt, but none of it thankfully his own. In his right hand there is a bull's horn. Steve jumps up, hurries into Eddie's arm with such a force he almost tackles them both onto the floor.
"You came back to me," he whispers into the crook of Eddie's neck.
"Of course, I followed your call," Eddie says and when they part he lifts his left hand, a red string tightly wrapped around his pinky.
Steve follows the string, finds that the other end is tied around his own pinky. An Ariadne's thread, wool woven out of love, pure, true love. In that moment Steve knows he wouldn't have needed his mother's blessing to get Eddie back. The call of true love would have always guided Eddie back home. Still, Steve is thankful nevertheless. And he has a part of his bargain to uphold. And he does it so willingly, so happily, does it because it is as easy as breathing.
"I love you," he tells Eddie. "With all my being. With all my heart. I love you!"
"I love you too," Eddie whispers back, promises, swears it as his own oath to Steve. Eddie's own personal demi-god of love. They seal that oath with a kiss.
(part 3)
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tys-kitty · 7 months
I love chatting with you too, it's the highlight of my day!
I'm from the south of the UK (not London, thank stars, you could not pay me enough to live in London). What about you? What's your favourite part about your country? (Please don't feel you have to say if you don't want to!)
I naturally tend to a 4am-12 noon sleep schedule, so working nights is a godsend for me, school was hell.
My favourite scene has to be Luke's betrayal scene! The sheer emotion in all of them had me in tears, the betrayal and sorrow and anger! A special shout-out goes to the scene of young-Percy on the roof when he sees the pegasus, I related to that so hard. When classes used to get too much (a mix of tiredness (see the sleep schedule) and undiagnosed autism) I used to climb out the fire escape window onto the roof. I never saw any pegasi, but I did my fair share of daydreaming up there.
My favourite TSC gang has to be the TID gang. I read TID immediately after finishing TMI and I learned those characters by drawing similarities between them and their decendents (Learning Jem became Brother Zachariah broke me) and I just love them to pieces (it is deeply sad to me that Tessa, Jem and Will did not know about polyamory)
My favourite TSC book? Probably Queen of Air and Darkness. My copy has the official artwork in it and I fell in love with it (I don't know if you've seen it, but Ty and Jules on Livvy's pyre? I had to put the book down for an hour to cry)
I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna infodump about St. Valentines day, because the story behind it is my favourite (even if it is a bit morbid). St Valentine was a priest during the mid 200s, during the reign of Roman emperor Claudius II. Claudius, in true emperor fashion, wanted his armies to be the best. He believed his soldiers would be better if they had no distractions, if they were unmarried. St. Valentine, then still just a priest, used to marry soldiers and their wives in secret, at a time when marrying a soldier (as a priest) was illegal. We celebrate St. Valentines day on the 14th of Febuary because he was executed for his crime on this day in the year 270AD.
Sorry, infodump over.
My turn for a hard question. If you had to give Kit and Ty a theme song each, what would you pick and why?
Don‘t tell anyone but it‘s one of my highlights as well 💕
Oh that‘s so cool! Stereotype alert but when I think about the UK I always picture this cute little country side with a cozy cottage. You‘re not a big fan of London, I take it? I was actually in London last Summer and I absolutely adored the city, even though I could never imagine living in a city that big. But I can‘t blame you because I‘m from Austria and I‘m not the biggest fan of Vienna as well. My favourite part about my country would have to be the mountains and lakes!
The Luke betrayal scene was one of my favorites as well! I don‘t know if you‘ve read the books but I loved the fact that Annabeth heard everything! (Also the visuals with the fireworks in the background? Stunning!) Also the hug and the way Percy smiled when Annabeth told him she would go to Disneyland?! (I DIED!) Maybe one day you will see a pegasi (let‘s not give up hope!)
The TMI gang is amazing as well! Tbh I wouldn’t want to choose between the TSC gangs because they are all so different and wholesome in their own way!
SHUT UP! That‘s so amazing! I wish my copy had the original drawings but it seems not everyone can be as cool as you are. My favourite TSC books would have to be Chain of Thorns or Lady Midnight! Queen of Air and Darkness could never be my favourite because that book broke me. I cried so much during the necromancy scene and the aftermath of Livvy‘s death. (And Julian losing his emotions?!?)
WHAT?! WHY DID NOBODY EVER TEACH ME THE HISTORY BEHIND VALENTINE‘S DAY?! I thought it was some cute story with lots of love and flowers. Thank you for ruining my illusion and teaching me something new, I guess😭
THAT‘S SUCH A HARD QUESTION! Like I don‘t really have a particular song for each of them but I have a number of couple songs:
- Say don‘t go (Taylor Swift)
- Into you (Julia Michaels)
- I miss you, I‘m sorry (Gracie Abrams)
- I know it won‘t work (Gracie Abrams)
What about you? (YES YOU ALSO HAVE TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION) And another super hard question for you: Who are your top 3 favourite TSC couples?
(Sorry it took me so long to reply idk why I took me so long to finish this)
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wanderlustt-101tn · 11 months
J. Percy Priest Dam/Lake
Visited 11/4/23
This gorgeous lake is located in North Central Tennessee. The dam was built at mile marker 6.8 on Stones River. The dam was built for a few reasons the main one being reduced the risk of flooding in Nashville. It took 20 years to build and was completed on June 29th, 1968.
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With 11 miles of shoreline covering an area of 14,000 acres this is the place to be for all water and outdoor lovers. The lake is managed by the U.S. ARMY Corps of Engineers and is one of the most popular recreational areas to be in Nashville. Not only was the dam built but also two hydroelectric power plant were also constructed on the lake.
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Things I loved about visiting Anderson Road &J.Percy Priest Lake
The calming environment from listening to the birds to the water hitting the rocks and the ducks quacking around while they swim together. Doesn’t get any better
How even if there’s a lot of people visiting it’s a large area and can easily find a section to yourself to relax.
Since the lake is so big there’s plenty of parking. You’ll just have to decide where you want to start at.
Beautiful views, different variety of trails
There was lots of activities to do, rather it’s walking alongside the lake, boating, fishing,camping, hiking, horseback riding ,swimming and even water boarding.
Also on the same property as Nashvilles shore’s. So like you really can’t go wrong with a water park and a beautiful lake like this one.
I liked how Stone River Greenway offers different walking trails and even has a dog park.
Things I didn’t like:
How much trash there was meanwhile there trash cans everywhere I looked! If I had a pair of gloves and some trash bags with me I would of picked it up. But seriously! So many beer cans, cigarette buds or packs soda bottles etc. You’d think people would use common sense and whatever you take with you you’d bring back and throw away.🤦‍♀️
Wasn’t enough benches.
Broken glass scattered on the rocks that you walk on. (Anderson Road.)
How the parking was for Anderson Road
All in all it’s a beautiful place but would be better if there wasn’t people’s trash everywhere.
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Retiring in Nashville: Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Call Music City Your Retirement Haven
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As retirement approaches, many individuals seek an ideal place to settle down and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Nashville, often referred to as "Music City," is a popular tourist destination and a thriving city that offers numerous advantages for retirees. In this article, we will probe the top 10 reasons why retiring in Nashville can be a perfect choice for those looking for a vibrant and fulfilling retirement lifestyle. 
1. Vibrant Music and Entertainment Scene
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Retiring in Nashville means immersing yourself in a vibrant music and entertainment scene that is unrivaled. Known as the home of country music, Nashville boasts a legendary music heritage. Live performances, concerts, and a thriving entertainment industry are all at your fingertips. 
You can explore famous honky-tonks on Broadway, where talented musicians showcase their skills or experience the iconic Grand Ole Opry. This historic venue has hosted countless country music legends. With abundant cultural offerings, Music City ensures your retirement is filled with excitement and entertainment.
2. Mild Climate
An influential factor to consider when choosing a retirement destination is the climate, and retiring in Nashville offers a pleasant environment with a mild climate. The city experiences relatively mild winters and warm summers, allowing you to enjoy outdoor activities throughout the year. 
Nashville boasts four distinct seasons, each with its unique charm. You can take leisurely walks in parks, relax by the beautiful Cumberland River, or participate in outdoor festivals and events. The moderate climate of Nashville provides the perfect backdrop for an active retirement lifestyle.
3. Low Cost of Living
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Financial considerations are crucial in retirement planning, and Nashville offers a moderately low cost of living compared to other major cities. Whether you prefer a cozy home or a spacious condominium, housing costs are affordable. 
Property taxes are reasonable, and Tennessee does not have a state income tax, which can be a significant advantage for retirees looking to make their retirement savings last longer. The low cost of living in Nashville allows you to enjoy a comfortable retirement without compromising your financial well-being.
4. Healthcare Facilities and Services
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Access to quality healthcare is paramount during retirement, and Nashville excels. The city is home to renowned medical centers such as the Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Saint Thomas Health, which provide world-class healthcare services. 
These facilities offer a broad scope of specialized treatments and cutting-edge medical care. Retiring in Nashville ensures that you have access to top-notch healthcare and the peace of mind that comes with it. 
5. Abundance of Outdoor Recreational Opportunities
Retiring in Nashville means embracing an active and healthy lifestyle surrounded by breathtaking natural landscapes. The city boasts numerous parks, hiking trails, and recreational areas to reconnect with nature and engage in outdoor activities. 
You can explore the serene beauty of Radnor Lake State Park, go boating or fishing on Percy Priest Lake, or enjoy a picnic in one of the picturesque parks. With abundant outdoor recreational opportunities, Nashville offers retirees the chance to stay active and enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors.
6. Rich Cultural Heritage and History
Nashville's cultural heritage and history extend far beyond its musical legacy. The city is home to several museums and cultural institutions that offer a glimpse into its past. The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum celebrates country music's rich history, while the Tennessee State Museum provides insights into the state's heritage. 
The Frist Art Museum showcases diverse art exhibitions. Retirees can indulge in the arts, delve into history, and explore the vibrant cultural scene, expanding their horizons and enriching their retirement experience in Nashville.
7. Active Senior Communities and Social Engagement
Nashville provides a wide range of active senior communities and retirement villages that foster a sense of community and encourage social engagement. These communities often feature amenities such as fitness centers, social clubs, and organized activities tailored to the interests of retirees. 
They offer a platform for like-minded individuals to connect, share experiences, and build lasting friendships. Retiring in Nashville means being part of a supportive community that values social connections and encourages an active and fulfilling retirement lifestyle.
8. Culinary Delights and Southern Cuisine
For food enthusiasts, Nashville's vibrant culinary scene is a haven of flavors and delights. The city's restaurants, food trucks, and farmers' markets offer diverse culinary experiences. 
From mouthwatering Southern cuisine to international dishes, you can savor the finest delicacies and embark on culinary adventures throughout Music City. Whether indulging in classic barbecue, sampling hot chicken, or exploring innovative fusion cuisine, retiring in Nashville ensures that your taste buds are constantly delighted by a gastronomic paradise.
9. Proximity to Beautiful Destinations
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Nashville's strategic location provides retirees with easy access to many beautiful destinations. Within a few hours' drive, you can probe the majestic Great Smoky Mountains, known for their stunning vistas and hiking trails. Charming towns like Franklin and Lynchburg offer a glimpse into Tennessee's history and southern charm. 
The surrounding countryside invites you to enjoy its serene beauty and peaceful retreats. Retiring in Nashville allows you to embark on exciting weekend getaways and discover the region's natural wonders and cultural gems.
10. Welcoming Community and Southern Hospitality
Nashville is renowned for its warm and welcoming community, and its strong reputation for Southern hospitality makes it an ideal place to retire. Whether you're a newcomer or a long-time resident, you'll find that the city embraces diversity and fosters a sense of belonging. 
Nashville's residents' friendly and kind-hearted nature makes it easy to form new friendships and connect with others. The welcoming community and Southern hospitality create an atmosphere that enhances your retirement experience, ensuring that you feel at home in this vibrant city.
Experience the Best Retirement in Nashville
Relocating to Nashville is a significant decision; opting for Nashville could be your ultimate relocation. Discover an unparalleled combination of favorable weather, rich culture, and excellent healthcare facilities. Embrace the breathtaking outdoors and join the warm and inclusive community. Plant your roots in Nashville, TN, and embark on an extraordinary retired life, making it your most fulfilling chapter yet.
To Summarize
Retiring in Nashville offers a unique and fulfilling experience for individuals seeking an exciting and culturally rich retirement destination. Music City has something to offer everyone with its vibrant music scene, mild climate, low cost of living, abundant outdoor opportunities, and welcoming community. So, consider Nashville your retirement haven and embark on an extraordinary chapter of your life filled with music, adventure, and endless possibilities.
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thenugking · 2 days
Percy, 13, 17, 21, 24, 26, 29
13. What is your Tav’s main color palette? Why do they choose those colors?
Percy likes blues. It’s mostly just That’s The Colour She Likes but I think it fits that she likes to go for a cooler colour palette than anything more flashy. Until ofc she ascends Astarion and they “jointly” agree she needs to update her wardrobe to match his. At which point her colour palette is red, black and silver and she chose those colours entirely of her own free will so she and her boyfriend can look good together.
She switches back to blue quickly after leaving Astarion for Mizora--although the blues are maybe a bit bolder than they were before. This one is genuinely Percy’s choice, but she’s still very much trying to look good next to Mizora. (It’s a healthier relationship, not a healthy one.)
17. Do they have any enemies outside of the main plot? Any friends?
Y’know despite being a conflict averse people pleaser who wants to get along with everyone, Percy is very bad at making friends. She’s on Good Terms with a whole lot of people, but as for actual friends, I can’t think of any. 
She doesn’t make many enemies either, outside the main plot and taking on all of Astarion’s enemies. The only real one is Sister Rose the Penitent at the temple, which in fairness, is mostly due to Rose’s massive tiefling racism. But I think they both have a very fake-friendly passive-aggressive, “I’m the best servant of Ilmater” competitive thing going on, covering up seething hatred.
21. Describe a defining moment from their past, which makes them who they are today!
See I don’t think Percy ever had a big Defining Moment as much as just… a long slow build up of little moments. I guess joining the temple of Ilmater is the big thing. I think she visited to make use of the soup kitchen one time as a teenager when her family weren’t doing well, feeling guilty about it because they technically had food, just not enough for a full decent meal a day. She ended up talking to a priest about the guilt, and the very well meaning priest suggested that if she felt she had to pay the temple back, they were always looking for volunteers to help out. And things slowly went downhill from there.
24. What does your Tav consider to be their own biggest character flaw?
Obviously that she doesn’t help enough, that some nights she gets an entire six hours of sleep like a selfish, lazy monster, and she’s never jumped into a lake to save a drowning orphan.
Also, though I think it would take a lot for her to admit it even to herself, that she’s sometimes kind of resentful of her kids.
26. Give us one of your Tav’s secrets!
I mean I think the big secrets are all the Resentments and, at least pre-game, feeling sexual desire and being kind of Intrigued by Loviator.
Post-game, she doesn’t tell anyone when Mizora turns up again, and starts suggesting that Percy can be so much worse better than stuck living as Astarion’s pet. Or that, despite using the Mirror of Loss to forget most of the shitty things she’s done, she never actually followed Astarion’s suggestion to forget about the affair she had with Mizora. 
29. What fears keep them up at night?
Most of the things Percy worries about, she just looks into the Mirror of Loss so she doesn’t have to stay up worrying!
But she’s at least not a terrible enough mother to erase her kids. She worries that she’s never going to see them again, and that Astarion isn’t going to keep his promise to totally definitely turn them, or let Percy become a full vampire so she can turn them, and then they can all live as a happy vampire family together, and her kids will be so grateful for eternal life they won’t be upset at her for anything again. Sometimes she worries that they maybe even aren’t ever going to forgive her for leaving them and that she might not be able to make up for some of her Dubious Choices as a mother by giving them eternal life and inviting them to live in a big fancy mansion with her. Or even that they might not appreciate her offer to turn them into vampires for some reason.
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tennesseemensclinic · 12 days
Exploring the Benefits of Outdoor Yoga in Tennessee's Scenic Parks with Tennessee Men's Clinic
Tennessee Men's Clinic on Embracing Tennessee's Natural Beauty While Enhancing Flexibility and Strength
Practicing yoga outdoors has gained popularity, especially in states like Tennessee, where the natural landscape provides a perfect backdrop for this calming and strengthening activity. The fresh air, lush greenery, and serene surroundings offer an environment that enhances the benefits of yoga, making it more than just a physical exercise. Tennessee Men's Clinic highlights the growing interest in outdoor yoga to connect with nature while improving both flexibility and strength.
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One of the main advantages of practicing yoga outdoors is the connection to nature. Being surrounded by the natural beauty of Tennessee's parks can deepen one's yoga practice by fostering a sense of mindfulness and grounding. This connection to the earth is especially potent in Tennessee, where locations like Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Radnor Lake State Park provide breathtaking settings for yoga sessions. The peacefulness of these areas helps to reduce stress, promoting a deeper state of relaxation that can be harder to achieve in a traditional indoor setting.
Another significant benefit of outdoor yoga is the improvement in physical health, particularly flexibility and strength. The uneven terrain of outdoor environments requires greater engagement of stabilizing muscles, which can enhance the effectiveness of yoga poses. Practitioners often find that balancing poses become more challenging yet rewarding, as the natural elements introduce a new dynamic to the practice. This variability can lead to increased strength and flexibility over time as the body adapts to the changing conditions.
Tennessee’s climate also plays a role in the appeal of outdoor yoga. The mild temperatures during spring and fall make it an ideal time to take yoga mats outside and enjoy the fresh air. The warmth of the sun can help muscles relax and stretch more deeply, while the sounds of birds and rustling leaves create a soothing atmosphere that enhances the meditative aspect of yoga. Practicing in the early morning or late afternoon can also provide the added benefit of basking in the soft natural light, which can elevate mood and energy levels.
Specific locations within Tennessee stand out as prime spots for outdoor yoga. The lush expanses of Centennial Park in Nashville and the tranquil shores of Percy Priest Lake are popular choices for group yoga sessions. These sites offer ample space and stunning views that contribute to a more immersive and rejuvenating yoga experience. Additionally, many parks have designated areas that are relatively secluded, allowing for a more private and focused practice.
Outdoor yoga in Tennessee is more than just an exercise routine—it is a holistic experience that enhances physical health while nurturing a connection with the natural world. The state’s diverse and picturesque landscapes provide an ideal setting for this practice, offering both physical and mental benefits. Tennessee Men's Clinic encourages individuals to explore the unique advantages of taking their yoga practice outside, where the beauty of nature meets the power of physical and mental well-being.
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cowboytruths · 1 month
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percy priest lake, tennessee
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murfreesboronews · 2 months
Sheriff's Deputies Earn Life Saving Awards
Two Rutherford County Sheriff’s deputies earned Life Saving Awards for providing emergency care to a father and daughter severely injured during a boating crash June 8 on Percy Priest Lake. Deputies Chris Beach and Brandon Lorden received the awards. Patrol Capt. Chris Kauffman reported several bystanders applied a tow rope as a temporary tourniquet to the father’s leg. When Beach arrived, he…
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camerontrever · 3 months
Nashville Adventures: A Symphony of Culture, Nature, and Cuisine
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Nashville is a city that resonates with the echoes of its musical past while embracing the vibrancy of contemporary culture. Known for its deep-rooted ties to the music industry, Nashville also offers a wealth of natural beauty, culinary wonders, and diverse activities that beckon explorers from all walks of life. Nashville Adventures invite you to delve into this dynamic city's unique blend of sounds, sights, and flavors, making every visit an enriching experience.
The Rhythms of Nashville
Discovering Nashville’s Music Venues
The heartbeat of Nashville Adventures lies in its legendary music venues. The Ryman Auditorium, often referred to as the "Mother Church of Country Music," stands as a testament to the city's storied musical history. This historic venue has hosted countless iconic performances, and a visit here allows you to walk in the footsteps of music legends.
Equally significant is the Grand Ole Opry, a cornerstone of Nashville’s music scene for nearly a century. Attending a live show at the Opry offers a quintessential Nashville experience, where you can witness top-notch performances across a variety of genres, from country and bluegrass to gospel and folk. These venues are the soul of Nashville Adventures, embodying the city's deep connection to music.
Music Festivals and Live Performances
Nashville Adventures are not confined to indoor venues; the city comes alive with music festivals and outdoor performances that celebrate its diverse musical heritage. The annual CMA Fest is a four-day extravaganza that draws country music fans from around the globe to enjoy performances by some of the biggest names in the industry.
For those who prefer a more eclectic mix, the Live on the Green festival offers free concerts featuring a wide range of genres. These events provide a lively atmosphere where you can immerse yourself in the sounds of Nashville, surrounded by fellow music enthusiasts.
Exploring Nashville’s Natural Beauty
Parks and Outdoor Spaces
Beyond its musical legacy, Nashville Adventures encompasses the city's lush parks and outdoor spaces. Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park offers a unique blend of natural beauty and historical significance, with its landscaped gardens, granite map of Tennessee, and impressive views of the State Capitol. It's a perfect spot for a leisurely walk or a family picnic.
Further afield, Percy Priest Lake is a haven for water enthusiasts. Here, you can enjoy boating, fishing, and swimming, or simply relax on the sandy shores. This expansive lake and its surrounding areas provide a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life, showcasing Nashville's diverse outdoor offerings.
Adventure Activities and Trails
For those seeking more adventurous Nashville Adventures, the city's network of trails and adventure parks offers plenty of excitement. The Harpeth River State Park, with its winding river and scenic bluffs, is ideal for kayaking and hiking. Exploring these trails allows you to experience Nashville's natural beauty up close and personal.
If you're looking for an adrenaline rush, the zipline courses at Nashville's adventure parks provide a thrilling way to take in the city's forested landscapes. Whether you're zipping through the treetops or navigating an aerial obstacle course, these activities add a dose of adventure to your Nashville experience.
Gastronomic Delights in Nashville
Sampling Local Flavors
Culinary exploration is a key component of Nashville Adventures. The city's food scene is renowned for its bold flavors and inventive dishes. Start with Nashville hot chicken, a spicy, crispy specialty that has become synonymous with the city. Whether you're dining at a classic local joint or a trendy eatery, this dish delivers a fiery kick that embodies Nashville’s culinary spirit.
Barbecue is another staple of Nashville's food culture. Smoky, tender meats paired with savory sides make for a mouth-watering meal that highlights the city's Southern roots. Explore the variety of barbecue styles and flavors available at Nashville’s many acclaimed restaurants.
Discovering Craft Beverages
In addition to its rich culinary traditions, Nashville boasts a thriving craft beverage scene. The city's breweries and distilleries are at the forefront of innovation, producing a wide range of craft beers and spirits. Take a brewery tour to sample unique brews and learn about the brewing process, or visit a distillery to explore the art of whiskey-making.
Places like Tennessee Brew Works and Corsair Distillery offer tasting experiences that allow you to savor the distinct flavors of Nashville's craft beverages. These establishments reflect the city's dedication to quality and creativity, making them a must-visit for any connoisseur.
Nashville Adventures offer a rich tapestry of experiences that cater to music lovers, nature enthusiasts, and foodies alike. Whether you're soaking in the city's musical heritage, exploring its scenic landscapes, or indulging in its culinary delights, Nashville promises a journey filled with excitement and discovery. Dive into the vibrant world of Nashville Adventures and uncover the myriad of ways this dynamic city captures the hearts of all who visit.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 5.29 (after 1930)
1931 – Michele Schirru, a citizen of the United States, is executed by a Royal Italian Army firing squad for intent to kill Benito Mussolini. 1932 – World War I veterans begin to assemble in Washington, D.C., in the Bonus Army to request cash bonuses promised to them to be paid in 1945. 1935 – First flight of the Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter aeroplane. 1945 – First combat mission of the Consolidated B-32 Dominator heavy bomber. 1947 – United Airlines Flight 521 crashes at LaGuardia Airport, killing 43. 1948 – United Nations Truce Supervision Organization is founded. 1950 – The St. Roch, the first ship to circumnavigate North America, arrives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 1953 – Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay become the first people to reach the summit of Mount Everest, on Tenzing Norgay's (adopted) 39th birthday. 1964 – The Arab League meets in East Jerusalem to discuss the Palestinian question, leading to the formation of the Palestine Liberation Organization. 1964 – Having deposed them in a January coup South Vietnamese leader Nguyễn Khánh had rival Generals Trần Văn Đôn and Lê Văn Kim convicted of "lax morality". 1973 – Tom Bradley is elected the first black mayor of Los Angeles, California. 1982 – Pope John Paul II becomes the first pontiff to visit Canterbury Cathedral. 1982 – Falklands War: the British Army defeats the Argentine Army at the Battle of Goose Green. 1985 – Heysel Stadium disaster: Thirty-nine association football fans die and hundreds are injured when a dilapidated retaining wall collapses. 1985 – Amputee Steve Fonyo completes cross-Canada marathon at Victoria, British Columbia, after 14 months. 1988 – The U.S. President Ronald Reagan begins his first visit to the Soviet Union when he arrives in Moscow for a superpower summit with the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. 1989 – Signing of an agreement between Egypt and the United States, allowing the manufacture of parts of the F-16 jet fighter plane in Egypt. 1990 – The Congress of People's Deputies of Russia elects Boris Yeltsin as President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. 1993 – The Miss Sarajevo beauty pageant is held in war-torn Sarajevo drawing global attention to the plight of its citizens. 1999 – Olusegun Obasanjo takes office as President of Nigeria, the first elected and civilian head of state in Nigeria after 16 years of military rule. 1999 – Space Shuttle Discovery completes the first docking with the International Space Station. 2001 – The U.S. Supreme Court rules that the disabled golfer Casey Martin can use a cart to ride in tournaments. 2004 – The National World War II Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C. 2005 – France rejects the Constitution of the European Union in a national referendum. 2008 – A doublet earthquake, of combined magnitude 6.1, strikes Iceland near the town of Selfoss, injuring 30 people. 2012 – A 5.8-magnitude earthquake hits northern Italy near Bologna, killing at least 24 people. 2015 – One World Observatory at One World Trade Center opens. 2021 – A Cessna Citation I/SP crashes into Percy Priest Lake in Tennessee, killing all six people on board, including actor Joe Lara and his wife Gwen Shamblin Lara.
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sneaking-out-late · 1 year
We are out on the lake and near Hendersonville and every time it reminds me that Taylor was an old hickory girlie and not a Percy priest girlie and that’s just the right answer
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nashvillenews · 1 year
Nashville crews recover another missing person from Percy Priest Lake - WKRN News 2
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everydayesterday · 2 years
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Bonaparte’s Gulls (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) in flight.  
photos by me.  2023-03-18 Nashville, TN (J. Percy Priest Lake)  
[Image ID: Five Bonaparte’s Gulls in flight over a lake]
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bettysandbros · 2 years
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Hooked w/ @thehappypayne (at Percy Priest Lake, Nashville TN) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkuHWmlvPQR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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realtorsherrybowman · 2 years
Middle Tennessee Living: 10 Ways to Enjoy Outdoors
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Summertime is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy all that Middle Tennessee has to offer. Whether you're looking for ways to stay active or just want to relax in nature, there's something for everyone. Here are 10 ways to enjoy the outdoors in Middle Tennessee.
1. Go hiking or camping. The trails at Radnor Lake State Park and Percy Priest Wildlife Refuge are perfect for all skill levels, from easy walks to more challenging hikes through the woods. If you'd rather not carry a heavy pack on your back, there are plenty of campgrounds in Middle Tennessee where you can set up a tent and spend the night under the stars.
2. Go birdwatching. There are numerous locations throughout Middle Tennessee where you can enjoy watching birds, from popular spots like Shelby Bottoms Park in Nashville to smaller preserves like Cedar Hill Farm in Dickson. You can also check out a local nature center or Audubon Chapter for more information on spotting and identifying different species.
3. Go kayaking or canoeing. The Cumberland and Harpeth Rivers offer plenty of opportunities for all skill levels to enjoy a day on the water. You can rent a kayak, canoe, or paddleboard at one of the many local outfitter shops and spend a few hours paddling along the river.
4. Go fishing. Whether you're an experienced angler or are just looking for a relaxing day on the water, there are plenty of places to cast your line in Middle Tennessee. Head down to Old Hickory Lake or Percy Priest Lake and spend the afternoon reeling in bluegill, largemouth bass, and catfish.
5. Go golfing. There are numerous golf courses throughout Middle Tennessee, from well-known public courses like McCabe Golf Course in Nashville to smaller, more exclusive clubs like Dixon Golf Club in Franklin. If you're just getting started, many local driving ranges offer lessons and clinics so you can learn the basics before heading out onto the green.
6. Go swimming. There are many public pools and water parks in Middle Tennessee where you can cool off on a hot summer day, from the indoor pool at the YMCA of Nashville to the splash pads and wading pools at local city parks. If you prefer spending time outdoors, head down to Centennial Park in downtown Nashville or Nashville Shores in Hermitage and take a dip in Percy Priest Lake.
7. Go cycling. Whether you opt for one of the many off-road trails or stick to paved roads, there are plenty of great places to go cycling in Middle Tennessee. You can rent bikes at local shops like Bongo Java Bicycles in Nashville, or you can bring your own and hit the trails at places like Shelby Bottoms Park.
8. Go mountain biking. If you're looking for a more challenging ride, check out one of the many mountain biking trails in Middle Tennessee, from the single track at Elliott Road Trailhead to the more advanced trails at Long Hunter State Park.
9. Go rock climbing. If you're an experienced climber, there are plenty of bouldering and crag locations in Middle Tennessee that offer challenging climbs for all skill levels. You can also sign up for lessons or join a local outdoor club to get more tips on improving your skills and finding new trails to explore.
10. Go stargazing. One of the best ways to enjoy the great outdoors in Middle Tennessee is to spend a night gazing at the stars. Whether you head out to a local state park like Radnor Lake or pull up a chair on your back porch, there are plenty of opportunities for stargazing throughout the summer months. Just make sure to protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays by wearing sunglasses when the sun is at its peak.
There are plenty of great ways to enjoy the outdoors in Middle Tennessee, whether you're looking for a challenging hike or a relaxing day on the water. You can find something to do no matter what your interests are, and we hope you'll get out and explore some of these activities this summer.
If you want to explore more about middle Tennessee or need any help with your housing needs, call a realtor in middle Tennessee today!
The changing landscape of middle Tennessee
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As the world changes, so does Middle Tennessee. The once rural area is now becoming more and more suburban, as people move in search of a better life. This change has brought new challenges to the area, as well as new opportunities.
One of the biggest challenges that Middle Tennessee is facing is the issue of traffic congestion. With more and more people moving to the area, the roads are becoming increasingly crowded. This has led to longer commute times and more accidents.
To help ease this issue, the state of Tennessee has invested heavily in public transportation. They have added new bus and rail lines, as well as expanding existing ones. This has helped to take some of the pressure off of the roads.
In addition to traffic congestion, another challenge that Middle Tennessee is facing is the issue of affordable housing. As the area becomes more popular, the cost of living has gone up. This has made it difficult for many people to find a place to live that they can afford.
However, there are also some positives that have come with the changes in Middle Tennessee. One of the biggest advantages is the fact that there are now more job opportunities. With more people moving to the area, businesses are expanding and creating new jobs. This has helped to improve the economy of the area.
Overall, the changes that have taken place in Middle Tennessee have both advantages and disadvantages. However, the positives seem to outweigh the negatives. With more investment in public transportation and affordable housing, the area is sure to continue to grow and prosper.
If you need help with your housing needs in Tennessee today, contact a realtor!
The ultimate guide to camping in middle Tennessee
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Camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, and Tennessee is a great place to do it. With plenty of parks and campgrounds, there's something for everyone who loves camping. This guide will help you plan your trip and make the most of your time in the great outdoors.
When you're planning your camping trip, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you'll need to decide where you want to go. There are plenty of great camping spots in Tennessee, so take some time to look around and find the perfect place for your group. Once you've found a good spot, you'll need to make sure you have all the supplies you need. Make a list of everything you'll need for your trip, and be sure to pack it all before you leave.
Once you're at your campsite, there are plenty of things to do. If you're looking for some relaxation, take a hike or go fishing. If you're feeling adventurous, try out some of the great activities Tennessee has to offer, like canoeing or horseback riding. No matter what you choose to do, you're sure to have a great time camping in Tennessee.
So what are you waiting for? Start planning your trip today and get ready to enjoy the great outdoors!
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