nahdobrev · 10 years
But I'm a bit impatient!
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Come along. We’re almost there.
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nahdobrev · 10 years
Text: Maia & Nina
Maia: Can you come over?
Maia: I need your help.
Nina: don't tell me you killed someone
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nahdobrev · 10 years
kjungxox: I was tricked into watching 50 Shades of Grey... I don't-- I don't know anything anymore.
@ninadobrev: @kjungxox i was thinking of seeing that. should i?
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nahdobrev · 10 years
Valentines day is cute and all, but I had cookie dough and horror movies, so I think we know who the real winner here is.
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You're not dating anyone?
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nahdobrev · 10 years
Spend some quality time with me.
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I spent the last four hours watching a Barbie TV show, now I don’t know what to do with myself.
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nahdobrev · 10 years
Text // Nina
Ariana: you're right
Ariana: at least sam smith won
Nina: love that man
Nina: i'm actually rly proud of him
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nahdobrev · 10 years
Ten years? That's not really that much of an age gap, is it?
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Of course it was but coming from a ten year old it was kind of weird.
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nahdobrev · 10 years
"Guess it's just a cultural thing that everyone just catches on to?" Nina said curiously, not realizing how day-dreamy she must have sounded. "Brinner? Dreakfast? I'm just making up words now," Nina said jokingly, knowing she sounded like a nerd, "Or we could just hang out together for a whole day. You know, if we don't get sick of each other." She laughed for a bit. She didn't think she would get sick of Harry. Mostly because she didn't know every single thing about him, and it'd be cool to get to know the real him. Not just the things that rested on the surface. "We don't have to consider it a date. Maybe just like a hang out for friends that are going to be super close." Nina said not really making sense of the words she was saying. She sort of just wanted to avoid any silence that could possibly occur. "See? Everything has something positive in it. Especially things that seem like... you're bullying a barista." Nina laughed. Nina's grin widened a bit more when he pulled her closer. It was semi because he was warm, and she could use all the warmth she could get. But it was also the fact that she was so close to him. "I'm glad we can agree on that topic then, because I wasn't intending to be merciful tonight," she said in a hushed tone and pressed a bit closer when she saw him study her face.
Something Stupid // nirry
"Well, to be honest…neither do I… like lift and take away makes sense…but some others are just plain strange," he admitted. "Hm, maybe. I am pretty creative," he chuckled, "Yeah, breakfast would be nice…or dinner. Any time of the day really." Harry’s smile widened and he hoped he wasn’t being too forward. Of course he couldn’t actually ask her out on a date, but he would like to spend more time with her. He didn’t want to jinx anything but he rally wanted to get to know her, and he hoped she felt the same. "Yes, this is true. Many don’t understand how easy it is to crack under pressure. I am doing them a great service. This is true." He chuckled slightly, moving his hands down to her waist and pulling her closer. He was bold in this moment, not really thinking about his actions. Their faces were inches away. "I don’t think I want mercy, to be quite honest, love," he breathed, flickering his eyes towards her lips. 
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nahdobrev · 10 years
That's flattering, I guess?
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I ran into some fans today and one of them tried to use that old ‘If I had a nickel for every time I saw a girl as pretty as you, I’d have a nickel’ pick up line on me.
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nahdobrev · 10 years
Text // Nina
Ariana: I believe Ed Sheeran deserves at least one Grammy
Ariana: he's probably going to be Leonardo DiCaprio of the Grammy.
Nina: don't be so negative
Nina: he'll get it when his time comes
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nahdobrev · 10 years
Fine. Not to the drug part. Are you calmer when you have your drugs? Because you could just walk down the street and get some. One of us ought to be a drug dealer.
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You mean you feel like I shoved a bunch of words into your throat. Don’t sugar coat my words. No, better yet roll some blunt with me. That’ll make you more useful than just standing there like a dumbass.
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nahdobrev · 10 years
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nahdobrev · 10 years
Now I feel a bit bad about myself because you are more knowledgable than I am. By a lot.
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Well, I do. So. Yeah. 
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nahdobrev · 10 years
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get to know me: (1/5) favorite actresses → Nina Dobrev
i know a lot of people dread going to work every morning, but my work is playing pretend and doing stunts and screaming. it’s a lot of fun, and i get to play dress up. every day is exciting and different and new and cool. i couldn’t be more grateful.
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nahdobrev · 10 years
But you have to keep count, so it must be a lot.
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There’s nowhere near that many.
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nahdobrev · 10 years
"Oh, yeah. I definitely need help with the slang. I honestly don't understand where some of your slang originates from," Nina trailed on, trying to think of an example but ended up laughing, "I can't think of anything. Completely blanking. But I'm sure you could think of something." Nina grinned, "I'm glad. Just remember, we don't always have to break the law when we hang out. We can always just go to something simple, like breakfast." Nina smiled even more when Harry returned it. Of course she knew it was cliché, but she was happy when her friends were happy. Well, she thought she could already consider Harry a friend even though they hadn't spent as much time together compared to other friends she had. Although she was thinking about future plans, she knew she couldn't get ahead of herself. When she starts overthinking the future, that's when everything goes wrong. "That's right. They need exposure to the real world anyway. For some reason, they are." Nina said the last part semi-jokingly. She didn't want to hint anything, or want Harry to think that she thought he was a handsome asshole, even though she praised him about his gentleman-like acts. She shivered slightly when the water hit her again. Will I ever get used to this cold water... Nina thought to herself, not wanting to complain out loud. "Hm, I would think so," Nina said lightly while drawing herself toward him, "But, you know, I don't always show mercy when it comes to being fair.
Something Stupid // nirry
"Of course, love. I am sure you are absolutely proper in your accent, but you may need a little help with the slang." He smiled, thinking of her attempt at the accent. Most Americans weren’t very good at British accents, but he had a feeling she was more than adequate. "That’s very nice of you, thank you. That’s true.. I do want to get to know you, Nina." He returned the grin with a toothy smile, excited for the future time spent together. He felt a joly of electricity rush through him at the thought of seeing her more than just tonight. "That’s true. Besides, I can help them toughen their skin. Well, aren’t all assholes handsome?" Harry joked, knowing full well he would never be anything less than cordial to a stranger. He nodded, "That would most definitely defeat the purpose." He splashed her lightly back, the water feeling like nails against his fingertips. He moved towards her, a smirk still plastered on his face, "Skinny dipping? Now, you’d really be at a terrible advantage." He carefully placed his hands on her waist, "And that wouldn’t be fair to poor old me, now would it?" 
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nahdobrev · 10 years
I made too many. And I don't want to feel like that fat kid that eats the whole tray.
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G-get rid of them? How come?
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