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Lucro Presumido - Holding de Participações Societárias: Qual o Percentual de Presunção do Lucro
A receita obtida na alienação de participação societária de caráter não permanente por “holding” de participações deve ser computada como receita bruta e integrar a base de cálculo do IRPJ e CSLL apurado, no regime de Lucro Presumido, pelo percentual de presunção de 32%, inclusive sobre atividade de cessão de direitos de qualquer natureza. Para o PIS/PASEP, a alíquota é de 0,65% e a COFINS é de…
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#alíquotas#base de cálculo#CSLL#holding#IRPJ#lucro presumido#participações societárias#percentual#presunção#solução de consulta
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PRIMA PAGINA Globo di Oggi giovedì, 05 dicembre 2024
#PrimaPagina#globo quotidiano#giornale#primepagine#frontpage#nazionali#internazionali#news#inedicola#oggi minima#menor#patamar#persiste#mercado#familia#percentual#para#entre#serie#desde#tese#tarcisio#foto#ficar#financas#debate#relator#artigo#civil#inconstitucional
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if i see one more uncritical mention of special magic family blood that needs to be kept pure and undiluted otherwise you lose your specialness i'm going to start stabbing-
#asoiaf#valyrianscrolls#.txt#house targaryen#house blackwood#house stark#etc etc etc#please stop with the race science#magic is magic it doesnt work on percentuals#taking all this stuff at face value is so.#genuinely if somehow martin confirmed that indeed#only true pureblooded valyrians can get dragons and the less pureblooded you are the less powerful and special you are#i am going to start burning books#genuinely just straight up racial supremacy#which is something that was actually canonically practiced by the giant slaving empire of evil blood magic#please stop
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I just realized that Logos' second talent is not a RES ignore, it's a RES debuff (a flat debuff, to be percise - think Ifrit's S3). In fact this will mean that he serves as some sort of support and debuffer too because other operators that deal Arts damage will also be able to take advantage of that effect instead of when it were only an ignore.
It also means that it stacks with RES debuffs that are percentage-based, like Eyja S2, Ifrit's first talent, stacks with Arts Fragility, like RAlter talent, and (Arts Fragility does not stack with itself, but due to HG exact wording it does stack with...) Arts damage taken debuffs, meaning that his own talent is able to work with it as is Saria's S3.
The effect is not unique to him either, meaning that it's not like Carnelian's debuff which only increases damage the target takes from her, but instead the Arts damage the target takes from anyone. It's somewhat similar to how W's second talent works when the target is stunned, but does not signify who stunned it, meaning it will also activate when for example Mudrock or Texas stuns an enemy.
It also lasts for 5 seconds but his own ASPD is 1.6 seconds. Make of that what you will.
#arknights#yes an ignore and a debuff are different#and percentual and flat debuffs are too#the important thing to know here is that they can all meaningly viably stack#not to mention that as logos is an st caster he will get mod x which lets him directly ignore 10 res
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god I’ve got so many priory posts I want to make
#sadly most of them are analysis so they’ll take a bit to write#elli rambles#speaking of it’s so weird to me that I haven’t really seen any roc analysis posts?#I have however seen an incredible amount of stupid posts in the tag. like percentually speaking#but I guess that’s fandom for you :/
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Reajuste da pensão alimentícia em 2025
1 – Qual será o reajuste da pensão alimentícia em 2025? Com o novo ano para entrar, muitos genitoras se perguntam sobre qual será o reajuste da pensão alimentícia em 2025. Para responder a tal pergunta é necessário verificar o critério de fixação dos alimentos. Os alimentos, isto é, a pensão alimentícia, são fixados com base em determinado critério. Para verificar a atualização do valor dos…
#art. 528 do CPC/15#Critério para reajuste da pensão alimentícia#E se não existir critério de atualização ou de fixação dos alimentos?#Fixação da pensão alimentícia com base nos rendimentos do alimentante#O que acontece se o genitor não reajustar o valor da pensão em 2025?#Pensão 2025#Pensão alimentícia para o ano de 2025#Quem fixa a pensão alimentícia?#Reajuste da pensão quando os alimentos são fixados com base em percentual do salário mínimo#Salário mínimo como critério para fixação dos alimentos
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they will pick neither because they are not rupture or burn units
last released ID's\E.G.O have only two type of gameplay
sprites by "@뿍띠딱(p2t4)"
#they are bloise coded and I predict they will give percentual increase to damage OR slash weakness specifically#would be fun if they had a gimmick where they make kurokumo and BL units fight each other if you have units of both factions in combat tho#limbus company
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Não jogue as suas frustrações em mim, eu não tenho compulsão alimentar e estou comendo intuitivamente. EU NÃO estou em RECUPERAÇÃO. A primeira vez eu respondi de forma educada, agora eu me estressei de verdade. Se você não gosta das minhas refeições NÃO me siga, eu como em grandes quantidades para ficar acima da minha TMB, ganhar massa magra e diminuir o meu percentual de gordura justamente para não ficar flácida, eu já falei aqui que treino e faço muitas coisas. Eu faço dança, faço caminhada e treino braço , pernas, treino de abdominal todos os dias da semana, ou às vezes quatro dias. Eu faço faculdade também e faço caminhada quando tenho horário livre e se você não faz o mínimo ou joga as suas frustrações nos outros eu não tenho culpa. E eu Parei de contar calorias justamente porque me deixava ansiosa e eu engordava mais do que estou fazendo agora comendo de maneira mais limpa e saudável. Eu não quero ter um corpo “ saudável ” mas estar pelo menos estável, minha mf ainda é 34 kgs. E não é a primeira vez que recebo comentários maldosos do tipo.

#garotas bonitas não comem#anabrasil#borboletando#ana brasil#@n@ diet#@na motivation#ana y mia#anor3c1a#low cal meal#mealspo
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estratégias para emagrecer:
(o público alvo das dicas aqui foram baseadas em um vídeo para pessoas "normais", você pode adaptá-las conforme a sua dieta e gosto!)
- o corpo secreta hormônios como a grelina e a leptina, que influenciam o apetite e a compulsão alimentar.
a chave para um emagrecimento eficiente é manter a ingestão calórica ligeiramente abaixo do gasto energético.
o conhecimento e a disciplina são fundamentais para o sucesso no emagrecimento, mais do que qualquer método isolado.
é importante focar em um processo de emagrecimento que promova o ganho de massa muscular ao mesmo tempo que se perde gordura.
- o aumento da massa muscular e a atividade física reduzem o percentual de gordura e aumentam a testosterona, o que eleva a taxa metabólica basal.
a sensibilidade à insulina é melhorada, o que ajuda na construção de massa muscular e na redução da gordura corporal.
a relação entre a ingestão calórica e o gasto energético é crucial; uma dieta muito restritiva pode levar à perda de massa muscular em vez de gordura.
quando ocorre estagnação no emagrecimento, é importante ajustar a dieta de forma inteligente, diminuindo as calorias gradualmente em vez de fazer cortes drásticos.
- calcule a ingestão calórica ideal multiplicando seu peso por 30 para determinar a quantidade de calorias necessária.
consuma de 300 a 500 calorias a menos do que sua necessidade calórica, mas evite reduções drásticas para não comprometer o metabolismo.
se você estagnar, ajuste sua rotina de exercícios, aumentando o tempo de atividade aeróbica em vez de reduzir calorias.
acompanhe a composição corporal, pois a manutenção de peso pode ocorrer enquanto você troca massa gorda por massa magra.
utilize uma fita métrica para monitorar suas medidas corporais, evitando erros que podem ocorrer com instrumentos que se desgastam.
- a importância de medir o peso e a circunferência da cintura para acompanhar a perda de gordura.
aumente a atividade aeróbica e controlar a ingestão calórica para evitar estagnação na perda de peso.
o uso de termogênicos de acordo com a fome e a disposição, destacando a importância de ajustar a dose conforme necessário.
a divisão adequada de calorias entre proteínas, carboidratos e gorduras para otimizar a eficiência na perda de gordura corporal.
a importância de incorporar exercícios de força no processo de emagrecimento para melhores resultados.
#anabrasil#ana brasil#garotas bonitas não comem#i just want to be thin#borboletando#tw ana bløg#pretty girls dont eat#ana y mía#anadiet#ana y mia#ana tip#ana advice#ana angels🪽#ana br#ana e mia brasil#ana loves you#ana moots#ana omad#ana twt#tw ana rant#tw ed ana#cassie skins#skin and 🦴#skin&🩻fightback#skinandbones#low cal diet#omad diet#omad weight loss#i want to lose weight#mealsp0
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I hate the fact that my brain put out a plot idea for a Veilguard longfic. (Obviously centering around Lucanis and Spite.)
Ironically it is based on the kinda conflict within the fandom/meta that results from how "clean" and "heroic" the Crows come across in comparison to past depictions of them. I mean, I said it myself: In Veilguard they feel a lot like Assassin's Creed. Like: "Sure, we are assassins and we kill for a living, but we only kill the really bad people! Pinky swear!" While in older material they were definitely also killing good people and also very much participating in human trafficking (especially of kids that would then get trained to be assassins).
I mean, heck, from Lucanis' stuff in The Wigmaker Job (the short story) we also know that he and Illario were abused by Caterina. He very much rationalized it as "But she only did it so we could survive", but it was still abuse.
However, something we definitely know also from that same short story about Lucanis is, that indeed, he does have somewhat higher moral standards than your average assassin. And we know that he specialized on killing mages.
Now, from what I now understand about the worldbuilding is the following: In most of the cultures outside of Tevinter, mages are not only very much controlled, but also met with a lot of distrust. Making it quite likely that a lot of mages who have a lot of political influence are Tevinter mages, which will probably also mean that most mages he ever got hired to kill were from Tevinter, and he killed probably a percentually higher amount of Venatori than the average Crow. (Correct me, if I am wrong in this regard, DA-nerds. This is how I am starting to understand the world.)
However, if you consider the end of his companion quest... (more under break, because spoilers.)
He becomes First Talon, which means that he will have to deal a lot more with Crow politics and what kind of contracts the Crows at large will take.
Here is the thing: Everyone is the hero of their own story. And given all we know, I have a good feeling of the general narratives that Lucanis lives by. He is the good guy, because he mainly kills the really bad mages, because he protects Treviso, and really, those that end up dead had it coming.
But again, in past stuff we absolutely know that the Crows took down good people, before they were paid for it.
My first reaction to the end of the game was: "Oh, I can make them worse, hehehe."
And I mainly just would like to explore with Lucanis having to deal with the... uhm... business model of a professional groups of assassins being pretty much: "We gonna kill anyone we get paid to kill."
And I generally like the idea of a character having to adjust their personal narratives bit by bit, because it is one of the hardest things for humans to do.
But also... I have a long list of longfics I wanna write - and I would need to do so much research.
#dragon age the veilguard#dragon age veilguard#dragon age 4#dragon age#da:tv#da:tv spoilers#fanfic ideas#lucanis dellamorte#antivan crows
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A felicidade
É um estado de preenchimento que mina
Estar feliz, é estar drenado.
Impedido de pensar em qualquer coisa para além do estado de completude e satisfação.
Estar feliz não é ruim, mas um percentual de criatividade na felicidade se esvai.
É preciso ter uma pitada de tristeza,
É preciso sentir essa pitada
Para dar a luz ao que é belo.
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My Candy Love New Gen Ep. 3 Review
Okaaaaaay so since this is my first post on here: Hi there! guess who's gonna give her unasked opinion about her Playthrough of My Candy Love New Gen? ME! ofc.
So i've finished playing the episode and honestly i'm starting to wonder how the plot is gonna develop during the story.
Until now ce can't really say that the story is growing but, I mean, it's completely fine because these are the first episode so it's pretty normal that there's basically nothing but just a presentation of the character and a little peak of their routes.
The episode was pretty chill and cute for some point of view, but my only doubt is about the speed of the storytelling, i really hope that with new episode the story's gonna grow in speed or in lenght of episodes because, for how is it now, it's gonna take forever to make a real "change" in the plot (especially for Jason's route candies like me) The idea of the welcome party was EXTREMELY cute also the "preparation" part was okay;
Amanda not partecipating at the party because Candy didn't choose the park had me turn up my nose honestly, but by the way she reacted the all time, i could have guessed it. She gives me a little bit of snooty vibes but i guess it's just the shell of the character.
ELENDA. oh my ELENDA. I hope with my whole heart that she's gonna be the new Rosalya because i need it. I genueine need a ray of sunshine like her in my candy's life when she's gonna sleep with the rival agency's boss :PPPPPP (The truth or dare part XD had me DEAD, i mean come on guys, you're almost 30 and you need a TRUTH or DARE game to break the ice? LMAO. )
ROY. Can someone explain to me? Please don't tell me that the dare that he should have done was to kiss Candy and, because is dating Brune, he turned candy's head to kiss her on the check. Please don't tell me or imma GASP. At first i thought he was going to be the gym bro not interested in any dating or in date many girls at the same time, BUT THIS. BRUH unexpected. So i guess Candy in thi s case have to be Eric 2.0 of new gen. Love it. Let's sleep with another taken man!
DEVON. So I Honestly don't know what to say about him for now because i can't really say what's gonna be the issue with him. I Just really hope is not gonna be like Hyun route ( a full of nothing) because the character seems really cute, so please beemoov give us some tea or a plot twist. Something that happened in the episode that made me actually turn my head the screen was Candy saying (if you go to him at the Mall) "It seems that he doesn't want to be the Ceo" Maybe this is going to be the route?
THOMAS. I honestly love him and i feel like his entire route is gonna be Candy tries to make him understand what is to date someone. I also have a feeling (which would make totally sense) that Thomas is either authistic or he's part of that percentual of the populations that has an IQ higher that the others. L O V E I T TBH and it's a shame that i hvae to play two time the episodes because the outfit it's not the same for jason's route.
AMANDA Snooty on the outside but a marshmallow on the inside, i'm so sure of this. My guess here is that, girl's rich ass didn't say anything to her family that she likes girls. I just really hope is not the sme thing that happened with Priya because players dont wanna play things two times.
JASON. At last but not least, the enemies to lovers we didn't know we needed. what can I say? I have a huge love for Men who are so incure of themselfs that they put up this gigantic EGO (and not Confidence) to try to hide their real self. This going to be and Astarion (Bg3) route 2.0, I'M HERE FOR IT. Btw i'm pretty sure he seduced Danica to make her leave Devenementiel, this B, love him. At least he's not taken Candies....
what do you think? <3
#corazón de melón#my candy love new gen#my candy love#amour sucre#mcl new gen#cdm new gen#mcl jason#mcl roy#mcl amanda#mcl thomas#mcl devon#cdm castiel#amor doce#amor doce new gen#beemoov
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MASTERLIST (coming soon)
◆ English is not my first language, and despite having learned it (not fully), I'm still inexperienced. Expect mistakes, and don't gut me for that :)
◆ I am tired of seeing everywhere fem! reader or gn! reader that has "girls stereotypes," so I have decided to create a little space for myself and the other unhinged people (and not ;p) who doesn't fall under the term "female"
◆ With that being said, any percentual of girl can still interact with this blog (who am I to stop ya), but you won't find fem! reader here since it is not my cup of tea.
DNI: the basic stuff and minors. just don't be a dick and you're welcome :]
◆ character x m! reader
◆ character x gn! reader
◆ character x oc
◆ character x character
◆ oc x oc
◆ platonic stuff
◆ suggestive themes
@rottencarrotttt → main and multifandom art blog
@vesuvian-pigeon → the arcana art blog
@fer4ldog → crafts & diys / reblogs / idk
@softeyedhypnos → Hellenic blog / E-shrine for Hypnos

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quero ser magra? sim
quero ser definida? sim
mas quero ser o mais próximo possível da primeira fileira de fotos, e nao da segunda
"o que tem de diferente entre as meninas?" o percentual de gordura (bf)!
todas aqui para chegar onde chegaram treinam musculação pesado sim, mas uma é com foco em emagrecimento (caso seja gorda) ou permanecer no peso (caso ja sejam magras), e a outra é em hipertrofia e treinar muito um grupo muscular específico.

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Hi everyone, welcome to the first-round summary! Here are our battles (more info about the next round under the cut)
Battle 1: Gola vs Katrina Winner: Katrina Battle 2: Nisam ti još priznao vs Umazane Misli Winner: Nisam ti još priznao Battle 3: Ne bi Smel vs Carpe Diem - Slovene version Winner: Ne Bi Smel Battle 4: Vem da Greš vs Plastika Winner: Plastika Battle 5: Carpe Diem - English version vs Proti Toku Winner: Proti Toku Battle 6: Demoni vs New wave Winner: Demoni Battle 7: Dopamin vs Padam Winner: Padam Battle 8: Sunny Side of London vs Barve Oceana Winner: Barve Oceana Battle 9: Vse Kar Vem vs Kot Scre, Ki Kri Poganja Winner: Vse Kar Vem Battle 10: Metulji vs Ona Winner: Metulji Battle 11: Everybody's Waiting vs A sem ti povedal Winner: A sem ti povedal Battle 12: Tokio vs Bluza Winner: Bluza Battle 13: Bele Sanje vs Ngvot Winner: Ngvot Battle 14: Šta bih Ja vs Omamljeno Telo Winner: Šta bih Ja Battle 15: Novi Val vs Behind Those Eyes Winner: Novi Val
We have 15 songs participating in the next round, so... we have to save one more song. Since I'll have to do two different polls, I put some data on Excel and I figured the best way to do the next battles will be based on the percentual gap between the winner and the loser of each battle:
But, instead of trying to put all the strongest songs in one poll and the weaker ones in another, I decided to interchange the songs (one weaker, one strong, one weaker, etc...).
This is our order:
The winner of each poll will "fight" in another poll to come back for the next round!
Part 16 | Special Round 1
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Estamos no início de mais um ano.
2024 foi um ano de muitas adversidades, não resta dúvida, um ano de turbulências, de decepções, enfim, porém, olhando com um olhar de filho de DEUS, temos muito para agradecer.
EBENÉZER, até aqui nos ajudou o Senhor!
Em meio à tantas vicissitudes, permanecemos de pé, Aleluia!
Aprouve a DEUS que estivéssemos vivos, embora muitos atravessando momentos de enfermidade, tanto em si quanto em família, mas estamos ainda neste mundo, para um propósito de DEUS, com toda certeza.
É tempo de gratidão, sim, é tempo para pararmos e expressarmos a nossa gratidão ÀQUELE que nos tem sustentado com a SUA poderosa mão.
ELE tem cuidado de nós, tem cuidado da nossa vida espiritual e se nos encontramos em fidelidade diante DELE é porque a sua misericórdia nos alcançou, (1 Coríntios 7.25).
ELE chegou com a provisão certa, suprindo as nossas necessidades, sejam elas quaisquer que forem ELE é o Supridor, o Provedor.
Nas tentações da vida, não sucumbimos porque ELE nos deu o escape (1 Coríntios 10.13).
Temos um Sumo Sacerdote que se compadece das nossas fraquezas e intercede por nós dia e noite diante do Pai, glória a JESUS!
O percentual de ingratidão é muito alto, por causa do egoísmo, e o que muitas vezes se agradecia apenas por educação já não se vê quase acontecer, infelizmente. (Lucas 17.11-19 - E a pergunta paira no ar: Onde estão os outros nove?)
Minha oração e desejo é que JESUS olhando para cada um de nós, encontre um coração agradecido com sinceridade e amor.
Que possamos estar entre os dez por cento dos que são gratos a ELE por todos os benefícios recebidos por SUA causa, porque ELE se fez um de nós, para que através DELE fossemos abençoados com todas as bênçãos espirituais, Aleluia! (Efésios 1.3).
Feliz 2025!
"SENHOR, sou grato a TI por tudo. Continua comigo durante este novo ano!"
Márcio Melânia
Se você é abençoado por esta mensagem, não guarde para você somente, leia, medite, ore e passe adiante.
#devocional #deus #bíblia #meditação #bomdiacomdeus #oração #palavradedeus #adoração #jesus #vidaeterna #esperança
Quer rever os devocionais anteriores? Acesse: http://tiny.cc/DEVOCIONAIS
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