#per whump
dokidokisadness · 1 year
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From pet shelter whump here
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thatsgonnaleaveamark · 2 months
this or that - whump tropes (53)
potentially dangerous flesh wound (and you might have to look out for rabies as well) or venom that a character might not even immediately notice?
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uuuhshiny · 2 months
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Vladimir Verevochkin in Double
The next day doctor returns. Feeling absolute and complete power over another person, now he wants something else…
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letitbehurt · 9 months
Yes I adore Whumpees who talk their way through the pain of field surgery. Yes I equally adore Whumpees who are so delirious with pain that all they can do is scream around the bit as Caretaker works to remove a bullet or suture a gash. When Caretaker has to hold a thrashing Whumpee still, whispering an endless stream of apologies underneath their wordless sobs of pain.
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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Slowly, his limp pronounced but his back straight, Kaz made his way down the final flight of stairs, leaning heavily on the banister. When he reached the bottom, the remaining crowd parted.
Haskell’s grizzled face was red with fear and indignation. “You’ll never last, boy. Takes more than what you got to get past Pekka Rollins.”
Kaz snatched his cane from Per Haskell’s hand.
“You have two minutes to get out of my house, old man. This city’s price is blood,” said Kaz, “and I’m happy to pay with yours.
Excerpt From Crooked Kingdom, Leigh Bardugo
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neuxue · 3 months
do I know what this novel is actually about yet? No.
do I know that one of the leads was once described as 'the blade of the empire', is now seen as a traitor, and made her first appearances by, in order: (1) flogging the other lead with a whip made of bones (her own??? unclear!), and then (2) imprisoned and tortured beyond normal human endurance, unable to stand or do anything but affirm the other lead's memory of her pain tolernace, before (3) pulling someone else's hidden dagger out as a first recourse for dealing with a member of the imperial family? Yes.
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revelisms · 6 months
Antichrist Copia theory has overtaken me yall. I was not expecting to crank out a full thing on this, but, uh...if you're looking for one big indulgent braindump on Terzo trying to unpack his feelings on this while Copia gets possessed by a demon, look no further?
Quick context setting—I'm still working out these headcanons a bit, but what I'm generally tinkering with here:
Everyone tied to the Emeritus bloodline has some degree of magical abilities, which were formally "awakened" in an oath-taking ceremony at a point in the boys' childhood. This is the Sight mentioned here (i.e., whatever is up with the white eye), and each of the brothers have a slightly different angle for it: Primo can see into the minds of living things, Secondo can see into the past, Terzo can see into the future, and Copia can see into the realm that bridges life and death—and is somewhat a literal bridge, himself, between those planes of reality.
The Exaltation ceremony is a formal handoff from each Papa to the next heir, in which their Sight is tapped to its greatest potential in preparation for becoming head of the church. This typically involves a delivery of rites, a magical blessing, and an opening of the Gate between worlds (which, in this context, is technically Hell itself).
Basically: mayhem ensues.
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here we lie
4k words | Rating: M | Terzo-Centric | Antichrist Copia | CWs: Ritual magic, dark imagery, near-death experience, blood, language, existentialism, doomed fate, whump, anger issues, dysfunctional family dynamics, hurt/comfort. Also on AO3
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The exaltation ceremony goes wrong.
By all accounts, it shouldn't have.
As with any long-standing traditions of the church, the ritual had been perfected to the scrape of dust one was allowed to wear on their boots—and, as such, had been prepared with the expected flurry of pomp and circumstance.
The esteemed Monsignor Emeritus, firstborn, blessed with the Sight, had cleansed the air thrice with dishes of althea and frankincense and bistort: enhancements for protection and divination. 
Sister Mariella, well-familiar with the customs, had laid down the sigils for the Gate flawlessly: shadowed by the slow-prowled growlings and page-turned rites of Secondo Emeritus, Archbishop of the Eternal Light.
The ceremony, as was custom, was set to be led by the head of the church: their Exalted, sheened in black from neck to toe, the points of his clawed gloves glinting in the lowlight—for whom the Sight of premonition had seemed both a blessing and a curse, and never more so than now.
He was distracted, perhaps. Dehydrated, maybe. Dreading the moment he would stand at the door to the realm beyond—a threshold of time and space untethered—that would soon devour the faceless flesh-form of a ghoul cast back to the shadow (his One, his All, his own); a door he himself, in time, would one day find himself crossing, with body and soul split, head and neck cleaved, heart and mind shattered.
From the moment he'd slopped a spoon through the breakfast his secretary had slid on his desk that morning, he'd known, instinctually, that this damned thing could turn so haywire, if only because he'd been the one shackled with it.
His jittery magic, his restless brain, and Copia—
Copia has been anything but normal, from the day Sister carted him up the chapel steps.
Terzo knew he had magic—the likes of which few could fathom, even from his sticky-fingered child days. The night the little rat had taken his oaths, the air had sung with it: a strange buzz of sensation that felt like the sun had tipped off-center. 
And now— 
Now, the Gate is laid open beneath Terzo's hands, the unseen ink of his spell-marks glowing a blood-lilac fuchsia, bright enough to glare violently through his clothes, and the void of Hell itself screaming in its glory—and Copia is not imbued with the Dark One's majesty, as he should be—is no man, is not living, has flames for eyes and claws for teeth and wings like the undead and is screaming—
"Close it," Secondo snarls at him, a blurred tower of shadow and piercing white—
—and Terzo knew this.
Knew this boy-man-beast-hellspawn of Christ-Shadow Beholden always was. 
He'd looked him in the eye—kneeled there in the cat's cradle of a pentagram scraped in chalk, hands fidgeting at his cassock—and gave a crook of his head: murled, Ready? like a tease, though some part of him had meant it as, You'll be alright, eh?
But unblessed saints and demons below, Copia isn't.
What writhes before him now is a creature that terrifies him to the bone—one that may not abandon his brother completely, should he fail at this any farther than he already has.
"Terzo." Primo, now: an urgent hiss at his shoulder. "Close the gate—"
"I know." His magic burns at his fingertips, sears through his blood. "That—thing hasn't released him—"
A thing with claws cradling Copia's head like ceramic a hairline from shattering, spitting a pained growl through his teeth.
The sacrament in Mariella's hand shakes. "Papa, what's...?"
"I don't know." The flamelight flickers unnaturally against the domed walls: a great breath that lapses to darkness, sparks back again. "Shit, I—I don't know."
"Close the gate—"
"Hell Satan—will you all shut up?!"
There are horns in Copia's hair, slick-red-gold between his grappling fingers.
His stomach is in his head. His brain in his feet.
Mariella swallows. She's always been a strong soul—far more than him, now: level-headed in a storm, vibrant in a fog; a presence that guides as much as it grounds.
"How long can you hold it for?" she whispers, firm and calm. 
He pulls dry air into his lungs. "As long as I need to." 
He steps forward, spellwork singing in his veins, and lets his hands unfurl. The air whips at his vestments, wailing with the bone-deep unease of voices old as Creation straining to be heard.
Somewhere in there is Copia's own. He'll drag it out by hand, if he has to.
"You imbecile!" Secondo is shouting, muffled behind the blurred opalescence of the Veil: a wall that glows off the circle Terzo crosses, consumes him with the prickling unease of a limb losing its circulation. "You can't reason with it!"
The flames warp again. A shadow like death bends over the walls. 
Terzo's no stranger to the taste. His dreams have been riddled with the stench of it, from the day the Sight was force-gifted upon him. And like he had, then—a child with battered elbows and bruised knees; a not-man with awkward limbs and disdain for the old orders of this world; a Cardinal with paint on his teeth and a straightjacket of woolen expectations—he repents.
"I call on the spirits of the Then and the Below." A twitch strings through his fingers: with it, a flare of violet light. "To the Beings of those Beyond, the Eternal, I speak now, and speak only—" The pitch of his voice mangles, ragged with the corded growl of a beast: the underbelly all their half-human souls peel clean, when drowned deep enough in this waste. "In my Blood, see my will. In my Sight, my path—"
"What is he saying?" Mariella asks, her voice muffled as though through glass.
Primo calls a sharp warning: "Don't cross it—"
The air whistles with a faint singing of metal—and splits. It grapples at his clothes, twisting his hair with a gravitational pull unseen. 
He breathes in chalk dust, sighs out knives.
Beneath Copia's shivering limbs ripples the black expanse of the Gate: an aether so endless one couldn't capture its history in a millennia: a presence so indefinable that even Primo, with years of such history under his belt, can only stare through the blur, voiceless and rigid at the sight of it.
With twitching claws and lightless eyes and Hell beneath his feet, Terzo beckons.
"Bare yourself to me."
The room shivers. The walls shriek. The flames stagger, flutter, wheeze again—and snuff out, completely. 
In the pitch, it is only the Eternal, and the glow within his veins, and the white of his eye, and Copia's beast-man-beast-man-fanged grin with a split lip— 
A Being that takes the air of the room by the throat, and speaks in a voice that thunders.
"It is time."
Terzo feels its presence slithering up his legs. The weight of its All on his lungs. 
He keeps his hands steady, his intent clear, even for the exertion that leaves his arms quivering.
"Not here," he grits back, a strange echo in the ringed light that encases them. "Not now."
A hand that is not Copia's, is scaled and rotted and red, slaps to the stones. "When?" The shriek hits his ears like a thunderstrike. A chill is crawling under his veins: a heaviness that isn't right, is this thing more than his own blood. "When?"
Primo's magic is wafting through the air—some swift-casted attempt at a ward around them, far too late now. The scent of it itches on Terzo's tongue: dragon's blood, rose-ash, frigid at his back. His own aura swats it off like a gnat, too distracted to let it in, to think.
Fuck, he needs to think.
A stage—
The Being wails.
His downfall—this one's own Ascension—
Ice knifes into his ankle.
A stage and heat and lights and purple-bleeding-black and blood on his throat—a syringe in his brother's own hands, a demon masqueraded—his Unnamed's voice gristling in his ear, Be still be still be still now—
Mariella squeezes a talisman in her palm, smoking sweetly with the taste of Secondo's own protection charm. 
"Papa," she calls out: her voice a muddy, drowned thing.
His lashes flutter open, heavy as lead. 
"Coward!" the Being retches. Hellfire blisters against its silhouette, a nebulic haze. "Tell them of your death. Of Our purpose. Where We were sewn. You know it—"
Mariella holds the stone out to him, guided through the surging current of Primo's ward. The air wrestles like a gale through her sleeve.
"You know it!"
His claws catch at her palm—not his gloves, but his own, thick and black as talons. The talisman burns a sunspot-bloom through his marrow, bright as a thousand stars.
"Thirteen months." His speech is one he doesn't recognize: child and entity and Bloodline infinite. "On a black dais, surrounded by your flock." The talisman melts like a balm into his skin: an unseen shield that ripples with half-lit iridescence. The chill biting into his skin flinches. "You will know it," Terzo grits on, "and now is not it."
He thinks he hears Copia's voice through the fray. He can't be sure.
"And then?" snarls the Being.
Not a being. Not a thing. 
No—this is Lucifer-incarnate.
An orchestration.
"It won't be finished, then." The shell of magic around them snaps like embers in a flame, a jolt wrestling up his arm. So much time. So much weighed down—and he weighs it down, still, his breath shuddering. "You'll have years to go—"
"And then?"
Scraped nails, dead eyes, bloodied horns, Copia—
Secondo's gloved palm tears through the gleam, squeezes like a noose around his bicep. "I won't say it again, you fuck," he spits, the words warped and crackling. "You're going to get him killed—"
He can't shake him off quickly enough. 
"Close it!"
Copia's eyes. Copia's soul, trapped in the All. Right there—
His magic flares like a supernova, spears through that gate and holds: a cosmic blast that shouts his throat raw, knocks Secondo nearly off his feet, leaves him lightheaded and with blood on his teeth—but he has him—
"Thirteen months' time," the Being roars, "and you'll be taken with it."
Terzo hisses, his claws scraping at his brother's skin. 
"So is the Rule."
The Gate grapples at his silks. 
Copia's gloved fingers shake, snatching desperately at his arms. His own voice breaks through the loom. "Terz—"
"I've got you," Terzo spats. Sweat sticks at his neck. 
The fibers of his magic are fraying at the edges. 
Red eyes glare up at him. "Do you accept it?"
The portal whines.
"To the day it is marked, you'll have it. As it is written." His claws slip on Copia's sleeve. "As it always was."
The Being grins. "And so it will be."
It spits his brother out.
His hold on the Gate snaps like a wire—and shatters the well of magic, with it. The howl torrents through the room with a cello's blare, and whips to a bee-winged nothingness.
With the loss of it, gravity lurches in his gut. He cracks to his knees, catches himself on the stones just enough—gloves still intact, not torn through, only clawed with gold—and heaves blood. 
And his brother. His damned demon brother: rubber-legged, staggering, Copia gasps like a man near-drowned.
Unscathed, somehow—Satan willing.
Primo is across the room, in an instant. "Copia. Unblessed beneath, are you alright?"
"Ye-Yes, yes, I—shit." Primo catches him, his gloves slipping at his sleeves. Unsteadily, he veers back on his feet. "What...what happened?" 
It's too dark. Too quiet. Too loud.
Terzo swallows down bile; chokes on blood and phlegm. Mariella's habit swims in his vision.
"Papa," she hushes, clear as crystal now. "Papa, look at me." 
Secondo, halfway between them: "Is it gone?"
Her fingers skim through the sweat-dripped mess of his paints: press cooly at his temple.
"Is it gone?"
"Yes," she breathes.
Hazily, lashes flicking, Terzo tips out of her touch. He chokes on his words, the first try; rasps them, the second. "Where's the rat?"
"He's here," Primo answers him. "He's fine."
There's a clumping of boots, a rustling of silks, Mariella scurrying from the floor.
"What in Hell's name were you thinking." Secondo's hand jerks at his sleeve, wrestles him half-blind back into his bones. "You could have doomed us all. We never—never—speak to the Unnamed without wards in place. You know that—"
"Brother," Copia croaks.
Secondo rips his head over his shoulder. "You shut your mouth. I haven't even gotten to you." With a firm grip, his hand slips under Terzo's arm, helps him slowly to his feet. "Get up," he huffs. "Come on. Are you alright?"
"I'm—fuck. Fine. I'm fine."
His elder brother scowls down at him. "Good. And you better stay that way, because I have half a goddamned mind to put a fist through your teeth—"
"Dino," Primo snarls, "This is helping nothing." Years of practice in such misguided events has left him rationed, calm: a quiet glance turned to the pale-faced attendant behind him, who stands shell-shocked, having seen unwantedly the darker veins of their Order—and ones their customs would soon have him forget. "Jean," Primo says, waiting for his eyes to drop. "We will need a medic. Say nothing to the All-Father."
Secondo scoffs. "Oh, yes—Nihil will have this one's ass, when he hears of this—"
"Saints—ignore him, young one. A medic, and Priestess Diana. Quick as you can."
The boy nods and takes off through the hall's doors, stumbling up the stairs in his haste.
In his absence, the room holds a collective breath, the eyes of the siblings still in attendance fixed like rabbits on the four men clustered in the center of the room.
"We're alright," Primo says to them all, in a tone that is more order than reassurance.
It couldn't be more of a reach.
Terzo wheezes a snarl, a laugh. "Alright." The stones sting beneath his feet: five paces that drive him out of Secondo's iron grip, steer him straight into the path of Copia's saucer-wide blinking: eyes blue and white and younger than they should ever seem, in a face that has grown so weathered, as all of them have.
And he knew.
He lifts a clawed finger, his breath too slow. "I knew."
Primo, sharp as steel: "Do not take this out on him—"
He couldn't give a shit. 
He almost killed him.
The bastard wasn't living.
"What are you, mh?" Terzo licks his lips, tastes the bitter metal of blood. He lifts a shaky hand. "No, no—what did she make you?" He smears the leather against his mouth, the heat of his stare unwavering, a knife-edge sliced from shoes to frazzled fringe. "That—that Aether just within you, eh? Always that, under there?"
Copia shakes. "I didn't," he blunders.
"This is why she brought you, isn't it? Satan, of course—"
Secondo wrestles for his elbow, a steadying squeeze. "Terzo—"
"You saw it—!"
His brother's eyes simmer: one black in the lowlight, the other white as a moonbeam. "I saw you."
His bites his nails through his glove. Rattles in a breath.
"Calm down, the both of you," Primo says coldly, a hand still on Copia's shoulder. "It was reckless—but you managed. We are all still in one piece." He steps between them, pointedly, studying Terzo's face like a leech. "Your Sight will be strained for weeks, after that. You did not have the power to even attempt that on your own."
Terzo snuffs. "A good thing one of us sorry shits did."
Behind the sharp slope of Primo's shoulder, Copia shivers, eyes downturned. "I—"
"Don't." He drags a gloved hand through his hair. Shaking—still shaking? Outraged—always. Horrified, still. "You're good," he tells his brother, tells himself. "It is all good. You're alright. Okay."
Primo's eyes stare through him, see a bitten-lipped boy with a bandage on his cheek.
Terzo turns away. "Okay," he hushes again, and walks, past Secondo's stone-still glare, Mariella's worried frown, and walks, and walks, and walks—
"You are not running away, now—"
"Dino. Leave it. Copia, do not linger on that, alright? Don't listen to it. You know how he is. It is not your fault—"
"But what—what was that? What happened—?"
—up the gnarled stairwells, out the maze of lower halls, stumbling over the grasses, and sits like a stone on the side-entry's steps. Like a ghost.
Sits for an age.
He must—because, by then, the medics have come, and the stench of that room has been dragged open, and Mariella's whispers are drifting across the corridor's arches—after he's ripped off his gloves, dug his fingers through his hair, tried to breathe and not think—and he expects her. 
He expects her fear, her pity.
Not Copia.
The fool's boots scuff on the stairs.
"Is it, eh..." His brother muddles over a breath. "Alright if I—?"
Terzo doesn't have the mind to fight it—not with sweat still cold at his back. He swats his palm, some attempt at allowance, kneading his other fingers over his brow.
Copia slumps down to the steps. Just stays there, in awkward, insufferable silence.
Finally: "Shit—it's chilly today, isn't it?"
Terzo leers through his fringe. "Going to talk about the birds, next?"
"I'm just saying."
"Just saying. Yes—and you'll be singing, after." He combs back the half-tamed waves of his hair, hangs his hand across his knee. "Old chamber smells like a cesspool."
Copia manages a smile, the thistles of his mustache wrinkling. "Bleh. Nasty place. I've always hated it, down there."
"All the more reason to, now, huh?" Terzo forces a sneer of his own, glaring away. He sniffs. Pits his tongue against his teeth.
For a beat, his brother says nothing. Then, his gloved fingers squeaking over each other: "I'm alright."
Terzo chuffs, furrowing his brows. "Barely."
He can feel the rat's eyes on him. It makes his skin crawl. "Primo...told me. What it—well." Copia frowns at his boots, at the graveled path beyond. "Did you mean it?" he hushes, lifting his eyes. "That you've...seen it, before?"
Terzo bites the inside of his lip. "Seen lots of things."
"But—that. It's—I've always thought...er...felt that, maybe, she'd..."
"Mother, yes—"
"Your mother."
Copia's shoulders twitch.
"I—sorry," Terzo mumbles, shifting his fingers over his thumb. "I know it's not..." 
His fault, his intention—his anything, right?
But it is. Isn't.
Should be.
He flexes his hand, pitters his fingertips together. Looks away. "Anyway."
A breeze rustles cooly through the shrubbery that flanks the stairs: a feathered hush along the pines that tower over the grounds.
"Anyway," Copia repeats, shifting his tongue around his mouth. "It's just...you, eh...you have seen it, before," he says again, watching the air ripple through the leaves, "haven't you?"
Terzo glances at him. Sister's sloped nose. A paintbrush-smattering of freckles. The white of his eye, fixed on the swaying branches. Lanky little thing, as he's always been. The mirror to his own placelessness, own purposelessness, own forced mantle he never asked to have thrown upon him—but craved, clawed for, claimed, nonetheless.
"Told you, little thing," he says, tipping his heel off the stones. "Seen lots of things."
"But I know. I've always...felt it, I just haven't—" Copia fumbles, lacing his fingers. "Had the words, I guess." 
"Rare thing, for you."
"Shut up."
"Heh—even rarer for me, eh?"
They breathe in unison, the air thick with it: hope, despair, magic, emptiness.
"When it...when that...thing took over me, did it...say anything to you?"
Terzo's mouth ticks.
Thirteen months. Poison in his neck. His body tossed through the gaping maws of the realm beyond.
He stares at the points of his boots, still speckled with his own spit and blood, and scuffs his thumb at it.
"Eh...not clearly. Hard to make out, in the muck of it."
"None of it came through?"
Terzo tilts his chin on his shoulder, fixing him with a narrowed look. "It wasn't you, Coppie," he says. "Just...forget what I said, before. Old temper of mine, rearing its shitting head again."
"But what if—"
"It wasn't." Terzo plants his palm on his brother's knee, chipped black on his nails, and squeezes. "It wasn't," he murmurs again.
Copia stutters. "Well, even if it wasn't—it—it felt like I was..."
"Delirious?" He perks one brow, fox-grinned in his usual reach for deflection, distraction. "Dead, even?"
The smile wanes. 
For a breath, he tries to hunt for that beast beneath his brother's skin—the way he so often does in the steamed glass of his own mirrors, and so easily sees it in them: the spire-teeth, the winged limbs, the eyes half-living. 
He finds only a quivery little boy, tucked in the cage of a man's body. The same one who spent years, against all odds—against his own stupid, spiteful jealousy—clinging like a barnacle to his side.
He slides his hand away. "The Sight does it to all of us, little rat. Strips away the Veil." He picks at his thumb, the gravel hazing to a fine blur, and swallows: white stone crisping to clarity, again. "Catch an Emeritus in the right light—even a clueless one can see the Fallen in them."
Copia frowns.
Maybe it's not a comfort. All the more proof that he isn't one of them, as he has so often feared.
The Other, above all else.
"But what if I am?" he says quietly. "Whatever that...thing was? Will, eh...will something happen, if that's true?"
Terzo lifts his eyes to the sky—grayish with cloud-cover, damp with the chilled humidity of a storm along the way, something to wash this whole mess clean—and lies through his teeth. 
"Happen?" he snides. "What is this—Armageddon, itself? You worry worse than Nonna, Coppie." He wrinkles his brows at him, his smile thin, his paints half-smeared off his face. "And even if you were—would it be so bad? All of us are hardly human, eh? Perhaps you are just farther along the evolutionariness—the truest Creature of the Night, of us all." His eyes widen, teasingly. "I mean—psh! I will have my fangs, no? And the pincher, his wolf-pelt, and Primo will, eh...Hell, what would the old goat be?"
Copia rolls his eyes, leaning into the cradle of his elbows. "A zombie?"
"Feh—the Nihilist is the rotting corpse, surely."
His brother rolls into a snicker. "Sea creature?"
"Agh—not the lagoon man! We will insult the dear river's integrity, with such things—no, no." Terzo sniffs, feigns smearing away his paints instead of the heat itching at his eye, and smiles wryly again. "Let's be realistic, here—the old gardenia will be the enchanted plant that traps one's bones for the witches, yes?"
Copia wheezes on another laugh.
Saints, he hates that laugh. Godawful sound, a mimicry of his own: a snort and a tea kettle and a giggle all in one. 
The brightest sunbeam of any.
"He has to be the, er—the witch, right?" Copia wonders, giving him a teasing glance.
Terzo flashes his teeth. "Now, if that is the category—I will rule above them all, no?"
And his brother laughs again.
Their little brother, little demon, little star. The highest heir of them all, doomed to a path he should have never been put on—as all of them are, in their own ways. Always have been; always will be.
Terzo ignores Primo's shadow in the corridor, flanked by Mariella's quiet eyes. Ignores the hawkish leer of Secondo's folded-armed scowling, waiting to deflect the plague that will no doubt burst into the halls, once news of it all has reached the ears of their Highest.
At least for this moment, he can pretend.
Flit away what is yet to come, like a bottle tossed to the sea—Nihil, Sister, this brother tressed in silks and jewels for a price he hadn't the slightest knowledge would be paid—and goad another laugh out of him, and another. 
Relish in the denial that this is all that ever was. Ever could be. 
Copia: blushing, teary-eyed but toothy, knocking his shoulder into his—unable to do anything but choke at the idiotic scenarios he conjures for the four of them, in all their monsterly glory. As distracted as he deserves to be, after that wretched thing. The memory of it all forgotten, if for a moment.
And that's enough, Terzo thinks, the cool tang of rain on the gales.
For now, maybe, that's enough.
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Recently been in love with those calm, practical caretakers. Ones that, if the whumpee's ailment is only relatively mild but they're still miserable because of it, they're able to keep the balance of acknowledging their discomfort and attempting to soothe it, while still remaining calm about the whole thing and not panicking. They know the whumpee isn't in any serious danger -- but they also know they're majorly Unhappy right now and want to do anything within their power to remedy that.
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befuddled-calico-whump · 10 months
Total $hit$how: Bombs Away
in which Joy overcomes her boredom
cw: adult language
previous ///// masterlist ///// next
Things went from exciting to uneventful in record time. Even though they were on a supposed ‘tight schedule’, all they did was train and practice and practice and train.
Joy was no stranger to training overkill; she'd experienced it plenty in the army, but that at least made some sense. The army was full of dumbass kids who came in not knowing which way was up. Here wasn't. 
...With maybe the exception of Harbor. The guy looked thirty, but sure as hell acted like a dumbass kid. It was hard for her to pinpoint how old he actually was.
Not that it really mattered. No matter their age, skill, or background, they were all monkeys in the same shitshow.
They'd been here for close to a week now, and they still hadn't been given more info for the all important file. Not to mention the fact that the mission made no sense to her.
Sure, they were all skilled. Jericho had proven he could bust down cyber walls better than a digital wrecking crew, and she'd seen Benji crack every lock Sahota tossed his way in seconds. Even Kaius, for all his insufferability, was adept at finding little details the rest of them missed. And though Harbor followed directions about as well as a deaf rat would follow the pied piper, he still had the biotech to give him an edge on whatever Sahota tasked them with.
Skills aplenty. But why couldn't whoever’d sought them out just helo some mercenaries to whatever floor the secret tech shit was on and bust it up? Why did it require so much finesse? If it was so important, if leaving the program alone would potentially doom the city, what was with all the secrecy? And maybe most importantly, why couldn't the almighty Sahota and Vic do it themselves?
It probably wasn't her business. She probably just didn't care enough about the polite subtleties tech conglomerates required to give a shit.
But the powers that be demanded secrets and fine tuning, so fuck it, she'd play their game.
Training was fun enough, but Joy could stand to complain about their downtime options. As far as she could tell, they could either read, work out in the gym that was set up on the far side of the training room, or mindlessly wander the hallways.
She'd checked out the little library, and hadn't found many books she was interested in reading. There was barely a shelf's worth of nonfiction; old equipment manuals and biographies of people she’d never heard of. There was a significantly higher amount of classic literature. The kind of shit you had to read in school, and probably her least favorite genre. She'd sifted through the paperbacks anyway, if only out of boredom. The most worn book was a copy of the dreaded 1984, and when she flipped through its pages, she found tally marks. A shit ton of them, like someone had been bored and just wanted to see how many they could make.
There were maybe a hundred to a page, carefully drawn in the margins. Weird as they were, Joy couldn't find anything that gave them context, even after devoting an evening to checking the rest of the books for markings.
Maybe someone had a weird sense of humor and just wanted to put down 1,984 tallies. Either way, it didn't seem worth it to lose her mind over, so at the end of the night, she'd just shelved it and gone to bed. That had only been day two. Who knew how much time she'd have to kill while waiting for the mission to kick off?
The compound was woefully lacking in the engineering department. It didn't even have a proper toolbox, at least not one she'd been able to find, and Joy resorted to swiping little bits of cutlery and disposables to build shit. Nothing useful, just little things to entertain herself.
Day three, she made a working crossbow out of toothpicks and dental floss. Day four, a tiny model plane crafted from broken plastic cutlery. By day seven, she was on the verge of dismembering the AC unit in her room, just to see if she'd be able to fix it without a manual.
Joy pondered if it would be worth it as the crew stood half-awake on the sparring side of the training room, waiting for the morning’s session to begin. Of course, she didn't exactly have tools, but maybe she could improvise something.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed everyone else suddenly look towards the door, and made an effort to point her gaze in the same direction and pretend to pay attention, even though her mind was elsewhere.
It was Vic who walked in. A little weird, since it was usually Sahota strutting through the doors, but Joy brushed it off.
“Good morning, everyone,” Vic said.
“Good morning,” she parroted with the rest.
Maybe she could find a butter knife in the kitchen? With enough dedication, she could probably shape it into a half-decent flathead.
“I heard you've all been doing well in your training,” Vic continued.
What if she ran into an allen bolt though? Well, if it wasn't recessed she could probably finger-loosen it with enough dedication, but if it was—
“Today I'm going to test your skills.”
Joy's gaze suddenly sharpened. A test? That was new. Did that mean they were finally close to getting this show on the road? She raised her hand, and waited for Vic to look her way.
“How are you gonna do that?”
“I've laid out a mock mission. I'll give you all an objective, and see how quickly you can meet it. And perhaps more importantly, how you meet it.” He folded his arms, offering a friendly smile. “I'm afraid I haven't had the time to watch every one of Sahota's sessions. I’d like to see how it's coming along with my own eyes.”
“Where is Sahota?” Kaius asked from beside her.
“He's on a mission. A real one.” Vic chuckled. “Can't come to the phone right now and all that.”
“What sort of mission?”
“Well now, I can't go handing you all the details, Mr. Manak. I'm sure you understand.”
Joy had already assumed Sahota was going somewhere. This morning, she'd caught him and Vic in the kitchen and she swore they'd been about to kiss. She'd awkwardly excused herself then ran to tell Jericho.
Poor Jer needed something to distract himself with. The two of them had learned that there was no wifi in the computer lab way back on day one. And since they couldn't leave the compound and didn't have communication devices of their own, that meant they were effectively cut off from the rest of the world.
Which did make sense, considering all the top secrets they'd supposedly be exposed to. Not to mention the fact that the base’s location was probably a secret in itself.
Joy could deal. Her family was used to her going months without contact. Jer, on the other hand, was used to working from home. He had a kid now, a six year old daughter, and fuck had it really been that long since she'd last seen him?
They’d only had a semester's worth of compsci partnership before she'd deployed for the third time, but they'd really hit it off. Kept in touch, more or less, though she'd never mentioned her shady weapons dealings and he'd never mentioned his secret hacker missions. Which made them even. And now their respective skills had brought them back together, so Joy couldn't complain.
She was a little hurt that he'd never mentioned his kid, but given his skillset, she got it. You could never be too safe when you had both a family and a dangerous hobby.
“Her name's Arabella,” he'd told her, passing over a wallet-sized photo of a grinning girl with an assortment of wildflowers poking out of her softly-coiled afro. “Her mom took that on her birthday this year. She wanted a fairy princess party. That's the reason for all the flowers.”
“She's adorable.”
“She's a handful,” Jer said, smiling a proud-dad smile as he put away the picture. “She's the only reason I agreed to do this.”
Joy didn't have to ask what he meant. She didn't know what was at stake for the rest of the team, but for the two of them, it was just as much about protecting their loved ones as it was staying out of jail. It wasn't the government she had to worry about, or pride, or how society might judge her family. It was old enemies. People who would see her picture on the news and suddenly know where to look for her weaknesses. She imagined Jericho was in the exact same boat.
Vic clapped his hands together; a relatively soft sound, but enough to jerk her focus back into the moment.
“If everyone is ready, I'll brief you on your tasking.” He strolled over to one of the built-in metal cabinets that lined the sparring area, punching in a code on a keypad that prompted the doors to slide open. Inside, on the shelves, were what Joy could only describe as high-tech basketballs.
Or at least they were roughly the size and shape of a basketball. Most similarities ended there. They were smooth metal, with fine seams that suggested interior electronics, and a lense that was almost like… no shit.
“Are those robots?” Joy blurted out, forgetting to raise her hand this time.
Vic smiled. “Sharp, Miss Cavan. They are. Or drones, rather.” He took one in his hands, thumbing a button on the side, and the thing whirred to life, lifting itself from Vic’s grasp and hovering there.
Joy watched it with wide eyes. How was it floating? There was no propelling system or engine she could see, was it—?
“Electromagnetism,” Vic said, as if answering her thoughts. “We have a weak field that covers the training grounds.”
“Fancy stuff,” Jericho murmured.
“Is that our task?” Benji asked, gesturing at the drone. It swiveled in the air, facing its camera towards him, and he took a cautious step back. “Those… thingies?”
“On the contrary,” Vic said, moving to activate the other two. “The drones will act as a stand-in for armed security guards. They'll attempt to prevent you from reaching your goal.”
Benji gave an exaggerated wince. “But the drones aren't armed, are they?”
“They are.”
Joy's eyes flew to the trio of bots, scanning for weapons capabilities. Based on their size, they didn't have the carrying capacity for ammo or a full auto system. Not that she assumed Vic was willing to shoot them, but…
“Each drone is equipped with the equivalent of a cattle prod. Nothing that'll do permanent damage, but enough to give you a sting.”
Benji took a bigger step backwards. At this point, Joy was probably the only one in range of said ‘equivalent of a cattle prod’, but she didn't care. If anything, she wanted them to come at her so she could watch how they deployed their attack. Fuck, she’d give her left arm to take one of these apart. Maybe Vic would let her mess around with their armaments? She could probably devise a ranged electrical attack, if she could just get a look at the internals. She'd done similar shit in the gun shop, and she'd worked with some low-grade drones when she was still running arms overseas. Shouldn't be too tough to combine the two.
“What is our task?” Kaius took a step forward, so that he was standing shoulder-to-shoulder with her, his eyes on the drones. “What goal will they be trying to prevent us from reaching?”
At that, Vic drew out another metallic device, this one boxy and covered in so many screens and buttons Joy figured most were just for decoration.
Vic set it down, typing a quick sequence into a keypad next to the cabinet. A giant sound, like stone dominoes, echoed out from behind them, and Joy whirled around.
The concrete pad that stretched between the sparring mats and the gym equipment was moving, shifting around like tectonic fucking plates and rearranging into something that looked like an abstract painting; huge cement cubes stacking into a maze of stairs that nearly reached the ceiling.
“Holy shit,” Joy whispered. “How does that work?”
Vic chuckled. “I can’t give away every secret, Miss Cavan.”
“Can I come work for you guys?”
“We'll see.” He hefted up the metallic box, fidgeting with some of the buttons and dials on one of its faces.
“Alright, team, listen up,” Vic said, raising his voice to draw their attentions back from the newly formed obstacle course. “This,” he held up the box, “is a bomb.”
Joy raised her eyebrows, again scanning its surface. If it was a bomb, its fuzing was total overkill. But given her current surroundings, she guessed she shouldn't be too shocked.
“It's… like a real bomb?” Benji asked, but Vic’s only reply was a smile. He pressed a button, and the side facing them lit up in a garish, movie-style countdown. Digital red, seconds already ticking away.
“Shit,” Benji muttered.
“I trust you understand your goal then.” Vic pressed another button and the box spun out of his hands, hovering alongside the drones for a moment before disappearing into the maze of concrete that now stood in the center of the room.
“Evade the drones. Disarm the bomb. You have one hour.”
He grinned at the collection of shocked faces surrounding him.
“Try not to die.”
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desired-misery · 25 days
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so... how excited are we for whumptober? And lots of Leon S. Kennedy????
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So I was reading articles about John Hurt (as I do when I procrastinate on life in general lol) and I saw a still shot of a movie I’ve never seen still shots of before; so I looked it up. It’s a play. I was worried I wouldn’t find it in full online; but I did, so here it is in all its glory:
He’s just… ugh I want to gently hold his face in my hands he’s just so sad and lonely with his weepy voice and eye bags. I couldn’t process half of what he said but I think this is a warning about always speed-running through life to get to the next good thing. We should appreciate the moment; because in the end, we’ll have nothing at all but our memories. If we rush through life, we won’t have any memories to keep us warm at night when the chill of death creeps up on us in our old age.
Also, spool, spooooooooooollll…….
spoooooooooooooooooooooolllllll [cackles in mentally unstable]
@kaleidoscopr @theindo @possessedbydevils @randomtwospirit
#The fucking banana. I was talking to him through the screen like#“…a banana??? You keep bananas in…. there? You good man? A—are you okay?#What the hell are y—” [cracks up but quickly stops laughing] “Oh— oh honey… you’re not right are you?#No you’re not right. Uh…. Why don’t you sit down; your breathing sounds awful. You sound like you’re gonna die…#OH GOD [loses my shit laughing/cringing ] “Oh— oh ouch. No no no— I’m not laughing at you I just— I like your actor…#a lot… too much probably#and he’s just good at what he does and the timing of it all… this is exactly how I act when I’m home alone#I swear I’m not laughing at you… I just— PUT THAT BANANA BACK YOU’RE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF”#John Hurt#stage acting#Krapp’s Last Tape (2001)#Samuel Beckett#Yeah… funky stage play. Very moving and dreamlike#[This is me gently holding Mr. Krapp and rotating him in my mind like a bowl of ramen in a microwave]#Screaming crying throwing up beating the walls#I am unwell#Ough ough ough#It’s not difficult for me to watch per se#but I’m very much the kind of person who HAS to help when someone’s having a hard time doing something#— especially if they’re old or otherwise infirm — or I’ll feel like a piece of shit for weeks… and this fucking man#this fucking man is so good at being frail and pitiful that I feel genuinely agitated that I can’t reach into the screen and help him#It’s like the torture scene in 1984 all over again where he just barely manages to wrench himself upright on the table#then immediately falls off onto the concrete floor with the most tragic sickening bone-grinding splat you’ve ever heard#AND HAS TO HOIST HIMSELF UP ONTO HIS FEET ALL BY HIMSELF WHEN HE’S MALNOURISHED AND EXHAUSTED#Like ughhhhhh let me pick him up and wrap him in a blanket and carry him somewhere warm and safe and make him an omelette#And I know I write whump and I shouldn’t be this sensitive#but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MR. HURT YOU ARE KILLING ME#Youtube
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soapy-soartp · 2 months
Day 18 of @whumperless-whump-event (late entry!)
Day:  18- I DON'T SEE IT
Prompt: Hallucinations / Fever dreams / "It's just a nightmare. You're safe."
Fandom: TGCF
Characters: Wu Ming and Xie Lian
Wulian - XL having hallucinations 
Wu Ming stands guard just outside of the shabby hut that they had decided was their shelter for that night. It’s rare that they stop on their journey, his highness hasn’t been feeling well recently. 
As much as Wu Ming would’ve liked to help… (he tried) It wasn't his place…
So he merely stands guard just outside of the dilapidated house, he wants to give his god privacy but he’s unwilling to stray too far. Especially when he already wasn't feeling well… especially when there's a chance that masked monster could appear at any mo- 
A choked off scream rings out into the quiet night.
Before he knows what's happening he’s slammed open the poorly made door and is met with the sight of his beloved curled up in the corner. He feels his dead heart break, yet he freezes. The familiar feeling of helplessness takes over.
His god, his beloved, his most gracious and noble special someone is suffering right there yet he can do NOTHING.
His god is left trembling (bleeding) in the corner (on an altar) with ragged breath and unseeing eyes (choked breath and panicked tears) mumbling to himself (choking on bloody screams).
And for the second time that night Wu Ming does not control what he does. He’s suddenly gently wrapped himself around his god, as gentle as a weapon can be. His god’s heart thunders and he trembles with it. He mumbling a litany of no’s and get away’s. Most heartbreakingly of all are the small yet oh so pained *‘it hurts’*.
Wu Ming takes an unsteady breath, one he doesn’t really need but he can’t help it. He starts feverishly trying to comfort his beloved, trying to chase away whatevers plaguing him with his words (“Your Highness… Please breathe!” “It's just a nightmare. You're safe." “I won’t let them do that to you again. Never again. I swear it.”) and his hold (he clings to his highness as if he were that ten year old boy again, just told he had cursed and doomed fate). 
It's almost exactly like what his god had done for him, but he is no god. He can barely get his highness to take a proper breath let alone comfort him properly. The feeling of helplessness pricks at him yet again but all he can really do is continue to whisper reassurances and hold on tight.
And when the deep night came and his highness was once again calmly asleep, if he began to sing the vague lullaby that his mother used to sing, that's no ones business but his own. 
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crimeronan · 3 months
having an extraordinary pain day. pls feel free to dump a bunch of princess AU bullshit in my inbox i am So Miserable....
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uuuhshiny · 1 month
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Vladimir Verevochkin in Survival game (Игра на выживание)
post auction AU
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lancedoncrimsonwings · 4 months
My partner: I'm going to read through your fanfic and count up the number of warcrimes.
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painsandconfusion · 4 months
“pretty on people” do u mean “preys on people”?
Yes thank you!
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