#people who aren’t yet used to this: should I? be afraid? am I in danger?
confidentmaribug · 11 months
MLB really missed out on the humor factor of portraying ladybug and chat noir as celebrities. Marinette knows what’s happening like all the time and keeps knowing too much and everyone is baffled by it. Imagine Superman saving you and he knows a weirdly personal amount of information. Conspiracies that ladybug and chat noir are all knowing cryptids start to be spread.
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deadprompts · 11 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
my people have guns. yours don't.
we're still here.
i can’t watch more names go up on that wall.
hell, they're all gonna be doing that.
i do not appreciate you killing my men.
they made a lot of demands, even more threats.
i know that is a mighty, big, nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you most certainly will!
this is the next world.
that’s a stupid name.
confrontation's never been something we've had trouble with.
it happened and now it's done.
you want to live, you take chances.
i'm not pissing off a pregnant lady.
the world is trying to die.
the people around you dying, that's the hard part.
the only thing that keeps you from being a monster is killing.
i want to show you the new world.
if you have to eat shit, best not to nibble.
your dad was an asshole.
things can get better. we can make them better.
this is what life looks like now.
doing this will start us down a road where nothing matters.
we're gonna give it to them.
we don't leave anyone behind.
you got one of our guns.
we all have a job to do.
we can't turn back because we're afraid.
look, i get it, my dad killed your dad.
do you have any idea who you are talking to?
someday this pain will be useful to you.
this is your way of life now.
shit’s continually been hitting the fan.
you work for me now.
i like you people.
you keep choosing this life, you will die.
you don't really think that you were gonna get through this without being punished, now did you?
things aren’t as simple as four words.
you are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes.
you’re a survivor. you always were.
you can cry.
it’s dangerous, you should change it.
but are you gonna live through it?
and what do you get in return?
i don't take chances anymore.
somebody like that they're gonna die no matter what.
most of the people here don't even know how to fight, even if we had ammo.
we got here together, and we’re still here.
you see? i have leverage.
you still got family and you still got a home.
these dicks just got a good story.
i find this whole conversation pretty funny.
your world’s about to get a whole lot bigger.
trust us.
i wanted to kill him.
there is no right; there's just the wrong that doesn't pull you down.
i will not allow you to kill me. i will not allow that.
we need food. you have it. we're willing to work for it.
sucks, don't it? moment you realize you don't know shit.
we have to come for them before they come for us.
i fully respect the hair game.
then i'll get supplies for your people.
i'm going like i should have.
we keep going for them.
i like the way you call bullshit.
ya'll don't think you're being stupid right now?
you're some kind of stupid, getting knocked up at a time like this.
shit kid. lighten up.
i'm gonna beat the holy hell outta one of you.
i don't wanna kill you people.
we're going to have to fight.
be kind to each other.
y'all are worse than a bunch of evangelical second graders.
i am not like you.
i still think i got some of his brains in my ear.
we don't need to leave breadcrumbs.
dibs is dibs.
when they come for us, we’ll end it. the whole thing.
this was supposed to be a dress rehearsal.
i trust you.
you're one of the most important people in the world to me.
good luck, dumbass.
you wanna make today your last day on earth?
you point a gun at me, and i’m the asshole?
people you love, they made you who you are.
we pissin' our pants yet?
i'm not planning to die today.
you're the one who's afraid to die. and you're going to. you will die.
you go or you stay. those are your choices.
i know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world.
you need to know things aren't as simple as they might seem.
i have come to believe, all life is precious.
they're all your people.
you're smarter than that.
walkers, people, anything that gets anywhere near me, i kill them.
jesus! you look fucking shitty!
listen, i'm a little nervous here.
are you going to kill me?
which one of you pricks is the leader?
things moved slow here, and then things just started moving fast, too fast.
don't come after me, please.
you thought you were safe. i get it.
you live with it or it eats you up.
you can breathe.
did you take one of my protein bars?
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ruki Ecstasy [08]
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ー The scene starts by the gate to the Demon World
Yui: ( ...Beyond this gate, lies the Demon World. )
( I know that I won’t be able to do anything by going there. There’s no way I’d be able to prevent the war. )
( However, I also can’t stay here and pretend as if nothing is going on. )
ー Yui recalls Azusa’s words
Azusa: Of course. You’re part of our family as well...remember?
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( ...They told me that I’m their family. And I obviously feel the same. )
( I’m pretty sure Ruki-kun will get mad at me for doing this without his permission but... )
( I can’t just sit around and do nothing while my family might be in danger. )
( I’ll head for the Sakamaki Castle first and foremost. Eden is a different story, but I think I should be able to reach the Castle. )
ー Yui heads through the gate
Yui: ...Haah...Haah...
( I’ve been walking for quite some time but...I went the right way, didn’t I...? I’m not confident at all even though this isn’t my first time here. )
( In the past, I’ve always come together with Ruki-kun, so I could simply follow him and be fineーー )
( ...Aah, right. I guess I’ve been relying on Ruki-kun in certain ways without realizing it. )
( Yet I always found myself frustrated by the fact that he wouldn’t rely on me or wondering why he wouldn’t do so...Kind of selfish of me, huh? )
*Caw caw caw* 
Yui: ( ...? A crow? It suddenly started making a fuss for some reaーー Ah! )
( Over there in the distance...It’s the castle! Thank god, now that I’ve made it this farーー )
???: ーー You over there, stop.
Yui: !
???: ...
Yui: ( Where did these people come from!? )
???: ...You’re Eve, aren’t you?
I am afraid I cannot let you proceed. You’ll be coming with us instead.
Yui: ...Please let me pass.
???: Hah, you are very courageous. I suppose I should have expected no less from Eve.
Yui: Who are you people? Are you Vibora, perhaps...?
???: Please don’t group me together with those people. 
Fufu, you’re not together with that guy today, it seems?
While I personally couldn’t ask for a better situation, I have to say that I can’t agree with his decision to let the Princess of the Demon World wander around by herself like this.
Yui: ...Who are you...?
???: Oh? You don’t remember? Oh well, guess I can’t blame you. I never properly introduced myself after all.
My name’s Kino. I suppose I’ll say ‘it’s a pleasure to meet you’? We did meet once already a while ago though.
Yui: ( We did...? ...Ah! )
ー Yui recalls meeting him at the supermarket
???: I’ll buy this apple. ...Problem solved, right?
Ruki: No thank you. I’ll be buying that oーー
???: Nn...Nom...
Ahaha! Too bad! I already took a bite out of it!
ー The flashback ends
Yui: From back then...!? 
Kino: Did the penny drop? I couldn’t properly talk to you back then because the other guy was in the way. I’m glad you remember though. 
Yui: You are...A Vampire, right? Do you want something from me...?
Kino: Otherwise I wouldn’t have stopped you, right? Or more soーー 
Kino: I wouldn’t restrain you either, would I?
Yui: ! L-Let me go...!
Kino: Nope! You’ll be coming with us.
If you want to blame someone, then blame yourself for wandering around by yourself, as well as that guy for taking his eyes off you. ーー Take her away.
ー The scene shifts to the hallway of the Mukami manor
Ruki: ...
ー He enters Yui’s room
Ruki: ...So she’s not here either.
( Where has she gone...? )
( Did she finally grow sick of me and leave? ...Just like my Mother did. )
Hah...I guess blood runs thicker than water.
ー The scene shifts to Ruki’s room
Ruki: ( ...How did it come to this? )
( I should have long known that I am not alone. )
( I was well aware that as long as I asked for help, both she as well as my brothers...would have gladly come to my rescue. )
( It’s no crime to confide in or rely on your family. However, I wonder if I found myself unable to do so, exactly because I treasured them so much? )
( Whether it was my pride or vanity...Or perhaps fear of losing them? )
( Seems like I am your son after all. )
( Father...I take after you, the guy who would go and resent and talk ill of others by calling them the Devil, yet still continued to play the part of a good Father in front of your son. )
( At this rate, the past will repeat itself. My family will fall apart, and I will lose everything. ...Do I want to risk that? )
( Wasn’t it my wish to protect my family, to protect those dear to me? )
ー The scene shifts to the gate to the Demon World
Ruki: ( ...It would be so easy to run away from everything. However, I will only be able to protect myself by doing that. )
( To protect my family ーー Running is the last thing I should do. )
ー He passes through the gate
ー The scene shifts to Kino’s room in the Ghoul’s manor
Kino: ーー Ah~ I’m beat. Yuuri, bring me some guava juice, please. Get her a glass too.
Yuuri: Understood. 
ー Yuuri walks away
Kino: Come on, why don’t you make yourself at home as well? I know this place isn’t the most fancy and the smell’s horrible too, but you’re our guest.
Yui: ...Won’t you tell me where you took me already? Who are you...Who are you people? 
Kino: Those questions again? Are you a broken record? Well, I guess I can tell you now.
This is Rotigenberg. It’s the homeland of the Ghouls on the outer edge of the Demon World. 
Ghouls are the people who brought you here. By the way, Yuuri is one as well.
Yui: Ghouls...? I thought there were only four species of Demons?
Kino: Fufu. I guess you’re pretty clever, as to be expected of the girlfriend of a guy who would live by that sort of logic. 
Ghouls aren’t Demons, if you want to be specific. They were born without any magic powers, so they’re undeserving of the title. 
That is how they became the victim of discrimination, forced to live up in the Northern areas of these lands. 
So, next. Who am I? I am their savior. 
Yui: Savior...?
Kino: I am the leader of a Resistance Group called the Ravens who fight for the freedom of these suppressed Ghouls.
Yui: Even though you’re a Vampire yourself...?
Kino: My race doesn’t matter. I’m simply living my life as I please.
That’s it. I believe I answered all of your questions? Do you understand now?
Yui: ...For the most part.
Kino: Fufu, but I can tell from the look on your face that you aren’t happy with my answer. Oh well, whatever. Now it’s my turn to ask questions. 
Did you really come here all by yourself? What happened to the guy you’re always with...to Mukami Ruki?
→ He’s not here
Yui: Ruki-kun...is not here. I came by myself.
Kino: Heeh, did you really? Why didn’t he come with you?
→ Keep quiet (❦)
Yui: ...
Kino: Eeh? The silent treatment? Don’t tell me...You won’t be as ungrateful as to deny me the answer, right?
Even though I responded to all of your questions? ...You really think you’d get away with this?
Yui: Uu...
Yui: ...I don’t think Ruki-kun will ever come here again.
Kino: Why not? 
Yui: ...I don’t know.
Kino: Hm...I kind of figured that’d be the case, but what happened must have really left him traumatized.
Yui: ...? What do you mean...? Traumatized? Do you know more?
Please tell me if you know something! I’m begging you...!
Kino: Haah...Ahーah. In the end, I’m the one giving out answers again, huh? I mean, sure.
ーー Trismégiste. Have you ever heard...of a Devil who went by that name? 
He ーー Kino-kun began to cheerfully talk about a tale of the past. 
It came totally unexpected, I had trouble actually believing it. 
About a man named Trismégiste,
who lived in the same country where Ruki-kun and the others grew up. 
And that it was actually this man who brought misfortune upon them. 
Furthermore...The true identity of Trismégiste,
is actually Karlheinz-san who took on a different appearance. 
At the very end of his story,
Kino-kun happily (愉快) revealed that Ruki-kun had also found out (知ってしまった) about this. 
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starsmuserainbow · 5 months
There they were. Alive, younger than she had ever seen them, so happy and blithe, and such a great team in battle - if it weren’t for certain features and their uniforms, Mar’i might even have doubted if it truly were the people who she knew. But there was enough similarity, and maybe a feeling deep down too, to tell her that they were the Titans she already knew, even if different. The young girl walked closer to the fight scene, ignoring the shouts of a few people that ran past her into the opposite direction and tried to warn her. No one was un-afraid enough to try to pull her along, which was good, since she could simply approach further like that.
Soon enough, she could watch from the front row, and ‘ooh’ed and ‘aah’ed to the attacks that happened so close to her. She could even hear their shouts to one another, too, and was startled when something dark appeared beside her and shielded her from a part of rubble. That definitely would have hurt. “You shouldn’t be here,” a voice followed the energy, and Raven landed beside her, to which Mar’i looked up with wide eyes. “Where are your parents?” “You’re Raven!” Mar’i exclaimed in response and hugged Raven (as far as she could reach, so more like hugged her legs), until a little bit of the black energy parted them again. “It is dangerous here. You need to leave.” A bit of rubble came towards them, and Raven blocked it elegantly. “Have you lost your parents?” “Not anymore!” To that, Raven looked around, expecting to see a couple - the little girl’s parents - nearby, but outside of the fighting team and their enemy, no one was here, and Raven turned to the girl again. “Where are they?” “There!” Mar’i pointed upwards to the fighting Titans, and Raven looked over for just a moment before focusing back on the situation at hand. “I don’t have time for this. You have to leave. Now.” Mar’i didn’t even react, she just kept looking up to the fight, and Raven sighed. Her magic connected with a few pieces of rubble and one destroyed car now, and built a sort-of shell around the girl. “Fine. If you won’t leave, stay in there, that should protect you.” With that, and after watching her for a moment longer as if to make sure she really stayed inside, Raven took to the air again to join her friends.
When the fight moved away, well. Mar’i did obey Raven’s order, but probably not in the way that the Titan would have liked. Instead, Mar’i followed the fight with the shell still around her, carrying it with herself through the air to stay close and watch. The team didn’t take note of her again though, not before the enemy soon was defeated, and they landed. She cheered loudly even as the fighting was done, and that was what brought the team’s attention back to the floating girl in the protection-shell. “Seems like you’re not the average kid,” Raven noted as Mar’i landed beside them and the dark energy opened the makeshift shell again. “I’m not! I’m Nightstar!” “Nightstar? I don’t think that name’s in our database.” “Are you a hero?” To Robin asking the latter, and him and Starfire joining the Titans standing around the girl, Mar’i rushed into the air and grabbed both of them into a hug. “Mommy! Daddy! I’m here! It worked!” Both Starfire and Robin blushed heavily now, turning away from one another once the hug was released (though still ‘sneakily’ glancing over to one another) and BB and Cyborg chuckled. “’Mommy?’ ‘Daddy?’ Did you guys forget to tell us something?” “Do your math, Cy, obviously this can’t be true,” Robin answered once he had caught himself a little. “It indeed cannot, we have not done the act of reproduction before!” Starfire added, making Robin more flustered again. “It is true! I’m not lying! You just aren’t there yet!” “What are you talking about, Nightstar? They’re right, you can’t possibly be their child, according to any laws of biology.” “Not yet, but I am!” “Let’s continue this at the Tower. You can do a scan of her, and we’ll know more.” “Will you accompany us, Nightstar?” “Yes mommy!”
They returned to the Tower and Mar’i agreed to being tested, to which Cyborg applied a few cables to her and ran a few things. “I don’t know how, but she’s telling the truth. Her genes prove that she’s your and Starfire’s child.” “Did someone try to clone us?” “Hard to tell, there’s no test for that.” “But how else? Look at her, we’d have to – the team doesn’t even exist for that long yet!” “I don’t know!” “Maybe you should stop discussing and ask her instead,” Raven interfered in Cyborg’s and Robin’s discussion, and both turned to look at Mar’i, who looked rather unhappy, slowly growing closer to tears even, at this arguing. “I- I’m sorry…,” she sniffed, understanding the discussion as a sign of her not being wanted here. “I… I just wanted to see you again! And, and uncle Vic said that I-” “Uncle Vic?” Cyborg repeated, surprised. “Ye-yes, that’s you! Cyborg, uncle Vic!” Cyborg and Robin exchanged looks for a moment. “So… if he’s Vic, what am I?” Beast Boy joined in. “Uncle Gar! And Beast Boy! But I, I haven’t seen you in a while!” “How do you know these things?”, Robin brought the focus back to the big question at hand, and Mar’i hesitated for a moment. “Who taught you?” “You did! And mommy! And all your friends, your family!” “You said that I said something. What did I say?” “Well, you - Uncle Vic - said, that I will be a hero! That mommy and daddy would be proud of me! But, but you are angry and don’t believe me and I’m sorry!” He had also said that she should avoid meeting the team or telling too much about the future, but that was the part of his advice that Mar'i preferred to pretend not to have heard. “We are not angry with you, Nightstar,” Starfire stepped forth, and started to remove the wires from Mar’i. “We are merely surprised, and very confused. Your claims are not making sense!” “But you told me of Warp! You did it too!” Now the team exchanged looks again. “Warp? You mean… you’re from the future?” “Mhm!” Mar’i nodded eagerly. “Oh! I should start with that! I forgot!” “If you’re from the future, that means that Robin and Star…” The two blushed again to Beast Boy’s words, and Cyborg nodded. “Of course B, did you expect anything else? We all know that already, don’t we?” “But why did you come to us, Nightstar?” Mar’i looked up to Raven, and thought about it for a moment. “Uh… I… all of you were gone, and uncle Vic said that I can be a hero, and safe.” “Why were we gone? What happened?” “I don’t know!” That was only half the truth - Mar’i didn’t know the details of what the trouble was that was going on, but she knew that they all were gone to never return. They were all gone forever. She didn’t want to talk about that, though, so she preferred to not know. “Okay. So we’re getting a time-travel visit from a child from the future, where apparently we’re all ‘gone’. Well, all except Cy. Doesn’t sound so different from a typical day, right?”
The team left Mar’i for a few moments, surely to discuss what to do. Soon enough, they returned again, and Starfire continued to remove the gadgets for the scans from Mar’i. Once “free”, Mar’i hugged Starfire, who in return smiled, bowed down and placed her hands around Mar’i too, to lift her up. “It is all… very confusing, and much to comprehend. But… we welcome you to our home, and to our time, Nightstar. … Nihkor?” Mar’i looked confused at her for a moment. “Oh!” Before then shaking her head. “No, Nightstar isn’t from my tamaranean name! I’m Mar’i - Mar'i'andr!”
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lawlietscaramels · 5 months
This may be a weird request, but I wanted to combine one of my favorite anime’s with one of my favorite mythical creatures so here we go lol. Sfw please! Also I hope all who are reading this have a nice day and God bless!
Do you think you could write a Death Note scenario where L (and if you want to add any of the other characters you can too!) finds out that the reader (who is a member of the task force) is a werewolf? However they aren’t naturally evil or aggressive in any way, but they are afraid that people would become afraid of them or try to capture them if the world found out. Since many stories focus on werewolves being bloodthirsty monsters. So they try to hide it. What would L think of them? Would he be afraid of them? How would he find out? Would he help them keep their secret or would he tell the others about it? Would the reader give him a strawberry if he kept it a secret?
Werewolf! ╾ L
reminder to all I don't write sexual NSFW. (Well, I suppose I am a risk of writing gory NSFW.) but I'm pretty sure this ask was sent before I wrote of α and β, so, yeah, nonsexual is all I write :P
Content warning: menstrual cycle & L being weird about it mentioned in dot points 2 & 3.
Werewolves watch out, because if you think L won't notice that one of the very few people he's working with is conspicuously absent every month... you are dead wrong
Though, if our werewolf is liable to have a menstrual cycle, L is probably going to assume it's something to do with that.
Until he gets weirded out that it's only one day, not two or three, and starts tracking your mood, and then........ it doesn't always seem to align. Suspicious.
I wonder what you would do, actually, if you were trying to hide werewolvishness from L? It'd be hard. You'd probably have to leave the building entirely, because mans got cameras, but that'd be quite suspicious too.
All this to say, the wolf is not in the bag for long. (like. like letting the cat out of the bag. but. werewolf. i think I'm funny)
Though, even having had to acknowledge the existence of Shinigami, I think L is likely to kind of hide from the logical conclusion of "werewolf" as long as he can. His world has already been tipped on his head. What's next, fairies? Money at the end of rainbows? Unicorns? Well, those things aren't as bad as werewolves or gods of death.
All that to say, he wouldn't let himself come to the conclusion until he actually saw you in wolf form. I think he'd shriek, kick your nose, and climb onto something.
he's so silly. i love him.
Anyway. L is definitely wary.
He probably wouldn't say scared, as much for pride as for anything else, but he also figures if he hasn't been violently attacked yet it's unlikely an animal much stronger than he is trying to trick him when it can use brute strength.
After being reassured and calming down – which only happens once you are in human form and he's 50 metres away from you – L is very curious. He asks 1001 questions.
He also understands why you'd want to keep it secret. Anybody would have a bad reaction to a werewolf, right? He wouldn't tell others – except maybe Watari and the Task Force, though for the latter he'd strongly encourage you to do it. It's not smart to be a dangerous-looking wolf around men with guns, you know. But apart from that, it's your secret.
L remains very curious. Every day he seems to have a new question.
What about vampires? Sirens?
Does your fur shed? We might need to keep you outside.
Do you ever eat raw meat? Does it make you sick in human form, or is your body as strong as a wolf's either way?
I think the reader should really give L a strawberry cheesecake for keeping a secret like this.
But yes! Terrified initially, but in the end reasonable. I was initially going to say he'd probably confine you, and he'd definitely do this if there was any possibility of the werewolf in question attacking someone or losing their human-mind, but thinking over it while writing I figured 1) he couldn't overpower a wolf haha and 2) if there was no reason to, he wouldn't want to. It's not very nice. If there was reason he would, of course. Safety above all else.
This was fun, thanks for the ask!
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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looney-mooney · 2 years
Okay so I actually watched the Velma show and I. I don’t entirely hate it! Yes, the opening monologue fuckin SUCKED and the writing is just sorta… NOT GOOD, but it is an absolutely GORGEOUS show visually and you can really tell the artists put their hearts and souls into it. Edit: please pirate it if you do decide to watch it, don’t give HBO your money. And if you have the opportunity, please watch Mysteries Incorporated instead! It is a genuinely much better show! Velma might be pretty, but it still has all the major pitfalls of bad adult swim content, and should be treated as such. And keep in mind if you decide to read this that I am an incurable optimist who is good at seeing the best in bad content. Anyway.
More thoughts under the cut:
I feel like I started enjoying it a lot more when I realized that these characters are shitty because they’re teenagers and they haven’t really had a chance to figure themselves out yet. Fred started as a shitty misogynist, but that’s because he was trying to impress his absolutely godawful father and earn his love by conforming to his expectations. The more he starts hanging out with Velma, the more he starts shunning those toxic masculinity teachings, and starts becoming the genuine, thoughtful, kind himbo we all know and love.
Daphne starts out as a standard “mean girl,” but that’s because she has abandonment issues from her birth parents leaving her and Velma doesn’t let her say anything before making her own assumptions about Daphne’s situation. When in reality, Daphne’s an adrenaline junkie, trying to figure out who her birth parents are in an effort to figure out why she’s so WEIRD - why she loves danger so much, why her hair’s this orange (?), why she’s so effortlessly manipulative and why she just feels like she doesn’t fit in. She has adventures of her own, selling drugs to afford a private investigator, exploring gem-filled caverns to find gangs who might know something, and she’s just. Interesting! Also, her relationship with Velma is really nuanced and fun to watch play out on screen. Because there is an intense mutual attraction, but they both know they’re not ready for a relationship like that until they can learn to be friends again, and they both respect that. And like, they talk about it! They’re both honest about their feelings for eachother, and I’m gonna admit, it’s a little refreshing to see. It’s not a “will they won’t they” so much as it is a “they’re not ready to and they know it”.
Speaking of Velma, she’s a cynical jerk who thinks she knows everything at first, but the more the show goes on, the more she learns to actually listen to other people and take other perspectives into account, and the more she realizes it’s okay to admit when you don’t know anything at all. Because she does screw up. A lot. The narrative in no way justifies her shitty opinions! She’s scared to admit when she doesn’t know something, but she’s slowly learning to accept the inherent mystery of everyday life. Which, is hard! She has a habit of assuming things to fill in the gaps, and like. On one level, it makes her a huge asshole, but on the other hand… she kind of Literally Has To.
Velma, in this show, has a disability where whenever she tries to solve a mystery, there is the possibility that she could start having potentially fatal trauma-induced hallucinations. Shock and/or distractions seem to be the best way to combat these hallucinogenic episodes. The characters around her treat her disability with respect, even as they show concern for her health and wellbeing. They are willing to do almost whatever it takes to combat these hallucinations. Methods used include Norville making her laugh, Daphne giving her her first kiss, and her father telling her he believes her. These don’t always work, and sometimes they’re so intense her heart actually stops and they have to resuscitate her. At the same time, the characters don’t let their concern turn to pity, and they aren’t afraid to put her in her place when she goes too far, because she IS a jerk! The narrative knows this!!! It doesn’t excuse it! Her need to assume she knows everything means she is HORRIBLE at taking the experiences of others into account, or admitting when she’s wrong about something! But she is slowly learning that she doesn’t know everything. That the experiences of others differ from her own experience, and that she CAN be wrong, and that’s OKAY.
Norville starts out insecure and a pushover, but the more the show goes on the more he learns to stand up for himself - and then when he takes it too far and tries to be a “bad boy,” he acknowledges his mistakes and starts learning how to find a healthy balance. His dad’s a guidance counselor, and his mom’s the school principal, and I think he’s becoming sort of a leader in his own right. Norville doesn’t start out as a shit person, so his character arc is more nuanced, but I think he’s learning and growing just as much as everyone else.
Overall, these characters are misguided, underdeveloped, horny, stubborn, confused, deeply affected by the adults in their lives, and learning how to be better people, just like any teenager. The more the show goes on, the more they all grow. And the more they grow, the closer they get as people. The more they care about eachother, learn to listen to one another, and I think they’re slowly becoming the gang we all know and love.
They’re just… taking their time with telling the story of how it happened. Although I will admit that the story’s pretty muddled by the weird jokes and violence interspersed, though that’s unfortunately pretty par for the course for adult animation, so I’m able to ignore it for things like the stunning set design, animation, and hallucination sequences.
Also, I love Daphne’s moms! They’re sweet, they’re nerdy, they’re shit cops but like in a Deputy Durland and Sheriff Blubbs kinda way, and I feel like they’re exactly the kind of vaguely-stupid but endlessly doting adults that fit right in at a community like Crystal Cove. And adding onto that, the background characters all have such good designs! I love pausing the show and staring at the character designs in crowd shots, because every single design is memorable in their own ways, which makes the community as a whole feel real and diverse, like everyone’s the main character of their own stories too.
I feel like this is a show that put its worst foot forward, and I will admit that I honestly think they did that on purpose. Which sucks, because once you get past that initial “oh god how dare they,” there’s something good there. Yeah, the writing kinda sucks, but you can see where they’re going with it, you can follow along with the mystery elements, and this show is just so genuinely stunning in its visuals. It’s worse than a lot of Scooby doo media, but better than a lot of adult swim shows out there, and it IS genuinely going somewhere. The good parts of it are in the long game, if you’re patient enough to see it through.
I will admit I skipped the first cold open, because that opening monologue just made me cringe so much it hurt, and I don’t feel like I missed anything, sooo… yeah. I will also admit there are a lot of lines I really hate. The language these characters use feels like it’s designed to be as rage-inducing as possible, or at least are used by people who don’t entirely understand what these words mean. But also, like. Velma in this show does feel like someone who sometimes uses words she doesn’t entirely understand, but is too stubborn to admit she doesn’t entirely understand them? Which. I have met teenagers like that. Like, I’m not saying this show is amazing, or that it doesn’t deserve a lot of the criticism it’s been getting. What I’m saying is that it’s not ALL bad.
Please pirate it, because HBO max doesn’t deserve our money after what it did to animation, but maybe be a little less vitriolic in the hatred for it? It’s cynical, sure, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things to like about it. I don’t know, maybe it’s just my unrelenting optimism shining through, or maybe I just subconsciously love finding the best in bad media, but I think this show DOES have something genuine to offer. Maybe all it has to offer is amazing animation, extremely well-done set design, really fun and diverse character design, absolutely phenomenal color palettes and compositing, and a small semblance of character development, but you know what? Maybe that’s enough for me.
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tc-doherty · 11 months
Character Out of Context Tag
I wasn't tagged I just wanted to do this one. I'm using The Ghost, of course. Because it's timely.
Rules: Include one character quote of your choosing ⁠from each chapter of your WIP (or as many chapters as you'd like). Give absolutely no context, save for what's between two parts of an interrupted sentence, should that occur. You may mention who said it.
Tagging @did-i-do-this-write @emilyoracle @outpost51 and anyone else who wants to do it~
Ch1: “Last I checked,” he said, “your name is still Seneria. You aren’t Solaris yet. For now, these problems aren’t your problems.”
Ch2: “I hardly think that ‘do nothing’ is an appropriate response.”
Ch3: “Did you have fun sneaking around like a thief, spying on your father?” he asked. “Making me lie to your tutor for you?”
Ch4: “Secrets cannot hide from me. It’s Solaris’ duty to shine light in the darkness.”
Ch5: “How is it that you manage to completely misunderstand when you ought to be forthright and honorable, and when you should just lie?”
Ch6: “It’s rude to eavesdrop on my private thoughts, cat.”
Ch7: “We don’t speak his name, Ria. He’s sleeping, not dead.”
Ch8: “There’s a difference between cowardice and common sense, Seneria.”
Ch10: “…so I told him he was playing a fool for the boy, you know, spending all that gold.”
Ch11: “I’m not what you wanted and I don’t think like you or act like you and you’re afraid of what I can do,” [redacted] said. “And I don’t for one minute believe that you ever did anything as humble as farming!”
Ch12: “I never asked her. We just met on the road and decided to work together.”
Ch13: “If I agree to tell you, will you go home?”
Ch14: “We will not speak here,” [redacted] said. “You accepted my invitation. You cannot refuse it now.”
Ch16: “Wait!” she said. “What about Hermokrates?”
Ch17: “…Gheist,” he said. “My name is Gheist Locke.”
Ch19: “Magic food does not need to be made. It simply is.”
Ch20: “It won’t really do any harm, will it? Just let me see him for five minutes. You can be there the whole time.”
Ch21: “I am so sorry!”
Ch23: “I’m the daughter of a king, and the future Solaris besides. Who am I supposed to be friends with?”
Ch25: “And you believed him?”
Ch26: “I thought divining was Moon magic.”
Ch27: “You would be foolish enough to think that spilling Celestial blood here is a good idea.”
Ch28: “You’re the future Solaris, aren’t you? It should be easy enough for you to do.”
Ch29: “That’s what Hermokrates thinks, and my parents, and my people. But I don’t care. I don’t care if they think I’m too young or that I can’t be Solaris because I’m a girl. I am Solaris.”
Ch31: “I will never help you.”
Ch32: “He can be freed?”
Ch33: “I am the greatest mage they have ever heard of. Everyone knows of me.”
Ch34: “You want me to go along with him? To put people in danger?”
Ch35: “Do you really think the daughter of a king would take instruction from a mere logger’s son?”
Ch36: “I trust you. I won’t fight you.”
Ch37: “I’m going to do my best to destroy him.”
Ch38: “I suppose more room to move might be worth climbing all those stairs.”
Ch39: “I don’t know if it’s the best thing to do, but it works for me.”
Ch40: “Then I want you to know, I forgive you.”
Ch41: “Of course. We have to come back, we have too much to do out here.”
Ch42: “Whenever you are ready. Just as the moon reflects the sun, I will support you.”
Ch43: “Sure, there isn’t anything the two of us can’t do together.”
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poisonsage808 · 2 years
Hii! If you’re still taking requests for ships, could I please request one with a character from House of the dragon (preferably male but any gender is fine if you think a girl fits better). 🫶🏻
my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic. I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and short black hair with blue strands, my haircut is similar to a soft mullet. I dress with goth/ fairy grunge clothes. I wear lots of rings and love to exchange them with others.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own, I would do everything for the people I care about and sometimes I’ve been told that I’m too kind for my own good. I have a sarcastic humor and I love making others laugh to lighten the situation, people say that I should be more serious and that I shouldn’t joke around so much.
I don’t like when people tell me what to do and I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else. I also dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism.
All my friends tell me I’m very smart, I get very good grades and I do well in school. I also try to help my friends with study and school as much as possible. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
I really hope I did this right, have a great day :)
you’re quite the selfless character, aren’t you? best be careful letting people in with that heart of gold, we wouldn’t want anyone getting hurt. westeros is dangerous after all. i see you as a lady from the reach, constantly misjudged and underestimated! you’ve a cunning mind and tend to your loved ones like flowers in a garden, you love them wholly and unconditionally. that doesn’t mean you’re not strong and stern when you need to be though.
♡ i ship you with… ♡
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♡ Aegon Targaryen III ♡
• We may be living in a man’s world but will be no question of who’s wearing the crown of this relationship! It’s you. Aegon will praise, dote, pamper and love the shit out of you. You’ve changed his perspective on things, loving you is so easy
• On the other hand he isn’t needy as some might think or say. Aegon expects gifts or faux compliments, otherwise kissassery from other people, but with you it’s so authentic. Knowing you’re thinking of him makes him unbelievably happy. Drop off a present, gift him chaste kiss on the cheek or tell him you hope he has a great day and he’s on cloud nine
• There’s obviously challenges to overcome in this relationship. His perspective on love and affection is fucked up at first, transactional if you will. Give things to get things. Yeah, you set him right real quick! Although he needs occasional reminders, Aegon is better off for them
• Aegon matches your personality to a T though he’s not as strong as you. He’s a bit paranoid and needs you to pull him back to the planetos ever now and then
• Defend or protect him some way and he’ll devote himself to you for the rest of his days. He can do that for you or his loved ones easily but coming to his own defense isn’t something he can do just yet
• He wouldn’t need alcohol to have a good time with you, he finds himself smiling or laughing a good portion of the time. Occasionally from one of you something traumatic will slip out, quickly followed by a joke. At first the room will get quiet.. then you’ll both start cackling again. Trauma bonding, it really works
• He didn’t know that simple things could make his heart flutter until he met you. Holding your hand or hugging you from behind is his favorite way to both end and start his day
• Expect compliments, A LOT!
“I believe I saw you while I was with Sunfyre. Your eyes sparkled like emeralds even from the clouds, I couldn’t miss them if I tried.”
Oh! And he will make a spectacle of you, he wants everyone to applaud you when you walk into a room. Aegon thinks you deserve it
“Darling, you look marvelous today. Doesn’t she look absolutely lovely?”
• You two will make a rather handsome couple (aka fucking adorable) Helaena adores you, as much as she can with her non-bug companions. Aemond appreciates your presence his brother is more tolerable when you’re around and Alicent agrees. Not that Aegon wanted or cared about their approval of you, you have it regardless
• Beware, Aegon will make it his mission to try and scare you at least once a day. Especially when he realizes it’s an impossible feat! He’ll get frustrated but not give up, no, he’ll tickle you just to get some sort of squeal out of you
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sardoniqueen101 · 9 months
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Saran Orquina
Mephistopheles Tiefling, Draconic Sorcerer, Folk Hero Background
Saran was born to a silver dragon woman and tiefling man, hence her Draconic ancestry. She spent her first years in Baldur’s Gate, growing up on tales of heroes who saved cities and being taught the value of the good you can do for others. Her parents loved the city, as it was where they met but when Saran was 8 they decided they wanted to travel and help the common people. It wasn’t long after until Saran was allowed too occasionally fight alongside them, something her mother was never keen on. However, raising a child with Draconic magic coursing through their veins leads to a need to train that magic as soon as possible, and fighting was a great teacher.
Life was good, except the occasional assholes who treated Saran and her father like garbage. “Devils!” they shouted. Her parents did her best to shield her, but they couldn’t protect her from everything. One of the times they settled in a small town for a few months, Saran met a human boy whom she grew fond of. He was brave, and defended her from a few of the boys who called her derogatory names. Alas, she learned that not all those who act heroic have heroic intentions.
“Why do you hang out with the demon? Aren’t you afraid she’ll curse you or something?”
“Nah, my parents say hellspawn are good at magic, so that’s why we should avoid them. But she can’t even cast a decent fireball. Just wanted to see if the stories were true, hellspawn are weak, no where near as frightening at they ought to be.”
When she told her parents, her dad had a talk with her about the plights of their people. Saran asked why her father bothered to help people if all he got in return were harmful words and hurtful actions.
“Little love, I don’t do kind things because I expect kind things in return. If one person is helped by my actions, then I’ve helped one person. That is one small, positive change I made in the world, and I’m content with that.”
Unfortunately strife followed the family. Saran’s mother disappeared not long after her 13th birthday, no note or anything out of the ordinary. Her father was devastated, although he did his best to provide for Saran on his own. A proper magical education was out of reach, and all he had were the books her mother left behind. Adventuring became strenuous, the stress taking a dangerous toll on her father. Saran started taking jobs solo to help provide for her and her father, but it never seemed enough. Helping common people didn’t exactly lend itself to riches, and doing good things wasn’t making her father’s health better. At 16, her father died, her hands held in his, him apologizing that he couldn’t see her grow up, and reminding her to choose good, even when it wasn’t rewarding.
Saran wandered for a while afterward. She kept everything her parents left her, although she didn’t use her parents books as the memories were too painful. She was angry at her parents for abandoning her, but still wanted to make them proud. A couple years after her father’s passing, she decided to study an ancestral book that belonged to her mother. To her surprise, there was a magic infused note written in Draconic.
“Saran, if you’re reading this note, I was called away from you. I am so sorry, to you and your father. I never meant to hurt either of you, and one day, when I find my way back to you, or if you find me, I’ll explain everything. I love you.”
She recognized the handwriting immediately belongs to her mother, in her native tongue. Determined to find her, Saran set out on a new journey. However, people still need help, and despite wanting to find her mother, she still puts the needs of the common people first. Ten years after her father’s passing, she made her way back to Baldur’s Gate, hoping that the place of her birth may yield some answers.
Unfortunately, being kidnapped by a mindflayer ship has set that goal to the side for now, and now she’s on her biggest adventure yet, saving the world.
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edenmemes · 2 years
lotr: fellowship of the ring (book) starters
❝ it is perilous to study too deply the arts of the enemy, for good or for ill. ❞   ❝ not all those who wander are lost. ❞   ❝ nothing is evil in the beginning. ❞   ❝ peril is now both before you and behind you, and upon either side. ❞   ❝ i wish you would trust me, as you used to. ❞   ❝ i’ll do as i choose and go as i please. ❞   ❝ you still mean to come with me? ❞   ❝ the world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair. ❞   ❝ there is more about you than appears on the surface. ❞ ❝ i am very weary. i must rest here a moment. ❞ ❝ i cannot thank you as i should for all your past your kindnesses. ❞ ❝ do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. ❞   ❝ i don’t know what has come over you. you’ve never been like this before. ❞   ❝ many that live deserve death. and some that die deserve life. ❞   ❝ may it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out. ❞   ❝ short cuts make long delays. ❞   ❝ what do you want, and where do you come from? ❞ ❝ it is going to be very dangerous. it is already dangerous. most likely neither of us will come back. ❞   ❝ i see there is some shadow of fear upon you. ❞   ❝ all i ask in return is: take as much care of yourself as you can. ❞ ❝ if i’ve done any harm, i’m sorry. ❞ ❝ why the disguise? who are you? ❞ ❝ you can keep your secret for the present, if you want to be mysterious. ❞   ❝ i am sick of my doings being noticed and discussed. ❞   ❝ you ought to go quietly, and you ought to go soon. ❞   ❝ i wish you would tell me what happened. ❞   ❝ have you been eavesdropping? ❞  ❝ i am bruised and in pain, but it is not too bad. ❞ ❝ we surely aren’t staying here for the night, are we? ❞ ❝ my name and my business is my own. ❞ ❝ you do not understand and cannot imagine what lies ahead. ❞   ❝ i haven’t got any courage to keep up. ❞   ❝ go back to the shadow. ❞ ❝ if there’s any help i can give, you’ve only to name it. ❞ ❝ i think you are not really as you choose to look. ❞ ❝ i am not safe here or anywhere else. ❞   ❝ i have never known you give me pleasant advice before. ❞   ❝ i am glad to see you safe and sound. ❞   ❝ perils known and unknown will grow, but we must go on. ❞ ❝ faithless is he that says farwell when the road darkens. ❞ ❝ you doubt that you will find what you seek, or accomplish what you intend. ❞   ❝ we are not going through the village tonight. too many ears pricking and eyes prying. ❞   ❝ i am going. i am leaving now. goodbye. ❞   ❝ what did you blush for? ❞ ❝ it would be death of you to come with you. ❞   ❝ even the smallest people can change the course of the future. ❞   ❝ the wide world is all around you. you can fence yourself in, but you cannot for ever fence it out. ❞   ❝ if by my life or death i can protect you, i will. ❞   ❝ being fearless, ruthless...this alone will achieve victory. ❞ ❝ i am weary in body and in heart. ❞ ❝ it is no good trying to escape you. ❞ ❝ there is mischief about. i feel it. ❞ ❝ have your weapons close at hand. ❞ ❝ how wide and empty and mournful all this country looks. ❞ ❝ don’t adventures ever have an end? i suppose not. someone else always has to carry on the story. ❞   ❝ even the very wise cannot see all ends. ❞ ❝ let us hope that no evil has come here yet. ❞     ❝ i am weary in body and in heart. ❞ ❝ a madness took me, but it has passed. ❞   ❝ what’s done cannot be undone. ❞ ❝ if you don’t let me go with you, i will follow on my own. ❞ ❝ in every wood, in every spring, there is a different green. ❞ ❝ i don’t ever remember feeling so wretched. ❞ ❝ i hate this place, too, and i am afraid. ❞ ❝ you are worn with sorrow and much toil. ❞ ❝ i wish i had never come here. ❞ ❝ it is plain that we are meant to be together. ❞
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onceuponastory · 3 years
normal - steve kemp x reader: chapter three: rude awakenings
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Let's get this straight You are a panic in the bloodstream, yet you bring me peace You are a stutter in the heart that beats inside of me - numb without you by the maine
Series Masterlist Pairing: Steve Kemp x Female!Reader...sort of, lmao Chapter Warnings: 18+ ONLY PLEASE.  Mentions of death/murder, dead bodies, cannibalism (basically everything Steve does to people in Fresh), manipulation, blood, biting and light smut: just a little bit of touching and the smallest cum mention. Also, Steve Kemp just being Steve Kemp. As always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know. Notes: Once again, I am SO sorry for the delay in writing and posting this. Life stuff and inspo for other Steve works happened. But here we go! This chapter is not beta’d, so all mistakes are my own. Once again, credit to @firefly-graphics and @maysdigitalarts​ for the dividers/banners!
Also, I’m posting this chapter on Fresh’s release day in the UK and Ireland, so if you have just seen the movie and need more Steve content in your life, please feel free to check out my other works for him HERE!
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Nervously, Y/N glances around the cell one last time, ensuring that she knows how to run out if she needs it. Steve notices her looking around, and he sighs. “I told you. You don’t have to worry. I mean, you don’t think I’m that dangerous, do you?” Images of Steve’s victims flash through her mind once more, and the last thing she wants is to end up like them. Despite how much it excited her to think about meeting her end at the hands of Steve…she’d still prefer to leave here with all of her limbs intact, and none of her eaten. It’s then that she realises that Steve is still looking at her, actually waiting for an answer to his question.
“Do you want me to answer that honestly?” She asks nervously.
“I must admit, I’d prefer it if you did.”
“Well Steve, it’s hard not to think that. I mean, you were in the news…like I said, you’ve done so much-” Steve tuts, shaking his head.
“No. I don’t care about all the news and what they have to say. All I care about is your opinion of me. Even though some could argue that you shared enough of it yesterday.” He reminds her, and her cheeks burn, Steve’s angry face imprinted on her mind. Surprisingly though, Steve doesn’t bring it up, and continues. “And besides, we’re partners, aren’t we? There should be some form of trust between us.” She frowns at that comment. Usually the people she interviews relish in the news coverage they’ve been getting, and demand she brings a copy of the newspapers discussing them to every interview. They never once cared about her own opinion of them. Then again, it didn’t exactly differ from the opinions shared in the news reports. For Steve not to care is strange. “Go on. It’s alright.” He presses. 
“Are you sure? Last time I voiced my opinion it didn’t go well.” Steve chuckles, nodding.
“That’s true. But you’re a smart woman, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t let you share your thoughts. Especially since they all bubbled over yesterday. Be as honest as you like.” Y/N feels even more conflicted. After dealing with so many criminals who didn’t care about her or her thoughts, it’s weird to have someone who does. At the same time though, having Steve care about her opinion makes her feel strangely…happy. She knows it sounds weird to admit that being complimented on her intelligence by a mass murder and a cannibal makes her feel good, and to be honest she’s not sure why it does make her feel that way, but she isn’t going to deny it.
“Yes Steve, I do think you’re dangerous.” She admits. “And I am still a little scared around you…despite how much you tell me not to be. I mean, I’ve never been up so close with someone like you before. So close that I could touch them.” Steve raises a curious eyebrow at the last part of her sentence, but says nothing and simply nods. 
“I see. Thank you for your honesty, but like I said, you don’t have to be afraid…I won’t hurt you.” And for the first time ever, Y/N feels a little comforted by those words. When she said Steve was dangerous, she wasn’t telling the full story. Of course, he is dangerous, but there’s so much more to him. He’s…different, he’s interesting, but most of all…he’s exciting. “Before we resume trying to solve this case, may I ask you something else first?” Steve asks. Knowing she has no other say in the matter, Y/N nods. “Why did you want to become an FBI agent? Especially one like this. I can’t imagine most little girls your age dreamed of being stuck in here with someone like me.” He cocks his head, looking over her with a grin. “I must say, though, I am glad that you’re here.” Y/N ignores the feeling in her stomach after hearing those words, and her eyes flicker away from Steve’s gaze.
“I wanted to do something different…to make a difference in the world, and to try and change it for the better.” Steve nods, but still regards her with a curious look, as if he somehow knows that she’s not telling him the whole story. 
“I see. How…admirable of you.” He gives her a soft smile. 
“Now, can we start-” Y/N begins, but Steve cuts her off, tutting. 
“I’m still not finished.” Although she’s already had enough of this question and answer session, she knows it has to be done, so Y/N stops talking. “I must ask how the experience has been for you so far. In all my years of being stuck here and having interviews with various news outlets and other law enforcement…it’s never been a woman. I always wondered why more women didn’t do this sort of thing. To be honest, I wasn’t sure they did. I’m sure most men wouldn’t be too happy with a woman in their testosterone-filled environments.” Y/N scoffs.
“I’m sorry, but that sounds a little sexist of you, Steve.” To her surprise, he lets out a little chuckle.
“Oh no, on the contrary, my dear Agent….” Y/N gasps when she hears the word dear leave his lips. A small heat fills her cheeks, and Steve smiles, clearly noticing his words' effect on her. And yet, he says nothing and continues. “I love women in all their various shapes and sizes.” He licks his lips slightly, pointedly looking over her body. “They taste nicer, for a start. Sell better too. Forgive me for saying this Y/N, but your meat would sell really well.” He lowers his voice. “I think it would taste amazing too.” Another shiver goes up Y/N’s body, and her heart rate rises momentarily. Of course, Steve told her that he had thought about tasting her, and now he’s closer to her than ever before. What if he breaks free somehow and does just that? Once again though, she can feel a slight excitement as he looks over her body again, wondering what he’s thinking about her. However, that feeling is gone as soon as her brain reminds her of the sort of person Steve is once again. “Anyway.” Steve clears his throat. “As I was asking, how has this experience of working at the FBI been for you so far?”
“Well…um.” Y/N begins, laughing awkwardly slightly, having no idea what to say. “It’s been…interesting, to say the least?” Images and memories flash through her mind. Memories of when she first started her training at the academy, faces sneering at her, telling her that she’s not good enough to be here, and how determined she was to prove them wrong. As those memories fade, they’re replaced by new ones. Memories showing all the darkness and evil she’s encountered. And Steve is right in the middle of them. “I’ve dealt with a lot in my career, let’s say. A lot of evil and a lot of darkness. Too much, some would say.” Steve nods.
“How about working with me? Is it any different from working with other cannibals?” Y/N doesn’t know how to respond to his question right away. Steve looks over at her, grinning as if he knows how much his question has confused her. Y/N frowns. Steve does have a darkness to him like all the others she’s encountered, but things with him are different. Like she realised earlier, there’s far more to Steve Kemp than meets the eye. Despite all of this however, and all the conflicting feelings she has about him, something about Steve still pulls her towards him. Something that she still can't explain.
“You’re…different.” She admits. Steve frowns again as if he’s once again expecting another answer from her. Y/N feels another wave of confusion wash over her. She wasn’t lying, but part of her can’t shake the feeling that Steve is also intrigued by her, and that there’s something he’s not telling her either. If only she could know what it is. It would mean that she might finally understand why she feels so connected to Steve.
“I see. I must say, I’ve never been described as different before, especially not by someone like you, but I guess I’ll take it.” Steve laughs, and Y/N lets a small smile grace her lips. Maybe he’s starting to open up to her again? That’s always a good sign. And he’s laughing at what she has to say too, which is even better in her opinion. “Well then. I suppose we better get started.” Steve announces.
The total weight of the situation hits Y/N again. Even though she would like to know more about Steve, and to understand why she feels so…connected to him, she knows that she can't. She's only there to talk to him to learn why people like him do what they do in the hopes of solving a case, not to make friends with a cannibalistic serial killer. She's here to do a job, and that's all…even if saying that is making her sadder than expected. Pushing those sad thoughts out of her brain, Y/N nods. 
“Okay, Steve. Let’s begin.”
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“So, all of your victims have bite marks, right?” Steve asks, and Y/N nods. “Why do you think that is?” He asks. Y/N clears her throat, looking through her notes.
“Well, studies show that serial killers-” Steve shakes his head.
“No. No studies. I’ve had enough of those. They’re so boring and repetitive. Then again, they’ve probably done lots on me, and how bad I am. But you know that already, don’t you? It is why you’re here after all…” He trails off, studying her intently. Y/N feels a spark up her entire body, making her shiver. “Like I said, I’m far more interested in your opinion, rather than that of some boring psychologist. I fucking hate psychologists. Not you, though.” 
“Thanks.” She responds, still trying to ignore the happiness she feels at those kinds of comments from Steve. 
“Seriously, Y/N, I mean it. I admire your tenacity and determination. And I can tell how much your heart is in this. It’s quite admirable, actually.” Y/N dips her head, trying to hide the embarrassment taking over her at Steve’s compliment. Even though it still feels wrong, she still can’t deny how nice it feels to be complimented by him, and how good she feels by how impressed Steve is with her. At least somebody is. “It’s good to have tenacity. It reminds me of when I started doing what I was doing, and I had to find the determination to carry on, despite how wrong it felt. I did it though.” And there it is. Of course he has to make it all about himself. Then again, Y/N knows she can’t be too surprised that’s what Steve is doing. Most serial killers are narcissists, and Steve is no different. Or maybe Steve and her brain constantly reminding him of the sort of person he is the universe urging her to stop being so interested in him. If only things were that easy.
“Thank you Steve.” She gives him a small smile, which he returns.
“Anyway. Why do you think he bites his victims? After all, not every cannibal or serial killer does that. I mean, I didn’t.”
“I know. That’s because you sold their meat, though. And you never dumped them. Then again, there wasn’t much to dump….” She points out, and Steve nods, smiling proudly at the discussion of his work. “To be honest Steve, you didn’t do a lot of the things we’ve seen other cannibals do. Like I said…you’re different from the other killers I’ve interviewed and studied. Much more different.” Steve grins.
“Why, thank you Y/N. I’m honoured.” Even though a part of her still feels a little weird at hearing Steve saying her name, another part of her, a growing one, is starting to like it even more. Especially the way it sounds in his voice. “So come on. Why does he bite them then?” Steve asks.
“I think it’s about ownership, of course. But for me, the fact that he’s leaving his victims all out in the open, each with a bite mark on them, when he knows that we can track him and look for his dental records in the database…to me, it’s like he’s taunting us. He’s showing us all what he’s capable of, and he knows we don’t have much of a chance of finding him, at least right now.” She sighs frustratedly. “God, I just want to find him! I don’t want someone else to go through this, to have another family crying and begging us for answers.”
“Hey. I know.” Steve shushes her, his voice strangely softer. “It’s alright. I’ll help you catch him.” Y/N frowns. Only yesterday, he spoke about her desire to solve the case and laughed that she couldn't do anything about it other than talk to him. And yet, he is now trying to reassure her even though he’s caused precisely the same pain to so many other families and women. But despite how much Y/N hates how contradictory and unpredictable Steve is, a part of her has to admit that she likes the feeling of Steve wanting to care for her, which only adds to her conflicted feelings. “I agree, by the way. He’s definitely trying to taunt you guys…and I think it’s working.” Sighing, she nods. “But like I said, you’re a smart girl Y/N. You just need a little push. And you need my knowledge so that we can figure this out together.” And there he goes again with his arrogance. Y/N sighs. It still amazes her how Steve can switch from scary and manipulative to arrogant and then to kind…or at least, how kind someone like him can be, at the drop of a hat. She knows that is what people like him do, and as a criminal psychologist she knows that better than anyone…but that doesn’t make the transformation any less strange.
“Steve, did you ever think about taunting the police like this?” He shakes his head.
“I didn’t have to. Like you said, I got rid of most of their parts, and the last thing I wanted to do was draw unwanted attention to my business. Then again, though…I do think there were a few officers and federal agents amongst my clientele, so they probably turned a blind eye.” He grins, laughing. “Maybe you should keep an eye out. You never know what monsters are hiding in plain sight. Saying that however, you have met me, so it’s probably not too hard to believe how easy it is for monsters to hide.” He laughs, correcting himself. Y/N nods. “Still though, I’d watch out if I were you. They might be one of your coworkers.” He warns, laughing slightly. Y/N feels her stomach churn. Dealing with one cannibal is more than enough for her. The last thing she needs is to add another into the mix. “It’s a joke, Y/N. Just a stupid joke. Don’t worry.” He tells her, seeing the horror on her face. Unfortunately, Steve’s reassurance does little to calm her nerves. Clearing her throat, Y/N continues her questioning, trying to avoid her fear. Or at least, to not let Steve see it.
“Is there anyone you know who might fit this profile? Anyone you might have encountered who seemed a little too interested? Any clients who might have asked for tips on how to get started?” Thinking it over for a while, Steve sighs, shaking his head.
“No. Sorry, but I didn’t exactly keep in touch with them or talk to them that much, aside from asking them what they wanted. I don’t even know how many are out there, or if they told someone else about it. It’s not like we have a secret network of cannibals where we all share trade secrets or anything.” Involuntarily, Y/N lets out a small giggle at that but regrets it almost immediately, clamping her mouth shut to stop any more giggles from escaping. However, it’s too late, and Steve grins, knowing he’s got her to feel comfortable around him…if even a little bit.
Suddenly, a voice cuts in, causing the pair to turn towards it. A prison guard stands there, his hands shoved into his pockets. Y/N recognises him as the first one who spoke to her, and showed her where Steve’s cell is. 
“Your time is up, Agent Y/L/N. It’s almost time for Doctor Kemp to carry out his work.” Raising an eyebrow in confusion, Y/N turns to Steve.
“They gave me a job in the prison medical wing. It’s mostly because I’m the only qualified doctor in this damn place…but I like to think that it’s for my good behaviour.” He explains with a grin and a wink. Once again, Y/N tries to ignore the feelings that arise when Steve winks at her. “I know. Maybe giving the murderous and cannibalistic doctor a job where he’s surrounded by scalpels and other medical equipment wasn’t such a good idea, but they had no other choice.” He whispers, laughing slightly. “Sorry. My jokes are awful. But don’t worry though…I promise I’ll be good.” 
“Come on.” The guard calls, beckoning Y/N forward. 
“You better go. He’s come to save you from the big bad serial killer.” Steve whispers again, and Y/N nods, stepping out of the cell. Weirdly, when she first realised how close she would be to Steve from now on, she wanted to flee. Although now she is actually leaving…a part of her doesn’t want to go, both because she wants to find out more information on the case, and because she still wants to know what it is about him that’s so damn intriguing to her. She turns back to Steve, and he smirks at her. “Goodbye Y/N.” He tells her, before the guard gently begins to usher her away. And although some of her still wants to stay, Y/N turns to leave.
At least it gives her all the more reason to come back.
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As time goes on, Y/N continues her…relationship with Steve, and feeds all the information gathered back to her bosses and the police. She’s quite weirded out that it has that name, but Steve is the one who came up with it, and she learned a long time ago that saying no to Steve Kemp or challenging him is not a good idea. Since she and Steve are seeing each other more and more often, and she’s sharing more and more personal information about herself in the hopes of getting him to open up, she can feel that they are both becoming even more linked to one another.
So linked in fact, that her confusing feelings surrounding Steve and their ‘relationship’ are only amplifying. In fact, they’re amplifying so much that he’s occupying almost every waking moment of her day, more so than ever before. He’s the first thing she thinks of when she wakes up, and the last thing she thinks of when she goes to sleep. She still tries to push all those thoughts out of her mind, ignoring the excitement and the shivers she feels whenever he whispers to her or looks over her body, biting his lip as he thinks of all the things he wants to do to her. Each night, Y/N lies awake for a while, poring through her notes and textbooks, searching desperately for a rational explanation for why she’s so consumed by someone like Steve Kemp and so willing to see him. Her brain, her rational psychologist brain, takes her through every possible explanation she can think of. Of course, she knows there is one explanation for why she feels this way, but she doesn’t want to confront that idea. Because it can’t be true. There’s no way. 
She’s just confused.
She’s stressed.
She’s been seeing Steve too many times.
She’s craving answers so much that she’s latching onto Steve in the hopes that he can help her find them.
She’s always been interested in serial killers. After all, it’s why she’s in this job. Steve is just her latest obsession. An obsession much deeper than any other.
In an attempt to try and sort out her feelings, Y/N even stops seeing Steve for almost a week, feigning suffering from a severe bout of food poisoning. And it does work…for the first day or so, until she actually starts to miss seeing him. On the third day, a letter arrives at her home. She doesn’t even need to look at the name of the prison stamped on the top right corner of the envelope to realise who it’s from. In the letter, Steve tells her that he hopes she feels better soon, because he’s missing her. He also makes sure to tell her that if she ever feels sick around him, he would happily examine her in the prison hospital…the very thought of which almost makes her throw up for real. And once again, her mind is full of Steve Kemp. Even though she doesn’t think he ever left in the first place. 
One night, Y/N sighs, looking at herself in the mirror, wondering what Steve actually sees when he looks over her. Trying to see if she can understand why he’s so interested in her and why it is that she wants to see him so badly. But she can’t find anything. Y/N sighs. Maybe it’s time to accept that she’s just destined to be intrigued and excited by him? Surely that’s not too bad…right? More memories flash through her mind then, reminding her of what Steve did, and she groans, rubbing her eyes. Of course it’s a bad thing.
“Fuck.” She hisses. Giving up, Y/N decides to just go to bed, hoping she’ll somehow wake up with the answers she needs. After about an hour of tossing and turning, she thankfully drifts off soon after. However, her peaceful sleep is soon short-lived as she begins to dream.
She’s standing in a darkly red lit bedroom, dressed in only a satin black slip dress. Footsteps sound behind her, and she doesn’t even need to turn to see who it is before she hears: 
“There you are. And you dressed up just for me. I’m so lucky….” Steve’s voice echoes around the room. He wraps his arms around her waist, and she tilts her head, letting him kiss and suck on her neck. Y/N moans happily as she feels his lips against her skin. “Fuck, Y/N…” Steve whispers, moaning hungrily. He twirls her around to face him, catching her in his arms protectively. Goosebumps run up her arms, and Steve leans closer without another word, capturing her in a hungry kiss. He lifts her up, and Y/N wraps her legs around his waist, moaning as the kiss deepens and as they both let their hunger for the other person overtake them. He bites her lip a few times, biting so deeply that she can taste her blood…and it only serves to make her even hungrier. “Now.” Steve pulls apart from her. His blue eyes look over her, dark and hungry. Y/N feels another shiver going up her spine. But this time, she realises that she actually quite enjoys the feeling. “I like the taste of you Y/N.” She shivers at the sound of his voice whispering her name. “Can I have some more?” He asks, and Y/N raises an eyebrow. Steve grins. “Don’t worry…I promise I’ll be good.” He whispers. Smiling, Y/N nods. Steve carries her to the bed and places her down on it. He looks down at her, his eyes darkening as he smirks. Y/N grips the sheets, feeling a wetness growing between her thighs as he looks over her. This feeling excites her even more, and she wants to sink even further into Steve’s control and obsession. “You want me, don’t you?” Steve asks, and Y/N nods.
“Yes Steve…I do.” Y/N whimpers. Steve grins.
“You try to hide it, and play the good little girl…but I see right through you. Just like you saw right through me. You’re just as bad as I am. You’ve always wanted me.” Steve begins to climb on top of her, and his hand slips up her dress, making her gasp. “And I’ve always wanted you.”
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Y/N awakens with a start before the dream can continue anymore. The whimper, HER whimper, echoes in her mind. She can still feel Steve’s touch against her skin, and it feels like she’s on fire. Panting, Y/N looks around her room, ensuring that it was just a dream and that Steve isn’t actually standing in her room. Even when she realises he’s not there, it doesn’t stop her panicking, and she jumps out of bed, running into the bathroom to check that Steve hasn’t actually marked her skin. Thankfully he hasn’t, but her skin still burns. Burns with dreadful excitement. An excitement that she knows she cannot indulge. She desperately starts scrubbing at her skin with water and a sponge in an attempt to try and cool down and to erase the idea of Steve touching and biting her from her mind. When she realises it’s not working and that all she can think about is Steve and her together, she breaks down in tears, gripping her counter in a futile attempt to steady herself and calm down. 
“No, no, no. This cannot be true! It isn’t true!” She exclaims. Panicked, she once again searches through her brain, trying to find any sort of rational explanation as to why she’d ever have a dream like that about Steve. However, it doesn’t work, and she sinks down to the floor, feeling the cold tiles of her bathroom floor on her skin. She curls up into a ball, shaking and panting. Deep down, she knows there’s usually only one reason why people have dreams like that, and she refuses to admit it. Because there’s no way it can be true.
She can’t be falling for Steve Kemp.
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TAGLIST: @buckysboobs, @sebastianstansqueen, @lavendercitizen, @amanda-says, @enchantedbarnes, @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer, @kristophalis, babebr, @nerdypinupcrystal, @marve2014, @sgt-seabass, @themightyloki, @hallecarey1, @phoebethenarwhal, @lxdyred, @potato-with-hair, @chernayawidow, @gabewerk, @snugglingbucky, @late-to-the-party-81​ If you want to be added, please let me know!
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158 notes · View notes
vynegar · 2 years
luke 2nd anniversary SSR, part two
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putting the “tears” in “tears of themis” :’)
same disclaimer and notes from part one.
youtube link to Axr’s video of the card story
links to other parts: one  
more tot translations here
do not repost
[17:00] Cemetery
The day to pay our respects came as arrived, and Luke and I arrived at the cemetery after lunch. The clear blue sky spread out before us, and the bright sunlight made even the specks of dust distinct as they floated in the air.
Luke: Careful.
Luke held my hand as we crossed a small secluded path, where the rocks lining the slope were rather uneven.
Luke: Last time I was here, I heard that this path would be renovated. How come they still haven’t fixed it yet…
MC: (Last time? I remember that this path was fixed several years ago, when Luke should have been at the capitol. When did Luke come here by himself?)
Luke: We’re here.
Before I was able to ask for details, we arrived at the tombstones of Luke’s parents. The gently sloping hill was sectioned into neat areas, and all around us were orderly rows of tombstones, where countless people rested in peace. Not many people came to visit the graveyard today. Even looking far away there were only several scattered visitors, making the cemetery seem even more desolate. The only thing that somewhat broke up the heavy atmosphere was a lush, verdant meadow thriving with plants. That was Luke’s parents’ tombstone. A brief description of their life was inscribed on it, and below that was a row of small words – “May you burn for the sake of burning.”
MC: Here, Luke.
I handed the daisies over to him.
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Luke knelt down and lowered the hand that gently held the daisies, but he was slow to place them down. Sunlight passed over the tombstones to rest on Luke’s back. He was half bathed in light, half sunk into shadow. As if he was considering something, it took a long time until he slowly began to speak.
Luke: Mom, Dad, we haven’t seen each other in a while. I’m here to visit you. Everything’s been fine lately, don’t worry.
He looked up at the tombstone and smiled softly.
Luke: I say that every time I come here. You must be sick of hearing it by now. So this time, I want to introduce you to someone. You know her too, you could even say you watched her grow up. It’s her, MC. We’re in love.
MC: …
Luke’s mother had apparently held me when I was a baby, and I had visited their graves often in the past years. But this was the first time I was introduced to Luke’s parents in this way, so I couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous.
Luke: I’m sure you guys already know that she’s great, she’s the best girl I’ve ever met. When I hesitate, or stumble, or am afraid of moving forward, she is always at my side. When I want to run away, she is the first one who pulls me back. She’s strong – she won’t back down even if things get dangerous. But at the same time, her heart is unrivaled in kindness.
MC: (This… is how Luke sees me?)
Luke: The most fortunate thing in my entire life is knowing her. Mom, Dad, you’d congratulate me, right?
The shadows of trees rustled and swayed in the gentle breeze, interlocking with each other. Luke’s words settled in my ears along with the sound of the wind and trees, lightly, gently soothing my nerves.
MC: Luke, I’m sure they would… Huh?
Something cold slid down my face. I looked up and saw that the dazzling sunlight was accompanied by a gentle drizzle.
MC: (I can’t believe it’s a sunshower…)
Amidst the continuous drizzle, Luke remained kneeling at the tombstone, staring at the daisies he was holding.
Luke: Enough… It’s fine like this…
MC: ???
Luke set the daisies in front of the tombstone.
After offering the flowers, Luke briskly stood up and took my hand to leave.
MC: Huh? Leaving already?
Luke: Yeah… Look, it’s already raining, let’s hurry back.
MC: You aren’t gonna let me say some words to your parents?
Luke: There’s no rush. Just come back again when the weather is nice, they wouldn’t mind. Let’s go.
When he finished speaking, Luke once more “urged” me to leave. His tone was nonchalant, but I was still acutely caught the worry and panic that flashed across his face. He was running away from me – that was the conclusion I had subconsciously come to. In my mind, Aaron’s words from yesterday appeared, and I quickly understood what the person in front of me was thinking –
MC: (Aaron must have told him about me asking about him… Just like how I understand him, he also guessed that I’d want to use this special day as an opportunity to talk openly about that… So right now, he… doesn’t want to give me any chance to speak…)
As I watched him, unhappiness rose in my heart. There was no time to think it over, the words just left my mouth.
MC: Come back again? With me alone, or with us together?
Luke: Uh… We can see when the time comes, we…
MC: Luke, you haven’t thought at all that the future would be the two of us, have you?
Luke: What…?
Luke froze at my words, at a loss for what to do. While he was stunned, I took advantage of the opening and bypassed him to the front of the tombstone.
MC: Luke, you’re done talking to your parents, so it’s my turn now.
Luke: Don’t… I…
Ignoring the rain slowly soaking into my hair and the voice of the person beside me, I lifted my head towards the tombstone before me.
MC: Hello, long time no see. Before when I would come to visit, I would always tell you my own thoughts. But today, I want to talk to you about Luke. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t told you… he’s sick. When he was in the capitol, he got infected by a drug during medical treatment, damaging his nerves. Currently, there’s no way to fully cure this illness.
Luke: …
MC: I don’t know what to say either… When I first found out, I was scared. Back then, when I thought about how little time we had left, I had no idea how to face that. But the longer I was together with Luke, the more confident I was that my original decision was the right one.
My memories with Luke surged in my mind. I turned and gazed at the person in front of me.
MC: Luke, I’ve become so brave because of you. I know you’re worried that the future is uncertain, that things won’t get better. But I’m not willing to give up on happiness in the present just because there might be troubles ahead. As long as I’m with you, I can face anything. I want to be closer to you, I want to make the most of our time… do you?
Luke didn’t answer me immediately. The fine rain gradually intensified. He hung his head and stared at the bouquet of daisies in front of the tombstone, and after a long time, shook his head.
Luke: I’m sorry… I can’t give you that kind of promise.
MC: Luke…
Luke: MC, do you and Aaron still think that my refusal this time is just because of my illness, like it was last time? Because I’m certain that I can’t keep on living, so I’d rather not do anything at all? Is that it?
MC: Isn’t it?
Luke: It’s not all of it. At least after getting together with you, I really have gotten more optimistic. And I’ve really started to slowly trust that as long as I can persevere long enough, maybe a miracle will happen one day.
MC: Then why are you still…?
Luke: MC, just now, you said “make the most of our time”, right? It sounds nice, but do you really understand the consequences of making the most of our time? Yes, I could just grab hold of the happiness right now, but who would bear the consequences?
MC: No matter what the consequences are, we can face them together.
Luke: No, MC… If it’s the worst case scenario, you would have to endure it alone.
As he spoke, Luke walked to my side.
Luke: Have you imagined… what it would be like to stand in front of my tombstone?
MC: …what?
Luke suddenly pointed toward a grave site not far away. I looked towards where he was pointing and saw only a handful of scattered tombstones there, as though it had only recently been developed.
Luke: Over there… in the third row, seventeenth from the left, is the grave I bought for myself. When I ordered the tombstone, I… thought about how you’d look standing alone in front of it.
I stared at Luke in shock, but his expression was calm, as if this was nothing to him.
Luke: Of course I could ignore everything, propose to you, put that ring on your finger. But what about afterwards? The best outcome is that I keep living, and that way everything would be just fine. But if I…  How could I let you stand there and mourn me as a fiancée, or even as a wife? You’re so good… What I have right now is already more than I could ask for. People can’t live on hope, and they can’t live only for the present moment. You shouldn’t shackle yourself with an even closer level of relationship, you shouldn’t restrict… your future.
MC: (So Luke did come here by himself, which is why he knew about that path…)
Anguish welled in my heart. Layer by layer, I had painstakingly peeled back and found the truth that Luke had concealed – that he was still trying to find the most "stable" future for me. He wanted to minimize my pain, and that's why he told Aaron that he was fine maintaining his current situation. Just maintain the current situation –
MC: (So that even if he leaves one day, our current relationship wouldn't restrict me with any kind of identity. I could get up and walk away at any time, start a new life...)
I couldn't imagine what Luke must have felt when coming here alone, to buy his own tombstone and make these decisions. Considering every scenario, silently enduring his anxieties... For a long time, Luke had shouldered these emotions alone, just because of me.
Luke: MC, you haven't experienced the loss of someone close to you. You don't know how painful it is to be separated by death. Every time I visited their grave, I would think about how much I wished that the accident never happened, that they could be there as I grew up... But every time I thought that, my regrets would multiply. I placed all my longing on this "keepsake", on this tombstone, but it was all useless in the end. MC, I can't let you be like me, carrying regrets for the rest of your life. I have to reduce as much of your pain as I can.
MC: Luke, it's not like that, you don't need to...
Luke: Don't worry, I've already planned out our future very well. I don't regret confessing to you, but that's as far as I can go. The remaining time... no matter how much time I have left, you can live however you'd like.
Luke gently raised his hand and smoothed out the strands of hair on my forehead that had stuck together because of the rain. His warm palm brushed my cheek, setting off stabs of pain in my heart.
MC: Then what about you, Luke? What about your feelings? Won't it hurt? Won't you be sad? Won't you not be content?
Luke: Me? That's not important, really, I'm fine.
MC: How is that not important?!
Luke: !!!
I couldn't help but approach Luke. Through the flecks of rain, I could see in his eyes the emotions he was holding back.
MC: Luke, do you remember? One year, when we came here as kids and I didn't know any better, I asked if you missed your parents. When we got home, my parents scolded me for asking that question. Do you remember how you answered back then?
Luke paused, his face an expression of confusion.
Luke: I think I said that... with your parents taking care of me, and with you beside me, I was fine. Is something wrong with that?
MC: There is. You say that you're doing fine, you always say that. But my question was whether you missed your parents, so why did you answer that you're fine?
Luke: Because I didn't want...
He stopped before he could speak further, looking at me rather helplessly. I continued his sentence.
MC: You didn't want to make my parents worry, or you didn't want to make me and my parents worry?
Luke: I...
MC: Luke, you're always thinking about others. When you were a kid, you were scared that saying you missed them would make my parents worry, so you suppressed how much you missed them. And now, in order to not make me sad and to let me be happy, you're suppressing your own wishes again. First forget about whether that would make me happy, what about you? Why don't you think about yourself more? Luke, are you trying to ruin yourself?
After an extended silence, I heard an indistinct sigh.
Luke: It's because... I love you.
MC: …
Luke: I love you, so I can't not think about you. It's practically become an instinct for me now. MC, I'm like your knight. I bow before you, and am willing to devote anything to you. I don’t feel mistreated, and it’s never made me unhappy either. There's nothing wrong with the way things are.
A gust of wind blew past, lifting up several fallen leaves. Luke shifted his position again, blocking the wind.
Luke: So even if we aren't engaged, nothing will change. I'll always love you, until the end of my life.
MC: How are you still not understanding, Luke, engagement isn't what's important here!
I couldn't control raising my voice, and a couple people from not too far away turned to look at us. I also realized that was a bit inappropriate, but fortunately the rain intensified then and caused them to leave quickly, their hands blocking out the rain. Luke and I still stood opposite each other. Soon, our hair was covered in a fine layer of droplets that reflected the sunlight. Luke took off his suit jacket and used it to shield my head.
Luke: Careful, don't catch a cold.
MC: (Even now, Luke is still thinking about me.)
I moved closer to Luke, and he looked on in shock as I gave him half the jacket, raising it above both our heads. Neither of us was getting shielded, but I stubbornly kept holding it up.
MC: Luke, I don't want your love for me... to be this heavy. I understand everything that you do for me. I'm very touched, and very glad. But at the same time, I'm sad too. Because it's as if... I can't make you happy.
Luke: No, don't think like that...
MC: You always ask what’ll happen to me, but what about you? What will happen to you? You're always suppressing your own wishes and sacrificing yourself for others. Will you truly be able to be happy? And do you think I want to watch you leave behind countless regrets? Luke, my love for you is the same as yours, I want you to be happy too.
My heart beat furiously in my chest. Emotion, heartache, love, all the feelings accumulated in my chest, ready to pour out and envelop me at any moment. There was only one thought in my mind -- bring Luke happiness. I took a deep breath, and calmed down slightly.
MC: Luke, do you still remember that poem your mom liked?
Luke: You mean "Whether suffering, or celebration – because it burns for the sake of burning"?
MC: Yeah. I think maybe the reason she used that line as a lullaby for you was because it contains her hopes for you – for once, Luke, just "burn" for yourself. Get rid of all the white lies and insincerities, I want to hear you tell me honestly. Do you want to propose to me? Do you truly want us to just "stop where we are"?
Under the pelting sound of the rain, Luke and I faced each other. His brow furrowed, his eyes deep like a vortex that was about to suck me, the rain, the wind, everything into it.
Luke: I don't, I want to... but...
MC: If you want to, then just ask me if I'm willing. Not for anyone else, but for yourself.
Luke: I...
???: Hey! What are you still doing here?
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Nat. NAT. I just saw your concept about naoya "training" his wife by just throwing her in the room and just watching her struggle to defend herself... Until she ofc breaks and begs him to protect her🙈 you have a MASSIVE brain, the biggest and horniest brain nat can you please write this concept for the event😭😭 maybe w 45 and any other dark or spicy add ons that you see fit!
traditional discipline - naoya x fem!reader (3.3k)
naoya has had enough of you, and resorts to an unusual method of discipline.
warnings: not sfw/minors dni. DARK CONTENT. unhealthy relationship/marriage. fearplay, dacryphilia, finger-sucking, cock-sucking, punishment, threat of violence and death. dubious consent. afab reader with fem pronouns. 
[a/n: this concept literally wouldn’t leave me alone. i’m sorry to all of the readers who are naoya’s wife i’m always so horrible to them]
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The room goes quiet as Naoya hauls you out of it by your upper arm.
It’s an easy mistake, a simple slip-up; accidentally talking over your husband. But it’s one in a slew you’ve been making recently, despite Naoya thinking that you were polite and well-bred and knew your place. He’s sick of it, to be quite frank; he doesn’t have time to be correcting you when you should already know how to behave.
You’ve done accidental, small things since the two of you were married. Denying him when he rolled you onto your back at night. Not standing quite as far behind him as you should. Pouring tea for other people before him. He’s given you swift reprimand with both his words and his hands, but . . . it’s clearly not sinking into your pretty little head, is it?
He warned you about this.
“Next time,” he’d growled to you, when you’d laughed too loud at a joke that one of his brothers had made and not laughed at one of his, “I’m going to teach you a real lesson.”
He tells you about the ‘training and discipline room’ on the Zenin estate later that night. A room that the family use for honing cursed techniques, both for practising and for learning purposes, when someone needs to be brought down a peg or two. It’s full of cursed spirits – all the way up to grade two, which makes your blood run cold.
Of course, you have cursed energy. You even have a careful little technique; one that would wrap your enemies up in vines, if you’d ever been allowed to train to use it for anything other than keeping your well-appointed garden neat and orderly. Naoya would not have married someone without either of those things, lest they not bear him fruitful children--
But you have never been allowed to use it for anything more.
The women of your clan are pretty decoration, with no need to learn anything other than how to behave and how to please their masters-and-husbands. You would be useless, thrown into the den of the wolves like that.
“Please don’t,” you’d said to him, your voice all soft and gentle, trying to be appeasing. “Please. I promise I’ll try harder.”
Naoya had taken your chin between thumb and forefinger, the grin across his face very sharp as his light eyes took in the pleading in your own gaze. You remember how the light had hit his earrings, the look of satisfaction at your begging and having you utterly and completely under his thumb.
“Be good,” he’d breathed, all slow and drawling. “And I won’t have to, will I?”
And he’d bid you to get on your knees for him and show you just how good you could be. Starting with your mouth.
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So you know where he’s dragging you, down the labyrinthine halls of the estate. You try and pull back, feet sliding on the tatami mat, your voice pitching as you say;
“Naoya, please, I’m sorry--”
“Women should be seen and not heard,” he says to you. “Don’t make a fuss like that. You earned this.”
Your eyes are filling with tears, hot fear clawing its way up your throat.
“I’ll do anything,” you say to him, despite knowing that it’s a dangerous bargain to give him. He almost considers it for a moment, pausing – but then, his fingers just dig harder into the softness of your bicep (you’re going to bruise), and he tugs you.
“You’re making a scene,” he says. “If you don’t stop, I’ll leave you in there even longer.” You try to wrench your arm out of his grip, all of your self-defense mechanisms going into overdrive as you recognise the door he’s leading to you too. You’re breathless, so frightened you think that your heart might stop.
Naoya opens the door and pulls you in. You almost stumble at the flight of stairs, but he clicks his tongue at you in annoyance.
“So clumsy,” he drawls. “And here I was, under the impression I was marrying a graceful, lovely, credit to her family--” More steps, until he’s gotten you in the middle of the floor. He gazes around him, and you hear the low hum of a hundred cursed spirit’s voices murmuring the same things, over and over again. “The only time you’re a credit to them is with your legs spread.”
“Naoya,” you whimper, torn between pushing yourself into him for the comfort and protection that you know he can offer, or trying to tear away from him and escape the room yourself. You know the second option won’t work – he’s far faster, far stronger than you – but it’s hard to think of anything when you feel like your very survival is teetering impossibly over your head.
“If you run,” he says, still in that cold, uninterested drawl, “I’ll break one of your ankles.”
You don’t think he’s bluffing. Naoya says a lot of things, yes – but he’s also reckless and proud enough to mean them. You stand there, next to him, feeling yourself begin to tremble.
“W-why aren’t they attacking yet?” You ask him, voice very small. He looks at you pityingly.
“They’re afraid of me, obviously,” he says to you, very slowly, like he’s explaining it to somebody very stupid. “I didn’t get this good at everything by not training myself, darling.” He lets go of you, finally, a whistle escaping his pursed mouth as he rocks on the balls of his feet. He’s supremely unconcerned by your fear. “When I’m gone, they’ll come out for you.”
Your eyes fill with tears.
“What am I supposed to do?” You ask him, desperation leaking into your cracked voice. “I can’t—I can’t protect myself--”
Naoya narrows his eyes.
“You should have thought about that before you were such a pain,” he replies. And, without further ado, he turns around and begins to ascend the stairs again. You turn with him, moving forward, stumbling in your haste and ending up sprawled at the bottom of the stairs with your hand pathetically fisted into the hem of his hakama.
He looks down at you with a disgusted sneer on his face, and you hate that even with that expression his features are still unmistakably handsome.
“Let go,” he says. “Have some dignity.”
“Please,” you repeat. You can feel a fat tear spilling from the corner of your eye down the curve of your cheeks. You know the ‘dignity’ statement is a dig; the fact that you’ve heard his family members calling your clan power-hungry undignified gold-digging whores, but you can’t bring yourself to care when you can see the beginning of shadows spilling out too far into the main floor of the room. “Naoya. Please.”
He kicks out at your wrist, face twisted in distaste, and you let go to avoid it being stood on and crushed under his strength. You cradle it against your chest, looking up at him still all desperate and afraid.
“If I helped,” he said to you, “you’d never learn your lesson.” He takes a step up and turns away completely from you, as if you’re nothing more than an ignored child on the street. “It will be good for you, beloved wife. Character-building.” You hear the smirk in his voice and you hate him.
You want to strangle him. You want to beg him to protect you. You want to tear him limb from limb, but you want him to let you bury your head in his chest as he dispels the spirits with ease. You want--
The door slams shut behind him. He’s too cheerful as he throws behind him;
“Good luck!”
And you are left alone.
It takes a moment before anything slithers out from the shadows, and you clap your hand over your mouth to stop yourself screaming. The first cursed spirit is a hunched over creature with the face of a Pierrot clown, mouth stretched impossibly wide with gaping black abyss where eyes ought to be. It’s whispering something over and over to itself, but the wide mouth is so crowded with teeth that it comes out as an incomprehensible noise, dripping drool as it begins to move horrifically slowly towards you.
Oh, God. You’re not supposed to look at them, are you? You dimly recall something about many sorcerers wearing glasses so the creatures can’t tell where their gazes are, but this one has already got the scent of you; those dark pits staring at your crumpled form.
Everything you’ve ever been told in passing about jujutsu and cursed spirits and cursed technique just seems to flow out of your mind to be replaced by mind-numbing fear. You’ve not been trained for this; when your clan had arranged your marriage with Naoya, you know that they’d expected fine silken kimonos and traditional food and you being a pretty trophy on the arm of the future leader of their clan. You know they’d be horrified if they saw what was happening.
More of them are melting from the shadows, the whispering and moaning reaching a terrifying crescendo. You’re trembling. Your heart is beating so fast inside of your chest you think it might break free of your ribcage and sputter out onto the floor.
The Pierrot monster is close enough that you can see the six hands it drags on the floor are all tipped with claws that are sharp as blades. You scramble up the stairs on your ass, too afraid to turn your back on the creatures. You realise you’re shouting, but it seems just as blurred as anything that the cursed spirits are saying. You’re crying, too – howling, whimpering, so scared you’re surprised any noise is able to come out at all.
You’re going to die.
It hits you with cruel certainty as you reach the top and throw your weight at the door, only for it to not give an inch. You scramble at the heavy wood, not caring about your careful manicure (Naoya wants you to be a credit to him, and that means manicures and facial treatments and a fancy bathroom full of soaps and creams that he expects you to use and that he slathers, too, on himself). You hear a nail break but you can’t bring yourself to worry about that when the Pierrot monster is dragging itself up the flight of stairs, one step at a time. It makes a hideous sliding thump, like it’s both wet and heavy – and you notice, too, the scent of blood invading your senses.
Your tear-blurred eyes can see all of the other monsters, too – not quite as close, but still too close for comfort. Too many eyes and not enough eyes, too many legs, claws and teeth and misshapen bones and blood leaking from holes. What are you supposed to do?
Naoya has left you here, alone, to teach you a lesson. You hadn’t realised the lesson would culminate in your death, but with all of the spirits so close to you, you cannot see any other way.
All of the fight goes out of you and you sag against the door, a broken sob escaping your lips. Your throat is dry from hoarse screaming.
You are going to die. You hope it will come quick; you hope the Pierrot monster will tear you limb from limb and you’ll die in instants from the shock. Your voice whispers Naoya’s name one last, hopeless time.
Will he find another wife? Will they even bother covering up your death, or will they spin some rumour or lie to your family and the whole of jujutsu society that you brought it upon yourself?
You would do anything to be rescued right now. You would crawl on your hands and knees behind Naoya for the rest of your life, refer to him only as ‘Master’, fulfil every single thing he ever asked you with no more than a meek nod of your head. Pull out your tongue so you couldn’t make any more mistakes.
But the time for pleading seems to have gone entirely, and you are useless and stupid and weak as you run out of tears, eyes burning. All you can do, you think, is wait for death.
The door swings open behind you and you’re dragged backwards, onto tatami, by powerful hands gripping your shoulders as it closes once more with a massive clunk that echoes in your ears--
And you find yourself strewn out on the floor, face caked with dried tear-tracks, a trembling, pathetic mess looking up at your husband’s face.
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He leans against the door, listening to you scream. He can hear his name mixed in with sobs and screams and pleading; saying that you’ll do anything, you’re sorry, you’ll never disobey him again you’ll take any punishment he metes out with a smile on your face, if he just helps you. He hears you call yourself weak and pathetic and useless around the tears clogging your throat; he hears the thump of you hitting the door and the sound of your nails scratching down the wood, uncaring of anything other than getting away from them.
Yes, he thinks as he opens the door for you and you fall, shivering and sobbing, in front of him. Yes, he thinks you’ve learnt your lesson.
You’re so pretty, he thinks, closing it once more (he sees the cursed spirits begin to creep back to where they came from at the very sight of him, now their preferred victim is protected), with your eyes all glassy and wet. You’re extra pretty looking at him like he’s a conquering hero who’s saved you from certain death – which he supposes he is.
You cling to his arm, pulling yourself up, burying your face in his chest as your hands cling to him like you’ve been lost and he’s the first familiar thing you’ve seen in months. Your tears soak his kimono, but . . . he finds himself not really minding, as big, lean hands pet you gently on the back.
“It’s alright now,” he soothes you, murmuring low. “Your husband has you.”
“Please, please, ‘m so sorry--” You’re mumbling into him, whimpering, your shoulders shaking. “Please never m-make me, again--”
“Shhh,” he continues, gently beginning to move towards his chambers. You cling to him, adrift in a sea of your own fears. “It’s better now. You’ll be better now, won’t you?”
He receives a fierce nod for that, your fingers twisting into his clothing. It’s nice, having you so wrapped around him; seeing him as the strong protector that he knows he is but you needed reminding of. You’re still mewling little pleas into him even as he unlocks the door to his bedroom and gently pushes you in. Letting go of him even for a moment seems to cause you physical pain--
Good. You should feel like that. You should feel incomplete without him at your side. Naoya rewards you with a rare, soft smile.
“You know why you had to be punished like that, don’t you?” He purrs to you, petting your hair and carefully drawing back so he can look at your face. Your lips are all swollen from crying and biting; he thinks you’ve never looked quite so kissable as you do right now.
“Yes,” you nod, fiercely. “I’m sorry. I’ll do a-anything, I promise. I . . .” You swallow, your eyes filling with tears again. Naoya has been hard since the moment he heard you call out his name from inside the training room, your voice filled with choked tears, and watching them well up again does nothing for the stricture against the fabric. “I needed you.”
“And I saved you,” he says, arching an elegant brow – to which you nod again, and your hands drift towards him like you’re aimless without him in front of you to serve. “I’ll protect you, darling, as long as you learn your place.”
“I will!” That’s said with such conviction that he can’t help the smirk that tugs at the corner of his mouth. “I will. N-Naoya . . .” Your voice trembles a little. “’m willing to do anything for you. J-just please . . . not again.”
“Shh,” he reaches out and deigns to touch you, to gently and soothingly rub his thumb over your cheek, where the tears have dried. “If you’re really going to be so good for me, I won’t have to, will I?” You stumble forward onto your knees and Naoya’s brows shoot up in surprise as your hands tug at his hakama.
“Please let me show you how grateful I am,” you whisper, your eyes wide and bright and desperate. “Naoya, please, please, please--”
Oh, there’s something so gratifying about you like this, begging to suck his cock. It stirs between his thighs again, reminding him that he’s painfully stiff; and you are here, a willing mouth, scared out of your skull and desperate to please him. He’s smirking at you but you do not register it as such; all you see is the smile of your rescuer.
Your protector.
Your husband.
“Say what you want to do to me, darling,” he tells you, keeping his voice as sweet as he can make it. “You’re a big girl. You can use your words. What do you want to do, to show me how grateful you are that I saved your paltry life?”
You’re pouting; your mouth is sweet, pretty. He wants to pry your jaw open and fuck the back of your throat, and his body roars as your fingers tug on the hakama again and your meek, soft voice whispers;
“Please let me suck your cock.”
“You have a dirty mouth,” he coos to you, leaning forward to brush a finger over your lower lip. “Not befitting of a woman of your station. I suppose that means that it’s up to me to keep you quiet, hmm?”
You obediently open it, letting his finger gently rest on your tongue for a moment.
Desperate to please, your mouth closes about it, your tongue gently swiping over the pad, your cheeks hollowing a little as you suck on the digit inside of them. Naoya’s smiling again, the victorious grin of someone who’s gotten exactly what they wanted. He pulls his finger out and thrusts back in with two, whispering to you;
“Do you think you deserve my cock, after what you put me through today?”
You shake your head, but you don’t stop lavishing attention on the fingers in your mouth, a string of drool falling from the corner of your mouth as he presses his third finger inside of it. So warm, and wet. He needs his cock to be inside of you or he thinks he may embarrass himself.
The fingers are pulled out, wiped on the hakama fabric, before he says (the carefully adopted tone almost disinterested);
“Take them off, then. Don’t make your promises empty words. I wouldn’t appreciate such thoughtlessness in a wife.”
You’re eager, stripping off his clothes. Your mouth practically waters at the sight of his cock; elegant, flushed, hard and straining with a light upwards curve that he knows will hit you in the right place at the back of your throat to make you gag.
“Wait,” he says, as you lean in to bring him to your lips. “What do you say, darling?”
Your eyes (still brimming with tears, he notices – and fuck, he loves how you look teary-eyed and pouting. He has to make you cry more often) meet his, but the look in yours is worshipful so he doesn’t chide you for having the insolence to meet his gaze directly.
“Thank you,” you breathe. “For saving me. For letting me suck your cock. For everything.”
Naoya is smiling.
“Good girl,” he says, placidly, as you place a delicate kiss on the head of his cock and slowly envelope it in the warmth of your mouth. “Very good.”
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Burn The Witch 10 - Bad Influence [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s an extra chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Some nights are more hectic than others.
Series Masterlist
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Oh hell no.
Tonight was supposed to be a normal night. Boring even. You were supposed to stay at home, watch a cliché horror movie, eat noodles and worry about whether your fake boyfriend, who didn’t know he was your fake boyfriend, was safe and sound on yet another secret mission of his.
Okay, maybe not that normal of a night.
But what was not supposed to happen was your ex-boyfriend showing up out of nowhere at your door.
“I know we left things off a little awkward but that’s no reason to point a gun at me. I was just doing my job.”
“Walk away,” you said, “Go back to the circle of hell they unleashed you from.”
“I heard you’re fake dating Barnes?” he asked, “He looks like your type.”
“I’m going to give you three seconds, then I will start shooting.”
He hissed in a breath,
“Except you can’t,” he stated, “You have to keep your cover. Milkshake waitress having a gun? People would start asking questions.”
“You’re right,” you said through your teeth, “A knife would be much more silent.”
“What’s taking you so—“ Keith called out but he stopped talking as soon as he saw you two. His eyes narrowed almost immediately and he took a step but you threw yourself in front of him, knowing he was about to punch him.
“Keith, I got it.”
“What the fuck are you doing here dickhead?”
“Nice to see you too Keith,” Julian said, “Am I interrupting something? I always kind of wondered what was going on between you two.”
“If I didn’t want to punch you before, I certainly want to do it now,” Keith stated and you shook your head.
“I got it,” you said, “Really, it’s fine. Go back to the living room.”
He gritted his teeth, “I’ll fuck you up the moment I get you alone, Julian.”
“I can pretend to be scared if you want,” Julian deadpanned as Keith walked back to the living room and you tucked your gun into the waist of your shorts again, crossing your arms.
“So what crossroad is missing its demon right now?” you asked and he tilted his head.
“Why are you here?”
“I wanted to say hi,” he said, “Is that so bad?”
“Yeah. Considering the shit you pulled, it is bad.”
“You would’ve done the same thing.”
“No I really wouldn’t,” you said “What, am I supposed to believe you’re here to say hello?”
“Yep,” he said, “It’s customary to meet or re-meet your team leader on a mission.”
You blinked a couple of times, gawking at him before you let out a bitter chuckle.
“Oh fuck no.”
“Hey take it up to the General, I didn’t ask to be put on a mission where you play the honeypot,” he said, “Speaking of, is Barnes head over heels yet? I know how charming you can be when you want to, call it a first hand experience.”
“You’re not a part of my team.”
“I sort of am.”
“It’s my team,” you insisted, “I didn’t give okay to you being on my—“
“I’m afraid that’s above both of our paygrades,” he pointed out, “Nothing you can do about it. Trust me, I won’t enjoy this either.”
“Oh you won’t?”
“You think I will enjoy watching you have a relationship with the goddamn Winter Soldier?” he asked, “As fake as it may be, it will look real.”
“You’re so full of shit.”
“So I take it he doesn’t stay over yet?”
You ran your tongue over your teeth, shaking your head, “You know what?” you said, “I think I’ve had enough of this bullshit for the night. It’s always a displeasure to see you Julian, fuck off now.”
You slammed the door on his face and ran a hand over your face, making your way to the living room.
“General put him on the team?” Keith asked, “Is he serious?”
“Looks like it,” you checked your wristwatch, “I need to talk to him. Do you think I can-”
“Don’t call the General right now,” he interrupted you before you could finish your sentence, “You’re angry, and I get that, so am I but wait until tomorrow.”
“Keith, he can’t be in my team!” you insisted, “He can’t be trusted, you know he can’t!”
“Hey,” he grabbed you by the shoulders, “I know. I know what he’s done, I know he can’t be trusted. But the rest of your team got your back, okay? Especially me and Chloe. What happened at that last mission won’t happen again.”
You threw your hands up, “Ugh, fuck this shit!”
“We got this—” he started but then your phone started vibrating on the couch, making you both turn your heads. You leaned over to check the screen, then snatched the phone off the couch when you saw Bucky’s name flashing.
“I should take this,” you murmured and made your way to the bathroom to close the door behind you. You jumped into the empty bathtub and answered the phone.
“Hi Bucky.”
“Hi darling.”
Even the sound of that was enough to make a small smile warm your face and you closed your eyes, leaning your head back to the bathtub.
“You could’ve just texted, you didn’t have to call.”
“Nah I wanted to hear your voice.”
Your smile widened as you bit down on your lip.
“I wanted to hear your voice too,” you murmured, for once dropping the act, “God, you have no idea what kind of a terrible night I’m having.”
“What’s wrong?”
You scrunched up your face, scolding yourself in your head. “Just a…just a bad night.”
“Girls at soup kitchen are giving you a hard time?” he asked and you let out a chuckle.
“No,” you said, “I just heard some less than ideal news.”
“Do you need me there?”
You raised your brows, “Aren’t you on a secretive and highly dangerous mission?”
“Yeah,” he said, “Doesn’t matter, I’ll come if you need me. Do you?”
The clear difference between your ex-boyfriend and your current, albeit fake boyfriend was impossible to miss and you felt your throat getting tighter before you coughed.
Fuck no, you didn’t cry.
The last time you genuinely cried was when you were 16, and quite frankly you had no idea if you were even capable of doing it anymore.
“It’s fine,” you managed to say, “It can wait. Date night when you come back though.”
“Of course.”
“And actually I’ve been thinking about that,” you said, “It’s my turn, right? To pick the place?”
“Mm hm, we last went to Brooklyn.”
“So I was thinking what if we did one modern and one old times?” you asked, “I can pick the modern dates and you can pick the old times dates.”
“Huh,” he said, “That’s a good idea. Wait, you’re not going to drag me to one of those nightclubs, are you?”
You giggled, “Would it be that terrible?”
“Please don’t do that to me.”
“You don’t like dancing?”
“Not that kind of dancing.”
“You know, I keep waiting for you to actually utter the words ‘back in my day’, but it’s not happening.”
He chuckled, “Back in my day, we wouldn’t call that dancing.”
You hummed, slipping a little in the bathtub, “Good point,” you said, “So okay then, it’s settled. I got the modern and you got the old dates covered. What does that entail anyway? Home cooked meal dates?”
“Nope,” he said, “We’re dating, not married.”
You pulled your brows together, “How is that relevant?”
“Me being at your place or you being at mine would be very frowned upon,” he tut tutted, “Us together, without anyone else. Inside and privacy and all. Scandal, there’d be lots of gossip about your virtue.”
A clear laughter escaped from your lips and you covered your mouth with your hand, trying to pull yourself together.
“Right, my virtue,” you played along, “So I take it you have never been alone with a girl back in your day then? Since virtue was a huge deal?”
There was a pause on the other line, “I mean it wasn’t— it wasn’t that huge of a deal for everyone…” he trailed off, and you clicked your tongue.
“But overall, no Netflix and chill?”
“What’s Netflix and chill?”
You bit inside your cheek, trying to ignore the warmth at the pit of your stomach, “I know you hate to hear it, but you’re so cute.”
“No I’m not.”
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me,” you taunted him, “I won’t tell anyone.”
You heard Sam calling his name and there was a shuffle before he cleared his throat.
“I gotta go,” he said, “Promise to be safe?”
“Right back at you.”
“Good night sweetheart.”
“Good night.” you said and hung up, pressing the phone to your lips before you shook your head at yourself. You got off the empty tub and opened the bathroom door to step out, then found Keith busy with the noddle boxes in the kitchen.
“It’s still hot, and I took the liberty of texting Chloe,” he said, “She’s on her way.”
You tried to offer him a small smile.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” he grabbed the chopsticks, “But we might want to finish Scream before Chloe gets here, because knowing her, she will make us watch a rom-com.”
You should’ve known trying to change the General’s decision was a lost cause. He listened to your multiple reasons why it was a bad idea to have Julian in your team, but you could’ve been talking to a wall and it still wouldn’t have made a difference.
“I’m aware of your past with Julian,” he said with a sigh after you were done listing your reasons, “Trust me, this wasn’t an easy decision to make.”
“It’s not about my past with him, sir.” You forced yourself to say, “He can’t be trusted. He’s not a team player, he doesn’t think about anyone but himself-”
“It wasn’t just my decision to make him a part of the team, it was all your superiors’,” he said, “We believe that you’re professional enough to pull this off.”
You gritted your teeth, “Sir, it’s not—“
“He’s in your team and a part of the mission now,” he cut you off, “You’re dismissed, Shrike.”
You dug your fingernails into your palms and nodded, then left his office to march up to Chloe and Keith who were huddled over Chloe’s desk.
“What did he say?”
“That he’s not going anywhere.”
Keith clenched his jaw while Chloe heaved a sad sigh.
“I can try to talk to him if you want, but…”
“It won’t make any difference,” you said, “I know.”
Keith crossed his arms, leaning back to the desk, “I mean we could always poison Julian.”
“Or he could get caught in the crossfire. Spies die like flies, you know that.”
“Don’t say that!” Chloe exclaimed, “You guys are spies too and I already feel way too worried about you.”
“No worries, the only type of death Y/N will get from Barnes is la petite mort.”
You smacked him on the arm, “Fuck you, we’re not sleeping together yet.”
“But you sort of want to,” Keith said, “I heard your giggling last night while talking to him.”
You shifted your weight and threw your shoulders back, “Yeah, so? It’s my cover.”
“Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want to fuck his brains out.”
“I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer!”
“I’m kind of excited about that too,” Chloe said and both you and Keith turned to her.
“Please tell me you don’t want to sleep with Barnes—“
“No!” Chloe said, “No I just… when Y/N wants to, we’ll go and get some vintage inspired lingerie so I’m excited for that.”
“We’re not going to do that Chloe.”
“Yeah, let the guy see the good things 21st century has to offer Chloe,” Keith winked at you and you rolled your eyes.
“You know what, I didn’t give you shit when you were the one undercover in Brazil and had to—“
“Y/N,” Julian’s voice reached your ears and a shiver ran down your spine, making you clench your teeth, “You have a minute?”
Chloe stole a look at Keith who glared at Julian while you raised your brows.
“Not for you Julian, no.”
“I just joined the team, you have to update me.”
“Actually she doesn’t because I already gave Sarah your file and I know that she gave it to you two hours ago,” Chloe stated and Keith nodded.
“Yeah and you’re standing a little too close, so why don’t you step back a little?”
Julian shot you a look, “Seriously? And you’re okay with this?”
“He’s right, you’re standing a little too close,” you stated, making him sigh.
“Y/N, we’re on the same team,” he reminded you, “We need to get along.”
“Actually, you’re on my team,” you corrected him, “I’m the leader in here. So technically, I don’t have to get along with you. You have to get along with me, seeing that you work under me.”
A small arrogant smirk curled his lips. “Wouldn’t be the first time I worked under you,” he said, “Brings back the memories.”
Your eyes narrowed and you tilted your head.
“It really does,” you mused, “The memory of the most boring ten seconds of my life, you tranquilized mattress.”
Keith snorted out his coffee while Chloe gasped, staring at you. You smiled at Julian sweetly, then grabbed your phone.
“Well, I’d better go,” you said, “Some of us have a mission to lead after all. I’ll see you guys later.”
“Have fun,” Keith said without taking his eyes off Julian, “I know we will.”
You winked at them and walked out of the bullpen, grinning to yourself.
The following two days were an actual disaster. Bucky wasn’t in the city so you had nothing to do and nothing to report about. Not only that, you had also made it your own mission to avoid Julian but so far that mission had been a success.
You were beginning to suspect Keith and Chloe had something to do with it.
There was also something at the pit of your stomach. Something that made you both sad and uncomfortable at the same time, like an itch you needed to scratch and no matter what you did, it wouldn’t go away.
Chloe had this genius theory of you missing Bucky, but she was absolutely wrong.
You were just done with counting the money and locking the register when you heard the wind bell by the door chime, but you were way too busy with trying to place the mason jars on the shelf to even look around.
“Sorry, we’re closed,” you said but there was no answer. You froze for only a second before the spy in you kicked in and you grabbed the mason jar tighter before reaching out to grab the nearest knife. The footsteps didn’t signal that it was more than one person and you would throw the jar and judging by the angle of his shadow he would probably lean left to dodge it and that would be when—
“Hi beautiful.”
You whirled around, still holding the jar tight before you dropped it on the counter with the knife, staring at Bucky standing by the door.
“Oh thank God….” you rushed to jump into his arms and he caught you, lifting you off the floor as you wrapped your arms around his neck, inhaling his scent deeply. Somehow just his presence was enough to make up for these last terrible days and you closed your eyes for a moment while his hand cradled the back of your head, pressing a kiss on your temple.
“Hi,” you giggled as you pecked him on the lips, “I didn’t know you were back!”
“Oh we just arrived,” Bucky said as he put you down, “Sam went home and I came here. He says hi by the way.”
“Hi back,” you said and the duffel bag on the floor caught your eye, “Wait, you literally just arrived?”
“Mm hm.”
You hummed, pinching his chin between your fingers as you turned his face, making him smile.
“No bruises,” you commented “That’s a good sign. You scared me though, I thought you were a robber!”
“Yeah, speaking of,” he said, “Where’s your friend?”
“Tara? She had a date, and the part timer had an emergency, so I’m closing today.”
“By yourself?” he asked, “That’s not exactly being safe.”
“I can take care of myself,” you taunted him, “I’m glad you’re back.”
“Glad to be back,” his smile widened, “Come on, I’ll walk you home.”
“Oh you don’t have to, you know I live close by. You should go home and get some rest, you look like you haven’t slept in days.”
“Y/N,” he said patiently, “It’s night time—“
“Meh, evening more likely.”
“It’s dark outside,” he said, “I’m walking you home, come on.”
You thought for a moment, then heaved a sigh.
“Okay,” you said and looked around to see whether you had missed anything, then grabbed your jacket and switched off the lights. He adjusted his duffel bag over his shoulder as you locked the shop then you both started walking.
“So I take it the mission was a success?” you asked, entwining your fingers with his vibranium ones. He still wasn’t used to it and he hesitated for only a second before he held your hand.
“Something like that.”
“How are you going to celebrate?”
He frowned, “Celebrate?”
“Yeah!” you said, “A nice thing happened, why wouldn’t you celebrate it?”
“We don’t really… celebrate missions.”
“Why not?”
He thought for a moment, “I don’t know,” he admitted, “Can I- can we celebrate it then? Together?”
“Oh we absolutely can,” you nodded, “How does tomorrow sound? It’s my time to pick the date, and I’m picking a bar with lots of celebration drinks.”
“There won’t be any dancing in this bar, right?”
“Not yet,” you wiggled your brows, “But I’m warning you, I have plans. We will push you out of that comfort zone of yours.”
“My shrink would like you.”
You tilted your head, “Is that a good thing?”
“Yep,” he said, “How about you? Do you feel better?”
You heaved a sigh and made a face, “Trying.”
“Anything I can do to help?” he asked, “Anything at all, I’m serious.”
A small smile warmed your face and you looked up at him.
“It’s fine,” you said “Thank you for asking though. It means a lot.”
He squeezed your hand like he was trying to assure you and you turned around to see him better as you stopped in front of the building.
“I’d ask if you wanted to a cup of coffee upstairs but…” you sighed dramatically, “My virtue and all.”
“Right,” he played along, “Of course not. We can’t have your neighbors get the wrong idea.”
“No chaperone or anything…”
“I’m astonished you’d even think of such a thing miss,” he said, trying to keep a straight face and you bit down on your lips.
“Well, thank you for being the perfect gentleman, mister,” you taunted him, then stood on your tiptoes to brush your lips against his, his arm around your waist tightening. He looked down at you as you pulled back, that soft light crossing his eyes again.
“Good night Bucky.”
“Good night,” he stole a kiss from you again and you giggled, then made your way into the building. You took the elevator and as soon as you reached your floor and stepped out, you found Keith fumbling with his keys by his door. He looked over his shoulder and you tilted your head, staring at his blood stained clothes.
“Why are you covered in blood?”
“Why are you grinning like a high schooler with a crush?” he asked back and you tried to control your expression. “Something tells me the answer to both of those questions is the same.”
You hummed and went to unlock your door as well while Keith leaned sideways to his doorframe.
“At least one of us is having fun on missions,” he pointed out and you curled your lips, shooting him a look.
“Aw you poor baby,” you said, “I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not.”
“No I’m not and you know why?” you pointed at him, “You didn’t bring me coffee the other day.”
He gasped dramatically and you let out a laugh, then closed your door behind you.
“That Barnes guy is a bad influence on you young lady!” he called out before closing his door as well and you chuckled to yourself, shaking your head.
“Yeah,” you murmured, “I think you might be right.”
Chapter 11
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Double edged scalpel ch. 2
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Ch. 1
Summary: Cassanda Awkward Asshole Dimitrescu
After a couple weeks of doing normal maid chores, Nicole was not expecting to see the dungeons again. Not after Cassandra’s little “failed experiment”. But all good things must come to an end eventually, don’t they? And to an end they came when a faint buzzing reached her ears mid-mopping the floor in one of the main halls.
 Two gloved hands were placed on her hips, pinning her in place, while Cassandra's chin came to rest on her shoulder. She inhaled deeply before finally speaking. 
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" 
Yes you very much are. 
"Of course not, my lady." 
"Good good. Sadly my study is quite a mess again and I was wondering…" one hand came to teasingly caress Nicole’s cheek. “You aren’t busy tomorrow, are you?”
She wasn’t. In fact, tomorrow was Nicole’s day off, something that she would bet on a lifetime supply of coffee that Cassandra was well aware of. It took every ounce of self control not to let a groan accompany her next words.
“I am not.” Asshole.
She felt herself being spun around, Cassandra’s face uncomfortably close to hers. “Be there by ten then.” And, with the sickle now under Nicole’s chin, “Don’t be late.”
And just as easily as she appeared, Cassandra dissipated into a cloud of flies and made her leave. A sigh of relief got caught in Nicole’s throat when she noticed the other two sisters standing in the doorframe opposite from the one Cassandra flew out of. They both gave her an amused look, seeing the faint blush on Nicle’s cheeks and, to her dread, they both approached her. Bela was the first to speak, thankfully keeping her distance.
“So what exactly is your deal? Immune to all the blood and gore, hm,” she hummed, eyes inquisitive .
“It’s been a while since Cassie was so dead set on scaring someone,” Daniela chirped in from behind and Nicole had to force herself not to snort at the nickname.
So that’s what this was about. Lil’ old Cassie was throwing a hissy fit because one person in this castle wasn’t cowering and bowing at her feet the moment they saw some blood splattered on her otherwise beautiful face. If she had to work in this hellhole of a village, then at the very least she could get some mild satisfaction out of annoying the family sadist. With the other sisters however, there was no point in hiding what her “deal” was. 
“I worked as a medical examiner.” At a raised blonde eyebrow she specified, “I used to examine dead bodies. Autopsies and all that.”
Bela’s face turned from mild shock to amusement, her eyes darting to the younger sister who straight up started laughing while the eldest, at least trying to keep her composure, chuckled. 
“Oh this is gonna be interesting,” the redhead said through giggles.
Nicole really had hoped that Cassandra meant 10 pm, with how the Dimitrescus were nowhere to be found during the early day, and she would still have the day to herself until night came. That idea went completely out the tinted windows when, at nine thirty, the head chambermaid came to remind her of the change in schedule. She quickly downed the remaining coffee from her cup while mentally cursing and bolted to her room to change into proper attire, then out the door she went. 
Where was she even supposed to meet the brunette? The doors to the dungeons were bolted shut and she doubted Cassandra would oh so graciously escort her this time. Then again, Lady Dimitrescu did say that she had to be supervised. She got her answer when the doors opened with a click and a drawn out groan from the heavy wood. Cassandra was standing there, eyes scrutinizing as ever while giving Nicole a once over. Then she pulled out a pocket watch that looked at least a century old.
“You’re…” eyes narrowed at the small silver object. “Seven minutes early. Oh you’re as annoying about being on time as Bela aren’t you?”
Well you did make it a point to tell me to be on time, you absolute hypocrite. Instead of voicing her opinions though, Nicole settled for following the other girl deep into the castle’s undergrounds, through damp and oddly warm corridors. The giddiness was back into Cassandra’s demeanor, golden eyes occasionally turning to the small redhead walking behind her with an expression of barely concealed glee. This was definitely not good news. 
It took about .5 seconds to notice what got the brunette so happy when they entered her study. The room was definitely cleaner than the first time, only a handful of devices were dirty and the floor needed some mopping. The tables however... One was covered in fresh blood and the other had a dead body sprawled on it, partially covered by a stained sheet. Oh the irony.
While Nicole was cleaning the unoccupied table, she was facing the brunette, somehow trusting her even less with a scalpel in hand than with a sickle. Not that watching her absolutely botch an autopsy was much better mind you. 
Has nobody taught you about the Y incision?!
That's too dee- congrats you’re making a mess.
That cut needs to go lower. What, are you afraid of some balls?
Oh my god are you trying to take the heart out before even taking care of the guts-
“What is it?” Cassandra’s voice came with a low growl, then a slight cock of the head. “You’re staring.”
“N-nothing,” Nicole stumbled over her reply, realizing too late that her hand had stilled on the rag she was using to clean the blood.
“One thing that I hate more than being disrespected is being lied to.” The warning was clear in her tone. “So I’ll ask again: what is it?”
Nicole was sure that being criticized was something she would hate even more, so she made the split second decision to go with a white lie.
“I just...find autopsies quite fascinating.” Well, in a way she did.
“...You do?” Golden eyes widened in what was probably the first truly genuine emotion Nicole has ever seen on Cassandra’s face: surprise, and a hint of curiosity. 
When Nicole reaffirmed her reply, the brunette’s eyes stayed on her for a few long seconds, trying to find the traces of a lie. When she found none, she just dismissed the other girl with an awkward cough and a “Those knives won’t clean themselves.” 
A tense silence fell on the room, only disturbed by the occasional clink of metal tools or the sloshing of organs being handled by the brunette. After the table was wiped to a reflective surface, Nicole moved on to mopping the blood trails on the floor. She was grateful for the chance to step away from Cassandra, if only for a bit. After the floor too was clean, it was time to wipe the few dirty blades, thankfully not as many as last time. She took a dagger from its holster on the wall and carefully ran a piece of cloth over the blade, washing away dried crimson clots. 
As much as it was probably a bad idea, she couldn't help throwing a subtle glance behind her at Cassandra. A few organs were placed on the table at the body’s feet, and she was taking notes in a leatherbound notebook that looked well used. The idea that she had any interest in the bodies beyond being food gave Nicole an oddly nostalgic feeling. It sent her right back in high school, when one of her friends who took art history classes was telling her all about how da Vinci used real dead bodies in order to study anatomy. Yeah, da Vinci but the more attractive versio- fuck.
She hissed and retracted her hand as she felt the sharp blade cut her wrist and almost dropped the dagger. The effort to conceal the pain was there, but useless as Cassandra was by her side in mere seconds. 
"Oh did you cut yourself?" She asked with feign concern, and grabbed her hand. "Here let me help you with that." 
"Oh no I'm okay really no nee-" 
Nicole's words died in her throat when Cassandra stuck out her tongue and dragged it, slowly, across the cut, collecting every last drop of blood. To top it off, she let out a low moan and gave the soft skin there a small nip, successfully making the redhead’s breath hitch. Now any normal and sane person would think I still have a knife in my hand, I should use it, but Nicole would be lying to everyone and then herself if she said she didn’t have a thing for danger. And it doesn’t get much more dangerous than this, now does it.
“Mm...you taste wonderful.” 
Was she supposed to thank her?
“You’re lucky you intrigue me, otherwise you would make for some fine wine.” She finished with her trademark cackle.
Oh she was definitely not getting a thanks now. Nicole rolled her eyes slightly, tugging her hand away. She was half expecting Cassandra not to release her, but instead she let go of her wrist and, with a giggle, she returned to her work without another word.
That night, Nicole made damn sure to wash the cut until her skin felt like it would have a permanent sensation of pins and needles. Once a bandage was securely wrapped around her wrist she sat down with a cup of tea, not quite ready to sleep yet. How ironic would it be if she died of an infection while living in a castle where people are literally turned into food and wine.
Although in all honesty, she was quite certain her death would be far more entertaining.
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five-rivers · 4 years
imagine if at a christmas truce party the ghosts discover that danny has a second obsession of space
Wrote a fic~ *does a little dance*
"Here's your invitation to the truce party," said Skulker, dropping the letter by Danny's head, "and here's the duty list. Pick something." He shoved a piece of paper into Danny's face.
"You know," said Danny, testing the rope Skulker had tied him with, "you get a lot better at chasing me when you're doing it for non-murder purposes."
Skulker scowled, but Danny knew better than to take his apparent facial expression as a sign of his true emotions. After all, the face Danny could see wasn't really Skulker's. It was a mask. One the tiny green jellybean inside could manipulate as he pleased.
"What do you mean, 'duty list,' anyway?" Danny blew the paper off his nose.
"It's a list. Of duties. For people who want to attend the party. You can't possibly imagine that one ghost does it all on their own, do you?"
"I don't know. Some living people are really into the holidays. Wouldn't surprise me if there was someone over in the GZ Obsessing."
"There are," said Skulker flatly. "But going to those parties is risky."
"Oh. Yeah. I guess that makes sense. So, is this, like, a potluck deal, or white elephant, or do I have to come set up, or what?"
"Read the list, whelp!"
"I would," said Danny, "if you held it far enough away for me to see what was written on it. "My eyes don't focus that close."
Grumbling, Skulker adjusted his position.
A lot of the things on the list were already checked off. The rest looked dangerous (fighting the Krampus), time consuming (holly acquisition, with a stupidly high number of branches listed next to it), expensive (providing new holiday table settings), confusing (Danny didn't know what a 'consoda' was, or why he would fetch offerings from it), or simply extraordinarily unappealing (after party cleanup). Except for one.
One that caught Danny's eye because of a very specific word that was included.
"Why's the star all by itself?" asked Danny.
"Because the star is important," said Skulker. "Adding the star to the tree is what starts off the real celebration. A star needs to be impressive. Dramatic! Not one of those little dinky tinsel things you can find at human stores."
Part of Danny knew he shouldn't- But when had he ever listened to that part of himself?
Actually, that wasn't really fair. He listened, otherwise he'd be fully dead instead of just half.
(The idea of making a star made his skin feel sparkly and fuzzy, like his whole body was half an inch from the surface of freshly poured soda, but all over.)
"I'll take it," he said.
"Humf," said Skulker. "Don't screw up, or you'll be in for a beating as soon as the truce is over." He made a mark by the name and started to fly off.
"Hey! Aren't you going to untie me?"
"He's late," said Desiree, sharply, glaring at Skulker as if he had any control over what the whelp did or did not do.
She wasn't the only one.
"He's not late yet," defended Skulker.
"You shouldn't have given him the star as a choice," complained Technus, his voice squaking like a poorly connected computer speaker. "You should have just told him what he'd have to do. Something that wouldn't ruin the party. He's a teenager! Teenagers are easily distracted."
"I didn't know you were a teen, techie," drawled Spectra, who really shouldn't have been at the party at all, seeing as she wasn't, and never had been, invited. Skulker was hoping someone would find a way to throw her and her little minion out before midnight.
"I am sure Sir Phantom is on his way," said Princess Dora, softly, ignoring Technus's continuing rant with the ease of long practice. She would not be here the whole evening. Her kingdom had its own, separate celebrations, but they wouldn't start for well over half a human day. "He is a very responsible person, and he was speaking to me about stars just earlier this month." She frowned, slightly, swirling the darkly luminous wine in her glass. "That is, I think he was talking about stars. The conversation was somewhat difficult for me to follow."
"Oh, no," said Desiree, putting one hand delicately over a smile.
"What?" growled Skulker.
"It always bothered me a little, you see, but I hadn't realized quite why until just now." She was barely even trying to hide her delight. "The second time I fought him, it was during a meteor shower."
"So?" asked Amorpho.
"He was rather cross with me during the fight. At the time, I thought it was because he was missing that girl's party, or because of the whole memory wiping thing, but in retrospect..."
"Just spit it out already," said Skulker.
"I do believe you gave the task of making the tree star to a ghost Obsessed with outer space."
Inside the suit, Skulker's true hands slip off his controls for just a moment. "Oh, Ancients," he groaned.
"We're not getting a star this year, are we?" asked Ember.
Phantom chose that moment to barrel through the door. "Sorry!" he exclaimed, looking and sounding more like a little kid than Skulker had ever witnessed. "Am I late? No, I'm not. Never mind. I'm not sorry. What do you think?"
He held out the... thing in his hands for the assembled ghosts to view. It was... It was definitely a star. A round blue star. Complete with solar flares and sunspots. Animated flares and sunspots.
"How the hell?" whispered Walker in the background, despite the fact that he and his pink prison really had no room to talk.
"Is it no good?" asked Phantom, managing to shift his weight even though he was floating. "I turned the brightness way down so that everyone could see the details, but I think I could turn it back up again without too much trouble." He blinked up at the other ghosts, and Skulker noticed with some unease that his pupils were currently shaped like crescent moons. "I mean, the other one exploded, but I think I've got it, now."
All of the ghosts slid back, just slightly. Not that they were afraid of explosions, but, well, being cautious didn't hurt.
"Er," said Dora, "what is it, exactly?"
"A star! A blue giant, specifically. Well, a model of one, anyway, but I think it's a good model. I mean, it's a blue giant right now. I've got it set up so that it'll go through the whole life cycle of a massive star. Or, not the whole life cycle, because that would include the nebula, but the life cycle from this point? It'll change color and expand as the night goes on and it uses up its 'hydrogen'- I've scaled the expansion, though, don't worry, it won't take over- and then the core will collapse and the outer layers will be ejected, and- BOOM!- supernova!"
"Ghost child," said Technus, in a more strangled than usual voice, "are you telling us that's a bomb?"
"No, it's a star," said Phantom, blankly. On closer inspection, the crescents in his eyes were not the only modification to Phantom's appearance. He had pale green and silver stars scattered liberally across his nose and cheeks, and similar shapes in the black of his costume.
In the background, Desiree was dying of laughter.
"Don't you think a supernova might be... dangerous?"
"Oh, a real one, sure. But I tested one before I brought this, and all it did to me was singe my eyebrows off, and I was standing really close."
"Whelp," said Skulker, searching for some reason to reject Phantom's 'contribution,' "how is that even supposed to stay on the tree? It's just a ball."
"Oh, it'll float wherever I tell it to, don't worry, I've tested it!"
It perhaps said something about ghostly parties that the sudden detonation of the tree topper several hours later, the subsequent glee of the supposed superhero in attendance when the room was filled with star-shaped glitter and confetti, and the attempted homicide on the part of several glitter-unfriendly ghosts was not the most exciting series of events to occur that night.
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