#people still wont see it if i main tag it lol
rgbfall · 17 days
ok FINE time to share my exocolonist hot take. sym and dys are overrated
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randys-ranch · 1 month
I get kind of dysphoric seeing Kabru being the only one to get depicted as a trans man in all the dungimeshi fanart, he is short, effeminate, cunty- its weird, why is your first assumption the feminine short man is trans? What exactly do you think is inherent to the afab body that makes it such a immedianet thought?
You cant really ..tell queers just by looking at someone.
Why is it never Laios or Senshi? Its uncommon to see transmasc art of them, and i know why that is.
Theyre "traditionally masculine"
Which isnt true entirely, Senshi was described as effeminate for a dwarf, but he adheres to Our standards of masculinity, so he doesnt appeal to the inherent idea people have of trans men- and people think trans men are women.
So. Yknow. Think before you trans i guess. Youre actually perpetuating some bad ideas by not having any range in your depiction of transgender men.
If you only ever draw short, cunty, pretty, effeminate, snappy yet subby men as transgender men...
You...are doing a poor job at spreading transmasc positivity.
Even if you yourself are transmasc you are still susceptible to perpetuating the idea that trans men are inherently weaker, softer and more feminine compared to cisgender men.
Yes gnc trans men exist, its important to depict those in art aswell, but unique gender presentation doesnt equate to your personality.
The problem with trans Kabru is all the art im seeing of him "mothering" Laios' children, taking on a "female" role in the ship art, adhering to a status quo because of his vagina..
There is just a lot of shitfuckery and i think you need to give it more thought before deciding the femmy subby man is a transgender man.
And i've NEVER seen a transfem Kabru- oh but everyone LOVES transfem Laios, theres probably more to unpack about transfem Laios being so prevalent but its not my place to do so.
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themoonstarwarrior · 10 months
Well, I haven't seen the episode yet, but since it sounds like BloodMoon is refusing to be saved, imma go ahead and share the idea I mentioned to @twinanimatronics about how Sun could've possibly reached them.
Obviously BloodMoon wont sit still and listen so this scenario has Sun use star power to trap BM just like old moon did to him with Moon on standby to come in once the 5 minutes are up.
Basically, Sun asks them WHY they kill and hurt people and BM brings up the main three reasons: they enjoy it, they dont want to be a tool, and they hunger. Since literally none of the protags have actually asked, Sun would be surprised that theres more than the first reason and interrogate to get to the bottom of it. Cuz what Sun realizes is that BloodMoon doesnt have any deeper motives or desires because of their eternal hunger. Their ENTIRE existence has circled around violence to satisfy their hunger. They get used to satisfy their hunger. They enjoy the rip and tear because it stops the hunger.
They have always been a tool to the hunger.
So Sun offers the one thing that no one has: what if they get rid of the hunger?
BM is confused cuz all they've ever known is the hunger, and Sun has to dig the point home by explaining how they can keep killing but it'll come back, and probably stronger. They could kill everyone and everything but then the hunger will come back. And the only thing thatll be left to kill is each other.
And THAT freaks them out, because that is the only thing BloodMoon stands to lose is the brotherhood. (And while BM1 would probably race about lies and trickery, BM2 cant deny the logic)
So with BM actually realizing how their hunger endangers them, and Moon at this point just WAITING to finish them off, Sun lays down the ultimatum. Since no change of heart can happen if all they've ever known is hunger, Sun/Moon/Solar can try and remove it to and see if the twins can be rehabilitated, otherwise Moon ends them then and there.
And I love this idea so much!!! It addresses the REAL block that BM has that hasnt been brought up since that one episode where they kill the anime girl. We get to keep BloodMoon, since the creators went to the trouble of bringing them back and giving them a new model so it'd be a lil annoying if they just ended up killed again. It acknowledges how much BM has been used and brushed aside while admitting that there hasnt been much else to them. And you could have a whole rehabilitation arc, with everyone healing and BM given a real change and actual honesty, since god knows no one is gonna be mincing words. And I imagine their blood-hunger being removed ends up like the Ruin Virus a bit, where getting rid of it cuts down a LOT of the more sadistic urges. So the boys get a mostly-tamed but still-pretty-fucking-insane BloodMoon Twins that basically is just the feral crazy guy that hangs around Animal from Muppets lol and idk stays with Monty cuz hes more easygoing on the violent habits and they need to NOT be anywhere near the daycare.
And maybe I'll watch the episode and be alright with it, but it just sucks cuz this would work SO GOOD and I know the showrunners wouldn't do it. So now I've had to make this fucking long ass post and y'all hafta deal with it.
And maybe someday I'll write a drabble this and the other SAMS scenes I've imagined...
So yeah, sorry about the rambling and shit. I hate how emotionally involved I get with this show that I love. And I'll go ahead and tag @garbagechocolate out of obligation X)
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a-lonely-dunedain · 7 months
Ethedis for the LOTRO ask game?
(for this ask game where you send in one of my OCs, and I give you a synopsis of what it would look like if they were the main NPC in a tutorial quest)
o hmm, I think there's a way I could be a little mean about this heheh
so I think that I mentioned at some point that before the elf intro, Ethedis had actually befriended Amdir. I haven't fleshed out all that much of it up until now, but I'm thinking this could be a short adventure with Ethedis and Amdir where you could see them being besties (before The Horrors)
this will probably just have to be one instance, as it would flow best into the Elf or Human starting zones and we don't need to stack two entire intro questlines on top of each other lol
(under the cut bc How Did This Get So Long??)
I think it actually starts in Rivendell, with the Player Character (probably an elf/human only intro) preparing to leave on the expedition to Ered Luin, at which point you are introduced to Elrond's excited young apprentice Ethedis, and the Ranger Amdir who is going to tag along for part of the trip but plans to part ways in Bree.
Fast travel to somewhere in the wilderness of the Trollshaws, you Ethedis and Amdir are a little ways ahead of the group to make sure the road is clear. Surprise! wood-trolls! combat tutorial! After the fight Ethedis will remark that it was the first time she's actually had to put her combat training to the test against a real foe, which surprises Amdir, who says that he wouldn't have guessed it was her first real fight. One of them might ask the player character about their combat experience, which would allow you to pick from a few different responses (always a fun roleplay option and tbh I wish they would use it in more quests). I think if the PC says they're also inexperienced Amdir will mention that he's very glad you're both catching on quickly and didn't get hurt (bc he would not have fun explaining how he let two newbies get injured on his watch, and would feel very bad. classic protective Ranger moment)
Fast travel again to somewhere in the Lone Lands, you all are camped near Weathertop. Ethedis is talking about the history of the area (it sounds like she's been talking about this for a while now), and overall seems very excited to be here and see this historical site in person. Amdir smiles and says he's glad that she's interested in Dunedain history, as it brings him comfort to know that others still wish to keep his people's history alive. Your character might be prompted to give an opinion on Ethedis' loredump, either saying they found it boring (which Ethedis will simply laugh off and say that's probably why she's not a minstrel, but Amdir will just glare at you) or say it was interesting (which will prompt both her and Amdir to loredump even more)
Once you make it to Breeland, somewhere in South Chetwood, Amdir says that he must part ways here. Ethedis says she's sad to see him go but hopes to meet him again once the expedition to Ered Luin is done, and Amdir will tell her that he looks forward to it if such a meeting can be arranged, but tells you both to be careful in your travels (vaguely alluding to a growing danger in Breeland.
Then you can have two different outcomes depending on your race:
If you're a human, you part ways with the Ered Luin expedition at the same time as Amdir. He will bid you farewell and safe travels, and says that he has urgent business to attend to before disappearing into the woods without further explanation (as Rangers are wont to do). Your quest objective tells you to head to Bree-Town, but after you've been heading in that direction for a while you run into a large group of Brigands and get knocked on the head. Wake up in the Blackwold jail, human intro progresses mostly as normal from that point onward (but without the combat tutorial) although Amdir's quest dialogue would be different. If we want to get really mean, maybe one of the last things he says to you as himself is something along the lines of "I fear... I will not make it to see our friend again... tell... tell her that I tried"
If you're an elf, shortly after Amdir departs Ethedis will offer to explain to you the history of Edhelion as it was told to her by her mother before she left for the Havens. Then you get the old elf intro instance but cut down a bit and framed as a flashback, there will also be an elf woman there with a vaguely familiar face holding a baby in her arms (it's never explicitly stated, but that's Ethedis' mom and baby Ethedis), she will be there when Ethedis' dad Talagan brings down the library and she collapse to her knees in a sobbing heap when it happens. No one draws attention to her but she's still There. Anyway after that you arrive in Ered Luin, quests progress as normal but Ethedis is along for the ride. Like when you go to talk to the survivors of Edhelion, Ethedis will be in the ruins with some quest comments ("Even after all this time, I can sense the sorrow in this place..." "The land remembers it like it was yesterday, and I understand now why we still leave it abandoned" and "I think this may have been my parent's house. And to think, we all could have lived here together..."), she's also going to have Opinions about the Dourhand's borderline-worship of Skorgrim lol
After everything in Thorin's Hall is over with, she will disappear for a little bit but rejoin the story during the united elf/dwarf assault on Rath Tarag. When she hears that you're planning to go to Bree next, she will ask you to try to find Amdir and see how he's doing (surely you'll only have good news! surely!)
Later on you might run into Ethedis in Rivendell, and she'll have a short quest for you, talking about missing your fallen friend but finding comfort in your shared memories of him (very similar in tone to Gorwen's quest in Thornhad after finishing Before the Shadow) Amdir was the first mortal friend she knew, and she didn't realize how much this loss would sting. Overall it's a bittersweet reunion.
(man I really saw Ethedis and was like "the elf into didn't give her enough trauma. she's connected to the human one too!" someone please make me Give Her A Break)
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
Oop, hello there! ^^ I remember you from DA, still think your art is so cool!! Still fond of the vintage characters and the world of Tessa n' Val! I'm currently testing the waters on Tumblr lol, hoping to get around a different vibe for documenting my projects n' chatting about stuff I like, and wanted to ask: as someone who's been on Tumblr for a while, what are your main tips for a starting artist in the platform? Wish ya a great day! Stay artful n' creative :]
HI!!!! i remember you too, i always get really excited when artists i like come here. tumblr is the only website i really use for myself and not just to post art, so it means i get to follow them and interact with their art 🥺 i ditched deviantart for everything that isn't posting art and bitching about the website via status updates lmfao, the new inbox and watched deviants tabs are so... out of the way and counter intuitive. hate it there.
anyway, I've written a general tumblr how-to post because there's been so many exoduses (exodi??) from other platforms over the last few years, but I don't think I've ever written one for artists? or at least I can't find it if I did. so here are some hot tips 😎👉👉
NUMBER ONE BIGGEST RULE: if you're an artist and you want to actively gain a following and curate your art, please have a separate art blog where you post exclusively or near exclusively art. it's ok to reblog a post here or there, but tumblr is a website About curating and having specific blogs! it's not that people don't want to see or hear about the artist behind the work, but they don't want 43289 unrelated memes and posts for fandoms they're not in 😅 admittedly i have skipped following some good artists here because their reblogs completely drown out their art and clog my dashboard. people really like curated blogs, almost every artist has a separate art blog 'round these parts. (it's completely fine to post WIPs and text posts discussing your art too, some people would like to see your process!)
speaking of curating: tags are your best friend! tumblr tracks the first 20 tags I believe, so use the first 20 tags to add your important search terms. this is where you put anything you'd want to turn up in the search. really you probably wont have more than 10 of these tags. after that you are welcome to ramble in the tags or use organizational tags for your specific blog.
not sure how to tag? search up what terms you'd use to try to find your own post if you were someone else, and see what tags popular posts in that tag used. you should ALWAYS use the #art and #artists on tumblr tags, as well as any relevant common trigger/content warning tags :D here's how i do it:
FOR FANDOM POSTS: where applicable, I tag Fandom, Fandom Acronym, Featured Characters, Featured Ships, and sometimes #[fandom] fanart and/or #[fandom acronym] fanart. FOR ORIGINAL POSTS: you can tag your art medium (digital art, traditional art, sculpting, etc), the general aesthetic or themes, time periods, and if it features your OCs you can use #oc and their names so if people want to see all your OC content they can find it. admittedly i mostly post fanart so i am very spontaneous with the tags i use on my original art posts lol
4. shorter captions seem to be preferred by the masses, I personally either dump my extra comments in the tags of the original post or I'll put them under a cut. unless it's extremely relevant to the post, like explaining ideas or headcanons
5. have all your handy links in your bio! you can use basic HTML coding to insert links with text and put in line breaks. you should have links to other socials (or something like a carrd that links them for you) and your support streams, like shops and tip jars and patreons. and ofc a little about you and what people can expect to see you draw!
6. have your inbox open! you don't have to take requests, but sometimes someone will throw a brilliant idea at you that you may Coincidentally be inclined to draw. it's also just fun to interact with people who like what you do! sweet comments go a long way
7. last one i can think of - do a seIf-reblog at some point in the day. people live in different timezones and not everybody finishes their dashboard. personally I schedule posts for 12 pm cst and then one seIf-reblog at 8 pm cst. it's also okay to reblog your older artworks for new followers to see, especially if you haven't posted in a while. TV airs re-runs and so can you B)
hope some of it helps!
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year
yes yes yes 100% yes. i nearly had a stroke when hades was just like poseidon but instead of a trident, he uses a bident wow like i havent seen that before. and shivas third eye is open and everyones still alive hes so nerfed
have you seen the subreddit? lmao i think everyones convinced the gods are just superhumans at this point. shame cuz the art and character designs are amazing. could have been top tier story wise but the characters themselves are underutilized.
i think the main purpose of the ragnarok should have been the humans gaining the gods acknowledgment. they didnt need to win in a fair fight, they just had to earn their respect, and as bad as this sounds, the right to live. just make up an excuse like a pact or something that you wont use said powers (if they even exist) cuz you dont think you need it. or bring the chess god against magnus carlsen and just let them play chess, who said a seinen chess battle couldnt be epic
also, i have no problem with poseidon losing BUT at least have a reason on why he cant use water WHEN THE ARENA IS LITERALLY SURROUNDED BY IT. hes so hyped, god of gods and for what? and hades is surrounded by skulls lol just turn them alive and throw it or something ANYTHINGG 😤
i wanted to see poseidon wavering, near his death and knowing that he could smack kojiro to death with a wave of water with a single thought, pondering, thinking about doing it but in the end he wont cuz his pride wont allow it. like cmon just give us proof they actually have powers
and i think hades should have won and beel should have lost. the greeks are like the main antagonists, and they got wiped out. beels arc could have ended there, him losing and hearing the crowd's boos as he dies gloriously pitiful would have been so nice, just the way he wanted
AND YES THE PJO GODS WEAKNESS, if the ror gods learn about it, the ragnarok is gonna happen in percys world for sure. ror gods be like: i cant kill you but i can kill them *points at humanity*
tho pjo gods do have the power to turn humans into a plant or whatever they want, is that included in your ror gods arsenal? or too much of an overkill? tho the ror gods dont seem to meddle with humans much. lmao maybe if pjo gods try to use it on ror gods it just wont work hmm
btw, is persephone around? cuz i think i can handle incest but not cheating lol the subreddit is also looking for her and theyve given up and just said the bird hades was playing chess against was persephone lmao or that hes actually married to the bident 😂
yes thank you! they deserve to be portrayed as the gods they are, not superpowered humans. tho i wonder how you'll handle the ragnarok fights then, so excited! ❤️
the gods will be very much like actual gods in the ror world so they'll be VERY powerful and have actual... you know, godly powers (the powers of their domains, the turning-people-into-animals ability, cursing people, etc etc).
as for the persephone one, i answered a similar ask to that previously! you'll have to find it, it's should be in the 👸🏻| arsenic blues tag. luckily for you, i don't have a lot of posts under that tag so it should be quick to find
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kelssecretaccount · 9 months
hey look, an official intro post!!!
hi my name is kel. im (probably) the host/a fictive in an osdd-1b system. we dont have a system name or anything so i guess you can just collectively call us kel until we learn more about ourselves :p you wont see me doing it a lot but its ok to separate me from my source
im still learning about plurality and stuff. we dont really have the best communication or anything.. actually, our communication is shitttt… but were trying super hard!! 💪
bodily, we are 18 years old and so ofc i would prefer to interact with people around my age!!! i use we/i interchangeably. this is a secret account since i really dont wanna open up to my friends about this and, if you know my main… no you dont :)
I WILL NEVER PURPOSEFULLY SPREAD MISINFORMATION. if you catch me doing so please please please correct me. i want to learn.
DNI and all that under cut!!
fake claimers - i dont care what youre fakeclaiming or why youre fakeclaiming
‘narc abuse’ truthers - or believers in any other (insert mental illness here) abuse. just say ur ableist and move on
you post about args or analog horror - awesome interests to have but unfortunately they can make me dissociate and feel paranoid when im not in the best state of mind (exception: if ur willing to tag or dont post about them too much)
youre really into discourse - self explanatory
meanies :( - self explanatory. be nice to me pls
creeps** - pedophiles, hebephiles, maps, whatever you wanna call yourselves. all the same in my eyes. (people with POCD or sexually violent intrusive thoughts are not in this group, of course)
anti therian/fictionkin/otherkin - self explanatory
polycrit - im ambiamorous lol
terf/gendercrit - IM TRANS????
all radfems - i understand that a handful of you are chill but theres too much of an overlap with terfs. i wouldnt feel safe, no matter how nice you are (or say you are)
weird about religion - this includes nonreligious or spiritual people that make fun of people that follow a religion, as well as people that harass or are generally assholes to people that dont follow their religion (im luciferian)
**i dont really wanna get into the proship/antiship debate (its way too nuanced for me to take a black and white stance) but if ur jerking it to depictions of toddlers or anything like that then yeah no.
ill just block you if you otherwise make me uncomfortable
i fake flirt with people im close to (with consent ofc)
just bc i interact with somebody doesnt necessarily mean that i agree with everything they believe in lol
i have NVLD and autism so i might not seem very aware. it can take me a while to understand things. please dont call me dumb or anything like that, even as a joke (im ok with most other joking insults)
i dont know much about syscourse and i dont care to know. we are, however, traumagenic and wed prefer to interact with systems that are also traumagenic (not anti endo or anything)
im always learning more about myself every day
didosdd systems
queer people
omori fans
people with learning disabilities
people that post about mental health or positivity
people that wanna b friends :3c
Tumblr media
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A project in the works.
Hi, this is Atari! We are the Paranomaly Hotline (like paranormal and anomaly, cool right?!?), we help people when they deal with places or creatures (or even people) that aren't exactly...normal, for lack of a better vocabulary. There's several of us, but I'm the main one who'll be taking calls!
Have a good day, and I hope you guys have no need to call us!
(Oh, our sign offs! Here they are below!)
📝 -Atari (it/they/mem/crys, tolerates she/her) 💫 -Rune (hex/mystic/xey/they) ✈️ -Ev (he/it/ball/nine) [mostly a bit, wont really appear in the story] 🔅 -Moss (he/her) 💠 -Whip (she/her or they/them) 🍀 -Clover (he/him) 🎀 -Milo (he/him) 🎈 -Piper (she/he/they/it)
I'm still gonna keep posting the actual project on my main (@s0lar-ch3ri), but if you wanted to talk to the characters or something, well, here!
If you wanted to see updates about this little story project, just follow the #Paranormal Callings (And How We Got You Out) on my main. Out of characters, I use he/her/it/sol! Uh, yeah bye bye lol
oh also any ooc things are gonna be tagged "#paranomal shutdown"
for my reblogs of the written out chapters, check "#written entity handling"
for my reblogs of the drawn out chapters, check "#drawn entity handling"
the story will always be tagged "#Paranormal Callings (And How We Got You Out)"
because it is a hastel to tag all the posts, any non-actual story (like random office things or whatever) are gonna just be tagged "#backstage of the hotline"
if i give a lil detail about the hotline or whatever, itll go under #fun ph factoids
new characters coming as i work on this lol (maybe tags too idrk)
so fun thing, asks with little things can be for any fandom and shit, and theyll have their own side plotline things (not canon to the main story, but canon somewhere) so yeah!
finished side story things will get put in the pinned to look thro later :3
#cat-otic demons - An anon called in, talking about a peculiar demon who's been talking to their cat, Toothpaste.
#wooded elks - An anon called in about a mysterious elk who had been watching them in the woods.
#mossed up posting - moss
#gathering magics of runes - rune
#ataris time shining - atari
#whips up - whip
#newer friends to organize - for when i make new guys for this shit and just am too lazy to make a new tag for em
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as someone who spent years having their stuff ripped and reposted to f1twt, i wish someone would've told me this before i went into a months-long spiral about the issue--but honestly, the healthiest thing to do is stop going on twitter and kindly ask ppl to stop letting u know your stuff is being taken.
i know that's easier said than done and sounds wack but honestly! my mental health was literally the stonks meme after i did this!! sometimes you'll come across your shit on pinterest or google again bc of reposters and it'll Suck™, but don't let this stop you from doing things you enjoy, yknow? at the end of the day, twitter engagement (and tumblr engagement too) doesn't mean anything and is completely forgettable. the important thing is, did you have fun making your gifs? sharing insane moments to talk about with friends? did you reach the audience who matters?
the numbers game on socmed hurts a lot, i know. my friends used to talk me down for hours on end about it. but people on twitter don't give two shits about us, so don't give two shits about them; they're not even worth the second-hand smoke you breathe.
sending hugs <3 -user mwebber
hello hello! thank you for ur message<3
I know that you and a lot of others get their content stolen constantly and ahh to me that is still mind boggling that people think its okay to steal someone else’s content but yeah it is what it is
The thing that got to me this time is the privacy of it all. I know im posting on socials but here is very different to twt/tiktok. I’ve never really been one for numbers like if something does well great and obvs there’s stuff i want to do well, but for the most part a lot of my stuff does not get main tagged because it is for a small group of people and myself!
what really gets me and maybe its just me, but the possibility for interaction with real people on twt. For me that is terrifying and the thought of rl people seeing some of my content?? … like why are we putting a gif of Mark grabbing his dick on twitter where he or someone related to him could see it? I didnt main tag it and i know its inevitable that more people will see it but that really fucked with me when i saw that. it still haunts me that the video of with me breathing and making noises from goodwood made it to twt too 🤣 thats what really got to me this time and ive tried to not let it get to me but it’s scary!!! lol
but yeah ive got big girl responsibilities!! and i probably wont be gone for long but yeah:) sending hugs back:))
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sunfish999 · 7 months
The nitty gritty is watering down katara's character so she's just a meek girl ? Your lying If you really think that's the same character. The producers said they would take an axe to the main characters and that's where the show really suffers...also nothing is perfect people like you is why we get stuck with mediocrity
?? I finished episode 5 but what😭 how is katara just a meek girl, i feel like yes she has a little less rage but other than that she shows that shes smart and powerful and her own person? Explain what is watered down i feel like animation usually over-exaggerates facial expressions and voices for the most part, so i’m not surprised that katara has more subtle strength so far, and also the actress has a very kind face, but i think shes still able to show some of that anger. (I havent watched the water master fight yet so maybe thats where you’re talking about, so i cant speak on that)
Idk what taking an axe to the main characters means (like really cutting them apart? Cuz i doubt they would promote a show by saying its gonna be bad but who knows). But i feel like the characters are all pretty accurate with how they carry themselves, of course they’re younger so acting wont be perfect but i think the imperfections are what brings them to life. I know a lot of people hate the writing, i feel like it’s quite similar to the show? (Though its been maybe 3-4 years since i last rewatched it) and some lines especially from something previously animated are gonna sound awkward in real life, which is why generally i believe live actions arent necessary for any animation, though in this case i’m really enjoying just rewatching atla and my childhood be brought to life.
Nothing is perfect: ok i was using perfect mostly because i was very excited about it, of course i know theres things that could be changed to improve it but a lot of those things are impossible (like you cant get an actress thats EXACTLY katara and will make everyone happy, because shes a drawing) but overall, i think the landscapes come close to perfect (i’m just really into fantasy scenes and i think it’s so beautiful and impressive to see things like the omashu supply rail and the air temple come to life. And zuko’s boat looks so awesome and so accurate too.) And i thought the cgi looked slightly silly at first (especially air) but then i realized that we were always seeing drawings of aangs air in the animation which would look even stupider irl so i made my peace pretty quickly.
People like me is why we get stuck with mediocrity… hm. I feel like my opinion probably has nothing to do with what comes out on tv, especially because in this society haters have the real power, and you guys tearing it down are more likely to get it cancelled. I don’t think any production team takes an animated film or show and thinks ‘yea im gonna make this absolutely awful,’ (though i’m really not sure what they were thinking when making the pjo movie, its good as a standalone but they went so off course from the plot…) of course they’re all just trying to fit what they think into the show and express their own opinions, which are ultimately going to be a lot different than some people watching it.
Overall, ok i haven’t watched the og in years, so my memory on comparing each episode of the show to the live action is not going to be at the level of others (which i think boosts the enjoyability 100x over). But as i watch it, i remember tons of parts of the animation, and it makes me super happy that it has the same air as the show, albeit slightly more serious because they can’t fit all the funny filler episodes (if they ever created a live action lost appa episode i would lose it that cannot happen).
Maybe i sounded rude in my original post (i changed it quickly bc it was very angry at first lol) so sorry i know you’re all entitled to your opinion, it’s just i was SO EXCITED and then checked the tag on tumblr only to see that everyone hated it… i always feel inferior to people who really like films etc because i tend to enjoy things that other people hate, (like i really enjoyed the avatar way of water movie even if it was super long, and i know people DESPISED it). So maybe i seem like someone who is satisfied with mediocrity, and maybe i am, i focus mostly on the backgrounds and beauty of movies because im really into art and much less on acting and script (though i can appreciate beautiful characters, i was Blown Away by live action suki and hair down sokka my jaw dropped fr) i agree i am fairly simple to please in terms of this type of thing.
SORRY THIS IS GETTING QUITE LONG IM SURE U WONT READ IT ALL but i hope ur finding joy in life since live action atla is obviously not doing it for u
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banesberry-anomoly · 7 months
Actually should I even tag Tropic art with the HH/HB tag the if art is just him with no other references to the fandom... cause I use him in other fandoms too
Hmmmm... need to think about this
My main thing is I want people to see him so its a debate whether I wanna keep him under a tag people may have blocked or if I wanna like generally post him as a multifandom oc that just happens to be used a lot with one
Edit: I think Im gonna still tag it mostly for sorting purposes cause hes mainly a HH/HB oc, but hes also gonna be tagged with '#Tropic Cervid'
And any art of it where its in another fandom wont be tagged with HH/HB cause he is gonna get used in multiple fandoms lol
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goatsorcery · 8 months
>:3 Alright Frank, my turn. Please share your bg3 brain worms (tadpoles). Favorite character(s)? Preferred companions? Do you have a consistent party? If not, how do you choose your members at any given time? I am very curious if it’s the latter because as I mentioned, I don’t really ever switch it up.
you said in the tags of your answer to write as many paragraphs as my feelings can fill… and well… it’s a lot haha :)
i love all the characters so much! they're all so unique, interesting, and charming in their own way. i'm only in act 2 myself (about to finish it though i think) so i haven't gotten to see everyone's full stories yet. narrowing down a favorite is so hard! i change up my party every once in a while, but consistently i still always bring wyll or shadowheart so I guess they would be my favorites!
i love wyll so much, im always a sucker for characters who are able to stay postive and optimistic even through the worst of times. I also love characters (especially in fantasy) who are primed to be the main character either from their backstories or narratively (alistair in dragon age and aragorn in lord of the rings are other examples); wyll, who is a monster hunter but is first and foremost a protector of the people, (there are other details about him that I wont spoil for you that also lend to this) has all the makings of a classic fantasy protagonist, but he never expresses the desire to be the leader (i guess, unless the player plays as him haha) or to get any recognition for helping cure the tadpoles. other possibly-spoilery tid-bits about him that break away from or invert fantasy character archtypes help to really round out his character in an interesting way.
I loved shadowheart pretty much instantly (shadowheart and lae’zel being the first two companions you meet is everything, i love them both and their dynamic so much) shadowheart is a bit of a mystery, even to herself, which is fascinating to me. I find her whole story, so far, really interesting, and I’m excited to see where it goes and what else is learned about her through the rest of the game. i love characters who are so dedicated to one goal to the point that it’s all that matters to them and it’s all they are, but then the story challenges their dedication or pulls them from it for a larger cause.
i switch up my party every once in a while, but its usually just to swap out characters for quests that are relevant to them or that i think will prompt dialogue or approval from them. i think my game is a bit bugged, because i didn't even realize there was party banter until very late into act 1 (also just might be  because i fast travel a lot) so i've been switching out characters more to see what conversations they can have.
my go-to parties in act 1 were wyll, shadowheart, and lae’zel or wyll, karlach, and lae’zel (this was mostly because of combat game play, karlach and lae’zel with their extra attack or shadowheart as an extra healer was so helpful when I was still trying to learn the combat system).
in act 2 my go to party is wyll, shadowheart, and karlach, or wyll, shadowheart, and halsin depending on if im just exploring/doing side-quests or if i know I’ll run into heavy combat. karlach regularly one-shots enemies with 30+ hp and having her extra attack is the only way i get through combat most of the time (even on the easiest difficulty, combat continues to kick my ass).
when I reach act 3, I plan on mixing up my party more, depending on what’s in store for act 3 (I have surprisingly not been spoiled on anything that happens in act 3).
combat is the main reason why i don’t switch up my parties more since i get used to having certain spells or abilities. on my second play through (which I’ve already started planning even though im not close to being done with my first lol) i plan on trying to mix up my groups more to get more banter and to spend time with other characters I haven’t had much chance to. I rarely take gale or astarion with me (unless there is a relevant quest) but only because of combat, i feel like other characters have more useful abilities then they do. which is a shame because i like them both a lot, and want to get to know them better. my tav is a cleric, so that also factors in to party make-up. gale’s party banter is always bugged for me as well which is a bummer, the captions will pop-up but his voice lines never play.
one thing i like so much about the characters is that they all have interesting interpersonal dynamics. it really only comes up in banter and the occasional camp conversation but its enough to make it feel like they're all actually interacting in camp. whether or not they fully get along, they still all seem to care about each other which i love! its the friend group you'd never expect (most of who would probably not get along or get the chance to interact if the circumstances were different) but they all end up being close in some way or another. shadowheart and lae'zel's dynamic is especially a favorite of mine, i always love characters who don't get along on the surface but are actually "no one's allowed to be mean to them except for me". shadowheart and astarion are a bit like this too, with each other, and astarion with the rest of the companions as well. another one of my favorite party dynamics is wyll, shadowheart, and astarion; three people I wouldn’t have expected to really get along but the first time i had them all in my party I triggered like three conversations in a row where they were flirting with each other (my favorite of their banters is astarion saying he’d drink from wyll if he could chose anyone in camp after shadowheart asks him and then her sounding disappointed that he didn’t pick her. in my play through shadowheart then asked astarion if he was single less than a minute later lol).
my favorite character dynamics are:
wyll and karlach
wyll, astarion, and shadowheart
shadowheart and lae’zel
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sushiwt · 9 months
website update log #20 (December 18th, 2023)
sorry for the 6 day hiatus on this blog, I REALLY wanted to post one 5 days ago, but I decided that i wanted to wait.
5 days later, here i am! the 6 day hiatus did NOT mean i didnt do anything the past 6 days. i did a lot actually, but we will get to that in the moment.
to search for inspiration for the first thing you see when you enter the site, i was looking at more websites on neocities, but my findings either went on two things; they didnt really fit what i wanted, or i didnt like how it looked. at the same time, i was wondering how sick a the steam store page would look like if i was the web designer for valve.
but then i had an idea.
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what if my home page IS the steam store page ???
(with my style of course)
before i show you the main menu, i wanna show you the changes i have made on the site (major and minor):
changing the look of the sushiwt/legacy page
i made it so that the legacy page is now contained in a lil box, while still containing the times new roman inside. (i also added the sushiwt cat here as well)
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fixed all the legacy websites
i finally took the time to fix the old websites, even though i wont use them anyway lol (i also fixed the issue where the sushiwt site lagged so much, which was definitely my fault because i asked the website to render EVERY SINGLE PIXEL of the background stars, including the BLACK PIXELS, AND I THOUGHT IT WAS THE JAVASCRIPT THAT WAS DOING THR LAGGING. its fine now tho)
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added a little disclaimer telling people that the site is still unfinished.
pretty self explanatory lol. it also gives you a link to the legacy website.
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and finally...
the new main menu :3
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i took the title, image carousel, and the description style of the steam store pages, and used it as the first thing you see when you enter the site! (with my own style ofc)
dont worry, the cats are just placeholders, but theyre so silly
i couldnt figure out how to do this type of image carousel so i replaced it with dots, which ISNT exactly like steam, but it is close enough for me lol
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i was thinking of putting the skills that i have in the user defined tags instead of the description, but i put my socials there instead...
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sooo yeah! thats the main menu. keep in mind that this is held together by duct tape and a rope (figuratively), so one dent will make this whole thing fall apart, but that's a me problemmm
this was so hard for no reason because of how much the menu breaks apart everytime i make changes, so i wish i dont have to touch it again hahah, it was fun making it thoo
thank you for reading :>> - sushiwt <3
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this blog is literally just for whatever sus stuff is still allowed on tumblr that im into. this is not a fandom blog even if there will be fandom content, and reblogging fandom content does not necessarily mean that im in that fandom, it just means i liked the specific post/the posters stuff in general probably.
if anyone who knows my main first finds this blog, no you did not <3 please leave actually, i dont need anyone who knows me knowing about any of this tbh lol
this will mostly be reblogging stuff but i MIGHT post my own stuff someday, though i doubt it
im also going to avoid any stuff with real people because that just makes me feel weird, even if they uploaded the stuff of themselves.
its not even that im the most ashamed of anything but i just know how other people percieve, well, almost all the stuff thats going to be on here, and i sadly do care what people think about me lol
what to expect on this blog:
there will be some vanilla stuff! plain ol sex if i see some that i like, though rare because of tumblr
gas, to be fully blunt, burps or farts.
bellies! big bellies, full of stuff! full of food, cum, and even vore. there might also be the rare post about pregnant bellies but if i reblog them, theyll be tagged as vore.
mmm boobs. bigger the better. dunno how much of that ill find because of the limits of tumblr but like. boobs
what i wont do:
scat, piss, vomit, anything with blood or gore, obviously nothing illegal, and like i said before i dont want to show any real life people because it makes me uncomfortable, so itll only be text and drawings and audios.
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cloudd-nyne · 1 year
3, 7, and 1
Skdkkwdkkek oh boy this ask game is gonna be FUN♡
1. The Character Everyone Gets Wrong
I wanted to be different and cool with this one and not pick one of the blorbos but god listen i have so many feelings about Sunny.
Hes a fantastically well written Character and i see so many people just utterly miss the POINT with him so hard it hurts me.
Like barely anyone actually addresses the fact that this kid has some DEEP issues that go beyond what we see in the main plot.
He often feels boiled down to "uwu sad baby cat cant do anything for himself uwu" and it drives me nuts.
Like i have a whole eassy in one of my discords about how hes dealing with repressed anger and violent thoughts and complete emotional relapse like aaaaah god i love him
(Dont ask for my essay on Zenitsu We'd be here all day LOL)
3. Screenshot Or Description Of The Worst Take You've Seen On Tumblr
Oh my GOD theres been quite a few honestly, but to this day one that still BOGGLES my mind was someone going on a rant in the precure tag about an implied crush/couple who had a 2 year age gap. They were going off about how gross and bad it was. Two. Years.
On that same note there was a decently popular blog for a MHA ship (wont say who not tryin to start shit) but they refused to consider the allmight/eraserhead ship due to the "problematic age gap"
Ah yes. The problematic age gap,,,,where the YOUNGER of the two is in his 30s,,,,
Literally the most terminally online takes I've literally ever they both made my brain wanna melt
(This was someone who was also calling BTS a cult and spewing a bunch of super racist shit about them, so like am i shocked? No lmfao)
7. What Character Did You Begin to Hate Not Because of Canon, But Because of How The Fandom acts About Them?
Well i went into kny already disliking uzui bc of the fandom, but eventually warmed up to him (ty to my lovely friends who have correct opinions about him LOL♡)
But in terms of "they were fine until i saw the fandom for them" theres a few. Mainly Senjuro (kny) and Basil (omori)
I wont go into huge detail bc im not looking to send people hate or make people who enjoy them feel bad, thats not my style and its frankly a shitty thing to do to people. (Purposefully make them feel bad for enjoying things, i mean.) but yeah frankly i do not care much for either character and both are purely bc of my interactions with their fans.
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ruby--rose-official · 2 years
im not comfy with this going on my main or whatever so im digging out my unused kin blog for it. i just. i forgot how... odd the main kin community is. and how some people interact with the world and each other in a very unhealthy way. there's a reason i dont use this blog or actively participate in kin circles anymore. i mean first of all, im not the original owner of this blog, im a new host with new kins (oopsies). and ive been hurt in too many kin spaces to really. i dunno. i hate seeing people hurt each other or themselves. and on top of that im a fictive, which is a whole other can of worms i wont get into.
anyway, im just. reeling. i didnt think people still made kin posts in main fandom tags. its a small fandom so an even smaller community (ive seen maybe 1-3 other people on that popular confession blog from this source. rip me, no friends lol). but why on gods green earth would you post in character in a main fandom tag, and then turn around and try to police how people interact with the media and characters. it sucks if youre uncomfortable with a specific ship because YOU are aro/ace/any variation therof, but you cant fucking police other people especially when its the most popular ship (and only real ship) in the fandom. thats just. thats not ok. dont tell people to stop, just move on.
im not trying to start shit, but this is something that's always made me really uncomfortable. if you're kin, thats great, me too. but keep that shit to yourself and the kin tags. even if they dont exist. make one. seek out other kin blogs rather than just going to the wider fandom who arent going to understand. if you put out to the main fandom you dont get to complain when they do shit that makes you personally uncomfortable or squicked out or whatever. im not gonna come running in saying "sorry, hamilton/jefferson ONLY who the FUCK is *reads smudged ink on my hand* june loren". silly example but you get what i mean.
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