#people literally say he ''has a bad attitude'' and i'm like you wouldn't be very polite if you were in his situation shush
rxvera · 3 days
i hear you have aizawa headcanons? 👀
OMG I thought you would never ask!! 🥰
First of all, and most obviously, he's an AMAZING dad. Before the Kira case, he showed up for everything, and took as much paternity leave as he could. During the case, he obviously struggles with work-life balance, but he knows his kids come first. I think before the time skip, he had a really hard time missing out. He hated how much he was gone, but he also struggles with the guilt of feeling like he abandoned Ukita, but as he heals his grief, he accepts that he can be there. And soon, he's there at almost every game, performance, concert, play, you name it. If he's not, Eriko is recording it for him. He's also the kind of dad to pack his kids' favorite lunches when he gets the chance. It doesn't matter how unhealthy they are, Aizawa just wants to see them happy. Eriko is a little annoyed when Yumi comes home with Cheeto fingers and a stomach ache though lol.
Speaking of Eriko, I know this is super niche, but I head canon her as Jewish. I know that's super rare in Japan, but as a part-Asian Jew, I love the mix lol. I imagine her making matzo ball ramen and lox sushi! I think Aizawa, while goyische, is super supportive. He's great on Shabbat. On Saturday, he makes breakfast before the kids and Eriko wake up so they can have something warm without needing to use appliances. Although, even after being married for ten years, he still forgets if shrimp is kosher, but he remembers when Eriko gets mad at him for putting his leftover tempura in the fridge ("I accepted a trief husband, but I will not accept a trief house!!!").
Oh and I totally imagine Matsuda making quite a few blunders about this hfkjdfhjdjk. He means well, but it comes out wrong sometimes. Like the first time he learns she's Jewish, he immediately says "Oh so that's why you guys never hosted the Christmas party" and Soichiro is quick to be like "MATSUDA." He definitely accidentally gifts Eriko a pentagram... Twice. He really did his research the second time, but they look so similar!!! He does finally get her a Magen David the third time though lol.
I also think Aizawa is a car guy, like the kind of car guy who can see a single frame of a car go past in a movie and identify the make, model, and, year. He's always browsing those vintage car auction sites and he regularly shows Eriko the old car he desperately needs, and she has to be like "your money needs to go feeding our children and not a 50 year old car" and he's like a little kid when he says "but I waaaaaaaant it," and I definitely think he takes Yumi to cars and coffee with him. He always gets her a pastry and hot chocolate. She always wants to try his coffee and every time she freaks out at how bitter it is, but he has such an emotional moment when he takes her as a teenager and she orders her own coffee, and he's like "my little girl is growing up 🥺."
And, going back in time a little bit, when Eriko is pregnant with Yumi, I don't imagine Aizawa being super open about it since he prefers to keep his work and private life more separate. So, it's not until his wife is like 8 and a half months pregnant that he goes to Soichiro to ask for paternity leave, and Soichiro is like "YOU'RE HAVING A BABY???? YOU'RE MARRIED???" and he gets absolutely peppered with questions and excitement that he has to awkwardly accept from the whole office before he gets his paternity leave approved lol.
That's just a few of my ideas! Let me know if you'd like to hear some more! I'm always up to chat about my Death Note guys!
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zeevoidlight · 4 months
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I think Vegeta was a virgin up until he met Bulma.
I know, what a freaking way to start an argument but blame reddit for asking and leading me to a trail of autism thoughts, and I will also talk about Vegeta's attraction to Bulma and viceversa when they first met. Like, how tho. Albeit from a demisexual perspective (or asexual, idk anymore really). (I saw the latin dub but as I have heard it is very similar to the japanese version but I'll reference the japanese one if i found footage of it).
Some might believe that because of his attitude, his raw power, his Saiyan heritage, his status as conqueror of planets, genocidal maniac, sociopath extraordinare, his military background and his ruthlessness and uncaring nature, Vegeta was raping people left and right, or that he has always been very sexually active, or at least had some experience regarding the matter.
But be honest, he was too dense with everything from his childhood traumas and his vengeance against Frieza to care about having sex, or having a relationship with anyone in any capacity.
Also he is too proud and values his Saiyan heritage too much to give anyone he didn't deem worthy the privilege to have sex with him, let alone risk the possibility of an offspring. At least that's how I see Vegeta being pre Namek and pre dying against Frieza having to confront and accept by force an overwhelming amount of feelings on a rollercoaster for the first time in years. Dude didn't even thought two times to kill Nappa and let Raditz rot instead of reviving him as the last remainings of his people, that's how dense he was prior. He was so proud that he didn't mind to be the only Saiyan left alive and probably preferred it that way. Nappa that one time suggested to him that they could revive the Saiyan race by mixing with earthlings and Nappa was ready to pound (consensual or not) and Vegeta is like "nah, are you crazy? I wouldn't like to have a child being stronger than me". Dude probably had the opportunity to do so some other times but rejected the thought, he doesn't sound interested at all, first thinking on other things than sex.
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Of course he wasn't oblivious to it like Goku though and was well aware because he's not stupid. Outside of the English dub he notices Bulma on Namek and even refers to her as gorgeous, or pretty earthling woman. So I guess he still had a sexual notion but in other ways. He was not innocent of mind is what I'm saying. Like, he must have known what flipping the bird means. Is probably not that he didn't knew what sex was and desired it at some point or joked about it like I guess they'd do in Frieza's army but he was just not interested on acting on it for real at that time.
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But then, after Frieza died and everything that happened after his disaster visit to Earth and Namek, after loosing literally everything and having no purpose anymore other than wait and find Goku to best him, and after having realized more of himself in vulnerable ways trying to find some sense of normality in who he perceived he was, here comes Bulma all confident, infatuated and aggressive with him, because of course she like the bad boys and because Vegeta let his guard down for one second and let Bulma be Bulma while he literally couldn't do anything but go along (I suppose Piccoro was the only one that could have fight him if he tried anything). And he already found her attractive too in a way, not only that but she was probably the first woman that wasn't scared of him and even challenged him, treating him as an equal and as just another person, flirting with him openly, living with her and her family as a guest which is a completely different context to what he had been doing to survive his medium.
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His interactions with Bulma
So just so happens that now he can think on other things that aren't killing Frieza and escaping his rulership. He had to learn this new types of interactions and how to deal with them in his own way, and that includes how to approach someone that he felt attracted to. Who knows if he had other people he felt that attraction towards, probably, but Bulma is the one that basically said "yeah, I'm down if you want".
The fact that he calls her "vulgar" when she first flirted with him says a lot of how he would not engage with just anyone because of his pride as a prince and a Saiyan, and how she probably was the first to even flirt with him openly. How he says she is "loud" and called her "woman" also says that he was more likely annoyed by the idea of women as gender like it often happens, belittling them and all. While on the other hand Bulma constantly challenged him on it once they got to Earth, forcing him to address the topic as we see several times, being strong against him. Like (again I'm going with the Latin version since I've heard is more accurate to the japanese version), Bulma says to him "and what about you, small one", and he's like "what?!... She called me small one?..." (in japanese she just calls him Vegeta-kun, like a pet name), he was not willing to dignify the provocation huffing to Bulma's invitation after but didn't menace her nor got aggressive or sarcastic like he would with someone else. But then she said "I'm going to give you a lot of food. Bet you eat as much as Goku, am I wrong? haha!... But I'm not going to allow you fall in love with me even if you find me very attractive", and is in this moment where you can see Vegeta's wtf face entering panic mode resorting to insult her under his breath as if she could see through him. Is right here where you see that he doesn't really know how to react to someone flirting and is debating between bursting in anger or run away but just ends up paralyzed because his ego won't let him move. (in japanese he reacts by muttering "what a vulgar woman! and how loud she is (being)!")
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Then they go to Bulma's house and Vegeta just tags along. It seems that going through Namek with the earthlings, helping each other and cooperating like his life depended on it was an experience for a lifetime. My man can't seem to get a rest from one wft after the other since he arrived to Earth because the next thing that happens is that Bulma's mother comes to him faster than light startling him and says "[]...I imagine you must be Bulma's boyfriend. You ARE charming. And it looks like you are trendy". And the only thing he can muster to reply back is "t-trendy?" (I find it funny that that's what he reacted to and not to being called Bulma's boyfriend XD)
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Vegeta's disinterest and rejection is part of why I think Bulma was interested on him. Because the interactions Bulma has had with men in general throughout the entirety of the series have been... very poor to say the least. Men want take advantage of Bulma in one way or another but more often than not sexually (I mean just being in Roshi's general vicinity is more than enough for anyone), or they see her as a "thing" for themselves, a trophy. (this one bellow was so terribly stressful, my god...)
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And Bulma's approach to men is a similar as well because she is clearly very superficial too and that has remained a constant since day one. (jesus, bulma)
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And Vegeta wasn't interested on taking her like that, on the contrary he pushed her away despite being interested (which I bet Bulma knew or at least expected because of her own ego), and also he had greater objectives he wanted to pursue. Focused (on surpassing Goku...), determined, and that was the difference. He doesn't seem like the type of guy that would try to get an opportunity to peek through the shower window seeking to get a glimpse of her like we have seen others do (although, Bulma did saw him through the shower doors), or disrespect her in any physical way. Far from it, his reactions with her are getting all nervous, speechless, flustered, he follows her (because in a way he does respect her character and leadership), aggressively rejecting her at the same time (trying to negate his feelings to go back to the status quo), calling her names, and Bulma isn't taking none of that because she doesn't believe that bs he's spouting and she knows he likes her (like, who wouldn't, as she probably tells herself), even plays with it sarcastically and either brushes it off or dares him to say it again.
He lets her get close to him but cautiously (the comparison to a stray cat is not too farfetched). He knows what Bulma wants but just now he has found someone that confronts him about it without fear or shame, he has now the mental space to think about it and needs to respond to it somehow, he is interested back too, he IS aroused by her as well. When he arrives to Bulma's house from his search in space and Yamcha and him are al tense with each other, Bulma arrives and says all calmly "Calm down, boys. Why don't you let him take a shower first?", she touches him and says "C'mon. You have to take a shower because you are VERY dirty" *finger movent, "Come. It's this way". That flinch he does when she touches him while going into fight or flight mode again, and the famous sexy finger movement on Bulma's part that completely seeks to throw him off and serve as a sexual invitation that he quietly accepts (even before she yells at him to stop gawking and not let a damiselle wait) by being passive and following her lead to the surprise of everyone in the scene.
I mean, I'm not the most versed person regarding this (as you can probably see) but It's happened to me where someone gives me something they have to hand me, and they let their hand stay a little longer than usual, or unnecessarily caress your palm with their fingers or nails with the intention for you to notice the unusual movement and tingly sensation as a way of flirting and invite you to sexy time. So I see this the first time and i'm like "Bulma?... ~what is this?~ I see your game" while remembering the first time someone did that to me so clearly. People think that because it's some people's first time you'll be all awkward and won't know how to be sexy too, specially being an older virgin person which would be Vegeta's case, but nah, you just gotta be confident and say "fuck it, I want this too and will give you a good time as well". It is how I picture Vegeta, ultimately knowing his value and enjoying himself as well (like, "serving himself with the bigger spoon" as they say) once they got there when he had to take a decision and answer Bulma's provocations.
(Also, I never totally understood why Bulma's mom was spilling the tea in the background at that moment but I suspected it was because it meant to signify Vegeta and Bulma were "cooking" and very into each other, and not just her being careless and aloof tho using that as a way to convey it).
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Every time they in a scene she's measuring him with every interaction they have from the moment they got back to Earth onward, to see how far he's willing to allow her go, and hitting him with another wtf reaction every now and then to trow him off. Even going as far as put him in ridiculous and assert HER dominance. Because is not that he couldn't have just blasted everyone away with every step but little by little both were forming a connection. The scene of the pink shirt, after Vegeta gets offended by the style she says "If you don't want them you can walk around nude"... D: (his pikachu face was better than mine though, and then he says "damn, she's very rude"). I mean... is there anything more clear than that.
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And then she sees him and says "You really look good like that...". Not only that but when Vegeta senses Frieza arriving he gets mad, insults Yamcha for doubting his ability to sense Frieza's chi, they're about to fight each other and Bulma is cooking some meat and is like "Vegeta, if you want to use the sauce I have it here", and everyone, specially Vegeta, is visibly confused and he doesn't know how to respond, the scene is left unanswered.
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(side note: Trunks says that after his arrival Yamcha was going to be unfaithful to Bulma but no man, That's what future Bulma told him but is more likely that it was her the one that left him for Vegeta that day, way before Trunks arrived. Even on Namek she already was over him, thinking of Goku and how she lost her train with him, then with Zarbon, and finally Vegeta (she also had a picture of Yamcha in her little camp in Namek full of darts to his face, so...). Yamcha never really had Bulma, and he didn't do much to get her back either or change. Truth is Bulma is the crazy one). And then when Frieza arrives to Earth Bulma arrives at the scene too and explains that since she couldn't see Frieza in Namek she wanted to see him here to see how strong he really was, and Vegeta says "not only she's rude but aggressive/daring too..." In this very soft thoughtful tone and talking to himself, like... C'mon dude! Accept that you like her!
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And then then! when everyone is going towards Frieza's ship, Bulma is the one who yells "Wait, Vegeta! take me with you! Remember who hosts you!" (is that how you say it? dar alguien hospedaje?). Yamcha is completely out of her picture.
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We see the next time the most obvious episode where the love tones are more present, Vegeta's training montage after the news of the androids, and his accident with the gravity chamber, but by then it was just confirmation of all the signs from before. So when we see Bulma with baby Trunks it doesn't really come out of nowhere and you understand how and why.
While I find Super's tsundere Vegeta in some instances fun to watch, more with him and Goku to be honest, but I don't think Z Vegeta was taking it in such a juvenile way, he's more adult and mature still about the situation, as mature as someone calling a girl "woman" to assert dominance that is. The flirting "dance" towards their sexual encounter is more silent and elegant, just like two adults would do so. He wants to get closer but the only thing the dude has known his entire life is fighting and being on offense mode all the time. Their dynamic is quite interesting and quite amazing, not for nothing they are considered to be one of if not the best couple in anime, and trying to unravel how it all started is really fun.
But yeah, As I see it and if we could compare Vegeta's sexuality to something from real life he, as most saiyans, was probably demi-sexual (yay), since it's said that Saiyan's don't understand romance and they likely only had sex to reproduce. They didn't had the concept of family outside of the royal family. And that's why also Vegeta is one of the few saiyans that later could develop an understanding of family and being in a relationship in a way other saiyans don't, including Goku.
So yeah, that's my terminally online post of the day. Nothing but Dragon ball and Vegeta on my mind lately.
I would like to get into analyzing Goku and Vegeta's sexuality soon too. It's so interesting as well because is not traditional.
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icedragonlizard · 7 months
I very much like my headcanons of all the villain-turned-dream-friends still being very flawed people one way or another.
I'd say that they could all be considered morally grey to various degrees. Some may be nicer than others, but overall I wouldn't really call any of them saints. None of them are irredeemably evil, and Kirby is friends with every single one of them, but they're all still flawed. And Kirby is basically their 'parole officer' as he keeps them all in check.
This post got quite long as I wrote everything I wanted, so I'm gonna post a 'Keep reading tag' down below.
Feel free to click on it if you'd like to see my interpretations on the flaws of some Kirby characters! I'll be covering Marx, Dark Meta Knight, Daroach, Magolor, Taranza, Susie and the mage sisters here.
Marx may be on Kirby's good side now as he's not looking to attempt conquest on Popstar again, but he's still essentially an agent of chaos. He's loud, he's obnoxious, he's widely known to be a prankster, and he loves getting a rise out of people. He enjoys causing scenes purely for the sake of it. And his sense of humor isn't exactly good at having tact, as he'll make jokes out of things that most others wouldn't dare do. He can be considered the most insufferable one out of the bunch.
But there are good qualities to him, too. Some people legitimately think he's the funniest guy alive, so there's that. Marx loves attention in general, regardless if it's bad or good attention, and so he gets delighted if someone likes him and enjoys his antics. He loves it when people decide to join him on mischief. If you're his friend, he'll often give you stuff to laugh about and you're likely to find yourself having fun with him. If he likes you enough, he'll even stand up for you if someone else antagonizes you. His friends are literally his homies.
He's still quite the wild creature, though. It requires a lot of patience and a lax/chill attitude to be able to put up with Marx. It's not uncommon for him to find ways to instigate chaos in Star Allies gatherings. But he CAN be forced to behave, albeit not always easily. Kirby and Magolor are the ones that can most easily get him to listen.
Dark Meta Knight is still a standoffish jerk with a temperament. He's rude, brutal, and isn't at all afraid to say things that might run shivers down people's spines. He's prone to violence if he feels even the least bit agitated. He's also a rather detached person that does not care to make friends with most of the other star allies, and is quite a big hater for the ones that get on his nerves. He has a bad habit of being too blunt about wishing death or general ill-will for people he hates.
Not just that, but I headcanon that Dark Mind is technically still alive as a neutralized little fragment that desperately needs assistance. DMK hasn't given up trying to bring DM back to its former glory, and is still devoted enough to do what DM asks of him to do. It's not actually as frightening as it sounds, though. Trying to bring DM back to its former glory may be impossible due to how much it'd take, so that threat may not warrant much concern, but DMK still strives for it.
But DMK can be kept in check at times by a few others in the cast. I headcanon that DMK is friends with Daroach, Adeleine, Ribbon and Kirby, and he does care about what they think of him. But I hc those are the only friends he has in the cast, as he's the dream friend with the least amount of friends. He doesn't care about anyone else. He's also willing to do art stuff with Adeleine, and will protect his friends from danger. But overall, DMK is still a ruthless son-of-a-gun.
Daroach has a notably kind-hearted side to him, but he's also absolutely still a thief. Some people are ticked off by his persistent thievery. He likes the challenge of breaking into certain areas and to see what's he capable of successfully stealing. This can get especially irritating for some if he's brought the entire squeak squad with him for these instances. Daroach also has a trollish/smug side to him, as he thinks it's funny to get reactions out of people as he steals from them.
He does have standards, though. There are people that Daroach will NOT steal from. This includes Kirby, Adeleine, the entirety of Ripple Star (he'd feel bad to rob from that planet) and he also respects Meta Knight enough to never steal anything from the Halberd. He's also a softy around Kirby. And there's times in the day where Daroach decides to be chill and not steal anything. He can be quite a laidback bro if he's your friend. He has a big sense of humor and if you don't mind him pulling lighthearted fast ones on you, he'll gladly do that.
But he's still our resident thief! Hahaha. And he often has a rather shady demeanor that might make some people put their guards up.
Magolor did make a well known apology and created an amusement park to back it up, but I headcanon he's still very much a flawed person. Much like his buddy Marx, Magolor is a mischievous prankster that likes getting a rise out of people at times, although he's much more tactful than the jester in this regard. There's other problems with Magolor, like how he often says awkward things that make it evident he doesn't have the best understanding of social cues. He also has a tendency to insert himself into things, due to still having a bit of an ego, and he can sometimes be a blatantly obvious suck-up.
It's also arguably somewhat flawed morality-wise on Magolor's behalf to have made all the masks he did for Merry Magoland. He had great intentions with that, as he wanted to honor many people with that, but he made a lot of them without permission. And it ended up being pretty awkward for some people to see the masks. Thankfully, it didn't elicit any reactions bad enough for Magolor to lose any friends, but he arguably should've gotten many people's permission first.
Magolor is still buds with Kirby despite his current flaws, though. And he actually cares about being liked and cares about making people have fun, and so he makes sure that he has standards accordingly for that. He also just has very weird ways of going on about trying to be a better person than what he was before. But regardless, he's trying!
Taranza may be mourning the death of his beloved queen, but as a matter of fact I do not headcanon him to be a complete softboy! Once enough time passed for him to start properly recovering from his loss, he's eventually started coming back to being a snobby rich-theater kid type of guy like he was before. He can be very bizarrely smug and confident at times. He has an iconic devious smile. He makes webs at people's homes with often trollish messages. Don't be surprised if he sneakily rearranges the stuff in your home without you looking.
And believe it or not, he also has a secretly vengeful and vindictive side to him. He'd love to torment and beat up everyone that picks on him. And because it was a dimensional mirror that corrupted his queen, he heavily resents the mirror world and talks smack about its inhabitants. Honestly if he saw a dimensional mirror again he'd love to break it and smash it to pieces. He also legit wants DMK to die.
But overall, Taranza is no serious bad guy anymore. He does have a definite nice and caring side to him. He's really grateful to all of his friends that have helped him out with his grief (especially Susie, who understands him better than anyone else does) and he'd panic like frick when one of his friends gets hurt. He doesn't want to lose any of his current friends, the last thing he needs is MORE things to grieve over. He's also glad to show people about flora. He's also still just a silly-ass rich theater guy that can be quite a big, dramatic handful.
Susie, while no longer the terrifying colonizer she once was, is still very much a corporate-minded woman with a lot of unhinged stuff going on with her. The HWC's practices are substantially improved in her rule compared to what it was in her dad's rule, but she still makes corny business decisions at times. She has a notable stubborn streak, and is often a bit too blunt and formal to people she isn't close enough to be friends with. She's also feisty and a bit too ruthless when it comes to combat, as it may require others to calm her down. And like Magolor, she gets awkward at times with her low understanding of social cues.
She's also still a mad-scientist at heart, although she's mostly stopped mechanizing people (except for those that explicitly WANT it) and has largely shifted to applying her mad-scientist desires on inanimate objects such as toys and accessories. I headcanon that Susie has an entire hobby of making super-detailed custom furbies as I wrote a post about it. But despite the improved shift, she often gets way ahead of herself when experimenting on inanimate objects to the point that the final result of her creations are pretty darn freaky and unnerving to some people. She really loves doing it, though! And the unhinged level of detail to her creations can be hilarious to some.
Susie does have friends that she cares about, and she lets them reign her in as she doesn't want to disappoint them. And despite usually being rather cold, she's not entirely without her kind moments. Susie is at her nicest when interacting with Taranza and Kirby, and she has other friends like Magolor and the mage sisters that she can be great with. Her friends are the one thing that help motivate her to get better. But despite that, Susie is still absolutely a big handful in terms of flaws. She's still a vindictive, standoffish, corporate mad-scientist that's ballsy enough to constantly snap back during confrontations!
The Mage Sisters are still chaotic menaces. They're exceptionally grateful to Kirby and co. for saving them and Hyness in HiAD, and so they definitely ain't doing that Void Termina crap again, but these women still engage in absurdly violent and bombastic activities. They love to destroy random buildings for no real reason other than just for kicks and giggles. They cackle like hyenas when they cause mischief.
Francisca is perhaps the most obviously flawed mage sister, as she literally keeps her frozen trophy collection and even tries to expand it! That's a bruh moment. It doesn't exactly help that she's close buddies with Marx as those two will just make some absolutely absurd hijinks together. Her relatively quiet nature can also be rather unnerving. It's not all bad, though, as she can be genuinely sweet to people that she cares about. And she's kind enough to give you free water with her soda gun if you'd like that, but overall she's an extraordinary freak.
Flamberge is the nicest of the three mage sisters, but she still has her fair share of chaos as she loves causing big booms with her fire abilities. She can be considered a daredevil with that sort of thing. Another notable flaw with her is that she lets Francisca get away with anything. She will NEVER hold her psychotic blue sister accountable. And there's of course her temperament, but she's surprisingly chill a lot of the time and is really only angry if given an actual reason to be.
Zan Partizanne can be quite rude with excessive name-calling, as she has a mentality of "it goes both ways" when her name can't be said right. If you can't say her name right, then she'll make it even by giving you some unhinged nickname. She also has a guilty pleasure of starting playful bickering matches with people purely for fun. That being said, she's something of a leader alongside Hyness at the Jambandran base and is always glad to help guide people around the place, but she can overall be quite a standoffish and feisty person.
The mage sisters do care about trying to be better, though. They want to make Kirby proud as he's essentially their little hero. They're still incredibly unhinged people by virtue of being raised in a literal cult, though, and they still love to start ruckuses and cause chaos. With the amount of mischief they cause with their weapons, it may be wise to keep some distance as to not get caught in their weapons' range.
That's basically everything I got. All these characters are still very flawed people to me. They're all redeemable to various extents, but yeah. I like to think that they all need occasional slaps on the wrists by Kirby. He's their 'parole officer' like I said at the beginning of the post. He keeps them in check. And it works as they all respect him!
But despite sometimes slapping them on the wrists, Kirby does care about all these people. He's friends with all of them. He cheers them on as they progress in life. When they do good things, he's proud of them! He also can't help but feel sorry for the more traumatized ones.
Kirby has remarkable tolerance. He can basically be friends with bad people, lol. He always has faith and sees the good in people. He's the perfect little guy to motivate people to get better. He can keep someone in check from doing bad things, and is merciful enough to always give them a second chance. Man, thank this universe for Kirby!
Thanks for reading if you did. See you for the next one.
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gamblersdoll · 10 months
Chapter 2
there is no way you're here, you damned woman.
you never thought your life could change simply because you existed. after all, you were just a person.
"so.. uhhh. I'm yuuji itadori." he chuckled awkwardly, putting his hand on the back of his head as he smiled warmly.
you would've taken it as weird, but it rolled off your mind very quickly- maybe even too quick.
"y/n." you said blankly. you still felt like you were being watched, but by another pair of eyes. you could tell it was gojo.
how he could even look at you through a blindfold was beyond you. but you eventually figured it out– he's satoru gojo after all.
nobara and megumi had been excused for that moment, something you caught onto, and yuuji was oblivious to it. you turned your focus onto the slits on his cheekbones under his eyes. maybe a bad fight and they somehow landed in the same place? by coincidence? whatever.
"im... also a vessel for a cursed spirit. sukuna." he said in a defeated tone.
" so... a parasite?" you tried to joke, but it came out more as a insult or a "i wish for instant death." thing.
"ohoho.. youre bold." gojo said, laughing in amusement.
you didn't really understand on what he meant, until someone chimed in.
"you still have got that damn attitude." the voice said, it didn't bother you until you looked over at yuuji to see some form of a mouth and red pupil on his cheek— replacing the slits.
"so.. I'm taking it as that's sukuna? hold on– I still have a attitude?? we just met." you said, folding your arms. "gojo? you have people watching me?" you asked, deciding on if you should fend for your life or should you ignore it.
"no no. sukuna knows you!" gojo smiled, putting a hand on your shoulder in friendliness.
".... and how is that??" you asked, pinching his index finger off of your shoulder. yuuji also looked at him, confused since he's quite literally never met you before.
"because, you're a reincarnation of someone he knew before he was a cursed spirit.. duhhhh." he said in a matter-of-factly tone. it would've irritated you if he hadn't just said the king of curses knows you.
you and yuuji looked at him in disbelief, you making the worst stank face in your life, because how in the ever lasting hell could you ever have known- no, have been close to the king of curses?! he has to be pulling your leg, a crude joke, because he's satoru gojo.
"she is??" yuuji asked, not sounding to bothered by it, but you were now irritated.
"yep! before she died and sukuna because a cursed spirit, they knew each other very well. they respected each other." he said, feeling very knowledgeable on you.
you remained quiet, now feeling dreadful. there was no way in hell you knew sukuna— nor the fact of respecting him or being close with him.
"have nothing to say, woman?" sukuna said in his domain to where no one would hear him, feeling proud to know he found you again, to either make you pay for dying and showing up after 1000+ years, or having to find a opportunity to get his hands on you.
"yeah, I call total bullshit. it's been years since that happened." you said, "anyway. I guess I'll be working with you, yuuji." she sighed, closing her eyes.
she didn't miss the way yuuji looked at her, nor did she miss when sukuna peeked through yuuji's cheek.
"sooo.. what's it like being reincarnated?" yuuji asked, both of you sitting in one of the dining halls jujustu high had established. you were originally by yourself, finding peace within that. but of course, someone always followed you.
"im not sure what you're talking about, pinkhead." you flatly said. you wouldn't fall for this dumb prank gojo started. and the more you heard it, the more you wished you weren't here.
"but gojo said-" yuuji started, before you started as well.
"gojo ain't said a damn thing." you butted in, "i need to see in writing of some book that I was in a past life. then maybe– maybe I'll believe it." said only by you. you can't fall for that.
in sukunas domain, he felt his anger rising.
"what if it's true though, y/n?" yuuji asked, twiddling his thumbs. he couldn't handle the tension... not with you.
"it isn't. " you stated, crossing over your legs that spilled onto the other one. you stared ahead, thinking of something else.
"... you're a very quiet person, aren't you?" yuuji asked, smiling at you. he wanted to get closer with you already. something about you made that in him. "could I get your uh.. number? for school purposes of course!!" he added, hoping he didn't sound creepy already only after a few hours of meeting him.
you only nodded, both of your iphones tapping each other to exchange numbers— thank god for that update.
"to answer your question, there's no way in hell he and I were ever close. that's just a fairy tale." you said, not knowing what you just started.
because in sukuna's domain, he wanted to kill you for even suggesting that. were you not happy with your history of him? are you calling history a liar??
why aren't you honored to be cherry picked by him?
he could only imagine what he'd say or do to you once he had control, once he was glooming over your frame.
you still look the same when you did 1000+ years ago...
"ill make sure to remind you of your place, y/n." he thought to himself, already enjoying the joy ride of being the king— and where you both left off.
honorable tags: @lisaaannna @coldbreadbouquetworld
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md-confessions · 5 months
Trigger Warning for abuse since I am going to be talking about it a lot.
My honest reaction to TSM anon's confessions/posts trying to justify J's treatment of N. (They're so ass)
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Ok so uhh... Anyway I'll try to debunk some of the points:
First of all: yes the fuck she is abusive! Search the damn definition on Google or the dictionary, it's exactly what she's doing, like beat for beat.
Let's start with two examples: one from the manor and another from copper-9.
J kicking N in the manor flashback: for context N and V had literally just bumped into each other, made a spark and both were trying to clean up the mess they made, then comes in Ms. Tenth letter of the alphabet with a kick to N's face for like no fucking reason whatsoever.
J stepping on N's chest while he clearly struggles: In the pilot during the scene that introduces the Alphabet squad during J's introduction she has her foot on his chest while saying he's useless, terrible and if she could, she'd kill him herself and N is very clearly struggling to even breath.
Those two very clearly ARE abuse, the second one even has a tinge of verbal abuse!
Ok so TSM tried to justify both these actions by us not knowing the full context.
The context of the kick is that: there is none, that kick was completely unprovoked, so J had absolutely no reason for kicking N aside from him being in her way from the "move it moron" line, and she changes up her attitude completely at Tessa being there, her visor showing those hollow eyes that drones show when worried or scared.
But even if you say "oh but N was in J's way so she kicked him out" but she could have just, you know, MOVED A LITTLE BIT TO THE RIGHT?!?!? And also that does not excuse kicking a person in the face.
Context of the second scene is: THERE IS NONE, ONE AGAIN! The reason that scene exists is to show that A. J is abusive towards N, and B. J is a hypocrite! Let me explain, A is very self explanatory, stepping on someone's chest and verbally abusing them is very clearly well... Abuse and B is to show that even though she calls N useless, N has shown throughout the rest of the series he is a very competent fighter, arguably better than his fellow DDs and also that even though J was pretty much insulting N for being weak, she got killed by a Angsty bisexual 18-year-old with a pen and a Railgun made out of like, scrap.
I don't know how you can genuinely look at those scenes and go "J isn't an abuser" even though yes she fucking is.
Also I dead ass forgot that second post aside from the "why would Cyn put N in the squad if his abuser?" Part, which has a very simple explanation: it wasn't Cyn, it was Mr. Solver of the absolute fabric itself! It used Cyn as a host, Cyn wasn't in control, she prob has been dead for a long ass time.
The solver is sadistic and it likes fucking with the alphabet squad, take V as an example: it allowed V to keep her memories, just to make V's trauma even worse.
The solver thinks it's funny to traumatize people so why wouldn't it think putting a person in the same team as their abuser wouldn't be?
Anyways I've been typing this since 5:30 AM, and now it's 6:50 and I got school so I'll stop here, if you got anything else to add put it in the reblogs ig...
Final note: I haven't been abused myself (not that I remember) so I can't really fully grasp the concept, but still, J's treatment of N is like, the dictionary definition of Abuse, I'm very bad at understanding other people and their emotions and I'm not super great at analysing characters but this shit is so obviously abuse seeing TSM over here trying to say otherwise is giving me a brain aneurysm.
Anyways have a good day/evening/night or whatever time of day it is :D
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tmntkiseki · 4 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles Forever Liveblog
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Movie opens with the Purple Dragons doing a robbery of some sort. Hun, what are you up to?
I really, really love the little sequence that introduces the 2003 turtles. The animation is so slick and cool-looking.
Also, it's kind of interesting how the 2003 segments are animated in a (more detailed) version of the Back to the Sewer style, with Splinter, Casey, and April maintaining their BttS designs? But the turtles themselves look more like how they did during Fast Forward (it's because we're back to having white slits for the eyes, thank god.)
Seriously, if Back to the Sewer had looked more like this, it probably wouldn't be the only 2003 art style I do dislike to an extent.
We were only just properly introduced to the 1987 turtles and I'm already understanding why people abhor how they were characterized for this movie (I say this as someone who has literally only seen two episodes of the 1987 series. Specifically, the very first one and the Mona Lisa episode.)
Hun is gonna regret taking that mutagen BIG TIME.
03!Mikey likes the initialed belt buckles.
Underrated animation detail: the 1987 turtles are animated using a simple one-color shading approach while the 2003 turtles are animated with more detailed two color shading.
87!Raphael's reaction to meeting 03!Splinter is adorable.
I'm glad that 03!Mikey is enjoying the company of the 87 turtles, at least.
I know a major sore spot for this movie is the fact that the original 1987 actors couldn't reprise their roles due to circumstances out of anyone's control, but I am loving 87!Shredder's voice.
03!Raphael getting mad at 87!Donatello for kill stealing is making me laugh more than it should
I hate to break it to you, Krang, but 03!Shredder and 03!Krang are one and the same.
87!Shredder being disappointed that 03!Shredder is an Utrom is hilarious knowing that the little red blob is actually an intergalactic terrorist who has literally killed billions of people over the last several centuries.
All it took to wake up Ch'rell was 87!Shredder referring to himself as, well, the Shredder. Nice to see being frozen in a block of ice didn't get rid of his ego.
Other things from Back to the Sewer I do like: The Hauler. It's a massive improvement design-wise over the moving van from Seasons 4/5 that served as the second Battle Shell.
Poor, poor, foolish 87!Shredder and Krang. If there's anything I've learned watching the 2003 series, it's that you can't keep Oroku Saki/The Shredder/Ch'rell down forever.
Honestly, I do like Karai's outfit from Back to the Sewer. If she had her original haircut and was depicted in a different art style (you know, one that doesn't make her look like stick), I'd actually say I'm quite fond of her overall design. (I have a similar attitude towards BttS!Casey, too.)
Karai is seriously not taking any shit from the 1987 antagonists
Hun, repeat after me: I do not want the 87 ooze. The 87 ooze is bad. Bad things will happen to me if I try to get more of the 87 ooze.
He didn't listen.
Other aspects of Back to the Sewer I appreciate that show up in Turtles Forever: The 03 Turtles directly addressing Splinter as "Father" rather than "Master."
Hun, I fucking told you that you did not want that mutagen!
Damn, Hun must feel humiliated bowing down to the Shredder and calling him "Master" again. (Not like he has a choice. Are the Purple Dragons even going to listen to him anymore?)
Damn, this is the third time that the 2003 Turtles have had their home destroyed ;A; They're so used to it at this point that they don't even react in anguish this time.
Oh boy, even Mikey is finally sick of the antics of the 87 turtles (though in his defense, they did kinda teleport out of their lair when Splinter was in trouble and all four 03 turtles are worried sick for their dad.)
They deliberately had 87!April getting kidnapped by the mutant banana after the turtles left to make her seem more helpless when compared to the 03 version, didn't they?
This scene with 87!Splinter giving 03!Leo and 03!Raph some bowls of rice, oh my GOD ;A;
Hun isn't wrong that as long as they have Splinter, the turtles will come running. These boys would do anything to protect/save their father.
How many people do you think died when 03!Shredder unleashed the Technodrome on New York City?
Turtles Forever is a lot more... destructive than I was expecting. (2003 dimension is straight up getting TRASHED.)
Okay, that bit where Leo pointed out that at least Raph isn't stuck riding on the blimp like Mikey is got me to laugh.
2003 turtles are slowly but surely warming up to the 87 turtles. This is development I like to see.
"If there is one constant in the multiverse, it is the predictability of you turtles! Threaten something you hold dear, and you will ignore your better instincts!" You didn't have to call them out like that, Ch'rell.
God, the fact that The Next Mutation is the only major iteration not featured when Shredder does his entire rant on the multiverse and how the turtles pretty much always win XD
Casey was straight up going to cry when he thought the turtles had all disappeared with the Technodrome.
2003 dimension literally being reduced to inks, blue pencils, and then flat out nothing is really cool from an animation standpoint but also highkey terrifying
Welp, this scene confirms that the Purple Dragons are, in fact, still listening to Hun despite the fact that he's been mutated. That's good for him, I guess.
The scene where April and Casey disappear, HELP
"Ain't exactly Mister Roger's Neighborhood, is it?" -- 03!Raphael, accurately describing Turtle Prime. (He loves it.)
Mirage!Leonardo's narration as he and his brothers fight the 03 and 87 turtles JDSKGJDFKJGKF (Doesn't help that it's ripped directly from issue 1)
Mirage!Raph calling the 03 and 87 turtles sellouts on account of the multicolored headbands... wheeze.
Karai really is having second thoughts about helping her father destroy the multiverse, huh?
Fucking Mirage!Shredder getting taken out by the 87 and 03 turtles hurling a bunch of garbage at him SJGKJDFGKFDKGJ
"If there's one constant in the multiverse, it's the Shredder's big fat ego!" Oof, 03!Leo.
The only thing this final fight is missing is 87 and Mirage!Splinter.
Okay, seriously, what was with that bit where 87!Leo, Raph, and Mikey all broke down in tears and looked to 03!Raph for comfort?
Ch'rell seriously does not care that he is literally going to destroy himself if he destroys the Mirage turtles, Jesus Christ.
And the Turtles Multiverse was saved... By Bebop and Rocksteady?
This bit where the 87 and 03 turtles use each other's catchphrases as they say goodbye is really sweet.
"Oh, I sure hope this thing sells." "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." Sobs.
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I don't see many people talking about Patricia's character anywhere, so I'll talk a little (give my opinion) here.
I personally feel VERY sorry for her. Okay, many of Patricia's attitudes and actions are not justifiable, but you can't help but feel empathy for her at least at some point throughout the story. She was never a saint because several times she was not strange when it came to manipulating/seducing to get something, she never thought before humiliating people among other things that make her a bad person.
But despite all this, you can see that several times she showed herself to be a naive person, she filled herself with expectations, deluded herself and lied to herself, (like for example the whole story with Mário, which she faithfully believed he was would marry her and keep her), and as you said, she always thought she was in control of everything and all the relationships she was involved in, but she never was.
She tried to use everyone and always ended up being used, she tried to manipulate everyone and they easily manipulated her, situations that show that she was really a vulnerable and naive person. I believe that her being so materialistic and wanting to find a rich husband is not only to solve her economic problems, but also to fill a void, because what she really is, is a very lonely person. She's so empty that she'd rather go to the gym than buy food, she'd rather not give up things she doesn't need than live poorly. These things only show that she is a person who lives by appearances, who tries so hard to be someone she is not, rather than showing the reality: that she is alone and does not have someone who loves her to the point of caring about her.
She was so at the bottom mentally (stopping eating to try to look like a life she can't keep it’s not normal, also other things she did) and economically that she had to humble herself to people, like when she went to Daniel because he had become president (that's all he wanted, and we know that sooner or later he would tell her the worst possible way how shameful this situation was and how much she fell to get to that point), or when she tried to seduce Mario to get a ride home.
Anyway, Patricia could be selfish, materialistic and a lot of other things, but that just reminds us that she is a REAL person like so many others out there.
I know many will definitely disagree with me, but as I already said, I know that she is no saint throughout the entire novel, but she suffered as much as those who were called and considered the “good guys” in the story.
Hiiii! Loved that you shared some of your thoughts! Here are some of mine too🥰
Patricia's character was definitely... a topic. It's no secret that to me she became a wasted potential and I dislike the decision to make her purely comedic relief when at first she was honestly pretty much in the same camp as characters like Armando and Marcela: very entitled and blinded by their own gigantic ego, to the point of hurting others for their own benefit even though they didn't realize it. I'm not saying she should have gotten a redemption or anything of the sorts. Characters like Mario never got them but they were still super well worked with. Patricia just became a joke.
I've also mentioned before that I too feel pity for her, or at least, I feel for first-half-of-the-novela Patricia. She was never kind, polite, humble or endearing, sure, but she seemed much more human. She was truly excited to think Mario fell for her, and seemed truly disturbed by that firdt encounter with Daniel. I feel for that Patricia because up until that point, her story felt real. I wouldn't say she was naive, but rather, too egocentric to realize there are bigger fish on the sea. She thought she could do anything to anyone and she'd always triumph. Uo until there, you feel she is a real person clinging to appearences because her life is so empty she literally has nothing else. Eventually it just became comedy and exagerated whining that made you forget that she's actually a person with real suffering, even if she's causing it herself (most of the characters cause their own suffering, too).
I couldn't pinpoint exactly when she became a parody of herself. At some point her role was just to throw venom, be comedic, and complain. That's it. She didn't even cause much trouble like at the beginning, and her extreme poverty was merely the butt of the joke. This last part particularly is where I feel the potential was the most wasted. I would have loved to see more of Patty's real struggles, and, if we had had a but more time with the novela, perhaps we could have even seen this for character development (or character regression, whichever you choose!): for example, how poverty is keeping her from eating, which is leading to headaches and dizziness and lack of energy. How poverty is landing her homeless. How she's forced to rely on, for example, Nicolás. I could totally see their love story having formed from this, like her falling so badly that she has no choice but to rely more on Nicolas now not only for frivolous things like the car and the cellphone, I mean real things like food and shelter and seen in a more real light.
Anyways, Ik why they couldn't develop more their "love story" (I think they probably were meant to be together, as in Gaitan probably had that goal, but we all know all the problems that theproduction went through), so it's just an idea.
I do think Patricia was probably mentally ill, tho. Her obsession with appearences is so bad, like you said, that she's willingly STARVING herself. She's starving and yet she doesn't miss a single day at the gym. She's willing to risk going homeless but doesn't stop buying new clothes or hair dye. She's willing to shower with cold water and go back to a pitch dark apartment where there's no food or entertainment as long as she can still look and act like a rich person in front of everyone. I think we often forget how insane Patty's situation was because we remember more her funny/malicious sides, but honestly, her whole world view was crazy.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and sorry this took so long!😂❤️
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erinelliotc · 5 months
Talking about "Ed, Edd n Eddy" outside of Tumblr with (probably) heterosexual cisgender neurotypical men is just... frustrating. I feel like I'm talking to a door. The guy got mad just for stating the simple fact that what the Kankers do to the Eds is sexual harassment. I mean, how can anyone deny that? I thought it was, like, obvious to everyone lol. I made it very clear that it's my favorite cartoon and that admitting that what the Kankers do is sexual harassment doesn't mean it's bad or that it should've been canceled, and the guy just said he wouldn't read my text. It's ridiculous.
People outside of Tumblr are so lazy and this scares and saddens me because I love writing and I can hardly summarize my thoughts. I mean, it's okay if you don't want to read it, but then at least keep quiet and don't give your opinion on something you don't know about or assume what the other person said. People simply leave discussions with a simple "I won't read it" and feel victorious for it, even if the person in question is agreeing with them, agreeing more than disagreeing, or only partially disagreeing. They treat "writing too much" as having already lost the argument itself and that doesn't make any sense. The worst part for me is that being lazy to read and having the inability to formulate a counterargument has already been widely normalized on the internet as winning an argument, and it totally pisses me off.
Why are people so lazy to... think, discuss and reflect? To use their fucking brains!? They just want to attack people for no reason and be right at all costs! They act stupid and others agree with them! Ugh, I should just stay on Tumblr. I've already accepted that this is the only nice and safe (or at least the nicest and safest) place for neurodivergent / autistic people.
Anyway, about what happened:
It was in this Instagram post:
Comments started here:
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I replied emir.d95 with this text:
I mean, it is sexual harassment. Admitting this isn't the same as saying that the cartoon is bad or that it should've been canceled (far from it, it's literally my favorite cartoon of all time), it's just stating a fact. It's like denying that Ed has an intellectual disability and is bullied because of it, or that Kevin is a bully (at least in the initial seasons), these are things that aren't explicitly said in the show, but are obvious and don't make it bad (furthermore, it was the 90s/2000s, it was a cartoon within what was considered normal for the time). Problematic things and complications happen, they are part of life, showing them in a cartoon isn't the same as agreeing with them. It was very clear that the Kankers were a bother to everyone and nobody liked them. Danny Antonucci said the Kankers were based on a group of girls he knew during his 7th grade school year. In his words "they're based on a pair of Grade 7 girls who true to form were always on the lookout for potential boyfriends. They frightened us with their intensity and attitude yet they always wanted to play the innocent with the older guys whom they wanted to date". They were based on real girls who were actually scary, cynical and a nuisance to Danny and others. The Kankers are supposed to be creepy, problematic, a pain in the ass, and disgusting. One of the biggest features of this show is the gross things, disgusting the viewers, and the Kankers and them abusing the Eds and sometimes others is one of those gross things. And before anyone says something like "It's just a cartoon, it's not that deep bro", we're talking about "Ed, Edd n Eddy", a show that literally addresses domestic violence, shows the main character's redemption arc and how his brother's abuse influenced him to act the way he did, and consequently teaches about friendship, forgiveness and acceptance. It's not just a silly cartoon, it also touches on serious subjects when necessary, sometimes in a more shallow, light and humorous way, or in a more explicit and profound way, like in the movie. The Kankers are abusers, just like Eddy's brother, and his punishment in the end is precisely being abused by them. Like it or not, "Ed, Edd n Eddy" teaches us, even if unconsciously and subtly, that girls can also be abusers and boys can be victims of sexual abuse. It's a great show for a laugh, but also for learning some valuable lessons every now and then. The movie was supposed to have even more serious and touching scenes, but unfortunately they didn't fit into the available time and budget.
Then I got these:
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So, yeah... The lesson is: Don't expect a healthy in-depth dialogue about "Ed, Edd n Eddy" with people outside of Tumblr xD
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hamartia-grander · 9 months
Hi, just wanted to ask a honest question because I've seen you post about it a few times and I genuinely don't understand where you're coming from when you say this. How is remake Leon a misogynist?
Most recently I saw you point out him calling Ada heartless, but I don't see how that's him being sexist. He says that in response to her telling him information on where to find Ashley, having previously told him to leave her behind (to presumably die or worse), and I don't think its misogynistic for him to make a jab at her for that. Especially because Leon's big motivation is saving people, of course he wouldn't be a huge fan of anyone telling him to intentionally leave someone to die if he's able to save them. (This is also not to say Ada's a bad person for suggesting that, I love Ada and her character but I also understand why Leon would be upset by such a thing)
If there's anything else in the remakes that I've missed you point out I'm curious to what else makes him misogynistic because I just don't see it.
Also like a sidenote I guess almost all of Leon's misogynistic lines are from original re4 but Luis also has lines like this, so I don't understand why he gets to be distinguished between versions and Leon doesn't when you talk about their characters.
"honest question" and yet, you seem to have already formulated an idea of my answer (and an opinion of me) based off of one post where I casually mentioned it, and you decided to look no further before getting defensive about it. Are you even asking? Do you even care to learn? Or will you just ignore everything I say? And asking anonymously is very funny to me. Literally who are you.
I talked about it here, kinda joked about it here, and I very thoroughly detailed it here, as well as reiterated in the comments. I'm so tired of repeating myself. It's 1am now bc I took the time to find these posts for you lol. Maybe read them before you try attacking a straw man.
But to the Luis point? I absolutely do separate og RE4 Leon and remake Leon… Like literally my entire POINT is that no, remake Leon is still sexist, just differently, and here is why… I really don't understand how you came to this conclusion lmao.
The main idea is, Capcom thinks they've written out Leon's misogyny; but because Capcom itself is a very bigoted company, they perpetrate misogyny in everything they make and they don't even realise it! They genuinely think the way they wrote remake Leon absolves him from the misogyny when it doesn't, it just re-contextualises it in a way that Capcom deems palatable. They still see Ada as an extension of Leon! They still see Ada's worth revolving solely around how Leon feels in response to her actions. It's ridiculous. And the way Leon is written to treat her, the lines he's given towards her, reflect this attitude, and becomes misogynistic when he treats a male character who has done worse than Ada right in front of Leon with respect and empathy.
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nokacchan · 2 years
You're Not Bad | BaseBall Boys Series | Han Jisung
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pairing : han jisung x fem!reader
genre : fluff, a tiny (very tiny) hint of insecurity & angst
summary : The hyperactive han jisung was definitely the easiest person to get along with. One day he accidentally bumps into the school bad girl who immediately cursed at him. It caught him in surprise. As usual, he obviously wanted to be friends with the so-called 'bad' girl. It was difficult at first but definitely worth it when he finally gained her trust.
📎rei notes : that's a wrap up for baseball boys series.
not proofread!
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"I'll see you guys later-", Han stumbled lightly. He turned to apologize to whoever he had bumped into but only to be met with an annoyed girl. The girl rolled her eyes at him. Her snarky attitude seems to had made han taken a back.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry—"
The girl roll her eyes at him. Clicking her tongue, clearly pissed. Han gulped, slightly intimidated by the girl. He had never seen her around on campus before which surprised him when he first saw her.
"Are you blind?", the girl bumped his shoulder before walking off.
Han looked at her figure as she walked away. His eyes widened in surprised. Chan patted han's shoulder, making him snap out of his thoughts.
"Who's that girl?", Han asked Chan. He knew Chan was the one to always sought to keep up with the people on campus.
"That's y/n l/n. I know what you're thinking. I don't think you should try to befriend her, I heard she has a pretty bad reputation"
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"Hey~", Han called out as he sat beside the girl that Chan had warned him not to be close to. Well, han just want to know what so bad about this so said girl.
Your friends looked at him and you, clearly confused with what the popular boy had to do with you. You weren't the type to mix around with the popular people. You told your friend to continue eating, ignoring han who was sitting beside you.
You huffed, looking away from him. He pouted from beside you. You turned to look at him. "Yes, what do you want han jisung?". A smile appeared on his face when he heard you say his name. You weren't going to lie, he does look cute, almost resembling like a quokka, a animal that one of your friends had introduced you to.
"You know my name! That's so cool!", he giggled.
You looked at him, amused. "who wouldn't know your name, you literally represent our school for baseball", you answered.
Han's mouth shaped into an 'O' as he realized what you meant. "Do you want to come watch me during training today?", he invited you. Your brows furrow. "Jisung, you can't just randomly invite people you first met", you tried to be reasonable with him. He purse his lips at your answer. "But... isn't this considered our second time meeting. Let's be friends!". You looked at him blankly. How could one have this much energy? you thought to yourself.
The boy in front of you, lightly thumped his fingers against the table. Eyes sparkling as he waited for your answer. "Fine. Only once", you told him. "Great! I'll see you after school then!". He grinned, lightly ruffling your hair before walking off to sit with his friends in the cafeteria. Your friends looked at you with a grin on their faces. You scoffed before telling them off.
"I'm just being nice, alright"
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"Y/n! You made it!", Han greeted you, causing his teammates to turn around, looking at you two. You hushed him before passing him the cold bottle of drink.
"Oh! thanks", he immediately drank it. You purse your lips as you looked around the stadium. It wasn't as pack like you had thought. Han noticed your nervous behavior. "Y/n". You flinched slightly. Han mumbled out an apology before continuing talking.
"Do you want to go somewhere quieter? I can tell you're being nervous", he spoked softly, not wanting the others to hear the conversation. You shook your head, telling him that you'll adjust to the environment in a bit. He nodded his head uncertain about your answer.
Chan watched you two from a far. Slightly amused by the fact that you weren't violent like what others would describe you. Maybe he had gotten the wrong impression of you from the rumors spreading around on campus.
You tugged Han's shirt lightly. He bended his body forward, allowing you to whisper into his ears. "Why is he staring at us?". Han followed your gaze, realizing you were talking about Chan. Your brows furrow just thinking about it.
He chuckled before ruffling your hair. "It's nothing. He just heard bad things about you that people were spreading but you're not bad. At least to me", he let out a smile.
You knew people would have this sort of reaction to you due to the fact that you have a lot of delinquent friends. However you weren't the one to get into unnecessary trouble.
han noticed your quietness. He shook you a little. A reassuring smile appeared on his face which made you felt better about yourself.
"Don't care about what others think. Believe what you think you are"
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Surprisingly you found han's presence quite comforting. He wasn't overly hyper active like what you thought when you first met him. He had a balanced personality.
When you needed someone to talk to, he becomes a serious person and gives you reassuring advice. It warms your heart to know someone like him would care for someone like you whom he only knew about 2 months now. You got to know him better. His friends were super friendly and nice which was a relief for you.
That's when you slowly start to realize you have feelings for him. The little butterflies you keep feeling when you're around him. Yeah, that was the sign of you being head over heels for him.
The little hope you had that he might like you back was no where to be found. You were so positive that han wouldn't go for someone like you. After all, you have a bad reputation in university. Who would want to date someone one like you. At least that's what you thought to yourself.
So obviously you began to distances yourself from him. Afraid that you might strain your friendship with him if you confessed your feelings to him. It didn't take long for Han to notice the change in your behavior. The day where you stopped attending his baseball training and answering his texts/calls, he knew something was up.
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"Y/n, can we talk?"
Han appeared on your doorstep, a day after you skipped school to get yourself back together. You wanted to close the door but the hurt look on his face, made you gave in.
"What's happened with you this few weeks? Do you hate me now?"
Your eyes widened. You immediately shook your head.
"No no, god no. I don't hate you. It's just...something been bothering me lately". Han let out a sigh of relief. He took your hand in his, making you quiet surprised.
"You know, you can tell me, right?", he raised his brow, looking at you in the eye.
You bit your lips nervously. Han caressed the back of your hand gently. It's now or never, you thought to yourself. You let out a sigh. Looking down at your guy's intertwined hands.
"I like you", you confessed.
A smile appeared on Han's face but you didn't know. He held your chin, titling your head up, to look at him. You felt your cheeks heat up when you heard his next words.
"I like you too"
The end.
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taglist : @spideyweirdo @angsty-nobody @lilydaisyyy @secretwhisperer @yejis-biggest-simp @sherryblossom @miss-sarcasms (lmk if you want to be removed/added)
© nokacchan 2022
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mahoushojoe · 2 years
hiii!!! as the authority on neji, I wanted to ask your thoughts on how you would've written the hyuga clan plot, because you actually have good opinions - where I struggle to reconcile it is how im stunned neji almost sent hinata into cardiac arrest and hiashi didn't like. kill him over it. I'm not displeased but it does surprise me!
HIYA!! first of all thank you for the ask hehe its very flattering when people genuinely ask for my (humble) opinion about neji stuff considering i am Just A Guy That Likes Neji so thank you 💖
hoooo boy how i would have written the hyuga plot. oh well okay. under the cut bc this got AWAY from me.
so first of all before all of that i'll answer your question about how neji got away with almost killing hinata. here's the the doylist interpretation of it: kishimoto just Did Not Care. there's a billion contradictions in just the way he wrote the hyuga plot alone bc he wrote it to serve a certain agenda and that was:
1) establishing neji as a powerful antagonist - an antagonist similar to sasuke in abilities and attitude and, maybe unintentionally, position within the shinobi system. making neji similar to sasuke is important bc in the context of shonen his Biggest rival at the time was sasuke, so setting naruto up against someone similar to him and having him win would be a way to (weakly imo) establish naruto's growth as a ninja and the ways in which he has approached sasuke in terms of skill or ability or power
2) establishing hinata as a....idk ally to naruto. character in a similar position to naruto. maybe even love interest for naruto. in any case, it was an introduction to hinata who would provide an emotional stake for naruto in the plot that leads up to naruto vs neji.
3) write the dogshit "fate vs free will" type themes he was trying to go through with. kishimoto needs naruto to smash the idea of being predestined to fail and what other opponent is better to have than someone whose fate is literally tattooed on his forehead?
4) provide worldbuilding for the hyuga clan, which, by the way, was intended to make us feel sorry for HINATA, chiefly, not neji. sure, we get neji's side of the story later, but that is more of an explanation for his behavior and not given as a reason to root for him. WE root for him bc we have common sense.
moving past all that, the point i'm trying to make is that the reason neji doesnt face consequences for what happened with hinata is that this story and this arc literally ISN'T about neji. it's about naruto, and, very peripherally, hinata. for us to know or witness whatever consequences neji faced for his actions -his cruel but PERFECTLY ALLOWED ACTIONS WITHIN THE RULES- we would actually be provoked into feeling bad for him, and, god forbid, taking his side, which kishimoto doesnt want us to do bc this arc's power entirely derives from hinata being the victim of this narrative and naruto being the one to avenge her. neji is genuinely, and i say this with love, a means to an end here. he is there to serve a specific purpose, and he does a lovely job of being shit at it.
but that's the doylist analysis of it. the watsonian analysis would be that neji DID face consequences, we just don't see them. what happened was a huge rebellion against the head family, i suppose, and assuming that there is any type of consistency in the way kishimoto set up the hyuga, he would have been punished with the curse mark at the very least. we just see the story from naruto's point of view, so we don't see it literally happen. maybe. people like to argue that neji wasn't punished because hiashi doesn't give a shit about hinata, and like, okay, fair, except even in a world where hiashi wouldn't bat an eye at his nephew almost murdering his oldest daughter, hiashi would still care that this prodigy from the branch family is running around seriously injuring head family members with impunity. its not about hinata here, its about neji. like, if this kid can literally attack and almost KILL the heiress of the clan and get away with it, what's to stop the rest of the branch members from doing the same? from the way the hyuga clan is presented, branch members do most of the actual physical labor for the hyuga clan- including protecting it of course- which means they're better fighters, which means there's only one thing holding them back from fighting back, which is the Brain Melting Curse Mark. which is why, in my perspective, neji totally got punished for it, just like his father got punished for just THINKING angrily about hinata all those years ago. it's not about hinata, it's about branch members rebelling and getting away with it. so yeah. i think neji did face consequences, we just didn't see them because kishimoto Literally Did Not Care and because it would have poked holes in naruto's free will spiel and it would have made hinata look like kind of an asshole. neji went on defying the hyuga anyway because he's a bad bitch!
why hiashi didn't KILL neji over it- hm. hm indeed. i think he could have. he'd have grounds for it, in the fucked up system they live in. and its frustrating because the story can't seem to decide on a correct characterization for hiashi. does he care about hinata or not? does he care about hizashi or not? does he care about NEJI or not? is he genuinely emotionally attached to him or is that just guilt bc of hizashi? i don't know. he could have easily gotten away with killing neji outright and it would have been a lot less trouble for him. im just gonna assume he felt like he owed his brother to keep him alive or something, or like, he was astute enough to realize that the whole situation was his fault anyway, although that implies that hiashi has anything resembling a conscience or backbone or common sense or self awareness or- whatever. hiashi didnt kill neji. yay. neji died anyway so its all wins for him in the end
now.... for how i would write the hyuga plot....oh, tumblr user jewchihas, the can of worms you have opened...
well, for the hyuga plot to go the way i want it to, a lot of things about naruto as an entire story would have to structurally change. we have two options to use with hinata here, but im going to go with making her someone sympathetic and not an annoyingly privileged artificial victim.
hinata could have easily been a great character during the fight with neji. and all it would have taken was someone mentioning the curse mark.
it was already established that hinata witnessed the time hiashi tortured hizashi for thinking angrily about her. she was hiding behind hiashi, but she saw it, and thus she knows the position of branch members relative to her and the means with which they are disciplined and prevented from harming her. she herself is a head family member, meaning she would theoretically be taught how to activate the curse mark herself - especially after it's established that neji's father held ill will towards her.
now, that presents us with a situation where, during neji vs hinata, hinata, being beaten to hell and back, could EASILY win the fight - and humiliate neji even worse than he was humiliating her- by just activating the curse mark. and yet, it needed to be shown that she Actively Chose Not To Because It's Wrong, and because she feels empathy for neji that hiashi didn't feel for hizashi. THAT is what would have made her character someone I could genuinely believe had a kind heart and a genuine desire to have a fair fight and improve. in reality, all hinata actually did was taunt neji about their differences in status, which just really makes it even more understandable why neji was so fucking pissed at her.
so, yeah. that would just be for hinata's character. not a lot of time is spent showing what actually happens to hinata hyuga-politics wise but i guess we could say that she learns about her privilege and works to make things equal. maybe even rejecting heirdom if it means being the heir to all this suffering. but whatever what do i know.
neji and hiashi's relationship needs to be more accurately defined. i dont know, like, how exactly does neji feel about hiashi? how does hiashi feel about neji? and if hiashi actually loves neji which is what is implied later in the story, how can hiashi just go on upholding the branch system? once these parameters are defined, we can go about actually having neji using that to poke holes in the hyuga system.
but the actual hyuga system can't fall on its own, because it serves konoha's purposes. the byakugan remaining konoha's exclusive property via the insular ways of the hyuga and the endless supply of cheap soldiers in the form of branch members it provides is too beneficial. konoha's leadership actually doesn't care about the hyuga people's wellbeing similarly to how it doesn't care about the uchiha's wellbeing- to them, they are an endless well of powerful ocular jutsus and nothing else, because that is how the dehumanizing shinobi system treats people's bodies, lives, and ethnic identities. the difference between the hyuga and uchiha's positions re: konoha politics is that the hyuga - at least the head family hyuga - aligned themselves WITH konoha's leadership whereas the uchiha aligned themselves, as whistleblowers (a job they were purposely marginalized and forced into, by the way!) against konoha's leadership. thus, in order to topple the hyuga branch system and keep it toppled, one must topple konoha's shinobi system, and neji and the other branch members (and hinata if she's a good person) must believe in this wholeheartedly.
i dont know how it would go down. it would require a total rewrite of literally all of naruto and i genuinely dont have the facilities for that 😅😅😅 all i can say is that it would be rad if neji and sasuke allied somehow, or if one or both of them led the branch hyuga into total revolt against the head family. the only thing we have to lose is our chains etc etc. naruto needs to grow tf up regarding the hyuga and realize that the stuff he said to neji was a bunch of horseshit. or, funnily, neji takes naruto's words to him in the chunin exams to mean "okay LITERALLY break your fate like literally get rid of those people lol". so yeah. i dont think neji should go full itachi im just saying that the branch family needs to run the show now and the head family wouldnt exactly lie down and let it happen. big mess. so um tldr as most of my naruto opinions go: neji was right, sasuke was right, fuck hiashi, fuck the hyuga, and fuck konoha.
i am so fucking sorry at how long this reply is by the way
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shinjisdone · 2 months
Hellooo. Well, this isn't a request or anything, don't worry. I was just observing the way people 'made an s/o' to Thorfinn based on your wonderful, stupendous fanfic, Dante Alighieri could never— anyway, I have a very different vision of an 's/o' for Thorfinn, let's go:
Actually, it might not be that different, but my 'OC' is based on certain characters (of course) who have a certain kind of 'vibe' like Thorfinn. I don't think Thorfinn would need another cold person in his life, you know? He doesn't need someone like him, he needs someone different, someone who makes him realize things and reflect. Not necessarily older, they can be the same age, but with different perceptions of life because of their different upbringings, and that's where the key is.
I'm not going to go into too much detail about my OC's backstory unless it's relevant, so we'll leave it aside for now (and I don't feel the need either, it's a considerably different backstory from Thorfinn's, but it makes the least sense for them to interact together). One of the characters that fits well with Thorfinn is Megumi Fushiguro from Jujutsu Kaisen. He is an extremely kind and empathetic person, he just doesn't show it, but he also doesn't hide that he cares about people, he may say that he is selective in who he saves, but he never gives up regardless. Megumi hates bad people, he said so himself, so if someone like him met Thorfinn for the first time, they would feel a lot of disdain from his attitude and indifference towards the others, but the more time they spend by each other's side, the more he realizes that Thorfinn... isn't that bad, you know? And they starts to be more careful with their words, starting to worry about him against their will and to see him as a kind of friend.
Now the other character... well, I think Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad would fit in well too. Jesse has that whole 'would-be-gangster' attitude of his, but everyone knows he's the best boy with lots of love to give in his heart. Someone like him at Thorfinn's side would be a big problem: they wouldn't stand each other! They would always fight, annoying each other, but when they realize that one or the other gets hurt or gets very sick, they stop fighting and start, let's say, 'enduring' each other's existence. Thorfinn has never been a heartless monster, in fact, he has a lot of heart and, for those who have read the manga, you already understand that he had tried to save a lot of people, he cares about people, he always has, he just has an emotional block. I've been through that myself, and I still have a little, that's why Thorfinn is someone so 'relatable' to me.
I don't think there's much else, but to close with a flourish: Xayah from League of Legends. She was literally released together with another champion, called Rakan, and they are a couple in the game, they have interactions together, etc. Xayah's someone cold and cutting, but around Rakan, she's a sweetheart (not leaving her personality aside, of course). She's protective and very mature, and honestly, Thorfinn really needs someone like that in his life. To protect him, man. He doesn't have the strength for that. He needs to be taken care of by someone first, someone mature enough to realize that his whole bully stance is just a shell, and she sees through it, and even though he refuses her help because he can't accept it (yes, he doesn't refuse because he wants to, he refuses because he can't accept it), she persists until he gives in and lets him take care of her. This reminds me of two phrases from her Redeemed Star Guardian skin, 'Love is beautiful—annoyingly, frustratingly—beautiful', and 'Please, the darkness is so last-season'. The first sentence says it all by itself, but the second one is as if she said that being emo is no longer worth it and that he should embrace his true self, which was hidden beneath many, many layers.
Anyway, I wrote a lot of text! I apologize, but I hope I made my idea clear here 🫡 it's night here, I have no idea what time it is for you, so have a good day/afternoon/night/early morning! See ya, continue being the incredible author that you are, your fanfic is a pleasure to read <3
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putting on me reading glasses again
first of all thank you oh my goodness teh honor
Thorfinn being with someone who is different and brings up different perspecives and appraoches to his everydays problems and challenges IS key and very important for him to form a bond imo! Einar to that is an great example to that!
big fat fkning applause to the first example, honestly Megumi such a great example for an "side of the same coin" s/o for Thorfinn. Someone who is capable of good and kind acts and chooses who deserves them based on who they are BUT still bears a big enough heart to share their kindness with everyone aka cannot really give up on people even when they tell themselves they have to. It would confuse Thorfinn soooooo much since they probs end up doing what is right at the end of the day even when it actually pisses them off and they cannot explain why they did the things they did lol. A lot of discussions would follow as they both open up and try to dig into their souls on why they do what they do and who they truly are inside.
I dont know abotu Breaking Bad but someone who is a 'wannabe viking' would so funny lol. Maybe someone who takes on the persona to seem intimidating and scary for survival? Thorfinn sees through them respects them EVEN LESS than the real vikings, calling them a imposter, a joke, an honorless wannabe warrior and coward, and it would end up in lotsa bickering lmao. Perhaps once both have the balls to show their humanity, their 'weakness' they come to connect and maybe help each other survive in a world where you have to play the role of the hunter and not the prey to live and to 'win'.
Again, also know nothing of LoL, only everything Arcane covers/takes inspiration from (season 2 in november woohoo!) but someone mature and willing to help??? Yes, please. In fact imo Thorfinn would not only need that in general, but also need that to open up. Nothing else on the sea is like that and someone who cuts down enemies and treats him with soft yet chafed hands that would confuse but slowly feel welcome to him. And 'Love is beautiful—annoyingly, frustratingly—beautiful', mwah mwah that is just so War Arc Thorfinn it hurts. Let him have an uh actual mature adult in his life that cares.
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beauzos · 2 months
genuinely thinking a bit about a Mother 3 SOBR au and I'm kind of stumped about what Vincent would do for a living. he can't be a fucking banker, they don't have any money, so it'd only be a job he'd get post-timeskip. he's good with numbers, but what kind of job would actually apply in Tazmily? i just don't know. my only guess would be something to do with books otherwise. they. i mean they probably have some amount of books though that's always been a big question mark for me about literature n stuff but it'd cute if Tazmily had like, a little library or something.
i think Mimi would probably just do art. or maybe is a schoolteacher. she'd also 100% be one of those ladies who gets sucked into working at the shitty ass old folks home post-timeskip.
Beau would have to actually get a job JHBSD but i could see a few things for him: either he'd be a tailor because it is something he's probably not all that bad at, albeit you can tell Lucas's family has something to do with clothesmaking most likely, at least in terms of wool products ?? but idk. that or he'd continue to just be a cowboy, or a hired hand, in other words, not that i assume with people's small farms (in fact, there's only two real farm areas, Matt and Jill's family and then Nippolyte grows crops outside Osohe) require much help, but it's Tazmily, they'd humor him.
but he'd probably only get hired once by any person. he still wouldn't be all that reliable. i don't think he'd have as bad of a reputation in Tazmily because there just isn't theft, and all i could really say about what happened in Brittlebone is he was an accessory to a theft, he'd probably just not be very good at the job, or flaky, or whatever.
he could still play guitar, though, but it'd be just a hobby like always.
i think Jerome could've convinced the Tazmilians to hire a sheriff even though there's no crime. but because there's no crime, he'd be bored out of his fucking mind all the time. Jerome obviously thrives on chaos and conflict so i imagine his "job" is just him sitting in the Yado all day playing cards because there is, quite literally, nothing for him to do. otherwise, he's probably just hanging around Luis's farm or whatever, cause i'm sure he just goes back to running a farm like he usually does with his family.
i have no idea what Casey would do, but then again, there seem to be villagers that don't actually do anything. like Ollie doesn't do anything, though i suppose it's also through the grace of being in the mayor's family. but it's not clear what people like Paul and Linda or Ed's family do, so i think it's entirely possible he doesn't really have a role either and just kinda bums around Tazmily with Jerome.
i'd say it'd be easy for them to just continue working law enforcement after the timeskip but i almost think Jerome would get shoved out of it eventually. that or he'd also fall for the whole glitz and glamor of the Pigmasks thing. Casey would probably fuckin join too, shit. it's either that or the fucking mines and i don't think either of them would do it. Casey might for a while but he'd get burnt out quick. i don't even think Jerome would buy into the whole "great master Porky" thing i think he was just that bored and he has the right attitude to be a Pigmask, so he falls into it easily.
i don't know if Luis would join, though, and they might not let him since he's an older guy, in his 50s. he'd probably be one of the folks who doesn't get a Happy Box though so he's probably got bigger fish to fry with the house getting struck by lightning or whatever. Jerome would have a Happy Box and enjoy it, Casey would have one and be disappointed that it doesn't help.
Beau would probably have one. Vincent might get one for Mimi's sake.
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tetsunabouquet · 4 months
As someone autistic myself, can the Tumblr neurodivergent comu-munity please stop vilifying non-autistic people? You're just as judgemental as the 'neurotypicals'. I have so many issues with the way that word gets used, like for one, people use it all the time specifically for non-autistic individuals... Like there aren't dozens of different disorders that would make someone neurodivergent but not autistic. Then there's the common, 'neurotypicals demonize us/abuse us for not fitting into society' narrative which also is demonization, funnily enough. My mom has BPD, can sometimes be abusive and I have a sobby backstory worthy of being a drama movie. Yet she's way more accepting of me being autistic then many posts make non-autistic people to be and she's far from an outlier. The ghetto I grew up in was bad enough that cops refused to come for minor crimes anymore and would only come if people were getting murdered or for drug raids because no cop wanted to be assaulted for minor disturbances. I have two childhood friends, siblings who lived at the edge of the ghetto area. The youngest is neurodivergent and his mother has an incredibly rare condition to her ears that leaves her deaf for the most part. Her husband and eldest are neurotypical. Back when I was undiagnosed and literally suicidal as a 5 year old as I was shunned by everyone else, their eldest was my rock and the friend who kept me going. Their father was part of the neighborhood watch, risking his literal life precisely because he has a disabled wife and child. This family was downright morally beautiful and admirable. Don't even get me started on my Turkish neurotypical childhood best friend, she was an angel. It sucks that your parents, your friends or your partner doesn't supports you for your autism and might abuse you for it, but don't talk like that's an inherent common occurence for everyone autistic. That's insulting our family and friends who ARE understanding of us, who ARE risking things for us. Because that certainly exists! Stop projecting the abuse that neurotypicals gave YOU, on every neurotypical individual. The neurotypical adults who gave me shit for saying 'the wrong thing' are people I can count on one hand and the non-autistic children are people I can count on two hands. I am not counting neurotypical strangers making comments to my mom in moments where I had a breakdown as a child in a public place as they don't know I am autistic. The moment I tell people I am autistic, neurotypicals generally become understanding and respectful if they see me acting differently as they'll recognize I am invisibly disabled and that's why I act that way. Most people DO try to understand. My mom cleans the police station, also sees people who are psychologically off their rocker and got arrested for their own safety sometimes. Even the assholes who do make comments, will never say it to their faces and lots of cops are actually very sweet to these people and will do everything to make the experience as little traumatizing as possible. Even I got arrested once when I was like 14 or 15 when I had a psychotic depression caused by my C-PTSD. When I informed them in the police car, scarred out of my wits they just drove me home instead of the station and advised me to take medication for my issues as whilst I did receive treatment I hadn't been prescribed any medication. Thinking anything else other then most neurotypical people are just trying to be kind and understanding when they are aware you're disabled is prejudice and a sign of being chronically online as people are a lot more harsher on the internet. Whilst I don't know all of you, a lot of Tumblr users didn't grew up fearing for their own lives and future the way I did yet you're the people acting as if your regular life outside of the internet is unsafe... I swear, you guys wouldn't survive the streets with this 'woe is me' attitude. I was born on a wednesday and my life shows it but I'm not going to hate society for being tough. Because that's life for virtually EVERYONE.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
I think very few people talk about the toxicity of krbk shippers, usually we see complaints about bkdk, izuocha, etc, but no one talks about krbk. Honestly at first it's a ship that didn't bother me but the hypocrisy they handle is as annoying as other bnha ships. They usually want to mark their superiority as a ship saying that Kirishima causes a positive change in Bakugou and is the only one that Bakugou let in and while it's true that there are moments of friendship between them (Bakugou inviting him to Island-I or even when he thanks him and returns the money after his kidnapping, although he doesn't thank the others who also served as support), most want to elevate Kirishima as a positive change in Bakugou when Kirishima is nothing but complacent, he never confronts Bakugou for his attitude, continually most of his dialogue is to stress how "manly" he's, even when his actions are violent, Kirishima doesn't positively push Bakugou to change because he never confronts him, their relationship is based on Bakugou supporting him and giving the occasional kind word and Kirishima ignoring his toxic behavier. This is even more detrimental to Kirishima's character who goes from someone who supposedly doesn't like bullies to someone who lives with and supports a bully without recriminating his actions because throughout the manga Kirishima never stands up to Bakugou.
It doesn't help that most shippers focus their dynamics on the typical "sunshine boy" and "bad/edgy guy who only treats nice to his possible love interest", especially since Bakugou doesn't feel inspired to improve by Kirishima and Horikoshi seems having forgotten that they have a relationship after Bakugou's kidnapping, by god even the moment when Midoriya tells him that he should be the one to extend his hand can be interpreted that from all those who are there Kirishima is the only one who doesn't represent a threat to Bakugou, since Midoriya himself admits that Bakugou wouldn't take his hand, nor Todoroki's, since the guy is capable of putting his own survival at risk just because of his ego.
What I'm trying to get at is that krbk wants to present an image that the manga doesn't develop and I say this even hating bkdk because their relationship is disgusting and toxic but Midoriya plays a decisive role in Bakugou to the point that he dies thinking about if he'll ever reach Midoriya and even his biggest regret and manga volume cover is grabbing Midoriya's hand, ofc I'm not defending the ship I'm just marking the hypocrisy of the krbk who seek to discredit the bkdk when Bakugou is obsessed with Midoriya from the beginning, the guy belived that Midoriya lies about having a quirk only to piss him off (here again see how much ego he has)
Honestly all of this. While it’s true that Katsuki is kinder to Ejiro than anyone else, Ejiro doesn’t have the positive influence people think he has on Katsuki. You also bring up a really important issue with Ejiro as a character and that’s the fact that he’s absolutely passive and complacent with all that Katsuki does. You’d think he as a bully victim/a person who hates bullying would easily pick up on the fact that the kid calling others demeaning nicknames and constantly threatening another kid who acts timid af around him, would think “hey, there’s something up here”, but he doesn’t. Remember how Katsuki mentioned Izuku not having a quirk in the beginning of the series and Ejiro corrects him, only for Ejiro to shout that no one would’ve thought of Izuku differently due to him being previously quirkless in the Izuku Solo Arc? Well he literally witnessed a moment where someone DID think of Izuku as lesser because he lacked a quirk. Of course, in his defense, you’re not going to remember every interaction you have with someone, but I think this is forgotten because either Hori forgot or because he’s protecting his fave again. It’s unfortunate that Ejiro has been made into Katsuki’s puppet because when he’s allowed to be his own character, he’s easily one of the best characters in the series. I love his positivity, his willingness to improve himself, his desire to protect and refusal to back down, and his chivalry. He provides a fantastic example of what positive masculinity is. The problem is that when he’s with Katsuki, his entire character is thrown down the drain and he’s turned into a “yes-man” who has no agency and follows Katsuki blindly. You wanna know why this is? It’s to further push the message that Katsuki is a “good person deep down”. It’s why Ejiro and Denki, described as the emotional pillars of 1-A’s bond by Hori himself, are his friends. It’s why Mina, another person vehemently against bullies, is friends with him. Their characters are used as props to showcase that Katsuki is a “good person” and “admirable”, but there’s no substance to any of their friendships. People I’ve spoken to mention how it feels that Mina, Hanta, and Denki are only in the “BakuSqaud” cause of Ejiro and imo that’s how it feels.
In the end, Ejiro and Katsuki don’t have the friendship people think they do, Ejiro only existing as a “yes-man” for Katsuki. Katsuki’s relationship with him actively screws over his character as it goes against the most important aspects of his character. Without his relationship to Katsuki, I’d say Ejiro would’ve been one of MHA’s best written characters and perhaps one of the best supporting characters in all of manga because of how relatable he is and because of his immense growth, perhaps receiving the most growth out of anyone in the series, and that’s while only being a side character. There’s a reason he’s a fan fave, but good god does Katsuki actively screw him over, just like he’s done to many of the other MHA characters he has a “relationship” with.
Also, does anyone remember the time a KrBk shipper botted a ship poll and proceeded to argue how their votes counted more than anyone else’s and that botting was good cause they “spent more time and money than people who didn’t bot”? Lol 😂. Person spent $200 on a poll about shipping children. Talk about cringe.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Thoughts on Helluva Boss?
I really liked the pitch!... I also haven't watched any of it since the episode where Blitzo and Moxxie get captured.
So I really like slice of life and sitcoms and just general comedy and I thought the premise of "Murderous The Office" was actually a fun one. Have fun with the fantasy, the religion, the world, etc. like that most sitcoms can't do because... You know, they're theoretically grounded in reality. Effectively, this was going to be Family Guy or Archer but with no breaks.
And I found there were a lot of breaks. Just a lot of "Okay, I get this, is actually the Blitzo and Stolas show, easily the two least interesting characters to me at introduction because Blitzo is just an asshole and you're having to go hard on the abusive wife angle to try and make how Stolas CONSTANTLY is trying to get fucked by someone other than her something we all can just ignore." It just... Wasn't the show that was originally pitched to me and nothing I've seen on Twitter makes me change my mind. Otherwise, for what I did see... I absolutely get why people find the show polarizing. It's like Dane Cook. It's thinking that somehow sex, gore and profanity are really that shocking anymore while still not being as grotesque or violent as something like Happy Tree Friends because it uses that veneer to tell a real story. The show has the modern problem of billing itself as one thing until it changes into something else the minute the plot shows up.
If you just want to do a plot focused show, JUST DO THAT DAMNIT. Or have a point to the build up but if Stolas isn't in an episode, you can mostly skip it it feels like. Or that's how it felt to me. And I'm not even saying that its shock humor is all bad. It has some good jokes, it has some bad jokes and for me it mostly depended on if it was a real character response and conversation or pure profanity. That's why Moxxie was EASILY my favorite character in the show. While he felt out of step with the setting, or even his job at times, he has easily the most real responses. Not even just human but like... Real responses rather than just more profanity. I REALLY liked him trying to prove himself to Millie's family. Honestly, I just wish the show was way more about them.
Because the melodrama with Blitzo's backstory and Stolas' failing marriage? I don't know. It just all felt really standard and boring to me. Like... This would be a comic book plot/backstory with humans involved and you wouldn't need to change literally anything. And that's just... Not interesting. Frankly, that's probably also what made me lose interest. The more it focused on its plot, the less it did with its actual concept. The less these characters felt like demons or that felt like it mattered. We have shows where every human being is awful, murderous, addicted to drugs, a part of a gang, etc. like that. Just look at fucking Riverdale.
And that's a problem with Vivzie's entire brand really. I'm not even against Vivzie, I'm still excited to see what they do with Hazbin Hotel, but... the brand is "We're the violent, edgy cartoon" and like... Really, how much worse is it than some Family Guy episodes? Helluva Boss sometimes just feels like the real pitch is "Every character is Roger from American Dad" and that's not a good brand pitch.
Though yes: It is GORGEOUS and the designs are great. It's a treat for the eyes, even if the writing isn't particularly special.
I also just don't think this attitude leads to interesting or creative writing and like... The biggest thing with their concept that Helluva Boss does is Angels actually being terrible... Which isn't new. Or is it the secretly homicidal rednecks because that's literally just a horror genre? This stuff isn't interesting because it's not asking genuine questions about its setting or its characters.
It's just "What is the most aggressive and/or offensive thing we can do?" and that's just not a storytelling style I like and it's very one note. It's why the show has to go so hard the other way to try and make Blitzo and Stolas 'sympathetic' and at that point... What the fuck was the point of the show? There's always more shit to shovel?
Because shit ain't interesting.
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