#pens stuff
carnagechicken · 7 days
the Florida Panthers won the Stanley cup
and with that I have officially watched my first season of hockey.
I started as a fan of the penguins with an affection towards Flower as well. Now I’m ending the season a kraken fan, pens fan, flower fan and with more mattdrai interest than I expected.
The kraken stuff happened in mid April really suddenly, but ever since I started dabbling in hockey fandom in late 2021 I knew that becoming a kraken fan was going to happen eventually, a matter of when not if. Those beautiful jerseys, my love of cephalopods, and the team’s newness were strong draws but I still needed to have a special little guy to seal the deal. I discovered Adam Larsson in late march (thanks @angry-geno-is-score your fics* are brilliant<3) and what do you know that’s kraken hockey baby!
They’re probably going to be my main team next season. Still love the pens, their narratives are exquisite, but my brain wants kraken more.
(The mattdrai is a playoffs discovery that I fear I’ll never recover from. Leon’s disdain for the media and Matthew’s understanding that hockey is supposed to be theatre entertainment is *chef’s kiss*)
And with that here is a list, in no particular order, of some of notable things I saw this season,
: Tristan Jarry goalie goal!!! There was so much to like about this, the bench reaction, EK shaking Jars vigorously, Lars Eller going for a head boop and missing and then going for another one with more force, Ned trying to get Jars to skate over to do a fist bump line at the bench, Jars looking so bashful at the attention. :When Bryan Rust had that mustache and it was….kinda working. : Jeff Carter, the team Old Man that season, scoring like 3 breakaways and 2 short handed goals. : that shootout that went for 12 rounds (thank you Ned). : when Tanger got on all fours and started rocking back and forth in the locker room during Sully’s pre game speech (seriously wtf). : when Rusty scored in OT, had it waved off, and like ten seconds later scored again in a cooler way. : Sully becoming a grandpa<3. : when Jeff was a healthy scratch (the only time) and when he was asked about it was basically like ‘whatever, it doesn’t bother me, I just work here’. This was when I really started to like him btw. : Flower getting to 1000 games!! : Flower reaching the most wins!!! : kreider pulling out Matthew Tkachuk’s mouth guard and failing to throw it over the glass. : Florida beating Boston *again*. : that game were Sid got so pissed he screamed ‘no! No!’ at a ref so loud you could hear him over the crowd. He then proceeded to tell the ref ‘you fucked up’ :when Erik Karlsson made a mistake that sent the game to ot, scored in ot and then fell to his knees in relief. : that 10 to 2 victory over the sharks that was also Sid’s 1200 game. : sid scoring a goal off his ass. It had to happen one day : the pens ot win against vancouver back in Feb. The notable thing was that I was there with my dad and sisters <3
It's the little things that make hockey so fun!
Here's to a wonderful 24/25 season!
(*Seriously, if you haven't already, read Serenity in Those Deep Waters by @angry-geno-is-score on ao3, it's *fabulously* emotional and I can't recommend it enough)
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makowcy · 6 months
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12yo me would've loved these wolves
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machinerot · 6 months
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dog-teeth · 8 months
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3 years post op anniversary
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carltonlassie · 5 months
i just thing it's super interesting to hear what people carry every day. what makes you use that type of bag? what do you carry in them? and do you use them? is it for safety? is it for peace of mind? just like having cool knicknacks around?
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thatsalotofsemen · 1 year
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I heard tumblr likes frögs
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honeyhobbs · 3 months
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Kitten square!
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 4 months
Been a while since I wrote a prompt. Let's change that!
Pen Pals
Red Hood comes across Cujo somewhere in Gotham (location and reason like feeding off of ambient ectoplasm, looking for a new toy, lost, etc are your choice). At first, he's kinda freaked out over this pup that glows Lazarus Pits green but slowly learns that Cujo is relatively harmless as long as no one threatens him or anyone under his protection. Kinda hard not to learn that since Cujo has been glued to his side ever since he found the pup roaming the streets at night.
Cujo eventually gets into Red Hood's good books when the sweet little pup turns into a rottweiler the size of a small house and nearly bites the Joker's head off due to him being his usual creepy, rancid self.
Once he's gotten comfortable enough around the strange dog, he gets close enough to spot a tag/nameplate that reads the pup's name along with "Belongs to Phantom" scratched onto the back in messy handwriting.
He thinks nothing of it until Cujo starts getting restless and Red Hood gets the feeling that he'll be leaving Gotham soon. So, given the dog is clearly supernatural and his tag had no contact information, he assumes Cujo is basically a free roam pet and is able to get back to his owner on his own.
The night before he feels Cujo is going to leave, he ties a letter to the pup's collar. The next night, Cujo is gone.
Weeks pass and he thinks of Cujo often, wondering if he made it back to his owner. If his owner got the letter. If this "Phantom" is similar to him. He doesn't think just anyone owns a Lazarus green dog that reeks of death magic.
It's not until he's out on patrol one night, almost two months later, that Cujo suddenly appears and barrels into his stomach. As the excitable pup slobbers kisses all over his helmet, he sees an envelope covered in stickers attached to Cujo's collar.
Looks like he's got himself a pen pal.
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Pens for an angry frustrated person’s week.
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voltaical-art · 6 months
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am thinking abt toreador wyll…
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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jackshiccup · 3 months
Omg, you bound a fanfic? Can we see the finished project? It must be beautiful!
hello hehe yes i did :) i was only going to show friends but i guess this is a good excuse to post pictures of it 🫶🏽
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it’s my first ever hardcover bind so i was prepared to make a lot of silly little mistakes and this one definitely does, but i love how it turned out still, i think she’s so cute .. i’m also just happy to finish a personal project that took up so much time to make 🥹
anyways, enjoy the pics and most importantly: stream otnwas on ao3 and youtube teehee🤞🏽❄️!
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phuuca · 2 months
Crocodile Sebek 🐊🐊🐊
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I don't see enough crocodile Sebek and decided to fill the void myself.
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marsipain · 5 months
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Did a linocut of Gabriel!!
first one is the digital sketch, second is the linocut on paper and third is on a tshirt
(i had to repaint over the t-shirt one bc i was stupid and used normal fabric paint instead of linocut fabric paint, thats why it looks a bit different🧍‍♂️)
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isbergillustration · 1 year
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Anguish, Unfounded
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my-artblog-is-ssjumi · 4 months
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die 3 norddeutschen Genders
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