While we’re on the subject of the Earth-2 episodes— I must recommend my favorite fic ever
Not to be abnormal on main but I want every word injected into my veins
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wrencatte · 7 months
also, there's a bunch of final fantasy 14 references in this dark and lonely place because I spent...*four years* playing that game and then promptly got into a fandom that was more sci-fi than fantasy (batman), so you bet your ass now that I'm in a more fantasy inclined sci-fi setting I am referencing the HELL out of ff14
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stardustandash · 1 year
Thinking about the Mantis crew and cooking and here are my headcanons:
Cere: we know she can’t cook. Greez has banned her from coming within three feet of the cooker. She thinks ration bars are adequate meal replacements but does insist Cal and Merrin get vegetables with their meals. She can make the best cup of tea out of all of them though.
Cal: not a disaster, but doesn’t always remember that he’s cooking if he gets distracted by something else, which has resulted in more than a few burned meals. Has the most basic palate of the crew, this boy would only eat nerf nuggets and turbo dogs if left to his own devices, and that’s why the spices haven’t been touched in Survivor. Like Cere he thinks ration bars are adequate meal replacements. Greez has tried to teach him but Cal’s more interested in taking his lightsaber apart for the 1000th time than learning Great-Aunt Mildred’s special stuffed pasta recipe.
Merrin: She can cook a well-balanced meal, but does like to be theatric about it. Greez does most of the cooking because he can’t stand hearing Merrin tell the vegetables that she is “going to dismember them piece by piece to survive off their life force”. Also she loves spicy food, and while a bit of heat is fine by all of them, Merrin’s level of spice is not tolerated by anyone else on the ship.
Greez: makes up a lot of his own recipes but likes to claim they were from various family members. It makes it feel more homey that way. He can and will pack lunches for everybody going off the ship on a mission, and when he starts cooking at Pyloon’s he always makes sure he has the ingredients for everyone’s favourite meals at the ready. Just in case.
BD-1: he’s a droid made for collecting information, of course he knows how to cook. He’s just a little guy though, so he only uses his wealth of information to bother Greez, or tell him when something in the kitchen is inedible for one of the others.
Bonus Kata: She is the only one who’s both normal about the kitchen and happy to learn. Greez loves to teach her new recipes every night for dinner and helps her plant an herb garden with herbs from around the galaxy on the rooftop. 
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breakfastteatime · 3 months
Today's Fallen Order request is 'Dig' for @pennflinn
Dawn arrives cold and dull. Cere steps into the galley and finds Greez and Merrin staring at the caf pot bubbling away. Cal and BD are noticeably absent. Swallowing a sigh and adding her caf mug to the line, Cere asks the obvious question. “Still digging?”
“Still digging,” Greez says.
“The rain did not stop him,” Merrin says.
“Rain? The kid lived on Bracca for five years. Rain would never stop him,” Greez says. “Nah, it’s nightfall that didn’t stop him.”
Cere wills the caf maker to speed up. She grabs Cal’s mug and puts it next to hers. “I’ll talk to him.”
“You tried last night,” Merrin says. “You did not succeed.”
Greez can’t hold in his laughter, and it comes out in a short, sharp bark. He’s worried. Cere knows all the signs.
And Merrin isn’t finished either. “They never came back last night.”
“How can you tell?” Cere asks.
“Cal’s bed was not covered in mud and water as expected, and BD hasn’t recharged.”
“Thank you, Detective Merrin,” Greez says, pouring caf for all. “I was up a few hours ago, found him on the lakeside. Got some food and a hot drink into him. Tried to talk him into stopping, that he doesn’t stand a chance of digging up anything. He very politely said no. BD shrugged because he’s already given up trying to stop him.”
Cere suspected as much yesterday when they arrived in the crumbling town with a tragic story. A terrible storm had washed most of the town away, leaving just a handful of buildings and survivors behind. After a speaking with the townsfolk, Cal found a single echo, and since then he’s single-handedly digging his way into a sunken village. He hasn’t told them what he saw in the echo, but whatever it is, it’s driven him nonstop. The Force reveals nothing, Cal isn’t in any danger, which is why Cere hasn’t pushed too hard, but the idea that he’s been at the bottom of a lake for an entire night is a real worry.
Cere tugs on a coat, throws the hood over her hair and grabs caf for herself and Cal. “Get some towels and a few blankets ready,” she calls over her shoulder on her way to the ramp. “I’ll bring him back as soon as I can.”
“See you tonight then,” Greez mutters.
“I’ll take that bet,” Merrin says.
Outside, the surviving half of the town stirs in the dull morning light. Ahead, floodwater laps at what was once a road. Umbrella over her head, drinking caf and holding another, Cere waits. It’s not long before Cal emerges from the lake, waterlogged and weary. BD is on his back. Cal has something clutched in one pale hand. The Force gathers around him, calm and quiet because he has no energy left.
Cere steps up to him and holds out the caf. Cal takes it with a water-wrinkled hand. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
She sips her caf, waiting him out. While she does, she looks at the item in his hand. It’s a large, silt-covered crystal. Not kyber, and yet it simmers with an energy. She swears she can hear it sing.
“It’s full of memories,” Cal says, voice hoarse with weariness. “Almost as though the town itself was alive, watching over its people.” He hands it over to Cere. She catches sight of his torn skin and muddy, ragged nails. He really had spent the whole night digging underwater. No wonder he looks so weary. She reaches out to steady him when he weaves on his feet. “Can you give it back to the mayor? I think it’ll be better coming from you.” He waves a hand at her, and Cere figures he means ‘someone who isn’t soaked through, shivering, about ready to pass out and very, very muddy.’
“Of course.” Taking it, Cere looks at him, nudging at his shields. He pulls them closer like the towels and blankets he so desperately needs to be draped in. “You’re exhausted.”
He smiles faintly. “Yeah. Hard digging at the bottom of a lake. Glad my rebreather held out that long.”
She wants to know what drove him to push so hard where it was, to her mind, so unnecessary. Even with the crystal’s hum brushing against her mind, there’s more to this than she understands. “Go on,” she says, nudging gently through the Force. “Take a shower, put something warm and dry on, and get some sleep.”
He drinks the caf in three rapid gulps, returns Cere’s gentle Force nudge with one of his own, and retreats aboard the ship with BD in his wake. Greez and Merrin’s voices waft toward Cere. She waits until silence falls once more before finishing her caf, leaving her mug on the ramp, and heading into the town. She catches the mayor on her way into the village hall. She looks at Cere, then catches sight of the crystal in her hand.
“He found it?” The mayor takes it when Cere is close enough to hand it over. Her eyes swim, her voice trembling. “I never thought it possible.”
“Please, forgive my ignorance,” Cere says. “What is its significance?”
“We called it the Memory Stone. For centuries it watched over our village, a guardian of sorts.” The mayor gives a self-deprecating smile. “I know, it’s almost childish. Legend says it was given to us by the ancient Jedi, a symbol of light against the encroaching darkness. They say the Sith took particular interest in this world during those ancient wars. The Jedi reminded us that there is always hope. We lost that hope last year when the floods came.” She holds the crystal close to her chest. “And now, the hope is restored.”
A light in the dark, a reminder of hope. A reminder of what the Jedi had once been – to this world and the galaxy as a whole. Cere smiles. “Cal will be glad to know he helped.”
“Give him our best. It must have been hard work rescuing this from the old town hall.”
Cere returns to the Mantis, grabbing her abandoned mug off the ramp, pouring the rainwater out before she boars the ship. Still in the galley, Greez is now baking while Merrin licks a spoon coated in sugar-sparkled dough.
“Cal’s asleep and BD’s charging,” Greez announces, rolling the dough flat, a selection of cookie cutters beside him. “Here’s hoping they spend the entire day that way.”
Several hours later, Cal reappears, sleep-stained and wrapped in his blankets, BD riding in his usual spot. Greez hands over cookies and tea. BD hops down to scan the rest of Greez’s baked goods. Merrin points Cal in the direction of the couch. Cere meets him there, giving him a nudge. He reciprocates by letting his head drop onto her shoulder.
And that’s all they need to say.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Cal Kestis Fic Recs
This list was requested by @hocusypocusy!
This List may contain spoilers for Jedi Survivor.
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Different Settings by BreakfastTea - Rated G
Jaro Tapal isn't the type to struggle with sleep...
...until Cal Kestis became his Padawan.
On one of their last nights in the Jedi Temple, Cal's anxieties keep him up far past his bedtime, and Jaro must find a novel way to help his apprentice find rest.
(Inspired by Survivor, but no Survivor spoilers!)
With the Dawn by pennflinn - Rated G
Almost healed from the encounter on Nur, Cal sets off on his own to explore a new planet — and, in doing so, finally allows himself to process the past several weeks.
Reflection by pennflinn - Rated T
It’s disorienting seeing the world, however briefly, through someone else’s eyes; it’s more disorienting still when that person is looking at you.
Or: three times Cal picks up echoes of himself.
no lie, im kind of cold? by makeyourpeacenow - Rated T
In Cal's hasty escape from Bracca, he didn't exactly have the time to drop by his place to pack his things. He left behind everything except the clothes on his back, his master's lightsaber on his belt and his infinite supply of spite against the empire. Everything else was non-essential.
That doesn't mean he wouldn't appreciate a blanket, though. He was karking cold.
In the Hole by BreakfastTea - Rated G
Cal learns the hard way how the dreamwort got its name, and Greez learns the taste of his fear.
(Set during Fallen Order. No Survivor spoilers)
A bud of promise to thy parent cling by Riv_ika - Rated G
Ponds is wandering the halls of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, on his way to a meeting with his general, when he finds a crying youngling. He’s clutching his hands close to himself and Ponds abruptly remembers a mission with General Vos, who had an eerily similar reaction to a set of manacles. Ponds can’t help but kneel in front of the kid and offer him his pair of brand new gloves. 
Stolen Choices by softmoonlight - Rated G
There's a youngling perched on the roof of the Galactic Museum, and Fox is exhausted.
A jaded clone and a nervous young Jedi have a conversation about duty.
The Start of Something New by katanrock - Rated G
After coming back from a short, but intense mission, newly appointed Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi finds himself hiding from Master Che in hopes of skipping his mandatory medical evaluation. He finds an unexpected companion instead. Or, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Cal Kestis meet for the first time.
Padawan Switch by Xo_flower - Rated G
In order to give the Padawans a more well-rounded training, the council decided to switch around a few Padawans for a few days. This was the result.
Shameless Crossover:
Cabin Fever by The_Asset6 - Rated T
When Mickey wakes up in an unfamiliar place, he’s only got two questions: where the hell is he, and who the hell is this Ian wannabe?
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flammabel · 5 months
Can you please recommend your favorite Jedi Survivor fic? One that you wrote and one that someone else wrote?
Sure! Only part of this question is easy and the other part is harder. A couple of my favourite authors usually write pre Survivor fics, but a couple that stand out to me that are in the Survivor timeline are Only Ashes on the Road Behind and Field of Fire by @pennflinn (I love Pay the Piper and Relics -also by penn but they are between games era)(Also like Who if Not for You by @breakfastteatime also between games era)
As far as my own, I only have one so far since it's my first try writing in the fandom- Resilience.
I know you asked for only one someone else wrote, but there's so many good ones, that I had to list a couple!
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mosylufanfic · 5 months
Thanks for the tag, @quarantineddreamer!
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
"If you would move that spear perhaps an inch aside, I could pay my respects to my liege properly."
Tagging: @incognitajones, @faceofpoe, @astromechs, @hedgiwithapen, @pennflinn
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wild-karrde · 1 year
For Fandom Friday I'd like to recommend literally any and all of the amazing Jedi Fallen Order & Survivor fics by @pennflinn! My favourites are Hush (a what-if for a big plot point in Survivor that tore my heart out), Good For the Soul (sickfic in the best way with soup as a vehicle for love), and Pay the Piper (multichapter hurt/comfort goodness starring Greez and Cal). I could probably gush about every single fic but I will limit it to top 3 lest this go on forever!
Please go check out her work! I know some of it is posted here, but as someone who reads over on ao3, here's the link to her star wars works!!
AHHHHHH THESE ALL SOUND AWESOME! As someone still emotionally recovering from Jedi: Survivor, I haven't gone looking for fics yet, but you know, these might be the ones that get me into it. I'm very much about THAT AU and also just the Mantis crew doing their best to survive and take care of each other. These are so diverse in their plots and all seem so uniquely wonderful. Thanks so much for the rec!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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etoiline · 3 months
13, 26, 42, 54
For the "Get to know your fic writer!" asks:
what's a common writing tip you almost always follow? Remember that you have five senses, and the reader will appreciate it if you describe them all (though don't do it in a rote list like "they smelled this, and saw that, and heard something, and tasted that thing after touching it). Want your reader to be immersed in your writing? Give them a scent. I've heard it said that the sense of smell is the one tied most strongly to memory, so it's easy to evoke feeling via scent.
which of your fics would you call the wildest ride? Well, I did go off and write my first spyscrapper fic as a body swap, which was pretty weird and definitely had me confused more than once with just exactly which character in which body in which place I was writing, lol. Starting in hard mode, I guess?
what's the last fic you read? would you recommend it? I was literally rereading monster made of memories this morning, lol. Highly recommended, of course. For non-spyscrapper but still Cal-related, I'm enjoying @sauntering-down's the hardest part of ending is starting again and Only I Will Remain by @pennflinn.
what's your favorite part about the fanfic writing process? I guess this isn't only for writing fanfic, but I love it when pieces of a story come together, and when I discover the ending (which I have a disconcerting knack for not realizing I've found until I'm writing it). For fic in particular, it's when you find that blend of canon and divergence that makes sense. I also really enjoy finding ways to put game dialogue into fic and have it sound normal instead of breaking the flow.
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wonderwhump · 4 months
@spiderjay @deepwoundsandfadedscars @aceofwhump @flammabel @gloryandthedream @pennflinn @whumpookies @how-much-for-a-whump @animatedjen @cynicalone94
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Can you recommend me some good fics where Barry Allen gets kidnapped :) since in one of your tags you said you read a lot of them lol
I read them, I write them, I live and breathe them. Absolutely anon, allow me to dive into my bookmarks.
Just a reminder, always be sure to check the tags and warnings to know what you're getting into. Stay safe out there folks!
Juncture by @pennflinn may be my favorite fic of all time. Technically he gets kidnapped before the story's events but that's because it's an alternate ending to Escape from Earth-2 (and he is held captive for pretty much the entire fic so). The whump is SUPREME and the overall story is so well written. I will always recommend this fic.
One Second by pennflinn. Another one by penn because she is an incredible writer and HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS FIC!! It takes my favorite premise for a fic "What if Barry was kidnapped in this scene/episode when he wasn't in canon!" and brings it to a WHOLE nother level. This one is diverges from 1x14 "Fallout" where, instead of everyone getting away semi-safely, Eiling kidnaps Barry and whump ensures. BUT there's another twist to this fic that (in my opinion) makes it stand out from many others-- every once in a while, there's a glimpse of a parallel universe where the events were different and let's just say some of those universes h u r t. Also, I wanted to kill Eiling so bad after reading this that I wrote a ficlet with the sole purpose of murdering him :) Anyways, go read; it's amazing.
Miles Through The Night by @hedgiwithapen. First off, this is an everyone whump fic, Barry is not the only one who is kidnapped but 1. IT HURTS GODS IT HURTS SO BAD I'M DYING. 2. The writing is spectacular, all the characters are super well done, and the story is INTENSE I'M STILL DYING SORRY I'LL STOP NOW. In this one-- actually nvm, the actual summary will do it justice. "With Eobard Thawne dead, life in Central City can go back to normalish. But Barry’s greatest enemy is not a speedster from the future fixated on him, and Eobard’s threat may have been the only thing keeping Team Flash safe from someone who doesn’t consider any meta to be human." THAT'S RIGHT-- AN EILING FIC! Just. Go read it, it's so good and I'm dying.
Lightning Bug by Hedgi. The writing in this was SUPERB and Eiling is a fucking bastard as always (count your days general.). And this time we have another speedster in the mix-- a toddler Wally! Ngl, I just reread this while getting the link and it was SO GOOD-- and once again my words can't seem to do it justice so I'll leave you with the summary "Months after the defeat of Zoom, Barry's main concern (aside from the odd metahuman attack) is helping Joe and Iris raise the four and a half year old Speedster Wally West, Cisco-named "Lightning Bug." And while that's hard, it's nice to have this speedster as family, not an enemy. Things are pretty easy.
Unfortunately, that doesn't last. After all, General Eiling's deal was only good for as long as their mutual enemies were still a threat." Eiling needs to die in a ditch as you can see, but there's some really sweet whump in this and it's because of him soooooo-- anyways, go read; it was fantastic.
Can’t Take That Away From Me by SophiaCatherine (or @sophiainspace on here). DUDE. DUDE DUDE DUDE-- I LOVE THIS FIC. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC. EVen once the whump passes, the A N G S T is so delicious! From the beginning of the first chapter alone; you'll see the sweet whump AND angst this fic has in store. Oh, and it's Coldflash which I somehow forgot to mention even though that's a foundation of the entire fic lmao. I love it, go read. Also, there is a sequel but it's not Barry being whumped this time... double also; there's a prequel and it's really sweet (no whump in that one fyi)
Looking through all of these at once has filled me with many emotions and I apologize if some parts were incoherent. I'm probably missing a few and may add more as I find them but for now I'll finish with these two I wrote.
12 hours Barry's kidnapped before the events of the story but I think it still counts. He's trapped in Zoom's lair and forced to run for twelve hours every day :)
Trophy this is my beloved and the entire fic is a Barry whump fest (and angst. a lot of angst.). (or will be, There's one chapter posted atm) Technically we haven't seen the kidnapping yet but in the first scene he is in a cell so. Premise is that Zoom wins in the season 2 finale and everything goes to hell from there. I do feel obligated to warn though that there's not a happy ending for this one.
Thanks for asking! I'm always eager to share Barry whump! :D
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wrencatte · 6 months
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stardustandash · 8 months
Next on the Febuwhump docket: Too weak to move - Jedi Fallen Order for @pennflinn
I've always wanted to write a little Ilum whump, and you picking this prompt got that particular plot bunny going again! I hope you enjoy!!!
Words: 1,525
Tags: whump, hypothermia, no Jedi Survivor spoilers, exhaustion
ao3 link
Can't Go On
Everything is too much. The Force, the endless cold, the cries of the kyber as the Empire drills down into the heart of Ilum. Cal can feel it all dragging at him like the cold that has sunk into his joints and stiffened his movement. Maybe swimming his way through a frozen planet’s cave system wasn’t the smartest idea, but he needed his crystal. And now he has it and all he wants to do is lie down and sleep but instead he’s fighting his way through an Imperial mob.
Then he finds the room full of KX droids. Sure, Cal has a functioning lightsaber now, and he’s hastily modified it to split into two with the help of his new crystal, but he’s still just one rusty padawan against a room full of droids. Droids that have two feet and about two hundred pounds on him. He separates the blades, blocking the first one’s attempt to grab him while fending off a second with a slash towards its middle. The movement is slow, his joints hurt as he tries to get them to move with his usual amount of speed.
It's not big a problem though. At least, it isn’t a problem until the other droids in the room make their way over as well. Cal can usually dance circles around KX droids and their slow swings and stomping steps but this is different. Every move Cal makes is slower than the last, every swing of his ‘sabers falling later than they should. When one of the droids comes up behind him he can’t quite get his feet to move him out of the way before the KX droid has him by the throat. Cal scrabbles at its metal fingers as it lifts him from the ground. There’s a pause, then the droid is slamming him so hard against the ground whatever air is left in his lungs leaves in a strained wheeze. He has a moment of panic as he realizes he just landed on his back. His back where BD-1 usually sits. Then he hears angry beeping and a mechanical whirring noise.
BD-1, the hero that he is, has sliced the KX droid. Cal tries his best to scrabble out of the way as BD-1 pilots his new ride towards the other droids. The carnage that follows mostly comes to Cal as loud, metallic crunching noises. He’s only half paying attention as his highest priority is convincing his lungs that they do, in fact, know how to breathe properly.
Cal’s only halfway back to breathing when BD-1 screeches out a warning. He gets his blade up just in time, and slides between the legs of the KX droid standing over him and uses it to climb to his feet. Then he cuts its arms off for good measure. He spins, trying not to trip over his heavy, clumsy feet and throws himself back into the fray. T
Thankfully, BD has managed to get rid of most of the KX droids with the one he’s puppeteering. It doesn’t take much more effort for Cal to cut through what’s left until he and BD-1 are the only things moving in the room. BD-1 immediately scuttles over to Cal’s side and tosses him a stim. It feels a bit like cheating that he uses the Force to bring the stim to his hand, but Cal knows he isn’t going to catch it without its help. The adrenaline in the stim clears some of the fog from his mind, but it also makes the shrill cry of the kyber around him louder.
BD-1 trills at his side to ask if he’s okay.
“Not really, Buddy,” says Cal. “The Empire, what they’re doing here is awful.”
BD reiterates the question, this time specifying that he meant Cal’s personal wellbeing, not whatever-the-kriff Force nonsense was clearly upsetting him.
“I can get us back to the Mantis,” says Cal. I think, he doesn’t add. “I’m fine.”
His knees and ankles protest something fierce as they set off again. Of course, the door BD-1 manages to slice leads to nowhere but a single rope hanging over a dark chasm. Of course, Cal has to swing across it to keep moving forward. He pauses before swinging across. He tells himself its so that he can inform Cere that the Empire is on Ilum, that he’s been spotted and there could be trouble, but he knows it’s so that he can put off attempting a death-defying stunt while feeling at about half capacity at best for his usual tricks for just a minute longer.
He can’t feel the rope in his hands.
BD-1 whoops with his usual amount of glee as Cal may or may not use the Force to cling to the rope and get them both across with all his joints protesting doing anything other than lying face down on the ground and waiting for either the Empire or Cere to find him. He lands ungracefully and immediately stumbles into an endless fight to get out of the caverns. The galaxy seems to be laughing at him as every time he feels himself slowing down and fading there’s a new, stronger enemy in his path from purge troopers with their electrified weapons to stormtroopers with flamethrowers.
By the time Cal and Bd-1 stumble their way through the frozen over entrance they’ve gone for yet another swim and this time Cal can feel the ice forming in his elbows and knees. He’s exhausted too. The day has been full of heavy emotions and fighting and through it all he can feel the planet crying out through the Force in pain. And yet, there’s still more the empire has to throw at him.
Cal can hear the AT-STs before he can see them. The familiar whirr-thunk of their steps echoes across the snow and ice now that the storm is gone. The sun is almost blinding where it reflects off the snow and Cal has to squint to get the barest detail of the landscape around him. He knows that he can’t face the walkers head on, he can’t even feel his fingers where they are wrapped around the hilt of his lightsaber, nor can he manage anything more than a slow, awkward shuffle. So before the AT-STs spot him he makes for one of the narrower channels formed by the ice and settles in to wait until they decide to go patrol another sector. He leans back against the ice and slides slowly down into the snow. BD-1 jumps down beside him and beeps that they should comm Cere and Greez.
“You’re right,” says Cal.
He fumbles in his pouches for his comm device. It takes longer than it should, but eventually he gets it into his shaking hands and manages to press the right buttons with numb fingers.
“Cal,” Cere’s voice is steady through the comm channel, but her relief is evident. “Where are you?”
“I’m close to the ship, but hiding. There’s walkers out there and I can’t get past them without a fight.
“What if you don’t fight. Can you sneak past them? You could scale a wall and walk over the top back to the ship.”
Cal goes to stand up, just to have a peek and see, but his legs don’t get the memo. He can’t feel them. He can’t even feel the wall of ice he’s leaning against.
“No,” says Cal in a tight voice. “I can’t climb.”
“Cal, are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I don’t know. I can’t move anymore, it’s so cold and I’m so tired, Cere. I’m so tired.”
“Do not fall asleep. BD, do not let him fall asleep,” Cere orders.
BD-1 chirps an affirmative and fixes Cal with a strange stare. Cal doesn’t know if Cere hears the response or not. It doesn’t matter, she knows BD-1 will look after him, he always does.
Cal slumps even further against the ice. At least he’s starting not to feel so cold anymore. In fact, his fingers and toes are starting to burn a little, and if he could muster up the energy he’d be tempted to rip off his poncho. Cere’s still talking through the comm, and Cal can think of responding, but it’s too much effort to actually form the words.
It’s kind of funny, in a way. Earlier in the caves Cal had been ready to lay down and die after the crystal broke in his hand. But then BD-1, with the help of Master Cordova, reminded him that he has to keep going. Now he wants nothing more than to get back to the ship, to Cere and Greez, and a bunk that’s starting to feel like home and a purpose that is uniquely his, and yet he can’t get up and get himself there. The bright sky and BD-1 are receding away from him down a long, dark tunnel. He wants to claw his way back to the light, but he’s far too weak to move. All he can do is hope that somehow Cere will find him before he becomes another screaming ghost on Ilum.
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breakfastteatime · 1 year
Today's request is for @pennflinn who requested 'wake up':
Jaro Tapal reaches for the patience he is not known for. Master Yaddle worked so hard to inspire it within him. He sends an apology to her within the Force. He is a Jedi of action, not of waiting. Unfortunately, circumstances dictate that he stay put in the medical ward. Circumstances, and a healthy dose of guilt. The creche masters had warned him about this, told him of the dangers of psychometry and –
Jaro draws in a deep breath, holds it, and releases it. He reaches for the Force, allows it to take the sting out of his emotions.
It does not take away his need to move, to act, to do something. There is nothing he can do unless he suddenly develops a heretofore unknown gift for the healing arts. He can do nothing except wait.
Having an apprentice has changed many things in Jaro’s life. Many had warned him that his lack of patience would be a weakness that would need to be overcome. Today he finally appreciates that. He just wishes it hadn’t come at such a price. If only he had waited. If only he had not pushed Cal and then completely neglected to defend him.
Jaro struggles to release his frustration. He glances out a nearby porthole to the planet below, a mountainous world nearly totally decimated by a Separatist attack. The mission to protect the Republic made endless demands of the Jedi regardless of age or ability. Unfortunately for Jaro’s young Padawan, Cal possesses an ability that is frequently needed. ‘We come to serve.’ It is a mantra the Jedi will live and die by. Jaro would prefer not to see his ten-year-old Padawan die for the sake of a war he should have no part in. And although the information Cal relayed revealed the Separatists’ base location and saved what remained of this world, Jaro should have been more mindful. He should –
Footsteps approach. Jaro looks up and sees Healer Rania approaching. She is the only Jedi Healer aboard the Brave, and he is aware that she is due to be reassigned to a hospital outpost soon where the need for her abilities is far greater. Her presence and expertise will be sorely missed by all. She smiles and bows. “Master Tapal, I bring good news. Padawan Kestis is resting peacefully, and there will be no permanent damage to his arm.”
“That is excellent news,” Jaro says.
“And you are alright?” Raina asks, looking him over. “No injuries from the base assault?”
“None,” Jaro confirms.
“Good.” She steps aside. “Come with me. I will take you to him.”
Jaro follows Raina into the ward. He nods at the clones there, thanking them for their dedication to the cause. Thanks to them, the people of this world remain safe and free, their destiny in their own hands.
At the back of the ward is a small, curtained off area. While it is not for Cal’s exclusive use per se, it is also not a bed to be used regularly unless there is no other option. They have learned the hard way that medical bays are a special kind of torture for Cal if he does not have the chance to work through the echoes in advance. The bed he has been tucked away in is the only one to not be regularly drenched in others’ suffering.
Raina pulls back the curtain. “Stay as long as you need,” she says.
Jaro slips in. Cal is fast asleep in the bed, his right arm encased in a cast that runs from his fingers to his shoulder. Jaro sits, grateful someone has slipped a chair in here that is large enough for his frame. He reaches for Cal, his large hand resting over the boy’s head. Cal stirs but does not wake. Renewed guilt stabs at Jaro. This is his fault. It was his lack of patience that put Cal in this bed. The attack on the planet had been swift and vicious, and no one knew where it had come from. The answer would likely be found with one of the victims of a devastated Republic communications outpost, and there was only one person who could learn what it was. Thus Cal, lost in the depths of an echo Jaro demanded he witness, had been unable to defend himself when the Separatists attacked again. Jaro and the clones fought them off long enough for Jaro to grab Cal and make a retreat. Cal told him where the Separatists were hiding, his pain so great Jaro could barely shield himself from it. He’d ordered two clones to return Cal to the Brave, pushing the child’s pain from his mind as he led the counterattack and drove the Separatists from the world.
The least he can do now is stay with Cal until he awakens. Jaro slips into a light meditation, keeping his focus very much in the present. Cal is alive and will be well again soon. The Force chimes in agreement, and sometime later chimes with an alert.
Cal needs him.
Jaro surfaces from the Force. Cal stirs in the bed, mumbling incoherently. His cheeks are flushed, the tell-tale heat of fever splashed across them. Jaro reaches for him with a hand and with the Force.
“Wake up,” he commands.
Obedient as ever, Cal jerks awake. He blinks heavily, staring in confusion. His confusion thumps with the rapid beat of his heart. Jaro calls to him once more to gain his attention. Cal sees him and immediately begins to calm.
“Master,” he says. “You’re alright. Did you stop the Separatists?”
“Yes, Cal. The planet is secure, thanks to the information you provided.”
It’s faint and it’s tight with pain, but Cal smiles in relief. “Good.”
Jaro presses a button that will summon Raina. “You were very brave today,” he tells Cal, both because it is the truth and because he needs to distract the boy from his pain. “I am proud of you.”
It works like a charm, and Cal’s whole demeanour shifts. “And the clones are okay too?”
“They are well, and likely celebrating in the mess hall. You will join them once you are feeling better.”
“You can go, Master. You don’t have to stay with me.” He yawns. “It must be boring.”
Cal already knows him too well. “My place is right here at your side,” Jaro replies.
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hedgiwithapen · 4 months
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Tagged by @mosylufanfic
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Daydreamed a LOT. hated writing. Made up stories in my brain, mostly about Digimon. then, was Chronically Unsupervised for a summer and found Fanfiction.net and went oh heck, I could do that? I could just. write one down??? people would maybe like it?? and then I Did That. at this point I had, you see, decided I Liked Writing Now. (active choice, the way I recently decided that I Like Celery.)
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Uhhhh ok so there's Digimon (technically) and Fablehaven (again, only technically.) Big Hero 6 and then Flash, Young Justice, Supergirl, Stargirl, Avatar, the Librarians, Leverage, Blue Beetle(movie) My Adventures with Superman, Superman and Lois, Legends of Tomorrow, pokemon (game--sapphire) and Agents of Shield. And like. my various RPGs. but a lot of those are like.... just a couple dammit hedgi day ficlets so... shrug?
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction? the first one I ever posted on the internet was in I want to say 2007. but the first one I guess I ever like. actively came up with was a little booklet about an oddish and a jigglypuff escaping team rocket (they were the only pokemon I could draw) and that was back in like. '99. it had aproximately ten words in it so that's more of a fan comic than fanfiction.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I write more than I read, I think, but I read more than I finish, excuding the month of september. DHD is an outleir adn should not be counted.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I can do action and fight scenes now!!!! Also I think I'm better at dialog. I used to be real bad at both those things.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
hmmmmmmmmm. I mean. I feel like the deep diving into victorian flower language maybe? or like. How Trial By Combat worked in the Age Of Knights? How many calories a kitten with superspeed would need, perhaps. oh wait you know what, it's absolutely more obscure catholic patron saints, which I hardly even used in the fics i was researching them for, but man. did y'all know that St. Jude is also called Thaddeus and that he and St. Bartholomew are co-patron saints of Armenia? there's some kind of Barth Allen and Thaddeus Thawne Joke in there.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I really like the key smashy "how dare you." ones. also a big fan of the ones where people leave their favorite line and a string of emojis. I love anything that lets me guess how emotional a person got.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
uhhhhh idk. metakitties?
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Long fics that drastically diverge from canon or are big AUs... I run out of roadmap and then worry no one's really going to care. also, just. ship fic in general. So I do not. or I do so rarely and in smaller sections.
10. What is the easiest type?
present tense introspective fics. those just flow.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I mostly use google docs, and I also do a lot of hand writing in a notebook. usually sitting at my little computer desk on my bed, or in the back hall at work, and typically in the afternoon-evening.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
ehhhhhhhh I'm not really like. intimidated by anything that I'm interested in doing? I'm just lazy. lol.
13. What made you choose your username?
Assigned Hedgehog by cubscouts when I was a counselor at a summer camp. It Stuck.
uhhh I tag @windona @pennflinn @wrencatte @thenarator and @parvumautomaton but no pressure but also anyone else who wants to do this.
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
Hi! As a westallen fan I have to ask, do you have any “best recs” for them? Any rating, any warning, just tentatively dipping my toes into it and wanna see what you recommend!
Ahh I’m more than happy to help you out! I have a few different categories for recs for them, and do keep in mind that these are all fics about the CW/Arrowverse show (I haven’t read comics, sorry 😅):
Canonverse (no roleswaps):
when your feet don't touch the earth (you can't feel the things that hurt) by pennflinn (post-s3, Iris-centric)
Breakaway by blueorchidseverlasting (with some bonus Henrytina because I love them)
Crown by centralcitywest (with some bonus Nora West-Allen and Iris getting to be a black woman!)
Undeniably Deniable by backtothestart02 (some father-daughter Barry & Nora feels, Iris is amused)
Fashion Emergency by @kitkatt0430 (some pre-canon sweetness!)
Iris-centric Roleswaps:
sunrise (not sunset) by Astrid_Goes_For_A_Spin (Empath Iris)
paradigm shifts by Astrid_Goes_For_A_Spin (Detective/Cop Iris)
Lavender Lightning by @fezwearingjellybananas (Speedster Iris)
Two For the Price of One by @kitkatt0430 (both of them are speedsters!)
General AUs:
cut through the clouds by mmtion (Summer Camp Counselors AU)
in plain sight by Astrid_Goes_For_A_Spin (Coffee Shop AU with a dash of espionage)
And one of my own, for good measure 😂:
just like a tornado (she’s taking us by storm) - 5x18 fix-it, in which Barry and Iris actually talk instead of arguing and decide to get answers about the future firsthand!
Hopefully this helps! Thanks so much for the ask 💞
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