#pen spinning tutorial
dizzyisdizzy · 2 months
Okay I didn't say anything at first because I was nervous and didn't wanna be annoying or something but I came back because like,, woah mY GOD I LOVE YOUR ART STYLE
I was going through the hatsune miku tag and just!! Woah the COLOURS the SHAPES the LINEART RARAGGDHAHS CHEF'S KISS
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immediately it reminded me a lot of rourow's art (one of those iconic muse dash artists <3) and like,, oh my god they're my biggest inspiration for my art style. I find it funny I could spot the muse dash inspiration immediately /pos
But you also put your own spin on it and AGH <3 both rourow's art AND YOURS is just,, aregsgshh I wanna eat it. I think your art would taste like fruit gushers
I will be taking notes I wish I could absorb your art style into my blood
OKAY THIS IS GETTING LONG SORRY LMAO but if you ever have any more tips or tutorials or even speedpaints I will be there with a pen and paper <33
Rourow art is soooo coool right? The Reimu just stole my heart. The colors were fun, stylish, seemingly unrestricted by any rules or seams in their structure... I wanted a look like that.
Then Miku arrived and the envy in my heart became too much to bear.
Here's my epic Dizzy tips to studying, my fellow Muse Dash enthusiast. I broke down the artwork into shapes, lineart, and color. I noted what I enjoyed and especially how it differed to what I drew. I refined the notes further until I had some main ideas/commonalities, and try to reason the whens and whys for these choices. Do they reinforce lighting, the shape of the subject, to vary the colors present, etc. There were also a lot of 'just because' reasonings (X happens when Y). All those became a 'rulebook' of sorts.
After that was lots of replicating, tracing, etc. Making sure that style was the first thing my intuition and muscle memory jumps to. My first dozen or so original drawings after that were done with many references and notes on hand until I got the hang of things.
The plan was actually to go as identical as possible, but differences were inevitable. I wanted to do my own thing proportions/faces wise, anyways. And it IS great to have people enjoy my work as its own thing AND acknowledge the clear influence.
Still so much I wanna absorb though... The flowy and varied lineweight, and I've yet to reach the sheer elaborateness of the color use.
If it helps in your quest, I don't mind talking about certain choices I make (there's usually a reason for it). Just try to be specific! Makes it easier to choose my words. Thanks!
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liviavanrouge · 8 months
Having Fun
Lilia: *Separates Kuro and Golden* Hey! Everyone settle down!
Malleus: Where's Livia?
Lilia: She said she's gonna be late and to save her spot
Vil: This better be important, I stopped my makeup tutorial for this
Rook: Roi Du Poison, I'm sure it'll be fun
Lilia: *Perks up as the lights suddenly dimmed*
Ruggie: WOW!! LOOK!!!!
Malleus: *Stares in surprise*
???: *Comes through with a dragon mask covering their face, people moving the body of the dragon behind them*
Lucifer: *Grins, waving the dragons body with his brothers*
Pen: *Laughs, smiling wide as he helped move the dragons long body*
Pan: *Waves to the others, beaming*
???: *Lifts the dragons head grinning*
Livia: *Leaps away, smiling at the cheering crowd as she did a solitary dance with the head*
Livia: *Flips backwards, combining with the rest of the body, bringing the head down over her face again*
Cater: *Beams, live streaming the show* THIS IS SO AMAZING!!!!
Riddle: Wow...is this how demons celebrate?
Lilia: Looks like they not only worship Fae Demon Jaguars but dragons as well!
Livia: *Lifts the head and leaps away, doing another solitary dance*
Livia: *Spins, dropping down then pops back up, one foot in front of the other*
Livia: *Tosses the mask up and does a backwards flip, catching the mask and bringing it down over her face*
Livia: *Leaps backwards, the mask shielding her face again*
Silver: Hah, I've never seen her have this much fun before....
Livia: *Lifts the dragons head up standing flamingo style and releases a burst of purple flames bringing the show to an end*
Lilia: Someone send me a video of that!! I NEED IT!!! I need to see her having fun again!!
Malleus: *Chuckles, watching Lilia practically pester Vil into sending him the video*
Livia: *Waves to the crowd, laughing smiling wide*
Livia: *Places the mask over her head then stomps twice*
Silver: *Chuckles, smiling*
Livia: *Dances in the lead of the dragons body, leading the others back to the beginning of their path*
Lilia: *Smiles, watching her go* I'm glad she had so much fun...
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress
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radleysgamereviews · 1 year
Honest Review of Paleo Pines 5/10
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I was so excited when I heard about this game, but that excitement didn't last too long once I started to play...
The controls are clunky and clinking on things is more difficult than it should be. I felt like I was spinning around in circles to pick up one item. The tutorial didn't feel complete and left a lot of question marks. I actually had to look up quite a number of things to progress in the game because I was just so lost. Even more confusing then then the tutorial was the missions. It would tell me to do one thing, I would search the entire map trying to figure out how to complete it, go to sleep when it got dark, and then when I got up in the morning the game would explain to me how to complete the task it told me the day before. Overall, it's a slow learning process and the beginning of the game is very slow.
Now for the good. Once I figured out the general idea of how to do the missions and understood a little more of the game's mechanics the game did start to get fun. The dinosaurs are ridiculously cute and the fact that you can use them to help you in game is an awesome feature we have yet to see in a farming sim. Even the whole process of befriending a dinosaur is fun and exciting because it's not just walking up to a dinosaur and bam your friends. You have to play your flute in the right tune and learn which foods it likes for a chance to be friends. Not to mention there isn't just one single color per dinosaur. There are rare ones you can find which in my opinion makes dinosaur hunting even more exciting! The farming aspect is your typical hoe the land, sow the seeds, water the seeds, and harvest the crops so nothing new there. Building pens for your dinosaur friends is super easy as well and there are ways to customize pens to fit each dinosaur needs. Beyond customizing pens, I haven't seen much other customizing options, but this game is more geared towards the dinosaurs themselves so personally I don't see that as an issue.
In conclusion, I would rate this game a 5/10. I don't hate but I also see myself completing the game once and trading it in. If you love dinosaurs or the idea of a companion helping you farm/complete missions, then I would say go ahead and give this game a try. Otherwise, it's not worth the price nor the aggravation to try to figure it out.
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comfortabletextiles · 2 years
Do you have any tips for learning to spin? And what’s your personal favorite spinning method, if you have one? (BTW your projects are absolutely gorgeous!)
If you can, look for lokal spinning guilds (i promise we WANT you to spin, you'll can lend wheels and tools and different spindles to find what you like!)
Indulge in some videos here is a good playlist from a YouTube spinner i really like :)
There ARE a lot of good books about spinning too. But i don't have enough of them yet, to give an educated on them (i am working on it)
If you want to spend the least amount of work and money, a simple pen or knitting needle with a glued on CD can be a spindle too!
A good place to start for fiber hunting is Etsy, or you go through the tag "shop" on my blog, there should be online shop recommendations!
I have now favorite way of spinning, they are all good and have different pros and cons 😁
(also thank you 🥺🥺🥺)
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dethkomic · 2 years
Writin' Comics and Junk: Part 1 - Getting Absolutely Started
As usual... I've been going on and on and on about doing more tutorials/at-length discussion on my writing process with Dethkomic... and I say it's high time I got around to doing that!
But first... A few announcements:
Dethkomic's next update will be Tuesday, March 7th, 2023! Be there!
A couple more days remain to get your OCs in for the open casting call! Note me with those!
And we now have a significantly more fleshed-out entry on just what the heck Dethkomic is, over at fanlore! Check it out, here: https://fanlore.org/wiki/Dethkomic_(comic) I'll be making edits to it as we go on, but Dethkomic readers are equally welcome to join Fanlore and edit the page. Go nuts, if that's your thing!
With all that out of the way, let's do a little deep-dive into making stories, shall we? Tally ho!
Where to begin?
I think a lot of tutorials out there take the "where to get ideas" thing to mean coming up with a subject matter, specifically. But if you're here reading a thing like Dethkomic and bothering to hang with me as I show you some behind-the-scenes stuff, there's a good chance you yourself are a fanfiction writer or are otherwise already acquainted with the whos and whats of your story. In other words, you're more or less looking to get to penning a plot. And even if you are still figuring out who your cast is going to be and what kind of world they're living in, I still think coming up with a storyline itself is a very solid place to lay a foundation. You can plug characters and junk in later. Trust me.
But how do you get ideas for a whole freaking story?
Some people like to look for ideas in their daily lives, pull from a lesson they've learned, or simply put their own spin on a story that they once read/watched/heard which stayed with them. To be inspired in this way, all it takes is an awareness of what turns you on.
If you're going to get good at writing, you're going to need to get good at critical analysis of the types of stories that really catch your attention.
It's an interesting self-exploration exercise to examine the components of what makes something conceptually interesting. If you can find what it is that has you intrigued by any given story trope or piece of media that you can't get enough of, then you're going to have a better time figuring out what things your own stories should include. They'll be the most fun for you to write and because you're having the most fun you possibly can while writing them -- your audience has a higher probability of enjoying them too.
That said, where you find this sexy idea is up to you. Some people like getting out and trying new things as much as getting into a favorite book, movie, tv show, or whatever... If you're an auditory person like me, maybe put on music and see where it takes your brain. In every instance, it helps to keep a journal or anything that'll allow you to jot down notes, when something comes into your radar as a good idea for a story.
And yeah... Just like the world-building thing, there's a good chance you already have a basic idea of what your plot is going to revolve around. But if you don't -- a notebook or some kind of way to remember what it is that good idea was, will be a huge help to you. At certain points in my process, it's going to be absolutely necessary, too. So get one now if you're going to have me as a tutor. *wink-wink*
And one very important aside: don't freak out if you come across something that seems wildly out there, too far-fetched, silly, or unbelievable. Take it from someone writing about a supernatural heavy metal band -- Ridiculous stuff can be awesome. In the same vein, so can something totally mundane and normal. It's all about what you want to write.
In the end, the number one goal of a good storyteller is...
You have to make the audience believe it!!1!
You can do this by playing it safe and keeping the characters and their setting pretty basic (or in the case of fanfiction, keep it close to established canon), or you can go nuts and write about cowboy alligators from outer space. Show the characters who are living it acting accordingly, and you're 90% good to go. The rest is understanding stuff like physics, history and other pieces of lore, which aren't as scary as they seem. And yes, there will be much more on this concept of getting your reader to believe your story throughout my tutorials, here. It's that important.
Character Progressions
A lot of writers take the opposite approach from the one mentioned above, and make a cast of characters first. They then write their stories around them. I do this too, and can definitely say that stories which are set up to introduce a character or characters are great springboards into working out a plot.
In all cases, your characters will have their own stories within your story. And I'm not necessarily talking about things like their history or whatever -- I'm talking about their progression through one single moment in time that is the story you will be writing. Lots of people will give you lots of advice about writing character arcs, but to keep it simple, I stick to this basic formula at the beginning of the writing phase, for each character:
A character's arc is what is going to happen to them versus what they want to happen to them.
That's it. You can answer a lot of questions about your character as you write them, by going back to that outline. Some people will tell you that you must always pick a conflict that is in direct opposition to some intrinsic component of a character, but that's not really how things have to go down in every story. More to the point, I think you'd find with any cast of more than one guy, you'd have so much in terms of conflicting challenges that the plot could easily take a back seat (more on this in a minute but you might have guessed, that's not a good thing). However, if you do find the major point of conflict in your story to align with a certain character's nature in particular -- don't be afraid to put that character front-and-center. Exploring them in such a way will feel like a natural fit and is loads of fun.
Now, again, throwing away the idea that every character conflict your cast comes up against is going to challenge them on a very personal level, we come to another basic but very huge very big thing that I figured out very late in my writing career but has been a game changer ever since:
Overall plot > Character plot
But what the hell does that mean? On the surface, it's saying you shouldn't sacrifice the story at large for any one (or all) of your characters' personal dilemmas.
What I found it really meant, however... was that in the interest of keeping my audience engaged and yes, the all-important keeping them believing, a story about Mary-Sue's camping trip to Arizona probably wasn't going to end up being the time to write about her upbringing in the jungles of Vietnam and how her dad fought in the Great Big War of 1988 on his home planet of P'Shoo and that time she rescued her cat named Begonia from rabid sea otters who escaped from prison.
...did you get that? Don't force a story within a story (force is the key word, there. You can absolutely have a story within a story but they've gotta tie together somehow). If you're reading what you've written and in your honest opinion, you seem to be forgetting about the camping trip the more it goes on, then maybe consider giving Mary her own story, later. Is this hard for you? Good, because that means you care about your characters and your writing. But also, it means you're going to have to work on chillaxing a bit when it comes to how much reveal you reveal. And that's cool, because we all do it. Hell, even professional script writers do it. Often.
The reality is, you gotta keep that plotline front and center, but it doesn't mean you can't have fun. Using the example of Mary-Sue's camping trip, we might be able to show that her dad taught her how to pack a camping bag like a pro, because he used to do it all the time during the war on his home planet. That kind of stuff is sooooo nice to throw in as a little interlude and works great to show your audience some sweet backstory. Want another quick and dirty trick for figuring out if you've got too much *extra* going on in a scene? Ask yourself:
Is it (relevant to the situation) character development or is it straight-up plot development?
If it's either of those, you're good to go. If it's not, then it's probably fluff. And fluff is fine -- just don't let it get overgrown. Get comfy with leaving some stuff on the cutting board. I promise there'll be time to show it, later.
Also, I use Mary-Sue lovingly. If I had a dollar for every time one of my characters was called a Mary-Sue, well... maybe I'd be building my own space ship to P'shoo instead of writing Dethklok fanfic right now, I dunno... Don't come at me..!
Plot Development
I'll formally get more into the ways that I break a story down into beats, next time. Some of you can probably guess what that's going to be about, but before I do, I thought it'd be incredibly important to go over a few "points of etiquette" when figuring out how your plot is going to lay out.
So you've got your Arizona camping trip story or whatever running in your head. You've now got to consider what your major conflicts are going to be, and how they're going to be resolved (and if they're going to be resolved). Here's my honest opinion on how to make that interesting so your audience stays engaged and has the highest probability of maintaining their belief in the story as a whole:
Raise the stakes like it's an ABBA song, baby.
Seriously, folks. A lot of the advice I give to writers has often come down to some variation of this. And it's because if I'm reading your story, I need to care about what's happening. Simple as that.
Now, does that mean you have to hold all your characters at gunpoint, make them the only hope to save humanity, and position a meteor somewhere in the sky that will ultimately collide with the planet and destroy us all if someone (namely, our heroes) can't do something about it?!
I mean... it works for me... but no. No, you don't have to do all that. Conflict can be as big or as little as you want, so long as it is important to the people involved. A peanut butter shortage is no big deal until you have a cast whose diet consists solely of peanut butter. You dig?
And for the love of God, if you're new to writing especially, don't feel like you have to have more than one conflict at any given time. Characters are easy. Interactions are easy. Conflict is an absolute bear. Because you have to resolve it, and if you want to be a good writer, you have to give it a resolution that's satisfying. Now would be a good time to mention that whole thing about making your audience believe extends to the point after the story has ended. Sure, a big chunk of any reader's takeaway is bound to be how cool their favorite character behaved throughout the story, but the thing that'll stick with them for years, even if they never liked any of your characters, is how the conflicts were resolved (we all have that fanfic in our heads -- you know the one -- that made you rethink whole seasons of the canon? Yeah... yeah, that's the one...).
How will the peanut butter shortage end? What will the characters do if it never does? How will the world (as they know it) change? There's lots of things to consider when writing out a conflict, and indeed, it can be scary. I understand why a lot of people shy away from epic problems! I absolutely do! It's devastating to build up a huge story until you finally get to the point where you have to have an ending... and you just can't think of one...
And that's why you guys have heard me say this one over and over and over again:
Conflict is made worlds easier if you figure out your ending, first.
Especially, ESPECIALLY if you do want to write multiple conflicts. Because they gotta all come together eventually, pals. And no, I don't mean you have to have it perfectly written out -- but the more you know about whether or not the major conflict will be managed and how you see your cast coming through it all, the better. You miss a huge opportunity to tie things into neat little bows if you have no idea where all your strings have run off to. Plus, think of all the missed opportunities to throw in some allusions to what happens at the end! Think about the theme! The metaphors!
Well... think about them, eventually... Let's talk about that for a minute and we'll move on to what's happening, next time:
Themes, Metaphor, and other Artsy Crap
You don't need to figure this out yet. Stop sweating it at the beginning of the writing process.
There we go.
The Next Steps
Next time we meet, I'll start to show you my actual process for turning an idea for a story into an actual comic. We'll get more nuanced about all the things we touched on, here, and rest assured -- it's okay if you haven't gotten everything figured out by this point. I sometimes think writing is akin to performative art -- the audience isn't privy to the performance, but they do get snapshots of the best parts at the end. Often, you just don't know where everything is going to end up until you get going. And for that reason, I want to end with this most invaluable piece of advice for any and all writers:
It's okay if you don't have every step along the way clearly mapped. It matters that you start walking.
Seeya next time, goofballs!
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Okay so I mentioned I was learning how to procreate! I got my iPad, I got the apple pen and now… a whole new world has exploded…
This is a WIP
I am following a tutorial from:
Art With Flo, added some of my own spin on things… I messed up the order with the shelves and had an idea with the keys… decided to make the mushroom dead XP ~~~~ I’m def. Having a lot of fun when I have a moment to sit down and art. I’m learning a lot too.
I have one more step and this baby will be done.
This is not my Original art, I have tweaked a few things but all credit goes to sweet Flo ❤️
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monozono · 1 year
Official Lianne draws shar’s favorite princess the most interesting girl in the world shirt
It didn’t hurt that Grimes, a massive Star Wars fan who once penned a love letter to the Official Lianne draws shar’s favorite princess the most interesting girl in the world shirt but in fact I love this space franchise, was a motivated learner. “She’s so real and willing to learn,” explains Smith. “I find that a lot of times when you work with people high up in the industry, they’re afraid to be vulnerable and suck at things, but she was just like, ‘I want to learn this! How do I keep learning this? This is so cool. I love doing this!’” The good news is that you don’t have to be Grimes—or have the Force with you—to learn how to wield a lightsaber with finesse. Smith, who has over a million followers on TikTok, shares all the content an aspiring Jedi craves, from spinning and wrist roll lessons to a two-minute “Obi Ani Spin” (the move Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker do during their duel in Revenge of the Sith) tutorial. And if you want to take your mastery to the next level, Smith also offers online courses on her platform The Freestyle Staff Academy.
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Click here to buy it: https://monozono.com/product/official-lianne-draws-shars-favorite-princess-the-most-interesting-girl-in-the-world-shirt/ Visit Home page: https://monozono.com
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bexsua · 1 year
take a chance response: open mic night, piano vocal cover of motospeed 24 by bibi
she does it out of impulse more than anything.
the idea of an open mic night having a waiting list is a little much to her. especially one that apparently takes months to get a spot. that's a bit...extreme. for venues that play music and host music events would make sense to her; but their local cafe?
sua brings it up one day on stream, a passing conversation about her day. watches the chat move, spinning her stylus pen around in her fingers. "you guys think it actually takes months? really?" eyes flicker over the oncoming messages. "sign up and find out. should i? what would i even do?"
she'd have to perform...something. she can't just go up their and play whatever she's been learning on piano in silence, unfortunately. "just wing it. and embarrass myself? come on. be serious." she scoffs, bracing her cheek on her fist, eyes narrowing. huffs out a laugh.
you have months to figure it out! maybe it's a scam... we'll help you 👏👏
she ends up signing up when she visits the cafe next. and then...she forgets about it. days, weeks-- months. until an email pops up one day.
"they weren't kidding," sua laughs, sketching the edge of princess zelda's dress as she retells the content of the email. "took actual months. should i still do it? i still don't know what the hell to do."
chat gives her a few ideas. a few song recommendations-- that she notes to check out later and make her decision. and she does figure one out; it's not difficult vocally, she can find a piano tutorial for it-- go from there. it's just an open mic night. there's going to be no one important there; and if she flops oh well! she'll blame her chat.
day of: she's nervous. she picks the skin around her nail so much it begins to sting as she waits--feeling out of depth. to perform on camera, in the safety and comfort of her own room is immensely different then on the center stage. slightly over the average classroom size of an audience staring back at her. but sua keeps her eyes forward and doesn't look towards the crowd that's peering at her as she steps up to the piano, setting up her phone with the right music, taking a deep breath. counts to three in her head and then she...just goes.
truthfully, she blacks out. the focus of getting each key right, hoping her practice has given her even a little bit of skill to get through the performance without complaints or heckling. doesn't have the courage to match the higher notes of the song, but she tries to keep on key. doesn't try anything too bold, just goes with the tone of the song until she's fading out the keys and pulling her hands away from the piano.
but no one complains. there's no silence either-- what's even crazier is that the applause is loud. louder than she expects, so much she jumps when in the middle of gathering her things. sua's eyes are wide, freezing momentarily as she's processing it. she stutters out a rush of thanks, bowing as she grabs her things and gets back to her table-- to where a couple few compliment her. which-- that's better than making a complete fool of herself.
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esperimentox · 1 year
learn pen spinning in 20 seconds//charge tutorial 😨😨#viral #popular #pen...
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imanunit06 · 1 year
Planet spinning experimentation
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I experimented with a possible method I could have used to make the planets spin. I searched for a tutorial on youtube and followed through with it. I used 2D flat planets that I had made on illustrator, using a circle base for the water, pen tool that I used to make the floor and a shadow. To make it spin, I went into after affects, duplicated the water and placed it above the map, and then on Alpha matte "MATTE' mode, I used a track matte to place the map in the blue parts only. I used the timeline to make the map move so it looked like it was spinning. The issue with this however, would be that I didn't know how to make it loop, because the map completely comes off and doesn't play again. I tried to make it come back for another spin but it just looked off and didn't match up well. It also looks very basic and simple. It's too cartoon-y and not realistic enough, so I would need something more realistic. Another issue I faced is that the track matte option wasn't there at first. I didn't know how to make it appear, because I really needed it for this to work. After searching for a solution on youtube, I figured out that I just needed to press 'toggle switches' and it appeared. The method then worked fine and it was a success.
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wolfy-harper · 1 year
Pen spinning charge practice Day 1
My attempt
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mrrazashaikh · 3 years
Watch "Pen spinning tutorial #shorts #penspinning" on YouTube
Pen spinning tutorial #shorts #penspinning #diy
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mothyarchive · 2 years
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
The Third Widow || Tossing & Turning
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff X Fem! Belova! Reader.
Summary: Y/n Belova is the younger biological sister of Yelena Belova and the adoptive sister of Natasha Romanoff. Saved from Red Room by Melina & Alexei she now must adjust to a new normal. Going to school, recovering, and finding love in the eyes of another troubled teen, Wanda Maximoff. All while General Dreykov has his eyes set on claiming back what he calls his most powerful ‘widow’.
PTSD | Flash backs | Violence | Mention of guns | 5.2K
Notes: Flashbacks are bold, italic and start with ‘~’ | Written in second person.
Translations: сестра (sister)
The Third Widow Masterlist
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Two weeks ago, you were moved from the small, rented apartment to the house that Melina and Alexei called home. Yelena helped turn the spare bedroom into a room you could decorate any way you liked, currently it was bare. The walls were white, the queen-sized bed was much bigger than the single bunk you had in Red Room, a black desk was set up besides the window with books and a cup of pens along with a few notebooks, there was a built-in wardrobe that held some of Yelena’s old clothes that no longer fitted her growing body. Melina promised to take you shopping for clothing you liked once you were settled in. 
You were given a brand new mobile which Yelena was keen on helping you set up. “The internet has so much crap on it, I’m sure you’ll find plenty of things you’ll like” she smiled as she gave you the tutorial of the device even though it held no interest to you. 
At night, you struggled to sleep and often spent the night tossing and turning, trying to shake the memories of the Red Room as they clouded your mind. 
“This is your home!” Dreykov’s voice replayed over and over. “You belong to me! Nobody is looking for you, nobody cares for you, your parents gave you to me” his voice would go on as tears would fill your tired eyes. 
By morning you were too mentally and physical drained to move or show any signs of care for the day. Yelena was sent back to school halfway through your second week here, she’d been gone from 7:30am and be back by 5pm. Sometimes Melina caught you waiting by the window in your room for her to return just so you could feel safe once again. Natasha tried to interact with you, but you kindly asked her to let you be as you looked out the window of the two-story house. 
Melina knocked softly on your door causing you to look over your shoulder at her. “Can I come in?” she asked, you nodded. She took a seat on the edge of your freshly made bed. “I’ve been talking to Alexei” she starts to speak as you turned on the spinning desk chair to face her, “we were thinking maybe you’d like to go to school?”
“School, like where Yelena goes?” you asked. 
“Yeah, you could go to the same school. You won’t be in the same classes as her, but she’ll be there” she explains. “You could meet more people your age, make some friends” she adds. 
“And I would be gone all day, like Yelena?”
Melina nodded, “I don’t recommend you have a full day right away; we could work you up to that” 
You knew what a school was, but you wondered if it were any different to the school Red Room had you in. A single room with desk, an elderly woman stood confidently at the front with a whiteboard marker and book while the rest of the widows followed along in their thick textbooks. The topics taught where surely not those that would be taught in a ‘normal’ school you thought. 
“But only you feel like you can handle it” Melina’s voice broke your thoughts. 
“W-what if I…” you paused and looked down at your hands as they gently rested in your lap, “what if, what if I’m different?” you stuttered. For the first time in your life the normal worries of a teenage girl started to show. 
“We are all different” Melina reached for your hands, “Nobody is the same. Will school be difficult at times? Yes. Will you enjoy going? That’s for you to find out. Honey, school is supposed to make you have a love or hate relationship” Melina goes on to explain, “you can either love school and really make the most of it or you can hate it and wish to never return. Those feelings are normal, everybody who attends school feels the same at first” she adds. 
Normal. Another word with a foreign meaning to you. 
“Does Yelena enjoy it?” your eyes travelled to meet Melina’s once more. “Ehh” she shrugged, “she’s Yelena about it” she adds with a chuckle. You weren’t sure what she meant by that or why she found it funny. “But like I said, we could work you up to a full day. First, we’d go speak to the principle, Mr Strange. From there we work out a timetable that will best suit you, we inform him of your moments and what to when you have one and how to help you feel safe in their care when that happens. But whatever happens, if you want to come home you just have to tell them, and they’ll call Alexei or myself and we’ll come pick you up” 
Your body instantly tensed up at the mention of your ‘moments’. Almost like your nightmares, you experienced what felt like an out of body experience. Your mind drifted far enough that you believed you were back in Red Room. Melina quickly linked this back to a form of PTSD and did her own research on how best to help you in those moments. She noted it was best to not physically touch you in these dark moments. Alexei learnt that the hard way one night when it was his turn to watch over you, he placed a hand softly on your shoulder which caused you to lash out and defend yourself. The two of you fought, Alexei taking every punch and kick you threw his way, he didn’t fight back, he waited until it wore you out and you almost instantly passed out in his arms. 
To get you out of these moments involved a lot of grounding techniques. Melina would get you to smell the fresh bunch of flowers she brought every few days and noticed that the smell of lavender worked faster in bring your back to the here and now. Sometimes she’d get you to hold objects that had a lot of texture and coach you to explain what you were physical feeling in your hand. Other times when you were too far gone in your moments the only thing that help was getting you into a cold shower. These moments drained you mentally and physically, leaving you tired and scared. 
Melina tried to work out what triggered these moments for you, sometimes it was a simple as lack of sleep, different smells or sounds, the colour red had to be avoided along with juice boxes. Red Room was all you knew. You’d been there shy of your first birthday, the outside world felt like an entire new world to you so sometimes just being too overwhelmed also set you spiralling into one of your dark moments. Over time, Melina was able to see the signs of you starting to drift and would quickly offer you to spell the flowers or different herbs and spices that were in the cupboard or offer for the two of you to go to a short walk to the park down the street that was home to many different types of wildlife. 
“How about you think about it and when you’re ready we can talk about it some more?” Melina suggested when she didn’t get a reply, you nodded. 
Once Melina felt your room, you were back to looking out the window. Watching the many different species of birds fly by or sitting in the trees that surrounded the home. Melina owned a few pigs which you found odd, in the cartoons and books you read most people owned a cat or dog, only farmers had pigs, but Melina wasn’t a farmer. Alexei could, he looks more like a farmer if he wore flannel shirts and work jeans. 
When Yelena finally came home you were quick to greet her as she walked up the stairs. 
“Do you like school?” the words flew out of your mouth faster than you could think. 
“Uhm, it’s alright” Yelena replied, slightly stunned at your fast spoken question, “why do you ask?”
“Melina, she asked me if I would like to start going to the same school you go to” you explained, “I’m just worried that I’m too different…like – “
“Don’t even think that” Yelena threw her bag on the floor near her bedroom door, “everybody in that school is different one way or another” she turned to you, your eyes of worry slowly faded at the words of your older sister. “Melina said the same thing” you mumbled. “She’s right then. Look, if you do decide you want to go to school you can hang out with Kate, Wanda, and me. We just keep to ourselves” 
“Whose Kate and Wanda?” you asked, your stomach dropped at the thought of meeting new people. Yelena smiled softly before throwing herself onto her bed. “They’re some of my friends” she said, “Kate does archery and she’s good at it. She sometimes annoys me but don’t tell her I said that” she chuckled. 
“Why would you not want her to know?” you wondered. Yelena was going to learn that your social cues and skills weren’t as developed as they should’ve been by now. She knew that being in Red Room made that limitation for the two of you, worse for you than it was for her. You were strictly forced to feel what Dreykov wanted you to feel, how you spoke was to his standards. You were made to not care a single bit for the feelings of others, those around you or your own for that matter. You were trained to be honest, never caring how badly honesty hurt others. 
“Because it might hurt her feelings. I mean, she knows I would be joking because secretly I love when she annoys me but that’s not the point” she blabbered learning you more confused than before. 
“But we’re not supposed to care for others feelings, or our own” 
Yelena’s eyes looked at you, her brows slightly frowned. “Do you care about my feelings?” she asked, “If I were upset or mad right now, would you care?” 
It seemed like a trick question. To you the correct answer would be no, as trained but you felt the urge to say yes. A feeling in your heart grew at the image of Yelena upset, a feeling or your own hurt. “But we wer- “
“Forget about that, Y/n. You’re not there anymore. Things are different now, in this world, this life, we have to be considerate of others. Well, that’s what Melina tells me” She sat up and patted a spot next to her for you to sit. You did. 
“You should care about others feelings, especially when they are people you love. I had to learn that. I understand why you are confused; I was too, and it took me a long time to open myself up to letting Melina and Alexei back in.” 
“What about Natasha? Do you care about her feelings?” you asked. 
“She’s our older sister, I love her but again, don’t tell her I said that” 
Another confused look washed over your face. “Oh man, I’m sorry. I’m not explaining this right” Yelena spoke when she saw your look. “Okay, what I’m trying to say is, if you love somebody, you care about how they feel. For an example, if you saw me angry, what would you do?” 
You took a moment to think about it, you’d never seen Yelena made before, so it was a bit of a struggle to picture her in that setting. 
“I would ask what happened?” you questioned. “That’s right, then I’d tell you I had a bad day, what would you do next?” she went on. Again, you took a moment to think about it. “I’m not sure” you mumbled, worried she’d be disappointed. “That’s okay. Mostly, you’d just asked the same question like why was your day bad or you’d ask if there was anything you could to do to help make that person feel better” she explained earning a nod of understanding from you, but it still didn’t exactly explain why she didn’t want you to tell Kate that she sometimes annoyed Yelena or that she loved Natasha. 
“So, you don’t want Kate to know because it would hurt her feelings and make her have a bad day?” you asked. “Sort of” Yelena replied, “I’m being sarcastic. Kate doesn’t really annoy me” she smiled. “Oh… do I annoy you? Like how Kate does?” 
“No” Yelena chuckled, “What do to you do all day while I’m gone?” she asked to change the topic. “I sit in my room” you replied. “Really? Is that all?” you nodded at her question. 
Yelena felt bad for asking, seeing the look on your face at her surprised response. Of course, you had no idea what to do with yourself. You haven’t been exposed to hobbies or things to pass the time, she soon started to realise how much worse Red Room was for you and that fed the anger that boiled inside of her. 
“Okay!” Yelena jumped from the bed and onto her feet, “We’re going to go into town and find some things you might be interested in” she smiled, “come on” she added before rushing down the stairs. You followed slowly behind her, confused once more on her plans. 
“Where are you speeding off too?” Melina asked as Yelena slipped her shoes back on. “I’m taking Y/n into town” she replied. 
“What? Lena, I don’t know about this” Melina worried as her eyes looked between the both of you. “Oh, come on, it’ll be fine. I’m just going to take her to a few stores”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea, not yet. Not by yourselves” she shook her head. 
“Mom, she’s with me. I can look after us, you know I can” Yelena argued. 
“It’s not about that Yelena. I know you can, but I just don’t think sh- “
“I want too” you inserted yourself. Melina looked to you and smiled softly, “I know sweetheart, but I think it’s just too soon. Town is a busy place, and we haven’t had a chance to introduce you to that environment yet” 
“I’ll go with them” Natasha spoke from the kitchen causing Melina to look over her shoulder. “It’ll be okay, you’re stressing too much” Natasha entered the foyer. “Are you sure?” Melina spoke softly to Natasha. “Yeah, like she said, she wants to go” Nat smiled at you. “Well alright then” Melina mumbled, “for an hour and you both have to stay where Natasha can see you” she adds.
“We’re not little kids’ mom!” Yelena rolled her eyes.
Yelena sat in the front next to Natasha while you sat in the back watching the trees and other cars pass by. “We could get you some books or some magazines, movies, CDS” Yelena listed. “Don’t overwhelm her Lena” Natasha playfully shook her head. “What? It’s… it’s the first time she can have all those things” Yelena replied. 
The drive to the mall was just short off 15 minutes, Natasha found a park close to the main entrance to your relief. It was an odd feeling but seeing already so many people walking in and out the building made your heart race, you tried to take a mental image of every single person you saw but it there too many. 
“She’s already freaking out” Natasha whispered to Yelena as she observed you from the review mirror. “She’s fine” Yelena mumbled unbuckling her seatbelt. Your palms started to sweat, and your breath started to hitch, your mouth felt dry, and your right leg started to bounce as your eyes flickered person to person as they walked by the car. “Th-there’s so many p-people” you stuttered. 
“It’s okay” Natasha turned in her seat, “if you want to go home, we will” she offers but you were determined to know more about what Yelena wanted to show you and shook your head, “I’ll be okay” you replied. Natasha heard the hesitance in your voice and thought maybe it wasn’t a good idea after all. Yelena got out of the car just before you did, the two of you waited for Natasha before making your way through the mall. Yelena on your right and Natasha to your left help ease the boiling anxiety inside. 
Walking by each store you looked in the large clear windows at the things inside. Most stores offered clothing; others offered home hardware items. There was a music and vinyl store that Yelena mentioned she was able to find her favourite song on record in there, there was also a large bookstore that interest you the most. 
“Could we look in there?” you asked before the three of you walked by it. Yelena didn’t reply, she just walked straight in. Natasha gave you another soft smile and followed you into the store. 
You looked around for what felt like hours, interesting covers made you pick up books and read the summary on the back. Some books really took an interest for you, but you didn’t have any money of your own and kindly placed them back. Natasha kept you in sight as she also picked up a few books here and there. 
“What about this one?” Yelena held up a random book. With all these different choices you started to feel overwhelmed again, your anxiety creeping back slowly. 
“If you’d like some books, it’s on me” Natasha smiled as you looked at her, “it’s okay, I’m sure there is a library somewhere by us, right?” you looked between Yelena and Natasha. 
“There is and there is one at school” Yelena replied pulling a $10 bill from her pocket, “here you can have this, buy whatever you like” 
“Thank you” you smiled softly as you slowly took the bill from Yelena. 
“Here, add this” Natasha spoke, handing you two $20 bills. You shook your head, “that is too much” you said. “It’s fine, Yelena can pay it back when she gets her summer job” she winked playfully. “HA! You’re so funny” Yelena walked away shaking her head. “Thank you” you gave Natasha a soft smile. 
You spent another few minutes looking at books, already having four stacked in your hand that you wanted before taking them to the counter to pay. 
Later that night bits of excitement filled you as you finished eating half of your dinner, mac and cheese to Yelena’s requests. You excused yourself from the table and wandered upstairs to your bedroom, your new books sitting proudly on the bookcase as you got ready for a shower. Today was a good day, one of the best since everything. 
Returning from your shower, you grabbed one of your books, “The Silent Patient” and made yourself comfortable on your bed. You remember being able to read documents and mission files while in Red Room, books were never available so sometimes you would just re-read over the information in front of you just to fulfil that joy of reading, even if it wasn’t interesting. You smiled softly to yourself as you ran your right index finger over the title of the book before opening to the first page. Within minutes your thoughts and worries were gone as you dived into the book, a real book. 
You had a talent for reading fast, other widows made sure to comment on that whenever they couldn’t be bothered reading the mission file in front of them. 
~ “Y/n, you should read it. You’re so much faster than us and that way we can get a head start” spoke one of the widows in your team. 
“Yeah, save us the time” spoke another. 
You sighed before opening the file “Name” ~
Melina stood in the frame of your bedroom door and watched you read for a while, not a single nose distracted you from the pages in front of you as you read page by page, smiling softly to yourself every time you turned the page. 
“You like to read?” Melina asked. You took a mental know of where you were up too before looking up from the book. “I do, this is the first book I have been able to read” you explained unable to hide the smile tugging at your lips. “We’ll I’m glad you found something, and you had a nice time with Yelena and Natasha?” she made her way into your room, sitting at the end of your bed. 
“I did, thank you” 
Melina smiled at your answer, “Would you like to go to another bookstore tomorrow? I know one that’s a lot bigger than the one Natasha took you too. Maybe we could get enough books to fill your bookcase”
“I would like that a lot but that is too much, too much money” you closed over your book causing Melina to tilt her head slightly at you. “It’s not too much, you are a part of this family, and I would love to buy you as many books as you’d like” she spoke.  
Family. Another word you’d only really heard of via the cartoons you watched or whenever Dreykov told you he was your only family. Melina noticed the sudden shift in your body language, your fist closed up and your eyes fell to the floor with your brows frowned. 
“What’s going on inside your head right now?” she asked. 
“I…you said family” your slowly looked at her again, this time with a clenched jaw. “General Dreykov said he was my only family. Now I have two?” you asked in a confused tone.  Melina shook her head softly, “What Dreykov did is not what families do to one another” she spoke, remembering the time she spent with Natasha and Yelena before the mission in Ohio came to an end. “Oh” you whispered, sensing she was now upset, “I won’t speak of him anymore” you added. 
“It’s okay, if you need to talk about him, do so. We just want you to know that he can’t hurt you anymore, Red Room isn’t your worry. It’s not who you are” she explained. “I hope you are right”
Melina didn’t have any words and instead shifted the topic. “Well, if you want to go to the bookstore tomorrow you should probably get some rest” she smiled, “it’s already 1:30am” she looked at her phone for the time. “Already?” you gasped, “seems like you were really enjoying that book” she chuckled quietly, “get some rest. We have a bit to do tomorrow” she stood up. You placed your book on the bedside table and shuffled into a lying position and turned your lamp off once Melina closed your door. 
The darkness was unsettling, the silence made your thoughts feel like they were screaming at you. 
~ “Nobody is looking for you and soon Belova won’t remember you now stop your crying!” the back of Dreykov’s hand hit the side of your face causing a slapping sound.
 “Yes, sir. Sorry sir” you stood up straight trying your best to ignore the tears. 
“You need to put your focus into becoming the best widow there is” he stepped back, placing his hands behind his back. “You will do the world many favours” he adds. The screen behind him had a photo of the famous Natasha Romanoff enlarged. “This, this betrayer is your enemy. She was family, flesh and blood and she left us. She broke the rules” he looked to the screen in disgust. “I took her in! I gave her a home, a roof over head, food to eat, water to drink and this is how she repays me” he grumbled. 
“Yes, sir!” you spoke, the image of Natasha burnt into your mind. ~
Lying in bed with your eyes glued to the ceiling while your thoughts and memories attacked you harshly became impossible to ignore. Sitting up and looking out the window, the moon light shining bright, the tress blew peacefully with the wind, the sounds of crickets and other bugs filled in the white noise. You quietly tip toed downstairs and grabbed a glass of water, the microwave time reading 3:28am as you rolled your eyes. 
You walked up to the back sliding doors as you drank your water, watching the pigs walking around in their pen in the dark, sighing to yourself. There were things you didn’t tell Melina with hopes it was just a phase and the side effects would eventually disappear, but they hadn’t. Dreykov never told you honestly what he tested on you, what he poked and what effect that would have on you, you were left to work that by yourself. 
In the distant, threw the dress you could see, as if you were wearing body heat goggles, the heat of another person. You were able to use this during night-time. You assumed Dreykov thought it would be handy to have his widow’s see perfectly at all times. Your hearing was also enhanced and like Natasha and Yelena you heal faster than average humans. 
The figure moved slightly into the bushes, the moon lit the yard up well enough for you to see a fair distance as you slid the door open and took a step outside. Your eyes tracking the moment of the body temperance in the distance. You didn’t fear what was a head, you felt it calling you towards it, whatever it was. Walking by the pigs made them follow you, walking along the fence line of their pen. 
Melina woke up to her security alert pinging, grabbing the large iPad like device from her bedside table to check what was happening. A red dot alerted her somebody was by the pig pen, she kicked Alexei awake showing him the screen. “I’ll get the rifle” she got out of bed and walked down to her hidden room of equipment and weapons without waking Natasha and Yelena. Alexei followed down the stairs, grabbing a handgun from Melina before they both quietly made their way outside. 
By now there were only a few steps between you and the heat signature you could see. 
“I know you’re there” you whispered but now answered, flashes of light reflected from the trees in front you. The heat signature faded, you turned around and saw two torch lights coming towards you. “Y/n? What are you doing out here?” Melina lowered her rifle once she could a clear view of you, Alexei turned his torch off and placed his handgun behind his back. You turned back to the heat signature that was nowhere to be found. 
“Y/n, come back inside” Melina said with a hint of worry. You frowned as you looked back at the two adults, “they were right there! You scared them off” you huffed. 
“Who?” Alexei asked. 
“I... I don’t know who…but they were there, I could see them, I saw them from the house” 
Melina looked between you and the distance of the house, “you saw somebody all the way over here?” her brows frowned. You avoided looking at them, their body heat was too bright for your eyes. You sighed, “I didn’t want to say anything” 
“Say what, honey?” Melina placed a hand gently behind your back, leading you back to the house. “I…I can see heat temperatures…there was somebody there, I’m not making it up!” 
“It’s okay, we believe you. Let’s just get inside and talk about it” Melina sent a concerned look towards Alexei who stood in his tracks and turned around to check if anything was left behind or footprints.
Once inside Melina turned on the living room light causing her heat temperature to fade to your relief. “How long have you known about this?” she asked. You shrugged, “I woke up with it one night…in red room. I can only see it at night or in dark places”
“And you saw somebody out by the trees tonight?”
You nodded. 
“Why did you go out there by yourself? Y/n, you should’ve spoken to us” Melina sat on the edge of the coffee table, leaning towards you as you sat on the sofa. “They didn’t seem like a threat, I just wanted to see what they were doing…it felt like they were calling me” you tried to explain, “I’m sorry” your eyes fell to your feet. 
“Don’t be sorry, you can’t help this, you didn’t ask for any of this” Melina spoke, “But if there is anything else you’ve noticed, you can tell me” 
Slowly lifting your head to look at her once again, you nodded. “I know for a fact I have enhanced earing…sometimes I can hear conversations happening a house away. At first it caused so many headaches, well that was when you and Alexei found me, but I’ve learnt to tune out a lot of background noises” you explained, “but that’s all I’ve noticed”
Melina sighed and placed a hand on your knee, “I’m sorry” she spoke softly, “I know this isn’t easy for you or the girls, or us but I didn’t know that he wasn’t even going down that path”
You knew little of Melina’s background with Dreykov even though she was somewhat famous among the Widows. 
“It’s not your fault” you replied, “is it okay I go back to bed? Its late and I still really want to go to the bookstore tomorrow if we still can” 
“Of course, we’ll go before lunch” she spoke as you stood up not wanting to continue anymore Red Room conversations. “Also” you said before you left the living room, “I think I would like to try going to school”. Melina smiled softly, “I’ll talk to the principle in the morning”. 
Alexei locked the back door and shook his head at Melina, “there was nothing out there” he said. Melina shushed him and grabbed the first pen and wrote on a scrap piece of paper, “she has enhanced earing, we can’t talk about her while she’s around”.
You watched the lights being turned off while lying in bed, the shadows of Alexei and Melina’s footsteps passing your bedroom door before you closed your eyes, trying once again to ignore the darkness of your memories and voice of Dreykov. 
“Stop! Please” you whispered to yourself, “please!” tossing and turning, kicking the covers off in frustration. Yelena quietly opened your door, “Psst, are you awake?” she whispered loud enough for you to hear. “Yeah” you mumbled. 
“What happened?” she closed the door quietly behind her, rubbing her tried eyes. 
“Nothing I just can’t sleep” you huffed in frustration, “I can never sleep anymore!” 
“Move over” Yelena sat on your bed before you shuffled to the other side, “if you tell anybody about this, I will make life hell for you” she mumbled, you knew she didn’t mean it. 
“What are you doing?” you asked as she laid down and gently pulled you closer to her, “my nights used to be the same” she admits, “you hear his voice, right?”. 
You nodded, “every night I hear him, I see him, I can’t escape it”.
Yelena gently placed her arm around you, “it takes time” she spoke, “but I won’t let him take you away again” 
You relaxed more with Yelena beside you, her softness was barely shown but you always felt safe when she was around, and her words had meaning, security, love. “I promise” she whispered before you heard her soft snores. 
“I love you сестра” you whispered ever so softly before closing your eyes, finally falling asleep in peace. 
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Taglist: @justabrokensunshine | @sayah13 | @nattyolw | @exclusivitymajor | @bibliophilicbi | @when-wolves-howl | @that-one-gay-mosquito | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @foggymoonbanana | @atmnothere
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thania-keiji-gf · 2 years
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situation : study-date with your boyfriend (つ≧▽≦)つ♡
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thinking about tsukishima spinning his pen while you two in the middle of the study-date.
he's so focused on one question that you ask to him cuz that question is very hard. while wait him thinking to answering the question, you leaning your jaw to edge of table and starting looking at him to get rid your boredness.
but, you instead focused to his hand that playing the pen by spinning it very smooth. it's make you feel mind blowing. how can? you ask to yourself. cuz it's very interesting thing to watch, you can't switch your eyes from his hand. until tsukishima feels some strong energy is pointing at him know. he's turning and finding you're who looking at his hand.
ouh. he just realized.
then tsukishima stopping his hand activities for sudden. ofc make your eyebrows are up, eventually you're turning to another object (his face) cuz you think tsukishima is already find the answer of the question you ask to him. but instead of it, you just get silent stare from your boyfriend who crossing his arm in front of you right now.
"why you stopping it? do it again. the moves of your your hand that can spinned the pen." you ask to tsukishima innocently without knowing what's mean of his silent stare to you right now.
"you know? we're here not to do tutorial how to spinned the pen. we're here to study, or maybe study date that you always say. and you must know, i was trying to finding the answer the question that you asked to me since earlier. this is your question, why the only one who struggling to find that damn answer is me meanwhile you just enjoying look at unnecessary thing that i do? is this your your gratitude to me, huh?" he ask simply but success to slap you face back to reality.
"n—no, but i mean i just bored can't focused on this study. every question is very hard. that's why i'm looking the amazing thing you do with your pen" you answering with gloomy face and little sigh. but tsukishima isn't giving you won. he comeback to his book and started focused to find the answer of the question again, "then, just try to read your book. instead of looking my hand, read the book is giving more opportunity that maybe the answer is there." you widened your eyes, "tsukki—but!" "no buts. get back to study, mrs little pie." that's the last thing tsukishima said to you, and you just pouting while back to normal position of sitting up.
you feel irritated, tsukishima should knew that you're not on active mode for study today. you know this is for your own good, but CAN'T HIM NOTICE THAT HIS GIRLFRIEND IS VERY LAZY RIGHT NOW ARGH. you're pouting, maybe your eyes is focused on book—but your mind is busy to talks about tsukishima right now.
"focused, after we're end of study—i'll teach you how to do the amazing moves of my hand that you just talked since earlier. it's only if you're can study very well right now."
you blink for a second before turning at him with suprised gaze, but before your lips letting out an excited sentence—tsukishima speak again, "don't say anything. focused on your book, mrs little pie." he said that without looking out from his book.
only for a second you feel charge again and the energy on your soul is full. with biggest spirit, you're starting reading your book and trying to find important information to answer the question.
he success make your spirit comeback, tsukishima literally the number one if it's related of silent-supporting. even tho he makes you irritated, but the tsukishima really want you focused to study for your own good. yeah, like that.
and even tho he's trying to stop spinning his pen anymore to don't distract you, in every moment he do it again without realizing. fortunately you don't look at his hand right now, instead you reading your book very focused. cuz tsukishima already promise he will teach you're how to do it after of study, so you think that's more interesting to you wait than looking at his hand anymore
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— thania's notes
I'M ON SICK AND THIS IDEA IS FORCED ME TO WRITES :D but i'm happy can post this for everyone after almost two days don't posted anything hehe. to be honest, the idea from this stories is create cuz i was watching "spinning pen tutorial" that always appear in my youtube lately :D it's interesting even tho i can't do it (my pen flying instead of spinning) and i just thinking about tsukishima definitely do this trick everytime he's study or trying to find answer of question. hahaha it's make my heart melted imagining him doing spin pen by his hand :D anyway sorry if there's grammar mistake, English is not my first language so i hope y'all understand. ouh i almost forget! HAPPY 100 FOLLOWERS Y'ALL. THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT THAT ALWAYS MAKE ME HAPPY :DD OUH, ALSO STAY HEALTHY OKAY EVERYONE? LUV YA <333
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unseenresources · 2 years
Pen spinning tutorial: double charge
There is no way I can describe this in a way that would be useful. It is worth watching the video, sound not required.
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