#pen pineapple apple pen guy
cryingmeganekko · 4 days
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This town is full of pumpkins(wonder)
Who is ready for the new Yo Kai watch ghost craft because we just got something new from level 5 and it has been a while? I'm super excited and I only just saw the news that SANTA, Pen pineapple apple pen guy, and avantgardey will be in it as the dancers inspiring the new whisper esc characters pink, blue, and green and I think they might be the new features like chimeras and the dungeons. Also it seems like your camera in game will be your main way to experience the game
Here's where to watch it:
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biomic · 3 months
when i first saw the glasses guy on the boonboomger poster i assumed he was some kind of popular comedian like is usually the case with summer movie guest stars but he's actually a youtuber with nearly 19 million subscribers who opens every video with "bunbun hello youtube", and he's playing himself in the movie. the evolving state of tokusatsu film marketing
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That holy horror mansion looked interesting, I know it's not yokai watch but it still looks interesting.
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descalled · 4 days
okay who had the pen pineapple apple pen guy on their level 5 vision bingo
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visionofhope04 · 2 years
the reader also being a Pop-Star(I called the band The Gang(based it off the show “The Boys”)) AND a Vigilante at the same time. Here are some of MY personally headcanons:
- When she’s on tour, she does hero work wherever she goes.
- Her entire band knows, and are chill with it.
- She has a suped-up van like Captain America’s old mobile base.
- people connect the dots of Y/N and her Vigilante Alias and all come down to one conclusion: The Vigilante is obsessed with her band (Reader:…are these guys serious?)
If this is too much, that’s ok.
One Love, Missnght.
her band is super supportive 
like “yeah go kick their asses!! wooooo!”
people begin to notice that whenever her band is on tour in the area her vigilante persona pops up there as well
50% of people think her vigilante alias is obsessed with her but the other 50% think they’re dating
why wouldn’t a vigilante want to date a famous gorgeous singer???
her van would def be all black and go insanely fast and be armed asf
she is rich after all
at concerts, people try to see if her vigilante persona is in the crowd
ofc they’re disappointed but they never lose hope
reader gets so many questions about her vigilante self it's insane
“Do you know (insert vigilante name) personally?” is the most asked question and the most googled question
reader usually answers with something vague that makes people have more questions
"What do you mean by personally?"
"????" the person is now very confused and does not know what else to say, effectively getting reader out of the situation
her band members find this hilarious
they def use this against her all the time
"you can't mash pineapple and apple together and shape it into a pen to make a pineapple pen! it doesn't even write!" "well you can search up (readers name) x (vigilante alias) and find fics, oh and you can stop being so ominous when people ask you questions about it ." "WHAT?!"
yeah people ship reader and her vigilante persona
her band finds this hilarious too
she doesn't share the sentiment
people ship it to the point where they make merch and sell it on ebay
it was readers birthday once and her band threw a surprise party that was her vigilante alias themed and they all wore merch of her and even got those birthday hats with her vigilante self on it
reader did not know how to feel about this (she secretly liked it bc it meant they cared)
when shes injured her band members patch her up
they watched tutorials on yt once they found out abt her vigilante activities
they kind of suck but she's grateful and will never tell them that to their faces
she appreciates the effort
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aroace-elgyem · 4 days
Just watched the level 5 vision, holy horror mansion looks cool but I'm still processing that pen pineapple apple pen is a GAME MECHANIC
Also did they get the guy from the og vid for this? Thats crazy
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strange-august · 2 years
Tag Yourself as Energies my friends and I have
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🐺 Werewolf Energy 🐺
Has an intimidating "tough guy" presence but is actually a big softie.
Has a contagious howl like laughter that they hate but everyone adores.
Less of a wolf kind of werewolf and more of a golden retriever kind of werewolf.
Actually insanely dog-like (IE: strong sense of hearing, taste, smell. Red-Green colorblind and wears glasses.)
Loves to cook but doesn't drain their ground beef. Says that's where all the flavor is and will not listen to reason.
Has a deep booming voice that you can hear from across the house. Even across an empty field on a good day.
Doesn't mind getting dirty and prefers hands-on types of jobs.
Laid back but has zero tolerance for bullshit.
Only truly scary when they're angry or frustrated which is rare from them.
Actually knows the phases of the moon by heart.
Aesthetic: Muddy clothes, Messy hair, Sun kissed skin, Piercing gaze, The roar of an engine, Oil stained hands, Leather jackets, Bacon and eggs in the morning, Hamburgers and fries from Mom and Pop shops, The full moon peeking out over the treeline, Audio books, Caramel flavored coffee, Driving with the radio full blast, Light growling, Thunderstorms, Lazy days, Tequila shots, Loud laughter
Theme Song: The Nights by Avicii
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🐉 Dragon Energy 🐉
Like werewolf, they're more akin to a dragon from a kid's movie rather than a traditional dragon.
Major hoarder and has a spending problem. Most of their hoards consist of art supplies, crystals, candles, weird trivial objects they find on the street, stuffed animals, DnD dice, lighters, knives, etc.
Able to romantize and find the beauty in even the most mundane of activities like a trip to the grocery store, a boring car ride or doing laundry.
Sleeps in a "nest" of blankets, pillows and stuffed animals with the A/C full blast. Can't sleep otherwise.
A child at heart and has an imagination so vivid they often get lost in it. They often need a little guidance back into the real world.
Loves going on adventures and exploring new places. Can turn even the most mundane errand into a fun excursion.
Sometimes their emotions are too much to handle and they might get overwhelmed and explode. They always feel guilty about it though and apologize afterward.
Fiercely protective of their treasures (aka: their friends) and would probably die for their friends if they had to. Though maybe a little too protective.
Opens their mouth wide when they yawn because it makes them feel like they're roaring.
Bites and headbutts their friends as a show of affection.
Aesthetic: Shed snake skin, Shiny objects, Watercolor paint, Fleeting eye contact, Soft blanket nests, Gray afternoons, Chai tea, Apple Cinnamon candles, Fine china, The glow of a heat lamp, Notebooks, Big fluffy clouds, Vivid sunsets, Bonfires, Head stuck in the clouds, Aluminum pins, Thrift shop clothes, Wide eyed stares, Awkward toothy grins, Fountain pens, Patchwork jackets, Cracking your knuckles
Theme Song: Geronimo by Sheppard
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🦋 Mothman Energy 🦋
Has real cryptid energy, thanks to their height and lanky limbs. Not to mention they're already a chaos incarnate to boot.
Immuno-compromised and kind of delicate but doesn't let that stop them from obtaining their dreams.
Has the spice tolerance of a God. Will eat a whole bag of hot cheetos till their mouth is completely raw.
Stares at lights before turning them, thus accidentally blinding themselves each time. Does it so much that everyone genuinely thinks they might be part mothman.
Honestly just hates society and people in general and wants to live in the mountains as a hermit for the rest of their life.
Pretty much everything they wear came out of the 60s-70s era.
Knows an astounding amount of information on cryptids from all different states and even countries.
"When your sleep schedule is abysmal, you can sleep anytime."
Seems to subsist entirely on root beer and mountain kickstart pineapple orange mango.
Has at least twenty different kinds of potted plants in their room, all in various handmade pots and on every available surface.
Aesthetic: Moss samples, Cheap ramen noodles, Cat hair on clothes, Bomber jackets and aviator sunglasses, Leather messenger bag, Pine trees, Waterlogged boots, Moths flying around a street light, Watching the stars, Wondering what's out there, Empty paint cans, Early morning walks, Zoo and museum visits, Befriending a stray cat, Watching obscure movies, Oragami figures, Late night talks, Sarcasm, Walking sticks, RGB lights
Theme Song: The Moss by Cosmo Sheldrake
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👽 Alien Energy 👽
Dresses like a cartoon character and it's honestly so cute. Wears a lot of patterns and colors that somehow all work together.
Mall culture to the max. Responsible for keeping the American mall dream alive.
Kinda shy but genuinely sweet. Will always offer you help when you need it.
Absolutely loves weird and unique animals, especially elephants. They track all the ones in captivity and give updates frequently.
Like Mothman, is very tall and lanky with long limbs. They also have freckles just like a galaxy.
Misses arcades and wishes they would come back. Goes to Dave and Busters for their birthday ever year.
All their pets are unique and named after foods such as their sharpei dog, Taco.
Has an old barn on their property where stray cats like to take refuge.
Loves old Disney movies and anime. Their favorite disney movie is Lilo and Stitch.
They also have a huge collection of anime and disney related figurines. A whole shelf full and continuing to grow.
Aesthetic: Teal and turquoise, Varsity jackets and athletic shorts, Pixie cuts, Binging anime, Microwave popcorn, Cuddling with your pets, Shag carpets, Colorful notebooks and fun pencils, Scented markers, Cotton candy soap, Cheaply made gimmick erasers, Tile floors, Homemade slime, Glowsticks, Stickers on laptop, Marble soda, Fairy lights, Ramen shops, Cinnabons, Star shaped Earrings, Young Adult Novels, Sour candy, Hibiscus tea, Orange tic tacs
Theme Song: Something in the Water by Brooke Fraser
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fake-destiel-news · 1 year
On a website with a PREDOMINANTLY autistic user base, the fact that you're not just making these fake news memes but flat out do NOT care and have said you intend to continue and likely find it funny is bordering bullying/predatory in some ways.
I’m doing literally everything I can think of to make it clear they’re fake. Because while I do find it funny (to come up with stuff and make the memes) I care a lot that no one gets hurt.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression that even autistic people would be smart enough to see one of like a bunch of warn signals. (All of this is not meant to bash autistic people I’m just trying to point out the weird logic here. Because I’m assuming they’re smarter than to believe something that’s clearly fake.) Let me spell it out for you:
First of all, my name should give you A LITTLE BIT OF AN INDICATION. idk if maybe an autistic person wouldnt know the meaning of the word fake.
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Also as far as I’m aware all the memes I make now have something going on that makes it different from the normal destiel meme. Like putting Dean on top and cas on the image below or just putting a completely different person there. Which would at least give you (or the autistic people) a moment of “huh. That’s different than usual.”
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Also it might not be so bad to look at the tags for like two seconds. Maybe autistic people can’t click the read more I mean that’s very difficult.
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Even if you don’t read the tags, if you have a problem with just believing things whenever you read them on a random meme, you should maybe, and that’s just a suggestion, block #unreality. Or if it’s about this blog in particular then just block ME or the tag #fake-destiel-news. That’s why the option is there in the settings you know.
(Autistic people, if you don’t know how to block tags, let a trusted allistic adult help you!)
And if you see any kind of news from a meme, you would propably visit the blog of the OP right? Just to see if they’re not idk, a bot? Or nazi? Or someone who is known for spreading misinformation? Who might have ulterior motives with something like this? Maybe you’d want to follow them but first look at their other posts at least? I mean this one’s not required but if you did it you would immediately see this:
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Oh wow now that seems like a blog that would say something that’s not real.
And even if you don’t see any of that, you would at least try to fact check something you read in one(1) meme on the internet? And the easiest way to do that is if the source to it is right there and you just have to click it.
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Damn that’s weird the link must be broken or something, I just get sent to a gif of the pen pineapple apple pen guy with the tags “the meme that lead you here is not real and purely made up”. Must be a typical tumblr error!
If you look at the blog where the gif is from you would again see my blog name (with the word fake in it) and again that there are not real memes.
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And like, even if you don’t see all of these things and don’t have unreality blocked and don’t visit the source. Then you would, before you’d idk tell other people about it, at least do one(1) google search to see if it’s true. I mean just knowing “the nestle CEO got poisoned cause he drank water in flint” doesn’t tell you what kind of poisoning, will he be ok, how did that happen… if you’re interested enough in any of these questions you propably would search for more info.
And like, if you don’t? What will happen? You believe that the Nestle CEO got poisoned until you see some proof that it hasn’t happened, or you’d just forget after a while when you don’t see more on it. So if it doesn’t matter to you enough to research it, you propably won’t think about it again much because it’s not interesting to you. So like what’s the big deal there.
Even if a meme gets reblogged it would still have my name and the source there, and you could get to my blog easily. Also if the op is tagged unreality it would still get blocked.
Idk if I’m just vastly overestimating the autistic people on this website but idk how you can miss all of these things.
This got long but If you have any suggestions how I could improve (for all the autistic people here) then please give em to me because I’m at a loss.jpg.
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claitea · 4 days
the new yokai watch(?) game featuring the Pen Pineapple Apple Pen Guy was not on my bingo card
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trans-poppy · 15 days
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dopepoisonivyoncrack · 9 months
Yeah, I can agree that modern day Astarion would dress quite flashy but in a stylish way NOT pen-pineapple-apple-pen-guy kind of way. The guy actually has taste
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reginaldqueribundus · 2 years
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Borsalino One Piece is one of the characters of all time. he blows up the equivalent of three city blocks because some guys wouldn't give him directions. he doesn’t know how cellphones work. he kinda looks like the pen pineapple apple pen guy. I'm 100% sure he is high as balls 24/7. and yet he leads one-third of the world’s biggest military and has the authority to carpet bomb a whole country. his coworkers are a morally conflicted ocean-freezing force of nature and a sentient magma flow who causes 5000 civilian casualties every time he steps out for coffee. then the magma guy gets promoted and the ice guy quits and their replacements are a samurai who blinded himself because of all the horror and injustice in the world, and an evil tree. meanwhile Borsalino is still there in the corner, just vibin’. and he's made of lasers.
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sevarix-blogs · 1 year
omg i was just reminded of the pen pineapple apple pen guy what a legend
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Hey lads do you guys ever haphazardly stitch together your favorite fandoms into an "it's all connected" conspiracy universe?
Would you be interested if I did that?
(She says as she slams together PM and AL (+ other fandoms) like that one pen pineapple apple pen video)
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bisexualmorpheus · 4 months
kids these days dont understand that the 'funny guy' of your year coming in with PPAP (Pen Pineapple Apple Pen) downloaded on a nokia and playing it in IT was considered the funniest thing possible in 2018
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cherrywperson · 1 year
Do you prefer pizza with ham or pizza with pineapple
pizza with ham!!!!!!! i dont liek pineapple sorry :/ (im more of a pizza with pepperoni gal/guy tbh :0c)
hehe pen pinneapple apen pen hehehe wait why are they called pineapples? like,, apples that came from a pine??? they dont come from pines though???? THEY DONT EVEN LOOK LIKE APPLES????? HUH????? WHO NAMED THEM THIS??????
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