#pelvic medical devices
pelvictech · 5 months
It's time to delve into a topic that's been under the radar for too long: the clitoral stimulator. More than just a sex toy, this powerful tool has a profound impact on pelvic health. However, the subject remains shrouded in mystery and often, misunderstanding. Let's demystify the clitoral stimulator and highlight why it's a pelvic device par excellence. Reference: https://pelvictech.com/blogs/news/the-unseen-power-of-clitoral-stimulators-pelvic-devices-extraordinaire
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cmibloggers · 10 months
Global Vaginal Pessary Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Rising Prevalence of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
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The global Vaginal Pessary Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 324.87 million in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 10.00% over the forecast period 2023-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. A) Market Overview: Vaginal pessaries are non-surgical devices that are inserted into the vagina to provide support for the pelvic organs. They are primarily used for the management of pelvic organ prolapse (POP), a condition where the organs such as the uterus, bladder, or rectum descend from their normal position and bulge into the vaginal canal. Vaginal pessaries offer several advantages such as avoiding surgery, providing immediate relief, and improving quality of life for women suffering from POP. The need for these products arises due to the increasing prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse worldwide. B) Market Key Trends: One key trend in the Vaginal Pessary market is the growing preference for non-surgical treatment options for pelvic organ prolapse. With advancements in technology and product innovation, vaginal pessaries have become a popular choice among women seeking non-invasive treatment options. These devices offer convenience, comfort, and ease of use compared to surgical interventions. For instance, MedGyn Products, Inc. offers a range of innovative pessaries designed to provide maximum support while ensuring patient comfort. This trend is expected to drive market growth during the forecast period. C) PEST Analysis: - Political: The regulatory environment plays a crucial role in the manufacturing and distribution of medical devices such as vaginal pessaries. Stringent regulations regarding product safety and efficacy may impact market growth. - Economic: Economic factors such as healthcare expenditure, reimbursement policies, and affordability of healthcare services can influence the adoption of vaginal pessaries in different regions. - Social: Increasing awareness about pelvic organ prolapse and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment is driving the demand for vaginal pessaries. Cultural factors and societal attitudes towards women's health also play a role in market dynamics. - Technological: Advancements in technology have led to the development of more effective and comfortable vaginal pessaries. Innovative materials and designs are improving patient outcomes and satisfaction. D) Key Takeaways: - The global Vaginal Pessary Market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 10.00% over the forecast period, due to increasing prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse. According to a study published in the International Urogynecology Journal, the prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse is estimated to be as high as 41% among women aged 40 years and older. - North America is expected to dominate the Vaginal Pessary market during the forecast period, owing to the high prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse in the region and increasing awareness about non-surgical treatment options. Europe is also anticipated to have significant market share due to the well-established healthcare infrastructure and favorable reimbursement policies. - Key players operating in the global Vaginal Pessary market include CooperSurgical, Inc., MedGyn Products, Inc., Thomas Medical, Inc., Smiths Medical, Milex Products, Inc., Personal Medical Corp., Panpac Medical Corp., Gyneas, Uromed Kurt Drews KG, Integra LifeSciences Corporation, Boston Scientific Corporation, Cook Medical, Medtronic plc, C. R. Bard, Inc. (BD), and Coloplast A/S. These players focus on product innovation, strategic collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions to strengthen their market position. In conclusion, the global Vaginal Pessary market is poised for significant growth attributed to the increasing prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse and the rising preference for non-surgical treatment options. Product innovation, technological advancements, and favorable healthcare policies are expected to further drive market expansion.
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lastoneout · 3 months
Things that can go in/pass through the vagina just fine:
penis (and/or semen)
sex toys made of body-safe materials
condoms (male and female)
infants you are actively giving birth to
all that other shit that comes outta there during childbirth
period blood
mucus your body naturally produces so long as it doesn't smell or look weird
tampons and menstrual cups
IUD or other insertable birth control methods
ovulation tests
medical devices used during pap smears and pelvic exams or IVF treatments
dilators for those who've had bottom surgery
medications as directed by your doctor(like estrogen cream to prevent vaginal atrophy when on testosterone)
Things that should not go in there!!!
soap, oh my god do not put soap in there holy shit
flavored condoms/lube
douching fluids
crystals/special rocks
blood that isn't yours
pregnancy tests(you're supposed to pee on them)
sex toys made out of non-body safe materials unless you put a condom on them
stuff that isn't sterile or hasn't been cleaned properly
no fr like if you are doing anal you NEED to clean your penis/sex toy or at least swap to a new condom before putting it in the vagina holy fucking infections batman
anything you're allergic to(this includes everything on the safe list, if you're allergic to it it's not safe)
the body parts/bodily fluids of someone who has an STI unless you guys have protection(condoms, dental dams, latex gloves, you're taking PrEP/medications to keep your HIV viral load low enough that you can't pass it on, ect.)
Not a comprehensive list ofc but like since it does seem we occasionally need the reminder here ya go. If you're unsure about anything planned parenthood has a lot of sex education material up on their website, def check it out!!
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cyberrose2001 · 8 months
Kinktober: Day 7
Prompt: Medical Play
TFP Ratchet x GN afab reader
Warnings: consensual Doctor/Patient role play, very inappropriate use of medical devices, slight bdsm, lots of body fluids, masturbation, temperature play
Word count: 1058
(this is your warning, this gets very kinky. click away if you’re not comfortable!)
“I'll take it that the patient is comfortable?”
Comfortable is a strong word for Ratchet to use, in your opinion. Being strapped down with your wrists bound with leather on an ice-cold gurney isn’t what most people consider relaxing. The only mildly comfortable thing about your position is the soft padding under your thighs, elevating your legs, but at the cost of exposing your entire pelvic region to the mech.
You weren’t comfortable. No. You were turned the fuck on.
Nodding helplessly, you grind your hips on nothing in anticipation of what your lover had planned. Though, you weren’t totally in the dark. Ratchet had explained his darkest desires beforehand after your curiosity got the better of you. His detailed explanation of the obscure, downright dirty, and, god forbid, unethical things he wanted to experiment on you unexpectedly set your groin on fire at the mental image.
“Very well then,” Ratchets’ servo grazes over his tidy set-up of intimidating medical equipment before selecting the humble stethoscope, turning to you as he secures it to his helm, “We will proceed with a thorough check-up then, hm?”
All you can do is nod once again; the O-shaped gag fitted snuggly in your mouth hinders your ability to give your doctor a verbal answer. He hums, approaching the head of the gurney. He leans over and places the cold end of the stethoscope above your heart, causing a soft gasp to leave your throat.
Ratchet listens for a bit, humming in thought, “Your heart rate is elevated. I can only deduce that you’re excited, or for a better term, aroused.”
You let out another whine as he moved the stethoscope down your stomach, stopping at each quadrant to listen. The icy cold instrument makes your hair stand on end, and Ratchet can't help but let his other servo drag across your tummy to feel for himself, “Abdominal sounds are excellent, no abnormalities from what I can tell.”
Ratchet agonisingly drags the end of the stethoscope down past your belly button, “Though I do have one concern,” He drags it even further down before pressing it straight onto your pulsing clit, “And it’s how fraggin’ wet you are.”
Never once had you thought that having someone take a stethoscope to your clit just to hear it throbbing would be hot, but watching Ratchet listen, and watching his spike pressurise right in front of you, was enough to draw a loud restrained moan from you. And when you think it couldn’t get more erotic, Ratchet starts to circle and put pressure on your aching bud with it.
“Nnghn… fck…” You whine, grinding your hips upwards to gain more friction, but it’s in vain as Ratchet pulls away, groaning as he watches your slick leave a silvery thread in its trail.
“My, my…” Ratchet breathes out, observing the end piece with equal professionalism and restrained lust, “I was going to utilise some medical grade lubricant on you,” He flicks his optics back to your dripping cunt, “But by the looks of things, we won’t be needing it.”
You keenly watch as Ratchet reaches for another tool, a speculum. You’re not entirely sure yet how Ratchet got his mitts on one, but you’re more curious about how he will use it. But you have a fair idea when he starts to press it against the entrance of your weeping hole.
“Relax, Y/n,” He reassures, patting your inner thigh as he sees you tense up at the coldness of the speculum, pushing it past your folds, “You don’t want me to sedate you, hm? Or would you like that too?”
You shake your head before inhaling deeply through your nose as he pushes it the rest of the way in, shivering at the icy coldness against your fluttery walls, “Nmh… mhmm…”
“Ohh, very good, I knew you could do it,” Ratchet hitches his breath, lowering one servo to his heavy throbbing spike to lazily stroke at it while he starts to actually fuck you with the speculum, “Such a good patient for me…”
“Ngghn! Hoh phcuk…” The gag does nothing to stop your moans or your saliva from spilling from your mouth. You grind your hips as much as you can, eager to impale yourself further and further onto the girthy device.
“Y’know, I really shouldn’t indulge myself while assessing patients,” A low grown escapes him, optics trained on how the speculum disappears into your tight heat as he fists himself in tandem, “But Primus, you make it so… hhnnn… so fragging difficult…”
Your thighs are shaking from the strain of their position, hips arching as you desperately moan and cry out for your impending orgasm. You throw your head back as your doctor fucks you faster and deeper, stretching your walls in a way that makes you see stars.
“F-Frag…” Ratchet stutters, positioning his weeping spike before the speculum, “Time for… ngggh… your injection…”
You have no time to question him before your core tightens and your orgasm hits you like a train, crying out in euphoria as you clamp down on the speculum, your entire body shaking and trembling against the restraints. But what you never expected was for Ratchet to grip the handle to open it so he could press as much of his spike as he could into the opening of the speculum.
“O-Oh frag…” Ratchet lets out a half whine, half sexy as fuck growl as he strangles his spike and shoots his trans fluid down the opening, onto your pulsing wet walls and directly onto your fucking cervix.
A strangled moan leaves your throat as he fills you up completely, allowing some trans fluid to drip out of your wide-stretched cunt, watching with pure erotic fascination as he milks the rest of his hot fluid into you.
Ratchet exhales deeply, letting go of his spike, allowing the last remnants of his overload to throb against his thigh. His optics flicker down to your gaping hole, still clamped open by the speculum, and he hums in satisfaction, bending down to get a closer look, and you can’t help but whine at the sudden feeling of being observed so profoundly.
“The procedure is successful,” He huffs before dragging the speculum out, letting the rest of his transfluids dump out onto the gurney, chuckling at your shivers, “Shall we arrange a follow-up appointment?”
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hellyeahscarleteen · 1 year
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Caitlyn Tivy, the (awesome) pelvic health physical therapist, is back with us again, talking vaginal dilators in a new two-part series.
"Perhaps you’ve heard of dilators — also known as vaginal trainers — before, but you weren’t sure where to learn more about them. Maybe you’ve never heard of them, but you’re looking for ways to manage pelvic pain. Perhaps you’ve already tried using dilators, but weren’t very successful. Regardless, you’re in the right place!
“Vaginal dilator” is the most commonly used medical term for these devices, though many clinicians and researchers are shifting to the term “vaginal trainer.” Many pelvic PTs—myself included!—prefer the term trainer. Not only does “training” sound less aggressive than “dilation”, it also communicates a key concept of trainer use: it should be an active, participatory process in which the user is in control, rather than an experience that is happening to them as a passive recipient.
I also generally refer to these devices simply as just “trainers”. This terminology is inclusive for everyone with genitalia that allow for use of these devices. For these reasons, I’ll use the term “trainer” for the remainder of this article.
If you search online using the terms “pelvic floor trainer” or “vaginal trainer”, you may see ads for other devices designed to help people learn to perform pelvic floor exercises, or “kegels,” properly. These devices are not the same as the trainers we’re discussing here, but not to worry: I’ll include a guide to finding the right type of trainers later!
The trainers we’re discussing here are medical devices used to decrease pain and improve flexibility in the tissues of the vaginal and neovaginal canals.
Trainers can be made from a variety of materials. They are typically cylindrical in shape. At first glance, they can look a bit like sex toys, but that’s not their intended use. Trainers are designed to provide therapeutic stretching and pain relief for the tissues of the vaginal canal. Let’s learn more about the many cases in which trainers can be useful!"
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djarrex · 1 year
Captain Rex x f!reader
masterlist | read on ao3
Rex hears his baby's heartbeat for the first time.
pregnant!reader. dad Rex. this is so soft, y'all. there's also brief mentions of Rex feeling guilty, but overall, this is just a fluffy, self-indulgent fic. about 1.2k words.
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When you come out from your room after changing into something more loose-fitting and comfortable, you see the new at-home fetal doppler device laying on the kitchen table just outside the box it came in, and Rex is sitting there with his face buried in the little instructions foldable that came with it. Ever the researcher, Rex more than likely has read every word since opening it, whereas you would have just skimmed to what looked most important. Or, rather, you would've looked at the pictures, using the visuals as the sole model. A hand on your belly, you let out a light laugh, making Rex look up from what appeared to be pretty intense reading.
“Tricky piece of hardware?” you tease.
“I like to be thorough,” he points out matter-of-factly. “Wanna make sure I do this right to get the best results.”
You plop onto the couch, the creak of the springs doing the tortuous job of reminding you of your changing body. “What’d you find out?”
Rex follows you over. “Well, we want to make sure we're not confusing your heartbeat with the baby's. There are a few other things we may hear too, like the movement of your placenta or arteries.” He pauses, placing a pillow at the very end of the couch and motioning for you to lay on your back. “You still have a full bladder, right?”
You scoff. “Yes. Remember you scolded me a couple hours ago into drinking all of that water at lunch, and then told me afterwards to not use the bathroom?”
“It was for a reason, love,” he reminds you with a teasing smile, lifting your shirt up to the slope of your belly. “A full bladder helps push your uterus out of the pelvic cavity, that way the fetal heartbeat is more easily detected.”
“Wow. You really did do your research. I like it when you talk medical to me.”
Rex chuckles at that and squirts a copious amount of lotion on your belly, rubbing it in gentle circles. “I’ve already verified the device is functional and sterilized the probe face.”
You bite your lip to hold back a laugh. “You used it to check your own heartbeat first, didn’t you?”
“Maybe,” he replies cheekily, deliberately avoiding your eyes with the response. “You ready, love?”
“Let’s hear what this little bean's got.”
Rex clicks the receiver on, a device that’s small enough to fit in his hand. A display lights up with a little beep, a flatline and a zero sitting stagnant. A cylindrical probe is held in Rex's other hand, and as he rests the face of it against your lotioned belly, you suck in a breath of air. Your own heartbeat thumps in your ears as you watch the focus creasing in Rex's handsome features. He’s moving the probe so slowly, so particularly, that you know he’s searching for something specific that he had to have read in his research. His hand turns the probe so that the face changes angles, starting low near your pubic bone up towards your navel then back down again.
This is a moment the two of you have waited for, for a while.
The beginning of this journey was rough, the first several weeks being nothing but bedridden illness and nausea that lasted longer than just the mornings. You stayed at home, too drained and lacking any energy to do necessary things, like go shopping or cook. A lot of days included you ordering food to be delivered, and groceries as well. It was hard to not have Rex there by your side, to help with things that would normally be a breeze for you – and you know he feels guilty for that, even though both of you are more than understanding that it isn't his fault. Still, in the odd hours of the night when he actually was able to contact you to check in only added to his needless guilt, upset with himself that he was never there laying beside you to rub your back or retrieve whatever it was that you required.
You’re a little more than a few months into this pregnancy and you’re not under any impression that Rex’s schedule will miraculously change to you and your unborn child’s benefit, but moments like this one now make it all worth it.
The quick thrumming of the baby’s heartbeat comes out muffled through the handheld over the whooshing waves in the background, the beats monitored on the display. The sound fills you with warmth and you laugh in astonishment, a choked sound as tears fill your eyes. Your hand clasps over your mouth and you look to Rex, who looks completely entranced and in awe – but there’s something else in those warm eyes of his.
The hand covering your mouth instead finds his wrist, fingers gently enclosing around it. His eyes are positively glowing as he watches himself slowly and carefully run the probe face in steady circles around a specific part of your protruding belly. Rex remains extremely silent, lips twitching in the most miniscule of movements as he concentrates.
An overwhelming sense of pride floods into Rex. He can’t believe he created this. Life – natural life. A clone soldier, a man bred for nothing more than to be fodder in battle, created life from love. It’s just beneath this device, growing in the womb of the one he loves. For the very first time he can hear it, the beating heart of it a flicker of sound that he’ll surely remember forever. The shame and guilt that he constantly feels for rarely being present to support you flees him in this moment, replaced with the overriding feelings of promise and joy.
You already know the answer to your impending question, but you want to hear Rex's voice, to prompt him after being silent since switching on the doppler.
“This is our baby’s heartbeat, what we’re hearing?”
Rex clears his throat, using the back of the hand that’s holding the receiver to wipe at the unshed tears in his eyes. “Yes. Yes, it is.” Eyes shimmering, he looks up at you, offering up the devices. "You wanna try?"
You nod, taking both devices from his hands and quickly placing the probe back where Rex just had it. It takes you a few tries to find it, but then the rapid little heartbeat is coming back to life once again.
"It's perfect," you say softly with admiration. "A perfect little heartbeat."
Rex's head lowers then, his forehead meeting your belly. He inhales and exhales shakily.
"Are you okay, Rex?"
When he looks up at you, a tear is streaming down his cheek. "More than okay. I'm so happy."
You laugh through a sudden sob just as Rex goes to kneel closer to you. He kisses you gently, a smile forming on his lips against yours. He folds his hands over your own and the two of you stay like that, foreheads pressed together and hands holding the doppler as one, the sound of your baby's heartbeat filling the room. It's just the three of you here and now, everything on the outside forgotten in this moment.
@pinkiemme @twistedstitcher27 @wild-karrde @rain-on-kamino @ner-runi @literallydontlook @rexxdjarin @rowansparrow @burningfieldof-clover @commander-sunshine
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thescrumblingmidwife · 9 months
Hi! I know other people have sent similar asks before but I thought I'd send my own just to be sure. I can't fit more than a finger... up there. And even then its a tight fit. That's enough for me but I'm worried about if I go for a pap smear (I think that's what its called, I have a bad memory): something has to go up there right? Will it fit? What happens if it doesn't? Is it going to be a hassle to request a woman? How much do I need to "clean up"? No pressure to respond right away, I get that you're busy. I just wanna know what to expect. Thank you! 😊❤
Hi Anon!
How old are you? You don't need a pap smear until 21, and you don't need a pelvic exam at all before then unless you've got some kind of complaint or you want to get fitted for an IUD. If you are 21+ and have had zero sexual contact, you can discuss a modified schedule with your provider.
Reminder - pelvic exam is when the doctor/midwife examines your pelvic area and vagina. This can include the use of a speculum or not, and be done for a number of reasons. Pap smear is a screening test where we take a cell sample (like a cheek swab) from your cervix to check for HPV/precancerous lesions. A pap smear is usually conducted in conjunction with a pelvic exam, but not all pelvic exams include a pap smear, as you don't usually need one every year.
Let's go through your questions one by one. But first I want to start by saying that medical consent is the same as regular consent - you have a right to refuse or defer any procedure or examination, or to stop one at any time. You have the right to fully understand everything you're consenting to, and ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable. If you make an initial appointment with an OBGYN or midwife, and she doesn't pass the vibe check, you are not obligated to go through with the exam. It can be scary to stand up to someone who seems like they're in a position of power, but you should know that you can.
"Something has to go up there, right?"
At your first GYN appointment, nothing has to go anywhere. You'll meet with a provider, she'll take your full medical history, your menstrual and sexual history, your family history, ask if there are any concerns you want to discuss. At this point, you should talk to her about your issues with insertion and your anxiety about it. She may want to have a look (literally just eyeballs) to ensure there's nothing going on, but she will ask permission before doing any touching, and explain everything she's doing. If she thinks it's worth attempting a pelvic exam, she would start very slowly and only with your full buy-in. It may be necessary to try to figure out if you've got an underlying problem.
When a pelvic exam is warranted (like when you need a pap), the provider may first insert fingers while pressing on your belly (called a bimanual exam) to assess your anatomy, and then use a device called a speculum, which allows us to actually see the inside of the vagina (speculum exam). The speculum will be lubricated, and the provider will coach you through the insertion process. You can also ask about inserting it yourself. Usually, you lie back and put your legs up in stirrups, and are coached to let your knees fall out and give a deep breath out, so as to relax your pelvic floor muscles, while the speculum is inserted down and back (towards your tailbone) in a smooth motion. You'll then feel a bit of pressure as the blades of the speculum are slowly opened so the provider can peek through. It shouldn't hurt, but it can be uncomfortable. I don't know anyone who actively enjoys speculum exams, but most people would say they're not too bad. The whole thing is over in a matter of seconds.
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"Will it fit?"
Speculums come in a wide range of sizes, in plastic or metal (if metal, it will be warmed). You can ask for the smallest speculum they have (they make pediatric-sized speculums, so there are definitely small ones - see middle device in the image below, about the size of a finger). The provider will use one that should fit based on your history, anxiety/preferences, and her visual inspection of you - but don't be afraid to speak up.
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"What happens if it doesn't?"
If you have an anatomical variation that means even a pediatric speculum could not fit, the provider will likely catch this before you get to the speculum stage. If you've got something going on like vaginismus, this will help her diagnose you. The most likely scenario is that you just need a competent and compassionate provider you trust and some good coaching. But what will NOT happen is the provider trying to jam something into you that doesn't fit!
"Is it going to be a hassle to request a woman?"
Absolutely not. It's very normal to have gender preferences with medical providers, especially for something so sensitive. Just ask for a female provider when you're requesting your appointment. You can also ask to see a midwife -- we're something like 96-99% female-identified, with most of the rest being AFAB trans/GNC/NB. (There ARE a few male midwives, but they're really rare).
"How much do I need to 'clean up'?"
If you've got time and it would make you feel better, take a shower before you come, wash with soap and water like normal. But if you can only get in on your lunch break or something, that's fine. Otherwise, you don't need to do anything! I promise your pubic hair is not so forest-like that we will not be able to examine you. Don't douche, or use any fragrances or lotions unless you would like some patient education about how you should not use "feminine products."
Okay Anon, that's an initial GYN visit in a nutshell!
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sjsmith56 · 2 days
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The Gilded Age, Part 4 - Downpour
Summary: After sharing the complete truth of John Walker’s accusations, Amelia re-commits herself to the relationship. They prepare for her father’s visit for dinner, only to face his own inquires about the matter. After a short time apart while the Avengers are on a mission, the couple reunite and explore a more physical relationship.
Length: 6.7 K
Characters: Barnes, Amelia, Mr. Winston, the Avengers.
Warnings: Minors DNI, contains mild sexual content and a frank discussion of sexuality (both discussed in period-appropriate terms), description of animal abuse, threat of harm to Amelia.
Author notes: I did some research on female sexuality around the year 1900 and was amused to find that the medical field perceived several disorders as a consequence of “female hysteria” which was often followed by the prescription of a manual pelvic massage (provided by the doctor), meant to cause a “hysterical paroxysm” - namely an orgasm, to cure anything from nervousness, depression, fatigue and anxiety. To help provide this relief an enterprising doctor invented the first vibrator in 1899 (due to a repetitive stress injury in his hands). Strangely enough, the hysterical paroxysm wasn’t seen as sexual. Of course, women knew different and sales of the widely advertised device put them in fifth place as the most commonly purchased home appliance. Sergeant Barnes, being the man we all imagine him to be, knew it to be something he wanted Amelia to enjoy, so his plan was to take his time in “educating” her as to what men and women like when they’re alone, in bed, in their boudoir. I now return you to your regular programming. Divider by vecteezy.com.
<<Part 3
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Part 4 - Downpour
It started to rain shortly before Mr. Winston was scheduled to arrive. The chill from the change in the weather meant that the fireplaces were lit in the grand room as well as the dining room on the 21st floor. As the Avengers arrived, they all commented on the cool temperatures, hoping that it wouldn’t put a dampener on the occasion. When a bell rang in the butler’s pantry, audible in the quiet of the grand room, they all knew it signalled Mr. Winston’s arrival, as Mr. Hogan would be escorting him up the elevator. Amelia waited patiently near the entrance into the room, Sergeant Barnes at her side.
Everyone was dressed for dinner in evening clothes, adding a layer of elegant formality to the mood in the room. Amelia, wearing a pale cream coloured dress, with lace overlay, that bared her shoulders, wrung her hands a little, anxious for this first meeting between Sergeant Barnes and her father. As she glanced at him, he smiled, seeming to display a calm demeanour that belied the actual figurative butterflies he was feeling. Still, he looked very handsome and confident in his evening suit of black, with a muted pewter coloured brocade vest and softly patterned silk tie. A white rose in his lapel, an item worn by all the gentlemen, added a touch of style to his ensemble. He had trimmed his beard down a bit, hoping to make the age difference between himself and Amelia less noticeable. It helped that Anthony Stark had patented an electric razor that allowed the trim to be done evenly.
The sound of the elevator doors opening was followed by the appearance of Mr. Winston. Seeing his daughter, he smiled broadly and opened his arms to embrace her.
“Father,” she murmured as she hugged him back. “How I’ve missed you.”
“I have missed you, Amy,” he said back, then he stepped back to look closer at her. “You’ve changed in the last two months. I’m not sure what it is but it definitely agrees with you. Now, introduce me to your colleagues.”
“Of course,” she said, grasping his hand and pulling him over towards Barnes. “This is Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes of the United States Cavalry, on secondment to SHIELD and the Avengers.”
Barnes offered his bare right hand to Mr. Winston. “Sir, it is a pleasure to meet you,” he said warmly. “Your daughter has spoken of you often.”
“All good, I hope,” replied the older man. “You and I need to talk, Sergeant, but it can wait until after dinner. Too bad it is raining as I would have liked a cigar outside after the meal.”
“I do have a smoking room for the gentlemen,” said Mr. Stark, coming forward with his wife to shake hands. “Anthony Stark and this is my wife, Virginia. It is a pleasure, Mr. Winston. Your daughter is a wonderful young woman who has made her mark in our Society. We would be quite lost without her.”
“I’m glad to hear it. She has worked hard for everything she accomplished. I’m very proud of her.”
The others came forward, to be introduced in turn. He seemed to be a genial man, with an open and friendly manner. Mrs. Stark led everyone back to the great room, explaining its features. Her husband offered to provide drinks to everyone, whiskey mostly for the men, and wine for the women. They sipped quietly for a moment then Mr. Winston placed his crystal glass down.
“I wonder if I could speak with Sergeant Barnes in private. There is a matter I wish to discuss with him that I realize now cannot wait.”
“Father? What is it about?”
He smiled sadly at his daughter, then sighed.
“A report of an alarming nature. The person who shared it with me was of the opinion that you are incapable of being in charge of your own life. That distressed me, as I have raised you to be an independent thinker.”
She glanced at Barnes. “Was it John Walker?”
“Yes. You know how I feel about the man. That is why I wish to discuss it with Sergeant Barnes and get his side of what is obviously a dispute between the two gentlemen.”
“Sir, there is nothing that John Walker said that isn’t already known by the others gathered here,” interjected Barnes. “I waive my right to privacy and ask that you repeat what was said to you.”
“Very well. He related how he was strolling in Central Park today and spied you both in a position that could be construed as indecent. Right away, that raised my hackles, as I know my daughter well. She is affectionate, yes, but indecent? That was a thinly veiled insult to her. Then he related that the gentleman she was with, Sergeant Barnes, was implicated in the slaughter of several women and children during the range wars of Wyoming. Walker insisted that he did all that he could to provide justice to those victims but that the verdict that freed you was bought and paid for.”
With a sound of disgust, Barnes stood up and faced the window, looking out into the wet night. Several times, he clenched and unclenched his fists at the villainy of John Walker to promote the lie that had plagued him since the verdict that freed him. A soft, cool hand grasped his and he turned, smiling down at Amelia.
“Tell him everything,” she said. “He has his own reasons to distrust the word of John Walker, but he should hear your story from your own lips.”
With a nod, he returned to his chair and related the details of his capture, torture, and medical experimentation during that time. Captain Rogers bolstered the account with his part in it. Anthony Stark related his father’s thoughts on the court-martial, describing it as an attempt to draw Sergeant Barnes back into the clutches of HYDRA, believing it to be an effort to finish their transformation of the man into a biological automaton.
“Why? Why would any rational person want to do that to another person?” Mr. Winston’s distress was evident.
Stark and Rogers looked guardedly at each other then decided to share something that only the Avengers knew.
“My father and Colonel Fury have both dedicated their lives to the defence of this country,” began Stark. “Both of them were West Point graduates in the same class. As they rose higher in the ranks, they heard rumours of a secret division within the army, referred to as HYDRA. It was a shadowy group, that seemed to shift and change their tactics like the wind changes direction. What was certain was that they were intent on effecting a coup d’état at some point, starting with the elimination of the Commander in Chief. A biological automaton would be the perfect weapon for such a crime as it could infiltrate the line of security then perform the deed without hesitation.
“The President? You’re sure?” Winston was shocked, as was Amelia.
“Very sure and President Cleveland trusted their assessment of HYDRA’s goals. It was President Cleveland, Colonel Fury and my father who decided to form SHIELD. Publicly, we perform daring missions of rescue and promote them to keep the public from knowing our true mission; to uncover those individuals who are behind HYDRA and stop them by any means necessary. When the court-martial of Sergeant Barnes revealed the extent of their efforts, the President did what he could to make sure our man here was treated properly, which he wasn’t. That’s how far HYDRA had already infiltrated the military system of justice. But he did insist that Fury and my father were on the tribunal, knowing that only a unanimous verdict could render him guilty.”
“So, it wasn’t bought and paid for,” stated Winston, frowning. He looked closely at Barnes. “You’re not a rich man, are you.”
“I am wealthier now, but my father was a sergeant in the army during the Civil War, then worked in the Brooklyn shipyards,” he replied. “We were working class comfortable, but not able to produce the funds necessary to buy a verdict. After the verdict was passed, I was free to return to my unit but was in no condition to do so. I related my care at the hands of Dr. Banner, and a position was offered to him to join SHIELD. I was seconded to the Society so that he could help me heal completely in a safe and secure environment. Mr. Stark was able to fix my metal arm, so it is functional. Captain Rogers returned to the unit briefly but saw changes already evident in several new faces that were loyal to Lieutenant Walker. He reported his suspicions to Colonel Fury, who was successful in requesting the unit be split into two, with those loyal to us stationed here in New York and the others to duty on the western frontier. General Pierce changed those orders, bringing them to Washington to serve under him. We suspect he is the leader of HYDRA, but so far, he has managed to hide any evidence of it.”
Mr. Winston seemed troubled. “General Alexander Pierce? That is the name of the man who I am to meet here in New York. He wishes me to represent him, as he plans to build a factory on the outskirts of Chicago. Why would a general need to build a factory?”
“Why indeed?” Stark looked troubled at this revelation, then was distracted by the appearance of Mr. Jarvis who announced that dinner was ready. “Mr. Winston, perhaps you and I should have that private talk after dinner. I need to know everything about your correspondence with Pierce and will make sure your revelations are kept secret, although I will relate them to Secretary of State Fury and my father. We need to find out what HYDRA is up to.”
They all rose then Winston stopped and regarded his daughter. “You know why I never considered John Walker as an acceptable suitor, don’t you?”
“I recall you calling him pompous,” she smiled.
“My exact words were that he was a pompous ass,” he smiled back. “My apologies to the ladies present. That is what I said publicly. Privately, I formed a definite opinion when he stated his belief that the man should be the singular authority of the household, his decisions final and unquestionable. He compared a good wife to a well broken horse, just fearful enough not to trigger his judgement, but meek enough to perform all her wifely duties without complaint. In his eyes, you were too headstrong for your own good, but he laid the blame on you, for not being a dutiful daughter. He assumed I was ashamed of you, not realizing I promoted those aspects of you that were just as strong in your mother, aspects that I loved dearly. My beliefs were bolstered when I saw him the following day, beating a downed horse on the street, declaring it to be lazy and stubborn. I was never going to allow him to treat you in that manner. When he showed up late this afternoon at my hotel to regale me with what he saw as proof of your impropriety I was almost tempted to throw him out the door.” He took Amelia’s hand and kissed it then placed it in Sergeant Barnes’ hand. “I approve of your courtship of my daughter and if the day comes when you are ready to ask for her hand in marriage you have my approval already. Just in this short time, I can see you are a man of conviction and honour. You would never try to change those parts of my dearest daughter to satisfy your pride.”
“No sir, I would not.” Barnes kissed her hand also. “She is already perfect, and it is up to me to be worthy of her love, not the other way around.”
“Then we have an understanding between us, in front of all these witnesses,” smiled Winston. “Come, let us dine, and forget about that pompous individual.”
With the dismay of the afternoon’s events vanquished by Harris Winston’s declaration, the dinner party was celebratory in nature. None of Sergeant Barnes colleagues believed that any other outcome than matrimony would come from the courtship of the handsome man and the woman who had captured his heart, Amelia Winston. Released from the need to keep the attachment between them private, the couple were expressive in their love for each other, often touching or gazing at each other with obvious affection. Afterwards, when the gentlemen left for the smoking room, and the women took their place in a cozy alcove in the great room, both principals, Barnes and Amelia, expressed their thanks to their friends and colleagues for their support. Both were assured that the support was infinite.
It was late when Mr. Winston emerged from his private discussion with Anthony Stark. Although the others waited to give him a tour of the building, he insisted that it wait for another day, at a reasonable hour, and bid them his adieu. Amelia and Sergeant Barnes escorted him down to the lobby to say their final goodbyes to him. Mr. Hogan wasn’t there, but one of his men was and hailed a cab for Winston. Once more, he looked fondly at his daughter then hugged her with great affection.
“I leave you in the capable hands of Sergeant Barnes,” he said. “Enjoy these early days as you discover more about each other. Those discoveries will be like an elixir to the richness of your relationship. Goodnight, my darling, until I see you soon.”
He kissed her on the forehead, then shook hands with Sergeant Barnes once again. As his hansom cab disappeared into the rainy night, the couple stopped in the darkened lobby, lit only by several electric sconces on the wall that cast a soft glow on the still operating fountain. Hogan’s man disappeared to his post outside, stationed under a canopy that kept him dry, leaving them alone in the darkened space.
“I like your father,” said Barnes. “He is an admirable man of reason and restraint.”
“He likes you, too. I could tell.” She caressed his face. “Thank you for trusting me.”
“Always, dearest Amelia.”
Drawing her closer, he wrapped his left arm around her waist, as the back of his fingertips brushed lightly against her cheek. No words were spoken as he lowered his lips to hers once again, desiring to taste her sweetness. When they pulled apart, she looked away for a moment as if she wished to say something.
“What is it, my darling?” he asked gently. “You may broach any subject with me.”
“I have noticed that although neither couple are yet married, they share an apartment together. I speak of Natasha and Mr. Barton, and Wanda and Vision. At first, I was somewhat shocked, although I said nothing as both women were so kind to me. Is that how it is with the individuals of the Avengers? Is marriage not considered as desirable?”
He shook his head sagely. “Their attachments were made before they joined the Society. Natasha and Clint will be married soon. Wanda was in a dire situation when Vision rescued her from a fate almost as bad as what HYDRA intended for me. Their love is deep, but she is still afraid of allowing herself the pleasure of a formal marriage. Since they have agreed to their arrangement together, no one is in a position to say otherwise. She is older than she appears. What her captors did to her changed her appearance, as part of their plans for her. Someday, her emotions will have healed to a point where she can allow herself to marry Vision. I dare not say more, for it is her story to tell.”
She nodded her head, then searched his face again. “I must confess that I have never been intimate with a man. This, what you and I are doing right now, is the extent of my experience. Although I was raised liberally, my only knowledge of what happens in private between a man and a woman is clinical or second hand at best and if you expect the same free relationship as those other two ladies, I am unsure if I can consent to that. I do want to please you, but I do not know what to do.”
His soft eyes travelled over Amelia’s upturned face, then he kissed every surface of it, before wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her hair before regarding her again.
“My darling, my desire is for matrimony, but I would not discount the possibility that we may connect physically before that blessed event. Whenever that time happens, whether before or after our marriage, I promise you to be patient and gentle, and to acquire your consent first. I will never force myself on you and if ever what happens in the privacy of our boudoir distresses you, just tell me to stop and I will do so immediately. The act itself isn’t as important as the feelings of closeness and intimacy that it can foster. My wish is also to please you so that you experience the fullness of the joining of two bodies and two souls simultaneously. Do you trust my word?”
She nodded then smiled and they kissed again before returning to the elevator. When he escorted her to her door, he kissed her on the inside of her wrist, before leaving a long lingering kiss on her lips. After locking her door, Amelia leaned against it, feeling warm inside at the words that James expressed to her, and the kiss he left her with. She did long to lay in his arms and experience the joy of a physical connection, but her lack of experience troubled her. Surely, a man like him had been with other women before; he practically said so when they discussed their pasts on their first assignation.
Her knowledge of male anatomy was restricted to the perusal of medical anatomy books, as well as the viewing of classical statues in the finer museums. By what she had seen of his chest and back when he had his shirt off for the treatment of his sword wound, James had the stature desired by artists for their models. There had been times she had witnessed the mating of animals, finding it disturbing as it seemed to be an act of domination, even subjugation, by the male over the female, involving biting, scratching and much pain for the hapless female caught under the body of the larger and stronger male. On occasion she overheard the maids in her father’s house compare stories about the men they had been with. They often used slang terms that she didn’t understand, but she had no doubt they were speaking of the sexual act. She let out a shaky breath. James promised that if and when the occasion rose, they found themselves in that position he would be kind and gentle. He was a man of his word and considering he seemed to have more experience in the matter, she would have to take his word for truth.
Her father stayed longer in New York City after concluding his business with General Pierce, in which he declined to represent the man, even though he was offered a significant retainer. When the Avengers left for several days on a mission to another part of the country, taking a private train to the location, he visited Amelia at the Society, getting the tour of her domain, including a viewing of those skulls she was told about on her first day there. On the return of the heroic individuals, Amelia felt the pleasure of James’ reunion with her. His kisses were more intense, and she felt a change in the attraction between them to something more physical, a mutual feeling on her part. On the second night after their return, when James escorted her to her room at the end of the evening, he kissed her passionately, then licked his lips as if he had something to ask.
“Would you grant me access to your apartment, so that we may be alone for a time?” he asked, in a low voice that gave her a sense of anticipation.
“Yes, you may come in,” she replied, without hesitation, turning slightly to roll the numbers on the dials.
The locks clicked and she opened the door, stepping inside, as he followed her. It was the first time they had been alone in there together. The thrumming of rain against the window was the only sound in the darkened space. As she turned away to switch on a table lamp, he grasped her hand and pulled her closer.
“I missed you,” he whispered. “All my dreams were of you, of us, being alone.” Her heart was pounding, and he placed his palm over it. “You are nervous, I know. I wish only to begin exploring a new level of affection between us. May I kiss you in a way that I’ve been longing for?”
“Yes,” she croaked, then cleared her throat. “Yes, please.”
His hold on her tightened as he pulled her in closer than he ever did before. There was a tenseness in his body that she never previously noticed, like a bow was being pulled to a tautness that would explode if released. She felt its effect on her own person, as she began to breathe quickly, while a pool of heat was forming low in her abdomen. It was a disquieting feeling but strangely not unwelcome.
When he pressed his lips against hers this time, his mouth was slightly open, and she felt the soft touch of his tongue against her mouth. It seemed appropriate to open her lips as her own tongue sought communion with his. A rush of heat blazed through her whole body and for a moment, her knees buckled but James held her upright, pressing her against the wall, while protecting her back with his embrace. His mouth moved gently but firmly against hers as a whimpering sound escaped from her throat. When he finally pulled away after what seemed like an eternity of this sensation of warmth and desire, her hands were grasping his shoulders as he continued holding her in his arms.
Amelia had no words. Never, ever had she been kissed in that manner and all that she could think of was that she wanted to be kissed again just like that … no, deeper and with more intensity. With a soft smile, James bent his head down to hers, then kissed her on the neck, just below her ear and once more, Amelia felt like her legs were weak. A smile appeared on his face, and he gazed at her in a way that made her warm inside once more.
“I feel faint,” she gasped, surprised when he picked her up in his arms and sat in an armchair, placing her in his lap.
“May I loosen your blouse?”
His voice was full of concern, in the darkness that seemed to envelop them.
“Yes, I also need light, please,” she murmured.
Reaching to the table lamp, he pressed the switch and the soft glow cast a golden light on their situation. With care, he undid the top three buttons of her blouse, his fingers lingering on her exposed skin.
“Would you like some water?”
She shook her head, trying to steady her breathing, while he tenderly rubbed her back. Turning to look at him in the light, she leaned her head towards his, resting it against his cheek.
“That was like nothing I ever felt before,” she breathed. “I am ….”
The amused smile that broke out on his face was followed by a hesitant inquiry. “You liked it?”
“Oh, James, I liked it very much.” She pulled slightly away from him and looked into his eyes. “Is the rest of what we spoke of that enjoyable?”
He took a moment to choose his words. “For a woman, the first time she allows a man to join with her might be painful, but it doesn’t last. May I ask if you felt anything in your lower body?” She felt a heat in her cheeks at his question but nodded. “It was the beginning of what is called coming, in the sense that it gets continually more prominent until your body releases the tension.”
“Like a flower bud suddenly opening?” she asked.
“You could look at it that way, but it is happening inside, although if you wish to express it through sound or movement, I would like that, for it means that I have pleased you.”
“That’s important to you.”
“Yes. If we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together it’s important that you like being with me in that way, for it is a joyous act.”
“Can we do it now?”
He smiled. “In good time. Tonight, I wanted only to show you how gentle touches between us could be pleasurable.”
“There’s more?”
“Oh yes. May I demonstrate?”
On her approval he reached for Amelia’s blouse and undid more buttons to reveal the top of her chemise. With the back of his fingertips, he brushed along the skin from her collarbone down to the ribbon in her chemise, tugging on it until it came undone. Leaning forward he pressed his lips into the valley of her bosom, kissing it with the greatest of attention, before moving up towards her neck and back to that spot under her ear.
“Oh my,” she gasped. “I feel warm again.”
“I know,” he murmured, against her neck. “I want you to feel warm. You can do the same to me, you know.”
“Take your jacket off,” she ordered, to his surprise, then watched with fascination at how quickly he did so. “I wish to take your tie off.” Pulling it out of his vest she loosened it and lifted it up over his head, tossing it to the side. Unbuttoning his starched shirt collar, she opened it, removing it from around his neck. It too, was tossed to the side. With her sure hands she undid his shirt buttons, opening the edges up to reveal his hirsute chest. Its appearance fascinated her, and she caressed the soft curls, noticing that James had closed his eyes and laid his head back against the chair back. Undoing the remaining buttons of his vest she opened it wide, then opened more of his shirt buttons, exposing even more of his chest. Looking up, she noticed James watching her.
“I like your chest,” she explained. “Ever since that first night. May I kiss it?”
Shifting slightly, she leaned towards him and bent her head to his chest, pressing her lips against his skin, trying to mimic how he had kissed her bosom. She became aware of a firmness pressing against her leg, positioned close to James’ groin. Looking up at him brought a small smile to his face.
“What is that?”
“That is my manhood preparing for coming. You have seen statues of unclothed men in the museums, have you not?”
“They do not show the manhood in this state of rigidity, as it is considered obscene in polite company, but it is an essential part of the joining between a man and a woman.”
She placed her hand on the obvious bulge, stroking it and smiling as James groaned in a manner that made that feeling form in her lower abdomen again. After several long moments, he reached with his hand and removed hers from where it was, bringing it to his lips and kissing it.
“I am being sorely tested. It is a very sensitive part of male anatomy that is liable to go off too soon if it becomes too eager.”
Her smile was so sweet and knowing at the same time. “Because I touched it?”
“That, and placing your hands on me, and allowing my lips on your skin. It is all part of the mystery of what a man and a woman may do in private, as they explore their desires together. Now, my darling, I am going to end this, as gratifying as it has been. I made a promise to myself to educate you gradually in this matter. You are too quick a student, but that is just an observation, not a complaint.”
She smiled sweetly again, pleased and he pulled her over him, so he could gaze up at her angelic face. Lowering her face to his, they kissed again, and he couldn’t help but place his flesh hand inside her blouse, caressing over her chemise to feel her breast on his palm. A soft whimper from her throat tempted him to abandon his plan, and to take her there on that chair but he withdrew his hand and gently pushed her away, determined to remain a gentleman.
“I do love you,” he murmured, as she looked at him. “You are altogether beautiful my love; there is no flaw in you.”
She blushed at his quotation from the Song of Solomon, verse 4:7, then quoted verse 7:10 back to him.
“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.”
“No truer words have ever been spoken.”
He rose, helping Amelia onto her feet, re-buttoning his shirt and gathering his collar, tie and jacket. At the door, he regarded her once more, then bent down and kissed her on the lips. He stepped out into the hallway towards his door, noticing she watched him. With a final smile, he unlocked his door and stepped inside, stumbling over an envelope addressed to him that had been slid under the door. Entering further into his suite, he dropped his jacket, tie and collar on a chair, then turned on the overhead electric lamp. A harsh spattering of rain against his window drew his attention for a moment then he used the letter opener to open the large envelope, finding two sheets of paper inside. He frowned at reading the content on the first sheet, written in a florid hand.
Your lady is beautiful. If you truly love her, you will leave her and return home. That is the only way she will be safe.
With a coldness building in his belly, he looked at the second sheet. It was a drawing of Amelia and her father, obviously drawn during his sojourn in New York, as it showed a landmark behind it. Stepping towards the telephone, he contacted the security desk at the door of the building. A male voice answered on the second ring.
“This is Barnes. The envelope that came for me,” he began. “Do you have a name or description of the person who dropped it off?”
“No sir,” replied the door attendant on duty. “A lady’s umbrella blew out and I assisted her in righting it. When I turned back it was there. I called to the indoor man on duty to deliver it to your suite.” There was a moment’s silence. “Is there a problem, sir?”
“Not with you, no,” replied Barnes. “Thank you.”
He sat in his armchair, reading and re-reading the note and looking at the drawing, trying to quell the fear that threatened his composure. For hours, he sat there, with only the sound of the rain hitting against the window as company. When the rain finally ended and the night began to brighten into day, he made a decision. Refastening his collar and tie, he buttoned his vest up and put his jacket then hat on. Replacing the sheets inside the envelope he went to the door of his apartment and opened it, looking to see if anyone was up. It was quiet and he slipped over to the elevator, waiting for it to rise to the 17th floor.
On the trip down he wrestled with what he was about to do, but it was clear to him that Amelia was in danger. The need to get her out of New York seemed to scream at him in increasing intensity. Striding out of the elevator, he went to the door, surprising the door attendant.
“Hail me a cab,” he ordered, which the door attendant did immediately. When it came, he practically jumped into the interior. “Astor House.”
There was no other way around it, he had to send Amelia away. The quickest and best way was to send her back to Chicago with her father. The trip to the hotel seemed to take forever but they finally arrived, just as the early risers were awakening. He strode to the front desk and pressed the bell to call the clerk. A man in morning clothes came out of the back and faced him.
“I need to speak with Mr. Harris Winston, of Chicago,” stated James.
“Is he expecting you, sir?”
“No, but it is an urgent matter. I beg that you call up to his room, as I know he rises early. Tell him it is Sergeant James Barnes, and it involves his daughter.”
“One moment sir.” The man went to a telephone on the desk behind him and dialled the room. Several seconds later he started speaking, then hung up. “Room 516, Sergeant Barnes on the fifth floor. It is to the right of the elevator.”
“Thank you.”
Trying to temper his growing disquiet he looked up at the floor indicator, wishing that elevators were faster. The doors opened and he looked right to see Mr. Winston standing in the open doorway, beckoning to him. He was still in his night clothes but wore a robe. Quickly, Barnes stepped inside and waited for Winston to join him.
“I apologize profusely for interrupting your usual morning routine, but an envelope was delivered to my attention at the Society late last night,” began Barnes. “It is a disturbing communication from an unknown source. I beg you to look at it and counsel me on how to respond to it.”
He handed the envelope to the older man, who went to a table and pulled a pair of reading glasses on before opening the envelope and removing the contents. After reading the note, he studied the drawing.
“We were there, two days ago,” he said, “shortly before your return, I believe. You think it is a threat against my Amy?”
“I do, sir, a credible threat. I believe that she needs to leave New York.”
“She won’t leave. Her independent nature will convince her to stay and prove the threat wrong. Unless, you have a means to convince her.”
“I do but it won’t be pleasant.” Barnes removed his hat to run his hand through his hair, noticing for the first time he had forgotten to wear gloves. “I mean to break it off with her. It pains me to do it, because I do love her dearly, but I can see no other way that she willingly leaves. I want her to return to Chicago with you.”
Winston studied the papers again, then gestured to Barnes to sit with him.
“You would sacrifice your happiness to protect her?”
“I would, sir. Her safety is paramount, and I fear the people behind this are the same ones who held me captive. It is likely they wish to finish what they started. They are extremely dangerous and even our assemblage of individuals is hard pressed to fight them. We need to focus all of our attention and resources on the fight. With her there, my attention may be divided and that could mean the difference between success and failure.”
“Very well, I will cut short my visit and purchase 2 train tickets for Chicago. If you wish to dine with me here in the room, I believe I can make that call shortly after I finish eating. I think it would be prudent to confirm the tickets before you break the news to her.”
“Thank you, sir. I don’t think I could eat at the moment, but I will accept a cup of coffee. I did not sleep last night, and I need the stimulation of a strong coffee.”
Winston placed the call for breakfast then took some clothes into the bathroom, coming out about 15 minutes later, dressed. Almost immediately, there was a knock on the door and breakfast was delivered along with a pot of coffee and two cups and saucers. As Mr. Winston ate, Barnes sipped his coffee, savouring the quality of the roast. It was fine coffee, but considering the fact that Astor House was the premier hotel in New York City, it shouldn’t have been surprising. Half an hour later, Mr. Winston checked his pocket watch and swallowed his final bite of breakfast, washing it down with the coffee.
Lifting the receiver of the telephone he asked the front desk to connect him to the ticket booth at Grand Central Depot, the train station located at the edge of the city. After enquiring about the times of the day’s trains to Chicago he requested a reservation for two people in a premier car for Mr. Harris Winston and his daughter Miss Amelia Winston. The train, scheduled to depart at 11:30 am, would arrive in Chicago 12 hours later. The cost was $7.00 for both of them. With the tickets reserved, Winston hung up and looked at Barnes.
“It will take us at least 45 minutes to get there from your location. I will try to be there for 10:30. Do you believe that is enough time to inform her and get her packed?”
“It will have to be.” Barnes stood up and replaced his hat, then offered his hand to man who could have been his father-in-law one day. “I am truly sorry for hurting her.”
The older man smiled sadly. “I know it, but it is indicative of how much you do love her. Once we return to Chicago I will explain the real reason behind your actions. She will be angry but perhaps she will find it in her heart to forgive you one day.”
“Perhaps,” agreed Barnes. “Good day, sir.”
He left, never expecting to resume the Winston’s acquaintance again, already accepting that with this strategy it would be truly over. As he rode back in the hansom cab, he steeled himself to the distasteful task ahead of him. After the loving interlude of the evening before, it was difficult to reconcile that he was now planning to break the heart of the woman he loved to protect her.
Part 5>>
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pelvictech · 8 months
When it comes to intimate health and wellness, a variety of tools are available to assist in various areas, from pelvic floor strength to sexual health. 
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pillarsalt · 1 year
Women taken advantage of by medical device manufacturers who distributed dangerous malfunctioning implants without testing them properly, implants which leave pieces permanently stuck inside your body when removed. Women taken advantage of by doctors who abused their trust to make some money by way of financial incentives and bonuses from said medical device manufacturers. Women taken advantage of by lawyers who were supposed to be fighting for their justice but instead tried to wring every cent they could out of them, including to lease private planes for themselves.
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myhealthhospital · 5 months
Treatment For Urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence, the involuntary leakage of urine, can significantly impact a person's quality of life. Treatment options depend on the type and severity of incontinence, as well as underlying causes. Common treatments include:
Lifestyle Modifications: Behavioral changes such as bladder training, scheduled toileting, and fluid management can help improve symptoms.
Pelvic Floor Exercises (Kegels): Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can support the bladder and improve urinary control.
Medications: Certain medications, such as anticholinergics or beta-3 agonists, can help reduce bladder spasms and increase bladder capacity.
Medical Devices: Devices like pessaries or urethral inserts can help support the bladder and reduce leakage.
Electrical Stimulation: Techniques like sacral neuromodulation or percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) use electrical impulses to improve bladder control.
Interventional Therapies: Botox injections into the bladder or bulking agents around the urethra can help reduce incontinence episodes.
Surgery: In severe cases or when other treatments fail, surgical options like sling procedures or artificial urinary sphincter implantation may be considered.
It's crucial to consult a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on individual needs and health status.
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bisexualamy · 9 months
Transition Update #65: One week post-op phallo (part 1) Cliff Notes
Hey what's up it's your recently bedicked boy. I'm sleepy but I like having these records for both myself and others so I'm gonna do some bullet points. This is gonna be very casual.
I had my first post-op yesterday but I have another one in a week so I'm gonna talk about both of them together.
As a reminder here's the phallo stage list (this ref is a lot easier than me trying to re-explain what they did, bc I am not a surgeon and idk what the official names of any of this is called). Italicized stages are completed stages.
Stage 0: hysto and partial vgectomy (done back in January) Stage 1: meta, UL creation, complete vgectomy, “tee up” stage 2 so I can spend as little time on the table as possible Stage 2: take the graft and create the phallus Stage 3: scrotoplasty, glandsplasty, finish UL Stage 4: erectile device, finish scrotoplasty and glandsplasty
I am technically 10 days post-op but eh it's basically the same. I spent three nights in the hospital before they discharged me. I've been home for almost a week now and I'm happy to be here. The nurses and hospital staff overall treated me very nicely and I had as positive an experience as I think you can have in a hospital.
I am able to stand and walk around on my own but not for very long. I get fatigued if I'm not able to rest for most of the day. Sitting is still very painful so I am usually standing (infrequently) or lying down/slouching in bed.
Overall I'm not in a lot of pain and I've been managing my pain mainly through a lot of advil and tylenol.
I have a catheter and I've had one since day 1. It's coming out next week so that'd be 16 days post op. The catheter doesn't hurt very much if I maneuver it into the correct place but I like to be able to hold the catheter bag myself and empty it myself bc I know how to do it in a way that isn't painful.
My body has not somatically caught up w the fact that I have a dick yet. It took it a few days to realize that I didn't have my other parts anymore. My pelvic floor muscles were very confused and were involuntarily contracting a lot the first 48 hrs which was unpleasant but they've since stopped. Most of the time it kinda feels like I have nothing. I'm wondering if the catheter is also party of the reason for that.
The surgical team says I'm healing super well and on the faster side, which is awesome to hear.
I got to see my dick for the first time yesterday and it was super cool! It looks like a dick!! (Like a pre-puberty dick but that's kind of what they were going for to tee up the rest of the phallo). I did not have a true metadioplasty. I had a partial meta and full vgectomy but they left a lot of the surrounding external tissue from the old parts to help with the next stage (I believe). If I had a true meta everything would be much more dick-like.
The surgical team also says my UL went super well and once they take the catheter out they said I can try peeing standing up!! Which is so cool!!!!
The gender euphoria has not set in yet bc of all the medical stuff that is sort of interfering with my ability to relearn my body. I was warned by friends this would happen so I'm trying to take it in stride.
Anyway that's all folks.
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jpmcompanyreviews · 9 months
The Benefits of V Steaming
The Benefits of V Steaming
Vaginal steaming, often referred to as "V steaming" or "Yoni steaming," is a practice that has been gaining popularity in recent years. While V steaming has a long history in various cultures, it's now making a resurgence as a holistic wellness option for individuals seeking natural ways to support their well-being. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of V steaming without making any medical claims. We'll also touch on the use of Yoni steam herbs and portable V steamers as part of this rejuvenating practice.
Before we dive in, if you're new to V steaming and want to learn more about it or explore a selection of Yoni steam herbs, you can visit Leiamoon.com for comprehensive information and high-quality products.
What Is V Steaming?
V steaming, also known as Vaginal steaming or Yoni steaming, is an age-old practice that involves sitting or squatting over a pot of herbal-infused steam. The steam is created by boiling a blend of herbs that are carefully selected for their therapeutic properties. This warm herbal steam is directed towards the vagina and perineum, providing a soothing and potentially beneficial experience.
The Benefits of V Steaming
Supports Menstrual Health: V steaming is often used as a natural way to alleviate menstrual discomfort. While not a medical treatment, some individuals have reported reduced menstrual cramps and a more comfortable period after incorporating V steaming into their self-care routine.
Enhances Circulation: The warm herbal steam from V steaming may promote improved blood circulation in the pelvic area. Healthy circulation can be essential for overall reproductive health and vitality.
Stress Reduction: Taking time for a V steam session can be a meditative and relaxing experience. It allows individuals to disconnect from daily stressors and focus on self-care, promoting a sense of emotional well-being.
Postpartum Recovery: Many new mothers turn to V steaming as part of their postpartum recovery process. While not a replacement for medical care, it can offer comfort and relaxation during this transformative time.
Supports Vaginal Health: Some women use V steaming to support vaginal health. The practice is believed to help maintain a balanced vaginal pH and support the body's natural cleansing processes.
Empowerment and Self-Care: V steaming can be a powerful way for individuals to connect with their bodies and practice self-love. It's a ritual that promotes a sense of empowerment and self-care.
Using Yoni Steam Herbs
Central to the V steaming experience are the herbs used to create the therapeutic steam. Yoni steam herbs are carefully chosen for their unique properties and benefits. Some commonly used herbs include:
Rosemary: Known for its aromatic and soothing properties.
Lavender: Renowned for its relaxation-inducing scent.
Calendula: Believed to have anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
Rose Petals: Celebrated for their gentle, nurturing qualities.
Mugwort: Often used in traditional V steaming for its potential benefits.
These herbs can be used individually or blended together to create a personalized V steam experience tailored to your unique needs and preferences.
If you're interested in exploring a variety of Yoni steam herbs, you can check out Leiamoon.com's selection of high-quality, organic herbs.
Portable V Steamers
While traditional V steaming setups involve squatting or sitting over a pot of steaming herbs, modern technology has introduced portable V steamers, making the practice more accessible and convenient. Portable V steamers are compact devices that generate herbal steam, allowing you to experience V steaming in the comfort of your own home.
These portable devices are designed to be user-friendly and safe, and they often come with adjustable settings to control the steam's intensity and temperature. This makes it easier than ever to incorporate V steaming into your self-care routine.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions about V steaming or Yoni steam herbs, you're not alone. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers:
Is V Steaming Safe?: When performed correctly, V steaming is generally considered safe for most individuals. However, it's essential to follow safety guidelines and not use extremely hot steam.
How Often Should I V Steam?: The frequency of V steaming can vary from person to person. Some may do it once a month, while others prefer a more frequent schedule. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.
Can V Steaming Treat Medical Conditions?: V steaming is not a medical treatment and should not be used as a replacement for professional medical care. It is a holistic wellness practice that some individuals find supportive.
Are There Any Side Effects?: While many people experience positive effects from V steaming, it's essential to be aware of your body's response. If you experience any discomfort or adverse effects, discontinue the practice and consult a healthcare professional.
V steaming is a holistic wellness practice that has been embraced by many for its potential benefits. It offers a unique opportunity for self-care, relaxation, and connection with your body. Remember that V steaming is not a medical treatment, and its effects can vary from person to person.
If you're interested in exploring V steaming further or purchasing Yoni steam herbs, you can visit Leiamoon.com. They offer a range of products and information to support your V steaming journey.
Please note that this blog does not make any medical claims, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for any specific health concerns or conditions.
With the rise of portable V steamers, it's easier than ever to incorporate this practice into your self-care routine. Whether you're looking to enhance your menstrual health, reduce stress, or simply indulge in some well-deserved self-care, V steaming and Yoni steam herbs offer a holistic approach to wellness that's worth exploring.
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hellyeahscarleteen · 2 months
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IUDs are super effective at managing periods and preventing pregnancy⁠, but the procedure to put them in can be painful. Not everyone who gets an IUD⁠ experiences pain when the device is inserted, but many do. That isn’t surprising! The pelvic region is rich with sensory nerve endings, which is why people experience many sensations, some pleasurable and others painful, in and around the vagina⁠, cervix⁠ and uterus⁠.
Medical providers didn’t used to offer pain management for gynecological procedures because of the (misogynist and now debunked) presumption that these types of procedures don’t cause pain. But pain management is now widely available and should absolutely be offered to anyone who opts to have an IUD placed into their body. You don’t have to use pain management for an IUD insertion if you don’t want to, but everyone should be offered the choice.
Queer nurse Sarah Kiser is here to tell you about how an IUD is placed, at which points during the procedure people experience pain, and the pain management options that can be used at various points during the procedure.
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ta-matia-tou-morfea · 2 years
My best friend Nevra Liz is a 27 year old woman in Karachi, Pakistan who has been suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and related comorbidities such as dysautonomia since childhood. However, her health has taken a dramatic downturn in recent years with the onset of severe Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Before becoming dangerously ill she studied many languages, and later used her translation skills to help out disabled patients all over the world, and advocated for disability rights. She is no longer able to do any of these things. 
The first smaller goal for Nevra is £4,000 (equivalent to $4898.30, euros: €4661.12)
This includes laparoscopic surgery
at Aga Khan University hospital and a hospital stay, which costs about 670,000 PKR or £2,500.
Nevra needs relief for her excruciating pelvic pain as soon as possible. (Her pain is 9 to 10 on the pain scale every day.)
The remaining £1,500 will go towards hospital stay for additional days, food, medication, transportation, home care, at home nurse, caregiver, supplements, and medical device support items.
We have less than 4 weeks to reach our goal and we need the doctors to continue taking the pain seriously and not deciding against the laparoscopy because of a lack of funds and putting Nevra on random medications again.
The GoFundMe link to donations: https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-nevra
To know more about the case:
Your help is valuable and we appreciate it really in these crucial times.
May God bless you 🙏
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soapkaars · 2 years
What would the medical malpractice gang do in their free time?
Good question! Dr Gogol is an easy answer - the film gives us a pretty good idea! He plays the organ, he reads depressing poetry, he keeps and takes care of carnivorous plants… and of course he goes to the theatre to watch grand guignol spectacle. If he’d be living today he’d definitely be a slasher fan! Holding discussions during surgery about Nightmare on Elm Street canon with the other surgeons while drilling screws through a pelvic bone.
Next up: professor Karl Fenninger. We see him having an appreciation for art and sniffing flowers. Definitely the type who’s a Man of Culture. He goes to museums and exhibitions, he probably hangs around galleries. I definitely see him as being somewhat of an art collector… legally and illegally.
Herman Einstein: oh this poor guy! He’s got a boyfriend who doesn’t really allow him much free time to himself - either torturing some poor sap or running away or fixing Jonathan’s face (‘stop picking at the stitches! They need to heal properly!’) or drinking alcohol to settle his poor nerve… But supposing Jonathan settles down a little and only kills a person once a month or so… what would Herman do? I like @angelamontoo ‘s idea that he’d play tennis with Elaine while leaving Jonathan and Mortimer to their own devices.
Finally there’s Arthur Lorentz. This guy… oh THIS guy. Like he’s definitely someone who gets a notion in his head and then goes after it. Hence his collection of different jobs: sheriff, barrister, lawyer, notary… this man hoards diplomas like I hoard armadillo statuettes. I’d even say that IS his hobby! He definitely loves everything that has to do with bureaucracy and paperwork and laws. He’s the type to find really weird outdated laws (like all taxis are supposed to have hay in their trunks because that law was drafted before the combustion engine) and weird loopholes!
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