#pei parade
kon-konk · 5 months
I saw someone say a red flag for anime is if it only has 12 episodes because "it'll probably never see the light off day again and probably won't get a season 2" like 90% of the 12 episode animes I've seen haven't been an entire story encapsulated in that one season
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canadachronicles · 1 year
"Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Bonne Fierté!"
Source: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Instagram Page
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mxtxfanatic · 9 months
I really love how in the breadth of range Xie Lian shows, never does he ever defer to power. One of the earliest (chronologically) scenes we see with this is when he was still just a beloved prince. For one, Xie Lian disregards everyone telling him that he should have let Hong Hong’er fall to his death to continue the parade, because letting a child die to preserve a festival tradition is morally bankrupt. Then later, Qi Rong is injured by Feng Xin—indirectly on Xie Lian’s orders—and despite the fact that Qi Rong was in the wrong (causing chaos, destruction, and injury in the capital streets, attempting to publicly murder a small child, acting above the law and against the direct royal family for his own whims), Qi Rong still demands that Feng Xin’s arm be broken, to which the king agrees because “a servant should never injure royalty.” Xie Lian, seeing the blatant corruption in this, tells his father that if he really thinks Feng Xin was wrong, then Xie Lian, most beloved prince of his kingdom, should be punished in his stead for giving him those orders. Xie Lian never backs down from this, using his status to attempt to cow his own father THE KING into admitting fault and backing down, and it was only because Feng Xin broke his own arm and kowtowed to end the dispute (“you shouldn’t fight with your father, Xie Lian”) that it was “resolved.”
After his ascension, we see him refuse to listen to the older, more “experienced” gods—including Jun Wu—who mock him for attempting to save his kingdom, telling him people are only good for the worship they provide while their actual lives mean nothing. When his kingdom is destroyed and he is at his lowest after being abandoned by his family and friends, he refuses to give in to Bai Wuxiang goading him into destroying Yong’an, despite the fact that none of the people stopped to help him as he lay for days with a sword through him (which by his own stipulations, meant they deserved death). When he ascends again and Jun Wu offers him his place back in the heavens, he rejects the offer, choosing to wander as a powerless, fortune-less immortal amongst the people over living comfortably as a powerful but removed god.
During his third ascension, he refuses to allow the other more popular and powerful gods to escape accountability for their actions, even as he is threatened for it. He goes after Pei Xiu despite everyone saying that it would get him on Pei Ming’s bad side, because he refuses to allow Banyue to take the blame for another’s actions, just because she is a ghost and he is a god. He refuses to stop associating with Hua Cheng despite everyone telling him to because, again, their hatred of the ghost king was based on bias and superiority complexes rather than the reality of who Hua Cheng was.
I could really go on and on, but you get the point: Xie Lian never bows to power or hierarchy to dictate his morality. He knows what’s right and wrong, and he’s gonna do the right thing, status quo and societal expectations be damned.
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cantsayidont · 1 year
"So each year, hoping he will return, we set an extra place at dinner...for Superman!"
In 1984, the 400th issue of SUPERMAN presented an oversize issue with a series of vignettes about Superman's future, illustrated by a selection of different artists (including Frank Miller and Jim Steranko, among others) and interspersed with pinups and little essays by artists ranging from Will Eisner to Moebius.
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The story itself, mostly written by Elliot S! Maggin, is unusual, since unlike most "Imaginary Stories," it's not interested with Superman's future (whom he marries, whether he has children, etc.), but rather with his eventual transformation into a mythic figure.
The most interesting of the vignettes is this one, drawn and colored by Klaus Janson. The narrative captions aren't always very legible, so I'll transcribe them after each page.
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"So did the legend wax and wane and wax some more across the ages until, inevitably, the career of Kal-El, the waif from a lost world, passed from the realm of legend into myth… And in the dawning days of the Sixtieth Century--the memory of Superman has passed from reverence to ritual…"
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"Meet Riley Benedix-- Even to 20th-Century eyes Riley's mode of dress would appear eccentric… Worry not--there is an explanation. The hat, of course, is the stovepipe of Abraham Lincoln, who lived soon enough before the great age of heroes to be included among them… The eyes wear the distinctive spectacles of Woodrow Wilson, who made the world safe for democracy… The shirt is that of Superman, greatest of all heroes, who fought for truth, justice, and the American way… Over Riley's back is an Eisenhower jacket, reminiscent of the hero of D-Day… On his feet are the highwater boots of Kuhan Pei-Jing, who slogged through the ricefields of Asian negotiating to head off a Third World War in the 1990's."
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"Every year Riley and thousands of other history buffs fly hopelessly outdated spacecraft to Arcturus…to the convention of the 'League of Supermen'--for costume parades, sales of ancient memorabilia, parties, and a bit of unabashed fun… Riley's father never understood fun…"
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"We join the Benedix family on a night of the year that is different from all other nights…"
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"That is a good question, Superman…which you will answer to your own satisfaction soon enough…but for now you are only relatively sure of where you have been. You learned, again, that when the powers you wield are awesome, then the forces that array themselves against you are likewise--when the pulsing blob of chaotic energy nearly entered a star-system close to Earth's…and threatened, but its presence, to skew the orbits of inhabited worlds… Suddenly, not only was the blob of energy gone--but so was the last son of Krypton!"
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"Alone, in pain, he found himself swimming through space like a drowning man looking for a life raft…directing himself more through will and instinct than through consciousness--to the blue-green world that has come to be his home. As, not a hundred yards from where the Man of Steel fell…"
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"Soon, the stranger opens his eyes, looks around, and wonders…"
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"So young Riley Benedix does continue the story of this festive day for his family…and he is the only one who knows that one of the story's main characters is here at the table with them all! It is a story of the days when America was young…and a child who could change the course of mighty rivers came to Earth--to exemplify all that American had and would come to stand for! Some of the story is accurate…some is clouded by the folds of myth and time--but like art and greatness, it is all true!"
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"The young man walks the man from four thousand years ago into the sea-breeze of the night, and… For every Miracle Monday after that one, Riley's family set an extra place as everyone else did…but every year through Riley's old age, the food on Superman's dish mysteriously disappeared during dinner! Of course, everyone thought it was a trick--that Riley always teleported it away…but only Riley knew that sometimes legends live!"
Miracle Monday is a recurring holiday in Maggin's Superman stories, celebrated the third Monday of each May. It's explained in Maggin's 1981 prose novel of the same name, in which Superman beats the Devil (in the form of one C.W. Saturn) with some assistance from a time-traveling 29th century historian named Kristen Wells and an unexpected last-minute save from Lex Luthor (who was a very different character in that era and whom Maggin generally presented in a relatively sympathetic light).
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(The cover of the novel tends to imply that it's a novelization of the Christopher Reeve SUPERMAN 2, which it's not, despite the glossy center section with photos from that movie.)
Maggin, who was a regular writer of the Superman comics in the '70s and '80s, later returned Kristen Wells in DC COMICS PRESENTS Annual #2 (1983) and #4 (1985), which make reference to the events of the novel.
In any event, the Benedix family's Miracle Monday celebration is very plainly modeled on a Passover seder, with an empty plate for Superman taking the place of the extra glass of wine poured for the prophet Elijah. It doesn't appear they've left the door open for Superman, but his appearance at the open door is obviously intended to evoke that tradition.
There is a lot of Jewish-coded content in the Superman stories of the Silver Age and Bronze Age (from 1958 to 1986) — a lot more than in the Golden Age, unless you really strain, and MUCH more than in the period following the John Byrne revamp begun in 1986–1987, which pointedly did away with most of that stuff — and this is a particularly clear example. In that respect, it's notable that the Miracle Monday seder is expressly an Earth custom; much of what you can most readily identify as Jewish-coded in these stories is associated with the Kryptonian diaspora.
Regarding the story's narrative coda, it may be worth pointing out that while this story has Superman initially thrown through time by a mysterious space phenomenon, the "pre-Crisis" Silver Age/Bronze Age Superman could fly at superluminal speeds, and was capable of both interstellar travel and time travel under his own power. There were some complicated (and irregularly applied) rules about traveling to time periods in which he already existed, but Superman was capable of simply traveling forward in time and then returning to his own time more or less whenever he felt like it, which is how he was able to perform this little parlor trick for Riley. That was one of the abilities that John Byrne removed in the wake of MAN OF STEEL, in the effort to reduce Superman's powers and try to tie them to a specific set of pseudo-scientific rules.
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A dozen bikers gathered in Charlottetown Sunday morning for the second annual PEI Queer Ride & Meet Up motorcycle ride. Motorcyclists are riding from the capital city along the north shore to Kensington.
Erin Gillespie and Jocelyn Adams co-organized the event. They’ve both been riding for about 15 years.
“It’s not particularly a really safe feeling space for women, and definitely not for LGBTQ people,” said Gillespie. “So it only made sense to help to create a space where everyone was welcome.”
They say the event is twice as big as last year. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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goaliesarethebest · 1 year
PEI Pride Parade was today, it was so much fun 
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
P.E.I. pride parade bans political groups, messaging
A dozen bikers gathered in Charlottetown Sunday morning for the second annual PEI Queer Ride & Meet Up motorcycle ride. Motorcyclists are riding from the capital city along the north shore to Kensington.
Erin Gillespie and Jocelyn Adams co-organized the event. They’ve both been riding for about 15 years.
“It’s not particularly a really safe feeling space for women, and definitely not for LGBTQ people,” said Gillespie. “So it only made sense to help to create a space where everyone was welcome.”
They say the event is twice as big as last year.
“It helps by getting allied riders out with us, to ride with us,” said Adams. “It gets us to meet other queer riders, and just kind of build a community around just being bikers.”
They say it’s important to show that these riders are here to stay.
“Historically, the motorcycle community has not always been the most welcoming to queer folks and women,” said Adams. “It’s important to have an event like this so people can know that we’re out there, that queer riders do exist.”
They say it’s an event they’d put on even without PEI Pride, but it’s a great combination.
Acceptance for pride is growing on the island. A number of municipalities are flying pride flags for the first time this year.
Charlottetown has gone a step further with street banners and large signs around the city.
There are pride events across the island this week, culminating in P.E.I.’s pride parade next weekend.
Organizers will not be allowing political groups, political floats, branding, or materials, as a protest.
Organizers say that will be the case until political parties make themselves more inclusive and better reflective of the island’s population.
Any politician who wants to march must do so as an individual.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/IQzVWA9
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hereliesbitches--me · 2 years
I continue my parade of showing off rosies kids so today we dive into the marvel universe in which Eddie Brock got himself a cat waifu thanks everyone
So we have the first born goblins who want to fight to the death at any given time. Made by Mr Brock at his angriest
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Then we have the second set of kiddos born when Eddie started to calm down, including Sleeper and Dylan Brock -- who we are retconning as Eddie's little brother bcuz we don't stan that whole r*pey plot point that made him in the weird comic world
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Dylan didn't have super powers until sleeper came back and now they're the Brady bunch and it's kinda cool for Jaime to have an uncle that's also her brother
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whattheabcxyz · 2 months
Yet more seniors found dead in their homes - 2 separate cases on Monday, 1 in AMK & another in Bukit Batok
Over 30 bus services to skip stops on 9 & 10 Aug due to National Day celebrations
Desmond Lee insists majority of HDB resale flats remain affordable to 1st-timers - sure, if you wanna live in a slum or dumpster
Marine Parade shuttle bus service costs about $1m a year to run & is funded largely by donations
Taskforce set up to bolster tech resilience following CrowdStrike outage
13 migrant domestic workers & 14 errant employers arrested in MOM bust - involving illegal employment & falsification of work pass applications
EMA can impose power rationing during emergency under proposed law
No plans to replicate or scale up pilot giving cash with no strings attached to low-income families - there was no clear evidence the cash aid led to longer-term positive effects
New bill to purportedly allow government to tackle money laundering more effectively
Singapore: DBS chief Piyush Gupta to retire in March next year; veteran banker Tan Su Shan to take over
Slime mould's pathfinding reveals connections in the universe’s vast “cosmic web”
Singapore Food Agency says Pei Pa Koa-flavoured food products unlikely to have safety issues - if anyone falls sick, you know who to blame!
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^ 10 images AI got very wrong - those contorted faces look like aliens... & why is their raft so full of patched-up holes?!
Singapore: All student devices affected by Mobile Guardian app issues to be fixed by 16 Aug
Scoot to launch flights to Kertajati in Indonesia & Melaka in Malaysia on new Embraer jets
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campgroundspei · 1 year
K.W Green Park Campground Campground #25
On this gold cup weekend the boys and I decided to pack up our bags with a friend and share a cabin at K.W Green Park in Tyne Valley, P.E.I.
We headed up after the parade, stopping at Star lite Diner for some Lupper, (cute little restaurant with old school feel, good prices and good food).
After our late lunch we continued on to Green Park and arrived around 3:30pm. As i checked in I was shocked to see that they had free wood for all guests!
We headed down to our cabin and were swarmed by the mosquitos as we were trying to set up. Once we got set up we had an early camp fire so we could smoke those mosquitos out. We tried some quick walks but the mosquitos were so bad that we just stayed by the fire till bed.
The next morning we enjoyed some coffee on the small cabin deck before heading to the Green Park Shipbuilding Museum. (Which is right next door!) We all enjoyed this tour and it was quite interesting to learn some old PEI history, even the kids enjoyed the museum, old school house, The Yeo family home tour & the blacksmith barn!
After our tour we went back for some lunch at the cabin and saw they were spraying for mosquitoes so the Saturday afternoon was a little bit more barable for mosquitoes.
We enjoyed the two little parks they had at the campground for the kids and walked between them for most of the afternoon/evening until it was trick or treat time.
We didn't realize it was Halloween at the campground till we got there but we improvised with what we had and went as "Happy Campers" . 
When looking for the rec hall we found out that they also had a pool there, it was a little late by the time we noticed to go for a swim though, we are still not sure how we missed it.
The trick or treating took up our evening right until campfire time which we enjoyed with the kids till bedtime.
Once Sunday came it was raining again and we packed up as quick as we could and headed home.
My favorite part of this Campground was the friendly staff & free wood! If I come back I'd like to come in camper next time and try up front.
My 7 year old said his favorite part was trick or treating &
My 14 year old said his favorite part was the muesem and would like to go back for the rock the boat festival sometime as long as a band he liked was playing.
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thailandeventguide · 1 year
The Songkran Festival 2023 has ended, and the Thai New Year 2023 was memorable. The largest water festival is celebrated in Thailand, giving time for joy and celebration. It marks the beginning of the traditional Thai New Year and is celebrated with water fights, parades, and other festivities. Thais and foreigners celebrate the Thai New Year with even more enthusiasm and joy than usual this year, as it was the first Songkran Festival since the pandemic began. The festival results were overwhelmingly positive, with people from all directions celebrating the traditional Thai New Year. The festival was a great success, with people of all ages and backgrounds participating. The streets were filled with laughter and joy, and the atmosphere was electric. The festival was a great success, and it is sure to be remembered for years to come. On the other side, Songkran comes every year with tragedies. Over the last few days, nearly 200 people died, and 1,800 were wounded in road accidents. More people drive home today, and this number is expected to grow. Songkran also aligns with stories about unconventional bikini expressions, showing dancing Thai youngsters who express their nudities in the happiness of their celebrations. Unfortunately, people did not appreciate these actions and the government released four iron rules. Two rules prohibited showing nudity. The Department of Disease Control expects Covid cases to rise after the Thai New Year celebrations as most people have socialised for days. In Don Sak, at the pier, a ferry capsized after cars and travellers went off the boat to continue their journey. No casualties. https://youtu.be/-oTt5rE9ErM Songkran 2023: A Flashback of  Thai New Year Thai New Year 2023 is part of the past, and what a perfect time to celebrate with festivals taking place all around the land of Smiles. The first major global Hip Hop Festival, Rolling Loud 2023, saw the light in Pattaya with performances from Travis Scott, Cardi B and Chris Brown. S2O Festival in Bangkok chooses to pull the water plugs to make the crowds soaking wet during the massive Bangkok music festival. An absolute top list of legendary international DJs, including Tieso, Sebastian Ingrosso, and Nicky Romero, accelerated the beat for the crowds. Siam Songkran Festival 2023 entertained the partying crowd at RCA with different DJs and massive visuals. The DJs who made furore on the playlist are Roxy June, ARI, Lady Punch, Riviere, Pei Pei and Joi Lila. The traditional Thai New Year festival has been a time of joy and celebration for the past three days, and this year is no different. People from all over the country have participated in the festivities, from water fights to parades, from Chiang Mai to Had Yai. No matter where you travelled, Songkran was there big time. During the Songkran Festival Bangkok 2023, people filled the streets, throwing water, dancing, and singing. Khaosan Road was one of the water-throwing epi-centres. The atmosphere is electric, and it's clear that everyone is having a great time. The Songkran Chiang Mai 2023 celebrations are more laid back but just as lively. People are out in the streets, spraying each other with water and enjoying the festivities. There are also parades and performances, as well as traditional Thai music and dancing. Yesterday marked the end of the Thai New Year 2023, and people travel back on Sunday in full force to return to work on Monday. No matter where you celebrate the water festival in Thailand, it's clear that the people are celebrating the Songkran in style, spending a lot of time reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the future. So, Songkran is a great way to end the festival and start the new year on the right foot. If you couldn't attend, be sure that you join the Happy Songkran 2024! https://youtu.be/SH-AaUbkO0w Reflections on the Results of the Water Festival 2023: What Did We Learn? It's been behind us, Songkran 2023, and it's time to reflect on what we learned.
This year's Songkran was unique, with many changes due to the pandemic. Despite the challenges, the festival was still a success; we can take away some valuable lessons. First, we learned that it's possible to celebrate Songkran safely, and hopefully, after tomorrow can say that we will have fewer accidents. Despite the pandemic, people still found ways to enjoy the festival and care about their families and themselves. Second, we learned that it's essential to be flexible. More festivals and celebrations came back more prominent than ever. People had to be creative and come up with ideas to celebrate. This taught us that being open to change and adapting is essential. Overall, the Thai New Year 2023 was a unique experience. We learned that it's possible to celebrate safely, that it's essential to be flexible, and that Songkran is still a time for a lot of fun and celebration. The Impact of Songkran 2023: How Did the Festival Affect Thailand? Thailand's Water Festival, held annually in April, is one of the country's most beloved and celebrated holidays. This year, the festival was during the holidays from April 13th to April 15th. The festival is a time for Thais to unite and celebrate the Thai New Year. It's a time for families to reunite, for friends to gather, and for everyone to enjoy the festivities. This year, the festival was even more special as it marked the 2023 anniversary of Songkran. You can feel the positive energy of the Thai New Year 2023 throughout the country. It was a time for people to come together and celebrate the Thai New Year. It was also a time for people to reflect on the past year and look forward to the future. The festival also had a substantial positive economic impact on the country. Tourism increased significantly during the festival as people travelled throughout the country and came to experience the festivities. Mega Festivals were a magnet for people to attend and spend in the cities where the festivals happened. The media inclusions have promoted Thailand worldwide. This resulted in increased revenue for the country, word of mouth about the Songkran Festival, and increased employment opportunities of absolute value beyond proportions. A Look Back at the Highlights of Songkran 2023: What Were the Most Memorable Moments? It's been only one day since Songkran 2023 celebrations ended, but the memories of the most memorable moments are still fresh in our minds. This year's Songkran was one for the books, from the water fights to the traditional ceremonies. Here's a look back at some of the highlights of the festival. The Water Fights: The highlight of Songkran is always the water fights, and this year was no exception. People of all ages took to the streets with buckets, water guns, and hoses to douse each other with water. It was a great way to cool off in the Thai sun and have fun. This year was one of Songkran's hottest, with temperatures increasing to 45 and 48 degrees Celcius. The Parades: The parades were a sight to behold. Colourful floats, traditional dancers, and musicians filled the streets, creating a festive atmosphere. It was a great way to celebrate the Thai New Year and get into the holiday spirit. The Traditional Ceremonies: Songkran is also a time for traditional ceremonies. People gathered at temples to pay respects to the Buddha and their ancestors. Seeing people of all ages come together to honour their culture and traditions was beautiful. Third, The Food: Of course, no Songkran celebration would be complete without the food. There was something for everyone, from the traditional Thai dishes to the street food. It was a great way to sample the local cuisine and taste the culture. Last, the Music Festivals: The music festivals occurred on the streets or at squares across the country, where the youth danced around the clock and soaked in water. The Aftermath of Songkran 2023: The Changes  Since the Festival Ended? For starters, the streets of Bangkok are much quieter now that the festival has ended.
The days of loud music, water fights, and general revelry have replaced a more subdued atmosphere. These include stricter enforcement of alcohol laws, road safety and a ban on the sale of fireworks. In addition, the government has released four iron rules; No nudity No going half-naked No face-daubing powder No high-pressure water guns The government is banning discrimination based on gender, race, or religion and requiring all participants to be treated respectfully. Overall, the government is taking steps to ensure that Songkran is celebrated safely and responsibly in the future. It is yet to be seen how these changes will affect the festival in the coming years, but for now, it is clear that the changes have been positive. The Songkran Festival 2023 was a great success, and the Thai New Year is one of the best Thailand festivals in the event calendar. https://thailandeventguide.com/songkran-thai-new-year-water-festival-2023/?feed_id=2073&_unique_id=643be43ac8845
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kon-konk · 4 months
I told myself that when I finished UDG I'd finally get a Nagito figure. It's a Pop Up Parade one, so it's very reasonably priced, but I did go through with it. He'll be here the 11th apparently
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 2.20
Ansel Adams Day
Blessed Wulfric’s Day
Bun Day (Iceland)
Clean Out Your Bookcases Day
Day of Heavenly Hundred Heroes (Ukraine)
Deadpool Day
Ectodermal Dysplasia’s Awareness Day
FFA National Day of Service
Flying Car Day
Hoodie-Hoo Day (Northern Hemisphere)
International Cat Day (Mexico; South America)
International Lego Classicism Day
International Pipe Smoking Day
Johnny Cash Day (Los Angeles)
Kurt Cobain Day (Aberdeen, Washington)
Love Your Pet Day
National Comfy Day
National Day of Solidarity with Muslim, Arab and South Asian Immigrants
National Handcuff Day
National Leadership Day
National Student Volunteer Day
National Whistleblower Reward Day
Native Agents Day
Orbit Day
Princess Alice Day
Rih Day
Student Volunteer Day
Thank You Plant Medicine Day
Toothpick Day
World Day of Social Justice (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cherry Pie Day
Clam Chowder Day
National Muffin Day
3rd Monday in February
Canadian Heritage Day [3rd Monday] (a.k.a. ... 
Family Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Heritage Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Islander Day (PEI, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Louis Riel Day (Manitoba, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Sanity Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Chip Week begins [3rd Monday]
Daisy Gatson Bates Day (Arkansas) [3rd Monday]
Presidents’ Day [3rd Monday]
Washington’s Birthday (observed) [3rd Monday]
Women in Blue Jeans Day [3rd Monday]
Independence Days
Bardo (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Castacia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Chinland (from UK, 1948) [unrecognized]
Statehood Day (Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoran; India)
Feast Days
Day of Tacita (Goddess of Silence; Ancient Rome)
Don’t Think About Elephants Day (Pastafarian)
Eleutherius of Tournai (Christian; Saint)
Eucherius of Orléans (Christian; Saint)
Francisco Marto and Jacinta Marto (Christian; Saint)
Frederick Douglass (Episcopal Church (USA))
I.G. Farben Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Levitation Day (Pastafarian)
Lucretius (Positivist; Saint)
Mr. Can You Guess (Muppetism)
Scleucia and Ctesiphon, with 128 companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Shrove Monday [Monday before Ash Wednesday] (a.k.a. ... 
Bolludagur (Bun Day; Iceland)
Carnival / Carnaval (Caribbean and South America)
Carnaval Monday
Carnival Monday
Clean Monday
Collop Monday
Fasching (Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
Fastelavn (Denmark)
Fat Monday
Hall Monday
Jour Chômé d’Usage (French Guyana, Martinique)
J’ouvert (Trinidad and Tobago)
Lundi Gras (Haiti)
Lunes de Carnaval (Argentina)
Luni Gras
Merry Monday
National Cream Puff Day
Old Mask Parade (Aruba)
Paisen Monday
Peasen Monday
Rose Monday
Rosenmontag (Germany)
Shrovetide (Day 2 of 3)
Tyrannio, Zenobius, et al., in Phoenicia (Christian; Martyrs)
Ulrick of England (Christian; Saint)
Wulfric of Haselbury (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Africa Before Dark (Disney Cartoon; 1928)
The African Queen (Film; 1952)
The Barber of Seville, by Gioachino Rossini (Opera; 1816)
Candy (Film; 1969)
Columbo (TV Serties; 1968)
The Duff (Film; 2015)
Euro Trip (Film; 2004)
Follow the Fleet (Film; 1936)
George Harrison, by George Harrison (Album; 1979)
Give It To Me Baby, by James Brown (Song; 1981)
How the West Was Won (Film; 1963)
Instant Karma, by the Plastic Ono Band (Song; 1970)
Moose Hunters (Disney Cartoon; 1937)
Robot Chicken (Animated TV Series; 2005)
Sofia the First (Animated Disney TV Series; 2015)
Still Alice (Film; 2015)
Veronica, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1989)
Welcome to Mooseport (Film; 2004)
Today’s Name Days
Corona, Falko, Jacinta (Austria)
Lav, Lea, Leon (Croatia)
Oldřich (Czech Republic)
Eucharias (Denmark)
Ardi, Hardi, Hardo, Kardo, Meinhard, Meino (Estonia)
Heli, Helinä, Heljä, Hely (Finland)
Aimée (France)
Corona, Falko, Jacinta (Germany)
Leon (Greece)
Aladár, Álmos (Hungary)
Eleuterio, Eros, Otokars, Otomars, Silvano, Smuidra, Ulrico, Vitauts (Italy)
Otokars, Otomārs, Smuidra, Vitauts (Latvia)
Eitvydė, Leonas, Visgintas (Lithuania)
Halldis, Halldor (Norway)
Euchariusz, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Leon, Ludmiła, Ludomiła, Ostap, Siestrzewit (Poland)
Leon (Romania)
Lívia (Slovakia)
Eleuterio, Jacinta (Spain)
Vivianne (Sweden)
Svitlana (Ukraine)
Aimee, Alaric, Alarica, Alarice, Aimee, Ami, Amy, Amya, Cyd, Cydney, Desmond, Sid, Sidney, Syd, Sydnee, Sydney, Ulric (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 51 of 2023; 314 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 8 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 1 (Ji-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 29 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 29 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 21 Xin; Sevenday [21 of 30]
Julian: 7 February 2023
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 23 Homer (2nd Month) [Lucretius]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 62 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 1 of 29)
Calendar Changes
Pisces (The Fish) begins [Zodiac Sign 12; thru 3.20]
杏月 [Xìngyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 2 of 12] (Apricot Month)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 2.20
Ansel Adams Day
Blessed Wulfric’s Day
Bun Day (Iceland)
Clean Out Your Bookcases Day
Day of Heavenly Hundred Heroes (Ukraine)
Deadpool Day
Ectodermal Dysplasia’s Awareness Day
FFA National Day of Service
Flying Car Day
Hoodie-Hoo Day (Northern Hemisphere)
International Cat Day (Mexico; South America)
International Lego Classicism Day
International Pipe Smoking Day
Johnny Cash Day (Los Angeles)
Kurt Cobain Day (Aberdeen, Washington)
Love Your Pet Day
National Comfy Day
National Day of Solidarity with Muslim, Arab and South Asian Immigrants
National Handcuff Day
National Leadership Day
National Student Volunteer Day
National Whistleblower Reward Day
Native Agents Day
Orbit Day
Princess Alice Day
Rih Day
Student Volunteer Day
Thank You Plant Medicine Day
Toothpick Day
World Day of Social Justice (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cherry Pie Day
Clam Chowder Day
National Muffin Day
3rd Monday in February
Canadian Heritage Day [3rd Monday] (a.k.a. ... 
Family Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Heritage Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Islander Day (PEI, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Louis Riel Day (Manitoba, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Sanity Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Chip Week begins [3rd Monday]
Daisy Gatson Bates Day (Arkansas) [3rd Monday]
Presidents’ Day [3rd Monday]
Washington’s Birthday (observed) [3rd Monday]
Women in Blue Jeans Day [3rd Monday]
Independence Days
Bardo (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Castacia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Chinland (from UK, 1948) [unrecognized]
Statehood Day (Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoran; India)
Feast Days
Day of Tacita (Goddess of Silence; Ancient Rome)
Don’t Think About Elephants Day (Pastafarian)
Eleutherius of Tournai (Christian; Saint)
Eucherius of Orléans (Christian; Saint)
Francisco Marto and Jacinta Marto (Christian; Saint)
Frederick Douglass (Episcopal Church (USA))
I.G. Farben Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Levitation Day (Pastafarian)
Lucretius (Positivist; Saint)
Mr. Can You Guess (Muppetism)
Scleucia and Ctesiphon, with 128 companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Shrove Monday [Monday before Ash Wednesday] (a.k.a. ... 
Bolludagur (Bun Day; Iceland)
Carnival / Carnaval (Caribbean and South America)
Carnaval Monday
Carnival Monday
Clean Monday
Collop Monday
Fasching (Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
Fastelavn (Denmark)
Fat Monday
Hall Monday
Jour Chômé d’Usage (French Guyana, Martinique)
J’ouvert (Trinidad and Tobago)
Lundi Gras (Haiti)
Lunes de Carnaval (Argentina)
Luni Gras
Merry Monday
National Cream Puff Day
Old Mask Parade (Aruba)
Paisen Monday
Peasen Monday
Rose Monday
Rosenmontag (Germany)
Shrovetide (Day 2 of 3)
Tyrannio, Zenobius, et al., in Phoenicia (Christian; Martyrs)
Ulrick of England (Christian; Saint)
Wulfric of Haselbury (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Africa Before Dark (Disney Cartoon; 1928)
The African Queen (Film; 1952)
The Barber of Seville, by Gioachino Rossini (Opera; 1816)
Candy (Film; 1969)
Columbo (TV Serties; 1968)
The Duff (Film; 2015)
Euro Trip (Film; 2004)
Follow the Fleet (Film; 1936)
George Harrison, by George Harrison (Album; 1979)
Give It To Me Baby, by James Brown (Song; 1981)
How the West Was Won (Film; 1963)
Instant Karma, by the Plastic Ono Band (Song; 1970)
Moose Hunters (Disney Cartoon; 1937)
Robot Chicken (Animated TV Series; 2005)
Sofia the First (Animated Disney TV Series; 2015)
Still Alice (Film; 2015)
Veronica, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1989)
Welcome to Mooseport (Film; 2004)
Today’s Name Days
Corona, Falko, Jacinta (Austria)
Lav, Lea, Leon (Croatia)
Oldřich (Czech Republic)
Eucharias (Denmark)
Ardi, Hardi, Hardo, Kardo, Meinhard, Meino (Estonia)
Heli, Helinä, Heljä, Hely (Finland)
Aimée (France)
Corona, Falko, Jacinta (Germany)
Leon (Greece)
Aladár, Álmos (Hungary)
Eleuterio, Eros, Otokars, Otomars, Silvano, Smuidra, Ulrico, Vitauts (Italy)
Otokars, Otomārs, Smuidra, Vitauts (Latvia)
Eitvydė, Leonas, Visgintas (Lithuania)
Halldis, Halldor (Norway)
Euchariusz, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Leon, Ludmiła, Ludomiła, Ostap, Siestrzewit (Poland)
Leon (Romania)
Lívia (Slovakia)
Eleuterio, Jacinta (Spain)
Vivianne (Sweden)
Svitlana (Ukraine)
Aimee, Alaric, Alarica, Alarice, Aimee, Ami, Amy, Amya, Cyd, Cydney, Desmond, Sid, Sidney, Syd, Sydnee, Sydney, Ulric (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 51 of 2023; 314 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 8 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 1 (Ji-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 29 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 29 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 21 Xin; Sevenday [21 of 30]
Julian: 7 February 2023
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 23 Homer (2nd Month) [Lucretius]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 62 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 1 of 29)
Calendar Changes
Pisces (The Fish) begins [Zodiac Sign 12; thru 3.20]
杏月 [Xìngyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 2 of 12] (Apricot Month)
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Prince Edward Island: Riding the Red Roads
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Prince Edward Island on two wheels is a thrill.
Point the bike west from Antigonish, gas up and deal with the first question: ferry or bridge? When it comes to making decisions, I have trouble deciding which cereal to eat for breakfast, so the brain cramps at logistical quagmires like this. I’ll wait until I approach Exit 22 to Pictou and Caribou. Then it’s fish or cut bait.
Summer traffic is fast on the TransCanada; I’m being passed constantly. Speedometer reads 115km/h, plenty fast enough for me. On a Saturday in August, can we really be in that of a hurry? To go where?
Two huge logging trucks, fully loaded, pass me. Glad the bike is 800+ pounds, and cuts through the buffeting, breath-sucking blasts of wind like it’s not even there. Monster trucks make me nervous. And truckers would rather bikers give them a wide berth. They can’t see us half the time. Dumb bikers who dart behind and in front of the big rigs are trying to cash cheques their bodies can’t cash. I like to keep the shiny side up, so I don’t mess with trucks.
Onto the Cobequid Pass. At the toll booth the woman with a snarl on her face says “Do you have a pass, where’s your pass?” No, I have a five though. “This is the pass lane only. You’re supposed to be over there.” She snapped the five out of my leather glove and handed me a loonie. I love the Pass, with its long sweeping curves, New Brunswick dead ahead, PEI over to the right. On a clear day, as you crest the highest hill, if your eyes are good, you can see the Confederation Bridge off in the distance.
Quick gas stop in Amherst, then the short ride to the bridge. Gear down, speed limit is 80 km/h. I’ve been busted here before. Mountie pulled over our little Dodge Neon on our first day of vacation years back. Even pulled a U-ball on the bridge to get me. Not this time, as I join a steady stream of cars, 5th wheels and motorhomes heading to the Island.
The Strait is shimmering blue. A few fishing boats chugging along and Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir pumps out of the speakers:
‘Oh let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dream.  I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been. To sit with elders of the gentle race, this world has seldom seen. They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed.’
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Fantastic scenery and very little traffic along Route 20 on the Island’s north shore.
Life is good. Riding now past potato blossoms on one side of the highway as far as the eye can see. Hay on the other side. The mammoth McCains french fry plant is shuttered, up for sale. Yard sale signs abound. I can smell the warm Island breeze. My lower legs are starting to feel very warm from the heat of the engine. Still, no regrets about wearing leather chaps. Safety first.
Into Kensington, where locals and tourists set out chairs for the annual parade. Buy six mouth-watering cinnamon buns at Mary’s Bakery, guzzle a cold bottle of water. Find motorcycle-only parking spots next to the old train station (in the shade – bonus!) and order a Sir John A draft from the Island Stone Pub. Feeling sorry for the PEI couple that ended up as listening posts for two wealthy Americans who want anyone in hearing range to hear how lovely their retirement has been since selling their own multi-million dollar farm in Arkansas. “I keep tellin’ Merle, really honey, do y’all still need to be buyin’ another combine?” The young bartender rolls her eyes.
Heading north now on the Irishtown Road, just in time to pull up behind a long line of tractors that were in the parade. They’re clearly in no hurry. The first one I pass is vintage 1940. The old guy at the wheel is dressed up as…can it be…yes, like Anna from Frozen. That warrants a blast from my horn.
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Grandson Emmett geared up for the road.
In Seaview I find son Adam and the Pickering family on the beach on one of those days that make you want to move here for good.Grandson Emmett looks pretty good on two wheels.
A quick dip in the ocean and on to surprise my sister who is staying with a lifelong friend at the Twin Shores campground. My mother’s Uncle Lloyd sold this land in the early 1960s. It’s a goldmine now. There are so many families with kids here, that they celebrate Christmas in July, and tonight it’s Halloween. Kids know that trailers showing off balloons offer treats.
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Impromptu camping at Twin Shores with sister Charlene
Our agenda for the evening is simple: laugh, drink coolers, switch to Bud Light when the coolers run out, laugh some more, eat fried wieners and potatoes, more Bud, campfire with fart jokes until midnight and then into the tent with my sister. Sister Charlene and I prepare to bunk for the night. Or was this the morning after? The sun sets over Twin Shores.
Morning brings toast, farewell hugs with our hosts Paul and Noella Richard, and a splendid ride home. The Goldwing has found her sweet spot – 105 km/h at 3,200 rpm and the wheels are floating on air.
The big touring bike purrs as we turn into the driveway. Odometer reads 805.2 kilometres since yesterday. Ignition off, I tap one of the hot cylinder heads as a gesture of thanks. When can we do this again, I wonder? September is just around the corner.
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songbirds-sweet · 2 years
I'm from Newfoundland. I did live in the GTA for a few years but longed for my island in the Atlantic. I love looking out and seeing the mountains and water. Have you always lived in Ontario? Is there a province/territory that you could see yourself moving to one day?
He really did have an outstanding range. I love his cover of Nothing Compares to U. I loved that he'd try all genres too or songs by female artists. He knew his voice could do any song justice.
I'd love that! Me and one of my mutuals recommend music docs to each other all the time and I love it. We both like a wide variety of stuff so it's fun to watch something from an genre or artist I'm not overly familiar with. Then we'll have a chat about it.
I know and I hoped to go to that PJ show. But I couldn't get the time away from work as it was a Thursday show and I would of needed 3 days away with travel and all. I've not seen them sadly. Though they've always been in my life I've only really been obsessed with them the past 2 yrs or so. They did play here in NL yrs ago but I wasn't as into them at the time. If only to go back in time, right? Is there an artist you wish you could go back and see? Say you can pick any 3 for an ultimate show of acts no longer performing.. Which 3 would you pick?
People say that the Foos put on an amazing show. I'm only a casual listener but you can't deny Dave is great songwriter with an amazing career. Most would of given up when Nirvana ceased to exist but luckily he found a way to handle his grief with his creativity.
I don't listen to all the members of PJs solo stuff or side projects but I like knowing they all have an outlet between the bands long stretches of inactivity.
I'll have to add the Foos docs to my list. From what I've learned from mutuals posts about them, they're a fun loving bunch. I love that when a band/artist doesn't take themselves too seriously.
I've also seen plenty of posts about the GVF boys with some fun fashion choices so clearly they like to keep things light and fun too. Do you have a fav look of theirs? Do you like to play with fashion yourself?
I do have other sideblogs but they're not really for blogging more for keeping track of things (music docs watched; etc..) I'm a nerd that way lol. But my main blog is a mishmash of everything else that pops in my brain 🙃
Is this your 1st year doing Secret Santa on here? It's such a fun thing. I don't think any of my mutuals are doing it though I learned about it from one of them who rbed the post.
We have our Santa Clause parade here in a few hours though it's absolutely freezing ☃Have you ever been a part of a parade?
Oh that's so cool! Where in the GTA? I've lived in Ontario my whole life! I always wanted to go to PEI to see the Anne of Green Gable house but I haven't thought about moving anywhere 😱 Is there anywhere in Canada you would like to go see?
Oh I agree, I miss Chris so much and I especially miss his friendship he had with Eddie.
That's so cool! I'd love to do that with you when this is over for sure!
Ahh yeah I get you. If you ever come to the GTA again, we can try and see PJ in Toronto sometime the next time they tour!
Ahh as for acts no longer performing: Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, and either Chris Cornell or Amy Winehouse.
I saw the Foos twice and I can honestly say they were amazing both times and I highly recommend Dave live. and YES all of the Foos are sweethearts and every single day I miss Taylor.
Ahhh I fully understand with solo stuff with bands!
Honestly all of their outfits in this pic they did with Metallica are my favs
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I mean I'm not 100% sure what my fashion is I mostly wear band shirts and jeans 😂
That's so cool! I'll totally follow them once the Secret Santa is over!
Ahh this is my second year doing this (and my first year for the GVF one) AND I AM STOKED, I'm having so much fun!!!
Oh I hope you had a fun time at the parade! I went to it a lot when I was a kid!
Since it's officially two weeks until Christmas, if you were dating your celebrity crush, what would the holidays be like with them?
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