#peep that mascot change
bleaksqueak · 1 year
Now that my brain has had sufficient time to process that six nine revelation...I'm still reeling. I had a feeling he was going to be taller than the boys based on some of the comments you'd made about Audric when he was younger and holiday mascots but for some reason six nine has broken my brain. As a tiny five two myself, on a good day, I cannot comprehend being that tall and am just going to keep thinking about it for a while
I spend way too much time amusing myself over scenarios of them meeting, fwiw. Lyra and Audun, that is. She's kind of a lanky beanpole herself (like 5'8. I think she's the tallest femme char in the cast, well, of the magi. Pretty sure we'll see Mrs. Rosewood at some point, given that family hails from Lichgate, as stated in the fading bg chp 0 convo between Thackery Rosewood and Grian From HR. She'll definitely take the prize in any magi/maven combination lineup, while Maddie's the shortest adult femme.) But back to the Thorncrofts/Papa, we kept musing that it only felt right if he was the tallest in the already Vertically Proficient family. It especially means that, in full masked/hooded uniform (especially with aura manifested), he must look quite intimidating even to madness consumed, high level corruptions. Hopefully! It'd make the job easier if they did a little pause. Might not lose any extra body parts at least...
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brandwhorestarscream · 8 months
percy jackson x transformers
ok, one: this universe,for me, is 8/10 and i glad they did they best to give a decent show to us
2: what about an AU where the demigods got adoped by the seeekes(like the invasive species au)?
1. Honestly after those shittastic movies I rate it a solid 10000000/10, but on their own? Yeah, solid 8/10. It's very, very good tho I am a bit disappointed that some things were changed or cut and replaced. Most notably, for me, is Percy's claiming scene. I was really, really looking forward to seeing a proper hellhound.
2. I haven't thought about the Invasive Species AU in so long but that is so funny. I'm imaging a family of boats or jet skis or submarines just suddenly showing up at the camp's beach, with a nest of eggs in the sand that quickly hatch into little baby boats. Or a small herd of trucks taking up residence in the forests of camp, and sending monsters and demigods alike scattering
Or, like minimorph queen Dazzle does, seeing these poor sparklings with no parents and constantly training to fight and kill and deciding that these are theirs now. Any monsters try to mess with them and they get stomped into paste. Celestial bronze, mortal steel, monster claws, bullets, it doesn't matter: no earthly weapon is effective on cybertronians so they're here to stay, whether the campers like it or not
I can just imagine a young sparkling sneaking around camp and transforming into a charriot and becoming the Ares' kids mascot, because what could be better than a transforming charriot that can hit back? Tyson definitely accidentally makes friends with the boat family, especially if any of them have the empurata mutation. Like Periscope, the shockblurr daughter that turns into a submarine. Excitedly peeping and chirping because, "mommy he's just like me!" They didn't know earthlings could have empurata too! How nice 🥰 Percy is so worried about his little brother right up until he sees Tyson playing patty cake with the little empurata sparkling and his heart melts a little bit 💖
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xxbrokenheartzxx · 3 months
Hey peeps! Sorry for the short hiatus but I’ve decided to change this blog to the BrokenHeartz blog as a way to show a little bit about my latest project!
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There will be 11 different characters running this blog so come here to keep up with their names! Five are pictured here and are going to serve as mascots for my yt channel starting today and six will have to do with my newest animated series/ story labeled “Unknown” which will hopefully be released soon!
Mascot characters:
Alice: she/her, pastel goth, sister to Axel
Axel: he/him, emo, brother to Alice
Hailey: she/her, scene, main mascot since my channel started in 2019
Ember: she/they, scene, jade’s bestie
Jade: she/her, goth, Ember’s bestie
Story characters(not pictured):
James: he/him
Audrey: she/her, sister to Alan
Alan: he/they, brother to Audrey
Beatrice: she/her, sister to Jordan
Jordan: he/him, brother to Beatrice
Sara: Jordan and Beatrice’s cousin, Audrey’s best friend
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Okay that’s it bye peeps! Expect a new post every other night! -Shadow🖤
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deatherella · 1 year
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Delilah's been working out working on her next candidate. Meet Robi Das - a Mascot prime for the picking.
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And picked he was. Meet Baby B : Bathsheba.
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There's usually a ton of empty bottles and dirty diapers to go along with the babies on the kitchen area floor.
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Here's how the girls maintain their college careers -- everyone just comes over, walks in, and never leaves for days on end. Robi once sat in the pool in the backyard for two or three days. At first, the outsiders didn't pay much attention to the babies until one day when Robi came over, scooped up his daughter, Bathsheba, and fed her a bottle. Ever since, all the uni peeps jump right in and feed, change, and play with the spawn autonomously.
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ada-meszretov · 2 years
Grim is more powerful than he lets us see
powerless without his scythe?
it was stated multiple times that his scythe is an ancient, powerful tool and, that it is often stolen from him. but is he really that powerless without it?
in ep Look Alive!, we just saw that he can fly. he emphasizes it in ep Dad Day Afternoon. in ep Billy Ocean, when searching Mandy and he are searching for Billy, he's sea-sick and seems to be helpless, but, after he loses his patience, he changes magically into his death robe, flies above the sea, and opens it with his scythe, instantly spotting the whale which swallowed Billy. pretty precise, huh?
in ep Tickle Me Mandy, Attack of the Clowns, Complete and Utter Chaos! (Billy Gets Dumber!), Toys Will Be Toys, and He's Not Dead, He's My Mascot he can bring inanimate objects to life: New Mandy, a clown head, a magic banana a burrito, Billy's toys, and Fluffy Cat, respectively. but he gives life to New Mandy... without his scythe.
he can send souls to the afterlife without it, proved in ep Billy & Mandy's Jacked-Up Halloween. he just uses a feather.
in ep Dumb Luck, his saliva has supernatural powers on its own.
in ep Nursery Crimes, he sends them to the storybook without his scythe. maybe the storybook itself had supernatural powers, but only Grim's words seemed to control it. Grim said that the storybook's rule is that the ones who got there, only get out if the stories are finished, but: Mandy finished all the stories, but they still remained stuck, because Grim fell asleep.
in ep My Peeps, he has fun running away from Billy, and likes having some smoothies with Mandy (like in the end of ep Keeper of the Reaper), but when he stops having fun and is simply just annoyed, uses magic without his scythe to restrain Billy, and levitates his scythe back to himself with ease.
in ep Sickly Sweet, he only uses his finger to turn a flower into a flesh-eating abomination. and: he destroys Mandy's cookies with the fire in his eyes (poor Mandy).
in ep Five O'Clock Shadows, he uses telekinesis. also in ep Aren't You Chupacabra to See Me? and other instances.
ep Bully Boogie. remember the rubber duck? ooh!
in ep Billy & Mandy Save Christmas, Nancy took hIS scythe, but they weren't in any danger. he could whistle and call his scythe whenever he wanted to.
he's not powerless without his scythe. when he is depressed in ep The Incredible Shrinking Mandy and just can't put on his usual mask, he snaps his fingers and makes Billy's monkeys to just vanish away.
did you see how did he "redecorated" Atrocia's studio in ep The Grim Show?
can be taken out by mortals or even immortals?
in ep Look Alive!, we learned that he can fly, so why doesn’t he just fly to the tree in ep Druid, Where's My Car?, or fly around in the christmas episode when he's fighting off vampire elves with Mandy?
in ep Which Came First?,  he seems to be helpless against the mutant chickens as they were "created by science", hence "out of his jurisdiction", and runs from the chickens just as B&M does. but, in the end, he still isn't helpless when he summons a shield. Billy even notices this and says:
Billy: hey, Grim! you know how did you do that force field thingy that kept the volcano from cooking us?:D
Grim: yes?
Billy: why didn't you use it to save me from the chickens?:D
Grim: because, Billy:) I don't like you:)
in ep Dream a Little Dream (even in a dream), and ep Happy Huggy Stuffy Bears, we saw that he can use his scythe for actual cutting, reaping, and not just for magic, but still, he often pretends that his scythe is useless with various excuses.
in ep Fear and Loathing in Endsville, his scythe's battery is empty.
in ep Billy & Mandy Save Christmas, his scythe is frozen because of the cold.
in ep Billy & Mandy's Jacked-Up Halloween, it is stated by Billy that, his head, indeed, can be taken off, but Jack also states that his head remains off when it is taken off with the Grim Reaper's scythe, indicating that he could, indeed, die. but, in ep The Incredible Shrinking Mandy, Billy just cuts his head off by accident, and Grim just makes his skull hop back to his body.
in other instances, like in ep Wild Parts, he seems to have a hard time getting his skull back to his body, yet in ep The Incredible Shrinking Mandy, he does it with ease.
in ep Grim vs. Mom, after he was beaten up by Gladys, he needs help from B&M to reassamble his body from his bones, but in Big Boogey Adventure, it is revelaed that he can disassamble and reassamble himself anytime he wants.
ep Billy and Mandy Moon the Moon.
Grim: alright, enough of dis! by da power of da underworld, I have da power
Mandy: six seconds to live, and now you decide to act?!
Grim: what can I say?:) I love da drama:)
has superiors?
being the Grim Reaper with unlimited supernatural power must be restrained, and that's why the Underworld Court and Father Time exists. or, are they?
in ep Jeffy's Web,  he summoned Jeff's life-timer hourglass out of thin air, and added life-sand into it, also out of thin air; despite life-sand described in ep The Halls of Time as something manufactured there, supervised by Father Time and, that the hourglasses are stored there, are just accessible from there and Grim had to rush back to there in that episode… is he playing with us
can't harm Billy and Mandy in any way?
he can't harm B&M in any way, stated in ep  Hurter Monkey / The Incredible Shrinking Mandy / etc., but, maybe he just doesn't want to.
in ep The Really Odd Couple, they seem to be taking him a bit more seriously than usual when he loses his temper. maybe they know when he's serious?
in ep Terror of the Back Knight, he gets the chance to take off Billy for good as Billy himself challenged him to a duel, so it would be a fair opportunity to just take his head off. instead, he just plays with him dramatically, having fun. "it's overr, IT'S OVERRR~ ohh, it's over? xD"
he was just punching Billy with Billy's ripped off arms in ep Sickly Sweet and,
he even punched his nose off with his own bony hand in ep My Fair Mandy.
has to obey Billy and Mandy at all costs?
"Grim. you know what happens when you say don't, won't or can't to me." –Mandy
he seems to obey them against his will, but still, he can't be coerced when he really doesn't want to do something.
in ep Chicken Ball Z, Mandy asks him to give him powers with which she can win the karate tournament, he straight-up refuses, and Mandy has to look for other ways.
can't leave Billy and Mandy for good?
he has several chances to leave them, but he doesn't take any of it.
in ep Fiend is Like Friend Without the "R", Nergal kidnaps B&M, hence he can be free. at first, he seems to take on the chance gladly, but his non-existing heart softens when seeing Billy's drawings of him, so he goes back to save them.
the scenario reoccurs in ep Circus of Fear where Dr. Fear kidnaps them to be the human attractions to his circus: this time, for saving them, he gets the nudge from Gladys, to which he doesn't even have to obey: he is best friends forever with B&M, not Gladys; despite this, he goes.
in ep Scythe 2.0 is after B&M and, this time, being with them for so long, Grim doesn't even need a reminder to act: the moment he gets the call from Scythe 2.0 that she will take the kids' heads, he gets worried; then he saves them on his own.
in ep Test of Time, it is revealed that he has a remote control which can rewind time so, why didn't he just rewind before he lost or, even accepted the bet to B&M?
in ep Billy Gets an 'A', it is revealed that he can go back in time even with his scythe, and he does so with Mandy, even going as far as trying to prevent Billy's birth O.O but… he didn't think of this before. it hasn't occurred to him before, and later on, he doesn't seem to even consider it.
exemption: in ep Wishbones, he has a chance to wish for freedom, but he doesn't, as wishes always backfire. but, in the end credits, we can see that he did try it, but, his wish, indeed, backfired.
in ep Billy and Mandy vs. the Martians, he gets a chance, again, to get away, but still, Billy convinces him to stay. after his speech, he feels bad, and goes on to save Mandy from the zombies. (ohh, not because of her! of course not! he plays the tsundere.)
my theory
honestly, Grim is just playing. he's an immortal being, who is bored, and he doesn't have to prove anything. he's not a fool, he's fooling around. and he's not bound to Billy and Mandy solely by just his given word. he really is their friend.
thank you.
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mar64ds · 2 years
Seeing as Mickey is about to enter the public domain very soon, what would you personally do with him? Obviously peeps like Donald and Goofy aren't joining him yet, but if Disney ain't gonna do anything substantial with him beyond using him as a mascot, we might as well take matters into our own hands. I've seen your redesign for Mickey, and I think that's a great example of making him recognizable as the Mickey we all know and love while still looking different enough from the Disney version!
His old design is going to be public domain but nothing else I think. Also thanks! I like Mickey as a character a lot but his design has really awful origins and intentions, which is why I think a change is neccesary when drawing him. I really hope disney will one day completely change his design as well but knowing them that will probably not happen in a long time if ever
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sincerestarlight · 1 year
The Introverts Guide to The Meaning of Life.
Yeah the title is a bit grandiose but I like it.
This is coming from a place where I wanted to be able to help people. I don’t always know the best words to express what I think when I speak but lately I’ve wanted to work in a space where I could just speak at length about what I feel I’ve learned in my life. About how I think and relate to people and the world at large. And I wanted to do so in a space I felt would maybe be seen and help a person or two.
Hence I made the decision to come to Tumblr.
Call it Madness or Wisdom, you’re still probably right.
So this is going to be my partial diary, partial wisdom blog, partial hard record for whatever therapist wants to look at me down the road. Hopefully they appreciate the documentation.
So I guess the first thing I want to kinda dwell on is, as the caterpillar asks…
Who are you?
TBH I think about this question a lot. Sure I can answer with my name, and that’s indeed who I am in society, but where I begin questioning is who I am to myself.
To anyone who is reading this, Lils is fine.
One of the things I’ve always had a problem with is trying to describe myself. The concept of ice breaking activities fills me with dread, or more commonly these days it’s the ominous “tell me some of your strengths and weaknesses”.
Whoever came up with that question needs to be sentenced to having to use the bathroom on stage in front of an audience.
Seriously there are no good answers to that question! If you say to many good things, or those good things in the wrong way, you’re perceived as arrogant. If you say to many negative things, you lack confidence, or worse they lowball you in pay cause they think you won’t fight back.
And the thing is that you should have confidence in yourself! We are in a big old universe that, as far as we know, stretches on for immeasurable lengths, distances where you can only measure in how many years it would take light to reach it *and it can still be millions of years*
On top of that matter that had at one point just been floating in the void floated into each other *so hard* that it became a giant floating rock. Then this rock managed, through scientific fuckery, make water! An atmosphere! *Fucking Life*. And whatever you think about *what* made life, the fact is that from there, millions of years passed, dinosaurs happened, then they stopped, then humans. Greece, Rome, Wars, and all that time has led to you.
And then fuckin life happens.
Oh yeah, it’s a miracle but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck a whole bunch of nards. Christ almighty, it’s a miracle when a kid makes it out of high school without some form of lasting trauma. And then we mold ourselves around that trauma, in the worst case passing those issues onto the next generation.
Why bring up trauma? Well I think that’s why I have a problem with the initial question of who I am.
I used to really like ice breaking activities when I was younger. I always saw them as an opportunity to make friends, maybe if we have similar likes or interests, one of the peeps in my new class will like it too, and we can bond over it and then boom, friend made. So a lot of times, I would talk about what I liked, or things I learned from properties that I liked. It seldom worked the way I expected, but again, stories for another time.
That was my safe spot you know? The things that I liked. I knew those. Give me two options and I can tell you what one I prefer. Tv shows? No problem. Video games? Piece of cake. Sportsball games? I might not be super into them but I can tell you what team I prefer over a different one, even if it’s just based on their uniforms or mascot game.
But then everything changed when the question did.
See, you *have* to go to school. You *have* to do your homework. For stricter upbringings like mine you *have* to get good grades. Living within those confines is it’s own form of comfort. You know what you’re going to do, the question was doing it in a fashion that you like. And after many years of picking between Pokémon starters, that was an easy task. But then one day, maybe later than other people, I wasn’t asked “what do you like”
I was asked “what do you want to do.”
For some people, that question is easy. They know what they want to do. Doctors, artists, scientists, parents, people know what they want to do and the most tenacious of us make it with jobs in their chosen field and I am genuinely thrilled for people who follow their passion. But when I was addressed with that question, I froze. Want was never included in my world up to that point. There were things that sure, if I had complete freedom and unlimited money I’d like to do, but being invested in anything like that was merely fantasy. Sure, being able to lie on the beach in a nice chair with a book in hand sounds like paradise but it’s not really a realistic goal. Same with world domination.
After that I struggled…a lot. I started learning about the things that I like, maybe I could refine down what it was that I liked about them and magically, like an epiphany, I would see the thing that would make me happy, the passion and determination that others had when it came to their craft. But nothing came. I got a retail job after that and spent a good long time basically chasing that next bit of Serotonin. Nothing dangerous but definitely not good for my mental health. If passion wasn’t in my future the least I could hope for would be comfort.
Then I moved into my own place. I had a job that could (barely) afford, and then I looked around and said “well. Now what?”
That was the goal. Self sustainability. And I don’t mean to sound dour about the whole thing, it’s an accomplishment that I am proud of, but a ghost loomed over my head. The concept that now that I am self sustainable, what did I want to do? Obviously there are limits, but now I could exist beholden to no one but myself and…I didn’t know what to do with it. I still don’t. and it’s felt very lonely. Lonely because I feel this bright passion inside of me and I have no way to share it. No way for it to exist in this world.
I don’t know what I want to do but I want to do something.
I want to live my life in joy
I want to love whomever I want at my own pace
I want to be passionate and excited and run into the future with the confidence of the ball of conscious stardust that I am.
And even if no one reads this, writing it down helped a lot. The fact that the very thought exists somewhere helps.
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cursehqs · 5 years
mw male kpop fcs and disney characters thatd fit them?
oof i could go on forever about this !!
firstly, i’d love to see more of the bts boys !! bring us our hyung line sunshines please here with ideas for each of our available boys ( though taehyung has been taken since making the post !! )
secondly, i know gigi and i would both give an organ or two for some of the boys from nct !!
taeyong could easily fit the available princes, as well as piglet, roo, any of the dalmatian pups, hans, tweedle dee or tweedle dum, or the mice from cinderella
johnny would make a fantastic scamp, this is my ultimate fancast. please. i could also see him as hans, one of the lost boys, luke skywalker, or nick wilde 
yuta could fit figaro, howl, huey, dewey, louie, one of the seven dwarves, chip or dale, haku, or one of the princes !!
lucas is highly requested as either li shang or mushu, and i could also see him fitting a lost boy, one of the seven dwarves, nemo, or flounder
winwin ( sicheng ) would also make a wonderful mushu, as well as any of the other princes, dumbo, peter pan, christopher robin, piglet, jiminy cricket, or one of the seven dwarves ( bashful in particular would be adorable i think )
ten is a living breathing disney prince so please bring me him as prince charming, prince philip, or prince florian !! i could also see him as andy davis, or phoebus !!
if you’d like suggestions for any more of the nct boys just send a message specifying who and we’d be happy to give you more suggestions !! 
i’d also love to see more members of monsta x ( we already have minhyuk & changkyun ). wonho, hyungwon and kihyun would make me especially happy !!
wonho would fit smee, the caterpillar, any of the seven dwarves, gaston, or carl fredricksen
hyungwon as nick wilde would end me. he’d also be good as figaro, one of the princes, hans, arthur, or sebastian
KIHYUN AS WINNIE THE POOH. thank u. that is all. 
exo boys such as baekhyun, chanyeol, jongin ( kai ), or chen would be greatly appreciated as well, though i’d love to see any of them here !! ( former members would be great too…i miss u luhan… )
i could see all of the exo boys as princes, so please !! please !! please !! give me that !!
i’m gonna end this here because it’s getting lengthy and admin gigi is possibly gonna be popping on to add more suggestions !! i hope this helped some, though
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sanlowhq · 4 years
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i’m  still  here  ,  folks  !  i’m  currently  not  doing  anything  ,  so  if  anyone  has  any  questions  or  apps  they  wanna  send  ,  now’s  a  great  time  to  do  so  !
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97hqs · 3 years
hi!! i love the idea of this rp!! i was just wondering if you'd like a muse inspired by britney spears or kate winslet more?
hi  bby  !  i'd  love  either  honestly  ,  they're  both  such  legends  !  but  since  we  have  a  lovely  leonardo  dicaprio  cc  here  ,  and  i'm  sure  they'd  love  to  see  their  titanic  costar  ,  i'll  go  with  kate  !
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sanderssidessims · 4 years
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Hello Guys, Gals, & (of course) Nonbinary Pals! 
This is the Tumblr for my simming/gaming Twitch SandersSidesSims!
     ★ Who is SandersSidesSims?
SandersSidesSims is run by a dude named Finn. He is 32 years old, trans FTM, gay, and exhausted. He very much loves Sanders Sides and making people laugh, and so it is with that thought in mind that he created SandersSidesSims!
Also, as a fun note, I decided to use a unicorn as my mascot/logo. I am currently using a clip art unicorn (he’s dabbing so it fits) but I will be commissioning an official one soon, so if you are an artist and interested, please Submit or DM me your commission information. 
     ★ What is the purpose of my Twitch Stream?
The main purpose of SandersSidesSims is to stream Sims 4 gameplay from creation of the sides/ships, to actual gameplay, to fun little challenges set by all of you. 
I also have purchased Minecraft, a game I have never once played and am completely out of my element, so that I can can have something other than just Sims 4 to share with you guys. I did get skins for each of the Sides as well as Remy and Emile so when we do Minecraft, it’s like the Sides are playing. (You guys are totally allowed to laugh and poke fun as I learn since I am a total Minecraft newb!
     ★ What links can viewers/fans use to keep in touch/keep updated?
Okay here are the links that will get you everywhere that I currently have my Twitch identity connected to:
Twitch [ http://www.twitch.tv/sanderssidessims ] Discord [ https://discord.gg/NgwErbH ] (this is an invite link, if doesn’t work PM me) Patreon [ https://www.patreon.com/SandersSidesSims ] Tumblr [ https://sanderssidessims.tumblr.com ] Steam [ https://steamcommunity.com/id/SandersSidesSims/ ]
     ★ I am a minor. Can I still watch and support?
YES! ABSOLUTELY! In fact, I pretty much plan to be a non-adult oriented type streamer. That means anything that would be deemed inappropriate for minors is a complete non-issue. I do curse in reality, so there is a chance a word or two might slip through, but you guys are TOTALLY allowed to get onto me about it if, and when, it happens as I am here for everyone, regardless of age.
     ★ Is there anything we can do as viewers/fans to help support you?
Okay, so! As of right now I do not have any plans on doing this professionally. That may as of yet change, however, the main point of all of this is to HAVE FUN together while I’m playing something I have always loved and has brought me happiness. 
That being said, streaming is a HUGE undertaking and I would love to be able to get all the Sims 4 games, which I do not yet have, as well as better equipment and things for streaming. If you guys are financially set and taken care of and want to help me grow in this, my Patreon exists for that purpose (though there will be more purposes for it in the future) and I have one single monthly Tier at $2 a month. 
It’s basically there as like a “tip”. I will have more Tiers in the future once I have things I can award for them outside of just the base everything goes, which is what the Tip Tier is for. Also once I start drawing and using it for my art as well. 
    ★ I can’t afford $2 a month. Is there anything else we can do to support?
Of course! The above is just if you can afford it! Please do not feel obligated. There are other ways that you can help:
Reblog this post. (Once is fine, but feel free to periodically do it as that would be so helpful to me! :D)
Tell your friends! (The more the merrier, am I right?)
Come to my streams! (This one is a no brainer.)
Join my channel’s Discord Server. (Interact and have fun with other viewers!)
     ★ What is the purpose of the Tumblr page in regards to your Twitch?
Great question! So, I will be a little different than other Twitch peeps in that I am a fanfiction writer/future author and that will come into effect in this blog. As I am playing a game we are playing through together, I will likely have times where I get muse for a fanfiction or fan art (once I actually have talent in fanart) and so I will post those here. 
I will also answer questions about the characters in the games here that the game doesn’t really answer (i.e. headcanons and in-character answers for questions that are directed at the characters).
I will also likely reblog stories and art from other fanders. Help use this to signal boost fan stuff! So if you want to rec me stuff, send it in! :D
    ★ Anything else we should know?
Nope, this is a new journey for all of us! Let’s enjoy it together! Lastly, I just want to thank each and every one of you for your interest and support! Let’s do this!
I want to thank everyone who reblogs, comments, and likes this post! I also want to super duper thank anyone and everyone who chooses to join me in this little (big?) passion project of mine! 
Thank you!!
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blackidyll · 3 years
!!!!!!!!!!!!NEW NEO TWEWY TRAILER DROPPED DIDJA SEE IT BC IT TELLS US MORE OF WHAT'S HAPPENING AND I'M SO EXCITED I'M BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS!!!! watching Shibuya get hecking DESTROYED and Uzuki and Kariya saying that the Shinjuku peeps came to do to Shibuya what happened to Shinjuku AND RINDO CAN'T RESET AND THAT'S WHEN NEKU APPEARS AND I THINK THAT'S HIM FOR SURE THIS TIME AAAAAAH!!!! (he's wearing gatto nero! Those clothes look a lot cooler than the hoodie lol)
i actually caught the trailer crossing my feed so i watched it and when i finished i was like "where is my twewy anon i need to yell about this can i just post on my blog @ twewy anon or something" AND LO AND BEHOLD YOU SENT THIS MESSAGE FIRST ILU AHHHHHHH
there was a lot to process and the Neo related revelation that got to me is the one you mentioned: um Shibuya actually getting destroyed and the fact that the Shinjuku reapers came here to actually DO THAT? i knew there would be a good reason why the Composer kept the Shinjuku reapers separate rather than integrate them all as /his/ reapers, but hoooooo boy I have so much speculations now omg. i'm also getting a major soft spot for Rindo and it made me really happy that Neku (YES THAT IS DEFINITELY HIM THAT SPIKY HAIR AND THE HOOD/COLLARED SHIRT HAHAHAHA) protects him. BUT LET ME BE NOSTALGIC FOR A MOMENT which is when Transformations started playing I immediately got blasted to the past and the fashion/shops and the food system and even the reaper reviewww and the PIG NOISE are stuff I missed and as someone who has visited real world Shibuya a couple of times it's amazing how they got all everything down so accurately I could immediately identify a couple of non-named landmarks and it's just... so good.
OKAY SPECULATIONS AND TWEWY SPOILERS FROM HERE ON (for you anime folks just in case the reports etc etc don't get covered in the last episode) BUT AFTER WATCHING THIS TRAILER MY BRAIN LITERALLY WENT:
HEAR ME OUT. I already talked about why Neku can take on any number of roles in the UG and we all know that death is just another change of scenes when it comes to RG -> UG -> angeldom. Another bunch of signs from this trailer: Wildkat Cafe is gone (Hanekoma's domain). Neku's glitchy effects and the fact that he falls under the radar as he currently is in the UG (the Producer does not reveal his identity as the Producer, but he can interact with players aka LIKE RESCUE RINDO??? The way Hanekoma stopped Neku from killing Shiki, gave him the fusion pin, saved Rhyme etc). Gatito is Hanekoma's brand - he picks up the threads but personally designs the Gatito pins; Gatto Nero’s mascot is modeled after Mr. Mew and who else would honour and push forward both that brand and the symbol in the UG OTHER THAN NEKU???????
And then this???? ANGEL WINGS ON NEKU’S HEADPHONES? WALL TAG IN NEO GAMEPLAY? THIS SYMBOL IS ALSO ON THE TITLE CARD FOR THE ANIME'S LAST EPISODE (I inverted the colours so you can actually see the super faint light grey wings/headphones behind the words) . I'M---
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I don't think Neku is an officially sanctioned Producer, like turning in reports and all that jazz. From the original Secret Reports we see that the higher plane doesn't/can't (?) interfere directly with the UG, um "All eyes from the Higher Plane are on this Game for the future of Shibuya. Should its result be invalidated by outside interference, the Angels' disappointment would be vast" like thanks angels Shibuya's Composer wants to destroy his UG and there are taboo noise and a freaking fallen angel running around BUT LET'S JUST WATCH IT LIKE AN EXPERIMENT. Oh Shinjuku did get destroyed? How interesting lets see how Shibuya copes with that WELL NO WONDER NEKU'S DOING THINGS UNDERCOVER HE SACRIFICED A LOT TO SAVE SHIBUYA THE FIRST TIME AROUND. but anyway this would mean that Neku is the Composer's Producer and they are up to Things to save Shibuya and also would be a very nice nod to "trust your partner" (the fact that they are working together) and all of this would make me very very very happy indeed if true...
(what's up with Hanekoma? Maybe he's really gone the fallen angel route because drastic times require drastic measures! Welcome, new unholy triumvirate of Shibuya's "just a spot of murder, dibs on the rainbow!" Composer, the new and wildly unpredictable "i don't follow anyone's rules, time to subvert everyone's expectations" Producer, and "hey I love coffee and Shibuya so much I'll fall!" Fallen Angel).
On my shrieking at the end of the trailer:
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SHIKI??? (the greenish jumper coat matches her green top when the crew meet up at RG!Hachiko). AND WHERE HAVE I SEEN THIS POSE BEFORE HMMMMMM BUT ANYWAY ADULT? FORM?? NOT GLOWY??? 
also i was screeching too much about the above to realize that there’s something after the NEO:TWEWY title card at the end of the trailer so I just literally saw this while rewatching the trailer to grab screenshots and EXCUSE ME? EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME???????????????????? *brain short circuits* 
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #6
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A/N: 1 word, 5 letters: D R A M A
Pls peep the vote at the end! I know there are not very many of you who read this so I want to make it enjoyable for y’all 🥰 it’s sooo important to me that I write what makes me happy
Hours After You Noticed Aone For The First Time And Had Lunch Together! 🤫🥩
With a very discreet bounce in his step, Aone Takanobu walked into the Date Tech boys volleyball team changeroom after exchanging numbers with you after school.
Upon entrance, the entire team jumped him, tackling him to the ground while shouting praise and acclamations of joy loudly!
Aone was actually grinning, shoving the boys off of him to pretend that he was annoyed.
But anyone could tell that this mountain man was on cloud 9!!!!
Futakuchi reached out his hand to help Aone up and the mountain man took it. They shared a look that only Aone knew meant his best friend was happy for him. Proud of him.
Actually, Kenji’s look was one of happiness and pride, yes, but it was also full of nerves for his friend’s potential heartbreak. But Aone was too overjoyed inside to pick up on that.
“So Y/N finally knows your name!” Koganegawa yelled as he jumped on Aone’s back.
Shrugging the big boned setter off, Aone blushed. He has never been happier in his entire life and it was kind of embarrassing that the whole team knew why that was.
“I’m very happy.” Aone nodded at his team who smiled brilliantly back at him. “But please, do not get your hopes up. I’m trying with everything in me not to get mine up, in case Y/N decides she doesn’t like me. She and I are just going to start talking for now. And for that I am grateful.” Stomach in knots, Aone bowed to his team in thanks for all the encouragement and praise.
“But Aone-senpai, Y/N asked you to lunch! We all watched you guys, she looked ecstatic talking to you and she even glared at these other girls in the hallway because they were checking you out!”
Aone’s heart dropped. “She did?”
Kenji smiled, patting him on the back. “Saw it with my own eyes too, big guy.”
Aone felt like he was so happy he could sing, but he knew how odd that would look coming from such a big and serious guy like himself.
“Oh. Well... that’s quite nice.”
What a turn of events! This morning, Aone was going through another day with a heavy heart because the love of his life would never like him back. Then, it only took him defending you against the class snitch for everything to change......
✏️ Earlier That Day ✏️
Aone was sitting in class like any other day, doing his work, listening to the teacher intermittently and your daily conversation with your friends. The teacher excused himself to run a club errand for 20 minutes, trusting the class to stay quiet and complete their homework. Like most typical high school classes, the volume raised as soon as the teacher stepped out. Aone glanced over at your talkative self for the 15th time that period and noticed how much you were glowing because your team had returned last night placing second at Regionals. You looked radiant, absolutely stunning with your brighter smile and louder angelic laugh.
In Mountain Man’s daydream, he imagined telling you that you looked beautiful today followed by a congratulations for placing second. You would rush over to him and kiss him in thanks then start ripping his clothes off so that you could—
“Y/N! I am sick and tired of you and the rest of the popular kids not listening to the teachers instructions! What part of ‘stay quiet’ is hard to understand in that pea brain of yours!?!??!”
To Aone’s left, sitting in his row, he looked for the yelling voice. It was who everyone (except Aone) called ‘the class snitch’ and school mascot: Tsume Lian.
Also known as Y/N’s arch nemesis.
Seating looks like:
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Y/N glared at him.
“Tsume, no one was talking to you.”
“I know that, dork!” He fumed. “BECAUSE WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TALKING! I’m trying to do my homework as asked, and you and the popular crowd just ignore everything the teacher says and it’s disgusting! I’m tired of it! I want you expelled!”
Aone noticed Y/N’s startled expression at the prospect of being expelled, because he knew from overhearing your conversations that your parents were this close to sending you to Seijoh to get your grades up and live on campus there. According to your gossip last week, if you failed another class or got another complaint from a teacher then your parents would under no circumstances allow you to cheer again.
Aone clenched his fists tightly around his pencil because he couldn’t stand the idea of seeing Motomu or Kindaichi drooling over you at his enemy school.
One of Y/N’s friends who Aone knew as Kusa, spoke up in defence of Y/N. “Oh shut it, Tsume. Us chatting isn’t bothering anyone else.”
“I don’t care! You cheerleaders think you can do anything you want and that’s that!! YOU WILL face repercussions if I can help it!”
Kusa feigned fear. She turned her entire body toward him in her seat, meaning business. A bitch had time today.
The entire class gave this drama all of their undivided attention when they witnessed that move, ready for the show like:
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“Oh yeah?! And why are you just snapping about this now, huh? Why not before?” Kusa snapped. You put a hand on your friends arm, silently trying to tell her he isn’t worth her energy.
“Because I realized just how selfish, inconsiderate, and deplorable you good-looking, popular women are! You don’t deserve to be bowed down to like I thought! You should be treated like everybody else!”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N interjected. “No one treats us like that. Even if they did, we don’t ask them to nor do we ask to be popular and we especially don’t ask for special treatment, Lian. Why are you so mad??? Get your life.”
Aone smirked to himself. In all his years of crushing on you he has never seen you look so fierce and he too put his pencil down to enjoy what was a different and fiery side of his crush. It made him want to fuck the shit out of you, you looked so sexy. Aone found he liked every side of you.
“I did have a life. I was a mascot and—“
“—And you were spending too much time looking up our SKIRTS instead of hyping up a CROWD, making the first years uncomfortable and borderline stalking Y/N so badly she asked that we terminate you! You are lucky she kept that to herself for so long! 🤬 And THAT’S why you’re mad!”
The class collectively gasped. Some whipped their phones out to snapchat the gossip. Aone widened his eyes in silence, since he was in between, he was looking back and forth at the fight like a tennis match.
Hahahaha 🎾 
Live footage of the classes reaction when Kusa READ TSUME FOR FILTH:
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Tsume went red with anger, but anyone could tell that he was guilty guilty guilty !!!!
“When the teacher returns, I’m telling him and the principal the truth that you Y/N are a bully and you constantly disrupt the class! Who do you think they’re going to believe?! Their best student? Or their worst?! Say hi to AobaJohsai summer school for me!”
You frowned, scared out of your mind because Lian was right. The teacher’s believed everything he had to say and ever since you exposed him for sending you creepy messages and inappropriate pictures from a fake account that you knew was his, the class snitch has had it out for you. Even if the cheerleaders had your back, your parents would just think they are trying to protect you and never believe it! Tsume Lian was smart and dead set on planning your demise. It was unfair. You wanted to cry. Kusa whispered something to you in encouragement but you could feel the back of your eyes warming due to impending tears.
Meanwhile, with Mountain Man - Today was a day of firsts in his ‘Crushing on Y/N’ book. It was the first time he’s ever seen you glowing because of the Regional results, it was the first time he’s ever seen you so sassy, and now............. Aone notes that today is also the first time he’s ever seen you on the verge of tears before.
Unlike your glowing and your sassiness, Aone decided that he hated the last first more than anything in the world.
It consumed his emotions, how badly he didn’t want to see you cry.
“You really are slimy, Tsume. Wait until Katana hears this.” Kusa spat, rubbing her hand up and down Y/N’s back to soothe you as you willed your tears not to fall.
Seeing you so sad, Aone’s heart clenched.
He knew what it was like to be hurting but he never ever wanted that for you—not ever.
“Hey Y/N-chan, why don’t you show me that video your mom got of our reaction to us placing second yesterday?? I’d love to see it.” Kusa has accurately distracted you because she texted Katana what was happening and Katana knew just what to do until she got there.
You smiled, thinking about the overwhelming happiness from yesterday when your team placed second. You whipped out your phone and showed Kusa, smiling and giggling in a matter of seconds as it played.
Aone was glad you seemed good.
He turned to look at Tsume, who seemed to be raging inside. Shooting daggers at the two cheerleaders because they weren’t crumbling under his threats. They were laughing, in fact. Ignoring him as if he didn’t matter. Aone could tell Tsume was a ticking time bomb with how mad he was. His anger toward you looked severely unhealthy.
You let out a rather amusing laugh with Kusa as you two pointed to your screen and Aone’s heart skipped a beat because he loved that laugh so much. God, he is so fucking whipped.
When you laughed like that though, it sent perverted-snitch Tsume over the edge, bubbling over in anger like a piping hot kettle.
Aone watched him with studious eyes as Tsume took a deep breath to say something else that Aone was sure would stop your harmonious laughter that he adored......
“Y/N—“ Tsume started, but without warning, THE AONE TAKANOBU, DATE TECH MIDDLE BLOCKER, OUR MOUNTAIN MAN, interrupted him! Stopping all speech in the class with his simple, deep-voiced command:
“Leave her be. She’s having fun.”
The class:
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The class went silent because they’d never really heard Aone’s voice before. :S
Still riled up, the class snitch took one look beside him (he was too distracted before) as to locate the voice. Once his eyes set on the verrrry muscular and verrrry mountainous man sitting between him and Y/N, he decided it would be smart to not be riled up anymore. A drop of sweat leaving his hairline, Lian scanned Aone’s gigantic body with his eyes, seeing that the volleyball player just barely fit in his desk—he gulped.
Aone had a relaxed expression, meaning to say what he said nonchalantly, but one needs to remember that Aone’s relaxed expression looks like this:
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Needless to say, the ex-mascot almost pissed himself.
Is that Y/N’s b-b-boyfriend now? Tsume wondered to himself in panic as several more drops of sweat ran down his face.
“O-o-ok-o-o-oka-okay-y....” Tsume stuttered out as he turned back to his school work.
Five minutes later when the teacher came in, Tsume had nothing to say. He only had a sweat damped stack of homework to give him before he fled, not waiting for the bell of dismissal.
Did I frightened him? Aone thought.
He didn’t mean to. Sincerely. He was as gentle as giants come (except in bed if you rile him up enough or when someone is bothering you).
The class went back to normal and Aone continued working too.
But one person didn’t—no, couldn’t go back to normal:
You sat in your seat still slack jawed because someone you didn’t know came to your rescue and quite possibly single handedly stopped your expulsion. How have you not noticed him before?! He is gorgeous!
Tall, muscular, handsome. Shiny white hair, beautiful lips. And he came to your defence.
In your opinion , he was a FINEASS mountain man! 🏔🤤
Yes ma’am!!!!
Anyway, while everyone was talking, working and minding their own business—including Aone—you slid out of your desk and bounced over to his happily.
“Hi! Thanks so much for defending me a little while ago!”
Bitch, this was you: ☺️😊😄
lost ass
Aone raised his head to look at you, jumping back slightly because he never even heard you approach. He stared up at you with a heart that stopped beating, absolutely speechless.
WHAT IS HAPPENING? He thought. YOU WERE TALKING................TO HIM? You were NOTICING..............HIM?!
You reached over to touch the handsome giant’s arm in his sweater, smiling at him endearingly.
“I’m Y/N! It’s nice to meet you!”
yeah you lost af, bitch 😐
Aone wanted to say something, he did. But he was just too shocked that the girl he thinks about nonstop, the girl he wishes was his, the girl he just had a wet dream about last night, was talking to him and only him for the first time.
Takanobu always thought you two would first speak because of Futakuchi or the teacher but not because of him.
Aone couldn’t fathom the fact that HE made this happen! HE was the reason you were over here!
Aone: 🤯🤯🤯
It was ALL. TOO. MUCH.
He couldn’t speak.
You removed your hand from his arm, silently chastising yourself because you shouldn’t touch people without permission.
Not that Aone minded. That boy would want you to touch him anywhere, on anyday, at anytime that pleased you.
“Sorry.” You looked down shyly, then met his serious expression again, wanting to be sure he knew how grateful you were for his help.
“Um.... you probably don’t know this but you getting that pervert to leave me alone is quite possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. And you did it for a stranger like me, no less.”
You tucked your hair behind you ear while holding his gaze. Aone could only nod because his throat was dry. You looked so incredibly perfect up-close and he wanted to make sure he remembered this. He just couldn’t speak.
Feeling a little awkward now because you just tried starting a conversation with this FINEASS classmate of yours to only get a nod in return, you laughed timidly.
“Okay, well I guess I’ll...” you turned on your heels so you could make your way back to your desk with your L. “....see you later.” You finished, telling him over your shoulder.
Much like when he defended you against Tsume, Aone didn’t know what came over him then: maybe it was all the memories of him feeling heartbroken that you’d never notice him or return his feelings—maybe it was the promise he made that he would do something toward pursuing you if you would just notice him first—or maybe is was because his best friend Kenji would have his HEAD if Aone told him he let you walk away right now without trying....... after TWO YEARS.........that compelled him to respond to your “see you later” bravely, FINALLY UTTERING WORDS TO YOU FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE:
^Asked Aone, just as you were walking away from him.
You stilled, feeling excitement in your body because he answered. You spun around and jumped back in front of his desk. You gave him a questioning look.
You responded, “When, what?”
Even though he was melting under your attention, Aone couldn’t give up now. He had to shoot his shot. This may be his only chance.
“When is later?” He elaborated.
Huh? You thought.
You blinked at the stunning classmate. What is he—OH, does he mean.....
“As in...when will I see you again?”
Aone nodded at you, holding his breath.
You massaged your chin, thinking 🤔.
You can admit you wanted to know more about this gorgeous man who came to your rescue. There was something about him that made you feel safe and warm. You couldn’t quite place it. You’ve never wanted to spend time with anyone outside of cheerleading more than this guy—so you owed it to yourself to explore that small feeling, right?
“Okay. Well, how about now? Lunch is after this period. Would you want to have it with me?!” You asked cheerily.
Though he didn’t show it, inside, fireworks went off in Aone’s mind, heart, and stomach...!
Actual footage:
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Aone nodded quickly. Way too quickly for someone who did not want to come across as the most eager beaver in the world.
But he was...... and you noticed. It made you smile.
“Okay. So when the bell rings you can walk me to my locker and I’ll put away my stuff, then we’ll go to yours....then we can go head to lunch together. Sound good?”
Aone nodded quickly again!
You gave him the big smile that made him become a simp for you in the first place and you took your seat again.
Takanobu was so excited he literally almost stood up to spin the hand clock that hung up beside the door himself so that time could go by faster. He couldn’t even move to text Kenji because he knew his hands would shake.
He just sat there, his mind whirling mad until the bell finally rang. You said bye to Kusa and watched as this blonde hottie stood up from his seat, towering over you.
God, he was so freaking HOT! You wanted to jump him.
At the same time students filed out of the class, Aone turned to you as he collected his things then slung his bag over his shoulder.
“May I carry your books for you, Y/N?” Mountain man asked sheepishly in his stern voice.
Your heart fluttered by how cute and sweet he was to ask!
“Umm, sure! Thank you so much!” You smiled and handed your heavy books over.
You two walked beside eachother and Aone held the door open for you. You didn’t know why he was being so nice but you couldn’t lie that you felt very charmed.
You looked up at the handsome giant with curious eyes after he called your name.
“My name is Aone Takanobu by the way. You introduced yourself before, but I did not answer. I’m sorry. Either way, I knew who you were already. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Your smiled widened as you bounced on your feet while walking. “Very nice to meet you too, Aone Takanobu. I’ve actually heard of you before.”
Aone’s eyes lit up like 👀
“Wait r-really?”
Omg precious bby 🥺🥺🥺
“Yes. At a cheerleading sleepover. All good things, don’t worry. It’s just funny because I said that night how hopefully I’ll meet you and now here we are!”
Aone chuckled as he held open another door for you. When he did and you two walked down another hall, he caught sight of two very conspicuous volleyball players (one looked eerily like Justin Bieber, the other looked big boned) hugging eachother and slumping down to the ground at the sight of you and Aone. Aone rolled his eyes, thinking that they were lucky you never noticed your surroundings.
“Here we are.” Aone repeated, shooting a secret thumbs up at his friends who were on the verge of crying.
Nearing the end of an enjoyable lunch for both of you where you spoke a lot and Aone listened with heart eyes: he pulled your chair out for you, he was responding, he was chuckling, and overall hanging onto your every word, never wanting your time together to end. You became rather smitten.
“The bell is gonna ring soon, Aone. I just want to thank you again for buying my lunch and spending this time with me! I know it was super random!”
Aone got lost in your eyes as you said his name, because he’s never taken a moment to analyze how nice it could sound if it was caressed by your voice. Also, he’s never heard his name said by someone so beautiful (when it wasn’t being said in a question). He was BATHING in joy.
Although Aone didn’t answer and he’s maintained his stoic expression the entire lunch, deep down you felt that this man had a thing for you. He was very intense so it was quite obvious. But since you enjoyed the lunch so much and you were starting to have a thing for him, too, you wanted to confirm:
“Also, Aone-san, I’m happy to know that you can say more than 4 words 😲! I asked my friend earlier and she said you basically never speak.” You exclaimed, fishing.
Aone smirked, feeling the need to defend himself on that front. “It is true that that is the consensus of the majority of people who come in contact with me. However, that is because there exists few people, that I feel inclined to speak to.”
Hook, line, and sinker. Your eyes twinkled at his words. He looked like a jock but sounded so eloquent! You loved it:
“Oh wow well you spoke a lot to me today so I guess I must be a little special then, huh.......?” You twirled your hair around your index finger as you asked, causing Aone to almost drool.
listen, you...kind of..... wanted mountain man.
And you were only flirting minimally okay.....minimally, so don’t judge
You just wanted to know if your suspicions were right that he had a little crush on you or if he saw you as a friend
Aone looked down at you, thinking of a way to respond to you asking if you were special to him.
“This is our first time speaking. So I am not entirely sure if you’re special yet...” He started.
You quirked your eyebrow attractively, anticipating how he would end that sentence.
“...But I hope that even after this lunch ends I can take you out again a few more times, Y/N-chan—somewhere nice and off-campus, perhaps—so that I can truly decipher whether you are or not.”
You quirked your eyebrow even higher, impressed by the smooth way he told you he wants to keep seeing you!
“I’d love to.” You accepted, making Aone smile.
He was absolutely stunning when he smiled, it was almost unfair.
The bell rang.
“Mind walking me back to my locker, Aone?”
Aone stood on internally shaky legs that he willed to be normal. “Of course.” He took both yours and his tray and dumped it out before escorting you out of the cafeteria.
✏️ Back in the Locker Room ✏️
“We are happy for you, Aone.” Kenji patted his large friend on the back.
“I had your voice in the back of my mind, Kenji-san. I owe this happiness to you and your support. I know you’re worried that I’ll get my heart broken and be crushed but I’m thankful for you supporting me anyway. You will forever be my brother.”
Taglist: @crushzone @galagcica
Outtake #7: CLICK HERE
Upcoming outtakes (NSFW):
Losty Aone answering Kenji’s call while you’re having sex. He told you to please wait but...um....no. Hang up, buddy 😈
When you tease poor Losty Aone during class and make him want to f*ck you hard
You telling Aone that you’re horny before his game knowing you’d be cheering next to him the whole time being suggestive
Sending Aone a nude for the first time
First Kiss (In which Aone gets his first urge)
Discovering Aone’s ear kissing kink
Upcoming Fluff outtakes:
Aone on your first birthday as a couple
The official confession
Aone Embarrassingly telling Y/N about the things he did when he was crushing on you :/ (cupcake, donation, wet dreams, hoping to be your tutor, etc!)
When Aone fills in at one of your cheer practices!
Aone having to save you from your annoying admirers
Send me an ask/message/comment below with the number(s) of the outtake you really want me to write and the ones with votes will be done
Say “Losty Aone Story nsfw number ___” or “Losty Aone Story fluff number ___”
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tezzbot · 3 years
You've probably already forgotten abt the post about this but most likely the reason they couldn't make Big Mac his true red color in Equestria Girls is bc they didn't want people to think that he was some sort of attempt to make fun of indigenous peeps. (Like it's fine as a pony bc passerby can be like 'lol pastel horses' but on a human it could be seen as offensive) (i think this way bc my old town had to change our highschool mascot which was called the RedSkins {and I agree that's super offensive I'm glad they changed it} and I draw the similarity to those old school cartoons and stuff being super offensive with their caricatures of red like literal red skinned people representing indigenous people)
im not actually mad about big mac not being red in eqg i was Overreacting for a Joke and a Jape dhfnhfb
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subaruthegamer · 4 years
About my OCs (Randy and Deacon)
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Again, bear with me here.
Randal (Randy) David
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“What’s rule #2?” - me
“Never *bleep* with anyone who’s bigger than you.” - half-drunk Randy - regarding why Jack effortlessly... 18+ed him.
Randal (as I occasionally call him) is from a slightly better off family from Hidden Springs, and he was born to parents who while idealistic on the outside, were actually a little bit difficult to live with on the inside. Even though is family life left a lot to be desired, in terms of education, he was attending some of the best schools that Hidden Springs had to offer. With that, his education did leave a rather bitter taste in his mouth since he had almost quite literally, burned his mind through everything that was asked of him. As a result, he now suffers from a mild case of depression which he hides even better than myself.
After turning 17, Randy had a tutor as a result of his rather intense struggle to keep up with everyone else. But he also started to notice an attraction to him (he was pretty much devastatingly handsome) and it started to get personal in a way. That was when Randy started to suffer a headache about his situation. Because his parents were quite uptight about him staying straight as an arrow, this was probably going to be the end (to him). So on the day he turned 18 after his high school graduation, he decided to enlist in the military. But he had to tell his parents about that and his sexuality. Rather than wait until everyone was at dinner, he waited until the night he was about to be shipped out to tell him.
You can guess how it ended for his parents - the bickering was endless.
I honestly don’t know how Randy pulled through with dealing with his training, but one thing I can say for certain is that while Randy was starting to get his body toned, but the one thing that I can say for sure is that he was definitely the smart one. This got him transfered once, and then again. Until he landed into Colby’s team. 
It was a crush at first sight after all - Colby was big, bulky - but obviously, he couldn’t just say he’s in love with him. Until one night, at a barracks somewhere we will probably never know, Randy managed to sneak out of his cabin, and for some rather insane reason, decided to peep on Colby. Colby had just came in from some weight-lifting, so he was going to take a shower. So when Randy peeped, he was getting turned on by Colby’s big size and when he turned around, how large his... uh... right, keeping this safe for work...
Anyway, Randy snuck back to his cabin and needed a moment alone to himself because his heart was pounding so fast. The next morning, he was summoned to Colby’s cabin and sure enough, Colby knew he had been spied on. So inevitably, rather than give him a lesson, Colby would go with his “lesson” by clearing up his schedule come liberty day, and giving him something that was sorely needed.
When the day was free, Randy went over nervous... he had never had somebody this close to him... and when the door closed in Colby’s cabin... it didn’t take long for Colby to slowly strip him down and start his “lesson.” Sure enough, they were sweaty and layered.
This kept up for weeks on end. Working together and creating a formidable team of tactics and actual fighting with (potential enemies) they were literally climbing the ranks during the day, and being given lessons during the night. In fact it got to a point where they had been turned into the stories of legend because of Randy’s moaning.
Sadly (for Randy) it didn’t last, because Colby rather strangely quit his position after he himself spent 6 years in the military. With an address if Randy ever got himself loose, he stayed on - but while he was good over the next year with other people, they got transferred out because Randy wasn’t quite as compatible with others simply due to the dynamic that he and Colby had. So, he quit.
After that, he sort of bounced all over the country, seeing if Colby was there, hoping to hopefully continue with what he and Colby had - enter me.
Yeah, it’s a pretty good guess as to what happened when he finally found Colby. This was an awkward reunion for sure, since Colby was in love with me, and Randy was now... the ex.
Obviously with him sharing a room at his Riverview house (which I was still studying in college) this did have a few awkward moments - then it started going into a slightly strange stalker-ish vibe that was coming off. I was probably overreacting, since Randy’s questions were really sort of borderline creep~ish to the point where I had to have a conversation with Colby with regards to it. 
“I mean, in hindsight, it’s not so bad - I have a feeling we’re getting somewhere.” - me
“It’s more of... will he do everything to replace you?” - Colby
And it didn’t happen. Strange as it may seem, it just didn’t happen. Despite all of it, he was still trying (a bit too hard) to try and remain upbeat about the whole ordeal, but it left me with the impression that he was a little cold with it.
After I graduated and got a job starting my way up with being an intern, Randy got a job as a filing clerk in the office. We started hitting it off as friends, and he was starting to have this sense that he wanted Colby, but he didn’t want to fight over what Colby’s mind up was which depressed him. As I was a former sober companion then, I always notice the signs that one may possibly start to need vices. The job he got was something to live for, but it just felt like he wanted more at the end of the day.
We had our fun, of course, as friends. Walks, drinks, the occasional shameless flirt. I worked my way up but then sort of stalled, which got Randy to catch up to being an intern. By the time I was given the opportunity to be a full-blown journalist, Randy was on the heels of being one. His comparison tests were unique in a way nobody has ever seen before (why, I will never tell you!) but we both got into our moment in the spotlight - I was working on reviewing cars, he was reviewing consumer products.
Furthermore, we also both got job opportunities in Lucky Palms - hence the move.
Which did leave one question - was Randy really going to try and shoot himself past me and into Colby’s arms? The three of us decided that Randy can be friends-with-benefits with Colby. Which meant that there was no relationship with Colby - it being over as Randy came to the reality that Colby was in love with me. But the occasional hookup would be okay.
Did it mean he can also sink his claws into me as well? (hehe...)
Deacon Peaks
Tumblr media
“Lemme get this right - you got that tattoo to hide several of scars on your arm?” - me
“It’s not something I’m proud of.” - Deacon
Deacon has been through a lot. Actually, more than even I could describe. Coming from the slightly rough side of Twinbrook, his story wasn’t as fairytale as his blond hair and tattoos suggest. Deacon and his sister (who we’ve never seen but is mentioned on occasions) were born to a rather alcoholic father, who beat everyone on several occasions. Deacon sustained a lot of the injuries through school, and until his mother finally went to his grandfather, he was still suffering a lot which the school staff at the time turned a blind eye to.
When his mother finally had enough, his grandfather (who he called Pops) had the whole family (minus his father) move into his place and chased his father away with a shotgun. After that, at 14, he was starting to put the pieces of himself back together, but it started to take a domino effect on his education, since he was also bullied through school. Until a new principal came into effect 2 years later, the pieces he had allowed him to get by, but not get better. In fact, from what I remember about the conversations Deacon and I had when we were alone was that he also started an attraction to boys - who then also got kicked around for liking them as well. So, clearly, high school wasn’t exactly something he’s enjoyed.
That gradually changed slightly as he entered college - although it was still a painful time for him - even as he turned 21. Because Deacon was at a small college party, the temptation to drink too much was just there. I mean, everyone was simply getting too drunk to get comfortable. Even in this setting, the pressure was still on. But he walked away. And good thing he did, because hazing was a thing that occurred then.
Now, Deacon entered college with loans, so unsurprisingly, he did have to work quite hard through college. It wasn’t the most enlightening difference, but it was enough to live by modestly. He still had to bike to school, but it was enough to work and live by in a way. Although with Deacon’s athletic career - he graduated alright, but there is a problem: the amount of debt wasn’t exactly something that enlightens a prospective team. So after graduating, he held a few dead-end jobs before moving to Lucky Palms.
While looking through the ads list at the supermarket in Lucky Palms, I had advertised a room for sale (this was post-Adam, pre-Jack - draw your own conclusions) and, Deacon, ever the blondie, came in and was about to text the number on the ad. Sure enough, it was me. Randy had been living in a room on his own, and with Lucky Palms property values, renting a spare room that could be used could supplement what we paid.
Sure enough, Deacon was sort of back where we started until a team mascot position at the stadium opened. So he took it - but he was facing a little bit of ridicule from not being “from the bag - and probably rusty.” Obviously, he hid this from us until I checked in on him... and where I may have introduced him to Randy.
The two went on a night on the town at a bar, and Deacon (according to Randy) did have some degree of fun, but there was something missing. Now, when they got home with Randy (on the gray line of tipsy and drunk), Deacon decided that rather than carry Randy to his room (which factually was closer to the stairs than Deacon’s was) he would take him to his.
What happened during the night would be anyone’s guess (relax, nothing of a rather criminal nature happened), but when Randy woke up (unsurprisingly slightly hungover) Randy had been giving Deacon a cute smile while waiting for him to wake up. When Deacon turned around, his heart was beating quickly. Randy was still staring into his eyes with this cooling effect that apparently gradually got them to cuddle even closer in bed.
They spent the whole day cuddling until... Deacon made the first move with a kiss in bed. With Randy slightly shocked (and hungry) that Deacon wasn’t sure if he blew it. But Randy responded by kissing him back :)
This was a gradual secret until I accidentally got him and Deacon making out because Randy accidentally took my phone and I was going to give it back.
What was interesting about this was that they moment they started dating was also the same moment Colby proposed to me.
Randy was the catalyst in Deacon’s life, and soon enough, Deacon started flying up the ladder from being a mascot, to being one of the most sought after players. And before you ask - they’ve decided to be boyfriend and boyfriend.
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lalaytight · 3 years
NCT 127 + Sungtaro as Uni Students
-Information Prior to Reading-
Clearing - When applying to University after the official date of the A level results, national results, the clearing section opens which allows people who did not get the required grades or have changed their mind in term of courses, apply to university and get a spot.
Dissertation - he final project completed in the last year of University, is normally around one set topic and makes up a good chunk of the final grade awarded at the end of the course.
Pre's - Stands for Pre Drinks a social event where alcohol is consumed prior to going to the clubs.
Masters- A second degree normally 12-18 months long in addition to the bachelors degree when you first graduate. Normally more specific than the first degree.
Gap Year- A year taken between finishing up school and going off to university, normally spent either saving for university or more commonly travelling the world and 'finding' yourself in a third world country on a beaten path.
Pull/ going on the pull- The act of trying to get a date or take someone home with you whilst on a night out in the clubs/ pubs. Can be either successful or unsuccessful but is a great past time.
Tactical chunder-  The act of throwing up whilst drunk in order to sober yourself or remove some of the alcohol from your body. Is often done to make room for more alcohol.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, Swearing, overall shenanigans, phallic imagery (?), Illegal substance usage
Moon Taeil
Taeil is studying a Chemisty Masters. He completed the undergrad and met a girl. The year below and didn't want to do long distance. So he signed up for a master's course so they could stay in the same area. And he has to admit it was definitely a good choice. Not only is he not having to worry about getting a job, loosing his missus to someone else or having to part from his mainly younger best friends.
He considers himself old now and therefore, isn't involved in any of the society's or sports clubs. He also can't be bothered, not between labs and reports he's got to write. He can barely make time to play fortnite yet alone serious sports. But he will sneak into any of the parties being hosted by the societies his friends are a part of. Will bring his own bottle of Gin and never take it home but its all about the atmosphere. And hanging out with his friends.
In class, Taeil works with the same lab partner for everything. He hasn't changed since September and has no intent to. He's not big on making more friends than necessary and he's got this tight bond with his current partner and therefore, doesn't bother looking for anyone else if they have to do group work. He's studious and his reports are always written well. There's also a little smiling moon placed in the top corner of any one he has to print out. It's completely against the guideline published but its so cute he gets away with it each time. Plus he's also a major teacher's pet and will stay late to help clean the lab after a session.
On a night out Taeil is plastered. He's drunk out of his mind but it's the way he likes to be. He's buying everyone drinks. His bank accounts hurts at the end of the night but he only sees it as a good night. He has no interest in pulling or trying to flirt with anyone he's a committed man. But he will attempt to help his other friends settle down. Therefore, he's everyone's wingman. A shit one but its the effort that counts. If he's lost he's by the bar ordering shots for someone he thinks is sobering up too fast.
John Suh / Johnny
What would the great Johnny Suh study at university. Well its nothing you expect it to be. He's studying building surveying. Yeah you heard that right. And he's so proud of it. The looks he gets when people ask him what he does and that's his answer. This big tall buff guy who kinda screams like he's studying something sporty. He's all about buildings. Wont even try to say he's doing archetecture. Rather he'll just bring out a folder of photos on his phone which are just him in his High Vis Jacket in a multitude of poses.
Johnny is the captain of the Rugby team, that's how he met and then adopted Jeno. He can be seen only on Wednesday at the student night wearing his rugby uniform, the university mascot drawn on his face and a bottle of beer in his hand. He starts the sing along of the rugby boys as they walk through campus. You'll know the one, where they talk or chant about their appendages. He cheers the loudest when one of the newer players join in
In class Johnny is that one guy that everyone loves. He's fun he's entertaining and he's just so nice. He's always there to help his other peeps when they're struggling responding to the questions in the course group chat on Facebook. He send's merry Christmas and happy holidays messages without fail. The cutest little messages and stuff and if you didn't expect this great six foot something guy behind the screen you'd be correct. He's so nice and polite and seemingly hard working that he can get away with anything. You wouldn't notice that he does fuck all in a group project. He's just so present you think he's contributed loads. Until you notice the only writing he has on the entire worksheet is his name.
Johnny is the ultimate party planner. He's always responsible for organising the house party or pre's and he gets absolutely everyone around. He know's Jeno and next thing you know the rest of the younger guys are round his house and Johnny's suddenly got like 7 20 something year old sons. He's bringing all the snacks and an endless supply of Magners. Anyone wants a drink, help yourself. On a night out he's the first to break off from the group. He's straight to the smoking area to light up his juul. He spends a little too long there cause he's too busy flirting but he leaves with their insta and then goes to try and bully Mark onto the dance floor. But when Mark protests and he's told to leave Taeyong's son alone, his best partner is crime Jaehyun is right by his side to go thot drop to the 90s club hits playing on the floor.
Lee Taeyong
Taeyong is another masters student. His first degree was in illustration and he hated it. Completely put him off art. He never wanted to draw for a living ever again. Never again. But he didn't know what to do with his degree. That was until he went to a careers event and there was an art therapist present, and he knew this was his calling. Or perhaps he was desperate and the way the man talked seemed to draw him in. Therefore, his masters is art therapy.
Taeyong used to be the president of the music society, and he could have stayed on another year when he started his masters. But he decided to take a step back and instead focus on his studies. Or at least pretend to. Now he just focuses on not killing his housemates and wondering why he stayed in a student house for another year. Not when he could have afforded a studio apartment.
Taeyong feels a new life for art by doing his masters course. He's slowly falling back in love with the thing his first degree ruined for him. And the therapy side is so interesting and new to him that he's constantly amazed. To the point where he goes and actually does the further reading. He might be the only one in the class to do so but that doesn't stop him. The lecturers love him because of his genuine interest in the subject and he always gets the opportunity for anything cool they put on. His interest though can be a little dangerous as he's constantly testing his new techniques out on his roommates and if he has to see one more dick drawn by Yuta one of them will not be attending lectures the next day.
Taeyong contrary to popular belief is not the mom friend on a night out. He is the next morning. But on the night out he's wild. A lightweight who sticks to drinking wine only, he likes to belief he's the light and life of the party. He isn't really but he is the one on the tables at the club throwing the best dance moves. Every time he hits the dance floor its like he starts a performance and you can't take your eyes away. Somehow he's still in control of his movement. It's a miracle but he does it somehow. And the next morning he refuses to admit he was once again performing at the club like he was on a stage in front of millions as he's forcing bread down the throats of every single housemate.
Nakamoto Yuta
Yuta doesn't seem to be a big reader when you look at him. You'd never think he'd spend most of his university time bent over a book reading it to be able to write the report about it. Probably because he doesn't but he's an English Literature student nevertheless.
Yuta belongs to the football, soccer, club and is the captain. He takes great pride in his team but will not hesitate to do a fun meaningless game often. In fact he was the one who suggested to Johnny that the football and the rugby team should play eachother at tennis of all sports to see who was the superior. Before a big match Yuta attempts to organise more practice, but its never okayed by the coach. He still goes to the pitch to wait and is disappointed every time when nobody turns up to his unofficial training session.
Yuta loves his English literature class. Mainly because they do deep dives into the book and he secretly does love reading he just doesn't like being told what books to read. He's passionate about Brontè and can tell you almost anything about the twilight universe. But he absolutely refuses to read the books for the assignments. Rather he'll scroll his way through a couple summaries, a wikipedia page and one of those websites that publish old essays instead. His grades are high and he's yet to be caught not having read really any of the books they've worked on. Rather he just flings around the terminology and hopes its actually being used. Yuta attends every lecture, not because he wants to learn. Rather because he loves going in to his class and talking to the rest of the students on his course. He's a part of a mainly female friendship group and he's not hesitant to tell them when they deserve better than the guy that's stringing them on. He's always there to remind them how they truly deserve to be treated and point out the red flags when the girls try to justify staying with them. He wouldn't ever date any of them, and he's sure many of them think he swings for the other team only. But like he's not going to protest. Unless they're being mistreated by their partners and they need to wake up. He also makes a small fortune selling his old notes to students in the year below, Jaemin has set up a monthly subscription pay to ensure he gets all the notes he can't be bothered to take.
At a party Yuta can be found drinking some sort of liquor and chatting to Doyoung in the corner. The pair are laughing like school girls and having the times of their lives. If you ever approach expect to be disgusted and possibly confused considering how much of a strong feminist he is. The pair can be found having the most controversial conversations possible. Yuta just wants to argue though and Doyoung presents a very good opportunity. When asked later he will never deny what you heard nor excuse his words, only gives a meek smile and then disappears. He's found in the grimiest bathroom normally and he's not alone. Let's leave that one up to the imagination. But he's the self proclaimed king of one night stands.
Kim Dongyoung / Doyoung
Doyoung was confused at first over what subject to take. He was torn between law and criminology. To the point where he had applied and had offers for both courses some of which being at the same university. However, when it came to results days he ended up on the criminology course. He's not pressed though.
Doyoung is not involved in any societies or sports. However, he is pretty involved in another aspect of the university community. He's very frequently involved in the university confessions page on Facebook. He's actually one of the admins. And he loves to approve and post the more controversial confessions. Especially the ones which are most likely to cause massive arguments between courses. He'll accept the confession post it and then just sit back and watch the chaos. He's Admin C.
Class wise Doyoung loves the argumentative side of the subject. Why wouldn't he be involved in the discussions and debates. It's his favourite part and he's always team captain. But when it's normal classwork he's just as involved. In his opinion if he's paying all this money for the course he's going to get as much out of it as possible. He'll do the snazzy presentation for your group project with the transitions background noises and memes. You get high scores because of this presentation. He's top of the class and has no intent of letting that position go to someone else.
On a night out he can be seen purposefully trying to stir the pot. He's a shit starter and proud and its even worse when drunk. You think someone is looking at you funny, he'll say they are and then go with you to confront them. He'll talk about something controversial and try to play devils advocate just to watch your reaction. He is also the one to have the evidence of what happened on his snapchat the next morning. A useful ally to have if you want those pictures deleted.
Jung Yoonoh/ Jaehyun
Big, tall, kinda scary looking Jaehyun is studying education. He's always wanted to be a dad, but his parents warned him of the problems of being a teenaged dad. And then again at having kids really young before you have the money needed to support them. So he had to suck up the desire to be a father until he found an happy alternative. Enter Jaehyun studying to be an Early years, ages 4-8, teacher. He can be the school father to these children and then hand them back to their parents in the afternoon.
Jaehyun used to be part of the football team until he realised he couldn't be bothered. He then tried to dabble in some of the societies but he couldn't find one he enjoyed. Rather he settled in becoming one of the campus crushes. Running a successful instagram account and taking a part in the social media take-over event the student union hosted.
Jaehyun loves his course only when he's out working on placement within the school setting. He hates the class work. But when he's in class that's where he shines, well most of the time. He loves the kids, and they love him. The bond he builds is so strong and it normally works very well in his favour the class listening to what he wants them to do and everything generally seems to go well for him. He's also a hit with the female teachers who are supervising him. To the point where he can get away with nearly anything. He'll never forget the one time he turned up after a heavy night out, hanging out of his boots, to the point he was throwing up in the students toilet and he's charm and good looks meant the female teacher he was working with let him off the hook. He swore never to drink again before going to work but he totally owed it to her for not reporting him to the university for being completely out of sorts to the point where he just put on a film all afternoon and snoozed on the desk.
When he's not got work the next morning Jaehyun is down for the longest night out he can muster. He will drag everyone to the one club that closes at 6am. By the end of the night there's only a few strong solider's left, namely Johnny, Yuta Jungwoo and himself, but he'd never stop. His wallet hurts after paying all the entry fees but it was completely worth it. His favourite student night is the naughties night that is hosted every term, he's screaming along to Beyonce and Fall out boy all night along. He's hit hard by the hangover the next morning but his cuddle buddy Taeyong is more than used to it by now and the pair sit watching reruns of Judge Judy and feeling sorry for themselves.
Dong Sicheng/ WinWin
Included in WayV link pending
Kim Jungwoo
Jungwoo might arguably be the smartest of the bunch and he won't let you forget when he's proudly stating he studies Engineering. He deserves to as well cause the course is hard. He's a mathematical genius and he's dream is to go on to study robotics afterwards.
Jungwoo is a proud member of the Harry Potter society. Well kinda, his housemates all know he's a part of the society and he's very active talking about it to them all. But he won't actively tell people he's apart of it outside his close friends. It's mainly because he's embarrassed that he's one of the younger members normally heavily surrounded by middle aged women. But he wouldn't leave, he's too deep in the fan fiction they're collectively writing. #JusticeforWolfStar.
Jungwoo is relatively quiet in class choosing to stick with his selected course mate group. He doesn't tend to speak to anyone outside his tutor group and instead focuses more on just trying to pass each assignment sent his way. He does try his hardest to stay on top of the work assigned for him, and tries to put his effort in. But as he gets closer and closer to the end of the course he cannot find it in himself to put as much effort in as he did in his second year, he was pissed or high for most of his first year to say he was putting his uttermost effort in. He is however, well known for bringing the best weed brownies to the tutor group parties. It's a secret recipe he refuses to tell anyone how he does it.
If you've lost Jungwoo on a night out he's 1000% in the smoking area. If he's not lit up he's sat there chatting people up left right and centre. It's his favourite socialisation point and he states he can always find the most interesting people in the smoking area. And normally get a couple of free cigarettes out of it. He's the first to ask if you've got a lighter he can use. He's a big fan of hitting the gay club at about 3am because their drinks are normally cheaper and it stays open the latest. Also because there's a chance he'll bump into a drag queen.
Mark Lee
Included in NCT Dream's version
Lee Donghyuck/ Haechan
Included in NCT Dream's version
Osaki Shotaro
Shotaro is another student studying theatre studies. At first he wanted to just study Dance but then decided he liked the idea of studying more of the entire theatre style. So he randomly applied for one theatre studies course. He was accepted and didn't look back.
Therefore, as part of the group studying theatre he has to take part in the productions the university put on. Well it's not a exact demand for the course but it's heavily implied. And Shotaro doesn't mind, especially when he successfully lands the role of Dance captain every single time. It's his favourite thing to go up to the cast announcement list and see his name next to dance captain. He also loves attending all the costume fittings ensuring to arrive as early as possible and drag it out for a little while longer. It's most likely because he's got a crush on one of the students working on the costumes, but he's way too shy to actually ask them out.
Shotaro can normally be found staying late in some of the practice rooms. Despite his dancing skills, being part of the theatre course means he has to be involved in the other sides and his confidence is lacking. Therefore, he is working his hardest until he feels like he's on par with some of the other students. He mainly gets help from Haechan who's taken a liking to the other boy and the pairs mutual love for Justin Bieber solidified their friendship.
Another lightweight, Shotaro is cautious of how much he has to drink at any point of the night. He likes to still be in control and therefore has never been black out drunk. But he has tried a little bit of everything. Plus Yuta has practically adopted him on nights out and therefore, if Shotaro is tempted for a drink he'll get one but never has to pay for it. And no Yuta doesn't pay for it either but they do con some unsuspecting person into paying for them both.
Jung Sungchan
Sungchan was another confused at first on which subject he wanted to study at university. He was torn between just Media and then the more specific Film Studies. Though after one very intense talk from a Film studies tutor at sixth form he did chose Film studies.
He's also involved in the school productions, he has the responsibility of filming the performances, well at least one or two of them, so that they can upload them to the theatre society's YouTube channel. He is also in charge of organising the lightening of the show when he's not working the camera. When he has to focus on the recording he just ends up praying the lightening works as he leaves it partially under the control of Jisung and knows if he dares has a go at the societies baby he's dead.
Sungchan is that one member of the class who seems to always have the best editing software on his laptop and the most intense amount of knowledge regarding it. When anyone asks he only states it because he didn't want to look like an idiot on his first couple days. The truth is that he runs a rather successful YouTube channel where he makes edits and crack videos. Sony after effects is his best friend.
On a night out Sungchan lets loose. He absolutely loves the feeling of alcohol in his system. He becomes clumsy and for his size it can cause many problems but he wouldn't have it any other way. He tends to have to be guided through a dance floor by someone else to avoid bumping into people and spilling his over priced double vodka and coke. He's desperate to head for food at about 2am and rushes to follow someone the instant they mention being hungry.
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