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Polly Gray - Peaky Blinders S3E1
#polly gray#helen mccrory#peaky blinders#peakyblindersedit#peakywomen#perioddramaedit#the queen#t'swifesgifs
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a ring & a viscountess.
A/N: you wanted it so here it is! the engagement story/a story of Tommy & the Mrs early days together! I still am undecided on giving her an official name don't hate me! warnings: sexual themes, language, alluding to smut but no smut. not canon. a part of my tommy & his darling wife au. I take no credit for the GIF! 3.4k words.
The phone at Watery Lane rang early one Friday morning. Thomas had just left for Charlie’s Yard, and you were alone for the first time that day. Your brow furrowed, curious as to who it could be.
“Hello?” you answered the phone, trying to shake the grogginess from your voice. Thomas had kept you up rather late the night before.
“Ah, bloody hell,” a voice from the other line cursed. “Good morning, my darling! I’ve just had a phone installed at the estate and I’m trying to figure it out–” there was some scuffling on the other end. “That’ll be all, thank you,” you could hear her say to some butler in the background. “And I figured this was as good a time as any to call you and demand you bring that gangster you’ve found yourself infatuated with to dinner at the Estate.”
It was your great grandmother, the dowager viscountess of the Pearson Estate. “Mimzy,” you start.
“No! I will have none of that. My dear, I am dying, over ninety now, and I must meet this man you deem worthy of your affections.” she tells you.
“You’re not dying, Mim,” you chide, rolling your eyes.
A pause on the other end of the line, feeble breathing. “But I am, dear. The doctors did not give me good news last week. Please, come see me.”
You swallow the lump in your throat. “Alright, I will discuss it with Thomas when I see him this evening.” you promise her.
“Phone me when you know you’re coming so I can have the rooms ready.” she tells you.
Your stomach was in knots when Thomas returned home to the Shelby family home on Watery Lane that evening. “Evening, darling.” he says, pressing a small kiss to your cheek before heading straight for the stove, starving after a long day.
You’d made stew and potatoes, two of his favorites. “Hello,” you say quietly, nervously fiddling with your hands as he scoops his bowl full.
“Are you alright?” he asks, eyeing you warily.
“Thomas, there’s something I have to tell you,” you say as he sits down at the table. His heart begins to beat faster, unsure of where this conversation was going. “Something about my family I’ve never shared.”
“Alright,” he says, angling his body towards you. “Tell me, darling.”
“My mothers grandfather was a viscount,” you begin slowly as his eyes widen. “But due to–circumstances, the title and fortune has been disrupted from the family line,” you continue, Thomas’ brow furrowing in confusion at your vagueness. “But my great grandmother still holds the title and the estate until her death, and she called this morning and asked that you and I go to see her. She is dying, and would like to meet you.”
Tommy sat back in his chair, eyes looking past you, processing this large amount of information you’d just dropped in his lap. “Alright, we’ll go.”
“We will?” you ask in shock.
“Of course, but,” he stops, leaning in towards you and taking your hands. “Tell me the story.” he smiles at you, a knowing smile. A smile of: tell me what you didn’t want to say when you first dropped this on me, my love.
You smiled before launching into your story. “My great grandfather, the viscount, was forced to marry my great grandmother. They had a loveless marriage. So loveless, that my grandmother brought a footman who she was undoubtedly in love with from her parents home in Kent to the Estate. They had a lifelong affair and it was never really known if my grandfather’s father was the viscount or the footman,” Tommy’s eyes widened as he ate his dinner. “My great grandfather had many affairs with the maids. And so, my grandfather, seeing the turmoil that his mother endured from being forced to marry someone who she was not in love with, vowed he would only marry for love. And he did. He married my grandmother, and they were married for forty years before she passed away, and he made sure every one of his children married someone they loved. Now in doing that, of course, the estate is no longer destined to be in our family line, it will go to some cousin or something, but my mother says she doesn’t care. She would rather have happiness than the whole estate. And I agree.”
Tommy set his spoon down in his now empty bowl and leaned towards you. “So what you’re telling me is–” he takes your hands in his. “If we get married, it’s because you’re madly in love with me?”
You smile. “Yes, Thomas.”
“Good,” he tells you, reaching down to the bottom of your chair and pulling you closer to him. “Because my darling, I am madly in love with you.” he takes your face in his hands and kisses you deeply.
The next Friday, you and Thomas set out for the Estate. You had phoned Mimzy, who was elated that you were coming. She said the rooms would be ready by the afternoon and requested that you both join her for dinner that evening. And she specifically requested a meeting with Tommy alone before dinner. Tea, to be exact.
“Thomas, she can be rather harsh,” you warned him.
“I can handle it, darling, I can,” he promised, squeezing your hand, refocusing on the winding country roads in front of him.
An hour later, the Pearson Estate came into view. A large, red brick building, surrounded by gardens in the front, rear and sides. Your heart quickened. It had been years since you had been here. The last few times you’d seen Mimzy, she had made the trip to London to see you and your family.
Nigel, one of the few butlers who remained, assisted you in getting out of Tommy’s car. “It is wonderful to see you again, m'lady,” he said.
“Nigel,” you said softly, looking the older man in the eyes. “I’m so glad you’re still with Mimzy.”
“I am fortunate she has allowed me the honor of residing here still.” he said, flashing you a small smile.
“Thomas,” you called out to Tommy, who was looking up at the building, squinting into the sun. “Thomas, this is Nigel, the head butler. He has been with Mimzy for decades,” you gush. “Nigel, this is Thomas Shelby, my uh–” you stammer at what title to give him. Love interest is too sterile, boyfriend is too childish, and fiance undetermined.
“I’m her fiance.” Tommy said, offering his hand to Nigel to shake. Your eyes widen in shock. Not so undetermined.
“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Shelby. Right this way, I will show you to your rooms.” Nigel said, leading the way through the hallways.
Tommy observed everything with wide eyes, hands clasped behind his back. “How will I remember how to get around?” he joked, a faint smile on his lips.
You smile. “I’ll help you.”
“M’lady, your room, as it always has been.” Nigel said, opening the door to what was always your room when you came to stay at the Estate. It looked untouched, which was typical of Mimzy. Never ruining a good thing, is how she liked to think of it. “Mr. Shelby, your room is down the hall a ways, please follow me.”
“Thomas,” you call to him gently. “I’m going to rest for a little while, I’ll see you at dinner?”
“Yes, my love.” he tells you, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before following Nigel down the hallway to his room.
Tommy had a few minutes to freshen up before he was to meet the dowager viscountess for tea. He shaved, combed his hair, reapplied aftershave and cologne and ensured his shoes were cleaned from driving.
Nigel appeared at his door a few minutes before his appointment to lead him to the tea room.
“This way, Mr. Shelby,” Nigel said, escorting Tommy once more through the halls of this grand estate. Nigel knocked on a set of double doors, waiting to hear a response before opening them. “M’Lady, Mr. Thomas Shelby.”
Tommy walked through the doors apprehensively, met with a small and frail old woman. “Thomas,” she said, almost in a sigh. She stood up. “It is a pleasure to meet you, please, come.”
He approached her, kissing her hand as she held it out to him. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Ma’am.” he said genuinely.
“My Bee speaks very highly of you,” she said, narrowing her eyes at her.
“Bee?” he asked curiously, the pet name you’d introduced yourself to him with making his heart swell.
“Aah yes, a–a pet name of sorts I gave to her when she was just a little girl. She used to love to go out with her grandfather, my son, to the beehives. It just sort of stuck I suppose.” the older woman rambled on.
“She never told me of the hives.” Thomas said, making a mental note to tease you about it later–and to chide you for never telling him the origin of your nickname.
The viscountess let out a disgruntled “Hmph,” before sitting back down.
The ladies maid, who he had heard Nigel call Hilda, poured them each a cup of tea before excusing herself out of the room.
“Thank you for your invitation,” Tommy said, the awkwardness settling in.
“Well, as I am sure my Bee told you, I am dying,”
“Yes, she did, I am very sorry to hear it, Ma’am.” Tommy said sincerely.
“Please, call me Opal.” she waved him off.
“Yes, Opal.” Tommy smiled at her.
“But yes, Thomas, I am dying, and I wanted to see for myself this man who has entranced my youngest great-grandchild. She is my favorite. But don’t tell the others in the event you see them before I die.” she rolled her eyes. “I hear you’re a businessman of sorts.”
“Yes, I am.” he responded proudly.
“And I hear your business involves some dark activities.” she said, eyes clouding over with darkness.
“It is the nature of all business at one point or another, is it not?” he responded.
“Let me see here,” she said, picking up her glasses and a piece of paper. “Bookmaker, racketeer, gambler, gangster, gang leader, smuggler, vandal, and decorated veteran of the British Army,” Tommy shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Does that sum it up, Mr. Shelby?”
Tommy looked Opal in the eyes before saying confidently, “It does, Ma’am.”
She slammed her piece of paper down on the table next to her, sitting forward in her chair. “And you have the gall to disrupt her simple, successful life and bring her to ruin for what reason, Mr. Shelby?” Thomas started to open his mouth, but was cut off. “She is a good girl, a good, honest, smart girl who would make any normal man very happy. She is beautiful and her spirit is a good one and I will not see that spirit ruined and tainted by the darkness you allow and welcome into your life. You put her at risk every day that you are with her, and I am not fond of you inviting her to live with you prior to even a formal proposal, it’s terribly improper,” the dowager viscountess was trembling, anger coursing through her veins. “I will ask you, Mr. Shelby, and you have one opportunity to answer this question, and one opportunity alone. Why would you risk ruining her life?”
Tommy swallowed the lump in his throat. “It is because I love her very deeply, Ma’am. For all the reasons you said yourself. She is bright and beautiful and the happiest woman I know,” he chuckled to himself. “She makes me a better man and my life has been far richer with her in it. I do not deserve her, but she is everything to me.”
Opal sat back in her seat, struck with Tommy’s words. “That is one of the most romantic and thoughtful things I have heard a man say in a long time, Mr. Shelby,” she said, eyes softening. “But I still think it’s improper that she is sleeping in your room with you.”
“It’s uh–more cost efficient than her keeping her flat.” he said, bringing his tea cup to his lips to prevent the viscountess from seeing the smirk on his face.
“I suppose it is but doesn’t the proper order of a courtship matter in this day and age?” she asked. “And I may be old but I am not stupid, I know if she is sleeping in your home, you have laid with her, so I certainly hope you plan to make her your wife.”
Tommy nearly spat his tea out at the older woman's frankness. “I do, Opal. I plan to make her my wife soon, actually.” he said, bringing a small blue velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it, revealing a large and beautifully cut diamond on a gold band. The viscountess smiled.
“Well done, Thomas,” tears came to her eyes. “I am glad that my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren can marry for love.”
“That is due to your sacrifice, and I thank you.” Tommy told her, putting the ring safely back in his pocket.
She looked away from him, towards a small photo on the table to her right. It was an old, old photo of a young man. “This was my Phillip,” she said, a faraway tone to her voice. “That,” she pointed to an oil painting behind Thomas, “Was the viscount. Witford. Phillip was a footman that my parents employed at their estate in Kent. We fell in love as teenagers, and I could not bear the thought of not being near him. So, when my parents married me off to the viscount, I insisted that as a gift to my new household, I brought the best footman in our home. My parents reluctantly conceded, and I was forever grateful. Oftentimes I would pretend in my own mind that Phillip was the viscount and all of this was ours. He worked here until he died, a few years after the viscount did. I have never felt more lonely in my life.” Questions whirred in Tommy’s mind. “And to answer the question I know is in your mind, I do believe my son was Phillips' son. They are built alike, and far too similar in nature for it to be a coincidence.”
They continued to speak until the dinner bell rang, and you descended down the stairs for dinner. You were wearing a pale yellow dress, one Tommy hadn’t seen you in. He took your hand as you reached the end of the stairs, eyes softening as he smiled at you. “You look beautiful.” he told you, causing a flush to break out across your face and neck.
“Thank you,” you say quietly, eyeing him nervously. “How did tea go?”
“It went well.” he smiled softly, the ring burning a hole in his pocket.
Dinner went well, Thomas following the brief rules that you had told him about fine dining manners on the car ride.
“My Dearest Bee,” Mimzy said, when she stood up to retire for the evening. “This is a fine young man you have found and I like him very much. Goodnight to the both of you.” she smiled slightly before she walked out of the dining room towards her quarters.
“I’m not tired yet, can we go for a walk?” Tommy asked you, coming up behind you from where you stood at the window, his hands on your hips, lips on the side of your neck.
“That would be nice,” you say, eyeing the night lights that Mimzy had installed outside in one of the gardens. “Come with me.”
You lead him through various hallways that all looked the same to him, and out a side door that led to a garden. It was illuminated by small lights leading to a swing by one of the small ponds on the property. The frogs were croaking, bugs buzzing. It felt like a true spring evening from childhood.
He walked in silence next to you, nerves building. You finally sat down on the swing and Tommy picked up a couple of stones, skipping them across the surface of the pond. You giggled. “I never could manage to learn how to do that.”
He chuckled. “John would always get so mad because I could get mine to go farther than his.”
You settled back into a comfortable silence before you thought to ask, “What did Mimzy want to talk to you about?”
Tommy dug his hands in his pockets. “She wanted to ask– wanted to ask why I would risk ruining your life.”
Your brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
He turned around to face you. “She wanted to know what a gangster like me,” he walked towards you. “Wants with a smart, beautiful girl like you,” He dropped to one knee in front of you, pulling your hands into his. “And I told her that I love you deeply, so deeply that I want to spend the rest of my days with you,” he pulled the box out of his pocket, willing his hands not to shake. “My Darling, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
Your hands flew to your mouth, covering the shock that spread across your features. “Thomas!” you exclaimed. “Thomas, yes! Yes!” you held out a shaking hand and he slid the ring on your finger. He stood up, and you stood up with him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him.
When he pulled away, he looked into your eyes and told you that he loved you. Tears pricked at your eyes and you couldn’t help but kiss him again.
The next morning, you woke up with Tommy in your bed, smoking a cigarette, eyeing you lovingly as you came to consciousness. You’d brought him back to your room last night, Mimzy’s rules be damned, and ridden him until you both were exhausted from the day and from pleasure.
Your legs ached as you stretched for the morning, the sunlight threatening to stream in through the curtains. “Good morning,” he rasped, stubbing out the last of his cigarette and rolling in towards you, pulling your body into his.
“Good morning, Mr. Shelby,” you giggled, his cold hands on your sides. “You’re cold.”
“Always cold, Dearest.” he said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, his hands dipping between your legs.
“Thomas,” you stifled a moan. “The servants will be awake, we can’t risk them hearing,” you chide.
“I once heard that they were paid to not hear things, as well.” he drawled low in your ear, turning you on your back and crawling atop you.
“Thomas, did you bribe the staff?” you ask, hands on his chest.
“I may have given them a few extra pounds to let us sleep past nine,” he smirked before disappearing beneath the blankets.
You were certain some things were heard, there was no way they weren’t. With the way Thomas pleasured you, it was nearly impossible to keep quiet. You’d known no other lover in your life but you were certain you were ruined for the prospect of any other lover not living up to these standards that Thomas had set.
You smiled to yourself at the thought. Tommy caught you smiling and asked, “What are you thinking about?” as he tied his tie.
“Just that I’m certain you’ve ruined me for any other man.” you smiled.
He smirked. “Then I guess it’s a good thing we’re getting married because you’ve ruined me for all other women,” he tucked his tie into his waistcoat. Thoughts of you beneath him, above him, kneeling in front of him whirred in his mind. He willed those thoughts away, needing to ensure he had a clear head to meet the viscountess for breakfast this morning.
You smiled at him as he pulled his jacket on, coming up behind him and smoothing the fabric down over his shoulders. “You’re very handsome, Thomas.” You looked at your reflection in the mirror. A minor flush crept across his cheeks. “Are you embarrassed by my compliment, Thomas?” you ask, standing in front of him, blocking his view of the mirror.
He cleared his throat. “No,” he looked at you, hands on your hips. “Just not used to hearing things like that is all.”
You smile softly at him, cupping his cheek with your hand. “Well get used to hearing it, Thomas, because I’ll tell you for the rest of our lives.”
And tell him, you would.
#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby#tom shelby#tommy shelby x oc#thomas shelby#peakywomen#peaky blinder fanfic#peaky blinder imagine#peaky fookin blinders#sneakyblinders#my au <3
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My Thoughts on
*spoilers ahead for S1 - S6 of Peaky Blinders*
Ah Esme, how I wish I’d seen more of you. When compared with the other Shelby wives (Linda, Grace, Lizzie), I don’t think Esme was really used as much within the story. She was left more in the background for some reason.
When we first see Esme, she’s being married off to John, apparently because she was a “bit wild”. I love the scene at the wedding when John and Esme first see each other. You can see the pleasant surprise on both of their faces, and this is the beginning of their mutual attraction, because as we see throughout their time together, they really fancied each other.
Was the marriage the right thing for Esme? No. I don’t really think so. Through the marriage, John gains a wife and a new mother for his four children who have been running wild since their birth mother died, an alliance with the Lee family (which Tommy wanted), and if I remember correctly, a car from Esme’s father.
What did Esme gain from the marriage? Well, I suppose we could say that she gains the security of a husband (which was an important thing in that time), albeit John is also quite wild, cheats on her, and is a criminal. She loses her freedom, which was clearly what her family wanted because they didn’t agree with her actions. In that time, going “a bit wild” is probably very tame compared to what people do nowadays. She also gained four young children, that she was now in charge of raising, along with the rest of the Shelby family as her new relatives. I’d never say that she didn’t love her stepchildren - she clearly did, and she took them with her when she left in S4 - but it’s a lot to suddenly become a stepmother to four young children.
The interactions we see between Esme and the Shelby clan (from what I remember) are never overly positive. Sure, she could get along with them decently enough when needed, but she didn’t seem close to anyone.
Her interactions with Polly range from Polly holding a knife to her neck in season 2, to them seemingly getting along well enough to work together - and strike together - in season 3. We don’t see what their relationship was like in the years between S3 and S4, but they clearly never got any closer, as Polly didn’t seem devastated when Esme left after John’s death.
Another Shelby that she shared a few scenes with was Tommy, and I think it would be generous to say that she disliked him. In S2, she seemed to respect him, and spoke at the family meeting about not wanting them to start expanding the business into London. Her reasons were understandable; she was afraid for her husband’s safety and she knew how dangerous London would be. And yet, everybody just brushed her off like she was an idiot.
All she wanted was for her family to go on the road or live in the country and be safe. She tried to convince Tommy that it was the best course of action, and in return, he grabs her face and tells her that if she talks about it again, he’ll cut her from the family. It’s overly harsh and personally, I wanted Esme to slap him when he did that, but of course she didn’t, so oh well. 🤷♀️
It seems like she properly hated him after the end of S3, when he almost got John killed. As we see, Esme is always loyal to John and anyone who crosses him, crosses her. She’s protective of the ones she loves, so it isn’t a shocker that she hates Tommy for mistreating him. She even charges at Tommy in the morgue after John’s death, grief riddled and furious.
I can’t remember much about Esme’s appearances in S6, probably because I did not like that season, so I’m not going to speak much on that time or her scenes with Tommy. She doesn’t really have a relationship with Arthur or Ada, so I can’t really say much about them either.
Her relationship with John did seem to become genuine, despite it starting off as an arranged marriage. I’ve seen some people say that John and Esme never loved each other because they didn’t choose each other and they were basically forced to marry each other, but I would say that from what I saw, I do think Esme loved him. (I’ll talk about John’s side of things if I make a post about him). She tried to keep him safe, despite his lifestyle, and when he died, I feel like no one can say that she wasn’t devastated by the loss. That scene right after John is shot dead outside their house where she runs out and lays her head on his shows how heartbroken she was.
Ironically, after wanting to escape to the country for a while because she believed it would be safer and better for her family, their country house is where John dies in S4. I don’t think that she would’ve ever found peace or safety as long as she was married to John and connected to the Shelby’s. She only managed to get the life she wanted for herself and her family after John’s death.
Esme was a strong woman for making that decision to leave the Shelby family. Perhaps it would’ve been easier for her to stay within their circle as John’s widow, but staying would’ve meant being around the family and Esme clearly didn’t want any of them around her children. So, she packed up all six of her kids - not that we ever get an official number or even the names of their kids, but I’m pretty sure that they had six altogether - and went away.
While the loss of her husband was awful, in the end, I’m happy that Esme finally got to make her own decisions about her life, and get her freedom back. When we last saw her in S6, she was on the road with some of her kin, living freely, and I would say that out of all the characters, she probably got one of the best endings.
#Esme x freedom#a little ramble about Esme#peaky blinders#esme shelby#John shelby#tommy shelby#polly gray#my posts#my thoughts on#peakywomen
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One of the most gorgeous (and underrated) dresses in cinema.
#grace burgess#grace shelby#peakywomen#peaky blinders#historical dress#annabelle wallis#period drama
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#peaky blinders#peakyblindersedit#perioddramaedit#usershelby#userkayjay#thomasshlbyltd#userperioddrama#weloveperioddrama#perioddramasource#peakywomen#polly gray#helen mccrory#pbbw#s3#gifset#viola*
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Tommy's Smile | m! reader
Date: 06.10.2022
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x m!reader
Reader’s pronouns: he/him
Words: 2.120
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Characters: m!reader, Tommy Shelby, Polly Gray, Ada Shelby, John Shelby, Arthur Shelby, Harry Fenton
Genre: Romance
Length: Oneshot
Warnings: Internalized homophobia, mention of war, mention of injury (nothing descriptive)
Requested: No
Prompts: No
Summary: Polly knows you and Tommy have been in love with each other for years, so she decides to take matters into her hands.
A/N: It's my first time writing for Peaky Blinders and with a male reader. I’m sorry for the requests still waiting in my inbox, my inspiration is all over the place.
English is not my first language so feel free to correct any mistake and I would love to know what you think about it. If you like my works, please like and reblog them. REQUESTS ARE OPEN. I posted a List of prompts, so check it out! Let me know if you would like to be tagged in my works.
[ID: a gif of Tommy Shelby smiling. End ID]
After the war, everything had changed. The men that had come back weren't the ones that had left. They were haunted by nightmares; they drank a lot more and smiled a lot less, especially Tommy. He used to smile all the times, so bright every room would light up. Now, however, he rarely ever did. At first, Polly had even thought he wasn't smiling at all, but then she started noticing. The first time it happened was just after she had scolded him in his office. As she was leaving, you walked in and greeted her. She had almost missed the childish, amused smiles you and his nephew had exchanged then, so similar to those you used to share back when you were fifteen and you had managed to do something mischievous. From then on, she kept a close eye on the two of you, but you were too lost in each other to notice.
You had grown together. You would always play together and were joined at the hip since you were little kids. You were like a son to Polly. She and your mother used to joke about the fact that if they called one of you, both of you would appear. Polly was convinced you were two bodies sharing one soul. She was sure of it when you started to fall for each other without even knowing. You were young back then, and she thought you would have time to get your shit together and admit your love to the other, so she didn't say anything.
When Tommy announced his intention to volunteer for the war, she had looked at you, expecting you to join him, and you were already standing, looking at Tommy.
"I'm coming too," you had said, when what you really wanted to say was "I'm coming with you, I'll follow you anywhere, Tommy." The two of you had been so lost in each other's eyes that Polly was sure you didn't even hear when John and Arthur said they would come too. She had prayed for all of you that night and every night and day until the day you came back.
The day you had left, while the women and little Finn hugged the Shelby brothers, Polly had taken you to the side at the train station to ask you to take care of Tommy, and taking care of him you did.
In France, you didn't let anyone come between you. A month in and every officer knew you two weren't to be separated. You would make sure Tommy was eating and would share cigarette after cigarette with him when he couldn't sleep. You still gave him reasons to smile. And you saved his life.
You were shoving him out of the way before even realizing what was happening. You didn't die that day in Tommy's arms, but it did change your life. As you were hit by the bullet aimed at Tommy, he was hit with the realization that life was too short to spend the entirety of it trying to ignore his feelings for you.
He didn't listen to any of the people who told him he couldn't stay by your side the whole time you spent in the hospital. He was finally left alone when John and Arthur convinced one of the officers that he would be of no use on the field if you weren't there by his side.
When you woke up in the middle of the night after the surgery, Tommy was there. And hidden by the dark, he kissed you for the first time.
Keeping your relationship hidden when living in such close quarters with so many people hadn't been easy. Coming home had meant you could finally kiss and hug and fuck. Nobody knew about your relationship, but you didn't mind and you understood why Tommy didn't want anyone to know. You respected that but dreaded the day people would start to get suspicious and he would have to marry some girl to avoid the rumours.
You had no idea someone suspected of your relationship, but Polly noticed it all: smiles, fleeting touches, glances, winks. She never thought she would see his nephew wink or you blush like that. You were Tommy's smile. You clearly made him happy. So she was having a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that her nephew had yet to make a move on you. It seemed like her intervention was needed.
It was the end of the day. You were sitting on Tommy's desk, laughing at something he had said. He was lounging back in his chair, relaxed as he could only be around you. A cigarette was being passed between the two of you.
Polly barged into the office. You jumped up from your spot and Tommy straightened in his chair.
"Thomas, a word," she demanded, barely acknowledging your presence.
"I'll see you later at the Garrison," you said quickly to Tommy, before disappearing quickly out of the door without even waiting to see him nod.
You were always included in family meetings, and your opinions were held in high consideration, but you didn't want to intrude on Tommy's relationship with his aunt, not when Polly was like that.
Tommy's eyebrows arched as he watched Polly carefully, trying to understand what had gotten in her this time. He slowly killed his cigarette in the ashtray.
"Polly," he started cautiously, but before he could continue, his aunt spoke.
"When are you going to put an end to this foolishness, Thomas?"
Tommy's heart skipped a beat. "What are you talking about, Pol?" he asked, trying to sound more nonchalant than he felt. He leaned forward a bit. His hands gripped the armrests of his chair, bracing for the impact. He knew the moment would come, sooner or later, when he would have to choose between you and his family. But the time was here and he wasn't ready. He would never be.
"Don't play dumb, Thomas, you know what I'm talking about... This," she gestured to intend the relationship between the two of you.
"I don't follow," he said.
He took a cigarette from the case you had given him before the war. It had seen everything you two had gone through. He stroked the cigarette on his lips before setting it between them. The motion always made you weak. He lit it up to keep himself busy and try to calm down. There was no way she could know. she had to be talking about something else.
"You two are grown men. I didn't say anything when you were young. I thought you just needed time to figure things out, but it's been a while and nothing has changed."
He slowly exhaled the smoke, giving up all hope she could be talking about anything else. "How long have you known?"
"Years. You were sixteen and no matter how many girls tried to win you over, you only had time and eyes for him."
"He was my best friend!" he spitted through gritted teeth.
"One day, after you had spent the whole afternoon together in your room doing God knows what, you came to me and asked what was the difference between friendship and love, Thomas. Do you remember?"
He nodded slowly and cursed himself. If Polly knew, other people might find out. You were in danger. He needed to make sure you were safe, and then he would think about Polly.
Before he could spiral, Polly spoke again. "When will you grow a pair and just tell him you love him?"
He was surprised, to say the least. He opened his mouth to speak, but she held up her hand to stop him. "I know you are afraid people won't respect you anymore if they find out or that someone will try to hurt him to get to you. All I'm saying is you can be open with your own family, Tommy. He deserves this, and you do too."
He closed his mouth, then opened it again. "What if Arthur tells someone when he is drunk, eh? What if little Finn goes around telling someone thinking it's no big deal?"
Polly shook her head and smiled gently. "Do you really think you can hide that forever? With the way you look at each other? I don't think so, Tom."
She turned to leave, but before she could, Tommy's voice stopped her in her tracks. "Is this your way to say you approve?" he asked.
She looked at her nephew and for a moment she saw the sixteen years old he once was, with those big blue eyes, that were your damnation, wide, looking for approval. She smiled and left.
That was a lot and completely unexpected. Tommy fell back into his chair and ran a hand over his face.
When he walked into the Garrison, Polly was already there, sipping a whisky at the counter. He nodded at Harry to have his whisky in the private room. He didn't notice you sitting at a secluded table, uncomfortably close to a girl John had introduced to you upon your arrival. However, when he saw you weren't in the little room with his brothers, he panicked, already expecting the worst.
"Where is he?" he demanded. His brothers stopped laughing at something, to look at him confused and worried. "Who?" Arthur cautiously asked, irritating Tommy further.
"Your lover is sitting on the other side of the room with a girl your brothers so kindly introduced to him," Ada piped up from her spot, a fake smile on her face and her arms crossed. Her eyes bore into him. She knew too. Damn, the women of that family.
Arthur and John's faces were comically confused.
Tommy stormed out of the room and spotted you. Your head snapped up when you heard the door bang open. Your eyes widened as he made his way over to you with long steps. He looked unstoppable and scary. That was probably what anyone else saw when they laid their eyes on Tommy Shelby. Everyone was looking at him, trying to understand what was going on. Harry winced behind the bar, already picturing the place after the fight that would very likely take place there in a matter of minutes.
Ada, John and Arthur had followed their brother out of the room and had stopped at the door to see what would happen.
He came to a stop in front of you.
"Tommy," you uttered, trying to find the words to explain the situation. You had tried to convince John that you didn't need help finding a girl, but Shelbys would never take no for an answer.
"Mister Shelby," a sickly sweet and flirty voice interrupted the staring contest. The girl next to you leaned forward to introduce herself to your boyfriend, whose complete attention was on you. He pushed her back into her chair. She let out an outraged cry, but he ignored her in favour of grabbing the front of the suit you were wearing, one you had bought together, and pulled you into a kiss. You didn't hear the gasps and murmurs coming from around you. You relaxed and your hands fell to his hips. You kissed him back until you both needed to breathe. You gave him the brightest smile, winning one back.
He wrapped an arm around your hips and turned towards the onlookers.
"This man is mine, and if any of you fuckers tries to take him away from me or says something nasty about him, I'll cut you personally."
The room was so silent you were sure you could have heard a pin drop.
"By order of the Peaky fookin' Blinders!" Arthur roared from the other end of the room.
Polly and Ada smiled.
"Fucking finally, Tom!" John chimed in, grinning. And just like that, the tension in the room dispersed.
"Harry, open that bottle of champagne!" Arthur boomed, making Tommy laugh. You loved seeing him so happy and carefree. You promised yourself you would do everything you could to make sure he would always be like that.
You two made your way over to the private room to join the other Shelbys on the celebration. John patted your back. "Welcome to the family."
"Are you implying I wasn't part of it before?" you asked, pretending to be offended.
"No, of course not, you know..."
"Relax, Johnny boy, I'm just messing with you." You pulled his cap down his face, making Ada laugh.
She pulled you into a hug.
Tommy and Polly observed the exchange amused. "You were wrong about one thing," Tommy told her. His eyes didn't leave you.
"What's that?"
"We've been together for some years now."
She looked at him surprised. "Thomas Michael Shelby, you..." She slapped his arm, making him laugh.
"Let's make a toast," Arthur said, after filling the glasses and handing them around. Tommy wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer.
"To Tommy finally getting his shit together." Ada raised her glass and you laughed.
Tommy kissed your temple.
#spettrocoli writes#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby x male reader#tommy shelby x m!reader#tommy shelby x you#tommy shelby x y/n#reader insert#reader is male#male!reader#peaky blinders#polly gray#arthur shelby#john shelby#ada shelby#peaky fookin blinders#reader imagine#cillian murphy#cillian x reader#cillian x y/n#tommy shelby#cillian murphy x y/n#cillian murphy x reader#cillian murphy thomas shelby#thomas shelby#bbc#bbc shows#peakywomen#tom shelby#thomas michael shelby#peaky blinders fandom
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Anya Taylor-Joy for Vogue Australia (2022)
#anya taylor joy#ataylorjoyedit#userlau#peakyblinded#userrobin#usermandie#userrizz#usergina#ryancoogler#userreh#useralessia#userpegs#useraurore#userharmony#peakywomen#flawlessbeautyqueens#femalestunning#usercroft#useranya#my edit
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the Changrettas had every right to do what they did to the Shelby family.
Whenever I think of Audrey Changretta I'm sure I cry a little harder. The poor women lost everything to one man. Please tell me I'm not alone in feeling this way
do you even think about how audrey was like…a good person? she was a teacher, a nice one, one who even arthur and john commended like all she did was help kids, raise her two sons, and love her husband, and she had her entire life pulled apart bc boys and their dicks are a lethal combination
also vincente seemed to be a pretty considered guy, he paid his tithe and got on with it because he knew it was the way business was done and how best to avoid unnecessary conflict, if john wouldn’t have stepped seven miles over the line he would have just…been fine
all this started bc the shelbys laughed at the thought of john marrying lizzie and then john couldn’t get over his damn crush like pls everyone make better decisions
but anyway, in my happy place vincente somehow fooled the shelbys into thinking he was on a later ship and was already halfway to new york by the time they showed up at the docks so now the changrettas are just living in a cute little like extended family neighbourhood in new york where like luca lives next door and then matteo the house opposite and vincente has a little garden where he grows tomatoes and they have tea together every night and luca looks amazing just like drinking wine with his sleeves rolled up laughing at some joke matteo made and getting all flustered when his mum asks him when he’s getting damned married already bc he adores her so much but mother please! but at the same time he’s like when am i getting married bc i have such a headcanon that luca is just pining for domesticity complete fluffy wreck of a man and i need to stop before i write a saga
cute domestic changretta family is my happy place basically
#peaky blinders#luca changretta#thomas shelby#john shelby#arthur shelby#peaky blinder imagine#peakywomen
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Part One Tommy Shelby x Reader cw: slow burn, violence, swearing
You've been involved with the Peaky Blinders business for a few years now, undiscovered as a woman posing as a man. Now the Shelby boys have grown suspicious of you and want you found out.
an: set in season one
”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
Hiding under a disguise had become second nature for you these days, you didn't slip up, you didn't find it hard to lie and you never under any circumstances made any exceptions to the rule of being secretive about your identity. You weren't y/n y/sn, you were Eddie Thompson, your hair was short and black shaved on the sides, and ruffled forward on top. You wore shirts, waistcoats, and trousers with socks in your boxers to give you a false cock. You flirted with women, never took any home and you drank like your dead father used to every night. You wore razors in your cap and a pocket watch attached to your waistcoat with a short gold chain. You learned how to bind your chest and flatten it completely but allow your chest to still look muscular. There never was a better cover, but you didn't do it to spy or cheat or deceive at least for the wrong reasons. The reason you did it was because you wanted agency, taking your dead cousin's name was easier than it should've been but there was no one around in your family to protest.
"We need some boys down in the Garrison, rowdy ones to get everyone riled up about fucking Campbell," Tommy announced at the front of the betting shop where all the Peaky boys had gathered "We need some fucking unity in this place or that man's going to separate us all."
"Oh we've got no problem being fucking rowdy, 'ave we boys!" Arthur yelled with a cheer rousing from the crowd before Tommy.
"Alright, Eddie, John, Scudboat, Lovelock, Danny, Arthur and whoever else is willing to put out some good fucking press for us and against Campbell." Tommy straightened his blazer and looked toward you, you lifted your whisky to your mouth looking over your glass at him.
There was a respect between you and Tommy that had been there since he employed you, you weren't old enough to have fought in France but you worked in explosives as a teenager and were very helpful. Tommy could see your value from the moment you stepped into the shop looking for work, your verbal CV was glowing with value. Questions never seemed to arise due to the impressive cover story you had built for yourself from an extremely young age so you could survive in a world of men. You had absolutely nothing in your possession that would point to you being a woman, no mementos of your time before your deception started and you never changed that fact. You were quieter than some of the other boys until you got a drink in you but it allowed you to assess situations and know your next move that wouldn't raise suspicion.
"I've got a job for you," Tommy told you as the other boys began to leave, he sat down on one side of the table and you sat on the other. You spread out your legs and leant over your knees, taking off your cap and ruffling your hair.
"What have you got for me, Mr Shelby?" You asked.
"I need you to follow Billy Kimber, take off your hat and clean yourself up a bit. You're gonna need to look the part for this role," Tommy took out a cigarette and you tossed over your matches "You have proved very valuable since my return and I want you to keep doing that."
"And what am I doing following Kimber?" You raised an eyebrow and lit your cigarette.
"I need to know where he's going, who he's meeting even if it's just the types of people he's with. I want to know his every move today, especially when he hears about how we've been fixing his races, he's going to be pretty pissed off." Tommy took a drag of his cigarette and put his feet up on the table.
"Sounds like an interesting one," you held the lit cigarette between your lips "and what is the aim of this intelligence? Anything you want me to look out for?"
"I want to know how he reacts, how he… how we're getting under his skin. He's gonna be in this restaurant, at table 4 at around 4pm. Before that I want you to follow him on the train before listening and noting what he says, then come straight back." Tommy looked you in the eyes and you nodded, picking up the pieces of paper he'd given you about the locations.
After changing your look into a more slick back and clean look you headed off to the train station, onto the 2:30 towards Worcester. You saw Kimber's men head into the fourth carriage, you headed into the third and walked through to the fourth to sit with your back facing Kimber on the other side of their booth. Lighting up a cig you looked out the window and listened intently to Kimbers conversation.
Tommy always knew there was something off with you, he hadn't been able to put his finger on it till today. Your eyes, they had a certain femininity that he hadn't noticed before until you looked at him over your glass. It was different, your eyes had looked so stern before that the change was easily noticeable that he'd sent you on a minor errand at the chance Kimber would let something slip.
"Arthur, John, in here." Tommy called as he entered the Garrison and the boys sat in the private room as he closed the door.
"What's going on, Tom?" Arthur asked.
"I believe we have a rat in our ranks and I want to stamp them out." Tommy poured himself a whisky.
"Who the fuck dares rat us?" John seethed.
"I think it's Eddie," Tommy paused. "I've sent him off to report on Kimber, so we can discuss what we're planning."
"We're gonna cut off his fucking cock is what were gonna do!" Arthur yelled louder than he should have.
"Yeah, we can fuck him up one by one," John laughed and Tommy looked at him with a straight face.
"You two are too bloody excited for what the situation is, someone we thought was fucking helpful. Fuck, loyalty is hard to find these days." Tommy rubbed his forehead.
"We're still gonna fuck him up, Tom." Arthur grinned at John and Tommy couldn't help but mentally agree, he was too fucking angry.
You left the restaurant at around 6'oclock and headed back to Small Heath, you hadn't really got much from Kimber as he just talked about women and blow. It was a fucking boring day and you wished you were down the pub instead. As soon as you got back to Small Heath you headed to the Garrison and sighed in relief at the noise that was coming out of the doors. Walking in you ordered two whiskeys and downed one, holding the other in your hand as you turned around and greeted some of your Peaky boys.
"The fuck is going on with your hair, you twat," Scudboat asked with a laugh.
"Ah just a bit of fucking dress up, you know I'm posing as a twat so I thought I should look the part too." You raised an eyebrow and held out your cigarette in your mouth for Scudboat to light.
"You're fucking mental," he told you, as he lit your cigarette you took a drag. You sat next to him, placing your drink on the table and breathed out slowly.
"You know today I-" you were interrupted
"Eddie, fucking here. Now," Arthur yelled and you turned your head expecting a smiling Arthur but instead he looked like hell. You picked up your drink and walked towards the side room.
"What's going on?" You asked, taking a drag.
"We need to take a little walk," Tommy told you with stern eyes.
The boys walked you towards the shop and you couldn't help but feel like something fucking awful was about to happen to you. John and Arthur were behind you as Tommy walked Infront, you were surrounded by the brothers and even though you wanted to run you knew you couldn't.
"In there," Arthur told you, pointing to his office and you walked in, "sit down." Arthur nodded towards the chair in the middle of the room. The air was thick and tense as ever, you were going to die, you just knew it.
"What's going on here then boys?" You asked, trying to keep the tone light but it wasn't working. You ruffled your hair, the gel making your scalp hurt. Arthur suddenly grabbed you by your chin and forced your head back harshly.
"So who the fuck do you think you are?" Arthur asked, his face was close to yours and he glared into your eyes that went wide.
"It's a good question, brother." John added, he lit a cigarette close to your face and the heat made you wince.
"Who the fuck are you?" Arthur yelled and you didn't know what to say. He let go of your face and you looked up, seeing Tommy in the shadow near the door. Arthur punched you in the nose and your head flew back, blood running back into your nose and back out again.
"I don't know what you want to fucking hear! You know who I am!" You yelled back at him and Arthur shook his head.
"I'll ask you again, who the fuck are you!" Arthur screamed and when you just stared at him through angry eyes he punched you again.
"Stand him up," Tommy instructed and John forced you to your feet
"So this is it then Tommy? Now time for me to fucking die eh?" You asked, your arms held by your side by John as you struggled against him. Arthur pulled your head back by your hair and it left your neck completely exposed.
"Well if you tell me the truth it doesn't have to be the last time we see each other, does it?" He walked close to you and took off his cap. Tommy unbuttoned your trousers and let them open, revealing your boxers and you panicked, kicking your leg out to collide with Tommys leg.
"I don't fucking think so," Arthur forced you to sit back down on the chair with your legs opened "Too scared to loose your cock eh? You fucking traitor." Arthur flicked up his knife and ran the blunt side against your neck.
"Fuck off, Arthur. If you're going to kill me just fucking cut my throat, I'm no traitor and I never have been!" You yelled in his face and Arthur went to punch your cock but instead found a soft impact.
"What the fuck," Arthur put his hand on your crotch, knife in hand and you shifted uncomfortably, trying to get out of their grasps "He's got no fucking balls, Tom."
"What?" Tommy sounded like he would laugh and you tried to stand up but the Shelby brothers held you down, your neck still exposed.
"Don't fucking kill me, I- FUCK. I'll tell you alright, fuck." You pushed off their grip that had lessened and buttoned up your trousers.
"What the fuck is going on?" Tommy asked.
"I'm, fuck. Okay. It's not my real name alright, but I'm not a fucking spy. I'm deceptive but I'm not a fucking spy, I love this job and this family like my fucking own. I'm a woman," You looked into Tommys eyes and he had to admit it wasn't what he suspected.
"This is fucking insane!" John bursted out laughing and Arthur joined in.
"You're a fucking woman?" Arthur yelled as he laughed and John was inconsolable with laughter.
"He's a fucking woman, oh my life what is this shit?" John had to lean on Arthur for support because he was falling over with merriment.
"Still got a bigger cock than both of you out together though," you muttered and Arthur held your face up.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Arthur seethed with a vision of humor in his eyes.
"Come on brother, can't beat up a woman who you know will beat ya!" John was laughing again and Arthur joined in, letting go of your face and smacking John on the shoulder.
"Now just piss off. I'm still angry you tried to fucking kill me," you gave John a playful push and he just laughed.
"Alright, leave us now brothers." Tommy told his brothers and they roared with laughter as they walked out the door.
Tommy poured two drinks and handed you one, you turned the chair around to face his desk. Tommy downed his drink and poured another.
"So, who are you really then, Eddie?" He asked, the fake name rolling off his tongue so sarcastically.
"Y/n y/sn, most of everything else was true. Every family I know is dead, it was my cousins name and I couldn't live as a single fucking woman in this city. I mean fuck, when my parents died I inherited everything and it wasn't even enough to get by a year. I was 13 and I had to completely fucking change." You took a swig of whisky and sniffed before wiping the blood from your nose on your cuff.
"How long since you've gone by that name?" Tommy asked, lighting a cig.
"8 years since someone's called me my god given name," You looked into Tommy's eyes and sighed "I'll pack up soon though don't worry, I can't stay here anymore now."
"Since when do you make the rules around here, y/n?" Tommy asked and your eyes narrowed at the use of your real name.
"Don't, Tommy. It's not fair." You looked at him with sad eyes and he smiled.
"You're not getting away from us that easily. I'll tell you that for free. My brothers are always saying I should take a woman, maybe you're just the type of deception I want in my life." Tommy rested the cigarette in the ash tray and stood up, walking towards you. You looked up at him as he approached you.
"You're going soft," you paused "and who says I'm even interested?"
"That look you gave me this morning, I knew there was something different behind those eyes." Tommy lifted up your chin gently so you were looking into his eyes again.
"You act like this wild stallion who can't be tamed with all this damage. I think you just need a good trainer," you were mocking him and he didn't seem to mind. Tommy held your chin a bit tighter and got close to your face.
"And you think that's you, eh?" He whispered
"I think I'm the most enticing person you've ever met," you whispered back.
"I always thought you were a pretty lad, might make an even prettier woman. Not as if I'm scared of some short fucking hair is it." As he spoke you could see the slightest of smiles on his lips and you wondered how long he'd been looking at 'Eddie' like that.
"You'll never be able to figure me out and I think that's healthy for you to experience every now and then considering how fucking vague you are." You raised an eyebrow and pulled his hand off your face.
"Hmm, hadn't met a better man who'd dealt with explosives before you and I haven't met a woman either. I can't say you don't interest me." Tommy sat back down and you scoffed.
"Tommy Shelby handing out a free compliment? What is the world coming to then?" You slid you glass across the desk for Tommy to refill it "I might not be a man but I know how they tick, I know how they think and you are the most interesting mind I've ever encountered."
"Fucking flaterry from someone who was my best footsoldier a moment ago," Tommy smiled and you raised an eyebrow. "Where do we go from here then eh?" Tommy asked in a low voice.
"I don't know if that's my decision, Tom." You leant over your knees, undid your top button and tried to relax.
"Men are free to do as they will in the world, I would hardly be fair to take that away from you because you are a woman. This business was run by women before us," Tommy took another drink.
"I don't want to be a fucking bookmaker or a chalky or any other shit that you get people to do. I've proven myself time and time through and I don't expect to be treated any differently." You held your hands together and looked at Tom.
"I will treat you a bit different as Y/n but I don't have another demolition option who I can trust won't blow my cock off altogether. Well, I suppose you've figuratively blown your own cock off now haven't you?" Tommy ran his tongue along the top line of his teeth as he looked you up and down.
"You seem almost too happy to find out that I don't have a cock?" You sounded questionable and Tommy looked curiously at you.
"Well don't most men act so close to their friends it almost seems they want to fuck them? I might actually get the chance," Tommy gazed at you through sky-blue eyes that were often in your dreams, or maybe he haunted you in your nightmares. Either way, you didn't know where to go from here with him.
next part
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@hopefulinlove @kathrinemelissa @wolfieellsworld @archivallyfound09 @globetrotter28 @buttercup32sstuff @teamfreeavacados @just-a-blackhole @sabbbyn @sillyfreakfanparty @lovelyreader22 @leaked-adrenaline @ghxst-heart @just-a-blackhole
Peaky Taglist:
@smile-sugar @queenofkings1212 @severewobblerlightdragon @cl5369 @fairypitou @stressedandbandobessed7771 @shadow-of-wonder @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns @curled-hair-red-lips @lucystivinsky1315
#love#peaky blinders#tommy shelby#tommy shelby imagine#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby angst#peaky blinders angst#peaky blinder imagine#peaky blinder fanfic#peakyedit#peaky fucking blinders#peakywomen#genderswap#arthur shelby#john shelby#peaky blinders s1#peaky blinder headcanon
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Peaky Blinders Fan-Fiction Help!

As someone part of the Roma community, I’m trying my hardest to spread awareness of the struggles the Roma community face, and how to help people make respectful choices when writing pieces about us.
I want to try my best to give you accurate names, to tell you what we did in the time period and how we did it. I’m focusing primarily on Peaky Blinders as I know that is what brought Roma so much attention, and it would be so easy to misinterpret us.
I’m going to split it into topics that you can find, with links for east access. I’ll give you popular jobs, popular names (which are often more “normal” than you’d think) and how we lived our lives.
I want to do anything I can to make sure our culture is represented, and make sure it is represented well! <3
A post that may interest you: Peaky Blinders and the Roma community.
Dismissal of the bad.
16 year old Romany boy shot by Greek police.
Rroma Heritage Month (June 2023)
What dialect would the peaky blinders speak?
Shelbys and religion.
Peaky Blinder S6 culture
#peaky blinders sister#peaky blinders imagine#peaky blinders#peakyblindershelp#finn shelby#tommy shelby x y/n#tommy shelby imagine#peaky blinders x y/n#peaky blinders headcannon#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby#arthur shelby x reader#arthur shelby x sister!reader#peakywomen#finn shelby x reader#peaky blinders x sister!reader#izabesworld#izabesworld peakyblinders
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Polly Gray - Peaky Blinders S2E1
#polly gray#helen mccrory#peaky blinders#peakyblindersedit#queen#perioddramagif#peakywomen#pollygrayedit#tv#t'swifesgifs
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highest bidder
A/N: an extra lil mini-fic for this week! a part of my tommy and his darling wife au! I take no credit for the gif!
Tommy's mouth watered the instant he walked through the doors of the Shelby Manor that evening. Bee's blackberry filled cake. He nearly ran towards the kitchens, watch chain and keys jangling against his body. He heard the record player going, and the gentle hum of his wife's voice.
Leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen, she had the windows open, the warm spring breeze blowing through the otherwise stuffy kitchen in the basement of their home. Little birds would attempt to peak their heads in the cracked windows, the windows level with the lawn. She was barefoot, which he smiled at, taking special note of her legs. He bit his lip, mind running rampant with lustful thoughts. There was something about her in this element. This domestic element. It made his mind wander to what life would be like if--if they were normal. She turned around and let out a little gasp, her hand going to her chest. "I didn't see you!" she giggled. "You startled me!" she said as he stalked over to her, wrapping her in his arms, her back agains this chest as he pressed kisses to her neck. "It smells wonderful, Mrs. Shelby," he rasped in her ear. "It's for the children's bake auction," she tells him, and he deflates. "You awful woman," he says, nibbling at the shell of her ear. "You know that blackberry cake is my favorite." "I know, I know, I'm sorry, love. If we get more blackberries off the brambles, I'll make another one just for you," she tells him. "Mm," he mumbles, as she turns around to face him, her arms around his waist. "Can't wait that long," he smirks down at her as she reaches up on tip toes to kiss him. "Well too bad, Mr. Shelby!" she giggles, heading back to the sink, continuing to wash at the massive mound of dishes.
The next afternoon, Tommy and Bee arrived at William and Isabel's school. The private one that Tommy had finally been persuaded to allow them to attend. The twins quickly spotted their parents and ran over to them. "Mum! Did you bring the cake?" William asked, eyes wide. "Yes, Lovey, Daddy is putting it on the table, see?" she tells him, pointing to where Tommy was gently setting the cake down on the auction table behind the placard that read Bee Shelby--Blackberry cake. Isabel had found her father and was already worried that their cake wouldn't be the winner--meaning the one with the highest bid. Tommy knelt down next to his daughter. "Hey," he whispered. "Can I trust you with a secret?" Her eyes lit up. His heart melted in his chest--Isabel's eyes lit up the same way his wife's did when she was excited about something. "Yes, I'm a good secret keeper, Daddy!" she told him. "Well, I have it on good authority that your Mum's cake is going to have the biggest bid on it tonight," he whispered. "Because, you see, I happen to love that cake, and your mother, she was so mean," he said in jest, crinkling his nose and baring his teeth, making his little girl giggle. "She wouldn't let me have a bite, so!" He stood up, swinging Isabel in his arms. "I am going to make sure we win it, so we can take it home and eat it, hm?" Isabel threw her arms around his neck. He smiled. "Thank you, Daddy!" "Now remember, this is our secret! Don't tell Mummy, okay?" he reminded her. She nodded profusely, pressing a finger to her lips. "Our secret, Daddy."
At the end of the silent auction, all of the papers were collected. "What did you bid on?" Bee asked Tommy. He smirked. "It's a secret." The children were off playing with their friends while Tommy and Bee conversed casually with the parents. Most of the fathers hadn't attended, which left Tommy to be a bigger topic of conversation than he would've preferred to be. "Bee, really, it's so wonderful to see a man so invested in his children," one of the mothers said, batting her eyelashes at Tommy, who was not paying the slightest bit of attention, eyes scanning the room, searching for his children. "I am very lucky," Bee smiles at the woman, a hand on Tommy's thigh. His arm was draped around the back of his wife's chair, fingers gently touching her shoulders. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, if I could have your attention, please!" The headmistress, Miss Clark said into the microphone. Tommy sat up a little straighter, the anticipation nearly killing him. "We have the results of the highest bidder of tonights silent bake auction," the crowd was quiet. "The winner is, Mr. Thomas Shelby at one hundred pounds!" she nearly cried, eyes welling with tears.
Tommy could hear his children cheering from the back of the room. His wife's eyes widened as one of the teachers brought him his cake. "Thomas!" you scolded. "What my love?" he asked innocently, taking the cake plate from the teacher. "This is my favorite cake after all."
#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby#tom shelby#tommy shelby x oc#thomas shelby#sneakyblinders#peaky fookin blinders#peaky poll#peakywomen#peaky blinder fanfic#peaky blinder imagine#my au <3#bee x tommy shelby
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Grace "don't mess with me" Burgess
#or “i read tommy shelby like a book”#grace burgess#grace shelby#annabelle wallis#parallels#s1#s3#1.03#3.01#thomasshelbyltd#userrobin#userkayjay#peakywomen#peakyedit#peakyblindersedit#peaky blinders#liata edits
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