#peaceful transfer of power
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odinsblog · 2 years ago
A brief reminder of what a peaceful transfer of political power in America once looked like, until today’s traitorous Republican Party + seditious sore losers like Donald Trump came along.
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rickmaynard · 4 months ago
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11-15-24: Georgetown News Graphic cartoon.
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pixoplanet · 9 months ago
⛓️ It's the 4th of July, America's Independence Day.
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🐘 Déjà Vu All Over Again – Nazi Germany Revisited
On this day in 1776, our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. Did the actions of Donald Trump and his supporters on January 6, 2021 violate the democratic principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence? Of course they did, in several ways:
Undermining Free Elections: The Declaration emphasizes the right of the people to choose their government. The attempt to overturn a certified election result contradicted the fundamental democratic principle of respecting the will of the electorate.
Attack on Democratic Institutions: The storming of the Capitol was a direct assault on the legislative branch, disrupting the peaceful transfer of power—a core aspect of democratic governance that the Declaration upholds by endorsing government accountability and representation.
Incitement to Violence: The promotion of violence and insurrection contradicted the Declaration’s ideals of lawful governance and civil order, challenging the foundational concept that grievances should be addressed through democratic processes rather than force.
These actions highlighted a stark departure from the values of equality, justice, and the rule of law that are central to the Declaration of Independence and a democratic society. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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🦋 A Salute to Our Independence, Backed by Science
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 2 years ago
American greatness has been fueled and sustained by qualities of character that are timeless and sorely needed during these days of national crisis.  There should be no mistake about this being a moment of crisis or blindness about its cause, or who specifically is responsible.
The three greatest American presidents — Washington, Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt — collectively created America, saved the Union, ended slavery, and saved the world from tyranny. Each man’s greatest achievements and service were fueled by their exceptional character and dedication to virtue.
Washington was a man of exceptional humility, who repeatedly walked away from power to set in motion a new epoch of history. He was an example of the restraint necessary to sustain a republic. His actions awed the world, as well as the people of our young nation. When he passed he was eulogized as first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen. 
Lincoln demonstrated iron strength, indomitability, fortitude and magnanimity. His second inaugural is the greatest speech in America’s secular canon. Its words are transcendent.
He makes clear that the cause of war was the moral catastrophe of slavery. His determination is absolute.
Fondly do we hope ~ fervently do we pray ~ that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword as was said three thousand years ago so still it must be said 'the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.'
So is his grace and magnanimity:
With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
Franklin Roosevelt had the gift of faith, and because of it, he possessed a bottomless wellspring of optimism. Because of it, he was fearless — and made his nation so. His last inaugural address was the shortest in history. It stood at 544 words, but remains remarkable nonetheless as a declaration of moral purpose around a national purpose. FDR was a man without doubt by the end. His faith was in us, and it was not misplaced then or now. Here is what he said:
Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Vice President, my friends, you will understand and, I believe, agree with my wish that the form of this inauguration be simple and its words brief. We Americans of today, together with our allies, are passing through a period of supreme test. It is a test of our courage--of our resolve--of our wisdom--our essential democracy. If we meet that test--successfully and honorably--we shall perform a service of historic importance which men and women and children will honor throughout all time. As I stand here today, having taken the solemn oath of office in the presence of my fellow countrymen--in the presence of our God-- I know that it is America's purpose that we shall not fail. In the days and in the years that are to come we shall work for a just and honorable peace, a durable peace, as today we work and fight for total victory in war. We can and we will achieve such a peace. We shall strive for perfection. We shall not achieve it immediately--but we still shall strive. We may make mistakes--but they must never be mistakes which result from faintness of heart or abandonment of moral principle. I remember that my old schoolmaster, Dr. Peabody, said, in days that seemed to us then to be secure and untroubled: "Things in life will not always run smoothly. Sometimes we will be rising toward the heights--then all will seem to reverse itself and start downward. The great fact to remember is that the trend of civilization itself is forever upward; that a line drawn through the middle of the peaks and the valleys of the centuries always has an upward trend." Our Constitution of 1787 was not a perfect instrument; it is not perfect yet. But it provided a firm base upon which all manner of men, of all races and colors and creeds, could build our solid structure of democracy. And so today, in this year of war, 1945, we have learned lessons-- at a fearful cost--and we shall profit by them. We have learned that we cannot live alone, at peace; that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other nations far away. We have learned that we must live as men, not as ostriches, nor as dogs in the manger. We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community. We have learned the simple truth, as Emerson said, that "The only way to have a friend is to be one." We can gain no lasting peace if we approach it with suspicion and mistrust or with fear. We can gain it only if we proceed with the understanding, the confidence, and the courage which flow from conviction. The Almighty God has blessed our land in many ways. He has given our people stout hearts and strong arms with which to strike mighty blows for freedom and truth. He has given to our country a faith which has become the hope of all peoples in an anguished world. So we pray to Him now for the vision to see our way clearly--to see the way that leads to a better life for ourselves and for all our fellow men--to the achievement of His will to peace on earth.
Eighty-two days later he was dead.
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michigantopnews · 3 months ago
Michigan Dems Remember January 6, 2021 Insurrection as House Certifies 2024 Election 
Michigan Democrats reaffirmed their commitment to democracy by certifying the 2024 election results, contrasting the violent Capitol insurrection four years ago.
Four years after the Capitol insurrection, Michigan House Democrats reaffirm their commitment to democracy by certifying the 2024 election results. LANSING, Mich. – On the anniversary of one of the darkest days in recent American history, Michigan House Democrats voted to certify the 2024 presidential election results, reinforcing their commitment to upholding democracy and ensuring a peaceful…
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johnnusz · 2 years ago
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liars-gaslighting-social · 2 years ago
April 14, 2020
“[w]hen somebody’s the president of the United States, the authority is total.”
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joseph-marzullo · 2 years ago
Democracy at Risk: How to Prevent a US President from Discrediting Elections and Seizing Power
The peaceful transfer of power is a cornerstone of democracy, and the United States has a long tradition of respecting the outcome of free and fair elections. However, in recent years, there has been concern about the possibility of a sitting US President refusing to accept the result of an election and instead claiming that the election was fraudulent. This scenario raises important questions…
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originalleftist · 7 months ago
There are really just two issues that matter this election:
One is climate- Biden put us on a path to halve carbon emissions in 6 years and reach net zero by 2050. Harris will continue that. Trump will actually increase use of fossil fuels while gutting regulations.
Every person on Earth will be harmed and endangered by that, regardless of your identity, location, or views.
The other issue is the peaceful transfer of power. Whatever problems you may have with Harris, she'll leave peaceably in 4 or 8 years. Trump will not. This is not fear mongering or hyperbole. He has said that if he wins we'll never need to vote again. He met his last electoral defeat by inciting and enabling a violent insurrection. Sure, he's an old man, but he's surrounded by young men who share the same contempt for democracy and the rule of law- like his Vice Presidential nominee, JD Vance, who will assume power if he dies in office.
We were lucky to get him out once, barely. His people are much more prepared for a coup now, he'll have broad legal immunity now thanks to SCOTUS, and he's openly vowed to become "a dictator on day one" and deploy troops on American streets.
Any issue with Harris is a temporary problem, and you can try again in 4 or 8 years. With Trump, you can't.
THE ONLY REASON TO ELECT TRUMP IS IF YOU ACTIVELY WANT THE WORLD TO BURN. And don't care how many actual people burn in the process. And if that is your position, then by your own choice you are an enemy of all humanity.
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council-of-beetroot · 5 months ago
If you can vote in this election go vote, if you don't I won't be mad just disappointed... and also mad.
If you aren't American, vote in your country's elections if you can*
*if you live in a country that has a democratic structure, if you don't I understand and I wish for a better future for your country. There are still so many people who don't have this right and wish they had the opportunity to do what you can. The system may not be perfect but democracy is an easy thing to lose if you don't participate.
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chappell-roans · 24 days ago
i just. i know things are in the works and lawyers and advocates are trying to stop him day and night. i know. but i don’t really understand how people can know how many people’s lives are in jeopardy and have been saying this for years and now that he’s won, now that he’s a successful dictator, well, can’t fight back now! why are dems trying to fucking lay low for 4 years i just????
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i hate trump with every breath in me, but everyone saying that we should recreate jan 6th or that the dems should refuse to hand over the presidency have missed the point by a horrifying margin. like good job everyone you just reinvented fascism from the opposite direction
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psychics-at-caltech · 3 months ago
like yeah I'm tired of belonging to the party of the moral high ground, the fact that republicans can spew the most vile hate speech and all we can do in return is call them "weird" makes me want to bite someone. but uhhhhhhh january 6, 2021 was a massive failure. it did not keep trump in office (77 million americans did!). like if anyone's going to sit his ass in the oval office and have to be removed by force it was going to be trump, and the fact that biden was sworn in two weeks after the insurrection should tell you that just saying "no I'm not leaving" is not the One Weird Trick to staying in office!
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thegempage · 9 months ago
the stories. that live in my head. unwritten. y'all have no idea
#little rock.txt#unless you've talked to me for long enough. but that's bcus i don't shut up#anyway. thinking about my unfinished cotl fanfic that i want to get around to at some point#about the lamb coping with being the last sheep by refusing to let their cultists stay dead#and how narinder - former god of death - would view them and their resurrection and their preachings of death#and another one that i had the beginnings of but lost at some point#(the latter being about how there is no such thing as a peaceful transfer of power#and how being the lamb in a story means you will die or become a wolf in your own right)#and also my whole oblivion story.#what if you were supposed to be a hero but you knew what was going to happen#and so you put off the inevitable. ran side quests. watched the world carry on peacefully#as peacefully as it can in the wake of the emperor's death -- but oh what will await them when you take the first step?#you become the leader of the fighter's guild and hope your job does not take you to the monastery you're avoiding#you watch a mage's guild burn and know the fires of oblivion will one day spread throughout the land#you make yourself a daedric prince in your own right and know it will not be enough to save him one day. that you will always fail.#that no matter what you do or who you save or who you become there will be a day everything crumbles and you will have to save what you can#the amulet of kings burns a hole in your pocket as you slaughter your siblings of the dark brotherhood#you bend the rules of the universe for immortality and yet there are things you cannot change. no matter how much you want to.
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happy10thousandyears · 1 year ago
I love freaky non romantic dynamics it’s crazy !!!!! When one party is a freak and the other party is normal but tolerants the first guys freakishness
#THE B&B YAYYYYY#dubcon but it’s dubcon hugging. dubcon existing within intimate distance . like there is that thing of being inherently different bc one is#a monster (she didn’t want to exist that way) and one is a hero(who want to be able to become a mother through magic. tgirl swag)#seeking a transformation#bs is trans in all of my headcanons tbh but in canon 🪞got her surgery as fuck#🪞 became a demon lord through the last demon lord 🚬#basically how it works is when the hero slays the demon lord the hero’s consciousness gets transferred into a random person near by (a#sacrifice) along with the demon powers and curses#so when 🔥 eventually killed 🚬#🔥’s consciousness gets fuzed into the body of an unfortunate nearby 🪞(who was .normal) along with 🚬’s demon powers#and 🔥/🪞 becomes the new demon lord and 🚬gets to finally rest in peace#perks of ​a demon lord include being able to transform your body at will to appear alluring to others and getting to be immortal/unkillable#which is . not great. if you have a guilty conscience or you got tired of feeding off other people’s life energy forcibly#with that being the only thing that can sustain you as the course of your life reshaped itself around this goal alone#and of course heros vs demon lords are a ploy of the kings/lords to distract the people from internal affairs#by having the demon lords become the symbol of all civil discontent and fear#basically genetically engineered scapegoats#🚬and 🔥 are the last generation of demon lord and hero#while 🪞and bs are this generation’s#and they are gonna break the cycle !!#wow everyone are trans/nonbinary in this except 🚬. hm!#🪞kinda agender#I have like a fuckton of thoughts on this au I’m gonna properly write posts one day#😈au#also bs is bi she have a husband but is infertile in this au#I like themes of motherhood and fertility and weird relationships with the ‘female’ gender what it means to be a girl/woman/mother etc
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 2 years ago
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The New York Times ::: [read the indictment]
* * * *
August 1, 2023
AUG 2, 2023
Today a grand jury in Washington, D.C, indicted former president Donald J. Trump for conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. The charges stemmed from Trump’s attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. A grand jury is made up of 23 ordinary citizens who weigh evidence of criminal activity and produce an indictment if 12 or more of them vote in favor. 
The grand jury indicted Trump for “conspiracy to defraud the United States by using dishonesty, fraud, and deceit to impair, obstruct, and defeat the lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted and certified by the government; “conspiracy to corruptly obstruct and impede the January 6 congressional proceeding at which the collected results of the presidential election are counted and certified”; and “conspiracy against the right to vote and to have one’s vote counted.” 
“Each of these conspiracies,” the indictment reads, “targeted a bedrock function of the United States federal government: the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election.” “This federal government function…is foundational to the United States’ democratic process, and until 2021, had operated in a peaceful and orderly manner for more than 130 years.” 
As Rachel Weiner pointed out in the Washington Post, “conspiracies don’t need to be successful to be criminal, and perpetrators can be held responsible if they join the conspiracy at any stage.”
The indictment referred to six co-conspirators without identifying them by name, but the details included about them suggest that Co-Conspirator 1 is Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani; Co-Conspirator 2 is lawyer John Eastman, who came up with the plan for then–vice president Mike Pence to use his ceremonial role of counting the electoral votes to throw the election to Trump; Co-Conspirator 3 is Trump lawyer Sidney Powell; Co-Conspirator 4 is Jeffrey Clark, a Justice Department lawyer whom Trump tried to push into the role of attorney general so he could lie that there had been election fraud; Co-Conspirator 5 appears to be Kenneth Chesebro, a Trump attorney behind the idea of the false electors. 
The identity of Co-Conspirator 6, a political consultant, is unclear.
On The Reid Out tonight, law professor Neal Katyal suggested that the six were not indicted because the Justice Department “doesn’t want the trial of the other six to be bundled up with this and slow this down.” Los Angeles Times senior legal affairs columnist Harry Litman concluded that the absence of Trump’s White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, from the indictment indicates he’s cooperating with the Department of Justice. Meadows had a ringside seat to the last days of the Trump administration.
The indictment is what’s known as a “speaking indictment,” one that explains the alleged crimes to the public. It undercuts Trump loyalists’ insistence that the Department of Justice is trying to criminalize Trump’s free speech by laying out that Trump did indeed have a right to challenge the election—which he did, and lost. He also had a first-amendment right to lie about the election.  
What he did not have was a right to use “unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the election results.”  
The indictment begins by settling out that Trump “lost the 2020 presidential election” but that “despite having lost, [Trump] was determined to remain in power.” So he lied that he had actually won. “These claims were false, and [Trump] knew they were false.” More than 15 pages of the 45-page indictment establish that Trump knew the allegations he was making about election fraud were lies. 
In one memorable December exchange, a senior campaign advisor wrote in an email, “When our research and campaign legal team can’t back up any of the claims made by our Elite Strike Force Legal Team, you can see why we’re 0–32 on our cases. I’ll obviously hustle to help on all fronts, but it’s tough to own any of this when it’s all just conspiracy sh*t beamed down from the mothership.”
The Trump team used lies about the election to justify organizing fraudulent slates of electors in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Allegedly with the help of Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel, they attempted to have the legitimate electors that accurately reflected the voters’ choice of Biden replaced with fraudulent ones that claimed Trump had won in their states, first by convincing state legislators they had the power to make the switch, and then by convincing Vice President Mike Pence he could choose the Trump electors. 
When Pence would not fraudulently alter the election results, Trump whipped up the crowd he had gathered in Washington, D.C., against Pence and then, according to the indictment, “attempted to exploit the violence and chaos at the Capitol” to overturn the election results. “As violence ensued,” the indictment reads, Trump and his co-conspirators “explained the disruption by redoubling efforts to levy false claims of election fraud and convince Members of Congress to further delay the certification based on those claims.” On the evening of January 6, 2021, the indictment alleges, Trump and Co-Conspirator 1 called seven senators and one representative and asked them to delay the certification of Biden’s election. 
While they were doing so, White House counsel Pat Cipollone called Trump “to ask him to withdraw any objections and allow the certification. The Defendant refused.” Just before midnight, Co-Conspirator 2 emailed Pence’s lawyer, once again begging the vice president to “violate the law and seek further delay of the certification.” 
While Trump loyalists are trying to spin the indictment as the weaponization of the Department of Justice against Trump, legal analyst George Conway noted on CNN tonight: "All the evidence comes from Republicans. If you go through this indictment and you annotate the paragraphs to figure out who are the witnesses the [special counsel] would use to prove particular points, they're all Republicans. Those are the people who were having the discussions, telling [Trump], 'You lost.'” 
Trump will be arraigned at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 3. The case of the United States of America v. Donald J. Trump has been randomly assigned to Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, appointed by President Obama in 2014 and confirmed 95–0 in the Senate. Chutkan has presided over dozens of cases concerning the defendants who participated in the events of January 6, 2021, and has been vocal during sentencing about the stakes of that event. In December 2021 she said: “It has to be made clear that trying to stop the peaceful transition of power, assaulting law enforcement, is going to be met with certain punishment.”
“The attack on our nation’s capital on January 6, 2021, was an unprecedented assault on the seat of American democracy,” Special Counsel Jack Smith said in his statement about the indictment.
“The men and women of law enforcement who defended the U.S. Capitol on January 6 are heroes. They’re patriots, and they are the very best of us. They did not just defend a building or the people sheltering in it. They put their lives on the line to defend who we are as a country and as a people. They defended the very institutions and principles that define the United States.”
The prosecution of former president Trump for trying to destroy those institutions and principles, including our right to consent to the government under which we live—a right the Founders articulated in the Declaration of Independence—should deter others from trying to do the same. Moreover, it will defend the rights of the victims—those who gave their lives as well as all of us whose votes were attacked—by establishing the truth in place of lies. That realistic view should enable us to recommit to the principles on which we want our nation to rest.
Such a prosecution will reaffirm the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump tried to destroy “the free exercise and enjoyment of a right and privilege secured…by the Constitution and laws of the United States—that is, the right to vote, and to have one’s vote counted.” Such an effort must be addressed, and doing it within the parameters of our legal system should reestablish the very institutions Trump loyalists are trying to undermine.
As former House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said this evening: “Like every criminal defendant, the former President is innocent until proven guilty…. The charges…must play out through the legal process, peacefully and without any outside interference…. As this case proceeds through the courts, justice must be done according to the facts and the law.”
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