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Saat hamil, kita biasanya akan mengalami sejumlah keluhan yang bikin hari-hari nggak nyaman. Mulai dari morning sickness, konstipasi, heartburn, sampai nggak bisa tidur. . Nah, keluhan-keluhan ini bisa lho diatasi secara alami lhoo dengan makanan. . Moms mengalami keluhan lain? Atau ada pertanyaan, Komentar dibawah ini yaa.. 😊😊 . . Yuk Tap 💗 dan Follow dulu, semoga bermanfaat ----------------------------------------- 💙@tipsbumil 💙@tipsbumil 💙@tipsbumil ----------------------------------------- . . #infobunda #tipsasi #polaasuh #pengasuhananak #bundapintar #polaasuhanak #asiboostertea #asikubanyak #tipsasibanyak #iburumahtangga #tipskehamilan #bumilbahagia #ibuhamilmuda #infobumil #pcosindonesia #ibumuda #infojakarta #jakarta #ibuibumuda #ibuhamilcantik #janinsehat #bundahamil #bumilindonesia #bumilcantik #kehamilan #mpasihomemade ©All Rights and Credits Reserved To The Respective Owner @ibupedia_id. Please Contact Us For Credit or Removal. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7-LMSBHM86/?igshid=8kup6gy5458
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You are what you eat
I don't even remember how I started to feel sorry about myself for being so rude because ate tons of fast food like almost everyday.
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I'm 23 y.o it's freaking me out, but I can do nothing about it.
I decided to maintain a healthy life and do some sports everyday or at least 4 times per week if I have a very tight schedule.
I know my life would never be the same since I found out that I had PCOS, but it doesn't mean that my life can't be better.
I promised myself to live a healthy life. I promised myself to be the new me. The healthier one.
I eat veggies more than I eat carbs. I do cardio without doubt. I just wanna be healthy.
People might don't know about PCOS, but if they find out, what am I supposed to say to 'em?
Okay, so I wanna tell you about my promising guide to stay healthy. I'm not the type of person who can do diet like some of people do. I'm just an ordinary one who loves to eat. The problem is what I eat everyday.
A couple months ago, carbs is my best friend. When I found out I had PCOS, my mom told me to eat less carbs and more veggies. Okay, I'm not gonna say goodbye to carbs but, I'm not gonna put carbs to be my very first food to eat when I'm hungry.
It's hard. I was born and raised in Indonesia. Indonesian eat carbs and I'm a 100% Indonesian. But, I wanna be healthy. I wanna stay fit. I wanna fight PCOS.
I did something weird, but actually it works on me. I bought a smaller plate for eat. The first day, I put 7 spoons of rice on my plate. The next day, I put 5 spoons of rice, and then 4 spoons and then 3 spoons. I stop at three spoons. Why? I'm a human. What am I supposed to say? Haha.
Then, I put veggies 3:1 than rice. That's all.
I don't do Okinawa diet or something like that. I don't wanna screwing my tummy just because I had PCOS.
My goal is living a healthy life not having miss universe's body shape.
I need to lose weight and be happy. Less stress.
That's all.
If you can't do low carbs diet, or Okinawa diet or something like those things. Just do something like I do.
Eat veggies more than carbs.
I hope this article useful for you, my Indonesian friends.
With love,
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Fertility Nutrition
#pcostips #pcosmeals #endometriosis #pcosexercise #polycysticovariansyndrome
#dairyfree #glutenfree
#pcosyndrom #pcoswarriors #pcosdiva #pcosmom #pcosfertility #hormoneimbalance #cysterhood
#pcosinfertility #menstruationmatters #fibroids #infertility #pcosttc #pcosnutritionist #pcod
#periodproblems #weightloss #ttc #pcoshairloss
#pcosindonesia #weightlossjourney #healthyhormones
#pcoshelp #pcosrecipes
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Mungkin banyak yg belum tahu kalau dulu berhasil hamil Abang gara2 obat herbal ini. Atas izin Allah swt tentunya.
Jadi ceritanya 2013-2014 kami meminta pertolongan medis. Wah ceritanya panjang kalau diceritakan. Yg jelas aku aku didiagnosa PCOS terus waktu itu setiap bulan mesti ambil darah, minimal 1 tube. Sampai kebal dan mati rasa sama jarum suntik 🤣
Long story short, november 2014 kami terakhir ikhtiar ke dokter spesialis kandungan yg khusus menangani masalah fertilitas. Karena keterbatasan biaya dan berniat untuk menabung dulu sekiranya pas balik ke Indo tahun depan mau mencoba tahap selanjutnya yaitu inseminasi dan pengen coba akupuntur jg rencananya.
Akan tetapi...karena penasaran dan sudah lama baca khasiat si vitex ini di blog2 pcos, katanya bisa menyeimbangkan hormon dan ada yg berhasil hamil juga. Dan mumpung masih di Aussie jadi carinya lebih gampang. Lalu beli lah sebotol merk yg di foto. Isinya 60 kapsul. Diminum 1 kapsul sehari di pagi hari saat perut masih kosong (pas bangun tidur).
Jadi selama kurang lebih 2 bulan setiap pagi minum kapsul ini.
Pas mau habis, tanda2 PMS muncul. Agak kecewa sih, tapi tetap bersyukur kalau misalnya berhasil haid, bakal beli ini herbal lagi. At least, hormonku mulai seimbang meski belum berhasil hamil.
Dua minggu lewat si "aunt flo" (nama keren si tamu bulanan) tak kunjung datang. Jadi ge er sedikit tapi ga mau berharap, takut kecewa.
Namun lama2 rasa penasaran tak terbendung juga. Akhirnya di suatu pagi tes lah pake tespek murah yg sengaja bawa banyak dari Indo. Hasilnya? Garis dua tapi saaamaaarrr banget. Nanya ke suami dia lihat juga tapi garis positifnya kurang jelas.
Kemudian besoknya ngulang lagi sengaja beli tespek ber merk + tespek digital. Jadi sekali 3 🤣
Hasilnya? Pregnant.
Tapi masih belum yakin juga, siangnya ke dokter umum terus tes darah lagi. Sorenya baru dikasih tau kalau beta HCG nya tinggi alias hamil.
Terus ga sabar pengen USG. Di sana tuh kalau bayarnya mau dicover asuransi, USG mesti ke radiologist. Jadi beberapa hari kemudian kami melakukan USG.
Ternyata cuma masih kelihatan kantong janinnya aja. Alias kosong. Sempat gugup dan sedih. Tapi petugas radiologist nya bilang gpp, coba USG ulang 2 minggu lagi. Pulanglah kami dengan perasaan agak kecewa dan takut klo bakal blighted ovum..
Dua minggu kemudian, USG lagi. Dan alhamdulillah detak jantungnya ada..
Begitulah sedikit cerita tentang hamilnya si Abang dulu.
Semoga bisa menjadi inspirasi dan motivasi bagi pasangan yg masih menunggu rejeki buah hati.
Oh iya ini herbal sudah lumayan banyak lho orang yg jual di Indo, harganya jg terjangkau. Dan kalau mau nyoba ini herbal, jangan digabung sama obat-obatan medis ya, takutnya malah ada efek sampingnya.
#pcosinme #pcos #pcosindonesia #vitex
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It's a uphill climb. You may think ....nothing is happening....what's wrong with her?....oh, she's lying about her effort.....but I'm here to tell you I'm not. I'm not going to have a big 90 day transformation...it's not happening!. This will be snail paced but I won't give up. Read below to give you some context. #singletongetsfit . . Posted @withrepost • @the.pcos.nutritionist It's no secret weight loss is harder in PCOS. We have to deal with a number of challenges that aren't recognised by nutrition and fitness world. Women with PCOS have a slower rate of metabolism that makes fat loss even harder. It isn't entirely understood why this is so but this slow rate of metabolism means that a larger calorie deficit is required to achieve weight loss. The second thing is increased cravings that are a result of various factors. The hormones that regulate hunger are disrupted in PCOS meaning that the brain gives off hunger cues even when we've eaten a meal. This is then translated into cravings for sugary and calorie dense foods such as fast food to satisfy the brain. Basically this means that women with PCOS have to tackle more intense hunger to lose weight. Hormonal differences and general PCOS symptoms also make mood fluctuations more intense in PCOS, this is another obstacle to weight loss. Don't worry I will be sharing tips on how to tackle these issues soon to help my fellow ladies with PCOS. Take care! Shahzeen (@the.pcos.nutritionist) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #pcosblog #pcoscommunity #pcosproblems #pcoswarrior #pcosfighter #pcospregnancy #pcos #polycysticovariansyndrome #pcosdoctor #pcosjourney #pcosbloating #pcosdiagnosis #PCOS #pcosawarenessmonth #pcoslifestyle #pcosindonesia #ttc #infertilityawareness #infertility #pcosfood #healthyrecipe #healthylifestyle #nutritionist #healthcoach #pakistani #muslimah #snack #healthy — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2S0Qgbn
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Progesterone Deficiency
#pcosindonesia #pcoshealth #weightlossjourney #cysterhood #pcoshairloss #glutenfree
#pcosawarenessmonth #pcosinfertility #pcosdietsupport #pcoscyster #pcosweightlossmotivation
#healthylifestyle #pcod #pcosindia #pcosworkout #pcosdiva #foodismedicine #indianpcosdiet #fertilitydiet
#slimmingworld #fertilityfood #weightlossmotivation #guthealing #indianpcosfighter #healthyeating
#lectinfreecooking #gttab #antiinflammatoryfood
#antiinflammatorydiet #ivfjourney
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If your period is MIA
#pcospregnancy #pcos #pcosfighter #pcosweightloss #pcoswarrior #pcosdiet #pcosawareness
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#pcoslife #promiljsr #pcosproblems #listra
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#periodproblems #infertilityawareness #programhamil #ttccommunity #ivfjourney #pcosindonesia
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Symptoms of Menopause
Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s but the average age is 51s
#pcosindonesia #pcosstrong #programhamil #dairyfree
#insulinresistance #healthyfood #ketolifestyle
#pcosawarenessmonth #diet #health #cysters #fertility #ketorecipes #promilalami #ttc #ttccommunity
#ketofriendly #lowcarbdiet #intermittentfasting #endometriosis #infertilitysucks #ketodiet
#ketocommunity #pcosbaby #promilsehat #pcosbisahamil #programhamilpcos
#pcosgirl #lazyketo#
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Your Estrogen roles ~
#ttccommunity #pcoshealth #infertilitysucks #cysters #endometriosis #periodproblems #promil
#pcosweightlossmotivation #pcosmom #fibroids #fitness #pcoschallenge #pcosdietsupport
#healthylifestyle #ivf #pcossymptoms #fertility #pcosfighterindonesia #infertilityawareness #pcostips
#endometriosisawareness #cysterhood #healthy #pcosindonesia #endowarrior
#motivation #promilalami #pcosfacts #pcosinfertility
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