#paul and emma from the guy who didn't like musicals
demigods-posts · 4 months
being a pjo fan means consuming every piece of media you can get your grimy little hands on. and scrounging around at the bottom of the barrel like a raccoon. and trying to find two characters that mirror the percabeth dynamic. it's in the contract.
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hatchetings · 23 days
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is this anything??
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unvexes · 9 months
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there are no creeps, there are no heroes, there are only people who are alive and people who are FUCKING dead!
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nogooddeetz · 1 year
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i love this reaction emma has to the stuff paul says several times throughout tgwdlm when they’re still getting to know each other. paul will say something unexpectedly nice/complimentary towards emma (in his trademark awkward way) and each time emma’s reaction is the same awkward laugh and smile, which looks like the result of her being surprised this man would suddenly say something just to be nice to her. each time she seems taken aback by his random kindness and her instinct is to laugh in surprise but also smile. and each time you can see in her eyes that she’s also trying to figure him out.
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pinazee · 4 months
Do you guys wanna hear something else ive been thinking too much about?
How did paul exist after he blew himself up? Did pokey somehow put him back together? Did he manage to only sustain damage to his torso and therefore hidden by his suit jacket? Did he purposely remain silent once he was rescued and no one questioned it? Were they all already in on it, and just pretended not to be just to fuck with emma because pokeys a dramatic bitch?
Personally i headcanon that pokey saw paul going for the grenade and purposely placed all his little zombie people to surround him in order to protect him from the blast, just so paul would have to live with his voice in his head and controlling him. And knowing that emma is important to him, because we know he can read minds to a degree thanks to alices song, fucked with him even more by torturing her- giving her hope and then taking it away. The ol’ two for one.
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lilacthebooklover · 11 months
thinking about the line "i've been thrown to the wolves of the community" in 'high school is killing me'. for one, it acts as a preceeding metaphor to 'literal monster'; the idea of max being a predator is carried throughout the whole musical, and introduced from the very first number. secondly, it reminded me of the sycamore timberwolves in tgwdlm. y'know, the "we hated you guys!"/"we hated ourselves" school paul went to? probably over-analysing again but this could potentially tie into the fact that literally no-one at hatchetfield high is happy, not even max- everyone hates themselves there too, and hates max. they want to have a nice, bullying-free environment like the one there after max dies, they don't want him there. he's like a timberwolf himself
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ella-ashmore · 10 months
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on a barista and a man that just wants his black coffee. alternatively: on a love that transcends timelines
a self portrait in letters - anne sexton // the guy who didn't like musicals - team starkid // the time traveller's wife - audrey niffenegger // the guy who didn't like musicals - team starkid // juansen dizon // gps - shauna barbosa // ?? // nerdy prudes must die - team starkid // beauty/beauty - rebecca perry // black friday - team starkid
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noplacelikelondon58 · 11 months
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 9 months
Just now realizing that 'Inevitable' is the apotheosis straight up toying with Emma, bragging that it won. The chorus stating "it's inevitable" and the song literally starting with "Emma I'm sorry, you lost."
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specs-shoe · 2 years
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Someone stop me
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local-soda-can · 1 year
me: oh boy! the friend that i helped finally get into tgwdlm wants to do an rp too! surely i’ve learned my lesson and this one will be happy :3
-a few days later-
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geronimomo-spd · 1 year
its littiraly been 4 years since i watched The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals and my brain is still realing about how anti story it is, how the main thing is about going against the idea of story stracture itself, and how giving in to your role in the story sociaty creates for you can actually be so destractive, how its important to remember that we are all indeviduals in our own non scripted lifes
im still so not normal about this!!
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pro-crastinate17 · 10 months
chapter 1 of The Librarian Who Didn't Like Musicals is up now!!!
(chapter 2 will hopefully be out by saturday, i already have it written, just need to edit)
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riverfelloff · 10 months
ive seen so many people wondering how starkid makes such good straight couples (lautski, paulkins, etc), but i think we really need to talk about this.
in a lot of todays modern media, shows centered around straight couples are heavily focused on the sexuality of it. while they may take a few episodes to flesh out a small pining story, starkid takes that to a whole new level.
let's look at lautski for example; our first introduction (I KNOW HE WAS IN TGWDLM AND BF I DONT CARE HE WASN'T TRULY INTRODUCED UNTIL NMT) to pete and steph was nmt2's episode, 'abstinence camp'. sure, we know that sexuality played a big part in this episode, but if you pay close attention, you know that nothing ever actually happens between steph and pete, they get caught by lumberaxe and then boy jerry before they can do anything.
before then, though, we get a back story of them meeting, it's shown how steph likes him for his little quirks and oddities, and how pete is happy that someone took the time to get to know that about him. before they join showers, they talk for what feels like forever, going back and forth.
however, in nerdy prudes must die AND the guy who didn't like musicals BOTH, neither of the couples even kiss, they get close but they don't. even npmd which centers around two high school seniors over the course of a few months, not even a peck on the cheek. HOWEVER, in scenes like the summoning, we can see steph and pete both trying to hide the other behind themselves.
in tgwdlm, paul sends himself into the theater to go take down the meteor so emma has some hopes of a life.
while it's implied that they love the other in a romantic sense, it's never outright said, because you don't make romantic bonds in the situations they were in!! they made the romantic connections before the actual plot of the musical gets started!! they're so close and care so much because of the shit they went through together!!
the reason why we're so captivated by straight couples from starkid is that they don't have to be couples to show how close they are and how much they care, because at the end of the day the lang brothers know that a bond is deepest when it's pure. if you care for someone enough, you'd do anything to keep them happy, even if it isn't with you.
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nogooddeetz · 1 year
i really want to see a scene between paul and alice. according to bill paul used to babysit alice and she thinks paul is cool (allegedly). i want to see their edgy teen and awkward but beloved uncle dynamic!
bonus points for emma meeting alice because of paul and the two of them immediately having a connection and an understanding, one rebellious teenager to another (ex-one).
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pinazee · 9 days
I have two dueling ideas and i cant decide which one i want to do more! I want to write a one shot where ted drags paul out for drinks, but does it go:
1. Ted gets drunk, hits on everyone in the bar, makes a real mess, and paul has to clean everything up. But as hes taking ted home, paul learns that ted was actually sad that charlotte cancelled plans on him and just didnt want to be alone, thus helping paul understand ted better and leading him to actually consider ted a friend. This is also the first time emma sees paul outside of beanies, and how he handles ted convinces her to give him her number.
2. Ted convinces paul to drink, telling him he needs to loosen up if he, a man who’s never left the state let alone the island, wants to keep someone like emma, who’s explored the world and gone on adventures, interested. Paul gets drunk pretty quickly and gets a bit sloppy, emma shows up (as theyre at the birdhouse, her favorite bar) and both ted and emma end up taking care of him and he learns that she likes him just the way he is, boring, stable, and reliable. Ted doesn’t get much development here though.
Now mind you, before you vote, know that i might not even publish it. I hoard my fics in google docs like a collection of broken toys. So you might not read it. But please help me anyway. This is the most divided ive ever been because i want both :( i want someone to see ted for who he really is, and i want to explore paulkins.
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