#pats him on the shoulder. thanks for ur sacrifice to the narrative
shepscapades · 2 years
I have to ask. 69.
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69. Destruction - Joywave
So. Erm… happy Etho Tuesday? (Looking Away) Yeah so this song is supposed to represent the point in the timeline after Etho shuts down at the end of s8, at the beginnings of s9 when doc and xisuma are trying to get him to come back online, which they finally manage! But… Etho is. Not Right. There’s some missing lore I haven’t talked about yet, but… because of what he was thinking about when he shut down, his programming is hyperfixated when he reboots, hellbent on anger and revenge and grief and… he’s mega broken. Doc and X end up having to shut him down/wipe him because he’s too dangerous. And thusly, he is reset when he finally comes back to s9.
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
I'm in ur inbox solely for purposes of crying about the latest shifter au installment, holy shit it's so good!!!!!! I love the narrative style and how soft everyone is, whilst still also being protective af!!! Lambert's cone of shame was the funniest thing ever lmaoooo In short I would die for you thank you have a good day
Please don’t die! Nobody is worth dying for. (I know you meant it in a very nice way but I much prefer people living - especially if they are friend shaped!) While you’ve got the shifter au on your mind, may I offer you a little bonus as thanks for your super sweet message?
Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
With their secret out, Jaskier found that he was having to fight for the limelight when out and about with his wolves. He encountered not just his own fanbase but the steadily growing numbers of those who dubbed themselves The Wolf Pack. It was both nice to know that his wolves were so popular but also infuriating because they were Jaskier’s wolves, he adopted them first. Things only got worse as more details filtered out about how they met, sleeping on the streets and helping each other out.
“Aren’t you frustrated that you can’t keep up with them?” A voice, silky and soft whispered from by Jaskier’s shoulder in a coffee shop. “I could help you with that.”
“Not interested,” Jaskier growled. For once, he was without his wolves because he had only wanted a coffee and if they went out together, they would get mobbed. The shop was only down the road anyway.
A business card was thrust towards him. “Call me when you change your mind. We can discuss payment then too.”
The problem was, the idea lingered. Jaskier never did see himself as much of a wolf, he lacked the regal majesty of one. Plus he was much more vibrant. Knowing his luck, he would get turned into a cockatoo. At least he could still appreciate music in that form, headbanging along to decent tunes. But that was beside the point. He threw the card down onto the table and ignored it until Geralt picked it up.
“What’s this?” he asked, frowning at the simple design. The other wolves, as if summoned by his unease, crowded in.
“Some creep wanted to help me “keep up” with you lot. I told him where to shove it. Seemed like a weird old man.”
Vesemir looked the most troubled. “Stregebor is bad news. If you want something, I would suggest Vilgefortz. A much more honest sorcerer.”
It was the first time Jaskier even entertained to notion. He would have loved to be able to keep up with his wolves who seemed to never run out of energy. So he asked Vesemir to set up an appointment.
“How much will this cost me?” he asked, sat opposite the sorcerer.
“It’s not an issue of money. It’s about sacrifice.” Vilgerfortz was looking at him seriously. Outside, the four wolves shifted nervously, wanting to barge in but the privacy spell was keeping them at bay.
Jaskier nodded and thought about what he had to offer. “My singing? My career? Looks? I mean, I’d look rather dashing with a facial scar and at least I’d truly be part of the pack then.”
That drew a laugh from Vilgefortz and he shook his head. “Shifters are dangerous. If they ever had children, they would be unpredictable, maybe even beastly. Even if you’re not a wolf, whatever your inner animal, even if it is a sweet, fluffy moth, you will be infertile.”
It was Jaskier’s turn to laugh. “Take it. I don’t think Geralt ever was the type I could impregnate, even before his mutations.”
In a way, Jaskier couldn’t believe that the price of keeping up was that. He had been prepared to give up fame and fortune for his wolves and now he was being asked for something he never wanted in the first place.
The potions tasted vile and Vilgefortz’s spells grated on his ears but Jaskier weathered it. There was no dramatic wind, no lightning, no quaking of the earth as the spell took hold. At most, it tickled Jaskier’s bones as he felt something shift in him. It was like there was a part of him that had been locked away until that very moment. He certainly didn’t feel like a fluffy moth.
“Concentrate, let your new form come forward.”
The world twisted in the blink of an eye. Everything looked bigger and Jaskier looked down at sandy coloured paws and the swish of a thick, bushy tail. He barked in excitement which settled into an odd purr.
Behind him, the doors opened and four wolves pushed in, curious and worried. They stared down at Jaskier, blinking dumbly until Geralt stepped forward and gave his new form a delicate sniff. The excitement was too much and Jaskier launched himself, trying to play with Geralt before running away, making loops of the room. It was Lambert who first joined in with the chase, heedless of pushing tables over as he chased Jaskier. After two laps, Vesemir stood on two legs next to Vilgefortz and watched the three idiot wolves chasing a fennec fox, nipping and tumbling as if they were young pups.
Once the whole room was a mess, Jaskier stopped by their feet, knowing he was safe from being bowled over in their vicinty.
“How about trying to shift back?” Vesemir asked. There was a knowing smirk on his lips.
Concentrating, Jaskier almost toppled over at the sudden shift and he had a new appreciation for how effortless the others made it look. A snicker from behind him had him twirling. Three pairs of yellow, human eyes were fixed on the top of his head. Reaching up, he patted around and found two large ears nestled in his hair and the bushy tail swished behind him.
“It’s okay, it takes a little while,” Vesemir reassured him. “Geralt had his ears and tail for a good three weeks before he learned to shift fully.”
Lambert reached up to tug at the ears. “They suit you, foxy,” he teased. Immediately, Jaskier was shifting back and jumping at him, barking in excitement as Lambert took on his wolf form once again and the game was back on.
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