#patreon bonus content
hypahfixations · 1 year
I am a scant 47 minutes into the ten hour long Children's Adventure and I am weeping
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bonus-links · 3 months
hey folks! heads up, there probably won’t be an update this week again. had a bit of a life shake-up (quit a job that was making me extremely miserable and asking me to use AI in my work) that’s gonna take me some time to sort out 😅
the comic’s not going on hiatus! I’m just gonna loosen up the update schedule a little bit, not that I was great at sticking to it before haha. updates will still go up on Wednesdays at 10am, just maybe not every other Wednesday consistently. I’ll post them when I finish them!
thank u for reading <3
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elbdot · 8 months
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I have only 4 panels left to finish, then you guys finally get a new El's Alolan Adventures update 👀 Patrons will of course be able to read it a week in advance, as always!! OH and you can already read a Badurs Gate 3 comic on Patreon (Yes I started playing the game and IT RULES HOLY CRAP, I'll probably do some more mini comics inspired by my playthrough)
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kay-claire · 2 months
What really gets me with the whole watcher thing is that like, there are ways for them to have made this decision without it going so horribly wrong. Like they could have said "hey we want to be more independent and not rely on platforms like Patreon and YouTube as heavily as we currently do. So moving forward we will be moving all our Patreon content over to our new streaming platform. Content will be posted there a week/month earlier than YouTube, and we will still be posting our regular content on YouTube, but we hope that you will consider joining our new streaming platform in the future." and THEN, after a few months, they could have said "We're planning to make brand new shows that will be exclusive to our new platform, and we'll share the pilots of those shows on YouTube, but after that the rest of the episodes will only be available on that platform. All your favourite Watcher shows will still continue to be made and posted to YouTube, but reminder that they're available earlier on our streaming platform." Or something like that, that could have been a gradual change. People would have still probably been like "lol no" but they wouldn't be unsubscribing in droves.
Asking people to pay $6 a month for a new platform that doesn't have any content on it currently, and they only put out 1 video a week?? This was never going to work. People are willing to spend $5 on Patreon a month to support their favourite creators, but there's a big difference between supporting someone's Patreon and paying for a product they used to be able to get for free.
(Also why the fuck was the announcement video 14 minutes long?? I skipped to the very end to just see the actual announcement, did anyone even watch the whole sob story?)
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lieutenantcactus · 11 months
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Returning to my roots with some anxceit
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night-market-if · 4 months
Lore - Agriculture
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Ever wanted to know more about the Night Market? Join my Patreon at the Courtesan tier for access to the lore entries. This time, we learn about the Agriculture of the Night Market. How does it work? Has it always been this way? Read more about it on my Patreon, along with several other lore entries.
🪷✨🪷✨ If you want to support me 🪷 ✨🪷✨ 
🌿 Free Demo 🌿Book 1 Steam🌿Book 1 Itch.io🌿🌿 Patreon 🌿Discord🌿FAQS🌿
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escapedaudios · 4 months
I'm thinking of bringing my Patreon back, I've been struggling with ideas for it though. My channel is no strongly narrative-driven that I fear I'd damage the plot and character development of the main channel if I made exclusives. My channel is also so collaborative that I'd have to exclude the supporting cast from most of my exclusives, so I'm like frozen. Here are a few ideas I have though:
The Escaped Audios Universe goes to Fickburger: A bunch of characters from different series order burgers from Ashley.
Crow's Fable: Crow tells a story from The Bright Sands.
Crow's Tapes: Tapes bade by Crow during The Neon Barbarian.
Jäger's Fable/Der Schwertlose Recken: Jäger tells a fictional German folktale belonging to his order of Wolf Hunters.
Slash and Basher watch classic horror movies and give live commentary.
Spanish-language vampire slayer training with Alfonso (with English subtitles).
Little one-shots that use a ton of copyrighted music that I'd have to fight for my life to use on YouTube.
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idrellegames · 1 year
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Hi friends,
New bonus content is out on my Patreon! This month's piece is an article on player created characters in RPGs and how to define the player character while still leaving room for headcanon.
Bonus content is available for the Apprentice tier and above.
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pissvortex · 1 year
Would a Gorilla say the F Slur?
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hypahfixations · 1 year
I've known Ame for literally five minutes and my nose and eyes are burning in recognition...my heart 🥺💕
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bonus-links · 15 days
I just caught up on the latest bonus link post and I wanted to check out your Patreon because I love this series you've got going so much, but what do you mean by deses in the $5 tier?
OH HAHA some friends convinced me to add a $5 tier to my patreon for them (which I wasn’t originally going to add because I wasn’t sure I could offer a worthwhile benefit) so I named it “literally just for ace and des” lolol
anyone’s welcome to join it if they want to though, I added a sketch request on your birthday as the tier benefit in addition to early WIP page access!
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twigsandhearts · 1 month
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TIERS SUMMARISED: FREE: MONTHLY NEWSLETTER UPDATES $2: EARLY RELEASE FOR OFFICIAL EPISODES THE OFFICIAL SCRIPTS AS SEEN BY OUR VAs $3: All of the above + Access to the Patreon section of our discord credited / shoutouts in episodes $6: All of the above + The old version of TaH scripts Blooper reels Bonus series: The Soteria Project $8: All of the above + All music tracks and anecdotes about how they came to be Themed live streams Interactive updates Bonus content such as speed paint videos
ALL MONEY GOES TOWARDS FUNDING SEASON 2! Newsletter comes out 1st of each month & other content comes out 2nd of each month.
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kittykatninja321 · 2 months
the Watcher thing is wild somebody needs to tell those guys about patreon
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Ariel & Christina are trying a new thing out this year, where they record a bonus podcast chat from a topic decided on by Patrons each month, and post it up on YouTube for all to hear. The very first topic of 2024 is LUNARPUNK - because, what even is it, exactly? How does it relate to solarpunk? Can it be described as a movement, or an aesthetic stance, or more of a vibe? What's going on with this nascent genre? Tune in to the discussion now and join the conversation!
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iwrotemrtambourineman · 2 months
the reaction to the w*tcher announcement is so interesting because while i do think its an incredibly bad idea in terms of like business decisions, its so funny how everyone is for creators getting paid fairly until it comes to actually paying for content
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night-market-if · 3 months
Spoiler for M2 Patreon special but I find them sooo funny, just wait till you have this conversation in front of MC, see what they think about it
(also is it bad I'm also flirting with Pen on the side? 😅😂)
Admittedly, Pen was there first.
And for that Patreon short? I am so pleased with it. I feel like it is a good example of how this will all work, and what they both think of the MC. I won't give anymore away but I am very excited to write that dynamic.
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