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bihar-ujala · 2 months ago
Chain snatching : एक गैंग ने 60 दिन में की 27 चेन स्नेचिंग, पटना पुलिस ने चार को पकड़ा
Chain snatching :आजकल पटना में चेन स्नैचरों का खौफ इस तरह फैला है कि महिलाएं सोने के जेवर पहनने से घबरा रही हैं. पटना में चेन स्नेचरों ने हाल के दिनों में महिलाओं से चैन स्नैचिंग (Chain snatching) की घटनाओं को अंजाम देकर आतंक मचा रखा है. पटना के आधा दर्जन थाना क्षेत्र में मात्र कुछ दिनों में ही चेन स्नेचिंग के 27 घटनाओं को अंजाम दिया है. इस तरह के चैन स्नेचिंग की घटना पटना पुलिस के लिए एक बड़ी…
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rightnewshindi · 1 year ago
सिविल कोर्ट पटना के बाहर ट्रांसफार्मर में हुआ ब्लास्ट, एक वकील की मौत; कई अन्य हुए घायल
सिविल कोर्ट पटना के बाहर ट्रांसफार्मर में हुआ ब्लास्ट, एक वकील की मौत; कई अन्य हुए घायल
Bihar News: पटना में एक बड़ा हादसा हुआ है। यहां के व्यवहार न्यायालय परिसर में गेट नंबर एक के पास ट्रांसफॉमर ब्लास्ट हो गया। इस हादसे में कई लोग जख्मी हुए हैं, जबकि एक की मौत हो गई है। अमर उजाला की खबर के मुताबिक घटना के शिकार वकील देवेंद्र प्रसाद की मौत हो गई है। घटना से इलाके में हड़कंप मच गया। प्रशासन की टीम भी आनन-फानन में घटना स्थल पर पहुंची। घटना की सूचना मिलते ही फायर ब्रिगेड की टीम मौके…
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hc24news · 5 days ago
Bihar News: पटना में छापेमारी करने गई पुलिस पर शराब माफियाओं ने किया हमला, पथराव से 02 वाहन क्षतिग्रस्त
Patna News: बिहार की राजधानी पटना में अवैध शराब कारोबारियों का मनोबल इस कदर बढ़ गया है कि छापेमारी करने गई पुलिस पर ही हमला कर दिया. इस हमले में 02 वाहन क्षतिग्रस्त हो गया. वहीं, एक जवान के घायल होने की सूचना है. Patna News: बिहार की राजधानी पटना में अवैध शराब कारोबारियों का मनोबल इस कदर बढ़ गया है कि छापेमारी करने गई पुलिस पर ही हमला कर दिया. इस हमले में 02 वाहन क्षतिग्रस्त हो गया. वहीं एक जवान…
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townpostin · 6 months ago
Hotel Booking Fraud in Jamshedpur Leads to ₹90,312 Loss
Cybercriminals defrauded a woman from Sonari, Jamshedpur, during a hotel booking, stealing ₹90,312 from her bank accounts. Key Points: – Woman scammed during hotel booking from AP Tourism website. – Fraudulent withdrawals made from ICICI and SBI bank accounts. – FIR filed at Bistupur Cyber Police Station against unknown individuals. JAMSHEDPUR – A woman from Sonari, Jamshedpur, was defrauded of…
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ainews18 · 1 year ago
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beullichich · 2 years ago
블리치 천년혈전 2쿨 2기 1화 2화 자막 결별담
블리치 천년혈전 2쿨 2기 1화 2화 자막 결별담 ott 넷플릭스 14화 15화 출시 했습니다. 블리치 천년혈전 파트2 애니 만화책 원하시나요?
블리치 천년혈전 파트2 자막 보는곳 <
블리치 천년혈전 2쿨 14화 1화 2화 파트2 나왔습니다. 14화 15화 블리치 천년 혈전 2쿨 1화 2화 자막 결별담 끝내주네요.
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Shakib Al Hasan BAN 대 AFG 2nd ODI Shakib Al Hasan은 블리치 천년혈전 2쿨 2기 1화 2화 자막 결별담 아프가니스탄과의 두 번째 ODI에서 특별한 위치를 차지했습니다. Shakib은 또한 아프가니스탄 개막전 Gurbaz의 해고와 함께 고국에서 400개의 국제 개찰구를 완료했습니다. 그는 이 위업을 달성한 세계에서 다섯 번째 스피너입니다. 뉴델리, 스포츠 데스크. Shakib Al Hasan은 세계 최고의 만능 선수 중 한 명입니다. 그의 날에 Shakib은 방망이와 공으로 모든 경기의 흐름을 바꿀 수 있는 능력을 가지고 있습니다. Shakib은 모든 경기에서 큰 기록을 세우고 있는 그의 국제적인 경력에서 그 지점에 도달했습니다. 아프가니스탄과의 두 번째 ODI 경기에서 Shakib은 국제 크리켓에서 또 다른 새로운 이정표를 달성했습니다. 전 방글라데시 주장은 Shane Warne, Muttiah Muralitharan과 같은 베테랑 볼러 목록에 그의 이름을 등록했습니다. Shakib이라는 이름의 또 하나의 큰 성과 Shakib Al Hasan은 아프가니스탄과의 두 번째 ODI에서 훌륭하게 볼링을 쳤고, 그의 10오버 주문에서 50점을 실점하면서 2개의 위켓을 차지했습니다. Shakib은 세기 이닝을 플레이 한 Gurbaz와 Rashid Khan에게 파빌리온으로가는 길을 보여주었습니다. 2개의 개찰구와 함께 Shakib은 그의 고향인 방글라데시에서 400개의 국제 개찰구를 완료했습니다. Shakib은 이 위업을 달성한 세계 9번째 볼러입니다. IND W vs BAN W: Minnu Mani, 인도 데뷔 기회를 얻었다 민누마니의 고군분투, 방글라데시 상대로 데뷔, 고군분투하는 부족 딸 블리치 천년혈전 2쿨 2기 1화 2화 자막 결별담 이야기 입니다. 이것도 읽어보세요 Warne-Muralidharan의 클럽 입장 Shakib Al Hasan은 자국에서 400개의 국제 위켓을 차지한 세계에서 다섯 번째 스피너입니다. 이와 함께 전 방글라데시 주장도 참전용사 명단에 이름을 올렸다. Muttiah Muralitharan, Shane Warne, Anil Kumble 및 Ravichandran Ashwin만이 홈 토양에서 400위켓을 차지할 수 있었습니다. Shakib은 Gurbaz를 파빌리온으로 보내 이 위업을 달성했습니다.
ODI 월드컵 2023: 파키스탄 팀이 인도를 순회할지 여부, 정부 승인에 따라 결정. 파키스탄의 2023 월드컵 참가에 대한 중대한 결정을 기다리며 파키스탄 총리에 시선이 쏠린다. 이것도 읽어보세요 방글라데시는 참패 그러나 Shakib의 뛰어난 활약에도 불구하고 방글라데시는 두 번째 ODI에서 아프가니스탄에 압도적인 패배를 당했습니다. 블리치 천년혈전 2쿨 2기 1화 2화 자막 결별담 타율 1위인 아프가니스탄은 점수판에서 9위켓을 잃고 331득점을 기록했다. 이에 방글라데시 대표팀 전체가 189득점에 그친 뒤 전력투구했다. Gurbaz와 Ibrahim Zadran은 아프가니스탄에서 수세기 동안 득점했으며 Mujeeb ur Rehman과 Rashid Khan은 볼링에서 놀라운 일을 했습니다. UCC에서 Shashi Tharoor에 관한 의회의 중대한 성명이 나왔습니다. 고위 당 대표 의회 대표 Shashi Tharoor는 이에 대해 우려를 표명했습니다. 그는 UCC에 대해 성명을 내면서 다양한 커뮤니티가 누리는 권리 침해로 이어질 수 있어 우려되는 사항이 되었고 이것이 공포의 근거라고 말했다. Jagran Digital Desk, Patna: 최신 Bihar Live Updates in Hindi: Bihar's Politics, Education, Health, Crime, Entertainment, 블리치 천년혈전 2쿨 2기 1화 2화 자막 결별담 Business and Viral on Social Media, Love Affair, Bhojpuri Cinema, Weather, Monsoon Farming 및 기차와 관련된 모든 소소한 정보 크게 읽기 한 번의 클릭으로 여기 뉴스… UCC의 Shashi Tharoor: '통일 민법의 권리 침해에 대한 두려움', 의회 지도자 Shashi Tharoor가 이렇게 말한 이유 입니다. UCC의 Shashi Tharoor Shashi Tharoor는 UCC에서 블리치 천년혈전 2쿨 2기 1화 2화 자막 결별담 연설했습니다. 뉴델리, 에이전시. UCC의 Shashi Tharoor 중앙 및 BJP 주 정부는 UCC(통일 민법)에 블리치 천년혈전 2쿨 2기 1화 2화 자막 결별담 대해 적극적인 모드에 있습니다. Uttarakhand에서 첫 번째 구현에 대한 이야기가 있습니다. 한편, 이 법안에 대한 의회의 성명이 전면에 나왔습니다. 당 고위 간부들은 이에 대해 우려를 표명했습니다.
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kknnews · 3 days ago
Crime in Patna: Daylight Murder Shocks the City...
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sandrowitteger · 8 years ago
Mumbai Crime: BKC finance firm director cheats Bihar builder of Rs 1.63 cr
Months after paying Rs 1.63 crore for a loan that he was supposed to get for a housing project in Patna, a builder from Bihar realised that the director of a BKC-based finance company had allegedly cheated him of the money
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Months after paying Rs 1.63 crore for a loan that he was supposed to get for a housing project in Patna, a builder from Bihar realised that the director of a BKC-based finance company had allegedly cheated him of the money. In the second week of June, police arrested the accused, who claimed to be the director of RJ Capitals Overseas Pvt Ltd, situated at Capital building in BKC. He had promised to arrange a loan of Rs 25 crore for the builder, by mortgaging the housing project, and even made him deposit the initial amount in different bank accounts. However, when the victim realised that he had been cheated, he registered a complaint with the Bandra Kurla Complex police and got the director arrested.Though he has been released on bail, cops are still in the process of investigating the case and collecting evidence against him.
The arrested accused has been identified as Pravinkumar Agarwal, a resident of Thane. According to police, complainant Shivkumar Singh, who runs a gas agency in Bihar through his company Agrani Infra Developer, had started the housing project 'Suraksha Enclave' for those who are part of various security forces, under the scheme of Akhil Bhartiya Suraksha Awaas Yojna. As Singh was in need of funds for the project, he spoke to a few people regarding it. Through a loan agent, he came to know about Agarwal and met him at his BKC office in July last year. Agarwal allegedly promised Singh that he would get him a loan by mortgaging his housing project, police said.
Multiple payments "After Singh agreed to the proposal, the accused made him pay Rs 7 lakh and Rs 5.65 lakh towards the loan processing fee and appointment of a legal consultant named Khush Sharma for the deal. The payments were made on July 20 and July 30, 2016, respectively. Singh also claimed that he paid Rs 15 lakh for Agarwal's travel to Bihar and his stay there, as he had to visit the housing project site," said an officer from BKC police station.
The following month, Agarwal told Singh that the loan would be sanctioned, but he would have to pay 8 per cent of the total amount towards stamp duty, which was around Rs 2 crore. "As the builder did not have so much of money, he paid Agarwal Rs 1.5 crore. The accused asked him to arrange for the remaining amount, as all of it would be returned to him after the loan gets sanctioned," added the officer.
After Singh made all the payments, Agarwal and his partner Puja Dagli, who claimed to be the deputy-managing director of the company, assured him in writing that he would get the loan amount on January 11, 2017. Singh had also provided the accused the 69 sale deeds for mortgaging the housing project, said another officer.
Where's Rs 1 crore? Months passed but Singh didn't receive the money. Whenever he called Agarwal, he told him that the money would be credited in his account soon. "Once he even sent Singh a message saying that R1 crore had been deposited in his account. But he had not received a single penny," said a source. This is when Singh realised that he had been cheated. Probe revealed Agarwal made his personal secretary Pooja the deputy director of the company to cheat Singh.
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sportsdp · 19 days ago
Top 10 Rowdy Places in India
India is known for its diverse culture, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant cities. However, there are some places notorious for their high crime rates, lawlessness, and unruly activities. If you’re curious about India’s most rowdy places, this list will give you an insight into locations that have gained notoriety for various reasons, top 10 rowdy places in India and more.
1. Chambal Valley, Madhya Pradesh
Chambal Valley is infamous for its history of banditry and dacoits. Once ruled by feared dacoits like Phoolan Devi, the valley has been associated with crime and violence for decades. Though law enforcement has made efforts to control crime, Chambal remains a place with a rugged reputation.
2. Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh
Muzaffarnagar has witnessed communal riots and political conflicts, making it one of the most volatile cities in India. The city has a high crime rate, and political tensions often lead to violent clashes.
3. Gaya, Bihar
Gaya, despite being a significant religious hub, is notorious for criminal activities such as kidnapping and extortion. The presence of organized crime syndicates has made this city one of the more dangerous places in Bihar.
4. Mewat, Haryana
Mewat has gained a reputation for being a hub of illegal activities, including smuggling and cattle theft. The region has struggled with law enforcement issues and remains a challenging place for authorities to control.
5. Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Known for political clashes and high crime rates, Gorakhpur has been a hotspot for mafia activities. The city has witnessed gang wars and frequent instances of violence, making it one of the rowdier places in India.
6. Patna, Bihar
The capital of Bihar, Patna, has a history of political unrest, kidnapping for ransom, and organized crime. While modernization has improved the city’s image, certain areas remain hotspots for unlawful activities.
7. Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
Meerut has been associated with violent crimes, riots, and clashes between different communities. Its history of political and religious violence has earned it a spot on this list.
8. Dantewada, Chhattisgarh
Dantewada is one of the most dangerous places in India due to Naxalite insurgency. Maoist activities have led to violent encounters with security forces, making it a highly volatile region.
9. Jammu and Kashmir (Certain Areas)
Some parts of Jammu and Kashmir have experienced insurgency, terrorism, and military conflicts. While the state has seen improvements, certain border areas remain sensitive due to ongoing tensions.
10. North-East Border Regions
Some regions in Assam, Nagaland, and Manipur have been affected by insurgencies and ethnic conflicts. These areas have seen violent clashes, making them some of the most dangerous places in India.
While India is a beautiful country with countless attractions, some areas remain infamous for crime and violence. If you plan to visit any of these places, it’s best to stay informed and take necessary precautions. Always stay updated on local conditions and follow safety guidelines while traveling.
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news365timesindia · 22 days ago
[ad_1] Paromita Das New Delhi The 1984 anti-Sikh massacre remains one of the most tragic and shameful episodes in Bharat’s modern history. In the days following the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards on October 31, 1984, violent mobs unleashed a wave of terror on the Sikh community. Thousands of innocent Sikhs were brutally murdered, their homes and businesses torched, and many women subjected to horrific sexual violence. For decades, the victims and their families have fought for justice, only to face delays, political apathy, and systemic failures. Despite numerous committees and commissions being set up, convictions have been rare, and many of the perpetrators—some of whom were powerful politicians—escaped accountability for decades. The Massacre: A Calculated Pogrom The violence that erupted in Delhi and other parts of Bharat following Indira Gandhi’s assassination was not a spontaneous reaction—it bore all the hallmarks of an organized pogrom. Eyewitness accounts, investigative reports, and later commission findings have pointed towards an orchestrated attack against the Sikh community, allegedly carried out with the complicity of political leaders and law enforcement agencies. Mobs armed with voter lists targeted Sikh homes and businesses, ensuring that the attacks were systematic and precise. Gurdwaras were set on fire, men were burned alive using tires around their necks, and entire neighborhoods were reduced to ashes. Women suffered some of the worst atrocities, subjected to gang rapes and brutal assaults. Delhi witnessed the worst of the carnage, with over 2,733 reported deaths, though unofficial estimates suggest the toll was much higher. Other cities, including Kanpur, Bokaro, and Patna, also witnessed widespread killings and destruction. Rajiv Gandhi’s Controversial Statement and Political Response In the midst of this tragedy, when victims expected empathy from the newly appointed Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, his response only deepened their wounds. On November 19, 1984, during a public rally at Delhi’s Boat Club, he remarked: “When a big tree falls, the earth shakes a little.” This statement was widely interpreted as an attempt to justify the violence, trivializing the suffering of the Sikh community. Instead of offering reassurance and justice, the Congress leadership largely remained silent or deflected responsibility. Successive Congress governments failed to take decisive action against those accused of inciting the riots. Many Congress leaders, including Jagdish Tytler, Sajjan Kumar, and H.K.L. Bhagat, were named by survivors and witnesses as instigators of the violence. Yet, for decades, cases against them moved at a glacial pace, often dismissed due to “lack of evidence.” The Long Road to Justice: Commissions and Committees Over the years, several commissions and committees were formed to investigate the massacre. However, most of them either failed to deliver justice or were criticized for their biased reports. Mishra Commission (1985): The first official inquiry, led by Justice Ranganath Mishra, was widely criticized for whitewashing the crimes. It placed most of the blame on police inaction while absolving the Congress leadership of any wrongdoing. Kapoor-Mittal Committee (1987): Tasked with investigating police negligence, this committee found 72 police officers guilty of failing to prevent the violence. However, very few of them faced serious consequences. Ahuja Committee (1987): This committee determined that 2,733 Sikhs had been killed in Delhi alone. Nanavati Commission (2000): Appointed by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, this commission finally acknowledged that Congress leaders and workers were involved in the violence. However, by the time its report was submitted in 2005, many of the accused had already escaped justice due to political patronage. Delayed Convictions: Small Steps Towards Justice It was only in recent years, decades after the massacre, that some convictions finally took place:
Sajjan Kumar’s Conviction (2018): In a landmark judgment, former Congress MP Sajjan Kumar was sentenced to life imprisonment for his role in the riots. His conviction was seen as a rare victory in the fight for justice. Other Convictions: Several individuals have been convicted over the years, but many key perpetrators still walk free. The Role of Media and Foreign Influence The 1984 riots also highlighted the role of media narratives in shaping public perception. While some publications reported the massacre with honesty, others downplayed the violence. In recent years, foreign-funded media outlets, including the BBC, have been accused of selectively reporting on Bharatiya history, often ignoring or minimizing Congress’ role in the pogrom. Moreover, organizations such as USAID have come under scrutiny for their funding of NGOs and media houses that have been accused of pushing anti-Bharat narratives. Reports suggest that USAID has funded training programs for journalists and activists with the intent of shaping discourse against the Bharatiya government. The timing of such funding often coincides with election cycles, raising concerns about external influence on Bharat’s democratic processes. The Need for Genuine Acknowledgment and Reform The 1984 anti-Sikh massacre is not just an isolated tragedy—it is a lesson on how political violence can derail democracy. While governments have changed and apologies have been issued, true justice remains elusive. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh issued a formal apology in 2005, stating: “I have no hesitation in apologizing to the Sikh community and the entire nation. What happened in 1984 was a national shame.” But an apology, no matter how sincere, cannot erase the trauma of those who lost their loved ones or lived through the horror. The real measure of justice lies in ensuring that such violence is never repeated. For that to happen, Bharat must: Hold All Perpetrators Accountable: Those involved in inciting and executing the massacre must face legal consequences, regardless of their political affiliations. Reform the Justice System: Delays in legal proceedings, destruction of evidence, and witness intimidation must be addressed to prevent future injustices. Recognize the Pogrom as a National Tragedy: Schools and textbooks should accurately document the events of 1984, ensuring that future generations learn from this dark chapter. Strengthen Anti-Riot Laws: Bharat needs stricter laws to prevent political interference in criminal investigations related to communal violence. Conclusion: The Fight for Justice Continues The 1984 anti-Sikh massacre remains an open wound in Bharat’s history. While some justice has been served, the long delays and lack of full accountability have eroded public faith in the system. The massacre was not just an attack on one community—it was an assault on the very idea of justice and democracy. As Bharat moves forward, it must ensure that such tragedies are never forgotten, and more importantly, never repeated. True justice can only be achieved when all those responsible are held accountable and when every Bharatiya, regardless of their faith, can feel secure in their homeland.   The post The 1984 Anti-Sikh Massacre: A Dark Chapter in Bharat’s History and the Ongoing Struggle for Justice appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 22 days ago
[ad_1] Paromita Das New Delhi The 1984 anti-Sikh massacre remains one of the most tragic and shameful episodes in Bharat’s modern history. In the days following the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards on October 31, 1984, violent mobs unleashed a wave of terror on the Sikh community. Thousands of innocent Sikhs were brutally murdered, their homes and businesses torched, and many women subjected to horrific sexual violence. For decades, the victims and their families have fought for justice, only to face delays, political apathy, and systemic failures. Despite numerous committees and commissions being set up, convictions have been rare, and many of the perpetrators—some of whom were powerful politicians—escaped accountability for decades. The Massacre: A Calculated Pogrom The violence that erupted in Delhi and other parts of Bharat following Indira Gandhi’s assassination was not a spontaneous reaction—it bore all the hallmarks of an organized pogrom. Eyewitness accounts, investigative reports, and later commission findings have pointed towards an orchestrated attack against the Sikh community, allegedly carried out with the complicity of political leaders and law enforcement agencies. Mobs armed with voter lists targeted Sikh homes and businesses, ensuring that the attacks were systematic and precise. Gurdwaras were set on fire, men were burned alive using tires around their necks, and entire neighborhoods were reduced to ashes. Women suffered some of the worst atrocities, subjected to gang rapes and brutal assaults. Delhi witnessed the worst of the carnage, with over 2,733 reported deaths, though unofficial estimates suggest the toll was much higher. Other cities, including Kanpur, Bokaro, and Patna, also witnessed widespread killings and destruction. Rajiv Gandhi’s Controversial Statement and Political Response In the midst of this tragedy, when victims expected empathy from the newly appointed Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, his response only deepened their wounds. On November 19, 1984, during a public rally at Delhi’s Boat Club, he remarked: “When a big tree falls, the earth shakes a little.” This statement was widely interpreted as an attempt to justify the violence, trivializing the suffering of the Sikh community. Instead of offering reassurance and justice, the Congress leadership largely remained silent or deflected responsibility. Successive Congress governments failed to take decisive action against those accused of inciting the riots. Many Congress leaders, including Jagdish Tytler, Sajjan Kumar, and H.K.L. Bhagat, were named by survivors and witnesses as instigators of the violence. Yet, for decades, cases against them moved at a glacial pace, often dismissed due to “lack of evidence.” The Long Road to Justice: Commissions and Committees Over the years, several commissions and committees were formed to investigate the massacre. However, most of them either failed to deliver justice or were criticized for their biased reports. Mishra Commission (1985): The first official inquiry, led by Justice Ranganath Mishra, was widely criticized for whitewashing the crimes. It placed most of the blame on police inaction while absolving the Congress leadership of any wrongdoing. Kapoor-Mittal Committee (1987): Tasked with investigating police negligence, this committee found 72 police officers guilty of failing to prevent the violence. However, very few of them faced serious consequences. Ahuja Committee (1987): This committee determined that 2,733 Sikhs had been killed in Delhi alone. Nanavati Commission (2000): Appointed by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, this commission finally acknowledged that Congress leaders and workers were involved in the violence. However, by the time its report was submitted in 2005, many of the accused had already escaped justice due to political patronage. Delayed Convictions: Small Steps Towards Justice It was only in recent years, decades after the massacre, that some convictions finally took place:
Sajjan Kumar’s Conviction (2018): In a landmark judgment, former Congress MP Sajjan Kumar was sentenced to life imprisonment for his role in the riots. His conviction was seen as a rare victory in the fight for justice. Other Convictions: Several individuals have been convicted over the years, but many key perpetrators still walk free. The Role of Media and Foreign Influence The 1984 riots also highlighted the role of media narratives in shaping public perception. While some publications reported the massacre with honesty, others downplayed the violence. In recent years, foreign-funded media outlets, including the BBC, have been accused of selectively reporting on Bharatiya history, often ignoring or minimizing Congress’ role in the pogrom. Moreover, organizations such as USAID have come under scrutiny for their funding of NGOs and media houses that have been accused of pushing anti-Bharat narratives. Reports suggest that USAID has funded training programs for journalists and activists with the intent of shaping discourse against the Bharatiya government. The timing of such funding often coincides with election cycles, raising concerns about external influence on Bharat’s democratic processes. The Need for Genuine Acknowledgment and Reform The 1984 anti-Sikh massacre is not just an isolated tragedy—it is a lesson on how political violence can derail democracy. While governments have changed and apologies have been issued, true justice remains elusive. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh issued a formal apology in 2005, stating: “I have no hesitation in apologizing to the Sikh community and the entire nation. What happened in 1984 was a national shame.” But an apology, no matter how sincere, cannot erase the trauma of those who lost their loved ones or lived through the horror. The real measure of justice lies in ensuring that such violence is never repeated. For that to happen, Bharat must: Hold All Perpetrators Accountable: Those involved in inciting and executing the massacre must face legal consequences, regardless of their political affiliations. Reform the Justice System: Delays in legal proceedings, destruction of evidence, and witness intimidation must be addressed to prevent future injustices. Recognize the Pogrom as a National Tragedy: Schools and textbooks should accurately document the events of 1984, ensuring that future generations learn from this dark chapter. Strengthen Anti-Riot Laws: Bharat needs stricter laws to prevent political interference in criminal investigations related to communal violence. Conclusion: The Fight for Justice Continues The 1984 anti-Sikh massacre remains an open wound in Bharat’s history. While some justice has been served, the long delays and lack of full accountability have eroded public faith in the system. The massacre was not just an attack on one community—it was an assault on the very idea of justice and democracy. As Bharat moves forward, it must ensure that such tragedies are never forgotten, and more importantly, never repeated. True justice can only be achieved when all those responsible are held accountable and when every Bharatiya, regardless of their faith, can feel secure in their homeland.   The post The 1984 Anti-Sikh Massacre: A Dark Chapter in Bharat’s History and the Ongoing Struggle for Justice appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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bihar-ujala · 8 months ago
Firing In Patna: पटना में बदमाशों ने की जमकर फायरिंग, 2 लोग के घायल होने से मची भगदड़
Firing In Patna: राजधानी पटना से एक बार फिर गोली चलने की जानकारी सामने आई है, जिस कारण पूरी राजधानी इस वक्त सहमी हुई है. आपको बता दे कि यह दिघा थाना क्षेत्र की बात है जहां मंगलवार की शाम दो लोगों को गोली मारने की सूचना प्राप्त हुई. फिलहाल मौके पर पुलिस के पहुंचने से किसी भी बड़ी अनहोनी को होने से टाल दिया गया है और जो दो घायल थे उन्हें अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया. यह घटना दीघा थाना क्षेत्र के…
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realestatecompanyinpatna · 4 months ago
The best Housing Society in Patna-Surya Signature
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Living an ideal lifestyle was possible only in dreams. Surya Nestbuild Limited has turned this dream into reality by bringing into existence 'Surya Signature'. Modern times do not align with individual houses, as they have limited amenities that restrict personal growth, lack high-end security arrangements, which make residences vulnerable to theft and other heinous crimes, and lack community living, preventing the growth of camaraderie—essential for harmonious living. Surya Signature stands tallest in providing a luxurious lifestyle with a wide array of amenities to shape your personality, a round-the-clock security system to ensure your sound existence, and community living at its best to enjoy life to the hilt.
1.Surya Signature epitomizes luxury
With its amazing luxurious homes, Surya has set a benchmark for builders in Patna. Each home is a masterpiece in its own right. It is endowed with a robust structure and meticulously designed interiors with supreme quality materials and high ceilings—exquisite flooring reflecting opulence and style. The spacious modern layout, gorgeous living room, state-of-the-art kitchen, and chic bathrooms fitted with branded high-end durable fittings will mesmerize you and immerse you in an ambrosial lifestyle. The large windows facilitate fresh air and stunning views. Balconies have been generously spaced out to provide sitting space to relax, unwind, and enjoy vibrant views of the surrounding areas.
2. Strategic Importance
Without locational benefits, luxurious homes in a remote area are of little value, regardless of their amenities. Surya Signature is blessed with locational advantages too.
*Nestled in the heart of Patna, it is in close proximity to main landmarks.
* The top-of-the-line schools like Radiant International School, The Tribhuvan School, Delhi Public School and Birla Open Minds Pre School  lie in its close vicinity.
* Famous coaching institutes are just a short drive away to pursue higher quality education.
* Some of the top-tier hospitals—Paras HMRI Hospital and AIIMS—can be reached quickly to ensure speedy emergency health treatment and care.
* Commercial hubs and IT zones, including the Patna Central Business District, are all located within short reach, ensuring smooth connectivity for the professionals and entrepreneurs of Surya Signature to their workplaces and business centers.
* Recreational venues and commercial spaces are within walking distance. Patna Railway Junction and Jaiprakash International Airport are also nearby.
3.Wide array of amenities for different age groups 
Surya Signature understands the requirements of contemporary modern times. Adhering to the maxim 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,' it has an exceptional range of amenities to ensure all-around development. 
*The safe kids' play zones, park, and specially earmarked space to enhance children’s comprehensive and creative abilities will definitely be a boon for working parents and housewives alike. 
*Teenagers and adults can indulge in recreational activities in the clubhouse, amphitheater, swimming pool, or gym. 
*Seniors citizens have a meditation area and serene garden ambience to usher in spiritual and rejuvenating pursuits.
4. Eco-friendly system 
Surya Signature believes in luxury with sustainable development and adopts environmentally friendly devices and systems to reduce carbon footprint. It incorporates a rain harvesting system, energy-efficient lights, and waste management technology. An ideal place to live in the age of environmental issues indeed!
5. Top notch Security system 
In today's age of deteriorated state of government security arrangements and law systems, it is only safe to live in a residential society. Surya Signature's top-notch 24/7 surveillance system and committed team to monitor the well-being of each resident is simply exemplary. 
Surya Signature, built by the best real estate company in Patna, is a developer par excellence. With a customer-centric approach, it is marching ahead of other companies in creating paradisiacal homes for ambrosial living. Only discerning clients know the value of Surya Signature. Escape into this wonderful creation and live happily ever after.
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hc24news · 28 days ago
Bihar News: पटना में अब चोरी की जांच करेगी डॉग स्क्वॉड और FSL की टीम, एसएसपी का फरमान जारी
Patna News: पटना में अब हर चोरी की घटना में फिंगरप्रिंट टीम, एफएसएल और डॉग स्क्वायड की टीम को बुलाना अनिवार्य होगा. Patna News: पटना में अब हर चोरी की घटना में फिंगरप्रिंट टीम, एफएसएल और डॉग स्क्वायड की टीम को बुलाना अनिवार्य होगा. चोरी की बढ़ती वारदात को देख यह फैसला लिया गया है और एसएसपी अवकाश कुमार ने सख्त रुख अपना���े हुए फरमान जारी किया है. उन्होंने कहा कि चोरी के बाद पुलिस सिर्फ सीसीटीवी…
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6nikhilum6 · 5 months ago
Maharashtra Government Awards Rs 25 Lakhs to Pune Police for Seizing Massive Mephedrone Stock
Pune, 11th October 2024: Pune Police conducted a series of raids across multiple locations, including Pune, Kurkumbh near Daund, Kupwad in Sangli, a factory in Nashik, New Delhi, Patna, and West Bengal, leading to the seizure of Mephedrone drugs valued at ₹5,000 crores. This large-scale operation was led by then-Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime) Amol Zende and his team. In recognition of…
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ainews18 · 2 years ago
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