#Chain snatcher Arrest
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Chain snatching : एक गैंग ने 60 दिन में की 27 चेन स्नेचिंग, पटना पुलिस ने चार को पकड़ा
Chain snatching :आजकल पटना में चेन स्नैचरों का खौफ इस तरह फैला है कि महिलाएं सोने के जेवर पहनने से घबरा रही हैं. पटना में चेन स्नेचरों ने हाल के दिनों में महिलाओं से चैन स्नैचिंग (Chain snatching) की घटनाओं को अंजाम देकर आतंक मचा रखा है. पटना के आधा दर्जन थाना क्षेत्र में मात्र कुछ दिनों में ही चेन स्नेचिंग के 27 घटनाओं को अंजाम दिया है. इस तरह के चैन स्नेचिंग की घटना पटना पुलिस के लिए एक बड़ी…
#bihar news#Bihar ujala#Chain snatcher Arrest#Chain snatching#Chain snatching in Patna#chain snatching report#patna crime#Sweety Saharawat
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"I see," Lucius says. It's not unreasonable; it's not something he would expect of his other lawyers. Typically, he was the one casting Imperius Curses and intimidating the opposition, but he has complete confidence that Narcissa is capable of doing whatever is necessary. So long as Imogen is capable of looking the other way and allowing Narcissa and Lucius to help her . . . and the lawyers Lucius hired are bendable so long as you have enough gold. Lucius truly considers it, turning over the possibility in his mind of letting Imogen run his defense. She's certainly smart enough, competent enough; the only question is if he can trust her not to ruin him.
She is exactly what he needs to face down a Ministry who want to have its revenge on him and his son. Any previous bad blood is a slave to his vicious pragmatism. He wants to ask more questions, to demand to know if they're going to retry him for the incident at the Ministry or the crimes before the first fall, what exactly they want to charge Draco with . . . but he has to make this decision first. "I will give you control over my defense . . . if my wife agrees to it. And you will work with the people I have already hired, though you would have discretion to hire your own." Narcissa might force Imogen into an Unbreakable Vow, she's horribly fond of those. Lucius trusts her to do what needs to be done.
Lucius taps fingers on his thigh. Under the table, the burns across his right fingers and hand aren't visible, but there's no way to hide the Azkaban tattoo on the left side of his neck or the scar that goes from his neck to just above his ear on his right. The Healers could do some things for the burns, the cuts, the leg - which they said was improperly healed, and might never work entirely properly again - but his left forearm still burns with the remains of the Mark. The side effects of the Cruciatus Curse still haven't properly worn off, his body intermittently numb and in pain.
"If she agrees, your first order of business is to get me some half-decent painkillers. Your second is to get me out of here and under house arrest." He pauses. "Dolores . . . I could implicate her in quite a few instances of illegal activity, knowing collaboration with dark creatures, murder . . . not to mention the things I watched Greyback do to the Mudbloods the snatchers dragged back." And truly not mentioning the sport Lucius had of them first, which the Ministry would (unfairly) consider criminal. "And I've known Walden since school. If the Ministry wants to be sure they get the death penalty . . ." He shrugs suggestively, the chains binding him clinking together.
The news of his potential execution finally elicits a reaction from Lucius, and Imogen isn’t above feeling a stab of something akin to vindication at the sight. A slight frown flickers across her lips. She’ll need to quell that sort of sentiment before the trial starts, or she’ll have no hope of winning. For a case as crucial as this, she expects Kingsley—Acting Minister Shacklebolt—will want to oversee it himself, and she’s been on the receiving end of his insightful eye often enough to know he’ll see through even the slightest waver in her conviction.
That could pose a problem, though it’s far from their most immediate one.
Imogen reaches into her coat again and removes her well-worn Journal of Lists, thumbing through the pages until she reaches one titled 'List of Known and Suspected Death Eaters.' It’s one of her oldest Capital 'L' Lists—the oldest she still maintains, older even than her official Lists of Friends and Enemies—but until now it lived only in her head. Given her position as first the daughter of two Known Death Eaters and then the spymaster for the Order, she thought it unwise to write it down.
“I know the Aurors are pushing for execution for the Carrows, and they’re practically guaranteed to get it,” she says, running a finger down the List to jog her memory. Her path stutters for a moment over the entry for 'Lucretia Selwyn (died 2/5/1998).'
“Who else…? They likely want Yaxley. Greyback. Possibly Macnair, with all the damage his giants caused Hogwarts. Oh, and Dolores Umbridge’s name was considered, despite not actually being a Death Eater. Says a lot about her character, that…” She snaps the book shut. “That should give you an idea of what we mean by ‘worst offenders.’”
Severus isn’t first in the Ministry’s line for execution only because, as far as they’re concerned, the Dark Lord really did kill him that night in the Shrieking Shack. Harry Potter himself said so, after all.
Kingsley knows the truth, she’s sure. It would be hard for him to not put the pieces together, between Potter’s story about the snake and Imogen’s demand for undisclosed, unquestioned use of the specific Healer who treated Arthur Weasley after his snake attack. For now, Kingsley seems… at least not unwilling to let her handle things while he’s preoccupied with more pressing matters, but the Ministry will start asking questions about the missing body eventually. She thinks Potter already has.
She’ll cross that bridge when they get to it. All she can do in the meantime is ensure the Healer’s discretion by every means short of an Unbreakable Vow, and she’s not above threatening that if it becomes necessary. It will have to be enough.
But now isn’t the time to worry. She pushes her concerns aside to focus on Lucius.
“I said I like Draco; of course my offer extends to the rest of your family. I already have a few ideas for their defense, even,” she says, “And, yes, I’m willing to do whatever it takes. But I won’t do anything Unforgivable. That’s my line.”
Her meaning, she assumes, is plain. Oh, but if Lucius knew all the other lines that she’s crossed—the Wizarding taboos nearly as entrenched as the Unforgivables that she’s put her own Spellwrite’s twist on. She’s been playing with blood magic since she was fourteen. Her ethical standing has never been very high.
It feels perversely like bragging, this urge to confess to Lucius. But who else can she tell? The Order? Please. Never mind Dumbledore's intriguing familiarity with blood magic himself, if his protective spells on Potter were any measure.
As for the money… It's either paranoia or caution that tells her the offer is a trap. Better to ignore it entirely, for now.
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Ok, so.
The very first "fight" in BNHA.
There is a Purse Snatcher. Simple as that. Some random dude snatches a purse, off screen. We are never told his name nor why he did it, he just snatches a purse and makes a run for it.
He "gets cornered," doesn't specify why or how but he does, then dude decides to activate his quirk as a last ditch attempt and becomes giant.
The heroes on the scene are Kamui Woods, Backdraft and Death Arms. 3 heroes for one purse snatcher seems a bit too much but whatever, Arms and Backdraft are seemingly on crowd control anyway.
The giant villain, because he's not just a criminal now he's classified as a villain due to having used his Quirk with criminal intent, fights Kamui Woods, or more specifically screams at him to "go away" and "leave him alone" as he gets whipped by tree branches.
Kamui Woods calls the Purse Snatcher "pure evil" for, and I quote, "Illegal Use of Abilities during rush hour, robbery and assault."
You know... Because he snatched a purse. And his attempt to escape authorities is currently causing a mild inconvenience on the civilians "downstairs."
Anyway, as this happens, Izuku is in a crowd of onlookers staring at the spectacle, caused by the road getting shit due to the fight. People express various emotions from annoyance to awe at the fight, and it symbolises that this is normal shit for them.
Izuku nerds out over the fight at the heroes, and some random guy in the crowd comments on how he's taking notes on the fight, and wishes him good luck on becoming a hero.
This random man doesn't know of Izuku's condition as Quirkless.
Anyway, before Kamui Woods can trap the purse snatcher in his branches, Mt Lady, a 4th hero, shows up and kicks the villain. She also has a gigantification quirk, and her attack cause several property damages in the area.
Mt. Lady is awarded the glory of the arrest, while Kamui Woods is seen in the background sulking over having his victory stolen, as Izuku comments during the narration on how famous heroes have a guaranteed high government pay and the adoration of the public.
The scene ends with a close up of Mt. Lady wide, manic eyes as she basks in the adoration of her fans, as the Purse Snatcher, now normal sized, is covered in chains and muzzled for some fucking reason.
This scene could STRAIGHT UP be used in any deconstruction of the superhero genre as a allegory for how corrupt the system is, and is yet played completely straight, SOMEHOW.
Like... The dehumanisation of the criminal by the heroes, the excessive use of force, the fact all they care is seemingly fame and money, the crowds finding none of this weird as they cheer on in what is basically an active warzone, the fucking... Random dude supporting Izuku while not knowing his condition as a "Genetically Inferior Individual" while everyone else in his life but his mom belittles him for him...
This is a fucking deconstruction piece. This could have been played incredibly well simply by starting from here and working on it, Izuku trying to fight the prejudice over him being Quirkless by becoming a hero only to then realize that he can't change the systen from within, because at some point he becomes the "diversity hire," because capitalism in the 24th century being no different from the one in the 21th after all.
How about we get a little bit more on the purse snatcher too? Why did he end up committing one crime? How was his life changed from it? Dude has a mutation quirk too bring in the fact Mutation Quirk people are also discriminated against, bring in Quirk Marriages and all the other eugenic bullshit that goes on in the setting while you're at it, but FUCKING question it in a timely manner and organically through your MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER rather than having some random ass villain force society to change for the worst as the literal child soldiers getting trained in the nation top military academy try to keep the status quo in FUCKING place.
Otherwise we end up with the "bad guy has valid point, but bad guy kills people, so why should we follow him?" Except worse because all villains in BNHA who want to change the world in BNHA either want MORE of a Police State like Stain or want the fucking Mafia or some other big crime syndacate to rule a virtually unchanged society, so no one among neither heroes or villains is trying to offer the right fucking solution here.
And if they do, it'll probably be after 100 more chapters of stuff happening and it will be from out of fucking nowhere.
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four Part 13/? - Resolute Part 14/? - The Wreck Part 15/? - Body Snatchers Part 16/? - Out of the Frying Pan Part 17/? - A Miracle Part 18/? - A Matter of Circumstance Part 19/? - Nome Part 20/? - The Future Part 21/? - A Hero’s Welcome Part 22/? - Up to Speed Part 23/? - Expect Further Delays Part 24/? - The Welcome Wagon
This is where it all goes a bit pear-shaped.
Peggy did not like romantic novels. There was so much more to life and to happiness than who a person, man or woman, married, and if more people understood that, fewer women would marry useless arseholes. The very worst of the lot were the stories in which the heroine had to choose between two men… and so Peggy was especially annoyed to find herself living one for the second time.
It would have been more bearable, she thought, if it hadn’t been such a distraction. Jason and Daniel had been competing for her affections when she really should have been focusing on their problem with the Zero Matter and Agnes Cully. Now there was the question of Kay Lake and whether she were trustworthy, and the recapture of Dottie, and Steve’s sudden return and what Masters might try to do about it… and once again, Peggy had to worry instead about men. Bloody ridiculous.
At least for the moment she wasn’t given time to dwell on it. In the morning the entire group – herself, Kay, Steve, Howard, and Jason, with Masters leading the way – got on a chartered plane to head back to New York City. Peggy settled into her seat, wondering if any sort of record existed for how many times a person had flown across the continent in a month’s time. Perhaps TWA ought to offer some kind of reward for such things… discounts or something for those who made the trip often.
Kay sat down beside Peggy. Nobody questioned this. Everybody assumed the women would want to sit together. Steve, Howard, Jason, and Masters were four aisle seats further back, so they would all be able to talk to each other.
“So it didn’t go well last night, huh?” Kay asked. She buckled her seat belt, and it occurred to Peggy that must be what she’d been looking for in the car. Were drivers more reckless in the USSR, that they needed seat belts in their cars?
“It went about as well as could be expected,” Peggy replied. “I told him what I told Daniel, that I need some time to think and I don’t know how long that will be. And frankly,” she added, “I don’t think it’s a bit of your business.”
“No, probably not,” Kay admitted. “When I knew him Steve was very lonely. I kept trying to set him up with women I knew but he wasn’t interested in it. He did go out with your niece for a while.”
Peggy frowned. “I don’t have a niece,” she said. Her brother’s wife had given birth to a boy four months after Michael himself went MIA, but she had not yet remarried and any further children she might have would not be Peggy’s nieces and nephews.
“Sorry, your grand-niece,” Kay corrected herself. “Your nephew’s daughter.”
Michael Carter Jr was not quite five years old. The idea of him someday having adult children seemed very distant indeed.
Something about what Kay had said seemed a little odd. Peggy thought over it and recalled that Kay had said love is for children and called Steve a friend… now she described having tried to find him a partner other than herself. “You never had a date with him yourself?”
“Never,” Kay said firmly. “We were co-workers. It wouldn’t have ended well… I know that from experience,” she added with a grimace. “Anyway, I’m not exactly the ‘settle down on a farm with three kids and a dog’ type.”
“Neither am I,” Peggy said.
The plane rumbled into the sky. Kay kept her seat belt on the entire flight, except when she got up to use the washroom. She also claimed to be surprised by how nice the food was, as if Masters wouldn’t go out of his way to get the best gourmet fare in order to compete with Howard.
Arriving in Los Angeles, there’d been fanfare waiting for them, but it was nothing compared to what they saw as they landed at Newark that evening. The Empire State Building was lit up red, white, and blue, visible for miles around, and somebody had set out thousands of lights in the laws around the airport to form the letters WELCOME HOME CAP. The plane circled to give the passengers a better view of all this before landing, and taxied onto tarmac that was lit up like a football pitch.
There’d been dozens of people in LA. Here there must have been hundreds if not thousands who gathered around as the airstair was lowered. So many flashbulbs popped that it seemed like the entire crowd was glittering.
“You see that?” Masters asked Steve. “They’re here to see you, son.”
Steve nodded and forced his face into the fake smile he’d used to give crowds on his war bonds tours – Peggy remembered it all too well – and headed down the stairs. President Truman was at the bottom, waiting to shake his hand.
Howard got up next. “Jason,” he said, “and ladies – come on. They’re waiting for us, too.”
“We’re very much an afterthought,” Peggy told him, but she got up and grabbed her purse and hat, and she, too, smiled as they headed down the steps to catch up.
Masters was waiting at the bottom with a proud smile on his face, and Steve’s own smile certainly warmed into something more genuine when he remembered his friends were still with him.
“Mr. President,” he said, “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the people who brought me home. You probably know Howard Stark…”
“We sure do,” said Howard, shaking the president’s hand. “How’s it going, Harry?”
“Not bad,” Truman replied, with a nod to Steve. “Not too bad at all.”
“This is Dr. Jason Wilkes, who helped build and operate the ice-penetrating sonar,” Howard added.
“Mr. President,” said Jason.
“Dr. Wilkes. A pleasure,” Truman replied.
“And Agent Margaret Carter and Agent Katherine Lake, who found the crash site,” said Steve.
“Ladies,” the President smiled at them, and kissed each of their hands.
At the front of the crowd, Peggy caught sight of Thompson and several other SSR men. That was a bit of a surprise. Dottie had already escaped from under his nose once, followed by Kay. She would have thought he’d be unwilling to let his prisoner out of his sight. And was that Agent Russel behind him? Peggy would have to ask what was going on.
President Truman stepped up to a podium and began giving a speech with Steve standing awkwardly at his side, while secret service men came to escort the rest of the group to cars. Peggy had no idea where they were going but assumed it would be to a hotel. They’d had a long day of travelling after all, and would have more people to meet tomorrow. Howard and Jason got in one car, while Peggy and Kay got in another.
Thompson came and got in with them. “Evening, ladies,” he said.
“Hello, Thompson,” said Peggy.
“Hi, Jack,” said Kay. “Did you miss me?”
Thompson didn’t answer. The driver started the car and headed out of the airport. The second car, with Howard and Jason, was right behind them until they reached Route 95. Peggy expected them to turn north in order to go to Manhattan, but instead they kept going onto Route 100. The lights of the other car did not follow.
“Excuse me,” Peggy began.
“Dottie’s been talking,” said Thompson.
Peggy froze.
“What did she say?” she asked.
“She said quite a bit,” Thompson replied, taking a set of handcuffs out of his jacket. “You let an enemy of the state out of prison, Marge. Twice. I’m placing you under arrest for treason. You…”
Kay moved as fast as a striking snake. Before anybody had time to blink, she had the handcuffs out of Thompson’s hand and the chain across his neck, ready to strangle him with it.
“Stop the car,” she ordered, “or I’ll crush his windpipe!”
“Keep going!” Thompson countered. “They can’t jump out if we’re moving!” He made a strangled sound as Kay tightened the cuffs.
“You were saying?” she hissed.
Peggy thought fast… she knew that Masters had been Thompson’s mentor and the two of them were probably in constant communication. Masters therefore knew that Thompson had been planning to arrest her. No wonder he’d been so pleased to let her and Kay come along with Steve to New York! But she had a choice to make now. She could let Thompson arrest her and take her chances in court. Certainly Steve would be a hell of a character witness but Dottie’s testimony would be incredibly damaging, and there was the small, inconvenient fact that Peggy had actually done what she was being accused of.
Or she could flee and become a wanted fugitive in the country she’d worked so hard to protect. That wasn’t a good option either.
“Kay,” she said. “Let him go.”
“You can’t go to prison,” Kay told her. “You’re too important.”
“You said you don’t know what the future is going to be anymore,” Peggy said. “All you’re doing right now is committing another crime.”
“I want to keep the good parts of the future,” said Kay.
“Me being a criminal is not a good future,” Peggy told her.
“I agree,” Kay said. She opened the car door and threw Thompson out. By the light of the streetlamps Peggy could see him tumble limply into a ditch. The driver cried out in surprise and began to slow down. Horns blared all around them.
“What are you doing?” Peggy demanded.
“Well, you’re apparently just going to sit there!” Kay told her. She climbed into the front seat and hit the man on the passenger’s side with the handcuffs. He wobbled, and Kay kicked the door open to let him fall out onto the pavement.
No wonder she thought cars needed seatbelts.
A few more seconds, and the driver was out of the vehicle, too. Kay settled herself in the seat and took the next exit. Peggy climbed up into the front seat next to her.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“South into New Jersey. I know some places there we might be able to hide… assuming they’ve been built yet,” Kay replied.
“You realize we’re now in ten times more trouble than we already were,” Peggy pointed out.
“What were you going to do, just let him lock you up?” Kay demanded.
“I would certainly have tried to get out of it legitimately before I resorted to breaking any more laws!” Peggy replied. Her eyes went to the door. Could she just jump out, like the men had been thrown? That seemed like a terrible idea, but it might be her only option. “What are you planning to do now?”
“I don’t know,” Kay replied. “None of this was part of my plan. I’ll think of something!”
“I can hardly wait to see what it is!” Peggy snapped.
Kay found her way from road to road and eventually seemed to settle on heading south, back into New Jersey. They passed through Newark, avoiding the airport this time, and headed through the series of small towns beyond. Peggy thought some more about jumping out of the car, but did not get so far as actually doing it. If she did, Kay would come after her… and she had much more faith in her own ability to avoid the SSR than to escape this implacable woman.
While Peggy sat sullenly in the passenger’s seat, Kay kept her eyes on the road, driving in silence. Occasionally the two would glance at each other, trying to assess what the other was thinking, and catch each other’s eye, but then they would quickly look away again. Forest began to roll by outside, as the two of them sat in uneasy silence.
“I shouldn’t have come with you to Canada,” Kay said finally. “I should have stayed in New York. Then I would have gotten to talk to Barynova before anybody else did. That was my original plan.”
“You should have,” Peggy agreed. “Why did you change your mind?”
“Because I knew you were going, and I wanted to be there,” said Kay. “That’s it, honestly. I wanted to be there when he woke up, because then I would… then I would know I’d really done it. I knew he would have no idea who I was, but I wanted to be there. Which was a mistake.”
Was it? Peggy wasn’t sure. Kay was the only one who’d known that Steve was still alive. Howard had intended to ship him back to the United States still frozen for embalming. Masters had meant to cut him open for study before he was even fully thawed. Either way, if she’d stayed in New York, the likelihood was that they’d be burying Steve instead of introducing him to the president.
Not that anybody would ever know now.
They drove into the Pine Barrens, a wood that was spooky and uninhabited by daylight and far more so in the dark. Eventually, Kay pulled onto the side of the road and leaned on the steering wheel.
“It’s not here,” she said.
“What were you looking for?” Peggy wanted to know.
“An old bomb shelter,” Kay replied. “I thought it dated from World War II, but I guess not, because we should have passed it by now.”
“So what are you going to do?”
Kay leaned her head back on the car seat and rubbed her face. “I have no idea.”
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Eclipse Chap.3-Two Unlikely Heroes
So I took a bit of a break after finishing one of my other stories, A Royal Problem. A ton of personal stuff happened that just pushed my mental health down the rabbit hole and I needed a break from writing for a bit.
After some relaxing and such, I’m feeling better and back to updating.
Hope you enjoy this brand new chapter!!
Ever since what happened with Hat Kid, her ship was left abandoned. Everything was right where she left it, except all the lights were off. Two beams of purple light glowed as two figures teleported onto the ship. “What happened here?” A young boy asked. The figures looked around the ship, but couldn’t find Hat Kid in sight.
“I don’t know.” The girl asked. “Let’s just find Hat Kid and go.” The two kids looked around the dark spaceship hoping they could find Hat Kid or to switch on the power. As they searched the ship, one of the kids found the switch and tried to turn it on, but even when she did the lights didn’t turn back on. “Well, power is out.” She sighed. “Have you found Hat yet?”
The young boy shook his head as he tried knocking on the door. “Hat, it’s us! Let us in!” He yelled. The two kids looked around the dark spaceship hoping they could find Hat Kid or to switch on the power. Hearing there was no reply he shrugged at the girl.
The young girl groaned as she went over to the door to see if she could get a hold of Hat Kid herself. Just as she was walking towards the door she paused as she saw out the window. The young girl ran towards the window as her eyes widened at what she saw.
“Timmy. You gotta come see this.” The young girl said.
Timmy, the young boy walked over to the window and saw himself and gasped. The two kids looked at one another and nodded knowing Hat Kid is in trouble or caused the trouble.
Meanwhile, back in the cellar. Snatcher struggled to break free from his chains, but no luck. He kicked the wall in frustration and sighed.
“Didnt you forget that those chains kept you locked up tight.”
Snatcher gasped recognizing that voice. He turned to see Vanessa, back to normal in her beautiful green diamond dress, and her bright blonde, though a little messy blonde hair. She was chained up just like him. “V-Vanessa?”
“Yeah. Can’t believe you forgot about me. Your princess. Your one true love.” She groaned.
Snatcher growled. She still thinks he still loved her? “I forgot about you because of what you did to me!” He snapped back.
Vanessa scoffed. “What about what you did to me?” She replied. “You cheated on me with that…that flower girl!”
“I told you for the hundredth time I didn’t cheat on her! I bought flowers from her to give to you!” He yelled.
“That’s what they all say.” Vanessa mumbled.
Snatcher’s eyes widened as he heard what she said. “Excuse me!” He yelled.
“Well it’s true.”
Snatcher glared knowing that was the last straw in this argument. “Listen here you-“ soon the prince got interrupted hearing someone walking inside the manor. The royals went silent for a while until the noise died down. They both sighed, but this interruption caused Snatcher to calm down a bit.
It went silent in the cell again, until Vanessa struggled to get herself free from the chains using her ice powers, but no ice was forming on the chains. She then gave up and was already exhausted from trying to use her ice powers.
Not wanting her to force herself, Snatcher decided to try using his fire magic to see if he can free himself. “Don’t worry I’ve been arrested before. I’ll get us out of this.” He told her. Snatcher tried to see if his fire magic could free him, but no amount of fire was coming from his hands. Seeing he too had no magic he gave up himself. “What happened to our magic?”
“I don’t know? That brat of yours was the reason we’re locked up here and we’re magic-less!” Vanessa snapped. That yell was then replied with someone unlocking the door and the shadow of a child walking down stairs.
“Hey brat!” Vanessa shouted. “Mind telling us what you're doing?!” The queen wondered if this was Hat Kid just coming down to mock them. No one responded except for the footsteps coming down the stairs.
However, to the royal ex’s surprise it wasn’t Hat Kid, but two kids who Snatcher and Vanessa didn’t recognize. Also known as the kids who were on Hat Kid’s ship earlier.
The girl had dark skin and deep dark curly brown hair tied with a blue ribbon and round large dark blue glasses over her purple eyes. She wore a green sweater over a white blouse and a blue skirt with black boots.
The boy had blue markings over his face, purple eyes as well, and had black spiky hair. He wore an orange sweater over a white t-shirt, black jeans and red and white sneakers.
“Who are you?” Snatcher asked. He eyed the kids, and while they didn’t look like Hat Kid, he could sense that they knew her somehow.
“Hi I’m Bow and this is Timmy.” The girl introduced. As Timmy was introduced he waved back at the royals. “We’re here to look for Hat Kid. Have any idea what happened here?” She asked.
Snatcher sighed and glared knowing his instinct was right all along. “Look, the kid went rogue and locked us up in here, if you two know anything about where she is, or if you knew about this! You better explain-”
“We would like to know ourselves.” Timmy replied, cutting Snatcher off.
Snatcher blinked and loosened his glare. He remembered that Hat Kid turned against him, but these two kids didn’t know what happened to the kid. “While we were looking for Hat Kid, we saw the disaster that has befallen this planet.” Bow Kid started.
“W-what happened?” Vanessa asked.
Bow Kid didn’t reply and just pulled a key from her pockets. They key unlocked the chains and freed Snatcher and Vanessa from them. The two royals rubbed their hands finally free from the pain of the chains.
Snatcher then turned to Vanessa and was surprised to see her free as well. “Why save her?” He asked.
“We need you two.” Timmy replied.
“For what?”
“I think it’s best if we show you, ourselves.” With that said, Bow then teleported the four of them back on Hat Kid’s ship. Once back on Hat Kid’s ship Bow and Timmy pointed at the window to let Snatcher and Vanessa see to themselves what happened to the planet.
Snatcher and Vanessa walked towards the window and gasped at the sight of the planet. The entire planet was a faded grey with clouds covering most of the places like Subcon and Mafia Town.
“W-what happened to the planet?” Snatcher asked, seeing the once colorful planet becoming nothing but a dull monochrome planet.
“The Time Piece happened.” Timmy answered. Snatcher and Vanessa turned to the boy as they saw him and Bow carry a Time Piece, which was now faded. Snatcher’s eyes widened as he looked at the state the Time Piece was in.
Though it wasn’t too much of a surprise to Snatcher, a Time Piece did this to the planet. A couple months earlier, the kid’s former friend Mustache Girl used the Time Piece on the planet and it became a lava pit. Now Hat Kid did the same thing, only this time the planet looked grey and cloudy.
“Great.” Snatcher sighed seeing now the planet is put into danger again thanks to the Time Pieces.
Bow then continued on about the Time Piece. “From what we know, Hat Kid somehow drained the energy of the Time Piece causing the planet’s time to stop.”
“How does that happen?” Snatcher asked.
Bow sighed and shook her head. “That we don’t know. There’s a lot about Time Pieces other than breaking them, and using them for fuel for a spaceship.”
Snatcher sighed, as the guilt started to slowly catch up to him. He didn’t expect Hat Kid to turn evil and stop time on the planet. The entire incident played in his head as he remembered seeing Hat Kid crying, her running off, and the transformation Hat Kid went through.
Bow and Timmy looked at one another realizing that the prince knew something they didn’t know. “Mister?” Bow asked, catching Snatcher’s attention. “Do you know something about this?”
The prince wanted to keep quiet, and not say it was his fault. However, keeping this quiet would do more harm than good. “I do.” He replied.
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Bollywood is a big industry and has made marks on the international platform. Where it has given us movies like Mother India(1957) and Masaan(2015), which aims to empower women and uplift the perception of society, on the other hand, Bollywood is infamous when it comes to portraying of women in love stories. This initially became one of the Bollywood stereotypes.
A man(Indian) in Australia was arrested because he was accused of stalking two women. But in his defense, he said that he learned this from the Bollywood movies. The judge let him go, saying that what he did is part of their “culture”.
Traces of such influence can be found in many Bollywood movies. The song “Shehar Ki Ladki” from the movies Rakshak(1999) is evidence of such influence. Song lyrics impose the identity of a city girl. According to the lyrics, a city girl seduces with eyes contact, and make more physical contacts.
The visual shows that a city girl is fashionable, wear makeup, expensive clothes, and change their hairstyles every day. The city girl walks by herself to places like deserted roads, dark subways, railway tracks, construction sites, etc. Background dancers were inappropriately touching the actress throughout the video. The costume of the background dancers with the black helmet can be described as chain snatchers in the city.
But the irony is that the song was super hit when it was released and was played in the city cafes and bars. In a way, it became perspective of a mass toward the city girl.
Another song about an “Uptown Girl” was released in 1987 by Billy Joel. In his lyrics, instead of objectifying a city girl as a sex symbol, he aspires to date her.
In his lyrics:
“You know I can't afford to buy her pearls
But maybe someday when my ship comes in
She'll understand what kind of guy I've been
And then I'll win”
it is visible that a boy is fantasizing and knows his limits. Even visuals are calm and elegant, the women have the freedom to walk away or dance in the video.
My learning: For a very long time women have been objectified in the male dominant society. It took years to understand equality. Even though it is 2020, Bollywood still leaves such traces in the movies to ruin women’s image and become hinder in the way of transformation.
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The Tale of the
Alternate AU/Crossover Fic of Pokémon and A Hat In Time
Once upon a time, someone died.
Now, normally, this wouldn’t be a good beginning for a story; it’s usually the end.
‘Not so for the hero of our tale.
He lived(and yes, he was alive)in the early 19th century. He was an aristocrat in his own right; a talented lawyer, a person of great wealth and importance, and a handsome and agreeable fellow.
History does not remember his name because his ex-betrothed, Princess Vanessa of Circhester, erased it from the books.
Princess Vanessa, the Jewel of Old Circhester. She was said to sparkle and gleam her smiles. But the slightest disagreement with her would cut you sharply, in one way or another. He had tried to be patient with his love. He did everything she told him to. Only did she witness him taking the hand of another did she turn cold.
This of course was a misunderstanding; the tea lady was only giving him the earl grey he bought. It was for His Vanessa.
But his pleas fell on deaf ears. He was chained and left to rot in her castle’s old dungeon. She didn’t even touch the cup of earl grey he made for her...
...though, in this case, that was probably a good thing.
For he became the cup of earl grey.
His spirit was transformed into a ghost Pokémon; Sinistea. And he was not alone: his servants were literally freezing to death from the icy cold of Vanessa’s Froslass. It would appear that his “beloved” had decided that if she could not have him, no one could.

His newfound powers helped him call all the Sinistea to the basement, scared and confused. Their only hope for survival was to hide as teacups in a crate bound for Ballonlea...
...Time passed. Powers rose and fell. Cities grew, Dynamaxing was discovered, and the Champion Leon lost his title to the next generation.
And many years after THAT, the Sinistea were still living in Glimwood Forest.
Our hero remained with his servants, protecting them. Feeding them. He spent years pranking, scaring and stealing food and medicine from stupid travelers. A crafty mind, and the uncanny ability to talk like a human, he became something to be feared. He even inspired a myth that a tricky spirit in Glimwood made deals with victims for their souls, which is how he got his nickname: “The Snatcher”. It was never easy, but he made a good life of it and would’ve remained like this for the rest of his existence
until, one day, someone caught him.
The Snatcher was caught by a small child. A girl. With a Dive Ball. This was EMBARRASSING. He had always prided himself with being able to evade Pokéballs of all kinds, trainers of ALL types...
This quiet girl was known in Ballonlea as the Hat Kid, a nickname earned from the top hat she always wore. She was an orphan, and orphans in Ballonlea often find themselves under the care of the Pokémon who live in town, so she remained as yet another of the town’s mysteries.
The moment Snatcher was caught, the Hat Kid never seemed to leave him alone. All nice and sweet and stuff. Oh, he tried everything to get away; threats, bad remarks, vicious pranks. She would be annoyed by these antics, but she somehow still enjoyed Snatcher’s company and tried to make him feel at home.
She made curry and tea(“I’m a teacup! I can make my OWN tea. And better!”). She would give him a blanket to sleep on(“What part of ‘floating cup phantasm’ are you not getting here?”). She even caught all the original servants so they wouldn’t be separated(“I mean...okay, I guess. We’ll all suffer together...”). And to the Snatcher’s shock... she actually found his old teapot. It had been chipped over the years, but it was still a momento from happier times. The Hat Kid used it to evolve him into a Polteageist, the strongest he has ever been.

Snatcher...didn’t know how to feel about this. He spent centuries being a jerk, and now all of a sudden this Kid was being so nice to him. Why? What was her motivation? Did she know about him? Or was it as simple as being kind? He could only guess...
The Pokémon League Championship began again, and Hat Kid chose to start with her Polteageist. With his strength and her cunning, they made a great team(not that he would ever admit that). Her team grew in numbers, each with their own goal, and they proved to be formidable.
Eventually they came to Stow-on-Side and its Ghost Pokémon gym, run by the now ninety-five year old Allister. Hat Kid’s group pushed through, not even Snatcher’s own weakness to Ghost attacks held them back. There was one trainer in the gym however that seemed a little...off. But they already defeated her, so it didn’t matter.
Then the big match in the stadium. Allister vs. the Hat Kid. It was promising to be an intense battle.
At least...it would have been...if the trainer from earlier hadn’t stormed onto the pitch, angry at the Hat Kid.
Now that the Snatcher looked at this trainer...she looked familiar. The same blonde curls. The same choice of clothing. She even squared her jaw the same way.
She then loudly declared herself as the descendant of Princess Vanessa, and a lord Snatcher knew, of Old Circhester.
That’s when she attacked. With her Froslass.
“Oh no.”
The cold spread across the stadium. Everyone in the audience pushed and shoved to get to safety. Security tried to get to the pitch, but the clever girl sealed the entrances in frozen walls.
“H-Hey, stop it.”
The Froslass started to claw and scratch at Hat Kid on the woman’s command. Allister kept it back with his Gengar, but at the Froslass’s speed and evasiness, it could only do so much.
“I. Said. Stop. It.”
Hat Kid threw Pokéball after Pokéball at it, but while every Pokémon she had was determined to defeat the Froslass...
The woman commanded Ice Punch...
And the most extraordinary thing happened.
The Polteageist, in a spark of light, changed. Maybe he always could. Maybe he received this power at the spur of the moment, but it didn’t matter. He grew in strengh and size, ‘still attached to his teapot. His servants surrounded him, empowering their master. His entire visage became proud and terrifying.

He didn’t just Dynamax. He Gigantamaxed.
The Snatcher laughed, his voice now deeper and more menacing. The people who stuck around wondered if this was a bad sign...
“Ohoho...this is going to be FUN.”
Using his three turns wisely, he made the woman’s punishment as excruciating as he legally could. He sunk her in shadows. He cackled in her ear. And to top it all off, the Polteageist and his servants unleashed one more attack on the Froslass; G-Max Expire. Even if the Pokémon survived the blazing, multicolored flames, it would have found itself to be deeply poisoned from the tea that burned within it.
And just like that, the battle was over. The woman was arrested for attempted murder. The ice was melted away. And the Sinistea immediately crowded around the tiny human upon changing back, checking for injuries. The Polteageist...gave her some tea, the ultimate sign of trust between a Polteageist and its trainer.

From that day forward, things became different for Hat Kid and the Snatcher.
Now, Allister knew Ghost Pokémon. A good Ghost Pokémon was a friend for eternity(sometimes literally). He could see the kind of bond the girl had with hers.
So Allister made an offer; instead of trying to become the regional champion, she could stay in Stow-on-Side and become his eventual successor. The Hat Kid and her Pokémon could live with him, and he could teach her all he knew about Ghost Pokémon.
The deal was sealed with a hug.
True to his word, the girl was given a home. And years later she took his place as Stow-on-Side’s Gym Leader, with Snatcher at her back. Quite literally, his teapot is often carried on her back. He is often accompanying Hat Kid, speaking on her behalf and acting as the “other gym leader”. Though he complains(and he complains very often), she can see that he’s happy. And that makes her happy.
#au#ahit#ahit hat kid#a hat in time#snatcher#ahit snatcher#hat kid#pokemon#sword#shield#pokemonswordshield#pokemon swsh#pokemon sword and shield#polteageist#polteageist snatcher
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Video Shows Brave Delhi Cop Catching Chain Snatcher. Internet Is All Praise
Video Shows Brave Delhi Cop Catching Chain Snatcher. Internet Is All Praise
The heroics of the constable were captured on CCTV. A video of a brave Delhi Police constable catching a fleeing chain snatcher is going viral on social media. This arrest has helped the Delhi police get crucial tips in 11 pending cases on the basis of information gathered from the criminal, according to a tweet posted by them. The constable’s brave act prevented a woman from having her necklace…

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Video: Stopped By Cops, Man With Gun Enters School, Threatens Students
Video: Stopped By Cops, Man With Gun Enters School, Threatens Students
A video shows the alleged chain snatcher running away New Delhi: Intercepted by police, two alleged chain snatchers on bike were seen running on a Delhi street with a gun in hand, showed a video. They quickly threw off the helmets and ran through the streets to evade arrest, said police. A district chasing squad, formed to stop robbery and snatching, stopped the bike without a number plate, said…
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Three chain snatchers arrested, 50 sovereigns jewellery recovered
The Namakkal District Police arrested three chain snatchers and their accomplices and recovered about 50 sovereigns of gold jewellery from the accused from The Hindu - Home https://ift.tt/3CfapxU from Blogger https://ift.tt/30nooVm via IFTTT
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Chennai police arrest three youngsters including a juvenile, for chain snatching
Chennai police arrest three youngsters including a juvenile, for chain snatching
The accused were involved in several chain-snatching incidents in the city, police said The Chennai City Police have arrested three persons including a juvenile, for being involved in several chain-snatching incidents coming under the Chintadripet, Egmore and Triplicane police limits. The chain snatchers had also robbed a chain of more than four sovereigns from a woman head constable of…
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Telangana: Ex-teacher, farmer turn chain snatchers | | Live Newspaper Hyderabad
Telangana: Ex-teacher, farmer turn chain snatchers | | Live Newspaper Hyderabad
Representative image HYDERABAD: Two burglars, including a former teacher and a farmer from Rajasthan, were arrested on Tuesday for allegedly indulging in snatching offences. The accused confessed to have committed five snatching offences and Jawaharnagar police recovered stolen property in one case. The accused, Shiv Singh, 21, a native of Bharatpur district in Rajasthan worked as a private…

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Shudder Boasts its Biggest Horror Movie and TV Line-Up Ever in April
Shudder is pulling out all the shivery stops to commemorate the startling fact that we are exactly halfway to the most beloved date on any horror fan’s calendar, Halloween. Yes, that’s right, this month (April) is the six-month mark and the world’s scariest streaming outlet is celebrating with “Halfway to Halloween,” a massive slate of programming that begins on April 1 and continues throughout the rest of the month.
This is no April Fool’s joke (although we have some if you want). Shudder is rolling out a brand new batch of exclusive and/or original programming, including the second season of its acclaimed Creepshow series, the premiere of a new series of original short films called Deadhouse Dark, the highly anticipated sequel to its In Search of Darkness documentary, the return of The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs, and the 2021 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards.
But wait, the channel won’t let the first 30 of the next 180 days until Halloween pass without new movies to watch as well. In addition to thrilling new exclusives like Shudder original film The Banishing, Train to Busan: Peninsula and Boys from County Hell, brand new additions to the outlet’s ever-expanding international library include horror tales of both classic and recent vintage, including The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2, Night of the Lepus, Housebound, Attack of the Demons, Horror Express, The Stepfather and more.
If you’re blown away by all this and want more horror, the “Halfway to Halloween” Hotline is for you. Every Friday in April from 3pm-4pm ET, Shudder subscribers are invited to call director of programming Samuel Zimmerman to discuss all things horror, from their favorite films of all time to which horror releases they’re looking forward to this year. Based on what you tell him, Zimmerman will offer customized viewing recommendations from Shudder’s film collection — a personally curated film festival direct from a foremost expert in the field.
If you’re not a Shudder subscriber yet, the best part is that the streamer is offering a special discounted rate (50% off!) to first-timers who sign up before April 22. So hurry up and subscribe now…before Halloween is here for real.
Here are some of the highlights of Shudder’s original and exclusive programming for April:
Creepshow, Season 2 – Premieres April 1 (Shudder Original Series)
The acclaimed anthology series created by Greg Nicotero (The Walking Dead), based on the classic 1982 film from writer Stephen King and director George A. Romero, returns for a second season of scary and often hilarious tales of terror — a horror comic come to life. Monsters, murderers and supernatural apparitions will haunt a whole new slew of guest stars including Kevin Dillon, Josh McDermitt, Keith David, Molly Ringwald, Barbara Crampton, Justin Long and more, with new episodes premiering every Thursday.
The Power – Premieres April 8 (Shudder Exclusive Film)
In the tradition of classic British ghost stories comes this tale of terror set in London in the mid ‘70s. With the miners’ strikes resulting in electrical blackouts, a young nurse working a new job in a dilapidated hospital is plunged into darkness, and she’s pretty sure there’s a malevolent presence in there with her. Corinna Faith directs this Shudder exclusive starring Sanditon’s Rose Williams.
The Banishing – Premieres April 15 (Shudder Original Film)
British ghostliness abounds in this period haunted house movie which impressed critics when it screened at London’s FrightFest. Jessica Brown Findlay stars as a formerly “fallen” woman who moves into a sinister manor with her daughter and Vicar husband only to discover there are dark secrets within. John Lynch and Sean Harris provide strong support in this chiller from Triangle and Severance director Chris Smith.
The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs – Premieres April 16 (Shudder Original Series)
The world’s foremost expert on drive-in movies will be back for a third season of his wildly popular series, presenting horror double features as only he can pick them. Of course, Joe Bob will also give his thoughts on the films, their histories and their context and placement in horror movie history. Expect guests and other surprises too.
2021 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards – Premieres April 18 at 8pm ET/5pm PT (Exclusive Event)
Oscars: Schmoscars. The only awards horror hounds need are these top accolades from genre bible Fangoria. Shudder has partnered with Fango to stream this exclusive event which celebrates the greatest and goriest. Actor David Dastmalchian (Ant-Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp, and soon to be seen as Polka-Dot Man in The Suicide Squad) hosts the awards. This year’s nominees include The Invisible Man, Freaky, Relic, and Possessor.
In Search of Darkness: Part II – Premieres April 26 (Shudder Exclusive Documentary)
Shudder’s epic documentary on 1980s horror cinema, In Search of Darkness, was such a hit that a sequel was deemed necessary. This one — more than four hours in length like its predecessor — dives even deeper into a crucial decade in the history of the genre, featuring interviews with icons like Robert Englund (A Nightmare on Elm Street), Nancy Allen (Dressed to Kill), Linnea Quigley (The Return of the Living Dead), and special effects legend Tom Savini (Friday the 13th), along with many new and returning faces.
In addition to all its original and exclusive programming, Shudder is adding a slew of great horror films both vintage and recent to its already impressive library. Among the highlights are:
Night of the Lepus (1972) – April 1
One of those classic cult films so “bad” that it ends up being “good,” this shocker focuses on Arizona ranchers who are trying to curb a population explosion of wild rabbits and end up instead with a swarm of giant, man-eating bunnies. Stuart Whitman, Janet Leigh (Psycho) and DeForest Kelley (Star Trek’s Dr. McCoy) are all on hand to battle the carnivorous cottontails.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) – April 1
Leatherface and his twisted family are back in this delirious sequel that plays things more for laughs than the original, but is still as gloriously insane. Directed again by Tobe Hooper, this one finds the cannibalistic Sawyer family holed up in the grounds of an abandoned amusement park, where they torment anyone who comes within their reach.
The Val Lewton Collection – April 2
Producer Val Lewton was a master of psychological horror — where what was unseen was more frightening than anything else — and Shudder is now showing seven of his classic, highly influential films: Cat People (1942), I Walked With A Zombie (1943), The Leopard Man (1943), The Seventh Victim (1943), Curse of the Cat People (1944), The Body Snatcher (1945) and Isle of the Dead (1945).
Alex de la Iglesia Double Feature – April 12
The twisted Spanish genius behind HBO Max’s recent series 30 Coins brings two of his early classics to Shudder: The Day of the Beast (a.k.a. El día de la Bestia, 1995), in which a priest, TV psychic and death metal record store clerk battle Satan and stave off the Apocalypse, and Dance with the Devil (a.k.a. Perdita Durango, 1997), in which Rosie Perez and Javier Bardem are a degenerate couple who deal in human sacrifices, kidnapping, murder and fetus trafficking.
The Stepfather (1987) – April 19
Directed by Joseph Ruben (The Good Son) and written by famed crime novelist Donald Westlake, this cult classic thriller stars Terry O’Quinn (Lost’s John Locke) as a serial killer who infiltrates himself into families, murders them, then changes his identity before moving on to his next target. Only this time, his new stepdaughter is suspicious of just who “Jerry Blake” really is.
Housebound (2014) – April 19
Imagine being stuck at home for months on end… Ok but imagine being stuck inside at your family home with your mum who is convinced there’s a ghost living there with you. This New Zealand horror comedy sees a young woman on house arrest start to believe her superstitious mother might actually be onto something – it’s the perfect mix of funny and scary and is packed with surprises.
The Similars (2015) – April 26
Eight strangers trapped at a bus depot on a rainy night start experiencing a very odd phenomenon in this excellent Mexican sci-fi horror which plays like an extended episode of The Twilight Zone. It’s weird, existential and black and white and has a wicked sense of humour along with a feeling of mounting dread. A hidden gem and an absolute must-watch.
Horror Express (1972) – April 29
Horror legends Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing star along with Telly Savalas in this fast-moving, eerie sci-fi/horror hybrid in which rival scientists and a crazed Russian captain attempt to defeat an ancient, mind-absorbing alien aboard the Trans-Siberian Express. This Spanish gem is one of the more underrated, underseen classics of 1970s Eurohorror, with an original premise and great work from its iconic stars.
Here’s the full Shudder “Halfway to Halloween” lineup for April:
Creepshow, Season 2 – Premieres April 1, new episodes every Thursday (Shudder Original Series)
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula – Premieres April 1 (Shudder Exclusive Film)
The Power – Premieres April 8 (Shudder Exclusive Film)
The Banishing – Premieres April 15 (Shudder Original Film)
The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs – Premieres April 16, new episodes every Friday (Shudder Original Series)
2021 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards – Premieres April 18 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT (Exclusive Event)
Boys from County Hell – Premieres April 22 (Shudder Exclusive Film)
In Search of Darkness: Part II – Premieres April 26 (Shudder Exclusive Documentary)
Deadhouse Dark – Premieres April 29 (Shudder Original Series)
New film library additions:
Night of the Lepus (1972) – April 1
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) – April 1
The Haunting of Julia (1977) – April 1
The Val Lewton Collection (1942-1945) – April 2
Zombie for Sale (2019) – April 5
Don’t Panic (1988) – April 5
Alex de la Iglesia Double Feature (1995-1997) – April 12
The McPherson Tape (1989) – April 12
The Stepfather (1987) – April 19
The Conspiracy (2012) – April 19
Housebound (2014) – April 19
Thale (2012) – April 19
Attack of the Demons (2019) – April 26
The Similars (2015) – April 26
The Diabolical (2015) – April 26
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Horror Express (1972) – April 29
The post Shudder Boasts its Biggest Horror Movie and TV Line-Up Ever in April appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2PLJkQn
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