#patient portal solution
vozoehr · 10 months
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fidelmartin007 · 11 months
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surekhatech · 1 year
A digital patient onboarding platform can improve patient experience and healthcare business workflows. Check out our hospital and clinical trial digital transformation solutions for easy processes and effective data management.
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painehr022 · 2 years
Top 6 Areas To Concentrate While Using Pain Management EMR Systems
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It's difficult to locate good help. In case you haven't heard, we're in the midst of a period known as the Great Resignation. A large number of potential employees are re-evaluating their professions and the amount of time they spend working, with many electing to exit the workforce entirely. This development affects pain management emr systems as well. COVID-19, for example, is likely to be one of the driving forces behind this movement. Regardless of the cause, one thing is certain: staff turnover is costly. Here are six areas to concentrate on, as well as some suggestions for dealing with them.
1. Increase Salary and Benefit Packages to be More Competitive.
Sure, that seems like a no-brainer. However, the reality is that job satisfaction is strongly linked to money. Employees who feel well-cared-for while also benefiting monetarily are the happiest. If you don't pay your employees well, they'll go for a pain solutions company or hospital that does.
2. Express Gratitude
It's critical to recognise that your staff need praise and recognition. Let them know when they do a good job. Congratulate them when they finish a major project. Outside of your time learning their issues and praising their accomplishments, the best aspect about this leadership strategy toward  pain management emr systems is that it doesn't cost you anything to make your staff feel appreciated and respected.
3. Take into Account More Flexible Schedules and Paid Time Off.
Offer flexible work schedules if at all possible. Flexible work schedules make it easier for your employees to attain their ideal work-life balance, which is important for mental health, especially in a high-stress atmosphere. Employees should be encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and provided adequate time to do so. They'll be happier, and you'll be as well!
4. Provide a Path to Success
Showing staff a clear path to progress is another method to keep them interested. Employees may look for work elsewhere if they are stuck in one position for too long or aren't given opportunities to gain new abilities. Each role in your best pain management emr software should support the others.
5. Always Be Recruiting (ABR)
Discovering good talent, like finding a successful sports franchise, should not be a periodic process that occurs only when an employee leaves. You should continuously be on the lookout for methods to improve your team. Work with a reputable recruiter to ensure that your job postings are seen by the correct people.
6. Have Your Business Office Outsourced
Thinking beyond the box is sometimes the best way to address a problem. If it's difficult to keep or train good employees, outsourcing some or all of your non-core clinical duties might be the best option. To be clear, outsourcing ims patient portal does not imply a loss of control. Just keep in mind that finding the correct companion is crucial.
Employees change careers, find other jobs, become stay-at-home parents, start their own business, or opt to retire, so there will always be some turnover in your  pain management emr systems. Because turnover will never be totally eradicated, the best you can do is try to reduce it by creating a favourable work atmosphere that encourages employees to stay. For more info, visit Pain Management EHR!
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haleswallows · 3 months
Let's go, let's go, let's goooo! I had so much writing this one about Tim summoning Fright Knight. I hope you all enjoy it too.
Jason ugly-laughs. “Phantom is a gremlin. I watched him eat a pickle, banana and peanut butter sandwich. On wonder bread. I can't respect him.”
“Ghosts eat?” Dick mutters, barely noticeable as Phantom swipes repeatedly at Jason. The air around Fright Knight is exasperated and tired. So a regular thing with these two, Tim decides.
Phantom drapes himself over Jason's shoulders, floating and looking like an oversized cat.
“Can I tell the story? I want to tell the story, you snooze, you lose. Hi, Ghost King. I kept an eye on Jason during his sabbatical from having a heart rate. Lost track of him after the reality in this dimension shifted two inches to the left. Then a very angry Fright Knight brought him to the Keep, I can't disclose the next part because of doctor-patient confidentiality, Jason can share that if he likes. Once he was proper angry and not Pit Mad anymore, I yote him back.”
Tim has a headache. Damian doesn't look much better.
“He leaves out the part that every time he gets bored, he makes a portal and haunts my fridge,” Jason adds in a sour voice, expression matching. 
“All the food in the Keep reanimates and tries to unionize. Plus, you're the best cook I know.” The Ghost King wiggles. “Wait! Can I meet B? Pretty sure I met him for point-three seconds when he was stuck in a colonial timeline. No, can I meet Alfred?”
“Sure,” Tim says right when Jason shouts “fuck no!”
His brother opens his mouth, but Tim smoothly cuts Jason off. “They're going to have to help us home anyways. Our tech is all ghost-fried because Fright Knight went nuclear option. Damian and Dick can't grapnel.”
“I definitely can –.”
“Your shoulder is dislocated again. Pretty sure you can't.”
“Richard!” Damian wakes up a bit more, barking in concern.
“Anyways,” Tim soldiers on. “My nose is broken. Damian definitely needs looked at and possibly IV fluids. And Alfred is going to make angry eye-brows at Dick until he wears a sling. So, I vote Fright Knight calls for Nightmare and we head for the Cave.”
“A very astute solution,” Fright Knight intones when Jason shouts “fuck no!”
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tennessoui · 29 days
emerging from a fugue state just in time for wip wednesday
Vokara Che sits down across the desk from him with a pinched expression on her face. “I was under the impression that Master Kenobi called for this appointment, Master Skywalker.”
He did. Or, more precisely, his healing portal account did. Which Anakin accessed and then used to type out a missive in his master’s voice requesting to meet as soon as possible.
“Right, well,” Anakin says, shifting in his seat. “Something came up.”
Che does not look impressed. “Be that as it may,” she says delicately, “I am unable to discuss a patient’s medical history with a third party if the third party is neither present at the time nor has given me direct permission to do so.”
Anakin stares, feeling the first flickerings of real, dangerous fury well up in his gut. “But,” he says carefully. “He’s still sick. He, uh. Told me about it. And then we found a solution. To the problem.”
“The problem,” Che repeats, tilting her head and looking at Anakin as if she’s intent on studying him. 
“The hanahaki,” he spits. It’s a disgusting word. It’s one of the worst words he’s ever learned, and he can’t believe she’s making him say it. He can’t believe she’s being so—so cold when he’s telling her that Obi-Wan is still ill, that Obi-Wan is still dying, that Obi-Wan needs to be here to see her and he’s not. “Look,” he adds, leaning forward in his chair, “a few months ago a series of files were uploaded accidentally to my healing portal, but they were notes from one of Obi-Wan’s appointments. They were your notes from Obi-Wan’s visit. I know you know I know.”
Vokara Che looks at him and then looks down at the datapaad in front of her, lips thinned and lekku twitching. “I must apologize then,” she says, swiping through the files in front of her until she finds something that she lingers on. Her fingers dance across the screen of the datapaad, then it goes dark. “For the breach in ethicacy that you and Master Kenobi both experienced because of the Halls of Healing. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, Master Skywalker. All files that were incorrectly uploaded have been deleted from your healing portal.”
Anakin looks at her and bites his cheek hard enough to bleed so that he doesn’t start screaming instead.
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nym-wibbly · 15 days
A Bed of Thorns - the ending
I've answered a few Asks recently about the state, fate, and ending of my 12-year-old Belle/Rumple WIP, A Bed of Thorns.
I don't have it in me to admit that this thing defeated me (Once Upon a Time is all about not giving up hope, after all, so that would be silly) but I think it's time to put the ending out here for anyone who'd like the closure to find. It's not a huge secret. I've been sharing details of the ending and epilogue with anyone who asked privately since a couple of years into writing it, and I've never asked those people not to tell others.
As with all my works, anyone is welcome to snag my ideas and original characters for use in their own non-profit fanworks, so if my planned ending doesn't float your boat, by all means create your own! Of all my stories, I know that A Bed of Thorns was, is, and always will be so much bigger than myself. I lay claim to nothing but the words I've written. Even if I'm never able to complete it, the story lives in my head and heart, and the privilege of touching something once-in-a-fannish-career special still leaves me humbled (and more than a bit intimidated!)
Don't click the 'keep reading' if you don't want to know how the story ends!
Rumple eventually lets the Dark Curse (and Regina) go, trusting Belle to find a way to reunite them with Baelfire. A way that doesn't rack up the cosmic debt and devastate more lives. Belle finds the way, because there was always another way—multiple other ways to move between the Enchanted Forest and the Land Without Magic—Rumple just couldn't access those solutions by using dark magic, distrust, or dealing. And, having let Baelfire go all those years ago, he couldn't see the flaw in his approach until he had love in his life again. Magic bean, plot, then Rumple hesitates at the portal, afraid to go through and become powerless on the other side. Afraid it won't work. Afraid that Bae won't forgive him. Afraid he'll fail as a father again. Belle just holds out her hand and waits patiently for him—trusting him to make the right choice for Bae, not doubting for a moment that he will. She's so excited for the big adventure of this strange land without magic. They step together through the portal into Victorian London. In the brief epilogue Rumple and Belle finish up an anxious search by knocking on the Darlings' door, finding young Bae before he's taken to Neverland. Before it's too late for them to be a family.
If you love A Bed of Thorns even a fraction as much as I do - thank you.
Nym - September 2024
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freetobeeyouandme · 3 months
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Chapter 13: Will Sets Himself On Fire
In which Mike babysits a possessed Cleric, a monster throws a tantrum, and Will has a rather extreme solution to their problem. And, yes, the title may give you a hint already. It's great fun, and it's up on Ao3 now!
Tags: M, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Fantasy AU, Canon Typical Violence, Canon Typical Horror, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn
Mike Wheeler hates High School, so when he almost dies and falls through a portal to another world, he’s not going to complain. Especially not when that world does not only have swords and magic but seems to work exactly according to the rules of his favorite tabletop role-playing game. But his euphoria might be short lived because the party of adventurers he falls in with turns out to be the target of an evil god and the fate of the world might rest on their shoulders. So, exactly like his games of D&D. Except the wanna-be Paladin soon realizes that being a hero is much harder in real life than it is in-game. - Or, Mike gets isekai’d into a world where D&D is real.
An excerpt and taglist below the cut:
Will follows his every move, head tilted towards him so he can hear Mike’s steps better. He had gone still while Mike looked through his sketches, but as Mike comes back to life, so does the Cleric.
Had the others been gone long enough for them to be safe? Was any distance safe when Will, One, and the demo-monsters shared some kind of hivemind?
But then again, One hadn’t shown himself. Either he knew that the cabin must be deserted because they would not all stay behind with Will, or he didn’t know where they were because Mike was right about the nature of their connection.
Outside it is well and truly dark, and Mike feels the exhaustion of trying to stay up all night start to tug on his eyelids. So, when was safe?
In the end it is the madness that grew in his own silence like bacteria in a vat that makes the decision for him. He grabs some more bread and meat from his pack and steps close to Will.
“There is no point in attacking me,” he says. “I’m alone.”
He hopes that isn’t the wrong information to give the monster in control of his friend.
“I have food, if you’re hungry?”
Will sits still, facing Mike in the way the blind did, his head angled towards him but missing him by an inch.
Mike watches him patiently, waiting for either approval or denial, and perhaps most of all for violence. When Will just continues looking at him he drops the food on his chair and rounds the dragonborn. Whoever had fastened his gag had done a good job, because Mike can barely get it loose, and he has both of his hands free and can actually see what’s going on.
Will tests his jaw as the binding comes loose, but remains quiet. Mike tries to interpret that as a good sign. He isn’t sure that he could have stopped the Cleric from casting a spell if he’d started to recite one, but his silence is, if more unsettling, at least less dangerous.
Careful with his steps he rounds Will, grabbing the food where he’d deposited it. He holds up the bread first, gently tapping Will’s mouth to let him know where it is.
But Will doesn’t take a bite.
“I’ll gag you again if you don’t want to eat,” Mike says, although he knows it’s a weak threat.
The thing inside of Will regards him accordingly. When Mike retracts the bread, it says in a voice that sounds far too close to Will’s: “I will not speak to you. Where are my friends?”
“Our friends are gone,” Mike says, trying to put the food away without taking his eyes off his enemy. “I’m all you’ll get.”
“Left behind for your inadequacy, I’m sure.”
Mike squares his jaw, trying to not let the words get to him. He had suggested this. Will was right, but he had chosen this because he knew they’d be better off without him.
He wordlessly grabs the gag cloth and reaches for Will’s jaw, meaning to refasten it.
Will – or the thing inside of him – understands perfectly, though, and that is when untying it in the first place becomes a really bad idea: He can’t see, but the moment Mike’s fingers brush the scales on his face, he turns his face and snaps at him.
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added): @smalltownwheeler @wheelerpilled @wrong-energy @foodiewithdahoodie @doggozzy @gardenfairie @beelikesbirds @beverlysclown @yickarus @sourdough-el @hessolivagant @hesquietoday @oldfashionedmorphine @total-serene560 @bylersrise @hawkinsunderground @generalstorecashier @snixx @camel-casing @bylersbear01 @turningsoft @casatoan @maru-chu @mid13s @goldentrunks @bunnybylerfangirl @willbyersenthusiast @letterstomichelangelo @drowninginideas @fluffyfangirl @artsyna @absolutelynotyouidiot @bymarara @unknowmiau @are-you-reddie @elherself134 @longtallglasses @kennahjune @easilyentertained99 @bylerschapter @father-imperator @bylerina
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happyvoidpanda · 1 month
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Coordinates of Fate
Mobius sat in his small, dimly lit apartment, the silence pressing in around him. Strange’s proposition lingered in his mind like a shadow he couldn’t escape. The first few days after their encounter had been a blur of uncertainty. Every instinct told him to reach out to Loki directly, to hear from him if any of what Strange said was true—was Loki really in danger? Could this version of Strange even be trusted? Yet, every attempt to contact Loki had led to nothing but frustration. It was as if the connection they once shared had been severed, leaving Mobius grasping at echoes.
But as the days wore on, the pressure mounted. Time was slipping through his fingers, and Mobius knew it. Despite his misgivings about Strange, a gnawing doubt took root in his mind. What if Strange was right? What if Loki truly was in peril, and Mobius did nothing? The thought of losing Loki without even trying to help was unbearable.
Finally, after days of internal struggle, Mobius made his decision. He would reach out to Strange, and they would see this through—whatever “this” was.
With a deep breath, Mobius picked up the phone and dialed the number Strange had given him. It barely rang once before Strange’s calm, measured voice answered.
“Hello, Mobius. I’m glad you decided to call. I can come get you.”
Before Mobius could react or even contemplate hanging up, Strange appeared before him, stepping through a glowing portal that materialized out of thin air.
Mobius blinked, momentarily startled. “That was… fast,” he muttered.
Strange simply nodded, his expression unreadable. “We’ve already wasted enough time. Are we doing this or not?”
Mobius hesitated for only a moment before nodding. “We’re doing this. But I’m not going with you—I’ll use my TemPad.” He said, fearing where Strange might take him.
Strange raised an eyebrow but didn’t argue. “Fine. Whatever makes you comfortable. Let’s go.”
They arrived at the Sanctum Sanctorum, the enigmatic and arcane home of Doctor Strange. The building’s interior was a blend of mysticism and modernity, with dim lighting that cast long, flickering shadows across the ancient artifacts and books that filled the room. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and the faint hum of arcane energy seemed to vibrate through the very walls.
“Tea?” Strange offered, already moving towards the kitchen.
"Mobius, still feeling out of place, nodded. “Sure…?” His tone was hesitant, unsure of the proper etiquette in a place like this.
As Strange prepared the tea, Mobius took in the surroundings of the Sanctum. The walls were lined with shelves crammed full of books and scrolls written in languages he couldn’t even begin to decipher. Strange symbols and sigils adorned the walls, their meanings lost on him. The air itself seemed alive, pulsing with energy that Mobius could almost feel beneath his skin.
Strange returned with the tea, placing a cup in front of Mobius before sitting down across from him. “Tea: the answer to life’s mysteries and the solution to most existential crises.”
Mobius raised an eyebrow as he picked up his cup. “I thought that was coffee’s job.”
Strange smirked. “Coffee’s for waking up. Tea’s for figuring out why you bothered.”
Mobius chuckled, taking a sip. “So, tea is philosophy in a cup?”
Strange nodded sagely. “Exactly. It’s the liquid version of deep thoughts. Plus, it’s less jittery.”
A calm silence settled between them, but it didn’t last long. Strange opened his mouth to speak, but Mobius interrupted him. 'This is weird,' Mobius blurted out, his face a mixture of confusion and doubt. 'I’ve never done yoga, never meditated… I mean, can’t you just transport us to the center of the multiverse?
Strange smiled patiently, though there was a flicker of frustration in his eyes. “Mobius, we’re going to do this my way, and it’s going to work. Just listen to what I say, and I promise, you’ll be able to reach Loki from the comfort of that chair.”
The prospect of seeing Loki again filled Mobius with a mixture of hope and anxiety. He missed his friend more than he’d realized, and the idea of reconnecting with him was almost too much to hope for.
Strange’s expression grew serious. “But before we start, I need to warn you: the Loki you knew might not be the Loki you find.”
Mobius’s heart skipped a beat. “What do you mean?”
Strange leaned back, his tone more reflective. “Mobius, realigning timelines is something only gods can truly comprehend. But Loki… he’s gone beyond that. The Asgardians, despite their divine nature, are deeply connected to humanity. Their emotions, their struggles—they’re all very human, even if they possess godly powers. But Loki… he’s let go of all that.”
Mobius frowned, trying to piece it together. “Let go? Of what?”
“His ego, his superego… they’re gone,” Strange explained, his voice heavy with the weight of the revelation. “What’s left is his id.”
Mobius looked puzzled. “What’s the id?”
Strange took a deep breath, preparing to explain. “The id, Mobius, is the most primal part of our psyche. It’s pure instinct, driven by the need for immediate satisfaction. It operates entirely on the pleasure principle, without regard for consequences or morality. The ego and superego balance this out—the ego navigates reality, making decisions that consider consequences, while the superego is our moral compass, guiding us toward ideals and ethics. Loki’s ego and superego have been suppressed, possibly even erased. What’s left is his core essence—his id, driven by the most basic instinct to preserve the universe.”
Mobius felt a chill run down his spine. “And you know this because…?”
Strange hesitated. “Because I tried to reach him. I could sense his presence, his aura. But without his ego or superego, there was no way to communicate with him on a personal level. He’s too far removed, too focused on the fundamental forces that bind the multiverse.”
Mobius’s heart sank. “So I’m not needed then? If you can’t reach him, how can I?”
Strange quickly interjected, “No, Mobius. You don’t understand. You’re essential because of the connection you share with him. You and Loki… you’ve bonded in a way that transcends time and space. That’s why you’re the one who has to do this.”
Mobius looked down, conflicted. “And you think I can… what? Bring back his ego? Why me?”
Strange’s gaze softened. “Because, Mobius, your bond with Loki is unique. It’s something that goes beyond what I can explain. But you know it’s there. You can reach him in a way I can’t.”
Mobius sighed, feeling the weight of Strange’s words settle over him. He didn’t want to think about his connection with Loki, the emotions it stirred. “Let’s just get started,” he said, pushing those thoughts aside.
Strange nodded and handed Mobius a small amulet. It was a finely crafted piece, intricate and delicate, with a small three symbols etched into its surface. The metal was warm to the touch, and it seemed to pulse with a gentle energy, almost like a heartbeat. Mobius could feel its power, a connection to something far greater than himself.
“Hold this,” Strange instructed. “Close your eyes and focus on a core memory, something that defines you, something that makes you who you are. Hold on to that thought.”
Mobius sat down in the chair, the weight of the amulet resting in his hand. Strange stood nearby, watching him with an expression that was both expectant and cautious.
Mobius did as he was told, closing his eyes and gripping the amulet tightly. The memory that came to him was one of the first moments he felt truly connected to Loki. It was during a quiet moment in the TVA, long before the chaos that had unraveled their world. They had been sitting in the dimly lit archives, surrounded by endless files and forgotten timelines. Loki had been flipping through an old case file, his usual bravado stripped away, revealing a glimpse of vulnerability.
Mobius had looked at him then, really looked at him, and in this memory, it was the first time he saw beyond the trickster façade. He saw someone who, despite everything, was just as lost as he was. In that moment, they had shared a quiet understanding, a bond that transcended the madness around them. It was the first time Mobius had felt like he wasn’t alone in the TVA, that maybe, just maybe, there was someone who understood the weight of it all.
The warmth of the amulet seemed to intensify as Mobius held onto that memory, the connection he felt with Loki growing stronger in his mind. But after several moments, nothing happened. He opened his eyes, frustration clear on his face. “See? This is pointless.”
“No,” Strange said firmly. “It’s not. Keep trying. Do this for nine hours, and then we’ll see where we stand.”
Mobius was taken aback by the idea of spending nine hours in meditation, but he saw the resolve in Strange’s eyes. There was no room for argument. “Fine,” he muttered. “What’s nine hours, anyway?”
As Strange got up to leave, Mobius settled back into his chair, the amulet still clutched in his hand. The idea of waiting for nine hours was daunting, but he had already spent so much time waiting for Loki. What was a few more hours?
Mobius settled back into the chair, the weight of the amulet resting in his hand as he prepared himself for the long hours ahead. The ambient light from the symbols on the walls flickered, casting moving shadows around the room. The only sound was the quiet hum of arcane energy that seemed to pulse through the walls of the Sanctum Sanctorum.
As the minutes turned into hours, Mobius found himself slipping deeper into a meditative state. His breathing slowed, his mind quieted, and the room around him faded into the background. All that remained was the memory he clung to—the memory of that quiet moment with Loki in the TVA archives. The connection between them, fragile yet strong, was the thread he used to anchor himself.
Time lost meaning as Mobius drifted further into his memories, the amulet’s warmth becoming more pronounced, almost as if it were alive. The memory he focused on became more vivid, the details sharper. He could feel the weight of the old case files, smell the faint mustiness of the ancient records, and hear the rustle of paper as Loki flipped through the documents.
But then, the memory began to shift.
The scene changed subtly at first—Loki’s expression softened, the dim light of the TVA archives became warmer, more golden. The atmosphere around Mobius began to change as well, becoming less like a recollection and more like a dream. He felt a strange pull, as if something was drawing him further into this altered reality.
Suddenly, the walls of the archives began to dissolve, replaced by the vast emptiness of the void he had glimpsed before. But this time, he wasn’t just an observer—he was present, standing in the middle of the darkness. The warmth of the amulet flared, and before him, the shadowy figure of Loki began to take shape.
But this Loki was different.
Loki stood before him, his form both familiar and alien. His once sharp, confident features were now marked by an ethereal weariness. His skin had taken on a pale, almost translucent quality, as if the life force within him had been drained by the immense burden he carried. His eyes, which Mobius remembered as vibrant and full of cunning, were now dull, the spark of mischief replaced by a deep, sorrowful wisdom.
He was dressed in a cloak that seemed to be woven from the very fabric of the void—dark, endless, and heavy, as if it was pulling him down with the weight of countless worlds. His hair, once neatly slicked back, now hung loosely around his face, adding to the air of exhaustion that surrounded him. Yet despite the weariness in his eyes and the haggardness of his appearance, there was an undeniable power that emanated from him—a force that transcended mere godhood.
This was not the Loki Mobius had known—this was a being who had seen and endured far more than any mortal, or even god, should.
“Loki…” Mobius’s voice trembled as he stepped forward, the vast emptiness echoing with the sound of his voice.
Loki slowly lifted his head, his eyes meeting Mobius’s. There was a flicker of recognition, a momentary spark that cut through the weariness. But it was fleeting, like a candle struggling against a strong wind.
“Mobius,” Loki responded, his voice carrying a deep resonance, a sound that seemed to come from the very fabric of the universe. “Why have you come?”
Mobius could hear the weight behind Loki's words—a mix of sorrow, fatigue, and an undercurrent of something Mobius couldn't quite identify, perhaps an acceptance of the vastness of his existence. The words were not just spoken; they reverberated through the emptiness around them, resonating in Mobius's very bones.
Loki’s presence was overwhelming, a stark contrast to the god Mobius had befriended. The aura of superiority and charm that once defined Loki had been replaced by a gravity that pulled at Mobius, making it hard to breathe, hard to think. This was Loki, stripped down to his very essence—an ancient force bound by the cosmic truths he now embodied.
“Why have you come?” Loki repeated, his gaze searching Mobius’s face, as if trying to remember something lost to the ages.
Mobius swallowed, the words caught in his throat. He wanted to tell Loki everything—that he missed him, that the his world wasn’t the same without him, that he was afraid of what Strange had warned him about. But standing in front of this being, this entity that was both Loki and something far more, Mobius felt small and insignificant. What could he possibly say that mattered in the face of such power?
“I… I needed to see you,” Mobius finally managed, his voice barely above a whisper. “I needed to know if you were okay… if what Strange said was true.”
Loki’s eyes softened for a brief moment, the lines of weariness in his face deepening. “The truth, Mobius, is far more complex than you can imagine. I am beyond the struggles of men and gods now. What Strange sees… is but a fraction of what I’ve become.”
Mobius’s heart ached at the distance in Loki’s words. This wasn’t the mischievous god who had become his friend, but a being who had transcended the mortal and divine alike. Yet, Mobius couldn’t shake the hope that the Loki he knew was still in there, somewhere.
“Loki… you don’t have to do this alone,” Mobius said, desperation creeping into his voice. “You’re still you, aren’t you? You still care, don’t you?”
Loki closed his eyes, and for a moment, the vast emptiness around them seemed to close in, suffocating and eternal. When he opened his eyes again, they were filled with an ancient sorrow, as though he was bearing the weight of all the worlds he had seen and lost.
“Mobius,” Loki said quietly, “caring… is a luxury I can no longer afford.”
The words hit Mobius like a punch to the gut. He knew that Loki had always struggled with emotions, with trust, with the burden of his heritage. But to hear that he had let go of even that, that he had become something so far removed from the god Mobius had known, was almost too much to bear.
Yet, Mobius couldn’t give up. He refused to believe that the connection they had shared was gone.
“Loki,” Mobius whispered, stepping closer, his hand reaching out as if to touch him, “you’re not alone. You don’t have to be. Remember who you are. Remember us. Remember… me.”
Loki’s gaze flickered, the faintest trace of a smile ghosting across his lips before it faded into the darkness that surrounded him.
“I remember, Mobius,” Loki said softly, his voice barely audible, “but remembering… is not enough.”
As the scene around them began to waver, Mobius felt the pull of reality tugging at him, pulling him back toward the Sanctum. The void, the Loki before him, began to blur, fading into the shadows of his mind.
“Loki!” Mobius called out, his voice desperate. “Don’t go! Please, don’t leave me again!”
But it was too late. The darkness closed in, swallowing Loki’s figure until there was nothing left but the empty void. And then, with a jolt, Mobius was back in the Sanctum, the weight of the amulet still in his hand, the room around him quiet and unchanged. He gasped for air, as though he had been underwater. He felt something wet on his face and touched his ears, finding blood. Strange was immediately beside him, pressing a warm cloth to his ear.
“What happened?” Mobius asked, still disoriented.
Strange’s gaze was intense. “You tell me. You’ve been in a trance for two days. I didn’t expect you to connect so deeply on your first try.”
Mobius’s mind raced back to Loki. “Loki… he didn’t want help. He told me that he didn’t… care. He pushed me away.”
Strange frowned, considering this. “It’s possible you only saw a fragment of Loki, not the whole picture. Perhaps your own desires, your attachment, influenced what you saw. You need to approach this without expectations, without the need to get Loki back. Only then will you see him as he truly is.”
Mobius shook his head, the idea too painful to accept. “I want my friend back. I don’t care if it’s selfish.”
Strange sighed, understanding but firm. “Rest, Mobius. Think about what happened. We’ll try again when you’re ready.”
Mobius nodded, but the truth of it was hard to accept. He needed to be stronger, to let go of his desires and focus on the task at hand. “Rest,” Strange advised. “We’ll try again tomorrow.”
Mobius retreated to the guest room Strange had prepared for him. The bed was soft, but sleep eluded him as memories of Loki filled his mind. The next morning, he awoke with a renewed determination. He couldn’t give up now, not when so much was at stake.
During breakfast, Strange shared some unsettling news. “There have been anomalies, strange vibrations in the fabric of space-time. They could be linked to yesterday’s attempt… or they could be something more sinister.”
Mobius frowned, worry gnawing at him. “Who could be behind this?”
Strange hesitated, as if weighing his words carefully. “There are dark forces at play, something powerful, and far more dangerous than we anticipated.”
A chill ran down Mobius's spine. He had encountered powerful beings before—entities that threatened the very fabric of reality. But this felt different, more sinister. Something about it unsettled him deeply.
“Do you have any idea who or what it might be?” Mobius asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Strange shook his head, his expression grim. “Not yet. But whoever it is, they possess knowledge and power that can threaten the multiverse itself.”
Mobius nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility settle heavily on his shoulders. This wasn't just about finding Loki anymore. It was about something far greater—something that could tip the balance of reality.
They returned to the meditation chamber, and Mobius steeled himself for another attempt. This time, he knew he had to approach it differently. He had to let go of his personal desires and focus on something deeper—something that defined him beyond his relationship with Loki. The stakes were too high to allow anything to cloud his judgment.
As he closed his eyes and clutched the amulet, Mobius let his mind drift back to a memory he hadn’t thought of before. It was strange, unfamiliar, yet vivid—like a dream that slipped between the cracks of his consciousness. The memory created itself, weaving threads of moments and emotions that felt both alien and oddly comforting. It was a sunny day, and Mobius—back then just Don—was in his front yard, cleaning up after his kids. He was in his own world when he noticed someone approaching from down the street. The man was Loki, disheveled and visibly distressed, looking completely out of place in the quiet, picturesque neighborhood. Don straightened up, confused as to why this man was here. Loki, without preamble, began talking—his words rushed, filled with complex references to the multiverse, timelines, and cosmic events. It was all too much for Don, who could only stand there, baffled by the stranger’s frantic explanations.
But as Loki continued, the confusion gradually gave way to understanding. There was something in Loki’s eyes, a desperate need to be understood, to be believed. Don couldn’t explain it, but he felt an unspoken connection with this man—a bond that transcended words, time, and space. Despite not fully grasping the magnitude of what Loki was saying, Don felt compelled to listen, to be there for him.
As he focused on this memory, something began to shift. The scene around him started to change, the sunny yard becoming more vibrant, almost surreal. Loki’s voice echoed in the space, clear and resonant, as he tried to make Don understand the importance of his message.
But then, something unexpected happened. The memory didn’t end as it usually did. Instead, Loki turned to Mobius, his expression softening. “Mobius,” he said, his voice laced with both urgency and relief, “I’ve finally reached you.”
Mobius’s heart skipped a beat. “Loki,” he breathed, barely able to contain his emotions.
“Listen to me,” Loki continued, his tone serious. “I don’t have much time. I can see everything, Mobius—every universe, every timeline, every story. Yours, Sylvie’s, Thor’s… I see an end to it all.”
Loki pressed a piece of paper into Mobius’s hand. “These are the coordinates. You need to go there.” As Mobius looked down, the numbers seemed to burn themselves into his skin, etching the coordinates into his palm.
Mobius wanted to reach out, to touch Loki, to reassure him, but before he could act, the scene began to dissolve. The warmth of the amulet flared one last time as the memory slipped away, leaving Mobius alone in the void, the only remnants being the coordinates now etched into his hand.
Mobius opened his eyes slowly, his heart pounding in his chest, the sound echoing in his ears like a distant drum. He was back in the Sanctum Sanctorum, the ambient light from the mystical symbols casting a soft glow around the room. The transition from the dreamlike landscape where he had connected with Loki to the reality of Strange’s lair was jarring. For a moment, he wasn’t sure where he was—caught between the remnants of that ethereal connection and the physical world.
He became aware of something warm in his hand. Glancing down, he saw the coordinates etched into his skin, glowing faintly as if they had been branded there by magic. The sight of them brought everything rushing back—Loki’s voice, his touch, the weight of the mission now laid before him.
“Mobius,” Strange’s voice broke through the fog in his mind. He was standing beside him, his usually composed demeanor tinged with an undercurrent of urgency. His eyes were wide with anticipation, a rare display of concern for the sorcerer. “What happened? Did you make contact?”
As Mobius stared at the glowing symbols on his hand, something clicked in his mind. The patterns and numbers weren’t just random—they were coordinates, specific ones that could be entered into his TemPad. The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning, and he felt a surge of urgency and hope.
Strange’s eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and anticipation crossing his features. He leaned in to examine the coordinates closely, the numbers glowing faintly in the dim light of the room. “You did it,” Strange said, his voice tinged with both admiration and relief. “These are real coordinates. Mobius, you’ve found the way.”
Mobius felt the weight of the moment settle over him as he stared at the glowing coordinates on his hand. The significance of what had just transpired wasn’t lost on him. This was no mere dream or hallucination—this was Loki, reaching out across the vastness of the multiverse to guide him. The gravity of the situation was almost overwhelming, yet it also filled him with a renewed sense of purpose.
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fazedlight · 7 months
Gone (Alex & Kelly have a conversation after 6x01)
She’s your person.
The adrenaline had finally tapered off as Alex approached her front door, leaving the former agent adrift. All the energy surging through her during the fight with Lex was now gone. She was left sapped, exhausted, fearful. For all her bravado in the Fortress that they’d get Kara back, it was finally starting to sink in that… 
Maybe they wouldn’t. Maybe they couldn’t.
Alex’s mind mulled over the legacy crystal that Nia had tried to play, before Alex had shut it off. “We are bringing her home,” she had said. Kara wasn’t dead, and they weren’t giving up.
But honestly, she had expected a simple solution. Lena offered to move through with the transmat portal, but Brainy insisted that they needed now-erased coordinates. And now it seemed J’onn’s brother couldn’t help, and M’gann was trying to find a connection that could… the truth was starting to set in. This would not be a simple road.
She might never see her sister again.
Trembling, Alex retrieved her keys from her pocket, making her way inside her quiet apartment. What am I going to tell Kelly?, she asked herself for a second time, hearing the familiar shuffling of blankets from their bedroom, knowing that Kelly was likely winding down by reading in bed.
Alex hesitated, trying to take calming breaths, trying to work out the words when she still didn’t quite know what she was describing, when she didn’t even want to believe what she had seen with her own eyes. All she could think about was Kara, lost and alone, wandering a vast and dangerous landscape. Last time, she had her pod to shield her from the worst of the phantoms. This time…
Alex glanced up, watching as Kelly shuffled towards her, cozy in her robe. It never took Kelly long to notice when Alex was in distress, and Alex supposed today would be no different. “Alex?” Kelly said again. “Are you okay?”
“No,” Alex confessed, slowly sinking onto her couch behind her.
Kelly took a seat next to her, wrapping a comforting arm around Alex’s shoulder, squeezing gently. Alex let out a trembling sigh, realizing with some surprise that she was on the verge of tears. Amidst the pain came a small seed of gratefulness - that the woman next to her had become such a rock in her life.
Kelly didn’t demand - she gave Alex the space to process. But Alex knew she needed to give an answer. “There’s a lot I need to tell you,” Alex said, her voice wavering in a way she rarely allowed with people besides Kelly and her sister. “About Kara.”
She could feel Kelly tense up next to her, but Kelly didn’t press - patient as Alex took a deep breath. “She’s- she’s Supergirl.”
Kelly sighed, her embrace shifting as she began to soothingly rub Alex’s back. Alex glanced over, taking in Kelly’s expression. Noting Kelly’s patience, her worry. But she also noted something that was missing. “You’re not surprised.”
“No,” Kelly said. 
Alex’s eyes shifted between Kelly’s. “How did you know?”
Kelly smiled softly. “You rolled your eyes,” she said, getting another confused look from Alex. “Supergirl was giving an interview. I guess she said something you thought was goofy, and you rolled your eyes… the same way you do for your little sister.”
Alex laughed softly, her voice tense with held back tears. “I should’ve known you’d figure it out.”
Kelly gave Alex’s shoulder a squeeze. “Did something happen?” she asked gently.
The room blurred as Alex’s eyes filled with tears, no longer able to keep them at bay. “She’s trapped,” Alex finally confessed, her voice cracking. “She’s stuck in the phantom zone. She’s cold, Kelly. She’s alone. And I don’t know how we’ll get her back.”
Kelly scrambled to wrap Alex in her arms, as Alex collapsed into them, sobbing into her shoulder. It had been a day Kelly feared would come, ever since she figured out who Kara was. But she felt the tiniest bit of relief, too - she had feared that Kara would be dead. 
Kelly couldn’t see the future. But she knew Alex’s stubbornness, the team’s tenacity. They were going to get Kara back. And now, with the secrets out in the open, Kelly could help too - however she can. “She knows you’re fighting for her,” Kelly said, continuing to hold Alex tightly. “She knows you love her. And she knows you’re coming for her.”
Alex sobbed, clinging to Kelly’s arms as she cried. “We’ll get her back,” Alex vowed, growling through her tears, “We’ll get her back.”
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flurrys-creativity · 8 months
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Panacea - a solution for all problems
Pairing: Bang Chan (Skz) x Fem!Reader x Han Jisung (Skz) x Kim Seungmin (Skz); Genre: Fae AU, Romance, Smut, Angst; Rating: nsfw, MDNI, 18+; Warnings: Fae!Chan, Fae!Seungmin, Fae!Jisung, Human!Reader, being hunted/chased, usage of magic, supernatural powers, kissing, SMUT -> penetrative sex, unprotected sex, biting/marking, predator/prey dynamics, blood play, knife play, magic manipulation, magic play, masturbation, foursome, anal (f receiving), double penetration, manhandling, slight free use, creampie, multiple orgasms, oral (m and f receiving), slight overstimulation, suggestive flirting; Wordcount: 6.901
Collab: Thrill of the Hunt by @cultofdionysusnet (if you have time check out the others stories by all these fantastic writers)
Summary: As Chan teaches younger Fae the rules of The Hunt he had asked you to assist him. You willingly agreed but soon enough you questioned your choice as you got chased through the night by not one but two Fae.
A/N: This is the second entry for the collab! Due to some health issues (a.k.a my wrists were not functioning) it came out later than intended. Thanks to @sanjoongie for being so patient with me AND hyping me up as well as brainstorming when I got stuck! Also @potatomountain for some very intriguing ideas that got incorporated here as well! Also a slight warning: This might be intense for some.. so proceed with caution.
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Gentle shaking pulled you out of your slumber. You blinked several times before your eyes finally focused on someone crouching right before your bed.
“Aren’t you adorable, babygirl”, Chan chuckled softly as he tilted his head and looked at you expectantly. He waited a moment longer for you to wake up completely.
“Is it time?” You asked and rubbed over your eyes with the palm of your hand. You sat up on your bed and swung your legs over the edge, stretching your stiff limbs.
Chan nodded, his expression turning serious all of a sudden. “Almost. Do you want me to run you through everything once more?”
You hummed quietly and leaned forward, wrapping your arms around his neck - careful of his dark wings - and pressing yourself against his body for some comfort.
It was strange to think a Fae, who found you wandering through their realm after you got pulled through a portal, was the source of your comfort. Yet, you depended on Chan wholeheartedly - not even considering returning to your own world.
Chan chuckled again and wrapped his own, strong arms around your middle. He kissed your temple. “You’re way too good for me, babygirl.”
You shook your head and mumbled into his shoulder: “Am not.”
He pulled you closer against his body. “Oh, you are. You’re such a blessing. Especially for agreeing to help me teach these young Fae! I know I can trust you, so not having to resort to a human I don’t know is extremely helpful.” His hands wandered down your sides, caressing you ever so gently. “There’s just one downside to this.”
“There is?” You questioned him, a tinge of nervousness washing over your being.
“You won’t be with me all the time!”
You snorted and rubbed your face further into Chan’s body, trying to hide from his cheesy-ness. “But you’ll be with me all the time, won’t you?”
“Right. Okay, babygirl, let us go through this one last time. For my own sanity, yeah?” Chan gently pushed you away from his body, ignoring your soft whining. “Tell me what you’re supposed to do.”
You inhaled deeply and closed your eyes, searching for your memories of what Chan had told you. “I’m supposed to leave the town the second I step out of the door.”
“And then what?”
“Hide and sneak around to make it as hard for your students as possible.”
Chan snickered and patted your head. “Yeah, we wouldn’t want them to have it easy. Jisung and Seungmin are both from different courts though. Do you remember what that means?”
You sighed and pursed your lips, looking at Chan with an expression that told him he didn’t need to act like you were a dumb little child. You knew that each of the three courts had different approaches when it came to humans and The Hunt.
While the court - Latha - where Chan came from saw humans somewhat as equals and treated them with respect, the other two courts didn’t have the same standards. 
A shiver ran down your back when your memories travelled to the rare occasions where you met full fledged Fae from other courts. If you added the horror stories that got murmured around in the dark, you truly got nervous about the whole ordeal again.
“Could you mark me again?” You asked and looked hopeful towards Chan, batting your eyelashes and jutting your lower lip out to make your request especially appealing to him.
Chan tilted his head and brushed some hair away from your face. “I just marked you a while ago. You can still see it.” He glanced down at your throat - a thumb brushing over the healing bite mark. “Even if it was healed, the other Fae would know you belong to me.”
“Please”, you begged him and pressed yourself closer against his body. “It gives me a sense of safety even when I can’t see you.”
He chuckled softly and nosed along your jawline, whispering sweet nothings against your skin while his hands travelled along your body. 
You shivered again - this time from the anticipation of pleasure. You tilted your head to the side, giving Chan better access to your throat. Your chest moved up and down from your trembling breaths and you barely kept your eyes open to watch him.
“Aren’t you the sweetest little human for me”, Chan mumbled and pushed you down on the mattress again, crawling right over you until his strong body captured you beneath him. His black, feathery wings added to the feeling of being caged in, some of the feathers brushing along your bare legs.
One of Chan’s hands wandered between your legs, grabbing the flesh there and pushing your thighs apart so he could slot himself between them. He rolled his hips into yours, grinning mischievously upon hearing your needy whimpers.
You didn’t need to beg much for him, sensing he was just as eager to be inside you as you. 
Chan pushed his own clothes away and ripped at the sheets that covered half of your form. With a hard thrust he pushed inside of you, keeping a relentless pace while he fucked you.
You weren’t even able to breathe properly, gasping for air like a fish out of water. All your senses got consumed by Chan’s dominating presence and you easily submitted to him, willingly doing anything he wished for. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous”, he grunted out while kissing along your neck. Chan littered your sensitive skin with licks and kisses, wanting to soothe it from the oncoming pain. 
Chan kissed your skin one last time before he opened his mouth, revealing his teeth. They were sharper than a normal human’s teeth. Though that didn’t make the bite less painful - just easier for him to bite through your skin.
You groaned through clenched jaws, trying to focus on the pleasure surging inside of your body that formed a knot in your lower stomach. The tingles spread further through every nerve until it consumed you completely. With an outcry you came. You barely registered how Chan helped you through your high and came soon after as well.
“As much as I’d love to stay in bed with you and cuddle you until you can’t stand my presence, we have to move.” He sighed deeply and pushed himself up. His wings ruffled nervously behind him while he helped you up too and walked you over to a small washing basin. 
Once you were cleaned up and ready to leave, you opened the door to Chan’s home. You stood on the threshold and looked outside, your heart clenching painfully at the thought of leaving your only source of comfort for who knows how long. 
Chan stepped behind you and wrapped his strong arms around your form, pulling you against his chest and resting his chin on your shoulder. “There won’t be a second where you’re alone out there. I’m with you for every step of this adventure.”
You relaxed slightly, new determination settling inside your mind. You turned around in his hold and brushed your fingertips over his face with the softest smile. “I trust you nothing bad will happen to me. I know you’ll step in.”
Chan nodded along. His eyes implored yours yet again, trying to find a hint of discomfort in them but as you were set on helping him, he found none. With yet another sigh Chan kissed you one last time before he let you go.
You straightened your shoulders and followed the path, which led you out of town. At the first cross section you decided to head towards the forests, hoping underneath its canopy you’d find more than enough hidden spots when you had to rest.
You jumped in surprise when a large raven cawed above your head. Its shadow rushed over your figure as it circled you several times. 
You bit on your lower lip, trying to suppress the grin spreading on your face. “So he’s already shadowing me”, you mumbled before you picked up your pace again. 
Soon enough you vanished between the trees, following the path deeper into the thick forest until the sunshine nearly vanished completely. You turned around your own axis, making sure you’ve gone far enough, before you left the road and carefully moved through the bushes.
You dug underneath low hanging branches and climbed over protruding roots. Every now and then you saw Chan’s raven flying from one tree to another, its dark gleaming eyes intently following your every move.
The first night came and went by with nothing happening. Just like several more nights. 
And it made you nervous.
You knew you were being hunted but so far you hadn’t noticed any sign of your pursuers. Except for Chan’s raven, who followed you everywhere.
On your fifth day of running and hiding you finally approached a clearing in the middle of the forest. Before you tried to stay away from them, fearing you’d be easily spotted from the air but you needed something that only grew there.
With careful steps you walked closer to the sunlit area. Your eyes darted around nervously and your ears were strained beyond comparison, just to make sure you’d hear even the smallest sound. You looked around over and over again, halting every three steps until you finally reached a patch full of clover.
You leaned down in slow motion, eyes still darting around the area. Only when your hands touched the soft ground did your focus shift on the clover beneath you. Hurriedly you brushed your fingers through them, searching for a four-leaved one. 
Unbeknownst to you, you already got watched - not just from Chan’s raven.
Seungmin sat on top of a large branch of an nearing tree, using his glamour to merge with his surroundings. He actually had no interest in The Hunt nor in humans in general. It annoyed him being forced to learn the ways of The Hunt and participate in a mock one. Yet when he observed you, his interest peaked.
You cheered quietly and held a four-leaved clover up in the air, squinting your eyes against the bright sky. You hoped one would be enough for the trick Chan told you about. Ever so quietly you mumbled your thanks, knowing how peculiar Fae were about nature and how you interacted with it. You lowered your arm again and stared at the clover in your hand for a second longer before you squashed it between your fingers.
Seungmin stiffened, his eyes narrowing as he watched you rub the green paste across your eyelids now.
You blinked several times, getting used to the feeling of the smashed clover on your eyelids. Slowly you turned your head and took your surroundings in once more. Your eyes widened in surprise when you saw the dryads - half tree, half Fae watching you with great interest. 
While they meant no harm for you, it still felt unsettling knowing you’ve been running around the forest for days without having seen them before just now.
A movement at the corner of your vision caught your attention and your head snapped into the direction, seeing a Fae standing atop a tree and staring at you with narrowed eyes.
You jumped up without looking away, fearing the second you’d lose eye contact you’d be captured in an instant. Only when you reached the edge of the forest again, you turned on your heels and rushed away. While it was wishful thinking the thick canopy would keep the Fae away, you still hoped it helped your case.
Seungmin silently watched you disappear between the trees. He pursed his lips in amusement, thinking The Hunt - even a mock one - might be more interesting than he thought.
You ran until you couldn’t anymore, crashing down on the forest ground. Your body heaved for oxygen, trembling like a leaf in the wind. Your ears rang loudly and your mind felt fuzzy from the sudden exercise. 
With your last strength you pulled your body to a protruding root, half crawling underneath it in hopes of staying hidden until you regained some of your strength again. You breathed deeply and closed your eyes, trying to ignore the feeling of being watched. You wanted to tell yourself it was only Chan’s raven that watched you but the second you used the paste you just knew you felt more than one pair of eyes on your form.
Once you opened your eyes again a lot of time must have passed. The sun wasn’t up anymore - the limited light within the forest was gone now that it seemed to be the middle of the night. Even though there should be moonlight, it wasn’t strong enough to shine through the thick canopy.
To your surprise though you noticed a bluish glow to your side. You pushed yourself up into a crouching position, slowly looking over the large root you hid behind.
Your mouth formed a natural o upon seeing the blue glowing orb floating in the middle of the forest. You looked around, trying to see anything in the dark despite the orb.
At the back of your mind you remembered Chan calling them Devas. At least you thought them to be that since Will O’Wisps usually appear around water and not in the middle of forests. Either way these ethereal beings guided humans through dangerous areas, aiding them in need.
You finally stood up completely. While you still looked around warily, something inside of you begged you to follow the orb, hoping they would guide you to Chan who you missed dearly.
Whenever you came closer to the Devas they disappeared into thin air, only to reappear a little further down - naturally guiding you through the dark forest.
Soon enough you heard the soft splashing of water ahead of you. Getting closer to what seemed to be another clearing with a small creek running through it, you slowed down again. The Devas danced around the clearing, beckoning you to step out as well.
Yet, you stayed behind a tree. You scanned the area slowly. If it had been Chan guiding you there, he wouldn’t have hidden from your sight. A shiver ran down your spine as the fear of having run straight into a trap crawled over your skin.
“You don’t seem as dumb as I thought a human to be.”
You nearly yelped from the sudden voice behind you, if you hadn’t slapped your hand over your mouth. Your heart raced inside your ribcage and you turned around almost mechanically until your gaze met the shadowy figure of the same Fae from earlier.
“Still dumb”, he said - eyeing you from head to toe and back again - “but not as dumb as what I heard humans to be.” He gracefully walked around you, his gaze never leaving your form.
Somehow you felt naked under his watchful eyes despite wearing several layers of clothes. You pressed yourself against the bark of the tree. So far you couldn’t tell from which court this Fae was, making it difficult for you to calculate your next move.
“Why don’t we have a chat over something to drink?”
“I neither drink nor eat what a Fae offers me.”
His eyes widened in surprise, before he composed himself again with a chuckle. “Chan taught you well, I see.” He shook his head and stepped away from you, walking onto the clearing and into the moonlight. “Of course he wouldn’t make it easy for us.”
You watched him silently. His translucent wings were folded on his back, slightly shimmering in the blue light of the moon. He didn’t appear threatening and you wondered what exactly his goal was with him talking so casually.
“I assume you haven’t met Ji yet.” He turned back to you, his eyes taking in your reaction closely. “Otherwise you wouldn’t be that calm around me.”
“So you’re from Ciaradh.”
His eyes twinkled in delight before he bowed exaggeratingly. “You can call me Min. At your service.”
You narrowed your eyes and scoffed playfully. “If you’d truly be at my service you would have told me your whole name.”
He laughed out and placed his hands behind his back, tilting his head as he stared at you. “You know quite a lot about our species for a human.”
Feeling bold, you stepped out from behind the tree and followed the Fae onto the clearing. “I should be upset about you mocking my species but I do get why you’d think all humans would be horrendously stupid.” Your eyes widened momentarily as you thought back to your time amongst humans - the stupidity unfathomable.
Seungmin walked around you, his movements almost resembling steps of an intricate dance. He kept you talking, listening intently to every word you said. While you lacked the grace of a Fae you didn’t trample around the area like a newborn troll - much like lots of other humans had done before.
Even though he didn’t have much experience with humans, not until he had reached a specific age to get one on his own, Seungmin had observed them and the Fae responsible - mostly the Fae responsible, which made him question why they’d go through such a hassle of dealing with almost primitive beings.
You followed him further onto the clearing, unconsciously mindful where you stepped. Somehow you imitated his movements, joining him in the silent dance. Entranced by his hidden curiosity you forgot about The Hunt, your movements pulling you closer and closer towards him.
The Devas floated around the clearing themselves, making the situation even more dreamlike than it already felt. Your eyes searched his own, trying to figure out his intentions but to no avail.
“How did you end up in Chan’s care?” Seungmin asked, getting closer to you. If he’d outstretched his arms he’d be able to grab you and pull you in but the fact you willingly got closer yourself made his heart soar from excitement. He didn’t use a lot of magic, guessing you’d pick that up easily from having lived with Chan for quite some time, but he used enough to pull you further into his enchantment.
You laughed in embarrassment and turned your head away, trying to hide it from the Fae. “I wanted to be beautiful”, you sighed and shook your head from your own naivete. “There was a rumour about a stream in Scotland. If you’d keep your face under water for seven seconds you’d be graced with ethereal beauty from the Fae.”
Seungmin stopped in his movements, watching you silently as you turned back to him. A hidden sadness danced in your eyes. “I slipped when I wanted to try it and fell into the stream, getting pulled through a portal into your realm.”
“Why would you try it? You are beautiful.” You were close enough now for him to brush the back of his fingers over your heated skin. Seungmin noticed how your breath hitched but you didn’t make any attempts to bolt otherwise. Quite the opposite in fact - you leaned into his touch, even closing your eyes.
“Thank you”, you whispered almost inaudibly. “It’s nice to hear that.”
Seungmin cupped your cheek and moved your head until you properly faced him. “It sounds like you’re not believing me.”
You giggled softly and shook your head. “No, I do believe you. After all, a Fae can’t lie.”
Seungmin scoffed but failed to hide his own amusement, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. He leaned down to your face, his breath fanning over your skin. His eyes darted from yours down to your lips and back up again. 
Another few heartbeats passed until he finally pressed his soft lips against your own. Your eyes fluttered close as you melted into his touch. You felt one of his arms snake around your middle, keeping you stable while his hand still cupped your face and held you in place for him to explore the kiss.
You couldn’t indulge in the kiss as an earth shattering scream filled the clearing and a supernatural force pushed you away from Seungmin.
While Seungmin caught himself with the help of his wings, you stumbled backwards until you landed on your behind. Your eyes searched the area until they landed on a figure engulfed in shadows hovering above the clearing.
His wings - that resembled wings of a moth - slowly brought him down to the surface of the earth. With one last dramatic movement of his wings, he tugged them behind his back and glared at Seungmin. “I want a duel with you!”
Seungmin sighed deeply and crossed his arms in front of his chest, letting his head hang so his eyes got covered by strands of hair. “Ji, you know full well I never agree to duel you.”
As the two Fae argued with each other, the earlier enchantment on you slowly faded again and you realised the situation you found yourself in. You were still in the middle of The Hunt and right now you betrayed Chan by making it way too easy for both his students.
You scrambled back to your feet and dashed away from the Fae, ignoring the sense of deja vu overcoming you. 
The second Jisung noticed how you bolted, he dropped his argument with Seungmin and rushed past him, following you as quickly as possible. He had to fold his wings the second he reached the edge of the forest as well, not wanting to tear them apart on some of the low hanging branches.
You heard the maniac snickering close behind you and the sense of deja vu you had just a second ago vanished. With trepidation you realised what it meant to be hunted by a Fae of the Oidhche court. They hunted for pleasure, hunted for fun. Humans were nothing but playthings in their eyes.
The blood in your veins froze when you heard him sing-song behind you, calling out for you in a sickly sweet voice.
A scream tore its way through your lips as you lost your footing and rolled down a hill, dry leaves and twigs churning underneath your weight. You barely got on your knees when a cold hand grabbed your ankle and pulled you down again, pinning you under a body.
“Got you”, he breathed down your neck, making the small hairs stand on edge. 
You tried fighting his weight, writhing underneath him. All you needed to do was reach the iron ring you kept in your pouch, all you needed was a second of distraction for you to flee again, all you needed was to get away from him so you wouldn’t disappoint Chan.
At that moment you heard the caw of a raven nearby. Your desperation grew even more but when the weight of you shifted, it only did so to spin you around and on your back.
Jisung straddled you again, staring down at you with wide, crazy eyes. “You’re quite pretty for a human”, he whistled through his teeth. His eyes slowly raked over your body, he nodded appreciatively along what he saw. “I can get what Chan sees in you.”
You writhed underneath him again, trying to push him off but roots that seemingly appeared out of nowhere wrapped around your wrists and pinned them down above your head.
“Ah, ah, ah, little human. Don’t make me mad now.” Jisung laughed as he grabbed behind his back and pulled a blade into your view.
Your eyes widened and panic scorched through your whole body. “You can’t do that”, you whispered, feeling your heart pounding violently inside your chest. Your mind screamed for Chan, begged for him to appear and push this Fae off of you. Your mind begged for Chan to save you but nothing happened.
Jisung leaned down, whispering some unintelligible nonsense as his blade cut through your clothes and revealed more of your bare skin. 
“You can’t hurt me”, you tried again, fighting against your restraints and his weight. You stilled just as quickly as you tried to escape when he pressed the sharp edge of the blade against your chest.
“Who said I’d hurt you?” He tilted his head and looked at you, appearing almost innocent with his wide, dark eyes and puffy cheeks.
You ignored his question and glared at him. The thought of Chan coming to your rescue, fueling your spite. “I am marked. For I belong to Chan. So you can’t harm me unless you want to face his wrath.”
Jisung blinked several times, simply staring down at you. “I wonder which will get you killed faster - your loyalty or your stubbornness.”
You swallowed harshly, about to retort something when he pressed the blade into your skin. The sting of the cut made you hiss and your eyes widened from the shock he actually cut you. “You hurt me!”
“Did I?” He laughed crazily as he leaned down and licked over the thin cut on your skin, collecting the droplet of blood. 
A gasp escaped your lips. With horror you realised something else mixed with your shock, something more primal and needy.
Jisung noticed the shift in your eyes. His grin widened and he immediately ripped your clothes apart, leaving you completely bare beneath him.
Your breath hitched as the cool night air brushed over your exposed skin. You involuntarily trembled and your nipples hardened while your eyes followed his moves intently.
He traced invisible patterns along your skin, cutting you every now and then with a soft giggle. Jisung grew bolder upon hearing your needy whimpers, making deeper cuts that drew actual lines of blood.
You gasped from the pain but your back arched nonetheless, wanting to receive more. At the edge of your consciousness you heard the caw of the raven again. As you tilted your head to the side you noticed Chan standing there with wide eyes. You moaned from another cut on your skin and your eyes fluttered from the pleasure coursing inside of you.
Chan stopped in his movements. He saw his student cut you up and appeared to stop him from hurting you further. So it came with quite the surprise to hear you moan so lustfully in the middle of the woods. Chan swallowed loudly, feeling how his own length hardened inside his pants.
You opened your eyes again, seeing how Chan had pulled out his dick. He slowly pumped himself as he watched you from the sidelines. You bit on your lower lip, another wave of pleasure burning through your body. You wanted more, you wanted him to touch you too. “Please”, you begged breathlessly.
A chuckle from the other side caught your attention and you turned your head around, seeing Seungmin leaning against a tree just a few feet away from you. He watched you with a tilted head, smirking when your eyes met. “Guess I joined the party just in time.”
You couldn’t help yourself but moan at the thought of having three Fae pleasuring you at the same time.
“Is that the reason why you keep that human around?” Jisung trailed his knife down to your core, pressing the cool blade against your clit and watching you twitch helplessly from the stimulation. He glanced at Chan, who only looked at you, completely forgetting about his two students as he zoned in on your expression and exposed body. 
“It seems like there aren’t as many downsides to owning a human as I thought”, Seungmin hummed as he pushed himself from the tree and walked closer as well. “Could a mere human be the solution to all problems between the courts?”
You looked up at him, not entirely able to understand his words. Instead your focus moved to his extremely tight pants, letting you imagine the hard cock trapped in its confinements. 
Jisung’s eyes switched from Seungmin to Chan and then down to you. While he caught you and wanted to take you himself, a curiosity - sparked by Seungmin’s question - coursed through his mind. 
Would a human even be able to handle all of them at once?
He turned his attention to Seungmin, his eyes narrowed to a glare. “The one who cums first loses the duel.”
Seungmin raised one eyebrow, amusement playing all over his features. He curled his lips knowingly. “Deal.”
You watched him move his hands and murmur something under his breath. Magic circles appeared around your body, glowing mysteriously and lifting you up into the air - resulting in Jisung falling down on his behind and cursing at Seungmin.
Jisung quickly got back on his feet and stepped closer to you, just like Seungmin did. They didn’t entirely focus on your naked form, half glaring at each other and trying to figure out ways to best one another.
The tension thickened and you were sure you’d easily cut it with a knife. It heightened your senses and spiked your arousal. 
Ever so slowly you turned your head again, looking at Chan through half lidded eyes. He still stood on the same spot as before, silently jerking himself off. His movements appeared calculated, as if he tried to drag on his high. 
Your eyes were trained on his thick cock, noting how hard it looked, how the tip already leaked glistening pre cum and how Chan squeezed himself at the base before moving up again. A whine ripped out of your throat, feeling needy and impatient.
A sudden slap to your tit made you jolt in the air. Reluctantly you brought your attention back to the other two Fae. You struggled to see past the glowing circle around your middle but you felt their intense stares on your skin. 
Jisung pushed your legs apart, his eyes immediately drawn to your heat. He licked over his lips and raised the hand with the knife to your thigh. A groan escaped his throat when he saw you clench around nothing the second he drew the blade along your skin. “Fuck”, he breathed out, forcing himself to look at your face, “you’re really down bad for this.” He moved the blade to your clit and slapped it with small motions.
You barely heard his delighted laughter as your body involuntarily jerked from the sensation, making you all fuzzy inside your head. Air got stuck in your throat when you felt the cool tip of the knife protruding into your hole.
“If you hurt her, Chan will rip your head off”, Seungmin murmured towards Jisung. Despite his warning, he couldn’t help his own sensation of arousal coursing through his body. He palmed himself through his pants, watching for a moment longer.
“I covered the blade with a spell”, Jisung told him snarkily, pushing the knife further into you. “Unless I pull the magic away, this weapon won’t cut her.”
You clamped down around the blade, the coolness of the metal making your body react on its own. You arched your back and threw your head back, the desire consuming you whole.
Seungmin grunted something under his breath before he moved to your head. His hands gently caressed your skin, tweaking your nipple on their way down to your throat. He grabbed your neck with one hand, holding you in place.
Unable to move your head, you were forced to watch him undo his pants, pulling them away until his dick sprung free. He grabbed the base and shuffled in front of you until his cock perfectly aligned with your lips. Seungmin tapped against your mouth, smearing his precum all over your lips. He used some pressure on the base of your skull, forcing you to open your mouth.
You garbled around his shaft, involuntarily swallowing and choking on it in the process. Tears sprung to your eyes and you helplessly raised your hands to his thighs, searching for some sort of leverage. 
Despite your struggles, Seungmin continued to push his dick into your wet mouth, thrusting into you without a second thought. 
You tried to relax your jaw, tried to breathe shallowly through your nose. Still, you gagged every time he hit the back of your throat. Saliva and tears dripped down your face. Yet, you still wanted more - needed more. You clawed at his thighs, pulling him closer.
At the same time Jisung used the slick of your pussy to cover his fingers and length. He was about to pull his knife out, when Chan interrupted his movements.
You hadn’t even noticed how he had come closer to you. You barely even saw how he had grabbed onto Jisung’s wrist. “You can fuck any opening but her pussy”, Chan growled from deep within his chest, “that one belongs to only me.”
The lust and desire coming from him hit you like a tidal wave, making you whine for him even more.
Jisung huffed, trying to hide his pout but nodded nonetheless. While he knew Chan was from a court he himself considered as soft and weak, Jisung knew better than to fight Chan.
Therefore Jisung kept the knife inside your head and started to play around the rim of your ass.
You exhaled with a shiver upon feeling his fingers protrude, stretching you until he deemed it enough. You cried out around Seungmin’s dick when Jisung pushed his cock into your ass. The foreign feeling had you writhing before the pleasure hit you.
Chan grabbed one of your hands and moved it away from Seungmin’s thighs. He cupped your hand and wrapped it around his shaft, guiding your movements to jerk him off.
Both Jisung and Seungmin fucked into you with a relentless pace. They followed their needs up until they remembered the duel.
All of a sudden they pulled away from you at the same time, panting heavily and staring at your body with wide eyes. Their magic started to waver as they concentrated on keeping themselves from releasing.
Chan caught you before the magic circles holding you in the air vanished and with a flick of his wrist he threw the knife away into the dark before the protecting spell would disappear. “You’re doing so good, babygirl”, he whispered into your ear, cradling you to his body. Chan kissed your temple and wiped over your face with his thumbs. 
You whined softly and hid your face in the crook of his neck. You felt the knot inside your body - the tightness keeping you on edge. Your hands already found their way to Chan’s cock, wrapping the fingers around the shaft and pumping it eagerly.
“Always so needy”, Chan snickered and pressed you against his chest so you were unable to move at all. He turned his gaze to Jisung and Seungmin, silently noting they were still hard. “Your duel isn’t over yet. Not until there is a clear winner or the both of you agree on a truce.”
“I’ll never agree to that!” Jisung spat immediately, shooting daggers with his eyes towards the other Fae.
Seungmin sighed exasperatedly. “I do refuse to lose to such a hot headed fool.”
Chan nodded shortly, accepting their stances on the matter. He looked down at you, trying to hide his grin from your desperate wiggles in his hold. “Babygirl, we’re trying something new today.” 
With that he lowered himself on the ground, sitting cross legged with you on his lap. You tilted your head in curiosity, receiving one more kiss on the tip of your nose, before Chan grabbed your sides and turned you upside down.
You yelped out in surprise, followed by a short laugh. This position - with your legs over his shoulders, your pussy right in front of his face and your face aligned with his dick - was foreign and you felt how the blood slowly but surely moved to your head. 
“Tap my side twice if it becomes too much”, Chan instructed you.
His breath fanned over your wet folds, making you shiver in delight already. You couldn’t hold your desires back any longer, needing it to take over your body again. 
Chan cursed when your lips latched onto his dick, sucking him into your mouth. For a moment he relished in the feeling. He held you tightly, groaning from the sensation you gave him.
After a while Chan beckoned the other two Fae to step closer. “You can share her ass”, he told them matter of factly, “the pussy is still mine.” With that he latched his lips onto your clit, nibbling and sucking on the sensitive nub while pressing his big nose into your folds.
You moaned around his dick, your body jolting from the pleasure. For a second you stiffened as you felt fingers playing around the rim of your ass again, stretching your hole and pushing in and out off beat to each other. You could only imagine both Fae having their fingers inside of you, refusing to fuck you the same way like the other. 
“She’s loving this”, Chan grunted against your folds, “her body is crying out for more.”
You whined and desperately tried wiggling your ass, agreeing with Chan’s words. You were so close to your release but you needed an extra push now.
You gasped upon feeling both Fae pushing their dicks into your ass at the same time. They held onto your legs now, grunting as they descended down on you.
Jisung immediately started scratching your leg, marking it in dozens of red lines before starting his own rhythm to fuck your behind.
Seungmin’s pace contrasted with him. It was slower and with more intention. His hands caressed your skin, appearing almost like soft little tickles.
You gagged around Chan’s dick, the sensation of being so full - so filled with pleasure and brought to the edge so quickly - made you cum instantly. Your whole body spasmed while your vision blacked out. Your head spun, fuzzy and light, as if you were on the verge of passing out. 
The boys continued to fuck into you, getting you through your orgasm and continuing even afterwards. They ignored your garbled sounds and your whining, knowing if you truly wanted them to stop you’d tap Chan’s side - but you didn’t. 
You felt another high approaching from the way they used you for their own pleasure. You cried out again. The force of the second orgasm ripped through you like a tsunami.
This time the Faes came as well. The way your muscles squeezed them so tightly, neither of them could hold back.
Chan shot his load down your throat, cursing against your clit as he still held you tightly.
At the same time Jisung and Seungmin came inside your ass, shooting ropes and ropes of cum into you and painting your inside white.
Once they stepped back from you, Chan carefully turned you in his arms, holding you now in bridal style. He brushed strands of hair out of your face, admiring your fucked out form.
You hummed softly, focusing on simply breathing after such an intense orgasm. You felt how Jisung and Seungmin’s cum trickled out of your ass. You had your eyes closed, yet you felt the stares of all three Fae on your body. 
“You’re so beautiful”, Seungmin whispered and Han agreed with a hum.
“I can’t wait for a real Hunt with my own human now.”
Chan chuckled softly as he gently nosed along your throat and jaw. “You learned how to hunt and how to claim a human - in theory - since I won’t let anyone claim my baby girl.” He kissed your temple and then looked up at the two Fae. “What about your duel though?”
Seungmin and Jisung eyed each other - one even shrugging his shoulders. “Technically your human came first”, Seungmin mumbled, avoiding eye contact with Chan.
Jisung quickly agreed. “So your human lost the duel and that’s it.”
You scoffed and turned in Chan’s hold, moving away from his two students and hiding your face in his chest. “I didn’t even agree to join any duel”, you grumbled.
Chan caressed your hair and whispered a few praises into your ear. After a moment he dismissed Jisung and Seungmin, accepting their decision on the result. 
Technically he couldn’t care less about their little feud. The only thought on Chan’s mind was having you all to himself again after six painstakingly long days of not being near you at all. 
“You’re too good to be true.”
“Am not.”
“Yes, you are”, Chan chuckled and kissed your temple again. “Let me get you home and show you how good - no, how perfect - you actually are.”
You giggled softly and hit his chest. “You just want to fuck me again without your students present.” You turned in his hold and cupped his face. “I never thought you’d be the sharing type anyway.”
Chan’s eyes darkened. Without a warning he pushed three fingers into your cunt and cupped your clit, pressing down on it with his palm until you squirmed in his hold. “That needy pussy belongs to me”, he growled again, “I’ll never share that with another being.”
You cursed under your breath, the arousal crashing into you with full force again, as if it never left to begin with. You pictured Chan fucking you on the forest floor from behind like the needy bitch you felt like at the moment. But that image quickly changed when Chan spoke up again.
“Hold on tight, love.” He smirked down at you. “Flying might not be the only high you get on our way home.”
© all rights reserved
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​
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bogkeep · 25 days
for Months i have been stressing over stupid Bureaucracy Regret -
when i started school in sweden i figured i need to notify the system that i'm living there, so i did, and i acquired a swedish ID and all that jazz.
for two years this has seemed mostly superfluous - i think maybe it's been useful to get a proof of student ID because they don't give you those at school and you need to download an app that fills your inbox with advertisements and i hate it so bad - but this year i ran into trouble when i found out that Living Outside Of Norway is a bit problematic for Ongoing Medical Assessment In Norway (that i started over a year before moving to sweden). like it's fine as long as i DON'T get a job in sweden and DO get my student loans from norway, but they can't cover my travel cost to the hospital and getting my T gel prescription was a pain (and i can only get it in norwegian pharmacies unless i get a swedish doctor to sign off on a prescription in sweden), and i can't access most of the services in the healthcare portal or contact my GP without calling her clinic. so all of this is confusing and frustrating, right, and nobody at the gender clinic had any clue about any of this (despite telling me they have had patient studying abroad before) so they were gonna have a social worker who's supposed to have a clue call me to figure out a solution. turns out they had only a little more clue but not as many answers as i'd hoped, and together we came to the conclusion that i'll just change my legal address back to norway and things will be smooth sailing again. apparently most students going temporarily abroad just change their c/o address and not their legal permanent address and i did not know this! none of my fellow norwegian students seem to have done the same process as i so i'm just ignorant i guess!!!
AS IT TURNS OUT you can't just "move back to norway" that easily, WHICH MAKES SENSE I GUESS, so i decide to call the folk register directly to find out how and why and when, and even if i do have a home in norway i can't actually "move back" until i can prove i have reason to stay there for the next six months, which i'm not, because i'm studying in sweden. the service worker on the phone was very apologetic and told me i should've called before i registered moving so that i could've Known the Consequences, but i couldn't have known i needed to do that, AND it's a pain to call them through limited phone times and long queues. so basically i've been going through the five stages of grief and decided i'll just have to eat the travel costs (which has an extra element of frustration because i could've made it all just a little bit cheaper for myself if i had waited a couple more days at the time and coordinated better but DONE IS DONE, I'm already lucky somw acquaintances let me crash at their place and i didn't have to book a hotel) and deal with the frustrations as best i can before i move back to norway next year anyway. like it sucks but i will deal and i can't change the past and i did my best ET CETERA.
and then last week the office lady at school sent us an email that the powers that be now require all students to have a swedish id so if we don't have that already we need to get on that. so uh
after all that frustration and regret. i was gonna have to do all that anyway. now i'm watching my fellow norwegian students struggling with the paperwork runs while i don't have to do a single thing
nice ok
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fidelmartin007 · 1 year
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laxyaklovesloz · 4 months
DannyMay 2024 #27 Zombie AU
[Instead of receiving life-saving medicine, Chelsea becomes patient zero: a zombie. Eventually, the zombie apocalypse hits Amity Park.]
“Dad, a ghost shield won’t work against zombies,” Danny yelled across the room. “Zombies are like… the opposite of ghosts.”
“You’re right, Danno,” Jack yelled back while tinkering with the controls. “But with a few modifications, it should work.”
Danny threw up his hands in defeat and stalked out of the ops center. “I’m going to get the blasters ready.”
“You do that, son!”
At the bottom of the stairs, Danny met his mom.
“How are preparations going, sweetie?” Maddie asked.
“You’ll have to ask Dad,” Danny replied hotly. “He seems to think the ghost shield will work with some ‘modifications,’ whatever that means.”
“I’m sure the two of us can figure something out,” Maddie said. She was too calm for the situation at hand.”
“Mom,” Danny huffed, “do you realize what’s going on? Zombies are coming. A ghost shield isn’t going to help! We need blasters, and lots of them!”
“You and Jazz can handle the blasters for now,” Maddie said, just as calm. “Your dad and I will help after we figure out this shield.”
Danny suppressed a growl.
Seeing his expression, Maddie finally changed her tone. “We’ll be okay, Danny,” she said softly. “You know I love you, right?”
Danny sighed, “Yeah, I do.”
Maddie kissed his forehead. “Now, get to work. We don’t have a lot of time.”
The town was preparing for the oncoming zombies by building a barricade. The ghost shield was modified and expanded to cover the whole city despite Danny's hesitations. He hoped the barricade would help. At the very least, it would slow the zombies down. They weren’t very good at climbing.
There were only a handful of blasters to go around, so residents with guns volunteered to help. Some of them were a little too eager to shoot down zombies. It was like they were training for this very thing to happen. That group called themselves “Preppers.” There still weren’t enough to cover the whole barricade, though, so Danny knew he would have to help out.
He wondered if any ghosts would aid him. Skulker would be able to handle the zombies, but would he be willing to set aside his hatred for Danny? The same went for Ember and a lot of other ghosts. He didn’t have many allies in the Ghost Zone. Then he remembered Frostbite and the Far Frozeners. But they couldn’t fly, so how would he transport all of them through the portal?
Danny clutched his head in frustration, messing up his hair. It felt like all of the pressure was on him to figure out a solution. His mom and dad were in the ops center, still fiddling with the controls. Jazz entered the room and saw him sitting in frustration on the couch.
“What is it, Danny?” she asked.
“Mom and Dad are trying, but will it be enough?” Danny said, not looking up at her. “I just feel like I should go to the Ghost Zone and get some allies, but I don’t know who to ask.”
Jazz sat on the couch next to him and he leaned into her. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders in a comforting way.
“You don’t have to figure it all out on your own,” she said. “You have allies here. We’ll help you figure it out.”
“Alright, so who do you suggest?” Danny challenged.
Jazz took the question seriously. “What about Princess Dorathea?”
Danny brightened slightly. “I hadn’t thought of her. I’ll go talk to her now.”
Jazz smiled as she watched her brother leave the room.
“I’d be happy to help,” Princess Dorathea said to Danny’s question. “But you’ll need more than just me.”
“What about your subjects?” Danny asked desperately. “Can any of them help?”
Princess Dorathea shook her head. “I’m afraid they’re not the combat sort. May I suggest Lady Pandora?”
Danny perked up. “You think she’ll be willing to help?”
“It won’t hurt to try.”
Danny spent the afternoon gathering allies. Pandora agreed to help and offered her minotaurs as well. Danny found more ghosts than he thought possible willing to help him and his town. Eventually, he had an army to fight against the oncoming zombie hoards.
Then he came across Skulker. Or rather, Skulker came to him.
“I heard you’re battling zombies, whelp,” Skulker said. He appeared behind Danny, so Danny whipped around to face him, raising his arms to defend himself.
“What do you want,” Danny spat.
Surprisingly, Skulker held up his hands. “I want to hunt zombies,” he said… gleefully. Danny couldn’t believe his ears. “This is a prime opportunity for me!”
Danny put down his hands. “You’re… you’re serious?”
“Absolutely! And I’ll get others to join you as well.”
“What others?” Danny asked suspiciously.
“The ones you won’t ask yourself,” Skulker replied. “You know, Johnny 13, the Box Ghost, Ember, those kinds of people.”
“You’d do that for me?” Danny wondered.
“Not for you,” Skulker said. “For the hunt. I assume you’re outnumbered out there, else you wouldn’t be looking for help. I can grow your numbers.”
That was the strangest encounter Danny had ever… well… encountered.
The day came when the zombies appeared at the border of Amity Park. To Danny’s surprise, the ghost shield actually kept them out. He guessed he should call it the zombie shield now. He wondered what that would mean for ghosts. In his ghost form, he went up to the shield and tentatively held out his hand.
Nothing happened.
What a relief! Danny sighed and went to tell his troops the good news.
Then the battle began.
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pecanpiespie · 4 months
Team Fortress 2 is Sill Alive
I know I don't have much of a following, and for those not interested, I'll be as short as possible: Team Fortress 2, a beloved and timeless game, has been suffering for half a decade, overrun by hoards of hacking bots and dangerous bot hosters. Please help us in our campaign by signing this petition (save.tf) and spreading the word of our efforts.
I have played Team Fortress 2 since 2012. I witnessed the hype for Meet The Pyro and saw YouTube crash when it dropped. I watched Meat Vs. Match unfold. I was one of the first to the front lines when Gray Mann raised his metal army. I patiently waited between updates, even when those updates became fewer and farther between, until eventually year long silences between updates became the norm as the developers and programmers slowly fell out of love with their game. All content in recent years has been community made. There hasn't been a Smissmas or Scream Fortress comic in years, and their ongoing comic series has been all but abandoned. I still check their website at least once a month, hoping that maybe they'll quietly release that last comic, but I know all hope for that is lost.
I met the love of my life because of this game. I have made literal hundreds of friends and countless fond memories playing it, reading and writing fanfictions, admiring and making fan art. This community is the most compassionate that I have ever seen, especially for a game that is nearing it's 18th birthday.
But as with any other good thing, there are groups of people whose sole intent is to ruin it for everyone else.
I've watched this game slowly rot away for the past five+ years, and it kills me to see such a loved game be abandoned. I've never loved a game as much as I love Team Fortress 2, and DAMN IT, I AM LIVID with how Valve has treated this game. It is completely overrun by bots. Hacking bots that mic and chat spam, DDOS players, and in some cases even SWAT certain content creators. These bot hosters are vile, abusive, and dangerous. Their programmed demon spawn spew absolute FILTH on every casual server they join. Click this link for a more in-depth review of what Team Fortress 2 is facing.
At the start of this crisis, Valve pushed out an update that completely silenced its free-to-play playerbase. Not even built-in voice commands could be used anymore until these players made an in-game purchase, leaving them unable to strategize, communicate, ask for guidance from more experienced players, or even call for a Medic. It was such a vile "solution" and nothing more than a weak cash-grab. Valve had essentially created a way to profit off the very thing that has effectively destroyed their game, because these bot hosts PAID FOR PREMIUM ACCOUNTS to let their bots continue hacking, ear-raping, chat spamming, and DDOSing.
And 2 years ago, when the Team Fortress 2 community asked nicely for Valve to pay even the smallest amount of attention to this beloved game? Valve puts out one tweet, pushes a couple of small updates, and fades back into silence. That's when we made our fatal mistake. We were placated by the response, and Valve took that as a sign that the matter was taken care of. We were heard, but we were not listened to.
This time, we will not back down. We will not give up. We will not stop our digital march until Valve PROMISES to fix our beloved game, and FOLLOWS THAT PROMISE THROUGH.
I still love this game, but I am absolutely *sickened* by the way Valve has acted lately.
And now for something slightly different Still Alive (Portal end credits)
Rewritten to reflect the current state of Team Fortress 2 and Valve's reluctance to fix it. Portal and its theme song belong to Valve Software, this lyric rewrite is not intended to infringe copyright, it falls under fair use as parody.
This is just tragic I'm making a note here: Huge Unrest It's hard to overstate my disappointment Valve Software Game Devs: "We won't do our jobs Unless we must Updates aren't worth our time Until communities beg"
But this game's not dying We're just taking a break Until VAC is working And you fix your damned game Once the bots are all gone You'll return to being loved Because Team Fortress 2's STILL ALIVE
We're so very angry We're being so sincere right now All because you broke our hearts And killed us And tore us to pieces And threw every piece into a fire As they burned it hurt because We're all so pissed off at you
Now these bots and cheaters Will keep logging online They're harassing your players Yet you're saying it's fine So of course we're all mad Think of all the fun we had Way back when the game was Still Alive
Why did you leave us? We don't want this game we love to die Maybe we'll find someone else To help us You have to realize VAC is a joke! Ha. Ha. What bans?
This game could be really great If you would get off your ass
Look at us all begging Cause it's all we can do You say "we love this game And we know you do too" But you gave us empty words And your product barely works It's a wonder the game's Still Alive
And belive me we are Still Alive We are relentless; we are Still Alive We're disappointed; we are Still Alive You think we're dying; we are Still Alive Team Fortress 2 will remain Still Alive
Still Alive Still Alive
Want You Gone (retitled: Want Them Gone)
Well here we are again Never got your shit together Remember when you said you'd kill the bots? Oh how relieved we were Except you didn't kill them Under the circumstances we've been shockingly nice
TF2 has been ruined You're who we counted on The cheaters want this game dead Valve, we really want them gone
Counter Strike has them too And there are just as many Your greedy company ignores them, too One day the bots woke up And swore they'd stay forever It's such a shame to see Their threats may really come true
We have run out of patience You're who we counted on We won't accept your silence Valve, we really want them gone
Thank you for staying here Oh, did you think I meant Valve? That would be funny if it weren't so sad So much for those updates You promised to push out If you ignore us maybe We'll just get off your back
It's been a huge disaster You're who we're counting on You can still solve this problem Valve, we really want them gone
Valve, we really want them gone Valve, we really want them gone…
If you made it through all that text, thanks for sticking around. Please consider signing the petition, spreading the word, and helping us take our game back. Enough is enough.
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faizan2f · 16 days
Video Conferencing Software applications.
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All businesses have different priorities when it comes to their video conferencing software choice depending on their industry, size, budgets and key use cases. For some small businesses, cost is the primary consideration, while others put a premium on security, reliability and support — perks typically associated with enterprise-grade video conferencing solutions. Of course, many fall somewhere in the middle, making it all that more important to understand the differences among video conferencing software providers.
With seemingly endless options for video conferencing tools in today’s workplace, we at PeopleLink, want to make it easy to navigate potential vendors and choose the best free video conferencing for your unique needs.
Video Customer Support
Video Customer Support is a workflow application specially designed for websites where by just putting a simple JavaScript file, you can enable “Click to Video Call” button which will directly connect to sales representatives and agents at the backend. Read More
Prisoner Relative Interaction
V-Mulakat facilitates relatives of prisoners to have live audio-video chat with jail inmates while sitting in a chat room at a distantly located Common Service Center (CSC). Read More
Video Shopping Portal
Video shopping is a workflow application designed for highest video shopping experience. With this application, a user can go to the website of the store and browse for the product of choice. Read More
Video LMS Portal
Acumen not only complements the classroom, making way for more effective methods of learning, but also supports students’ learning outside the classroom. Read More
Patient-Doctor Portal
Pulse is a software that connects patients with doctors – facilitating round-the-clock appointment booking, onsite and remote consultations, and post-consultation support.
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Impactful & Real time Web audience engagement with PeopleLink Central Recording & Streaming Read More
API Engine
InstaCore is a software that integrates video technologies along with a set of useful modules that change how your organization interacts with itself and with others. Read More
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