#path of bank is more like it
aryamistwood · 4 months
So. I had heard that light was a good banking strategy, especially if you make different size stacks to have custom selling amounts. I thought I was doing pretty good getting about 2k light a day just by running around and doing the puzzles. Of course I'm still unlocking things on the paths, so I haven't been selling it. I stumbled upon this reddit post where people are sharing tips and tricks and my god??? GARDENING??? Can get you so much light??? And in turn, so many shillings???? And just in time for the Equestrian Festival???
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wttcsms · 3 months
full fledged concept coming soon but long story short: hallmark movie-esque concept ft. finance girlie that's going through it & heads back to her childhood hometown she's spent most of her life trying to run from x the boy she used to beef with all throughout high school who is now running a successful business - the onigiri shop that is the only place hiring in the general vicinity.
osamu miya x reader, childhood nemeses to awkward boss/employee to friends to lovers 🤭
general things to tackle in here: what happens when we prioritize what other people's perceptions of success is over what makes you feel happy and fulfilled, getting off on the wrong foot (and then continuing to have that same foot be the one in ur mouth) every time you interact with the person who's literally your soulmate, vanity is so overrated (you grapple with going from six figure salary corporate girlie to literal fast food cashier), realizing that "starting over" can be either the worst or the best thing to happen to you in life, don't be mean to the boy next door - he might grow up to be a super hot business owner... and your future employer
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nobodieshero-main · 3 months
breaking down the journey from arlet to the mahina woods into separate days to like. make it easier to write, and then had the very sad realisation that the closer they get to the woods the less keika will recognise ):
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cupofwater6 · 1 year
i dont think ewan will die anymore purely because marianne's actor wasn't listed in the returning cast and greg cannot have his shoved out of the nest for real moment if he won't have a single scene referencing his momma.
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lady-raziel · 3 months
idk man i know times are hard but i can't help but feel that watcher putting all their eggs in the basket that is their own streaming service is a bad call. like sure i totally get wanting a platform where you have full control both creatively and financially but i feel they might be misjudging how much loyalty non-hardcore fans might have for what they're creating. in every internet fandom there's a subsection of people willing to pay with actual money to support the creators they enjoy, and that's what services like patreon are for. but to expect that casual viewers will sign up and pay a monthly fee to get access to just watcher content when a large portion of them were likely just watching the content because it was free and accessible on youtube assumes that someone who isn't a diehard fan won't just go "oh well" and find something else on youtube that IS still free? that seems like a miscalculation to me. the massive fanbases online content creators have may literally be only possible because the content is available to anyone-- it seems foolish to assume that every single one of those fans is going to stick around once you try to upsell them.
i hope this new venture goes well for the watcher crew. I really do. but i also know that a lot of brands and startups that bank on the loyalty they earned when their product was free or low cost and expect that to sustain them while they try to do something that historically has not gone well for the vast majority of businesses. at best, they'll have halved their fanbase by alienating those who can't or don't want to pay and made it much more difficult for remaining fans to create fandom products like memes or gifs that promote their shows on social media. at worst, they'll discover in the near future the independent streaming service model is unsustainable with only the fans they have left and by that point they'll have already deleted themselves from youtube and made it impossible to come back to the level of success they had before. any attempt to return to youtube will be an admission of a critical miscalculation and i doubt many remaining fans will tolerate the back and forth. they'll have crippled their credibility, relevancy, and fanbase loyalty over a very short period of time-- and i don't know if it would even be possible to come back and still be beloved after all that.
worst of all-- if the watcher streaming service crashes and burns after they've already removed all their content from youtube, all the watcher shows are essentially going to become lost media, only accessible via reuploaders willing to risk a copy strike or if you know someone who has a copy downloaded. given how genuinely good the watcher content is in the sea of lackluster youtube mush, that really seems like a damn shame.
i hope the watcher team sees how everyone is responding and decides to course correct before it's too late and get away with only the hit to their reputation that they've already taken by announcing this, instead of pushing forward on a path that might lose them everything instead. nothing i've said here is with any hate intended toward anyone involved or those who are excited about the new service, but this just seems like a really ill-advised decision to me.
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ew-selfish-art · 8 months
Dpx Dc AU: Ectoplasm is required for Ghosts to be visible to the human eye- And Danny creates his own ectoplasm.
Danny is visiting Jazz in Gotham and its weird how friendly everyone is. Like, the city gets a really bad rapport, everywhere he goes there is someone trying to strike up a conversation or answer his questions about getting around to the tourist spots. A few people even pointed out restaurants and ways to find off the beaten path gems! Jazz seems to role her eyes at him, but when he brings up her 'roommate' being kind of cute she flat out laughs.
Danny then comes to understand the Jazz doesn't have a roommate and that Ghosts in Gotham don't move far from their haunts- He's just been inadvertently turning these undead folks visible by accident of generating abnormal amounts of ectoplasm.
Which, is comforting in a way, he's never walking this dangerous city alone and really, most of the ghosts have been really friendly! They disappear once he's a few blocks away from them anyway.
Tim Drake is having a horrible day.
He'd been given intel that one of Black Mask's guys was going to snitch but that he'd died before given the opportunity to reach out to the GCPD. He tracks down the guy's last know whereabouts and yikes. Its next to the Theater. Tim was often grateful for his childhood obsessions, this time it backfired.
Tim and Bruce get into an argument about trust and respect and, worst of all, mental health. And even though Tim was vehemently against Batman accompanying Red Robin to the alleyway - that's exactly what happens.
They arrive and Bruce is closing up faster than a clam in the contaminated Gotham Bay- Clearly being in the Alley bothers him. No fucking shit. RR gets started on collecting evidence, there are a few extra blood splatters and a single left shoe... When a kid walks into the Alley.
"Uh, sorry to intrude-" The kid looks scared shitless, and runs away. And then, all of a sudden, Batman and Robin aren't alone in the Alley.
Tim can hardly believe his eyes as the dead man appears and quickly blabs Black Mask's bank passwords and what the plan had been- and While he's over joyed to have that closure, he turns around to Batman weeping in the arms of his parents.
The ghosts fade, and the emotions are certainly charged as this was never something Bruce or Tim would have ever dreamed of happening. Ghosts in Gotham. Talking, floating, granting closure.
"RR, Bats, come in." Oracle calls into their ears.
"Reporting in, but, uh, we need a minute."
"A minute? We have a case on 4th and-"
"O, we just saw the ghosts of the Waynes. It's going to be a minute."
"...Lots of Ghost reports lately then. Any chance you saw a kid looking like he could be adopted?"
"Yeah, actually, black hair and blue eyes. He was super polite before he ran away."
"We have work to do. Oracle, lets prioritize finding our person of interest and divert Nightwing and Robin to the case on 4th." Batman cut between them on the comms and he sounded... calmer than either of them anticipated.
Jazz is no longer laughing when Batman appears at her door explaining that he's looking for Danny (Who already flew away from town to get a good night's sleep before class on Monday). Turns out Danny reunited the man with his dead parents just briefly- and then the second guy appears and mentions how Danny had also given a guy who'd been murdered by a Mob enough time to explain the ongoing threats the city faced.
Jazz just rolls her eyes and says that it's not like the ghosts are going anywhere anytime soon and Danny will visit in another month. When pressed, she just explains that her brother is a weirdo. No of course he doesn't have powers. Gaslight and Girlbosses her way out.
And Jazz thinks that the game is up for at least another month, obviously when Danny visits more shit will stir up, but then this new guy appears.
Unlike the other Bats who are keen on watching her from a distance, the Red Hood knocks on her door. Are her eyebrows all the way into her hairline when Red Hood asks her to send his thanks along to Danny because somehow this whole situation led to his Dad expressing remorse for his actions and apologizing? Yes, yes they are.
But Jazz can smell Dissertation Data off of these vigilantes- Who is she to send them away? Jazz welcomes Red Hood into her place for a cup of tea and a small chat.
The story then devolves into Jazz getting shit done, Danny being cute by proximity and also bringing ghosts to the party, and the Bats having trauma resolve between them.
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smutoperator · 24 days
Taming The Tiger
Kim Chaehyun x Male Reader
Tags: all things tits, ball sucking, begging, choking, creampie, degrading, dominant man, facefucking, mounting, multiple orgasms, nipple pinching, pantyless, parking lot quickie, pearly gates, public sex, ripping clothes, rough sex, screaming, sexting, slapping, tit fucking, tit groping, tit sucking
Word count: 4492.
It had been a while since you gathered on a Friday in front of the KBS building to see the idols headed to Music Bank. As Kep1er were having a comeback, their last as 9 members, they got the most attention, especially a red-haired white tiger flaunting the massive assets on her chest.
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Chaehyun smiled when she saw you. It had been nearly 9 months since you two crossed paths. She knew she had to act quickly and seize the opportunity. So, a few minutes later, your phone rang with a special notification.
"Wanna have fun with those tonight?" Chaehyun sent the message asking you, with two topless pics attached, one with her hands covering her big boobs and another with them fully on display. "Meet me at the parking lot after the show," you replied to her. "Sure," she said.
The hours passed by, and your anxiety only grew. You were very horny for that big-boobed little white tiger. You decided to take some coffee to not fall asleep and remained preserverant, waiting for Chaehyun.
Chaehyun finally arrived at your car, parked right at the KBS building parking lot exit. The windows were opened, but you weren't there. Maybe this wasn't meant to be the day. But she was about to get a surprise.
Seeing Chaehyun already at your car, you dropped the cup of coffee in your hand and slowly approached it, being careful for her not to spot you. Emerging from the same door as Chaehyun, you grabbed her from behind, right at their most coveted spot.
"Missed me?" she asked you, your left hand already on her boobs while your right hand covered her mouth. "Shhhhh," you told her. Although you had parked your car in a very private area of the parking lot, you didn't want to raise any concerns about getting spotted because you knew Chaehyun could be a very loud screamer if she wanted to.
"Shut the fuck up; I'm gonna take that pussy right here, ok?" you asked her. "Hmm hmmm," Chaehyun nodded as your hand covered her mouth. "Don't scream," you ordered her as you pulled her jeans down, satisfied with what you saw.
"You really came in prepared," you told her. "No panties whatsoever," you continued, spanking her ass and making her giggle. "Hmm, your butt isn't as big as Hikaru's or Yeseo's, but it's quite slappable," you told Chaehyun shortly after, giving her another spank.
You covered Chaehyun's mouth again and started running your hands over her already wet pussy. "Today you're going to do what I told you," you said. "Yes, baby," she said, but you couldn't hear much with her mouth covered.
Just a little massage in her pussy and you were good to go, taking your belt off as Chaehyun placed her right leg through the car's back window. "I'm gonna use this fucking pussy like a fleshlight," you told her, already sticking the tip of your cock inside it. Chaehyun moaned a bit as she covered her mouth with her arms this time not to make much noise.
Chaehyun gave you a big smile as you stuck your cock deeper inside her, letting out a louder moan shortly after. "Shhhhh, I told you not to be loud," you said. She gave you an apologetic stare, moaning silently this time. "This tight little fuckhole is perfect to get used," you told her as you started thrusting in and out of her pussy. She rested her head on the car's column, muffling her moans as best as she could, but not without a couple screams in between when you managed to hit her more sensitive spots.
"Oh My God, hmmmm," Chaehyun moaned and giggled as you found the rhythm to take on her tight pussy. Her out-of-breath moans were quite hot, and you praised her efforts to not let any sneaky stranger ruin your parking lot quickie with her. "Have you ever had the fantasy of having your pussy stretched out at the garage of a building?" you asked her. "No, but it feels so good, ahhh," she replied.
"AHHH. AHHHH. AHHHH. OHHHH. OHHHH. OHHHH." Chaehyun tried to contain her screams, but that didn't last long. It was in her natural instincts, and your cock was just too good for the little tiger. You had to pull out and massage her pussy a bit, but that only made her get louder, forcing you to place your hand in her mouth.
"Calm down with the screaming; I don't want KBS staff to see us," you told her, punishing Chaehyun for being a screaming whore as you now gave fast-paced pumps into her cunt. Her urge to scream was higher than ever, but your hands were there this time to prevent her from doing so. But even with them covering her mouth, she was still loud enough for her pleasurable moanings to be well heard.
It had been a few minutes, and you had yet to touch Chaehyun's most coveted assets. But you quickly fixed this, ripping her top apart and unveiling her bare milk trucks. "Oh yeah, OHHHHH," Chaehyun couldn't contain herself as you quickly groped her tits while still pumping her pussy hard. Her nipples were your preferred spot, as you soon find your rhythm to massage and pinch them at will.
"Ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh, AHHHH, AHHH," Chaehyun moans got louder as your hard thrusts meant her boobs were getting smashed against the car's column. Without pulling you, you took her right leg away from the car's back window, shoving her face down it instead. "If you're gonna be a screming bitch, better do it inside," you told her.
Chaehyun giggled as her boobs rested right against the cold surface of your car's backdoor. "There you go," you said as you pushed her body from the waist up inside the vehicle. "Oh my God," she said, and more prayers followed as you pounded her from behind nonstop while your hands gave her breasts the much-needed massage they deserved.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, fuck, fuck," Chaehyun said as you keep fucking her. "Get on your knees," you said, pulling her from the window as she obliged and went directly to suck your dick. You quickly tied her hands behind her back and started plowing her face. Chaehyun had to open her mouth to the fullest, as your cock was too thick for her little mouth, making her widen it and stick her tongue out.
"Bet you learned that stuff in your trips to Japan, cause you look like a human onahole." You paid attention to Chaehyun's tongue, not missing the opportunity to degrade her. "But now you're gonna show me what you really are: a human cow," you continued.
Chaehyun got the message as she pushed her saggy boobs up for you to stick your cock in between them. You titfucked Chaehyun much faster than you fucked her pussy, making her let out even more out-of-breath moans. "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah," Chaehyun reacted every time your throbbing tip emerged out of her massive honkers, spitting on it and licking it a few times. 
"You're having too much fun for my liking," you tell her, grabbing Chaehyun by her neck and pinning her against the car, going back inside her pussy. This time, you have no concerns about her screaming. As a matter of fact, the louder the better. 
"AHHHHH FUCKKKKK, OHHHHH SHITTTT, OH MY GOD, AHHHHHH, YESSSS," Chaehyun screams as you fuck her like a toy, ducking your head down to such her tits simultaneously to all the pounding you give her. "USE MY FUCKING PUSSY, AHHHH, AHHHH, AHHHH," she continues to yell, enjoying being stretched out like a fleshlight as her smile gets brighter than ever.
"AHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHH," Chaehyun moans and giggles as she creams all over your cock. "Now, let's go home," you tell her. It felt like much more, but you guys fucked for a little under 10 minutes in the parking lot.
Running vroom vroom vroom like a supersonic and racing around the streets of Seoul like you were in a grand prix, you quickly reached your home. Your cock is still throbbing as Chaehyun jerked it off all the way through it like her personal gearshift. As soon as you get to your room, you shove Chaehyun's tiny body right in your spatious bed, topping her and giving her multiple kisses in her mouth and tits.
Chaehyun's big boobs get the most of your attention as you place your head between them and grope them hard while kissing her nipples. Soon, you start acting like a baby sucking his mother dry as you plunge your mouth into her areolas, wondering how big they would look with her pregnant and lactating.
"Ahhh, yes." Chaehyun loves the attention you give to her big tits, giggling every time you touch them. "Hmmm, so you like that, little tiger?" you rhetorically ask her as you now slap her fun bags and then rip apart the remnants of her top, surprising her with a hard dive straight into her left breast.
You then strip yourself naked and go back inside her pussy, placing Chaehyun's legs over her head. Her tight cunt means you have to spit on it a couple times to get in, but once you do, you ravage it, paying extra attention to reach into her boobs and grope one as you let the other freely bounce with the impact of your thrusts deep inside her.
Chaehyun prays to God once more, but he won't listen to her. Her nipples are now getting pinched hard as you can't stop pounding her. "Yes, yes, yes," she screams. "Shut up, bitch," you punch back, slapping her face. She reacts laughing at you, making you go feral and choke her again, showing who the real boss is, increasing the pace you pump her pussy and enjoying how hard her tits bounce as you do so.
But Chaehyun is a cute little slut and loves getting choked, reaching down her pussy as she starts fingering her clit, leading to her insides tightening around your shaft. "Oh my God, I fucking love it, oh yes," she says as you go back to pinch her nipples before getting even rougher and pinning her thighs against her body. 
"OH, OH, OH, OH," Chaehyun gives short but repeated moans as you continue to fuck her pussy. Her boobs bounce and are now hitting her thighs as her legs are fully open in the air. "OH, YES, YES, YES, FUCKKKK, GOSH," she yells as you attack her cunt full speed, slapping her face as she sticks her tongue out in pleasure. More choking and nipple-pinching ensues as you place Chaehyun into a fetal position and destroy her tiny little body with all your might.
"Fuck, that feels so good," Chaehyun says as you stimulate her tits with more sucking in between your hard thrusts. "AH, AH, AH, AH, AH, FUCK, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING," she announces loudly as your breast stimulation proves too much for her to handle and she fills your bedsheets full of juices.
"Shhhh," you keep telling Chaehyun to be silent, as that slut is so fucking loud the neighbors are probably hearing everything of your fuck session right now. But your pleading has been futile, so you decide to take it by yourself, shoving your cock straight into her mouth and hammering her face nonstop. Chaehyun doesn't mind it, as she loves tasting her juices from your cock as you fuck her face. "Open your fucking throat, bitch," you tell her, who instead tightens it as if you're fucking her second pussy, forcing you to stretch it out even further.
You turn Chaehyun's little body into your playground: cock in her mouth, tongue in her tits, hands in her pussy—every inch of this slutty little tiger is getting stimulated now. You go all the way down and give Chaehyun a very dominating 69, eating her folds as your cock destroys her tiny mouth.
The hours of dancing and recording seem to have tired Chaehyun a bit, but you aren't going to give her any rest, immediately placing her on all fours and putting your cock back in her pussy. "OH YES, AHHHH, OH MY GOD," Chaehyun scremas as you pump her hard from behind. She looks so good being a submissive little slut. 
"Fuck, abuse my pussy," Chaehyun says as she can't even stand straight, her boobs now smashing against the bedsheets. "I like when you're in control; I do," she tells you as you tie her arms behind her back. "Hmmm, you do? I guess I can do this then," you tell her.
Seizing the opportunity, you mount on top of Chaehyun. The little tiger is now getting fucked like a cow by your raging bull, her little pussy getting pounded balls deep by your thick cock. "Oh, fuck," she screams, quickly regretting her words as you tame her.
"OH MY GOD!" Chaehyun screams, clinging to the pillow as you show no mercy towards her pussy. Fast, hard, and deep, you destroy her cunt full throttle while grabbing her neck. "OH SHIT, AHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHH," Chaehyun yells as she is turned into a little submissive fucktoy.
"Oh yeahhhh," you groan as you massacre Chaehyun's pussy. She can't even get on her knees anymore, you pressing her little body into the bed sheets in full force. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD," she begs, but the more she does, the harder you fuck her. Chaehyun gets prone-boned to oblivion while you massage her ass, as you apply to her the same position you tested on Hikaru and Yeseo's fat butts a couple months ago in Japan.
"OH FUCK ME, YES, FUCK ME," Chaehyun turns into a screaming machine. The pace you fuck her is unmatched by any of her previous partners. You use her with no regard for her little body; she's just there to get fucked until you cum, and you still have a long way to go.
Chaehyun is on the verge of tapping out as she rolls her eyes. You sniff her neck as you finally get fully on top of her body and trap her completely. "This is what you get for sending me those pics early this morning, you fucking slut," you tell her, your cock still buried deep in her pussy.
But truth be told, Chaehyun loves to be treated rough like that. Even after so much pounding, she lets out that beautiful, bright smile in full display for you to see, even as you continue to fuck her like an animal. "You scream so loud the entire neighborhood will call the cops on us," you tell her. "Well, let them do it," she says.
After a few deep thrusts that make Chaehyun cum again, you give her a little break, but this time, she wants none of it, with you having to demand she not ride you yet. "Suck my cock first," you tell her. Chaehyun is happy to oblige as she takes it deep in her throat and bubbles all over it. "Damn, that's really good; you've improved a lot; I guess Yujin was a really good teacher," you tell her as she gargles on your dick and slaps it against her tongue and then massages your balls before going down to lick them.
"Such a fucking whore," you tell her as she laughs with her mouth full of your balls, finding her favorite spot, savoring them to the fullest as she jerks your cock off. "Hmmm, hmmmm," Chaehyun enjoys your ballsack to the fullest as she moans with her mouth buried deep on them.
"Get on top of me," you tell Chaehyun as you slap her butt, thinking she's having too much fun with your balls and wanting to exert your control back into her. Chaehyun takes no time fully impaling herself, ready for the ride of her life. But she was in for another surprise.
As soon as Chaehyun fully sits on your dick, you stretch your arms to grope her tits and start thrusting up her pussy, giving her no time to answer, quickly crushing any hopes of Chaehyun to be a girl on top. Even though she was on top of your body, you were still fully in control, mercissely pushing up against her cunt and hitting her cervix faster than a car crashing in a high-speed oval.
"Oh fuck, yes, yes, yes," Chaehyun quickly surrenders into moans as you pump her up. Her asshole starts to gape as your balls go so far up they hit them nonstop. Your cock is like a piston, making Chaehyun's engine combust as you thrust into her faster than ever and hit the valves in her cervix, making her scream.
Chaehyun is just a roaring moaning mess at this point, as you use your fingers to apply extra pressure on her tits while they bounce hard. "OH, YESSS," she screams as you slap her boobs once again. "OH MY GOD, I'M GONNA CUM AGAIN," she says, which only makes you go even harder. Her pussy getting pumped, her tits getting slapped and groped, her neck getting choked. Chaehyun quickly starts falling down from her straightened position, right into your lap as she cums and gets increasingly clingy to you.
"Stretch that hole, use all of it," Chaehyun begs, getting out-of-breath as your cock keeps pumping her without rest. Your balls clap hard against her cheeks, and she loves it. "YESSS, YESSSS, YESSS," she screams as you choke her. You finally let her set the pace a bit as even you get a little tired of such rough and high-intensity fucking, grabbing her tits for some playing as you suck them again.
Despite all the pounding she's been taking so far, Chaehyun is restless and rides your cock quite well. I guess after a while you just get used to it, as she goes fast and hard as well, keeping the pace you had set while you enjoy her boobs like a baby.
"Let me see them bounce," you tell her, giving Chaehyun yet another slap as she straightens herself back up and gives you an amazing jiggling show to watch as she sits on your cock. But you quickly want to take control, pumping Chaehyun up again as she has to use all her forces to not fall down, making it even harder when you grab both her tits and go back to pinch their nipples.
"OH YES YES YES YES, AHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH, OH FUCK, MAKE ME CUM," Chaehyun screams as she is back to being your fucktoy. Without even pulling out, you push your body close to hers, grabbing what is still left of her ripped-up top to bring her further close to you as you keep pounding her pussy.
You stop a bit to give Chaehyun a few kisses. She may be the perfect sex toy to use, but she's also a cute, clingy, girlfriend-esque girl that you love so much. And that's why you fuck her to the best of your capabilities, because you truly love her more than anyone else. At least for that night, because truth be told, you say that to every idol you have sex with, and you fuck a lot of them.
You push Chaehyun's body sideways and start treating her as an experiment for some crazy sex positions. "Holy fuck," she says, as you do that without ever leaving her pussy. She loves the way you know how to fuck, and to be frank, you really have a thing for short girls with big tits, as you always seem to fuck them the best.
Chaehyun was more excited than ever, giving you lovely smiles as you pounded her sideways. "You're so good, you're so good, fuck, yes," she kept saying as you had your mouth fully attached to her left boob, trying to milk it dry. "Fuck me, fuck me, I'll be a good girl; do everything you say, ohhhh fuck," Chaehyun kept saying, and you loved how submissive she had turned the longer the fucking went on.
"I want to try a new position on you; turn around and lay on top of me," you tell Chaehyun, who gets excited. You knew you had to do it. When you fucked Eunbi a couple months ago, this was your favorite position, meaning you had to try it on a ripe, young titcow as well, and especially because Chaehyun had the perfect combo for it: a similar body to mother Eunbi while having the face that resembled another of your favorite fucktoys in Irene.
"Oh shit," Chaehyun says as she does it, and you immediately place your hands in her clit. She's about to learn why the pearly gates position is so heavenly, as you then move up to grope her tits. You hit her hard and deep, and within seconds she's in heaven. "Ohhhhh my Godddd," she says, lowering her head and enjoying the ride you're giving her, especially with the great massage you now give her tits. 
"Oh God, that fucking feels so fucking good," Chaehyun says, cursing twice on the same sentence. You know her cunt is throbbing and adds further stimulation with your left hand running all over her clit now, while the right hand stays on her tits. Chaehyun starts laughing, but the stimulation is so overwhelming she quickly has to stop, as you know, pump her fast and finger her clit with fury.
"AHHHHHHH, AHHHHHH, AHHHHHH," Chaehyun squeals, and her voice finally cracks. Even the great vocalists succumb to the power of the pearly gates as your cock and hands all over her cunt make Chaehyun unleash her hardest orgasm yet. "OH MY GOD, YES PLEASE, YES, YES YES," she screams, grinning her teeth as her entire body shakes in orgasm. "OH, I'M CUMMING," she yells again, but her hardened nipples already can tell you.
Chaehyun enjoys her orgasm, as you can't stop fingering her clit. "My fucking legs are shaking so hard; I've never felt so good,"  she says, completely blown away by the position you just taught her. "AHHHH, I'M SO HORNY, YESSSS," she screams as her juices cover your crotch and leak out of her cunt. "Holy shit, why did no one teach me this position before?" she says.
Chaehyun could barely breathe, but you kept fucking her regardless, fingering her clit even harder as you searched for yet another orgasm. Her big tits looked better than ever right on top of you. "Oh wow, oh wow," she moaned, her saggy boobs wanting to detach from her body at any moment with how hard they bounced. "Holy fuck," she said as she came again in the same position.
You quickly pushed Chaehyun to the side of the bed, closing her legs and giving no break to her as you went back into working in her pussy. She gave you begging stares, wishing for this night to never end and for her to be forever your fucktoy. You dove your head right into her tits to do what you do best: suck them. Chaehyun was so horny that every thrust you gave her now put her on the verge of orgasming. You used her tits as your playground, one for your mouth, the other for your hands, all that while never stopping the pounding.
Chaehyun groaned as you massaged her nipples. "Fuck, yes, this is the best sex I've ever had in my life," she said, giving you another big smile that quickly got replaced by more moans. "I fucking love the way you fuck me," she said, rolling her eyes once again in pleasure.
You gave another break to Chaehyun in your high-paced fucking to worship her already sore pussy, preparing it for the final round. She loved the way you ate her wet folds, enjoying every second of it. "Oh my God, keep licking my clit like this," she said, giggling as your mouth made sounds all over her puddling cunt.
Chaehyun grabbed her tits as she closed her eyes and rested her head on the bed. You moved your mouth sideways all over her folds, getting her close again. "OH FUCK, HMMMM, YESSSS, AHHHH," she screamed again as you just finished, giving her pussy a little kiss followed by a hard slap.
Back inside it you went, with your hands instantly placed in her boobs, as you pressed them against each other, making Chaehyun laugh again. "Ohhhh fuck," Chaehyun said as you pounded her pussy like crazy for one last time, putting one of her legs all the way up in the air. "Holy shit, fuck me, yesss, ahhhh," she said.
"I'm gonna fuck you until I cum," you whispered to Chaehyun as you choked her again, giving her more kisses and then slapping her tits. "Oh, please, do it," she said. "Give me your cum," she continued as your balls slapped hard against her hips and you pinned her to the bed. "OHHHH, OHHHH, OHHHH, OHHHH," she moaned.
"Please, yes, I want your cum. I do; I want your cum so bad; give me all of it," Chaehyun begged hard for your load. "I want all of it, please, cum for me, cum for me," she continued. The more you fucked her, the harder she wanted it.
"YES, YES, GIVE ME YOUR CUM, PLEASE, PLEASE," just as she screamed it, you granted her wish. Beggars can't be choosers, and she didn't say where she wanted it, so you just filled her pussy to the brim. Having so much to give, you managed to pull out and paint her crotch white with some extra loads. 
"Holy shit, you gave me all of it, such a big load." Chaehyun got impressed as you turned her into your cum dump, giggling as she said afterwards, "Hope this is good to get me pregnant."
"That was fun," Chaehyun said as she kissed you. "Now I need to take a shower." Wanna join?" she asked you, heading towards the bathroom. You waited a bit as Chaehyun was already turning the shower on. "Come here," she said. 
Chaehyun started to shower herself, but although most of the sex fluids were at the bottom, she was paying more attention to her tits, pouring water on them as she teased you, until a sudden tingle hit her as a thick foreign object penetrated her anus.
"Don't fool me, you want a second round, you fucking little tiger, or should I say, little titcow," you told her.
"Yes, please, destroy my ass in the shower while you make those beautiful big tits bounce," Chaehyun demanded.
At this moment, you knew you had just begun to taming the tiger. This was going to be a really long night.
"Sure," you answered her. On the next day, Chaehyun was thankful for painkillers existing because you fucked her so hard she couldn't even walk.
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nerdpoe · 1 year
The city of Gotham hates Vlad Masters
No, literally.
Vlad avoids Gotham like the plague, because Gotham's spirit despises the man.
Every single time he's gone to that city, awful things happen to him. Just him.
Joker attack? He's the only one that gets hurt.
Scarecrow attack? He's the only one that gets tripped up and exposed to the fear gas.
Muggings? Every single mugger somehow ends up in his path, and it's in front of others, so he can't go ghost on them.
Robberies? Every single bank he goes to gets robbed, he never gets that transaction.
Littering? Every person who litters and throws trash out their car accidentally hits him.
Sinkhole? Only where he's standing, in public, so he can't fly.
The Bats keep getting the sense that something is intrinsically wrong with the man, so they keep stalking him. Red Hood doesn't even bother to try to hide it, he just stands four feet away from Masters at all times, staring at him until someone comes to take over the stalking.
Every single two-bit thug sees Vlad Master's face and is just "ah, yes. I must damage it in any way possible, this is law."
The citizens of Gotham love it when Vlad Masters shows up, because the man somehow absorbs like, all of the shit luck in the city and things get a little more peaceful for everyone else.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 month
🏹Jupiter in Gemini🏹
Jupiter will move into gemini after 12 years.
Gemini is intellectual, expressive, questioning, dual, sociable, liberal. Gemini is a mutable sign and is adaptable. Gemini is the sign of communication and words. They always express themselves through words. They symbolize states of consciousness associated with intellectualization. Diseases associated with the sign of the baby are: asthma, bronchitis, inflammation of the chest and lungs. The bones associated with the sign of Gemini are the carpals and metacarpals, the humerus, the humerus, the scapula, the clavicle and the upper ribs.
Throughout history, the twin symbolizes Eros and Anteros. The two stars that exist in this sign are Castor and Pollux. There are supposed to be flames of fire around their heads and when this happens the storm on the sea dies down. The old Kop name for twins is supposed to be "Pri Mahi" - which means completely connected, united. Vows are associated with Gemini and Mercury.
The sign of Gemini is two-bodied and double. The twins do not hold hands, they are separate souls, they move from left to right. The sign of Gemini is difficult because of its dual nature. This is a multifaceted, changeable personality. Geminis are outspoken, arrogant, hyperactive. They are bright and good speakers. They like artificial gems. They can often be impatient with people because they are very quick-tempered and don't like things to go slowly. They are also very restless individuals and cannot stay in one room for long periods of time. They spend their whole lives searching for an ideal that they cannot see because it is right in front of them.
Best qualities: diversity, willingness to change. Cons: Lack of consistency across the board. They change quickly, as if they have two inner voices: one says do and the other says leave.
Jupiter represents optimism, wisdom, growth, learning, happiness, exploration, charity, compassion, inspiration, meaning, path and faith. It includes believers, rich people, employees, big banks, judges, fortune hunters. It is associated with the liver, bile. Jupiter rules blood, veins, arteries, thighs, hips.
Jupiter can bring the following things to the signs:
Aries Rising
You might become more involved in your community, or even take it upon yourself to learn something new for fun. It can bring more thinking, education in the mental field. You can travel short distances more. More interaction with siblings, relatives.If you are going to move somewhere, you can have better neighbors who are optimistic and friendly, even foreigners. You may accidentally meet some important people or people who will change your way of thinking. This house also represents the cause of the loss of property, the cause of moving away from home, long journeys of the spouse (the partner may travel somewhere).
Taurus rising
Many things can be related to finances, money (in general, property). Jupiter can give you great luck in money and comfort. You can live more luxuriously. You can find comfort in the smallest things. Much more enjoyment and great things. Maybe your inner feelings can start to change more.You can find yourself in areas that you weren't so familiar with before. Spend more time with family friends. Things can also be related to vocational education. Long journeys related to work. If you have a partner, there are also things related to the inheritance that you get from him. If you are going to travel long distances, it is good to take care of your health.
Gemini Rising
Jupiter will bring you a personality transformation. You may change your appearance and style - start looking at yourself and your body differently. You will be more open and direct and have strong opinions. It can also bring some insight about yourself (which you haven't figured out so far). Jupiter gives a deeper and more meaningful way of doing things. It can bring you certain types from your childhood and possibly dealing with it. Connects with the money of a friend and father (you can get money from them both). You can meet someone on a trip who you fall in love with and who awakens a different kind of love in you. You can also find a different love for yourself (in a deeper way).
Cancer Rising
During this time, you will delve more deeply into yourself and your subconscious, thinking more profound things. You will focus more on hidden things. You can meet someone who helped you through things (usually Jupiter brings mentors, teachers and people from whom we can learn). We can spend more time in institutions that are more isolating than hospitals, etc. If you are going through a difficult experience or illness, this is a sign that things will turn around for the better. Since this is also the house of the most difficult battles and tasks, you can fight with yourself a lot. Things that can also be related to secret enemies, residence in a foreign country, ways of release.You may have to let something go in order to move on.
Leo Rising
You will be more popular in society and among people. It is possible that you will meet more people and start socializing more with those who inspire you. You can start putting more on the dreams and goals you have, you can get a new interest in a new thing. You will be more dedicated to yourself and form your own opinion about society and maybe start participating more actively in it. You can buy more or give money more for personal interests. Your loved ones may be traveling for a long time. It can be the affective health of the uncle and aunt on the mother's side.
Virgo Rising
More luck based on your career. Lots of career opportunities and maybe a new path that will change your life. Also something bigger and new that you didn't expect to happen. More acquaintances, especially more interaction with older and authoritative people (more masculine energy). More connection with parents and father (father can help you more or give you money). You can meet more people who are destined to get to know them and get in touch with them. Jupiter can give you lucky coincidences with the people you need. Money can come from abroad and you can start earning abroad or get an opportunity there.
Libra Rising
You can decide to take a long plane trip or a spiritual journey that will give you a new perspective. You can decide on a higher education such as: philosophy, law, religion - or continue your studies / complete your studies. You can explore and investigate new things more than usual. You can think more about what you belong to and what belonging to someone means to you (what it means to you), you can also be more lucky in many things. You can gain a lot through spiritual experiences and psychic experiences. You can come to a greater awareness of yourself and what it means to you. You can take better care of your property and you can get back something you thought was lost a long time ago. There can also be connections with a parent of the opposite sex than yourself. You can do more sports or decide to be more dedicated to it and seek pleasure with one person.
Scorpio Rising
Jupiter will bring you an emotional transformation that will rebirth you and make you a better person. You can experience a deep connection with one person and have a deeper intimate relationship with them. Things can also be related to inheritance, you can get some property or something in you to your advantage. You can gain a lot from other people, especially money from other people is at stake here. Many opportunities and things can come through others. You can also get a lot of money from others and it is also good to invest money. You can gain a lot from a partnership or marriage. If you are involved in any lawsuits now, the outcome of them will be good.
Sagittarius Rising
Jupiter will bring you things related to others it mainly relates to the relationships you have with others (any). If you are already in a relationship, you can get married or get engaged (engagement usually happens under this aspect). You meet a lot of spiritual people who can help you and show you the way or someone who is more open, open-minded, you can get along better with friends. Jupiter represents marriage more, so this can be more in the foreground than the relationship itself (depending on the aspects). During this time, you can also attract someone who suits you more on a personal level. You can get to know your other side better and also notice what really suits you and what doesn’t. A friend with whom you are close can travel for a long time, or someone with whom you are closer.
Capricorn Rising
Jupiter can bring you more opportunities and new things related to your hobbies, entertainment and spending your free time. You can go into a more special relationship or fall in love with someone. You will want to express yourself in some way, and let the world see you. You can be more sociable and if single, meet new romantic partners. You could fall in love during this transit, but if there aren't any other grounding influences. it's most likely you'll just date a lot. You can also have someone who is not from your country or someone you meet on a trip. You can be more creative and do things related to creativity and you can also be more recognizable. A good time also for gambling or any related opportunities. Your passions for what you do will show more. Income can come from real estate and property. U can publish more things. This can also be a good period to have a child/get pregnant.
Aquarius Rising
Jupiter can bring you more joy. You can easily go more outside your comfort zone. You can focus on your routine or things related to you and your things. Artists of any kind are rewarded when they boldly fuel their creations with authenticity and freely express themselves. You will get prosperity and accomplishments with your ability to win over opponents. However, it can give expansion in loan and debt-related issues because of your ignorance. During this transit period, you will realize the value of the financial management.
Pisces Rising
you can go on a trip that will be longer and last longer. Your home can be somewhere else for a while and you might even find a place where you will feel the best. You can find a place that gives you a feeling of home and warmth. It can also mean finding a dream house or making wishes come true and also remodeling your home. You can feel better at home and have a better relationship with your parents (especially with mom). You can also better see things that ended and understand why they ended. Maybe you and your family can have some kind of family tradition about what you will do this time.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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khaire-traveler · 3 months
🪄 Subtle Hekate Worship🕯️
Donate clothes, food, hygiene products, and the like to homeless shelters
Support food banks and homeless or animal shelters
Visit cemeteries; if allowed (please ask permission first), leave flowers on graves
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Have a stuffed animal polecat, dog, or toad
Have imagery of torches, crossroads, or magic around
Honor your ancestors; honor any spirits in your life
Volunteer at an animal or homeless shelter
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Take care of yourself physically
Take a self-care bath/shower, especially those with herbs or candles
Visit a crossroads; walk/hike on paths that have a crossroads and pick the direction that calls to you
Take a walk during the new, half, or full moon (only if it is safe to do so in your area)
Take time to notice the phases of the moon; meditate under each one, and learn their meanings
Start a garden; tend to plants, especially herbs
Study herbalism; study the history of witchcraft
Ground yourself regularly
Include her within spell work, if you do any; practice discreet methods of spell-casting
Learn non-obvious divination methods; cartomancy, pyromancy, carromancy, etc.
Burn incense, if able; frankincense is great
Drink herbal teas; cook with herbs
Practice mindfulness and emotional regulation
Honor your home/space; keep it clean, and make it feel like your own
At the end of each month, cook a good meal and make drinks with added honey
Baking raisin and currant cakes
Practice patience and understanding
Work on your decision-making skills; what do YOU want? What do YOU need? What are YOUR goals/passions?
Making a bonfire; gathering around it, alone or with loved ones
Learning to have more confidence in your decisions and actions; you know what's best for you more than anyone else
I hope this helps someone! I may add to it later on. For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Hekate. Take care, y'all, and have a good day/night. 💜
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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foone · 11 months
Your best guess is that you've been in this time loop for something north of 15 years. You've lived that day, April 9th, 1997, something like 6000 times. You think... The second most ironic thing about being in this time loop* is that you have ADHD, and time blindness has always been something you've suffered with.
The time loop hasn't helped. You'll really get into a book, and don't look up from it until it's yesterday. Or, earlier today? Or tomorrow, it's all the same day. You wake up in your bed at 8:27, having slept through your alarm, no matter what happens. You've had plenty of time to do all the classic time loop things: told everyone (they forget the next day), kissed everyone (a surprising number of people turn out to be up for itl), tried to run (you made it all the way to Memphis one day, but it didn't make any difference), tried to make everything perfect and right (harder than you'd think, and there's nothing obvious that needs fixing), and gotten yourself exploded and shot and run over. You even made it into orbit once, NASA still swearing at you on the radio the whole way up. You've robbed all the local banks, kidnapped the mayor, and stolen half the stuff in the town, just to see what people have. Why not? It's hard to have a sense of morality when there are no repercussions to any actions, at least none that last more than 24 hours.
You convinced a scientist to shoot neutrinos at you once, thanks to something you'd read in a book on time. Didn't seem to make any difference, though you could swear the next day felt different, in some hard to define way.
You've gotten into a rhythm of starting each day and just walking out your front door, to visit a different place in the city, and knock on their door. If they're home, you ask questions, then use the answers next time to get further. If not, you let yourself in and see what their house looks like from the inside.
Even their shocking crimes no longer can shock you. Mr. Stevens is a burgler, Jenny J. is halfway through murdering her husband, Alex over on 5th street has a basement full of photos they shouldn't have, and more neighbors than you'd think are cooking meth or growing cannabis in their little backyard sheds or closets.
You can go to the police, you can confront them, you can explose them, or you can get a weapon and go all vigilante on them... It doesn't matter in the long run (and for you, the long run is very short indeed). They'll be fine the next morning, back at it again like nothing happened.
You wake up that same Wednesday morning, put on some clothes, and walk out the door. You got into a gimmick of crossing the road with your eyes closed: you know where the cars are, and if you keep the same pace, they definitely won't hit you. Besides, if you do, you wake up back in your bed. Big woop.
But you don't make it to the road this time. You trip, falling on the hard concrete of the sidewalk. What the hell? Your arms ache from catching yourself, and you have to suppress the time-looper instinct of "I hurt. Restart the loop!",at least until you figure out what happened.
You look back and there's a sneaker sitting on the sidewalk. A perfectly normal shoe, just a little skuffed up. A bit down the sidewalk, there's another, the other foot presumably.
You have a moment of equal parts panic and elation. You're out of the loop? You're out of the loop! This might be Thursday.
You gather yourself from the sidewalk and run back up the path to your door. You open the newspaper... April 9th. This is still the same day. You look back at the road, seeing the patterns of crossing cars you've seen thousands of times before. You listen, and your neighborhood sounds right. You can hear Timothy down the road yelling about baseball, so it's not 9:14 yet.
This isn't a new day. This is the day. This is your day. So why is something different? What, a partial time loop? And almost time loop? Most things are the same, but not all? It makes no sense.
You hear yelling down the road. You jog towards it, as an out of place sound just doesn't happen in your day. Around the corner there's a police officer shouting at a woman who is rapidly disrobing and flinging her discarded clothes at the officer, who is shouting at her and his radio. So far, she seems to be winning, but she's about out of linen ammunition.
You realize you don't recognize her. She's not one of the people you know, and you know everyone. She's someone new, the very anthesis of what a time loop is about. That, combined with recognizing that charicatistic disdain for consequences makes you gasp. My God... She's another time looper. She's done this day before, and it's just repeated, and now she's doing everything to see what happens. You're not alone in this crowded city anymore! You run towards her, eager to introduce yourself.
* Themost ironic thing about being in this time loop is that every copy of Groundhog Day at your local Blockbuster is checked out.
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annabelle--cane · 1 month
the thing I really enjoy about oliver banks is that he's got such a long character arc and we get three statements directly from him at distinct points along his path of becoming. we know other minor character avatars for similar amounts of time, but we tend to see them from outside points of view or get their life stories in retrospect once they've completed monsterfication, whereas oliver makes his own statements 1) when he's still mostly human in 2015, 2) just after he's properly crossed the avatar threshold in 2018, and 3) when he is decidedly mostly of his patron the apocalypse, all of which parallels the stages of jon's journey.
in mag 121, he makes a point of calling jon "jon" over "the archivist" because he says "archivist" is too formal, and in mag 168 he refers directly to jon two times. the first is at the top of his coroner's report, where he denotes it as being addressed to "the great eye" and "its archive, which draws knowledge of this suffering unto itself," referring to jon both with the more dehumanizing of his avatar titles and with an "it" pronoun. the second time is towards the end, where he calls jon "jon" and expresses that he isn't asking for mercy and that he would have offered this report willingly if that were still an option.
he never comes across as having any particular kind of feelings about the fear he harvests. he started off as quite anxious and desperate to avoid his patron, but it never turns into pleasure like it does with other avatars, he just stops caring, and I wonder how much of that is due to the nature of the end as a power and how much is due to the lack of choice he had in his path. some combination thereof, probably.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 month
The defeat of a liberal Portland prosecutor at the hands of a tough-on-crime challenger has hardened a view among top White House officials that Democrats need to further distance themselves from their left flank on law-and-order issues.[...]
The White House is banking on the idea that voters will reward them for public efforts to crack down on immigration and boost spending on law enforcement — and, perhaps as importantly, that the liberal forces that so effectively moved the party away from those planks in 2020 won’t punish the president come November.[...]
But the president has not needed much convincin[sic] [...] having personally favored an approach that emphasizes more traditional support for law enforcement alongside criminal justice reforms. Biden spent much of his half century in politics as an ardent advocate for law enforcement and anti-crime measures, a reputation that complicated his path to the 2020 Democratic nomination amid scrutiny over his role in passing a controversial 1994 crime bill.
And even as the broader party shifted leftward [sic] on issues like police funding and immigration during that period, Biden sought to stake out a middle ground that often put him out of step with his progressive base — perhaps most notably using his first State of the Union address in 2022 to exhort lawmakers to “fund the police.”
In recent months, Biden has warned advisers that scenes of chaos at the border or crime in cities pose an increasing political danger. They risk turning off the independent and suburban voters, he’s said, who may be repulsed by much of Donald Trump’s policies and personality but could be willing to vote for him anyway in the name of public safety.[...]
Biden and his senior-most aides are united on the need to push for greater border security. [...]
“The narrative about Democrats on crime became deeply distorted after Defund the Police became kind of a thing,” [sic] said Matt Bennett, executive vice president for public affairs at the center-left think tank Third Way. “In fact, [Biden] has been very aggressive about funding the police, and has flipped around that narrative in ways that I think are really helpful.”[...]
The White House, to that end, has battered Republicans in recent days over their abandonment of a bipartisan border security bill that would’ve imposed strict new limits on immigration.
The legislation, which Senate Democrats are forcing a vote on for the second time this week, has fueled blowback among progressive and Latino lawmakers who blasted its “extreme and unworkable enforcement-only policies.”
But Biden has fully embraced the measure, repeatedly emphasizing the tough restrictions it’d put in place and criticizing Republicans for stalling the bill solely to avoid handing him an election-year victory. The White House is also preparing an executive order on immigration as a fallback, in a long-germinating [sic] display of his commitment to a border crackdown.
The president has also made a point of voicing support for law enforcement in recent weeks. He refused to criticize police conducting mass arrests of pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses, even as he backed the right [sic] to peacefully protest. And he’s repeatedly touted a plan to invest $37 billion in crime provision [...]
There is also deep-seated fear throughout the party of the alternative: A Trump presidency that has made clear it would prioritize mass deportations and sharp shifts away from the progress [sic] Biden has made on other criminal justice issues like gun violence prevention.
23 May 24
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monocaelia · 1 year
with my hand in yours.
as your fingers trace along the lines that make up their palm, they wonder how such a wonderful being like you could ever love someone like them. aka; little abstract thoughts about what their hands would be like.
feat. al-haitham, childe, diluc, kaveh, scaramouche, xiao.
genre : fluff. light angst but it's not that serious.
note : school sucks and i want to hold hands w childe so bad rn so here is the product of that thought.
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contrary to what you may think, al-haitham's hands are large and calloused; not to the point of being overly rough, but enough to know that he keeps his hands busy from both paperwork and dealing with unruly people that come across his way. which is surprising considering that he was always one to take the easiest route out of any situation.
but you suppose someone who is adept at using a sword and dealing with eremites and annoying scholars can't just get away with smooth hands.
your hand is much smaller than his in comparison, especially so when his encases your own while you reach for a book you cannot quite reach within the house of daena. you insist that you could reach it yourself, but after minutes of watching you struggle and nearly make the bookshelf topple over as you lean more and more onto the shelves, he decided to take matters into his own hands. although you hate it when he aids you without you asking for help, he finds it endearing, especially so when he gets an excuse to hold your hand like this.
sometimes, the scribe doesn't understand your fascination with his hands as your fingers lazily trace shapes and lines across his palm while his eyes skim through the book in his hands. your body rests against him, head gently propped on his chest and fingers busy with his. although it was a distracting feeling, it was one he welcomed and preferred rather than the presence of his dramatic roommate.
though, al-haitham cannot deny that he doesn't find the contrast between the size of his hands and you amusing. how different your jaw feels in his palm as he lifts your face up to keep your eyes on him during your study session. your soft skin against his rougher hands was a nice feeling, a contrast that he finds humor in despite the blank expression that never leaves his face.
even if you push him away, fed up from his constant deadpan comments and dry teasing, your hand always finds their way back in his with fingers intertwined as he skims through the next book that catches his attention. with a gentle squeeze and a kiss placed on the tops of your knuckles, al-haitham holds onto you until it is unfortunately time to part ways. but even then, the ghost of your palm presses against his when you're gone and he cannot wait to hold you once more.
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the scars the decorate childe's hands are ones that he holds with much pride. they're living proof of the battles that he has conquered and pushed through with mere strength and wit; and there isn't a moment where he would ever hide his battle scars.
childe's hands are rough and calloused with toughened skin from years of fighting, both from training for the fatui and also from surviving through his time in the abyss.
but despite it all, a sign of humanity shines through his hardened hands; light freckles dust the back of his hands and his knuckles and travel up his arm. though they aren't as condensed as the ones that shower his cheeks like the stars, they're still enough to attract your attention to them when his gloves are off around you.
his hand often clings onto yours as he guides you to places you've never seen before in his home nation. with gloved hands intertwined with one another, childe eagerly tugs you along the banks of morepesok, gently guiding you along the more troublesome and icier parts of the path so you wouldn't slip. his hand, sturdy and strong, gently presses against the small of your back while the other holds one of yours as you hop over a rock.
other times, his hand is held carefully by yours as you admire all of scars with him. the young harbinger finds it humorous when you stare at him in shock after telling you about the battles he fought to get them before getting a firm lecture by you about taking care of himself. he doesn't see the big deal; if he's the fatui's biggest asset when it comes to fighting, why wouldn't he want to be used as their weapon?
however, seeing your tearful expression as he comes home battered from a serious battle shatters his proud heart into a million pieces. he warned you about the duties he has a fatui harbinger, and yet you continued to love him and stay by his side. childe wasn't a good guy, per se, and there would be times where there would be no signs of him coming home at all. but you persevered, telling him that he was crazy for even thinking that you would be scared away because of his job.
his thumb, rough and heavily scarred, brushes away the tears from your cheek as you clean up the blood that soils his clothes. you're so much different than he is; someone who is not bludgeoned and terrorized by the horrors of the abyss or the power of the fatui. and yet you hold him like he is your world, like he's fourteen again and didn't have the scars of the world on his body.
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diluc's hands tell the tragic tale of his past; scarred from years of avenging his father with only his great sword by his side and burned from training and utilizing the pyro vision that dangles by his waist. he is damaged and hurt from years of betrayal and the deep scars that run up his hands to his arms are visual evidence of them.
but, despite his cool attitude and standoffish personality, his hands are the warmest you have ever felt. as if the agony his heart experienced in the few years of his adulthood failed to extinguish the flickering flame that keeps his soul ablaze.
the young master of dawn winery's rough hands hold onto yours gently, fingers cupping your own as he brings them to his lips as a polite, yet cheeky greeting knowing you would fluster at the mere act. they're playful, often traveling up your arms after his small greeting and pulling you into his embrace. the flame that was once ignited by rage, burning with the intent to harm those who have wronged him, now lulls you in with the intent of making your heart race.
diluc is aware of the effect his hands have on you, especially during battles where the two of you are fighting alongside one another. gloved hands quickly reach out to grab you, pulling you behind him as his flaming great sword slams forward to knock the abyss mage into the ground. although the battle was over, his hand does not leave your arm and you knew at this point that he was leaving it there deliberately.
his touch, as playful as they get sometimes, were also one that you found solace in, especially when the cold winter air of mondstadt nips at your skin. although diluc worries you find his hands worrisome to look at and feel, all of his disrupting thoughts melt away when your hand squeezes his in return. and so, hands roughened by the most painful of memories hold yours and give you the comfort that you seek.
and comfort you, they do. when the heavy rain outside the winery drenches you to the bone, diluc's warm, scarred hands quickly pull you inside. he doesn't ask you what happened, instead waits for you to tell him yourself, and with a towel in his hands he dries you as much as he can. attracted to his touch like a moth to a flame, your shaking hands quickly grasp onto his own and cling to his being like he was the sole reason you were still sane.
and just once, diluc is happy that you find relief in embers that once burned with no remorse.
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kaveh's hands are slender and smooth, contrary to the fact that he wields a heavy claymore as his weapon of choice. anyone would assume that his hands are rough from hours spent on studying architecture and building miniature and actual scale models of his designs, but those who know the young architect are aware of his fondness towards body and skin care.
if anything, the only flaw that hinders kaveh from having the perfect, flawless hands that anyone would dream of would be the smudges of both ink and graphite from his drafts of architectural buildings that stain his fingertips and sides of his hands.
you can't imagine the amount of times your face had ended up accidentally smudged by the inked fingers of your lover. soft, thin fingers lovingly brush the side of your face, moving a stray strand of your hair that obstructs his view of you, only to reveal a smudge of graphite where his fingers just touched. no matter how many apologies spewed from his lips, the smudge remained and small bouts of laughter escape from your lips before reassuring the young architect that it was fine.
however, when his fingers are clean, they're often found touching you in only the most innocent ways. his skilled fingers gently rub in the moisturizer on your face, huffing in fake exasperation as you laugh and attempt to escape his pinching and prodding. with enough squirming and chuckles, kaveh finally squishes your face in between his soft hands, tilting your face to look directly at him. affection is evident with the way he stares at you, smile warmer than the sunshine that radiates brightly in sumeru city, before he quickly bends down to peck at your puckered lips.
there's nothing but love and care in the way that he touches you, regardless of when or where it happens. his nimble fingers find their way to your arm when you drift asleep against him, waiting for him to finish up his draft of the new building he's designing. they graze across your skin, skimming everything that makes you you, the you that the architect loves so dearly.
sometimes he wonders what you see in a simple architect that shoots too far to land on the stars, but if you're beside him with every step that he takes, kaveh feels as though every star is suddenly in reach.
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ball joints similar to a dolls connect and form the hands that belong to scaramouche, a permanent reminder of the reason he was birthed into this world. as much as he hates looking at them and no matter how much he does to erase his past, they haunt him and contain the memories that he wishes to leave in the past.
maybe then, he would feel more human and let his once fragile heart breathe once more.
similar to a doll's hand, his hands are also smooth and dainty with only a few permanent scars on his fingertips. faint lightning scars trail from his finger tips to his second knuckle and slight calloused fingertips from tending to the doll he calls his "wandering companion."
despite the living proof of his existence as a puppet, there are a few moments where he feels human, where he feels as of his heart could beat once more and hope is flourishes throughout his weathered soul. when your fingers intertwine with his and your palm presses gently against his own, it's as if his forgotten heart had grown wings, fluttering on its own after years of stagnant pain.
feeling your pulse beat against his skin and the gentle tug of his arm as you lead him reminds the wanderer that despite his harsh past and the betrayals that led him astray, he lived through them and is living life anew, a life where he controls the trajectory of his life. and one where he is loved by you.
as much as he hates his hands, he cannot stop you from loving them in his place. when you kiss his fingertips and rub comforting circles across his skin, it's hard for his hatred to fester and grow; for how can he hate something that you love.
not that he would ever admit it to you; always flicking your roaming hands away from his and pinching the fat of your thumb when they reach for his. he calls your touch "annoying" and a "nuisance," but when it's his turn to watch over you during the night, his pinky never fails to interlock with yours.
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xiaos' hands are rough to the touch, fingertips slender and sharp like the talons of a hawk ready to snatch its prey from where they lay. after centuries of fighting off enemies and protecting the mortals that reside peacefully in liyue, it would be more surprising if not a scar decorated the yaksha's skin.
he is cool to the touch; not needing to generate body heat as he has no need to stay warm and used to the cold from serving his previous master.
blood stains his palms from the lives he took, whether it was accidental or on purpose he doesn't remember any more. innocent lives were mixed in when he dealt with enemies and his karmic debt affected those around him even if he wanted to suffer alone.
and yet, you hold his hands as if he were a small finch; fragile and prone to dying even though he is anything but. your hands are so warm, nearly encompassing his entire being with a mere brush of your fingertips against his. it was inviting, enticing, something that he craved even though he shouldn't.
despite pushing you away when his karmic debt was going to take over, your hands still found his and held on with little to no regard of your own wellbeing.
"as long as i get to you, it doesn't matter," was always your excuse when he demanded why you did something so reckless.
even if he hated the thought of his curse harming you in the worst way possible and feared the mere possibility of losing you, the yaksha could not calm the happiness that fluttered in his chest as if erupting a nest of a million crystalflies within the cavity of where his heart used to be.
you who kiss the scars that litters his hands, as if you were scared that the young adeptus would be the first to disappear from your life, deserve better than him, someone who has innocent blood pooling from his fingertips. but he does not have the heart to deny you from holding his hand and pulling him close, for he loves you too much to even humor the thought of a life apart from you.
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4K notes · View notes
earthtooz · 10 months
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in which: you are the best thing to ever to childe, but what will happen when you find out the truth about his profession?
warnings: 4k wc, fluff to angst, ambiguous ending huehue, childe is a whipped loser in love, set in canon, reader has undescribed trauma with fatui (ooo), reader is not referred to with pronouns or a gender but there is a mention of 'queen' (it's up to you how you see it), mentions of violence, childe being referred to as 'ajax', argument, both reader and childe cry, aether and paimon appearance!
a/n: this one might hurt. apologies. (girl u know i want ur love...)
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The sun is radiant gold when Childe walks down his peaceful, routine path, away from the bustling commerce centre and towards a peculiar place that he’s called home in Liyue. There are still a million tasks yet to be completed, but for now, his feet take him to the solitude that waits for him at the end of day. 
When Childe arrives at the manor that is his residence in this foreign city, there’s a lifeless kind of calm, the rustling of leaves and flowing stream are the only things to welcome him, but he knows better. Doesn’t need to confirm it when his feet naturally take him upstairs, winding through corridors and towards the balcony that overlooks the horizon. 
The view is very picturesque, overlooking the grandiose Liyue mountains that are decorated with incomparable flora and fauna, but you are there, and he can’t bring himself to look anywhere else. 
You are the best reprieve for his tiring days, and although he will be returning to the Northland Bank to try and solve some of his troubles, the majority of them can be quelled by your presence alone. 
“My darling,” the words slip past his lips without any trouble, and the relief he feels when you turn around and smile at him is insurmountable. Suddenly his hardships dissipate, his lungs are cleared, and his limbs don’t feel as heavy anymore (he can’t think of many people who grin up at him like you do. He hopes you never stop smiling at him like that).
Still, he walks to stand in front of you, and collapses to the floor, resting on his knees by your feet like a faithful jester to his queen. His armour drops and Childe becomes nothing but a man in love before you because there is nothing more human than loving someone more than yourself. 
“Why so exhausted, Ajax?” You ask. 
“The days are bothersome, my love,” he murmurs quietly, slightly muffled, but he then turns his head to look up at you, arms now hugging your calves. “But coming home to you make them infinitely better.” 
“Any good home will bring you comfort,” you deflect, but your words reminds him of a distant, golden memory back in Snezhnaya. The unforgiving, snowy plains had always been his home, the frost that clung to dead tree branches, and the footsteps that he and his siblings left behind in the blankets would were memories of easier times, but here, sitting by you with a chin on your knees, is a memoir of his favourite home. 
The sensation of your hand running through his orange locks take him out of his daydreams, and he melts right into your touch, blood-stained hands completely and wholly attached to you. He commits you to memory, savours the feeling of your warmth against his so he can feel it even whilst he’s away from you. 
Can a home be a person?
He dares to close his eyes. Here, he is safe. Here, he can rest peacefully.
“How was your day?” Asks Childe, stimulating pointless conversation so that he could talk to you and hear your voice that will power him through the tedious night to come.
You begin to talk about the things you had to do today, about the customers you had to deal with, about the errands you still need to run, and all the pressing orders you needed to attend to- hearing it all places an aching weight on his chest. If Childe could have things his way, you wouldn’t need to work at all. You would live life peacefully by his side, without a day of stress as you roam around Liyue Harbour or anywhere else you would want to go, with him holding your arm (would you return to Snezhnaya with him?). 
Alas, life is not so easy nor carefree, but you make it significantly better.
“How pretty is the sunset,” you comment. “Look.” 
He almost doesn’t want to, doesn’t want to put any space between the two of you because looking at the sunset means turning around to face the rays that warm his back, but it’s you who asked him, so Childe turns around and observes the gorgeous blend of colours. He then decides that it’s nothing compared to your beauty.
“Yes, yes, splendid,” the orange-haired agrees, promptly turning back around to look up at you, with a sickening amount of love evident in his eyes. 
“You didn’t even look properly.”
“I’m looking at something much more important right now.”
You shy away at your lover’s blatancy, pushing his face to the side to break his gaze. “Such unabashed flattery, do you have no shame?”
“None! None at all!”
You sigh, a smile creeping at the corners of your lips, timidity teasing Childe as he aches to see more. Reaching for your hands, he intertwines his around them, feeling light as he basks in the softness of your touch that starkly contrast the roughness of his hardened palms. 
His gentle action causes your bracelets to jingle, pure gold and the finest gems of Liyue tinkering quietly against each other. They are gifts from him, he knows because he only buys the best for you. 
“Will you be staying tonight?” You ask. 
His gaze sadly falls to the ground as a regretful, ‘no, I won’t be’ slips past his lips. Tonight, instead of being in your company and resting beside you under the gentle beams of the moonlight, his dedicated Fatui subordinates will be with him instead. The blood on his hands will accumulate and pool by his feet as outstanding debts and scores will be settled, signed with fear and horror as the silence of Liyue sees an unspeakable monster. 
Then, the monster will come crawling to you, fatigued and dirtied with an unrestrained desire to be by your side for as long as time will allow. 
“That’s a shame,” you mutter and Childe winces at the disappointment in your tone. “You work too hard, you know?” 
“It’s just what I need to do,” murmurs the orange-haired, “wish I could spend more time with you, though.”
“It’s alright, as long as I get to see you, I’m happy.” 
He rests his cheek on your knee once more, eyes drooping close. Frighteningly quick, the fatigue he feels from all of his laborious duties catch up to him, latching onto him like a parasite. A nap wouldn’t hurt, 
Nothing can take you away from him, not without a fight. He will bear his teeth, slash his swords until the blades dull, until his bow snaps in half, and until all that’s left of him is a pulp that lies helplessly on the floor, the love pouring from his wounds. Childe only hopes that his last moments are spent in your embrace.
But what will become of this warrior when you’re his opponent? What if you are the one he fights against- what then?
When you wake up one, unassuming morning, you wake up alone. No Ajax to accompany you, the only indication that he was here being the breakfast he had prepared for you that sat atop the counter top. The warmth of the meal lingers, meaning that he must not have left that long ago, and you have to wonder how he knows you so well to guarantee that breakfast is still warm by the time you come down. 
Retrieving a book from the main entrance’s bookshelf, you catch a glimpse of a large box sitting on the entrance table. There is a note beside it, addressed to ‘Traveller’ and signed with ‘Childe’- the name Ajax has supposedly taken up whilst here in Liyue; a merchant name of sorts, he claims. 
You mentally note to listen extra carefully for any knocks at the door, but for now, the promise of a day of relaxation and no work relieves you. Being swamped up in all of your duties meant that you kept forgetting to tell Ajax that you were free for the day, but perhaps you’ll surprise him with a filling and hearty dinner. Work didn’t seem to be all that easy for him either, so you’re sure he’d appreciate the gesture. 
What you weren’t prepared for, however, was discovering a secret that your lover had been hiding from you all this time- in the form of two travellers. 
The anticipated knock on the door came near noon, and two voices from the other side are muffled by the heavy material of the entrance. “Childe said no one would be home, why would you knock?” A high-pitched voice berates.
“Because manners, Paimon!” A male voice retaliates, “even if no one was home, it’s nice to make sure. We shouldn’t barge in without warning.”
“Can you unlock the door yet? Paimon’s dying to know what inside looks like! This property looks so expensive, can you even how much Mora this place is worth! I bet the inside is even-”
The conversation is cut short when you open the door with a soft click, pulling it open slightly. What you’re greeted by, however, is a blond boy with a floating companion, who both wear similar expressions of shock.
“Uh, hello!” You greet with a small smile, feeling slightly awkward.
“Hello, is this Childe’s residence?” The floating one- who you assume is Paimon, asks. 
“You’re at the right place.”
“But he told us no one would be home today!”
“He would be right normally, but I have the day off work. Are you two travellers?”
“Yeah, we are! And who are you?” 
“My name’s Y/n, I’m Childe’s significant other.”
“Childe has a lover?” Paimon’s eyes widen even more if that was even possible. To be honest, this whole scenario was incredibly entertaining. “Since when!”
“We’ve been together for a while. Has he never mentioned me?”
“No! I didn’t even think he could have one with his line of work-”
“-Uhm, we’re kind of in a hurry, I apologise for cutting the conversation,” the blond boy apologises, giving his companion a look before glancing back at you, friendly smile and shining eyes to match his innocent demeanour. “We’re here to pick up something.”
“Ah yes, I did see it. It is rather big, though, could I trouble the two of you to help me bring it out?” You ask, feeling rather embarrassed to bother your guests, but you don’t feel confident to carry the package alone. 
“No trouble at all,” he reassures.
“We can come in, right?” Paimon asks, voice lilting up an octave as mirth shines in her eyes.
“Yes, yes, no need to take off your shoes.” You open the door wider for the two, the floating one flying in first, immediately marvelling at the interior, admiration tangible whilst the blond is a little more reserved, thanking you first before coming in.
What an intriguing pair.
“My name is Aether, and that’s Paimon. I just realised we hadn’t introduced ourselves.” 
“It’s lovely to meet the two of you. Do you do business with Childe often?” Your tongue almost strains at the mention of his business name, but if your boyfriend had appearances to keep, then you needed to try to uphold it too.
Paimon flies over to Aether, joining the conversation. “You could say that. Sometimes he causes more trouble than it’s worth!” 
“That sounds like him,” you huff, an affectionate smile appearing on your face. “The package is right here, but like I said, it seems quite heavy.”
“Allow me,” Aether volunteers, stepping forward to carry the box by himself. He stumbles a little due to the weight, and you hold your hands out just in case.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help?”
The blond merely huffs before shifting the box to one arm. “No need, we’re troubling you enough already.”
“I see. I apologise, if I had known what time you were coming I would have brewed some tea for you two, Liyue has a very fine selection,” you say, fiddling with your thumbs. 
“Aww! Paimon would have loved to try some!”
“Thank you for the offer, I would have liked to try some too, but we are short for time,” Aether explains.
“Then just wait here, I’ll fetch a bag for you to keep on your travels.”
You leave the entrance room before either of them have the chance to reject your offer, and you’re back almost immediately. A new batch you ordered just came in yesterday, so it did not take long for you to try and figure out which one you would like to gift Childe’s… ‘client’. 
“Here,” you hand it to Paimon, who hugs the bag closely to her body. “Travellers need to be at their top shape, right? Hopefully this is something that will rejuvenate you on your journey.”
“This is too kind,” Aether begins, “thank you. We’ll make sure to great care of it.”
“It’s fine! Anyone that is associated with Childe are welcomed here, so long as they’re a nice person that is,” you laugh.
“You can bet we’re the nicest of the bunch!” Paimon exclaims. “I doubt he meets many nice people being a Fatui Harbinger and all!”
A… what? 
Sensing the sudden shift in your mood, Aether’s eyes widen and he tugs at the leg of his companion. “Uh, it was nice meeting you Y/n! Paimon and I will be off now, thank you for the package and tea!” The last statement is nothing but a blend of words toppled over each other as the two practically hurry out of the estate, door slamming behind them in their rush. 
Their abrupt leave didn’t impact you much though, because what did Paimon mean when she said ‘Fatui Harbinger’? Was… Ajax hiding something from you? Or is he Childe? What is the use for a merchant name, anyways? Businessmen don’t usually have identities to keep, but how dire could it be in his industry? After all, second names are only used when wanting to protect yourself from harm, to keep people from knowing who they truly were… a code name for… an organisation like the Fatui to identify them by.
You feel sick, and your hand weakly snakes up to cover your mouth, the other gripping the edge of the table for some sense of stability in your crumbling world. 
Memories come flooding back like a tidal wave, drowning you in the heaviness of the thoughts that clasp around your ankle like anchors. It’s hard to push them away, to ease your mind from the nauseating images that still haunt you to this day: the desperation of your family, the cries, the helpless feeling of being a mere pawn in the game of the Fatui. 
(It hurts to think that you never escaped. After finally surviving through years of hardship, you’ve returned right into the hands of those who caused it, and the thought reminds you of how defeatable you always will be. 
Ajax- Childe, has likely caused devastation similar to the one that wrecked your village years ago. He has blood on his hands, the same ones that have held you tightly against him and stroked your hair. You have kissed his lips- ones that command horrendous acts for others to see through. You love his heart, the same one that probably froze over in Snezhnaya years ago.
You are with someone who has inflicted pain and suffering onto others, and will continue to do so for years to come. But worst of all, you are with a liar, who now makes you question what is and isn’t true.)
Childe returns home at sunset, the rattling of his keys against wood causing fear to crawl down your spine. 
“I’m home!” His cheery voice calls from the front door, and to his surprise, you are sitting on one of the more uncomfortable couches that is merely for decor rather than functionality. “My love, why are you sitting there? There are far more comfortable seats for you-”
“Welcome home, Childe.” 
He pauses in his steps and feels the world stop momentarily. “Darling? What’s with the name?” The Harbinger tries to laugh, but really, you’re scaring him. Very much so. “Come on, you know you don’t need to call me that. Here, I brought back some food that I thought you would enjoy from-” 
“When were you going to tell me?” You’re standing now, slowly stepping towards him as your clothes flow with your every movement. Childe has no time to admire though, not when you and this swirling premonition in his gut is frightening him. 
“Tell you what?” The pit in his stomach already knows.
“Must you act a fool?”
“To what?” He continues because it’s his first instinct to lie. “Darling, please tell me what is troubling you.”
“Please don’t play dumb, I just need the truth, especially now out of all times, are you really a…” you plead, voice trailing off as you hold yourself back from shattering. “You’re not who I think you are, are you?”
“Why do you sound so sad? What happened?” He whispers, beginning to feel the back of his eyes burn as tears invade his eyes.
“A-are you really with the Fatui? A Harbinger, too?” The words fall from your mouth like anvils and suddenly the title that brought him pride and honour through the years dulls. His eyes widen, and the gulp of his throat is all you need to know. 
“I love you,” large, blistered hands desperately reach for you, aching to hold you still because he’s terrified. What if you slip through his fingers and run? What if you go somewhere he can’t follow? “I love you-”
“Just give me the truth, Ajax. I practically know, I just need to hear it from you,” you choke. The call of his name causes him to cave, a hesitant ‘yes’ slipping past his lips, crushing you with the weight of the truth. You cry first and like dominoes, his tears follow.
“Don’t cry,” he hiccups through his own sobs, hands locking around your wrists like bracelets. “I hate it when you cry.”
“It’s Ajax to you,” the Harbinger pleads, grip tightening in desperation.
“I don’t know what you are to me anymore!” You retaliate, “this whole time, you’ve been lying to me when you know about what happened. I’ve told you everything, and you still decide to keep this from me!” You stumble away from him with more force than necessary, bumping into a table nearby and causing the vase that adorns it to drop. A shrill crack echoes through the room, and instantaneously, he rushes to your aid, asking if you’re hurt as pieces of fina china lay on the floor, water pooling around his feet. 
Mixed in the puddle, are the anxieties and worries that come fumbling out of his mouth. He then pretends like it doesn’t break his heart when you scramble away from him. 
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” You ask, voice strained and quiet. 
“If I had told you, would you have stayed, or would you have ran away?”
Your silence chokes him, filling up his airways with lead as he nervously awaits your answer. “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t have stayed.”
Childe’s expression glistens with sadness, so crystal clear that it makes his eyes gleam like diamonds deep from the Chasm. “I see.”
“-But I would have appreciated it hearing from you than someone else.”
“Then how did you found out?” He demands, forcing his tone to be soft. 
“If I tell you you’ll go and hurt them,” you murmur. “I don’t want that to happen.” 
With one look at you, it’s clear that you think Childe will hurt you too with the way you cower from him, as if he could ever lay a finger on you or even point a blade in your direction, but the vision hanging on his hip feels heavier than ever. It’s a haunting reminder of who he is, and what he is capable of. 
You feel miles away, how on Teyvat is he going to pull you back?
“Who are you really?”
“I’m yours-”
“-I’m not in the mood for your flirtatious quips,” you snap, hugging yourself. 
“But it’s true, I love you, Y/n, don’t you know?”
“No, no I don’t. I don’t know what else you’re lying about.”
“Oh come on,” he exasperatedly exclaims, “we’ve been together for so long, the day we met you met the real me, as Ajax, not Childe of the 11th Fatui Harbingers. What’s the big deal? Just because I follow the Tsaritsa doesn’t mean I’m not the same Ajax you know, Y/n, please.”
“It’s not only that you’re apart of the Fatui, Ajax- the world is grey, there are things I will never understand. I’m upset because you lied. Like you said, we’ve been together for so long, yet I’m only finding out about this now, so what else don’t I know?” Your voice breaks.
He takes a step forward, but you only take one back, maintaining the distance even though the Snezhnaya native wants nothing more than to just hold you, to secure his place by your side because what can he do without you? 
“What else are you keeping from me? What can I trust about you anymore? You say your real name is Ajax, but how can I know that?” 
Seeing you so upset, so glum, so devoid of the light that makes you you causes his heart to cease, his throat to dry, and sheer terror to flood through him. 
Childe’s seen the face of death, multiple times before, yet he’s never been this scared in his whole life. He’s losing you, he can feel it, but what can he do about it? What can he say that could possibly bring you back? (What good is a jester without the throne he was sworn to entertain? You can’t desert him, he will perform a thousand tricks if it enamours you into staying, will sacrifice more of himself to you if it means you will remain here, safe and sound in his arms.)
You are the reason he returns home everyday, to make sure that you are healthy, happy, and most importantly, that you haven’t left him without a word. If he had to, he would have killed for you, fought anyone and everyone until all that remained of him was the warrior heart that beat for you. But he could have never preempted this, nothing could have ever prepared for him to be the reason that you were leaving.
“I need some space,” you murmur, “to think this all through. Give me some time.”
“What? No,” murmurs the orange-haired. “No, no, no, we can talk about this, right?” 
“Talking won’t do anything, I need time alone.”
The idea of being away from you causes Childe to almost sink to his knees and succumb to the bones in his body that ache to beg at your feet to stay. The cry of your name is weak, but so very desperate as he looks at you through a blurry vision.  
You’re walking towards the front door, each step you take is another one away from him, away from the paradise that he’s been gifted. There are many ways he can stop you right now, his options are far from limited and although they are physical, they are all very effective, but he surrenders instead. Drops his weapons as he lets you go.
“How long?” Is all that Childe asks.
“I don’t know,” you murmur, hand reaching for the door knob. 
“No more than two weeks, please.” Childe doesn’t know if he can handle being away from you for even a day, let alone fourteen. 
“I’ll try.” 
“I’ll search all of Teyvat if that’s what it takes to bring you home,” he affirms, clearing through sobs just to get the words out. He doesn’t back down without a fight, that’s just who he is, so his next words are etched with certainty and clarity, hoping to pierce your defences with arrows of undying devotion. “That’s a promise.”
“I know.” 
You shut the door behind you.
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© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
apologies if there is incorrect lore + if anyone is mischaracterised LOL i have only been playing genshin for like a month.
@fallenssun for u :>
2K notes · View notes
astrologydayz · 3 months
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MOON OPPOSITE/QUINCUNX COMPASSION ASTEROID - 8990 = The ones that can have trouble with being compassionate, & then not being so compassionate. It can be quite conflicting 4them at times, cuz in some moments, they do obviously really feel with others - & then in other moments - they're like "ummm sir, that's their own fault, HELLOO??" Like they can typically be seen as a little mean/not able2 feel other people's pain sometimes. They're usually very straightforward here with what they feel, so some could def take offence. COMPASSION ASTEROID - 8990 CONJUNCT/TRINE ASC = These people are true heroes, when it comes to being humane/compassionate. They always feel with others. They would never not feel with others. They always think of others, & typically always puts others before themselves❤️ - 1st one 2ask if u need any help for sure. These people are the ones seeing a really sad, & horrible movie, where it also ends up being based on true events - and then they'll cry, & think about it for a very long time. They don't understand why anybody would treat anyone bad - "we only got each other??".
COMPASSION ASTEROID - 8990 CONJUNCT/TRINE MC = Seen/known by others as compassionate. Got a reputation of being someone who's very sympathetic, humane, "able 2 put themselves in other people's shoes". But don't be tricked tho, it can be a facade here - you won't know. They choose what u see - not saying they're aren't compassionate, but u get my point, hopefully. VENUS TRINE/SEXTILE/QUINTILE KARMA ASTEROID - 3811 = Accumulated/or accumulating good karma, when it comes to values, passions, self love, love&romance, beauty, aesthetic taste - look at signs&houses💋.
VENUS SQUARE/QUINCUNX KARMA ASTEROID - 3811 = Accumulated/or accumulating poor karma when it comes to self love, passions/hobbies, values, love&romance - partners, or beauty. Can also show up as "owing" something/or that they will "owe" something to a particular person they're in a relationship with/or will be in a relationship with - Or multiple partners - look at signs&houses - persona charts if needed❤️.
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4those who are into men, & marriage - GROOM ASTEROID - 5129 CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782 = can show getting bank after getting married/or show up as your husband/fs having money💰.
4those who are into women, & marriage - BRIEDE ASTEROID - 19029 CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782 = same as above - can show getting bank after getting married/or show up as your wife/fs having money💰.
💰MONY ASTEROID - 7782 CONJUNCT/TRINE ASC = the grind never stops. It comes all natural 2 them 2 think in lanes where money can get achieved! - They chase, & secure that bag big time. They love the hustle - "a hustler was born the day they got here".
MONY ASTEROID - 7782 CONJUNCT/TRINE NORTH NODE = chasing, & getting that bag is part of one's life purpose/it's a life theme!💰
💰MONY ASTEROID - 7782 SQUARE/QUINCUNX NORTH NODE = money can be hard 2 really achieve in this lifetime, even tho they could chase it/want it really bad - it's bc of their last lifetime. OR chasing money is a big problem 4 them, bc they forget their true purpose here, & only fixate on getting that bag - "money hungry/focused" - "straying from their true path" - "they're blinded".
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URANUS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE ASC = Are the ones doing/going about life very differently, than others. They think in very different lanes, original, & untouched lanes - no one can copycat them4shit, cuz ain't nobody moving like they do. You'll never meet two of these people, that's for sure. They appreciate freedom, originality, &realness a lot more than most.
NORTH NODE CONJUNCT/TRINE MC = one whose life purpose/life theme is about establishing yourself in this world! Creating a public persona - chasing, & getting that fame/success, & prestige!
NORTH NODE CONJUNCT/TRINE IC = the one whose life purpose/life theme is family, finding their "people" - creating their own home in this world/establishing a family/roots!
ASC AT 1, 13, 25 = ARIES DEGREE are the ones always wanting to do something fr😭🤣😍, they love being out & about - they like moving around. They're usually very honest, direct, not afraid of standing up for themselves/others, & they can get quite spicy/fiery at times. They don't give out 2nd chances typically, so use the 1st one wisely! They can't stand people who tries to trick them, like they're "dumb"🙄 - they'll disappear quicker than Houdini💨.
PREY ASTEROID - 6157 CONJUNCT SOUTH NODE = used 2 being a prey throughout this life/used 2 being taken advantage of, bc of a past lifetime = they gotta learn how to stand up for themselves, cuz this energy, ain't energying! They gotta speak the fuck up, & let NOBODY take advantage!!!
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MARS SQUARE/QUINCUNX ASC IN SYNASTRY = Asc person can feel overwhelmed sometimes, because of Mars aggressive/in your face energy. Mars could start fights, or want to argue a lot, but the Asc person ain't having none of that. Asc person can see Mars person as 2 dominant, or 2 impatient - 2much attitude. If this is a relationship/a sexual connection - the Asc person could find this sexually attractive about the Mars person after some time, but there will still be times where it will piss off the asc person very much💀.
MOON SQUARE/QUINCUNX MERCURY IN SYNASTRY = Moon person can feel like Mercury person is harsh with their words, & really insensitive at times. Mercury person can feel like the Moon person is 2 sensitive, or takes things 2 personal a lot of the times. Mercury person communicates/banters in a way, that doesn't sit right with the Moon person emotionally - they can get offended. Moon can act out/up bc they don't feel heard/they can feel like their feelings don't matter/like they're irrelevant 2 the Mercury person.
SATURN CONJUNCT/TRINE JUNO IN SYNASTRY = constant/longterm loyalty/commitment from Juno 2 Saturn person! SATURN SQUARE/QUINCUNX JUNO IN SYNASTRY = Juno person either doesn't want 2 commit 2 the Saturn person 100%, OR it can show up as the way the Juno person shows their commitment 2 the Saturn person/the relationship = it doesn't give the Saturn person the stability they seek, or need. SATURN OPPOSITE JUNO IN SYNASTRY = On and off loyalty/stability from Juno/or an on & off relationship between the two! - Juno is 9/10 times the one cutting it off).
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PLUTO CONJUNCT JUNO IN SYNASTRY = LOVE THIS ONE! Deep seated loyalty/commitment from Juno person 2 Pluto person - “Pluto's ride or die"💋. Ain't nobody got Pluto like Juno. Pluto usually hasn't experienced this kind of crazy ass loyalty with anyone before, but they're Pluto = SO THEY FUCKING LOVE THAT SHIT. They're an inseparable duo, very possessive, & very committed - fixation at it's finest - especially in the beginning!
PLUTO SQUARE/QUINCUNX JUNO IN SYNASTRY = Pluto person tries 2 silently keep the Juno person under their control, while they typically keep secrets of their own. Juno person ain't here4it tho. They may be committed 4a little while, but not in the long run. Juno always ends up acting out in ways they've never acted out before = Pluto person starting/creating a change/transformation in Juno/in Juno person's life. PLUTO TRINE/QUINTILE JUNO IN SYNASTRY = Juno is an amazing supporter in Pluto person’s life!🫶🏼 Pluto knows that they can trust, & count on Juno person at all times! Pluto can be kinda possessive at times, but Juno isn’t put off by that! - they're rather intrigued by it, cuz they can be like that2sometimes!💁🏼‍♀️ A natural affinity for helping each other through tough/life changing times.
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