#pat schweenis
crmsnmth · 6 months
It's No Different In Anarchy
Nothing ever really changes with time That is, except for time itself I still live in a nutshell of outrage and cynicism I was so great for the cause Until I was overshadowed by my effect
You swore that I could help to change the world But soon i was finding out that you were just as full of shit as I was I found no peace in wishing for your utopia dreams Human nature boils down to fight or flight And you ran as fast as you could when the red and blue strobed To think, I once put my faith in you Surprise feelings that haunt the edges of night Grabbing at them with nails long enough to curl
Somehow you won them all back Singing songs that you ripped off from Pat Schweenis Rearranging the words to fit some new narrative and the rest of the clan all clapped like trained seals clap for fish Did anybody ever really get the reward you spouted
You spread my name through dirt staining my body with gravel and mud Because I got out before the whole thing collapsed You can't be organized and true to your beliefs Cause every movement as a leader and it was no different in anarchy
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chaosmenu · 2 years
kind of insane that pat the bunnys legal last name is schweenis
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shittyshitposts · 4 years
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hoppin on that train and never looking back
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