#passive and confused and just Not Doing Things they 'should' do because they don't know how/are afraid)
leatherbookmark · 4 months
i get it i get it i really get it but also it's very frustrating when a work of fiction raises you expectations, makes you thrilled for The Big Confrontation, and then the next post-clifhanger installment comes and it goes "after everything was over,"
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syrupfog · 3 months
Luffy grew up with two brothers who, at first, hated him and kicked the shit out of him. Then, eventually, loved him and who expressed that love through kicking the shit out of him. 
Luffy's grown up with a low level of violence as love his whole life. 
His crew is the same, from very early on. Nami will beat on anyone (or at least any of the boys), and Zoro's been known to land a punch to the back of his head at every dumb remark he makes. 
And Sanji... his kicks are INTENSE. 
Luffy's lucky he's made of rubber.
and he laughs it all off-- because it's FUNNY. He knows his crew loves him, they're his CREW. He knows his brothers loved him, they're his BROTHERS. Luffy has always known violence as a form of love, although notably he rarely reflects that methodology onto others.
When Luffy meets Law the first time, Law watches as Luffy punches a Celestial Dragon in the face. That violence is, obviously, NOT a form of love. 
When Luffy meets Law the second time, it's when Law is saving his life, doing impossible levels of knitting him back together.
Luffy doesn't remember a lot of that bit, or the bit right after, on Amazon Lily, when the grief is at its strongest. 
But then, two years later, he sees Law again on Punk Hazard, and they form an alliance, and Luffy declares that Law is a good guy. 
No one else agrees.
But when has Luffy ever cared about other peoples' opinions? Now certainly isn't the time to start. Law gave all those pirates new legs. He saved Luffy. He's good. 
and then Law is travelling with them, aboard the Sunny. 
And he's mean and grouchy and short tempered and, again, everyone is wary of him. 
Luffy's not, of course, because that's just how Law is, but he's confused. 
Because no matter how many times Law snaps or yells or threatens to slice people apart, he's never violent. He doesn't throw punches or kick or draw his sword.
Which does make Luffy wonder if he's done something wrong, that Law doesn't feel like he can be free with Luffy, to go after him when he says something stupid. Everyone else does, is it because he's the captain? But Law's captain too, and they're in an alliance, they're equal.
But he doesn't say anything on it-- and even in Dressrosa, when Law tries to tell him the alliance is over, Luffy knows he wouldn't attack him even if he could. And it's confusing. He couldn't count the amount of times Ace landed a punch on him just for waking him up wrong.
After all that is said and done, and they land on Zou, and Luffy meets the Heart Pirates in all their glory, all twenty of them, he doesn't know if he gets more confused or less. 
The Heart Pirates LOVE their captain (as they should, Traffy is great!) and clearly would do anything for him, starting with those dorky poses they strike. And they yell at him for abandoning them, but they don't get violent with Law, and doesn't get violent with them. He sort of just... lets them yell at him and then talks over them. 
It's weird.
This isn't a thought that keeps Luffy up at night so much as it's a thought that he returns to whenever he looks at Law, reclining as his crew tries to get him to talk about what happened, or whenever Luffy's getting literally kicked out of the kitchen by Sanji.
It's a fact that Luffy puzzles on even in Wano, as Law is passively letting Luffy ruin every plan and then announcing that he planned FOR Luffy to ruin every plan. 
He doesn't hit Luffy for ruining his plan. He doesn't even elbow him in the side.
Before Luffy had seen Law with his own crew on Zou, he had thought that maybe Law didn't really like him. But after seeing Law interacting with his crew, he started to reevaluate. Law loves his crew, and although he threatens to use his Room on them (and maybe sometimes he does), that's not a violent thing. They can pop back together like Kin'emon did. 
But Luffy wonders-- what does it mean to be close with someone without feeling the freedom to get physical with them? 
He wonders this and doesn't have an answer, because that's never been his world.
And of course, what Luffy doesn't know, is that Law grew up with that violence. Had those formative years with Doflamingo, where he was taught to fight and lived with a family who was just as violent as Luffy's own. He was full of hatred and happily took it out on people.
And the only difference was Cora-- who at first was just as violent, to be fair, throwing him out a window and all that. 
But Cora who saw him as someone that could be saved, who sacrificed everything from his mission to his life, to give Law freedom of a different kind— the freedom of gentleness. The freedom that comes from being able to live for yourself. The freedom that comes from being loved enough that the one who loves you gave it all up for you. 
He gave Law everything he had, and he held him tight and told him it would all be okay.
And it wasn't, because Cora's gone, but Law took that love and internalized it, and from the very start the first thing he does is save Bepo from being hurt. 
He gathers a crew little by little and does so by giving them second chances like he was given, and gives them safety— including physical safety. Because separating himself from Doflamingo and that hatred means also separating himself from that senseless violence that comes from growing up in organized crime. 
Law's crew respects him because, despite his prickly exterior, he's stoically kind.He's using his fruit to help and to heal-- even when he gives those pirate hearts to the marines, did he kill them? Debatable. 
Law has worked hard to excise that violence from his life, and Luffy can see that even when no one else on his crew seems to notice.
And Luffy doesn't know why-- doesn't understand it-- but god it makes him smile wide when he sees Law snap at someone and knows that he can trust that Law won't hurt. 
It's like having a wild animal, capable of destruction, lay lazily at your feet.
Luffy wants that. It's an addicting feeling, to feel safe in that way. 
He loves his crew and he loves his brothers and he's made of rubber-- they couldn't hurt him, wouldn't hurt him. 
But the secret gentle kindness of Law is addicting.
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azure-cherie · 5 months
Some astro observations pt:4🧡
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It's been a year I have done an observations post ☠️ I hope you guys enjoy this one 💟
In case you want a reading :
Paid readings, paid readings 2 , masterlist
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🍊 Combust or retrograde Venus can be cured through worship of Devi , respecting women and general and treating yourself well . Whereas combust mercury can be cured through practicing mathematics. Combust Saturn through practicing more routines.
🍊 Rahu synastry makes you delusional true but ketu synastry is even more delusional you will feel a sense of familiarity with the person you have the synastry with but soon you will realise oh it was all play and eventually the ketu person will actually start hating the moon person .
🍊 I think purva bhadrapada is he sign of sati as when sati was born on earth to be wife of Shiva only the expansiveness of purva bhadrapada could make her realise her true potential as mahadevi herself how she's nature and everything that truly exists in the cosmos . Likewise purva bhadrapada expands their horizons to realise their true purpose . I found some purva bhadrapada prominence in her media depiction of sati as well .
🍊 Purva bhadrapada are also truly sweet and kind people who have so much intelligence but it stays hidden for the early part of their life .
🍊 Purva Ashadha as a young girl or a maiden is often envied by her peers for being pretty , use protective things as a means to protect from evil eye , PA is associated with liver and evil eye can cause bumps in the face or skin disease .
🍊 Shravana girls have the quite confidence, they're genuinely bubbly but it's hidden in the quite girl interior, they know who they are and are constantly working on themselves.
🍊 With pisces placements in a man's chart one can have a good balance between the masculine and the feminine energy, I have generally seen pisces creating a nice atmosphere for their wives or the girls they love . They enjoy cooking and also get a lot of girl friends around them who trust them .
🍊 Gemini guys in general are the most confused people though girls can be assertive or be quickly change the men are just diplomatic about everything.
🍊 Vishakha women have the tridosha of kapha , which makes them effective in transforming their body fast .
🍊 I've seen that you might attract the sign of your 7th house but mostly it doesn't work out 💀 rather the sign in your 12th house works better , the chemistry is unbeatable and they treat you so well . Even in my case Taurus is my 12th house 💀 Taurus men be spoiling me 👑
🍊 Sun moon synastry is so passive agressive
🍊 Your atmakaraka can provide you insights on which Devi you should worship , for example if mars go for some ugra Devi like Kali , Durga etc . They can prove to be your ishtha or kuldevi please note that to find one's ishtha /kuldevi more things are to be considered.
🍊 Sun in the 10th house gives one fame but makes one work hard asf , when you're at the verge of giving up that's when true fame comes in to save you being the house of Saturn .
🍊 Jupiter in 3rd makes one materialistic they were the kids that were obsessed with new toys and gadgets as it generally makes one fidgety, also they were fulfilled in their wants for toys .
🍊 Combust mars in a girls chart overworks themselves because they feel a lack of vitality, they don't know where to exactly put efforts or what to do to make themselves feel better. Combust mars in a man's chart has the delusion of being masculine when in turn they do nothing to nourish their essence , true help in this case can be attained through puja in Tuesdays of Mangal Dev or Hanuman .
🍊 Ketu and mars can give hidden anger issues and can cause anger outbursts like Taurus mars . One way to combat that is to donate blood .
🍊 Saturn in 1H should do atleast one thing they don't like to do but is Essential for them everyday as this position might show feeling inferior or uninterested in themselves the act of doing something for themselves makes them more confident.
🍊 Mercury in combust , 6th house gives skin problems .
🍊 Rohini isn't materialistic for money but for comfort .
Thank you so much for reading, have a great day/night 🧡
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
FUN FACT: Did you know that Vegeta wasn't blowing smoke on Namek when he claimed to have become a Super Saiyan?
Well. Not entirely, anyway.
And also the process of becoming a Super Saiyan is kind of complicated, and Goku is an enlightened martial arts master.
The process of becoming a Super Saiyan is complicated. The English dub got a bit confused on this point while they were frantically erasing as much spirituality and also martial arts and general power levels talk as they could from the series.
The dub was bad. I don't think that's a surprise to anyone. It was a 90's anime dub. It scrubbed the source material of a lot of stuff.
But specifically here, the dub confused matters when it said that to become a Super Saiyan, you have to be pure of heart. This confused matters, because being purehearted is a thing in Dragon Ball. You have to be purehearted to ride the Nimbus.
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This concept of pureheartedness exists in Dragon Ball. But it has nothing to do with the Super Saiyan.
This isn't the same as that. To become a Super Saiyan, you need something else. Notably, the Viz manga also translates this idea as "pure of heart"....
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But the idea being translated here is more along the lines of tranquility than innocent goodness.
Becoming a Super Saiyan is a bit of a process. To understand the Super Saiyan, we need to talk about limit-breaking. This is a concept that's expressed repeatedly throughout Dragon Ball. In order to become Dragon Ball Powerful, you have to break your limits. You hit a ceiling and that's as far as you can go, until you find some new way to push through and break that ceiling. The series is big on this idea.
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As an example, Mr. Satan is an incredibly formidable martial artist. He is peak. Top-tier fighter. ...within human limits. But he doesn't hold a candle to Krillin because Krillin broke the human limit in childhood.
Mr. Satan is basically Panput from the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai.
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Saiyans are in a different league from humans, and they have different set limits. Different norms, different standards, and different potentials. But, like humans, there's a ceiling. The first step to becoming a Super Saiyan is breaking the Saiyan limit.
Goku, as a low-class Saiyan trained on Earth in martial arts, was able to break through the Saiyan limit during his gravity training in space. This wasn't the goal of his training, mind; Goku had a particular goal in mind. He was subjecting himself to intense gravity so that he could acclimate his body to withstanding higher levels of Kaioken.
Not even realizing that was what he was doing, Goku was the first to shatter his Saiyan boundary and take the first step to becoming a Super Saiyan.
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That Goku has transcended Saiyan abilities isn't lost on either Vegeta or Captain Ginyu, both of whom peg him as a Super Saiyan... before walking it back because Goku lacks the overwhelming bloodthirst and battle hunger that characterizes the legend.
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Poor Goku has no idea what any of these people are on about. He might as well be listening to Game of Thrones fans infodump about the Lannisters.
But he wasn't alone. During his fight with Jeice following his third Zenkai of the arc, Vegeta finds himself trashing Jeice. Vegeta's as surprised as Jeice is, to be honest. Even with a Zenkai, he should not be doing this well.
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Vegeta's last Zenkai wasn't just a Zenkai. It pushed him through the Saiyan limit.
You see, something happens to a Saiyan as they cross that boundary. Their ki begins to swell astronomically in preparation for becoming a Super Saiyan. Both Goku and Vegeta at this point have entered a sort of proto-Super Saiyan state. Their powers are passively being inflated.
Goku, too, eventually realizes that his power is growing at an astronomical rate that cannot be explained by his training or his Zenkai boosts or any phenomenon he's aware of. He's just. Swelling with power for reasons he can't fathom.
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Neither of them are Super Saiyans yet. They still need the right spark to ignite it - and, despite knowing more about the Super Saiyan legend than Goku, Vegeta has no idea what that spark is. But they're both inflating like balloons in preparation for ignition.
Vegeta brings up the proto-Super Saiyan again in his first showdown with Frieza.
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He recognizes that he is not yet the Super Saiyan. But he is a proto-Super Saiyan. He still feels it, still feels his power inflating within himself. He just. Needs. That. Spark.
But he won't find it. He said it himself: He doesn't think Goku and his "soft heart" can become the Super Saiyan. The Super Saiyan is supposed to be filled with rage and battle hunger.
But breaking the Saiyan limit isn't enough. You need the spark: A tranquil heart awakened by rage.
There are two pieces to that. The first is a tranquil heart. What does that mean? It means tranquility. Stillness. Peace. Becoming one with yourself and the cosmic universe.
During his training in space, with nothing to concern himself with and no distractions, Goku found tranquility. Alone in the void of space with only his beloved art, he achieved a measure of serenity and peace that he's never known before.
When Goku steps off that ship, he's different. He's entirely focused on the task at hand. He doesn't even want to fight the Ginyus, which is a stark departure for his character. He has no interest in the joy of battle; Only in doing what he came for and going home.
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Goku asks the Ginyu Force multiple times to just go away. He does not care about this. He is thoroughly disinterested in fighting.
He's not even mad. They beat up his son and his best friend, and Goku does not care. Also, he can read minds now. Because he is the Heavenly Buddha, I guess.
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This is a super weird moment, but its main purpose is to demonstrate that Goku has become... something else. He's not just "Goku but stronger"; he's changed on a fundamental level.
Goku is no longer a rash, impulsive student. He has become a master of his art. Do you see that kanji on his back? Kaio presented Goku with this new dogi after he got out of the hospital... uh... somehow.
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You. Uh. You gonna elaborate on where the fuck that came from, Goku? No? Okay, man. You do you.
In any case, Goku's new dogi is distinctive because it erases the sigils of both the Kame school and Kaio. Originally, he would wear the Kame sigils on both front and back to reflect his status as a student of Kame-senryu.
Even if he did only technically study Kame-senryu for less than a year. It's fine; the Muten-Roshi filled him with a lot of philosophy that's guided him over the years so it still counts.
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After he trained under Kaio, the sigil on his back was replaced with Kaio's sigil, to reflect that he is Kaio's student now as much as he is the Muten-Roshi's. Though he left the Kame-senryu sigil on Goku's front, because he is a student of both.
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But from the moment Goku steps off that ship, both Kaio and the Kame sigils have been replaced by this new one.
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This new sigil serves two purposes. First is that it's the first kanji of Goku's name. Both of his masters are now gone from Goku's expression, replaced by Goku himself; This symbolizes that Goku has, himself, become the master. His art is now fully his own.
Goku is at the peak of his journey. There is nothing more for him to learn. It falls to him now to cultivate, develop, and evolve his art for himself, using the knowledge and mastery he's acquired. And, as we'll see in the next arc, to ultimately pass it on to the next generation to come.
But, bringing this back to the tranquil heart thing: The kanji for 'Go' also represents enlightenment. Goku has found peace with himself and his place in the cosmic universe. That is why he, and not Vegeta, is ready to have his spark ignited.
He's broken the Saiyan limit. He has a tranquil heart. All he needs now is to snap, and have his tranquil heart awakened by rage.
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But Vegeta still has a ways to go. Because his heart is far from tranquil.
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The best he can come up with is "I Zenkai'd into this, I can Zenkai out of it!" Vegeta is very fettered, especially in conflict with Frieza. He is not one with the cosmic universe. He is a nervous wreck of emotions and wants and distractions. He was so close, but he could never have ignited here. Not under these circumstances.
No, Vegeta would only find his tranquility after becoming stranded on Earth. (No, anime, Vegeta did not have a spare spaceship on hand to leave immediately.)
Three years, living at Capsule Corp until he moved out and got his own place. Free from the yoke of Frieza and able to pursue nothing more than his own self-improvement. Driven by a desire to surpass Goku but in a low-stress environment...
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...and apparently hanging out with Bulma in his downtime.
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That's where Vegeta found his tranquility. And the spark of rage that ignited his tranquil heart? His own inadequacies, of course.
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Never change, Vegeta. XD
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Writing Notes: Plot
Rick Riordan's Writing Tips
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Rick Riordan:
How I craft plot has changed radically over the years. With BIG RED TEQUILA, I did very little plotting in advance. I simply began writing, then went back later and tied up all the loose ends, of which there were plenty. With each successive novel, I've done more outlining in advance. Strangely, this has made writing no easier — it's only made the process harder in different ways. My attitude about plot and how one develops effective pacing is evolving, but below are five points I stand by:
Don't write the parts the reader would skip anyway.
I'm paraphrasing the great Elmore Leonard here.
Most readers, from time to time, have skipped over portions of a chapter to get to the "good stuff."
For instance, many readers will skip a long paragraph of description so they can find the next line of dialog.
One trick for keeping the reader's interest is to zoom in on the content they want to see and leave out the rest.
Writers, especially beginning writers, tend to over-explain.
Distinguish between mystery and confusion.
It is good to keep the reader guessing.
It is bad to keep the reader confused.
The key to successful plotting is giving the reader sufficient information to keep them interested and engaged, but not so much information that they no longer care about what will happen next.
The plot should be built in layers of compelling questions –
"What will he do?"
"What is his secret?"
"Why does she hate him so much?"
The reader should always have at least one question in mind, and be dying to find out the answer.
Get going!
Beginning writers tend to believe that they must "set things up" before they get into the real meat of the novel.
They want to introduce characters, history, and setting before they start on the central dilemma.
Chapter one is often limp, because of this.
Even worse, some writers are so hesitant to get to the point in chapter one that they put off the action even further by writing a prologue.
The problem is, until we know the dilemma, we won't care about the set-up. Get to the point!
Often manuscripts are better if they start with chapter 2, as Lawrence Block once rightly pointed out.
Identify the moral dilemma driving the novel.
The successful novel will haunt a reader because it deals with some ethical or moral dilemma that makes the reader wonder what he or she would do in the protagonist's place.
Action may hold a reader for a chapter.
A surface dilemma like a kidnapping or a romance may hold the reader for fifty pages or more, but only a moral dilemma will hold the reader for an entire novel.
The protagonist must exert influence to solve the problem, and the antagonist must exert influence to stop the solution.
The book must be about conscious choices, carried out in active terms.
It must be about conflict.
A book about random events happening to passive people will not be compelling.
Coincidence is taboo – things can't just happen.
There must be a cause and effect.
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simpingland · 4 months
I have a request if you so feel like writing it, please <3
Aegon Targaryen x Male!servant!reader! Where Aegon falls for one of the castle servants because reader is one of the only people that shows him kindness (because mutual pining) and it leads to them having secret nights together but it's just really fluffy with reader just cuddling Aegon, peppering his face in kisses, telling him how pretty he is 🧎🏻.
(Ik he's not everyone's favorite but if he wasn't the way he was honestly his face is too cute to me I need to coddle him)
Honesty// Aegon Targaryen x reader.
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Summary: life is hard for Prince Aegon. Only when a servant appears to care just enough for him, Aegon seeks this company,not knowing it's a reciprocate feeling.
You walked carefully through the castle you had yet to explore, to the chambers where Aegon awaited. Of course there was only one cup on your tray. Could the rumours of the Prince's fondness for wine and food be true? You had not spent too much time on gossip, the position of servant was a privilege for you, and the Targaryens were the most interesting family you could work for. Though you were not yet aware of the cruelties that were committed among them.
Already outside you could hear loud voices rustling inside Aegon's room. It was late afternoon and there was movement in the court, and even then you could still hear Otto Hightower shouting up the stairs. Had it not been for the guard opening the door you would not have dared to enter. The room was quite dark, lit only by a few flickering candles. The place smelled of wine and there was not a single tidy corner. The Prince was nowhere in sight, and Otto seemed to be talking to the end of a bed.
"Needless to remind you that you should dress nicely for the visit," the Hand finished. "If we are careless you are capable of attending dinner naked."
He left, giving you a brief glance and completely ignoring your presence. And after the door slammed, you saw at last the boy you had come to serve rise.
He was, as his grandfather had feared, covered only by his trousers, and though he knew of your existence by his quickness in pouring himself a drink from the tray, he gave you neither a word nor a glance. Then you saw that what they said about the Targaryens was true. They had a distinctive look about them, and a strange, striking aura about them, though Aegon, with his dirty hair and dark circles under his eyes, was not the image that the legends portrayed.
"You can leave the tray wherever you like. It's not like I'm going to eat it..." the prince spoke, turning his back to you.
You looked around the room for a second. You couldn't find a single gap.
"You can stay as well... I see you feel like it, I honestly don't care" he said again. This time he did look at you, out of the corner of his eye, and with a confused expression.
"You should eat between drinks, my Prince. It helps to slow-"
"How dare you tell me what I 'should' do?"
You swallowed hard, everything the prince had not imposed on you moments before he was imposing on you now. His sad eyes darkened.
"I would never, my Prince. It's just..." you groped at the idea. To be honest or to be just another servant, compliant and passive. The latter was not in your nature. "You have a fine dinner pending. And this wine, my Prince, is among the worst in your cellars. You will come to the table stumbling."
You expected to be thrown out of there at that very moment. At what point did you think to say such a foolish thing to a prince? The pity he gave you had come out in that unbidden council. Luckily, the prince just laughed. He laughed loudly and waited for you to laugh, though you could only smile, which seemed to soften the Targaryen. Nodding, he picked up one of the shinier apples and took a good bite.
"You're right, I'll enjoy the fine wine they serve at the table."
He sat looking out the window as you stood back with the tray. He turned as if he had seen you for the first time.
"How come you're still here?" he asked, a sympathetic tone now.
"I just don't know where to put the tray, my Prince."
"You know, I think you're a servant with real balls. Sit here next to me. You've earned a share of this apparently shitty wine." He awkwardly placed a chair next to him, and when you sat down he watched you balance the tray on your lap. He picked it up and deposited it on the same floor. "We'll have to share a drink."
"You don't mind sharing a drink with me?" you had to hide your shocked smile.
"Why would I mind?"
"Because I am a servant, and you are a prince..."
"I don't know how far my royalty and divinity goes. And as for you being a servant... I honestly don't care. Do you think it's wrong for me to share a drink with a servant?"
"Well, I wouldn't share it with the castle blacksmith. Every time I see him he has fewer teeth, and sharing a cup with him might mean that the next one he loses I end up swallowing."
He laughed again, passing you the cup. His smile made him simple, and somewhat charming in contrast to his soft, masculine voice. And amidst the foolish talk, it grew dark, and it was only when they came to dress him that you were allowed (or rather obliged) to leave, as one of the older servants reminded you.
You were able to attend the dinner, passing food and drink, of course. And the Prince was late. Handsome, but late. He walked lazily, and gave no greeting or smile for any Lord or Lady, though when he saw you in a corner, his face lit up with excitement. As he sat down, he called you to his side with a deft wave of his hand. As you bent down to listen, his voice whispered in your ear, and you could smell the soap with which he must have been bathed earlier.
"Give me a taste of that good wine I've been waiting for."
You took the vase to him, and he held the cup himself.
"I hope it was worth the wait, my Prince."
He savoured it, looking at you sharply, and let out a satisfied sigh, savouring his drink.
"Yes...it was worth it."
The length of the dinner was far too long, and you made it through with the sole entertainment of your work and Aegon's not-so-disguised expressions, which made you smile from your post. Though you could not help but notice all the reproaches that both Otto and Alicent - and Aemond in particular - had for Aegon. And there came a time when you no longer wished to refill the Prince's cup, for you saw his eyes grow cloudy with each refill. And the decanters would run out and someone would change them back, not surprised at how much wine a single person used up.
Back in your room, you were minutes away from sleep, when someone called you up to Aegon's chambers, for he required the presence of the new servant. And though you were not required to, you took water and grapes with you.
"You requested for me, my Prince?" you asked in a whisper, assuming the man to be half asleep, unable to stand on his own two feet in such a drunken stupor.
Indeed, he was lying on the rug on the floor in front of the fire, all his clothes on except his shoes, which he had left lying in different parts of the room. "How did you know I was thirsty? Did I ask for the water?"
"No, my Prince. But I imagined it." You got down on your knees to be more on his level, and he repositioned himself better to drink from the leather bottle. You watched as his hair fell prettily, avoiding brushing it aside. When he finished drinking, he watched you for a second.
"I never asked you what your names were."
You waited a second to check that he wasn't asking in jest, but you found his attentiveness very convincing, and you couldn't deny him the answer.
"I like it...though not as much as the wine at dinner."
"That I had noticed, my Prince."
Though you smiled, something went out of him.
"Am I as pitiful as my family says I am?" he asked in a whisper. You had been honest with him all this time, even if you tried to be good. And now it was hard to lie to him, but seeing him broken like this hurt even more.
"My opinion, if I may, is that they don't treat you fairly...we can't all act perfectly under such pressure."
He put down his drink and focused on looking at you. He was still drunk and you could tell by how heavy his eyelids seemed to be. You noticed how his hand was placed on your knee for a moment, and as you looked at it you saw him place it on your neck, in an ill-advised attempt to caress your face.
"Why are you so nice to me?" he whispered.
"Because...someone must be."
Aegon grinned, like a child being tenderised by a gentle animal. He leaned, though one might as well say slumped, into your torso, head sinking into your chest.
"My Prince, you should eat and drink before you sleep."
You heard him sigh, and helped him upright. He looked up at you and you gave him a look of approval as he took a couple of grapes to eat. Suddenly he did something strange. He put them in your hand again, slowly, and without taking his eyes off yours for a second. You knew what he wanted, and as he put the first one to his lips, Aegon picked it up, brushing his mouth with your fingertips.
"They are good," he said.
Your breath caught, and you had to give him a second, and a third and a fourth and the whole bunch trying to hide your trembling. And when he finished, Aegon had a drop of the juice dripping down his chin. When you wiped it away, you took the opportunity to caress that soft skin.
"Now you should go to sleep," you asked, your voice groggy from so long in silence.
He needed your help to get up, and as you opened the bed for him, he just clumsily removed his most annoying clothes. He rushed to his quilt and turned to look at you. You offered him a last drink of water, but Aegon only gently took the arm with which you offered it.
"I want you to stay here with me," he confessed.
"You are still drunk, my Prince, you are not thinking straight."
"I may still be drunk...but I know I want you to be with me."
"Is that an order?" The question was in jest, but Aegon released your arm slowly, and seemed to move away from you in his bed.
"Is it that I could only convince you to stay if I 'command' it to you?" his question was laden with pain. And it pinched your heart to see him like this because of you.
"No, my prince, it's just...it's my first week here. I want to make a good impression...in any other circumstances I would not have left your side."
You spoke honestly, as Aegon had discovered he liked you. And how did he know? By something special in your eyes, which he thought about all night.
"Call me Aegon, please... when no one will hear, at least." He asked.
"I will, Aegon."
That was one of the few nights you slept alone in the castle. In the days that followed, Aegon would summon you to his room, with some excuse like he liked your way of serving more than any other servant, like he needed a snack between meals. But really he was only pleased to see you near. He began to ask you to accompany him to places where he was needed, as his cupbearer. And there, he would approach you whenever he wanted to talk, even for a moment, with you. You smiled at him from afar, and Aegon seemed to come to his senses knowing you were there. Soon he promoted you, asking you to be the one to organise his clothing, to accompany him on the little trips Otto arranged for him. And he understood every refusal you had to stay the nights with him. It was a strange suggestion, and one that would make you an outcast among your peers. But at the same time, every night it became more and more difficult to say goodbye to him. He had lost that chronic drunkenness, Aegon now spent more time talking to you than taking endless sips from his cup.
The first night you didn't return to your own room began with a stain. Aegon did not finish his drink, engrossed in his grievances towards Aemond, and fully full from the supper he had just finished. And with its owner's consent, you drank the last of the wine. And then you spilled the last drops on the white shirt of your uniform.
"If my Grandsire sees you in that uniform he'll let you know what he thinks, I'm afraid," Aegon said, smirking.
"I'll tell him it's your fault...I've stained myself because I've been drinking, and I've been drinking because you haven't and it's a sin to waste food and drinks" you joked back.
"I guess that's true. Here, let me help you."
He wet a garment from the many he had scattered about, dipped it in water and walked over to you. The stain was on the collar of the shirt. You could hear the sound of the cloth rubbing, and Aegon seemed really intent on his task. You were so close to him that you could smell his hair, his light dragon scent that you were beginning to like. Maybe it was because your heartbeat began to multiply, or because your chest was heaving as you breathed in and out in a choppy way. The thing is, Aegon eventually realised, and decided to take a second before looking you in the eye. When he did, he was sure, but he waited for you to be sure.
"Go ahead," he whispered, the vibrations reaching your lips. "I've always enjoyed your honesty."
Then you kissed him, something Aegon had expected all along. He responded instantly, nuzzling your neck as you pulled him closer to you. It was a fierce kiss, full of Targaryen fire at first. And it had to be the clutter of the room that broke you apart, as you nearly fell to the floor over shoes that Aegon had once again left abandoned in unsuspecting places.
"Would it be too bold to ask you to stay here tonight?" You asked, somewhat apprehensive after the parting. Aegon's smile only grew.
"No... by the gods, stay."
And so the first night passed, snuggled in that huge bed the prince had. He trusted you enough to show you the secret passages that connected to his room. By day, you kept a short distance, which could be suspicious to those who looked. A few caresses that Aegon could not suppress or your quickness to come to his side when he mentioned you. Aegon loved to tell stupid jokes every second, that was his way of making sure that you woukd laugh and awarded him with kisses all around his face. You just couldn't pick a favorite place, they were all pretty. Guards could see you hiding in pillars, where you or Aegon couldn't help but kiss to make it clear that both of you wanted each other too much to wait for the privacy of the Prince's chamber.
But your favourite night was the one when Aegon found your room, at the bottom of the huge castle. Tears were shed before meeting you, and he came to seek your comfort, knocking stealthily at your door.
The kisses you shared in those moments were your favourite, for Aegon had a special sweetness. Your love and touch was the only thing that eased his pain.
"Be honest with me," he asked, lying on your chest. "Do you love me as much as I love you?"
"Oh, my Prince...now that you've saved me from climbing so many stairs to your room, rest assured I do."
He chuckled with relief and kissed your neck tenderly before falling asleep.
A/N: I do not support Aegon's conduct on the series, so we will pretend it didn't happen here...he's gay and cooler here. And I do think TGC is unfairly handsome, I love putting gifs (that aren't mine) of him.
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dolche-tejada · 3 months
Round 7 : The Duality of Qin and Hades
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I don't think there was any other round conclusion that left me that confused at first. I mean... why did Hades died so tragically when he was fighting for his family and to honor his dead brother's memory, motives that usually tend to be some huge green flags in those kinds of mangas ? And then I realized the answer was right there : Hades was doomed to lost like this precisely because he was fighting for the honor of his family. To understand what I mean, you had to take a look at Hades and Qin as characters
Let's begin with Hades. He is at his core a tragic figure and this well before his actual downfall. From the moment he's introduced into the plot, Hades is defined above all through one thing : Duty. He's one of the most feared and respected gods of Valhalla, someone on which everyone rely and the Ruler of Helheim.
And this is his tragedy because Hades does not assume the responsibilities and duty that come with his status, he endures them and lets them define his entire life.
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His whole language is always axed about how he has to do this or how he can't lose that just because that's who he is, never because that's his own choice.
Hades has no desire to avenge Poseidon. He's emotionally exhausted (look at the bags under his eyes), he admitted not having fought for a long time and more importantly : He damn well knows that Poseidon couldn't care less about being avenged. But he has to fight anyway because it's his inherent duty as an older brother, his vow is part of who he is.
He wasn't supposed to fight in the Ragnarok and didn't even want to kill Qin against whom he hold no real grudge. Quite the opposite, he even comes to sympathize with him and admiring him. But he still chooses to fight without hesitation since it's his duty as a god and king of the Netherworld. He can't lose against a mere king of men.
And that's where Qin comes in.
His introduction actually sums him up perfectly : We see him making his own way by breaking through walls into the gods' VIP lodges instead of waiting in his room ; he ragdolled Ares who tried to force him to leave ; and when Brunhilde asks him to follow her to the entrance gate, here's his answer
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This is his core character : Qin doesn't care about traditions and expectations. He doesn't follow the path that is expected of him, he traces his own road (literally and metaphorically) and makes no compromises with anyone, whether they are gods or humans.
When confronted to Chi You, a tyrannical demon god who oppresses his country and people, Qin doesn't resign himself to accept it like previous kings did, he actively fights against this status quo and forces it to bend to his notion of duty
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It can be long (his fight with Chi You literally take six days), it can be painful but this is how he proceeds and that's his greatest source of pride. He's not defined by his status as king, he's the one who defines what it means to be one
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This is an essential component of his backstory and Round 7 writing. When we meet Qin as a child, he's the radical opposite of the one we know : He doesn't try to impose himself as a person and rather immediately conforms to the expectations of those around him.
Chun Yan scolds him for not acting like a child should ? He forces himself to act as such to satisfy her. His guards and the locals of Zhao use him as a scapegoat for the people they've lost ? He apologizes and endures hatred and excruciating pain because that's what is expected from him. That he passively endures
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You know where I'm going with this : Little Qin is basically Hades' foil. Both represses their feelings to conform themselves to duty and exterior expectations, which make them utterly miserable (which isn't that apparent for Hades yet but I'm coming to this).
However, Qin grew up from this through his meeting with Chun Yan, which made him realize something that will forge him into a king
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A lesson Alvitr will also remind him at the end of his fight by asking him to say clearly what he wants when he started to doubt of himself. Something to which Qin just answered : "I want to win... No matter what !"
One wants to win because he has made a promise from his own will, the other has to win since his vow define him.
Because Hades never learnt that lesson and always suffered from it. I've seen a lot of people praising him for how cool and badass of a big brother he is in his backstory, for wiping out a whole army of titans to protect his siblings but imo this is just sad. Instead of talking to his family about this threat and trying to find a solution together, he immediately assumes that he has to deal with them alone, even tho he knows that they are too much and he might actually die.
And when Poseidon asks him if everything's okay, he isn't even able to ask for help or just look at his brother when he's lying to him
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But miraculously this time he managed to win this battle, thanks to his trump card : Ichor Eos. An ability that highlights how self-destructive Hades is when it comes to protect his duty and family. To activate this trump card, he has to hurt himself and bleed. Fulfilling his duty literally requires from him to sacrifice himself.
And despite this, Hades still insists that everything is fine afterwards. No matter how heavy his burden is, he will never be defeated because that's what the world expects from him
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Except he did. Sadly this time, his burden was too heavy and he got destroyed in the process. Hades died and not even in a satisfying way. Just compare with the others fighters' death :
Lu Bu died feeling joy for the first time in his life, happy to finally fighting an equal
Adam lost with a peaceful smile on his face, knowing that he did his best to protect his children
Poseidon was bitter in his last moments but held on to his pride until the end
Heracles remained faithful to what he is and inspired Jack to become a better person
Raiden had the best sumo fight of his life and vanished with the woman he loved
Zerofuku finally got to be happy too
Nikola gave the most wholesome speech ever known to Mankind after making science evolved once again
And Leonidas was proud, having proven that Sparta will always be the strongest
But Hades ? Nothing of that
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In his last moments, he was convinced of having let his family down and being a failure as a result, apologizing to them for this just before disappearing forever under their eyes.
And the most painful part of this is that Hades was the only one to see himself as such. The members of his family may have admired him for his strength and his willingness to make any sacrifice for the honor of gods but they still loved him first and foremost as a person. Adamas was ready to throw away his own pride as a god (the thing Hades literally died for) by killing a crippled half-dead Qin for winning in a fair fight. Hermes composed a requiem in his memory and Zeus was both heartbroken and sorry to hear his last words. He knew his brother had nothing to apologize for but realized that the latter didn't.
At the end of the day, Hades didn't lost this battle of kings just because Qin was stronger. He lost because Qin was the better king and learn to find worth in himself rather than in what people expected from him, while Hades let his responsibilities consume him throughout his whole life.
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projectcaramel · 2 months
Do you have headcannons for the whole cast, for the scenario that younger teen mc randomly dresses exactly like Lucifer one day and mimics him throughout the day?
Thanks if you do this. I'm not sure if you do headcannons this long. If you don't, you can just do Lucifer + the undateables
-- Caramel: If possible, I would prefer not to fulfill entire cast requests. I will soon make a pinned post, but 7 character cap unless otherwise stated. :) --
How Luci + undates react to a teenager MC dressing up and acting like Lucifer:
Separated into MC being rude about it and MC just doing it because they feel like it.
Disrespectful: He will probably force MC to change and will certainly lecture MC for hours as well as make them write an apology letter. Or seven.
Proper mimicry: Aside from initial confusion, if they don't tell him the reason they're doing it, he'll assume it's because they admire him. Ego boost 1000% with a slice of a self-satisfied "I am a good role model." He will, however, put a stop to it if it gets out of control.
("I can't have MC saying 'Why don't we share the bed?' in that tone! They're too young for that!" - a phrase which will make him panic regardless of MC's sexual knowledge.)
Disrespectful: If it's all in good fun, he'll probably laugh at some things unless they cross the line. Crossing the line being Lucifer having already told MC to stop three or four times (annoyed) or once (pissed).
Proper mimicry: Will constantly tease Lucifer about having a child and be silently envious that MC isn't mimicking him instead. What can he say? It's cute that Lucifer has a little human following him like a duckling. Will not stop MC from doing it at any point.
Disrespectful: Doesn't laugh, strongly disapproves, but generally does not act unless a) Lucifer wishes to but can't or b) Diavolo has in some way directed him to.
Proper mimicry: He won't say a word, in general, but MC will catch him chuckling and/or smiling to himself. If MC mimics one of Lucifer's bad behaviors, however, he will go into occasionally excessive detail to explain why MC should not do it.
Disrespectful: Might laugh a little bit, but often doesn't appreciate it. Depending how much it irritates him, he may sit MC down and make them go through a lecture somehow more agonizing than Lucifer's.
Proper mimicry: He thinks it's precious, seeing MC being all proper and stern like Lucifer. Like Barbatos, however, he stops MC from doing things like killing hitting people for mildly pissing them off and will gently point out that while it is good to have a role model, part of growing up is also becoming your own person.
Disrespectful: This kid is torn. On one hand, he knows it's probably wrong, but on the other, Lucifer mocks him all the time. He follows Simeon's lead even if he think's it's hilarious.
Proper mimicry: We all know he's going to strongly dissuade MC from imitating a big bad demon like Lucifer with benign intentions regardless. He may, however, begrudgingly admit it makes them seem more responsible.
Disrespectful: Will laugh and will let them go as far as they want as long as Lucifer isn't actively trying to kill them and said mimicry isn't annoying.
Proper mimicry: Intensely jealous. Can get passive-aggressive about telling MC to stop it, make subtle comments that he's clearly better to mimic, et cetera. Just kills the wizard to see MC appearing more eager to learn from Lucifer than himself.
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elasticitymudflap · 1 year
god, okay. fuck. i hate to say that i really underatand where simon's coming from, like, with his misunderstanding of betty and their relationship. because, well, autism. he's obviously used to being alone and people thinking he's stupid and weird, and is just very passive in his approach to other people in general. i know that feeling. it's a barrier you build around yourself to get through a world that refuses to understand you, and by this point you're so used to getting burned from making social missteps that you eventually stop trying to vocalize your own feelings and desires, so you're perpetually waiting for the other person to make the first move so you can follow:
'this cool girl i met has read my work and is really into it, she's so smart and even sees things in it that i missed! and she really wants to come with me on this next expedition? oh wow, okay, great! i mean, she's so excited about it she basically dropped her own plans and invited herself along, so this is clearly something she really wants to do! who would i be to deny her that?'
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'and wow is she ever great! on our expedition together she always knows how to handle obstacles, she doesn't even need my help! i really should be following her lead, she really knows what she's doing so much better than me! i'm so glad she wanted to be here and help me!'
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'i can't believe we found the enchiridion together! but she doesn't want to come along with me and take credit for its discovery? even though she helped me out so much and is so incredible and i really really like her- wait!! i shouldn't say that last part!! that would be really weird!! i don't want to make things weird!! she had a good time, and since all of this was her choice i won't try to stop her or make her feel bad or do something she doesn't want to. best to keep it professional.'
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'oh hey! she left a note for me in that book i was going to check out, god she's so funny-wait. oh my god, SHE thinks we had something special too??! she says she's going on that trip, but she wishes she could travel the world with me??! she even gave me her address so i can come find her??! okay, mesage received, I GOTTA GO TALK TO HER!!!'
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'uh oh, i don't know what to say to her, i obviously said the wrong thing just now and she thinks i don't feel the same way. i know she feels embarassed about the letter. i'll tell her letter was great!! it was incredible!! i want her to know that i want exactly what she wants, and that i feel the same way about her, i'll even say it to her the same way she did!!'
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all i'm saying is... from somebody of This specific perspective, i can totally see why he didn't question her not getting on the bus, dropping everything to come with him, and all of her other desicions she made in ooo:
'okay i'm FINALLY going to apologize to betty for how the crown made me scare her away 1000 years ago! wait, hang on, she seems really confused that i'm saying goodbye to her?'
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'oh no, we're running out of time but she feels really bad about the fact that she left me!! no, it's okay!! i want you to know that love you, and i forgive you for leaving me!! please don't feel bad about it!!'
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to him, betty is unquestionably strong, competent, capable, and confident in everything she does. if she didn't want to do something she simply wouldn't do it, much the same way that he knows she would move heaven and earth if she wanted to make something happen; and who would he be if he didn't give her the chance to let her try? he simply doesn't PERCIEVE her to be insecure, overly self sacrificing, and in need of him to be a lot less passive about her choices, the way that someone from the outside looking in obviously can.
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autism4autism couple my FUCKING beloved.
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s/o and the skellies just started dating very recently, s/o wants it to take it slow, considering this is their first ever relationship and doesn't really know how things work yet so things seemed to be the way it was before just s/o is more shy and awkward, also nervous when asking permission to hold hands or even hug them, they're not that straightforward of a person, however, once s/o had finally mustered up the courage even though they're fumbling their words, avoiding eye contact with them, and quietly but still could be heard 'May I kiss you?' this is also their first time and doesn't want to mess things up.
Undertale Sans - He's the most patient guy ever, lucky you. He's chill as hell, and not pressuring you in any way (and it's definitely not because he's terrified of getting too fast as well, not at all). When you ask if you can kiss him, he nods anxiously, avoiding your stare at all costs. He looks really calm on the outside, but he's really just screaming in his head right now.
Undertale Papyrus - Papyrus is probably not the best choice. Even though he has the best intentions, he's going to pressure you as when he's in love, he's not very aware of how pushy he can be. He tries to knock it off when you tell him he's too much, but he's still too much. If somehow it works, he's going to be ecstatic though that you want to kiss him.
Underswap Sans - OH THANK TORIEL, YES! HE WAS GOING TO DIE. It took you long enough, and he was getting so frustrated over this. He's so happy you're willing to try the next step. He can't believe how patient he is honestly, he must love you very much to actually succeed in making him wait for a while.
Underswap Papyrus - The funny part is that you both ask that at the exact same moment. Honey is going through the same struggles. The first few times are really awkward, but as time passes by, he gets a little more bold. Like you, he managed to gather some courage... Only to be beaten as you ask the same question at the same moment. Now you're both broken, staring at the emptiness, flushing hard and not saying anything. Welp, that's awkward...
Underfell Sans - He holds his breath when you ask if you can kiss him, and then he completely forgets how to breathe. He waits for you to make a move, but he waits so long he realizes after like two minutes he can't breathe anymore and just suddenly start coughing as you're making the gesture to kiss you, stopping you. You just think he rejected you, but then he grabs your shoulders and kiss you at full mouth. So sorry he's an idiot, please don't mind how stupid he is, he's so sorry T-T
Underfell Papyrus - Well that's good because he has no idea how that works either. And he said no, because his dating manual said you should be in a romantic place to have first kiss and they're... In the couch? In his house? With Doomfanger on his laps? That's not romantic so it won't work. You're confused but just figures he's not ready yet. When he sees how disappointed you are, he froze. The manual didn't say you would be sad???? He doesn't want you to be sad! Hum... You're getting kidnapped. He's taking you to a correct romantic place.
Horrortale Sans - ??? You didn't before? Uh. He thought you already did. He just shrugs and leans his head. No big deal. He lets you kiss him then he purrs happily. He's still not sure if you're already with him or not so he'll just assume you are lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - He blushes furiously and visibly starts to panic as he's looking everywhere frantically. Willow likes to plan things. This isn't planned at all and you took him by surprise. Well, now, he's kinda cornered so... Yes? If you want? He can't look you in the eyes either. He's both excited and terrified right now.
Swapfell Sans - Well, yes, duh. He kinda made sure to show you how many signs he could possibly do to show you he's ready to go further if you're ready. Let's go ahead and get over this already. Wow, that's the most passive-aggressive yes ever. You have mixed feelings.
Swapfell Papyrus - He screams yes excitedly. But... Of course, he's going to put his feet on your face for you to kiss. You didn't precise which part you wanted to kiss, so he chose for you. You can't believe this just happened. Rus is not helping. He's not serious enough for this, maybe he's not the best choice.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He doesn't stop reading his book and just nods at you. He won't make any effort to help you though lol. That's Wine, he's emotionally constipated, don't expect much.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He stares at you in shock. You mean like... kissing kissing? Like for real? Uh. He didn't expect you to say that out of nowhere. He's kinda freaking out right now. He looks like a rabbit stuck in front of a car, hyperventilating. If he doesn't move, maybe you won't see him and he won't have to answer the question.
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gatitties · 1 year
i hope your having a good day/night! I don't know if you're comfortable with writing angst but if you are, can you plases make a fic where zoro dumps y/n really mean and sanji comforts y/n? Thank you!! if you can't its also fine!
─Sanji x reader
─Summary: Hurt by the behavior of one of your companions, Sanji makes his way into your heart to heal it.
─Warnings: zoro is and asshole in this one
I'm fine with writing angs!! but I don't know if I'm good at it, it's not something I usually write a lot 😓
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You watched the barely visible waves at night, everyone was already asleep when you decided to go out on the deck to vent your discomfort a little, you didn't want to bother anyone with your problems right now, just release some accumulated bad energy.
Although you ended up diverting your thoughts to all those times Zoro belittled you, looked down on you, and made you feel tiny compared to everyone else, you didn't know the reason for his aggressive behavior towards you when you started out well, but you had to swallow and continue with the dirty looks and passive-aggressive comments towards you.
It began to affect your way of being, you changed some of your aspects because of him, because of his comments, because of the venom he spat in every sentence directed towards you, you did not have the courage or enough strength to return the shit he was doing to you, you decided to sink into your misery slowly, you were not going to change his behavior out of nowhere and if he was not going to give in to have a smooth relationship, you had nothing to do there.
You decided to ignore him and avoid him most of the time, you stopped listening to his comments towards you, his looks, for you he no longer existed and yet, here you are now, shedding hot tears while your mind plays with you, stabbing your heart with all the bad moments you had experienced, squeezing out every last offensive comment. He didn't deserve you, but here you are, thinking of possible solutions to fix a broken relationship when little interest had already been shown, you should have known better.
"Looks like I'm not the only one who couldn't sleep, huh?"
You almost choked on your own saliva, not expecting anyone to show up at this time of night, you sniffled, wiping your eyes, taking too long to turn around and face the blonde who seemed confused by your behavior. He took a drag on his cigarette, deciding not to ask why your eyes were red and swollen.
"Yeah, I couldn't fall asleep, too many thoughts that don't let me sleep."
You partially lied, looking towards the empty sea again, trying to hide your fallen face in a subtle way, although Sanji had already seen everything he needed to see, he sighed leaning on the railing next to you, silence took over the atmosphere for a few minutes that seemed eternal to you, he knew it and you knew that he knew it, but Sanji decided to let you be the one to take the first step as long as you wanted to talk about what was bothering you, he wasn't going to pressure you.
The silence was killing you, even though you weren't being pressured, you were carrying a lot of weight on your shoulders, a lot of bad thoughts and worries. When you looked up you found the cook's profile, he looked back at you, a look full of understanding, patience and softness, a reassuring look, you felt weak when you looked at him.
"I…" you began muttering, he focused all his attention on you, rubbing your shoulders slowly, you felt even worse, letting all the contained emotions spill out again in the form of silent crying "I don't know what to do, I've tried everything, but he doesn't… I don't think- I don't think it works anymore."
You broke right there, breaking into little pieces in front of Sanji, he brought you into a tight hug as he rubbed circles on your back, he didn't say anything as you cried, clinging to him like a lifeline.
"It's okay, everything will be fine, things will get better, I'm here with you."
He whispered softly, trying to calm your sobs and tremors, he waited patiently until you unburdened yourself, he listened to every word, every complaint, every cry, he didn't need to speak so you knew that no matter what happened, he would always be there for you, to kick the shit out of Zoro's moss head, to collect and put back together the pieces of your broken heart, to heal emotional wounds without asking for anything in return.
"Thank you Sanji."
You tightened the hug one last time before separating, your face still had tear marks running down your cheeks, but now your mind was calm and your lips had a slight smile.
"You don't have to thank me for anything, I will always be here if you need me."
He smiled at you once more, softening your heart again, you returned the gesture with a brighter smile, surely you weren't going to forget so easily the pain that Zoro caused you, but at least now you could calm your worries temporarily.
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yesimwriting · 1 year
Hi! I'm so exited that you asked for request for tasm Peter Parker, the second I saw it all I could think of is him being like, assertive..does that make sense? I don't know he's just so sassy and lovely, and I believe whole heartedly that when it comes to people he cares about he can be very pushy with them.
So like I don't just like a scenario for you to build off of, like domestic assertiveness like making his s/o take breaks when they're over working themselves like gently but firmly "suggesting" they eat something or take a nap or go out side, get fresh air you know anything. This is just something for you to go off but I'd love anything you'd make. I hope you have a lovely day :)
a/n omg i hope i captured the vibe that you described bc it's just SO GOOD like so in character and cute,, he's just meant to be a bf
It's so much like clockwork that you don't even need to look up from your notebook to undo the latch of your fire escape. Which is a good thing, because the day has somehow managed to crawl by at a snail's pace and still slip through your fingers too quickly.
All of your homework has piled up through no fault of your own. At first, only two classes decided to share a deadline, but then another teacher assigned you an essay and another added a test on the math chapter you've understood the least. At first you thought you'd be able to push through and finish off most of your work today, giving you a decent amount of time to try to decode your calc. But now it's been hours and your eyelids are feeling heavy and you've just started a pre-test worksheet that you had forgotten about.
The now familiar groan of the fire escape being pulled open barely registers. Despite how hard you're trying to keep all your focus on the study guide, a warmth you've gotten much too used to roots itself in your stomach.
"Always unlocked." Peter's already pulled himself into your bedroom, the shift from the outside world to your room a transition he could complete with his eyes shut. "As Spider-Man, I should tell you not to for safety reasons, but it does make it easier when I'm tired."
Your eyes tear away from the page long enough to look at him. Peter's mask is already pulled up his face.
"I don't--you're tired?" You blink hard, trying to focus. "Was it..." The whole Spider-Man thing being so open is still relatively new to you. Peter's never made it feel like a particularly sore or easily triggering issue, but you know how much trust he's giving you by being this casual about it. And you're prone to worrying, to pushing and doting and wanting to wrap Peter in bubblewrap. "...Eventful?"
Peter frowns, leaning forward on the window sill. "That gets a reaction?"
You retrace your words, wondering if you've said something wrong or overly sappy. You can't find any mistakes. "What?"
He relaxes at the genuine confusion in your voice. He gives himself a second to really look at you, at the notebook on your lap. "Are you still doing homework?"
"Uh..." It's almost like the papers surrounding you are embarrassing. "Yeah, a lot of stuff's coming up." You let out a breath that doesn't exactly work as a laugh. "And I wanted to finish it early so I'd have time to ask Gwen to go over some calc stuff with me."
Peter stands slowly He's not used to this, to feeling unsure in your room or around you in general. Maybe you're trying to be passive aggressive. Did he forget something? Or stand you up or do something to upset you? He can't remember anything negative about any of your interactions, but that could just be his side of things. Maybe he's been taking advantage of you knowing his secret. It's easy to become less attentive when he can just fall back on blaming everything on Spider-Man.
"I know about calc." It feels small, almost shy.
"I know." You swallow, hoping to hide any insecurity in your voice. Peter's the most important person in your life and on days like this you don't feel like you deserve to even run in the same circles. All of the stuff you're struggling with comes naturally to him and on top of that he's a freaking superhero. Complaining about not getting math and school stress has to sound stupid and unimportant to someone who literally fights crime. "But I was going to see her tomorrow morning anyway, and it's just some basic stuff I want to make sure I get before the test on Friday."
You don't want his help. He tries not to take your reaction personally. Gwen's your friend just as much as he is and there a lot of reasons you could be waiting. Maybe you're frustrated and over trying to understand it today. Or maybe the way Gwen summarizes things makes more sense to you.
Peter stands, consciously telling himself to let it go. It's been awhile since the two of you have just gotten to peacefully co-exist. Okay, only awhile by your usual standards considering that he had hung out for awhile after school before his usual patrol. But that was mostly studying, and he misses you more than he can justify.
He picks up a notebook and a few papers scattered next to you, shuffling them neatly before sitting next to you.
The amount of innocence pushed into the word forces you to look up. "I'm--" He's closer than you thought he'd be, staring at you with a partial pout. "I'm trying to do homework."
His hand shifts, pinky touching the side of your hand. "Take a break." Your head snaps up. "You've been doing it for way too long."
Your chin comes up a fraction of an inch. "Because I need to."
"You're going to burn yourself out." You want to listen, to at least pretend to be considering his opinion, but your tired and his tone is so contradicting. A touch of actual annoyance is in there, but it's undercut by an exasperated softness. Equal parts stress and a concern that'd better fit a parent correcting a child for their own good. It's too genuine and oddly nice. You smile. "I'm serious."
You recover quickly, forcing yourself to frown, "I know, but I'm seriously okay." You wish there was a way to physically prove it. "I just..." You wipe your eyes with the back of your palm, "I have to do this sometimes." Something about the way your voice softens tells him that you're not talking about just homework. "It's not always natural."
Peter turns too quickly, his knee bumping into yours. "Hey." He doesn't know where he's going with this. Doesn't know how to talk to you about these kinds of things without melting and fully exposing himself.
"You are so smart and-and good at so many things." The praise hits you straight in the chest, making warmth rush to your face. "But taking care of yourself isn't one of them."
You roll your eyes, finally finding it in yourself to look at him. "Which one of us messed up their hip two weeks ago and wouldn't go to the doctor?"
Peter sighs, "It was not messed up."
"It so was." You crane your neck to better glare at him. "You could barely walk."
He presses his lips together, fighting down a smile. "It was not that bad."
"I had to help you get to my bathroom." You keep your tone light, partially teasing, but it still doesn't feel that casual. That was the first time you had seen him that injured. It had turned your stomach so much you couldn't even overthink about how close the two of you were physically as you helped him.
That was almost your breaking point. You wanted to get him to a hospital. The two of you could have come up with some kind of story to justify the injuries that wouldn't have outed him as Spider-Man. But Peter practically begged you to let it go, to just patch him up like usual and let him crash in your room for the night. You wanted to push, but he had been so insistent and nice as he tried to comfort you. You caved. You always cave.
"I was--a little sore." The admission is reluctant. You tilt your head, eyebrows raising as if to say that you've made your point. "Not the same." He says it like that should take away from your feeling of victory, but it really doesn't. "I'm serious, you can't work yourself sick."
You let out a small sigh. If it was coming from anyone else, you'd be annoyed enough to tell them off. But this isn't anyone, it's Peter who's trying to mother hen you to death for no other reason than worry.
You reach for his arm, fingers gently squeezing just above his wrist. "I'm not sick." He turns his hand over. "It just--it's not always natural to me...and I have to make up the difference."
"Don't do that." Your pointer finger drags down the face of his palm. "You're too smart not to see it." Peter 's hand shifts into a fist, trapping your pointer finger. "And you're too smart to burn yourself out."
There's no way for you to get any response out, so you just stare at where your fingers tangle together. "I'm okay, I just need to keep my calc grade up."
He's close enough now that when he lets out a tired breath you can feel it against the side of your head. You can't remember moving closer. "And if you fall asleep in class or can't focus because you're exhausted."
"That doesn't--" You don't know what to say. That that doesn't count, that that kind of thing doesn't happen to you. You know that Peter's just trying to help, but you're not in the mood for reason and understanding. You just want to feel like you have it together the way everyone else seems to. "You get less sleep than me."
You push yourself further onto your bed, creating some needed space. The closer you are to Peter, the easier it is for you to melt. One inch too far and before you know it you're holding hands or his head is on your shoulder and your fingers are gently combing through his hair.
A part of it feels petulant and a little silly. He's your best friend, you don't know why you're starting a competition over whose worse at self care.
"Yeah," he admits easily, leaning back so that he can better look at you, "That's how I know it's hard." Peter shifts again, the movement has your notebook almost falling forward. "And I don't--" He sighs, eyes dropping down to the mess of papers between you. "I don't want that for you." The words are mumbled quietly, his attention focusing on organizing your notebooks and paper.
It's enough to get you to visibly soften. He's just looking out for you the way you want to look out for him. "I know, it's just--" You watch Peter tap his pile of your notes against his leg, straightening them out. "It all has to get done and I--I see everyone just getting it and doing all these other things and I'm barely holding on to the bare minimum."
Peter stops. "What?" He immediately sets down your notes in favor of reaching for your hand. "You can't--" He squeezes your fingers, more for his own sake than more. "Getting the grades you do isn't the bare minimum and you're--" Peter stops himself from gushing over how smart he thinks you are. "Is that why you don't want me to help you with calc?"
Spider-Man has made his life harder in a lot of ways, but he never thought it'd hurt his relationship with you. It's been a conscious choice. You're a priority.
Maybe he's been talking about it too much...coming off like he thinks he's that in important when in reality he just wants to impress you. Is that it? Have his attempts to seem cool and brave and like a guy worth your attention come off as ego?
"Is..." He isn't sure where to start. "Is this because of..." Peter can't bring himself to say it, so all he does is lift the hand still holding onto the mask.
"No," you blurt out a little too quickly, "I-I mean I don't think so, at least not fully." You sigh, embarrassed that this even needs to be a conversation. "It's that you're balancing that and your grades perfectly and Gwen's got her internship and one week of extra assignments is all it takes to throw me off. And it feels like I always need help with this stuff." You briefly squeeze your eyes shut, unsure how you even admitted that. "And now I'm officially terrible friend. I suck."
Peter pulls your intertwined hands forward, settling your fist on his knee. "No, you're not." You give him a look that says you don't buy a word of it. "You do so much, even if you don't see it." He drags his thumb across your knuckles. "You help me a lot."
You don't feel like you do. Peter's the one going out and taking the hits every night. The most you do is research certain local crimes and patch him up the best you can. That's nothing compared to everything he does for everyone. It's not a competition, but you definitely don't feel okay adding to his work load. "Peter--"
"I'm serious, do you think I could do everything I do without knowing that you're here?" Peter's expression blanks. Too much. Way too much. "And that--that you're ready to help clean me up and-and research all that--" He cuts himself off again. There is no good way to comfort you without accidentally admitting how much he cares. "Crime stuff."
Despite yourself, you smile, "Crime stuff?"
Instead of taking the bait and falling for your slight teasing, he holds onto his point. "You get what I mean." He lets go of his mask in order to squeeze your hand between both of his. "You're important and so smart, even if you're not always smart enough to see it."
Heat rushes to your face. "Okay." A reluctant retreat. Peter secretly indulges in his victory. "Help me with calc?"
"Okay," Peter agrees easily, "Tomorrow, though, because you need sleep."
You roll your eyes, "You are such a mom sometimes."
"You're the one that wants to get Spider-Man a jacket."
You let out a mock gasp. That suggestion had been a joke. Kind of. "First off, I was kidding." Eh. "And second, it gets cold in the winter and your suit's so thin."
Peter grins before taking his hands back. You frown a little at the loss of contact, but try to recover quickly. "Can I stay over?" He wraps his arms around himself, exaggerating the chill in the air by moving his hands up and down his arms. "Because it's so...cold?"
You fight down a laugh, reaching over for a pillow to hit him in the shoulder. Honestly, Peter's found some lame excuses to sleep over, but recently it's like he's not even trying. Which is perfectly okay with you--if he's tired, he's tired. And also, it's always kind of nice when Peter stays over. Nicer than it should be. "I should lock you out and let you freeze."
"Mhm," he hums, pushing himself to his feet, "Do I have any--"
You pick up your homework so that by the time he gets back from changing, Peter will have space to lay down. "Top drawer, I threw your sweatpants and some of your shirts in the laundry the other day, so they're good to go."
Peter lets himself smile once his back is into you. He can't remember ever giving the whole domestic thing much thought before he started crashing here kind of regularly. Your parents are rarely an issue, both of them have long commutes to work which means they're usually asleep by the time Peter can swing in and they leave for work in such a rush that if they do check on you before leaving, Peter only has to worry about hiding for a second, and his extra sense always warns him in time. They're a lot less likely to catch him bruised and injured than his aunt.
"You're perfect." The honestly of his words leaves his face hot. It's a good thing he's still not facing you.
You're still too busy organizing your school stuff for tomorrow morning to notice the way that sentimentality swells in his throat. "Mhm."
"I mean it," he pulls open the drawer, taking out what he needs to sleep, "You need to give yourself more credit or I'm going to do it for you."
Warmth begins to crawl up your chest. Why is your best friend the kindest, most understanding, overwhelmingly pretty person you've ever met? "That's the worst threat I've ever heard."
Peter shuts the drawer and turns towards your bedroom door. Your bathroom is just down a short hall, and as long as he's quiet, he won't get caught. "That's because it's not a threat."
You move to sit at the edge of your bed, "Oh, are you--" Asking if he needs any kind of patching up still feels awkward. You're not sure why...there's nothing even remotely feely about it even though it's overly touchy, even by your standards. "Did you get hurt at all, or--?"
"Oh," he shakes his head once, "No, I'm--" Peter knew you'd ask, you always do because he doesn't always love showing you the more tolerable bruises and cuts until you give him those soft, worried eyes. But he's actually fine tonight, which means that he didn't really have an excuse to stop by and sleepover. "I'm good tonight, just a little tired."
You nod, expression so casual Peter can't read much from it. Maybe you're so used to him crashing by now that you don't even need to think through the reasons. "Good. I like when you're safe."
Fondness tugs at Peter's chest. "I'm always safe."
You roll your eyes as he slips out the door. A few minutes later, Peter comes back. You're already laying in bed, beneath the covers, face only illuminated by your small, bedside lamp and cell phone screen.
"I know I said you need sleep..." You push yourself to sit up a little straighter. "But if you wanted to watch something for a little bit..."
He trails off, trying to push against the slight guilt of selfishness. Most nights when he stays over, Peter tries to time his arrival to give you two enough time to watch something on TV. The two of you usually fall asleep too quickly to care what's on, but it does make it easier to get close to you. If you guys watch TV first, he can find a window to hold your hand or pull an arm around your shoulder.
But you really do need sleep tonight.
"Yeah," you grin, "Sounds nice." You push yourself a little more to your side of the bed. "Just for a little." Both of you know that the TV will be on until whoever falls asleep first has drifted off. The one that's still awake will have to search the bed for a remote.
"Cool," Peter agrees, walking around your bed to turn the bedside lamp off, "Wanna watch the show from last time?"
You nod lazily before finding the remote. Peter gets into bed as you adjust the volume before opening the right streaming service. With a few clicks, your show is on. As the intro roles onto the screen, you drop your head onto Peter's shoulder.
"Hey," he whispers, knowing you're half asleep, "You can't let yourself get stressed out like that and not--" He trusts you so much, and he wants you to be able to feel the same way for him. "Not tell me about it, okay?" He finds your arm in the dark, fingers instinctually drawing patterns against the inside of your wrist. "Please?"
You try to sit up a little straighter, but all you actually do is just read your head more fully on him. "Okay." It's a fair request considering the way you bully him into admitting to every new cut and bruise, no matter how small. "I promise." He trails his nails down your arm, "I'd pinky promise, but I'm too tired."
Peter lets out a partial breath, amusement trying to disguise itself as annoyance. He moves his hand, taking his time to find your pinky. He bends his around yours. "Do you only keep me around to do things for you?"
Even though the joke is the complete opposite of everything he's just said, you still smile as you let out a mock gasp. "No, I keep you around 'cause you're pretty."
The teasing comment is worse than the kind of response you'd throw at him if you were more awake. He's suddenly glad he turned off your bedside lamp before laying down. "I'm pretty?"
A second passes and no response. Not even a hum of acknowledgement. Carefully, Peter leans forward and sees that your eyes are shut and your breathing has evened out.
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Talking about the Mötley Crüe tarot cards, and how perfectly they fit with each of the members cause I haven't seen anybody talk about this yet.
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Nikki,the Devil - I think this one is pretty self explanatory. The devil (upright) represents addiction, oppression, dependency and powerlessness and this fits so well with young Nikki who was strung out on heroin and powerless in the face of his addiction.
The devil reversed however represents independence, freedom, release and the reclaiming of one's power which is perfect for older Nikki who gets over his addiction and reforms and metamorphosizes into a far better human being.
It's kinda funny because Nikki is the only one who's card has a more positive connotation when in reverse but I think this also represents how Nikki's life only really started looking up when he got older and kicked his addiction.
Vince , the sun - the sun upright represents confidence, optimism and success and Vince is obviously very confident and optimistic in his daily life and all of them are obviously very successful because of Mötley crüe.
The sun reversed though means pessimism, conceitedness and unrealistic expectations. When things don't immediately go Vince's way he becomes sulky and miserable, and things usually only don't go his way because he has unrealistic expectations, he either holds people or himself to too high a standard and gets fucked because they or he obviously couldn't live up to said expectation.
Vince can also be conceited he's very vain and empathises his self importance often throughout their entire career, and this fact has bit him in the ass multiple times.
 Tommy , The Lovers - I know his card technically only says “the lover” but no such card exists, so I assume they just based it off the lovers which represents love (duh), balance, unity and choices.
Tommy has a lot of love to give and hands it out in spades to anybody who he's even passively liked or talking to. He also definitely brings a balance to the band that isn't talked about enough, in the early days he was definitely the middle ground for any spats between Nikki and Vince, listening and comforting them both in his own way and being fair by not picking a side and just hearing them out until he could eventually calm Nikki down and explain the situation better from Vince's point of view and vice versa. He also unionises the guys by by being this comfortable loving presence that's usually so understanding.
The lovers in reverse however means disharmony/chaos, imbalance and bad choices. We all know Tommy can be a very chaotic force to be reckoned with and this can cause imbalance in the established relationships that he has with the other members because yes he's quick to love, he's also quick to hate and sometimes without warning with how quickly his mood can change which can lead to a lot of confusion and disharmony. Also I don't need to tell you that Tommy has made some bad decisions in his life.
Mick , the magician - this card upright means willpower, resourcefulness, skill, and manifestation.
I've never seen a man with more willpower than Mick Mars who continued just doing the thing that he loves despite the pain and all the times he thought he wouldn't make it. He is extremely resourceful, in fact his resources were the only way they funded Mötley at the very beginning and he very clearly is a skilled guitar player.
The magician in reverse means cunning, wasted talent and deception/illusion.
Mick has always been open in his overwhelming determination to have a successful band and I think he's definitely screwed a few people over in his life because of this fact (like Mötley's rhythm guitarist and he definitely deprived his own children time with him because of this).
I don't think Mick wasted his talent, but if he got too comfortable in his suburban lifestyle then he definitely would have (and according to the dirt, he almost did).
Idk, this post probably won't interest anybody, but I just thought I should bring this up and explain how I saw why they picked the cards for the members.
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starrclownshazbinblog · 8 months
I was sitting in a box when I realized something. I've given you guys GENERAL facts about my Hazbin Rewrite, but have I given you STRICTLY angst facts? Sad depressing facts about these characters? I have not. Good thing I have angst to spare.
Angsty, Sad facts about my rewrite for Character purposes, general information, or because I want your day to be a little worse than it was.
Angel's wife died in child birth. She wasn't a main priority condensending she's a POC like Angel. The baby managed to survive but Angel developed depression after that instance.
Nifty's parents were never able to have a proper funeral for their daughter. When Nifty was pushed into the fire, her husband's mistress ran out of the home, leaving Nifty's body burning. She was so unrecognizable and burnt that he parents couldn't have a funeral. (I kinda just spoiled why Nifty's in hell didn't I?)
Arakaniss was the one to mess up Angel's eye. Angel holds some resentment over this but not as much as he rightfully should. Arakaniss still makes himself suffer for it.
Angel almost killed Alastor when they fought. He's the reason Alastor has that scar at the base of his neck.
Valentino gets... handsy with Vox, even more when he's drunk. It's never gotten super far but he's definitely had to be pushed off. Vox refuses to call himself a victim. (He is.)
Angel has alot internalized homophobia. Like alot.
Valerie's crack on her head is from her ex boyfriend smashing her head into the counter, affectively killing her.
Valerie's parents are kinda homophobic. Not viciously homophobic, juts passively homophobic. Valerie ended up in a relationship with a man even though she's a lesbian because she didn't want her family to disown her.
Lucifer kicked Charlie out and claimed to disown her. Lilith was the one to gift Charlie the Hotel so she could achieve her dream.
Cherrie Bomb was absolutely terrified when she showed up in Hell. This terror and confusion lead to her almost being murdered by a exterminator. Good thing Angel was there.
Cherrie was heavily abused and neglected by her parents growing up.
Angel kinda lost himself after his daughter died.
Madame Pentious was harassed and fun of when she was alive for being "ugly." She's never really been treated well.
Husk is someone who is passively suicidal. He isn't going out of his way to off himself in his afterlife but if Alastor snaps or a exterminator happens to catch him then he won't do much to fight back.
Cherrie actually gets really upset she can't hear well.
Valerie will do anything and everything to make sure Charlie is happy. Valerie has been treated so bad that she thinks "I'm nothing without you. I have to do everything right cause what am I without you."
Arakaniss and Molly we're the one to find Angel's body. They died shortly after him. They don't like to talk about it.
Husk will let you treat him like a punching bag.
Nifty has undiagnosed Adhd. She also doesn't know she has Adhd. This leads her to breaking down at times because she doesn't understand what's wrong with her and why she can't just be normal.
Alastor's parents died extremely young. Being a orphaned black child that inspired to be in a white dominated job lead to much harrasment and troubles. Over coming this harasment and being successful is one of Alastor's greatest achievements. This is where his ego stems from.
Angel, Alastor, Nifty, Valerie, Arakaniss, Molly and Velvette have all been harassed for their race.
Angel used to be like Cherrie in the worst way. Arackaniss is really bad at showing his love and appreciation so this lead to unintentional harshness he showed on Angel. Angel strived for YEARS to make Arakaniss proud. Cherrie is like this currently. Angel is trying to change this mindset because he knows how exhausting it is.
Husk was abused by alot of people in his life.
Husk being transgender has caused him problems when it comes to dating. Men see him as a woman, Woman see him as a woman. Sexual relationships are even worse.
Valerie used to self harm alot. She still has these scars on her arms. (Charlie tries to put bandaids on them not understanding that she's not actually in pain.)
Angel isn't someone who relies on drugs. He's more of a passive drug addict. He only resorts to drugs when things get tough or if he's in his own head to long. This developed after the death of his wife but got worse when his daughter died.
Isabella, Angel's daughter, died even younger than Nifty. She was somewhere in her teens. She's not in hell. She's all alone in heaven.
Henroin (Angel's dad), died before Isabella. He doesn't know how Isabella died or when she died.
Henroin, Arackaniss, and Molly don't actually know where Angel is. A Lil bit of a lore dump: After Angel became a overlord, he doesn't go out barely at all. He doesn't go to meetings ND he doesn't show his face. He only goes out for personal meetings or when he needs too. Most people don't know who he is or what he looks like, like the spider family. The spider family also keeps a low profile considering they are a actual mafia. Both sides are actively looking for wach other.
Henroin doesn't know Arackaniss is the one that messed up Angel's eye, Angel never told him.
I have more but I feel like this is enough. Why I decide to write these I don't know, just felt like I needed to take these characters and be them down emotionally.
Asks are always open, art is always here, have a good time :)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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nightthinker-08 · 10 months
Wish Ragatha being a people-pleaser and maybe unknowingly act a little passive aggressive is explored more in the fandom.
then again, thats my own personal HC, so maybe I should do that exploring lol
There's just something interesting to me to see a character that is very emotionally open but very emotionally distant as well. Like "Oh, sure, you can open up and I won't judge, but you won't ever know anything about MY emotions" kind of situation? And she WANTS people to open up to her, but then she herself cuts people off from getting too close to her.
I think it's both because she doesn't want people to worry and because she doesn't want to acknowledge that she has negative feelings either. Like admitting its there opens her up to a weakness she CAN NOT AFFORD-
Is she the pillar of the group? Yes absolutely! But did she ever WANT to be? She is the 2nd longest person there, and she probably feels very responsible for everyone's wellbeing because of that. She HAS to be the one who guides people, because literally no one else is capable. (It would be interesting if Kinger was like that to her before he was crazy.) It probably frustrates the living hell out of her that she's put in that spot, but what can she do?
The worst part is that she does this so much and so often that it practically "default" in everyone's mind that Ragatha is ALWAYS going to be there—so much so that they don't appreciate her as much as they should, if at all. And she probably wants at least that. For someone to see her hard work and say thank you, but everyone is so fukin jaded already.
That's why maybe Pomni can be a breath of fresh air for her, you know?
(kind of gay thoughts, but it can be platonic.)
Don't get me wrong, Pomni is a fukin mess, but at least she doesn't know the default roles of the group. So she would notice things much faster than anyone else because she's new. And for Ragatha, finally having someone see her is, well�� it would probably lead to a lot of confusing emotions swirling inside her lol
I have more thoughts on this, but blegh- this is too long already, and I'm getting shy again. lol so yeh thanks for listening to my Ted talk xP
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quakinqueer · 4 months
This whole situation is so overblown its insane. People are interperting his words as being passive agressive when he is very obviously confused and scared. Also you thinking he is going to victimise himself says a lot about how you already felt about him before this whole thing. But he is gonna prove you wrong by owning up to it.
Genuinely found this a little amusing so I wanted to respond to it. Got a little yappy with it, woops.
"This whole... overblown it's insane"
while I do agree that some folks on twt are taking it too far with hating on him, I also think the majority are rightfully holding him accountable for some very stupid things he did, and that the people defending him are actually acting significantly more abhorrent and disrespectful, calling the op of the original tweet slurs and sending them death threats. THAT is insane, overblown, and frankly disgusting, not the people expressing anger and disappointment with him, a public figure, for severely mishandling a serious situation.
"... when he is very obviously confused and scared."
I- confused and scared??? geez what is he a cornered puppy? He's a grown ass adult man who should know better than to immediately act on emotion like that. I will however take into account that he is ND, and that affects your impulse control and how you process your emotions. I'll also acquiesce that many of his initial responses do read to me as panicked, knee-jerk responses, and that he wasn't entirely thinking straight when he reacted that way. But to call this grown, adult, privileged white man who frankly had and has all the power in this situation "confused and scared" all because of some online discourse and Twitter dogpiling is downright silly.
I'll be the first to admit he's probably extremely stressed, honestly I personally suspect he probably had something close to a panic attack around when this was happening (just my speculation). That doesn't mean that he didn't mess up. That doesn't erase the effect his impertinence had on op and the community. I'm just hoping once he's had time to calm down, he'll handle this better.
"Also you thinking he is going to victimise himself says a lot about how you already felt about him before this whole thing."
This was the funniest part to me. I'm just gonna leave some screenshots of tweets I made as the situation was happening.
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Hope this gives you all you need to know.
And lastly: "But he is gonna prove you wrong by owning up to it."
My brother (or sibling) in Allah, that's all I could possibly want. That is quite literally all I'm hoping for. The reason I was so cynical in that draft is because I don't want to get my hopes up or raise my expectations too high, if only to avoid any extra hurt. Putting someone on a pedestal and idealizing reality is what got me in this whole overly-emotional, devastated state that I'm in currently. I want to believe in him so badly, I just don't want to be let down again.
We'll see how it goes.
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