#partner in crime {emily}
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Arrow 7x1 | Sabrina Carpenter - Please Please Please
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skylarmoon71 · 2 years
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)- Chapter 21
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Within a few seconds, you bolt to block Hotch from your father’s view, raising your hands. Your eyes are ablaze, even Hotch is surprised at the blue light that has now overtaken your orbs.
“If you touch him I’ll kill you!”
Your tone doesn’t even sound like your own. Your voice has a deep tremble that Hotch has never witnessed. With your hands raised, you look as if you’re ready for a full on war. Your chest is heaving, and your jaw is clenched.
Still, Manchester doesn’t look shaken.
“I’m not here to cause you harm.”
Manchester deflates, lowering his hands in a surrender.
“I came because I saw it. That nightmare."
You don’t show any significant change. That’s until Hotch places a hand on your shoulder. You turn sharply. Hotch’s look is soft, almost comforting. Your breathing returns to normal, and the blue filters out. You blink, now looking at him.
Hotch’s smile is warm. You swallow, right before you turn back. You can’t let your guard down, not in front of him. You’re still uneasy, and you stay firmly protective in front of Hotch. For once, your father looks disappointed in himself.
“The fact that you think I’m such a monster that I would kill an innocent man, someone you clearly love, it’s heartbreaking." Manchester looks down in guilt.
“Whether you like it or not, we’re family. I’m tethered to you, the same way you are to me. When you’re distressed, I feel it. That’s how I found you when you were taken by that monster. It’s how I know you now see me the same way you do those people that you hunt down.”
You can’t figure out if he’s serious. Because this is the first time that he shows remorse, or regret for his actions.
“I’d never put you through that, especially after I lost..” He can’t finish the sentence, he just swallows. Your guard lowers, because you can see it. The pain his actions have caused. He’s sincerely distraught. He wipes at his face.
“I didn’t get these powers after your mother died. I’ve always had them. I was born with this, the same way you were.”
That couldn’t be right. You’d literally know this man all his life. Surely you would have seen him use it.
“It was hard for me growing up being this different. I didn’t trust many people. Being able to see the truth that people hid, it was a burden, a curse. But when I met you mother I..something inside me changed.” His eyes show love. The kind you hadn’t seen for years.
“I fell for her. She was special. For some reason I didn’t hear the chaos that I did from regular people. I thought she was a mutant too, but that wasn’t it. Our abilities see through everything, especially evil. The ones that we have a harder time reading are those who have more purity than darkness. Aneesa was different. Just like him.”
You narrow your eyes, turning to Hotch.
“Like me?” Hotch asks.
“There’s something about you that’s distinctively good. It’s why you can so readily block most of her ability. Why it’s so difficult for me to even touch yours.”
You aren’t sure how you feel about what he’s saying. If you even believe him.
“If you trust nothing else that I say, trust that I would never cause you harm."
You blink, and just like that, he’s gone.
This was not how you thought the night would go.
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harmcityherald · 1 year
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Heaven was scared of us and hell didn't want us.
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lee-laurent · 1 month
Screaming 'I Love You' At the Top of My Lungs - Luke Hughes
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Summary: Olivia (Oli) Jones grows up with Luke Hughes.
content: angst, fluff, kissing, make out session, mentions of sex but no smut, relationships, growing up, puberty, underage drinking
wc: 8.2k
notes: this one has been chilling in a word doc for almost a year now, unfinished... so here we are! enjoy!!
p.s.: part 6 of done trying is in the works for all the fans out there ;)
Emily Jones had been thrilled when the lake house next to theirs had been purchased by a family. It finally meant that her daughter, Olivia, would have someone her age to spend time with over the summer. She was even more thrilled when she and her husband became friends with the parents, Ellen and Jim. This newly formed friendship quickly created a tradition of spending every summer together, growing up together, and forming a bond that would last a lifetime.
The sun was high in the sky, casting a soft glow over the lake as Luke and Olivia splashed at the edge of the dock. At ten years old, they were inseperable, spending their days swimming, racing, and inventing games that only made sense to them. Today's grand plan was to catch the biggest fish in the lake- a challenge they'd taken seriously for maybe ten minutes.
Jack and Quinn were further down the dockl, attempting to escape the craziness of their younger brother and his best friend. They had their own fishing lines in the water, but their focus was more on the competition than the younger two.
"Luke, you're scaring all the fish away!" Jack complained, glancing over his shoulder as Luke and Olivia chased each other, laughing loudly.
Quinn nodded in agreement, annoyance clear on his face. "Yeah, why don't you go play somewhere else? We're actually trying to fish here."
Luke, undeterred by his brothers' grumbling, grinned at Olivia. "Ignore them. They're just mad 'cause we're going to catch the biggest fish.
Olivia giggled, "Let's show them how it's done, Lu!"
The two of them raced to the end of the dock, their feet dangling over the water, and cast their lines. Jack and Quinn exchanged an eye roll but couldn't help watching as the younger pair got to work.
Minutes ticked up in silence, and just as Jack thought that his peace had returned, Luke jumped up, almost falling into the water. "I got one!" he exclaimed.
Quinn groaned, watching his brother intently. "Here we go..."
Olivia jumped up, her enthusiasm only adding to the noise. "You got it, Luke! Woooo! Go Lu!"
Luke finally pulled it up-- a small, wriggling fish that flopped wildly at the end of his line. He beamed with pride, holding it up for everyone to see.
"See? Told you we'd catch one first!"
Jack and Quinn exchanged a look, half-amused, half-exasperated. "Congratulations," Jack said dryly. "Now can you please be quiet?"
Olivia stuck her tongue out at the older boys, unfazed by their lack of enthusiasm. "You're just jealous, Jacky."
"Whatever you say, Oli."
As the two little fishers planned their next big catch, the older boys sighed in unison, dreading the rest of the summer. But deep down, they these moments-- no matter how annoying-- would become part of the memories that formed their childhoods.
The Michigan sun was bright as ever, but the atmosphere around the house had shifted. At thirteen, Luke Hughes and Olivia Jones had begun to outgrow some of their childhood games, but their bond remained as strong as ever. This summer, though, things were a bit different. Jack had brought his friends, Trevor and Cole, to the lake house for the first time, and their presence quickly added a new dynamic to the house.
Luke watched with irritation as Olivia, his partner in crime, seemed unusually interested in the new arrivals. Especially Trevor. She'd giggle at all his jokes, blush when he looked her way, and do everything she could to be near him. It didn't make any sense to Luke.
It was early afternoon, and the group was gathered by the lake, lounging on the end of dock, soaking up the sun. Trevor was showing off, talking about a trick he could do while wakesurfing, while Olivia hung on his every word.
"Why are you so into him?" Luke asked, his voice laced with frustration. He had finally pulled Olivia away from Trevor, getting some time to sit alone with his best friend.
Oli blushed, brushing her hair behind her ear. "He's cool, Luke. Don't you think so?"
Luke frowned, chucking a stone into the water. "He's just a guy. I don't get what's so special about him."
She shrugged, her eyes drifting back to Trevor, who was now laughing with Jack and Cole. "You wouldn't understand."
Trevor caught her gaze and flashed her a smile, which only made Olivia's cheeks redden further. Luke rolled his eyes, feeling a strange, unwelcome pang in his chest. He was used to having Oli's full attention, and now she was distracted-- by some older guy who didn't even notice her in the way she wanted.
Jack, having noticed his little brother's sour mood, followed Luke into the kitchen.
"Hey, Moose, you jealous or something?"
Luke shot him a glare. "Of what? Trevor? No way."
Jack chuckled, ruffling Luke's hair. "Don't worry, Moosey. She'll get over it. Trev isn't interested."
Luke wanted to snap back, but he just crossed his arms over his chest, staring out the window at the lake. He couldn't quite put his feelings into words, but he knew one thing: he didn't like this change, not one bit.
Even as the group gathered around the firepit, Olivia sat closer to Trevor than to Luke. She always sat next to Luke! Luke watched from across the flames, feeling a simmering of annoyance. It wasn't like Olivia to act like this, and it bothered him way more than he wanted to admit.
Why did he feel like this?
Olivia had never been so excited for a trip to the lake house. She was 15 and finally had her driving permit. She was so eager to show off her new found freedom to her best friend. Her parents had given her permission to drive around the small neighbourhood that their lake house was located in. The moment she arrived, she practically dragged Luke to the driveway where her parents' car was parked, keys in hand, her eyes shining with excitement.
"Come on, Lu! Let's go for a drive," she urged, not giving him a chance to protest.
Luke hestitated for a second, glancing at the car. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he teased, though he was already following her.
Olivia rolled her eyes, grinning brightly. "I've been practicing for months. Don't worry-- I've got this."
They climbed into the car, and Olivia adjusted the seat and mirrors with exaggerated care. Luke couldn't help but smirk at her seriousness, but he didn't say anything. As she started the engine and pulled out of the driveway, he felt both excitement and nervousness. This was new territory for both of them, and it felt oddly significant.
The road around the lake waws quiet, bordered by tall trees that cast shadows on the asphalt. Olivia kept both hands firmly on the wheel, her brow furrowed in concentration as she navigated the path. Luke found himself sneaking glances at her, noticing how grown up she looked while driving.
"You're really into this driving thing, huh?" he asked, keeping his tone light.
"Are you kidding? It's freedom, Lu! We can go anywhere, do anything... well, not really. But you get the idea," Oli replied, flashing him a grin before turning her eyes back to the street.
Luke nodded, though he wasn't really listening. He couldn't quite shake the feeling that this was more than just a drive. There was something about the way she looked at him, the way she drove with such confidence-- it all felt... different. And he wasn't sure he liked how it made him feel.
They approached a sharp curve in the road, Olivia bit her lip in concentration, turning the wheel with a bit too much speed. The car swerved, and for a split second, Luke's heart leaped into his throat. His hand shot out, gripping the edge of his seat as he tried to steady himself.
"I've got it!" she said quickly, her voice a little higher than normal. She corrected the wheel, and the car straightened out, but they were both still a little shaken.
"Maybe I should slow down a bit," Olivia admitted, still laughing.''
"Maybe," Luke agreed, his heart thundering against his chest.
When they finally returned to the lake house, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the water. Olivia parked the car, turning to Luke with a satisfied grin. "Told you I could do it."
"Yeah, you did good," Luke said.
Later that night, as he lay in bed staring at the ceiling, Luke found himself replaying the day over and over in his mind. Olivia's laughter, her excitement-- it was all stuck in his head, and for the first time, he couldn't just brush it off.
What was happening to him? Why did he feel this way?
The summer felt different now, and Luke wasn't sure he was ready for it.
The following day, Luke and Olivia found themselves alone at the lake houses, the others having gone into town to grocery shop. It wasn't unusual for them to spend time together, just the two of them (obviously), but today it felt different-- charged with an unspoken tension neither could quite name.
"Want to go down to the dock?" Oli suggested, trying to keep things normal, though she could feel the shift in the air.
"Sure," Luke agreed, grabbing a couple of towels and a cooler of drinks as they headed outside.
They settled onto the dock, dangling their feet in the water. The familiar sounds of the lake-- water lapping at the shore, birds calling from the tall trees-- usually felt comforting, but today, Luke couldn't shake the nervous energy buzzing inside him.
They sat in companionable silence for a while, sipping on cold sodas and watching the water hit against the dock. But it wasn't long before Olivia broke it.
"Luke," she began hesitantly, her voice softer than normal, "d'you ever think about... growing up? Like, how things are changing?"
Luke turned to her, surprised by her question. "What do you mean?"
"I don't know," she shrugged, fidgeting with the hem of her shorts. "It's just... we're not kids anymore. Y'know? It feels like everything is different, even though we're still here, doing the same things."
He swallowed, suddenly aware of the way her shoulder brushed against his, how close they were sitting. "Yeah, I guess I've been thinking about that too," he admitted.
Olivia turned to face him, her eyes searching his. "D'you think... we'll always be like this? Best friends, I mean. Or do you think we'll grow apart?"
His heart skipped a beat at the thought. The idea of losing what they had-- whatever it was-- was somethinghe couldn't bear. "We won't grow apart," he said firmly, though the words felt heavy on his tongue. "We'll always be best friends, no matter what."
"Promise," Luke replied, though he wasn't sure if he was trying to convince himself or her.
The sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the water, and Olivia leaned her head on Luke's shoulder, a gesture that had once felt so natural now made his heart race.
"You're my best friend, Lu," she murmured.
Luke hestitated, then put his arm around her, pulling her closer. "You're mine too, Oli," he said, though the words felt like they were only scratching the surface of what he wanted to say.
As the sun set and the sky turned from pink to a deep blue, Luke couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them. He had always thought their friendship would last forever, unchanged, but now he wasn't so sure.
But as they sat there, wrapped together, he couldn't imagine being anyone else.
At 18, Luke and Olivia had slipped back into the easy rhythm of their friendship, though there were moments when things felt different-- charged in a way they hadn't been before. But for the most part, they had grown out of the awkward phase that had defined their relationship two years ago.
This summer, however, one major thing had changed. Olivia and Trevor's feelings for each other, once unrequited, were now undeniably mutual. And it drove Luke insane.
He hated the way that Trevor looked at her-- like she was the only person in the room. And worse, he hated the way Olivia looked back at Trevor, as if she were lost in his gaze. It was if they were silently communicating, undressing each other with their eyes, and it made Luke's stomach churn every time he saw it.
One evening, after a long day on the water, the group gathered in the house for a lowkey night. The parents had gone out for dinner, leaving the boys to their own devices. And Olivia was spending the night watching a movie with her parents. The boys sprawled out in the living room, beers in hand, the sound of crickets filling the quiet spaces between their conversations.
Trevor leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "You know," he began, his voice taking on a tone that immediately put Luke on edge, "Oli's really something else this summer."
Luke's grip on his beer tightened as he shot Trevor a glance. "What do you mean by that?"
Trevor shrugged, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "I mean, she's grown up a lot, hasn't she? Not just in looks, but the way she carries herself. Confident. Sexy."
Luke felt anger rise in his chest. He forced himself to stay calm, but his jaw clenched as he watched Trevor. "She's always been confident," Luke said, his voice steady but edged with warning.
"Yeah, but there's something different about her now," Trevor continued, oblivious to-- or ignoring-- the tension in Luke's voice. "She knows exactly how to get a guy's attention. And trust me, she's got mine."
Luke couldn't take it anymore. "Dude, you need to chill," he snapped, his eyes narrowing at Trevor. "She's not just some girl you can talk about like that. She's my best friend."
Trevor raised an eyebrow, surprised by Luke's reaction. "Relax, Hughes. I'm just saying what everyone's thinking. It's not like I don't care about her."
"That's exactly why you should be more careful with what you say," Luke shot back, his voice lower but still laced with anger. "She deserves more respect than that."
The room went quiet, the tension hanging heavy in the air. Jack and Cole exchanged glances but stayed out of it, sensing this was something Luke needed to handle on his own.
Trevor finally shrugged, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. I didn't mean any harm. I care about her too, y'know."
Luke didn't respond, just stared at Trevor until the other boy looked away, focusing on his drink instead. The conversation moved on, but the uneasy feeling in Luke's chest didn't go away.
As Luke lay in bed later that night, he couldn't stop thinking about the way Trevor had talked about Olivia. He knew his reaction had been intense, but he felt like he couldn't help it. Seeing his best friend with someone else, especially someone who looked at her the way Trevor did, made him want to snap.
He didn't know what it all meant, but one thing was clear: this summer was going to be a lot harder than he'd expected.
The house boomed with the bass of music. With their parents away for the weekend, the boys and Olivia had seized the opportunity to throw a party, and the place was packed with people. Outside, the chaos of beer pong and rowdy games filled the air, while inside, the living room had become a makeshift dance floor.
Luke navigated through the crowd, making his way to the kitchen for a refill. He was in no mood to party- and pretty much wanted to be anywhere else. He slowed when he heard two familiar voices-- Trevor and Olivia. They were standing near the counter, the tension between them palpable. Luke hovered just out of sight, listening closely.
"I can't believe our parents trust us enough to leave us alone for the weekend," Olivia said, her voice carrying a playful tone.
Trevor's laugh was easy, casual. "Yeah, well, they figure we're old enough to handle it. Plus, we've done this before at the Hughes' house, no big deal."
Olivia's soft chuckle followed, and Luke could hear the flirtation in her voice, which made his stomach turn. "You make it sound so harmless, but I know you guys. You're trouble."
"We're not that bad," Trevor replied, his voice dropping a notch, laced with a charm that grated on Luke's nerves. "And besides, trouble's more fun."
There was a brief pause, the kind that made the air feel thick with anticipation. Luke's heart thudded painfully in his chest as he watched Olivia take a step closer to Trevor, her hand reaching out to touch his arm lightly.
"You think you're fun, huh?" her tone was teasing, but there was something more there-- something that made Luke's skin prickle with unease.
Trevor leaned in, his eyes never leaving hers. "Why don't you find out?"
For a moment, Luke thought he might be able to stop what was happening, might be able to step in and pull her away-- pull them apart. But he was frozen, every muscle tense as he watched Olivia smile at Trevor, a soft, almost nervous smile that Luke had seen a thousand times before. But this time, it wasn't meant for him.
"I think I might just do that," she whispered, her voice so quiet that Luke almost didn't hear it. Then, with a slow, deliberate motion, she closed the remaining distance between them. Her lips brushing Trevor's in a kiss that was tentative at first, like she was testing the waters.
Trevor responded immediately, pulling her closer, his hand sliding to the small of her back as he deepened the kiss. And that was when something inside Luke snapped.
It wasn't just a kiss. It was the way she melted into Trevor's arms, the way their bodies fit together like they belonged that way. It was the way Olivia's hands moved up to cup Trevor's face, like she'd wanted to do it for a long time. It was the way Trevor's fingers tangled in her hair, tilting her head to deepen the kiss even further.
Luke's heart pounded so hard he thought it might burst. His vision tunneled, and all he could see was them--Olivia and Trevor-- lost in each other. The rest of the world fell away, the noise of the party fading into the background until all that remained was the two of them, completely oblivious to the fact that they were being watched.
Oli made a soft, contented sound against Trevor's lips, a sound that Luke had never heard her make before. It was intimate, private, and it twisted something deep inside him. He wanted to look away, to give them privacy, but he couldn't. Is feet were glued to the floor, forced to witness something he wasn't meant to see.
Trevor pulled back slightly, just enough to look at her, his hands now resting on her waist. He smiled, and the tenderness of it made Luke's blood boil. "Maybe we should take this somewhere a little less... public," Trevor suggested, his voice husky.
Oli nodded, her eyes still locked on his. "Yeah... let's go upstairs."
The words hit Luke like a punch to the gut, but he still couldn't move, couldn't tear his eyes off them as Trevor took her hand and led her out of the kitchen. Luke's fists clenched at his sides as he watched them head towards the stairs, Olivia glancing back only once before she disappeared from view.
For a long moment, he just stood there, the scene replaying in his mind, the bitter taste of jealousy and anger rising in his throat. He wanted to puke and scream. He wanted to punch something.
He turned and left the hall, weaving through the party, his face masking the storm raging in his mind. The noise of the party, the laughter, and the shouts seemed to mock him as he walked outside. Ignoring the concerned looks from his brothers and Cole, he grabbed a beer and chugged it. All he could think about was Olivia and Trevor, and how they'd left together, their intentions clear. And how he couldn't do anything about it.
The party continued in full swing, with music still blaring and people scattered across the backyard, laughing, drinking, and playing games. Luke sat in a lawn chair near the edge of the group, nursing a drink and pretending to be engaged in the conversation happening around him. But his mind was elsewhere, replaying what he had just witnessed in the kitchen over and over again.
He kept his eyes on the entrance to the house, unable to stop himself from waiting--watching-- for Olivia to return. When she finally did, it was like another punch in the gut. She stepped out onto the back porch, her hair slightly touseled, her shirt askew, and her cheeks flushed. She looked around, her eyes scanning the crowd as if she was looking for something-- or someone.
Luke quickly looked away, trying to focus on anything else. He didn't want to see the confusion in her eyes when she noticed that he was ignoring her, but he knew it was inevitable. He braced himself for it, forcing himself to keep his expression neutral as she finally spotted him.
Her face lit up in recognition, and she started towards him, but her steps faltered when she noticed his lack of reaction. She paused, frowning slightly as she tried to catch his eye, but Luke didn't give her the satisfaction. He kept his gaze fixed on the group in front of him, even though he couldn't hear a word they were saying.
"Hey, Lu," she called out, her voice hopeful.
Luke barely glanced at her, giving her only a nod in acknowledgment before turning back to his drink. She hesitated, her brow furrowing in confusion. She took a step closer, her hand reaching out to touch his shoulder, but he leaned away just enough to make it clear he wasn't interested in talking.
"Luke, what's going on?" she asked, concern creeping into her voice.
He shrugged, his tone detatched. "Nothing, just busy."
Olivia blinked, clearly thrown off by his cold response. She opened her mouth to say something else, but before she could, the back door swung open again, and Trevor emerged, a grin plastered on his face as he joined the group outside. He looked around, his eyes landing on Olivia, and without missing a beat, he made his way over to her.
"Hey, there you are," Trevor said, sliding up behind Olivia and wrapping his arms aorund her waist. He pulled her close, his chin resting on her shoulder as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
Her confusion melted away the instant she felt Trevor's touch. Her race softened, and she leaned back into him, a smile on her lips. For a moment, she seemed to forget all about Luke, her attention fully absorbed by the boy who now had his arms around her.
"Trevor," she said, her voice playful as she tilted her head to look up at him. "You disappeared on me."
Trevor chuckled, his hands resting comfortably on her hips. "Just had to check on a few things. But I'm back now, and I'm not going anywhere."
Olivia beamed at him, her earlier concerns about Luke seemingly forgotten. She reached up to brush a strand of hair out of her face, her fingers lingering on Trevor's arm as if she needed the contact to stay grounded. The tension in her posture was gone, replaced by a relaxed, almost blissful demeanor that made Luke's chest tighten all over again.
Her laugh rang out as Trevor whispered something in her ear, and Luke couldn't help but glance at them. They were completely wrapped in each other, oblivious to everything else. The way Trevor's hands rested possessively on her waist, the way Olivia leaned into his touch--it was like they had forgotten the whole world existed, including Luke.
Any trace of the confusion and worry Olivia had shown just moments before had vanished. It was if Luke's coldness didn't matter anymore, as if she didn't even notice. All she cared about was Trevor, and the realization hit Luke harder than he expected.
He took a long drink from his cup, letting the bitter taste wash away the knot in his throat. The party continued around him, but it all felt distant and unimportant, like white noise. He couldn't stop thinking about what he'd seen, what he'd felt--and how much it hurt to see her look at someone else like that.
But Luke wouldn't let it show, espeically in front of Olivia. He stayed silent, stewing in his own thoughts, while Olivia and Trevor remained lost in their own little world, leaving him on the outside looking in.
The next morning, the house was unusually quiet. Luke was in the kitchen, nursing a cup of coffee, trying to clear his head from the events of the previous night.
His mind was still a mess, replaying the scene of Trevor and Olivia in the kitchen. He hadn't slept well, tossing and turning as he tried to make sense of his emotions, the anger, the jealousy-- everything.
Just as he was starting to lose himself in thought again, Jack strolled into the kitchen, looking surprisingly awake and annoying cheerful. He grabbed a glass of water and leaned against the counter, smirking at his younger brother.
"Well, well, well, Moosey," Jack started, his tone teasing. "I was wondering when you were finally going to make a move on Oli. I gotta say, I'm impressed."
Luke looked up, brow furrowing in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Jack held up a small, crumpled foil wrapper he'd found discarded on the living room floor. Trevor must've gone to throw it away downstairs. "Found this little guy near the couch. Figure it was about time you two finally, you know... got together."
Luke's stomach twisted at sight of the condom wrapper. He hadn't noticed it earlier, but seeing it now only brought back the memory of Trevor and Olivia all over again. His jaw tightened as he stared at the wrapper, feeling a fresh wave of nausea.
"That's not mine," Luke said flatly, his voice colder than he intended.
Jack's smirk faltered as he raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what? Then whose is it?"
Luke's grip tightened around his coffee mug, his knuckles turning white. He didn't want to say it, didn't want it admit it aloud, but he knew he had to. "It's Trevor's," he finally muttered, the mords tasted bitter in his mouth. "It was him and Olivia."
For a moment, Jack was stunned into silence, his playful expression dropping as he processed what Luke had just said. "Trevor?" he repeated, disbelief evident in his voice. "You're telling me Trevor and Olivia..."
Luke nodded, unable to say it again. The anger and frustration that had been simmering all night was starting to bubble over, and he couldn't keep it in any longer.
"They were in the kitchen last night," Luke said, his voice rough with emotion. "I walked in on them. Didn't even realize I was there."
Jack blinked, trying to wrap his head around the situation. "Shit, Moose... I didn't know." He ran a hand through his hair, trying to figure out how to handle this. "Why didn't you say something? Why didn't you stop them?"
"What was I supposed to do?" Luke snapped. "I didn't want to make a scene. They were all over each other, Jack. She looked so... happy. I just... I couldn't."
Jack sighed, stepping closer to Luke. "I'm sorry, man. I thought... well, I thought it was you and her finally figuring things out."
"Yeah, well, it wasn't," Luke muttered, staring down at the table, the pain of the situation settling in. "And now she's probably going to spend the rest of the summer glued to Trevor, and I'll just have to sit here and watch."
Jack placed a hand on Luke's shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. "Look, maybe it's not as serious as you think. Trevor's... well, he's Trevor. He's probably not thinking long-term, and maybe Olivia's just caught up in the moment. She's getting attention from an older guy. Chicks love that shit."
Luke shurgged off Jack's hand, his frustration too overwhelming to accept any consolation. "I don't care if it's not serious. I just hate seeing them together like that. She's my best friend, Jack. And now... I don't know what we are anymore."
Jack sighed again, understanding his brother’s pain but unsure how to fix it. “Look, Moose, I don’t have all the answers. But if you really care about her, you need to talk to her. Maybe she doesn’t even realize how much this is messing with you.”
Luke shook his head, too angry to think clearly. "What's the point? She's obviously into him, and I'm just... I don't know. It doesn't matter."
"It does matter," Jack insisted. "You can't just sit here and let this eat you up from the inside. If you don't say anything, you'll regret it. Trust me, Moose"
Luke didn't respond, staring down at the coffee cup in his hands, his mind running a mile a minute. He knew Jack was right, but the thought of confronting Olivia--or worse, Trevor--was almost too much to bear.
Jack watched him for a moment longer before sighing and backing off. "Just think about it, okay? I'm here if you need to talk."
With that, Jack left the kitchen, leaving Luke alone with his thoughts. There was still anger and frustration building inside him, but now there was something else--an overwhelming feeling of sadness that made his entire body feel heavy. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do now. Would things with Olivia ever be the same? Was Jack right and Trevor just wanted a quick fuck? Why was this all so complicated?
Jack had been wrong. Trevor was not looking for something short term with Olivia. And the next summer just proved that even more. It was almost impossible to ignore just how deeply Olivia and Trevor had fallen for each other. From the moment they arrived, they were inseperable. It was like they existed in their own little world, completely unaware of the world around them.
Every morning, Luke would find them wrapped up together on the porch, sharing a cup of coffee as they watched the sunrise. Olivia would sit on Trevor's lap, her arms draped around his neck, as they whispered to each other, their foreheads touching. It was almost as if they'd been superglued together, and it was beyond irritating,
But what really got under Luke's skin were the little things--like the way Trevor would brush a strand of hair behind Olivia's ear before leaning in to kiss her, or how Olivia's laugh seemed louder and brighter when she was with him. Even worse were the marks.
One afternoon, as they all lounged by the lake, Luke noticed a series of faint reddish marks on Olivia's neck when she pulled her hair up into a claw clip. Hickeys.
"Did ya have fun last night?" Jack teased, nudging Oli as they all sat on the dock.
She blushed, giving Jack a playful shove. "Shut up, Jack," she giggled, though she didn't seem embarassed--if anything, she looked pleased.
Trevor smirked, sliding his arm around Olivia's waist and pulling her closer. "Maybe a little too much fun," he joked, kissing her on the temple. Oli just laughed, leaning into him, her fingers absentmindedly tracing circles on his chest.
Luke clenched his fists, staring out at the lake to avoid looking at the happy couple. The sight of them together, so openly affectionate, made him feel like was intruding on something private... something he desperately wished he could unsee, much like the kiss in the kitchen.
As the day went on, it only got worse. During lunch, Trevor fed Olivia bites of his sandwich, and she giggled like it was the most romantic thing in the world. Later, when they were all hanging out in the air conditioned living room, Olivia snuggled up against Trevor's side, her head resting on his shoulder as they watched a movie. Luke tried to focus on the screen, but all he could hear was the soft murmur of their voices as they whispered to each other, completely lost in their own conversation.
When Oli stood up to get a drink, Luke couldn't help but notice the way her shirt had ridden up slightly, revealing another set of hickeys trailing down her side. His jaw tightened, and he quickly looked away, trying to shake the image from his mind.
Late that night, the lake house was quiet, the only sounds coming from the gentle rustling of leaves outside and the occasional creak of the old wooden floors. Luke had finally managed to drift off to sleep when a noise jolted him awake—a muffled laugh, followed by a soft thud against the wall.
His heart sank as he realized the source of the sounds: the room next to his. Trevor’s room.
Luke squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the noise, but it was impossible. The hushed giggles, the low murmur of Trevor’s voice, and Olivia’s breathy replies seeped through the thin walls, each sound hitting him like a slap in the face. Then, there was the unmistakable creak of the bed springs, and Luke felt like he was going to be puke.
Luke couldn’t take it anymore. The weight of everything he’d been holding in finally broke through, and he stormed out of his room, needing to get away from the gut-wrenching reality just a few feet away. He found Jack in the kitchen, grabbing a late-night snack, and without warning, the floodgates opened.
Jack turned to see Luke pacing back and forth, his hands tugging at his hair in frustration. “What’s going on with you?” Jack asked, clearly concerned.
Luke stopped pacing and faced his older brother, his face twisted in anger. "You said last summer that it wasn't going to be long-term! That Trevor wasn't looking for anything serious, that he'd move on by now!" he burst out, his voice cracking.
Jack sighed, setting down the bag of chips he's been holding. "I didn't think it would be. I thought they'd have their fun, and it would fizzle out. But I was wrong, Luke. They're clearly serious about each other."
"Serious?" Luke echoed, his voice tinged in disbelief. "They're practically glued together, Jack! They're disgusting, and I don't get it. What does Olivia even see in him?!"
Jack rubbed the back of his neck, not sure how to respond. “Look, I know it sucks to watch them be all lovey-dovey, but Trevor’s a good guy. He makes her happy.”
"Happy?" Luke snapped. "What about me, Jack? I've known her my whole life, and now she's completely forgetten about me because of him. What does she see in Trevor that can't see in anyone else? What's so special about him?"
"Maybe it's just how he makes her feel. Maybe he's the one she needs right now. I don't know, Luke. But it's not like you can force her to feel differently."
"It's not fair! He's always been around, but now it's like he's taken her away from me. And I hate it. I hate seeing them together, hearing them through the damn walls. It's like I'm invisible to her now."
Jack frowned, unsure how to fix his brother's pain. "I get that it's hard, but you've gotta let it go. She's happy, and as much as it sucks, you've gotta accept it. Be there as her best friend. Not a jealous lover."
"I just don't know what he has that I don't."
"Sometimes, people just connect like that. It isn't always about who has known who the longest or who's been there for her through everything. It's about how he makes her feel right now."
Luke just shook his head, not sure how to reply. The thought of Olivia and Trevor being so, so deeply in love made him feel like he was the sickest he'd been in his life. But for Olivia, he'd have to push through.
The following summer brought a strange quiet to the lake. Unlike previous years, Olivia wasn't spending every waking moment with the Hughes family. Instead, she kept to her parents' house next door, avoiding the Hughes' place all together.
Luke noticed her absence immediately. It was hard not to. The usual sounds of her laughter, the sight of her smiling, and the way she'd barge into their house unannouced were all missing. He'd hoped things would return to normal after the last summer, but he was wrong. He felt like he was a wrong a lot when it came to Olivia now.
Jack and Quinn had noticed too, exchanging concerned glances whenever Luke asked if they'd seen her. But Olivia remained elusive, keeping to herself and refusing to join them in any of their usual lake house activities.
Finally, Luke couldn't take it anymore. He needed to get to the bottom of Olivia's disappearance. He made his way to the Jones' cottage, knocking on the door with determination. When Olivia answered, her eyes were red, and she looked like she hadn't slept in days.
"Hey," Luke started softly. "Can we talk?"
She hestitated, but finally stepped to the side to let him in. They sat down, the silence between them heavy.
"I heard that you and Trevor broke up," he wasn't sure how to approach the subject.
She nodded, her hands suddenly becoming the most interesting thing in the room. "Yeah... we did."
Luke waited for her to say more, but she didn't. "Why, Oli? What happened between you two?"
Olivia's face crumpled, and she bit her lip as if holding back tears. "He... he thought I was in love with someone else."
Luke's heart skipped a beat. Who could she possibly be in love with?
"What? Why would he think that?"
She shook her head, voice trembling. "I don't know. I tried to tell him it wasn't true, but he just... he didn't believe me. He said he couldn't be with someone who wasn't all in, who might have feelings for someone else."
"Do you?" he asked cautiously. "Have feelings for someone else, I mean?"
She looked away, wiping at her eyes. "It doesn't matter now, does it? Trevor and I are over."
Luke’s heart ached at her pain, and a surge of protectiveness washed over him. He wanted to ask more, to dig deeper into what she was feeling, but he could see how much it was hurting her to talk about it.
"You know we're here for you, right? No matter what," Luke said softly, reaching over to cover her hand with his.
"I know," she whispered. "I just need some space right now."
"Okay. Just... don't shut us out forever, alright? I'm here whenever you're ready to talk."
"Thanks, Lu. I appreciate that. Especially after I've been such a shit friend."
"Any time, Oli. Any time."
The next night, the Hughes' house was buzzing with laughter and conversation as the boys and few friends hung out on the deck. But Luke couldn't stop staring at the empty seat he'd made the boys save just in case Olivia decided to come over. He hadn't seen her since the day before, and his worry was growing.
Around midnight, the hangout started to wind down, and Luke decided to call it a night. He was halfway up the stairs when he heard the door creak open. Turning around, he saw Olivia stumbling in, her eyes glassy and movements unsteady.
"Olivia?" he called as he hurried back down the stairs.
She looked up at him with sadness and something he couldn't quite place--something desperate. "Luke," she slurred. "There you are. I've been looking for you."
Luke took in her disheveled appearance. Her hair was a mess, her clothes crumpled, and the scent of alcohol clung to her like a cloud. She was drunk, way more than he'd ever seen her.
"Oli, what're you doing here? You should be home, resting," he tried to lead her towards the door.
But she shook her head, pulling away from his grasp. "No, I don't want to be there. I don't want to be alone," her voice cracked. She reached out, her fingers brushing against his arm. "Please, Luke... I need you."
Luke froze, his breath catching in his throat as Olivia leaned in closer, her lips inches from his. She was so close, and for a brief moment, the temptation was almost too much to resist. But then he saw the tears in her eyes, the way her hands trembled, and he knew it wasn't right.
"Oli, you're not okay," he stepped back, taking her hands in his. "You've had too much to drink. Let me take you home."
"You don't want me anymore, do you? Because I'm... used. I'm not good enough now."
"Olivia, no. That's not true. You're amazing and I-" he paused, thinking over his words. "I care about you so much, but this... this isn't the right time. You're hurting, and I don't want to take advantage of that."
Olivia's shoulders slumped in defeat. "I'm sorry, Luke. I just... I don't know what to do anymore."
Luke pulled her into a tight hug, holding her close as he cried into her chest. "It's okay, Oli. I'm here for you, no matter what."
He hated seeing her so broken and lost. She needed time to heal, to find herself again. And he'd just have to be patient.
Olivia woke up with a pounding headache and a foggy memory. She groaned, rubbing her temples as she tried to piece together the events of the previous night. Everything felt like a blur--a messy tangle of emotions, confusion, and too much alcohol.
She shuffled downstairs to the kitchen, hoping a cup of black coffee would clear her head. But as she sat down, a sense of unease settled in her stomach. Something had happened last night, something important maybe, but she couldn't quite grasp it.
But before she could dwell on it, there was a knock at the door. She frowned and set her mug down to answer it. She was surprised to find Luke on the other side, looking quite serious.
"Hey. Can I come in?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," she replied. She watched as he walked into the living room, his hands shoved in his pockets, brow furrowed. "Luke, what's going on?"
"Oli, do you remember anything from last night?"
"Not really... I remember drinking a lot and... that's about it. Why? What happened?"
Luke sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You came over to our place. You were really upset and... you tried to, uh, make a move on me."
"I what?!"
"Yeah," Luke said, his tone gentle but firm. "You were really drunk. And I could tell you weren't in the right headspace, so I stopped you."
She felt her face heat up in embarrassment. "Oh my god, Luke, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Don't apolgize," he stepped closer. "You were hurting, and you needed someone. I just didn't want you to do anything you'd regret."
"But... why did I do that? I mean, why you?"
Luke hesitated, taking a deep breath. "Oli, I think it's time I'm honest with you. I've... had feelings for you for a long time. Probably longer than I even realized. But I didn't want to mess things up between us, so I never said anything. And then you and Z... I thought I'd lost my chance."
"Luke... I didn't know."
"I know," he said quietly. "And last night, when you came to me like that... it wasn't because you wanted me. It's because you were hurting, and I don't want to be the guy you turn to when you're upset."
"I thought... I thought you didn't want me because I'm 'used.' Because I've slept with Trev."
He gently lifted her chin so she could look at him. "That's not true, Oli. I've never thought of you that way. You deserve so much more than what Trevor gave you, and if I could be the one to make you happy, I would. But only if that's what you really want."
"Luke... I- I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything," he whispered. "Just... think about it. If you don't feel the same way, that's okay. But if you do... I'm here."
For a moment, they stood in silence, the weight of Luke's confession hanging in the air. Then, without thinking, Olivia closed the distance between them and pressed her lips to his.
The kiss was slow and tender, filled with all the emotions they'd both been holding back for so long. When they finally pulled away, Luke pressed his forehead to hers, both of them gasping for air.
"Oli," his voice thick with emotion. "I've wanted this for so long."
"Me too," she whispered back, her hands clutching onto the fabric of his shirt. "I just didn't realize it till now."
Olivia gently tugged him towards her bedroom. Luke hesitated for a second, searching her eyes for any sign of doubt.
"Are you sure?"
She nodded, her heart racing. "I'm sure."
And with that, they fell into bed together, finally giving in to the feelings they'd both kept hidden for so long.
Luke and Olivia finally crossed the line they had danced around for years, everything felt different. The sun streamed through the curtains of her bedroom, Olivia stirred awake, feeling content. She must've finally gotten the rest she needed. The warmth of Luke's presence beside her was undeniable. He was already up, sitting on the edge of the bed, his back to hers as he tied up his sneakers.
"Morning," he turned to shoot her a soft smile.
"Morning," Olivia replied, sitting up and pulling the covers up around her.
"Are you okay?" he could sense her hestiation a mile away.
"Yeah, I think so."
"We can talk about this later. Just... take it easy today, alright? No more drinking."
She nodded and he walked over to press a kiss on her forehead before he left.
"I'll see you later?"
"Yeah, sure," she forced a smile. Luke lingered for a moment, as if he wanted to say more, but then just nodded and left, closing the door softly behind him.
As soon as he was gone, Olivia sank back into the pillows, her mind racing. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong--terribly wrong. The more she thought about it, the more her insecurities began to take hold. She had slept with Trevor, Luke’s friend, and now she had slept with Luke. What did that make her? A puck bunny? The thought made her stomach turn. She didn’t want to be seen that way, didn’t want to be the girl who bounced between hockey players, even if Luke was different, even if she had real feelings for him.
By the time afternoon had rolled around, Olivia was overwhelmed by doubt. Every time her phone buzzed with a new text from Luke, she ignored it, burying herself in the puzzle her parents had started. She couldn't face him when she felt like this.
Luke was growing concerned. The day before had been a turning point, but now he was being ignored again. Her silence was gnawing at him. He sent another text, that she ignored, and decided to make his way to hers.
He knocked on the door, just as he had the day before. Olivia answered, looking even more stressed than she had been.
"Luke, I..."
"Whatever it is just tell me... please."
"I just... I don't want people thinking I'm some sort of... you know... puck bunny."
"What? Olivia, nobody would ever think that about you."
"But they will, Luke! I was with Trevor, and now we're...you know. People are going to judge, they always do."
He placed a hand on her arm, "You're not a puck bunny, Olivia. You're everything to me. I don't care what anyone else thinks. And if they do judge, that's their problem. Not ours."
"You really mean that?"
"Of course I do," he replied without hesitation. "You're not just someone I'm hooking up with. You're my best friend, and I want you to be my... girlfriend."
Her fears melted away almost instantly. "I... I want that too."
Luke pulled her into a tight hug. "Good. Because I'm not letting you go. Ever."
As they held each other, Olivia couldn't believe how perfect things felt. Life wasn't easy, but with Luke by her side, anything was possible.
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gamergirl929 · 6 months
I Shouldn't Be Jealous (You Aren't Even Mine) (Kristie Mewis x Reader)
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Kristie Mewis knew she didn't have the right to be jealous, sleeping together in no way meant you were dating. However, when she saw Alessia Russo's arms wrapped tightly around you, she couldn't help but march across the field and stake her claim on something she wanted and didn't have.
Disclaimer: Full disclosure, this fic contains smut, if that isn't your think, feel free to skip this one, otherwise, I hope you enjoy, feel free to let me know what you think, feedback is appreciated! ❤️❤️❤️
You turn on your heels, your lips splitting in a massive grin when you see Alessia Russo jogging your way. 
Considering you were currently a member of Arsenal, you and Alessia were incredibly tight, you had grown up together after all and even when Alessia left the NWSL to play overseas, you were still thick as thieves.
Since your childhood, you were attached at the hip, partners in crime your parents would call you, and that still stands to this day.  
You can’t help but laugh when Alessia lifts you in the air and does a spin, the blonde kissing your cheek playfully.  
“Knock it off.” You snort, pushing her chest halfheartedly, the blonde wrapping her arms around your neck.  
“But it’s been so long since we seen each other!” She giggles and you roll your eyes.  
“I don’t think I’d call a few weeks a ‘long time’.” Your fingers forming quotation marks in the air.  
Alessia swats at your hands.  
“Don’t act like you didn’t miss me...” She smirks and you shake your head, knowing that she was right.  
“Shut up.”  
You’re so deep in conversation with your best friend, that you don’t realize you’re being watched closely by a certain mid-fielder, a mid-fielder who was currently fuming.
Kristie Mewis was jealous, incredibly jealous.  
She knew she shouldn’t be; she knew she had NO reason to be, it wasn’t as if you were dating after all, but seeing Alessia Russo run up to you, wrapping her arms tightly around you and spinning you in her hold made her scowl.  
She knew you weren’t dating, sleeping together to blow of some steam didn’t mean you were dating, but she still couldn’t stop the urge to stake her claim, especially when Alessia’s hands rested gently on your waist.  
The final straw for her was when Alessia’s arms wrapped around your neck, the blonde kissing your cheek lovingly, whispering softly in your ear.  
Kristie’s hands ball into fists, her nostrils flaring.  
“What’s the matter with you?” Emily Sonnett asks, her brows furrowed.  
She follows Kristie’s gaze, her hazel orbs widening.  
Her lips split in realization, the blonde turning back towards her teammate.  
“Oh my god, you’re jealous.” She teases, falling silent when the older woman shoots her a glare.  
Emily bursts into laughter, her arms wrapped around her middle.  
“You’re SO jealous.” She snickers, Kristie’s blue orbs going aflame, something that makes Emily’s laughter cease.  
“Coming Lindsey!” She yells, Lindsey Horan turning towards her with an arched brow.  
“I didn’t-- 
“Yes, you did, now let's go.” She says, dragging the USWNT captain away, the woman wearing a confused expression.  
Meanwhile, Kristie is still seething, her feet subconsciously carrying her towards the two of you.  
You turn, your eyes widening when you see the look on Kristie’s face, your brows furrowing.  
“Is something wrong?” You ask as you approach her, the blonde glaring daggers at Alessia, her brows arched as Kristie reaches her hand out, shaking it a bit harder than necessary.  
“Good game.” She says through gritted teeth, Alessia’s blue orbs darting between the two of you.  
“Everything okay?” She asks, her brows knitted in confusion. 
Kristie takes your hand, intertwining your fingers with a smug smirk, noting the twitch at the corner of Alessia’s mouth.  
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” Kristie asks, giving your hand a squeeze, her hand resting on the front of your jersey, your muscles prominent beneath her palm.  
“Are you ready?” She asks, your eyes dropping to the hand resting on your abdomen, your cheeks flushing. 
“U-Uh, yeah, give me just a second.” You say, turning towards Alessia, giving her a shrug, the two of you equally confused.  
“Well, I gotta get going anyway. It was great seeing you!” Alessia says, wrapping her arms around you once more, Kristie’s hand still very much in your own as you hug the English Player.  
Alessia turns, kissing your cheek again before she jogs towards her teammates, Kristie’s blue orbs burning holes in her back.  
“Are you okay?” You ask as you turn to Kristie, her blue orbs leaving Alessia’s retreating form and locking with your Y/E/C’s.  
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She says, her voice clipped.  
“Kris, I know you.” You say, placing your hands on her shoulders before you turn her towards you.  
“I know when something is wrong.” You say, ducking down to catch her gaze.  
Kristie sighs.  
“It’s nothing, now come on, we have to get to the locker room.” She says, dragging you across the field towards the locker room.  
You screech to a halt, your eyes widening, a smirk stretching across your face.  
“Were you staking your claim on me Mewis?” You ask teasingly, the woman stalling mid-step.  
“Were you jealous?” You say, poking her in the side playfully.  
She growls, turning on you her blue orbs locking with your Y/E/C’s.  
“I was NOT staking my claim on anything, and I am CERTAINLY not jealous.” She growls, her hand leaving yours as she stomps towards the locker room. 
Kristie avoided you for the remainder of the day, you’d never seen the woman so jealous, but you also knew she’d never seen someone hanging all over you before.  
You hadn’t expected her to react the way she did however, you hadn’t expected the woman you were simply sleeping with to stake her claim on you in front of your best friend.  
In all honesty, it kind of made your heart swell.  
You knew when you started this arrangement with Kristie, it was about blowing off steam, about having your pleasure sated with someone you trusted, and that someone was Kristie Mewis.  
Your arrangement first started at the World Cup, the two of you sleeping together nearly the entirety of your time overseas.  
Though you thought no feelings would develop, they did, and they did in such a way that made you long for the blonde for more than just sex.  
You wanted her, in every sense of the word, you wanted to hold her, to call her yours, but that wasn’t what you agreed to, that wasn’t going to happen.  
At least that’s what you thought, now though, with her current display on the field in front of Alessia, you wondered if she felt the same way you do.  
Just as the thought cross your mind, your hotel room door swings open, the woman you were sharing it with making her way inside, her blue orbs meeting your Y/E/C’s.  
“Hey.” Kristie whispers, dropping her bag on the floor beside her bed before making her way out onto the balcony where you're standing.
The silence is tense, and awkward, the two of you choosing to remain silent, that is until Kristie’s hand moves to rest on top of your own.  
Your eyes widen, your cheeks flushing pink as she pushes her fingers in between your own.  
“You were right.” She confesses softly, your brows arching, though you remain silent.  
“I was jealous.” She mumbles, a small smile stretching across your face.  
“Why?” You ask, Kristie sighing softly as she shakes her head.  
“I-I just...” She stammers, her mouth opening and closing, as if searching for a way to put her thoughts into words.  
Instead, her mouth shuts, the blonde instead, cupping your cheeks gently before pulling you into a kiss.  
The kiss is unlike any you shared before, the kisses between you before driven by lust, this kiss however isn’t.  
It’s passionate, it’s soft, and loving, neither of you attempting to deepen the kiss like you typically did before, content with the slow and tender kisses you were sharing.  
You reluctantly part, Kristie’s forehead leaning against your own, your noses brushing lightly.  
“I love you, Y/N.” She confesses, your heart skipping a beat in your chest, your eyes going glassy.  
“I think I have for a while, and seeing you with Alessia, just...” She shakes her head, her gaze falling to the floor.  
“I wanted to be the one holding you like that.” She murmurs, her breath hitching when you tilt her chin upward with your fingertip until her eyes meet yours.  
“First off, Alessia and I are only friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be.” You say softly, gently stroking Kristie’s chin.  
“And second.” You pause, leaning in, your lips meeting hers again, the kiss even softer than the one you’d shared before.  
“I love you too.” You whisper, Kristie’s eyes widening, her blue orbs watery as she surges in, her lips slamming against your own.  
The kiss is intense and emotional, the small of your back meeting the balcony’s railing as you kiss, Kristie’s tongue eventually making its way into your mouth.  
Her breath catches in her throat when you guide her backwards, her back now meeting the opposite railing.  
Your tongues tangle, the blonde midfielder moaning into your mouth, her hands sliding up the back of your shirt, her fingertips prodding into your back. 
She gasps when you lift her into the air, pressing her against the balcony’s door, burying your face in her neck, the woman moaning as you nip at her pulse point.  
Her legs wrap around your middle as you suck a bruise into her neck, now staking your claim on the woman you have pinned between you and the glass door.  
You carry her into the room, gently placing her onto the bed’s surface, something you’d done multiple times, but this time it was so different.  
You jerk your shirt over your head, leaving you in nothing but a bra and the pajama bottoms you were wearing.  
Kristie holds her arms up, a signal that she wanted her upper body to be as bare as your own.  
You jerk her shirt over her head, tossing it across the room before crawling on top of her, your lips inches away from her own.  
“I know we’ve done this plenty of times before, but I want this to mean something.” You whisper, the woman’s chest rising and falling rapidly.  
You yelp when you’re rolled over onto your back, the woman now straddling your middle.  
You sigh when her hands settle on your stomach, her fingers prodding into your abdominal muscles as she teasingly runs a finger down the line between your abs.  
“I do too.” She says softly, smiling as she ducks down to kiss your lips before almost immediately pulling back.  
Your throat bobs when she undoes her bra in one swift motion, the sight of her bare chest never ceasing to make your cheeks flush.  
She moans softly, her head tilting backwards when you cup her breasts, lightly teasing her nipples with your thumbs.  
“Ah.” She moans when you sit up, your lips wrapping around one of her erect nipples, your tongue lashing against the pink bud.  
Lithe fingers tangle in your hair as you turn your attention to her other breast, giving it equal treatment as the other, but unlike the other, you leave small purple bruises in your wake.  
“Who’s staking their claim on who now?” Kristie teases and you chuckle, rolling the two of you over, her back now against the bed beneath you.  
“Nobody better ever see these besides me.” You say, flicking your tongue against her nipple again, Kristie gasping softly.  
She sits up, unhooking your bra, her lips wrapping around your own nipple, a groan crawling up your throat.  
“God, I love that sound.” She says against your breast, giving your nipple a light bite before turning her attention to the other.  
You push her back onto the bed, her back arching when you slide a hand between you, her slick already soaking through her shorts.  
“So wet for me, huh?” You ask, teasingly drawing small circles against the wet spot on her shorts.  
“Oh.” She moans, throwing her head back when your teasing caresses increase in speed, the circles you're drawing against her much faster than before.  
“Just like that.” She sighs, her brows knitting as your hand leaves her entirely.  
She moans loudly when she realizes your hand is sliding into her shorts, bypassing her panties and making direct contact with her clit.  
“Fuck.” She moans as you press your thumb against her clit, giving it a small rub.  
“Please.” She begs, whimpering when you tease her opening with your fingertips.  
“Mmm.” She whines when you slide two fingers into her tight heat, your fingers expertly and almost immediately finding her spongey frontal wall.  
She keens as your fingers slip in and out of her, curling in just the right way to massage the spot in her that makes her see stars. 
“Yessss.” She hisses, her dark blue orbs fluttering open, locking with your equally dark Y/E/C’s.  
“Keep your eyes open.” You whisper, your throat bobbing as she does everything to fight her fluttering eyelids, her core fluttering around your fingers.  
She gasps when you slip a third finger into her, the pulsating of her core around your fingers, telling you that she was close.  
“I love you, Kris.” You whisper, leaning in, your forehead resting against hers as your fingers slide in and out of her pulsing core.  
“I love too-- 
Kristie’s back arches, a high-pitched moan leaving her as she trembles, her core clenching down around you, pulling your fingers in.  
You draw small circles on her clit, prolonging her orgasm, the woman continuing to twitch and whimper. 
She grabs your wrist, stopping you from rubbing her clit any further.  
“Jesus.” She pants, a smirk stretching across your face as you grab her ruined shorts and panties, dragging them down her body and tossing them behind you.  
Your eyes lock with Kristie’s as you slide down her body, your tongue swiping across your lips as you hook Kristie’s legs up over your shoulders.  
You wiggle your eyebrows, the blonde giggling as you tickle her inner thighs with the tip of your nose.  
“Do you think you can handle anymore?” You ask, kissing the inside of her thigh tenderly.  
“We can always stop if you want.” You smile, leaning your cheek against her thigh, the blonde brushing a strand of loose hair out of your face.  
“You get in THAT position, and you think I’m going to tell you to stop now?” She asks with a grin, and you chuckle.  
“I will admit, I WAS hoping you wouldn't want to stop.” You smirk, your eyes falling to her glistening core.  
Kristie’s fingers tangle roughly in your hair when you surge in, running your tongue along her slit before flicking it against her clit.  
“Fuck.” She sighs, moaning when your tongue runs through her lower lips, teasingly circling her entrance.  
Her back arches, her eyes squeezed shut. 
“Right there.” She whimpers when you start sucking on the throbbing pink bundle of nerves between her legs.  
Kristie’s back arches off the bed as she climaxes with a loud cry that you know can be heard in the rooms nearby.  
She quakes violently, your lips wrapped firmly around her clit, sucking it wildly until she’s crying out again, being rocked with a third orgasm.  
This time, you stop, knowing the blonde was spent, the woman panting heavily, staring bleary eyed at the ceiling above.  
“You alright there?” You ask as you crawl up her body, the woman chuckling breathlessly as you collapse beside her.  
“More than alright.” She says, covering her eyes with her hands before she turns towards you, your arms wrapping around her as you pull her against your chest.  
“What about you?” She asks, and you hum, ducking down to kiss the top of her head.  
“I think we’ll have enough time for you to return the favor, don’t you?” You ask, the woman leaning back to look into your eyes, a loving smile stretched across your face, your Y/E/C orbs sparkling with what could only be described as pure adoration.  
She leans in, pressing her lips gently against your own, before bumping the tip of your nose with hers.
“Yeah, we do.” She says softly and your lips split in a grin.  
“You better, I mean I DID just make you orgasm three times.” You shrug and she rolls her eyes, giving your shoulder a playful shove.  
“Oh, trust me, I haven’t forgotten.” She snorts and you smirk your tongue trapped between your teeth as you sneakily slip your hand back between her legs, the woman gasping when your fingers again brush her clit.  
She whimpers, her arms wrapping tightly around you as you draw small circles against the swollen bundle of nerves between her legs. 
Her back arches as your small circles increase in speed, her brows furrowed.  
“Fuck.” She says, her mouth a gape, her head tilted back.  
It isn’t long before she begins shuddering as she climaxes again, her nails digging into your back as her thighs quake, the slick between her legs growing.  
“Shit.” She whispers against your neck, panting heavily, her hot breath dampening your skin.  
“You won’t forget that one either, right?” You ask, and she chuckles, kissing your collarbone.  
“Not a chance.” She says, continuing to pant, gently caressing your back, knowing she’d done some damage with her nails.
You snort, the woman pulling away from you with a furrowed brow.  
“What’s so funny?” She asks and you chuckle.  
“I thought you were going to murder Alessia.”  
She scoffs, hiding her face against your neck.  
“Shut up.” She mumbles and you chuckle, tightening your hold on the woman.  
“Come on, it was cute.”  
You yelp when she playfully nips at your collarbone.  
“It wasn’t cute.” She growls and you snort, the woman squeaking when you give her sides a squeeze.  
“It was.”  
She groans, nuzzling against your collarbone, a smirk stretching across your face.  
“If this is what happens every time you get jealous, I might have to make you jealous more often.” 
Kristie whines, her voice muffled by your shoulder, the exhaustion in her voice evident.  
“You better not.”  
You chuckle, kissing the top of her head again.  
“I only have eyes for you.” You whisper against the top of her head, smiling when you realize the woman has dozed off.   
You nuzzle against the top of her head before whispering again.  
“I’ve only ever had eyes for you Kristie Mewis and I will always only have eyes for you.”  
You tighten your hold on her, the woman humming as you bury your face in her blonde hair, you too eventually drifting off with the woman you loved, and the woman who loved you fast asleep in your arms.  
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deanscherrypie420 · 3 months
ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝
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A/N: This is my first criminal minds fic but I figured I should cause I LOVE the show... I haven't watched the new season yet cause of personal reasons but, ya know, I'll get there. <3 I hope you enjoy
Characters: Spencer Reid, Reader Y/N, JJ, Emily Prentiss, Luke Alvez,
Pairing: Reader X Spencer
Warnings: Mentions of murder, interrogation, violence, angst, fluff, suggestive dialogue, arguing, praise kink, Dom/sub, age gap, implied smut, (6 years) (NO ACTUAL SMUT.) (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: After taking you into custody, the team tries to get a confession out of you for a crime they suspect you committed. The only thing you seem to want is to play. They bring in Reid as a last resort, and you can't help but like him... Even if he is a pain in the ass.
Y/N was walking around in the mall, stopping to check out Victoria Secret. She loved the store, the fragrances, the clothes, or lack there of. Lingerie made her feel pretty, and she loved it.
After selecting a few sets that she liked, along with a set of perfume and lotion, she went to the checkout. She opened her wallet and grabbed one of her many cards, handing it to the cashier with a smile.
"Thank you for shopping with us, have a lovely day." The woman told her, and she rolled her eyes. Once she left the store she took the escalator downstairs, making her way to the parking lot. When she arrived, she noticed the swarm of cop cars.
"Ironic." She told herself, keeping her head down and making her way to her car. She opened her passenger door and set the bag down. When she turned around, she was met by two agents.
"Y/N Y/L/N, you're under arrest for suspected murder, accomplice to murder, and grand theft." The taller man spoke, and she nodded, a small smile creeping onto her lips.
"How fun." She said as she put her hands behind her back, hiding a small blade within her sleeve. The man turned her around and pressed her against the car. Before he could inform her of her rights, she maneuvered the blade from its confinement and sliced the agent's wrist.
It wasn't meant to help her escape, but simply to vex the man. He grunted and slammed her harder against her vehicle, tightening the cuffs harshly around her wrists. She gasped and bit her lip, "That hurts!" She protested, but was quickly shut up by his partner. "Karma's a bitch."
She was led to a black SUV, a large hand covering the back of her head as she got in. The drive was quiet, she spent most of her time studying the agents. One was a blonde, slim, confident woman. The other was a brown haired, taller man.
She slouched down, moving her elbow to undo her seat-belt. Once it was off, she leaned forward and grinned. "Officer, do I get to keep my stuff?" She cooed in the man's ear. He looked back at her in the rear-view mirror and tsked in disapproval. "You got out of your seatbelt."
"Sit back, head against the headrest." The woman ordered. Y/N pouted her lip, falling back into her seat. "It's not like I have my hands. I can't hurt you." She complained, but she was ignored.
Ugh, so rude, she thought.
Now, she was sitting alone in an interrogation room. She tilted back in her chair, her handcuffs binding her to the table. "I'm bored! Come on guys, where are you?" She shouted at the mirror, a sick smile on her face. "Play with me!"
She had already spoken to quite a few agents. She had fun with all of them, watching them get mad. Oh, how she loved it. Her smile only grew as a new woman came in.
"Oh goody! I love meeting new people." She feigned innocence, her tone high pitch and bubbly. "I'm Agent Prentiss. I'm assuming you know why you're here?" Her tone was gentle, like a parent soothing a child.
"Is this your new tactic? Baby me and hope I confess?" Y/N giggled, soaking up Emily's irritated look. "Y'know, you have a really bad poker face. You're pissed!" She broke out in a fit of laughter, swinging back in her chair and tilting her head back.
Emily abruptly left the room, taken aback by the young woman's demeanor. When she closed the door, she turned to her group. "Do you guys see this? We played all of our cards here. She's not gonna talk until we get something we can use."
Jennifer shook her head, rubbing her temples with her fingers. "We literally brought Daniel up, and she didn't flinch. How does that not affect her?" She sounded exasperated, so ready to be done with this case.
Suddenly, Spencer barged into the room. He seemed to be in a hurry, a file in his hand. "Let me. I think I can get something out of her." He asked quickly. Emily just nodded and motioned towards the door.
Y/N raised her eyebrows when he came in, kicking the chair in front of her out from beneath the table. "You're the guy from the car." She acknowledged, and he nodded.
"You're being held for suspected murder and theft. How do you feel about that?" He asked, and she thought for a moment. "Hmmm... I think it's awesome. What about you?" She teased, and he gave her a stern look.
She didn't know why, but she felt her stomach turn. She leaned back in her chair and scoffed. "You're no fun. Why are you here?" He shook his head and opened her file, not bothering to answer her.
"Hey, I asked you a question." She hissed, annoyance creeping in. "Answer me!" She whined, and he slammed his hand down on the table. "Shut up. Speak when I ask you to."
She felt her cheeks warm, embarrassment evident on her face. She bit down on her lip and kicked his legs beneath the table. "You're a douche." She muttered and he ignored her again, setting the file down and flipping it for her to see.
"Your accomplice is Daniel Turner, correct?" He questioned and she rolled her eyes, her turn to blow him off. He didn't let it slide though, standing and grabbing her face. "Correct?" He repeated, and she swallowed hard.
"Correct." Her voice was quiet now, polar opposite to what it was before. He smiled and sat back down. "Good girl." He praised. She froze, eyes locked on him. She felt a warm feeling pool in her core, overwhelming her. He, on the other hand, continued skimming through her file. He knew what he was doing.
The profile read dysfunctional family, so he knew she had some sort of parental issues. They had tried both approaches, Luke playing the role of the proud dad and Emily as the proud mother. It didn't work for either of them, so they abandoned the idea.
He didn't know why it wasn't obvious before, but an older man wasn't enough. Reid was thirty-two and she was twenty-six, but she wanted dominance. Luke had taken the soft approach and it didn't work, so Spencer decided to try it the other way around. So far, he was successful.
She bit her lip as she watched him, squirming slightly in her seat. She was hot and bothered, and tried to hide it. She knew it would be used as a leverage. What she didn't know, was that it already was.
"Stop moving." He ordered her, and she scoffed. "I'm sorry, these cuffs aren't exactly comfortable." She spat at him and he looked up at her. Quickly, he got up and pulled out the key. He removed her handcuffs and set them on the table. She was about to say something smug, but he was quicker.
"Lose the attitude." He paused then glanced down at her, "Also, you're cuffs have nothing to do with your legs. Don't lie to me again." That seemed to shut her up, her cheeks burning with red as she nodded. After a few minutes he set the file back down, flipping to a specific page. "You murdered this man, correct?" She looked down at the picture, her face subconsciously contorting in disgust. She quickly fixed her face, plastering a smile onto it. "I don't know, did I?" She teased and he glared at her.
It was a warning. A warning for her to change her tone or she'd be a bad girl. "Yes, sir." She mumbled and he raised a brow. Spencer shook his head and stood up to leave. "W-wait, where are you going?" She asked, the eagerness in her voice betraying her.
"I don't like liars, Y/N. Do you want to try that again?" He scolded, and she moved back in her chair. She knew she was supposed to be taking the blame for this, she was the cover-up, but she knew she wanted him more.
"I, uh, I do." Her eyes were glued to her feet, and he smiled. "Look at me when you speak." He told her, and she hesitated, but held eye contact as he sat down. "I didn't... I didn't do that." She motioned to the picture, not wanting to look at it again.
"But you know who did. Can you tell me?" His tone was different now. It was still stern, but it had a softer edge. He was coaxing the answering out of her, rewarding her good behavior by being gentle.
"No.." She shook her head slowly, now staring at the wall behind him. He raised a brow and frowned. "Why is that?" He prodded, and her teeth sunk into her lip.
She cleared her throat and tried to upkeep her tough demeanor. "I don't know anything. You don't have anything to charge me with so I want to leave." She held eye contact with him, and he gave a pity grin.
He raised his wrist and pulled down his sleeve, revealing the deep, crimson slice she had inflicted earlier. "Assaulting law enforcement is a charge, and if you don't cooperate I'll be sure to press that." He warned and she crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair.
Her cheeks were pink and she looked nervous, with more than just her current situation. "Talk to me." He said as he stood up and moved in front of her, kneeling down.
She choked on her words, tears beginning to well in her eyes. "I didn't know... I mean, I know now but I didn't know this is what he made me cover for. This c-could ruin my life." Her voice was barely a whisper, tears falling into her lap.
He reached up and wiped her cheek with his thumb, then carefully taking her hands from her lap and squeezing them. "We know Daniel did the digital work, who committed the murder." He questioned further and she broke.
She started crying, the most vulnerable they've seen her. She confessed everything she knew, Spencer occasionally having to calm her down so she could breathe.
After she spilled her guts, they had a name. Anthony Velasquez, 30 year old male. Spencer quickly got up, picking the file up to leave the room. She knew he would leave. but she felt used. She didn't know why.
Reid paused at the door and turned to her. "For your cooperation, you are free to go. You might have to stick around for a bit to answer more questions, though." She nodded and wiped her eyes, letting out a shaky breath.
He walked back over to her and helped her stand up before wrapping her in a tight hug. "You did great," He rubbed her back and cradled her head in his free hand.
A few days had gone by since the incident. Y/N was home alone, laying in her bed and processing the last few days. Suddenly, her phone rang and she jumped.
She fumbled it in her hands for a moment before she pressed accept. "Hello?" She croaked, her throat dry. "Hey, it's Spencer. I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me?" He asked casually. On the other end, he was at his desk, fidgeting with a pen.
"Oh. I mean, sure, yes. Yes, of course. Not of course, but yes, I would like that." She rambled for a moment, her cheeks warm. She was flustered and a bit nervous. She had assumed she was just another case, but maybe not...
"Okay great, I'll pick you up at eight. Text me the address. Bye." She didn't have to see him to hear his smile, which only made hers grow. "Okay, bye." She checked her home screen, realizing she only had two hours to get ready.
She had showered in record time, carefully selecting an outfit afterwards. She couldn't decide between two dresses. Both were red, and both ended at her mid-thigh. The only difference was the texture. One was silk, and one was covered in lace designs.
She walked to her mirror and pressed them to her body. She ended up deciding the lace dress, sliding it on and returning to the closet. She selected a matching pair of red heels and put them on, twirling in front of the mirror in triumph.
She then sat down at her vanity and brushed her hair out, painting her nails and doing her makeup. She hadn't been on a date in awhile, so she was a little nervous.
She felt pathetic, staring at her phone and waiting for him to arrive. Once it neared 8:15, she wondered if it was a joke, if he even liked her. She sat up on her bed and thought for a moment, her insecurities bombarding her mind.
All of her worries seemed to fade when she heard a knock at her door. She quickly made her way across the apartment, opening her door carefully. She was greeted by Spencer, he was wearing a nice suit and dress shoes.
She smiled and opened the door fully. "Hi, sorry. I forgot my bag, give me a second." She said as she turned away from the door, leaving it ajar. He stepped inside and looked around, finding her choice of decor adorable. He thought she was adorable.
She came back from her room, and he looked her up and down. She looked magnificent. "Sorry, I didn't know if it was a nice restaurant or not.. I feel like an idiot, I haven't been on a date in who knows how long. Sorry, I'm rambling, I get really nervous. I mean, I am really nervous. Not because you make me nervous, but I mean you do, but-" He cut her off, striding forward and cupping her face.
He kissed her. She froze for a second but quickly leaned into it. They stumbled back onto a wall and he caged her in, devouring her lips. She tasted heavenly, and he never wanted to let go.
She however, needed to breathe and gently pulled back. She giggled when she saw him, her red lipstick smudged all over his mouth. "What?" He questioned, and she reached up and swiped his lips. "You have my lipstick all over your face." They both laughed and he bit his lip, moving his hand to her mouth. His thumb pulled down her bottom lip and he smiled.
"Pretty girl." He whispered before leaning back down and connecting their lips again. He tapped her hip with his finger, letting her know he was about to pick her up, and he did.
She gasped and looked down at him, her hair falling down her shoulders. "What about dinner?" She breathed out, a smile spread across her face. He leaned up and kissed her, "I have a better idea." He murmured against her lips, his hands travelling up her back, pushing her dress up. He carried her to her bedroom, kissing up her neck. She gasped and ran her fingers through his hair, tugging at the strands.
He groaned and tossed her onto the bed, a loud yelp escaping Y/N, followed by a giggle. Spencer looked down at her and bit his lip, "You're so beautiful." He praised, climbing on top of her and claiming her lips again.
My pretty girl
A/N: I didn't proofread yet, I just kinda rushed it. I COULDN'T HELP IT I WANTED SPENCER REID!! I hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading!
Follow, reblog, and like! Send requests <3
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sanakimohara · 9 months
“GAME OVER” [Stalker/Ghostface] K.S. + Y.J.
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WARNINGS: Blood, gore, stalking, cnc, drugging, and primal play (later on in pt.2)…?
Stalker/Ghostface Seungmin isn’t friendly to at first. You’re the new girl, from a smaller town, and stick out like a sore thumb from the rest of the girls he’s around. Not in a bad way. No, you’re prettier than most in his opinion, soft spoken, but headstrong. That’s what makes you different from the rest. He doesn’t easily understand you and your aura the first time you meet him in the hallway during free period. It throws him off a bit when you smile and joke about how you’re new and haven’t found you’re footing yet. New. So shiny. So guidable. Manipulating you is all he can think about from that day forward, mind running scenario after scenario on how he’d get to you, or what you’d sound like screaming your lungs out for him to stop. Stop what? He doesn’t know or care, but it’s rotting his brain with desire. All. The. Time.
Stalker/Ghostface Jeongin is the first friendly face you meet at your university. He’s energetic and kind. Very aware and confident in himself as well. All the things any girl feels attracted to -most already do- but unlike the rest Jeongin takes a liking to you first. You’re so down to earth, curious about things you shouldn’t be, and unknowingly reining him in with your witty humor that’s always followed up by a shy smile. It’s so obvious he’s into you, always teasing, and lingering. Sometimes he’s right by your side, arm over your shoulder as he walks you back to your dorm. Other times you don’t even realize he’s trailing your every move. He’s constantly fighting the urge to drag you into the nearest dark alley or seminar room just so he can do whatever he pleases to you. Oh, the fantasies Jeongin has are indeed sinful. They worsen over time, turning from innocent day dreams about taking you on picnic dates to locking you in an abandoned classroom for the sole purpose of defiling you at any given time. It’s all he wants. It’s all he needs. There’s nothing wrong with that in his mind… nothing at all.
Stalker/Ghostface Seungmin refuses to admit his growing crush on you when Jeongin brings you up in a conversation. The younger presses his roommate for an opinion, considering the idea of dating you, but Seungmin derails it with an eye roll, “We have other things to worry about. Liking some random girl will fuck our plans up.” Jeongin knows he has a point but can’t let you go that easily. He bugs Seungmin constantly, referring to you any chance he gets, and one night while sharpening their knives Seungmin snaps at him as he once again brings you up. “Would you shut the fuck up about Y/n?! Every goddam minute she’s on your mind! Fuck! We have a load of shit to worry about…a pile of assholes to kill, and here you are crushing on the new girl! Get a fucking grip Jeongin…” and for once the younger is speechless, it’s only a few seconds, but it’s long enough for him to put two and two together. He starts to laugh hysterically, realizing all too quickly Seungmin’s outburst stems from his own attraction to you. “Jesus fucking Christ…you like her too don’t you hyung?! That’s rich!” The older is burdened with listening to Jeongin’s gloating for the rest of the night, angry at himself for giving way to his emotions, and a little jealous his partner in crime shares the same feelings for you.
Stalker/Ghostface Jeongin invites you over to his dorm after only getting to know you for a month. You don’t think anything of his offer, all smiley as you accept it, and excited at the prospect of getting to know more about his personal life. Jeongin is kind to you, but never reveals much about himself. He’ll redirect any question you ask to a compliment or an inquiry about your life instead. Pure flattery. He uses it well, subconsciously molding you to accept his diversions as innocent interest, which leads to your curiosity about him heightening. Why not spend the evening with him and his roommate and quell that curiosity. Why not take the chance? What could possibly go wrong…?
Stalker/Ghostface Seungmin lets his anger shift into envy rather quickly. He’s determined to beat Jeongin to the punch. Researching everything about you, inspecting your social media, learning your class schedule, and even breaking into your dorm room once or twice. The fact that you were new, a mid year transfer, and involved with many extracurricular classes made it easier for him to lurk there unbothered. You had no roommate to bypass which left Seungmin with a lot of time to invest himself in your private space. You don’t realize how many pairs of panties you’re missing, the occasional displacement of your plushie collection, or the random makeup products that mysteriously disappear from your vanity. Seungmin collects the items like sentimental trophies. Leaving the items strewn around his dorm to agitate Jeongin. The gesture has the exact effect he’s hoping for, creating a somewhat friendly competition between the two men, and amping the stakes of their shared affection to a dangerous level. “Really, her lipgloss too? You’re a sick fuck Seungmin,” Jeongin glares at him, tossing the expensive tube of gloss on their kitchen island, and the older smirks as he picks it up to admire. “I’m sick? You’re the one wanting to know what….cherry chocolate…tastes like on her lips. I’m just one step ahead of you..” he smugly replies.
Stalker/Ghostface Jeongin is elated later that same evening when you knock on the door. Seungmin doesn’t pay his roommates’ newfound energy any mind, typing away at his laptop with AirPods on full blast, but when he catches the sight of you from the corner of his eye he freezes immediately. Jeongin leads you straight to him, engaged in conversation with you already, and inwardly cackling at the upper hand he has on Seungmin. “Y/n, this is my roommate -and best friend- Kim Seungmin. I think you met him once before, right?” he beams a smile as he needlessly introduces you to Seungmin -who is gritting his teeth to keep from punching the younger straight in the jaw. You nod your head, oblivious to the tension between them as you hold out your hand to shake Seungmin’s. His eyes flicker from your outstretched hand to your hopeful smile, ears tingling as you speak to him softly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you…again.” You laugh nervously, unsure of why his stare makes you blush, but hoping he doesn’t notice. Unfortunately, both men see it and as Seungmin takes your hand in his Jeongin can’t hide his glare while the older places a kiss on the back of it. You arrogant son of a bitch, he thinks to himself as Seungmin achieves his goal of flustering you. “Glad to have you over Y/n. The pleasure is all mine..”
Stalker/Ghostface Seungmin sheds his anti-social shell entirely the first night you visit, inserting himself into your time with Jeongin, and slowly changing your first impression of him. He’s charming, possessing a sharp sense of humor too, but calmer than Jeongin. You joke about how much they contrast each other, five shots of tequila deep into a drinking game they suggested, and unaware you’re spilling your guts to the two men who are unnervingly obsessed with you. Seungmin can’t hide the cocky smirk on his face when you gaze lustfully at him and Jeongin, unable to hide your emotions under the influence of the spiked drinks he’s been serving you all night. He’s careful with the dosage of drugs he puts into your alcohol, tallying the amount you can take before you pass out sitting in Jeongin’s lap. “75 milligrams of ketamine will work on her,” he tells his roommate later that night as they tuck you into his bed. Jeongin nods, biting his lip as he stares down at you, trying to stick to their agreement of keeping their hands off you until the timing is right.
Stalker/Ghostface Jeongin fills in the gaps of the previous night for you when morning rolls around. He reassures you nothing sketchy happened and you believe him. He’s never lied to you before, they both were sweet to you the whole night too, and nothing feels out of place on your body…..so he must be telling the truth. Right?…plus it felt good to relax with them. So, when Jeongin invites you over more regularly you don’t refuse him once, unknowingly conditioning yourself to his and Seungmin’s mind games. You don’t think to reconsider staying with or near them more often when the news of gruesome murders taking place on campus start. If anything you draw closer to Jeongin, sticking to his side with each new body that turns up, and inevitably getting attached to Seungmin as well.
Stalker/Ghostface Seungmin upholds the pact to not lay hands on you for as long as possible. Taking his sexual frustration out on his victims, frequenting your dorm more often, and jerking off with your panties works for a while. He bores of those outlets soon after you begin hanging around in their dorm on a daily basis. You’re comfortable there, lounging around in their shirts that are way too big for you while rummaging through the kitchen for snacks, and spending the night asleep in one of their beds after a long movie marathons. Sometimes he doses you. Other times your exhaustion come naturally. Either way Seungmin watches you sleep when Jeongin isn’t doing so himself. Seeing you so peaceful, under the impression they’re the safest people to be with while a string of murders happen turns him on. A twisted type of lust he’s keenly aware of…It would be so easy to reach out and drag you underneath him at any time. Use you for all your worth with no one there to stop him. Jeongin surely wouldn’t try -he’d join in. However, outright aggression wasn’t Seungmins taste…no, he wanted you fully committed to their “friendship” first. That way you’d break easier, beg more, and fight for your innocence a little longer. A prized victim, in his opinion. One he could be patient for…
Stalker/Ghostface Jeongin has a shameless erection more often than you realize. His victims suffer a blood rage as a result. He starts to kill more often than Seungmin, blood thirst surpassing his partner’s the longer he buries his urges, and the frustration starts surface when he interacts with you. He can’t focus, dazing off as he watches your lips move while you talk, and struggling to keep his eyes focused on your own. His skin goes cold when you place a gentle hand on his arm or leg, wide eyes full of concern as you stare at him. “Everything okay?,” you ask him politely and Jeongin stifles a groan as his cock twitches hearing your sweet tone. Why hasn’t he tied you up already? Why hasn’t Seungmin agreed to taking you yet? Why couldn’t he just kiss you now?! All those questions racked his mind as he swallowed thickly, forcing his usual smile to adorn his face, “I’m fine. Finals week is just kicking my ass. That’s all.” You study his face, not believing him, but assuming he’ll tell you what’s actually bothering him eventually…”Okay…just checking…”
Stalker Jeongin/Ghostface Seungmin come to the conclusion that you’re a liability for them both. An unknown wrench in their grand scheme that needs to be..eliminated swiftly. In one way or another. The two discuss their options while you’re in the bathroom during one of your weekly movies nights with them. Voices barely above a whisper as they plot your fate and plan the rest of the night out in intricate detail. “We won’t kill her, hyung..” Jeongin states matter of factly, eyes glued to the credits rolling on the TV in front of them and Seungmin blinks thoughtfully before nodding in agreement. “No…we won’t. We’ll keep her for a while. I’d like a pet anyway….” His response brings a smile to Jeongins face, both men smirking as the sound of you washing your hands echos from the bathroom. Seungmin rises to his feet first, leisurely walking into the kitchen, and pouring you another ‘drink’. Jeongin waits, observing him for a moment, then opens the bottom drawer of the coffee table to retrieve the knife hidden there. He stands up hearing the bathroom door open, slipping the blade behind his back between his belt and pants’ loop, intently listening to your voice carry through the hall as you make your way back to the living area. “So, what movie should we watch next, guys?” You smile at them both as your gaze shifts from Seungmin to Jeongin. The older hands you the drink in he’s made, watching you take a sip before answering your question. “I was thinking we should do something a little more exciting for the rest of the night, hun..” His suggestion makes you perk up, “Mm, okay, what’d you have in mind?” You take another sip, still not unsettled as he shifts to hug you from behind while Jeongin approaches you with that familiar charming grin. “You’ll love it, Y/n. Me and hyung planned a surprise just for you…”
Stalker Jeongin/Ghostface Seungmin share a knowing look, one you don’t understand, and can’t attempt to comprehend as the room starts to spin. The glass in your hand slips, shattering on the floor with a loud “crack” , and your breaths slow rapidly as Seungmin trails a hand up to your mouth, muffling the panicked cry you let out from the alarming loss of body control. Jeongin’s voice is the last things you hear before everything goes dark and the distinct chill of a blade is pressed to your neck. “75 milligrams worked perfect, hyung…”
…uhm so I really enjoyed writing this…. Idk I’m partial to darker themed stories and fanfics. I know a lot of people may not like this but it’s been on my mind lately. If you’d like a part 2 please lmk… 🖤
….”oh please don’t kill me mr. Ghostfaces I wanna be on the sequel!…” 🥺🖤 I know I need help lol…but like…LOOK AT THEM THEY’D BE GORGEOUS AS SLAHER MOVIE KILLERS RIGHT?!? 🖤 credits to creator 🖤
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agent-grey-fics · 10 months
Who we are | Paul Lahote | Part 1
Paired: Paul Lahote x reader Wordcount: 4782
Summary: Y/n had been friends with Jake as long as she could remember. Slowly she got integrated in his friend group from the rez. They all got a long, but one day Paul started to act out. Little did y/n know what they thruly were and that he imprinted on her.
Writers note: I’m sorry if there're error's. It's been a while since I've written something and I needed to get back into my flow.
You can read part 2 here, part 3 comming soon.
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The air was filled with laughter and chatter as the close friends hung out outside Sam’s place. The atmosphere was relaxed, they had just successfully teamed up with the Cullens clan to chase a rogue vampire off their territory. But the relaxed atmosphere changed when you walked up to the group. ‘Oh, look who decided to grace us with her presence.’ Paul’s voice was dripping with sarcasm as he spoke. You narrowed your eyes at him, irritation clearly written all over your face. Your friends exchanged knowing glances, clearly used to the constant bickering between you two. ‘Come sit over here, just ignore him.’ Jacob patted the empty spot next to him. The two of you used to get along perfectly fine but it all changed one day. He started acting like a total dick and you didn’t understand why. Without giving Paul a second glance you plopped down next to Jacob who immediately put an arm around your shoulders. ‘When did you come home? I thought you had classes until next weekend?’ You shook your head at Jake’s assumption. ‘I might be skipping classes to hang out with my favourite people.’ A smile spread across your lips as you spoke. One of the things you had promised yourself was to get out of Forks, you could not understand why people wanted to live there their whole lives. It was always cloudy and raining. So when the time came to apply to colleges you chose the ones as far away as possible where the sun was always shining. ‘I knew you would miss me, I told you so.’ He was teasing you, the two of you used to hang out all of the time during middle school and after a while, he introduced you to the guys from the rez. They became your closest friends and you basically spend every Friday night with them since you were thirteen. It was a big change when you moved across the country without them. ‘We literally went from seeing each other every day to once every four months.’ He pulled you closer to his side and pressed a quick kiss against your hair. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Paul ball his hands into fists and roll his eyes
‘So, are we partying tonight or what?’ You wiggled your eyebrows as you gave Embry a playful look. He was always up for a good party and you knew he could convince Sam. ‘I’m not up for it y/n, it has been a crazy week an-’. You pat Quil, who was sitting on your other side, on his thigh when he started to whine. ‘Come on, your favourite girl is back in town and you don’t want to celebrate?’ You gave him your best puppy eyes. ‘Favourite girl’ Paul mumbled under his breath. ‘Hey if you don’t wanna go you can stay home, Paul.’ you spat at him, ‘ I don’t care if you join us or not.’ He rolled his eyes and looked to the other side. Jake squeezed into your shoulder, signalling for you to quit. ‘We could go to that bar in Port Angeles?’ Embry suggested as he looked at Sam, ‘a couple of hours wouldn’t mind right? We can take the girls?’ You bit on the inside of your cheek to keep a grin from forming on your lips as you heard him. Like you said, Embry was your partner in crime when it came to parties. Emily nodded enthusiastically as she heard his proposal and gave you a wink. It was a bit weird in the beginning, you weren’t used to true girlfriends who weren’t toxic. But Emily was an angel, she was so sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Sam sighed. ‘Alright, but only for a couple of hours and I’m not driving.’ You threw your arms in the air as a victory sign. ‘Do you need to change or are you wearing these?’ Jake pointed towards your outfit. ‘Hey, don’t hate on the hoodie.’ A chuckle left his lips. ‘No, I’ve packed some things they’re still in my car. Is it ok that I change here real quick Sam?’ He nodded and pointed over his shoulder towards the house. ‘You know where the bathroom is.’ You jogged towards your car and took the bag you packed with extra clothes knowing you guys would end up going out and you were probably going to crash at Jake’s place. 
‘Em, what are you wearing?’ The two of you stood in their bathroom as you were hoisting yourself in a black skirt. She was coating her lashes with mascara. ‘I think that black dress I wore when we went clubbing in Phoenix last month.’ Emily was the only one who had visited you since you moved into your uni apartment. She had stayed for a couple of days and the two of you went partying with your roommate Alex. ‘I love that dress, it looks so good on you.’ It took about fifteen minutes until the two of you were done, and that was just when the boys' patience ran out. ‘You decent?’ Without waiting for your answer Embry marched into the bathroom, ‘cause we wanna get going.’ ‘Yeah yeah, let’s go.’ When you walked back onto the porch you noticed that Jared had left, something about Kim not feeling too well and he didn’t want to leave her home alone. So it was only Jake, you, Embry, Quil, Sam, Emily and Paul. Great. 
‘So, who’s driving?’
The drive had been fun, you ended up in Quil’s front seat with Jacob and Embry in the back. Paul was driving himself, Sam and Emily. ‘Next time we need to Uber there so that everyone can drink.’ You remarked as Quil parked his car in one of the empty parking spaces of the bar. ‘I checked but there were no availabilities for our number of people.’ Embry passed you a bottle of wine the two had been sharing during the ride. ‘Oh, well next time we can book one in advance.’ You downed the last gulp of wine before the four of you got out of the car. Paul pulled into the parking space on your side. As he got out he looked you up and down. You didn’t know if he was checking you out or if it was out of disgust. Before you could give him a remark he walked towards Jake, ignoring you completely. Embry swung his arm around your shoulders and pulled you towards the entrance. ‘We’re gonna get wasted.’ 
And wasted you were. It started with shots, Embry handing you one after another while he seemed to forget that you didn't have the same alcohol tolerance as the boys. After the fourth shot, a blissful feeling spreads across your body. The lights in combination with the rhythmic beats put you in a trance, the biggest smile on your lips as you move your body to the music. Jake decided to be ‘the responsible one’ tonight, which meant he wasn’t drinking so he could keep you from doing stupid things. ‘Dude I miss this.’ You had to shout to get over the music so he could hear you. ‘Me too girl, me too.’ Jake had a warm smile on his lips as he saw you having fun. There had been times when that smile was far gone, losing a parent had that effect on people. Jake had nursed you back to the girl you once were and he had sworn to protect you at all costs, he had almost lost you once and he for sure wasn’t going to lose you twice. ‘I’ll come visit you more in Phoenix, I’ve talked about it with Sam and they can miss me a couple of days.’ Your mouth fell open as you heard him speak. ‘Oh my god’ You jumped a little in excitement and threw your arms around his neck. ‘That’s awesome, I’ll plan us a fun weekend and I can show you around. You’ll love it.’ His chest vibrated as he laughed. Jake loved you, so much, but as a brother who loved his sister and nothing more. It took him a long time to convince the guys that there wasn’t anything more between the two of you but they finally understood the bond the two of you shared when he told them about you losing your mom when you were a teen and how it affected you. ‘We’ll plan it when you’re sober’ You took a step back and pointed at him with finger guns: ‘Good idea big boy, but before that’s the case I’m going to grab another drink. You want one?’ He shook his head and you made your way towards the bar. 
The dancefloor was packed with bodies grinding into each other, you had to squeeze yourself through the mass to get to the bar. Impatiently you tapped your nails on the counter. When it took too long, you bent a little over the bar using your cleavage to get the bartender's attention. They were watching anyway, so it was better to use it to your own advantage. ‘What can I get you?’. You quickly glanced over your shoulder to look for Embry. ‘Two tequila shots and a beer, but half beer half coke please.’ Using your most flirty smirk you ordered the drinks, it earned you a wink from the bartender. He wasn't bad-looking, quite the opposite. He had slightly longer hair, a nose ring and his arms were covered in tattoos. ‘Here’s my card to close the tab.’ You quickly pulled your card from your purse and gave it to him. When he stepped away to make your drinks you took a step back so you took your cleavage from display. Absent-minded you swayed to the beat of the music, not paying attention to your surroundings. Your mind wandered to Paul, you couldn't remember when the rivalry between the two of you had started. One day everything seemed fine, the next it wasn’t. He did his best to make you feel unwelcome, even though you had been part of the friend group for a long time. It bothered you, you couldn’t deny that. You always thought there was a certain chemistry between the two of you but that changed when he started acting like a total dick. The barman pulled you out of your thoughts as he placed the shot glasses in front of you, followed by the beer, a salt shaker and a slice of lemon. You wanted to remark that you needed a second slice when you saw that he had one wedged between his lips, it was that kind of bar. Mischief glinted in his eyes. 
The plan to take shots with Embry was taken off the table. You wet the back of your hand with your tongue so that some salt stuck to it. Then you licked up the salt, took the shot and pulled the barman towards you. Your lips just barely touched his as you took the slice from his mouth. As the sourness of the lemon wiped away the tart taste of the tequila, your timidity also disappeared. You placed the lemon slice on the bar and stood on your tippytoes so you could press your lips against his. He grinned, you could feel it. After a couple of seconds you pulled away, smile on your lips. ‘I’m y/n by the way.’ You extended your hand towards him. ‘Rafa.’ He shook your hand, ‘well, that was fun.’ You laughed. ‘Yeah, I guess I’m heading back to my friends over there.’ You pointed vaguely in the direction of Jake, ‘Maybe I’ll see you later.’ Before he could say anything else you grabbed the other shot of tequila and your beer and made your way through the crowd. 
‘Did you just make out with the bartender?’ It was Emily who asked you in disbelief, a big grin across her face. ‘Yeah, that was different.’ Laughing, you shook your head. ‘Anyway, here.’ You extended the shot glass topped with a lemon slice towards Embry. ‘Couldn’t bring the salt, sorry.’ He shrugged, downed the tequila and bit on the lemon as he pulled a sour face.’But you could put your tongue down the poor guy's throat?’ Your jaw dropped at his comeback. ‘At least I get to stick my tongue down someone’s throat Call.’ You flicked your hand against the back of his head which drew a laugh from Jake. You sipped from the beer you were holding in your hand, you preferred this over wine any day. This was your last shot, you would do things you would regret if you kept going knowing yourself. Tequila is nasty but after a few shots so am I, or how did it go? ‘The fuck are you drinking?’ You looked down at your glass and saw that the Coke and beer lumped together into a cloudy mess. ‘It’s Coke mixed with beer, it’s quite good.’ You looked up and didn’t realise it had been Paul who asked you. He wore a black round-necked shirt that stretched around his chest and biceps. Damn, he looked good. You lifted the glass towards him. ‘You can taste if you want?’ He shook his head, ‘I’m driving remember?’ You were surprised you had a civil conversation without making stupid remarks to each other. ‘Jake’s sober as well, and you won’t get drunk from one sip?’ You challenged him. An eyebrow raised as you looked at him. You knew he was going to give in, you knew him far too well for that. You would never push him if you knew he was still going to drive, but now that Jacob wasn’t drinking anyway, it didn't matter. He sighed. 'Why do you always want to get your way? It’s annoying you know.' There it was, it stung a bit. He knew well enough that comments like this annoyed you. ‘Never mind.’ It was a mumble that he couldn’t hear because of the blasting music, or so you thought. 
As the bass thrummed through the club, Paul's initial refusal lingered in the charged air between you. A sense of nostalgia tugged at both of you, overshadowed only by unspoken tensions. You still didn’t understand where it went wrong between the two of you. You used to be as close as you were with Embry, it annoyed him to see you giving him all your attention. Everything would be so much easier if you knew their secret, he sighted. He wasn’t planning on ruining your dream of getting out of that old town. You could never know. 
Paul watched the liquid swirl in your glass. He hesitated, battling the weight of pride against the allure of bridging the growing chasm between you. The music pulsed a synchronous rhythm to the unspoken conversation between old friends. He reached out, fingers brushing against hers as he took the cool glass.
‘Jake’s driving.’ Paul said, his voice a bit softer than before. A pause lingered, a shared understanding settling between you. With a slight grin, you let go of the glass. ‘One sip won't hurt, you can still drive if you want to.’ He took a sip of the strange mixture. The taste was a blend of bitterness and something sweet, mirroring the complexity of your relationship. ‘Where did you find this combination? This is gross’ He pulled a face when he handed you the pint back. ‘Probably in someone's living room a couple of years ago, I quite like it. Jake does so too.’ You pointed over your shoulder in the direction of your best friend. You looked over your shoulder to make sure he was still there. He made eye contact with Paul and gave him a grin which caused you some confusion. ‘oh yeah, I remember him drinking something strange but I didn’t know it was beer with coke.’
The tension ebbed away, replaced by a familiar feeling. You took another sip from you glass, not wanting to provoke him with something you said. Paul broke the silence. ‘So, Phoenix, huh? That's a big move.’ You nodded, a hint of sadness in your voice. ‘Yeah, it's a new chapter, barely any rain.’ You laughed,  ‘But I miss this place, well not the place but I miss the people and the Friday nights.’ You felt somewhat sober, too scared to say something wrong to him and lose the conversation. ‘They miss you too, Jake could only talk about you the first few weeks after you moved out. It was annoying as shit.’ He laughed, it was a roaring sound that came deep from his chest. ‘He’s coming to visit me in the next couple of weeks.’ You smiled proudly.  You could see how his eyes flickered to something behind you, the smile dropping from his face. 
When you followed his gaze you saw a figure emerge from the crowd, catching your eye. It was Rafa, the bartender from earlier, making his way through the sea of dancing bodies. His eyes locked onto yours, a determined expression etched across his face as he approached.
"Hey," Rafa called out over the music, flashing a charismatic smile. Startled, you turned to face him, your features displaying a mix of surprise and curiosity. ‘Didn’t think to see you again.’ You replied, the lingering effects of the tequila shots adding a hint of boldness to you tone. Paul observed the interaction with a tightness in his jaw, a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. His eyes followed Rafa's movement toward you, his presence unsettling the fragile peace you two found during the night.
Sensing Paul's gaze on you, you glanced briefly in his direction, noting the clench of his fists and the tension in his posture. A flicker of realization passed through you, though you chose to ignore it for the moment, focusing on Rafa's approach. You were about to say something when you felt a sudden presence beside you. Paul stood abruptly closer, a steely glint in his eyes as he interjected, his voice laced with an unexpected edge. ‘Hey, is there a problem here?’ His words came out sharper than he intended, a protective instinct surfacing within him. Rafa’s expression shifted slightly, registering the intrusion. ‘I was just having a conversation with y/n here. We’re good’ he replied, raising his hands in a placating gesture.
You turned your attention between Paul and Rafa, sensing the tension building around the three of you. ‘It's fine, Paul. Rafa was just asking me to go for a smoke,’ you explained, trying to diffuse the situation. Paul's jaw clenched further, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. ‘I can take you for a smoke, if that's what you want,’  he offered, his voice softer, tinged with a hint of vulnerability. As you contemplate your response, the underlying jealousy in Paul’s eyes doesn't escape your notice, a silent testament to the emotions simmering just beneath the surface. ‘Look mate, I don’t know who you are bu-’ You saw Paul step forward and you knew what was going to happen, having been in this situation before. Before you had time to react, Sam popped up next to you. With a stern 'Paul', he seemed to restrain him. He abruptly turned his head in Sam's direction, ignoring Rafa completely.  Rafa watched the situation with a disinterested look. ‘Y/n, could you take Paul outside he needs to calm the fuck down.’ Emily gave you a mysterious look, as if she was trying to tell you something but you were speaking a completely different language. 'Come on,' you said as you wrapped your hand around his wrist so you could pull him behind you. It looked ridiculous, Paul was 6’5’ and looked huge next to your 5’8’. He seemed to think the same and and took your hand in his. He led the way so you could easily navigate through the crowd to the exit. Why the fuck was he acting this way, ruining your evening. 
The cold night air hit you like a slap in the face as you stormed out of the bar, the door slamming shut behind you. The music and laughter inside became muffled, replaced by the harsh reality of the argument that had just unfolded. Paul followed you, his steps heavy and purposeful, a volatile energy emanating from him. ‘What the hell is your problem, Paul?’ you spat, turning to face him, your frustration boiling over. ‘You can't just waltz in and ruin everything because you're feeling possessive. Especially when you-’
Paul's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and hurt. ‘Possessive? You think I'm being possessive? Maybe if you paid a bit more attention, you'd see that I'm just trying to look out for you!’ You scoffed, your voice dripping with sarcasm. ‘Look out for me? By intimidating every guy who dares to talk to me? That's not looking out for me, Paul, that's just being controlling.’
He took a step closer, his towering figure loomed over you. ‘I'm not trying to control you, y/n. I just can't stand seeing you with-,’ ’Get used to it!’ you yelled, your patience wearing thin. ‘I can talk to whoever I want, Paul. I don't need your permission.’
His hands balled into fists at his sides. ‘Permission? This isn't about permission. It's about you being reckless and not caring about who you're with. That guy could be dangerous, for all we know.’ ‘Stop acting like you know what's best for me!" you shot back, your voice rising. ‘I'm not a child, and I certainly don't need you playing the overprotective friend.’
The tension between you two was palpable, the air charged with resentment. Passersby glanced in your direction, drawn by the intensity of the argument. Paul's eyes bore into yours, his frustration reaching its peak.
‘You always do this!’ he shouted, the anger in his voice cutting through the night. ‘You act like you’re on top of the world, like you're invincible. But you're not, y/n. You're just as vulnerable as the rest of us, and I can't stand seeing you put yourself in stupid situations.’
Your temper flared, and you matched his intensity.  ‘Stupid situations? Me having fun in a bar is a stupid situation? Me, a twenty-six years old woman making out with a bartender is a stupid situation? Do you hear yourself? You can't ruin everything because you're feeling like acknowledging me for a night. Especially when you’re the one who casted me aside like old trash’ You were fuming, all the anger that was bottled up coming out all at once. ‘You’ve been fucking ignoring me for the last year and a half and God knows what I did wrong to get on your bad side but you’ve only been cruel towards me ever since.’ You could feel tears well up in your eyes but you were determined to not let him see you cry. 
The words hung heavy in the cold night air, the weight of the past year and a half of silence between you two finally surfacing. Paul's expression shifted from anger to a mix of guilt and regret. His hands slowly unclenched, a defeated look in his eyes.
‘I never wanted to hurt you,’ he muttered, the edge in his voice replaced by a tone of remorse. ‘I just... I couldn't be around you, y/n. It's complicated, and I never meant to cast you aside.’ You shook your head, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. ‘Complicated? You think giving me the cold shoulder for over a year without any explanation is complicated? Paul, we used to be friends, close friends. You can't just shut me out like that without a reason.’
He ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his face. ‘It's not that simple, okay? There are things you don't know, things I can't explain.’ ‘Try me!’ you shot back, your patience wearing thin. ‘I deserve to know why one of my best friends turned into a stranger. I deserve some damn honesty, Paul.’ He hesitated, his eyes searching yours for a moment before he spoke, ‘It's not just about us, y/n. It's about something bigger, something I can't control.’ Confusion knit your brows together. ‘What are you talking about?’
Paul took a deep breath, as if preparing himself for what he was about to say. "I... I can't explain it fully, but it has to do with what we are, with what I am. It's not just me; there are others, and it's complicated. I wish I could tell you more, but it's dangerous, and I can't risk dragging you into it.’
Your frustration shifted to a mix of confusion and concern. ‘What do you mean, what you are? Paul, you're not making any sense. Are you in some kind of trouble?’ He looked away, unable to meet your gaze. ‘It's a long story, and it's not something I can easily share. Just know that I never wanted to hurt you, and I'm sorry for pushing you away.’
The night air seemed to grow colder as the weight of his words settled in. You felt a mix of emotions – anger, hurt, confusion, but also a hint of understanding. Whatever secret Paul was harboring, it seemed to be beyond his control.  ‘I want to go home.’  He nodded, ‘I’ll take you home, Just... please be careful. I never wanted you to get caught up in this mess."
As Paul nodded in response to your desire to go home, you couldn't shake the intensity of the situation. The revelations left more questions than answers, and the air felt charged with an unspoken tension. The distance between you two seemed to grow with every step back to his car, the weight of the unknown settling heavily on your shoulders. The drive home was silent, the engine's hum the only sound accompanying the echoing thoughts in both your minds. Glancing at Paul, you noticed the conflict etched on his face, as if he was torn between revealing more and protecting you from the undisclosed danger.
As his car pulled into your driveway, the sense of relief mingled with the lingering unease. Paul turned off the engine, but neither of you moved for a moment. The night held an unusual stillness, the world outside your car encapsulated in a hushed suspense.
As Paul nodded in response to your desire to go home, you couldn't shake the intensity of the situation. The revelations left more questions than answers, and the air felt charged with an unspoken tension. The distance between you two seemed to grow with every step back to his car, the weight of the unknown settling heavily on your shoulders.
The drive home was silent, the engine's hum the only sound accompanying the echoing thoughts in both your minds. Glancing at Paul, you noticed the conflict etched on his face, as if he was torn between revealing more and protecting you from the undisclosed danger.
As his car pulled into your driveway, the sense of relief mingled with the lingering unease. Paul turned off the engine, but neither of you moved for a moment. The night held an unusual stillness, the world outside your car encapsulated in a hushed suspense. Breaking the silence, you spoke, your voice a mix of weariness and frustration. "Paul, I need more than apologies. I need answers. What's going on? What's this 'mess' you keep talking about?"
He sighed, his gaze fixed on the steering wheel. ‘It's complicated, y/n. It's about... a situation back home that's getting complicated since you’ve been gone. A lot of stuff is happening, and I've been trying to keep you out of it.’ Your eyes widened with disbelief. Jake never told me about this?’’ Paul hesitated before replying, ‘It's not up to him to tell you about it. Like I’ve said it’s complicated. It's not something I can easily explain,I didn't want you to get caught up in it.’
Your frustration shifted to a mix of confusion and concern. ‘What do you mean Paul, you're not making any sense. Are you in some kind of trouble?’ He looked away, unable to meet your gaze. ‘It's a long story, and it's not something I can easily share. Just know that I never wanted to hurt you, and I'm sorry for pushing you away.’
The air seemed to grow colder as the weight of his words settled in. You felt a mix of emotions – anger, hurt, confusion, but also a hint of understanding. Whatever secret Paul was harboring, it seemed to be beyond his control. 
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Valentines day (Emily Sonnett x Reader)
I don't really know what this is. The idea randomly came to me so I hope you like it :)
Summary: Emily loves valentines day so despite them being in a fight, Y/n still does something for her.
Warnings- Tiny bit suggestive at the end
Words: 1.8k
Emily and I had gotten into a pretty big fight a few days ago. We had barely talked or even see each other since with her staying in the spare room. I was meant to move to be with her, but there was a big project at work that I had to finish before I could. Well, I could have not done the project. It just meant likely missing out on a big promotion with my transfer. Understandably, Emily wasn't very happy about that because it meant a month or two before I could make the move. 
It was valentines day, we still weren't talking, but I wasn't going to not do anything because of that. With how pissed she was at me, she likely hadn't done anything for me, but I didn't care. I didn't care much about the day anyway. Emily loved valentines day though, I wouldn't take that away from her, no matter how annoyed I was.
Although I had to work today, I still wanted to make it as special as possible. Months ago I had made reservations at the fancy restaurant Emily had wanted to try. I didn't know if Emily would come to dinner with me, but I was going to be there to pick her up regardless. Before work, I made Emily her favourite breakfast. She was likely awake so I quietly peeked in the room to find her sitting up, scrolling on her phone. Emily didn't acknowledge me, only looking up when I placed the tray on her lap. I walked back to the door, stopping briefly before leaving. 
"Happy valentines day. I love you."
Just before the door closed I heard a quiet 'I love you'. It was something at least. I hadn't heard that in person since our fight. I would never go that long without telling her I loved her, so I had messaged her at least once a day. Emily always replied, sometimes even messaging me first.
Before leaving, I left flowers in a vase on the counter, making sure to put a fake flower in with it. Every time I got Emily flowers, I would add a fake one in. It had become sort of a tradition after we were messing around in shops one day and I jokingly held up a fake flower, telling her I would love her until it died. I also added a massage/spa voucher, a nail voucher and a letter. It was written before our fight. Everything in it was still true though so I wanted her to read it.
Hi my love, 
Happy valentines day. I want you to know how much you mean to me, not just on Valentine's Day, but every single day. You are my rock, my partner-in-crime, and my favourite person to spend time with. I love you more than words will ever be able to express. 
You bring light into my life in ways I never imagined possible. Your laughter and smile is infectious, it fills me with so much happiness, love, and warmth. Everyday with you is an adventure, filled with love, laughter, goofiness and so much more. Being with you is the happiest I've ever been. I can't wait for the adventures, the boring, the fun and everything else that awaits.  
Unfortunately, I have work to do today, but you deserve to be pampered like the royalty you are. Go enjoy your day getting pampered, then put on something semi fancy and a little sexy ;) I'll pick you up at 6:30. 
I love you more than words can describe <3
P.S I'm going to love you until the last flower dies.
Today had probably been one of my least productive days at work. I had spent the entire day thinking about if Emily would actually come to dinner with me. I would convince myself she would, then the doubt would creep in and I would convince myself she would stand me up. 
At 6:30, I was waiting in the living room for Emily. To be honest, I was still half expecting her to not come out. Thankfully, a few minutes later she appeared, wearing a knee length, halter neck red dress with black heels. My eyes roamed over her body, taking in every inch of her. Fuck, she looked incredible. I stood in front of her, not touching her because I wasn't sure where we actually stood. "You look incredible Em."
"Thank you, you look amazing Y/n/n."
I offered my arm, internally smiling when hers looped with mine, "You ready to go?"
"Yeah. Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
Emily was super excited when she saw where we were. Throughout dinner, things were slightly awkward, but we had both seemed to put our fight to the side for now at least. We talked about our days and any light hearted topics we could think of. Even though things were still a bit awkward, I was incredibly happy to be talking again. I did miss touching her though. We were a very touchy couple, especially in private. Normally, there would be arm or leg touches, random kiss or cuddles. Tonight there was only a few minutes of hand holding and a cheek kiss. 
"Thank you for today by the way. I haven't been pampered like that in a long time. You didn't have to make me cry with that letter though."
"You deserve to be pampered Em. You also know I'm better with written words then spoken."
"It was beautiful. I didn't forget or just not do anything by the way. Your gift is just running late, it should be here tomorrow."
"You know I wouldn't care if you didn't get me anything."
"I know, but you deserve to get spoilt as well."
After dinner, we found ourselves walking along the waterfront. We weren't talking or touching, but it was nice regardless. I didn't want to go home still on bad terms with Emily. The fighting was exhausting, I missed my girlfriend and just wanted to finish the night cuddled up with her. So when we came across a bench, I sat down, patting the spot next to me. 
A few minutes of silence passed before I decided to speak up, "I wasn't sure if you would come tonight. Honestly, I was expecting to be stood up."
"We may be fighting, but I wouldn't miss this for the world Y/n/n. I know you. Which means I know you thought about this and booked this months in advance. I know you put a lot of thought into valentines day because you know I like it. You put so much effort into this for me, I love you too much to just disregard that."
My fingers laced with hers, kissing the back of her hand,  "I don't want to be fighting anymore. I miss you."
"Me neither. I guess I was just hurt that you didn't want to come with me."
I turned so I was facing her, hands holding both of hers. I wanted her to see how serious I was, to remove any doubt about me wanting to be with her. After closing the distance, I couldn't imagine ever going back to that long term. I needed her to understand that. 
"Emily, I'm still coming with you. Not coming with you has never been a thought let alone an option. I just need a month or two to finish this project. It's not ideal, I know that, but this project will get me to the point in my career that I've been working toward for years. It'll mean less hours, more autonomy over what I do."
"Maybe didn't want to come was the wrong way to say that. I was worried that you would change your mind and decide you didn't want to move. Or what if the project runs longer or something happens."
"Hey, listen to me. You are my future Em, there is nothing that would make me not want to move with you. If I stay, even if the project runs longer, I will be coming to you in 2 months at the absolute most."
"If that happens you won't get your promotion."
"I'll figure it out if that happens. There will be other options if it comes to it. Look, if you really don't want me to stay, say the word and I'll move when you do. Our relationship is more important than a job."
Emily squeezed my hands, shaking her head quickly, "No, this is a huge opportunity for you. I'm not going to take that away from you because I got scared. Besides, you're moving because of me, it wouldn't be fair. Get that promotion then come home to me. I know it was a bit of an overreaction, we've done long distance before, it's just been a while and that fear creeped in. I love you Y/n/n."
"I love you. I will always come home to you, you are my home Em. Now that we've sorted that, kiss me because I miss that."
Emily cupped the back of my neck, lips connecting with mine in a rough, passionate kiss. Things got heated quickly so I pulled away as we were still in public. "I missed you."
"I missed you too. I'm sorry for being so stubborn."
"It's okay, let's not make a habit of it though. Since it's valentines day, can you tell me what my gift is?"
Emily chuckled, pecking my lips quickly, "Nope. You can be patient one more day."
"Fine. Can we get ice cream then go home and cuddle now?"
Emily winked, "Just cuddles?"
My fingers ran along her thigh, slipping under her dress, "Maybe spicy cuddles."
The next day, Emily and I had spent most of the day in bed sleeping after a long night and cuddling. I had surprised her with breakfast before confusing her by getting back into bed. Normally, I would have to work, but after the last few days, I had decided to take the day off to just spend time with her. About mid afternoon, Emily dragged us out of bed to shower and finally get dressed. I didn't understand her rush to get ready until there was a knock on the door.
"Are we expecting someone?"
Emily smiled excitedly, "That's probably your gift. Go open it."
I slowly opened the door to find a large teddy bear on the other side. I figured it was a delivery person holding it so I awkwardly said hello, waiting for them to move or something. The teddy bear was handed to me, though when I looked up, it ended up on the floor. Standing in front of me, was my bestfriend that I hadn't seen in person for over a year. He had moved out of the country and things were busy so visits were few and far between. I jumped into his arms, holding him tight for who knows how long. We had been friends since birth pretty much, this was the longest we had gone without seeing each other. 
I pulled away, letting him inside before hugging Emily, "You did this?"
Emily smiled, wiping away my tears, "I know you how much you were missing him."
"Thank you Em. I love you so much."
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sunshineandspencer · 4 months
Has to be a joke (Iridescent, Part 1)
A/N: I will be writing more based on these two (I'm currently writing a fic but wanted to put the ideas out) and wanted to show their first meeting :) I hope you enjoy <33 also this is set for postprison!spencer, except I'm too much of a wuss to go past season 10, so expect inaccuracies into how that all goes down.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!OC.
Summary: Spencer doesn't like the name of his new partner.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: swearing, spencer is an ass™ (I have no idea I've never done this before sorry)
Parts: Pt2
Let me stress, this is not Maeve from the show, but my own Maeve just named the same to send Spencer into hell whenever he thinks about it.
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In all the mind-fucking ways that the BAU have slowly tried to help her adjust - by that, her very first case was a misogynistic cannibal that seemed to like her a touch too much - this had to be the worst.
Granted, she is a pushover, and so she agreed to do this, so honestly she brought this upon herself.
Spencer Reid, the man she had been acting as a ‘replacement’ for while he was in prison, was finally coming back. Some might assume, ‘oh- this means you’re going back to cyber crimes right’. A fair enough assumption, and one she had made herself.
However, Emily, her Unit Chief, liked her work so much that she was asked to stay permanently. Of course, blaming the pushover-ness again, she agreed.
Now, not only did she find herself potentially becoming Spencer’s partner but she was tasked with cleaning his desk before he got back.
For the most part, they kept it clean in his absence, but an uptick in cases and zero free time meant that it became neglected. Everyone quickly agreed that the germophobic man would not like to come back from prison to a dusty desk. In comes his new partner, agreeing with a self-depreciative laugh as she stayed behind to dust off the desk and array of personal items.
Not that it’s wholly surprising that she was the one left behind. She is the newest member, had never met Spencer, and a massive sucker.
Just as they walked out JJ mentioned that he had an eidetic memory, so everything had to be put back perfectly or he’d notice. The last thing she wanted was her new partner, the sought after and beloved Doctor Reid, to hate her.
Quietly grumbling to herself as she dusted and set back the third Doctor Who figurine, very nearly done.
But she heard voices from beyond the bullpen and swore. Doing a final sweep with the microfiber cloth and then chucking it behind her onto her desk. Reaching out to spin a pen back into place and stepping back to stand beside her own desk, wondering if she looked as insane as she currently felt.
Thankfully it seemed like they’d had a good drive in, after all, he’s only coming in to get reinstated properly and then he has to take thirty days off. Emily’s rules to make sure that he gets to stay for good.
Nervously, she pulled on a bright smile, lacing her hands together painfully to stop herself from reaching for a handshake. Germaphobe, she reminded herself, don’t offer your fucking hand.
Spencer, as he walked over, must’ve either sensed the pure waves of anxiety crashing off of her, or just profiled his way to the conclusion that she was losing her mind, because he put on a soft and welcoming smile.
Right in character for the man Garcia had painted him out to be.
Once she realised he was waiting, so damn patiently for her to start talking, she blinked softly and seemed to restart with a friendly smile.
“Hi! I uhm.. I was your replacement while you were.. Gone. But they-- Emily, liked me and asked me to stay on as your new partner. I hope that’s alright, I’m still kind of new here.”
Oh thank God he seems like an absolute sweetheart right now, because she honestly couldn’t have been able to cope otherwise. She’s not good with confrontation or high emotions.
“That’s completely fine, as long as you don’t mind an ex-convict.”
This man, immediately, had a giggle bubbling up in her throat. A giggle. She’s a fucking grown woman.
So she stamps it down, to maintain her own image and save face in front of this downright gorgeous man.
“Of course not! I’ve read your work thousands of times, and everyone here has told me so much about you. A little jail time isn’t going to scare me off.”
Soft banter, she can do that, that’s something normal and socially inclined people do. Even with very attractive people that kind of look at them as if they clearly know how they turn people’s brains to mush. Like he’s doing right now.
Penelope and JJ had shown her so many photos of Spencer so that she’d know exactly who she’d be covering for - and then working with. And honestly, she’d been absolutely destroyed by him in sweater vests and looking like he doesn’t know how to use his own limbs. They’d described him as a ‘human bambi’, but clearly they still had rose tinted glasses on.
Because somewhere in the last decade they seemed to have missed the way their little sweater-vest-wearing boy completely grew into a man, and decided to use his Godhood to pick on his new partner.
When she finally stopped thinking about all the ways she was going to murder Garcia for not preparing her for this, she caught movement on his face. His eyebrow raising and the corner of his lips seemingly unable to decide whether or not he wants to smile.
“Wh- What? Sorry, I didn’t.. I didn’t catch that.”
He smiled, clearly fully aware of himself and how he’s destroying her ability to think, and she nervously returned it, wondering how hard she’d have to jump for the floor to crack open and let her drop.
“Your name, angel.”
Angel?! Oh, she’s fucked.
“N-Name? My name? Right, sorry. I’m Maeve Donnelly, but no one really-”
He visibly jolts, small but she’s hyper-aware of his every move right now, and that one certainly didn’t look positive. His eyes finally moved from her face to look up at Emily’s office, and she had to be careful to remind herself to breathe.
When he looks back, all signs of willing friendliness have gone, and suddenly she’s being scowled at, causing a lump to rise in her throat.
Confrontation is a bitch, especially when she doesn’t know what she’s done.
“Your name is Maeve Donnelly? Is this a joke?”
“I- no?” She was the one to flinch this time, by the sound of his voice and just how harshly it met her ribs clack against her lungs. “It’s- It’s my name, what’s wrong with my name?”
Tossing his bag onto his desk, he shoved past her to sit down, and she’s trying to piece together what had happened to make him react like this, completely unprompted. All she did was say her name, he’s the one that asked her to.
Still scowling at her as he starts packing away case files to work on at home, clearly not wanting to be around her anymore.
“What isn’t wrong with your name?! Honestly, if this is your idea of a joke, I don’t think we’ll be together for very long.”
Storming past her again, he starts the walk up to the chief’s office, and she’s slowly coming to terms with the fact that she might not actually have a job after today. Especially when he turned back one last time.
“And I know you touched my fucking desk, my stuff has been moved. Don’t fucking do that again.”
Just like that, as he stormed into Emily’s office and she stayed feeling small and entirely unwelcome by her new partner, she reminisced on the brief moment that she found him attractive and how she’ll never get to feel like that again. Considering he’s a massive arse who just judged her entirely by her name and refused to elaborate.
Damn, at the very least, she won’t have to deal with him for long if he gets his wish of getting her kicked off the BAU, maybe then she can finally go back to cyber crimes.
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Want more?! Good!
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Midnight | Chapter 24 FINAL | S.R
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Previous Chapter
Summary - eighteen months after narrowly escaping the motel explosion, finally you and Spencer seem to have found your happy ending. But old habits die hard and you can’t help but keep one last secret from him.
Pairing - unsub! Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - dark angst | smut | very eventual happy ending
Warnings - explosions, fires, burns, scars, swearing, secrets, injuries.
WC - 4k
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Chapter 24 - Partners in Crime
Eighteen Months Later 
Luke Alvez squeezed his eyes shut tightly against the assault of a headache pressing against his temples. They happened less frequently now, maybe only about once every few weeks but it didn’t make them any less of a pain. 
When he closed his eyes he was met by the same scene he’d pictured every time he closed his eyes for the last year and a half. Spencer’s face contorted into a malicious smile as he’d pulled that trigger and disappeared inside that vent as the little Cave Creek motel room exploded into flames. 
The sound of the gun going off and the gasoline igniting, Emily’s screams from somewhere behind him to get down echoed in his mind along with the ringing in his ears that hadn’t been silenced for days following. 
Luke was, as the doctors and nurses and all his team kept telling him, lucky. Lucky, what an incredibly frivolous summation. Lucky. He was lucky he hadn’t been more seriously injured, lucky to have gotten out of there alive. 
Lucky that his old teammate, his old friend, hadn't killed him. He knew they were only trying to help but Luke didn’t feel lucky. Not in the slightest. 
He opened his eyes as the dull throb continued at his temples, one of the side effects from the blast that had thrown him halfway across the motel room. His eyes landed on the backs of his hands still poised over the keyboard and the scarred skin he had to look at every day. 
Again he’d been lucky that in trying to drag himself from the fire that he’d only sustained second degree burns on his hands. He’d had to wear bandages for nearly three weeks after the event and have his wounds treated regularly before the blisters started to scar. 
It didn’t hurt anymore, but they were a constant reminder of that day. They were a twisted memento of the day he failed to save you, and unfortunately for him it wasn’t the only one. 
After eighteen months sightings of you and Spencer were few and far between. At first the tips had come in thick and fast, people claiming to have seen the two of you anywhere from Florida to the Outer Hebrides. For a long time Luke had lost his belief that they would ever find you. 
And some days he thought maybe that was for the best. You’d made your choice and him and the BAU weren’t it. Maybe one day he’d be able to accept that and move on with his life. 
He heard a door open across the room and braced himself for what was to come without looking up from his hands. 
“We’ve got a case.” Emily’s voice carried across the bullpen followed by the shuffling of chairs and footsteps. 
Luke exhaled and forced his eyes onto his computer screen, hand moving to his mouse and shuffling the cursor over to the little X on the corner of the window. Before he closed it, he took one last look at the message on his screen, a rare smile pulling at the corner at his lips. 
If anyone was to find out about this he could lose his job and honestly the FBI was the only thing he had left these days. But admittedly, he wasn’t sure he cared anymore. He’d taken a vow to uphold the laws of this country but some things were more important than that. 
He read the brief message over again in his head. Maybe he was going soft, but maybe he also knew that even Penelope Garcia herself wouldn’t be able to trace this and therefore it would be fruitless letting the rest of the team in on this. 
He glanced over his shoulder and removed his hand from the mouse. Once he was sure no one was nearby he typed a quick reply before hitting send and pushed his chair back. When he looked up, JJ was standing over him like he knew she would be, the same melancholy smile on her face she gave him every damn day. 
He allowed her to take him by his scarred hands and help him to his feet. He’d stopped fighting it by now. At first he’d found it humiliating, but after a year and a half he’d stopped opposing his friend's help. It did make his life easier after all. 
Once he was on his feet she handed him the cane that was resting against his desk and he nodded his thanks to her. She motioned for him to go ahead, always letting him go first so she could be behind him just in case he stumbled. 
He closed his eyes again as he leant his weight on his good leg, the ringing in his ears almost immediately returning as he did so, accompanied by the bright orange flash from the blast. And then another sound entered his field of consciousness. 
“Alvez? Alvez? Luke!” Emily screamed to be heard over the chaos, trying to duck under the fire to see him. 
“I’m ok.” He coughed, smoke instantly starting to fill his lungs. “He went out the vent, send the team round the back!” 
“I’m not leaving you here!” She called back from just inside the motel door. 
“I’m fine, Prentiss!” But he wasn’t fine and he knew it. 
When he tried to move an agonising pain shot up his left leg. He managed to internalise his yelp so as not to worry Emily but the pain made him dizzy. 
“I am not leaving you here!” She yelled back, coughing a little herself as she tried to waft the smoke out of her face. 
“Prentiss I said-“
“Never leave a man behind.” She cut him off, knowing she was speaking his language. 
He tried to move again but his leg wouldn’t allow him to stand. The fire was spreading, getting closer to him with every passing second. He turned towards the door where he could just about make out the faint outline of Emily through the thick plumes of smoke. 
If he didn’t do something soon he would die here. 
“I think I can get to you.” He tried to sound more determined than he felt. 
He covered his mouth and nose with the sleeve of his shirt to try and limit the intake of fumes into his lungs. He rolled onto his stomach to keep himself low to the ground and using his free hand he started pulling himself towards the door. 
He felt like he was dragging a dead weight. The heat in the room was stifling and every part of him thought it would be easier to just give up. But he knew he couldn’t. 
Behind him the sound of ripping plaster filled his ears seconds before he heard the crash of another explosion and the floor beneath him shook. 
He whimpered a little, tears filling his eyes and hindering his vision even more so than the smoke was already doing as he clawed his way forward. 
“Follow my voice, Alvez. I’m right here!” Emily shouted, getting down on the floor herself and reaching blindly through the grey blanket of smog.
Luke saw her fingers brushing against the carpet and desperately tried to reach for her but the pain coursing through his leg was nearly debilitating. But he had to press on, he had to get out of here. 
He coughed against his sleeve trying to focus on the smell of his laundry detergent as he used the thick, old shag carpet to pull himself forward. Eventually he felt Emily’s hand gripping his wrist and she helped tug him through the wall of smoke just as the fire rumbled and spread to the soles of his shoes. 
She yanked him across the threshold of the motel and into the fresh air outside. Another set of strong arms suddenly wrapped around his upper torso and carried him across the parking lot until he was far enough away from the blaze ripping apart the little motel room.
Once he was released, Luke collapsed onto the tarmac, spluttering and coughing, trying to gasp for the clean air to refill his aching lungs. He rolled onto his back and looked upwards. Emily and Matt were crouched over him, Emily’s hand coming to rest on his cheek. 
“You scared me there, Alvez.” She smiled but he noticed the tears behind her eyes. 
“Told you I was fine.” He coughed again. “Did you get them?” 
“Don’t worry about that right now. For now you need to-”
“Did you get them?” He cut her off and her expression told him exactly what she was going to say before she said it. 
“No, they got away.” 
“Prentiss?” Matt’s voice spoke up. Emily let go of Luke’s face and turned to the other man who was kneeling by Luke’s side. “We need a medic, asap.” 
Matt’s voice was so quiet Luke barely heard him over the sound of the commotion going on around him. But he knew by the pain rapidly worsening in his left leg that Matt was right. 
But before Luke had a chance to hear anymore, the pain consumed him and his eyes fluttered closed despite his attempts to keep them open. And he must have blacked out, because the next he would be conscious of would be waking up in a hospital bed. 
He was lucky to ever have been able to walk again. The doctors had told him when he’d woken up in hospital that he may be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. But Luke had beaten the odds because he was lucky. 
He would probably never walk unaided, without the use of his cane and he would always have a limp. He could no longer go out into the field with the rest of the team. But he was lucky because he could walk, the damages sustained to his leg when he’d been tossed across the room in the blast hadn’t completely ruined his life. 
Because he was lucky. 
Some fucking luck. 
The soft breeze came in through the open balcony door, causing the net curtains to flutter. From the bed came a grumble as he raked his hair back from his sweaty forehead. Even the wind was hot. 
Sometimes he wondered why, of all the places in the world, they’d chosen to live somewhere so freaking hot. Growing up in Vegas he’d gotten used to hot climates but this was something else entirely. 
Spencer Reid was not built for the heat. 
Sound from downstairs wafted through the open bedroom door and he knew if he didn’t get himself up soon then it would only be a matter of time before he was forcibly removed from this bed. 
He rolled onto his side, the thin bed sheet clinging to his sweat slicked naked body as he did so and having to physically peel it off of himself so he could get up. 
He passed through to the en-suite and jumped straight in the shower, running the water particularly cold to the point it was enough to cause goosebumps to flare on his skin. God how he missed being cold sometimes. 
After his shower he grabbed a towel off of the rail and slung it around his waist. He looked at himself in the mirror over the sink, a hand instinctively raising to run through his ever growing facial hair. It didn’t help with the heat but he really liked the way it looked on him, and he knew he wasn’t the only one who appreciated it. It also helped to disguise his appearance because he never knew when someone might recognise him. 
He dried himself off before dressing in a pair of shorts, possibly the first pair he’d ever owned in his life, and a polo shirt. He swept his damp hair back off of his face before leaving the room. 
The house was large and airy, neutral coloured walls and carpet and minimal furniture. It was a world away from his pokey, dark apartment in DC, but it suited this new era of his life. 
As he made his way down the stairs the sounds grew louder. The French doors were propped open, if he listened close enough he could hear the distant cadence of the sea lapping at the shoreline. 
You had your back to him, standing on a chair whilst trying to tack something to the wall. He smiled to himself and approached with caution. 
You wore a long, flowy pale yellow sundress covered in flowers. Your hair, which you’d dyed for the same reason he grew out his beard, shone in the sunlight beaming through the windows. 
“You know,” he spoke as he closed in on you, placing his hands on your hips and gently tugging you off of the chair and onto the floor. “I’m tall enough to hang that without being a hazard. You could have waited.” 
You turned to face him, pouting your bottom lip at him in a way that always made him chuckle. 
“If you didn’t sleep so damn late maybe I could have.” You huffed which caused him to laugh harder. 
“Maybe if someone hadn’t kept me up all night, I might not have slept so damn late.” He gently kissed your forehead and moved past you to grab the end of the sign you’d been trying to tack up.
You huffed again at the ease in which he was able to do a job you’d struggled with. He stepped back and looked up at the banner as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close. 
“See how easy that was?” He chuckled lightly. 
“You don’t need to be smug.” You grumbled. 
“No one’s being smug, it’s called teamwork.”  
“Hmm.” You rolled your eyes but got up on your tiptoes to kiss him all the same. “Did I thank you for your willingness to be kept up all night?”
“I’m not sure I was willing but it was only fair.” He smiled softly at you. “You do owe me a night of being kept up for other reasons though.” 
“Maybe one day. When she’s in college.” You teased him. 
“Only seventeen years to go until I can have crazy all night sex with my wife. Super.” He laughed, kissing you once more before sidestepping you. “And speaking of, where is the beautiful birthday girl who kept me awake all night?” 
The little girl squealed from her highchair as soon as her father turned to face her, her chubby little legs swinging back and forth in excitement. Spencer beamed at his daughter as he picked her up and spun her around, causing her to giggle, before he held her closely to his chest. 
“Happy birthday my sweet princess.” He placed a kiss on her mop of curly hair which she most certainly got from him. 
He turned around and used his free arm to wrap around you, holding both of his girls close whilst looking back up at the banner proclaiming “Happy 1st Birthday Lilith.” 
It wasn’t an easy life, that was for sure. Being on the run with a child was never going to be ideal. But Spencer relished in these moments with his two favourite people in the entire world snuggled against him. For this moment at least he could forget the fact it could come crumbling down any second. 
The two of you had fled the country in a blaze of glory after Spencer had narrowly avoided going up in flames with the motel room. You managed to get a flight using the fake passports you’d gotten back in Virginia when you’d first embarked on this journey before the BAU had locked down all airports in a hundred mile radius. 
You leased this house under the names on the passports; Troy and Daisy Malone. Your daughter was born in the local hospital and although she was legally Lilith Diana Malone, she would always be a Reid in Spencer’s mind. 
Daisy Malone volunteered three days a week at Lilith’s nursery while Troy worked full time at a research facility. The adjustment was made a lot easier for him given he already spoke the language. But the irony was not lost on you at how many years Luke had tried to teach you Spanish and it had taken fleeing the US for you to finally learn it. 
Spencer had gone on the straight and narrow, he hadn’t had any of his murderous inclinations since the two of you left Arizona. He was calmer, his previous anger at the world seemingly left behind in the states. He was finally the man you knew in your days at the BAU, the old Spencer Reid. And even though it wasn’t the dream scenario, you were happier than you’d ever been. 
There would never be a day that the two of you wouldn’t constantly be looking over your shoulders, living in fear that the front door could come crashing down at any minute and the three of you would be ripped apart. But you just had to take every day as it came and make the most of the time you had together. 
“So, what does the birthday girl want to do today?” Spencer tickled Lilith under her chin making the girl giggle again. 
“Well mommy is going to be making a birthday cake and I could really do with focusing on this, because as you know I am not much of a baker.” You gave him a look.
“Understood.” Spencer smiled at you. “Maybe Lil would like to go to the beach while mommy bakes?” 
“I think she would love that.” You nodded, rounding the counter and pulling the recipe up on your laptop. 
“She would, or you would love the alone time?” He smirked at you, jiggling Lilith in his arms.
“Both.” You shrugged. 
Spencer chuckled and came around the counter, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. You cupped his jaw in one hand, running your fingernails through his facial hair. 
“Have I told you recently how much I like this beard?” You hummed against his lips as he kissed you again. 
“Only every day for the last eighteen months.” He laughed, stroking your hair back from your face. “Have I told you recently how much I like this hair colour?” 
“Only every day for the last eighteen months.” You laughed too. 
You placed a kiss on your daughter's cheek before Spencer went about finding shoes for both him and Lilith while you read through your recipe again, only partially understanding what was being asked of you.
“You owe me for this by the way, it's hot as hell out there.” Spencer called from where he was hovering by the back door, sitting Lilith in her stroller and pulling the cover over the top to shield her from the sun's rays. 
“Hey, Puerto Rico was not my first choice of hideaway destination.” You shrugged at him.
“So that’s a no to a birthday blowjob?” He teased.
“Ask me again on your birthday.” You rolled your eyes. 
“See you soon, my partner in crime.” He winked at you as he took the handles of the stroller and wheeled your daughter out the backdoor. 
You smiled to yourself, your hand instinctively coming up to toy with the rose gold heart around your neck which you had never taken off to this day. It wasn’t an easy life, but Spencer made it seem so simple. 
Yours was a tale of reckless love from the start. It was funny to think back, to waiting for Spencer on the other side of that motel vent and thinking there was no way you would all make it out of there alive. You still remembered the way you’d screamed when you heard the explosion and then the relief that had washed over you when he dropped out of the vent and onto the concrete.
As he’d smiled at you and gripped you by the hand and the two of you started to run, the words he’d said that day still echoed through you.
“Until death do us part, princess. I’ll never leave you so easily.” 
Lovers and partners. Partners in life and in crime. Until death do you part. 
You let go of the necklace and turned your attention back to the laptop screen just as an incoming message popped up. Your eyes flitted back up to make sure Spencer was gone before you clicked into it. You tried not to make a habit of lying to him anymore but some things were better kept a secret. 
A clock started to chime from upstairs and you focused on each one and counted them up to twelve as the morning ticked by into the afternoon. Twelve o clock. It happened twice a day but for so long you’d let yourself be ruled by the shadowy midday counterpart. Because sometimes there was no darker place than our thoughts, the moonless midnight of the mind. 
But you were starting to see that midnight also offered its own kind of solace, the dawn of each new day bringing with it the dawn of hope. Even if you’d always be bound by your past mistakes, always doomed to have to watch your back.
However that didn’t seem all that bad when you had Spencer and Lilith in your corner, your dawns; your hopes. 
You had a smile on your face as you clicked into the message and read the brief text on your screen. Having Spencer and Lilith on your side was one thing, but having an extra ally never hurt either. 
Reaching out to him several months ago could have been your biggest downfall but deep down you’d always known you could trust him with your life. And as always, he didn’t disappoint you.   
As you read over the single line of the message, you were sure you could even still hear his voice in your head as he wished you and Spencer’s little conejito a happy first birthday. 
You'll never take us alive.
We swore that death will do us part,
They'll call our crimes a work of art.
You'll never take us alive.
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners,
Partners in crime.
Partners in crime.
This, the tale of, reckless love,
Living a life of crime on the run.
I brush to a gun to paint these states?
Green and red.
Everybody freeze,
Nobody move.
Put the money in the bag,
Or we will shoot.
Empty out the vault,
And me and my doll will be on our way.
Our paper faces flood the streets,
And if the heat comes close enough to burn ,
Then we'll play with fire 'cause,
You'll never take us alive.
We swore that death will do us part,
They'll call our crimes a work of art.
You'll never take us alive.
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners,
Partners in crime,
Partners in crime.
Here we find our omnipotent outlaws,
Fall behind the grind tonight.
Left unaware that the lone store owner,
Won't go down without a fight.
Where we gonna go,
He's got us pinned.
Baby I'm a little scared,
Now, don't you quit.
He's sounded the alarm?
I hear the sirens closing in,
Our paper faces flood the streets,
And if the heat comes close enough to burn,
Then we're burning this place to the ground 'cause,
You'll never take us alive.
We swore that death will do us part,
They'll call our crimes a work of art.
You'll never take us alive,
We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners,
Partners in crime.
The skies are black with lead-filled rain,
A morbid painting on display.
This is the night the young love died,
Buried at each other's side.
You never took us alive.
We swore that death would do us part,
So now we haunt you in the dark.
You never took us alive,
We live as ghosts among these streets,
Lovers and partners.
Partners in crime.
Partners in crime.
Partners in crime.
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@bubblebuttwade @jay-2s-world @daddy-dotcom @nomajdetective @rebelliousstories
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hi!! do you have any fic recs for non-bau!reader x spencer? i’m not too picky just would love to read about navigating a domestic relationship with an agent while being entirely NOT in that field! so maybe something fluffy (but never opposed to smutty). thank you in advanced 🧚‍♀️
Hey friend! I've compiled most of my Civilian!Reader fics here, although I will say not a lot of them focus on the difficulties navigating the job. For that, you'll find the most luck with my two most popular series below. Otherwise, it's a somewhat eclectic group of fics, which I hope you can still enjoy ❤️
If anyone has any favorite fics that the anon might be interested in, please share them in the comments or reblogs! Self-promotion is always welcome!
S.R. Series (NSFW, 18+ MINORS DNI)
The Birds & The Bees (ongoing series): Prof!Spencer, Virgin!Reader. Reader interviews for a position as Dr. Spencer Reid’s Teaching Assistant, and Spencer learns something special about her.
Here to Misbehave (completed series): Spencer meets a girl he can’t get enough of at the nightclub, then quickly realizes she is not supposed to be there.
S.R. SFW Oneshots
Dead Air: Professor Reid is hesitant to be a guest on his old student’s true crime video series, but is surprised to find it’s not so bad.
Defining Family: Spencer finds out he’s a dad… to a twelve year old girl. Your twelve year old girl, who just broke into the FBI.
Devil’s Advocate: Spencer’s been hooking up with the defense attorney in secret. At some point what was purely physical turned into something else.
Fairytales: Spencer comes home to his very tired wife and even more tired child who refused to go to bed without a bedtime story from their dad.
Funny Thing Fate: Autistic!Reader is tipsy and lost in D.C. when she spots a man she thinks might be able to help.
Haunted: Spencer’s never told anyone what happened in prison.
Growing Pains: Spencer finds unfamiliar lingerie in the laundry. When he confronts his wife, he learns it belongs to their teenage daughter.
Intentions: Spencer’s teenage daughter wants to have a conversation with you about your intentions with her father.
It’s Personal: Reader reminds Spencer’s team that it’s never appropriate to ask someone for their age, even if they’re dating their coworker.
Java Jive: Spencer and Emily take a break at the local coffee shop and she makes an understandable mistake about barista Reader and Spencer’s relationship.
Kitten Love: Spencer’s vet begrudgingly agrees to an emergency house call.
Maddening One, My Goddess: Spencer has a one night stand… on February 13th. The next day, he is confronted with a familiar face on his pre-planned double date.
Not Your Backup: Spencer and JJ argue about her jealousy of his girlfriend.
Quid Pro Quo: Spencer is entranced by the law student in his class.
Rib Cage: Spencer realizes Reader is the one, but it might be too late. He has to find her.
Serendipitous: Spencer’s pretty sure Penelope mixed up his blind date.
Stranger Danger: Reader is a single mother having a very bad day.
Style Theory: Fashion student Reader meets their favorite scholar and teaches him a lesson in self-love.
The Perfect Plan: Reader has a question for Spencer, but things don’t go according to plan.
The Prodigy Path: At a parent teacher conference, Spencer and Reader explain their seemingly unorthodox parenting style.
S.R. SFW Blurbs
At Ease: Spencer comes home to his partner and finds them still asleep.
Birthday Wish: Spencer is sad he can’t reach you on his birthday.
Favorite Person: Reader just needs a little extra reassurance sometimes.
S.R. NSFW Oneshots (18+, MINORS DNI)
Big Bad Wolf (Part 1, Part 2): Spencer is overwhelmed by the apparent innocence of an elementary school teacher he meets on a case.
Blush: Spencer finds something surprising in his girlfriend’s sock drawer after he’s released from prison.
Cupid & Psyche: Reader and Spencer get kidnapped by a rather romantic matchmaking unsub who demands they perform for him.
Devil in the Backseat: Reader is a little too much (and Spencer's into it).
Get Lucky: It’s 3AM and a pipe burst in Reader’s apartment. She is soaked, angry, and forgot her wallet and phone. Her neighbor Spencer tries his best to make the night not terrible.
I Like It Like That: Spencer is jealous after a rowdy party.
Kiss ’n Tell: Reader gets drunk on a night out with the girls and accidentally mimics her boyfriend’s habit of oversharing.
My Boss’s Daughter: Spencer’s fling with his boss’s daughter is definitely going to get him fired.
Relief in Regrets: Spencer turns to his ex-girlfriend in a time of need.
Rewrapped: Reader tries to be cheeky, but regrets it a little too late to do anything about it.
Rodeo Show: Spencer and Reader weren’t planning on having an audience that morning.
Schrödinger’s Relationship (Part 1, Part 2): Reader finds out Spencer has been dating a kind and cute woman (when he’s not spending the night at her house).
Study Session: Spencer really hates his student, but he can’t resist her.
Vienna: Spencer is a bona fide 40-year-old virgin. After a few months of dating Reader, he finally decides he wants to change that.
Yellow Light: Everyone thinks Reader is dangerous. Probably because she’s Cat’s sister. But is that why Spencer likes her?
Happy reading!
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ssaahthings · 10 months
I aimed to help you, in return you helped me too. (Reciprocity)
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Sometimes you noticed when things were off with Hotch, it seemed like a glitch in his armor. Specifically moments when you would hand him his coffee if it was out of reach, as he would move around any table the team was working at; walking and thinking. Your fingers would brush and his grip would tighten. It happened when you would squeeze by to step into the elevator at the office in Quantico, arms brush by, and he would freeze. It was never a noticeable thing, if anything it was only retrospectively apparent in those moments.
When it became clear to you, that he was likely touch starved, was when you needed to hold on to his arm to balance yourself because you had a rock stuck in your shoe; you felt his bicep flex under your fingers and heard his breath hitch yet when you casted a glance up at him he was focused on the squad cars parked in front of the crime scene you were needed at, your interest was piqued then.
After that you began noticing he would never partake in the physical camaraderie; Emily would hug and lean on JJ, Morgan would ruffle Reid's hair as he passed the genius and throw an arm around Penelope when she joined them from her office, and Rossi would pat their backs in a paternal manner when he spoke to them. Sure he had Jack, to hug and cuddle with but you deemed it was different with a father-son relationship, he most likely thought he was giving his son what he needed. Aaron Hotchner is selfless like that, one of the reasons you love him as much as you do.
For a while it was all observations and your heightened sense to notice patterns, especially when it was regarding the man himself.
You were already having a bad day today, the team had made a miscalculated judgement based on the competency of the officers in the local precinct, who were also ridiculing you as well as the whole of the team, but because of the past days, past week, past month it hit you harder than the rest of your coworkers. It's not like you don't know you can go to them with your troubles, considering they're also your closest friends, it's just hard to paraphrase it in a way that would make sense. It felt like everyone was going through something this time of year, but with the jobs you all had, there wasn't much else to do but move onward.
So here you were, standing next to Hotch who was holding a piece of gauze to his forehead from where the unsub's submissive partner, the team had failed to profile, struck him from trying to save the offender you were after. Your eyes roamed his face, his arms, his chest cataloging to make sure he wasn't harmed anywhere else. When you heard the paramedic say he didn't need to go into the hospital you sighed in relief and took some of the fresh pieces of bandages that had been placed beside him and offered to take over cleaning and bandaging him up, making sure he was okay.
"Y/N, you know you don't have to do this." You heard Hotch mumble, seemingly far away but still alert enough to be aware of his surroundings, always on guard like that.
You nod and smile softly and you say, "I know, but it's making me feel better to take care of you right now." You finish cleaning off the blood from his face, gently press the ends of the butterfly bandage in place, "There, good as new." You let him know you were done, squeezing his arm for nonverbal punctuation.
You notice again that he tenses and avoids your gaze, "Hotch? Are you okay?"
Still no response, you think back to when he got injured and you don't remember his arm being hurt, so then you start to remember all the other times he's tensed up and you remember all the evidence that leads to him being touch starved, you remember the time you had to physically lean on him for support.
But by the time you're ready to do something about it, he's already assigning tasks to the team and then it's back to the hotel. You have to stop by the precinct to wrap up and grab your work and personal belongings when you overhear some officer make a snide comment about you and your team, it puts you on edge and in order not to make things more complicated you keep quiet and leave for the hotel.
You're quiet and they all notice it, they see how your shoulders are tense and that you're not joining in on the conversation, and you fail to hear the others making plans for dinner or to notice how Hotch is acutely observing you, trying to piece together why you're feeling the way you are in that moment.
His room is on the same floor as yours, across from yours even, so when you walk up to your room and just stand there, Hotch is watching you from the doorway of his. He takes a step forward leaving the door open, observing you.
"Y/N?" Aaron spoke softly as to not disturb the quietness of the hallway.
You turned around and looked at him, he seemed to be concerned. "Hmm?"
"Are you okay? You've been off since we got back to P.D." His voice tender, eyes shining under the lights.
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine, Hotch. Don't worry about me." You wave him off unconvincingly.
"You sure? Because you could come in and we can order room service for dinner, the others already left. You could consider it making things even for you patching me up." He vaguely gestures to his head.
That amuses you, so you smile and agree, crossing the way into his room, looking it over your eyes fall on the open windows on the opposite side, "You got a really nice view of the city, I just face the nextdoor building." You sigh dramatically, side eyeing him so he knows you're just teasing.
"Yeah, but I'm sure it's a great building." He retorts, "What would you like to eat?" holding the phone and menu card in his hand
"I think we've eaten enough around each other for you to know what my preferences are." You turn to face him, with a brow raised.
He huffs out a laugh and nods your way, afterwards placing your dinner order. It was a timid sense of normalcy, forgetting what the day trailed behind the two of you, your nerves come back so abruptly it it feels like a force knocked a breath out of you, and of course he notices it. He notices you.
"Y/N... I'm here if you want to talk about what happened. I noticed that you seemed a bit shaken up after we came back." He comments while moving to stand before you, the sincerity in his eyes gives you the illusion of making them brighter, and your heart clenches for him in affection.
"It's just... been a tough day, Hotch." You confess, keeping your eyes wide in order to combat the stinging behind them that you know means you'll start crying soon, "at first it was one of those days, you know? The kind that you just go through the motions, but ultimately you're alright in the end. And then I had to deal with those officers, they belittled me so much but I know with this job and being on this team, we have a duty to a sense of professionalism, so I kept my mouth shut, reserved. And then you-" You blinked and a rogue tear escaped, keeping your eyes closed for a moment while you let out a hushed, "I was so scared when I saw you get hit... It was hard to focus because I needed to make sure you were okay but we also had a job to do."
Your eyes begin to sting further with oncoming unshed tears, blinking rapidly to fight the sensation and giving up the fight to falsely show your resolve. With your view downcast you noticed one of Aaron's tells for when he was contemplating something; his thumb would move up and down his index and middle fingers. Up and down two times, switch, up and down two times more. Your mind begins to race, what could the eloquent Aaron Hotchner be contemplating saying or doing in front of, or to you.
Whatever it was you looked up and locked eyes with him, something unspoken passed and all you could do was nod your head minutely. Standing still, allowing him to make the steps to come to you, and to wrap his arms around you. One around your shoulders, and the other around your waist. You laid your head on his shoulder, face tucked between the crisp fabric of his shirt and the soft skin of his jawline. You took a deep breath, and wrapped your arms around him in return. Sliding your palms from his midsection, feeling the muscles ripple in their wake, to then connect your hands together in a lock.
"It's okay to asked to be touched, you know." He startles at the sound of your voice.
"I... It's been a while. Not since..." He trails off, knowing you would understand.
"I know, but it's okay, Aaron."
"How come you're the one comforting me now, I was supposed to be consoling you."
"Well, that's what partners do right? An equal give and take for what's needed," You inquire, "And don't think I didn't notice the subtle topic change, Mister."
"Oh we're partners, now?" He says playfully, giving your side a squeeze in further acknowledgement of what you said.
"Well yeah, I mean..." Trailing off when you feel a soft press of his lips to your temple, "Oh..." You breathe out.
"I was teasing you, Honey." He says with a chuckle. Clearing his throat he begins, "You know, I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to feel so much again, for someone, for you. Everyday I see you at the office in the bullpen, or in a precinct when we're away, or if I'm lucky enough to see you sleepy in hotels. Y/N, it feels like a second chance I'm not certain that I deserve."
You move to pull away, so you can look at him in his eyes when you say the words you heard unspoken, but his arms tightened around you, you smiled brightly.
"Aaron, love," You give him a squeeze for emphasis, he viscerally reacts to the term of endearment "I think we all deserve a second chance in life, in love."
After you're able to step back enough to press a kiss to his cheek, right where it meets the corner of his mouth. He gives you the privilege to see his blinding smile.
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fyi: it's been a little while since i've written anything like at all but !!! i'm trying my best now to get to writing and post things because it's one of my favorite things to do ❤
this is for: @greg-montgomery @criminalskies @htchnr @ssahotchnerr
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fanofstuff01 · 6 months
AU by @rius-cave , although I added my own thoughts into it (For example, her idea was that Lute helping Adam but I wanted it to go more like the actual show, where I think Lute wouldn’t help Adam if he was a sinner.).
Tagging you @fightinsoda and @foreverpeachy2010 , hope you don’t mind.
Everyone’s roles:
People who’s in prison:
Lucifer: You’ll see
Husk/Hunter (I’m basic): Tax evasion/illegal gambling
Angel Dust/Anthony: That guy has a mafia family
Alastor: Spilling government secrets on radio (Still a serial killer)
Sir Pentious: Illegal weapon posession
Vox: Fraud
Valentino: Do I need to say something
Adam: Framed with murder
This is an all male prison yk
People out of prison:
Charlie: Law student
Emily: Also a law student
Vaggie: Fired cop
Lute: Cop
St Peter: Cop
Sera: Judge
Nifty: Canteen lady
Rosie: Prison nurse
Velvette: Crime partner of Vox, but managed to dodge going to prison
Do police officers can both patrol and do wardening? I have no idea. But this goes like that.
Also, sorry if this doesn’t has that much details. I tried not to copy @things-arent-what-they-seem66 ‘s fic. The next chapters will be better I swear.
Also, I’ll post the new chapter of my favorite au a few hours later.
“Dad..?” A little kid came out from behind the desk where she was hiding and looked to his father. Why was his dad covered in red? And why wasn’t the person she didn’t knew moving? “Is he okay?”
“Don’t worry sweetie. It’ll be fine. You’ll be fine He can’t-“
“Stay away from her.” A slightly scared, but determined voice came from behind. “Charlie, come here.”
“Lily, you have to listen! He was going t-“
“I don’t care. Charlie, don’t go near him.” Lilith pulled her daughter to herself harshly and took her arm into her hands.
“I want to stay with daddy!” She fighted against her mother’s grip but she was too strong. Lilith gave Lucifer one more disgusted look and rushed to outside.
“LILITH!” Lucifer yelled as he wanted to go after them, but he froze when he heard someone shout.
“Stay where you are and raise your hands up in the air!” A police officer walked inside and pointed his gun to him.
Lucifer, who was still in shock, did what he said. He handcuffed him and guided him to a police car. He saw multiple polices around. Lilith was talking to one.
“I heard the intruder coming in. It was at my daughter’s room but instead of calling you, my husband decided to play the hero and end him himself. I’m hoping you will put an end to this.” Lilith’s eyes met with Lucifer’s, but she cut the eye contract. She couldn’t look him in the eye. All she saw was a murderer.
“I understand you ma’am. I hope you can get divorced easily.”
Lucifer then looked at his daughter. Oh, he could do anything to go near her, wipe her tears away, hug her and calm her down. Instead, he could just look at her. She teared her gaze from the stone floor and looked at her father. And at that moment, Charlie understood that her father wasn’t a monster like mommy said.
Lucifer only thought about how he failed as a dad while he was taken to prison.
— Today —
“Rise and cry you freaks!” Lucifer woke up with someone running their baton on the bars. It was loud.
“Mmmhm, that’s right! Get the fuck up before I make you.” He said.
Ah, of course. Officer Kadmon. A.k.a. the world’s biggest piece of shit. On his daily wisit.
“That mother fucker.” His cellmate groaned.
“Indeed.” He got up and grabbed one of his rubber ducks. Those always calmed him down.
“Whats the matter Morningstar? *random surname*? Uncomfortable?” Kadmon laughed at them, stopping at their cell.
“Nah, it’s more like a hotel to be honest.” He said calmly.
“Mocking me?” He hit their bars with his baton. “Too bad you’re not on the right position to do that right?”
“Don’t you have a better job to do?” The other guy spoke, annoyed.
“Aww, you don’t want me to break your other fingers? You want me to go the fuck away?” He said in a childish voice “Guess what! This is my fucking job you horse shit!” He laughed loudly, causing even more curse words. Shove that fucking stick up to your ass. Lucifer thought and stood up. Luckily the shithead didn’t realize.
“Goodbye bitches!” He kept walking but was immediately startled when the short prisoner squeaked the rubber duck on his hands near his ears. Nah, startled would be unfair. He literally jumped.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Morningstar!?” He tried to hit him behind bars but Lucifer was fast.
“Oops.” He chuckled and went back to his bed. It was worth it.
“Oh, do you wanna lose the privilege of your sissy hobbies?! I can make that happen!” He growled.
“Sure, sure.” He played with his duck, not caring about the screaming man.
“You’ll see, bitch.” He walked away to the other prisoners. “Back in your place huh, *Alastor’s surname*? I told them specifically to keep your cell empty!” He scoffed at the prisoner at the next cell, who hadn’t been around for a while because he escaped. Hunter said that it was Kadmon who caught and brought him back. Lucifer didn’t like Alastor, heck that prick thought he was being ‘creepy’ with his boring attitude. But at least he knew where he stood. Officer piglet didn’t.
“How nice of you, kind officer.” He could literally hear the smile on his voice. “I hope you had a wonderful week.”
“I did. Unlike you, pussy!”
— Awhile later —
Adam was on night patrol with Holly. He wished it was Lute, but that gal was nice too he guessed. She might be a gay, but she was still cool. He waited outside of a coffee shop as she got them some.
He was mumbling a song to himself when he heard a human voice coming from the woods. He was saying “You don’t own me.. You don’t own me…” repeatedly. He took his gun out just to be safe, he knew what kind of creeps there were at night. He walked off slowly there. There was an old man looking at him, and he was walking near him.
“Sir? Are you-“
“YOU DON’T OWN ME!” He screamed and made a dash to Adam, causing the officer to back down and pointing the gun at him.
And thats when he heard that. Someone shooting behind. Shooting the old man in the head right where he pointed his gun. He fell down, face all bloody.
Oh no.
“Oh shit. Shit shit shit shit!” Panic rose in Adam as he understood the crazy guy was dead.
“WHO’S THERE!” He shoot his gun at the woods. He heard someone else though.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” A guy, much saner than the old man came from behind. “YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM YOU CUNT! WHAT DID HE EVEN DO TO YOU!?” He pushed him away from the old man and looked at him. Adam couldn’t do anything as he saw the cries of the man.
Oh shit.
“Look, it was-!“
He got up angrily, ready to beat the shit out of the police but then stopped when he saw the person had a gun. Instead, he ran to their police car in order to find another officer.
“WAIT!” He tried to track him down as he ran there. But immediately stopped when-
He heard a high pitched scream coming near him. It came from a woman who was just out of the coffee shop. She looked scared. “Officer, help!”
“No, look, it wasn’t-“
“Sir..?” Holly came rushing, she must’ve heard the woman, and froze when she saw Adam.
“Holly, you don’t-“ He tried to came closer to them but the guy yelled again.
“I DIDN’T! Holly you have to-“ He shutted his mouth in shock as she pointed her gun at him, hands shaking.
“Don’t come any closer!” She stated. “Place your weapons infront of you and raise your hands where I can see them or else!”
“Come on-“ What the fuck?!
“If you don’t, I’ll-“
“Fine.” He did what she told. “Hey, what are you-“ He panicked even more when she reached him with handcuffs.
(Is this how this works? I have no fucking idea)
— After —
Adam was thrown to a court the following days. He came up with a lawyer, but there were evidence. The guy who saw him -he learned that it was his son- testified that it was him, and the woman did the same. And before you know it, he was charged for murder and sent to prison in an orange jumpsuit. He didn’t understood what happened clearly until he was placed in the middle of the general population of prison.
“Wait! I didn’t do that shit! It was a fucking mistake!”
“It surely was, wasn’t it, officer?” He heard voices behind him and felt all the color on his face drain away. He was fucked. He turned around only to be met with a huge group of inmates. They were almost like predators, and in this case he was the prey.
“What are you dirtbags looking at?!” He yelled, trying to keep his threatening posture. Failing miserably.
“Ohoh, a punching bag I’m looking at.” One of them said, mimicking the ex officer’s ex attitude. The others took this as a starting point and threw him to the ground.
Lucifer watched the prisoners beating the shit out of former officer. His cries and pleas were harmonic. It’d be easy to let the prisoners end him to be honest, but he knew a better way to humiliate him. Physical beating was something, but psychological beating… Its harm could never be measured. He decided what to do and jumped up his seat.
“ENOUGH!” He shouted to his fellow inmates. Everyone backed away with disgusted looks on their faces, still not wanting to let go of that fucker.
Adam heard calm steps coming near him and holding his chin. He muttered something and looked up to the other man.
Morningstar. It was fucking over.
Lucifer eyed the pathetic guy. He was either gonna pass out or puke. His face was ruined. Aren’t mister handsome anymore, he thought, he still remembered how arrogant this prick was before. He chuckled, karma had a cruel but pretty good sense of humor.
“Do you hear me?” He asked.
“Then listen carefully.” He whispered sharply. “Because I will only speak once.” He grinned to the scared man.
“I am offering you a deal. You will be protected from physical harm, no one here dares to cross me. In return you’d give me your full obedience. You’ll be mine. You will always do what I say. Deal?”
“Okay, then I’m leaving y-“
“Deal.” He quickly said, hating the sound leaving his lips. He didn’t wanna do this, all of his cells hated this. But this was his only chance. He could still hear the wolves. Cops weren’t welcome inside bars.
“Excellent.” He cupped his cheek.“Now get up. You need treatment. Rosie will do.” He held his hand out. Adam barely stood up but that was it. He passed out to Lucifer’s arms. He groaned, this guy was fucking heavy. He just let him slip and left him on the floor. He could call the nurse later.
“This mean we could end him now?” One of the prisoners asked with hope.
“No. Everyone, listen!” He called out to the crowd at the last part. “You will not be hurting him from that moment. I agree,” He raised his hands as he heard objections. “He deserves it. But I am just saying you can’t physically hurt him.”
“And why would we feel the need to not do that?” One particular inmate spoke. One inmate with a personal hatred against the former guard.
“Think about it, Alastor.” He came closer to the smiling, taller man, still keeping an eye out for his newest toy. “Humiliating him like he did to most of us is much better than simply ending that bitch, right? You must know the damage the words can do much better than everyone.” He looked up.
“You might be right. But it is no guarantee that he won’t try to hurt us.”
“Oh if he does, you are more than free to fuck him up right there. But until that happens, nobody will lay a finger on him. Understood?”
The crowd muttered yeses and okays, although not all of them looked convinced. Alastor just walked away simply. Whatever, he made the announcement after all.
“Hunter, can you help me with getting the big baby to the nurse?”
End of the first chapter! This took a lot more time than I guessed, but it was worth it!
Have a good day/night!
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It's More Than Just A Mistake, Charlie
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This comment just rubs me so much the wrong way because they are not here just for making mistakes but for as Adam and Lute showed continually making evil decisions through life and having no remorse for it. And again we see a lot of examples of it not just being mistakes but also horrible actions that wound them in hell. Seriously, look at the things the sinner do and don't downplay it as mistakes.
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Seriously, these images above would disprove that made a few mistakes bs. They are horrible people who are willing to be evil pos and get away with it. And again Valentino is the prime example and after being licked by him you would think she would reevaluate why Adam and Lute aren't keen on redeeming sinners, because they do shit like this. Seriously, there is a whole cannibal town that glorifies eating people. And again that party scene with Sir Pentious where it's supposed to be a test to show Angel could get into heaven, but ignores the fact that everyone allowed Pentious to be sexually assaulted which again shows how skewed the show's priorities are.
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It makes the narrative over at the episode of "Cherub" even more skewed because the idea was the Cherubs were obviously opportunists just trying to make Lipton turn over a new leaf, while it's obvious he was a pos man who should just die. However, Hazbin Hotel expects us to just see him as a man who made mistakes alongside his equally evil partner. It's again an example of confused morals because it seems like it just wants us to side with whatever protagonist is there and they have the narrative's favor despite the other side having a point.
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Also from Hazbin itself I think a big example of the just made a few mistakes is Angel Dust. The current series emphasizes his promiscuity and drug use and treats it as if that was all he did in life and weren't really that bad (which I would disagree). However, I do think this is a result of whitewashing what has been previously known about Angel Dust is that he had mafia ties and that means he wasn't just making minor mistakes but full blown into crime and do some evil shit. And we are supposed to be siding with Emily why he's not in heaven, when he just recently was still being someone who reveled in being a sinner. It's a reason why the rehabilitation theme doesn't work because it doesn't treat the issues the characters have as severe as it is. They treat them as if they are just pissing on the floor and not the fact some of these guys like Angel Dust have blood on their hands. It's almost like due to her biases Charlie has a rose tinted view of things that contradicts what awful people they were and continued to be in life.
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And let's talk about Adam, this guy is just an example to try to downplay how sinners made those mistakes by portraying him as a one dimensional immature sadist in other to make it seem barbaric. However, it still doesn't erase that monsters still end up down there despite the bs ass pull that the angels themselves don't know how to get into heaven. Let's be honest from what we have seen from the sinners they are in hell for a reason and there is no attempts to think why they should be given a second chance after showing what pos they are still. And again the show doesn't want to admit that these sinners aren't that way because of never being given a chance they probably had chances and squashed them. But again Charlie has to be right and never challenged so she can't think about how her stance can be shaky.
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I do think the dimissmal of just mistakes they made actually goes against the spirit of redeeming them because it doesn't really understand the gravity of what these sinners did. It's because according to the narrative (and Charlie) these are just souls that didn't have direction and need another chance. Sorry, but they did have direction in life and they have at one point stop being given chances. And again the series doesn't offer one example of a true sinner who didn't deserve to be down there since Vaggie herself was retconned to be an angel. The series really does wonders to shoot itself in the foot due to not understanding and tackling what redemption takes. And one thing it needs to be said that people have to admit they aren't always the victims and sometimes are the victimizers who have not only hurt themselves and others in their pursuit of sin.
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prodigal-if · 2 years
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Prodigal is an up-and-coming Murder Mystery IF that depicts a tale of deceit, latent pain, and a hidden past that could either heal or completely destroy.
The Reaper— it’s a name that’s haunted you for a little over two decades now. One of the most infamous serial killers of the 20th Century, in New York City. Killing over 25 people, most believing the final tally is much more, and not getting caught until one fateful day. When you were the reason behind his arrest.
The Reaper— the boogeyman made flesh.
The Reaper— the man that made New York City hold its breath until his arrest.
The Reaper— your father.
You’ve tried getting past it, fighting through the darkness that always seems to follow you, and for the last few years you’ve been fairly successful; working for the FBI giving you just the distraction you needed. Being one of their top profilers, as you found it easy to get into the mind of a killer, you even started to believe that your past would stop haunting you.
Until you were fired for misconduct and you found yourself back in New York City, back where it all happened. Will you finally be able to find peace? Especially when you begin to work with the Major Crimes Unit of the NYPD?
Or was the boogeyman just waiting all this time to finally strike?
Customizable MC: name, nickname, some hobbies, appearance, sexuality, and gender. Other things will probably crop up as the story continues too.
Will you fight your demons or succumb to them?
Reconnect with your family after being away for so long. How much has changed? Will you be able to uncover things that are amiss?
Solve cases with the Major Crimes Unit, and solve a much deeper mystery that seems to always be lurking within the back of your mind.
Romance 1 of 4 potential options. Will they help you heal?
Don’t forget about the boogeyman…
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LINK — Prospective release Late March/Early April
Ross/Rose Garner
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Between Detective Bishop and Detective Garner, the latter is much more open to working with you than the former. With an open smile, that's only slightly tinged by weariness, they're willing to give you a chance and see where that takes them. Offering an olive branch, a helping hand, whenever you could use one. Will you be able to offer them something else in return?
Appearance: Detective Garner stands at a solid 5'10" with sharp blue eyes. Slightly curly, raven black hair complements their olive complexion, mixed with a light brown hue. They have a lithe body type.
Daniel/Danielle Bishop
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Detective Bishop isn't as open to you joining the Major Crimes Unit as a Consultant-- not because of any inherent dislike of you, though that may be there somewhere, but for the simple reason of not being as trusting as their partner and boss. Will you be able to crack through their defenses? To the person that's willing to quip an amused one-liner, or crack open a cold beer and hang out? Or will they forever remain a mystery to you?
Appearance: Detective Bishop stands at around 6'2" with closed-off gray eyes. Brown hair, with bits of golden highlights strewn throughout, brings out the fair complexion of their skin. They have an athletic body from years as an athlete beforehand.
Ethan/Emily Yang
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The mortician that helps the Major Crimes Unit with every case that comes their way. With an almost innocent quality about them, despite being surrounded by death on a daily basis, they couldn't help but be fascinated by you and your knowledge. Will you only ever share your scientific thoughts with them, and a joke or two, or will something else evolve as you continue to grow ever closer?
Appearance: Doctor Yang stands at a whopping height of 5'7" with intelligently kind brown eyes. Ebony black hairs brings out the porcelain hue of their skin. Along with the delicately slender quality of their body, Doctor Yang is surely a sight to behold.
Caleb/Carina Sinclair
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Your old partner in the FBI-- a person that took their job seriously, but you never believed that they'd leave you behind too. Their walls of ice, of stoicism and vast professionalism, had always fallen away for you and only you. They never looked at you like you were something broken because of your past. Will you ever find out the reason they left you behind? Or is it a case, a mystery, you're just never meant to solve?
Appearance: Special Agent Sinclair stands at a striking 6'5" with piercing green eyes-- the likes you've never seen before. Wavy, blonde hair complements the lightly tanned quality of their skin. Their muscular build, from hours spent training, barely being hidden by the standard issued suit for a Federal Agent.
Special: Can choose to have had a romantic entanglement with them in the past (something like FWBs).
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