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zhhnmqd3k5 · 11 months ago
🎉 Exciting News Alert! 🎉 The Lok Sabha Elections 2024 are just around the corner, stirring up a flurry of anticipation and speculation across India. As the nation gears up for this pivotal event, let's dive into what it means for Indian democracy and the future of our country! 💬 What are your thoughts on the upcoming elections? Share your views below!
Stay informed: Get insights into key candidates and their agendas.
Engage with fellow citizens: Discuss and debate the issues that matter most.
Exercise your right: Make sure your voice is heard at the ballot box.
Let's make this election season one of informed choices and active participation! 🗳️🇮🇳
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ellliesays · 2 years ago
*You’ve been invited to a protest*: digital citizenship, social media and social change
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Do you interact with the digital world? Are you using it responsibly? If you answered yes to both questions, you are a digital citizen.
The lecture explains that digital citizenship refers to the rights and responsibilities awarded to people who engage with technology or social media. It is an active process, involving a user’s responsible use of the technology within the legal framework of technology or platform. This involves protecting your personal information, contributing to a positive online environment and being confident using technology and the internet.
So how does this individual online action become real world change?
Ariadne Vromen argues ‘most citizens… now engage in politics in individualised, ad hoc ways, rather than as committed members of formal groups’ (2017, pg. 3).
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Yannis Theocharis extends upon this theory, suggesting social media introduces a new question regarding ‘how people choose to express their political identities and preferences when presented with an expanded set of opportunities to act’ (2023, pg. 791). She argues that some political based acts have become ‘faster and easier’ with social media, such as ‘sharing a petition or contacting public officials.’ While others have been created by it, such as ‘following political figures, posting written comments… and forwarding political news’ (2023, pg. 791).
With the introduction of new, easier and less commitment-based interaction in politics, digital citizens are more likely to speak up, interact with others and share points of view. The digital public sphere has encouraged individuals to connect with each other and can easily address or support issues that matter to them. With the public’s new ability to easily voice and share their thoughts, social media has created an environment where participatory democracy can thrive more than ever before.
This concept is explored in Victoria Bonney’s Tedx Talk, which explores how social media is impacting American democracy, and how it can be harnessed to positively impact the future of politics.
In this week’s set reading, authors Moonsun Choi and Dean Cristol state that ‘when individual’s personalised activities and engagement become a collective process, the movement for change grows larger and stronger, leading to a social movement’ (2021, pg. 365) – and this is when we see real life change begin to occur. The collective can use social media and real life methods to fight for their beliefs and put pressure on politicians, powerful entities and other community groups to make change. Examples of such movements include the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the MeToo movements, both of which have sparked change in real people’s daily behaviour and placed pressure on politicians and the system itself to change for the better.
As the newest form of public sphere, social media is a invaluable tool for connecting people, creating social change and encouraging participatory democracy.
Choi, M & Cristol, D 2021, Digital citizenship with intersectionality lens: Towards participatory democracy driven digital citizenship education', Theory Into Practice, vol. 60, no. 4, pg. 361-370
Tedx Talks 2018, How Social Media is Shaping Our Political Future | Victoria Bonney | TEDxDirigo, Dec 18, viewed 29 March 2023, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Kd99IIWJUw>
Theocharis, Y, Boulianne, S, Koc-Michalska, K & Bimber, B 2023 Platform affordances and political participation: how social media reshape political engagement, West European Politics, vol. 46, no. 4, pg. 788-811
Vromen, A 2017, Intro, Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement The Challenge from Online Campaigning and Advocacy Organisations, Palgrave Macmillan, London UK
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By Megan
The question of organization - or not  - has been posed by many, you can read about the necessity of it on just about any Marxist-Leninist website, you can find millions of posts about on AnarchistLibrary. Do we need to get together and band together and be so formal to declare an organization, or do we just naturally “meet” together and express consensual social relations against some authoritarian system? Moreover, how do we make decisions related to tactics and strategy together? This piece looks at just that.
My friend who worked at a *certain* local bookstore told me about a frustrating volunteer meeting she attended where very basic decisions on operating the bookstore could not be determined because one volunteer said there wasn’t enough people in attendance to pass a vote.
Likewise, in many DSA chapters, there needs to be quorum for certain decisions to be made organizationally.
This got me thinking about the question of democracy in organizations in general. Is it fundamentally about whether a decision is democratic or not, or whether it gets us closer to liberation? The problems of the moment and the future will not be solved by seeking some other internal “process” for revolutionaries to fit into.
Let’s look at the struggle against white supremacy and for clean air. Does the resolution of this conflict depend on improving democratic norms, of persuading enough people that U.S. Steel is not being good by dumping cancerous gases on the steel valley? No, because no matter what structure you put in place, fundamental choices of direction will produce divides between the people involved in it. This has to do with the inevitable emergence of difference in politics between people, the reformist will want to get dirty air on a ballot initiative and go to board meetings and plead to certain regulators and politicians for the fine to be higher, the revolutionary will seek different means of accomplishing the end, the two can not be reconciled contrary to the claims of those who are the latter but often only do a whole lot of the former.
Some anti-authoritarians will try to pre-solve problems related to betrayal and usurpation of a cause by inventing elaborate procedures and internal processes, from decision by consensus, to bottom up decision making, whatever, but it doesn’t work because the problem of betrayal is itself not an organizational thing And often those processes themselves produce nothing but a bunch of nerdy wannabe bureaucrats wearing carhart, all who are too incumbered and paralyzed to act with the flexibility and unity that beating a more organized and powerful enemy requires. You can’t presolve differences within the movement by dreaming up some future structural innovation, because any structure is oging to face the strain over political direction.
Indeed procedure (no matter how perfected it is ) cannot guarantee that a correct approach is taken.
We fight for liberation, find organizational forms (that’s what it is called when you bring people together, whether you like it or not) to best bring in people from our community and neighborhood, get ideas of what to do to win and push for the liberatory idea, promote engagement in certain tactics based on an analysis of possibility and necessity, and win. Rinse and repeat until we get to where we need to be. This is easier said than done, but I know that we don’t need approval in advance to get there.
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ilusyongdemokrasya · 4 years ago
[3] On education amidst the pandemic
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The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has indeed exposed more flaws within the system. More and more voices have emerged and called for a better COVID-19 response, especially in the Philippines. Among the many institutions left vulnerable by the crisis, the education system has suffered more than it needed to, all because of politics coupled with incompetent government response. What was exposed was the withering foundations of educational institutions and how a system perceived to be participatory in nature has somehow turned against the democratic principles it was built on.  Indeed, democracy in education has been a facade of sorts – masking centuries worth of systemic oppression.  
The Philippine education system  has been modelled in such a way that it somehow reflects, to an extent, the basic structures of a state. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Department of Education (DepEd), acting as the chief executive within their respective jurisdictions, have employed a top-down approach in addressing the conduct of education amidst the pandemic. Such bureaucratic approach has resulted in a remote learning setup that has failed to address the needs of students, teachers, and academic institutions and empower the most vulnerable sectors to take part in policy formation. Today, students are left with the burden of acquiring necessary tools such as laptops, data, and enough money for school fees. Professors, on the other hand, have been struggling with balancing academic and household responsibilities, addressing technical constraints, and in creating learning packages.
To truly uphold the virtues of participatory democracy, especially within our academic institutions, we must begin by improving citizen engagement. This includes providing a legitimate channel for academic sectors to engage in a process of policy making, deliberation, and consultation. And in applying such principle, both CHED and DepEd must begin with acknowledging the hundreds of petitions filed by student councils and youth groups since March. This is then followed by capacitating students, professors, and employees by providing a legitimate avenue for their policy involvement so that they may help redress the plans for remote learning – one that is inclusive of all varying needs. While it can be argued that some kind of representation will always emerge, to which the system currently subscribes to (student council officers, faculty and employee unions, etc), we must highlight the importance of citizen involvement in upholding a bottom-top approach. This is to ensure a system that “improves the quality of citizenry” and ultimately, a positive influence on policy making.
For us to truly move forward in providing quality education, we must call for a better public health response to COVID-19 that shall champion calls for #LigtasNaBalikEskwela. Not only does it reflect the spirit of the general will, but also a manifestation of a united front.
Photo Source: https://www.scoutmag.ph/issues/online-classes-quarantine-anti-poor-ralph-20200328
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growsinspirals · 5 years ago
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peace everyone, below you will find the full quote from my talk at the Marin Center in northern Cali this past fall at the @bioneers conference repping @cooperationjxn and our emerging network of worker #cooperatives, and #solidarityeconomy institutions working to develop a #regenerativeeconomy and #participatorydemocracy in Jackson Mississippi. def feel like some jewels were shared in relation to experimenting with democratic structures and building a #sustainable community. i’ve included a link in my bio in case anyone is interested in seeing the full talk. w/ love peace and power ~brandon “this country in many ways talks about democracy, but we don’t know how to do it. it takes a deep level of patience and trust in each other that we’re going to come up with the best decision. the exploitative economy that values bosses is able to get things done quicker. when all of us get to decide, we move slower. the problem is that with climate change, we don’t have much time. so how do we hold each other? how do we be democratic? how do we learn to share resources? all of those things we’re trying in Jackson.” https://www.instagram.com/p/B7v7227gs_aWJI5edMbrbDCe-BfMiCGPo6NBg40/?igshid=1mmsxbtfj8mqz
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stickermonster-co-uk · 6 years ago
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Day 3 of 14+ @StickerMonster.co.uk @ExtinctionRebellionDeutschland @ExtinctionRebellion #StreetArtUk #StreetArtLondon #StreetArtStickers #ParticipatoryDemocracy #UKrevolution #RevolutionUK #XRLondon #Extinctionrebellion #ExtinctionRebellionLondon #ClimateChangeMarch #BePartOfTheSolution #WorkTogether #ClimateChangeIsReal #ClimateJustice #RebelForLife #ThisIsAnEmetgency #TellTheTruth #ActNow #BeyondPolitics #HumansOfXR #ZeroCarbon2025 #SystemChange #DivestOrDie #CivilDisobedience #artupyourlife 1 &#ThereIsNoPLANETb 2 &#PlasticFreeForTheSea 3 &#YouthForClimate 4 &#PlasticKills 5 &#RebelFoLife 6 &#PlasticFreeOceans 7 &#Greathunberg 8 &#HelpOneAnother 9 &#LondonProtest 10 &#ProtestinLondon 11 &#LondonProtests 12 &#RiseUp 13 &#ClimateChangeProtest 14 &#ClimateMarch 15 &#UseYourVoice 16 &#RiseForClimate 17 &#BePartOfThis 18 #WeAreOne 19 &#EcologicalCollapse 20 &#ClimateBreakDown 21 &#PaintPicadilly 22 &#PeaceAndLove 23 &#Protest 24 &#CaptureTheCircus 25 &#XRYouth 26 &#YouthStrike4Climate 27 &#ClimateAction 28 &#InternationalRebellion 29 &#LondonCityWorld 30 &#TopLondonPhoto 31 &#ClimateBreakdown 32 &#SaveOurPlanet 33 &#TheClimateMobilisation 34 &#WeDontHaveTime 35 &#BrokenSystem 36 &#OurPlanet 37 &#FrackFree 38 &#StopExtinction 39 &#Ecocide @XRLondon @ExtinctionRebellion @ExtinctionRebellionFrome @ExtinctionRebellionFrance @ExtinctionRebellionUSA @ExtinctionRebellionBrighton @ExtinctionRebellionBristol @XRBERLIN @ExtinctionRebellionSV @ExtinctionRebellionDeutschland @ExtinctionRebellionDK @XRScotland @dailymail @theguardian @theSun @TheTelegraph https://www.instagram.com/p/BwhH-kZHcRK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=an7mmn7wm6hk
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ruurdsnotes · 7 years ago
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Dinsdag 23 mei – Het grote voordeel van bij de HvA afdrukjes maken is dat de printer tegenover het prikbord van Geert Lovinks kamer staat. Daar hangt altijd wel wat interessants. Zoals deze heldere flyer van Barcelona’s participatory democracy platform.
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studywithanil · 4 years ago
भारत लेनिन क्रांतिकारी शहीद जगदेव प्रसाद बाबू की प्रासंगिकता: शिक्षा केन्द्रों में भागीदारी - अनिल कुमार
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#Article #Education #JagdevPrasad #Nationalism #Participation #ParticipatoryDemocracy #Reservation #SocialMovement 
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democraticdeliberation · 6 years ago
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jdaviescoates · 6 years ago
via Twitter https://twitter.com/jdaviescoates
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future-post-magazine-blog · 8 years ago
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%Title% #AUniqueExperiment, #FirstTimeWomen, #Kunal, #ParticipatoryDemocracy, #PollOfficial, #TeddyBears, #VotersInGoa Click Here http://www.futurepostmagazine.com/first-time-women-voters-goa-get-teddy-bears/
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artistsintheclassroom8 · 8 years ago
Big Think: Dan Ariely: Voting Reformation: 3 Alternate Approaches to Participatory Democracy
From the Big Think Site:
“The maxim "One Man, One Vote" is so enshrined in our understanding of democracy that its weaknesses are difficult to see. Yet weaknesses it has. Behavioral economist Dan Ariely claims that our tradition of voting needs a modern update, and he presents three distinct ideas for achieving a voting system that not only puts more democratic control into the hands of voters, but encourages turnout and educates the electorate along the way...”
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bhsutton · 8 years ago
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Psyched to vote tomorrow (for Hillary). 🇺🇸Pictured: @valeriejhegarty's ceramic sculpture "George Washington Bust as Topiary," 2016, at @burning_in_water_art. #participatorydemocracy
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irasilverberg · 9 years ago
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Sheryl Oring, I Wish To Say #penfest #sheryloring #participatorydemocracy
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stickermonster-co-uk · 6 years ago
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#DogsOfXR Bear (Bull Mastiff looking for a honey) #DogMatesLondon @StickerMonster.co.uk @ @ExtinctionRebellion #StreetArtUk #StreetArtLondon #StreetArtStickers #ParticipatoryDemocracy #UKrevolution #RevolutionUK #XRLondon #Extinctionrebellion #ExtinctionRebellionLondon #ClimateChangeMarch #BePartOfTheSolution #WorkTogether #ClimateChangeIsReal #ClimateJustice #RebelForLife #ThisIsAnEmetgency #TellTheTruth #ActNow #BeyondPolitics #HumansOfXR #ZeroCarbon2025 #SystemChange #DivestOrDie #CivilDisobedience 1 &#ThereIsNoPLANETb 2 &#PlasticFreeForTheSea 3 &#YouthForClimate 4 &#PlasticKills 5 &#RebelFoLife 6 &#PlasticFreeOceans 7 &#Greathunberg 8 &#HelpOneAnother 9 &#LondonProtest 10 &#ProtestinLondon 11 &#LondonProtests 12 &#RiseUp 13 &#ClimateChangeProtest 14 &#ClimateMarch 15 &#UseYourVoice 16 &#RiseForClimate 17 &#BePartOfThis 18 #WeAreOne 19 &#EcologicalCollapse 20 &#ClimateBreakDown 21 &#PaintPicadilly 22 &#PeaceAndLove 23 &#Protest 24 &#CaptureTheCircus 25 &#XRYouth 26 &#YouthStrike4Climate 27 &#ClimateAction 28 &#InternationalRebellion 29 &#LondonCityWorld 30 &#TopLondonPhoto 31 &#ClimateBreakdown 32 &#SaveOurPlanet 33 &#TheClimateMobilisation 34 &#WeDontHaveTime 35 &#BrokenSystem 36 &#OurPlanet 37 &#FrackFree 38 &#StopExtinction 39 &#Ecocide @XRLondon @ExtinctionRebellion @ExtinctionRebellionFrome @ExtinctionRebellionFrance @ExtinctionRebellionUSA @ExtinctionRebellionBrighton @ExtinctionRebellionBristol @XRBERLIN @ExtinctionRebellionSV @ExtinctionRebellionDeutschland @ExtinctionRebellionDK @XRScotland @dailymail @theguardian @theSun @TheTelegraph https://www.instagram.com/p/BwalZ8ZHmzG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4f8p0tr8dzpm
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studywithanil · 4 years ago
#Article #Education #JagdevPrasad #Nationalism #Participation #ParticipatoryDemocracy #Reservation #SocialMovement  
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