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paginadepsihologie · 10 months ago
🎂 Azi îl aniversăm pe Dan Ariely.
Cărțile autorului au astăzi preț special, cu până la 28% reducere față de prețul afișat.
La mulți ani!
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morb-untamed · 3 months ago
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"Hey we saw you from across the bar and really hate your vibe."
I wanted to draw my favorite trainwreck looking bad for each other. I swear they love one another though.
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jamwithme-o · 7 months ago
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blingmoney-png · 1 year ago
My Veloren Character
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She doesn't have a name yet
Veloren is this game that is similar to Cube world but much better in my opinion. It's a beautiful game you can zoom out as far as you want.
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I had to get a little creative because this species (Danari) was created by the people who made veloren (I'm assuming at least) I couldn't find any mythology to find out more about their anatomy, but i figured they'd be like blue goblins with deer/goat like horns. They are the smallest race selection in the game so I put an apple in her hand for scale.
Veloren Characters also don't have a neck or very visible shoulders so I just winged it.
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piscoyt · 1 year ago
the decked out mats look soooooo goooood and i don't have a mouse pad but... 50 money???? my mouse is happy as is thank you
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krems-chair · 3 months ago
I've been thinking a lot today about how easily people condemn Solas for making the choices he did or for so regularly refusing the help and love his friends or a romanced Lavellan extended to him and how that's a very easy thing to do from behind a screen in a fictional game where you are able to (with very few exceptions) curate a world in which your allies are loyal and your decisions will go the way you'd like them to.
And yeah, it's a game and that's kind of the point, but if I were to look at it a little more deeply (and who am I kidding, I got back on this website exclusively to process the aftermath of Veilguard) I'd say that there's so much to be found in wondering if the protagonists in any of the other games would have fared better in similar conditions.
Apparently I can't stop making long posts, so buckle in.
What would Morrigan have become in a world where the Warden never stumbled upon her cottage with Flemeth, if she never got the chance to see more of the world and decide what she wanted out of it? With just her mother (who, coincidentally in this Solas-y discussion is also kind of Mythal) and no support, who is to say what she would have unleashed upon the Korcari Wilds one day when the confines of her cage became too much?
What about Leliana? She, too, suffered at the hands of a very controlling abuser who tried to convince her that one lifestyle was all that her future held. What do we think she would have become if not for a chance meeting in Lothering with someone who could help her face down the woman that molded her?
Fenris, a character MANY people are just fine with was incredibly ready to kill a mage on sight if need be, no questions asked. Where do we think his story goes if he doesn't have someone in his corner early on enough in the game? If he doesn't get caught by Danarius, he's almost certainly going to end up on a murder spree, and he doesn't even have Justice whispering in his head to do it.
Cullen. Just all of him. It's an absolute miracle he hasn't snapped by the time you encounter him in Inquistion, and even then you get the benefit of intervening at a critical point in his story several times over.
Almost every other character could face this analysis and I think we'd reach a result that suggests perhaps the only thing keeping them lovable is your playable character's investment in their well-being.
Enter Solas. We don't meet him when he's twenty to thirty something and on the precipice of falling down a dark path. He's been there for literal millennia already, and with the exception of one close friend he's been alone. And not even Felassan is enough because of the years Mythal had prior to that friendship to make Solas exactly who she needed him to be.
I've had shit friends before that aren't just good at isolating people, they're naturals. I barely made it through high school with my mental health in place (in fact, looking back, it almost certainly wasn't). When you think you've got a true friend and they need something of you, it's so easy to blindly follow them because you think your love is enough to mark someone's soul as trustworthy. Solas doesn't learn that lesson until it's too late, and even when he does he can't turn back: the spirit that was once Wisdom has been exposed to several of the worst ancient elves to ever exist and now he has to stand his ground rather than let it all fall, because that is what Pride would dictate. Admitting that the person you gave your love and labor and time to is a monster is hard. And he was alone.
Give me Morrigan after centuries with her mother. Show me Leliana after the years have become a blur and the only voice whispering in her ear is Marjolaine's. Show me the innocent mages that don't make it through if all Fenris has for years and years and years are the scars Danaris left him and the means to make more. Show me Cullen if he stays in a chain of command under a Knight Commander who knows exactly what he fears and holds it over his head for so long he forgets what it was like to be an excited kid begging the templars for training because he just wants to keep people safe.
We get companions in these games who are broken by the time they're twenty. Solas has spent thousands of years in servitude to a cause of a woman he believed to be his only friend. He doesn't know who he is without her influence, anymore, only exists physically in the first place because she asked it of him and then asked again and again and again. He doesn't have a witty band of merry fools to pull him out of that cycle. He has Felassan, but he has him during war after war after war in the hopes of freeing others from the very situation that torments him.
Trauma from war affects everyone touched by it, nevermind the fact that Solas is actively responsible for saving the lives of thousands and feels each life like a weight around his neck because maybe he can save them like he cannot save himself. We should always be worried about the people trying to do the most good. Who is looking out for them? Why are they so determined to help others? Could it be that it's something they wish others had done for them?
Solas certainly feels comradery with Felassan from working together to free slaves from the very people he helped put in power because Mythal told him it would be okay only to leave him with the pieces, but even the Solas that Felassan knows has been turned into an attack dog shying away from the touch of the very person it desires to be near above all others by the time their relationship forms.
The fact that Solas is able to try and show the Inquisitor who he is at all is a miracle as far as I'm concerned, a sign of a peaceful spirit of Wisdom who loves knowledge for the sake of it finally sensing that there might be a chance to embrace its nature again.
Yeah, if you give him what he has come to expect from people with power, if you let near-absolute power over the masses corrupt you, he's going to bristle and try to shut your inquisitor down.
But if you show him even the smallest bit of kindness? If you treat him like the starving wolf he talks about and feed him instead of fighting him? God, it shatters his entire existence.
It's called a cycle of abuse for a reason. Finding friendship, finding the love of your long-ass life can be the first step in realizing there's better out there. But the time it takes to learn that? When you're too weary to even reach out for help in the first place and afraid of every kind word or gesture because you've never known such tenderness (on a platonic OR romantic level, both matter so so much) before?
Part of the compelling tragedy of Solas is that it's almost Orpheus-like how he knows what he has been made into and still cannot stop himself from yearning for more, from turning around to see if just this once something has changed. You can't convince me that he hasn't spent years hoping that someone will hear the legend of the Dread Wolf and see it for what it is, a leash the Evanuris created for Mythal's whipping boy to ensure that even if he ever escapes them, the people he fought to save will hate him. And I cannot blame him for the shock and terror that consumes him when he realizes someone finally has.
You give me any of dragon age companions after the amount of time Solas spent under Mythal's thumb without your character's intervention and you tell me how that looks.
You tell me if they're able to change at the first sign of something that feels too good to be true.
And then, I want you to tell me they're any less worthy of trying to save, especially when you know how good their best can be.
Solas might be hard for some fans to love, but it's only because he serves as the perfect representation of the beast we are all capable of becoming when the love that sustains us, assuming we receive any at all, is laced with poison.
The journey out of that place, out of a literal prison of regret, is brutal, and I'm thrilled that even with the many things about Veilguard I'm still struggling with, we have the chance to let Solas try again with the help of those who love him not because he never fell down, but because they believe in the beauty of a future where he gets back up again.
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pisscrossiant · 10 months ago
My Dragon age two Sexuality headcanons
(I finally got to this 😭)
Marian Hawke - Lesbian
Garrett Hawke - Gay
Bethany Hawke - Abrosexual
Carver Hawke - Straight
Varric Tethras - Bisexual, no pref, Trans ftm
Isabella - Bisexual, Fem lean (canon technically)
Anders - Pansexual
Merrill - Lesbian
Fenris - Bisexual, Male lean, Demisexual
Aveline - Straight
Sebastian vael - Aromantic, Trans ftm
Male and Fem Hawke always give me Gay older sibling vibes, also I feel like Garrett slept with most of the templar's in lothering to get them to leave him and Bethany alone.
Bethany just screams Abrosexual too me I don't really have a reason she just gives that vibe.
Look at Carver and tell me he wouldn't call you a slur, he definitely calls Hawke slurs when he's mad. (I'm joking but I could see it)
VARRIC. He screams Transgender, I wish we could've romanced him but he would've made every other companion absolutely bitchless in comparison to him. I know because I would've romanced him every time.
Isabella is cannon Bi but she definitely prefers women I can't get over the Banter she had with Bethany where she said "You see, sweetness, men are only good for one thing. Women are good for six." Like you can't tell me she doesn't prefer women.
Anders would flirt and fuck anyone regardless of their gender (esp if its DAA Anders)
I've made a post about Merrill and how I find all the da elf girls lesbians and there's no acception for her. She is a LESBIAN, I would say Pansexual but I could never see her being with a man in either a romantic or sexual sense.
Fenris would have a romantic lean towards men, however he would feel wary about having sex with them since yk.. Danarious... But would prefer them in a romantic relationship, He would rather have a woman as a sex partner rather than a man, but he'd rather have a man as a romantic partner rather then a woman.
Aveline would call you every slur in the book, if you tried getting with her as a woman after the whole her fucking the guy she liked thing (Idk his name) she would definitely call you a L*sbo for thinking she'd be with you. I could see her throwing around Queer slurs and everyone else in the party is staring at her like "Oh.. you can't.. say that..." Like girl you are friends with a bunch of QUEERS do not be throwing those slurs around..
Sebastian is trans I can see it in his eyes... Also I don't think he'd ever have a partner in a romantic sense.
I did it guys 🥺🙏🏻 I finally got to this post 😭, I wrote this out like FULLY and Tumblr did not save it when I saved it in my drafts so I had to start OVER.
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typhonserpent · 2 years ago
Anders can't cook worth a shit. The circles never gave him good food and the Grey Wardens usually ate hard tack and jerky on the road.
Isabela and Merrill also can't cook, they both lived nomadic lifestyles before Kirkwall. They caught what they ate and spit roasted it at best.
Aveline was the breadwinner in her marriage. Wesley had to take care of dinner and usually ran her lunch to her lest she neglect to eat until evening.
Leandra cooked for all her kids. She had chronic mom syndrome like that. Hawke might have picked up a thing or two but generally didn't worry about cooking.
Varric CAN cook... A little. If boiling water can be considered cooking, he's an expert. Most of his meals come from The Hanged Man anyway
The only, and I mean this, ONLY member of the Kirkwall crew who can cook is Fenris. Not only did he learn what a good dish tastes like through living among Tevinter upper class, he also rubbed elbows with all the kitchen slaves. Danaris certainly didn't put up with any half assed cooking, either. The dishes that Fenris saw cooked were extravagant and delectable.
So Fenris sees Isabela and Merrill chow down on dry ASF unseasoned fish, and sees Hawke bake the densest, dryest, most burnt bread he's ever seen, or god forbid sees that Anders and Aveline will go days without eating anything, and is driven absolutely, positively insane. Until finally, he sits every single one of them down and cooks them a proper dinner. A glazed roast with seasoned vegetables, mashed potatoes, bread and jam for an appetizer, and shortcake for desert, which is quite frankly the simplest meal he can think of. And he all but forces everyone to clean their plates, because maker forbid any amount of flavor pass your lips.
And anytime he sees Anders reach for the hard tack, or Hawke approach the stove, or Isabela head to the docks with her fishing rod, he is the first person to slap their respective hands and herd them directly to the nearest chair and sit their assess down while he goes to the kitchen.
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susieporta · 7 months ago
Fante di Denari.
"Io scelgo per Amore".
C'è inquietudine nell'Aria. Come se stesse per accadere qualche evento di frattura.
Alcuni scrutano il Cielo, altri testano la stabilità della Terra.
Ma ciò che deve accadere, accadrà.
E non sarà "bello o brutto", "giusto o sbagliato". Sono categorie di pensiero inutilizzabili nella Nuova Visione interiore.
Sarà ciò che sarà.
Passiamo la Vita ad arrovellarci su ciò che è giusto o ingiusto, accettabile o incoerente, bene o male.
E non ci rendiamo conto che la Verità è, ed è sempre stata, davanti ai nostri occhi. In ogni singolo istante del nostro sacro Cammino.
Solo che ci siamo raccontati storie per non vederla, per respingerla, per salvaguardare la disfunzione che albergava nelle nostre pratiche quotidiane.
Condividere una relazione dove non c'era rispetto, reciprocità, gioia, entusiasmo era profondamente "disallineato" con ciò che sentivamo dentro.
In fondo in fondo lo sapevamo. Ma restavamo ugualmente.
E ci facevamo del male. Tanto male.
Goccia dopo goccia, lasciavamo morire il nostro Oceano interiore, per entrare nella piena siccità d'Amore.
L'abbiamo pagata cara la nostra sfiducia nel Sentito.
Ci siamo pure asserviti ad una professione che non attivava la passione del Cuore, ci umiliava, ci spegneva, ci isolava. Eppure restavamo. E ci ammalavamo. Perdevamo il "nostro senso profondo". Ci svuotavamo di entusiasmo. Giorno dopo giorno. Per un pugno di danari.
Abitavamo in un luogo che non rispondeva più alle nostre attuali Vibrazioni, ci faceva sentire sradicati dalla Casa interiore. Ci allontanava dall'Unione con la Terra. E ci aggrappavamo a quelle quattro mura di cemento. Ci barricavamo dietro ad una montagna di scuse e giustificazioni per non seguire la nostra autentica Direzione.
Siamo stati degli esemplari "bugiardi patologici".
Siamo stati "immaturi".
E magari insegnavamo pure ai nostri figli ad inseguire una vita "finta", come la nostra. Per non incoraggiarli a sentirsi "diversi", "emarginati", "etichettati", "falliti" agli occhi della Famiglia, del Sistema, della Cultura imperante.
Siamo stati "ciechi" e "sordi".
Pur percependo nelle profondità del nostro "sentire" che stavamo supportando una rappresentazione teatrale, una finzione, ci siamo incaponiti a non fidarci del Sentito.
Abbiamo creduto a Genitori, Maestri, Religioni, Libri.
A tutti. Tranne a noi stessi.
Il "Sentito" è la nostra Struttura Strategica, il nostro Centro Direzionale.
Ci porta verso la Ricchezza, l'Abbondanza, la piena Realizzazione.
Gestisce gli imprevisti, convoglia le soluzioni. Laddove la Mente vede solo problemi e ostacoli, raddrizza la rotta e suggerisce innovative e creative modalità di superamento del blocco.
Le "Menzogne" sono invece parte dello schema disfunzionale. Regolano i campi di sicurezza, difendono l'omeostasi del disequilibrio, ci proteggono dalla felicità, per ricordarci che noi non meritiamo noi stessi, i nostri Doni, le nostre meravigliose opportunità di Bellezza e Prosperità.
Ma la realtà è che "noi siamo meritevoli". Lo siamo sempre stati.
Non sono i nostri Genitori che hanno "voluto o non voluto" la nostra venuta al Mondo.
Era già scritta tra le Stelle del Cielo.
E non siamo qui per punirci di essere così belli, così pieni di Doni e di Vita. Non dobbiamo nasconderci o privarci dell'Abbondanza perché ferisce l'Altro o lo rende troppo vulnerabile alle sue menzogne interiori.
Chi intende perseverare con la propria Bugia, è libero.
Tutti siamo "liberi".
Nessuno è prigioniero, se non di se stesso e delle sue strutture cristallizzate nel limite, nel conflitto e nell'asservimento.
Chi non "vede scelta" è colui che "non vuole vederla".
Perché è faticoso cambiare. Richiede tanto Amor Proprio e tanta tanta Passione per se stessi e per la Vita che ha ricevuto in Dono.
Non si cambia per "disperazione". Non più.
Oggi si cambia per Amore.
Il Cambiamento diviene "Scelta consapevole". Ed assume un significato diverso rispetto agli schemi del Passato.
"Io oggi scelgo per Amore".
E lo scelgo io. Solo io.
Io sono Responsabile per me stesso.
Non l'Altro per me.
Ed ecco che la Via prende forma proprio davanti ai nostri increduli sensi.
"Io scelgo per Amore, per Amore della Verità che alberga dentro me stesso".
Sarà l'affermazione che accompagnerà il nostro Viaggio di Fine Estate.
Pronti per l'Incanto? Pronti per la Meraviglia? Pronti per lo Stupore?
Mirtilla Esmeralda
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tergestin · 1 year ago
Il guitto Zelensky, attore Nato, prodotto in vitro di Washington se non di Hollywood si conferma per quello che è: un attore scadente, degno di un melodramma di pessima fattura. Riesce a far piangere e ridere allo stesso tempo con il suo contegno francamente inqualificabile. La sua ultima sortita risulta particolarmente ridicola: si è lagnato del fatto che in Italia vi sono troppi "filo-putiniani" e ha affermato stizzito di voler preparare delle "liste" di proscrizione. Forse più che molti filoputiniani in Italia vi sono molti che considerano, a ragione, Zelensky un guitto e attore Nato, al servizio di Washington e in grado di trascinare l'Europa nella guerra mondiale. Un pericolo per l'umanità con le sue politiche scellerate ed eterodirette da Washington. Il guitto non difende l'Ucraina e il suo popolo, ma semplicemente la causa imperialistica di Washington, anzi sacrificando l'Ucraina e il suo popolo. D'altro canto, non si capisce come lo si possa considerare ancora un eroe della libertà e dei diritti: lui che ha chiuso i partiti di opposizione in Ucraina e che ha perseguitato la chiesa ortodossa. Lui che, ancora, hai imposto il canale televisivo unico, come in ogni regime degno di questo nome. Ma si sa, a seconda delle convenienze, l'occidente è imbattibile nel mutare i malfattori in eroi e i neonazisti in paladini della libertà: non solo il guitto dei guitti è stato trasformato da Washington in araldo della libertà; oltre a lui, anche l'estremista di destra xenofobo Navalny, come sappiamo, è stato mutato d'incanto in paladino della libertà e ora addirittura viene beatificato. E perfino il battaglione Azov, una riprovevole truppa di neonazisti che l'ordine discorsivo neoliberale ha innalzato a conventicola di pii lettori della "Critica della ragion pratica" di Kant. Intanto, quell'Unione Europea che è solo una colonia di Washington e che rappresenta il dominio del capitale finanziario sul lavoro e sui popoli europei continua a stanziare danari per Kiev e per il guitto dall'ego meringato, sottraendoli al welfare, alla sanità, alla scuola e al lavoro. Continua, come se non bastasse, a inviare armi all'Ucraina, dicendo che servono a produrre la pace, con la stessa coerenza del medico che somministrasse poderose dosi di zucchero al paziente dicendo che servono a guarire il diabete. Le liste di proscrizione sono una pratica abietta, indegna di ogni democrazia e di ogni paese libero. E concorrono a rivelare una volta di più la reale essenza dell'Ucraina del guitto, semplice avamposto dell'imperialismo statunitense in funzione antirussa.
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gregor-samsung · 1 year ago
“ Del miracolo di san Gennaro, fate le alte meraviglie? Quelle vecchie abitanti del Molo che si pretendono sue discendenti, che invadono l'altare maggiore, che non lasciano accostarsi nessuno, gridano il Credo, mentre si attende il miracolo, e ogni volta che ricominciano, alzano il tono, sino all'urlo, che si dimenano come ossesse, che lo gratificano di vecchio dispettoso, vecchio impertinente, faccia verde; vi stupiscono? Vi è il piede di sant'Anna che si mette sul ventre delle partorienti, che non possono procreare il figlio; vi è l'olio che arde nella lampada, innanzi al corpo di san Giacomo della Marca, nella chiesa di Santa Maria la Nuova, che fa guarire i mali di testa; vi è il Crocifisso del Carmine che ha fatto sangue dalle piaghe; vi è il bastone di san Pietro che si venera  nella chiesa sotterranea di Sant'Aspreno, primo vescovo di Napoli, ai Mercanti; vi è l'acqua benedetta di San Biagio ai Librai che guarisce il mal di gola; vi sono le panelle, pagnottine di pane benedette di San Nicola di Bari, che buttate in aria, nel temporale, scampano dalle folgori. Vi sono centinaia di ossicini, di pezzetti di velo, di pezzetti di vestito, di frammenti di legno, che sono reliquie. Ogni napoletana porta al collo o sospeso alla cintura, o ha sotto il cuscino, un sacchettino di reliquie, di preghiere stampate: questo sacchettino si attacca alle fasce del bimbo, appena nato. Credete che al napoletano basti la Madonna del Carmine? Io ho contati duecentocinquanta appellativi alla Vergine, e non sono tutti. Quattro o cinque tengono il primato. Quando una napoletana è ammalata o corre un grave pericolo, uno dei suoi, si vota a una di queste Madonne. Dopo scioglie il voto, portandone il vestito, un abito nuovo, benedetto in chiesa, che non si deve smettere, se non quando è logoro. Per l'Addolorata il vestito è nero, coi nastri bianchi; per la Madonna del Carmine, è color pulce coi nastri bianchi; per l'Immacolata Concezione, bianco coi nastri azzurri; per la Madonna della Saletta, bianco coi nastri rosa. Quando non hanno i danari per farsi il vestito, si fanno il grembiule; quando mancano di sciogliere il voto, aspettano delle sventure in casa. “
Matilde Serao, Il ventre di Napoli. (Corsivi dell’autrice)
[Edizione originale: fratelli Treves, Milano, 1884]
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fatalquiete · 1 year ago
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Messaggio FINTO come una banconota da 7 euro ricevuto oggi via SMS
1) il numero è inesistente 2) la mi' figliola mi chiama BABBO, lo sa che se mi chiama papà non le rispondo 😃
Scherzi a parte, NON andate sul link, è una chat whatsapp, se siete poco smart vi circuiscono e vi pelano danari.
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morb-untamed · 10 months ago
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I made a ref sheet of Danari from my fic Arcane Rivalry! I'd like to draw her more often with Gale, and I tend to forget how my own characters look like, so I've been meaning to draw this for quite some while now~
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veritanascoste · 1 year ago
Guarda come sono felici questi ragazzi sotto progetto MKUltra operazione Paperclip nel dedicarsi alla procreazione di Satana. Ecco dove vanno i nostri danari, ad estinguere l'Umanità Figlia di Dio il Creatore. Pensa logicamente...ti fanno credere altro, usa il tuo discernimento. https://biomedicalcue.it/utero-artificiale-ue-progetto-olandese/15750/
✨ Orribile (mio parere)
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cerentari · 1 month ago
Quando il sole annerisce
Quando il sole annerisce poi acceca succede sempre qualcosa, chi restituirà la ricchezza rubata ai popoli spesa per uccidere senza morire? . Giuda, prima di appendersi, volle restituire ai sacerdoti la taglia su Cristo. I danari furono sepolti, germinarono piante deformi con cui i prestasoldi inchiodarono banchi nuovi. . Chi ha troppo danaro senza aver lavorato mai, ha derubato bambini e…
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krems-chair · 3 months ago
EDIT: after an informative conversation with @alijuan I would like to clarify that the spirit of my post and therefore the irritation within it is misplaced. Prior to alijuan dropping some Fenris expertise, I was always under the impression that the ritual Danaris used, while elven in nature, had been incorporated by the rest of Tevinter. They've clarified that this quote was (1) predominantly addressing architecture and (2) that the ritual against Fenris was not as widespread as I thought it was.
I've amended the post instead of deleting it at alijuan's suggestion in case anyone revisiting it or seeing it for the first time can also benefit from learning a little more of the accurate lore.
There's a lot to be mad at from yesterday's info dump, but you can feel free to discount this part of it.
Thank you alijuan for sharing your knowledge and working with me to find the appropriate way forward. 😊
@vhenan-writes brought my attention to IGN once again rolling out the red carpet for some truly insane choices by Epler himself. So many of them could be analyzed but right now this is killing me the most.
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I'm so glad Tevinter doesn't have the capacity to work Lyrium. Good news, guys. Someone should tell Fenris. Let him know it's all good.
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Oops how'd that get here
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