#park life sf
Christopher Brown’s ‘A Natural History of Empty Lots’
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Christopher Brown is an accomplished post-cyberpunk sf writer, a tech lawyer with a sideline in public interest environmental law, the proud owner of one of the most striking homes I have ever seen, and an urban pastoralist who writes about wildlife in ways I've never seen and can't get enough of:
All of these facets of Brown's identity come together today with the launch of A Natural History of Empty Lots: Field Notes from Urban Edgelands, Back Alleys and other Wild Places:
This is a frustratingly hard to summarize book, because it requires a lot of backstory and explanation, and one of the things that makes this book so! fucking! great! is how skillfully Brown weaves all that stuff into his telling. Which makes me feel self-conscious as I try to summarize things, because there's no way I'll do this as well as he did, but whatever, here goes.
Brown is a transplant from rural Iowa to Austin, where he set out to start a family, practice tech law during the dotcom boom, and write science fiction, as part of a circle of writers loosely associated with cyberpunk icon @brucesterling. After both the economy and his marriage collapsed, Brown started his restless perambulations around Austin's abandoned places, sacrifice zones, the bones of failed housing starts and abandoned dot-crash office parks.
When he did, something changed in him. Slowly, his eyes learned to see things that they had just skipped over. Plants, animals, and spoor and carapaces and dens of all description, all around him, a secret world. These were not pockets of "wilderness" in the city, but they were pockets of wildness. Birds' nests woven with plastic fibers scavenged from nearby industrial dumpsters; trees taking root in half-submerged tires rolled into a creekbed, foxes and rodents playing out a real-life version of the classic ecosystem simulation exercise on the edge of an elevated highway that fills the same function as the edge of a woodland where predator and prey meet.
As Brown fell in love again – with the artist and architect Agustina Rodriguez – he conceived of a genuinely weird and amazing plan to build a house. A very weird house, in a very weird place. He bought a plot of wasteland that had once housed the head-end of an oil pipeline (connected to a nearby oil-storage facility that poisoned the people who lived near it, in an act of wanton environmental racism) and had been used as a construction-waste dump for years.
After securing an extremely unlikely loan, Brown remediated the plot, excavating the oil pipeline, then building the most striking home you have ever seen in the resulting trench. Brown is a pal of mine, and this is where I stay when I'm in Austin, and I can promise you, the pictures don't do it justice:
Formally, A Natural History of Empty Lots is a memoir that explains all of this. But not really. Like I say, this is just the back story. What Natural History really is, is a series of loosely connected essays that explains how everything fits together: colonial conquest, Brown's failed marriage, his experience as a lawyer learning property law, what he learned by mobilizing that learning to help his neighbors defend the pockets of wildness that refuse to budge.
It's an erudite book, skipping back through millennia of history, sidewise through the ecology of Texas, all while somehow serving as a kind of spotter's guide to the wild things you can see in Austin – and maybe, in your town – if you know how to look. It's a book about how people change the land, and how the land changes people. It is filled with pastoral writing that summons Kim Stanley Robinson by way of Thoreau, and it sometimes frames its philosophical points the way a cyberpunk writer would – like Neal Stephenson writing a cyberpunk trilogy that is also the story of Leibniz and Newton fighting over credit for inventing calculus:
Brown is a stupendous post-cyberpunk writer, and also a post-cyberpunk person, which I've known for sure since I happened upon him one morning, thoughtfully mowing his roof with a scythe:
You can get a sense of what that means in this lockdown-era joint presentation that Chris, Bruce Sterling and I did on "cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk":
Brown is a spectacular novelist. His ecofascist civil war trilogy that opens with Tropic of Kansas got so much right about the politics of American demagoguery and was perfectly timed with the Trump presidency:
The sequel, Rule of Capture, uses the device of courtroom drama in a way that comes uncomfortably close to the Orwell/Kafka mashup that the authorities have created to deal with environmental protesters:
And the final volume, Failed State, is one of the most complicated complicated utopias you could ask for. This is what people mean by "thrilling conclusion":
As brilliant as Brown is in fiction mode, his nonfiction is unclassifiably, unforgettably brilliant. A Natural History of Empty Lots is the kind of book that challenges how you feel about the crossroads we're at, the place you live, and the place you want to be.
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The paperback edition of The Lost Cause, my nationally bestselling, hopeful solarpunk novel is out this month!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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anhedonicworm · 3 months
Woodland Diner / 40 Woodland Drive
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Requires the Life Stories bundle
Costs 99,555
This is a little sneaky since I already did the trailer park but I wanted a diner in my Pleasantview for Brandi to work at, so I decided to build this across the road from the trailer park on the 40 Woodland Drive lot
More pictures under the cut
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Floor plan
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alligatorcowboyboots · 11 months
🏠 Chestnut Apartments
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All the apartments are small and affordable, making them good for sims just starting out. All units have a useable patio/balcony. Lot features a communal picnic area and decorative parking lot.
2x2 (20x20 tiles) 4 Units, all 1 BR / 1 BA Corner lot, 2 road connections Rent: $989-$1,039
Packs required:
EPs: Apartment Life, Free Time, Bon Voyage, SPs: IKEA Home Stuff, H&M Fashion Stuff, Mansion & Garden Stuff
CC used:
Honeywell Bespoke Build Set Honeywell Exterior Wall Collection Honeywell Interior Wall Collection Parking Blocks Decorative Parking Spaces Overhead Cabinets Counter Recolors
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nightmarerodent · 9 months
The MK headcanons just keep coming
Takeda has a life size Snorlax plushie in his room at the SF base. One day he just found Cassie face down on it after a particularly rough day so he offered her tea and mochi to try and make her feel better. It worked and now it’s a thing that when someone is having a bad day they just lay on the Mental Health Snorlax and wait for Takeda to show up.
Sonya has pretty much adopted Kung Jin as her unofficial son. Don’t ask how this happened, she doesn’t know either, but whenever he’s around her mother instincts just kick in.
Fujin really enjoys hanging out with the Kombat Kids. Their antics are amusing and just not something he gets at the temple with Raiden. He will gladly drop whatever it is he is doing when they ask him to hang out.
Hanzo has a Kirby keychain that Takeda gave him when the boy was nine. He takes it with him on missions as a good luck charm. Only Kuai Liang knows that he does this.
Kung Lao is the prank master of the Shaolin and Kung Jin his greatest student.
There are three mandatory days of rest at the Shirai Ryu. The birthdays of Hanzo’s wife and son and the day of their deaths.
Sereena’s favorite place in all the realms is Disney. It is her life’s goal to go to all of the parks. Johnny pays for a trip for her every Christmas. She is the Demon Disney Princess.
Kung Lao has stolen Liu Kang’s headband a total of 10,587 times.
There are two small figurines of a horse and an ox on a stack of books in the Shirai Ryu library. They cannot be moved. It is an unspoken rule. Years ago Tiny Takeda had placed them there and when questioned he said that the statues were best friends. Moving the books would mean moving the statues which would mean separating the two friends, so there they have stayed for over ten years.
Kuai Liang always heads his letters to his brother with “I hope this letter finds you in a ditch”. Bi-Han’s replies always begin with “I hope you enjoy contact poison”. They have been doing this for years as an inside joke.
Johnny once swapped Bi-Han’s gear for pink hello kitty versions. Yeah, no one knows how he got out of that one alive.
There is only one being in all of Earthrealm that Satoshi fears, and that being is Jacqui Briggs.
Farra and Torr do not pass the mirror test.
Raiden is very confused with why the Kombat Kids keep referring to his brother as “the goat”. He is no farm animal. They should not be disrespecting a god is such a way. Why is Fujin ok with this?
Jacqui has a black and yellow version of her body armor, complete with face mask and Shirai Ryu symbols, and by the Elder Gods is it not the most attractive thing Takeda has ever seen her wear.
Cassie has taught Frost how to make snowmen. Now she will occasionally make a few doing some rather interesting things outside the SF base when the weather is right. (If you’ve read the Calvin and Hobbs comics then you know what to expect).
Hanzo is not overprotective of his sons, thank you very much. His reactions are perfectly normal and healthy. It’s everyone else that is wrong. He’s fine. (He’s not fine).
Cassie and Takeda are very unsure of if they should be counted as siblings or not. The jury is still out.
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cora626 · 1 year
Belladonna Cove: 315 Bell Park Road Makeover
Good Morning! I bring to you a repurposed barn. It is a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom starter with a greenhouse and flower patch. The lot size is 30X30 and the cost is 71,588. There is a 1/2 shed that allows for an at home business. This lot is perfect for those that want to start a life of farming or those who just enjoy growing their own food and making a profit with the extras. This lot was made over using TS2 UC.
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sensitive-trait · 8 months
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A whale of a good time for the whole family!
Come Play with Whalebert and his friends on our splash pad, playground and pools. This lot can function as a park, bar or pool. Built on Desert Bloom in Oasis Springs it features an ice cream shop and burger stand. Uses CC - Not required but will remove some items Turn bb. moveobjects on, has been playtested
I kept coming back to this build from Charlotte's birthday so I decided to share, I hope you enjoy! ⬇️ More pics and download below ⬇️
🐳 Download: (SFS - No ads) *NOT CC FREE*
CC Used: @maxsus - Garden at home (Required) - Poolside Lounge (recommended) @imfromsixam - Life in Plastic! (recommended - for the iconic sign) Thank you both, my game wouldn't be what it is without your amazing creations 🫶
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Rover, obscure early LA punk teen scenester, Masque denizen and nowadays a Las Vegas mom of 10 children, as captured ca. '77-'78 at the Atomic Cafe, in the Little Tokyo district of Los Angeles (the photo was also used as the back cover of The Klan "Pushin' Too Hard" b/w "Cover Girls" 1980 single by Posh Boy).
Rose, aka Rover [a nickname her high school bestie gave her because she couldn't stay in one place but was happiest roving around] is one of those girls who, according to Alice Bag, "added life and color to the early punk scene and made it so very interesting. She also received one of the first wounds (six stitches in the scalp) in the "us against them" skirmishes that seem to occur whenever people are afraid or intolerant of those who look different from them. It's hard to imagine a time and place when having short, crazy-colored hair could provoke a violent reaction from a stranger, but that was what it was like in the 1970's."
As Rover recalls:
"I believe I took the first hit in the social war we had waged against the norm. I was 16 at the time. I was outside of the Canterbury with my friend Brian (from Fullerton) sitting on a parked car. Two guys drove past on a motorcycle and the passenger threw a wine bottle into our little crowd and it hit me in the head. I didn't know what had happened. I grabbed my head & knocked a hunk of glass out and it fell to the ground. Then, a rush of pain and a river of blood and I stumbled forward and leaned against the Canterbury for support. I was dazed and in a state of confusion. They grabbed me and helped me walk. Gerber & Natalie took me to Lorna Doom & Belinda Carlisle's apartment. Darby was there. The paramedics arrived and bandaged my head. They joked about my hair color, saying they couldn't tell what was hair color and what was blood. If I wasn't the first hit, then I guess I was a shot of energy to all those around me."
Being badly teased in school in So Cal just for being pale white, in '77 she was a 16-year-old who ended up actually living in the Masque, the Hollywood multi-roomed labyrinth, the club and a meeting spot that soon became the center of the universe to many punks, misfits, outsiders, degenerates and the nascent punk scene that began bubbling up around 1976, with groups like the Screamers, Germs, the Weirdos and the Zeros, the Bags and the Go-Go’s, who she also roadied for.
"I walked into my very first show [a Dickies show at the Whiskey, Dec. '77] and knew I had finally found my home planet!!!! Remember the Twilight Zone episode with Elly May Clampett? She was laying in a hospital bed with bandages covering her face, consumed with self hatred & confusion because she was born so ugly that she couldn't fit in with society. The bandages came off and all had failed. Then it's revealed that she is really beautiful in a world of ugly and has to go live in a community with others like herself. That's exactly how I felt when I walked into the Whisky that night. Everyone was pale and it was ok."
(***photo provided by artist & activist @regi-mentle-black-blog , another active participant in the early LA/SF punk scene and friend of Rover, who was also crashing at the Masque back in the day)
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imdoingmybest0 · 1 year
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x F!Reader 18+; Minors DNI Just a fun little idea I had about Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Any thing for the team Prt.2
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Jake and I step out into the cool night air. As we weave between the rows of cars, I feel his hand meet the small of my back, guiding me toward the driver's side of the cream and white pickup.  
I reach for the door handle before I can, but Jake is shooing my hand away, "No Lady of mine will open her door while I'm around."  
 I step back and watch him open the door with ease before holding a hand palm up to help me in. I take his hand and lift myself into the truck with far more grace than I had earlier in the evening. Jake slides into the driver's seat behind me, his arm makes its way across the back of the seat. He's turned enough to give me his crooked grin and I bite my lip. I scoot a little closer to him and lean forward. Jake automatically understands and leans in to kiss me once again. This kiss was sweeter than the one we had shared in the hallway, but it was just as welcomed.
 A moment later Jake pulls away and swallows, "Darlin', I could do that all night if you'd like but I'd love to take you home." His breathing is a little heavy and I grin at his response to a simple kiss. 
"Well then," I say, "better get us home then." I grin at him and his eyes widen a little, then he's fumbling a little to get his keys into his ignition.  
The truck rumbles to life underneath me, a steady purr, and Jake shifts into gear. This time when his hand leaves the gear-shift his hand comes to rest halfway up my thigh. The motion wasn't invasive, but the intention was clear as day. I feel my face heat up and I take one last look at the HardDeck as we roll out of the parking lot. 
After a moment I gently pluck the cowboy hat off the dashboard and pull it into my lap. Jakes had tightened slightly on my thigh. It's so small I could almost believe I imagined it. 
"So, you've already told me about your 'baby' this have story too?" I nod down to the hat in my lap. 
Jake smiles a little, "Kinda, my buddy back home got into leather working and then that turned into him running an entire custom boot and hat shop. Real creative guy." Jake glances over at me and smiles, "That's one of the first hats he made. Fit it specifically for me 'cause he knew if he fucked it up, I'd still wear it," Jake laughs to himself. I rub my hand over where he rests on my thigh and pick it up by the top. 
"May I?" I ask. Now he definitely squeezes my leg and pulls his eyes from the road to look at me for a moment. He jerks his chin up and I place the hat on my head. 
I turn a quarter towards him and smile, "Well, how do I look Seresin?"
He smiles, "Perfect," he says but his jaw tightens and he presses a little harder on the gas pedal. We ride in comfortable silence for a moment before Jake chuckles. 
"Now you gotta make good on your promise," Jake says and my mind goes blank. What had a promised him? That doesn't sound like me, making promises I forget to follow through on. 
"Jake wha-" I start to ask but we are pulling towards the gate and have to pull our ID cards out to hand to the SF officer to scan. She waves us through wishing us goodnight and we drive through the pseudo-town towards the barracks. 
"No one ever told ya doll?" he questions. I shake my head no resulting in a wicked grin from Jake. "Well then, let me be the first to tell you," he smoothly guides the truck into a parking space and turns toward me, "If you wear the hat, you ride the cowboy doll." 
He leans in to kiss me again, "and that is a view I'd love to have."
He opens the door of the truck and lands squarely on his feet before extending his hand to me once again. 
"Common doll, let me take you inside." he smiles, and I place my hand in his, this time I'm prepared for the pull. As I swing my legs to the edge of the seat Jake wedges himself between my thighs. He places his hands solidly on my his and grins, leaning in for a heated kiss. I kiss him back, careful not to knock the hat off my head. I feel his hand wandering down my ass before he picks me up, forcing me to wrap my arms around his neck to keep from falling. I yelp. 
"Jake, don't drop me," I saw harshly. 
"Oh, babydoll, I would never," he says softly.
Being a part of the Dagger Squadron has its perk, one of which is private apartments. We had decided to go to Jake's apartment instead of mine, his being on the second floor and mine being on the fourth. I find myself excited to see what Hangman's personal life is like. Does he fold all of the clothes into neat squares before placing them in their drawers? What books does he read, and what videogames does he play? Hell, I even was to know what kind of toothpaste he uses. My heart races, do I like Jake Seresin more than I thought I did? Do I want to know about his personal life out of curiosity or do I want to be a part of it? 
Before my mind wanders to much farther Jake has stopped at a door and is sliding a key into the lock, jiggling the key and doing a few practiced turns before it finally clicks open. He pushes the door wide and holds it for me, as promised. I step inside with a comical tip of my, well, his hat. I glance around the apartment, it's a mirror of mine upstairs. There are a few dishes in the sink as well as an abandoned mug and book on the coffee table. I see vintage car posters hung on the wall as well as a few photos of Hangman with a gaggle of five women. One of the women appeared to be older than him but the rest looked to be younger. I hear the lock click into place behind me and I turn and watch Jaek toe off his boot and leave them by the front door. I kick mine off as well and leave them next to his. 
He winds his arms around my waist and smiles, "You know we don't have to do anything you don't want right darlin'." 
I giggle and place my arms over his shoulders, "Seresin, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be." 
His smile turns wicked, "Last chance Babydoll." I nod. Then our lips meet again and he gently presses me backward toward his bedroom. He pants against my mouth, and his tongue pulls soft moans from me. I feel him groan against my mouth and stop us before my legs connect with the edge of his bed. He pulls away for a moment and removes his at from my head, opting to hang it on one of the bed posts. When he looks back at me his hands make trails up and down my sides before they clamp down and he tosses me squarely into the middle of his bed. 
I gasp when I land, sitting up just enough in time to see him crawl over me like a cat stalking its prey. 
There is no stopping the onslaught of his lips and tongue making his way up my neck and to my lips. His hands glide under the hem of my shirt where he finds the lace edges of my bralette. I arch my chest into his touch and a whine forms in the back of my throat. His thumbs find my nipples as he settles one knee between my thighs. I gasp at the tantalizing heat and pressure on my pussy. 
Jake chuckles into my mouth and pulls away slightly, "How about we get some of these outta the way?" he asks. I sit up slightly, thinking he means m shirt before he grabs the hem of his button-down and all but rips it from his body, and tosses it onto the floor.  I take a moment to admire the view, His jeans are tented in the front, obvious he is as excited as I am. His pants wrap around his hips and he looks sinful. He takes my hand and pulls me up enough to slide my shirt from my body. He makes slow work of it, hands maintaining contact with my skin as he pushes the offensive fabric out of the way and over my head. Instead of joining his shirt on the floor, he hangs it on the bedpost opposite from his hat. 
When he turns back to me he runs a hand over his face, "Perfect," he mumbles to himself "Made just for me." 
I blush and pull him back down for another kiss, his lips trail from mine down my neck and to the lace edge of my remaining covering. The thin material shows him exactly where my pebbled nipples are and he takes one with care between his teeth over the fabric. His other hand massages its twin. Carefully he pulls the cup down to expose my breast taking his time. 
"Jake, please," I cry, "you've teased me all night, I need you." My voice is cracked and desperate. I feel his lips form a smile and then he sucks a round bruise onto my breast. I yelp as my nerves light up, but he pulls away, "Teasing?" he questions, "This is just warm-ups sweetheart." 
He leans back down, continuing to leave small bruises, and kisses down to the button of my pants. 
He unhooks the button with ease and loops his fingers around the edge. He gently pats my hip twice and I lift my legs to let him pull them the rest of the way off. My panties snag on my pants and get pulled halfway down my thighs, I instinctively bring my knees closer. 
"Oh, come on now doll, how am I supposed to do my job if you hide like that," Jake says teasingly down to me. My mouth hangs open for a moment and then I move my knees apart. He hooks a finger around my panties and I watch as he tucks them into his back pocket. 
"Hey!" I protest, "You can't steal my underwear." 
"You stole my hat," He smiles. 
"You told me to wear it Seresin," I say matter of factly. 
" Well," he chuckles darkly, "now I'm telling myself to take a little prize for later." Before I can say more he's sliding down onto his stomach and his hands are gripping the backs of my thighs. His thumbs massage the crease where my ass and thighs meet, the act causes my pussy to spread the slightest amount, making me feel exposed most satisfyingly. He watches my reactions and glances down at my pussy. Then he places an open-mouthed kiss on both of my thighs and finally one directly to my clit. I involuntarily move my hips to meet his mouth with a gasp and I feel him smile. He runs his flat tongue over my clit and I cry out, but he switches back to kissing. I don't know how long he switches between kissing and licking, occasionally wrapping his lips around the bundle of nerves to gently suck. My moans become more frequent and my hips more uncontrollable. He moves two fingers slowly through my lips, spreading me and giving himself better access to my clit. His fingers massaged and added pressure to the rest of my pussy before slowly sliding them into me. I gasp at the feeling and mutter his name repeatedly. 
He curls his fingers slightly into me, slowly wiggling and searching for the spot to take me over the edge. I feel him make contact inside me and yelp, "There. Jake, Oh god."
Then he switches from long slow licks and kisses to my clit to wrapping his lips around me and sucking gently, he curls his fingers in giving me even more pressure. He rocks his hand back and forth, fingers never fully leaving my sex and repeatedly pressing into the same spot. My legs fall wider apart and I can see him grinding his hips into the mattress as he eats me out. Any knowledge of his movements ends as I feel my muscles contract and my legs lock up around Jake's head. His hand and mouth don't stop moving until my body goes limp and I feel like I'm floating. 
His insistent movements slow back to his long slow strokes over my clit until I whimper out his name. 
Jake sits up on his knees and smiles down at me, his hands slowly running over my legs, "Not bad for my first time, right?". 
I bold up, shocked, "Jake, what-" 
He laughs and leans down to kiss me, the salty taste of myself on his lips, "No baby, I'm teasing. Just wanted to see your face if you thought you'd fallen apart like that for a rookie." I push his chest slightly, annoyed. He lays on his side next to me, smiling with one hand supporting his head. I assume the same position and he runs a hand along the smooth skin of my hip and thigh. Our lips connect softly and he drags me a little closer to press himself against me.
His hand makes its way around to my back and he drags me closer. He shifts us so that I have one leg on either side of my hips. I realize he only has his black boxers remaining, when did he have time to do that? His hands lazily move my hips back and forth to grind my tender clit along his clothed cock.
He smiles up at me, "How 'bout you grab that hat there baby doll," he slides a hand behind his head and lifts his hips to press harder against me. I unsaddle myself from him and turn to grab his hat, when I turn back he is rolled over towards the nightstand digging through one of the drawers. He rolls onto his back once more before saying, "I'm clean but we can use condoms if you'd like." I blushed at the reality of what I was about to do with Hangman nonetheless. 
"I'm on birth control," I tell him, "makes life easier." 
He smiles and eagerly tosses the condom to the floor without a second thought. I laugh at his excitement and run my fingers along the edge of his boxers before sliding them down, exposing his cock. 
He looks painfully hard, the head is pink and leaking. I lick my lips and that makes his chest rumble, "Another time baby. If I wait one more moment to see you riding me I think I might not be able to hold back." 
I blink in shock and then place his hat squarely on my head and smile at him, "Yes sir." 
I slide back onto his lap and our contact feels right. I meet his eyes as he casually leans back and he looks desperate with anticipation and my heart flutters. 
I stroke him gently from base to tip and back down before I lift myself over him. He bites his lip and his hand makes its way to my hip and squeezes reassuringly. I slowly let his head slide over my clit and then down to my pussy. I lower myself so that he sinks into me. 
"Take your time darlin'," Jake huffs and groans at the squeeze, "if you go too fast I won't last." 
I gasp with pleasure and my pace stutters causing me to sink lower quickly, Jake hisses and his grip tightens. I restart my descent. I finally flush to hips after some minor adjusting my hips. I lift myself as high as I can off him and lower myself again and Jake whines from deep in his throat. I repeat the motion, gasping and placing my hands on his chest to stabilize myself. I start to move, experimenting moving my hips back and forth as I glide up and down his cock. I  heard Jake grunt and I look away from where our bodies met to look him in the face. 
He is shining in a light sheen of sweat in the moonlight and I can still smell his cologne. His body is hot against my hands and his breath is short. His lips tilt upwards, "I could watch you like this forever, babydoll," he huffs out.
 I lower myself all the way back down on him and lean down to kiss him softly. He meets my lips tenderly and lifts his hips and moves both hands to hold my hips. 
"Doll, please, I," He inhales sharply as he slides slowly out a few inches, "I need this." I look surprised at him, the one and only Hangman were begging, for me. I looked closer at him, his eyes were fixed on the point where our bodies met. His mouth was slightly agape and his short came with a soft moan at the end. 
"Jake," his eyes shot to mine, "anything for you." 
His eyes practically rolled back into his head as he pulled me into his chest, I squeezed my knees into his sides to hold myself still as Jake let loose. He wraps his arms around my back and I hold onto him, in a tight embrace. 
My face is buried in the crook of his neck as his hips work desperately against mine, aiming for the same small spot inside of me. He's grinding into me more than anything, driving me closer and closer to the edge. 
One of his arms leaves my back and wraps around my waist roughly. His other hand tears the hat off my head and tosses it on the bed next to us. 
In one easy movement, he flips me onto my back. I gasp at the new depth and pressure of his cock. 
"Touch yourself, baby, I wanna know what you feel like when you cum. Cause one day I'm gonna count them for ya'," He grins and leans down to bite my neck low enough it wouldn't show in my uniform. I run a hand between us to my clit, Jake leans back enough to give me room to work, but then I saw the real reason. 
He was watching me play with myself as he rocked into me. He grunted as I clenched around him, surprising myself at how close I already was.
"Jake, I'm close. Please, please, don't stop, you can't," I sob into his ear. 
"Just a," he grunts and his hips stutter a little and I well with tears at the change, "Second baby, I'm almost," a moaning breath," there." 
He keeps moving steadily as he launches me into the stratosphere, I feel his strokes get longer and harder. I can't stop the cries coming out of my throat, and then Jake presses in close to my ear. 
In a rough whisper, he says, "Common doll, let go." 
I almost see stars, my ears ring for a second and every muscle in my body feels close to cramping. My whole body spasms rhythmically around him and it only seems to encourage him. 
He moves faster and harder, moaning into my ear before he almost fully stops, his hips are flush against my ass. He pushes into me like he's trying to fuse our bodies. He exhales harshly in my ear and I realized he'd been holding his breath. He seems to go limp as he pressed himself into me. We lay there for a moment, coming down from the stars. Jake shifts before I do, kissing my neck and shoulder gently.  His hands make their way up and down my body slowly and firmly, bringing me back to my body. I smile at him and he returns it. 
"How was that?" he asks, his smile suddenly turning cocky. 
I laugh loudly at him, he joins in and goes back to holding me close and going back to kissing my exposed skin. He finally shifts and pulls out of me. I feel something else slide out after he's gone and I feel my face turn red. Jake groans and I look up at him. 
"If nothing else that's, enough to get a man ready for a second round," his eyes are trained on my pussy and I move my knees together. Jake laughs and leans down to kiss my knees. He slides off the bed and comes up to the side to kiss me. 
"But it's late doll. Let's get you cleaned up and I'll let you sleep."  I smile and return his kiss and then settle a little further into his bed. Jake chuckles and makes his way, naked, towards the bathroom. He disappears for half a second before popping his head around the corner. "But I make no promises to let you sleep tomorrow." with that he winks and disappears to the bathroom. 
He comes back and hands me a warm damp washcloth, I clean myself up as Jake pulls another set of sheets from the bottom drawer of his dresser. He opens the second drawer and pulls out a neatly folded blue shirt, with NAVY printed across the front. He smiles sheepishly and hands me the shirt, it's soft in the way only well-loved shirts can be.
He nods his head to the side towards the bathroom, "Go get changed darlin', I'll make the bed." I smile at him and slide out of bed and stop to kiss him on my way to the bathroom. I shut the door, use the toilet, and change into Jake's shirt. It hangs loosely on me and I smile into the mirror at myself. I could get used to this. I open the door and find Jake already in bed, hat re-hung on the bed post, and my clothes are folded on top of the dresser. My clothes, minus my panties. I crawl into bed next to Jake who holds me as I lay tucked into his side. 
He kisses my hair and I sigh softly. 
"Goodnight, Seresin," I whisper to him.
"Goodnight darlin'," he responds 
AN; Hey look! I finished it :D let me know whatcha think
-okay, bye, thanks for reading, luv u <3
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xhyllacreations · 2 months
Batuu Re-done
Amazing builds that finally fix Batuu!
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🔗Download my save file on SFS
Was quite undecided if I was going to do anything with this accursed world in my Started Save File... But I ended up deciding at least I would replace the lots with some much more fitting for gameplay!
#not simmers fixing EA builds once again...
Black Spire Outpost (aka Oga's Cantina) by jasonsterlingrmc
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"A cantina redo in a more theme park style with three different accommodations, public restroom, landspeeder photo op set up, drink stand, "Watto's Junk Pile" for toddler play, various entertainment additions to the cantina ect. There's an empty room for future use above the bar and accessible by ladder."
First Order District by jasonsterlingrmc
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"A build out of the First Order District that in no way affects the built in game play in the pack. I've added a feel of the Disney World theme park hotel experience with a space cruise ship built below including two suites-one set up for a family of four with a toddler, a dining area, lounge lobby and activities room with activities for all age ranges."
Resistance Encampment by Amalathea
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"Would you just love to live on Batuu but can't stand life without a bed? Yeah, me too. Download this lot, make friends with the Resistance, and hunker down because you can stay as long as you like, just like you live here now! Star Wars like you never have before. Wookies welcome, no dogs allowed."
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zxrtql-x · 3 months
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• Anns / Anzle
•ADD ✅ + ADHD??
•Pansexual or Bi?
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•Editor + Artist (I'm horrible at drawing but I think I'm pretty good at editing. I edit on my YouTube: @Yᴏᴜʀʟᴏᴄᴀʟ_ᴇᴅɪᴛᴏʀʀ ★
•Fav colors: Sage green + black + pastel purple + navy blue
•Cartoons and Shows I LOVE: Ed Edd n Eddy, Billy and Mandy, Rockos Modern Life, Amazing World of Gumball, Garfield, Smiling friends, Rick and Morty, YOLO, Friends, The Office, The 90's Show, Demon Slayer, One Piece, Jujitsu Kaisen, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Scream 1996, The Extremely Goofy Movie, Yu-Gi-Su, The Rugrats Movie, Fairy Odd Parents, Dexters Laboratory, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Kids Next Door, Spooky Month, Chowder, Sam and Colby, Total Drama Island, Invasion Zim, South Park, Etc.
•Fav ships: Eddeddy (eene) Kevrolf (eene) Mayed (eene) Eddmarie (eene) Maxley (tegm) Maxroxanne (tgm) Billymandy (b&m) Creek (sp) Stanley (sp) Zosan (op) Charpim (sf) and etc that I can't remember :333333
•Fav characters:
EENE: Rolf, Kevin, Eddy, Double d, Plank
TDI: Alejandro, Duncan, Cody, Noah, Gwen
B&M: Grim, Billy, Nergal jr.
Smilling Friends: Charlie, Pim, Glep, Fillmore, Mr. Frog
SF: Sal, Larry
SM: Streber, Kevin, Bob, Roy, Ross, Robert
OP: Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Buggy, Ace
TEGM: Max, Bradley, Bobby, Roxanne
R&M: Morty, Rick, Mortys sis?
SCREAM: Stu, Billy, Randy
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•Im jst on here to find new friends & talk to told ones! (not looking for anything weird, if u try to talk weird to me, you will be blocked/reported. I AM UNDER 18.)
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bloodlikemayo · 9 months
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Some 1bit pixel art for a somewhat faded SF setting. The future is here but your life still plays out in down-at-heel multiplexes, crap greasy spoons, draughty old houses and parked outside privatised care homes. Inspired largely by World of Horror and Viktor Antonov. Possibly to be part of a larger project. Quite enjoyed the restricted colour palette although I'm not yet sold on the merits of dithering (either in the pixel art or in the more usual sense).
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anhedonicworm · 2 months
330 Main Street Makeover
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Download on SFS / MediaFire
Requires the Life Stories bundle
Costs 181,601; includes clothing store, hair salon, café, and small park
More pictures under the cut
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Floor plan
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frances-baby-houseman · 10 months
I have talked about my desire to do an addition to my little vintage house on here, bc what I want is a little vintage house that's just a little bigger than the one I have, with a real closet in the primary bedroom.
As expected, my father in law does not think we should renovate, and instead thinks we should buy. And he says (I'm sorry this is vulgar money talk) that we are "rich" bc one day he will leave us a lot of money so we should get the absolute biggest mortgage we can afford. But like his grandfather lived to be 104 and his mother lived to be 97 so that's like, 17-24 years from now, not a thing I want to count on.
BUT ALSO what happens in highland park is people buy these darling houses from 1950-1970 for $550k, redo the kitchen, and sell them for $900k. For instance, this very house that my FIL sent us to consider. It sold in 2014 for $472 and is on sale now for $899. Did they renovate it? Sure. Did they do the most boring flippable renovation ever? yep. It doesn't even get us more spaces-- yes it has 400 more sf than we have, but there's no separate den and they have the treadmill in a bedroom. And there's no powder room so if guests want to go to the bathroom, they have to use the same hall bathroom that the kids use right next to the kids bedrooms, which is a HUGE gripe I have in my current house. NONE of this is disqualifying-- this house is a lot like the house I currently have and love! But it IS disqualifying at almost 1 million dollars.
So what I want instead is to EITHER do an addition to my little 1956 ranch, OR find a larger ranch or split level before a flipper gets to it and fix it up ourselves the way I want, which is not what flippers would do. I generally would leave old kitchens and bathrooms and improve living spaces but keep walls. How do I find an almost dead person who has an immaculately kept 2700sf split level that needs new carpets and paint and a carpenter to improve the closets. Tell me.
As my dad said I am living a real life episode of Love It Or List It!
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cityof2morrow · 11 months
Bella Brand: Intro + Mesh Set 001
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Published: 11-6-2023 | Updated: 11-20-2023 (collection file) SUMMARY “Apart from being the most famous alien abductee in the simsverse, Bella Goth (nee’ Bachelor) is a big name in residential, commercial, and industrial real estate. She even has a history in television—or was that a clone? The Bella Brand Series brings some of these stories to life in the Sims 2 via new downloadable content.” I had the pleasure of learning and creating alongside several talented gamers/artists for this installment of the Bella Brand Series. Inspired by the wealth of Bella Goth lore from the Sims/SimCity franchises (aka the “simsverse”), it includes more than a dozen sets and 230+ new business-themed items. Lore suggests that the wealth/influence of the Gilman, Crumplebottom, Bachelor, and Goth families increases considerably under Mortimer and Bella Goth, especially the latter. So, this series imagines what a prestigious Bella-based brand might look like…
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DETAILS Requires ALL EPs/SPs. Mesh Set 001 (2023) contains essential items/recolors for all upcoming sets in this installment of the series. You need this set and the Display Counter (BellasSecret_Counter_Somedaythesun)from TS2 Maxis Match Lingerie Store Set (SomedayTheSun, 2023) for all textures to display correctly in-game. The counter uses recolors from the Bosenklavier Model B grand piano (Bon Voyage EP). Find recolors for the counter interior in the Bella Brand: Retail Floor Set (Simmons, 2023).
Recolors may include swatches for items in other Bella Brand sets such as signs, packages, cosmetics, etc. Objects in Sims 2 are limited to two recolorable parts, so not all items are recolorable in the same way. Find additional recolors for Bella Brand sets on this site under #ts2recolors, #co2recolors, and #co2bellabrand.
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ITEMS Almost all items in this series will have a relatively low poly count, but a few objects are MID/HIGH poly. Avoid placing too many of these items on a busy lot at once if you need to conserve memory, or if your game is vulnerable to pink flashing. None of the high-poly items are essential. Bella Fantasy Column (696 poly) Bella’s Secret Sign Stand (244 poly) Bella Intellawear: The Singlet (1144 poly) Blackfyre: A Simple Bust in Glass (608 poly) Bella Park Mannequin 001 (560 poly) Bella’s Cosmetic Deco 001-002 (440 poly)
DOWNLOAD (choose one) MESH PACK from SFS | from MEGA COLLECTION FILE from MEGA *A known game bug may disable some shelf slots. If you cannot access more than 2 slots on the hosiery/lingerie racks (the ones with 4 or 6 bars), download ONE these fixes: MORE_Custom-objects-placeable-on-shelves (Numenor, 2006) MORE_Custom-objects-placeable-on-shelves+LOCKEDTILES (Numenor, 2006) Object Freedom 1.02 (Fway, 2023)
CREDITS No copyright infringement intended. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. CCA = Creative Commons Attribution. Thanks: @catherinetcjd, @gayars, @gummilutt, @haziewhims, @kashmiresims (Rach’), @somedaythesun, whoward, Easy Shine Removal Kit (PF Forest, 2023), Reducing GUIDs/OBJs Tutorial (HugeLunatic, 2022), Sketchfab and Blender Communities. Sources: SEE CREDITS (ALT).
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catblackard · 2 months
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THIS WEEKEND (Thursday Aug 8th - Sunday Aug 11th) the annual Worldcon (aka The World Science Fiction Convention) hits Glasgow, Scotland - but you don't have to be in Scotland to attend!
Omniverse will be there, represented by myself, @cthulhumystery and @gbresurrection's Doug Banks, and @mothershewrote's @cmdrjessie, along with Tess Tanenbaum who you'll meet in an upcoming Surprise RPG project. (Tess is in-person in Glasgow, while the rest of us appear online.)
We're all taking part in a number of panels about all sorts of things: JRPGs, food in anime, horror podcasts... but the big ticket Omniverse item is on Friday at 12:30pm EST / 17:30pm BST:
Surprise RPGs: Interactive Storytelling on the Bleeding Edge Or… How a Back to the Future RPG Changed My Life
Gathering around the table to tell stories is a powerful experience - powerful enough to fuel new innovations in storytelling and even therapy. Actual play pioneers Cat Blackard and Doug Banks (The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program) take you down the rabbit hole of Surprise RPGs and "The Omniverse Method". Their experimental roleplay techniques pull players and audiences into the game like never before, opening hearts and minds and offering bold new storytelling opportunities that blur the lines between fiction and reality. They're joined by interactive narrative scholar and game designer Dr. Theresa Jean Tanenbaum and game master Jessica Mudd to share stories, findings, and advice for bringing your games to life.
We're discussing the methods of play we've developed for Surprise RPGs in a large public forum for the first time. This method began in concepts first tested in Ghostbusters: Resurrection and The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program and came to fruition in K8 Was Here, The Extermination, City of Daemons, and our upcoming shows A Walk in the Park and Étude of the Storm.
There's more info on all the other panels we're a part of below!
You can get online (and in person) tickets to Worldcon here* and if you can't make them live, your ticket gets you access to video replays.
*Not gonna lie, Worldcon's sign up/ ticketing is obtuse and not user friendly at all, but if you read the above linked page and follow the directions therein, you'll manage. I believe in you. 
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Let Them Cook - Food in Anime - 08:00 EDT / 13:00 BST (In-Person and Online) 
Omniverse personnel: Jessica Mudd 
We've all wanted to take a bite out of a gorgeous piece of animated food: the hearty and comforting bacon and eggs of Howl's Moving Castle, the explosively flavorful wagyu of Food Wars, or even the dubious treasure bug sorbet of Dungeon Meshi. Come find out with us how anime can create connections between food, the audience, and cooking - but bring your own snacks!
Friday, August 9, 2024
Predicting the Shape of Things to Come  - 05:00 EDT / 10:00 BST (In-Person)
Omniverse personnel: Tess Tanenbaum
The panel discusses how ideas from the past – whether presented as science fiction or factual predictions – have stood the test of time. Which have come true, which were way off, and which are still future possibilities? And who proved better at predicting the future? Was it the scientists, mathematicians and engineers… or the science fiction writers?
Sci-Fi and Fantasy Musicals on Stage -  09:30 EDT/ 14:30 BST (In-Person)
Omniverse personnel: Tess Tanenbaum (moderator)
Return to the Forbidden Planet rocked our spaceship. The Rocky Horror Picture Show had us dancing the Timewarp. The Little Shop of Horrors, taught us botany and Young Frankenstein put on the Ritz. The panel will talk about the best and worst SF musicals, originals versus adaptions, and why we should have more of them.
Surprise RPGs: Interactive Storytelling on the Bleeding Edge Or… How a Back to the Future RPG Changed My Life - 12:30 EDT/ 17:30 BST (Online)
Omniverse personnel: Cat Blackard, Doug Banks, Jessica Mudd, Tess Tanenbaum (moderator)
Gathering around the table to tell stories is a powerful experience - powerful enough to fuel new innovations in storytelling and even therapy. Actual play pioneers Cat Blackard and Doug Banks (The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program) take you down the rabbit hole of Surprise RPGs and The Omniverse Method. Their experimental roleplay techniques pull players and audiences into the game like never before, opening hearts and minds and offering bold new storytelling opportunities that blur the lines between fiction and reality. They're joined by interactive narrative scholar and game designer Dr. Theresa Jean Tanenbaum and game master Jessica Mudd to share stories, findings, and advice for bringing your games to life.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
The Return of the Witch to A Hostile World - 05:00 EDT/ 10:00 BST (In-person)
Omniverse personnel: Tess Tanenbaum
In recent years, fictional witchcraft has seen a large resurgence, both in online communities and in contemporary horror. How does this interact with the rise of real practitioners? Who are some of the great new witches of speculative fiction? What is it about the idea of witchcraft that appeals in these times of uncertainty, as queer/trans rights are being rolled back and abortion access denied?
Diversity in Tabletop RPGs - 08:00 EDT/ 13:00 BST (Online)*
Omniverse personnel: Cat Blackard (moderator)
Roleplaying games can provide players the opportunity to embody a diverse range of characters with different backgrounds, gender identities, sexualities, abilities, and more. Our panelists will discuss the importance of diversity in tabletop RPGs, introduce audiences to a wide variety of decolonizing and inclusive game systems, and look at how players can push beyond stereotypical representation.
*There are two versions of this panel, an online one and an in-person one, with different panelists. There is a chance that this one may be re-titled "LGBTQIA+ Representation in Tabletop RPGs"
The Immersive Possibilities of Horror Audio - 14:00 EDT/ 19:00 BST (Online)
Omniverse personnel: Cat Blackard
Eerie, unsettling, and spooky tales are a perfect fit for audio dramas. Our panelists converse on modern horror audio dramas, like The Lovecraft Investigations, The Magnus Archives, and Old Gods of Appalachia, and how they use clever sound design, ambient audio, and other audio techniques to immerse their audiences in the world of their stories.
 Sunday, August 11, 2024
Podcast Production: Audio Recording and Editing - 05:00 EDT/ 10:00 BST (Online)
Omniverse personnel:  Jessica Mudd, Cat Blackard (moderator)
How do you make sure your podcast audio is clean, professional, and appealing to the ears of your listeners? Join us for a deep dive into the audio recording and editing process, showcasing strategies for gracefully integrating music or sound effects into your podcast, integrating multiple audio files into a balanced and unified whole, improving the quality of sub-standard audio, and output formats appropriate to your unique circumstances.
Let's Kill and Dethrone God: the History of JRPGs - 08:00 EDT / 13:00 BST (Online and In-Person)
Omniverse personnel: Jessica Mudd, Cat Blackard (moderator)
Japanese Role Playing Games have developed relatively independently to their western counterpart, evolving their own unique tropes, mechanics, and worldbuilding staples. In this panel we will discuss what makes a JRPG, trace its history, and shed light on some hidden gems of the genre - it's not all just Final Fantasy!
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potential-fate · 1 year
Navigation // Masterpost
I’m WCIF friendly, but I also have a lot of old stuff in my game, so I can’t guarantee anything. I should at least be able to give you names though! Please send them via ask though, otherwise I might miss them or forget!
I make TS2 CC exclusively (you will find no ts4 cc here.) and write semi-interesting soap opera style posts based vaguely around gameplay. (with a lot of artistic liberty.) That being said, my writing has some darker themes. I tag appropriately with “tw xxx” as the standard. (ie: “tw death”) please read at your own risk. I’m willing to add extra tw tags for regular readers/mutuals/etc if you send me a dm.
if you follow me with an empty blog that has no pfp or a generic ‘hot person’ pfp I’m gonna assume you’re a bot and block you. just a heads up.
(if you only want to see my posts, and no reblogs, all my posts are tagged "my posts" for more specifics, read on)
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Current Story (Master Post)
Ten years ago, Arkhelios' "quiet" town was thrown into chaos when one of their beloved founders, Abraham Helios, was found murdered in the park one late night. With no real leads, and no laws as safety nets in place, the case went cold and the town hasn't been the same since. Salem Bellamy stepped up to take over in Abraham's wake, but the peace that followed is strained at best. With new complications on the rise, and the older generation fighting to establish a social hierarchy, the younger generation of residents struggle to find their place, and move on from their traumatic childhoods. But can one really move on, when what's dead and buried doesn't stay that way?
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My Custom Content:
// [pfate tag] // (All my CC) // [Whole SFS Folder] // (it might be a mess) // [Google Doc Master Post] // (includes images) // [Object Default Database] // (a GD database for ts2 B/B defaults) // [Pearshape Fat Morph Project] // (info || tag)
My custom content follows the same tagging system I use for cc finds, so it will also be mixed in with those tags if you’re looking for something specific. You can also find only my custom content via the “dl: xxx” tags (ie: “dl: hair”) or on my Pillowfort.
TOU is basically just don’t say you made it yourself, feel free to do whatever you want with it though, just don’t put anything created with my shit behind a paywall… and idek a link/credit or an @ would be pretty chill. it’s not 100% necessary though.
I don’t really take requests, but feel free to make a suggestion. Just don’t be alarmed if I say I’m not interested.
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(hiatus/retired) Pleasantview Fanfic. ((Master Post))
What happened in Pleasantview after Bella Goth's disappearance? How did the other citizens fare from the aftermath, and how does one exactly grow up when your parents can't seem to get a handle on their own lives? Follow the slice-of-life storyline of the teens and young adults from pleasantview, with a few cameos from other neighborhoods.
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Other’s Content:
(Other simmer’s works, these will all also be generally tagged: reblog) —————————————————————————————— Sims 2 Custom Content Finds Tag Masterpost —————————————————————————————— Other common tags: Sims Artwork // Sims Memes // Sims 4 // sims stories ——————————————————————————————
Stories to Read list
The occasional TS4 post I make will be tagged pfate ts4
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