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yogadaily · 2 years ago
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(via Splash of Pink: Womens Melana High Waisted Legging  || Curated by yogadaily)  
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adrefelli · 5 years ago
Entendí que no hay que entender nada! 🤪 . . . #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogamen #yogaargentina #yoga #parivrttaparsvakonasana https://www.instagram.com/p/B9RLLhjnFCn/?igshid=1e6tck3tyxhxh
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luanafarayoga · 6 years ago
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Parivrtta Parsvakonasana is a clear representation of opposites. While the back leg hip joint is naturally in outer rotation we want to create a muscular internal rotation, though this action will naturally put too much weight on the inside of the foot (specially on the ball of the foot) so we need to create the outer spiral action to press the outer heel into the floor. In the front leg you will also find many opposite actions. For instance, because of the deep spinal twisting the front leg hip has the tendency to move forward, which actually enables the opposite ribs and side torso to cross over the thigh to lock against the outer front leg, though if we don’t do a counter action to bring the front hip in better alignment with the back hip, then the weight of the body will collapse on the outer edge of the front foot and as a result there will be limited to no stability. And the final opposing forces can be found in the torso. While doing a rotation or twist, the torso has the tendency to curve and shrink towards the front leg side, creating compression in the spine. So once the opposite arm has passed the side of the front leg for which a slight curve is necessary, one must press the arm against the leg and viceversa to create the action of extension in the spine. We use Āsana to create space in the body, so one can breath properly, so the spine can be extended, so we can stop(sit) and observe inside without feeling physical discomfort, so the nervous system can experience quietness and so our mind can find stillness. #parivrttaparsvakonasana #asana #asanalab #asanapractice #yogaasana #ashtanga #yogabiomechanics https://www.instagram.com/p/BxFv-pdluRq/?igshid=18u4qxer3hql3
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tajdaaw · 6 years ago
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ถ้ามีคนเริ่มพูดถึงเรามากขึ้นเรื่อยๆ ไม่ว่าจะทางบวกหรือทางลบก็ตาม นั่นแสดงว่าเราเริ่มเป็นคนสำคัญมากขึ้นเรื่อยๆ เช่นกัน แต่จงอย่าไปหวั่นไหวกับเสียงแผ่วเบาเช่นนั้น เพราะสิ่งที่คุณทำมันจะตอบทุกๆ เรื่องแทนตัวคุณเอง #parivrttaparsvakonasana #twistedsideangle #myyogalife #yogajourney #TajshaYoga 🕊🌸💪🏻🐣🌱 #selflove #breath #awareness #focus #strong 💟 . . . . #yogainspiration #yoga #yogagirl #yogapractice #ashtanga #iloveyoga #yogini #yogalife #yogaflow #yogafun #om #namaste #yogalove #yogafit #igyoga #yogi #instayoga #yogaforlife #yogaeveryday #yogaeverydamnday (at I feel Yoga Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLBfUIHZEm/?igshid=hxpgp1n80ca3
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detroityoga · 6 years ago
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Parivrtta Parsvakonasana. #revolvedsideanglepose Pictured here is left arm outside the right leg. #yogabasics #fundamentals #selfmastery #putthetimein #parivrttaparsvakonasana #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #vinyasa #vinyasayoga #yoga #detroityoga #michiganyoga #tostillthemindisyoga #bestillandknow #svadhyaya (at Detroit Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQHhZAAMOv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=880hxk0p3m3r
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akekris · 6 years ago
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Day10 final day #parivrttaparsvakonasana #redhotfortheholidays #ashtangayoga #yoga #yogalove #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogainspiration #yogainlockerroom #yogachallenge #ashtangayoga #follow4like #like4likes #follow #amazing #igers ##picofthedays #healthylifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/BruzABhAP3F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jqw4h9cqzw96
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sungoddesslibra · 7 years ago
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#gracefulstrengthchallenge ✨🕉✨ day 10: *twisting the body for balance* - - - - - hosts/sponsors: @kinoyoga @casa_colibri @erinkellyart @omstarsofficial @mikayogawear @cooleffect_ - - - - #yogachallenge #yoga #twist #parivrttaparsvakonasana #gracefulstrength #practiceandalliscoming #mindfulmovement https://www.instagram.com/p/BmTXSn4FFZs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bt1m19h5r6cb
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norayogini · 7 years ago
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💫You can't be so stupid as to think this will be easy. My troops will storm this block and kill you all.💫 Captain Phasma . This character has been introduced in Episode VII, she's interpreted by the very talented Gwendolyn Christie. We don't know much about her yet, but I think she must be very proud and a fierce fighter, just like Brienne from Game of Thrones! . We chose for her a kinda warrior thing, #parivrttaparsvakonasana, aka extended revolved side angle. I added a little blood strain, because of Finn, and... Yeah... We all know about him! . 👉Start in warrior 1, with the arm opposite to your front leg reach for the ground. When or if you feel ready, with the other hand reach for the sky. Or if you can't stand safely you can always perform the pose with prayer hands, bringing only the opposite elbow towards your front thigh. Remember, yoga is not a competition, don't harm yourself for the sake of a picture! . Tomorrow is day 3 of #SWTheLastYogis 🌑 HOSTS: @shesmilesyogi @suchitra_rx @norayogini @marastina . 🌕 SPONSORS: @pucket_pants @meranda_shop (my pants) @szmalas (my necklace) @mymalanecklace (my bracelet) @yogisurprise @yogandhaoils @groundedfactory (my mat) @mamakuka . #swyoga #starwarsyoga #teamdarkside #yogaeverydamnday #yogini #yogiofinstagram #gowiththeflaw #believe #health #force #yogaart #yogaaddict #trusttheprocess #yogalife #motivation #meditation #yogainspiration #yogachallenge #yogapractice #yogaeverywhere #yogapose
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yogadaily · 3 years ago
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(via Woman Doing Yoga in 2022 | How to do yoga, Yoga, Yoga music  || Curated with love by yogadaily)   
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luanafarayoga · 8 years ago
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Twisting or Parivrtas are a great way to improve digestion and purifying our body. But also it is easy to end up in a twisting class with pain in the hip flexors when we don't work on the proper actions. Some important actions to consider are: • Move the hip of the front leg back to create space between the hip and ribs • Move the belly button towards the spine without tensing the abdomen muscles to avoid creating tension in the hip flexors. • Slightly move your upper torso back, as if you were doing a backbend so you don't shrink the side body. • Always twist from the ribs, not from the hips or the shoulders. • Use the breath to twist. Use the inhalation to extend your spine and the exhalation deepen on the twist. I usually offer my twisting practices to let go of something, anything that doesn't serve me any more, and creating space for new possibilities to come in. 💙🌀 #parivrtta #parivrttaparsvakonasana #twisting #yogaasana #asanapractice #yogatips #yogaisequanimity #lifeisagift #consciousliving #iinhealthcoach #luanafarayoga (at Balance Yoga Studio)
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kericyoga · 8 years ago
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#linesandlaterals - Day 9 - #parivrttaparsvakonasana #revolvedsideanglepose ... This is another pose where I rarely take the extended version to work on lateral extension. I often take the bind or simply take the top arm straight up. The lateral stretch adds a different dimension to the pose. ... Hosts: @laraliam @shiniyogi @sdharamr @yoga_mami ... Sponsor: @aloyoga (at Burbank, California)
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detroityoga · 7 years ago
For those who don’t have much time or discipline to practice at home, here’s a short 18 minute practice. Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Get it done. #sunsalutationa 3x. Then 5 breaths in each of the following... #padangusthasana #padahastasana #trikonasana #parivrttatrikonasana #parsvakonasana #parivrttaparsvakonasana #malasana (heels up) #malasana (heels down) #navasana #purvottanasana (reverse table) #setubandhasana (bridge) #paschimottanasana #karnapidasana #malasana (twisting) #sirsasana #balasana . 3 minutes in #savasana . #makeithappen #practicepracticepractice #disciplineequalsfreedom #ashtanga #vinyasa #yoga #detroityoga #michiganyoga #tostillthemindisyoga (at Detroit Yoga)
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akekris · 6 years ago
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Day4 #parivrttaparsvakonasana #30dayyogajourney #yoga #yogalove #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogainspiration #yogainlockerroom #yogachallenge #ashtangayoga #follow4like #like4likes #follow #amazing #igers ##picofthedays #healthylifestyle (at JW's Health Club & Spa) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsNgmvJgfzX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rku1s2nu7lfn
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freeformboard · 5 years ago
A couple of points on this exercise. Firstly, in yoga, typically there is an isotonic phase where you move into a pose either concentrically or eccentrically. Then you hold the pose statically (isometrically) while performing subtle micro movements and adjustments within the pose synchronized with your inhalation’s and exhalations. You then come out of the pose either eccentrically or concentrically. The point is that the pose is predominantly isometric. When you introduce the freeFORM Board, you basically allow for the possibility of repetitive eccentric - concentric movement in the pose which is a new dimension and you can of course still hold the final pose isometrically. There are many other dimensions that the freeFORM Board adds to yoga but that would take a whole essay to explain. The second point is that in fitness you have a reverse lunge or a single leg deadlift. In Pilates you have a scooter and yoga you have a warrior 1 and a revolving right angle pose...all different right? Or as they say, same, same but different. One thing they have in common is that they all involve a single leg / hip extension. Therefore, when you perform these movements with the freeFORM Board, perhaps 70% of the cues are the same as are the progressions and variations. By capitalizing on these similarities and commonalities, I can save a lot of time and effort in training instructors on universal principles and then allow them to go away and adapt those to their own training modality. Thanks @enoubi for being an original 🦄 and inspiring these thoughts and insights all the way from Athens Greece. #freeformboard #yoga #rightanglepose #parsvakonasana #parivrttaparsvakonasana #fitness #functionalfitness #pilates #twist #stretch #mobility #balance https://www.instagram.com/p/CBnQg2Ng0Ue/?igshid=1dguk3fn4ewse
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laisladelyoga · 6 years ago
La Infinitud de la que hablo está debajo. Está encima. Está en el naciente, en el poniente, en el norte y en el sur. De hecho, es todo el mundo. Y, en consecuencia, está en relación con el yo (ahamkaradesha): yo también estoy abajo, arriba, en el naciente y el poniente, en el norte y en el sur. Yo, también, soy todo este mundo. #upanishad #citasupanishad #chandogyaupanishad #citasyoga #filosofiaindia #secuenciayoga #yogagram #yogaconsentido #tattwamasi #yoganaturaleza #parivrttaparsvakonasana (en Bar El Parque del Oeste) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrX9YFcBNIr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5oznf2jwi9sp
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karndoesyoga · 6 years ago
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The weekend after Thanksgiving with a typical huge Thanksgiving dinner 🦃🍽 and leftovers and inspiration from my teachers, I thought doing some twists would help my GI system with better digestion. 😊 But if any of you are doing these poses, take it easy and gently, with your breaths, ease into the twists. Happy twisting. 🧘‍♂️🧡💙 หลังทานมื้อใหญ่ในเทศกาลขอบคุณพระเจ้า การฝึกท่าบิดตัวในรูปแบบต่างๆสามารถช่วยระบบย่อยอาหารให้ดีขึ้นได้นะครับ แต่ต้องระมัดระวังในการบิดตัวด้วย ค่อยเป็นค่อยไป ควบคุมการเคลื่อนไหวด้วยลมหายใจ #Twist #Sidecrow #parsvabakasana #twistedlunge #twistedsideangle #parivrttaparsvakonasana #ardhamatsyrndrasana #inversions #armbalances #tripodheadstamd #balance #yogastrong #yogastudent #yogafit #yogafun #yogabody #yogamen #yogadaily #yogaposes #yogajourney #yogapractice #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogainspiration #yogachallenge #asana #handstands #โยคะ #โยคะท่ายาก #โยคะฟิต #โยคะวันละนิด (at Equinox Pasadena) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqlI6AUgidi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jjal1dj29hfj
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