#paris things to do
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journeywithjosh · 2 years ago
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thesingletraveller · 6 months ago
10 More Paris Experiences to Make You Fall in Love with the City of Light
So you’ve explored the main tourist sights in Paris (maybe even some of the ones highlighted here in Top 10 Paris Experiences For Your Next Solo Trip), and now you want to continue your explorations. Here’s another ten experiences that will continue your love affair with Paris! #1. Cross the Seine on Solferino BridgeIf you’ve read my one-day recommended itinerary article (First time in Paris?…
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deadbaguette · 5 months ago
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Dear children of Priam, were you doomed all along?
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alibonbonn · 1 year ago
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Helenus and Cassandra
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apoptoses · 2 months ago
Armand, Haussmann, and Paris:
The thing about Paris that's not really discussed in the VC books themselves is the Haussmann project.
In 1853 Napoleon III commissioned Haussman to completely renovate Paris. The plan was to tear down all of the old structures and rebuild the city; reorganizing the streets and reshaping them to accommodate more green spaces, and replacing smaller buildings with taller apartment blocks in more uniform style.
The Paris Armand knew when he arrived as the coven master and which he came to know as the theater leader would have looked something like this:
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Dark, winding streets leading off wide boulevards and short, leaning buildings.
The Haussman project would see all of these places systematically torn down, occupants removed to other areas of the city while new buildings were put in their place. In some areas workers were destroying and rebuilding things 24 hours a day.
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At this time Armand would have been living at the theater on the boulevard du Temple, Paris's street of theaters:
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This dagguerotype shows the boulevard in 1838. This painting, in 1862, looks much the same:
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But by 1863 all but one theater on the street had been destroyed, and that was only because that theater was on the opposite side of the street shown in the painting. How and why it wasn't pulled down, I don't know- no information on it seems to exist, just like no explanation for the very small handful of other old structures that were left untouched.
That theater, the Théâtre Déjazet, still exists today. But it was established in 1770 by Comte de Artois, so while it could have been Anne's inspiration for Armand's theater it's not the 'rickety wooden rat trap' that seats 300 that Lestat describes in TVL.
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Anyways, knowing all of this, I think it makes even more sense why Armand so quickly grabbed onto Louis and was ready to run away with him at any cost.
Armand, who'd been kidnapped from the monks, who'd had his palazzo torn out from under him, who'd established something of an existence under Les Innocents and was then ripped out of that world when the cemetery was destroyed. Who was watching the city he'd finally come to know get systematically torn apart. Everything that was familiar to him was being taken again.
So why not let Louis burn the theater? He arrived in Paris in 1870, just as Haussman was dismissed. But the work of destroying and rebuilding Paris was set to carry on. Chances were the Theatre de Vampires would be next, and if that were the case there's no way the crypts beneath the place would remain safe and undiscovered.
And if he'd stayed where would they go during the renovation? What would they do? What would the point be in continuing trying to run a coven he was bored of and a life he didn't care for in a new location?
Armand was going to have to begin again somewhere- better that be with Louis, out in the world, than roaming a now unfamiliar Paris. And even though he didn't burn the theater himself, allowing/instigating Louis to do it still gave him more control than letting a stranger come in at some unpredictable moment to demolish things all over again.
(And what of Lestat, what does he feel about these changes? He never could have shown Louis the Paris he knew and loved, which existed when Louis was still mortal- that Paris was largely gone)
Chances were Anne might not have known most of this at the time she wrote interview or even TVL. But I think it still makes a lot of sense and brings up a point about Armand and immortality that I don't see brought up much- that not only do vampires lose every mortal they've ever known, but with time they also see the destruction of every place they've ever known or loved.
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(ps: I'm not an expert on this topic or anything, so if anyone does know why some buildings were unchanged or has any interesting historical info to add by all means please, reblog and add it on!)
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loonadelfly · 3 months ago
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
was talking to my brother the other day after i rewatched dark phoenix and he was like 'why is everyone so mean to charles in this movie?? were they always this mean to him ?? is it cause he's bald now- he lost his pretty privilege??' and i fear i havent recovered
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mybuginette · 1 year ago
i have more of this
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paris-in-space · 1 year ago
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When your husband forces you to come outside even though it’s freezing.
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part-time-pixie · 1 year ago
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Doodle Requests are CLOSED
To celebrate 1k+ followers, I'm offering free sketches (example above) for a few days!
You can send me an ask requesting your favorite character, ship, OC or scenario! Any fandom & original works are welcome, and I'm gonna try my best to respond to every ask I receive 🤍
so let's go!!!
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hotluncheddie · 5 months ago
Steve: …Eddie we’re in Paris and all you seriously care about is the 4ft Garfield we saw outside some cafe?
Eddie: :]
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sultryana · 8 months ago
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do u think i’m a trashy girl ?
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loonadelfly · 4 months ago
>Do coke for 50 hours in a row
>Stay awake for 2 days
>Have the most fucked up nosebleed of your life and almost OD
>drink wine and repeat
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idontmindifuforgetme · 6 months ago
I don’t understand it when people say that Carrie was also the problem bc she was anxiously attached bc like …. maybe she had a moment or two but for the most part it was absolutely Big being such a selfish prick and then justifying it w “ohhh I have commitment issues bc my last marriage fell through” umm ur a 45 year old BABY actually
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isagrimorie · 8 months ago
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Star Trek Voyager 5x11 - Latent Image
Janeway: I've made a command decision for your own benefit and the welfare of this entire crew. I'm not willing to debate it. EMH: How would you like it if I operated on you without your consent or without your knowledge? Janeway: If the operation saved my life? I could live with it. EMH: I don't believe you. You'd feel as violated as I do right now. Janeway: Whether you believe me or not is beside the point. A year and a half ago the only solution was to rewrite your program. I have to perform that same procedure now. EMH: That isn't fair. Janeway: You're malfunctioning, and you need to be repaired.
Latent Image Gifset series Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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cheelad · 15 days ago
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i shifted!
to an alternate version of my original reality
it was so easy. i pinky promise. soul to soul.
and wacky shit happened all day yesterday, but a good wacky you know. wacky that makes the tightly knotted fibres of your soul a little looser. wacky that makes you want to jump off the empire state building in a ‘i can fly’ type-of-way. wacky that wraps your stretched smile around your entire human super-computer. wacky that i ate two whopping bowls of back-arching maggi, no regrets.
4 years!!!!!
in my head, i thought i would be spinning and leaping with effervescent joy, and having a colossal eureka & most bodacious god complex moment of my life. only a mere twenty percent of this i’m afraid.
mind you, the day before i spiraled like no other! relapsed after a whole year, or maybe even bit longer than that. so it’s okay. calm down. it never was that serious, i swear.
cool cool cool
imagine all this on a piece of parchment, draped on your fridge with your favorite magnet. that’s what i want it to be. look at it and remind yourself it’s all you! always has been always will be okay.
tata bye bye
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