#paris of troy headcannons
lavender-at-heart · 2 years
𖣔𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐲(2004) 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𖣔
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~having Briseis and Achilles as parrents~
~dating Paris would include~
~having Briseis and Achilles as parrents~
~I'm never leaving you~
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lavender-at-heart · 3 years
Hi! How are you? I'm here again with more Troy requests as I said i will be because i loved what you wrote 💕May i ask for Paris x female reader dating headcanons? Thank you so much in advance, I love Orlando and crave for more content about this film. Finding your blog has been awesome and I'm enjoying your work.
♡︎𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞♡︎:
Pairing: Paris of troy x fem reader
Warnings: cuts
Thanks for sending another request , I really appreciate it! I'm ok, could be better. I hope that your doing well. Your so nice and I hope you enjoy! 💗
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Let's say you moved to troy from Greece to make things easier (because we don't need another trojan war)
I think it would be sweet if you were a common girl , ya know not super wealthy or highly ranked.
Maybe Paris' dad convinced him to get married or hed cut him off
So he'd anxiously and unwillingly go through the city with his brother looking for a girl he could tolerate and that his father would approve of
That was the difficult thing, every girl that Hector and his father would approve of was stuck up, boring, or didn't want to marry him due to his reputation with women
And every girl he was into was well- would not fit in well with the pompous Royals he was used to. Or they were married.
They spent 9 hours looking for a possible bride. Nine hours. It was sunset by the time they were done
Paris decided to go into the woods to practice his archery to take his mind off the day, he knew he'd have to do that cycle again tomorrow morning.
While shooting his arows he noticed a girl picking flowers not far away, what was a a young lady doing in the woods after dark? It could be seriously dangerous.
And as if the fates heard his thoughts he noticed a wolf crawl towards you and by the time you noticed it had already jumped on top of you.
You screamed out but the wolf suddenly went limp , it had been shot with multiple arrows.
You had been so stunned that Paris had to push the wolf off you and help you up
"are you ok?"
All you could do was let out a high pitched hum
He noticed you had skratches and cuts on you and ripped his tunic to wrap around your arm
You talked and explained your mother was ill and you had been taking those flowers to offer them to Asclepius (god of healing).
He had told you of his upcoming marriage and how archery helped calming him down
You were eternally grateful to him saying that you owe the prince a lifetime of debt
Paris laughed and walked you home
The next morning after giving your mother some healing water and saying your prayers you heard loud knocks on your door.
On the other side were two trojan soldiers, prince Hector and Prince Paris
You were very very confused but also very happy to see the prince again
He had told you that to pay off your debt you only had to do him one favor, you eagerly agreed saying you would do whatever he asked
" be my wife"
Hah , what? Marry a prince you only met yesterday. You had to sit down to think about it. He seemed very sweet, he was quite handsome and you had almost no money to support you and your mother. And there had definitely been weirder engagements under a shorter amount of time. Besides every girl wanted to marry a prince
Paris could sence you were hesitant and pulled out a golden ring with the biggest shiniest pearl you had ever seen
He told you that he knew he was in love with you and that Hera herself had blessed your engagement, and he pulled out a second gift : a golden apple.
A golden apple from the garden of Hesperides AND was gifted by Hera , goddess of marriage was the greatest gift any bride could ask for.
After they left your ran into your mother's room
" who was at the door? Why do you look so happy?"
" I'm going to get married, mater"
To say you were terrified of meeting your soon to be father in law was a understatement. But both the princes told you that Priam thought it was a brilliant idea that Paris marry someone as hard working as yourself.
And a week later you were married in the small temple of Hera troy had, as thanks for the kindness she showed you.
The city was not pleased about you a common girl marrying prince Paris but seeing as the marriage was blessed by Hera and the king , no one said anything.
Now instead of working all day and worrying about your sick mother , you would spend the time in the gardens with Paris, and youd watch him with his archery
Paris loved to spoil and shower you with riches, veils, dresses, wine,jewelry,anything, you ask and he shall give it to you.
But his favorite thing was sitting in the forest listening to you read him stories, you told him of all the great Greek stories you had learned as a child. The stories of Deadalus , Heracles, Prometheus, and Jason.
But his favorite story was that of Orpheus, the man who traveled all through hades to get his love back. He told you he would do the same if you were ever lost to him, because he's a hopeless romantic and a total drama queen.
And of course you had to deal with jellous looks day and night, but you knew Paris would never give a second look to anyone but you.
Although some days you would be stuck in your room, alone when Paris had to attend meetings and conferences. The days would stretch out longer than it seemed possible but it was all forgotten when he would come home, a bouquet of daffodils.
On those days, when you were alone you would visit Briseis , Andromache, or give offerings in the temple of Hera , you would always feel less lonely with her.
Ok this guy as a father would be hilarious- mans would be too scared to touch the baby incase he hurt them and too scared to fall asleep in case hades decided to take your child.
He'd teach the baby archery boy or girl, and how to be a proper prince/princess.
You and Andromache would laugh about how funny yet amazing father's Hector and Paris are.
But all in all, your days had been a absolute blessing since you had met Paris, thank gods that wolf didn't eat you
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
✩ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕤 + 𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕤 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤✩
Pairing: Achilles, Briseis x gn!child reader(platonic ovi 😦)
Genre: headcannons , fluff , light violence
Notes: this was requested by @helei-brain and argh I'm sorry it took so long to write this but life just keeps getting in the way truly truly sorry. Also um the Trojan war? Never heard of her 🥰 and sorry for this being so short.
Ok this would be utter chaos/pos
You'd live with your mother in Troy because most often your dad would be off hacking heads somewhere else
Your mother is very sweet and calm and of course very religious
Your dad however is violent , loud and slightly arogant
Briseis would teach you about the gods and how to respect them
Teach you philosophy and astronomy and anything you'd ever show curiosity in.
Take you or long walks , teach you to weave and how to get along with the high class pukes
But your dad would spend 3 hours a day teaching you how to remove someone's arm from their socket or how to knock some creepy Old man's lights out
He would teach you to swim and ride a horse properly
He'd always make a fool of himself in front of your family and you and your mom would be internally screaming the whole time
You would miss him terribly when he went off to fight but would always bring you back a token of apology, the finest linen , strings of jewels and jugs of rich oils for your mother.
If you ever fell in love your parents reactions would definitely be...something
Briseis would be happy but ask a million questions , she can't help but worry
I think Achilles would punch your partner even if they were one of the holiest gods
And let's not forget about your beloved relatives
Sparing with patroclus is a regular occurrence, and you often explore the shores of Troy with him.
And although Achilles might not like it , passing time and learning from Hector and Paris
Hector is much like his sister teaching you right from wrong and makes sure you are being treated justly
Paris is the fun uncle.
Teaches you to shoot and takes you on his hunting trips
Buys you gifts every time you visit
Gramp priam is nice , he also buys you expensive items but distances himself sometimes because of his distain for your father.
You have never met Achilles mother and you probably never will
You love your parents dearly and are grateful for every day you have with them.
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