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What "Parents' Rights" REALLY Means
Zoe Bee The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare https://skl.sh/zoebee09231 “Parents’ Rights” has been a rallying cry for several political and social groups in the past few years. But what does it really mean? Let’s find out. SOURCES (chronological order): — Moms For Liberty Pledge: https://www.momsforliberty.org/pledge/ — Red, Wine, & Blue:…
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#affiliatelink#annabellarockwell#baraklurie#branchoutforjustice#childrenarenotproperty#corporalpunishment#Educational#iowawtf#keepingthekidsallright#momsforliberty#parentsownchildren#parentsrights#prageru#redwineandblue#rethinkingparenting#rightsofthechild#skillshare#terms#totrainupachild#trustkids#video#Videos#youdontownyourchildren#Zoe Bee#zoebee#Youtube
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~Parents Bill of Rights~
Parents Bill of Rights 1. Accept that you are doing the best you can, and that it’s good enough. 2. Have needs that are as important as the needs of your child Have your own hobbies and interests (“When I go back to doing the things I used to enjoy, like artwork and model building, I get out of my negative mood.”) 3. Enjoy being alone at times, and let your child have his or…
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There are so many adoption agencies and family-saturated programs connected to the settler-colonial (i.e. laissez-facism) structures that seek to "straighten out" our (eco)systems in order to erase our histories, erode our community spaces, and exploit our cultures and our labor.
I ain't gonna say the big R-word (cause apparently is the equivalent of radioactive kryptonite to certain folks of a . . . lighter complexion) but #ParentsRights are fundamentally antiblack, anti-indigenous, and antiqueer in nature. Not only do they miseducate our young and grown folks across colorlines and cultures, but Parents Rights programs fundamentally displace and disposses the personhood and human rights of our young scholars who are growing up behind the veil of bigotry (both the intimate and the institutional)
By claiming children and classrooms should not be politicized, these mama bears and ugly feminists reinforce both the colonization and [R-word] color-codes of our identities, histories, lived experiences, memories, and magic.
There is a sharp difference between being concerned and being a colonizer, especially one with a [white] savior complex ~
This season's series is open to all + free for:
*Incarcerated folks & returning citizens
*Transracial & transnational adoptees
*Patrons of the Antiracist Liberation (www.patreon.com/antiracistliberation)
As we continue our decolonized, community work, we want to nurture an accessible garden space for our community members all while supporting the labor and scholarship of those cultivating our community programs, workshops, and resources. For those of you interested in engaging in this season's series where we dive into the underground railroad of Black history (+ its ever-present rebel afterlives) grab your activist journals, your antiracist notebooks, and get ready to upRoot your miseducation this season ✨️🖤📚
#parents rights#our world#black lives matter#ecosystem of white supremacy#ugly feminism#politics#the colorblind side#the blind side#transracial adoption#adoption pipeline#padawan historian#antiracist liberation#adoption industrial complex#environmental racism
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Got a canned reply from my senator about the anti KOSA letter I sent months ago and it might as well say lmao crying about privacy loss 🤣 bitch kys now cuz it's only getting worse #parentsrights
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left wing abolitionists: families belong together and kicking or slapping your kid isn’t a big deal and have you considered that parents get really stressed out ❤️
right wing christians: parents not only can but SHOULD hit their kids #parentsrights spare the rod spoil the child
like where are the people who actually care about children’s rights and want to criticize the family and realize that norms around parent-child relationships cause serious harm. they are nowhere to be found, apparently.
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Confused about how letting your kids be trans isnt a "parents rights" issue
Hijack #parentsrights, progressives, and hijack now
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Father Imprisoned For Not Affirming His Child's Gender!
Father Imprisoned For Not Affirming His Child's Gender! 148 viewsStreamed live 20 hours ago#school #schoolboard #indoctrination A B.C. father shares his heart breaking story of trying to protect his daughter, and endured so many government/ court battles, must remain anonymous . His parental rights denied in protecting his minor daughter from gender transitioning, and served prison time. He has been silenced in speaking his truths. The government had charged him with family violence for not affirming, and obeying the tyrannical rules in Canada. #school #schoolboard #indoctrination #parents #education #parentsrights #fathersrights #fathers #childrens #savechild #classroom #gender #genderidentity #childprotection #canada #mattwalsh #court #sogi #teens #jordonpeterson #benshapiro #rebelnews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlfSlfXcBw0
Read the full article
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This video&article shows one of the reasons #God hates #Divorce &b/c of this immorality&our inability to police ourselves our #children have been given to the state to do with what they will trampling not only the #ParentsRights but also the children’s! https://t.co/ckRoJKygim
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Jetzt live:
President #DonaldJTrump spricht in #Davenport/ #Iowa über Bildung und Erziehung von Kindern.
#Trump2024 @RSBNetwork @brianglenntv #parentsrights #maga #ultramagabayern #savethechildren @ChildrensHD #redwave
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Medical emergencies can be overwhelming, especially if your child is a young adult.
As parents, we are accustomed to managing our children's legal and medical affairs as circumstances require. If our child needs urgent medical attention while away from us, a simple phone call authorizing care can do the trick.
But the day our child turns 18, he or she becomes an adult and has the legal rights of an adult. So what happens when they become adults and need urgent medical attention far from home?
It's important to know your rights and legal options when it comes to their medical care.
Check out my latest article and find out your rights as the parent of a young adult — what you need to know when a medical crisis hits. https://bit.ly/youngadultparentsrights . . . #youngadultparents #parentsrights #youngadult #medicalcrisis #medicaltips #HIPAA #medicalpowerofattorney #Durablepowerofattorney #estateplanning #estateplanningattorney #sudburymoms #sudburydads #sudburylaw #sudburylawyer #sudburylawfirm #20westlegal
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Research of all topics is available to everyone. #InformedConsent #HealthChoice #MedicalFreedom #GodComplex #ParentsRights #liberty https://www.instagram.com/p/B3wnuxUH7gc/?igshid=9b2aoqb1nvsx
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Gaslighting is a typical tool used by narcissists. Narcissists or BPD personalities are most linked to alienators. #parentalalienation #childabuse #parentsrights #fathersrights #motherrights #childsrights
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#saveAlfieEvans Dualizm świata sprawia, że każda biała strona ma swoją czarną na drugim biegunie. Choć jest we mnie tolerancja, akceptacja, otwartość i zawsze szukam powodów, dla których ktoś inaczej uważa niż ja, tym razem nie mogę milczeć. Poza dyskusją pozostawmy to, czego nie da się udowodnić. Fakty są takie, że odbiera się prawa człowieka, prawo do życia, prawa rodzicielskie. Skazuje na śmierć przez uduszenie lub zagłodzenie, co pierwsze nastąpi. Nie jest to przypadek śmierci klinicznej. Jest to pacjent, którego należy objąć opieką paliatywną, a rodzinie dać wsparcie psychologiczne. Zamiast tego, obdarta z humanitaryzmu machina, zakazuje dotyku, nazywając go napaścią. Choć "machina" chce śmierci dziecka, odmawia dalszej opieki w szpitalu, gdzie człowiek opiekuje się człowiekiem do końca... Jakże się cieszę, że żyję w kraju, gdzie jest Klinika Budzik!!! Gdzie wydaje się książki o opiece paliatywnej i długoterminowej, gdzie prawa pacjenta są respektowane! Obok czarnych marszy idą białe, bo na tę samą rzecz patrzymy z różnych perspektyw. Choć społeczeństwo dzieli wiele różnic, mamy jasność nawet w tak elementarnych kwestiach, że matka ma prawo zmienić szpital, w którym leczy dziecko! . . . . . . . . #humanitaryzm #opiekapaliatywna #opikadlugoterminowa #dotykleczy #klinikabudzik #prawapacjenta #prawarodziców #prawomatki #prawodziecka #prawoojca #prawaczłowieka #czlowiekczlowiekowi #cytaty #nalkowska #zofianalkowska #walkaozycie #uparłsię #byzyc #stayalive #humanrights #parentsrights
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If something Is forced, how good is it??? #WomansMarch #ParentsRights #vaccineinjuryisreal #hearus #Sb18
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A Parent's Guide to the IEP Referral Process http://bit.ly/1KTtBzi
A Parent's Guide to the IEP Referral Process
Going through the IEP referral process can be extremely daunting as a parent if you've never done it before. Hell, sometimes it's daunting even if you've done it before. If you've ever done this before, …
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