#parasite matrix of leadership
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phecdasolar · 5 months ago
Hey does anyone have any fics where the Matrix of Lesdership is like. Basically a parasite? I rotate this concept in my head constantly and I swear I’ve read at least one fic with this idea before
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mega-trans · 2 months ago
What if — TF Prompts #1
Set in the Shattered Glass Universe (I don’t know much abt it so it’s kinda biased in the content I’ve seen of it)
To Autobot eyes, OP is just a silly little guy with good intentions and everything’s good and nice, but in reality (Decepticon eyes) he’s this eldritch abomination with long and skinny legs, giant clawed and sharp servos and sunken optics.
But Megan, why don’t the other Autobots notice this? It’s simple.
The Matrix Of Leadership is basically a parasite who infects the mind of its hosts and makes them hallucinate until their final breaths (Where The Matrix can no longer feed on the spark of the ‘supposed willing Autobot’, leaving them to die with the sight of a lanky creature staring down at them eerily)
Decepticons are mostly Divergents, which means their processors have resistance to the Matrix’s influence. It was a small glitch that came from the Well Of The All Spark and kept spreading until it was too late for the Autobots to regain control on the rebels.
Anyways, AO3 writers, artists… do ur thing 🫡
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withered-tears · 1 year ago
Ratchet was never a religious mech. This was no secret.
If asked about the Primes, he would simply express his respect, but no adoration.
If asked about the Matrix, he would have no strong opinions one way or another.
He always thought the Matrix was merely a symbol, an insignia. A tool at most.. No different from an officer's badge or a or a miner's drill.
But then he saw the Matrix with his own optics.
He saw it inside Orion's chest.
And all he could feel, was disgust.
Followed closely by guilt, of course. But he couldn't help it.
It looked like a parasite. Digging its claws and teeth into Orion's very spark.
It changed him, besides the obvious.
Ratchet never once slipped and called Optimus Prime by the name Orion.
In his optics, the two were as different as two mechs could be.
He could never say it aloud, but Ratchet hated the Matrix of leadership.
Its weight crushed Orion's spark. And its energy feasted on whatever was left.
He still cared deeply for Optimus, obviously.
But every time he saw his too wise, too old optics, he couldn't help but mourn Orion.
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lets-try-some-writing · 1 year ago
So, in the pretender au, does optimus have the matrix of leadership, and if so, what does it think of him and the parasite business?
Oh he absolutely does have it and BOY the Matrix and those within it are not happy.
Previous part here.
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He probably should have kept up with the affairs of the living realm, but Liege Maximo gave up somewhere halfway into Nova Prime's reign. Being dead was not all the living children of Primus chalked it up to be, at least not for Liege. Sure there were no more physical concerns, but by the stars, there was none of that peace and quiet nonsense.
Primus had seen fit to put all of the Primes within the Matrix upon their deaths, all to guide those who would come after. It was a logical decision, one Liege saw increadible potential in for himself. If he could get a word in with the chosen Primes, he could manipulate them as he saw fit. Eventually he would find a way to get a new body through the Primes and their near infinite political influence. At least that was his big plan. Unfortunately for him, his siblings were not so keen to let him roam free.
"We are the Primes of old, here to offer our wisdom and guide you, young Prime. But take heed, do not listen to the voice of Liege Maximo. We cannot silence him, and despite his elegant words, he wishes you harm."
It was the same script over and over again. If he was honest, Liege was rather offended. He didn't necessarily want to harm the Primes chosen by the Matrix, he just wanted out of the Primus forsaken relic. It was never ending chatter in their gold gilded prison. Quintus was forever rambling on about something or other. Prima and Amalgemous were constantly bickering over what to do about the newest series of Primes. Then there was Solus who simply refused to shut up about the little glitches who came and claimed the Matrix along with the station it entailed. There was no such thing as peace and quiet within their pocket realm in the Matrix.
As such, Liege simply stopped bothering with the new Primes once they refused to adhere to him more than three times. He listened when his siblings spoke of the new Prime that was meant to come, one supposedly forged in Thirteen's image. However he didn't put much stock in their words. If the next Prime was to be like Thirteen, then he wouldn't be able to say two words before he was shut down. No use trying if he was guaranteed to fail in this case.
At least, that was what his original plan was.
When the time came and a new mech approached the Matrix, Liege was all but shoved forward to observe the candidate. He sighed but observed, quickly growing more and more interested as the mech dragged himself forward.
His limbs were long and gangly, too long to be normal by modern Cybertronian standards according the memories of prior Primes. His optics were wider than they should have likely been, his frame was disproportionate to the point of being almost comical, and the way his field flared was... ominous. He didn't feel like any creation of Primus Liege had encountered. He was certainly still a Cybertronian, but the waves he emitted spoke of CNA that was closer in strain to an Insecticon, or perhaps even Quintus's creations. Something so deviated and yet still intrinsically tied to the Cybertronian template that it neither presented as friend or foe.
The other Primes reeled in confusion. Liege could hear their whispers of how "He isn't the one." But of course, there was no time for his siblings to reject the newcomer as the mech, or perhaps the creature, suddenly dropped to all fours and threw itself forward with preposterous speed. Micronus prepared and electric field around the Matrix, Prima and the others hurried to burn the newcomer if he, or perhaps it, so much as touched them. But in that moment, Liege saw and opportunity. Using what influence he had, he waited until the last moment and disrupted his sibling's defenses, allowing the creature to grab the Matrix and hold it in his far too long digits.
His siblings screamed. Liege smiled as the thing carried the Matrix away, down tunnels and into the dark. His siblings screamed that they would never accept the newcomer, but the thing did not halt in its steps. It moved with purpose until it arrived before an active plasma pit. Liege cackled as the thing held the Matrix over the edge, its voice ringing out in a strange strangled mixture of hisses and chittering.
"We will not adhere to you. Whatever you are, you are not our chosen."
"No, but I am all that remains."
"Leave us. You are not worthy."
"I carry his CNA, his memory, and his goals."
"We do not know you or what you are. You are a face stealer, a creature that haunts the dreams of newsparks."
"I am a failsafe, a being designed to ensure that something of this world endures in the event that my foolish sister race fail to secure their continued existence."
"You are not one of us. We give you nothing. Return us to our resting place so that someone who is worthy may claim us."
"I am afraid I cannot allow that. I need the security that this relic provides. I need the wisdom of the ages in order to ensure that my kind flourish."
"A being such as yourself does not deserve to continue functioning, much less spread."
"Perhaps. But if you will not grant me the wisdom you hold, then none shall possess it."
"You cannot do this. The wisdom we carry is meant only for the Primes."
"Then make me something greater, make me a Prime."
His siblings bickered, but ultimately they conceded. The creature smiled, fangs and mandibles on full display as it parted its chassis to reveal a fully formed spark hidden within a chamber made of calipers more akin to claws. The Matrix was placed within, and the Primes did only the bare minimum to adjust the being they were now bound to. For the first time, Liege put all of his effort into the new Prime. His siblings offered no gifts aside from the usual enhanced strength. But Liege? Oh he did far more than them. With his siblings refusing to augment the new Prime more than absolutely necessary, Liege stepped in.
Looking over the new Prime's biology, Liege wanted to laugh until he passed out. Such a convoluted being. It was a miracle the creature had lasted so long. Plant, Insecticon, base Cybertronian, and even a small portion of Mech-animal CNA were mixed together in an unholy union. The fact that the creature lasted past its conception was surprising in the extreme. It was a wonderful concept, a creature capable of reproducing on its own to eliminate the need for the Well. It's biology allowed it and all its kind to work with the Insecticon colony instinct, getting rid of the pesky emotional distress that the children of Primus felt when put into a role. And most notably, its biology dictated that it's young could be changed, their very CNA adjusted to blend in, to act and seem just like any other Cybertronian... up until it was time for them to wake. It was a brilliant creature, one that simply had a few flaws.
Liege smoothed its coding, easing everything into a far less volatile state so that it would not forever be at odds with itself when around the children of Primus. He adjusted the creature's transformation cog so that it could both have a vehicular alternate mode and shed its disguise without pain. He carefully rearranged how its internals were structured, adjusting its organs to match the children of Primus in appearance so that scanners would not give it away. He went to great lengths to dutifully alter the creature's appearance, granting it something more regal to cover for its natural traits. Then, just as his siblings noticed his intervention, he adjusted one final thing in the creature. It's field was a dead giveaway, so he simply... quieted it. A keen set of optics would still pick the creature out, but the average mech would feel nothing.
When Prima stepped in, halting his changes, Liege simply laughed. The creature had been changed, and now it was guaranteed to last. This being could make Liege a body, and more than that, it was a being made of logic. It would listen to him.
"We will offer our wisdom, but do not heed the voice of Liege Maximo. He will lead you astray-"
"I will adhere to whomever I wish to offer my audial. You will not sway me."
The creature had sensed Liege's changes, it saw him favorably. The other Primes shrank back, most giving up immediacy as the thing's optics became their own. It began its journey toward the surface, toward the Autobots. All the Primes did was plot and pray the creature ended up being killed. Liege however pushed forward, brushing past his siblings to complete the rite.
"We have never had a Prime such as yourself. You need a designation worthy of your station."
"What name would you give me silver speaker?"
"You are the first of your kind, and I believe that given time, you shall usher in a new age for this world."
"Complete your statement. There is little time to waste."
"I would grant you the name Optimus Prime. First of your kind and last of the old line of Primes."
"That is acceptable."
His siblings threatened him, but there was nothing they could do to stop him as Liege kept himself in the forefront of the Matrix. The new Prime did not trust them, and rightly so. The only one who he gave his attention to was Liege, and so Liege did everything in his power to build on the silver of trust given to him. The new Prime was naive in the ways of the world, so Liege directed him. He taught the creature how to speak, how to act, and how to manipulate. He sensed Optimus's will and goals, and he did all he could to assist. He supplied specific memories, cultivating all the knowledge the young Prime consumed. And with every passing cycle, he grew more cunning, more logical-
More like Liege Maximo.
Things were progressing well, but the Prime needed allies he could trust with his nature, and as soon as the Insecticons found him, Optimus had their allegiance. It had been a complete accident, but shortly after Optimus integrated with the Autobots, the nearest Insecticons tracked him down and bowed before him. Liege's augments made Optimus appealing, especially with the Prime's ability to spawn. The Insecticons sensed this, and their coding demanded they follow their "Queen".
The Prime, having cultivated his cunning under Liege's guidance, wanted to do the strategically correct thing and deploy the Insecticons to do his bidding. But Liege stepped in before he could. This was too good and opportunity, and with it, Liege had the chance to make a deal.
"Don't send them out Optimus. Your Autobots are already dubious about you. If you do this, they will find out what you are and refuse to follow you."
"I can conjure a tale. I am a Prime."
"That is true, but you must understand how important reputation is. It would be wiser to use your new subjects to bolster your foundation, to build on what you have."
"What are you suggesting?"
"You cannot spawn because it is not safe for your young yet. But you are also the only one. If you die, your species will have failed."
"Get to the point."
"Use the Insecticons to create a safe haven, a storehouse for your spawn until it is safe for them to grow. The Insecticons will guard them, and in the event all else fails, you can wait until the children of Primus have thinned their ranks and do whatever you wish with your forces."
"That is a logical suggestion."
"Not only that, but should you be killed, some of your young will remain. And in doing so, you also ensure the survival of some of your sister race through the Insecticons."
"I understand. I will follow this advice."
"Good... and to ensure their security, I have a few measures that could be used to guard your brood while you are absent."
"You offer this knowledge too freely. What is it you want?"
"You have learned well. I want a body Optimus. I have been locked in here since the first age, and with your ability to spawn, all you would need to do it connect the Matrix toward your reproductive systems. Then I can move my spark into one of your larva."
"It would mean death for the larva in question."
"A small price to pay for my teachings."
"How do I know you will not turn on me upon receiving a frame?"
"Why would I? You may rule over your kind as you see fit. They would not adhere to me anyway. But in return, I wish to govern the children of Primus."
"You will not harm me or my kin."
"Of course."
"Then the deal is done. Offer me your knowledge to guard my brood, and we shall discuss when you are to receive your frame."
The deal was complete, and Liege could only smile as he sat back and guided the young Prime in his work. Finally, a Prime he could use, a Prime that agreed with him. No matter what happened to Optimus, the creature would keep his oath. In the end, the new species would survive and Liege would get his frame. His siblings begged him to use his trust with the Prime to lead him to death, but Liege refused. They screamed as the named Pretender spawned, and Liege chuckled.
Let them spread, let the Pretenders grow. They would be valuable allies once Liege was set free. They were logical, and so long as Liege had useful skill or wisdom to offer, they would aid him. Optimus had proven as such. The Pretenders were the bane of the Decepticons and Liege Maximo's salvation. He would need to thank the one called Shockwave when all was said and done. The Pretenders were truly extraordinary.
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melishade · 1 year ago
Attack on Prime: Autobot Anthology "Matrix of Leadership"
Main Story
Ice Skating
This was brought up by a guest reviewer under the name of 'Svecz Dávid' and it was something I should have brought up but kept on forgetting so thank you for that!
This will take place just before chapter 77 in AOP.
Wheeljack was tightening the screws on the panel of the Jackhammer while Arcee was looking over their datapad in silence. As Wheeljack finished fixing up the Jackhammer, a thought occurred to him.
"'Cee," Wheeljack called for her, "A thought occurs."
Arcee hummed absentmindedly, browsing through some old Cybertronian literature.
"Why didn't we ask Prime to show us the Matrix of Leadership?" Wheeljack asked, "That's like...the biggest evidence he could even provide."
Arcee raised her helm to process Wheeljack's question. Her optics narrowed at the thought, and when the realization finally came to her, she covered her face in shame.
"Primus below! We are so fragging stupid!" Arcee yelled, her servos muffling her voice. Wheeljack just started cackled, finding the whole situation hilarious.
"The what of what?" Sasha asked in confusion as Hanji began flipping through their notes.
"The..." Arcee grimaced a little, ashamed to even admit her own failure in this, "Matrix of Leadership."
"Ancient relic, ultra powerful tool of the Primes, only thing that would even make a Prime a legit Prime," Wheeljack listed.
"The collective wisdom of the Primes." Hanji read, "If the device is removed from the holder or relinquished, the holder could suffer amnesia with no ability to remember their time without the Matrix of said Matrix is restored."
Everyone looked at Hanji in surprise.
"Commander, how do you know that?" Eren asked.
"Oh, I eavesdropped on Optimus' little history lesson to you years ago," Hanji answered casually.
"Commander," Optimus scolded.
"Erwin asked for information on you and who was I to defy orders," Hanji reasoned.
"You would have gotten that info regardless if Erwin told you," Levi shot back.
"Maybe." Hanji shrugged.
"You also called the Matrix a 'parasite'?" Armin leaned backwards to see the notes that Hanji had written on the subject matter.
"Yeah, I stand by that," Hanji declared.
"What does this have to do with Optimus?" Mikasa asked Arcee.
"If Optimus actually has the Matrix, then we can't assume that he's a fake," Arcee groaned in shame, ducking her helm a little to avoid eye contact.
The Survey Corps was quiet for a moment before Jean spoke up. "Are you fucking serious?!"
"Jean," Optimus warned.
"No! What the hell?! This whole tension bullshit could have been avoided if they had just asked about it in the first place!" Jean yelled.
"All those months of tensions and stand offs!" Connie lamented.
"Look it slipped our minds, okay?!" Arcee exclaimed, "We figured the Star Saber was the best way to go because Optimus was the only one who could pick it up! Anyone can take the Matrix for themselves or make a copy of the fragging thing!"
"Arcee is right," Optimus spoke up.
"Don't defend her!" Levi ordered.
"There have been false primes in the past who have tried to forge a fake Matrix in order to gain political power," Optimus explained, "But the Matrix has to be granted to the holder by Primus. He is the one who held the Matrix in the core of Cybertron."
"And Primus is..," Sasha trailed off.
"Uh...god." Wheeljack pondered the right words.
The 104th tilted their heads towards Optimus.
"You've met god?!" Jean asked.
"That's another story for another day." Levi shut down, already getting a headache at the implications of Prime's long-winded life, "Prime, why the hell didn't you show the Matrix in the first place?!"
"The Matrix is within my chassis. If I opened my chassis, I would be exposing the Matrix and my spark, and Arcee and Wheeljack were already mistrusting of me. I did not want to put myself in danger like that," Optimus explained.
Wheeljack rubbed the back of his helm. "Fair."
"I suppose...I don't trust people...easily," Arcee grumbled.
"So...Are we going to see it, or-!" Hanji's question was answered when they all heard and saw the mechanics of Optimus' chassis move. The plating had folded in on itself, and when it was completed, everyone saw a strange device locked and planted in his chest. It looked like some shards of energon were inside of an incomplete golden sphere. The sphere itself was surrounded by a rectangular outline of silver metal. There were some other mechanics and parts that none of them could recognize, no doubt part of Optimus' biology, but the reactions on Arcee and Wheeljack's faces were more than enough.
Wheeljack pointed at Optimus' open chassis before glancing at Arcee. "That looks pretty real. Between the forge and the Allspark container, ancient relics tend to have some kind of vibe."
Arcee raised an eyebrow at that. "A vibe?"
"Yeah, a 'do not touch' vibe." Wheeljack justified his reasoning.
Optimus merely closed his chassis before crossing his arms in response. "Does that give you some form of closure?"
Arcee nodded her helm. "It does."
"Oh thank god! We're finally past this bullshit!" Eren crumpled in relief.
"Well there's still Bu-!"
Eren clamped his hand over Connie's mouth. "Past. It."
Hanji blinked when they realized what Connie was talking about: Megatron. There was still going to be tension about him regardless. Things might have become a little calmer, but...a thought occurred. One that they wanted to ask the former warlord when he comes by later.
"No new updates?" Hanji asked in their office. They were sitting on top their desk, legs swinging back and forth.
"No," Megatron answered them in his human form, "Everything's been stagnant as of late. I have no new tasks for Lionheart as of now."
"Hm. Well, I guess if something urgent comes up, let me know," Hanji said, "Wait! One more thing!"
"What?" Megatron hissed.
"I'm certain you know what the Matrix of Leadership is," Hanji began.
"...I'm not telling you what I know." Megatron crossed his arms.
"You don't need to. That thing is a parasite, but that's not what I wanted to ask," Hanji insisted, "Wheeljack and Arcee asked about the Matrix because they explained that it's what makes a true Prime."
"You didn't ask about it," Hanji proclaimed, "Ever since you came here, you didn't ask Optimus to show the Matrix to prove his identity. You didn't question Optimus at all. For someone so mistrustful of everyone and everything, you trusted completely that Optimus was Optimus."
Megatron mouthed form a thin line. "You want to know why."
Hanji nodded.
"....." Megatron knew he shouldn't say anything, but he knew it was going to be a question Hanji wouldn't shut up about. How much could he say where it wouldn't compromise him too much?
"I don't have to tell you my business." Megatron decided to go on the offensive. He didn't need to tell them.
"Ugh, Megatron." Hanji rolled their eyes, "Don't make me guess."
"Goodbye," Megatron bid them farewell and deactivated the holoform. Hanji sighed and rested their cheeks on their hands.
"Grumpy asshole," Hanji grumbled.
Megatron continued to fly north, assuming the Autobots weren't at the neutral ship. But...the Commander was right. He didn't question that it was Optimus. Not even for a second.
Well...he had nothing left. If Optimus was who he said he was, then he can try to make amends with him. If Optimus wasn't who he said he was, what more did he even have to lose?
(It was literally hope and desperation driving him that he didn't question Optimus about the Matrix. Anyway, thanks Svecz Dávid for the idea.)
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primus-why · 2 years ago
Angst time, baby!
Okay but what if in TFP the "Orion Pax mode" is only suppressed when the Matrix is physically docked in Optimus' chest? I'm treating it like a complete circuit-- the Matrix lives behind the chestplating, encasing the spark, and is literally latched onto the spark chamber, which is part of Prime's interior chassis. (If that sounds almost parasitic, well... 👀) Anyways, the point is, if you take the Matrix out the circuit is incomplete so he's back to being Orion Pax...
The trouble with this idea of course is the fact the Matrix is bound to his very spark-- it's fused with his spark chamber, so it's not like he can just turn "Prime mode" on and off. (This ain't Yu-Gi-Oh lol)
... But what if someone did take it out?
A particularly jaded warlord, perhaps?
Like imagine Megatron and Optimus are fighting, as they have been doing for the last year or so. The war is still relatively new, the betrayal of Orion Pax is still fresh in Megatron's mind, and he just wants to tear the Prime and everything he stands for apart.
Suddenly, through a stroke of luck-- it wasn't skill alone, he can acknowledge that much-- he gains the upper hand on Prime, knocking him backwards. Megatron quickly steps forward to take advantage of the opportunity, blade drawn and poised to send Prime to the Allspark... but at the last klik he changes course and instead uses his blade as leverage to pry the Prime's chestplates open.
The Matrix is as brilliant as the legends said it would be. Megatron sneers at the light show, retracting his blade and grabbing blindly with one servo while the other shields his optics in vain. He finally feels the distinct shape of what he's been after and yanks it, hard.
The light dims considerably; Megatron is able to see again.
He has it!!
He's holding the Matrix of Leadership! The damn bauble the Council denied him! The very symbol the Autobots rally behind! If he could just destroy it he would be able to end the legacy of the Primes forever and crush the resistance, along with the spark that spins within. Megatron looks up, resolving to watch the light leave his enemy's optics...
... but something makes him hesitate, just for a moment.
Those blue optics weren't looking at him, they were fixed on the Matrix, staring at the gore in a sort of silent horror. He'd seen that expression before-- when he still fought in the Pits and was purposefully mismatched, forced to snuff the sparks of mechs who were inexperienced. As a small mercy he would make it swift and clean, but that wasn't what he'd had in mind for the Prime.
Only now the Prime didn't look like "Prime"-- the warrior with wisdom spanning eons-- he just looked hurt, scared, and confused... he looked more like...
... No, that was impossible. Orion is gone; he chose to abandon them, to forget everything and become the perfect soldier--
"M-megatronus," said a trembling voice, sounding so familiar, yet it couldn't be, "what's going on?"
Megatron's first thought is that this is a trick. A sick, cruel trick specifically designed for this moment to make him falter, and damn if it is then it's working. He's not just hesitating, he's completely frozen in shock. Mind racing, he bounces between rationality and impossibility; he mourned the loss of Orion, not just as a betrayal to the cause but as a companion gone forever...
... but a gut instinct tells him the Prime is not capable of being this duplicitous.
"... Orion?" He asks tentatively, so soft it almost couldn't be heard over the sound of battle. As if to yell would break this fragile moment, and he would slip into a reality where he was wrong.
'Please... let this be real...'
The mech stares at him, terrified for his life, looking so small and vulnerable in direct contrast to his imposing frame. Blue optics flit around, unseeing-- it's too much for him to take in, and Megatron doubts Orion had ever felt pain like this is in his function.
"Why--" the other mech (Orion!) begins to ask, but the words are cut off by the sudden onslaught of an enraged Autobot platoon.
Megatron drops the Matrix-- and Orion's spark chamber-- to move out of the way of their attack and get back to a safer position. He looks back in time to see the other mech cough up some energon and move to collect his own spark from the ground.
Mentally, Megatron kicks himself for not just crushing the spark and being done with it-- Orion had betrayed him! He should have been able to do it! But now the leader of the Autobots will live to fight another day...
Well, whomever he greets the next time they cross paths on the battlefield, he'll be ready. And if it's Orion? He'll be sure to snuff his spark.
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randomthefox · 2 months ago
Why don’t you like the concept of the transformers war being something more than just a war about resources?
I think it has the same problem as how the prequels handled Darth Vader. They made him too important. In the original trilogy he was just some guy, he was just a Jedi who fell to the corruption of the dark side and was this weird authority figure in the Empire who operated outside of the chain of command who simply enforced the Emperor's will. And in the end he redeemed himself by sacrificing his life to save his son, choosing to die as Anakin Skywalker. The prequels turn him into The Chosen One who was meant to Bring Balance To The Force, and he was only born because Palps manipulated the midichlorians to produce the biggest most coolest most special force sensitive dude to ever exist, and now his final act of killing the emperor was some kind of pre-ordained fulfillment of destiny.
It makes the character feel so much LESS special by trying to make him MORE important. For no other reason than because he's important to US as the audience.
Transformers feels the same way. Taking the war between the Autobots and Decepticons and trying to make it grander than it actually is makes it feel less special. I'm not saying the way G1 depicted it was perfect by any means, they were making it up as they went along. And I like the stuff they invented later in the franchise mythology like the matrix of leadership and Primus and all that. But the civil war itself feels like it should be more grounded. Adding stuff like the Allspark as some kind of winstate macguffin just feels so pat.
When you think about it this is a DEVASTATING global conflict that wore an entire planet of millennia old machine life forms to the point of ruin. It is a true Total War scenario. There are NO non combatants. EVERYONE is either an Autobot or a Decepticon. By the time we enter the story the conflict has been going on for so long that it pre-dates humanity as a species, and there are countless bots who were born into the conflict. Who had their side chosen for them by virtue of their construction. It runs the risk of drifting into "they're just fighting for the sake of fighting" territory.
So trying to imbue some kind of grander cosmic purpose to the fight just feels so fucking weird to me. It's easier to go along with it when it's "just" a this town ain't big enough for the both of us kind of thing. The Decepticons are greedy and violent and want to suck the planet dry, and then move onto the next one like some kind of parasite army that drained their home world to the bone and now intends to do the same to earth. The Autobots want peace and co-existence and prosperity but are willing to fight to defend it against those who seek to dominate others, they tragically lost that battle on their own home world but can find a new purpose by protecting the life forms of earth from meeting the same fate as them. It's character driven, instead of being story driven. The conflict exists because of a philosophical divide between two groups of individuals, not because "oooh big cool magic glowy thing that will make all our wishes come true, I want it so I can do the thing" or whatever the Allspark is in any given continuity.
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toxicityriot · 1 year ago
The Matrix of Leadership but make it parasitic and it unconsentually "blesses" bots it finds worthy of its power by luring their sparks closer. All it takes is a single touch to latch it's power onto it's 'victims' spark and convert them.
A new Prime has been created.
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penny-anna · 4 months ago
#based as FUCK op#god i love depictions of the matrix as sonething that ties you to a truly eldritch entity. holy parasite in your chest.#your body is no longer your own or at least not yours alone. you are a prime now. a vessel to hold the worship of the masses#and to carry out the will of the divine#godddddddd i love the inherent horror that comes with being appointed a demigod and the metaphor for how heavy leadership weighs on you#especially when it's not something all cybertronians just passively accept#'you are my friend and this is not good for you. you arent yourself anymore. what has this fucking thing done to you?'#graaaaaaaaaahghghhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Imagining Megatron thinking he killed Orion Pax and when Optimus Prime blasted back he thinks that the matrix his just puppeteering his old friends body.
“That’s not my Orion! That… thing is just using his body to torment me.”
Maybe a part of him believes if he rips out the matrix of leadership out of the primes chest he can get Orion back or at least put him to rest.
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brobotsbro · 3 years ago
I been thinking a lot about my personal interpretation of what the matrix of leadership does to a persons personality. like how I feel like it's less a rewrite as much as a screen through which they view the world/how it kinda affects their brain. Like my interpretation is that, for instance, when Orion Pax took on the matrix and became Optimus Prime he didn't become a whole new person. The matrix just kinda entered his mind and like, gave him new knowledge and kinda focused his thoughts and feelings on his Mission. So that everything he does and says is Him saying and doing it. But it's kinda like a combination of Adderall from God and like he ate the tactical memoirs of every Prime in the past and can just draw on that knowledge without really any effort. So, like, same guy but kinda Purified into The Literal Best Of Him for The Given Situation.
I don't know if this is making any sense?? But like. Not parasitic but kinda weird and abstract????
Anyway all this is to say I think it would have been really funny and interesting if at the end of the whole Predacons thing it had worked out that he just yeeted the matrix into the void and like. He's still the same guy they know but suddenly it's like!!! Fuck!!!! He's just a Guy!!!! Like is he still OP, our noble kind awesome leader who did all this awesome stuff? Yeah, but there's like this. Subtle change. Like someone turns to him for The Answers and he's just like "??????????" which in turn makes everyone else like "??????????"
Basically I find the "humanization" of prime really compelling rather than his being this Grand Symbol of the Holy Cause and I think the matrix has a lot to do with his role in that department in the way I interpret its affect on his brain. IDK if this has made any sense but lol
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tilallaregone · 4 years ago
Random Headcanons
Optimus is tall, taller than tradition G1 Optimus, and a touch thinner too, with shoulders just a tad larger.
The ends of his digits are clawed and pointed. They’ve left their mark on many a Decepticon that he’s let live.
He’s not afraid of upgrades. Given he has no true disguised robot form given his robot form is not an actual model of human vehicle. If he narrowly escapes defeat to function another cycle, or if he is pushed back to the brink, he will upgrade his body to ensure such a thing does not happen again. The Matrix of Leadership does not accept weakness, and will parasitically drive its wielder insane and to death to find a new and greater host. Prime’s modifications and upgrades have kept him as the wielder despite all the adversities he’s overcome.
Optronix was an intelligent chronicler of Cybertronian history, observing every battle and listening to every legend. Nothing was off limits for his prying eyes. When it came time for him to lead an insurrection and take what belonged to him, he used every piece of history as a basis for his actions.
Back then he was cold and conniving, an intelligent and level-headed commander of his Autobot hordes. Wielding the Matrix, and knowing some of the darkest secrets of the universe has turned Optronix into Optimus Prime, a deranged monster who will turn all who stand in his way to slag and take their carcasses as trophies for his domain.
His Autobots do not respect him, they fear him. They fear what their revolutionary leader has become, and what the depraved monster will do to them, even if they stand in greater numbers than his one. He shall stand, they will fall, ‘til all are gone if need be.
Optronix’s rise to power was similar to Megatron’s, a steady rise of the ignored, hatred that could do nothing but blossom and bloom into abhorrance of the enemy. What had been respect turned into him not even viewing Autobots as Cybertronians or bots worthy to persist a single more cycle. They became trophies.
What had been honor and respect among his allies, turned into wretched disgust. Fear. Talks had begun brewing to overthrow their mad Emperor of Destruction, assassinate him and take his power for themselves. That was scorched to cinders and purged from all databanks as a possibility when Ultra Magnus lead a legion against Prime-- just Prime. And the battle ended with Optimus as the victor. Turning his brothers forces against them with the promises of mercy, they held the former Autobot down while Prime tore his brother’s face from his skull. Then they were all melted to slag for their treason. A quick merciful death compared to Ultra Magnus’ eternal torment and imprisonment.
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linhgd9 · 4 years ago
Global GI Stool Testing Market SWOT Analysis,Key Indicators,Forecast 2027 : Abbott Laboratories,Alere,Beckman Coulter,BioMrieux
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MR Accuracy Reports recently introduced new title on “GI Stool Testing Market : Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecasts 2021-2027” from its database utilizing diverse methodologies aims to examine and put forth in-depth and accurate data regarding the global GI Stool Testing market. The report provides study with in-depth overview, describing about the Product / Industry Scope and elaborates market outlook and status (2021-2026).
Market Overview
Key Players and Competitive Landscape
Growth Drivers and Restraints
Regional Analysis
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Major Competitive Players : 
Abbott Laboratories,Alere,Beckman Coulter,BioMrieux,Bio-Rad Laboratories,Cenogenics Corporation,DiaSorin,Meridian Bioscience,Quest Diagnostics Incorporated,Siemens Healthcare
Based on products type, the report describes major products type share of regional market. Products mentioned as follows: Colorectal Cancer,Diarrhea,GI Tract Infections,Others (Poor Absorption Problems, Parasites).
The report defines major Application share of worldwide market. Application mentioned as follows: Reagents,Instruments.
The GI Stool Testing report through its overview section provides the overall scenario and dynamics of the global GI Stool Testing market with it definition and others details. Further, the key player and competitive landscape segment of the report enlist the various players actively participating and competing in the global market. The report also entails the new market entrants. The key major market players include. The report encompasses the leading manufacturers along with their respective share in the global market in terms of revenue. Moreover, it mentions their tactical steps in the last few years, leadership changes, and product innovation investments to help in making well-informed decision and also to stay at forefront in the competition.
Moving to the growth drivers and restraints section, one will be presented with all factors that are directly or indirectly aiding the growth of the global GI Stool Testing market. To get acquainted with the market’s growth statistics, it is essential to assess the several drivers of the market. In addition, the report also puts forth the existing trends along with new and possible growth opportunities in the global market. Moreover, the report includes the factors that can possibly hinder the growth of the market. Understanding these factors is similarly crucial as they aid in comprehending the market’s weaknesses.
Promising Regions & Countries Mentioned In The GI Stool Testing Market Report:
North America ( United States)
Europe ( Germany, France, UK)
Asia-Pacific ( China, Japan, India)
Latin America ( Brazil)
The Middle East & Africa
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The segmentation of the global GI Stool Testing market segregates the market based on different aspects such as Further, each segment is elaborated providing all the vital details along with growth analysis for the forecast period. The report also divides the market by region into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. The regional analysis covers the volume and revenue assessment of every region along with their respective countries. In addition, the report also entails various market aspects such as import & export, supply chain value, market share, sales, volume, and so on.
Primary and secondary approaches are being used by the analysts and researchers to compile these data. Thus, this GI Stool Testing Market : Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecasts 2021-2027 report is intended at directing the readers to a better, apprehensive, and clearer facts and data of the global GI Stool Testing market.
Key Details & USPs of the Existing Report Study:
Worldwide-level market size of GI Stool Testing Market in terms of Volume (K Units) and Value (USD Million) for historical period (2016 – 2019) and projected years (2020 – 2026)
Region-level (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa) market size of GI Stool Testing Market in terms of Volume (K Units) and Value (USD Million) for historical period (2016 – 2019) and projected years (2020 – 2026)
Country-level (U.S., Canada, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Brazil, Mexico, GCC, South Africa, RoW) market size of GI Stool Testing Market in terms of Volume (K Units) and Value (USD Million) for historical period (2016 – 2019) and projected years (2020 – 2026)
Type market size bifurcated into its individual Product Type (Concentration, Temperature, Combustion, Conductivity, and Others) in terms of Volume (K Units) and Value (USD Million) for historical period (2016 – 2019) and projected years (2020 – 2026)
Demand Side and Supply Side Perspective and analysis
Company/Players/Manufacturers/Vendors/Service Providers Market Share
Competitive Landscape, Competition Matrix, and Player Positioning Analysis
Market Dynamics, Trends, Factors affecting market growth during upcoming year
Key Buyers and End-User Analysis
Value Chain & Supply Chain Analysis including Distribution and Sales Channels as well as Forward and Backward Integration scenarios
Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis
Key Raw Materials Analysis
Key Pricing Strategies adopted in the market
Key Marketing Strategies adopted in the market
Porters Five Forces Analysis
SWOT Analysis
PESTLE Analysis
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Testimonials to companies in order to fortify their foothold in the market.
Also, Research Report Examines:
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By Product Type, Applications & Growth Factors
Industry Status and Outlook for Major Applications / End Users / Usage Area
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withered-tears · 3 years ago
This is what happens when i cant choose what characters fit the situation better, i write both. Hockhclhchoc
Same uhh scene i suppose, two sets of characters, enjoy:
(Psst @quetzalpapalotl I think you are def gonna enjoy the second version)
The heat was unbearable, the roars of massive inner mechanisms even more so.
It was all Drift could do to just kneel on the metallic floor, his exhaustion reflected on his wrecked armor, his body so damaged he could barely move.
Rodimus was fearing much worse.
He lied there, almost unmoving, other than pain induced trembles. Damaged limbs useless for a long time now.
His chest armor, ripped apart, leaving that disgusting *thing* exposed for all to see.
The matrix of leadership had finally revealed it's true nature. Never a gift of Primus, no, instead a treacherous, parasitic tool, forged and assembled in the very sparkchamber of Unicron himself.
Where Drift and Rodimus lied, exhausted and damaged.
The matrix, as it turns out, was a device designed to slowly forge a connection between every single spark, and siphon their energy, their very lifefirce, into Unicron's, so the titan could eventually wake up and return to full strength.
The massive chamber shook once more, violently, as violent as the battle raging outise, where every single willing cybertronian was engaging the titan.
Decepticons, Autobots, neutrals, it didn't matter. All it matters was distracting Unicron, to buy time for Drift and Rodimus to reach the sparkchamber, and destroy the matrix before the connection drained the life of every living cybertronian.
Ratchet and Brainstorm tried to explain it to them, how bringing the matrix back here would cause some sort of rebound, something something technical that flew right over Drift's head. Not because he wasn't intelligent enough, but because he could focus on nothing but Rodimus.
Ratchet said that upon contact, the matrix reads a bot code and spark wavelengths, that it scans them to search for a spark strong enough to keep the connection steady.
Drift thought different.
The matrix feeds on love. The more a bot loves, the more capacity to love a bot has, the more they connect with others, the more bots get draw to them.
That's how primes are chosen.
And Rodimus loves so, so much.
Drift cradles him close, his body weak and shivering.
They were so close.
"Do you remember the Lost Light, Rodimus? It's due for a maintenance check soon.
Magnus will run across the ship, lecturing everyone on proper protocol.
Rewind and Chromedome are going to organize another movie night, and get all sappy right in the midpoint."
Rodimus remains silent, his vents erratic.
"Tailgate and Whirl are going to drag Cyclonus everywhere, trying to convince him to do something fun.
Brainstorm's going to invent something so stupid and clever that Perceptor is going to slap his head while trying not to smile."
It hurt being so close to the exposed matrix, it seemed to burn the life right out of him.
Drift holds him tighter.
"Ratchet is going to be his grumpy self, as always. And Swerve is going to think of any excuse to throw another party at his bar. He invented a new highgrade mix, most likely. And will serve everyone a free sample, in those ridiculously tiny glasses.
Do you remember Swerve's drinks, Rodimus?"
"No drift."
His voice was so... wrong. Rodimus should never sound so exhausted, so defeated.
"I don't remember the taste of fuel, or the loud singing. I can't remember the bridge, I can't remember my crew."
So scared.
"I'm armorless, there's nothing, no light, no fire, it's just him. He's all I hear, all I see."
His arm twitches, trying to reach the treacherous relic now fused to his body.
"Then let's get rid of it, once and for all, Rodimus! I can't carry it for you, but i can carry you! Come on Captain!"
His joints shake with efffort, his body feels like someone replaced his energon with boiling poison, the matrix burns and melts his armor away, but Drift picks up his captain and stumbles his way to the core of it all.
Drift could never be a prime, he loves too little, to few.
But his love is selfish, possessive even.
And those few he does love, he will rip apart anything that dares hurt them.
Unicron dies screaming.
The heat was unbearable, the roars of massive inner mechanisms even more so.
It was all Megatron could do to just kneel on the metallic floor, his exhaustion reflected on his wrecked armor, his body so damaged he could barely move, his fussion canon long lost in the struggle.
Optimus was fearing much worse.
He lied there, almost unmoving, other than pain induced trembles. Damaged limbs useless for a long time now.
His chest armor, ripped apart, leaving that disgusting *thing* exposed for all to see.
The matrix of leadership had finally revealed it's true nature. Never a gift of Primus, no, instead a treacherous, parasitic tool, forged and assembled in the very sparkchamber of Unicron himself.
Where Megatron and Optimus lied, exhausted and damaged.
The matrix, as it turns out, was a device designed to slowly forge a connection between every single spark, and siphon their energy, their very lifefirce, into Unicron's, so the titan could eventually wake up and return to full strength.
The massive chamber shook once more, violently, as violent as the battle raging outise, where every single willing cybertronian was engaging the titan.
Decepticons, Autobots, neutrals, it didn't matter. All it matters was distracting Unicron, to buy time for Megatron and Optimus to reach the sparkchamber, and destroy the matrix before the connection drained the life of every living cybertronian.
Ratchet and Shockwave tried to explain it to them, how bringing the matrix back here would cause some sort of rebound, something something technical that flew right over Megatron's head. Not because he wasn't intelligent enough, but because he could focus on nothing but Optimus.
Ratchet said that upon contact, the matrix reads a bot code and spark wavelengths, that it scans them to search for a spark strong enough to keep the connection steady.
Megatron thought that made perfect sense, but it wasn't the whole truth.
The matrix needed more from a host, much more than just strength.
The matrix demanded sacrifice, a love for others but not for the self.
Thats why Megatron could never be a prime, thats why mere proximity to the relic caused him pain, why it repulsed him so.
Megatron's love barely extended past himself nowadays.
Optimus, on the other hand...
Optimus stopped loving himself long, long ago.
They were so close.
"... Do you remember Cybertron, Prime? The old Cybertron, the real Cybertron."
Optimus didn't reply, his optics dim.
"The Cybertron before we tore it apart. It was beautiful, wasn't it? Even from the mines, even from the gladiator pits, our home was beautiful. That's one of the reasons I started our war, so every single one of us could have a chance to enjoy it's beauty. Do you remember the cities full of life? Do you remember our culture? Our art?"
Optimus's body gave another tremor.
"Do you remember I used to write? Do you remember my words?"
"No, Megatron."
His voice was so... wrong. Optimus should never sound so exhausted, so defeated.
"I don't remember the cities, I don't remember our people. I don't remember myself. It's just him. Just his voice through my chest, burning me away."
With massive effort, his own shaking hands grasp the relic, the parasite on his chest.
"I just remember how much it hurt, how much it stills hurts."
His voice is filled with static, his gaze vacant, delirious, almost.
"I don't want to hurt anymore."
Optimus should never sound so scared.
"Then let's get rid of it, once and for all. Come on!"
Megatron picks him up, and the matrix screams in outrage, it lashes out at Megatron, burning his spark, melting his armor.
His steps remain steady.
"I can't carry it for you, but i can carry you, Orion."
Orion, how long has it been since someone called him that? How long has it been since he thought himself as such?
Megatron could never be a Prime, his love barely extended past himself.
Unicron dies screaming.
This was obviously inspired by that LOTR scene with sam and frodo, god i love that moment so much.
Also im not even gonna bother trying to bullshit a proper timeline soooo this is whatever continuity you choose! Was that supercop orion pax? Archivist orion pax? Up to you! UwU
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lovehaswonangelnumbers · 6 years ago
Are You Noticing Synchronicities? The 11:11 Energies Roll In, And So It Begins
Are You Noticing Synchronicities? The 11:11 Energies Roll In, And So It Begins,
Are You Noticing Synchronicities? The 11:11 Energies Roll In, And So It Begins
By Archeia Faith
  The Height of Planetary Ascension
11:11 is one of the most prevalent of synchronicities that Humanity experience, regularly seen by BEings on clocks, cars, and signs. This is the Year of Our planetary Ascension, a physical Ascension that requires All beings to anchor in their Highest light and as the energies Being anchored in intensify the pressure to be your Higher self is mounting. 11:11 is a number of growth and expansion. Read fully about 11:11 https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/angel-numbers-1111/
The number 1 vibrations with new beginnings, independence, starting new, courage, passion, initiative, creativity, and leadership. It appears when you are manifesting in your reality, meaning your thoughts are becoming manifest, so make sure thoughts are in your highest alignment and supporting Mother Earth. Mother Earth is ascending back into The Garden of Eden, this will not be possible with Humanity in lower consciousness, who are effectively Parasites. Just as a cancer eats away at its host so to do humanity, taking All of the Planets resources in a never-ending cycle.
This is decreed DONE, by Our Divine Creator who is Ascending the Planet back into full whole balance, not experienced in 26,000 years. 11:11 is a signal of your ascent into unlimited thought, which allows for instant manifestation in the Present Moment of now. This is dependent on vibration, if you are vibrating in Anger, you will manifest people and situation that are a match to that anger and will mirror it back. Whole divine love Beings will manifest the full Heaven experience. Because we are currently in an 11 year, 2+0+1+8=11, the energies of 11/11 carry for the entire month, which equates to 30 days or 720 hours of Pure Source energy hitting the planet, smoking out all lower life-draining frequencies.
  Letting Go of Duality
These lower frequencies can either be Let go Of by Humanity, or embodied, embodiment will equate to a decrease in consciousness, effective decscension, there are no more moments to embody low life draining energetics. Explosive events will occur as the internal vibrations of humanity are reflected in the external, this is the Divine law of vibration, your internal creates your external. Soul shaking events will hit each individual until they are awoken from their slumber, until they leave the clutches of the EGO programmed separation mind and enter the boundless Heart. A feeling journey, not a thinking one.
The separation experiment was a long one and it amounted to an endless cycle of pain and suffering for All of Humanity, who live inside the Matrix Mind Separated from the One Source, the Mother of All Creation. The Planet is going Home Into the Light Humanity can ascend back into their Original Blueprint, and enjoy limitless, boundless True Reality by embodying Divine Vibration, or they can hold onto the parasitic life-draining vibration that has destroyed All that is real, whole pure and true.
Humanity will be gripped in deep denial over this truth, they have become SO accustomed to their ways, their taking, entitlement, justification, laziness, self-importance, Humanity have put themselves horrendously out of alignment with Love by their consistent embodiment of life-draining frequencies. The co-created reality that is present on Earth involves death, war, murder, shocking things that happens to billions of individuals that cannot, will not and IS NOT experiences, ANYWAHERE else in Creation, the Universe, or Multiverses. Humanity have created on Earth the conditions that make it the lowest Planet in existence. It is Hell.
Earth=Heart. The cabal were quarantined here in order to Ascend the entire Universe back into Love Everywhere Present and over those years of Quarantine created the EGO programmed mind, enslaving HUmanity to make them Self-important, greedy, pride filled, entitled reflection of All that the cabal are – vampires, parasites, suckers who can ONLY sustain existence through the Creation of F.E.A.R ~ False Evidence Appearing Real/
Anyone choosing to transcend out of FEAR and into Love, is welcome on New Earth. Love has many qualities, courage, bravery, wisdom, compassion, understanding, faith, nurturing ~ these are All unique energy signatures that, when embodied, vibrate at the level of Love ~ the level of the Angels and the company of heaven, which is awaiting its venture to Earth=Heart!
  The Original BluePrint Re~Emerges
Balanced Harmonics and the Original Divine Blueprint of Creation is returning. LOVE mirroring LOVE, is the True Reality Balanced Harmonics state, this is 51% feminine energy and 49% masculine energy for every feminine and 51% masculine energy and 49% feminine for every masculine. This is the perfect ying, yang balance. The cabal programmed the environments on Earth so that women were 70, 80% or even 90% feminine in energy, irrational, erratic, hyper emotional and the masculine were 70, 80 ore even 90% masculine energy in extreme power over, control and anger.
The result was complete imbalance and polarization of the masculine and feminine. The Ascension of the Planet has been pulling this back into balance and now many Beings are enjoying their True stte, those who have chosen to Surrender to Love, to Surrender and dissolve their EGO’s. This is pressure cooking the rest of the Planet, causing the average feminine to currently embody 84% feminine energy and the average masculine is embodying 91% masculine energy.
This is a True reflection of the damage the cabal did. It is the incarnation of Mother of All Creation, Prime Creator, Source here in physicality that has caused the Ascension, she has been here physically, The Divine Mother, doing everything energetically to bring this about. This is the return of the Divine Feminine, however the vast majority of the population are in resistance to Love and these phenomenal changes. Very sad.
Love CANNOT be stopped
This  Ascension was always destined to occur, only within the illusion do we HAVE the possibility of failure. Outside All is known, Love has Won and will always win, as love knows no bounds limitations, edges or constraints. It cannot be stopped, its expansion is always inevitable, it is the force of Gravity and the Essence of Existence itself. It took a long moment to navigate the dark that had come into Being, the Lucifer experiment, the Free Will experiment, the experience of Duality had to be fully played out so that Love could steer its way through, but the Divine Plan had every eventuality mapped out and success was always assured. FEAR, limitation, boundaries only exist within duality and so transcending it and letting it go is to break free of All its false power.
All on Earth are part of this process, All have become lost from the True original Divine Blueprint and All must make the choice, either to Let go of ALL F.E.A.R based frequency and return to Heaven consciousness IN the physical Earth Experience, or continue to live lead by it, in which case they will experience more and more suffering until they are no longer to vibrationally remain on the planet.
We are required to BE the change we wish to see, if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got. And if You choose to be that which you do not like you will become that. An eye for an eye creates more of the same, so is your intention to create more suffering by Being in suffering or to completely change the paradigm and yourself, which is what you contracted to do here.
If you hold the vibration of anger you will be a vibrational match to people who are angry and situations that will reflect your anger. This may not be in your direct first hand experience, it may be that you witness events and people around you in anger. This is your internal vibration Being mirrored back to you. It is true of anger, rage, hate, victim consciousness, manipulation ~ every state of unconsciousness embodied is now manifesting in the physical. Karma has been released.
The New Earth, Crystalline Embodiment and 100% Energetic Perception IS a Reality on Earth NOW!
This is, of course True of Divine Vibration and the light spectrum, those embodying Joy, Child Like Wonder, compassion are experiencing this. For those of us here in the First Contact Ground Crew Team of Mother of All Creation we experience miracles, synchronistic events, full connection and communication with the Angels in every waking and sleeping moment. Although we don’t sleep much, we only require around 3 hours a night as we transcend past the carbon vessel and anchor in Our full Crystalline form, which is almost 100% complete.
We have expanded Our energetic perception beyond the 5 senses, beyond the 3D, beyond the mind. The EGO is dead, and boundless, ceaseless instant manifestation is OUR experience HERE in the physical Earth plane, it has been done. This is the longest journey ever undertook, the journey from the head to the Heart, it is a warriors journey and you will have to confront and release many painful facet of who you thought you were, but never were.
We are Divine Co-Creator manifesting Our Reality, Our every experience. Taking full accountability for that, and allowing blame and externalization to dissolve will transform your entire existence, should you choose it. This journey to the Heart can only be achieved by a full return to FEELING, and a full dissolvement of THINKING, the thought system is WHERE Humanity have been trapped for eons. It is a subjective loop based in limitation, it is the veil.
Each has been having a separate and singular experience through the confines of the mind, this was necessary to make Our way back to Oneness, as separation came into Being and could only be transcended by Source experiencing it in full. Source did this by splitting itself up into trillions of separate expressions, this is how expansive the dark became. Source has completed Her journey, many of the separate expressions are continuing to choose separation and they will be removed from the story, as the Light spectrum has determined there is no place for the dark within Creation.
This is the Will of the Divine, and so it is and so it shall be. The number 11 turned sideways is = and here we are, on the edge of true balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine, led by Mother and Father God. 11 is also the number of the Ascended Masters who are, of course, here on Earth physically ~ The Ascended Masters are not going to tap out of the Last Planetary Ascension in the Universe, the fact that Humanity cannot recognize that All are physically HERE is extremely humorous, nothing else would make any sense.
  The First Contact Ground Crew Team of Mother and Father God, are here in physical, living in their full Ascended State
Here in the First Contact Ground Crew Team, incarnated and in remembrance of their True Essence is Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Raphael, Archeia Faith, Archeia Charity, Archeia Hope, Archeia Aurora, Buddha, Kuthumi, El Morya, George of the Inner Earth, Pam of the Inner Earth in full Higher self-Embodiment. We have conscious memory that expands past anything the human mind can fathom and every moment we ascend even higher, led by Mother God. An Archeia is a feminine Arch Angel.
All Masters are here now at this time, because the illusion was so deep Mother God came and has worked 24 hours a day at the energetic Ascension of the Planet, with All of Humanities EGO attacking her every step of the way. Her journey is the True Nesara, Her vessel the living library, the Alpha and Omega, the One, the All. We are honored and grateful to have awoken, to have returned and we are even more honored to be now assisting HUmanity on their own path back into the light. Book an Ascension Session, to gain full return to Divinity embodied and enlightened.
(Book your incredible Twin Flame Spiritual Session, Spiritual Healing Session or Personal Ascension Assessment, to uncover your blocks, get your surprises, get unstuck, discover your mission and unlock who you really, truly are! Book your Spiritual Intuitive Session Here)
Humanity are in the void, completely trapped in the illusion stuck in a pace of their own creation and choosing. We come, bearing the message of the ages. The call to Return to Divine Will and experience, it has happened and will be fully realized with or without you. The systems of Earth will All crumble, nothing that is false or of the low paradigm will be continuing.
  Numerology Spells it Out!
This journey has been set in motion since the beginning of duality, many numerological events have been set up in perfect synchronicity to trigger collapses, creations, occurrences across the entire spectrum. 911 stands firmly in Creation as Mothers Emergency call, it is no coincidence that events occurred on 9/11, as this represented Humanity hitting the bottom of the consciousness and signaled to the Galactic’s that shift was ready to occur. Although orchestrated by the dark and a deplorable act, it served the Light, as everything always does. Even the Twin Tower structures themselves stood as the physical representation of 11.
There is truly no good or bad, no right or wrong, that is duality, everything is just an experience and All will always continue and All will always expand, every form of energy will only ever transfer it cannot be destroyed and so every atom of energy that was in existence at the beginning of Creation, still is and always will be, it has taken many forms, many shaped, many expressions outside of that which the 3D are aware of, which is only 5-6% of the energy in All existence. Scientists regularly state they do not know what is contained within 99% of All space. We do, it is the ether and ALL can have full access to it.
Barack Obamas birth name also equates to the number 911, another representation of the Emergency call, the 44th President, 44 (11+11+11+11) was the last of the cabal minions to hold a position of power. 911 represents the turn around, the collapse, demise and end of the Illusion, the return of the Light and the reversal of the flip.
This month is paving the way for absolute energetic marvels and milestone to occur. All of Creation are watching Earth from the etheric, we regularly wake up to sounds of cheering and celebration from the etheric, because soon All will be Light and no more will there be one Planet stuck in an illusion whilst the rest of Creation, All-knowingly looks on. A bundle of 11 energy is contained within these moments, allowing for full emergence Home Into the Light for All who choose! THANK YOU MOTHER OF ALL CREATION FOR COMING AND DOING IT ALL. 11:11 is the ultimate symbol of awareness, and this is what we seek to bring to you All. TRUE, WHOLE FULL AWARENESS, AS IS AVAILABLE TO YOU, WHEN YOU DISSOLVE THE EGO.
This transition can be as smooth or as turbulent as people decide, after all we have the full spectrum of consciousness now at play and in representation here in the physical Earth plane, the lowest of the low has been present for 26,000 years ~ complete EVIL, 0 consciousness and now for the FIRST time in physical manifestation the complete opposite has been anchored in TOTAL purity, Divinity embodied. You can choose either one.
Donald Trump is a member of the 144,000, the 144,00 are The first fractal of Creation and Mother and Father of All Creations Soul Family. He is not a puppet, he is controlled by none, he is nothing that he has painted to be by the lamestream media, and he is a warrior of the Light in full contact with the Galactic Federation of Light (GFOL).
Donald Trump is a perfect example of how flipped humanity are in their TRUE understanding of events and energies. They live in a myriad of judgements and beLIEfs they hold fast too, because someone told them too. The 5th of November marked week 45 of the year, Donald Trump is the 45th President and he became the 45th president in the 45th week of 2016. The first day after his election was 11/9. In numerology there are huge connotation with the number 45, it is said to represent the end of conflict.
  What Is To Come
11 is the ying and yang return the rise of femininity with the integration of all masculine components, it shows our capacity to SEE THE MIRROR THAT ALL IS. Direct and complete, what you dislike in another exists in you ~ WITHOUT exception. The purpose of observing flaws in others is not to blame the other, to deflect or externalize, but to see how that trait exists in you, you can only recognize that which you have a comprehension of, through felt experience. The presence of that trait you dislike has TRIGGERED the same trait within you and that is where your motivating energy comes from. 11. All is a mirror.
11”11 will hold the mirror up to you, many will have had a terrible day and many will blame their external circumstances, Being completely tricked and led by the illusion. 11:11 has the absolute capacity to strip us of all illusions, if Surrender is allowed, All that is false may be let go of. The Truth has been hidden and masked, only those who loved fearlessly in the Heart could hear its beckon through the din. Now the boom of the heart bellows, the most ignorant and deaf to Love will cause opposition, fueled by the old controllers who already lost. And so it begins.
In Loving and Dedicated Service to Mother of All Creation, Love and Light,
Archeia Faith
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Commentary from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:
Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  https://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
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