lesouffleurdemots · 26 days
Cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux Paralympiques 2024 : Un Spectacle émouvant et inspirant
Ce fut magique !Malgré ma fatigue,J’ai regardé jusqu’au bout la cérémonie d’ouverture des jeux paralympiques.Ce fut grandiose, géant, émouvant, féerique, poétique.Je me suis régalé surtout lors des danses après le défilé des délégations.Une méga performance du danseur Musa Motha, en photo.Et bien sûr des prestations de haut niveau des danseurs.J’ai beaucoup apprécié le discours du président de…
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miroir-de-sports · 8 months
Participer aux Jeux, un gymkhana
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De gauche à droite, Hervé Assadi, Zié Konaté, François Sauvadet, Yves Gatti
Propos recueillis à la Table Ronde de la conférence de presse de lancement de la Saison 2024 du MuséoParc Alésia (article associé)
Sacha Cultru, athlète international du DUC, vise Paris 2024 en 800 m, une ambition échafaudée depuis 4 ans. Dans cette dernière ligne droite finale, il a le niveau de performance requis, selon Hervé Assadi son entraîneur, mais ce ne sera pas facile car ils sont 6 jeunes du même niveau pour 3 places, ce qui n’est pas arrivé depuis longtemps. La préparation de Sacha Cultru est particulière, sous pression ; il le gère à sa manière : “Nous avons une génération dorée ; c’est du jamais vu ; je me focalise sur ce que j’ai à faire à l’entraînement en oubliant ce que font les autres, en me concentrant sur mon quotidien, courir, manger, dormir. Mon entraîneur fait partie du processus de préparation”. Marianne Assadi, sera juge internationale de gymnastique pour Paris 2024, la seconde fois après une première aux Jeux de Rio 2016. “Le parcours de juge international en gymnastique est long. J’ai commencé en 1993. Les juges sont évalués par la Fédération Internationale au cours de championnats du monde et de Coupes du monde. On attend son tour pour être dans les meilleures. Les Jeux c’est un aboutissement, une récompense. Rien n’est acquis, car après chaque cycle Olympique, le juge international doit repasser un examen. Paris sera ma dernière grosse compétition. Zié Konaté, sprinteur, a rejoint le Dijon Université Club il y a 2 mois, grâce à la bienveillance d’Yves Gatti, Directeur Technique du club et d’une association caritative. Originaire d’Abidjan, Zié a choisi la France pour trouver de meilleures conditions de préparation aux Jeux Paralympiques. À 7 ans, son bras gauche a été arraché par un broyeur de céréales. Ses aptitudes à la course se révèlent à un âge avancé, en catégorie T46. Après ses premiers entraînements au CEP et sur la piste Colette Besson, il est engagé pour son premier meeting en salle le 6 janvier à Metz : il y bat ses records personnels extérieurs sur 60 m et sur 200 m et reçoit le trophée de la meilleure performance du meeting. “Venir ici ce n’est pas évident ; j’ai quitté mon pays. Au sein du club tout se passe bien ; je suis bien intégré. Je me sens comme chez moi. Il faut garder la tête haute”. Avoir un esprit sain dans un corps sain conclut Hervé Assadi, Directeur de l’UFR STAPS.
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2t2r · 3 years
Une danse de bras et de mains par Sadeck Waff pour la cloture des jeux paralympiques de Tokyo [video]
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/une-danse-de-bras-et-de-mains-par-sadeck-waff-pour-la-cloture-des-jeux-paralympiques-de-tokyo-video/
Une danse de bras et de mains par Sadeck Waff pour la cloture des jeux paralympiques de Tokyo [video]
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mirkobloom77 · 26 days
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fidjiefidjie · 26 days
Paris 2024 ✈️ La patrouille de France 🇨🇵 à la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux paralympiques
Source: Ministère de l'intérieur
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Paralympic games Truly inspirational Steetal Devi 17 years old wields her bow with her feet
Gloires à eux
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vhscorp · 24 days
Les plus grands athlètes sont les athlètes paralympiques car les obstacles qu’ils doivent surmonter sont inouïs…
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sarahalainn · 26 days
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Dream As One
(Yasunori Mitsuda, lyrics by myself)
This became a parasports anthem in Japan. Here’s an electro remix by Sanodg♪
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joselito28-1 · 26 days
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Affiche Jeux Paralympiques Paris 2024
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judas-isariot · 25 days
People who says "Nah I won't watch Paralympics, olympics was enough"
Forghot that thoses disabled person has to fight even more to be recognize even on day to day life and are has skilled has an athlete has the one on the olympics.
Please don't fall on "disable erasure" tendency.
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lesouffleurdemots · 28 days
Retour d’expérience : spectacle sur la place Bellecour
Une chouette expérience ! Merci à Emma Tonnetot de GlobalEvents de m’avoir donné cette opportunité ! Intervenir sur la place Bellecour lors du festival de la flamme paralympique ! J’ai donc joué un extrait de mon spectacle «��Un sourd rire vaut qu’un mal entendu »Devant une trentaine de personnes. 😅Les conditions sonores n’étaient pas idéales car un speaker annonçait des animations tous les 5…
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Worries for the Future - Life and Times of Ashley the Crow (Crow HRT 2)
That day Arja visited me for a study date since we had some exams to retake. Nothing we shouldn’t handle. In fact we had to study history, which I would always get into once I started digging really deep. But this time it was obvious that I was not concentrating as much as I could. And Arja really noticed that I wasn’t in the best mood.
“What is going on, birdie?” Arja asked me.
“There’s just a lot on my mind,” I said. “I’m worried about our future. Whenever I read the news I feel like our progress is regressing.”
“What do you mean?” asked Arja.
“I just want people not to look down on us,” I said. “But there has been so much stuff going on recently. You know that scammer pretending to be a monkey recently?”
“Yeah, that was a strange story,” said Arja.
“But wouldn’t it have unforeseen consequences? Our country is already so otherkinphobic that somebody might see it as the last straw.”
“Maybe, but I bet people will forget it soon,” said Arja. “That’s just our little zeitgeist.”
“And have you heard about that scandal with that boxer at the World Pet Fair?” I asked about one more story.
“But she isn’t even otherkin,” said Arja.
“Exactly,” I said. “And if she isn’t then why people won’t even try to find out what dog they are protesting against?”
“Some people just don’t touch grass,” Arja said.
“I don’t think it’s even possible to encourage them to,” I said, sighing.
“I guess we should just focus on the positive, huh?” said Arja.
I tried finding a story I could mention that seemed fitting.
“Hey, there actually is an otherkin tortoise in the World Parapet Fair!” I remembered.
We both celebrated the revelation. But then I relapsed back into doomthoughts.
“I don't know whether I should cheer for her or against,” I said. “I want people to understand that at some point the difference disappears. And for that to happen we need to show that we are playing on equal footing. And does that mean we should just constantly lose?”
“Birdie…,” Arja tried to stop my rambling.
“It just feels rotten that this whole thing revolves so much around gambling and trying to keep things fair so that bets would be interesting…,” I continued.
“Birdie, what did you promise yourself recently?” Arja said suddenly.
I knew exactly what promise Arja was talking about. “That I shall stop worrying about stuff I can’t change with my voting rights.”
“People are always gonna get angry about sports,” said Arja. “About everything. Just enjoy the show and root for your favorites!”
“You know what? You may be right!” I said. “I am gonna root for the tutel!”
“Heck yeah! We’re gonna root for the tutel!” said Arja. “Anything else on your mind?”
There was one more thing worrying me. But that was a bit personal and I didn’t think it was worth sharing.
“Um… Yes, but… This is going to be a little bit silly…,” I said.
“That’s fine, go on,” said Arja.
“Well… There’s that remake of The Raven coming to the cinemas soon,” I said. “The original was kind of my egg cracker and I just really want the remake to be good. But the vox populi is already calling it bird crap.”
“Yeah, that was silly,” said Arja. “I guess there’s only one way to find out if people are right and that is to wait.”
“Hey, you wouldn’t want to get a bad sequel to How to Raise a Dragon, would you?” I noted how Arja might find herself in a situation similar to mine.
Arja opened her eyes more wide than I’d ever suspect her dragon body would let her. “True,” she said and we both laughed.
Maybe laughter is the best weapon against bad news from the world?
Yeah, the recent stuff around the Olympics made me worried. Same with that remake of The Crow. But I guess sports and movies are about enjoying the show. So yeah, remember to cheer for Valentina Petrillo in the 400m T12 run!
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manleycollins · 2 months
This is the very first Olympics I watched the opening ceremonies via television in its entirety.
Go France 🇫🇷, Go Cameroon 🇨🇲, Go Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo, Go Great Britain 🇬🇧, Go Ireland 🇮🇪, Go United States of America 🇺🇸! These are the countries who made who I am today or at least at birth.
Legality, Equality, Fraternity, Sorority, Sportivity, Festivity, Obsecurity, Solidarity, Solemntity, Eternity.
Those minions were the funniest 🤣 😂 ever shown. Another funniest, but important moment was watching the soldier or military band dancing, marching, and singing 🎶 around Aya Nakamura.
How many teachers, professors, or any type of educators agree that World 🌎 Geography needs to be done over? Thanks to Google Maps and Apple Maps for helping me find over twenty (20) new countries. ROTFL 🤣! I discovered that Tavulu not on any map, and Virgin Islands split in two, British and United States.
First time hearing the Olympic Oath, Olympic theme song, and the meaning of the Olympic rings. The integration of Paralympics participation.
Watching Rafeal Nadal, Serena Williams, Carl Lewis, Tony Parker with the torch. Despite wind and rain 🌧️, that Olympic torch did not go out.
Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremonies set the bar for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion for their own people. Los Angeles 2028, I did not get the volunteer opportunity in Paris, France 🇫🇷 , but USA 🇺🇸 bet not let me down.
Thanks France TV for showing the opening ceremonies without one commercial.
This is why I view life is like the Olympics, but my fight, sportsmanship, and competition is everyday, every year, every season, every decade, and every second of each day.
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fidjiefidjie · 24 days
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Jeux paralympiques
Paris🗼 2024
Illustration 🖍🖌 ©️ Thomas Tessier
👋 Bel après-midi
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Qu'est ce que c'est ces sautillements pour la rétrospective des jeux olympiques
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sportsallover · 1 month
It is really over 🥺
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