#parallel bible study
jackdavis90 · 1 year
Parallel Bible Books 102 LANGUAGES & parallel bible free download app - By Jorge Carrasco
Parallel Bible free download
When it comes to studying and understanding the Bible, having access to different translations can greatly enrich our understanding of the scriptures. Thanks to technology, there are now numerous Bible apps available that provide parallel translations in multiple languages. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using a parallel Bible and discuss a popular Bible app created by Jorge Carrasco.
Jorge Carrasco
Jorge Carrasco is a renowned developer and creator of the parallel Bible app that offers translations in over 102 languages. His passion for making the Bible accessible to people from different backgrounds and cultures has led to the development of a powerful tool that allows users to explore the scriptures simultaneously in multiple languages. With his app, Jorge Carrasco has revolutionized the way people engage with the Bible.
Bible App
The Bible app created by Jorge Carrasco is a free download and offers an extensive collection of Bible translations in 102 languages. This app provides users with the unique opportunity to read and compare different versions of the Bible side by side. Whether you are studying ancient manuscripts or simply want to understand the nuances of a particular passage, this app is an invaluable resource.
One of the key features of this app is the ability to customize your parallel Bible reading experience. Users can choose which translations they want to compare, allowing them to focus on the languages that are most relevant to their studies. The app also offers powerful search capabilities, making it easy to find specific verses or keywords across multiple translations. This functionality is particularly useful for scholars, researchers, and individuals searching for clarity and deeper understanding.
Moreover, the parallel Bible app by Jorge Carrasco is designed for user convenience. It has a clean and intuitive interface, making it accessible for people of all ages and technological backgrounds. The app is available for download on both iOS and Android devices, ensuring that users can access the parallel Bible translations wherever they go.
Furthermore, the app offers additional features to enhance the study experience. Users can highlight verses, bookmark passages, and even take notes within the app. This allows for easier organization and personalization of the study materials, making it an indispensable tool for personal devotion, academic research, or group discussions.
Jorge Carrasco's parallel Bible app has received widespread acclaim from the global Christian community. It has become a go-to resource for pastors, theologians, students, and everyday believers who desire a deeper understanding of the scriptures. The ability to compare multiple translations side by side is invaluable for grasping the subtle nuances often lost in a single translation.
In conclusion, having access to parallel Bible translations in multiple languages is a great asset for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the scriptures. Jorge Carrasco's Bible app provides a free and convenient way to engage with the Bible across 102 languages. With its customizable features, powerful search capabilities, and user-friendly interface, this app has become an invaluable tool for individuals and communities around the world who are passionate about studying and exploring the Word of God.
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guy who so desperately tries to find god. who wants to have faith in a higher authority to guide him out of the hole he's in. from the weight of guilt from simply existing, as the person he is. but every time he thinks he's answered his higher calling it turns out he's made the Morally Incorrect choice and his path to goodness and holiness was the road to the devil all along
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briebysabs · 5 months
The catholic school education is coming in clutch rn. Let me cook I promise I’m not high. There are 12 paladins in VnC right? If not, ignore everything I’m about to say. So Gano is essentially Judas, driven by greed and extremism. Working with an influential vampire because he sees the chasseurs aren’t doing things the “right way”. Judas was working with the chief priests and Roman captains and one popular belief to his betrayal was that he had hoped Jesus would overturn the Roman Empire. Who were oppressing the Jewish people at the time but Jesus wasn’t doing that. He was “too soft” and Judas believed in a revolution. It’s also said he was “tempted by the Devil” and we can go down the devil —> vampire connections rabbit hole all day.
Now I say this, I don’t know how much inspiration mochijun is taking from the bible. Like is Gano gonna kill himself? Probably not, even if he does it won’t be from remorse of his actions. But if we are following some threads here, if Ogier is a paladin I don’t think he’s Spider then because there’s supposed to be only one traitor. Moving onto my next point, is Jesus then Charles or Roland? I’m going to go with Charles, he is the head and I think he also chooses the paladins so yeah. But Roland just embodies the Christ-like values. Unless you want to say Roland is Peter. Because Peter also believed in himself as a follower of God. He made mistakes and thought he was the most faithful apostle yet he denied Jesus three times.
Like Roland trusts in himself and his thinking more than God actually. I don’t know James like that so by default we’re gonna say he’s Olivier.
And John has to be Astolfo.
Because if you didn’t know, John was the youngest apostle. And he’s the only apostle that survived, living to old age. Every other apostle was brutally murdered for their beliefs.Fueling the hope that Astolfo will live. Finally Peter, James, and John are usually named as a trio in the bible. They were the closest to Jesus.
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andrewpcannon · 2 years
Daily Devotional: Exodus 8:1-15
For Egyptians, the frog symbolizes birth, generation, water, renewal, and fertility. The Egyptians wear frog amulets and even have a frog-headed goddess named Heqet. With his staff, Aaron obeyes the Lord and summons frogs over the land of Egypt. He does so that Egypt will know that there is no one, especially no god, like Yahweh. Though the Egyptian religious sorcerers are able to conjure frogs…
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cruella-devilla · 9 months
Please tell me I’m not the only one who finds it creepy as hell when people make a post about their cishet friend who is friends with many trans ppl and then reblog it saying that they came out as trans and gay and ppl cheering for it and saying stuff along the lines of “Omg, we got another one!”
Like, this is stuff you’d expect coming from a religious group, or even a cult. This is literally how the people in my Bible study sounded when someone converted their atheist friend. And, I mean, just the amount of parallels I see between the church and the trans movement is so huge I’m about to make a venn diagram at this point bc the cult-like mentally is present clearly on both sides.
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museofthepyre · 7 months
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This is making me lose my mind, I need to dig into it. Forgive me if I’m not spot on with this, I’m no biblical scholar, I’m not even religious. I’m just autistic and had a hyperfixation on the Bible. So gather around, we’re having Bible study (CHNT spoilers… sort of).
I’m sure I don’t need to explain the significance of Jesus as a character in the Bible. Son of god, saviour of man, a martyr. What I’m interested in here is Elijah as Peter, and Jedidiah as Judas.
Elijah as Peter… has many implications of what may be to come? If we are to assume this metaphorical connection follows through the rest of the series. Because Peter in the Bible… he was one of the 12 apostles, he was also leader of the first Christian church. But before that, his story was… well, he betrayed Jesus. When Jesus was being arrested by the Romans, accused of being a traitor… Peter disowned Jesus. He said he did not know the traitor (“How could you!? You—you traitor! The ceremony, the congregants… how… I…”). He affirmed that three times. Upon the third time, he looked at Jesus and saw the hurt in his eyes- also a rooster crowed, which was prophesied to mark this betrayal. The look in Jesus’s eyes broke Peter’s heart, he realized what he’d done, ran away, and cried. Bitterly. Remorse and regret and realization of what he did. After the resurrection, he repented, and earned Jesus’s full forgiveness. He went on to lead the first church, and that became his life. His death came in the form of an upside-down crucifiction. His church was blamed for a fire which broke out in Rome, and he was executed- he insisted on being crucified upside down, as he felt unworthy of resembling Jesus in death. Remember this character is ELIJAH VOLKOV in this metaphor. Assuming the betrayal might be… the pyre? Then what comes next? Remorse arc, forgiveness arc? Ohshdhdhgs WHAT DO I MAKE OF THIS???
AND THEN JEDIDIAH AS JUDAS. MY FFFFUCKING GODDDDDD. Judas is another apostle, but he’s mostly known for his betrayal of Jesus- which ultimately lead to Jesus’s death. Judas disclosed his whereabouts to the people who would later crucify him (ordered by Pontius Pilate, at the time Roman governor) for 30 pieces of silver. He identified Jesus and sealed both their fates with a kiss. After the crucifixion- again, realizing what he’d done- Judas was overcome with so much remorse and regret that he hung himself. Thing is, all of this was prophesied/ predestined to be. There are varying opinions on what degree of choice Judas had- if all of this was fate, if it was all predestined, if he was a necessary part of this larger divine plan. The betrayal… I mean I think it’s obvious what that is in this Jedidiah metaphor. But what comes afterwards… ohhhh. Ohhh. My god. I have so many questions. ALSO IN ANOTHER STATEMENT MAYFIELD SAID JEDIDIAH IS MORESO GOD IN A WAY??? AND SYDNEYS STILL JESUS???? I thought Lucille would for sure parallel Pontius Pilate but then HE SAID MOTHER MARY and I’m. What
Adam as Satan requires little analysis… unless. I mean Lucifer was the most beautiful angel in God’s eyes… before he fell from grace.. Something something “Adam looks like Jedidiah but only sometimes” something something “once the most beautiful angel” something something.
Anyways. Thus concludes today’s episode of me rambling I have no clue what to make of any of this. I usually have more concluding thoughts, this time I’m just staring and shaking uncontrolably.
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luminecent-sky · 3 months
I wanna hear your sahsr infodumping, lay it on me
I decided to use text to speech just so i didn't have to keep speaking to myself to remember the points i wanted to make tbh, olease don't mind the grammar screw ups, I'm very tired...
OK? How do I speak about him?Just this is about sunday ok, him in a self aware au He believes in anna like the order right if and he believes their grand plan right, well if he was you know faced with the concept of fate itself. I feel he would like have a little crisis. Like this is a man who's entire ideology parallels christian like beliefs. We see this in How he acts, how he was raised
If he was made aware of the player it would send him down onto a spiral. I think because if this is in my Aeon of fate AU. He would also believe in fate as like an ally of the order or he would think that if Ena, didn't get subsumed by the harmony that the order would have been subsumed by fate instead.
He would also think is that his plan is going all accordingly to the Weaver's strings, Is his plan had succeeded?It puts him in his mind. Then this is the will of order and fate.
And that's before he gets taken by Elio and the rest of the Stellaron Hunters, if we're talking after he fails then after all that... He'd be a little bit hesitant to follow with plans at first but that's only at first, becausehe would see that whole fight as him going against the will of fate, trying to break from the cosmic strings of the Paracae's tapestry. And he wpuld belive that becoming a stellaron hunter and not being able to interact with his sister ever again, losing it all is his punishment, Because if there's one thing Christians can do, it's to believe in a nebulous concept, like y'know, fate and it's punishment. It's just that Aeons are real now, so it does help,
That's just if he doesn't know this is a game if he does, he's a little bit more bitter, Because from the start he was supposed to fail. That no matter what he tried, he was never going to succeed with it. Especially if the player is the type to start light talking in the middle of the fight which I did. And the I got into- I got into a one sided (for me) argument with him, during the scene where he talks about the past, present and future, I was refusing his points in like actively getting frustrated at him, retailing genesis towards me like I didn't go to christians school, I was, I was literally being like. ‘Don't even explain Genesis to me. I had to read it for Bible study’, but aside from that I feel like if the player were to match his eye ideology and provide a counter-argument. He'd be all for it. Because he's basically a homeschooled Christian kid and like challenging the ingrained beliefs in homeschooled christian kids is like a different kind of fight, turst me i would know.
Yeah, but anyways, I fight his fight.I fight his boss fight at least thrice a week, after my weekly fights are done, just to like vent out my frustration, amd to listen to his battle lines.
I don't know how he would feel about the players saving for him.And you know trying to get his E6 S5,
But like the first time I saw him afraid I was like pretty angel character.I'm going to have him, I would sacrifice life, limb, organ and soul for him.
Sorry this just turned into me simping for sunday…
Going on to Aventurine, he's a different can of worms.
This is a man who has already been blessed by God and is or was holding a piece of godly power before he destroyed it in the fight with Acheron He already thinks life is a gamble, and if his next gamble in believing in us, the player? Well he's gonna come out on top, especially if the player decides to build him right and use him often… and why wouldn't you?
But of course under all that he's just a scared vulnerable guy who is scared of losing it all and failing his family and the people who helped him, he's lost so much and if the player could help him through it… show him his worth and a reason to keep holding on it'd heal a long wounded part of his soul that still calls itself Kakavasha.
Sorry this was so short, my brain focused on sunday and him only.
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asrascissorhandz · 2 months
Quick little Elijah Volkov biblical Parallels study for you:
Before I get into it... yus I know he would be peter in the Bible.. and I'll get into that too... but I shall also get into elijah from the bible since that is his name and I think it says a lot.
Also disclaimer. I am a freak of nature and MUST over analyze things... so this is very far fetched ... it's just me having fun and linking things together.. don't take all I say as a seriously theory type thing.
Elijah Name meaning: Yahweh is my god
Volkov: wolf
Elijah in the bible:
He brought about many Miracles.. some which are worth noting are: bringing a boy to life and bringing fire down on the alter.
Elijah was proficised to come before the "great and terrible day". He was sent also to show people the evil of their ways and encouraged them to return to the Lord.
Parallel to Elijah volkov..
Now I believe this is what elijah believed... either what he was told when younger (this name was given to him) or what he eventually started believing by himself...
This feels like something that would help fuel / motivate Elijah's actions..
This obviously applies to the chnt situation that is rather similar to biblical events: preaching about sydneys holiness, *making* others *see* and *love* sydney, the Pyre and the fire, The Day, sydney and his not exactly aliveness, etc etc
Peter in the Bible:
Follower of Jesus. Most prominent apostle.
He is known for denying Jesus three times after Jesus was arrested and for leading the early Church after Jesus' death. Church burnt down.
Peter was first known as Simon. Name was changed by Jesus.
Simon: to hear, listening
Parallel to Elijah Volkov:
This is very yummy information of which to me mostly signifies to what could happen later on in the podcast or what could have already happened before the podcast was set..
Also !! 12 apostles ?? 12 as in the hours on the clock?? As in THE most prominent apostle?? Could he be number 12?? The END of the BEGINNING, the BEGINNING the EMD?? Camp HERE and THERE???
also three times?? Hmmmm...
And then obviously the church.. and the fire.. but then the betrayal ? Hmm
So much I must chew on...
In the bible- false prophets, wolf in sheep's clothing.
"a ravenous wolf; In the morning he consumes the foe, And in the evening he divides the soil"
 the ravenous wolf to refer to the Temple's altar which devoured biblical sacrifice
divine punishment against transgressors.
General symbolism- bravery, loyalty, protection, and wisdom
Parallel to Elijah Volkov:
This simply explains him so very well... need I say more?
I love this freak...
Lotsaluv Asra
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leletha-jann · 7 months
Went outside to pull velcro plant out of the yard, which let me tell you does not take brain cells, so also spent the time thinking about the "WTF, Bill Heterodyne, why trust Lucrezia and not the Jägermonsters" dilemma.
And what I settled on was the concept of - indeed, the allure of - redemption.
Long post under the cut...
Bill Heterodyne, after all, could have inherently been a Thing of Evil (as he saw it; I'll put the more pulp black-and-white concepts in capitals), but instead was Redeemed by the Love of his mother Theodora, who stood between her children and their objectively monstrous father. Bill's entire life story, which he would have profoundly internalized, is that he would have been something else, something dangerous, if he and the people around him hadn't worked - constantly! - to make him a Force for Good instead.
And indeed, he and Barry went out and performed this redemption narrative in their role as the Heterodyne Boys. They were famously active, visible, persistent Heroes, trying to rewrite the story the rest of the world (after a thousand years of "Heterodyne" meaning something quite different) wanted to put them into. And it worked!
In that light, we have two separate case studies:
Lucrezia's story, at this point, parallels Bill's in ways that he would have been drawn to. (We are, of course, not looking at everything that's happened to Lucrezia since then. We're in pre-canon Lucrezia territory.) Young Lucrezia Mongfish comes from a similar background - a powerful Spark from a family of Deep Evil. But in flashback, we see her choosing - performatively or not, however sincerely or not - a different path by choosing to become one of the Good Guys and marry Bill. (These things seem to have gone together, which is a whole different story.) This is an active choice. This, I argue, is what Bill was attracted to: the idea that you, no matter who you are, can choose your nature and your fate. You can become Good - but it is a choice.
That was, after all, the story Bill was telling himself. Lucrezia's choice validated his - and his mother's choices too. The choices Theodora had died for. The Path of Righteousness could be chosen - indeed, had to be. And it's that element of choice that makes the difference here.
It's a very tempting narrative, for someone raised to despise and fear the more infamous side of his family - and indeed himself.
The Jägermonsters, on the other hand, take orders from the Heterodynes, and always have. Are famous for it, actually. Bill could have told them to be Good Guys now, and they would have listened! Dimo tells Agatha that it sounded like fun, and they wanted to try! If Bill had only enlisted them in this fine new game. But it would have had to come as an order from the Heterodyne. It wasn't their idea, and they wouldn't have done it on their own. Do you see the Horde sitting down and considering their ways and having a mass - or even individual - change of heart? No, me neither, and neither did Bill. Receiving and obeying an order to "be good guys now", to Bill, wouldn't count. Not with centuries of destruction apiece behind them. That wouldn't be a true change of heart, it would just be another order.
If just one or two Jägers had gone to Bill, individually, and said, (in the appropriate accent) "Master, we understand, we want to Be Good and do better, can you show us how?", would Bill have believed them? Welcomed them as converts? Could things have been different? I don't know, but I think yes.
Redemption is active. Redemption is a thing you do. It's a thing you work at. That's what Bill was drawn to. Not Evil itself, but the refutation of it.
Forgiveness, by comparison, is passive. Forgiveness is a thing you receive, sometimes whether you work for it or not.
(We're also into pretty solid Catholic guilt territory here, by the way, rarely to be overlooked with creators with Italian surnames. I could cite Bible verses if I really wanted to take the time, but I DO NOT.)
...I don't know if this is coherent, or new, or relevant, but those weeds were really boring, so this is what you get when I have to do yardwork.
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rust-is-a-car-disease · 2 months
Humans and nonhumans of the internet who are kdj fans/stans/kinnies. Pls info dump or list everything abt kdj. Need specific questions bc u dk what to say? (I do that too) maybe start with: What is his personality like? And go from there?
Pls i need a way to like the guy. He parallels a lot with how my high/secondary school teachers talk abt and try and fail to portray jesus as (bible studies and chapel were compulsory in addition to that) and i am so annoyed by him i literally dropped the whole story. Everytime i see him i associate him with sitting on the floor in a too crowded hall for several hours. This is horrible. I AM TRYING MY BEST TO LIKE THE GUY AND OBJECTIVELY HES KINDA ALRIGHT BUT I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME LIKE HIM BC HE REMINDS ME OF HIGH/SECONDARY SCHOOL!!
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catwouthats · 11 months
“Why are you getting more and more confident about lokius??”
I was an ineffable bureaucracy shipper before it was canon.
I said “Hey look at the possible meaning behind Gabriel trying to smash a fly with the “commit adultery” Bible” and was fucking right
I am also a byler truther. (There is so much for this I’m not even gonna start)
I took a film class(es) and learned about cinematography, mise em scene, symbols and motifs!!
I used what I learned from film class (and from gender race and film class) to discover the key differences in queer coding and queer baiting. (Usually queer baiting involves more so how it is advertised and joked about. Queerness is not taken seriously and it is teased in queerbait.)
I am unofficially studying queer film rep from a sociological lens as society/viewers have changed (or is it economical since it has to do with money, supply and demand… but it also has to do with the viewers and believes?… what social science am I using-)!!
While it is definitely not 100% possible for lokius to be canon, it gets more and more possible with each episode in my eyes.
With all the symbols, parallel, cinematography, music choices, etc that go in to lokius… well it makes it harder and harder for them to deflect these meanings onto something else. (An example is how in Sherlock BBC they deflect a lot of the meanings in to “they are just partners in crime and that is ONLY reflecting that” and “it was just a joke”)
Not only that, as time goes on, less and less cinematography etc. is needed in order for a queer couple to become canon (or at least that kinda was true…). They don’t need as much build up because it is getting (or was getting) more and more accepted. More normalized, even if people didn’t “accept” it. Media does not have to code it/build up to it as much anymore. (This however is not as true for trans rep. Also, as more anti lgbt laws get/have gotten passed, we will start to see a sort of recession in lgbt rep, specifically trans rep. Very unfortunate imo, as a queer nonbinary individual.)
Considering Loki season 2 was made in 2021 (if I am correct), and written before hand, it probably will have some queerness somewhere as it was probably before many of the anti-lgbt laws.
In the least, I am confident lokius will be queer coded or “left up for interpretation” as there still is a s3 that will be coming way later. (It would suck if they pulled that though, yet it would not be super surprising.)
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I’ve yet to see anyone talk about this:
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The verse on the matchbox being highlighted so obviously stuck out to me. Neil is clever. He did this for some reason. I looked into this a while ago but only just got round to writing it out because I’ve been sick and had the time to hyper fixate on researching something I didn’t need to…
So buckle up because Job 41 is a parallel of the minisode scene when God is talking to Job. But I think the whole of Job 41 relates heavily to Crowleys character and his storyline because it’s about a sea snake.
Full warning this post is long, but it’s all important I promise.
Disclaimer you have to read if you’re gonna comment about me being wrong in my interpretation of Job 41: I am someone who doesn’t believe it’s possible to perfectly understand the bible. I’m not presenting anything as fact because there’s looottts of different interpretations of literally everything in the bible. This is my interpretation of the chapter. I don’t care if you think I’m wrong cause you have a double degree in know it all religious studies. Disclaimer over.
So where does the verse come from?
Job 41:19
‘Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out’
This verse is part of Gods description of a leviathan that takes up most of the second part of chapter 41 in the book of Job. If you want to read the entire chapter before reading this I’ll paste it at the bottom of the post. It’s from the King James version. You can also just google it.
But what’s a leviathan? Glad you asked. I spent to long looking it up.
Leviathans. The general consensus is that the creature referred to in Job 41 is some kind of sea monster. The Hebrew word that translates to Leviathan (Livyatan) appears six times in the Old Testament. One of them is in Job 41. The word is derived from the root Iwy or ‘ twist, coil’ and means ‘the sinuous one.’ So I think we can establish that this creature is at least indicated to be snake-like. It could be a crocodile, a whale, a dragon, a snake, or just an indescribable monster. But we have no modern reference because this creature doesn’t exist in modern times if it ever existed at all. So for the purpose of relating it to the show, I think its important to note that one of the interpretations is that the leviathan is a snake like creature or a sea serpent Iike what’s shown in this beautiful piece of art.
The Destruction of Leviathan by Gustave Doré (1865)
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Now, these two verses from the first part of Job 41 are important,
Job 41:10
None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?
Job 41:4
Will he make a covenant with thee? Will thou take him for a servent forever?
Prior to chapter 41 Job, has been questioning God about the mysteries of creation. God responds by chastising Job for questioning him and describing how Job would not be able to subdue the great leviathan and make him his servant, so why does he think he has a right to question god?
And in our minisode Job comes back from talking to god and says:
“I think the point was, if you want answers, come back when you can make a whale.”
What’s happening when Azirpahale and Crowley come across God talking to Job is exactly what’s happening in Job 41. I also noted that in the minisode Job said God talked alot about whales. Which is funny, because it seemed random at the time, but one interpretation of the ‘leviathan’ is that it’s some kind of whale.
So that scene in the minsode is based off of Job 41! Amazing. But I don’t think the connections end there…
The more obvious potential reference to Crowley in Job 41 is how God describes the leviathan being able to spit fire. The verse on the matchbox comes from this part of the chapter.
Job 41:19
Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out
Job 41:20
Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron
Job 41:21
His breath kindleth coals, and flames goeth out of his mouth
We know Crowley has the ability to summon fire. He summoned that giant sun thing that shoots fireballs to smite goats at the start of the minisode, then he sets fire to the house before saving Job’s children. So leviathan/sea serpent spits fire, our fav snake from Eden can summon fire. Fire is also just quite central to his storyline with the bookshop fire, the road/his Bentley setting fire, Heaven trying to burn Aziraphale with fire and the bombing of the church when he saves Aziraphales books.
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But there’s some less obvious connections in Job 41 to Crowley. There’sa few interesting verses here that seem to relate to Crowley
Job 41:4
Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever?
God isn’t talking about killing the leviathan, he’s talking about enslaving it
Job 41:24
His heart is firm as a stone: yea, as hard as a piece of nether millstone
Nether millstones, according to my googling, are millstones obviously, but it’s also a phrase that indicates something that is tough and unyielding, unlikely to submit. It’s describing the leviathan being unyielding to negotiations. God also says this about the leviathan,
Job 41:29
Darts are counted as stubble: he laughter at the shaking of a spear
I couldn’t help but think all these verses are very Crowley sounding. He is stubborn and willfull, unable to be controlled and won’t submit to servitude. He (both actually and metaphorically) laughed in hell's face when he and Aziraphale were body doubling and the holy water didn’t destroy him.
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Crowleys wilfulness and refusal to be subjugated is the reason he fell in the first place. It’s the reason he fell out with Hell as well, he refuses to fully go along with either side. He believes in autonomy and freedom. He said no to Aziraphale because he cannot return to a life he perceives as slavery, especially as Aziraphales ‘second in command’. He doesn’t want to be under anyones command or to command anyone. It’s so against his very nature to return that the suggestion was ridiculous to him. And this chapter of Job is a parallel in that God uses the leviathan as an example because it’s ridiculous to imagine a giant sea monster being enslaved by a human to do his bidding. Just like in the minisode how it’s ridiculous to tell Job to make whales before he can ask God anything.
But that’s the point. That’s the whole conflict of the show, Gods ridiculous answer to everything is that it’s ‘ineffable’ and therefore you can’t ask questions.
I also think it’s also fitting that the leviathan is perceived to be a monster that must be slain or enslaved.
And it makes me think of how Crowley has always been labelled as evil because he fell. I think of how, at heart, he is truly gentle and kind, he’s a starmaker. But his fall, his appearance, his desire to be autonomous and his grey moral campus make him feared and a target. He’s a boat rocker, he keeps asking questions even when he gets told ridiculous answers and that’s the problem for those in power. It makes me think of this quote
“Draw a monster. Why is it a monster?”
-Daughter by Janice Lee.
So in conclusion, not only is Job 41 the chapter that would’ve inspired the scene where Job is talking to god, I think Crowley represents the leviathan being discussed in Job 41.
So do I think this has any meaning/hint to season 3?
I don’t think there’s a direct hint. But it reminded me that Crowleys character is truly unrelenting. He’s a nether millstone. And he won’t give up that easily. He absolutely won’t submit to anyone, and he’s shown time and time again that his blustering about running away disappears as soon as someone or something he cares about is in danger (ie Aziraphale). And the second coming will also threaten his creation (the universe) so I’m really hoping we will see so much more of Crowleys power and history in S3.
I’m really happy I looked into this, because I could be completely off the deep end with this analysis but it actually wouldn’t even matter because this universe Terry and Neil’s created is built around it being transposable. You can put any lens you want on it. And I had fun deep diving into Job 41. I never thought I’d ever say I had fun reading the bible but Neil you did it. Sneaky buggar.
Full chapter of Job 41:
41 Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?
2 Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn?
3 Will he make many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft words unto thee?
4 Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever?
5 Wilt thou play with him as with a bird? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens?
6 Shall the companions make a banquet of him? shall they part him among the merchants?
7 Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears?
8 Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more.
9 Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?
10 None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?
11 Who hath prevented me, that I should repay him? whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine.
12 I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely proportion.
13 Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can come to him with his double bridle?
14 Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about.
15 His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal.
16 One is so near to another, that no air can come between them.
17 They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered.
18 By his neesings a light doth shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.
19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.
20 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.
21 His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth.
22 In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him.
23 The flakes of his flesh are joined together: they are firm in themselves; they cannot be moved.
24 His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, as hard as a piece of the nether millstone.
25 When he raiseth up himself, the mighty are afraid: by reason of breakings they purify themselves.
26 The sword of him that layeth at him cannot hold: the spear, the dart, nor the habergeon.
27 He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood.
28 The arrow cannot make him flee: slingstones are turned with him into stubble.
29 Darts are counted as stubble: he laugheth at the shaking of a spear.
30 Sharp stones are under him: he spreadeth sharp pointed things upon the mire.
31 He maketh the deep to boil like a pot: he maketh the sea like a pot of ointment.
32 He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary.
33 Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear.
34 He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride.
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i-hear-a-sound · 1 year
Sort of dumb Drakengard and Nier stuff I find really really interesting
this will be long. and dumb. and probably wrong. under the readmore
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This is an image of what the Alien’s ship looks like in Automata. And yes, it most definitely looks like a flower. Interesting thing is, aliens coming down in a ship shaped like a flower is something that sounds really familiar to the lore: of how in Drakengard, the Watchers came down with the Flower. (fact check me if that’s wrong though)
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This image is faintly in every in-game cutscene in Drakengard. These are implied to be images from the universe’s altered Bible? (Christianity is the main religion in the game, it’s just altered with things like the Goddess the seals etc). Which, means, if you squint…
this image looks like a dragon impaled on a tower. It’s pixelated as fuck but higher quality images do confirm this. If I find one of those I’ll update it. (something something, timeloop is obvious)
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These two scenes have been paralleled to death. Yes, the black box scene in Automata does look somewhat moderately kind of if you squint like the scene in which Caim pacts with Angelus, but let’s focus more on the ladder scene because something has always bugged me about it.
Firstly. The souls themselves. Maybe it’s just me… they look like egg cells? Which, no, I’m not going “Caimangelus had sex, good for them” I’m going “If this is the case, what else are referred to as “eggs” in this game?”
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In the original version of the game in Japan, the Seeds of Destruction are not referred to as Seeds. They’re called eggs.
another thing. We get to see what happens when a seed is destroyed in ending C. And for a brief second, it looks like this:
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Another thing about this scene. Something I also never noticed was that when he pulls out his soul, Caim’s chest does… this?
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I’d gif it if i could but atm I cant, but believe me. Angelus just shoots it out from her mouth he just reaches into his chest like it’s liquid. And again, back to the ending C scene:
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What does this imply?
…Jack shit lol I just think it’s interesting. Smiley face.
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Accord is an incredibly mysterious character in the world of Drakenier. We know nothing of her origins, who created her, why she is at all, and the most we know is:
There is a lot of her. She was created in the “Kingdom of night”. She was created by “something like humans”. She studies singularities. Her goal is to prevent the fall-down. She’s a boob lover.
Something interesting to note is that, the character of Adam kind of somewhat maybe shares a lot of design parallels with Accord. Not even just in terms of the use of white/cream.
Adam has glasses, a black tie, and on one hand has a glove similar to what Accord has. In the anime he gets the same tattoo of the Cult of the Watcher’s Eve had in the game, and Accord is specifically stated to have taken an interest in the branch involving the cult’s creation.
But what’s weird is that Adam… is a machine. And accord isn’t. At least, she’s not supposed to be? Who knows. I have lots so say about Accord but most of it is just theorizing so I’ll leave that for another day.
But I want to talk about the other twin: Eve.
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Weirdly enough, Eve and Brother Nier and to an extent, the Shadowlord, share a lot of similarities as well. Sure there’s the white hair, the fact they’re both siblings of someone, etc etc etc, but something I never noticed was how similar their attacks are. Thank the fucking sadfutago church thing for that one lol.
I mean… just the fact that these two not only share the same English VA, but that in the automata DLC for Replicant, the Shadowlord boss music is replaced by Dependent Weakling. (Fact check that for me too, it’s been a while)
Weird parallels all around.
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These… doors. Why are they here?
for context, in a Drakengard level you stumble across just this… room with a couple random, red doors. Some of them are open. Some of them are not. I. Don’t. Know. Why. These. Are. Here.
(I mean I do… I very much do, but again. That’s theory.)
Anyways. Doors are actually mentioned in the game, in the final line for ending C. “A pitiful child shall defy the hands of the gods, and a door will close.”
Hmmm?? Thing to note: the “hands of the gods” are dragons. “A pitiful child shall defy the dragons, and a door will close.”
And to end off this post, a fun fact; before becoming the first intoner, Lady Zero had a different name. Rose.
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andrewpcannon · 2 years
Daily Devotional: Exodus 7:14-25
Blood represents life and death, and so does the Nile for all of Egypt. At some point in their history, Egyptians associated the Nile with their gods—Hapi, Sobek, and Osiris—and relied on them to bring fertility to the soil for farming through the natural cycle of the Nile River. Without the Nile, Egyptians would die. They tried to invoke gods to ensure the Nile flowed and flooded at the…
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 years
k i'm gonna just put a pin in the whole "was jgy actually massacring multiple sects of 40+ people just for demonic cultivation date nights with xue yang" ('meat cute' anyone? ..I'll see myself out) or the "is wwx's capacity for gruesome violence inherently morally[1] inferior/superior to jgy's" disc horse for another time and move on
no one criticizing willfully bad faith takes about jin guangyao is trying to turn wei wuxian into the novel's villain when they bring up his actions in relation to what jin guangyao has done. no one is actually saying that jgy is not the principle antagonist in the novel. we can read. that is his role in the story, his goals and priorities end up in opposition to wwx's, and wwx is the protagonist. and, to my knowledge, there are no legit wen chao simps chomping at the bit to justify his eradication of the jiang sect at lotus pier. unless there are! in which case apologies to any wen chao simps who may read this post, your simping is valid. (also: bold choice. weird, but bold.)
what we are saying: the text intentionally sets up jgy and wwx as narrative parallels to each other. the text intentionally provides us with unreliable narrators as our lens through which we must view 95% of jgy's actions, first in the form of wwx (please don't @ me about his reliability, this man's spotty memory is meme-worthy, contentious legislation pass through parliament with more alacrity than his self-awareness wrt his relationship with lan wangji), then through wwx's interpretation of nmj's resentment-fuelled recollection of the past as a literal fierce corpse, then through sect leader yao formulating his extemporaneous[2] magnum opus of a condemnation narrative about jin rusong's death, after the witness testimony about jgy's marriage to qin su and super fucked up murder of his father. like, I hope it is understood why no one should be using testimony from sect leader yao as the foundation of their understanding for any character in this novel, period. /rattles the bars of my enclosure, do not trust sect leader yao!! he is the weathervane conservative mp, any time you end up in agreement with him should make you p a u s e and re-evaluate.
my point: mdzs is a fucked up little world filled with fucked up cultivation world politics and crimes and atrocities, and our most reliable window into this world is, unfortunately, wei "oh yeah I forgot about that plot detail" wuxian. more than that, his priority in the narrative is understandably not focused on solving the mystery (read: not a mystery) of why all of jgy's motivations, actions, and decisions are measured against a standard set so much higher than the one the rest of the cultivation world has to contend with (spoilers, it's classism). it's up to the reader to spot the context clues, often in the form of bits of overheard commentary provided by the common people in the background of some other major plot event that is unfolding, or in an aside by wwx himself where he reflects, "huh, maybe it's my own bias impacting my ability to read this situation clearly." I'm paraphrasing here but you get what I'm saying.
tl;dr the least interesting discussion we could possibly have about jgy and wwx is whether either of them are Good or Bad Guys Deep Down, particularly when evidence for either of these positions are provided by the novel's unreliable narrators and witnesses, but for some reason that's the discussion the jgy antis seem hellbent on having, and it's boring.
[1] I cannot stress to you how microscopic my interest is in some bible study-adjacent debate on morality in a danmei novel about necromancy, revenge killing, and the willful desecration of human remains. the extent to which I just do not give a fuck about this particular brand of disc horse is vast and limitless.
[2] inserts the padme amidala and anakin skywalker square meme here like we all understand that sect leader yao's statement about jin rusong's murder is based on speculation and not even circumstantial evidence, right? ...we understand that, right?
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Screenshot Overanalysis Time!
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I've actually spent so much time thinking about this image because no one else talks about it, and it's led to headcanons that range in realism from 'this is possible ig' to 'this definitely isn't true but it's still fun to think about'. So being sure to keep that in mind, I'm gonna describe said headcanons.
So, based on google searches for archangels, there are multiple ideas for how many there are, and one of those ideas is 7 (disregarding Lucifer ofc). Those 7 are Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Camael (also spelled Chamuel), Jophiel, and Zadkiel. This is the idea that I'm going to run with to say that the 6 figures in the screenshot are the other archangels. "Oh but how would they be the 7 archangels if there's only 6 of them-?" Well that's what I thought at first, but I'm also persistent. So I started thinking that maybe one of the archangels didn't exist until after Lucifer fell, possibly replacing him (I'll be using Zadkiel to fill this role throughout the post). Of course I don't know much about the system in this universe's Heaven, along with if they'd even feel the need to replace him to begin with, so it was originally just a random fun idea to me more than a genuine possibility.
However, something has since been brought to my attention that makes my idea make more sense. The 7 Heavenly Virtues. Though lesser acknowledged, there is one for each of the Deadly Sins, who we already know exist in the Hazbin Universe, including Lucifer representing Pride; Which is exactly what interested me about it. If the Virtues do exist in Hazbin Hotel's Heaven, that could mean that Lucifer used to be the Virtue of Humility, before unintentionally creating and becoming Hell's parallel to that, the Sin of Pride. With this idea in mind, I think this would make it much more likely for Heaven to actively need a replacement after he fell, they would've needed a new Virtue of Humility. So when Lucifer fell, there would have only been 6 archangels left, the same number we see in this scene, before they had the chance to create Zadkiel.
Also, just to cover my bases and mention the possible argument of Lucifer being a seraphim, I don't think that's technically been confirmed (or if it has, hey it's not like I thought this idea would turn out fully canon anyway lol). Yes, he has 3 sets of wings, which traditionally indicates a Seraphim (from what I've heard in this fandom at least, I have not studied the Bible myself). But we also know that Vivienne doesn't necessarily adhere to biblical accuracy, so this may just be how she's chosen to depict archangels. The main reason I would believe that were the case is the fact that all 6 figures behind him also have 3 sets of wings. These technically could also be Seraphim, but I feel like story-wise it would make more sense to me for them to have been archangels than more seraphim. this is partially because none of the halos look like the one we see on Sera, and I think it would be safe to assume if they were Seraphim in that moment, Sera would have been there with them.
Before I post this, I'm just gonna reiterate in case people wanna take this too seriously; This is mostly a fun and interesting idea that I know won't be true. Just let me do a bit of theorizing without the pressure of realism in this show that isn't exactly the perfect model of realism itself.
In conclusion, I wanna see archangels in the show so bad you don't understand- I've made picrew designs for them at this point, maybe I should post them, for the fun of it 👀
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