#parallell bible
rona-eser · 15 days
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"Father, why eternal torment? Is it not cruel?
Is torture unending truly a fate fit for a fool?"
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jackdavis90 · 1 year
Parallel Bible Books 102 LANGUAGES & parallel bible free download app - By Jorge Carrasco
Parallel Bible free download
When it comes to studying and understanding the Bible, having access to different translations can greatly enrich our understanding of the scriptures. Thanks to technology, there are now numerous Bible apps available that provide parallel translations in multiple languages. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using a parallel Bible and discuss a popular Bible app created by Jorge Carrasco.
Jorge Carrasco
Jorge Carrasco is a renowned developer and creator of the parallel Bible app that offers translations in over 102 languages. His passion for making the Bible accessible to people from different backgrounds and cultures has led to the development of a powerful tool that allows users to explore the scriptures simultaneously in multiple languages. With his app, Jorge Carrasco has revolutionized the way people engage with the Bible.
Bible App
The Bible app created by Jorge Carrasco is a free download and offers an extensive collection of Bible translations in 102 languages. This app provides users with the unique opportunity to read and compare different versions of the Bible side by side. Whether you are studying ancient manuscripts or simply want to understand the nuances of a particular passage, this app is an invaluable resource.
One of the key features of this app is the ability to customize your parallel Bible reading experience. Users can choose which translations they want to compare, allowing them to focus on the languages that are most relevant to their studies. The app also offers powerful search capabilities, making it easy to find specific verses or keywords across multiple translations. This functionality is particularly useful for scholars, researchers, and individuals searching for clarity and deeper understanding.
Moreover, the parallel Bible app by Jorge Carrasco is designed for user convenience. It has a clean and intuitive interface, making it accessible for people of all ages and technological backgrounds. The app is available for download on both iOS and Android devices, ensuring that users can access the parallel Bible translations wherever they go.
Furthermore, the app offers additional features to enhance the study experience. Users can highlight verses, bookmark passages, and even take notes within the app. This allows for easier organization and personalization of the study materials, making it an indispensable tool for personal devotion, academic research, or group discussions.
Jorge Carrasco's parallel Bible app has received widespread acclaim from the global Christian community. It has become a go-to resource for pastors, theologians, students, and everyday believers who desire a deeper understanding of the scriptures. The ability to compare multiple translations side by side is invaluable for grasping the subtle nuances often lost in a single translation.
In conclusion, having access to parallel Bible translations in multiple languages is a great asset for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the scriptures. Jorge Carrasco's Bible app provides a free and convenient way to engage with the Bible across 102 languages. With its customizable features, powerful search capabilities, and user-friendly interface, this app has become an invaluable tool for individuals and communities around the world who are passionate about studying and exploring the Word of God.
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in-kyblogs · 3 months
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“Rise, let us go! Here comes my betrayer.”
Judas kiss pt.2 // pt.1
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answermywearyquery · 2 months
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#just boc things
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hycinthrt · 10 months
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the beloved | the betrayer
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itsallaboutbl · 26 days
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vegaspete, ep. 13 // tymegreat, ep. 6
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katabay · 4 months
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another scene and some sketches of the fake byzantine empire ocs! thomas is a carpenter, john is a merchant. there's an emperor (two, actually) in here, looming ominously over everything.
(I call it the fake byzantine empire because the setting is playing with byzantine history that spans across three centuries, but it's also pulling from things like Statius' Thebaid and later medieval literature. folk catholic horror, probably. doctrinal debates and schisms are in here)
on the topic of nameless and unknown saints, tho, sometimes I think about this excerpt from an essay in Closet Queeries and the time I was on my way to Tanjay and saw an abandoned chapel along a road with a statue of a saint I didn't recognize inside
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Closet Queeries, essays by J. Neil C. Garcia
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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guy who so desperately tries to find god. who wants to have faith in a higher authority to guide him out of the hole he's in. from the weight of guilt from simply existing, as the person he is. but every time he thinks he's answered his higher calling it turns out he's made the Morally Incorrect choice and his path to goodness and holiness was the road to the devil all along
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
"cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life." -genesis 3:17
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kirbytober day 11: delicious/another dimension
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arcanespillo · 6 months
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Your knowing changes nothing.
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
Now I'm curious (because I see this 100% happening at least ONCE within the world I'm writing and I think it's hilarious)--
Imagine you're a worshipper of this one amazing goddess who can do no wrong, helps and has helped a lot of people. Then, one day, you're living your life and you meet this one guy. He's absolutely covered in scars, looks like he grew up in some kind of penitentiary. And he's buff. Like, seriously buff. Built like a horse.
He introduces himself.
He shares his name with one of your goddess's old angels. This one guy used to be one of her top guys, one of her most powerful attendants... up until the day he attacked her.
Then he was cursed and cast down for his crimes.
"Ha," you say, half out of awkwardness and half to fill the air while you figure out what to say. "That was real cruel of your parents, huh? Naming you after that guy."
The man sighs heavily, face twitching.
"No," he says, barely restraining his rage, "that's me."
What do you do?
@honeybewrites (also would love to know this answer from anyone else, haha)
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briebysabs · 5 months
The catholic school education is coming in clutch rn. Let me cook I promise I’m not high. There are 12 paladins in VnC right? If not, ignore everything I’m about to say. So Gano is essentially Judas, driven by greed and extremism. Working with an influential vampire because he sees the chasseurs aren’t doing things the “right way”. Judas was working with the chief priests and Roman captains and one popular belief to his betrayal was that he had hoped Jesus would overturn the Roman Empire. Who were oppressing the Jewish people at the time but Jesus wasn’t doing that. He was “too soft” and Judas believed in a revolution. It’s also said he was “tempted by the Devil” and we can go down the devil —> vampire connections rabbit hole all day.
Now I say this, I don’t know how much inspiration mochijun is taking from the bible. Like is Gano gonna kill himself? Probably not, even if he does it won’t be from remorse of his actions. But if we are following some threads here, if Ogier is a paladin I don’t think he’s Spider then because there’s supposed to be only one traitor. Moving onto my next point, is Jesus then Charles or Roland? I’m going to go with Charles, he is the head and I think he also chooses the paladins so yeah. But Roland just embodies the Christ-like values. Unless you want to say Roland is Peter. Because Peter also believed in himself as a follower of God. He made mistakes and thought he was the most faithful apostle yet he denied Jesus three times.
Like Roland trusts in himself and his thinking more than God actually. I don’t know James like that so by default we’re gonna say he’s Olivier.
And John has to be Astolfo.
Because if you didn’t know, John was the youngest apostle. And he’s the only apostle that survived, living to old age. Every other apostle was brutally murdered for their beliefs.Fueling the hope that Astolfo will live. Finally Peter, James, and John are usually named as a trio in the bible. They were the closest to Jesus.
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necramoreux · 2 months
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thekingofwinterblog · 4 months
So there are some rather blatant Jesus imagery and paralells with Pomni in the Amazing Digital Circus so far, so i thought i might as well note them all down, since nobody else has done so yet.
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Obviously there is her taking Jesus place in the last supper shot at the end of episode 1, even sharing his color scheme of red and blue.
There is also some very specific imagery here, givem that the last aupper is... Well, Jesus last supper with his Apostles. It's signifigance is that it is the moment that heralds in the end of their journey together, where the inevitable march to the chrucifiction and resurrection truly begins.
Similarily, though none of the character knows it, Pomni's arrival similarily heralds in the end of their own journey.
This series story will end in one season, meaning that wheter they escape or falls to doom, their long tale of perserverance and suffering will be at an end soon.
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Then of course there is episode 2, where Pomni travels into a desert, where she ends up separated from her own fellowship, and is tested moraly and spiritually.
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Which has paralels with Jesus time alone in the desert, where he faced his temptations, preparing him for what is to come.
Though obviously rather different in nature, this very much is the two's darkest hours, their greatest moments of doubt and pain.
For Jesus it was facing and accepting his mortality as a Human being, and refusing to give in to the temptation of calling upon the divine to lessen his heavy burden, and accepting the cruel fate that was in store for him.
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His companion in this moment of darlness was of course the devil, there to tempt him, and challenge him in hope of derailing God's plan.
Instead he rebukes his words, and resolves to keep moving forward towards his destiny, to see his fate through to the end for the good of his fellow man.
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Pomni's situation and her companion is a bit different, but the overall point remains the same, that this is her great moment of temptation, and it is in response to her companion that she resolves to keep going.
The main difference of course is that Gummygoo's questioning of Pomni is not directly about her own worth, but instead of his own. The question of wheter he, a being with seemingly no soul, but with the capacity to think, has any value at all compared to her in his eyes, divinely blessed nature.
Pomni here shows the person she truly is deep down, a kind, gentle soul who gives Gummygoo the warmth, support and love he needs to keep going forward, affirming that yes, he does have worth, his existence does mean something.
He is as real as she is... And that means he is a real person, worthy of being loved and cared about. Which in turn means she is. She is not some worthless thing, but a Human being who is still alive despite it all. And she's going to live on.
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But of course her journey in this episode doesn't end there, for after finally finding the resolve to keep on living, that newly made resolve is then immediatly tested by Caine(Named after the first murder acording to the Bible) calously and with no hesitation or regret murders Gummygoo.
This part doesn't have a direct parallel in Jesus life, but one could view Caine's actions as being parallel to the Devil's words and temptations, where he puts the question to Jesus of why not take the easy way out as God's divine son, instead of continuing the hard road as a Human being of flesh and blood?
Both test our heroes resolve, but in different ways.
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Regardless, the story ultimately ends similarily, as though Pomni has a moment of nearly breaking under her trial, of truly giving up on the idea that her life matters, the message she discussed and preached to Gummygoo, Pomni ultimately manages to overcome her great test of character by embracing her bond with her fellow Human beings.
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She overcome her great temptation of giving in to darkness, and is now ready to keep moving forward on her journey.
It is that love for her fellow man, that gives her the resolve to keep moving forward towards her destiny, regardless of what it might hold in store for her.
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And regarding Jesus parallels, there is of course this shot from the production team that speaks for itself.
We have no idea of the context, or what episode this is gonna be from, but given the stuff we got from episode 1 and 2, it's not too hard to guess it's probably gonna be one of the more important moments of the story.
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l3mon-boy · 3 months
I have no clue if I'm onto something or the late hours are getting to me but . I was thinking about the og genloss, the voting crucifing whatever. Something about the biblical parallels. The son of God sacrificed for humanity. The "Hero" dying. The wires almost looking like brambles, wrapped around one another.
I have. No clue what I'm saying but here are some thoughts!!!!
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justapotato89 · 4 months
The (somewhat accurate) "biblical" parallels in killing eve are insane how am i realising it just now
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You have Eve, who is well Eve. In this picture, Lilith is the serpent tempting Eve. Villanelle tempts eve in much the same way. Lilith is not portrayed as seductive, just questioning, planting the seed of doubt, gently suggesting a possibility and offering means. Eve looks doubtful, questioning, just a little uncomfortable. Quite the same way Eve begins to realise her obsession with Villanelle is affecting her relationship with Niko and everything else. This moment of question pops up in the book (Codename: Villanelle) as when she wears the bracelet instead of submitting it for evidence. She questions the way she's impressed by, "the sheer, dazzling effrontery of it".
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In the show, we see it when she applies the lipstick, there's a moment of utter, "what am i doing, this is supposed to be evidence". Yet she does it. She doesn't even get mad when the blade cuts her lip.
She just questions herself. Stares at the spectacle Villanelle's made her
Such a bold statement to make. A perfect signature.
Going to Villanelle, the stereotypical Lilith is portrayed as sexually empowering, dominating. In both the shows and the books, Villanelle is portrayed as sexually wanton, despite her choice of career which demands utmost secrecy.
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Working for the Dvenadtsat, she couldn't care less about formality and cleanliness even after being warned - the style, the independence is her signature. To her each kill is a work of art, it deserves a proper artist's signature. Quite easy to draw parallels here.
Then we have the comparison of Lilith and Eve, the dominant and submissive counterparts of each other. What if Eve (from bible) wasn't formed from Adam's rib? What if she wasn't damned to be obedient?
That's just exactly the question Eve (the show character) represents. Society, as it always does, expected Eve to be content with a loving husband, a fulfilling job, a house, good colleagues. But Eve is anything but normal. She's the John to Holmes, who tags along for the danger, the adrenaline. She loves the thrill of not knowing if her next step is going to be her last one. And Villanelle takes her as the apprentice, both in the book and in the show.
"You were never like them. You only thought you were."
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