#paralell timeline
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ariel-seagull-wings · 8 months ago
Scarlet thread, spun on the wheel,
Twisting on the twirling reel,
Like the dancers turn and spin,
While I now my tale begin!
Now upon a time, two cosmic beings who could see simultaenous lives and times unfold, decided not to watch passively, and instead decended onto Earth to intervene.
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Crossing time and space, they found four newborns:
By their powers, two infants that shared the power to reshape reality were fused into one mind, and two infants that shared the power of longevity, self-ressurection and harnessing of celestial energy were fused into one body.
And then mind and body were made into one unity, that would be raised by the nurturing living continent of Okkara.
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That being was both a gardner and mason: in gratitude to the living continent, they plowed the fields, planted seeds, and, not wanting to bar other earthlings from sharing his happiness, built homes from the bricks and clay of caves, grottos and mountains, and the sands of the beaches, so other, more vulnerable people would someday find a safe haven in Okkara.
This is the legend that is told.
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acourtofquestions · 5 months ago
“Jewelry fit for a queen —
for a Queen of Assassins.”
— Nesryn Faliq (in reference to Aelin Galathynius) in Chapter 2 of Tower of Dawn
“The girl wore her scars the way some women wore their finest jewlery.”
— Throne of Glass
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vaniliens · 3 months ago
Hmmm dont like thinking about gender so much [Thinks about it anyway]
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lauraeszter · 3 months ago
The paralel of Dean being batshit suicidal while Michael is in his head but they so randomly find this magic pearl that makes your deepest desires come true, so he tries to wish for Michael to get out of his head but instead John fucking Winchester comes back. BUT its CLEARLY STATED that it's not because Dean specifically wanted his dad, but because he wanted to see his mum and dad together finally. Like a divorced parent dream, let them be together, and then everything will be fine again.
The cost of that was the change of timeline. IN WHICH THE ONLY BIG CHANGE WAS THE FACT THAT CAS DIDN'T KNOW HIM ANYMORE.
The earth was still saved. Just not by them. There was no big decision of Save everyone vs. Save what I want.
The only decision was if Dean wanted to live in a world WITH OR WITHOUT CAS.
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deadtoes666 · 17 days ago
Thinking about Natalie somehow finding out that Misty broke the blackbox and Misty PANICKING because Nat is (rightfully) raging at her. Only for Nat to sit and really think about it, and realise that nothing will change no matter what she does. Nat wants to avoid anyone else dying. Nat doesn't want Misty to be killed (note: her super secret soft spot for Misty), so she goes back to her to apologise for shouting. Nat swearing that she'll take Misty's secret to the grave. And Misty becoming undyingly Loyal. And then Nat does, in fact, take it to the grave-- because MISTY KILLS HERRRR (adult timeline). Kristen paralel.
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pencileraser1 · 1 year ago
things i noticed/thoughts about most recent rewatches of dps (plus laserdisk deleted scenes):
whenever theres a group scene i've started watching the characters that the story isn't focusing on to see what they do and i've been having a fun time with that. pitts and cameron specifically seem to almost always be doing something interesting in the background.
hopkins!!!! my favorite minor character who somehow got character development despite having like 2 lines!!!! the last guy to stand on the desk but he did it!!!
sometimes i do like to think about what the rest of the students thought about the dead poets society, esp in alternate timeline neil lives dps keeps meeting universe. like yeah theres this guy in their class whose one of the most credited students in the school and we think he maybe started a cult. idk though. but that group runs out into the woods every few days to do god knows what and one of them keeps talking about "dead poets honor" whatever that means and holy shit welton star student neil perry started a cult.
i watched the movie with headphones. and maybe it's because ive seen this movie Far too many times and mabe i'm listening too hard but it was Really obvious sometimes when audio was added in post production. llke in the sweaty toothed madman scene when you can hear laughing and to be fair the camera is behind their heads. but it does Not look like anyone's laughing. my favorite is at the end of the phone call to chris scene where knox is like i'm gonna seize the day!! and runs up the stairs and the poets are cheering him on and neil is sort of yelling "carpe!!!!" and i could be wrong but i'm like 75% certain that the person singing is Also rsl so now neil is just speaking two times at once somehow. anyways it didn't ruin the experience for me or anything it was maybe just a little bit funny to notice but very sorry if this did ruin anyone's viewing.
people talk a lot about how rsl and ethan hawke really made their characters what they are but i have to add dylan kussman to that list. I get the impression that older versions of the movie didn't really give as much depth to cameron and watching dylan kussmans performance is like. he Knew who his character was so fucking well and it shows!! like the deleted scene of them getting clubs assigned. like i could tell So Much about cameron from that scene
for how little she actually appeared, there is an emphasis put on the fact that neil's mom smokes pretty frequently. and i think that's interesting considering neil is one of two poets shown actively smoking. neil's mom doesn't appear for very long in the movie but during that time it definitely seems like the movie is intentionally making parallels between the two, particularly in the last argument with neil's father. neil and his mother are both sitting for almost the whole time, which contrasts with his father who is standing. they are both almost powerless in this scene. they stand up at almost the same time. anyways there's a couple different possibilities for what this could mean? that i've though of? 1. to show that neil's mother is in a similar situation to the one neil is in in regards to neil's father and 2. maybe a stretch here but the theory that neil inherited his mental illness at least partially from his mother. i'm pretty sure 1 was fully intentional on the directors part, not entirely sure about 2 though
unmanned flying desket scene: it's probably cause he and ethan wrote the scene themselves but the way rsl talks in this scene feels more like the way he talks in general than the rest of the script. like briefly neil perry is talking in rsl's voice. one of my absolute favorite scenes though the sarcastic dialogue is so good.
the light of knowledge at the first shot of the film vs. todd standing on his desk at the last shot of the film paralel
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doodlegirl1998 · 5 months ago
An ask only for Dabi.
Look I like him and I think he is, by accident, one or Hori's best written characters ever. again, by accident.
But what was dabi doing before joining LoV? Yes you said he could be honning his quirk and I agree (paralel with his cousin) but yeah ...what Mr. Iconic was doing? How he stay afloat?
Being iconic?! Yes but we deserve to know more.
And I read a fic where Dabi saw stain and thought how in some fucked up way...he too could be a hero...and I like the idea but ye timeline doesn't add up for Dabi to be inspired by Stain.
But I like Mr. Iconic wants to be a hero in some fucked up way. And this could play so nicely with Izu...
Oh right...Hori hates him.
Dabi: sup possum!
Shiga: don't call me possum!
Dabi: whatever you say, ugly.
And he got the job and a raise. Shiga hates him. Mr. Iconic.
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
We definitely deserve to know more.
My headcanon is that Dabi stole to survive on the streets while training his quirk excessively, but after the creepy hospital and returning from his aborted attempt at returning home, we don't know what happened next.
I have a feeling that Dabi had a drive for revenge, and then after that, he could be inspired into action by Stain.
However, Hori retconned this in its entirety to Dabi wanting Endeavs love and attention still after all this time, adds the wish to murder Shoto and his other innocent family members to demonise Dabi further and make Endeav look better.
A Dabi who wants to be a hero in a messed up way and / or a Dabi who recommends Izuku for kidnapping instead of Bkg would work well with the story - alas Hori hates both Dabi and Izu.
Dabi and Shig's frenemies dynamic is very entertaining to me. 🤣
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elladorathegreat · 7 months ago
What I thought of TUA season 4
(Just my opinion pls no hate n if ppl wanna talk Abt it I would love to)
1. Victor FINALLY having it out on reggie
That was fucking amazing all those years of pent up exhaustion and aggression towards Reginald has finally come out and it was just beautiful to watch tbh
2. Ben and Jennifer
THIS HAD ME IM NGL I LOVED IT SO MUCH I love how through all the timelines there’s ALWAYS them, I was picking up on it throughout the season and it was just amazing, I loved that, I am a hopeless romantic so I was all there for it even tho it did destroy everything
3. Paralells
there were so many parallel’s throughout it from the previous seasons and just even the parallel of Jennifer knocking on the wall to Ben bro It just had me, I also love how the violin was still a theme throughout it through Abigail and the music during certain scenes, also having I think were alone now as the ending song was absolutely amazing although it was a different version/cover I loved that they used it in the first and last episode
BENS DEATH WAS CRAZY, had me and my best friend GASPING I’ve spent years theorising over how he died and I NEVER ONCE thought of Reginald being the case
ALSO ABIGAIL (reggies wife) ended up being on the opposite side which was insane. The way she also let lose on Reginald in the skin of gene was hilarious
5. Lila and Five
Just gonna say this first, I DIDNT LIKE IT. Even though as disgusting as it looks (due to fives body being younger) Lila and five makes sense as Lila said it was survival and they thought that they weren’t ever going to find a way back however five hiding the journal and way home from Lila just to have a relationship with her when she’s HIS BROTHERS WIFE is CRAZY I hate how they made him the bad guy in the end when it came to Lila and Diego and I did hate how they ruined Diego and Lila’s relationship for that :(
The fact they both genuinely fell in love tho is just crazy and tbh I never knew how to feel whenever it was on the screen however klaus, Allison and Luther were HILARIOUS at the confrontation scene.
6. TUA growing up!
Content of the kids FINALLY
IVE WAITING SO LONG FOR THERE TO BE MORE SCENES OF TUA AS KIDS ANS WE FINALLY GOT IT! I loved seeing them interact with each other and also showing that viktor wasn’t CONPLETELY alone growing up as he and Ben had a friendship, it also shows how klaus and Alison’s friendship has been deep rooted since they were young
7. Allison EATING
Allison was HORRIFIC in season 3 as we all know due to her crisis(?) but this season she was such a boss bitch and I actually lived for it icl the way she put reggie in his place and also helped klaus so much it was beautiful
8. The last episode!
The last episode was very Rick and Morty esq. but I loved it, it was so sad but so good and although it felt a bit rushed and I WISH they had more seasons coming they ended it off so well and with the 8 marigold flowers growing at the END END it was just beautiful and also kinda made me think like what if there is more? (Even tho there’s not :() also having all of the characters at the end such as the triplets from season 2, the commission workers, hazel and Agnes, the handler, grace, it was just all amazing and left me speechless
I actually can’t believe it over tho, they did so well with all of it and I love it so much.
Ofc this is all my opinion and I can’t wait to hear what other ppl think cuz honestly there’s so much to debrief and talk Abt it was also rly funny but honestly I loved it.
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dattosreblogs · 2 years ago
Its... literally a story about darkness. HES LITERALLY THE DARKER YET DARKER MAN!
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No seriously, this shouldn't even be up for debate
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ganondoodle · 2 years ago
genuine genuine genuine question- wwwhy do you not like the zonai? (zonau? not sure if thats like. the worlds coolest plural or a translation difference) given your content with more monstery designs i would have thought they'd be up your alley!! however. i have also not played skyward sword (as much as id like to) and i know most of peoples upset with their existence and the totk storyline is because of its conflicts with that plot? i'm very excited to see what you do with your rewrite/botw2!! given their slight presence in faron in botw, it would be cool to see you repurpose the zonai in some way that doesn't conflict with the plot you're going for, something that makes more sense with the cryptic kinda bare minimum we had in botw? sorry if you've explained your stance on the zonai before <3
hhhhhhhh i had ranted alot about it but i hope you are prepared- (also "zonai" is sonau in german but im choosing to write it with a z so people recognize it at least, im pretty sure zonau is also the orignal japanese word for them)
i am fine with their design, in fact, i LIKE their character designs, however i dont like everything else about them.
and no its also not bc it affects skyward sword bc it doesnt affect ANYTHING in skyward sword, bc skyward sword is the VERY FIRST zelda game in the timeline and totk is nowhere near it, totk draws several paralels towards skysw bc its meant a sort of soft reset for this new era but its really just thematic overlap and references bc those are cool (i know alot of people are trying to convince the entire fandom that totk somehow is crammed into the old timeline but trust me its never anywhere near confirmed nor does it make any sense, heres the lil graphic i made last month to clarify how i think its meant to be understood .. quite obviously even -
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i dont mean to sound .. mean, but some people read too much into little phrases or references to older titles (like first king of hyrule .. doesnt have to mean the literal firstest of the first ones in all of forgotten history ever, just the first of THIS hyrule for example), and while im not against theories i am very annoyed when people try to say its somehow canon when its NOT)
with that out of the way;
i dont like how they are 'integrated' into botws world, they feel unnatural and shoved in everywhere, they have been everywhere and did everythign better and cooler and no part of (this) hyrule was untouched by them their architecture feels not integrated well either and design wise its rather bland, while the sheikah shrines for example while obviously not natural and very 'techy' they still build a harmonizing contrast while the totk shrines are pretty laughably unfitting compared to them the basically complete disappearance of all sheikah tech related stuff bothers me immensely bc why would you just get rid of it istead of developing it further (i know about purahs towers and think they are just like a worse version of the previous ones; and before this argument comes up again, them destryoing it all -somehow- bc they were afraid of it being taken over again is a dumb excuse bc then they should be even more scared of zonau tech- even MORE unknown and advanced tech literally falling from the sky) you could have done SO MUCH with the ancient shiekah tech it drives me nuts
i also think it tipped the delicate balance of the kinda medival setting + high tech that botw had set up compeltely over, the zonau tech just .. is so painfully obviously only the way it is to give you little lego parts to glue together (i know its a focus of the game ... or at least the gamePLAY but it could have been done better, again i think they managed the balance perfectly with shiekah tech, its weird and isnt natural but doesnt endanger the believability of it ... the zonau tech just throws that out the window rly ... how cool would it have been if you could built lil guardian walk thingies djknhfkd )
in general they just feel like a complete replacement for the ancient shiekah and are so SO desperately trying to make the zonau the COOLER and BETTER versions of what the shiekah were (you COULD have connected them in a cool way, like there being ancient shiekah labs build in the old zonau mining facilities bc they used zonau tech as basis for their own tech etc)
like instead of building on the set up and potential botw had prepared, they just scrambled to make a 'better' version of botw, like oh no forget THAT ancient civilization we have an EVEN MORE ancient, and EVEN MORE highly developed peoples there that were also everywhere before you but also were never really hinted at- and then repeat botws structure .__.
having an old and forgotten civilization of whom only some withered ruins remain gave botw a much more real feeling, a world with a history that you will never know (you know, bc that makes it intriguing and is just .. a good choice of worldbuilding imo)- and then totk comes along and reveals everything and also nothing, we know too much of them to be intrigued by their mystery and also not enough to actually care about them (also them beign presented as the good perfectly perfectestest kingdom of light that can do no wrong other than underestimate the eeeevil guy while they also had their hands on every part of the land and made all other races be their face and nameless servants just ... thats weird man!! i know its a game, even if its only aimed at kids my god they arent stupid either!! you really present me with that and expect me to take it at face value what argh)
again i think they COULD have been integrated into it, but the way it was done completely threw me off, im not mad about them EXISTING but about how it was DONE in the game
the way they were done robs not just totk but also botw of mystery and intrigue, for example i much rather had them stay a mystery, only ever talked about in some text and some old and almost completely withered ruins left, you never get so see what happened there in the past, you can only guess, but you have to deal with the fallout anyway and thats just ONE possibility, there are so many and it feels like they chose the most boring one every single time
sometimes knowing less is better than knowing half
(maybe i can make it clearer when .. or if i can get to illustrate what could have worked -in my opinion- better .... sorry for ranting again ;__; )
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coniangray · 1 year ago
No bc what was the point of this?
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ik the lab reached out to him cus they figured he knows the kids and therefore lead them (and probably their target: el) back to them.
But that doesnt quite add up to the timeline, does it...
I think there was another reason they reached out to him. They were probably planning this for a while now, even before s1 started, and tought clarke was the perfect link to the kids and eleven, but why?
Clarke might be connected to vecna and there is proof.
Either hes one of his followers or simply another puppet or a coverup pawn. I havent really thought this through but i do believe hes heavily involved also thanks to @liebstie (bubble) on twitter who gave me food for thought.
The suspicion began when he first saw el, and his reactions were extremely similar to billys in s3 after seeing her for the first time
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hell even their expressions are similar
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something something they both looked like they recognized el.
Another scene that kinda bugs me about his arc is this:
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Look at his expressions, hes definetely hiding something, He knows theres a gate, and he knows how to get there thats why he didnt tell them the entire truth.
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These were also foreshadowing the uds effect in the mest seasons, the "swallow us whole" part covering season 5.
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HE KNOWS. He knows abt the lab definetly and he also knows about vecna. hes iffy, i can tell but like i cant yet tell if hes under vecnas control or working with him. Now we havent seen him interacting with brenner at all, which leads me to think this:
What if something happened to force him into a connection with vecna, one different than wills or billys, that actually led the lab lady reach out to him and keep an eye on him?? We know she was sent by brenner, and the whole newsletter thing was bs to coverup why exacly they needed him, Clarke is suspicious at all times, as if hes tiptoeing onto what information hes allowed to share about the gates and the upside down.
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My theory is that clarke is somehow paraleling both snape and slughorn from harry potter, as vecna paralels tom riddle/ voldermort. He could have helped him in the past since he was presumably always hyperfixating on science, and maybe they had to exchange services of some sort, i havent seen the play so idk if he was involved at all.
Plus this scene where he told them about finneas' injury is also most likely heavily involved in his arc
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And then the camera pans from focusing to will, and then max.. which foreshadowed her injury in st4.
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cobaltsunflower · 14 days ago
CTLAS x Homestuck - Part 1: Client-Server
Brainrot combo comes again, so here goes my tentative ideas, with explanations of HS concepts. Continuing discussion and Q&A in comments or tags are encouraged!!!
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Sburb: A Reality-altering video game, where the goal is escaping the destruction of one's planet, becoming gods, and creating a new universe.
"The game requires a bare minimum of two players to function properly, each acting as each other's server and client player." "The server is able to manipulate the environment around the client in a matter similar to that of The Sim." - MS Paint Adventure Wiki
The Client is the one to enter the game world, assisted by the Server.
Prior to entrance, the Client's location will be the one actively being hit by meteors and must act on a timeline to enter the game before impact.
Failure to connect the daisy-chain of players result in a failed session, in which the timeline is doomed and slowly erased from existence.
Order (Client-Server): Yvienne <- January <- Daughter <- Lariatte
1. [Yvienne <- January]
Canonically, these 2 are the first to meet, so I think in this AU Yvienne roped January into playing with her first, before getting the others in.
From HS canon, it seems that the first client is inevitably the leader of that session. Yvienne is the first client and leader, which fits with CTLAS how she's the glue that held their friend group together.
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2. [January <- Daughter]
Then January meets Daughter, who is a major part in helping him improving his life and self-esteem. So Daughter is the Server to support January getting his shits together.
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3. [Daughter <- Larriatte]
Loose connection here, but the point of relation is Larri learning from the upperclassmen before trying to establish connections with her classmates, and Daughter is one of them. So she would be his Server.
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(Lmao I dug through my entire folder and this is like the only page with Larri and Daughter interacting)
4. [Lariatte <- Yvienne]
Ok now this is the meat and pie. I'm thinking of Larri's first time opening her field and then starry-eyed awaiting Yvienne to bring her out, but Yvienne wasn't sure she could do it. Larri's last stance when they couldn't meet, and there's no Yvienne to save her from her end. They are familiars, but she's always reliably there for Yvienne, while Yvienne is consistently the one who holds Larri's life on the line.
The Client depends on the Server to help them escape the ending of the world and certain death. In HS's canon, John dying too early meant there was no one to bring Jade into the game, result in her death and a failed session.
I can see a paralel here where there is a timeline Yvienne couldn’t save Larri, and maybe she did some cross-timelines shenanigans to save the alpha timeline. It succeed, but maybe their session was always meant to fail and Larri must die, and they can only win through other shenanigans (glitch? scratch?).
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loiswasadevil · 5 months ago
Can you tells us a little bit about the devil heart? What is a catalyst?
Lois Griffin has a Devils Heart due to the stress of raising her Family seemingly alone Coupled with the Antics of her Husband Peter as well as the Twin Trauma between paralell worlds. I'm kin with Lois Griffin, i have her kin memories from the canon timeline of Family Guy; i'm not going to explain Kin or Timelines. I have a Devils Heart, and you can notice it in the show In several Famous Episodes such as in her Famous Christmas Freakout, No Paper Towels.... You can see the literal moment in which I snap, My Devils Heart Unlocks, I gain Rage, I become so angry that i start punching and hurting and attacking anyone in sight. In my art i draw her Horns and Purple shirt to signify how I felt in my kin memories with her actual anger in the momenter. A catalyst is what Unlocked her Devil Heart, Be it Peter, Her Family, Or something else.
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aemiron-main · 10 months ago
Not A Child, But Instead, A Small Woman: Patty Vs Suzie, Orphan (2009), Daughters Becoming Wives, Growing Up Too Fast vs Not Growing Up At All, and NINA Being A Small Woman
So, Orphan (2009) is on the S4 board:
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And Suzie not only physically resembles the girl from Orphan, Esther, but Suzie's outfits are also definitely inspired by Esther's outfits- even their hairstyles are eerily similar, right down to Suzie's pigtails versus Esther's pigtails:- hell, Suzie and Esther both even have the same lace collar on their shirts:
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But where this all gets really interesting is with the fact that the "girl" from Orphan is actually, literally, a small woman- she's a 33 year old woman who has Hypopituitarism, which has resulted in her stunted growth, allowing her to pretend to be a child.
Which, that brings us to Suzie's connections to NINA- she's the person that gets the coordinates for NINA, NINA is the entire reason the Cali gang goes to her, point is, she's extremely associated with NINA. And then, with that in mind, we have Argyle saying that "Nina could be a small woman" and Suzie being paralleled to a character who is literally a small woman:
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Daughters Becoming Wives
But let's set the Orphan stuff aside for just a brief moment, because before we go any further, I want to talk about the S3 line about Suzie "not existing/not being real" (and it's also interesting to me that when Steve talks about Suzie, he says "'it's' his girlfriend" versus Mike saying "'it's' not a small woman" to Argyle):
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I want to talk about it because the idea of Suzie "not existing"/not being real reminds me of the Mother Virginia and Daughter Alice timeline swap, with how in one timeline, Virginia Creel is Victor Creel's wife and Alice Creel is his daughter, whereas in the Edward timeline, Virginia Creel is Victor Creel's daughter, and Alice Creel is his wife, versus Mr Bingham's wife seemingly "not existing/never even being alluded to once" and his daughter constantly being paralelled to Esther a child who was actually an adult woman/that having similar vibes to Victor's daughter actually being his wife in the other timeline etc, especially since Mr Bingham is basically a cross between Victor Creel and Mr Newby.
Which, that makes me wonder if something similar is happening with Suzie- if she's technically kind of "her own mother" (but not quite in the Back to the Future Marty-almost-becomes-his-own-dad way), in the sense that in the other timeline, Suzie Bingham is Mr Bingham's wife, just like how Alice is Victor's wife in the other timeline.
Anyway, keeping all that in mind, let's jump over to Mr Newby (and the Newbys in general) for a second, because like I said, Mr. Bingham is bascially a cross between Victor Creel and Mr Newby, and has a TON of Mr Newby parallels, and Patty has a TON of Suzie parallels.
The Newbys
So, when we look at the Newbys, we have Mr Bingham's entirely absent wife/Suzie's entirely absent mother, versus Patty's father (her biological father, not Mr Newby), never being mentioned or aluded to, he's entirely absent just like Suzie's mother. I'm not saying that I expect him to be in the play, but I AM saying that it's weird that Patty spends so much time wondering about her birth mother, but even just the IDEA of her birth father is never even brought up as a one-line sidenote or something, just like how Mrs Bingham doesn't appear anywhere- there's no one-liner about how Eden gets treated like a replacement mother, there's no picture of Mrs Bingham on Suzie's desk or something, NOTHING.
And when we specifically focus on Patty, like I've talked about before, Mr Newby seems to treat Patty more like a wife than a daughter, which is interesting re: all of the weird timeline "daughter becomes wife and vice versa" stuff with the Creels versus how Mrs Bingham is entirely absent versus Esther from Orphan attempting to replace her adoptive mother/trying to seduce her adoptive father/the way that the roles of daughter vs wife are conflated in Orphan. Like do you see what I mean? There's this throughline of wives and daughters being conflated in Orphan, and with the Binghams and with the Newbys. (and to be very clear, even though in Orphan, Esther seduces her adoptive father/she initiates it, this is not the case for Patty or Suzie, with Suzie it seems to be more connected to a weird timeline thing, and with Patty, it's Mr Newby forcing that more wifelike role onto her, when Patty wants to be a child/a daughter)'
And also, In Orphan, Esther uses makeup to appear more childlike, which makes me think about Patty's lipstick/makeup, and how Patty's lipstick is the same as TFS Virginia' lipstick and S3 Karen's lipstick, and how both Virginia and Karen are grown women/wives (AND the connection to the Alice vs Virginia daughter-wife swap I mentioned earlier and how Karen might be Daughter Virginia from the Edward timeline, so that lipstick then further connects Patty to the whole weird wife daughter timeline swap thing), versus Patty being forced to grow up too quickly & being forced into more of a wife role than a daughter role.
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And so, while Esther uses makeup to appear younger/more like a child, Patty uses makeup for the opposite reason, Patty's makeup makes her seem older- and isn't it interesting (/derogatory) that Mr Newby confiscates Patty's comic, something representative of childhood and innocence, but has no problem with her wearing lipstick? The same lipstick that other grown wives in ST (and specifically in TFS) wear? We literally watch Mr Newby snatch a symbol of childhood out of her hands while she's made-up like an adult woman- Mr Newby is pigeonholing her into that wifelike role, especially with how Patty's "adoption" (aka Mr Newby stealing her) was done by Mr Newby in an attempt to mend his relationship with his wife- but then his wife left him anyways, and he punished Patty for it every day of her life.
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Esther's makeup makes a small woman appear as a child, whereas Patty's makeup makes a child appear like a small woman (versus Nina being a small woman). Patty had to grow up too fast whereas Esther doesn't grow up- both in the sense of Esther's growth being physically stunted as a result of her condition, but also in the sense of Esther pretending to be a child. Esther is a fake orphan & literal small woman that's made-up to look like a child/real orphan- Patty is a real orphan & a figurative small woman/made-up to look like a small woman.
Anyway, we also have Suzie and Patty's constant parallels to eachother, versus Suzie's parallels to Esther from Orphan, versus Patty being a literal orphan, and her and Henry even having whole dialogue exchanges re: orphans:
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And speaking of Patty and Henry dialogue exchanges, in TFS, Patty says "aren't you a bit old for that" to Henry re: Captain Midnight- and then Henry retorts by saying "aren't you?" to Patty/implying that Patty is also too old, which is interesting considering the fact that Esther from Orphan is literally too old/literally older than she appears (which is also interesting considering TFS Brenner not aging/being older than he appears, but that's a whole thing on its own):
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And the whole "small woman who isn't actually a child" thing from Orphan also makes me think about what I talked about in this post re: the "you're not a child" line that Dustin says to Steve when Steve is standing in Young Henward's spot in the Creel house, versus Henward's monologue saying "something was wrong with me" during that scene vs TFS Patty saying she doesn't know what's wrong with her versus the "Henry Creel isn't a chick" line from TFS (so he's not a child and he's also not a woman/chick but he also kind of is wonder woman, which I'll talk about later- versus Esther not being a child but IS a woman), verus NINA Henward being subtitled as "boy" despite seemingly being a grown man- why is there a line connected to Young Henward about not being a child (and TFS Brenner also tells Henry not to be a child), but then also a line connected to Adult Henward where he's referred to as a child/as a boy???? What's going on????
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And then there's ALSO the fact that in Orphan, Esther breaks her own arm and falsely blames her adoptive mother- versus Walter Henderson saying that Henry broke a kid's arm back in Nevada versus all of the Patty-Esther parallels versus Virginia saying that Henry put a boy in a wheelchair in Nevada (unclear as to whether or not this is the same as the broken arm kid), versus the whole Patty vs Patrick thing and Patty being paralleled to Max via things like their shared love of Wonder Woman versus Max being mistaken for a boy by Owens versus Young Max's broken arm in her memories:
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And also, the idea of Patty having somehow been the kid in Nevada whose arm got broken/at the very least subtextually connected to that kid, it's interesting to me that when we go back to that Steve and Robin S3 scene where they talk about Suzie versus Argyle and Mike tallking about NINA being a small woman, and how both scenes use the word "it," we get told that "it" isn't a small woman, but "it" IS some girl from camp- which makes me think about what I've talked about before re: TFS Henry being a scout and scout camp versus Camp Hero (from Montauk) versus all Patty's superhero/hero stuff versus the black girl on the Camp Know Where postcard versus Patty being The Girl from Nowhere and Suzie signing the back of the postcard as "Suzie Q" vs Bob in TFS singing "Suzie Q" and Patty talking about how him and Patty used to do the "Suzie Q" dance as kids and Suzie also leaving lipstick on the postcard vs everything I talked about earlier re: Orphan and Patty's lipstick:
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And that scout connection may sound far-fetched, but keep in mind that Suzie has scout badges in her room- right beside the Muppet movie/rainbow connection poster, no less, versus Project Rainbow and Brenner Sr vs the idea of Henry being a boy scout when he ended up in Dimension X/in the cave in Nevada (just like the members of Project Rainbow ending up in Dimension X) and rainbow "connection" versus Patty and Henry talking about how they're connected:
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So, was Patty ever at camp with Henry? And why does Suzie get referred to as "it" versus "it" not being a small woman versus Stephen King's IT being a shapeshifter and what I've talked about re: Patty's shapeshifter references & her "uncanny valley" references re: her resemblance to Ella Fitzgeral???? What's going on??
And anyway, going back to when I mentioned Wonder Woman, we also have this whole "Esther from Orphan being a small woman" thing and the whole "Nina is a small woman" thing, and all of those connections to Patty and Henry etc, versus Patty praying to Wonder Woman and hearing Henry's voice on the radio instead/saying "Wonder Woman?" in reference to Henry- there's all of these weird little connections re: who is/isnt a woman vs who is/isnt a child etc etc and I would just!! Love to know what the hell is going on!!
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And also, there's the whole "celestial marriage" thing on Mr Bingham's computer versus Joyce telling Patty that her dress makes her look like a wedding cake versus Brenner's weird "I do" wedding-esque moment with El in the NINA bunker, versus the way that Henry reaches for Patty's hand vs the TFS promo art of that TFS reach scene resembling the Brenner-El wedding coded handgrab scene, versus the fact that a "celestial marriage" is meant to be a bond/connection that lasts forever, versus Patty talking about how her and Henry are connected whether he likes it or not and what I talked about in this post about how that line connects to Brenner versus what I just said about the weird Brenner-El marriage parallel moment.
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And then there's also whatever the hell is up with the wedding dress in the Creel attic versus the scenes of Henry and Patty in the Creel attic in TFS, and how Henry asks Patty to hold his hand versus what I just said re: handholds being connected to marriage/the weird Brenner "I do" hand hold with El versus the Patty-Henry catwalk hand grab and the promo art hand reach etc etc:
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And there's also something rattling in my brain re: all of the references to Elvis and Vegas in TFS versus the stereotype of Elvis officiating shotgun weddings in Vegas. I'm gonna have to go dig into that at some point later.
So, long story short: I'm not 100% sure WHAT'S going on, but there's definitely something very, very weird going on- for some reason, Patty and Suzie are both very connected to Orphan, and to the idea of a woman who seems to be a child but isn't actually a child, and to the idea of stunted growth vs growing up too quickly, and to the idea of daughters and wives getting conflated with eachother/swapping places with eachother.
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salty-jellyfish-soup · 3 months ago
Thoughts on the "solved" Zelda timeline
TLDR: Not everything needs to make sence if you're having fun :}
Don't get me wrong, I understand the fandom's undying need to "make everything make sence" and "solve everything". When it comes to something with lore as expansive as Zelda, I just feel like there are always gonna be loose ends and pieces that don't fit as flawlessly as we'd want them to.
My take on the timeline is pretty symilar to the one depicted below. It's around a year old and doesn't have EoW encorporated yet, but that's past my point.
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What I'm trying to say is that we don't really need to force the events of BotW and TotK into the old timeline. In the Zelda universe, two timelines happening paralel to one another is clearly possible, as seen with the different outcomes of OoT.
I think it also fits well with the ouroboros theme. If you're not familiar, the ouroboros is a symbol depicted as a snake or a dragon eating it's tail. It usually means an eternal cycle, rebirth or infinity.
Most fans agree that that's what we see in the TotK logo. This of course makes sence, if only because of Demise's curse. And In my opinion, the whole timeline literally repeating itself only adds to this symbolism, making the new paralel timelines more likely.
What fans usually have an issue with, is the unification of Child, Adult and the Downfall timeline. BotW and TotK have elements of each of these timelines, but we don't really see any events that would ultimately lead to the timelines coming back together.
That brings me to my second point. Do we really need everything to fit perfectly? Do we need everything to make perfect sence and to be canonicaly established?
As I've said, there practically isn't a way for every single piece of lore and story to fit perfectly together. And Nintendo knows that. That's why we haven't really gotten a canon placement of BotW and TotK on the timeline, other than it taking place in very far future. Nintendo just doesn't want to risk the timelines and different events contradicting each other.
But in my opinion, not being able to make every single detail fit perfectly, doesn't make the timeline broken. It's a game series. Not everything needs to be solved and make perfect sence.
I'd even argue that not knowing everything and leaving room for headcanons and theories is better, if only for the fandom creators. Rather then Nintendo trying to explain every single detail, I'd much rather be able to theorize and come up with my own takes on things.
In conclusion... Being in such a huge and complicated fandom means having to accept that not everything in the story will have a direct reasoning and that sometimes, things are just bound to get a little wonky and contradict each other.
But you know what? I personally think that that's one of the fun parts of any complicated lore and I wouldn't want it any other way :}
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breezycheezyart · 1 year ago
last episodes of voltron canonized the existence of paralel universes where things do go different fom the main timeline, so technically your beautiful shallura family with lil alfor and his precious twin sisters is canon in at least 1 universe 😌
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